Are you concerned whether using the Grid Method is cheating? I think you will find this video very enlightening. And if you would like to support this channel, here is the link -->
I kinda learned backwards. I started off doing portraits freehand and I got pretty good at it, then I learned how to use the grid method and it allowed me to create the same quality of art in a shorter amount of time. This helped me a lot with doing commissions
Thank you I am a beginner drawer and also use the grid method, but now I can relax as its still my art and feel happy that famous artists also used this method.
Okay...I think all artists should be shown this information....This has convinced me that using grids and other methods are fair game for an artist to use....some very famous artists are mentioned here and it also shows proof that it goes very far back in time. It is a valid method. Thank you for compiling and posting this!!
I have only used the grid system once, because you showed us how. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. I plan on using it again on my next portrait. Cheating ? I don't think so.Is using frisket paper cheating ? Is using a cotton swab cheating ? Next thing you know some one will say using an eraser is cheating. Thanks for all your research and time you have invested in us.
@@missfoufa4938 Thanks for the video. I had that feeling (cheatiing) until I watch it. As an artist I needed to hear what you said. It´s a lot of work after you get the right proportions when you are drawing, and there is where the artist skill shows up (blending, giving highlights, volumes, lights... ) . Also, like my case, if you mainly draw realistic portraits, it´s a very important tool, since the portrait of someone which doesn´t match with the original is not a portrait... Thanks again. Kind regards!
Using the grid to do a drawing is not cheating. There are professional who uses it to do commission artwork and some even trace. I use the grid to draw but I also draw without it too. The grid is helpful to produce accurate artwork but is by no means gonna make you good. Imo it's best to study without it and use it when you're doing commission work. Anyways good video sir!
Ive been drawing on and off since i was a teen by just looking at somthing (free hand)..sometimes i had to earase alot sometimes i didn't..but when i found out about the grid system it helped me get there faster with more thing i found out about drawing is once i have the outline done grid or not..its when the real work👍awesome video.
I believe that using grid method is a better way in transitioning into freehand rather than tracing. Tracing is just plain stagnant no effort needed while using grid allows you t focus on the proportion and improves your visual skills. . Buy in other perspective using tracing or grid method speciallt on doing a commission is a great help in cutting the hour of work.
Well, doing a detailed grid is not much different from tracing to be honest. Just more laborous and time consuming. If you make the grid dense enough, it's literally the same thing, just more time consuming and awkward. Fairly sure that people who draw ultra realistic portraits as comissions (clients send random photos of their family members, pets etc.) it would be too time consuming not to trace. At that point it's paying your bills, so you want to optimize your work hours. The shading still takes considerable skill
Pls. You're not really focusing on the proportions, when using grid. What you're actually focusing on, are those boxes & what's inside it. That's why it's less natural, makes you feel more guilty than free hand. You won't train your eyes faster with the grid method. It would actually make your technical skills progress slower.
@@SoothinglyUnbenounced I agree with you - the focus is narrow and lacks the wider focus involved in eyeballing proportion...I think that some kind of internalised grid method which can be mentally projected into an area might help to seen the negative spaces which does help with imitating the shapes in accurate ( or more accurate!) shapes......However the use of the grid method by masters cannot be used to argue that thats how they developed their skill....someone will says ( if they dare ) that its not about skill!
Grid is another form of tracing, but where you kinda put more efforts. It doesn't do much if your goal is to improve, you'll clueless about basic head structure without the grid. But if your goal is for commission or good looking drawing, then you'll do just fine.
The grid method can only give proportions at best. It's up to the artist to bring the subject to like with shading and/or painting. This exact discussion was done with art projectors. The bottom line is, tools do make an artist and a gride, projector, pencil, paint brush or medium are only tools.
I personally use the grid method to insure that, especially with different art styles as it insures that I get proportion right and and allows me to switch between a cartoon and more realistic style when drawing from reference and allows me to better keep and centre drawings when going entirely from imagination. The grid method also allows me to take a bigger break when completing the line drawing from references, I need the break as I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands and grids help me insure that when I go back or change to my left hand which I also do that the proportions don’t change as they have done for me in the past either due to switching from left to right hand or taking breaks. The grid also gives me a reference point when drawing a huge piece from a small picture reference Thank you for this video so many people say that it’s cheating but it’s a tool just like any other.
Using a grid is not cheating, it only helps with proportions, you still need to know how to draw. If you use grid and can't draw, it doesn't help with anything
Same with digital artist and to an extent clay sculpting. If you don't have a basic foundation on how to draw. No amount of help or shortcuts is gonna help you.
Thanks for the video, I personally prefer freehand drawing because I find it more enjoyable, but there’s no doubt that a grid system is a smart and effective method for capturing likeness.
This was incredibly interesting! Yeah, I ran into this argument earlier myself. Likewise if you take the idea of cheating; in this case it would probably be best applied to academic pursuits, it would entail shortcuts, unfair advantages, and skirting or even breaking of established rules. That being said, watching people work with the grid method is no shortcut and requires even more tedium than drawing simple underlying geometric shapes etc. That doesn't sound like a shortcut, unfair advantage, or skirting/ breaking of established rules to me. In fact I have even more respect for the grid method than I did before. You may be able to get the ultra realistic detail without it but the accuracy? Not many would be able to pull it off without the grid method IMHO and it isn't like you can just pick up this tool and make incredible reproductions, it takes lots of experience and practice with it, just like any other tool would.
For commissions, the grid method is my best friend as it helps with the proportion. Freehand drawing is much easier I'm my case, but the grid method gets the proportions right, if the particular picture is hard to draw using the free hand. I just use it to save time tbh haha
First of all its not a talent it really comes through practice ,patience and persistence then how it becomes cheating Drawing using grid is not that easy we can't even get exact figure from the reference some times and his work is awesome😍 and impressive
Drawing with a grid is not easy???You know to draw stick man?You should copy drawings(not tracing and not using grid method)because like this you train your brain-hand coordination.
Its not cheating because you still have to draw the actual portrait. Plus you have to know how much pressure to use on certain portions. What type of pencil lead works better in certain areas. How to use your drawing tools to get the best realism all this goes into making a portrait. Heck I've seen people who aren't artist trace a photo right from the source (You know paper on top of photo) and it always comes out looking like a comic character. Or way of the original photo.
I think that the conundrum of 'IS IT ART?' is a relatively new phenomena. I am absolutely sure that in, say the renaissance, people didn't concern themselves with such a unnecessary question - they just got on with making things and any tool that would help them achieve that would be taken on without any question of it being cheating. I've been doing 'Art' all my life as a career, and yet I still am unsure on what the word actually means. I think that, like 'GOD', it means something different to every person, so isn't worth factoring in as a thing. Basically if you use a grid, in some people's opinion, you're cheating and in others they won't think you are. One thing I would say, is that obviously if you can do it without a grid, you have a level of skill that is likely to be more impressive to more folk, but making things isn't limited to impressing people with your skill.
Last couple of painting I did I used grid method for first time I admit it’s helped my process of proportions and and I felt I was cheating a little but this has helped a lot a big 🙏 Than You….
Thank you so much for this video. I've always wanted to draw and be good at it so I saw a few people do grid drawings. And I'm getting good at grid drawings but in the back of my head, I'm scared that it's cheating and I'll never be good at art
I think some people consider grids as crutches. But I consider culture and civilization themselves to be crutches. Where would we be without our crutches? Languages, architecture, cloth weaving, music, government, art itself. All are crutches. Crutches are normal, natural, and absolutely necessary.
I think of it like hammering a nail. I have a nail. I need something to hammer it in. Look! A hammer! Just a tool to do a job. We all use tools to build things. Imagine claiming carpenters cheat when building houses because they are using different tools to do the job. 😀
I feel like you're still having to use your artistic mind using grids. And a bonus is that often times the finished result isnt a complete copy, it still is filtered through the artist mind.
You still have to be able to transfer what you 'see' from the original and duplicate that into the cell which requires developing an 'eye' for drawing. This greatly differs from merely 'tracing'. So yes, you DO have to use your artistic mind using grids.
Think there is a main point missing, great artists and reasonable artists can get all the right perspectives by eye and patience...But to them it's merely a time saving tool to get stuck into the body of the work..The body of work is where the true art comes in...I don't think using a tool is wrong, even someone over time from only using a tool could progress to doing a freehand outline to get the same result as using a grid, as in itself it is an exercise....Use a grid or even trace so you get to do the body of work and get a good perspective result, then over time ditch it if you want to feel you can produce a work from start to finish without...
This is strange but I know the Spanish photographer of the first photo you have on the table and own the original of one of the drawings you show in this clip
tracing is by this meassure a work of art also i think there is an spectrum the less you do and more the machine or method we justify more and more AI art
That's a big leap to associate with AI. In the one, you do it. In the other, it does it. And tracing can be part of creating, certainly. Comparing it to using a grid, don't think so. Tracing requires little effort. Grid work is tedious, requires the skill of determining spatial differences and maintaining shapes and relationships, etc.
I just learned the grid method in art class. My homework was to draw Iron Man using the grid method and it surpassed my expectations so I thought the grid was cheating, until now
I mean this is not cheating bcoz tracing method is already counted as cheating bcoz we follow the traces.. If it's grid method we draw the lines by ourselves and not follow the lines..
No, using a grid isn't cheating. I could use a grid to reproduce the outlines of a Vermeer painting, but I would still have to have his skill and talent to paint it. I do photorealistic graphite drawings. I use a grid for the outlines, but I still have to put in all the work to complete a drawing. I could give that outline to my husband, but he wouldn't be able to get good results!
Pardon me! But I would have to respectfully say, that the ancient Egyptians has never used any grid lines to prefected their crafts. Plus those lines were never visible neither existed on those hiroglyps. Unto years later Invaders came there marking up walls, by convincing the public that's what the ancient Egyptiians used to do. In other words, using graphic lines or either grid linings, only justifying for artists not using their natural talents It's like saying, we know how they built the pyramids when none of us really don't. Hence! Carpenters uses bubbling levels for measurements while they're building houses are commercial buildings, to give it more of a perfection. Except that's not cheating. Because building a place of business or a home does requires mathematics and skills, to avoid clapsis.
Don't see the logic to the claim you're making that they added the grid lines to push the grid narrative. In addition, other 'masters' also used the grid or some form of it, and nobody who knows art would claim they aren't using their natural talents. Art is not isolated to those who pull their images from the mind. Most create art from what they are looking at. Painters use measuring tools such as their thumbs in front of them, or their paint brush (the stem), etc. Painters often use the grid to place the image onto the canvas before they paint, which is their talent. Pencil artists do the exact same thing. Just because you can learn to use a grid to take an object and accurately proportion it to a drawing or painting surface doesn't mean the person can easily transform that into a realistic drawing or painting. You still need talent to do that. It's a poor argument to suggest using the grid prevents the use of natural talents.
@@RixCanDoit I guess what I'm trying to say is...if most of us keep relying on grids or yard rulers, we will subject becomes depending on it. I'm not saying math isn't important. I'm simply saying, at some point, it doesn't guarantee that it would make all artists drawing accurate. Hence! I've seen many artists, particular pencil artists, have used grids and ending up finding themselves worse off than they were before. Yes! In many cases, many artist drawings were still inaccurate and looks nothing like the photos they drawn from. Please try to analyze what I'm saying here. When ancient egyptians built stature images, they had vanced knowledge how to build or how to draw precise images without utilizing lines or curves, which I have not personally saw on those hiroglyps walls, like you've shown on your video. I mean, that's fine if any artist wanting to use a grid. Except that would be like a person who's good in math, suddenly uses a calculator to solve a problem with, rather uses her/her own mind. Now don't get me wrong. Because I still like your video and respect how you displays the importansies how anyone could elevate their expertise by using grid lines. Thank you sir.
@@chili40m We'll just have to agree to disagree. Math is not the focus here nor does it require anything greater than 3rd grade math. Anyone who knows where the inch marks are on a ruler can draw a grid. And the grid does not make anyone worse artists. Some people simply have a hard time no matter what they do. And the grid does NOT make you perfect in translation. It also takes practice. Once you have the grid down, you must learn to see shapes within the squares and transpose them. That takes practice. But it really helps get the proportions more exacting. if you don't care about exact proportions for your type of art, that's fine. Everyone chooses what they want to create. But the FACTS are that many masters of art have and do use some form of measuring and the grid in various forms have been used. That's the message.
the real cheaters do copy, and sell it as art. agrid is no cheating its helping you to make a better drawing a higher quality. and a other pro is it safe some time. regards from the netherlands
@@RixCanDoit yes. I don’t draw abstract or cartoon or anime. I only draw real people/faces. I’m 29 and I’ve been drawing nearly my whole life. I’ve always preferred drawing real faces
@@livw4180 The point I'm making is that you don't draw HYPER-REALISM or PHOTO-REALISM. That's a completely different craft than just drawing faces of real people. When it comes to proportions for realism, the grid is a good tool. It is certainly not 'connect the dots' which is pretty short-sighted.
@@RixCanDoit let me be clear. I draw HYPER-REALISM & PHOTO-REALISM as well as drawing faces and real people. Practice makes perfect When it comes to proportions for realism and drawing period. However, many people wish to shortcut
@@RixCanDoit and I don’t believe this way of thinking is short sighted. I believe this ideology makes you a better artist. To shortcut using the grid method hinders your ability as an artist
Learning drawings with out grid is better. Because if u lost that grid tool u can't draw perfectly but if u learn without grid it means u can draw without anything. It's satisfying 💯
@@mcaz0we10 I think you are confusing art forms. The grid has nothing to do with whether someone can draw an eye with or without, for example. I can draw an eye, nose, mouth, whatever without a grid. The grid is for PROPORTIONS, if you are desiring to make an 'exact' representation, not a 'close' resemblance. Those that draw exacting portraits use a form of grid or measuring method. If you are just interested in drawing from your mind, or you just want to draw from something as a 'base' starting point but put your own spin on it, then no grid.
@@RixCanDoit Yeah, I'm confused man . I realy want to learn drawing like an anime stuffs like that but when kept trying again n again drawing It seems not good and I can't afford learning from skillshare . I don't know how to measure grid but I like to draw where ever I am standing , like smooth and cool sketches but I lose hope of drawing 😔. Can U tell what should I do? , am I using wrong method to sketch something or something else . Thanks man I appreciated to allow me undrestand the grid
@@mcaz0we10 The type of art you are talking about (anime) does not require using a grid. Freehand is best for this. You want to learn the various methods of character expressions, like happy eyes, sad eyes, angry eyes, etc. Same with nose, mouth, eyebrows, etc. Then you just put it all together from your mind and imagination. It's a different artform than what I am sharing in my tutorials.
Personally I dont think that this method is good for an artist because drawing isnt about just capturing the moment but also about creating it. And this method wont improve your imaginary drawing or seeing the objects in depth
The artform we are talking about here is not from the imagination, but rather, from reality. We're talking about capturing in its exact proportions that which we are looking at. If you are drawing from imagination, then you'd have no use for such a method.
Well then same justification can be used for tracing. I think using a grid is a trick and certainly less skillful way of capturing the form than training to measure with your eyes.
Frozenkex Nothing wrong with tracing. The real work comes in having bring that traced or grid outline to life! That's where the artistry comes into play. If the trace is all you do and nothing more, that's one thing. But all these artists, including the ancient greats, don't stop there. They then use their talents and skills to make it lifelike. Arguing against the grid or tracing or using optical methods is ridiculous imho. They are tools. Otherwise, might argue against using pencils and paint brushes!
It is common practice for painters to get an image onto canvas using the grid method before painting. You should understand that the real art is turning that lined sketch into a realistic piece of art using the paints. This takes skill and practice, and some talent. Getting the colors right, the blends, the thickness, the swirls and peaks, etc. Using the grid will not make the final art. This is the same for realistic portrait drawing with pencil. The initial sketch is not the final product. It's the base proportions. The artist isn't interested in drawing from memory, or from a live object that moves or the light changes. Once the sketch is on the paper, then the real art begins. The grid will never make a skilled realistic artist. The blending, shading, proper tones application, handling of light, etc. is what makes the difference and why 100 artists can use the grid to lay down the initial sketch but only a small percentage will achieve an actual photorealistic piece of art.
That is ridiculous nothing wrong with the grid method. It is simply a tool nothing more nothing less. Your drawing can still look like crap even with this method. It does however helps to improve your skill with practice just like anything else.
People are so dumb ok so i used the gris which 90% of artist use for realism the 10% is for drawing objects the real technic comes in when you shad to bring the picture to life and no tracing and using a grid not the same tracing tracing is plane copyingusing the grid if you cant form shapes then you cant draw it most people who say using the grid is cheating cant even draw to begin with
It's like saying that using a baseball bat to get the ball over the fence in Baseball is cheating. It's a tool, a means 'to an end.' Thanks for watching and commenting!
since the dawn of artist... every tool that can make your work easier and more pleasurable is debated... like the life of artist is supposed to be full of "meaningful" suffer. Just chill the * out.
The uppity art enthusiasts and critics always endeavors to diminish or belittle efforts, that do not conform to their opinionated standards!. They have used this same cheating accusation against Gouache, saying it's a cheating form of watercolor!. There is no cheating in visual art techniques!. Is rotoscoping cheating?. Or is it the forerunner to motion capture technology, which is behind much of the film and gaming industry?!.💯🎯
I think using a grid is a cheat, and is not helpful in the long term for improving your art. To quote a Pro industry artist, "using the grid system will make you good at filling in boxes"
It is important not to confuse the different arts. And as for that 'pro industry artist' comment, that is his opinion and not a good one. I don't 'fill in boxes', nor do most using it. It's more like a ruler you don't have to hold.
But if an amateur uses this and have as good of a result with an artist who draw regularly, isnt that an advantage? I cant really justify the amateur things since i draw regularly, if they just shade a box like the reference , even if choppy they can get decently results. While the one who doesnt use it can get many things wrong like proportions. Id like to think of it like a guideline, like when your drawing anatomy but something just doesnt sit right with me.
Is this a contest? No. If you learn a method that helps you get better and/or faster results, use it. Who are you competing with? In addition, I can guarantee you that using a method like the Grid is NOT going to make you get a result better than a non-amateur artist. You still have to have the skills to draw in the various tones, blending and so-forth. Drawing an initial sketch is only a setup measure before the real drawing begins. I can hand someone a perfectly proportioned initial light sketch and say "now turn this into a photorealistic drawing" and the majority of amateurs will not be able to do so.
People who want to be pros or to create art and not copying in squares should start drawing without using the grid method.They could learn much more from copying than doing the grid method lol.By doing grid method you will never learn anatomy and if you do will take you 4 times longer than the guy who learnt without grid method.Grid method doesn’t make you a pro it just helps you draw something without actually learning something.I suggest grid method just for the begging (like the first 2 months then you can draw using just your eyes and hand without any help).Stop using grid method If you want to be great or someone in art .
Are you a pro? Do you have some photorealistic or hyperrealistic portraits you personally have done without the use of grid or other form of measuring approach? I notice that those who call it cheating or give advice not to use a method are also those who are not pros and have not done what they say we need to do. I've backed up my words with actual results as shown in my works. Can you do the same? Please do.
This qtn has been disturbing me as well because am good with free hand sketching and ave tried learning abit of anatomy and potraiture. Honestly I can draw and bring likeliness or some drawing even look almost exact when I use freehand. But I started using the grid because I wanted to create hyper realism and it is a faster method anyway. There are people who can do realism with freehand sketching btw check out Kelvin Okafor.
I think the grid method just affects the real art.......sketching some face just with so basic line work is tough and without any lines is much people wanna do it easy,so they chose to do it in a easy thats not right.....coz the real artist takes 9-10 years For his improvement....and the guy who uses, comes and easily sketches through grid isn't right!
You think it is the 'easy' way? Then you aren't really familiar with the process. It helps with proportions, but it takes some practice to get it right. I challenge you to do an initial sketch of a face with much detail and exact proportions without using ANY measuring method. Don't shade or blend it, just the initial sketch. You'll quickly realize that some type of 'measuring' method is necessary if you want exacting proportions. Even with a measuring method like the grid or alternative grid (diagonal X and +), proportions can be off until you train your eyes and hand coordination to see 'shapes' inside these images (negative space) and plot them down accurately. This takes practice and some longer than others. So no my friend, nothing 'easy' about it.
Using the grid system is definitely cheating, it's copying not creating, Art is conceptualisation of the reality, great masters says don't copy the reality, the grid system art is cheap and have no meaning no creativity, artist goes to academies and ateliers of fine arts and spend time, money and efforts to training their perceptions, to learn foundations of fine art not to use the grid....plumbline or just a pen is the only tool that great artists like Sargent used to produce wonderful pieces of art...
Then I challenge you to create a Hyper or Photo realistic drawing of a photo subject using the grid. Because if it is cheating, like you say, you and anyone else should be able to use the grid and immediately produce a hyper-realistic masterpiece. Clearly you must have slept through this video, because it clearly showed that the great masters of old, considered not to be 'cheaters', used the grid or variations thereof. To 'cheat', as you surmise, would imply that YOU could do what they did by simply using the 'cheat' grid. Reality: It takes practice and skill to recreate a subject to near perfection. Many artists use the grid and never ever seem to reach this level. That is why many marvel at it in museums and shows.
RixCanDoit you create nothing when you use the grid lol.You just copy what is in that square that’s why it is easy and considered cheating .You can’t become a pro creating what you love using grid method.
@@CTKixCT-6116 You are so wrong in your comment. How does the grid effect the actual drawing in ways of shading and blending, that which actually makes the final drawing? I see hundreds of drawings submitted to my drawing group on Facebook that were started with a grid and the majority of them are no where near realistic, photo-realistic or hyper-realistic. So using a grid has nothing to do with creating eye-popping realism, anymore than using a grid to draw the sketch on canvas makes the final painting a masterpiece.
@@RixCanDoit i dont understand why ur argument is about hyper realistic grid also help to achive hyper realistic am sure thats requires skills..but argument should be why does grid method is not skills but copy line u saw near one grid to ur page judgement no skill no understanding subjects ..why u even use grid instead printout line art with really faded line and draw shades and effect...future artist will only learn shadding and need to learn draw just learn shadding and blending...sorry but i dont agree with u unless u give solide argument
Grid artists!??..... Glorified dot to dot merchants in my humble opinion...... shouldn't use rulers or compassess either.........if you can't draw a straight line or draw a circle wots the point, where's the skill??....On A5paper you can use your hand as a compass to draw a circle.
Let's go one step further. We shouldn't use pencils or paints either. Heck, let's also remove tools like canvas and paper! Now we're talking! What's the skill you ask? That's a question to ask all the photorealistic and hyperrealistic artists out there as you show them your hyper and photorealistic drawings done without any tools. Viva la air guitar! :-)
@@RixCanDoit I've seen people Draw Mona Lisa's on pavements using Grid....just tracing!......o.k the shading takes skill but i suppose everyone to their own!!...not for me though.
@@josephmurphy159 I can understand if it isn't for you. Some like painting, some don't. Some like charcoal, some don't. I respect that. But to say "where's the skill?" is a bit much. Unless you can do what you claim requires no or little skill, you are not coming from a place of knowledge. The number of artists interested in photorealistic drawing continues to grow and garner a lot of attention due to its complexity and detail.
Are you concerned whether using the Grid Method is cheating? I think you will find this video very enlightening. And if you would like to support this channel, here is the link -->
Are you for real?
I kinda learned backwards. I started off doing portraits freehand and I got pretty good at it, then I learned how to use the grid method and it allowed me to create the same quality of art in a shorter amount of time. This helped me a lot with doing commissions
Same here
Thats great....and I salute you for taking commissions...that is not easy to do'
this is kinda me too. work smart not hard
Exactly....i m also gonna use this in my commission work....but i will also try my best to improve my free hand drawing
Thank you I am a beginner drawer and also use the grid method, but now I can relax as its still my art and feel happy that famous artists also used this method.
Okay...I think all artists should be shown this information....This has convinced me that using grids and other methods are fair game for an artist to use....some very famous artists are mentioned here and it also shows proof that it goes very far back in time. It is a valid method. Thank you for compiling and posting this!!
I'm so happy someone made a video like this because the reason I never thought I was good at art was because I used a grid.
I have only used the grid system once, because you showed us how. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. I plan on using it again on my next portrait. Cheating ? I don't think so.Is using frisket paper cheating ? Is using a cotton swab cheating ? Next thing you know some one will say using an eraser is cheating. Thanks for all your research and time you have invested in us.
Using drawing paper is cheating. Let's get a petition started to have it censored! :-b
Well said
@@missfoufa4938 Thanks for the video. I had that feeling (cheatiing) until I watch it. As an artist I needed to hear what you said. It´s a lot of work after you get the right proportions when you are drawing, and there is where the artist skill shows up (blending, giving highlights, volumes, lights... ) . Also, like my case, if you mainly draw realistic portraits, it´s a very important tool, since the portrait of someone which doesn´t match with the original is not a portrait... Thanks again. Kind regards!
Using the grid to do a drawing is not cheating. There are professional who uses it to do commission artwork and some even trace. I use the grid to draw but I also draw without it too. The grid is helpful to produce accurate artwork but is by no means gonna make you good. Imo it's best to study without it and use it when you're doing commission work. Anyways good video sir!
Thank you. :-)
Same here
Ive been drawing on and off since i was a teen by just looking at somthing (free hand)..sometimes i had to earase alot sometimes i didn't..but when i found out about the grid system it helped me get there faster with more thing i found out about drawing is once i have the outline done grid or not..its when the real work👍awesome video.
I believe that using grid method is a better way in transitioning into freehand rather than tracing. Tracing is just plain stagnant no effort needed while using grid allows you t focus on the proportion and improves your visual skills. .
Buy in other perspective using tracing or grid method speciallt on doing a commission is a great help in cutting the hour of work.
Well, doing a detailed grid is not much different from tracing to be honest. Just more laborous and time consuming. If you make the grid dense enough, it's literally the same thing, just more time consuming and awkward. Fairly sure that people who draw ultra realistic portraits as comissions (clients send random photos of their family members, pets etc.) it would be too time consuming not to trace. At that point it's paying your bills, so you want to optimize your work hours. The shading still takes considerable skill
Pls. You're not really focusing on the proportions, when using grid. What you're actually focusing on, are those boxes & what's inside it.
That's why it's less natural, makes you feel more guilty than free hand. You won't train your eyes faster with the grid method. It would actually make your technical skills progress slower.
@@SoothinglyUnbenounced I agree with you - the focus is narrow and lacks the wider focus involved in eyeballing proportion...I think that some kind of internalised grid method which can be mentally projected into an area might help to seen the negative spaces which does help with imitating the shapes in accurate ( or more accurate!) shapes......However the use of the grid method by masters cannot be used to argue that thats how they developed their skill....someone will says ( if they dare ) that its not about skill!
Thank you for the historical references. I stopped drawing because I thought I must not use a grid. Now I'm encouraged to take up drawing again.
That's great!
Grid is another form of tracing, but where you kinda put more efforts. It doesn't do much if your goal is to improve, you'll clueless about basic head structure without the grid.
But if your goal is for commission or good looking drawing, then you'll do just fine.
This is a really well presented video, well done!
Thanks for watching
I paint large scale pieces using the grid method as a way to be consistent with the proportions. art has no rules period
Thank you very much Sir Rix. I am fully convinced now and I can debate on this topic the next time it is raised since I now have the confidence.
The grid method can only give proportions at best. It's up to the artist to bring the subject to like with shading and/or painting. This exact discussion was done with art projectors. The bottom line is, tools do make an artist and a gride, projector, pencil, paint brush or medium are only tools.
wow thank you so much!!! this makes me feel like I have permission to pursue art however I would like. Thanks!
That's right! We all have permission to do our own thing with art. That's what art is all about. Thanks for commenting!
I used to trace whenever i draw portraits, but then I learned this method and I've been using this ever since.
I personally use the grid method to insure that, especially with different art styles as it insures that I get proportion right and and allows me to switch between a cartoon and more realistic style when drawing from reference and allows me to better keep and centre drawings when going entirely from imagination. The grid method also allows me to take a bigger break when completing the line drawing from references, I need the break as I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands and grids help me insure that when I go back or change to my left hand which I also do that the proportions don’t change as they have done for me in the past either due to switching from left to right hand or taking breaks. The grid also gives me a reference point when drawing a huge piece from a small picture reference Thank you for this video so many people say that it’s cheating but it’s a tool just like any other.
Im just starting my journey in the art world and this video is really helpful and make me feel better and happier, thank you so much ❤️♥️❤️
I'm so glad!
What a clever idea having already that grill printed , where i can get that can you put it in this video or you have in another video.
Where can you get a printed grid? Just buy printable transparencies. Using a paint program, carefully create a grid and print it.
Using a grid is not cheating, it only helps with proportions, you still need to know how to draw. If you use grid and can't draw, it doesn't help with anything
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Same with digital artist and to an extent clay sculpting. If you don't have a basic foundation on how to draw. No amount of help or shortcuts is gonna help you.
Thanks for the video, I personally prefer freehand drawing because I find it more enjoyable, but there’s no doubt that a grid system is a smart and effective method for capturing likeness.
Really Helpful The Lightbox trick for hasle free lines was a great tip :) Thank You
You're very welcome!
This was incredibly interesting! Yeah, I ran into this argument earlier myself. Likewise if you take the idea of cheating; in this case it would probably be best applied to academic pursuits, it would entail shortcuts, unfair advantages, and skirting or even breaking of established rules. That being said, watching people work with the grid method is no shortcut and requires even more tedium than drawing simple underlying geometric shapes etc. That doesn't sound like a shortcut, unfair advantage, or skirting/ breaking of established rules to me. In fact I have even more respect for the grid method than I did before. You may be able to get the ultra realistic detail without it but the accuracy? Not many would be able to pull it off without the grid method IMHO and it isn't like you can just pick up this tool and make incredible reproductions, it takes lots of experience and practice with it, just like any other tool would.
Well said. :)
For commissions, the grid method is my best friend as it helps with the proportion. Freehand drawing is much easier I'm my case, but the grid method gets the proportions right, if the particular picture is hard to draw using the free hand. I just use it to save time tbh haha
Totally agree.
I love using the grid method. I was taught in high school and it was an amazing tool to improve my drawings. It’s not cheating at all.
First of all its not a talent it really comes through practice ,patience and persistence then how it becomes cheating
Drawing using grid is not that easy we can't even get exact figure from the reference some times and his work is awesome😍 and impressive
Then what do you call people who can draw without grid?
Drawing with a grid is not easy???You know to draw stick man?You should copy drawings(not tracing and not using grid method)because like this you train your brain-hand coordination.
Noorul Naziha no one knows xD
@@CTKixCT-6116 haha 😂. Yes drawing with grid for long time stops your creative mind
Noorul Naziha not just that .Drawing with a grid won’t improve your drawing skill.
Its not cheating because you still have to draw the actual portrait. Plus you have to know how much pressure to use on certain portions. What type of pencil lead works better in certain areas. How to use your drawing tools to get the best realism all this goes into making a portrait. Heck I've seen people who aren't artist trace a photo right from the source (You know paper on top of photo) and it always comes out looking like a comic character. Or way of the original photo.
Thank you so much for this video sir! I practiced grid method and there are many benefits of it. you have done a good research also!
I think that the conundrum of 'IS IT ART?' is a relatively new phenomena. I am absolutely sure that in, say the renaissance, people didn't concern themselves with such a unnecessary question - they just got on with making things and any tool that would help them achieve that would be taken on without any question of it being cheating. I've been doing 'Art' all my life as a career, and yet I still am unsure on what the word actually means. I think that, like 'GOD', it means something different to every person, so isn't worth factoring in as a thing.
Basically if you use a grid, in some people's opinion, you're cheating and in others they won't think you are. One thing I would say, is that obviously if you can do it without a grid, you have a level of skill that is likely to be more impressive to more folk, but making things isn't limited to impressing people with your skill.
Curious to know how the Sistine Chapel was done. Grid? Wondering since it is so large.
Usually one might use the grid to enlarge. However, the chapel was curved and would not bode well for grid. So I'd say no.
I think it is a good way to master art lines and positions and for muscle memory.
I think you would be right.
Last couple of painting I did I used grid method for first time I admit it’s helped my process of proportions and and I felt I was cheating a little but this has helped a lot a big 🙏 Than You….
Thank you so much for this video. I've always wanted to draw and be good at it so I saw a few people do grid drawings. And I'm getting good at grid drawings but in the back of my head, I'm scared that it's cheating and I'll never be good at art
Glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting!
RixCanDit...thank you for this video. Its truly eye opening
Glad it was helpful!
This method can help us to enlarge the small reference
Absolutely. It's got multiple purposes.
Très intéressant, merci.
I draw free hand am not perfect but am a bit good
I want to transition to grid but it's difficult for me
There is no cheating one way or another way, all is training, alternatives that help the brain any way. What’s cheating in drawing?
Excellent ❤
Thank you! Cheers!
I love grid :).
Me too
I think some people consider grids as crutches. But I consider culture and civilization themselves to be crutches. Where would we be without our crutches? Languages, architecture, cloth weaving, music, government, art itself. All are crutches. Crutches are normal, natural, and absolutely necessary.
I think of it like hammering a nail. I have a nail. I need something to hammer it in. Look! A hammer! Just a tool to do a job. We all use tools to build things. Imagine claiming carpenters cheat when building houses because they are using different tools to do the job. 😀
Subscribed to the other channel. Would you link the roast your own coffee video? I can't find it.
Hey, never mind. I found it.
Glad you found it.
I feel like you're still having to use your artistic mind using grids. And a bonus is that often times the finished result isnt a complete copy, it still is filtered through the artist mind.
You still have to be able to transfer what you 'see' from the original and duplicate that into the cell which requires developing an 'eye' for drawing. This greatly differs from merely 'tracing'. So yes, you DO have to use your artistic mind using grids.
very nicely presented, nice....great job actually
Thank you! Cheers!
Think there is a main point missing, great artists and reasonable artists can get all the right perspectives by eye and patience...But to them it's merely a time saving tool to get stuck into the body of the work..The body of work is where the true art comes in...I don't think using a tool is wrong, even someone over time from only using a tool could progress to doing a freehand outline to get the same result as using a grid, as in itself it is an exercise....Use a grid or even trace so you get to do the body of work and get a good perspective result, then over time ditch it if you want to feel you can produce a work from start to finish without...
This is strange but I know the Spanish photographer of the first photo you have on the table and own the original of one of the drawings you show in this clip
Now that's pretty cool.
tracing is by this meassure a work of art also i think there is an spectrum the less you do and more the machine or method we justify more and more AI art
That's a big leap to associate with AI. In the one, you do it. In the other, it does it. And tracing can be part of creating, certainly. Comparing it to using a grid, don't think so. Tracing requires little effort. Grid work is tedious, requires the skill of determining spatial differences and maintaining shapes and relationships, etc.
There would have to be rules for anything to be cheating when it comes to drawing.
Thank you. I totally agree with you.
Thanks for watching!
I just learned the grid method in art class. My homework was to draw Iron Man using the grid method and it surpassed my expectations so I thought the grid was cheating, until now
I mean this is not cheating bcoz tracing method is already counted as cheating bcoz we follow the traces.. If it's grid method we draw the lines by ourselves and not follow the lines..
i wanna do grid but i cant i dont wanna do the lines bruv
That's like saying, "I want to draw, but I don't want to hold any pencils."
No, using a grid isn't cheating. I could use a grid to reproduce the outlines of a Vermeer painting, but I would still have to have his skill and talent to paint it. I do photorealistic graphite drawings. I use a grid for the outlines, but I still have to put in all the work to complete a drawing. I could give that outline to my husband, but he wouldn't be able to get good results!
Well reasoned. Could not have said it better.
@@RixCanDoit Thanks. I enjoy your videos, and I appreciate how much you are helping others develop their skills.
No matter how many grids you use the result will never be good if you can't draw.
Agree! It takes work, practice and you still need to have the ability to see and draw.
I actually learned how to draw using the grid method. I took a break from the grid and able to draw comic characters pretty well
Methods to create illusion, which is art . You don't ask a musician if they look at a book of chords if they are cheating?
This comment section is love ❤️
I love grid
Tattoo artist are professional tracers, inkers, shaders, amd colorers
Yes, they are!
@@RixCanDoit still considered artist so there is that
If Alberti, Da Vinci, Durer, Van Gogh, and Vermeer know so much, how come nobody's ever heard of them?
Huh? They're well known in the art world. Your making a joke, right?
I have never met any one interested in art who have not heard of the artists you quoted
Pardon me! But I would have to respectfully say, that the ancient Egyptians has never used any grid lines to prefected their crafts.
Plus those lines were never visible neither existed on those hiroglyps. Unto years later Invaders came there marking up walls, by convincing the public that's what the ancient Egyptiians used to do. In other words, using graphic lines or either grid linings, only justifying for artists not using their natural talents It's like saying, we know how they built the pyramids when none of us really don't. Hence! Carpenters uses bubbling levels for measurements while they're building houses are commercial buildings, to give it more of a perfection.
Except that's not cheating. Because building a place of business or a home does requires mathematics and skills, to avoid clapsis.
Don't see the logic to the claim you're making that they added the grid lines to push the grid narrative. In addition, other 'masters' also used the grid or some form of it, and nobody who knows art would claim they aren't using their natural talents. Art is not isolated to those who pull their images from the mind. Most create art from what they are looking at. Painters use measuring tools such as their thumbs in front of them, or their paint brush (the stem), etc. Painters often use the grid to place the image onto the canvas before they paint, which is their talent. Pencil artists do the exact same thing. Just because you can learn to use a grid to take an object and accurately proportion it to a drawing or painting surface doesn't mean the person can easily transform that into a realistic drawing or painting. You still need talent to do that. It's a poor argument to suggest using the grid prevents the use of natural talents.
@@RixCanDoit I guess what I'm trying to say is...if most of us keep relying on grids or yard rulers, we will subject becomes depending on it. I'm not saying math isn't important.
I'm simply saying, at some point, it doesn't guarantee that it would make all artists drawing accurate.
Hence! I've seen many artists, particular pencil artists, have used grids and ending up finding themselves worse off than they were before.
Yes! In many cases, many artist drawings were still inaccurate and looks nothing like the photos they drawn from.
Please try to analyze what I'm saying here.
When ancient egyptians built stature images, they had vanced knowledge how to build or how to draw precise images without utilizing lines or curves, which I have not personally saw on those hiroglyps walls, like you've shown on your video.
I mean, that's fine if any artist wanting to use a grid. Except that would be like a person who's good in math, suddenly uses a calculator to solve a problem with, rather uses her/her own mind. Now don't get me wrong.
Because I still like your video and respect how you displays the importansies how anyone could elevate their expertise by using grid lines.
Thank you sir.
@@chili40m We'll just have to agree to disagree. Math is not the focus here nor does it require anything greater than 3rd grade math. Anyone who knows where the inch marks are on a ruler can draw a grid. And the grid does not make anyone worse artists. Some people simply have a hard time no matter what they do. And the grid does NOT make you perfect in translation. It also takes practice. Once you have the grid down, you must learn to see shapes within the squares and transpose them. That takes practice. But it really helps get the proportions more exacting. if you don't care about exact proportions for your type of art, that's fine. Everyone chooses what they want to create. But the FACTS are that many masters of art have and do use some form of measuring and the grid in various forms have been used. That's the message.
the real cheaters do copy, and sell it as art. agrid is no cheating its helping you to make a better drawing a higher quality. and a other pro is it safe some time. regards from the netherlands
is using a paintbrush instead of your fingers to paint cheating!
Yes. I thought everyone knew that. LOL!!
Freehand bros how we ever recover from this?
Bourbon? 😀
Grid method is like playing connect the dots when you’re a child .
Do you draw hyper-realistically?
@@RixCanDoit yes. I don’t draw abstract or cartoon or anime. I only draw real people/faces. I’m 29 and I’ve been drawing nearly my whole life. I’ve always preferred drawing real faces
@@livw4180 The point I'm making is that you don't draw HYPER-REALISM or PHOTO-REALISM. That's a completely different craft than just drawing faces of real people. When it comes to proportions for realism, the grid is a good tool. It is certainly not 'connect the dots' which is pretty short-sighted.
@@RixCanDoit let me be clear. I draw HYPER-REALISM & PHOTO-REALISM as well as drawing faces and real people. Practice makes perfect When it comes to proportions for realism and drawing period. However, many people wish to shortcut
@@RixCanDoit and I don’t believe this way of thinking is short sighted. I believe this ideology makes you a better artist. To shortcut using the grid method hinders your ability as an artist
Learning drawings with out grid is better. Because if u lost that grid tool u can't draw perfectly but if u learn without grid it means u can draw without anything. It's satisfying 💯
Not true.
@@RixCanDoit Ok but in my opinion without grid is absolutely perfect , but when u don't know portrait and u want to learn how it goes It's helpful
@@mcaz0we10 I think you are confusing art forms. The grid has nothing to do with whether someone can draw an eye with or without, for example. I can draw an eye, nose, mouth, whatever without a grid. The grid is for PROPORTIONS, if you are desiring to make an 'exact' representation, not a 'close' resemblance. Those that draw exacting portraits use a form of grid or measuring method. If you are just interested in drawing from your mind, or you just want to draw from something as a 'base' starting point but put your own spin on it, then no grid.
@@RixCanDoit Yeah, I'm confused man .
I realy want to learn drawing like an anime stuffs like that but when kept trying again n again drawing It seems not good and I can't afford learning from skillshare .
I don't know how to measure grid but I like to draw where ever I am standing , like smooth and cool sketches but I lose hope of drawing 😔. Can U tell what should I do? , am I using wrong method to sketch something or something else . Thanks man I appreciated to allow me undrestand the grid
@@mcaz0we10 The type of art you are talking about (anime) does not require using a grid. Freehand is best for this. You want to learn the various methods of character expressions, like happy eyes, sad eyes, angry eyes, etc. Same with nose, mouth, eyebrows, etc. Then you just put it all together from your mind and imagination. It's a different artform than what I am sharing in my tutorials.
Personally I dont think that this method is good for an artist because drawing isnt about just capturing the moment but also about creating it. And this method wont improve your imaginary drawing or seeing the objects in depth
The artform we are talking about here is not from the imagination, but rather, from reality. We're talking about capturing in its exact proportions that which we are looking at. If you are drawing from imagination, then you'd have no use for such a method.
@@RixCanDoityeah right
Grid method is absolutely not cheating
Well then same justification can be used for tracing. I think using a grid is a trick and certainly less skillful way of capturing the form than training to measure with your eyes.
Frozenkex Nothing wrong with tracing. The real work comes in having bring that traced or grid outline to life! That's where the artistry comes into play. If the trace is all you do and nothing more, that's one thing. But all these artists, including the ancient greats, don't stop there. They then use their talents and skills to make it lifelike. Arguing against the grid or tracing or using optical methods is ridiculous imho. They are tools. Otherwise, might argue against using pencils and paint brushes!
It is common practice for painters to get an image onto canvas using the grid method before painting. You should understand that the real art is turning that lined sketch into a realistic piece of art using the paints. This takes skill and practice, and some talent. Getting the colors right, the blends, the thickness, the swirls and peaks, etc. Using the grid will not make the final art. This is the same for realistic portrait drawing with pencil. The initial sketch is not the final product. It's the base proportions. The artist isn't interested in drawing from memory, or from a live object that moves or the light changes. Once the sketch is on the paper, then the real art begins. The grid will never make a skilled realistic artist. The blending, shading, proper tones application, handling of light, etc. is what makes the difference and why 100 artists can use the grid to lay down the initial sketch but only a small percentage will achieve an actual photorealistic piece of art.
That is ridiculous nothing wrong with the grid method. It is simply a tool nothing more nothing less. Your drawing can still look like crap even with this method. It does however helps to improve your skill with practice just like anything else.
People are so dumb ok so i used the gris which 90% of artist use for realism the 10% is for drawing objects the real technic comes in when you shad to bring the picture to life and no tracing and using a grid not the same tracing tracing is plane copyingusing the grid if you cant form shapes then you cant draw it most people who say using the grid is cheating cant even draw to begin with
It’s not, I don’t know where folks get this idea that because you use a method to improve your skill is cheating. How ridiculously.
It's like saying that using a baseball bat to get the ball over the fence in Baseball is cheating. It's a tool, a means 'to an end.' Thanks for watching and commenting!
since the dawn of artist... every tool that can make your work easier and more pleasurable is debated... like the life of artist is supposed to be full of "meaningful" suffer. Just chill the * out.
The uppity art enthusiasts and critics always endeavors to diminish or belittle efforts, that do not conform to their opinionated standards!. They have used this same cheating accusation against Gouache, saying it's a cheating form of watercolor!. There is no cheating in visual art techniques!. Is rotoscoping cheating?. Or is it the forerunner to motion capture technology, which is behind much of the film and gaming industry?!.💯🎯
Bravo! Well said. Live long and prosper. ;-)
I think using a grid is a cheat, and is not helpful in the long term for improving your art. To quote a Pro industry artist, "using the grid system will make you good at filling in boxes"
It is important not to confuse the different arts. And as for that 'pro industry artist' comment, that is his opinion and not a good one. I don't 'fill in boxes', nor do most using it. It's more like a ruler you don't have to hold.
But if an amateur uses this and have as good of a result with an artist who draw regularly, isnt that an advantage?
I cant really justify the amateur things since i draw regularly, if they just shade a box like the reference , even if choppy they can get decently results. While the one who doesnt use it can get many things wrong like proportions.
Id like to think of it like a guideline, like when your drawing anatomy but something just doesnt sit right with me.
Is this a contest? No. If you learn a method that helps you get better and/or faster results, use it. Who are you competing with? In addition, I can guarantee you that using a method like the Grid is NOT going to make you get a result better than a non-amateur artist. You still have to have the skills to draw in the various tones, blending and so-forth. Drawing an initial sketch is only a setup measure before the real drawing begins. I can hand someone a perfectly proportioned initial light sketch and say "now turn this into a photorealistic drawing" and the majority of amateurs will not be able to do so.
Definitely cheating. Draw what you see. Keep making changes until it is accurate. Shortcuts hinder your true potential. Simple as that.
People who want to be pros or to create art and not copying in squares should start drawing without using the grid method.They could learn much more from copying than doing the grid method lol.By doing grid method you will never learn anatomy and if you do will take you 4 times longer than the guy who learnt without grid method.Grid method doesn’t make you a pro it just helps you draw something without actually learning something.I suggest grid method just for the begging (like the first 2 months then you can draw using just your eyes and hand without any help).Stop using grid method If you want to be great or someone in art .
Are you a pro? Do you have some photorealistic or hyperrealistic portraits you personally have done without the use of grid or other form of measuring approach? I notice that those who call it cheating or give advice not to use a method are also those who are not pros and have not done what they say we need to do. I've backed up my words with actual results as shown in my works. Can you do the same? Please do.
This qtn has been disturbing me as well because am good with free hand sketching and ave tried learning abit of anatomy and potraiture. Honestly I can draw and bring likeliness or some drawing even look almost exact when I use freehand. But I started using the grid because I wanted to create hyper realism and it is a faster method anyway. There are people who can do realism with freehand sketching btw check out Kelvin Okafor.
Tho most of the skill is in shading, detailing anyway.
I think the grid method just affects the real art.......sketching some face just with so basic line work is tough and without any lines is much people wanna do it easy,so they chose to do it in a easy thats not right.....coz the real artist takes 9-10 years For his improvement....and the guy who uses, comes and easily sketches through grid isn't right!
You think it is the 'easy' way? Then you aren't really familiar with the process. It helps with proportions, but it takes some practice to get it right. I challenge you to do an initial sketch of a face with much detail and exact proportions without using ANY measuring method. Don't shade or blend it, just the initial sketch. You'll quickly realize that some type of 'measuring' method is necessary if you want exacting proportions. Even with a measuring method like the grid or alternative grid (diagonal X and +), proportions can be off until you train your eyes and hand coordination to see 'shapes' inside these images (negative space) and plot them down accurately. This takes practice and some longer than others. So no my friend, nothing 'easy' about it.
Using the grid system is definitely cheating, it's copying not creating, Art is conceptualisation of the reality, great masters says don't copy the reality, the grid system art is cheap and have no meaning no creativity, artist goes to academies and ateliers of fine arts and spend time, money and efforts to training their perceptions, to learn foundations of fine art not to use the grid....plumbline or just a pen is the only tool that great artists like Sargent used to produce wonderful pieces of art...
Then I challenge you to create a Hyper or Photo realistic drawing of a photo subject using the grid. Because if it is cheating, like you say, you and anyone else should be able to use the grid and immediately produce a hyper-realistic masterpiece. Clearly you must have slept through this video, because it clearly showed that the great masters of old, considered not to be 'cheaters', used the grid or variations thereof. To 'cheat', as you surmise, would imply that YOU could do what they did by simply using the 'cheat' grid. Reality: It takes practice and skill to recreate a subject to near perfection. Many artists use the grid and never ever seem to reach this level. That is why many marvel at it in museums and shows.
RixCanDoit you told him 🤣!
RixCanDoit you create nothing when you use the grid lol.You just copy what is in that square that’s why it is easy and considered cheating .You can’t become a pro creating what you love using grid method.
@@CTKixCT-6116 You are so wrong in your comment. How does the grid effect the actual drawing in ways of shading and blending, that which actually makes the final drawing? I see hundreds of drawings submitted to my drawing group on Facebook that were started with a grid and the majority of them are no where near realistic, photo-realistic or hyper-realistic. So using a grid has nothing to do with creating eye-popping realism, anymore than using a grid to draw the sketch on canvas makes the final painting a masterpiece.
@@RixCanDoit i dont understand why ur argument is about hyper realistic grid also help to achive hyper realistic am sure thats requires skills..but argument should be why does grid method is not skills but copy line u saw near one grid to ur page judgement no skill no understanding subjects ..why u even use grid instead printout line art with really faded line and draw shades and effect...future artist will only learn shadding and need to learn draw just learn shadding and blending...sorry but i dont agree with u unless u give solide argument
Grid artists!??..... Glorified dot to dot merchants in my humble opinion...... shouldn't use rulers or compassess either.........if you can't draw a straight line or draw a circle wots the point, where's the skill??....On A5paper you can use your hand as a compass to draw a circle.
Let's go one step further. We shouldn't use pencils or paints either. Heck, let's also remove tools like canvas and paper! Now we're talking! What's the skill you ask? That's a question to ask all the photorealistic and hyperrealistic artists out there as you show them your hyper and photorealistic drawings done without any tools. Viva la air guitar! :-)
@@RixCanDoit I've seen people Draw Mona Lisa's on pavements using Grid....just tracing!......o.k the shading takes skill but i suppose everyone to their own!!...not for me though.
@@josephmurphy159 I can understand if it isn't for you. Some like painting, some don't. Some like charcoal, some don't. I respect that. But to say "where's the skill?" is a bit much. Unless you can do what you claim requires no or little skill, you are not coming from a place of knowledge. The number of artists interested in photorealistic drawing continues to grow and garner a lot of attention due to its complexity and detail.