Thanks mate that's really nice of you. I've realised I was being dumb and spelling or wording some incorrectly so a lot are working now which puts a whole new spin on the game! The ones that don't work are the force diplomacy one, sometimes moving admirals but the one I most want to work is the create unit one! I'll keep trying. cheers again
if the ~ button does'nt work to bring up the console do this. first, you go to the map "data". now go to the folder "text". use a standard text editor (like notepad/word etc.) to open "descr_shortcuts" go down until u see "misc." (at the start of the line) there should be a line with "show_console" here, and it says "hidden" behind it. remove "hidden" and save the file (it is in the file at least twice) start Rome: Total War, go to controls and press reset to default there should now be a line "show debug console" in the list of misc. controls set whatever key u like to it, press the key during the game, and there you go, a nice console If that doesn't work, type what ever key you want to use to open the console in the descr shortucts file. Save the file. I use F5, because the program doesn't use it for anything necessary.
I like adding money to my allies, or the people I want to be my allies. And then we rule the world. Though with the broken diplomacy, they still kinda war with you eventually.
Ahh the one thing I was pleased to learn was add_money "Faction" 40000. I went for an only semi-challenging campaign where I abused add_money for myself but I want my enemies to be at least a bit more powerful so now I will add money for them too. I just hate micro-managing an economy. The other aspects of micromanagement are doable but the economy is something I've always failed at. Thanks!
Either you are entering them wrong, or you are entering them with an incorrect numeral. Some traits only go up to 3. And others actually get worse the more of that trait you get. Just enter GoodCommander 5, GoodAttacker 5, GoodDefender 5, Warlord 4 (I think 4 is highest for Warlord), and your general should end up with 10 stars. Add in GoodSpy 5 and GoodAssassin 5, and Spy; then his line of sight will increase exponentially as well. You really just have to worry about misspellings.
A lot cheats no longer work in the game due to patching, or some other means. Many of them have never worked for me either. The reason they may not work is beyond me, but the ones I touch on in this video should still work. If you can't open the console, then the console is probably set to a different key, usually through some region settings. You can probably change that in the Preferences File in the games Directory. And if you can't use a cheat more than once per turn, it's probably because of the version of game you are using. Probably. It might not be, you might just be unlucky.
Every one except from process recruitment which only worked once ever, and creating naval units, and just a to sAy, not many know this but you can spawn mercs eg create_unit Rome "merc elephants" 5 9 3 3
fred i was wondering if you know how to edit diplomacy in the game. i have stoped the barbarians from attacking each other by editing the imperial campaighn file. i looked at roman senate faction details.they are described as superpower. so i inserted superpower for all barbarian factions in their details and the names of the factions i wanted in the alliance writted after superpower with correct spacing. it works. plus i edited the diplomacy value to 0 between all barbarians
+Jonathan Ward i Know there are mods that do diplomacy edits for you, but they are limited, and the best ones are included in total conversion modifications, which alter the game in numerous other ways. However, the entire game is script based, and as such there are files that should dictate diplomatic AI and such. But modifying those is a lot more complex and beyond my skills. If you want to keep things easy, I believe there is a way to change "friendliness" in the descr_strat file, which mods easy mods deal with. And you can make some faction aggressive or less aggressive, which helps in the diplomacy, but changes the game in a lot of ways. Otherwise, there is one console command that forces, or is intended to force, the AI to agree to any terms you propose. I'm not sure of I included it in the video, or what the command was (you can find it searching rtw console commands though, in google) but I don't believe I had much effective use out of it, ie: It didn't work for me.
how do I put the quotation mark ( "****" ) ? Why when I'll put I press the button ( SHIFT + " ) and not handle, just out of ( Welcome to RomeShell ) Please help me ! I AM BRAZILIAN AND LIKE MUCH OF YOUR VIDEOS !
How come your units are set at 160 men? My units are all 81 men except for legionary first cohort which is still do I make it 160 per unit? Thx for the video man I reference this video all the time huge help.
Actually, I find it's a good way to start a game, if you're a beginner. With many of the mods. If a game is too hard, you almost don't want to play. So with a new mod, which usually is hard, getting money, lets you focus on understanding what buildings do, and what kind of troops do what, without worrying about being in the red.
I can't seem to give traits/or units to characters with multiple names. For example "Asphalion of Oropus" And "Alexander the Builder" Is there a work around for this?
@@revanwolfe5388I BELIEVE the proper entering method was, using Quotation Marks. "Asphalion of_Oropus" however if that doesn't work attempt "Asphalion of Oropus" without an underscore. Those should be the only 2 acceptable ways of entering names. And I am pretty sure, that once a Character gains an TITLE, like "The Builder" that that is NOT considered their name. You need their original name to apply cheats to them. The game will not recognize "Alexander the Builder" as a name, I am pretty sure. However, The game can vary on which version is acceptable, And at the games Start Date, I believe you only need the Given Name of the Greek Family Members to apply cheats on them. Like Kleomenes, without needing to add of_Sparta. This is very limited however.
i'm european, it's the ~ key for me, so the same, thanks for a couple of cheats i didn't know yet like character_reset :) sometimes it's funny to mess up the game even tho i normally just like to play the game normally :D
once u get the urban barracks a scroll will come up next turn or so saying like new man in charge when that's up you can make them along with a bunch of other new units
Well you cut the factions, from end unclockable, or end nonplayable, and paste them into playable. Slave, Thrace, and SPQR are the factions that have the most common issues with playing. And I wouldn't recommend them, because the work arounds are more trouble than they're worth. However, they should be playable in Imperial Campaign if you probably cut and pasted the factions into playable.
Someone likely pointed it out by now or you realized it but the reset_character flubbed because it was Amulius & you had Amulis. My reset_character has been iffy too but with the right names, i came on here to try & see if it was a patch/error thing..i went from 1.5 to .6 so i'm wondering if thats the key
All the money I put into it is taken away at the end of the turn. It says it's all in diplomacy but I can't figure our for the life of me why I'm paying 10,000,000 for diplomacy in a turn....
this video is great. I haven't tried any cheats yet and in the game I'm the green romans and in and really though spot because I'm being invaded by the Greeks and Gauls.
Generally, that means you aren't doing it right. For instance, Campus Iazyges. It was a really annoying one, until I finally realized that it was an 'i' and not an L. Campus_Iazyges should be the cheat format. If that doesn't work try "Campus Iazyges" (with the quotations) and if that doesn't work, try both. And if that's not the problem, there is likely another issue in your command structure. Perhaps you have words in the wrong order.
Press the upbarrow after pressing ~ and it'll bring up the last cheats you've entered and then if you need to change city or general names you can change that.
Before starting a campaign, on the main menu, go into video options. And if it's not already selected, or you cant see the option, set graphic settings to CUSTOM. And then you should see "Unit Size" Set it to Large or whatever you prefer.
@ Fileplanet enter this after the URL 159320/150000/fileinfo/Rome:-Total-War-Patch-v1.3---v1.5 Or installing Barbarian Invasion and/or the Alexander expansion should update the game as well.
A lot of them require some specific wording. The traits and all that, become especially difficult with Greek Names which have over 3 words in them. And people whose original names, you've forgotten since they've been renamed with new traits Which ones aren't workin' for you? I can give you a hand if it's within my knowledge. .
@@flysolo565 late reply, sometime the settlement name and the id from (i cant remember the file atm) is not the same so either check that file or try right clicking on a region to find that or use cheat engine and use recifense table for the correct name
economy and diplomacy are the best part of this game.. it taught me how to crush your enemies without fighting them. Deal with all your problems by becoming rich! and conquer each and everyone of them when they're divided.. so when you're telling you cheat of gold in this game, where are all the fun?
Generally it does. But the AI is never bankrupt. They get free gold from scripting generally. But if you take away a bunch of their money. And the next turn look at the Rankings scroll, they will have plummeted, generally. Unless it's just not working for you. Taking the money from them DOES NOT give it to you, btw.
There is, but it has never worked for me, and it is mentioned in the Description. Chances are it will not work for you. And will likely not work for anyone unless under very specific circumstances.
how do I put the quotation mark ( "****" ) ? Why when I'll put I press the button ( SHIFT + " ) and not handle, just out of ( Welcome to RomeShell ) Please help me ! I AM BRAZILIAN AND LIKE MUCH OF YOUR VIDEOS !
Man, there are so many it'd take me far too long to tell you. But you can follow that link I posted in the Description, and it will give you a Graph telling you all of the traits and what not. But in the Description under the video, I tell you, basically, all of the good ones. And enough to get your general to max Influence, Management, and Command. On a side note. The Subterfuge skills work on generals, and give them further line of site, and make them harder to assassinate.
you properly got a patch for the game so you only can do it once if you google rome total war cheats and go on one of the website it says note: you only can do it once per campaign
give_trait the trick does not work I have to do with the version of the game mine is 1.0 and I can not update because I get an error that can not be installed because rome total war not in the know on the registration register regedit
The good commander trait only adds one star to my general and wont give 5 like yours did is there something i can do to allow 5 stars? also some of the traits come up as saying they are not on the database
******* I look your movie. You made some mistakes when you typing codes for example : "oliphaunt" you must select before Tarentum and elephant will come like your unit. another example you typed "Amulis" and you must type "Amulus" with an "U" and not an "I". you must make another movie with corrections. If you use the game on MAC you must type the symbol "
CQ is the developers code for "Construction Queue" This is also why the "Process RQ" cheat used to work, or does work in some versions of the game (but not all). Where the RQ stands for "Recruitment Queue" So the command, Process, is telling the game to process the queue of buildings in a settlement
HOW TO SPAWN UNITS: You can find a list of the Unit IDs needed to spawn units in export_descr_unit file, which you can find in your Rome Total War > Data folder. Then it's a matter of going through it to find the unit. Though I'm unsure if all units will respond in the console. You then need to type out the command, setting a spawn unit for them. Which ideally should be in a city. And so the example would be: |create_unit "Rome" "roman hastati" 5 9 3 3| Keep note, that anything in quotations doesn't need an underscore if there is a space between them. but you can try the command with the underscore if it doesn't work from a failure to recognize the unit. The numbers following the unit id, are the stats you are spawning them with. The first number being the amount of units you wish to spawn. 9 experience being the maximum experience (3 bronze chevrons, 3 silver chevrons, and 3 gold chevrons). And the last 2 numbers representing the Weapon and Armour quality, as Bronze, Silver and Gold. [1 2 and 3] Unit names are Case Sensitives, so do not use capital letters. And you can also spawn units directly into a generals ranks. But general names are more complicated to type into the command console, so use only when you see it fit.
Also note that you game should be patched to version 1.5 for these commands to be working properly. And the process_rq (recruitment queue) cheat does not work in most versions of the game, 1.5 included. I think it may have worked in the release version of the game. But it's not recommended to be using anyway, because you alter the recruitment times of units in the data files in the games folder, albeit it takes time, is complicated, and will work for all factions that use those units. So not recommended. But spawning units is easier. And more effective, so go with this method.
help! I knock add_money 40000 and the first time we throw, the second time when I want to do this to me appears err. command not recognized. Help! So other commands the same one they use and re-appears err .....
Im wondering if someone has the same problem as me and if anyone has a fix to it. The problem is that the game only accepts one cheat every turn which is very annoying. Any help will be much appreciated.
can you get rid of public order all together? I have 48 settlements but can't move any because then the people will revolt! I just wanna finish the campaign!!!
how to change the year? btw im using Darthmod it wont change i used the code date_200 date 200 date_-200 date etc. but nothing works at all. whats the correct cheat for changing year? TY
Ok, so I need help, I go on to RTW to test the cheats and I go into console and type a command in such as add_money 40000. I do it once and it works fine, but I do it again and it doesn't work! Please Help!
That's a very tough cheat to do,as you need to know the unit types Number. Which you can only find in the game's txt files. I've only ever tried the cheat with Romans in the past, so I cant really help.
i have a problem with the character move code all my characters have in the end of their names this "of Sparta" f.e. Agis of Sparta how must i write the code to work???
been using this cheat for the iPhone I keep trying to give_trait to a character named Akadios of Sparta and it keeps coming up with "err:Character not found" got any advice on how I should type it?
I know it was posted years ago but if you are still wondering I think it's because you have to put its true last can find it in the family tree (basically the last name of the family)
mate,the game doesn't allow me to use any cheat more than once,i need to re-enter the game to use it again,is that because i have 1.0 version? and if it is what should i do?
Here is a question. In some of my settlements the population is happy but the income is in the negatives. Why does this happen and how do I get it to stop?
For one, the income of a single city isn't the most important, as long as your income is in the green. But income has a lot of contributing factors. 1) Size of the City - Infrastructure of the City - Amount of Soldiers in your military. 2) Population Growth means more money, but the higher a population grows, the more unhappiness the city will exhibit (so you must increase the city size) But in doing so, you open up the city to squalor and other things. 3) Income to pay off your troops, is divided between your cities based on their populations (I believe). So a larger city should have good support to keep it in the green. 4) If you want to keep a city in the green, then you keep your worthless provinces (the ones with no ports or valuable resources) worthless. Keep them worthless. The bigger they grow the more they contribute to upkeeps. 5) Recruit the bulk of soldiers from worthless provinces to prevent growth. And Keep taxes high in provinces with Ports/Mines, and other valuable resources. This limits their growth so they don't become disorderly or unhappy, while gaining you good income from their resources (which you should attempt to upgrade as best as you can) The real key to income, is knowing when to upgrade a city (which means knowing when to promote growth, or not). Note that you can quickly promote the growth of a city by disbanding units in the city limits. A Great way to quickly get a city to upgrading power, while limiting the time they have to be unhappy. But for your specific question, the answer to fixing one city in the red, depends on your situation in the campaign. So it will vary from game to game. I've truly been meaning to make an economics guide to this game. But it's really a difficult task with my perfectionism.
I have a huge temple and/or pantheon in my settlements but they are still in the negative numbers. it is driving me crazy at the end of turn report i get negative numbers on my total income.
277imperator What is your total income (what would it be without your army upkeep) and how many cities do you have? It sounds like your army is just too big.
Help in meeting some pages some trick like changing the time for the game last longer, does anyone know exactly how the trick is introduced?. Thank you.
you can also decrease the population of your city or major huge city, because over-population can cause social and civil unrest leading the populace wanting to riot and then later on rebel against you ENTER add_population Rome -3000 thats negative 30000 (or whatever city you plan on decreasing) and you will see the the status of the city go for a red face back to green :)
tilde key works for me but I can't enter the code more than once (it says command not found) and then i have to quit the game and start it again then load to enter another cheat code.... any solution? :-)
As I pointed out in the video. It's a broken cheat that never really worked, or at least for me. And that's probably because of the nature of the Cheat. But I think it's an assumed cheat based on process_cq, that never really existed. (or maybe it did, and just never worked for most people)
The unit and rq cheat does not work for me at rome total war but the unit cheat works for the medieval total war games I have. it is still a problem with units with two words like town Militia and so on.. I tried everything like writing with the _ button or without.... Need help...
Thanks mate that's really nice of you. I've realised I was being dumb and spelling or wording some incorrectly so a lot are working now which puts a whole new spin on the game! The ones that don't work are the force diplomacy one, sometimes moving admirals but the one I most want to work is the create unit one! I'll keep trying.
cheers again
if the ~ button does'nt work to bring up the console do this.
first, you go to the map "data".
now go to the folder "text".
use a standard text editor (like notepad/word etc.) to open "descr_shortcuts"
go down until u see "misc." (at the start of the line)
there should be a line with "show_console" here, and it says "hidden" behind it.
remove "hidden" and save the file (it is in the file at least twice)
start Rome: Total War, go to controls and press reset to default
there should now be a line "show debug console" in the list of misc. controls
set whatever key u like to it, press the key during the game, and there you go, a nice console
If that doesn't work, type what ever key you want to use to open the console in the descr shortucts file. Save the file. I use F5, because the program doesn't use it for anything necessary.
Thanks a lot for this man, I got problems with the quotations but now I'm good to go!
I created my own elite super spartans with the 300 movie skin and gave them invincible stats. That was fun. Also made black Urban Cohorts.
How did you do that?
I like adding money to my allies, or the people I want to be my allies. And then we rule the world. Though with the broken diplomacy, they still kinda war with you eventually.
Me too
FrederichSchulz I like to give my enemies money so The game will get more interesting for me since Im a genius in this game and I cant make it harder
Eventually you'll have to take over the world though.
Lorpal YT or most of it lol
How to join war with ally or ally join war with us?
Thanks for the video man especially the lists you put with it. For some reason a lot don't work for me but I'll keep trying
Ahh the one thing I was pleased to learn was add_money "Faction" 40000. I went for an only semi-challenging campaign where I abused add_money for myself but I want my enemies to be at least a bit more powerful so now I will add money for them too. I just hate micro-managing an economy. The other aspects of micromanagement are doable but the economy is something I've always failed at. Thanks!
Either you are entering them wrong, or you are entering them with an incorrect numeral. Some traits only go up to 3. And others actually get worse the more of that trait you get.
Just enter GoodCommander 5, GoodAttacker 5, GoodDefender 5, Warlord 4 (I think 4 is highest for Warlord), and your general should end up with 10 stars.
Add in GoodSpy 5 and GoodAssassin 5, and Spy; then his line of sight will increase exponentially as well.
You really just have to worry about misspellings.
was so sick of being in -money thanks so much dude :)
VER 1.0 1.1 1.2 U HAVE TO RESTART da game
A lot cheats no longer work in the game due to patching, or some other means. Many of them have never worked for me either. The reason they may not work is beyond me, but the ones I touch on in this video should still work.
If you can't open the console, then the console is probably set to a different key, usually through some region settings. You can probably change that in the Preferences File in the games Directory.
And if you can't use a cheat more than once per turn, it's probably because of the version of game you are using. Probably. It might not be, you might just be unlucky.
Every one except from process recruitment which only worked once ever, and creating naval units, and just a to sAy, not many know this but you can spawn mercs eg create_unit Rome "merc elephants" 5 9 3 3
fred i was wondering if you know how to edit diplomacy in the game. i have stoped the barbarians from attacking each other by editing the imperial campaighn file. i looked at roman senate faction details.they are described as superpower. so i inserted superpower for all barbarian factions in their details and the names of the factions i wanted in the alliance writted after superpower with correct spacing. it works. plus i edited the diplomacy value to 0 between all barbarians
+Jonathan Ward i Know there are mods that do diplomacy edits for you, but they are limited, and the best ones are included in total conversion modifications, which alter the game in numerous other ways.
However, the entire game is script based, and as such there are files that should dictate diplomatic AI and such. But modifying those is a lot more complex and beyond my skills.
If you want to keep things easy, I believe there is a way to change "friendliness" in the descr_strat file, which mods easy mods deal with. And you can make some faction aggressive or less aggressive, which helps in the diplomacy, but changes the game in a lot of ways.
Otherwise, there is one console command that forces, or is intended to force, the AI to agree to any terms you propose. I'm not sure of I included it in the video, or what the command was (you can find it searching rtw console commands though, in google) but I don't believe I had much effective use out of it, ie: It didn't work for me.
how do I put the quotation mark ( "****" ) ? Why when I'll put I press the button ( SHIFT + " ) and not handle, just out of ( Welcome to RomeShell ) Please help me !
How come your units are set at 160 men? My units are all 81 men except for legionary first cohort which is still do I make it 160 per unit? Thx for the video man I reference this video all the time huge help.
Actually, I find it's a good way to start a game, if you're a beginner. With many of the mods. If a game is too hard, you almost don't want to play. So with a new mod, which usually is hard, getting money, lets you focus on understanding what buildings do, and what kind of troops do what, without worrying about being in the red.
I can't seem to give traits/or units to characters with multiple names.
For example
"Asphalion of Oropus"
"Alexander the Builder"
Is there a work around for this?
@@revanwolfe5388I BELIEVE the proper entering method was, using Quotation Marks. "Asphalion of_Oropus" however if that doesn't work attempt "Asphalion of Oropus" without an underscore. Those should be the only 2 acceptable ways of entering names. And I am pretty sure, that once a Character gains an TITLE, like "The Builder" that that is NOT considered their name. You need their original name to apply cheats to them. The game will not recognize "Alexander the Builder" as a name, I am pretty sure. However, The game can vary on which version is acceptable, And at the games Start Date, I believe you only need the Given Name of the Greek Family Members to apply cheats on them. Like Kleomenes, without needing to add of_Sparta. This is very limited however.
Liked and subbed ! thank you man !
thanks man☺
Lets 1v1 in total war medival 2
at 7:48 you misspelled the Amulius with Amulis I believe! ur the best!
love to see people still play this game :)
Wout Josten I just downloaded it again yesterday 😂
Same here xD@@Wilowrunit
i'm european, it's the ~ key for me, so the same, thanks for a couple of cheats i didn't know yet like character_reset :) sometimes it's funny to mess up the game even tho i normally just like to play the game normally :D
Never knew you could take away population, nice video btw
once u get the urban barracks a scroll will come up next turn or so saying like new man in charge when that's up you can make them along with a bunch of other new units
Man RLY thx for ALL!!! U are nice guy! Thank you!
Process_cq/rq all works as well, you don't have to specify unless your building seige equipment from my experience
Well you cut the factions, from end unclockable, or end nonplayable, and paste them into playable.
Slave, Thrace, and SPQR are the factions that have the most common issues with playing. And I wouldn't recommend them, because the work arounds are more trouble than they're worth.
However, they should be playable in Imperial Campaign if you probably cut and pasted the factions into playable.
Marius reforms happen once a true Roman city, so not a covered one like Carthage, gets the highest government building (imperial palace)
Someone likely pointed it out by now or you realized it but the reset_character flubbed because it was Amulius & you had Amulis. My reset_character has been iffy too but with the right names, i came on here to try & see if it was a patch/error thing..i went from 1.5 to .6 so i'm wondering if thats the key
@7:15 - the correct command to reset = character_reset
All the money I put into it is taken away at the end of the turn. It says it's all in diplomacy but I can't figure our for the life of me why I'm paying 10,000,000 for diplomacy in a turn....
you missed "u" amuliUs"
this video is great. I haven't tried any cheats yet and in the game I'm the green romans and in and really though spot because I'm being invaded by the Greeks and Gauls.
Hey thanks dude Im playing on mobile and you’re a legend
You should be able to add it infinitely, though there can be problems. Just update the game to as far as you can.
thanks man i never understood how to do it but now i do :D
Generally, that means you aren't doing it right. For instance, Campus Iazyges. It was a really annoying one, until I finally realized that it was an 'i' and not an L.
Campus_Iazyges should be the cheat format. If that doesn't work try "Campus Iazyges" (with the quotations) and if that doesn't work, try both.
And if that's not the problem, there is likely another issue in your command structure. Perhaps you have words in the wrong order.
Is there a way to copy and paste cheats for seems not to work for me on the process recruit troops=( ?
Press the upbarrow after pressing ~ and it'll bring up the last cheats you've entered and then if you need to change city or general names you can change that.
This video and the list of traits.. it helps!!!
Bless you, good sir. I've searched for these cheats for WEEKS. Seriously, THANK YOU.
great video man!
Do you have a video on changing the playable factions?
Other than the mentioned, do the other cheats like add money work for any patch?
Before starting a campaign, on the main menu, go into video options. And if it's not already selected, or you cant see the option, set graphic settings to CUSTOM. And then you should see "Unit Size" Set it to Large or whatever you prefer.
If you are from Scandinavia you can try the ø button or right next to L
I have also been meaning to ask but each time you add money do any other cheat, do you press "enter" so it actually happens?
I used to use the $ glitch then send diplomats to every other faction give them a million every once in a while just to make the battles bigger.
btw awesome vid keep it up and posibly make one for medievle 2 total war?
@ Fileplanet enter this after the URL 159320/150000/fileinfo/Rome:-Total-War-Patch-v1.3---v1.5
Or installing Barbarian Invasion and/or the Alexander expansion should update the game as well.
A lot of them require some specific wording. The traits and all that, become especially difficult with Greek Names which have over 3 words in them. And people whose original names, you've forgotten since they've been renamed with new traits
Which ones aren't workin' for you? I can give you a hand if it's within my knowledge.
Its keep saying settlement not found but i enter a right name
Help me?
@@flysolo565 late reply, sometime the settlement name and the id from (i cant remember the file atm) is not the same so either check that file or try right clicking on a region to find that or use cheat engine and use recifense table for the correct name
economy and diplomacy are the best part of this game.. it taught me how to crush your enemies without fighting them. Deal with all your problems by becoming rich! and conquer each and everyone of them when they're divided.. so when you're telling you cheat of gold in this game, where are all the fun?
Generally it does. But the AI is never bankrupt. They get free gold from scripting generally.
But if you take away a bunch of their money. And the next turn look at the Rankings scroll, they will have plummeted, generally. Unless it's just not working for you. Taking the money from them DOES NOT give it to you, btw.
There is, but it has never worked for me, and it is mentioned in the Description.
Chances are it will not work for you. And will likely not work for anyone unless under very specific circumstances.
how do I put the quotation mark ( "****" ) ? Why when I'll put I press the button ( SHIFT + " ) and not handle, just out of ( Welcome to RomeShell ) Please help me !
Hey man, look for Martin Cooper's answer below!
lucasfg3 ok!
+lucasfg3 help me no use *"*
To com o msm problema hue , o nosso teclado é diferente .. Ai complica
Cara, faz exatamente como o Martin Cooper falou no comentário dele aí embaixo. Comigo funcionou, tente você também!
7:40 it's "Amulius" not "Amulis" that's why it doesn't worked out
+le0shadow yep..
Man, there are so many it'd take me far too long to tell you. But you can follow that link I posted in the Description, and it will give you a Graph telling you all of the traits and what not.
But in the Description under the video, I tell you, basically, all of the good ones. And enough to get your general to max Influence, Management, and Command.
On a side note. The Subterfuge skills work on generals, and give them further line of site, and make them harder to assassinate.
you properly got a patch for the game so you only can do it once if you google rome total war cheats and go on one of the website it says note: you only can do it once per campaign
I can't seem to be able to open the console with that key. Are there any possible reasons/options?
how do you get control to work
give_trait the trick does not work I have to do with the version of the game mine is 1.0 and I can not update because I get an error that can not be installed because rome total war not in the know on the registration register regedit
The good commander trait only adds one star to my general and wont give 5 like yours did is there something i can do to allow 5 stars? also some of the traits come up as saying they are not on the database
I look your movie.
You made some mistakes when you typing codes
for example : "oliphaunt"
you must select before Tarentum and elephant will come like your unit.
another example
you typed "Amulis" and you must type "Amulus" with an "U" and not an "I".
you must make another movie with corrections.
If you use the game on MAC you must type the symbol "
What does process cq mean?
CQ is the developers code for "Construction Queue" This is also why the "Process RQ" cheat used to work, or does work in some versions of the game (but not all). Where the RQ stands for "Recruitment Queue"
So the command, Process, is telling the game to process the queue of buildings in a settlement
I get error message "settlement not found" when i try to ad people
the settlement is Colonia Dacia
process_rq instantly completes the training queue
+Andrew Walters really? thank you!
i guess...ur welcome? lol
Andrew Walters actually it doesn't work on the newer version, but thanks anyway xD
oh well. my b
Andrew Walters im sure that you helped people with older versions, so thanks xD
when I do the cheat it only works once then no other cheats work it says
err: command not recognize (use ? For help) can someone help me
Does that if you have version 1.2 or earlier. Update to 1.3 at least.
I see thx
np ;)
GrimLock TV upgrade to version 1.3 or 1.4
I am trying to created the instantly solider but the code is not working so I needed some help for the code
You can find a list of the Unit IDs needed to spawn units in export_descr_unit file, which you can find in your Rome Total War > Data folder.
Then it's a matter of going through it to find the unit. Though I'm unsure if all units will respond in the console.
You then need to type out the command, setting a spawn unit for them. Which ideally should be in a city. And so the example would be:
|create_unit "Rome" "roman hastati" 5 9 3 3|
Keep note, that anything in quotations doesn't need an underscore if there is a space between them. but you can try the command with the underscore if it doesn't work from a failure to recognize the unit.
The numbers following the unit id, are the stats you are spawning them with. The first number being the amount of units you wish to spawn. 9 experience being the maximum experience (3 bronze chevrons, 3 silver chevrons, and 3 gold chevrons). And the last 2 numbers representing the Weapon and Armour quality, as Bronze, Silver and Gold. [1 2 and 3]
Unit names are Case Sensitives, so do not use capital letters. And you can also spawn units directly into a generals ranks. But general names are more complicated to type into the command console, so use only when you see it fit.
Also note that you game should be patched to version 1.5 for these commands to be working properly.
And the process_rq (recruitment queue) cheat does not work in most versions of the game, 1.5 included. I think it may have worked in the release version of the game. But it's not recommended to be using anyway, because you alter the recruitment times of units in the data files in the games folder, albeit it takes time, is complicated, and will work for all factions that use those units. So not recommended.
But spawning units is easier. And more effective, so go with this method.
either use "Ambius Brutus" or Ambius_Brutus. If neither works, try both as "Ambius_Brutus"
help! I knock add_money 40000 and the first time we throw, the second time when I want to do this to me appears err. command not recognized. Help! So other commands the same one they use and re-appears err .....
Im wondering if someone has the same problem as me and if anyone has a fix to it. The problem is that the game only accepts one cheat every turn which is very annoying. Any help will be much appreciated.
i'm playing this game on a mac the control for the console is not the left key or something what is the console key for mac?
i have a problem everytime i X out romeshell and i type process_cq or add_money it has an error and i keep typing it correctly
i need help i tipe give_trait ''Amulius Brutus'' GoodCommander 5 but it tell me : err:not found
can you get rid of public order all together? I have 48 settlements but can't move any because then the people will revolt! I just wanna finish the campaign!!!
how to change the year? btw im using Darthmod it wont change i used the code
date 200
etc. but nothing works at all. whats the correct cheat for changing year? TY
is there any cheat to add movement points on the main Mediterranean Sea Map without going into code?
You forgot the U in Amuluis that s why cheat didn t work at 7:30
Is there any other cheat except process_rq which does the same job?
What is the cheat to make a city surrender sooner so u don't have to wait so long during the siege?
If you are European, you might need to press a different key. Not sure which key that is.
Ok, so I need help, I go on to RTW to test the cheats and I go into console and type a command in such as add_money 40000. I do it once and it works fine, but I do it again and it doesn't work! Please Help!
It just says character not found
Aulus The Brave and with assassins? there still stands „character not found“
How do I open it with IOS? i just have the little roof in the left corner between Tab and 1 i do not find another way to open the console :/
What is all the general traits ? . Can you tell me ?
very helpfull tyvm always wondered how to work that system properly could add money but nothing else :)
Does this work for the Mac version? I'm playing on that because my PC committed suicide last month.
That's a very tough cheat to do,as you need to know the unit types Number. Which you can only find in the game's txt files.
I've only ever tried the cheat with Romans in the past, so I cant really help.
i have a problem with the character move code all my characters have in the end of their names this "of Sparta" f.e. Agis of Sparta how must i write the code to work???
how do you complete military process?
They got rid of that cheat through a patch it was process_rq
IMBATMAN , process_rq [city name] is doesnt work anymore. ;(
EOW Enemy of World0 I would use a lot before it got patched out. I was very sad when it did i was on the brink of tears.
How do you spawn units with 2
words like urban cohort?
been using this cheat for the iPhone I keep trying to give_trait to a character named Akadios of Sparta and it keeps coming up with "err:Character not found" got any advice on how I should type it?
I know it was posted years ago but if you are still wondering I think it's because you have to put its true last can find it in the family tree (basically the last name of the family)
I've corrected it. Thanks for the update.
mate,the game doesn't allow me to use any cheat more than once,i need to re-enter the game to use it again,is that because i have 1.0 version? and if it is what should i do?
when i enter a cheat once it works but the if i try again it doesn't, why?
Here is a question. In some of my settlements the population is happy but the income is in the negatives. Why does this happen and how do I get it to stop?
Thanks but that doesn't help me with the problem or answer the question. How do I get my settlement incomes out of the negatives?
For one, the income of a single city isn't the most important, as long as your income is in the green. But income has a lot of contributing factors.
1) Size of the City - Infrastructure of the City - Amount of Soldiers in your military.
2) Population Growth means more money, but the higher a population grows, the more unhappiness the city will exhibit (so you must increase the city size) But in doing so, you open up the city to squalor and other things.
3) Income to pay off your troops, is divided between your cities based on their populations (I believe). So a larger city should have good support to keep it in the green.
4) If you want to keep a city in the green, then you keep your worthless provinces (the ones with no ports or valuable resources) worthless. Keep them worthless. The bigger they grow the more they contribute to upkeeps.
5) Recruit the bulk of soldiers from worthless provinces to prevent growth. And Keep taxes high in provinces with Ports/Mines, and other valuable resources. This limits their growth so they don't become disorderly or unhappy, while gaining you good income from their resources (which you should attempt to upgrade as best as you can)
The real key to income, is knowing when to upgrade a city (which means knowing when to promote growth, or not). Note that you can quickly promote the growth of a city by disbanding units in the city limits. A Great way to quickly get a city to upgrading power, while limiting the time they have to be unhappy.
But for your specific question, the answer to fixing one city in the red, depends on your situation in the campaign. So it will vary from game to game. I've truly been meaning to make an economics guide to this game. But it's really a difficult task with my perfectionism.
I have a huge temple and/or pantheon in my settlements but they are still in the negative numbers. it is driving me crazy at the end of turn report i get negative numbers on my total income.
277imperator What is your total income (what would it be without your army upkeep) and how many cities do you have? It sounds like your army is just too big.
Help in meeting some pages some trick like changing the time for the game last longer, does anyone know exactly how the trick is introduced?. Thank you.
What I am looking for tooo
what version of RTW do you use ?
Thankyou for your videos very helpful :)
you can also decrease the population of your city or major huge city, because over-population can cause social and civil unrest leading the populace wanting to riot and then later on rebel against you ENTER add_population Rome -3000 thats negative 30000 (or whatever city you plan on decreasing) and you will see the the status of the city go for a red face back to green :)
Is there a cheat to train all the units in the recruitment que pls?
tilde key works for me but I can't enter the code more than once (it says command not found) and then i have to quit the game and start it again then load to enter another cheat code.... any solution? :-)
Im gona subscribe because it works ty k
As I pointed out in the video. It's a broken cheat that never really worked, or at least for me. And that's probably because of the nature of the Cheat. But I think it's an assumed cheat based on process_cq, that never really existed. (or maybe it did, and just never worked for most people)
The unit and rq cheat does not work for me at rome total war but the unit cheat works for the medieval total war games I have. it is still a problem with units with two words like town Militia and so on.. I tried everything like writing with the _ button or without.... Need help...
I tried to add units but the only ones that eorked are roman hastati, arvhers, and triarii. Calvary and principes wouldn't' work.