Dual KEF KC62 Subwoofer Review. Best small subwoofer if you have the pockets for it.
- Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025
- Discord Link: / discord
KEF KC62 Subwoofer (NOT an affiliate link)
Preamp & Power Amplifiers
Kinki Studio EX-P7: www.kinki-stud...
Kinki Studio EX-B7 monoblocks: www.kinki-stud...
Speakers used during this review:
Focal Aria 906-www.focal.com/...
Buchardt S400-www.buchardtau...
Source: Bluesound Node 2i
(all music is hi-res streamed from Tidal)
Speaker & Power Cables: Maze Audio Ref4 or Eden Series
RCA Cables: Analysis Plus Oval One
Your results may vary based on your ears, room, and associated equipment:
Great video! There are so many reviewers that have written off this sub based on specs saying physics is physics, so I’m glad that a reviewer has actually bothered to listen to them before giving an opinion. But what makes your review truly great is your side-by-side comparisons after having heard the other subs...that’s golden.
Glad you enjoyed it my man.
Just added a pair to my LS 50W2. WOW! These things are amazing! Forget about small rooms, a pair of these rock my listening area of over 2000 square feet reliably causing "room" lock and going as deep as my BW DB1 subs! Frigging unbelievable. POCKET ROCKETS! KUDOS KEF!
Hell yeah man that's awesome!!! I wish I still had my pair but I only have 1 now and it's in my living room sitting atop my media console. I love how you can put these anywhere!
Check it out.
@@Wised1000 looking good!
Nano - what a great review. I've heard phenomenal things about the KF62 but I know you're a sub king of reviewers, Im so appreciative for your objective review.
Much appreciated!
I've zero regrets of buying mine!!
I just got mine last week and it is everything you say...and more. Like you, I was stunned by what they have packed into such a small package. I am using it with my LS50's at my desk. I couldn't love it more. Actually it's so small I kinda forget it's there. But wow, it really kicks butt. Can't recommend it enough if you can find one. Great review! Thanks.
What speakers are you using these with? I'm looking for a a nice desk setup as well :D
You seem like a good person, enjoy your approach to audio... keep up the good work
From 🇨🇦
oh hello fellow californian! Just being 100, I'm not a particularly nice guy, but I am a good guy. Kind of like the typical new yorker lol.
Just wanted to make you aware, I thoroughly enjoy listening to you! Thanks for your hard work.
I appreciate that!
I've never heard the KC-62, but after looking at the specs and the tech in these little monsters, I had certain impressions on how they would perform. You nailed it point by point. As I suspected, it's a great sub for someone with limited space, and listens at low to moderate-high levels, but wants knockout performance rivaling that of the large subs. KEF makes a great product, and this is no exception.
Exactly, I'm not sure anything can rival it in that type of environment.
@@NemoPropaganda ollplllplplllpppppllllllllpppppllllplllllpllplllplpllllllllllllplllplplplplllpppllppppplllpllplllllllllllpllllpllllllllplppllllpppppplppplpplplplllllplppllllllllllplllplpplplpplpppllplllpppppppppppppplpplpplplpppplpplpppppppppplpplppplplpppppppplppppppppllppppplppppppllplppppppppppppppppplpplplppppppppppppplppplpplppppppppppppppllllppplplpplplllpppplpllplpppplplpppplpplpppppppppppppppplpppppplpppplppppppppppppppplppllpppppplpppplppppplpppppplppllppplplplpllllpppppppppppppppppplplpppppppppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppplpppplplpppppplpppllllllpll0pllpplppllpplllllpllppplplllpllplpplpllllpplplplllpplllll00llpllpllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpllpplppppppppppplllplplpppppplppppppplplppplppplppppppplppppplppppppppppplppppppppppplpllpppplpppllpppppplpplpppppplpppppppppplpppppppppllpplpppplpplplppplpplpppplplppplpplpppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppllpplpplppllppplppplpppppppplplllppppplppppppplppppppppppplppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplpppppppplppplplppppppppplppplpppppppppppplpllpppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllpppppppppppppppppppppplpllppppplpplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplpppplpppppplplpppppplpplpplppplppppppppppppppplpplppppppplpppppllplppppppppppllplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppppllpplpppppplppllpplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppppplpppppppppppplpppplllpppplppppplplplplppplppppllplpplppplppppplpplpppppppppppppppppppppppplppppppppppplpppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppplpppppllllpppplpllppplppppplpppppppplpppppplpppplpppppppppppplplppppplppppppplpppplpppppppppppppppplppppppppppplppppplplpppppppppppppppppppplppplpplpppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppllppppppppppppppplppppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppplplppppppppppppplppppppppppppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppppppppppppppppplplllpplpplplppplplplpplllppppplpppppplppppppppllpppplpplppppplpppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllplpplpplpppppppllplpplpplpplpplpllpppppplppppppplppppppppplppplplpppppllppplppppppppplpppplpppllpppppppllpppplplpplllpllpllplplppppplpppppplpplpppplpppppplplplppppppplppppplpplpppppppppplplpppplppplpppplpppppplpplplppplpppllpplppplppplplllppppppplpppppplplpplppplpppppppppppppppppppppppplpplppplppppppppppppppppppllplpppppppllpppllpppppplppplpppppplllppplppplplpplpppplpppllpplplplplppllpllpppppppplpplpppplppplpplpppplppppppplplpplplllpplppppppppplpllllplppplpppllpppppppppppppppppppllpppppplplpppppplppppplllllpppppplllpppppplpppppplpppppppppppf
Wow, it's pretty amazing how much bass they're getting out of those little subs! Kinda weird how the voice coils almost overlap inside. We'd love to hear one eventually. Great job on the review! 😀
Thank you dude! You have to hear it, it's hard for my brain to understand the little box is where the bass is coming from, it's like a magic trick lol. Though I wonder how aggressive that active DSP will become in a theater environment when called upon to deliver high volume rumbling bass.
Loved this review bro. Super thorough… hammered your findings home, and answered so many questions most of us have in advance! Probably my fave parts are your comparisons. I’m a sealed SVS owner, and have not watched your SVS micro review. Until then, thank you again!
Hey Edmund, glad you're enjoying the content!! Comparisons sadly might go away in 2022 as I'm shifting my review style to be more like the Ares2 and Buchardt A500 review but I will try to still make some comparisons.
@@NemoPropaganda It’s good to switch things up. Your attention to detail will always make you do your best. Because you share your speaker preferences with us, (Both Bookshelf Speakers & subs), you sorta give us a useful comparison anyway. My two cents? I dig the length of your reviews. They are never too long. (No need to be hard on yourself when you feel the video is too long.) I’ll rewatch the two videos you mentioned and comment there. Thanks again for all of your hard work bro. We all can tell you really love and care about two channel audio and 2.1 & 2.2 systems! (And other types as well!)
@@edmundgil6008 thank you! I appreciate that.
Purchased one last week, was so blown away by the performance that today I purchased a second and now my
ATC SCM40 speakers are now perfectly paired for sub bass. Stereo subs are the way to go!
And they are audibly invisible, I’ve got the settings set perfect to integrate seamlessly with my ATCs.
Organ music is now just stunning, you feel as well as hear those big pipes.
hell yeah!! It really is amazing how shockingly good these can be as long as they're fitted in the right size room :)
Yo!! Great review my man! These look awesome. Thanks for the great work! Keep Trailblazing!
Got to agree with the integration. Had the SVS micro sub, had to do alot for the integration and still could not nail it. These KC62s are a gem!
yeah, it's nearly double the price but totally worth it for those who can afford it.
awesome review....
nice to see you so excited with these subs...
they look simply "delicious"... and it seems they sound better than they look! i'm jealous!
I will admit, it certainly is tons of fun, then again the whole point of this channel for me is just fun :D
I own one of these. Let me describe this as a light weight punching like a heavy weight. Well done KE F .
I’m a rel fan. They’re announcing their new series soon...can’t wait!
:) stay tuned brother...
Nice review 👍🏼 Very helpful as I’m thinking about doing a dedicated 2 channel room in a small bedroom 10x11 with vaulted ceiling’s.
Can’t wait for your SVS Micro review 😁
Well done. I won't give up my Rel's, but the new SVS with all the control, I can't wait for you to experience it.
Which RELs do you have?
So great integration with the buchardt s400. Will wait for the review of svs 3000 micro to decide which i will buy.
Anyone with sub experience knows that integration can be a tricky thing. The fact that this sub so easily integrates with loudspeakers (Steve Guttenberg agrees) speaks volumes. Searching for a sub for a smaller room seems like a no-brainer here.
Amazing. Kef taking physics to the next level
oh yeah!
Thanks a mllion for the honest review. Can’t wait hooking up a pair wireless paired with my B&W Nautilus 804.
oh man that's gonna sound fantastic!!
@@NemoPropaganda And my birthday is coming!!! Guess what I’ve asked for? No, seriously just 1, I’ll happily buy the second KC62.
By the way, Nemo, I’ve really come to appreciate your no-nonsense reviews, they are just great. Thanks!
@@andrelevesque2405 Well happy early birthday my friend!!
New sub here, I’ve only just found your channel and been checking out your reviews. I really dig your no nonsense, real world approach, man. Excellent reviews, all of them. I have two SVS SB13 Ultras but due to space limitation at the front stage, I have them positioned behind my listening position in the back corners. I’m thinking of adding dual kc62’s, placed either side of my SVS Ultra centre speaker (top of cabinet) to beef up the front stage for a more balanced low end. This is a home theatre application btw. Your review got me thinking, and an argument with my wallet ensued :). Awesome channel and thanks for your great work.
* scratch that, just watched your review of the KF92.. one of these at the front stage should do it.. thanks again, great channel.
Hey thanks Dennis, yeah the KF92 is pretty wild, a pair of the tiny KC62 would also be super cool but you'd save pretty penny going with a single KF92.
I'm glad you highlight the listening levels. I have the svs micro and rel t5i x1 of each on trail on my bookshelf 2.1 system. I listen in low/mid volumes, and although my head says svs, my heart and ears say rels are better. The svs micros sounds a bit boxy at the higher frequencies, but do extend deep - however, for music listening at my preferred volume levels, I prefer the rels which blend better. I dont know if it makes a difference but the downward facing driver seem like they help as well for a more even sound in my small/mid sized room. Looking forward to seeing your svs micro reviews.
Most subwoofers don't have the best fidelity above 60hz, it's one of those trade offs generally speaking you either get deep bass and big power handling or low power handling and great mid bass.
Babupranuv. Nemo has been helping me with my sub selection so I watch all his great reviews.
I have REL Tzeros and absolutely love them for midbass. Have you tried running the T5i for midbass and using the SVS micro crossed over super low? I would appreciate any feedback on that configuration as that would be my ideal setup.
Many thanks!
@@duythai5442 I did something similar but I didn't talk about it it the video. I ran dual T5i and ran the Rythmik F12SE crossed over at 25hz, it was excellent!!!!
@@NemoPropaganda Hey Nemo. You get a lot of comments so it’s hard to keep track but that was me on the T5i review. Haha.
@@duythai5442 ahahaha, I thought that's what I was commenting on, oh man, I get so many I just try and make sure to reply to as many as possible.
Another great video, keep up the good work
Having reviewed the KC62 I hope you're able to review a dual setup of the KF92 one day.
Rocco!!!!!! I want to try those so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to get a hold of KEF to see if they will send me a review sample, even 1 would be really cool :D
@@NemoPropaganda I'll keep my fingers crossed!!
Love the review! Thank you!
Really great no nonsense video with a whole load of appropriate and well-informed comparisons. Thanks.
Quite a few reviewers just don't seem to get that, as you point out, a huge amount of the price premium is related to the small size and that for people who really can't tolerate some big 12" subwoofer in their living room the fact that you can get a big subwoofer that sounds as good or better for less money really isn't a knock-out blow against the KC62 . If someone really wants/needs a small sub so as not to mess with their décor (or precipitate a divorce!) then at least having an option to pay a price premium to get close to the sound quality of the best 12" subs is a really, really valuable addition to the subwoofer market.
What sort of frequencies were you crossing over at and when you describe your listening room as not large what size and ceiling height is it? I'm still debating over getting 1 or 2 KC62s. At the moment I do have 2 x AW608, one next to each of my KEF LS50w gen 1 speakers, but like you I listen at modest listening levels so maybe 2 x KC62 would be overkill for my approx 2,250 cubic foot listening room and if I'm crossing over fairly low I shouldn't have any localisation effects on the bass (I use my system mainly for music). The main reason I went with two ASW608 was because with one the bass was a bit boomy and overblown sometimes and I wondered if that was down to room effects. Adding a second AW608 did seem to help (I think, maybe I was fooling myself). A KC62 is going to be performing on a whole different level though and 1000W RMS is going to exert a whole lot more control over the speaker cones than the 100W in the AW608. The obvious sensible thing to do would seem to be to get a single KC62 initially because I can always get a second one later if I feel the need for that.
40hz with the S400 and 50-55hz with the Focal Aria. My ceiling is 9ft. I agree, definitely start with 1. ASW608 is great, just expensive in todays market.
Great job Sir. Thanks. I might have to get one of those.
How did you hook up the KC62? Did you hook them up with a cable or using the Kef wifi kit? If using a cable, which one did you use? Is there a difference between wired and wireless especially regarding definition?
I connected them using Analysis Plus Oval One rca cables.
@@NemoPropaganda Thanks Nemo!
Very well done my man, seems like one of these in a smaller room is the best way to roll. I still like the idea of 2 used t5i's over one of these but sounds like either one would be a winner. You're a boss btw
Thank's Rob, you're right, either setup really is winning!
Excellent review. Important context to keep in mind is the room is 12' x 10' x 9', which is quite small. I probably would not use a sub with the Buchardts in this size of a room.
If you came here and heard it I think you would change your mind :D the KC62 was only working below 40hz and giving that final extension that most speakers simply don't have. It sounded amazing!
@@NemoPropaganda Of course I would have to defer to your first hand experience on that. I never tried crossing over that low on a sub.
@@weeooh1 really? I feel like the commonly advised 80hz crossover point is just too high. The highest I'll crossover is like 60hz if I'm using bass shy speakers.
Would a KEF KC62 be a good choice for a 5 x 3.9 metre room ~ which equates to a 19.5sqm room?
depends what you're trying to do, if you're looking to add some bass to your stereo absolutely yes! If you're looking to recreate movie theater levels of bass output you'll want something much larger.
@NemoPropaganda really, the KEF KC62 is said to be perfect for any room up to 50sqm, mine is well below that - under 20sqm, wouldn't the KEF KC62 be plenty of bassy, for a room of my size?
@@annonymous3948 if I made you food and it was spicy your idea of spicy enough and my idea of what is spicy enough will be totally different, that's the problem with bass, everyone has personal taste. Some people will use a tiny sub in a giant room and be very happy while some guys have 4x 18" woofers in a small apartment. I think most people will be happy with a KC62 for sure (i love mine) but it is very tiny so your listening habits will be a big factor. I have mine in a bigger room roughly 15x23 ft but I don't watch movies too loud, maybe 75-80dB average at most. I think you just have to try it, most people I know who bought one really love it.
@NemoPropaganda There is tonnes of bass from this KEF KC62 sub for my room, I set it up today and I had to send the volume down 3/4 as it really pressurised the room. When it comes to home theatre entertainment, I'm a 5 out of 10 chillies...like a chicken Jalferazi, or a Lamb bhuna. I like the heat of the spice, as it adds warmth and depth and flavour at 5/10, without over-powerung all the other ingredients and flavours, so I am able to enjoy the whole spectrum of flavours which are going on, without my senses being completely overwhelmed by the spicey bass. Otherwise all that I would be able to taste/feel is heat/bass and therefore I would be missing out on all the delicate flavours and high tones of the dish.
@@annonymous3948 ahahaha, I'm happy you know what I mean :). Yeah as long as you don't need crazy levels of bass the KC62 really is a special subwoofer!!
My house in Spain - or rather the living room - is a nightmare for hifi. The size alone means my old Monitor Audio RS8 towers are just too big, so I'm downgrading to stand mounts. But, in the meantime, I bought this sub just to see if I can relieve my towers of some of their their bass, and, bloody hell! Believe me, this sub moves some air! And it is beautifully extended and controlled. Chris Squire's bass has never sounded so good!! It is worth every penny!!
oh yeah, while the little KC62 can't get as loud as something like an SB1000 Pro it's still very shocking to hear & feel what comes out of this little box.
Excellent review!
Great review .. I've ordered 2 of the bigger kf92 to pair with Wilson Sashas !!
oooo, that's a nice setup!
Great great review. I have a NAD c368 and a pair of LS 50. Now i bought a KC 62 . What die you think is a good Crossover frequency for the SUB ?
I liked the KC62 crossover almost all the way down, like maybe 5-7 clicks up from all the way down.
@@NemoPropaganda thank you
Do you think its normal that my Volume are Only 15% Up? If i make it louder the Base are muddy and roars.
@@Frumsl84 I have mine set to 7 clicks from zero, is yours about the same?
@@NemoPropaganda yes the Crossover are at 50 Hz after 7 clicks
When you get the Micro 3000 please touch upon specifically it’s musicality when compared to the SB3000 and this Kef. Ik that’s subjective, but would love to hear your thoughts. I’m wondering if the Micro is a better stereo music performer when compared to the SB3000.
I actually have the same theory and I'm also wondering if it's more musical. We will find out :)
Hi Great video! How does the Kef KC62 compare to the REL T9X for home theater and for music? Which do you like better for a room about 20 feet by 12 feet?
T9X for sure bro, there is a guy in my Discord that has a single T9X in a fairly large room and he's extremely happy with the results. Of course you cannot expect it to have huge dynamic output for theater as it is still a 10" subwoofer and while its the largest of the TX range it is still relatively small as far as subwoofers go. If theater is more your focus I would instead suggest the HT1205 MK2 that I just reviewed last week as that will give you much more output and a larger driver and you can get a pair for just a little more than a single T9X price.
@@NemoPropaganda Thank you so much!!! I'm going for the T9X due to space and your comments! I relly appreciate that!
10'x12' room is a key detail here. My awkward space is 12'x23'- w/ opening to 34'. Interesting tech.
Oh absolutely! Room size is a huge factor in all of this.
That's a lengthy room you have there, I think a KC62 would still do well at reasonable volumes but if you don't have a space constraint just grab something bigger like a Rythmik F12SE.
I have an old B&W ASW1000. It's paired with original KEF LS50s. How would this KC62 compare? The ASW sounds a bit muddy to me and looking for an upgrade. Thx.
Comparing the two is like asking how a 1989 toyota corolla compares to a brand new Porsche 911 Turbo S. The KC62 is superior in every way.
@@NemoPropaganda you mean I can drive a Porsche for $1,500?
@@fredericklevick7925 Yes, a base 911 with $12k down would run roughly $1500/month on lease :D
I am bit interested in if KC62 have low frequency distortion issues? Like high second harmonic below 30Hz. It looks like a common issue for smaller drivers and ultra low frequency. What's you experience on this topic?
This subwoofer plays incredibly clean and without distortion. It has an active DSP so if you demand too much volume from it the active DSP will kick in an roll off some of the extension to avoid distortion or damage. It's a fairly smart design.
I have ordered a svs 3000 micro for home demo to go with my ls50 meta's, usage is probably about 60%music and 40%movies.
I know the KC62 the better sub but cost factor is putting me off and part of me thinks that the 3000 micro should perform better with movies 🤔
If you hadn't compared both of these micro subwoofers would you of been perfectly happy with the 3000 micro performance?
I'm a music only customer so my needs are a bit different. If I was a mixed system customer then yes! The Micro having the different user profiles is a huge convenience for mixed system users. I filmed a 3 way video of t5x, micro, and kc62 where I talk about that, if you wat to email me I'll send you the link. It's like my back up video that will go live one day when I'm too busy to film lol.
@@NemoPropaganda would be cool to see that video, how do i email you? RUclips won't let me put my email address on here
@@hclandscapes you might have to be on a computer but it's listed in my about section.
Hi Nemo, I have a SVS sb-1000 pro sub hooked up to a LS50 Meta. Will the kc62 make a big difference? Trying to decide if it’s worth the change.
it depends, while the KC62 is much more expensive the SB1000 Pro can actually play louder because it is a larger subwoofer. What the KC62 will do is provide you with crazy amounts of extension out of a very small form factor and reasonable volumes. If you're looking to save some space, add some extension at reasonable volumes, and reduce the subs size then you will enjoy it but remember a big part of the cost for the KC62 is in the size. I still have my KC62 and continue to love it, it's a very special little sub :)
bro how about SQ and integration? and difference in how heavy it sounds? what sub dissapears more?
@@jdm724 The SB1000 Pro & KC62 have similar integration, the SB1000 Pro is slightly heavier than the KC62, neither is very heavy sounding.
I don't have the budget for one but once I do I'm definitely going for a demo
Bro, trying to match with Maggie’s. Have you heard the REL T9i’s? I’m considering two of them , how do you compare this to those in this application?
I have not heard the T9i but did review the T5i recently ruclips.net/video/UoqULhjfWfY/видео.html&t My understanding is most maggie owners prefer REL or Rythmik.
I'm a little bit confused...🤔 I'm 50/50 music/HC and I want to buy the KC62 to support my Klipsch RP600M... But some reviews said that the KC62 distorted quickly ( on the Blade runner sound track track 2049 ) instead of the SVS 3000 micro... I'm a little bit worried now to pay 1500€... I do not go over 90db max... Do you think that the SVS is more suitable for me?
At that kind of volume I would prefer the SVS for sure because you will have a more consistent experience with your bass and you can get two of them which will be tremendously louder than a single KC62. If I were you I'd grab 1 SVS Micro to start and see how you like it :).
@@NemoPropaganda thank you for the advice, I will some few days to think about it. And understand if an extra 600€ for 11hz is worth it😀 or not! I'll let you know about my decision! Thanks for you disponibility have a great day and thank for all your incredible contents!
@@anthonyp.3486 no problem dude, just keep in mind that super low extension the KC62 is capable of is only at lower volumes like 75db. At louder volumes like 85+db the Micro 3000 and KC62 will have similar extension.
I have a 12 x 12‘ room and I am struggling on the 62 or the 92. I don’t mind spending the extra money but I do care about the sound fidelity the most you’ve listen to both and which one for that size space do you think would be a better fit. I tend to lean towards the larger sub and I do have space for it but I don’t want to pay more and get something that doesn’t sound as good
music or theater system?
@@NemoPropaganda Music 85%, HT 15%
@@macmovieman1 I like the KC62 for a more music focused systempersonally but if you don't need a tiny sub you can save some cash and have way more performance out of something like a Rythmik F12SE.
@@NemoPropaganda awesome, I’ll go check it out
I've heard these things blend beautifully with Maggies. Wish I didn't have such an open room (basically opens up into most of the rest of the house), or a pair of these might be perfect.
They might still be perfect :)
BUT... >.<
Appreciate all the comparisons and clarifications based on real world listening habits and room size. Looks like I need to get a dB meter and calculate the volume of my room. Quick question. My HT room is connected via an open spiral staircase to a library below. Since I can't block that off, I need to add that volume also, correct?
I wouldn't, most rooms aren't a sealed box including mine which opens up to a staircase also except mine goes upstairs.
also....Butttt....... :D
How about 2 of these for a HT setup? I have a decent size room but I do not want Coffee Table, been that route with a Servo-15..
Hey man, greetings from Perú, i like your videos, i need your advisory, i have a pair of KEF LSX and i love it but i need to add a sub, would you recommend KC 62? My other option is b&w asw 608 just for size and bass. For me is 60% movie and 40% music. Thanks for your answer.
I haven't heard the LSX I'm sorry. If it souds like the Meta any quality subwoofer should be fine.
Hey man, thanks for the great vids. In you opinion, what's the best entry-mid range stereo speakers for a vinyl stereo set up.
Sorry my dude I don't do vinyl :( What price are you shopping though?
Nemo Propaganda Reviews maybe around $800 for a pair. Would you recommend floor standing?
@@g-wiz154 my advise is get the one you think looks better, personally i think bookshelf speakers look better :). At up to $800 I really like the Elac DBR62 which are $600, the good news is you should be able to listen to them at your local bestbuy/magnolia store so you can make sure they're to your taste :)
Nemo Propaganda Reviews hahaha, “the one that looks best”, cause the most important thing about speakers is the looks. But, fair enough though, you want a nice looking speaker. Also, maybe I guess everything is decent, especially at that price range. I’ll check the Elac speakers out. As far as looks, I was admiring the look of some of Monitor Audio’s bronze range speakers. Do you recommend any of those. Also what’s your thoughts about getting a subwoofer with the bookshelf’s to get a fuller range, or is that just unnecessary?
@@g-wiz154 I reviewed the Monitor Audio Bronze 100, they're lovely speakers at $450 but at the full MSRP of $600 I think that's too expensive for them. Personally I like subwoofers but many people will not need a subwoofer with the Bronze 100. Yes to me looks is the most important part of the speaker. If it's ugly, I don't care how good it sounds... you asked me, I answered :).
Thanks for your reviews, I really like your videos! I've got an upstairs apartment bedroom 5.0.2 HT system and I need deep, clean bass at moderate volumes for movies that won't get me evicted. I have very limited placement options and while my budget is $1500, I would be happy to get away with less. I'm worried I will NEED two subwoofers, and I've heard it's the way to go. I was considering two SVS SB 2000 Pros or one SB 3000, and then I saw this video(and I look forward to your review of the SVS Micro). My hang up is if I did need a second sub due to placement issues I'd be screwed spending my budget on the Kef or the SB 3000. My room is 11'w x 16' deep and has a bed and two recliners in it. The open spots for placement are the back corners on either side of my bed unless I buy a new tv stand to open a spot on the front wall. What would you recommend? Two SVS SB2000 Pros, The KEF, dual 3000 Micros or an SB 3000 and $500 saved?
Well, lets be honest here, a single SB-3000 is an absolute monster so we know for sure 10,000% that will be enough bass :D I'd say that's the safest choice and it will grow with you if you ever move to a larger space.
@@NemoPropaganda Thanks so much for the reply, I've been driving myself crazy over this for weeks.
Ahahaha, i know that feeling my bro. The obsession starts to weigh me down and sucks the fun out of it if I let it get too far lol.
@@NemoPropaganda This a big purchase for me so I appreciate that you share your first-hand knowledge with the subs. I wish you had affiliate links!
@@pwnjones It's okay bro, I don't want to use affiliate links, I feel like that blurs the lines too much and I'm lucky to have a great career :D Rest easy though, you can always send it back within 45 days if for some reason it's not a good fit for you but I think you will love it.
Hi Nemo many thanks for the review and especially for the comparisons. I am building my music setup with ATC SCM 20 + Nad 658 + c 298(already purchased) in my 10x12 ft with 9 ft ceiling small size room, like to go with 2 rel t5i but having some space constraints, so thinking bout one kc62, will it blend well with my speakers, it will be used only for music and I listen at low volume mostly old classics pop, jaz, vocal rock/pop and dnt like boomy sound. I am from India, here we dnt have any option to try any of them at home before buying ..so kind of confused will it be ok to go with, its costing is high too so 2 of them out of budget as well... once you little free can you guide me a bit.. cheers 👍
Hello, KC62 is a great subwoofer, it will have a lot more extension than a pair of T5X but the pair of T5X will have a little better sound quality. I think both are very good options. I am not familiar with ATC speakers though. Get the KC62 if you value extension more, get the pair of T5X if you value bass fidelity more.
@@NemoPropaganda much appreciated for quick response, I have 4 to 5 inches short space to accommodate 2 t5x , hence have a movie setup with Dali Oberon 5 + nad t758v3 avr and Dali e12f sub in same room.. unable to make space two of t5x , to me sound quality does matter , dnt need spl much and music come first. Keeping that in mind If I go with one t7x, I was just watching your review on it, will it be better than the kc62 sq prospective.
@@monotoshmitra I like both a lot, if you prefer sound quality more then go for the T7X. It has better fidelity overall.
@@NemoPropaganda 🙂 many thanks 🍺🍺
Very interesting review, not least because I have a KC62 on the way to blend with my S400’s. If you can recall the crossover setting you used that worked for you, that would be really helpful?
Super easy, crossover all the way down, set phase, adjust gain, done.
Roger, thank you!!
Very helpful review, thanks. You have a very small listening room (similar to mine), did you experience any bass room modes with the sub?
Hi Marc, I only sit in one spot but no I didn't notice anything like that.
@@NemoPropaganda Hi, and thanks for the prompt reply. Thanks also for the helpful content.
Thinking about adding this to my bedroom set up where I have a pair of active bookshelves. Don't feel to comfortable with it on the floor though. U think using something like the IsoAcoustics Iso-200Sub be ok? Or even a small speaker stand? Would never to think to put a sub on a stand but it seems like from your video it can go pretty much anywhere.
nah that's way too big bro, the bottom of the KC62 is super small. Do you have a media console you can put it on? If not a small speaker stand should be fine also, or you can be like me and just plop it on top of your speakers :D.
@@NemoPropagandaNo... i will actually be using two 2inch thick floating shelves to put my gear on.. Speakers are on stands but just not enough space for a table or rack.. I have a small speaker stand somewhere. I think I'd have constant aniexty if I plopped in on top my active bookshelf. Lol
Limited space in bedroom so we'll see. Thanks man. Happy to see these are back in stock and that Kef didn't raise the price.
@@backrack01 it's tiny enough that I'm sure you'll find somewhere to put it :)
Kf 92 review would be amazing?
I'm curious to try it :)
So would you go with 2 of the KC-62 or two KC-92s? Been looking also at the REL 1508.... as well....
If you need a small sub pair then yeah dual KC62 is awesome but if you can fit a pair of REL Predators they should outperform the tiny KC62 by a large margin.
What is considered a smaller or larger room? For example a 30m squared room (not a rectangle room so less m for the listening area but it’s one room). Btw an active kef set like the w502 might be a reason to go this one instead of larger. Kef larger sub is more expensive.
i'd say if the full 30 sqm was a listening room that would be medium sized.
What bookshelf speakers would you pair with the KC62 subwoofer for a home theatre / music family room?
Whats the budget for the speakers?
Question... just purchased a KC62 and I notice a slight electronic noise/buzz when I place my ear near the subs amp. It's present when the sub is on and not in standby. It's not a ground loop and doesn't need to be connected to a source. Only needs to be on and not in standby. It's simply amplifier noise. Do you know if yours has this same "quirk"?
most plate amps will have some slight audible sound if you put your ear against them but that is not something I generally do, you should not hear any sound from about 3ft away. Like if you can hear sound from the amp while you're making adjustments that's okay but as soon as you backup a few feet you should not be able to hear anything or you could have some grounding issue in your home or the plate amp may have some issue.
It's not something I've ever noticed on my 3 SVS subs or my much, much, much older Velodyne. They all have class D amps and are silent. You're right, I do not hear from the front of the sub. Seems out of place on a $1500 sub.
@@HeySeeri I dunno, I had two of them and both of mine were dead silent but I've heard some noisy plate amps before.
Nemo, two REL T7x or two KEF? Sold my pair of SVS SB3000's... Leaning REL, music and then HT. Pairing with the KLH Model 5, XTZ Edge A2-400 amplifier, Cambridge Audio CXN V2 network streamer/DAC/Preamp.
I like both subs a lot, the REL will have better textures and transients while the KC62 will be more forceful in the lower frequencies (at lower volumes). Both subs are very good, that's a tough one honestly because I own both and I use both and I still can't decide. I think you will be happy either way.
@@NemoPropaganda I hope you do not mind if I ramble a bit here... This is my therapy session for the day...
Nemo, I do not know you personally, I feel I can trust your thinking having been around the block a few times in my near 60 years on earth, most of those years behind the wheel of a semi, living out of a gym bag. It is nice to see there are still young men out here with a head on their shoulder, as that is getting to be rather rare out here. And I'm not kissing your ass.
Are the KEF really $800 better? Or a subwoofer/speaker that will outlive the REL with its time tested design? I look at that too.
Time to run off into the weeds here for a second, and then to my point... Remember, this is therapy...
When I bought the KLH Model 5's I saw a simple time tested design, a pair of speakers that would last for years without issue if used properly and taken care of. Like those old Kenmore washing machines that Sears use to build, the ones that in many cases are still running somewhere in this country.
I know you are a gear head, and so am I out of necessity, as there are few if any real mechanics out here anymore, lots of "techs", very few real mechanics. I own a semi, sitting in the sleeper right now typing away, and have discovered that It is cheaper to buy the tools, diagnostic equipment and software then to take it to a "mechanic", only to discover I have to go back and repair all of their screw ups. I'm going somewhere with this...
The KEF make me a bit nervous with all of the modern wiz bang electronic tomfoolery going on inside the box. Just like our modern, and very unreliable wiz bang semi trucks.
If something snaps inside the KEF, I see a $1500 paperweight. Where with the REL, a phone call will more than likely fix the matter, even fifteen years down the road if the parts are still available. Parts I more than likely could replace easily at the kitchen table if I am even still here.
"No user servicable parts" is the first thing that comes to my mind with KEF. Are there any serviceable parts in the KEFs? After the three year warranty runs out, then what? I highly doubt they are as responsive as say SVS is to their customers. And I think that is a valid concern and should at least be on the radar when reviewing these subwoofers.
I had one of the original scratching posts from SVS, and called them just a couple of years ago as it was having issues. Turns out it was a fuse, they even sent me out a few new ones at no charge. Will KEF do that, are there even any servicable fuses/parts in it? Can you even get the KEF apart, short of using a drilling hammer? You know where I am going...
Well, that is my line of thinking anyway, and I think it is a valid line of reasoning.
Nemo, thank you for your time, as I believe this therapy session went well, as it looks like I talked myself into purchasing a pair REL T7x's, which ultimately is all your fault.
And I say that jokingly, and with respect, as I never really paid much attention to REL, you opened my eyes to their product line. Thanks again, and keep up the good work, as I believe you and Thomas are two of the best out here...
As Thomas once so eloquently stated, "Watching YT videos can quickly drain your wallet".
@@michaelwright1602 Ah yes, SG1, so amazing! So KEF actually has awesome customer service so there is no worry there but I hear your concerns. I remember people saying the same things 15 years ago when cars started to become loaded with tech. The KC62 is one of the more technologically advanced subwoofers and there are a lot of pro's to that but also some cons as you have pointed out. I think anytime we push tech that far we will always find ourselves here where some people have some concerns and I think that's okay. My guess is the KC62 was really a proof of concept and that KEF will maybe start to use a passive version of this subwoofer driver in their uber high end Blade speaker, it's just a guess though :). Half way reading your comment I thought I'd mention REL but looks like you beat me to it and ended up with a great product that is more suited to your style and that's a great way to make a buying decision. I did the same thing for DAC's. I hated all the complex features and menus so many of them had so I bought the simple Denafrips Ares2. I don't need no stinking options lol, just make it sound good! Anywho I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and drive safe my man!
Do you recommend stands for the KC62? Is floor placement not ideal?
Not at all. Truth is it sounded great no matter where i put it :)
@@NemoPropaganda thanks bro, i have mine right between my KEF LS50 metas. Still waiting to get my Hegel H390 so a lot of tweaking left still. Using an old AVR at the moment. Just breaking in for the time being 😊
Have you heard the Paradigm Defiance X12? It' s $1,300 and the only sub besides SVS that has App volume control. Deciding between that and a SVS SB3000 in a medium size space.
I think there are a few more companies than use app control but no I have not heard the paradigm. The SB3000 is a strong choice though.
Reminds me of my old 13" Sunfire Signature sub only a little smaller.
Does it matter whether they are pointed side to side or front to back?
In my room they sounded the same either way but that could be room dependent.
hey nemo, sorry if I have asked this before. When you say the f12se or the REL do a better job blending higher up in the frequency range, at what frequency are you referring to and what is the result of this? Being able to tell when the subs come in?
I currently lowpass/highpass my Rythmik L12/Paradigm Persona Bs at around 80hz (100% music) and I am wondering if the KEF KC62 can not blend as well given the remarks of the F12se.
Hi Eugene, so the KC62 is really good, just to be clear it can blend high up better then a lot of other subs but subs like REL and Rythmik are the best at blending. Hope that helps clear things up.
@@NemoPropaganda Thanks for the reply Nemo. I might have to pass on the KEF. Doing a little more research but there seems to be an issue with the KEF KC62 easily going into standby mode on low volume.
@@sunshine242-l4y really? I didn't have that problem at all, maybe it's not so common?
@@NemoPropaganda yeah, I hope not. It’s probably the only option for me at this point or the f12se. I would consider rel again, specifically thr s510 but I had issues with the T5i vibrating my floors with the Down firing driver even when using a auralex subdude
@@sunshine242-l4y omg if you can do the F12SE why not? It's way more capable than the KC62 and far more articulate.
Thanks for all of your efforts. I heard the KC62 in the showroom and ordered one right away. It came a bit over a week ago and I've been enjoying these with both my LS50 Metas & Maggie LRSs. Fantastic with both. Check out Nenad Vasilic's - Bass Drops and see how low it goes! Cheers
I have the LS50 Metas and just got the KC62. I want to also order the Maggie LRS's, so I have to ask. Which amp do you recommend? Since you have a head start on what I'm trying to build, any advice would be great
@@ChrisJones-vy2fp I have used numerous NAD amps over the years as I have loved the sound and they typically can drive tough loads and some models even driving 2 ohms. In 2019 I decided to buy a Schiit Freya S and (2) Schiit Vidar amps. Magnepan told me that a Vidar would drive the LRS's fine. Even though the Vidars are not rated for 4 ohms in mono, I've only had 1 thermal shutdown in 1-1/2 years and that was at a very loud listening level over 90db driving the LRS's. I love the sound with these components on both sets of speakers. If LRSs are in your future, you most likely want a beefy class A/B amp that can drive challenging loads.
@@stevengordon2849 Thank you for all this great advice! I'm hoping I can get the LRS's in the next few months, so I think a class A/B amp like you said would be a good investment. Thanks again!
Another similar sub with dual opposed 8 inch woofers is the Golden Ear Super SubX for $1,400. I have never heard it, but I have seen zero feedback on any forum. Why??
Not sure, I've never heard it.
Thank you . How do you compare PB16 Ultra vs Dual KC62 ?
I think perhaps you don't realize how big the PB16 is bro, this is like asking how a tank compares to a motorcycle :). PB16 is almost 200 lbs!!!!!!!!
@@NemoPropaganda LOL, Dual KC62 is even more expensive than single PB16 Ultra
@@vnasution6344 yes because of the size, think about it like this. If you want a powerful laptop it will be like $2000 or more but that same power in a full size PC will be only around $1000, because the laptop is smaller it's more expensive to make it. So small subwoofers like the KC62 only makes sense if you cannot fit a larger subwoofer, otherwise for sure you will have better value with something larger.
I have the Kef T101 speakers just bought SVS an-2000 sub Marantz SR5011
The KEF speakers are good but having problems dialing them in at high volume you can’t hear the voice clearly any advice Thanks
That's an ultra slim compact theater speaker, I'm not surprised they can't play too loud. Your not using them in a music only system are you? They're meant to be wall mounted next to your TV.
@@NemoPropaganda hey thanks for replying yes they are wall mounted they sound awesome but voices can be hard to understand
@@NemoPropaganda what sound mode do you usually run your receiver in ? Thanks
@@sheltonswimmer4142 I don't have a receiver, i run a pure line stage pre/power amp setup. I don't even have tone controls :)
@@sheltonswimmer4142 are you using a third one for a center channel? That should help but generally thin speakers like that will be better than TV speakers but lack the bass needed for good vocals, that's just my guess though :( I'm not really into theater as my whole system is for music only.
I ordered mine 2 months ago and still waiting inpatiently :( How come did you get two of them when they are out of stock even on Kef's webpage? Great review btw. Thanks.
I bought them used from a local seller.
Loved your review. I think I know the answer to this question and it's prob no, however here we go. Can you pair Sonos Arc to use this subwhoofer? As far as I know this sub does not have wireless connection!
Sadly no, Sonos is pretty much a closed system so your only choice is there own subwoofer but the good news is I'm told it's fairly good.
Awesome review, I totally agree, I have it's bigger brother, the KF92. Maybe you should check that one out. Shane from Sparechange loves it. It triggered me into buying one. The extension is crazy and the authority, spine tingeling bass. Once again, thank you for all the great reviews, much appreciated!
I'd love to check that out one day. If it sounds as good as the little KC62 it should be a winner. My only worry is designs like this have super heavy VC and sometimes the crazy amount of excursion can lead to a slower sound but at 6.5" and 9" for the 92 that shouldn't be too bad.
@@NemoPropaganda That makes sense, but you can also rethink it. Which woofer has to work less? The 6.5" or the 9" ? I think the 9"because it has more surface area it can produce more pressure with less effort. I live in the Netherlands otherwise I would lent you mine for a comparison.
I’m not surprised it’s good, i meant that concern is what kept me away in the past. After experiencing the 62 I have a lot of confidence in the 92 now and I’m really eager to hear one. Hopefully one pops up on the used market :D
Nice review. Just wondering for pair of KC62 how do you connected using high level input? For stereo subwoofer. Maybe some tutorial? Thank you.
it's listed in the instruction manual, but you really should just be using line level. No reason to use high-level unless you don't have pre-out or subwoofer output.
@@NemoPropaganda I see, I should use low level input then. I thought you are using high level inputs. How about for subwoofer placement, should each sub I place it as close as possible to the front speakers? Because if the sub located quite far from the fronts, how to adjust the time delay?
@@1psxpat I recommend putting the sub where you want and see how it sounds :). Since they are so small I just mine on top of the speaker 😂 and it actually sounds really good like that lol.
@@NemoPropaganda I have a questions, for KEF KC62 , setting for LPF and HPF crossover is separates, right. Should the LPF crossover setting and HPF crossover the same? For example if I set LPF crossover at 60Hz, then I should set my HPF crossover also at 60Hz? Thanks.
@@1psxpat I say this with respect my friend but these kinds of questions are tech-support and you really should be reaching out to KEF or the distributor you're buying from. Make them earn their money from you. I'm just a youtuber, I do this for free and for fun but I don't know all the ins and outs of every product. I'm mostly familiar with common use scenarios and that's about it. I'm sorry but I do not have the answer for this.
Great video comparison👍and i just ordered ml dynamo 1100x i wonder if i regreat it after this😒!!
Do you have a large room or listen loud enough to be in its sweet spot? The KC62 is a low volume or small room champion so it's in that criteria that I give it such high praise.
@@NemoPropagandahey. my living room is 20sqm with 1cm thick carpet which gives good acoustics .... rarely I play very loud. have you heard ml dynamo 1100x? thanks for the response👍
@@j-w-67 mmmm, I would consider that a medium size room, I have not heard the Dynamo so I'm not sure which would be better for your room size but I would see how the Dynamo is and go from there, no sense in thinking about it too much until it arrives and you spend a few days with it :)
Great job bro & on your next video can you show the best way to install these subwoofer?
already did my bro ruclips.net/video/aZbzvanu3vA/видео.html
@@NemoPropaganda thank you & keep up the great job! 😎👍🏻
why there's almost no review of KEF Reference 8B Sub? and how is it compare with kf92?
Could be the $7000 price tag. I’d have a REL Carbon special for nearly half the price all day long 😻
I have a question if anyone can help. I already have the Kef LS50II Wireless set up and am thinking of adding the Sub. Kef do a wireless kit but I can't fathom how it could/would/should work. On the Primary speaker there is one RCA sub output - so one assumes this is therefore essentially a mono output combining both left and right frequencies into one output. Kef says you can use more than one sub this way but surely that would sound very muddled if there is no stereo separation between the subs??? Or have I got this all wrong?
It is not uncommon to run subs dual mono and some argue that dual mono is the correct way to do it. Of course others will argue dual stereo is preferred. I think it's a minor detail and not too important.
@@NemoPropaganda Thanks Nemo - as a purist I would say noooooo. - but as a music lover I will say I don't care - just give me more of that beautiful Kef sound - so that is what I will do - I only got them plugged in for the first time today - but know a bit of sub boom is what is required
Dude you are F bomb awesome, when are you going to do some thing live were you answer questions and give us your professional opinion, also keep up the amazing work
My channel is too small to do that live but I did ask for questions in a community post and later answered them in a vide that can be seen here: ruclips.net/video/M6jkaUl9U4o/видео.html
@@NemoPropaganda well, we need to change that shit! We need to get your channel bigger and growing you are awesome
@@rjzlwop3153 Thank you dude I appreciate that, for me it's just for fun though :D
Wow what a review especially the comparisons.. 👍👏
But when you say small room what is the size of your "this" room & even your living room?that will help alot.
I mentioned the room size in the vid, 10x12x9. My living room is an open concept which is 18ft by 33ft with 9ft ceilings.
What’s the volume that you used ? I m putting at 10 o clock and it’s powerful even at that level
Between 8-9 o'clock :)
Can you please compare the kef kc 62 with the sunfire XTEQ 8
I don't review discontinued products and the XTEQ 8 has been discontinued for awhile now :(
how do you connect 2 together? is there an adapter that comes with it?
This is a good question for KEF or the dealer you would buy from, let them earn their money lol
Need 2 receivers but it’s on KEFs website for wireless connection
Thanks I’ll check out their site.
@Nemo Propaganda I bought Ls50W II speakers for the room of 5mx4.3m (about 20sq m). Now I am looking for the subwoofer for the system. I am using mostly speakers for music 70% but also 30% with the TV and sometimes some movies/shows. My budget is 1500euros. Kef KC62 is 1300e, SVS sb 2000 pro is 1100e and SVS sb 3000 is 1550e. As I can see SVS is much more expensive in Europe than its in USA and KEF is cheaper. Nevermind, what would be your choice? Thank you
those are very different subs, the SB3000 is just like the SB2000 but can play even louder so lets just focus on SB2000 Pro or KC62. The KC62 is tiny! It's all about big extension from a tiny sub at reasonable volumes. The SB2000 Pro is much larger and will play at much louder volumes. If you want your home to be sound more like a real theater you'll want the bigger SB2000 or 3000, personally that is not my goal and I value extension more than output because I do not listen very loud so in my living room I use the little KC62 because it looks beautiful and has plenty of output for my small room and loads of extension as long as a I keep the volume reasonable around 80dB.
@@NemoPropaganda Thank you, I ordered Kc62:) Thank you for you fest response and kindness.
@@stefanbanovic excellent choice, you're gonna love it!
What would you say is the size of room where getting the SB 3000 will be better?
I couldn't really say, each room is different and personal taste for bass quantity is very personal.
@@NemoPropaganda I have a 245 square feet room (22.8 square meters). I currently have a SB 1000 pro that doesn't work in that room. I was wondering if kc62 would play 20hz with authority in my room.
@@krzysztofgilowski1736 that's a medium sized room, a KC62 might be able to do that around 70dB, most people would not consider that very loud. Is this for theater or music?
@@NemoPropaganda that's for music. :) I have binge watched your reviews for a while and I'm trying to make a decision on my next subwoofer purchase. :)
@@NemoPropaganda I currently have an option to buy either a new SVS SB3000 or a scratched unit of REL1508 which comes at a discount from the dealer, and this model of KEF, which is same price as SVS SB3000 in Europe. The pricing of the 3 is the same.
What do you mean you cannot set them up as dual mono? I looked at the manual and do not see anything about this. I was going to order a pair but need to run them dual mono.
can you tell me the time stamp where i said that so I can review it? I'm 99% sure I was referring to my own systems connectivity options but I'll double check it if you can list the time stamp for me.
@@NemoPropaganda ruclips.net/video/bOizw0fpFgU/видео.html
@@NemoPropaganda 14:26
@@jonahwaltonmusic oh okay, I remember now. Yeah the manual shows dual's for stereo use to be connected in stereo. That doesn't mean you can't do dual mono. I just ran into a lot of cancellation issues when running dual mono. That certainly could be a room specific issue for me, I'm not sure. I also was not using the subwoofers high-pass function. Truth is you can setup them up however you prefer but I personally found for a music only system hey sounded best in dual stereo but again that could be a room issue for me.
@@NemoPropaganda I think I am going to go for the REL T/9x ;)
Great. I am waiting for SVS Micro vs Kef KC62 review.
It won't really be vs. as the Micro is half the price so you can buy 2 for the price of one :D
Awesome review Nemo. I can't sell my SVS. Anyone know a good place to sell subwoofers.
Audiogon, US Audiomart, Facebook marketplace :)
@@NemoPropaganda Thanks man, I'll check out the other two, everyone on FB marketplace is either broke or a low baller LOL
@@charliewilson3234 oh yeah, AVS Forum is good too!
Anyone know at which room size (square or cubic) the performance starts to drop off? KEF claims 5-50sqm and I am hoping they also deliver on this... I hope it at least works for my 26sqm (62cubic meters)?
Should be fine for music in a room that size. Theater is harder to judge however...
@@NemoPropaganda I did have the Rel HT1003 in that room for Home Theatre and felt it was loud enough (and quality was good, nice quick punchy bass) just wanted to try something with lower octaves before settling in. Usually max I get to with volume is 80db (measured at seating pos), after rhat it starts being too loud...
Was checking in on PB-2000 Pro and am wondering if that one in this room is too much and definitely KC62 has way better WAF 😀.
I can get B-Ware KC62 for the same price as PB-2000 Pro here.
BTW I do have Dali Oberon 7's at the front whic could dig into 40-50hz range already (official is 37hz), and Oberon 3 in the Back which i think also go down to 45hz so im not necessarily looking for something to cover everything upnto 100-120hz just lets say 11-60hz
@@MilosHadziStevic I say be a good man and go for the KC62 first, I think it should be enough around 80dB and that way you will both be happy :D and in the small chance that's it's just not enough bass then you know for sure a large subwoofer is the only solution or a second KC62. The KF92 is supposed to be very good also though I have not heard that one yet, I hope to in the next few months.
Which sub to use with Cornwall IVs ?
I never heard cornwalls but a user in my discord has them paired with dual JL E112 and is very happy.
How will this sub perform in a small room for home theater ?
It should be an outstanding performer as long as you don't want bass at very high volumes. This sub can dig crazy deep & low but it's physical size limits it's maximum SPL. If you are a normal person you should be super happy with it.
Thank you
Stargate SG1 lover here !
hall yeah brother!
@@NemoPropaganda LOL! Me and the grandkids used to sit for hours binge watching SG1, I bought the entire DVD collection... Fun times.
What in the world did the guy who sold these to you upgrade to? Great review!
He said he was downsizing so he got a smaller pair of subs but then decided not to downsize, sounded like he had a big room so he ended up going with a JL Audio Fathom. He was an 80% theater kind of guy and was probably worried the active DSP would ruin the fun at reference levels in his larger room.
On par with rel sub quality?
quality in what regard?
Hard to imagine something so small can do that!
I’m more surprised by the fidelity in all honesty! Everything is getting smaller& stronger, hell AMG has a 2.0 engine putting out over 400hp 🤯
Do these compete with the devialet phantoms.
No, Phantom is a full range speaker while the KC62 is just a subwoofer.
@@NemoPropaganda I just meant in terms of the bass response. Two paired phantoms or a pair of lsxs with the the kc62.
I do listen to mostly Rnb and electronic and dance music.
@@mickrileybcn oh haha, okay. I've only heard the Phantoms in stereo pair and while it's similar tech the KC62 is more advanced and should not only compete but also play louder and have deeper/fuller bass.
The subwoofer King strikes again! Nice 👍
aye!!!!!! there will much striking happening lol
Why did the guy who sold them to you get rid of them?...
didn't ask, didn't care, he said something about moving but I wasn't really paying attention.