"Dream Big" by Bob Goff [Book review 5]

  • Опубликовано: 29 янв 2025
  • Dream Big
    Written by Bob Goff
    This book is 240 pages, it's a self help book.
    Why did I start to read this book?
    It came highly recommended for people wanting to start a company, a guide with the right questions to ask yourself.
    But it was not at all about how to start a company.
    Questions asked were more of self reflection like Who are you? Where are you? What do you want? The book doesn't give any answer as those are difficult questions to answer that you need to answer yourself...
    Nothing very deep, except 2 or 3 stories about his life. He did quite a lot of things to help others, which deserves respect as starting schools for difficult kids in poor countries, leaving his high paying job as a lawyer to serve communities throughout the world. He has a great personality, and very charitable.
    The purpose is to find what you are meant to do in life not just what you are good at doing...
    Success is not about what you are doing, but why you are doing the things you do.
    The purpose behind your ambition, not the ambition itself.
    One point that was interesting is the launching beliefs that you can grown on others. Planting some positive words on others that makes them feel secure, confident in themselves and that they will go to from time to time in their life to energize. Like the parents who keep repeating that you are someone creative, smart, kind etc.
    The goal is to make yourself available to others, to be genuinely interested in others, to be authentic, asking vulnerable questions to really connect but always being respectful when asking those questions, this is how to really create friendship. Not about surface talk that leads nowhere. It's about getting to know who someone is, not what someone do in his job.
    For a non Christian the book will turn you off on the first few chapters as he talks a lot of the Lord Jesus Christ and that we should surrender to his will in order to live a good life. But if you go through more chapters you will catch some good stories and some positive insights.
    Some quotes:
    "The path to your ambition is not one long race, it's a series of wind sprints that eventually covers the distance of a marathon"
    "Fears don't really get fully conquered, they are just understood and given less power"
    "Networking is nothing more than pretending to be friends with someone while having a secret agenda for someone"
    "If you take away what you are known for, whatever is left is who you are"
    Grade C-
    Some people might find some motivation in this book, but I didn't find some deep life changing knowledge.

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