Thank you for watching, while SPIDER-MAN 2 is a good game even great at times it is bogged down by a bunch of nonsense. Developers need to stop making us play as normal people in these games, I don’t wanna be MJ I wanna suplex criminals into pavement while calling them idiots. G-FUEL CODE: ENDYMION G-FUEL LINK: Instagram: endymionn Twitter: EndymionYT
I have theory about Black Cat Before I say more I don't care is she Bi or Homo or Hetero. For me its irrelevant. My theory is this She lied about the girlfriend, I think she knew what Kraven will do to her if he got his hands on her Knew the only way to escape she learn about the wand, went to steal and escape somewhere far and Leave Spiders to fix the problem themselves. But why Paris? HMMM. Because Louvre is there and ready to be pillage. And yes I remember about the Postcard that was written on the picture which is odd because who writes on the picture instead the blank side. Also that was picture of Eiffle Tower, Nobody was on this picture. If you love someone you keep their picture or is it just me. Also She said that she need to go to help ''her'' because she got in trouble because of her. How do get someone in trouble 5,837 km away? And why were she already when it happens.
The term latinx is racist within itself, as a Latino, I see it as us being told “your language is offensive to us, ours is better so we will change it to conform to what we like” which is the definition of racism. It’s disgusting, and I’m happy that people outside of the U.S. haven’t heard of the term.
Hey at least you’re not “told” you’re “black” literally a crayola color. Imagine how offensive it is. It’s offensive being called all these other “things” other than just a MAN from the country you were born in
They soured the Milk of Fun with Wokeness to herd us back into the factory 9-9. No more Fun. For you see, having Fun means having Free Time and Imagination and that can lead to Revolutions.
The important thing to remember about Spider-Man 2 is that Mary Jane with a taser gun is more effective at taking out bad guys than Spider-Man or Miles Morales and his electric powers. Why they don't give themselves stun knuckles with that tech is beyond me.
It's even more stupid considering that the game introduced an improvement gadget that can stun the symbiote but for some reason, that gadget just doesn't exist in the plot.
@@The-Legend-of-P Yeah. The concussion burst. How many times do you see them actually use that gadget in cutscene when dealing with the symbiote? None.
i think its more just for the players lol its really not that deep. I myself would be really bored if it took me 5 hits to defeat someone as mary jane, 1 hit makes it a lot easier and quick, im sure you dont want the mary jane missions to be even more longer and unnecessarily difficult and boring, they did us a favour.
Who remembers when Black Cat was a morally ambiguous on the surface but fundamentally good character who was genuinely in love with Spiderman and represented his superhuman equal partner, as opposed to MJ who represented Peter Parker's partner and his human side? because she was a well-written character that I liked a lot when I was a child, and I would like to see her again...
Yeah I remember the good old days. The 90s version felt a little wonky to me, but I also really liked the few bits of her we got in Spectacular. And the dynamic they had in the dlc was perfect! It was so annoying to see that taken away. It's like Insomniac shat their brains out after making the first game and wrote the second game without one!
yep. And all the weak people in the comments that have purchased the game are to blame for this bullshit. Even the creator of this vid admitted to purchasing the game and playing it until platinum achievements!! Nobody understands how to vote with their wallets. We are cucked.
None ever have or ever will 😂 I remember there being reports even on traditional news channels that polled latin Americans and Hispanic Americans to see if they heard of the term latin x or use it. It was something like less than 5% ever heard of it and less who used it. More than 80% said it felt disrespectful and like cultural appropriation.
I remember someone telling me that "Latinx" sounds like a laundry powder brand, and we came up with the slogan "Latinx: when you need to whitewash other cultures whiter than white".
In the first DLC Black Cat emotionally manipulated SM into thinking he was a father of their child. This was after getting into a relationship with him just to steal from criminals they beat up together. She’s a horrible person, but she’s Bi so I guess we have to cheer for her. What a stunning and brave psychopath.
I wonder if Black Cat's also manipulating her girlfriend from time to time. I have a feeling that when the developers get to that point, they'll have her in the right to do so.
Literally the worst part of the first game was the forced MJ missions and they somehow made this worse in 2 allowing a normal person to be able to fight against groups of symbiotes and elite trained hunters with a stun gun like it's totally normal.
I get what youre saying but her boyfriend is spiderman and been chased and captured for almost 10 years from spidey villians... she even says in the game how her training paid off when stunning enemies..😅
@@23Raind this is the same universe where Thor exists and Spider Man can lift really heavy things that spider’s themselves can’t because it weighs more than 10x they do. You’re getting angry over nothing
But a lot of y’all are racist it’s okay tho people don’t enjoy anything till it gone hopefully when China comes we will ALL be thankful for what we have instead of always complaining
Literally dude. They have become naughty dog and I am disgusted. Same with Santa Monica tho. Ragnarok was woke as fuck too and the devs on Twitter calling people racist just for pointing out how ridiculous it is to have black people in NORSE mythology
@@chidubemanukwuThey get their panties in a twist over a few flags or side missions that include gay characters like it impacts the story/gameplay at all.
Yeah like with Anna , actress who got the role of Yen in Netflix's Witcher , they hired her "to challenge beauty standards " Imagine how she must felt to be chose for NOT being beautiful enough lol
You missing the point my man, those are not "modern standards", those are standards from the books. Yen is one if not the most beautiful woman in the Continent. @@just5609
The base gameplay and swing mechanics are fantastic but only if you can ignore the cringe throughout. There are literally long segments of doing useless cringe stuff that breaks the flow of the game every time. Totally rips me out of the fun I was having being Spider-Man.
You deserve what you tolerate. If you tolerate the shitload of woke crap packed in a single game because of the cool physics, you are supporting that same crap.
I was thinking the same 🤦 Some side missions were Cringy fr fr. Almost every game now has to remind us that we live In a "Gay" world now. I have nothing against guys but come on now... In Video Games 🤦 It feels forced at this point no matter what smfh.
Man this is why we cant have anything nice. I mean imagine just making a game that has a great story that has strong characters, real stakes and freaking excellent gameplay. Guess thats asking too much these days
I mean, to be fair, Spider-man 2 is all of that. They just happen to have some real-world political shit in it, which while unfortunate, is understandable while being staged in NYC. It kind of makes sense to have it in there because NYC is notoriously woke. If the only 'bad' thing about the game is woke bullshit that you can roll your eyes at and keep playing, whatever.
No company wants to blacklist themselves from the industry they are part of, and these days, the more esg is pushed, potentially blacklist the individual staff who work for your company, affecting what schools they can send their children to, or what cities they are allowed to buy homes in.
Has any noticed how Miles is basically more competent than Peter? Like he never fails and he's supposed to be the rookie. It would be more compelling if he ever had any real circumstance where he makes the wrong call or fails in action because he's not experienced but that NEVER happens in the game. Any time they're on the cusp of something like that he always does the right thing, he always manages to pull it off. Meanwhile Peter is too busy crying and apologizing to everybody for shit that is quite frankly not even his fault.
If you’ve seen the ending you’ll know all the stuff you noticed was intentional This game basically does the whole bait n switch that’s become on brand for all Disney owned franchises . You thought you were playing a Spiderman game ? Sike all this time you were just playing a Miles Morales sequel
Similarly in Spider-Man miles Morales miles webs the helicopter freeing rhino demolishing Harlem destroying a power generator causing a blackout but no one really blames him , but he does live with the guilt only for a short time i guess it's something
I gotta admit the mission with Mile's gf was a highlight for me. My own gf is crippled and I just had to show her. She was furious at how patronizing it was to her. I couldn't stop laughing.
When you play as hailey? It was trippy. I thought there was something up with my game’s volume till I realized, “Wait, THATS what she hears all the time?” The little emojis that pop up was a cool touch though.
your gf is a snowflake i hate to break it to ya... Nobody but her came to that conclusion, its a fictional character that simply exists. It doesnt even exist to patronize or to be inclusive, it was just a design choice. Like imagine not having a leg and seeing a character in a wheelchair and going "how dare they patronize me by involving this cripple in the story!" like dawg this gf of yours doesnt even sound real, but i know people like that do exist.
The amount of times people say “be better” or “build better” etc. was worrying. Right at the end of the game one of the last lines is “this new normal” and a redefinition of what normal means. I told you guys to keep an eye on the word “better”, this is 6uild 6ack 6etter propaganda. For “the new normal” in an ESG game.
I'm so glad that Insomniac pandered to the 10 people that asked for this content, at the expense of everyone else. Activism needs to die in the industry, there's a time and place for everything. EDIT: I didn't think this would start a flame war in the comments section. Gameplay wise nobody is saying it's bad but it's like you can't even have a nuanced discussion on politics without feelings getting hurt. People will simp for anything.
I’m so glad Imsomniac made a game everyone wanted because they story and gameplay are great, but some people will just focus on the negatives or make stuff up to make themselves seem right
They retcon Black Cat to be Bisexual like in the 2020/21 in the comic, anything about character sexuality usually a recent thing that happen in like the last 10 years.
@DgardsGaming I think that when they hinted but they "Officially" came out like 2020 or something, I remember because the geek news made a big deal about it. I don’t take much stock in some of these comic hinted sense if we did it for everything people would consider Dick Grayson(Nightwing) canonical Bi because one of the writer hinted he was sexually attracted to Bruce Wayne. But I think even in the 2000s characters where being retcon away as well, I recalled Shatterstar and PosionIvy sexuality was change around that time as well.
2:40 But Black Cat did actually love Peter, it was mostly one sided as peter cared for MJ but still. Black Cat never fully used Peter cause she did care about him.
@@KainYusanagi these woke journalist won’t say or admit this but… Black Cat in this cares for Peter for sure, I mean even in cutscene talking about her ‘Girlfriend’ she basically alludes too Peter being the very reason she apparently changed (she could still be lying about the girlfriend).
The uncomfortable truth: if you buy the game, you are telling these game companies to continue pandering. You gave them money. You platinum the game. Sony sees your analytics and says "hey we're doing the right thing" These videos. This RUclips community. None of it matters if they know you'll still buy the game. Voting with your wallet is the ONLY thing we can do. And not enough people have the willpower to collectively make an impact. These AAA companies are riddled with hacks now and we gamers support it with every dollar spent.
The game is amazing, I have 25 hours played almost done with story. A random side quest with a gay guy and a few other slight mentions of lgbtq aren't enough to make it trash. Most people aren't this soft where a single mention of lgbtq makes them terrified of an amazing game. Just ignore it, and enjoy the other 99.9% of the game.
@@LebbyTalks Spoilers: I feel like I’m playing an unfinished game. No new game plus No changeable weather or time of day. Peter suits aren’t that great Miles last suit was embarrassing No enterable buildings/ apartments No replayable enemy bases Stealth might Aswell be non existent No good boss fights outside the main story like (Tombstone, Taskmaster etc) Crimes in the city are basically all symbiote enemies after you finish the story which doesn’t even make sense and is annoying Quick time events are mostly gone outside the story The symbiote tendrils are stuck to white after the main story which is so stupid. The main story isn’t even that good, it dropped off after Kraven is gone let’s be honest. The whole end of the world monsters everywhere thing was so lame. It’s like it turned into a zombie game. Venom wings were so unnecessary and just didn’t fit. There’s a lot of issues with the game I won’t lie. Personally it wasn’t worth me buying a ps5 for. Gameplay was alright but nothing groundbreaking, honestly Arkham series still beats this for me. Just recently played Arkham knight again and completed it 240% and enjoyed that way more than Spider-Man 2. I had more fun with Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales.
Why is it that whenever someone falls outside of the categories of "white" "straight" "male" "able bodied" etc. that it condescendingly gets described as "inclusiveness"? Homie literally like "And she's blind too so there's some inclusiveness for ya" People that aren't white, straight, male, or able bodied exist. Seeing them in a game adds to the realism of the world because not everyone is the same.
god damn ur right lol. They would have gotten your playable female character and u could have done more with their gameplay that would have made more sense.
Its still a great game! Woke stuff is annoying, yes, but the only bad points appart from the woke parts are probably how Miles is 100% better at everything than Peter even though hes the rookie most of the time, but appart from that, the game is still amazing, and a GOTY contender
The sad thing is, they would not do it if it wasn't marketable. The forced representation is so hypocritical adn they just use people's disabilities or sexuality to market their game. As if we've never had those characters in video games before and those character actually play a role in those games. This is just sad and horrible to watch people being used like that.
"Market"? I didn't know there were disabled and LGBT+ people in the game before buying it. And I didn't care a bit about it because the goal is to normalize diversity in media. Why do disabled and LGBT+ have to "actually play a role"? Do you complain that straight abled characters don't play a role in video games?
Endymion, you’re not racist. You’re based. You’re calling out everything I’ve seen in my games and other media. Whenever I address these problems, people look at me crazy. It’s just nice to see that I’m not the only one that sees this.
Agreed. I have no problems with mild inclusiveness, just don’t shove them down our Goddamn throats. And don’t disrespect a culture’s language, just because you feel like it’s “more welcoming to all;” you either say it right, or don’t say it at all.
It does sound like you have a problem with inclusiveness. The games not even shoving it down your throats. Just blind old ladies and like one gay person in the game. People are looking for reasons to be offended@@Archive_7802
@@Archive_7802 I think you're misunderstanding having something "shoved down your throat" with being shown that your world is a lot smaller than you think
@@gr3yhemLgbt people are entitled to our tolerance. But they're not entitled to our acceptance. And they're definitely not entitled to our undivided attention. Contrary to popular belief: You can't force someone to like you
Hmm, interesting that in the marketing, interviews, and trailers, there were no signs of their side missions or MJ sections. Kinda like they knew it would affect their sales.
The only argument those people have are "It's not a big deal! Why are you complaining?!" and yet if it actually isn't a big deal why do they insist to shove it into a game. Glad I didn't buy this game.
I've said this many times now. Miles needs his own actual separate superhero name. There's a reason Batman has a Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, etc. As an edit, it's so weirdly fun and sad seeing the war going down in the comments. Let me add some context for those that are turning my comment into a strawman. Don't assume that I'm a fan of multiverse versions of characters. It can be fun at first glance, but it's gotten way out of hand as of late, and it ruins the stakes of a lot of stories. And let's not forget how Miles only became popular because of Into the Spider-Verse. His original run in the comics was quite divisive, and I wasn't a fan at all. And, yes, I do know that calling him Spider-Man made some sense initially. What I'm not a fan of is how he's replacing Peter as the primary iteration and how, in the game, both are referred to as Spider-Man. Stop being dishonest or adding words to my mouth. If you want to have a fair conversation, start by actually responding to the particular details in the comment itself. Oh, and, speaking of Batman lore, since someone mentioned it, I'm also not a fan of most if not all replacements for Bruce Wayne. This criticism I have for a character like Miles is applicable towards a lot of these types like Falcon being Captain America. A lot of 'em are also done by writers who aren't even hiding their political agendas whenever they introduce such mantle-passing moments, especially as of late.
You do realize that in his original universe he was the only Spider-Man after his old one died, why would he change his name after he picked up the Spider-Man mantle. Night wing has become Batman when batman died same with Superboy.
I agree. The MJ missions were better than 1 but makes no sense that she can take out a whole hunter camp with a single Taser. Like if you reallt want her part of the story. Give her symbiote powers during the missions. At least it would make sense.
@@dortaciaparks827 no I'm saying she couldn't have trained more than a year. Doesn't make sense that these people who are hunters their whole life are getting wiped by a normal human being who trained less than a year... It's like saying if I trained for a year lifting weights, I can be at first place against people who trained their whole lives for the Olympics.
I know it's hard to give up some of your favorite hobbies...but if you want to damage woke, you need to stop giving these products money, even if it's just for "the content." I was a Playstation fanboy since 1995 with the release of the PS1. I sold my substantial comic book collection to get the funds to buy one. And was a dedicated fan until 2016, when they moved Playstation HQ to California and started censoring the games I loved. That was it. Dropped the brand cold turkey. It's not that hard. When it comes to non essentials like hobbies, it's very easy to make a change. I switched to pc gaming and there are infinitely more games to play that come from non woke. Stop talking the talk, people, and start walking the walk.
I’m severely irritated that’s the route they decided to go with black cat considering the last game left with the open ended implication that Peter Parker MIGHT be a father.
My issue was that they EASILY could have fixed the MJ missions by just having us play has Black Cat instead. Peter, Felicia and Miles in the final battle would have been WAY more epic.
14:48 Prowler isn’t even a Miles Morales villain neither. He originally was Peter Parter’s villain named Hobie Brown (aka Prowler). Miles Morales’ Prowler was the 3rd incarnation of him, “reimagined” as his uncle Aaron Davis.
@@disappointing8213 Not in Earth-616, he was Prowler. One of Peter Parker’s original villains in 1969. You’re thinking of Earth-138 Hobie Brown, who’s Spider-Punk in his universe (Across the Spider-Verse’s Spider-Punk was based him).
It’s actually quite simple if countries ban ESG then none of this shit would happen. Like for some reason there’s minorities in every advert for no reason due to ESG.
I have been reading the recent trash of the SM comics. I am all for letting Petter retire and live a good life. I am done with how they just can’t cut the guy a break and the forever concept of comics will just keep repeating the slapping of Peter. Comics should be like manga where you have a story to tell and let it end. The forever problem is comics problem. Let them age, that events last pass on the mantle or god forbid just let the series end for a new idea to replace it.
I’m fine with like an old Spider-Man saying let someone else defend but like Peter is in his prime. The dude would not stop being Spider-Man anytime soon
@@EndymionTvthat’s what I think too. It’s especially annoying when you consider how weak Peter seems compared to everyone else in this game while Miles seems elite and unstoppable until you pull some tricks on him
@@wizardwolf1020But he literally becomes overpowered in this game lmao. How is Peter shown as weak here? This man destroyed Kraven and Lizard in the boss fights. This is the most badass we have seen Peter throughout the series.
@@Nobleman23 when he’s wearing the black suit and gets the strength buff. But without it? Kraven literally kills him in seconds with him needing the black suit to actually avoid dying
@@Nobleman23 that’s not even mentioning how Venom kicks his ass even when he gets the anti-venom suit which is supposed to both give him the buffs of the black suit as well as make him the ultimate counter to symbiotes like Venom yet he still got beaten badly in the end. Bad enough that he was knocked out long enough for Miles to have a full round with Venom
The Middle East is just better in moralities sake. They actually hold on to their values and refuse to kneel to the liberals unlike the west. They don’t really care if the character is white, they don’t victimize themselves since they enslaved white people in the 16th century.
Here in Brazil, there is a phenomenon very similar to "latinx" since our language is also based on masculine and feminine, only difference is we cultivated this tumor ourselves, wich makes it far worse. However, recently one of the biggest woke influencers of the country (Felipe Neto) made a partnership with a chocolate company (called BIS), so we (the people fighting against this woke horde) created the hashtag "#BisNuncaMais" (BisNeverAgain) and now their stocks have gone record low. Moral of the story is: you can vote with your pocket. If you're against the woke virus infecting the entertainment industry, wait to see if new games, movies or series have this unnecessary pandering, and simply don't consume them if thats the case. When it starts to hurt in their wallets, they'll quickly return to prioritize making good products instead of stuffing these ideologies where they don't belong.
They always love to change characters to suit their agenda, even when *it canonically DOESN’T make sense. And when we call them out for it, they call us bigots and racists…*
It's cause they're effeminate. Give a little boy and a little girl a batman doll to play with and the boy will learn everything he can about batman and roleplay like the character. The girl will ignore the character entirely, act like he's a girl and have tea parties with it. Effeminate minds want the world to confirm to them and their desires, masculine minds are content to become what they admire.
Prowler was actually originally Hobie Brown (Spiderpunk in Spiderverse) Peter and him teamed up, and Prowler would actually dawn the Spider-man costume whenever Peter was around J Jonah because J Jonah was getting suspicious of Peter
I’ve never rolled my eyes or cringed harder in a game in my entire life as I have in this game. I was expecting there to be a mission to find a room for Peter & Harry to “bump heads.” It’s disgusting.
@@romanbloomfield9066 If it was nothing, they wouldn't be shoving it in our faces. If it was nothing, we'd be able to mod it out. I wish it was nothing, believe me.
Oh no, the professional victim didn't like my comment. Why don't you go protest the middle eastern version of the game that removed the gay propaganda? I bet you won't.
Jeez Insomniac went full circle on this garbage, instead of just focusing on the story. I’m happy I didn’t rush to buy this. Makes me happy I played Guardians of the Galaxy when I did, cause chances are this will continue to become the norm and will people will eat it up cause they don’t push back. Don’t even want to know what they do with Wolverine…😑
But they literally did focus on the story. As a matter of fact the narrative was the main selling point of the game. We literally got the best adaptations of both kraven and venom in this game but nope let’s talk about a side mission where u play as hailey where that mission is OPTIONAL 💀
@@Nightlizard1564these dudes dont care lmao they all a group of weirdos tht just hate anything thats even slightly inclusive they cry anytime they see a gay character
@@23Raind but the mission itself wasn’t even as bad as he’s making it out to be. On top of that u can stop it by just abandoning the mission 😂. Imo it was fine and it was just a break from all of the craziness in the main story. Hell one the best side missions in the game is the Howard one and grandpa earl along with this one mainly because it shows that while Spider-Man fights supervillains all the time he still makes time for the community and cares about the little guy. As for miles I do see that he does need to be a more independent spider man and have his own unique name so that part I’ll agree.
Lol what fans? Any true Spiderman fan doesn't give a crap about this, we just want a kickass game and a decent story. I would understand if it were Venom or Carnage the ones doing the pandering but Spiderman is literally the most inclusive and tolerant superhero ever.
Fr bro I’m sick of hearing it, don’t get me wrong I love Peter’s character and he will always be my favorite character ever, but miles is a great character and he represents me (I’m a mixed kid) some people may argue that that’s all mile has to offer but that’s completely untrue
That’s what I’m saying, also he must hate the spider verse movies if he hates miles, as a black person I always consider Peter the og and true spider man but miles is still an amazing character.
"Calling someone latinx unironically is probably one of the most insulting things you can do to someone of that culture". I'm a Latin person, totally agree with that statement, If someone calls me like that I'll think that person is an idiot. That's just crap and purely shit, nonsense.
Now regarding the girlfriend idea. I don't mind it that much as long as she doesn't hate men and is really well written. But i think insomniac is gaslighting us here into believing that. Cause remember in the dlc, Pete mentioned that she only cares about herself and has emotionally manipulated Peter in the dlc with that whole son arc. I bet ya the gf she is referring to here is the Mona lisa painting. Not to mention here is that miles never knew her so it was easy for her to manipulate him. So maybe they are going that route
They could’ve made miles missions waaaay better by simply adding prowler (uncle Aaron) on the list of super villains needing be hunted. Whoever didn’t pitch that idea to insomniac is trippin.
@@coatrak1357 true. But that still would’ve been better than pretty much any other mission. Or throw in the finishing story of taskmaster. Or rhino. I’m very surprised we didn’t see rhino hunted by Kraven.
If you've played Miles Morales you know that the prowler has turned himself in. Also not only he's too old to be the prowler but also he again has bonded with his family(backed by the fact that Rio forgave him and Miles wasn't hostile towards him in the first place) meaning he for sure won't be returning to that life again, so it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Remember the argument they tend to use? "if you don't like it just turn it off" Well one of the biggest Spanish content creators did... Mid stream after hearing the made up Spanish he did exactly that, he turned it off (as in he actually tuned the entire game sound off lol). And no, we are not allowed to "just turn it off" as it seems since he is now being "canceled" (and already addressed it by saying he doesn't care) and asmongold is also being "canceled" for defending us. All I can hope is that backlash goes hard enough so that this shit doesn't happen anymore, can only speak for Mexico, but here Mos people I know who were planing on buying the game are not doing it out of principal. We don't like our language being butchered, not even the latino LGBT community likes it... Only a very small and I can't stress this EXTREMELY SMALL minority of them like it and actually push it.
Yeah, I saw the clip of ElRubius muting the cringe podcast and I'm like "seriously? Is this why he's getting cancelled? For not liking his native language being butchered?" Really hope this game goes into obscurity the same way Marvel's Avengers did
@@IDKLOLIMJUSTHEREyou don’t serve any purpose here so why are you here in the first place? Go out go to the gym do something productive cus tf are you here for to suck me and others offs for negative attention? BETTER YOURSELF
Some thing I definitely agree with, but I don't think their plan is to get rid of Peter Parker. That would be suicide. I believe the break that Peter is taking will be to allow for a Miles Morals 2 spinoff that will use the same "2 Hero" method but introduce Silk/Cindy. Then they will come back to Spider-Man 3 where we will most likely get a "3 Hero" system with all 3 of them as playable characters, similar to how GTA5 does it.
Welp unfortunately Cindy Moon is Korean. So that means theres gonna be pandering. Bc thats what pandering is now....having people of different lifestyles in a game. I cant wait to see this guys video on that.
Peter is Spider Man, im happy to accept Miles, and for him to have his own games, but I will not accept Miles replacing Peter, the real Spider Man, in any way.
Both of them are spiderman. Peter is the 1st one yes, but miles is spiderman. Spiderman is just a mantle for the person. Sometimes i swear yall are brain dead with the shit ppl say. Lol
@@jamalstar4243The person never said Miles wasn't Spider-Man. Just that Peter is more Spider-Man than the rest And why wouldn't he be? He's the original and everything good from Spider-Man usually comes from him
@@jamalstar4243 Yeah, I agree. I like Miles' character. I just wish we get to see more new things from him. Newer villians, and all that. Miles is Spider-Man too, I just don't like how they propped up Miles at the expense of Peter. You could tell he was nerfed and messing up a lot
@@FatKratos69 yea. They really didntndo anything with miles in the story. I get the story is supposed to he miles finding his own identity, but this game doesnt really do that justice.
Every time I see a cutscene of this game, it seems the characters are talking on their suit to someone who knows their secret identity, missing the entire point of why Spider-man is relatable. He's a loner not because he can't work with others, but cause it's dangerous for others around him to know too much. It's ridiculous.
Fucking thank you, I have to search for years to find a sensible person like you, everyone has been brainwashed into believing that the shitty modern versions of Spider-Man are how he’s always been
Its not a prequel game. We've seen Spiderman be a loner, thats why they skipped this whole part. The point is Peter trying to have a life now, which means sharing his identity with people he cares about. His life was also pretty fckn bad hiding it from people he loved. Which is why Miles is doing so much better than Peter is. Makes all sense to me.
The fact that Insomniac prioritized boring side-content such as the Hailey and MJ missions over making side-content actually fun (take the Venom segment for example, why did they spend all that time on making MJ playable when people asked them not to, let alone making Hailey a playable character instead of giving him his own game-mode or at least another mission???) just goes to show how much they care about the people buying their product, as long as they get their money it no longer matters to them.
I once saw an Instagram post which says that if you try to differentiate between Peter and Miles at all. (Peter being Amazing Spider-Man and Miles being Ultimate Spider-Man) The author of the post said it was racist trying to differentiate between them. So many woke mentalists
People need to get out of themselves. Just because someone doesn't support the BLM cult doesn't mean they're racist. Only if they agree they're being racist then it's confirmed. Anything can be mistaken for anything else. It's like if someone chose a man over a female to help them with something, they must be sexist every time.
@@goldsea1678 politics can be in games if it has a point, mgs had political messaging since the first game, why choose that one? adding shit for the sake of adding it is the problem, there are tons and tons of stories with "woke" shit in them and nobody cares because it makes sense in the story for the characters and fleshes them out. people want a good game where the focus is the game and the story, not stupid shit added just so the absolute sad losers in western media to say wow it's so good cause it has gay flags and a black woman in it, nobody fucking cares.
@@goldsea1678 that's all you can muster up? completely ignore everything because you don't have an argument? i don't care about specifically what i said i don't, maybe read, i do care about forcing this shit for no reason in every piece of media though.
I feel like the Marry Jane missions would’ve been better if the predators actually would get suspicious and try to fight her off while doing a takedown. Fighting takedowns are my favorite because it shows that they can actually fight the character you’re playing as even if they lose in the end.
I can't wait for some dumb cont to try that irl, and have it not work out. Like when that movie, Girl w the Dragon Tattoo came out, some young journalist girl actually tried to infiltrate a criminal organization. You can guess how that turned out. At least they found the body.
@@Iam_Shadow76 I love it when libs make stuff up and use it to attack you, truly the definition of a straw man argument. The funny thing is that the woke have been trying to incorporate global warming into their woke culture and propaganda so that they can later claim that anyone who opposes them is responsable for it. Even though lots of people like me who hate woke crap actually care about global warming and the planet. Honestly after reading some of your replies I'm convinced you're one of those twitter trolls or something.
Dude I totally agree with you and I'm Puerto Rican, the pandering is ridiculous smh. Plus, there is another side mission where you take someone to the ambulance and he goes out of his way to say, that his boyfriend loves spiderman smh its pathetic. Great video man
genuine question: if you were a gay man with a boyfriend who loves spiderman and you were just rescued BY spiderman, would you not say “hey! my boyfriend loves you!”, i don’t feel like it’s as unrealistic as you think it is. if every instance of a lgbtqia+ character existing in media (much like they do in real life) is considered pandering, then we’re just excluding an entire group of people from media, which I hope you agree wouldn’t be right
@jacoblbarton I also have a genuine question for you. Does my opinion on the matter offend or bother you? Because at the end of the day, it's just an opinion that I'm more than entitled to. Secondly, adding political things like this to a video game is not warranted by the average gamer. Realism is cool and all, but I and many others play video games to escape reality. What's wrong with keeping it strictly comicbook and fantasy? Why do these things have to be pushed in literally everything that we watch and see these days? It's clearly an agenda that is really unnecessary to push in all things. It doesn't make the game any better, it just seems like pandering.... which it very well is. Now do I have a problem with those types of people? No, not at all. But when I was growing up, these things were nowhere to be found in comicbooks like they are today. Hope this didn't offend you, as this response is not meant for that. Just my personal take, as I respect yours. 👍👍
@@radamesrivera4193 You're allowed to have an opinion, but this is a comments section. Everyone is also allowed to have an opinion about your opinion. Also, most of the stuff people consider "woke" wasn't in comics back then because you were supposed to be ashamed of being gay and racism was super casual until the 2010s. Shit, I remember my local comic book shop refusing to stock spawn Comics because Spawn is black and it was upsetting local white housewives when their kid would bring the comic home. Not the violence, not the sex...the race of the character. Like, did you know that TV shows always either made a gay character a joke or ashamed of being gay in TV until Seinfeld did the whole "Not that there's anything wrong with that" joke in the 90s? In that episode, people mistakenly believe Jerry and his friend are gay. The same concept was used in many shows before and it was always poking fun at being gay being something to be embarrassed by. One plot had a character attempt suicide because people mistakenly believe him to be gay when he wasn't, and it was played for laughs. When you want things to be like the comics of your youth, you are unintentionally wanting people to feel bad about themselves. Like straight white dudes can be represented, but everyone else doesn't deserve that honor. These people existing in media and being treated the same as everyone else shouldn't be a bad thing. Unless it's Disney turning white characters into people of color for no valid reason. That shit is just annoying. And why do companies keep changing redheads into black people? That's weird. April O'Neil, Ariel, Jimmy Olson, James Gordon...that's something to actually care about.
@@radamesrivera4193 just because someone isn’t exactly like you doesn’t make it a political opinion. you are entitled to feel negatively about others being themselves because you’re insecure with yourself l, but that doesn’t mean representing communities of humans is pandering or political. these people exist whether you want them to or not, especially in NEW YORK, and i think insomniac choosing to have this coalition of people in their games is much more accurate than just having a bunch of straight, able bodied people. also probably better to spread positivity than negativity. existing isn’t negative
"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C. S. Lewis
Oh yes, because the problem is that the characters are women or gay, not that being women or gay comes at the cost of good storytelling and gameplay here. Y’all really need to come up with better arguments than these lame cop-outs. “WAHHHH you’re sexist and racist WAHHHH” is just not effective.
Spider-Man is the most popular superhero so regardless of what they do with him his games will sell. This game sold very well & if you ignore all the politics in it it’s a fun game ( which is hard to do since it’s basically everywhere )
Crap like this is why I've became extremely selective about what game I invest in. I recently got into Dark Souls 3, and it is proving to be one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Granted, I'm coming into it seven years after release, but it's still better than most games these days. Praise Fromsoft!
@@imadoggo3916 Such a tired, nonsensical, dumbass claim. Gwyndolin was FORCED to be raised as a female by Gwyn because of his affinity for moon magic. He's been tortured and manipulated his entire life. Pretty stupid to boil down his existence to a "femboy" like he's some mentally warped Gen Z'er running around posting dick picks on twitter.
@@umptischmutz Yeah. Most of it comes from the first Dark Souls game (which is the best one) but basic because he was proficient at moon magic and had a fragile physique. Gwyn raised him as a female because it looked better because he believed to was too weak to be a man. That’s why you can find the reversal ring in the hallway where you fight him in the first game in both ds1 and ds3. But yeah eventually he got gobbled by Aldrich :(
I realised what kind of person you are when you said that miles isn’t able to be spider-man. I therefore have kept my expectations low and don’t take you seriously as a result, good job!
@@AbraCaStabra No, it's because we just don't give a shit. Normal people don't get upset by seeing 1 or 2 gay characters in a game. Most people know at least 1 or 2 gay people in the real world so it's really not shocking to us.
In the last game, a champion was able to replace all the pride flags with a mod. This time, Insomniac has made it much harder by filling every nook and cranny with woke nonsense. Hope a champion can rise up to the challenge. How do we get our hands on the Middle East version?
@@LT.KILLIAN-14031 You are literally so butthurt about a flag that will go out of your way, wasting free time into modding it out of the game. Now that is a snowflake if I ever saw one.
I think I only encountered one instance with a gay couple in the game and I actually liked that mission. Plus it doesn't affect the fun I'm having with the game so far.
I agree with a lot of what you said but here are my thoughts as a black teen. Growing up almost every popular superhero was white, and most black characters were super stereotypical. This is why I like Miles’s character so much, he feels like an actual black teen, and as someone who’s grown up in the black community his whole life seeing miles go around and help random people with problems feels accurate for someone like him to be focused on as community is really important in our culture. As for phasing Peter out as spider man in the games I personally don’t hate the idea. I love Peter and grew up with him as my spiderman, but I feel like a major theme of this game was about how being spiderman and being a normal person is almost impossible. Even when you think about it, the EMF which was Peters and Harry’s dream was destroyed directly because Peter is spiderman, which is why I don’t hate the idea that in the next game Peter decides to settle down with MJ and passes the torch to miles much like how Barry Allen passes the torch to Wally west as the flash
"If they had read the comic" - says the guy complaining about Spiderman's identity, which had built in ambiguity from the first issue. The whole point of Spiderman is that anybody should be able to see themselves in that suit. Not just man babies.
How is it filled to the brim? There’s like one mission with a gay character like this whole video is grown ass men freaking out about the littlest thing that has 0 zero impact on the story I feel like if there’s anything that has barely minute reference to gay people or someone with disabilities you freak out and call it woke trash It’s not like Peter and Miles teamed up and defeated venom with the power of gayness. Like clam down 😂
I mean, that pendulum swings both ways. The "Community" absolutely LOVES fabricating "representation" in the form of cringe headcanon and fanfiction where they claim a character is a gay/trans icon that they then go around pushing as fact, or claiming nonsense like "the only reason they didn't do it is because of -isms!" What makes it worse still is when activists from said "Community" then infiltrate companies and inject their headcanon into mainstream content to "make it official."
Thank you for watching, while SPIDER-MAN 2 is a good game even great at times it is bogged down by a bunch of nonsense. Developers need to stop making us play as normal people in these games, I don’t wanna be MJ I wanna suplex criminals into pavement while calling them idiots.
Instagram: endymionn
Twitter: EndymionYT
They likely used the Cuban flag because they want people to associate socialist Cuba with heroism.
Naw, still a pass from me, fuck this game.
Yellow flash said it’s a fun game but yes there’s definitely some pandering
Try a lot.
I have theory about Black Cat
Before I say more I don't care is she Bi or Homo or Hetero. For me its irrelevant.
My theory is this
She lied about the girlfriend, I think she knew what Kraven will do to her if he got his hands on her
Knew the only way to escape she learn about the wand, went to steal and escape somewhere far and Leave Spiders to fix the problem themselves. But why Paris? HMMM. Because Louvre is there and ready to be pillage.
And yes I remember about the Postcard that was written on the picture which is odd because who writes on the picture instead the blank side. Also that was picture of Eiffle Tower, Nobody was on this picture. If you love someone you keep their picture or is it just me. Also She said that she need to go to help ''her'' because she got in trouble because of her. How do get someone in trouble 5,837 km away? And why were she already when it happens.
I miss when being a nerd meant people left us alone. Now our stories and hobbies are polluted with brain dead, tone deaf, mentally ill politics
Yeah, now we are just a different type of outcast.
so based
They're looking to eradicate all forms of culture. It's been in play for years.
I would give up all the mcu movies just for some of that back
for fucking real dude
The term latinx is racist within itself, as a Latino, I see it as us being told “your language is offensive to us, ours is better so we will change it to conform to what we like” which is the definition of racism. It’s disgusting, and I’m happy that people outside of the U.S. haven’t heard of the term.
Hey at least you’re not “told” you’re “black” literally a crayola color. Imagine how offensive it is. It’s offensive being called all these other “things” other than just a MAN from the country you were born in
Los Latinos no binarios están felices solo siendo llamados latinos 😭😭
@@AsteroSloth los latinos no se ofenden tan fácil como los gringos.
We heard it. We just dont use it because the first time we heard it we were like ; Well, that's racist.
I'm from the U.S. and tbh i never heard it, but I won't ever use it. I am sorry yall have to go through that.
We're dealing with people who turn everything into propaganda. I will never be forced into buying such games.
I mean I love Spider-Man and I do enjoy the games but yeah a lot of the side content especially is...ouuufff
@@EndymionTvyou are supporting the cringe by buying it.
They soured the Milk of Fun with Wokeness to herd us back into the factory 9-9. No more Fun. For you see, having Fun means having Free Time and Imagination and that can lead to Revolutions.
Exactly like people like Endymion or yellowflash
@@WiseOwl_1408 exactly. I won't buy that game or any other with such content.
The important thing to remember about Spider-Man 2 is that Mary Jane with a taser gun is more effective at taking out bad guys than Spider-Man or Miles Morales and his electric powers.
Why they don't give themselves stun knuckles with that tech is beyond me.
It's even more stupid considering that the game introduced an improvement gadget that can stun the symbiote but for some reason, that gadget just doesn't exist in the plot.
@@zeroskaterz92the concussion mine?
@@The-Legend-of-P Yeah. The concussion burst. How many times do you see them actually use that gadget in cutscene when dealing with the symbiote? None.
@@zeroskaterz92 fair point
i think its more just for the players lol its really not that deep. I myself would be really bored if it took me 5 hits to defeat someone as mary jane, 1 hit makes it a lot easier and quick, im sure you dont want the mary jane missions to be even more longer and unnecessarily difficult and boring, they did us a favour.
Who remembers when Black Cat was a morally ambiguous on the surface but fundamentally good character who was genuinely in love with Spiderman and represented his superhuman equal partner, as opposed to MJ who represented Peter Parker's partner and his human side?
because she was a well-written character that I liked a lot when I was a child, and I would like to see her again...
Yeah I remember the good old days. The 90s version felt a little wonky to me, but I also really liked the few bits of her we got in Spectacular.
And the dynamic they had in the dlc was perfect! It was so annoying to see that taken away. It's like Insomniac shat their brains out after making the first game and wrote the second game without one!
Facts now they made her love women 💀💀☠️
Let's be real...Black Cat is just Catwoman. Anything good they could have done with her in the past was done better by DC.
Lol when was she well written? Your standards for good writing is trash
Here's the kicker to all this. The middle East version of the game has zero pandering or ideology.
They essentially got a superior copy.
Superior Spiderman?
really??? you can get copy with those bullshits in midle east?
Does Miles still one-up Peter at every turn like in the US version?
He's probably Muslim instead latinx
@@erikuu96don't you mean muslimx? Hahahaha
what an insufferable era of entertainment we're living in
I know. I refer to it as the woke era. I only watch things pre woke…. Hoping someday it will end.
@@danielc9595ok boomer
Exactly, they could at least try to be more discreet with the work bullshit, not shove it down your throat
yep. And all the weak people in the comments that have purchased the game are to blame for this bullshit. Even the creator of this vid admitted to purchasing the game and playing it until platinum achievements!!
Nobody understands how to vote with their wallets. We are cucked.
@@SpeedsterBehindYourDaughter Dude is seeing a different person from yourself forced diversity like what do ya'll want
For all of my fellow Latinos and Latinas, never identify yourself as a Latinx.
Trust me bro we never will, Latinos don't play around . The ones that do, we don't claim them .
Or a latex- Wait wrong genre.
None ever have or ever will 😂
I remember there being reports even on traditional news channels that polled latin Americans and Hispanic Americans to see if they heard of the term latin x or use it. It was something like less than 5% ever heard of it and less who used it. More than 80% said it felt disrespectful and like cultural appropriation.
As a Hispanic myself, I would never use that word
I remember someone telling me that "Latinx" sounds like a laundry powder brand, and we came up with the slogan "Latinx: when you need to whitewash other cultures whiter than white".
In the first DLC Black Cat emotionally manipulated SM into thinking he was a father of their child. This was after getting into a relationship with him just to steal from criminals they beat up together. She’s a horrible person, but she’s Bi so I guess we have to cheer for her. What a stunning and brave psychopath.
I belive she lied about that since she is known to be a manipulator, especially in the DLC. But at the same time, I don't mind her being Bi.
She's not horrible character.
Just thief and manipulative liar.
I wonder if Black Cat's also manipulating her girlfriend from time to time. I have a feeling that when the developers get to that point, they'll have her in the right to do so.
@@dragonblade7195why not?
We finally have the technology to make incredible super hero games and what do we do? We insert current year...
Big facts
These games will age so badly once we have purged the woke from our culture! 😭
The game is still amazing; if the inclusion of minorities bothers you then you need to change your outlook on life...
Literally the worst part of the first game was the forced MJ missions and they somehow made this worse in 2 allowing a normal person to be able to fight against groups of symbiotes and elite trained hunters with a stun gun like it's totally normal.
I get what youre saying but her boyfriend is spiderman and been chased and captured for almost 10 years from spidey villians... she even says in the game how her training paid off when stunning enemies..😅
Right, because she totally wasn’t trained by Silver Sable, who, in her first scene, tied Spider Man up and threatened to arrest him
@@sourpatchkilla W@keness is cancer.
@@23Raind this is the same universe where Thor exists and Spider Man can lift really heavy things that spider’s themselves can’t because it weighs more than 10x they do. You’re getting angry over nothing
Did you not hear? you also play as a black deaf girl vandalizing property. That sounds pretty pathetically bad...
Insomniac turning into Naughty Dog in front of my eyes. Even the game directors and devs are angry tweeting fans calling them racist
"you brown smurfs are RACIST"
-white devs
Nah bruh, Naughty dog is good
But a lot of y’all are racist it’s okay tho people don’t enjoy anything till it gone hopefully when China comes we will ALL be thankful for what we have instead of always complaining
Literally dude. They have become naughty dog and I am disgusted. Same with Santa Monica tho. Ragnarok was woke as fuck too and the devs on Twitter calling people racist just for pointing out how ridiculous it is to have black people in NORSE mythology
@@lilshawn2810your victim mentality and soy diet is showing
Spiderman 2: Into the Panderverse
Far from logic
@FutboleroOfficialImagine hating game that was good because you saw people of colour
@@chidubemanukwu Shut up, w@ketard. XD
@@chidubemanukwuThey get their panties in a twist over a few flags or side missions that include gay characters like it impacts the story/gameplay at all.
The White-Lefty savior complex is so freaking stupid and just plain off and weird.
Yeah like with Anna , actress who got the role of Yen in Netflix's Witcher , they hired her "to challenge beauty standards "
Imagine how she must felt to be chose for NOT being beautiful enough lol
I don't know why they ever chose to say that publicly. Very insulting to the actress.
Just becasue she doestn adhere to modern beauty doesnt mean she isnt beatiful. Standards vary depending on culture and time periods.
You missing the point my man, those are not "modern standards", those are standards from the books. Yen is one if not the most beautiful woman in the Continent. @@just5609
@@Flame4Moonlight So the standards they are challenging are from the world based on medieval europe? Well i guess they succeded in that.
@@just5609 No. Yen is a powerful sorceress and she like all other sorceresses use magic to be beyond beauty. Read a book.
The base gameplay and swing mechanics are fantastic but only if you can ignore the cringe throughout. There are literally long segments of doing useless cringe stuff that breaks the flow of the game every time. Totally rips me out of the fun I was having being Spider-Man.
The game needed a longer story too it glosses over things too fast
You deserve what you tolerate. If you tolerate the shitload of woke crap packed in a single game because of the cool physics, you are supporting that same crap.
agreed miles woke sidequests immediately took me out of the game
very well said
I was thinking the same 🤦 Some side missions were Cringy fr fr. Almost every game now has to remind us that we live In a "Gay" world now. I have nothing against guys but come on now... In Video Games 🤦 It feels forced at this point no matter what smfh.
Finally, I found the video with the iconic thumbnail I've been seeing everywhere!
Man this is why we cant have anything nice. I mean imagine just making a game that has a great story that has strong characters, real stakes and freaking excellent gameplay. Guess thats asking too much these days
It kind of is yes when it comes to western gaming unfortunately
Japanese an indie games lol
Play lies of p 🙂 it's not western developed though 😂
I mean, to be fair, Spider-man 2 is all of that. They just happen to have some real-world political shit in it, which while unfortunate, is understandable while being staged in NYC. It kind of makes sense to have it in there because NYC is notoriously woke. If the only 'bad' thing about the game is woke bullshit that you can roll your eyes at and keep playing, whatever.
The original Spider-Man had a bad story as well
I just wish that a company would say “screw ESG!” And make good games and movies, damn the critics
No company wants to blacklist themselves from the industry they are part of, and these days, the more esg is pushed, potentially blacklist the individual staff who work for your company, affecting what schools they can send their children to, or what cities they are allowed to buy homes in.
Unlikely to happen since companies love money and cannot live without it esg gives them what they want
Only private companies can do that
They do, people just close their eyes and only see the bad
Is spiderman 2 a good game.I confused like what.
Has any noticed how Miles is basically more competent than Peter? Like he never fails and he's supposed to be the rookie. It would be more compelling if he ever had any real circumstance where he makes the wrong call or fails in action because he's not experienced but that NEVER happens in the game. Any time they're on the cusp of something like that he always does the right thing, he always manages to pull it off. Meanwhile Peter is too busy crying and apologizing to everybody for shit that is quite frankly not even his fault.
Yeah Miles does save Peter but in a way it’s their combined strength that beats the symbiotes
If you’ve seen the ending you’ll know all the stuff you noticed was intentional
This game basically does the whole bait n switch that’s become on brand for all Disney owned franchises .
You thought you were playing a Spiderman game ? Sike all this time you were just playing a Miles Morales sequel
Similarly in Spider-Man miles Morales miles webs the helicopter freeing rhino demolishing Harlem destroying a power generator causing a blackout but no one really blames him , but he does live with the guilt only for a short time i guess it's something
He literally got captured by kraven tf are u on about? 😂
@@Nightlizard1564 And can you remind me how that event eventually plays out and who is the reason peter removes the suit?
That is one of the most unintentionally funny thumbnails i have ever seen, and im not even interested in the video lmfao.
I gotta admit the mission with Mile's gf was a highlight for me. My own gf is crippled and I just had to show her. She was furious at how patronizing it was to her. I couldn't stop laughing.
bro in reality do you think a superhero is dating an ugly black deaf and dumb girl ?
When you play as hailey? It was trippy. I thought there was something up with my game’s volume till I realized, “Wait, THATS what she hears all the time?”
The little emojis that pop up was a cool touch though.
your gf is a snowflake i hate to break it to ya...
Nobody but her came to that conclusion, its a fictional character that simply exists. It doesnt even exist to patronize or to be inclusive, it was just a design choice. Like imagine not having a leg and seeing a character in a wheelchair and going "how dare they patronize me by involving this cripple in the story!" like dawg this gf of yours doesnt even sound real, but i know people like that do exist.
There's this permeating sense that everyone thinks she is fragile when they interact with her.
Glad to see your gf had the same thoughts.
@@Pedro_Le_Chefnever got that at all
The amount of times people say “be better” or “build better” etc. was worrying.
Right at the end of the game one of the last lines is “this new normal” and a redefinition of what normal means.
I told you guys to keep an eye on the word “better”, this is 6uild 6ack 6etter propaganda. For “the new normal” in an ESG game.
Social engineering
People = Sheeps
I'm so glad that Insomniac pandered to the 10 people that asked for this content, at the expense of everyone else. Activism needs to die in the industry, there's a time and place for everything.
EDIT: I didn't think this would start a flame war in the comments section. Gameplay wise nobody is saying it's bad but it's like you can't even have a nuanced discussion on politics without feelings getting hurt. People will simp for anything.
Thus, don't buy. That's the only way of having a say. If we criticize AFTER giving them money, they couldn't care less.
Buy? When it comes out on pc it's getting pirated to high hell.
I’m so glad Imsomniac made a game everyone wanted because they story and gameplay are great, but some people will just focus on the negatives or make stuff up to make themselves seem right
@@davidlanceescandor1310 bookmark these then: dodi and/or fitgirl😁
@@davidlanceescandor1310and thanks to mods we will flush out the wokeness 😊
Calling someone "Latinx" feels like the N-word to me....
I'd say it but youtube always censors me.
They retcon Black Cat to be Bisexual like in the 2020/21 in the comic, anything about character sexuality usually a recent thing that happen in like the last 10 years.
Apparently she was retconned in 2002
@DgardsGaming I think that when they hinted but they "Officially" came out like 2020 or something, I remember because the geek news made a big deal about it. I don’t take much stock in some of these comic hinted sense if we did it for everything people would consider Dick Grayson(Nightwing) canonical Bi because one of the writer hinted he was sexually attracted to Bruce Wayne.
But I think even in the 2000s characters where being retcon away as well, I recalled Shatterstar and PosionIvy sexuality was change around that time as well.
I’m tired of marvel retconning characters for no reason
There are more bisexual or lesbian female characters in all of Marvel or DC than in real life in percentage terms. funny
@@kevinestebanarmstrongmccor7220 Facts 🤣🤣🤣
2:40 But Black Cat did actually love Peter, it was mostly one sided as peter cared for MJ but still. Black Cat never fully used Peter cause she did care about him.
And the game still is w@ke, and?
He loved her too, in his own way. Remember the 90's cartoon, and Web of Shadows.
@@KainYusanagi yes especially with black suit 😅
@@ramonandrajo6348 I never said it wasn’t
@@KainYusanagi these woke journalist won’t say or admit this but… Black Cat in this cares for Peter for sure, I mean even in cutscene talking about her ‘Girlfriend’ she basically alludes too Peter being the very reason she apparently changed (she could still be lying about the girlfriend).
The uncomfortable truth: if you buy the game, you are telling these game companies to continue pandering. You gave them money. You platinum the game. Sony sees your analytics and says "hey we're doing the right thing"
These videos. This RUclips community. None of it matters if they know you'll still buy the game.
Voting with your wallet is the ONLY thing we can do. And not enough people have the willpower to collectively make an impact. These AAA companies are riddled with hacks now and we gamers support it with every dollar spent.
The game is amazing, I have 25 hours played almost done with story. A random side quest with a gay guy and a few other slight mentions of lgbtq aren't enough to make it trash. Most people aren't this soft where a single mention of lgbtq makes them terrified of an amazing game. Just ignore it, and enjoy the other 99.9% of the game.
order Spider-man 2 from Middle East. They removed ALL of that shit in that region. Propaganda free game.
@@LebbyTalksI’ll be honest the game wasn’t that great
@@Ultimodestructico story was less emotional than the last one but the gameplay is way better imo
@@LebbyTalks Spoilers:
I feel like I’m playing an unfinished game.
No new game plus
No changeable weather or time of day.
Peter suits aren’t that great
Miles last suit was embarrassing
No enterable buildings/ apartments
No replayable enemy bases
Stealth might Aswell be non existent
No good boss fights outside the main story like (Tombstone, Taskmaster etc)
Crimes in the city are basically all symbiote enemies after you finish the story which doesn’t even make sense and is annoying
Quick time events are mostly gone outside the story
The symbiote tendrils are stuck to white after the main story which is so stupid.
The main story isn’t even that good, it dropped off after Kraven is gone let’s be honest. The whole end of the world monsters everywhere thing was so lame. It’s like it turned into a zombie game.
Venom wings were so unnecessary and just didn’t fit.
There’s a lot of issues with the game I won’t lie. Personally it wasn’t worth me buying a ps5 for.
Gameplay was alright but nothing groundbreaking, honestly Arkham series still beats this for me. Just recently played Arkham knight again and completed it 240% and enjoyed that way more than Spider-Man 2.
I had more fun with Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales.
Why is it that whenever someone falls outside of the categories of "white" "straight" "male" "able bodied" etc. that it condescendingly gets described as "inclusiveness"? Homie literally like "And she's blind too so there's some inclusiveness for ya"
People that aren't white, straight, male, or able bodied exist. Seeing them in a game adds to the realism of the world because not everyone is the same.
Missed the whole video congratulation's
You get what you're willing to tolerate. By buying it, you're tolerating it so you will be getting more of it in the future. It really is that simple.
It just sucks that they are now using the most beloved superhero for this bs. Kids will buy it regardless because it’s Spider-Man.
That's why I pirate everything. No regrets.
Fuck yeah. Can’t wait for Spider Man 3
it's not like everyone waits for every game to be propaganda-checked before buying it. sometimes you find out by buying it.
Absolutely hilarious how insomniac thought instead of playing with characters such as black cat or wraith......we play as MJ and Hailey......
god damn ur right lol. They would have gotten your playable female character and u could have done more with their gameplay that would have made more sense.
You play as Hailey once in a side mission
@@Iam_Shadow76 and you play as black cat never what’s your point?
@@DrawinandSh1t my point is that it I don't get why you give a fuck
You didn't play her in the first game, either. It was dlc.
I've been hearing so many gushing/purely positive reviews of Spider-Man 2, so it is refreshing to hear some truth! Thank you!
It’s still a fantastic game lmao. Anyone who has played it will tell you the same.
It's still a great game to play. There still is truth. They didn't lie 😂
Bruh it's still a hella good game
"Truth as in "something that affirms my opinion".
Its still a great game! Woke stuff is annoying, yes, but the only bad points appart from the woke parts are probably how Miles is 100% better at everything than Peter even though hes the rookie most of the time, but appart from that, the game is still amazing, and a GOTY contender
The sad thing is, they would not do it if it wasn't marketable. The forced representation is so hypocritical adn they just use people's disabilities or sexuality to market their game. As if we've never had those characters in video games before and those character actually play a role in those games. This is just sad and horrible to watch people being used like that.
"Market"? I didn't know there were disabled and LGBT+ people in the game before buying it. And I didn't care a bit about it because the goal is to normalize diversity in media. Why do disabled and LGBT+ have to "actually play a role"? Do you complain that straight abled characters don't play a role in video games?
@milacruz3970 nah the problem is y’all’s complaining about it
Endymion, you’re not racist. You’re based. You’re calling out everything I’ve seen in my games and other media. Whenever I address these problems, people look at me crazy. It’s just nice to see that I’m not the only one that sees this.
Based smegma
Agreed. I have no problems with mild inclusiveness, just don’t shove them down our Goddamn throats.
And don’t disrespect a culture’s language, just because you feel like it’s “more welcoming to all;” you either say it right, or don’t say it at all.
It does sound like you have a problem with inclusiveness. The games not even shoving it down your throats. Just blind old ladies and like one gay person in the game. People are looking for reasons to be offended@@Archive_7802
@@Archive_7802 I think you're misunderstanding having something "shoved down your throat" with being shown that your world is a lot smaller than you think
@@gr3yhemLgbt people are entitled to our tolerance.
But they're not entitled to our acceptance.
And they're definitely not entitled to our undivided attention.
Contrary to popular belief: You can't force someone to like you
This game was way too much like a woke ‘Prototype’.
Man I miss prototype
More like a woke web of shadows
Just wait till Spider-Man 3 where Peter isn’t in and if he is he’s not the main character.
I miss Prototype games. No woke ass trash. Just pure fun and carnage
I forgot about Prototype LOL, nice
It's not just pandering, it's propaganda.
Both? Both.
Propaganda? For what? Acknowledging gay and disabled people exist?
Both is good
@@jacknedry3925 well kinda the opposite of good for us in that case :p
Hmm, interesting that in the marketing, interviews, and trailers, there were no signs of their side missions or MJ sections. Kinda like they knew it would affect their sales.
regardless of that, they are pushing this disgusting agenda. So it means that they are given the task to push it
The only argument those people have are "It's not a big deal! Why are you complaining?!" and yet if it actually isn't a big deal why do they insist to shove it into a game. Glad I didn't buy this game.
Why is it a problem that it is the game, it doesn't affect the story at all
@@Iam_Shadow76The pushing of Miles over Peter affects the story. As does making MJ a girl boss in her missions.
On top of all the pandering.
@@SnipingIsFun okay but the story isn't about just peter
@@Iam_Shadow76 shush you. dont bring facts here
@ShadowRain8309 He is still the more experienced hero there though and they have Miles do better than him a lot.
I've said this many times now. Miles needs his own actual separate superhero name. There's a reason Batman has a Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, etc.
As an edit, it's so weirdly fun and sad seeing the war going down in the comments. Let me add some context for those that are turning my comment into a strawman. Don't assume that I'm a fan of multiverse versions of characters. It can be fun at first glance, but it's gotten way out of hand as of late, and it ruins the stakes of a lot of stories. And let's not forget how Miles only became popular because of Into the Spider-Verse.
His original run in the comics was quite divisive, and I wasn't a fan at all. And, yes, I do know that calling him Spider-Man made some sense initially. What I'm not a fan of is how he's replacing Peter as the primary iteration and how, in the game, both are referred to as Spider-Man. Stop being dishonest or adding words to my mouth. If you want to have a fair conversation, start by actually responding to the particular details in the comment itself.
Oh, and, speaking of Batman lore, since someone mentioned it, I'm also not a fan of most if not all replacements for Bruce Wayne. This criticism I have for a character like Miles is applicable towards a lot of these types like Falcon being Captain America. A lot of 'em are also done by writers who aren't even hiding their political agendas whenever they introduce such mantle-passing moments, especially as of late.
They need to fully do Kid Arachnid or Spin now
In the new baby show for Spider-Man he has an actual separate name
No he doesn't and saying he does is racist
You do realize that in his original universe he was the only Spider-Man after his old one died, why would he change his name after he picked up the Spider-Man mantle. Night wing has become Batman when batman died same with Superboy.
@@SnipingIsFunit’s too late they can’t just call him something else after so much emphasis on how everyone is Spider-Man now lmao
I agree. The MJ missions were better than 1 but makes no sense that she can take out a whole hunter camp with a single Taser. Like if you reallt want her part of the story. Give her symbiote powers during the missions. At least it would make sense.
I remember playing it and having mj survive a crossbow shot this is just bs at least in the first game if you get caught your just done
She was trained by silver sable directly bro and silver sable and her men are way more dangerous than the hunters besides kraven
@@Young_Wrath for how long? Less than a year? Unless sable injected her with some shit then it still doesn't make sense
@@RookieDancinso you basically want them to show that she been trained for more than a year is crazy
@@dortaciaparks827 no I'm saying she couldn't have trained more than a year. Doesn't make sense that these people who are hunters their whole life are getting wiped by a normal human being who trained less than a year... It's like saying if I trained for a year lifting weights, I can be at first place against people who trained their whole lives for the Olympics.
I didn’t notice any “woke” stuff in the game until you pointed it out
Because you are blind, wake tf up my guy
I know it's hard to give up some of your favorite hobbies...but if you want to damage woke, you need to stop giving these products money, even if it's just for "the content." I was a Playstation fanboy since 1995 with the release of the PS1. I sold my substantial comic book collection to get the funds to buy one. And was a dedicated fan until 2016, when they moved Playstation HQ to California and started censoring the games I loved. That was it. Dropped the brand cold turkey. It's not that hard. When it comes to non essentials like hobbies, it's very easy to make a change. I switched to pc gaming and there are infinitely more games to play that come from non woke. Stop talking the talk, people, and start walking the walk.
Well said! And I agree! I've more or less given up on modern gaming...
Same here
I’m so checked out I didn’t even know Spider-Man 2 launched
Yep, I didn’t buy this despite buying the first game. Opinions mean nothing to companies when you’ve already paid them
Right they only sold 2.4 million in 24hrs
I’m severely irritated that’s the route they decided to go with black cat considering the last game left with the open ended implication that Peter Parker MIGHT be a father.
I know this is kinda old, but what do you mean?If you are talking about black cat being bisexual, she has been since the 90s.
I don't see why you would need to be irritated. It ain't a big deal.
The DLC literally said Black Cat was lying...
They revealed she was lying though
My issue was that they EASILY could have fixed the MJ missions by just having us play has Black Cat instead. Peter, Felicia and Miles in the final battle would have been WAY more epic.
Sony makes everything woke... just look at last of us!
Not everything just "Last of Us"😂
Please Don't Remind Me😂😂😂
I got through those scenes barely🤦🏾
Yet another gey game
Horizon zero dawn too
@@chrisstowe3448Gay people aren't woke
14:48 Prowler isn’t even a Miles Morales villain neither. He originally was Peter Parter’s villain named Hobie Brown (aka Prowler). Miles Morales’ Prowler was the 3rd incarnation of him, “reimagined” as his uncle Aaron Davis.
Hobie is spider punk now
@@disappointing8213 Not in Earth-616, he was Prowler. One of Peter Parker’s original villains in 1969. You’re thinking of Earth-138 Hobie Brown, who’s Spider-Punk in his universe (Across the Spider-Verse’s Spider-Punk was based him).
Latinx is a clear sign that there's pandering to ESG.
It’s actually quite simple if countries ban ESG then none of this shit would happen. Like for some reason there’s minorities in every advert for no reason due to ESG.
I have been reading the recent trash of the SM comics. I am all for letting Petter retire and live a good life. I am done with how they just can’t cut the guy a break and the forever concept of comics will just keep repeating the slapping of Peter. Comics should be like manga where you have a story to tell and let it end. The forever problem is comics problem. Let them age, that events last pass on the mantle or god forbid just let the series end for a new idea to replace it.
I’m fine with like an old Spider-Man saying let someone else defend but like Peter is in his prime. The dude would not stop being Spider-Man anytime soon
@@EndymionTvthat’s what I think too. It’s especially annoying when you consider how weak Peter seems compared to everyone else in this game while Miles seems elite and unstoppable until you pull some tricks on him
@@wizardwolf1020But he literally becomes overpowered in this game lmao. How is Peter shown as weak here? This man destroyed Kraven and Lizard in the boss fights. This is the most badass we have seen Peter throughout the series.
@@Nobleman23 when he’s wearing the black suit and gets the strength buff. But without it? Kraven literally kills him in seconds with him needing the black suit to actually avoid dying
@@Nobleman23 that’s not even mentioning how Venom kicks his ass even when he gets the anti-venom suit which is supposed to both give him the buffs of the black suit as well as make him the ultimate counter to symbiotes like Venom yet he still got beaten badly in the end. Bad enough that he was knocked out long enough for Miles to have a full round with Venom
You have no clue how funny it is having venom be the thumbnail for this. He and eddy literally had a baby in the comics
I dont remeber her being part of the lgbt at all. Just her being a side-piece for Peter. Thats all shes ever been
Yeah. I think her having a "girlfriend" could be just a sarcasm...
@@jackripple5179 very true i don't think insomniac would ruin a character like that
@@yamiirvin1569 But, honestly? I don't mind if this happens since this is NOT real life.
@@yamiirvin1569really. Look how they are treating Peter. The game would have been better without miles.
@@jackripple5179i gueds you never had a childhood growing up with fantasy characters you shaped your identity around lol
Imagine playing a game and you don't want to save the city
What's quote... Oh, yeah, "shut up and take my money".
Where can I buy the Saudi Arabia version of Spiderman 2? I need my American flags and straight people interacting in NYC again.
The Middle East is just better in moralities sake. They actually hold on to their values and refuse to kneel to the liberals unlike the west. They don’t really care if the character is white, they don’t victimize themselves since they enslaved white people in the 16th century.
Bro is complaining about there being pride flags in a game taking place in New York
I love that the thumbnail became a meme 😂
Here in Brazil, there is a phenomenon very similar to "latinx" since our language is also based on masculine and feminine, only difference is we cultivated this tumor ourselves, wich makes it far worse. However, recently one of the biggest woke influencers of the country (Felipe Neto) made a partnership with a chocolate company (called BIS), so we (the people fighting against this woke horde) created the hashtag "#BisNuncaMais" (BisNeverAgain) and now their stocks have gone record low. Moral of the story is: you can vote with your pocket. If you're against the woke virus infecting the entertainment industry, wait to see if new games, movies or series have this unnecessary pandering, and simply don't consume them if thats the case. When it starts to hurt in their wallets, they'll quickly return to prioritize making good products instead of stuffing these ideologies where they don't belong.
em uma nota completamente nada a ver com o assunto, essa sua foto do Guts tá foda pra krl
Olha meu povo ta em todo lugar. Lol.
Eu só queria que um jogo com título de Homem Aranha 2 que juntassem Venom, homem aranha e ant venom no mesmo jogo tivesse protagonismo do homem aranha
@@fang_gamers407 o ultimate homem aranha do ps2 é quase isso, mas sem o anti venom
@@neucoarc mas no final o Peter não consegue o ant Venom?
They always love to change characters to suit their agenda, even when *it canonically DOESN’T make sense. And when we call them out for it, they call us bigots and racists…*
Sticks and stones, they can call me whatever they want because unlike most people, idgaf
Story of the industry these days
They can call us bigots and racist but they can never call us LIARS.
It's cause they're effeminate. Give a little boy and a little girl a batman doll to play with and the boy will learn everything he can about batman and roleplay like the character. The girl will ignore the character entirely, act like he's a girl and have tea parties with it. Effeminate minds want the world to confirm to them and their desires, masculine minds are content to become what they admire.
@@MrSkullMerchantbro you are not special I’m not giving a f*ck what people you don’t know fell about you
Any living being: Breathes
Peter Parker: Apologize profusely
Prowler was actually originally Hobie Brown (Spiderpunk in Spiderverse) Peter and him teamed up, and Prowler would actually dawn the Spider-man costume whenever Peter was around J Jonah because J Jonah was getting suspicious of Peter
I’ve never rolled my eyes or cringed harder in a game in my entire life as I have in this game. I was expecting there to be a mission to find a room for Peter & Harry to “bump heads.” It’s disgusting.
Spiderman 1 and Miles games, both I turned off and the miles game I never finished...
The only good thing is web slinging
must be hard getting offended that easily by nothing
@@romanbloomfield9066 If it was nothing, they wouldn't be shoving it in our faces. If it was nothing, we'd be able to mod it out. I wish it was nothing, believe me.
@@DukeNukemTheKing bro you even got a job or a life
Oh no, the professional victim didn't like my comment.
Why don't you go protest the middle eastern version of the game that removed the gay propaganda? I bet you won't.
Jeez Insomniac went full circle on this garbage, instead of just focusing on the story. I’m happy I didn’t rush to buy this. Makes me happy I played Guardians of the Galaxy when I did, cause chances are this will continue to become the norm and will people will eat it up cause they don’t push back. Don’t even want to know what they do with Wolverine…😑
But they literally did focus on the story. As a matter of fact the narrative was the main selling point of the game. We literally got the best adaptations of both kraven and venom in this game but nope let’s talk about a side mission where u play as hailey where that mission is OPTIONAL 💀
@@Nightlizard1564these dudes dont care lmao they all a group of weirdos tht just hate anything thats even slightly inclusive they cry anytime they see a gay character
@@23Raind but the mission itself wasn’t even as bad as he’s making it out to be. On top of that u can stop it by just abandoning the mission 😂. Imo it was fine and it was just a break from all of the craziness in the main story. Hell one the best side missions in the game is the Howard one and grandpa earl along with this one mainly because it shows that while Spider-Man fights supervillains all the time he still makes time for the community and cares about the little guy. As for miles I do see that he does need to be a more independent spider man and have his own unique name so that part I’ll agree.
@@Nightlizard1564 Shut up, w@ketard. XD
The woke war won't work out for corporations. The fans will win and they will remember how they were treated.
Lol what fans? Any true Spiderman fan doesn't give a crap about this, we just want a kickass game and a decent story. I would understand if it were Venom or Carnage the ones doing the pandering but Spiderman is literally the most inclusive and tolerant superhero ever.
@@zzxp1 W@keness is cancer.
What if I told you... Spiderman was always "woke."
@@buckyhurdle4776I'd tell you, you were wrong. Spider-Man was always progressive, but never woke.
@@buckyhurdle4776Progressive =/= Woke
That is an agenda. It uses people.
no offense but i lost interest right as you said "miles isn't spider man" bro the whole idea of spider man is anyone could be under the mask
Fr bro I’m sick of hearing it, don’t get me wrong I love Peter’s character and he will always be my favorite character ever, but miles is a great character and he represents me (I’m a mixed kid) some people may argue that that’s all mile has to offer but that’s completely untrue
@@KANI_APEXX frfr pete always the goat but it doesn't take away from miles
That's when I gained interest I'm puerto Rican myself but I know Spiderman is Peter not my people and I'm okay with that
That’s what I’m saying, also he must hate the spider verse movies if he hates miles, as a black person I always consider Peter the og and true spider man but miles is still an amazing character.
"Calling someone latinx unironically is probably one of the most insulting things you can do to someone of that culture".
I'm a Latin person, totally agree with that statement, If someone calls me like that I'll think that person is an idiot. That's just crap and purely shit, nonsense.
Now regarding the girlfriend idea. I don't mind it that much as long as she doesn't hate men and is really well written. But i think insomniac is gaslighting us here into believing that. Cause remember in the dlc, Pete mentioned that she only cares about herself and has emotionally manipulated Peter in the dlc with that whole son arc.
I bet ya the gf she is referring to here is the Mona lisa painting.
Not to mention here is that miles never knew her so it was easy for her to manipulate him. So maybe they are going that route
I would like that explanation. It also fits black cat's character.
She absolutely was bullshitting him and doing a heist in Paris 🤣
Hopefully that’s true and it’s not more propaganda
"deaf girl and ginger lady" you got me rolling😭
They could’ve made miles missions waaaay better by simply adding prowler (uncle Aaron) on the list of super villains needing be hunted. Whoever didn’t pitch that idea to insomniac is trippin.
He's not the prowler anymore
The prowler was not enough of a threat to be on Kraven's radar. Im suprised thry were even hunting Black Cat
@@coatrak1357 true. But that still would’ve been better than pretty much any other mission. Or throw in the finishing story of taskmaster. Or rhino. I’m very surprised we didn’t see rhino hunted by Kraven.
If you've played Miles Morales you know that the prowler has turned himself in. Also not only he's too old to be the prowler but also he again has bonded with his family(backed by the fact that Rio forgave him and Miles wasn't hostile towards him in the first place) meaning he for sure won't be returning to that life again, so it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Remember the argument they tend to use?
"if you don't like it just turn it off"
Well one of the biggest Spanish content creators did... Mid stream after hearing the made up Spanish he did exactly that, he turned it off (as in he actually tuned the entire game sound off lol).
And no, we are not allowed to "just turn it off" as it seems since he is now being "canceled" (and already addressed it by saying he doesn't care) and asmongold is also being "canceled" for defending us.
All I can hope is that backlash goes hard enough so that this shit doesn't happen anymore, can only speak for Mexico, but here Mos people I know who were planing on buying the game are not doing it out of principal.
We don't like our language being butchered, not even the latino LGBT community likes it... Only a very small and I can't stress this EXTREMELY SMALL minority of them like it and actually push it.
La comunidad latina son héroes por esto!! saludos desde EEUU
Yeah, I saw the clip of ElRubius muting the cringe podcast and I'm like "seriously? Is this why he's getting cancelled? For not liking his native language being butchered?"
Really hope this game goes into obscurity the same way Marvel's Avengers did
Awww.. go cry
@@IDKLOLIMJUSTHEREyou don’t serve any purpose here so why are you here in the first place? Go out go to the gym do something productive cus tf are you here for to suck me and others offs for negative attention? BETTER YOURSELF
Some thing I definitely agree with, but I don't think their plan is to get rid of Peter Parker. That would be suicide. I believe the break that Peter is taking will be to allow for a Miles Morals 2 spinoff that will use the same "2 Hero" method but introduce Silk/Cindy. Then they will come back to Spider-Man 3 where we will most likely get a "3 Hero" system with all 3 of them as playable characters, similar to how GTA5 does it.
Welp unfortunately Cindy Moon is Korean. So that means theres gonna be pandering. Bc thats what pandering is now....having people of different lifestyles in a game. I cant wait to see this guys video on that.
So two more games a life long spiderman fan won't play
@@lucaleone4331eh the prom mission felt like pandering playing as miles was not that is the difference I think. That mission sucked
Peter is Spider Man, im happy to accept Miles, and for him to have his own games, but I will not accept Miles replacing Peter, the real Spider Man, in any way.
Both of them are spiderman. Peter is the 1st one yes, but miles is spiderman. Spiderman is just a mantle for the person. Sometimes i swear yall are brain dead with the shit ppl say. Lol
@@jamalstar4243The person never said Miles wasn't Spider-Man. Just that Peter is more Spider-Man than the rest
And why wouldn't he be? He's the original and everything good from Spider-Man usually comes from him
@@FatKratos69 this is all true, but that still doesnt take away the point of miles is spiderman too.
@@jamalstar4243 Yeah, I agree. I like Miles' character. I just wish we get to see more new things from him. Newer villians, and all that.
Miles is Spider-Man too, I just don't like how they propped up Miles at the expense of Peter. You could tell he was nerfed and messing up a lot
@@FatKratos69 yea. They really didntndo anything with miles in the story. I get the story is supposed to he miles finding his own identity, but this game doesnt really do that justice.
the hayley mission was bad but its a side mission and just once. its nothing to make half a segment about lmao
Literally 10 mins of the game these people are so unhinged.
Ah. I see I’ve stumbled upon one of “those” channels. Please carry on, I’ll just mosey on outta here..
@@LooneyVoices6398 Quite right you are sir. Carry on 🫡
Im going to make a Dare Devil game and make the screen black for that "immersion"
Every time I see a cutscene of this game, it seems the characters are talking on their suit to someone who knows their secret identity, missing the entire point of why Spider-man is relatable. He's a loner not because he can't work with others, but cause it's dangerous for others around him to know too much. It's ridiculous.
Fucking thank you, I have to search for years to find a sensible person like you, everyone has been brainwashed into believing that the shitty modern versions of Spider-Man are how he’s always been
Its not a prequel game. We've seen Spiderman be a loner, thats why they skipped this whole part. The point is Peter trying to have a life now, which means sharing his identity with people he cares about. His life was also pretty fckn bad hiding it from people he loved. Which is why Miles is doing so much better than Peter is. Makes all sense to me.
@@lucaleone4331this guy gets it
Yooo, ngl that thumbnail goes hard! Gay Venom for life 🏳🌈
@@alatusedits Don’t talk about yourself like that, I’m sure you can improve as a person
@@NotLancer2018 stop projecting kid
The fact that Insomniac prioritized boring side-content such as the Hailey and MJ missions over making side-content actually fun (take the Venom segment for example, why did they spend all that time on making MJ playable when people asked them not to, let alone making Hailey a playable character instead of giving him his own game-mode or at least another mission???) just goes to show how much they care about the people buying their product, as long as they get their money it no longer matters to them.
it's good that aunt May is dead because they can give you mini-game of May making cookies😂
so the mysterio side mission and the flame side missions just don't exist then
@@nkosiburke6502omg TWO missions?? Holy moooly 🤯🤯😳
@@shen5533 those are whole quest lines but maybe you’d know that if you tried the game
@@shen5533 not the only ones either
I once saw an Instagram post which says that if you try to differentiate between Peter and Miles at all. (Peter being Amazing Spider-Man and Miles being Ultimate Spider-Man) The author of the post said it was racist trying to differentiate between them. So many woke mentalists
Guess people either forgot about or wanted to forget about the series where Peter was “The Ultimate Spider-Man”
@@Chris_4800 literally, but even that cannot satisfy them. I don't know what I expect, Instagram is one of the most aggressive platforms out there
Yeah, the people who agree on having black characters are racist because they cannot accept themselves and white people existing
People need to get out of themselves. Just because someone doesn't support the BLM cult doesn't mean they're racist. Only if they agree they're being racist then it's confirmed. Anything can be mistaken for anything else. It's like if someone chose a man over a female to help them with something, they must be sexist every time.
"in persuit of another woman."
Do they know what BI-sexual means?
That thumbnail goes hard
We need more Eastern devs who us good games without any woke bs in it 👍🏻
Like metal gear rising? The anti war anti American occupation game?
@@goldsea1678 politics can be in games if it has a point, mgs had political messaging since the first game, why choose that one? adding shit for the sake of adding it is the problem, there are tons and tons of stories with "woke" shit in them and nobody cares because it makes sense in the story for the characters and fleshes them out. people want a good game where the focus is the game and the story, not stupid shit added just so the absolute sad losers in western media to say wow it's so good cause it has gay flags and a black woman in it, nobody fucking cares.
@@Myhaay You seem to care.
@@goldsea1678 that's all you can muster up? completely ignore everything because you don't have an argument? i don't care about specifically what i said i don't, maybe read, i do care about forcing this shit for no reason in every piece of media though.
Oh OK so it's not "woke" for 2 japanese anime girls to kiss but it is "woke" for 2 American girls to kiss. Interesting.
I feel like the Marry Jane missions would’ve been better if the predators actually would get suspicious and try to fight her off while doing a takedown.
Fighting takedowns are my favorite because it shows that they can actually fight the character you’re playing as even if they lose in the end.
I’ll take what they gave us. They’re way better than last game
I can't wait for some dumb cont to try that irl, and have it not work out. Like when that movie, Girl w the Dragon Tattoo came out, some young journalist girl actually tried to infiltrate a criminal organization. You can guess how that turned out. At least they found the body.
I'm not even a Spiderman fan but I know that Peter Parker *IS* Spiderman.
_I'm more of a Batman type of guy, the dark comics, in black and white_
By Odin's fade.... Miles has always been a token.
“The game contains more woke messaging than ever before but I still bought it because it’s fun”
You’re the problem.
Harsh but fair.
Also fair to say one has to play it to know.
But thanks to him I won't and maybe more people won't either.
How dare people have fun
@@sithazzazzin7329 imagine putting principles before playing with toys
Buying games you like is a problem?
And I hate how none of the main game reviewers don't even mention any of the wokeness
Because most reasonable people don’t become snowflakes when they hear a pronouns or see a potentially gay character.
@@StraightUpLazy111 snow flake 😂. No just my Christian morals.
Because most ppl don't care about small petty stuff like that.
@@christiansmith131 Your "Christian morals" are just dogshit bigotry.
Of course not, that's how they stay on the air
For those unaware black cat has been bi since the mid 90s its not news
What? That doesn’t really make sense ngl. Not because she’s bi, because she seduces men to steal.
6:51 you would be mad no matter what would happen lmao
I will not touch anything woke. Period. I don't care if I never play a video game again.
Good luck not going outside cause apparently global warming is woke😅
just play older games or asian games, all fromsoftware games are great for example
@@Iam_Shadow76 I love it when libs make stuff up and use it to attack you, truly the definition of a straw man argument.
The funny thing is that the woke have been trying to incorporate global warming into their woke culture and propaganda so that they can later claim that anyone who opposes them is responsable for it. Even though lots of people like me who hate woke crap actually care about global warming and the planet.
Honestly after reading some of your replies I'm convinced you're one of those twitter trolls or something.
I'm on the verge of quitting modern gaming for retro gaming.
@@nahkaboltsi6315 genshin impact peak
Dude I totally agree with you and I'm Puerto Rican, the pandering is ridiculous smh. Plus, there is another side mission where you take someone to the ambulance and he goes out of his way to say, that his boyfriend loves spiderman smh its pathetic. Great video man
genuine question: if you were a gay man with a boyfriend who loves spiderman and you were just rescued BY spiderman, would you not say “hey! my boyfriend loves you!”, i don’t feel like it’s as unrealistic as you think it is. if every instance of a lgbtqia+ character existing in media (much like they do in real life) is considered pandering, then we’re just excluding an entire group of people from media, which I hope you agree wouldn’t be right
@jacoblbarton I also have a genuine question for you. Does my opinion on the matter offend or bother you? Because at the end of the day, it's just an opinion that I'm more than entitled to. Secondly, adding political things like this to a video game is not warranted by the average gamer. Realism is cool and all, but I and many others play video games to escape reality. What's wrong with keeping it strictly comicbook and fantasy? Why do these things have to be pushed in literally everything that we watch and see these days? It's clearly an agenda that is really unnecessary to push in all things. It doesn't make the game any better, it just seems like pandering.... which it very well is. Now do I have a problem with those types of people? No, not at all. But when I was growing up, these things were nowhere to be found in comicbooks like they are today. Hope this didn't offend you, as this response is not meant for that. Just my personal take, as I respect yours. 👍👍
@@radamesrivera4193 You're allowed to have an opinion, but this is a comments section. Everyone is also allowed to have an opinion about your opinion.
Also, most of the stuff people consider "woke" wasn't in comics back then because you were supposed to be ashamed of being gay and racism was super casual until the 2010s. Shit, I remember my local comic book shop refusing to stock spawn Comics because Spawn is black and it was upsetting local white housewives when their kid would bring the comic home. Not the violence, not the sex...the race of the character.
Like, did you know that TV shows always either made a gay character a joke or ashamed of being gay in TV until Seinfeld did the whole "Not that there's anything wrong with that" joke in the 90s? In that episode, people mistakenly believe Jerry and his friend are gay. The same concept was used in many shows before and it was always poking fun at being gay being something to be embarrassed by. One plot had a character attempt suicide because people mistakenly believe him to be gay when he wasn't, and it was played for laughs.
When you want things to be like the comics of your youth, you are unintentionally wanting people to feel bad about themselves. Like straight white dudes can be represented, but everyone else doesn't deserve that honor. These people existing in media and being treated the same as everyone else shouldn't be a bad thing.
Unless it's Disney turning white characters into people of color for no valid reason. That shit is just annoying. And why do companies keep changing redheads into black people? That's weird. April O'Neil, Ariel, Jimmy Olson, James Gordon...that's something to actually care about.
@@radamesrivera4193 just because someone isn’t exactly like you doesn’t make it a political opinion. you are entitled to feel negatively about others being themselves because you’re insecure with yourself l, but that doesn’t mean representing communities of humans is pandering or political. these people exist whether you want them to or not, especially in NEW YORK, and i think insomniac choosing to have this coalition of people in their games is much more accurate than just having a bunch of straight, able bodied people. also probably better to spread positivity than negativity. existing isn’t negative
@@luciusblairyt lmao you're a funny guy
"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C. S. Lewis
Hopefully their pandering won't ruin the third game if there is going to be a third game.
There will definitely be a third game. And they’ll probably double down too
I can't wait for the dlc content to come with Carnage
The third game, will only feature MM, in the main story, maybe you will be able to play PP. in a side mission arc though.
@@theanimeunderworld8338 that would be cool, I love Carnage
It will have more pandering
"Naawww theyre making me play as a woman and theres gay people in there, this is SO WOKE!!"
did you buy maryjane and pronouns party game or spiderman game?"
@@MrDead00 nawww are the gays scaring you? Snowflake party lookin pretty fuckin soft nowadays
Oh yes, because the problem is that the characters are women or gay, not that being women or gay comes at the cost of good storytelling and gameplay here. Y’all really need to come up with better arguments than these lame cop-outs. “WAHHHH you’re sexist and racist WAHHHH” is just not effective.
You don’t buy a spiderman game to help high schoolers ask each other out and play as a regular human girl. You play a spiderman game to be SPIDERMAN
This why a lot a game are not being buy because it’s nonsense this is why I play old game the classic
Spider-Man is the most popular superhero so regardless of what they do with him his games will sell. This game sold very well & if you ignore all the politics in it it’s a fun game ( which is hard to do since it’s basically everywhere )
Crap like this is why I've became extremely selective about what game I invest in. I recently got into Dark Souls 3, and it is proving to be one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Granted, I'm coming into it seven years after release, but it's still better than most games these days. Praise Fromsoft!
Best thing about FromSoft is they are not woke. Nintendo too never puts woke stuff into their games.
Wait till you find out Gwendolyn is a femboy
@@imadoggo3916 Such a tired, nonsensical, dumbass claim. Gwyndolin was FORCED to be raised as a female by Gwyn because of his affinity for moon magic. He's been tortured and manipulated his entire life. Pretty stupid to boil down his existence to a "femboy" like he's some mentally warped Gen Z'er running around posting dick picks on twitter.
@@imadoggo3916 I heard about that. If memory serves me right, that was due to how Gwyn treated him. And he gets partially eaten by Aldrich anyway.
@@umptischmutz Yeah. Most of it comes from the first Dark Souls game (which is the best one) but basic because he was proficient at moon magic and had a fragile physique. Gwyn raised him as a female because it looked better because he believed to was too weak to be a man. That’s why you can find the reversal ring in the hallway where you fight him in the first game in both ds1 and ds3. But yeah eventually he got gobbled by Aldrich :(
I realised what kind of person you are when you said that miles isn’t able to be spider-man. I therefore have kept my expectations low and don’t take you seriously as a result, good job!
I wonder what would happen to sales if these companies were forced to place the ESG rating or DEI score directly on the front of their packaging?
They should. I want them to be honest with their customers instead of shoving it in sneakily.
I doubt it would change anything. The average normie doesn´t pick up on anything woke or propaganda even if it is blatantly in your face.
@@TheOneAndOnlycEBecause they've already been conditioned.
@@AbraCaStabra No, it's because we just don't give a shit. Normal people don't get upset by seeing 1 or 2 gay characters in a game. Most people know at least 1 or 2 gay people in the real world so it's really not shocking to us.
@@darrenmacqueen9884Normal people aren’t trans tho
Normal people don’t buy into that whole LatinX bs tho
In the last game, a champion was able to replace all the pride flags with a mod. This time, Insomniac has made it much harder by filling every nook and cranny with woke nonsense. Hope a champion can rise up to the challenge. How do we get our hands on the Middle East version?
The mod was just the .exe file of the Middle Eastern version is all & why Nexus took it down sharpish, as it was essentially pirating the game.
Man is NY, pride flags are not uncommon don't be a baby about it.
@@zzxp1 then dont be a baby about it when someone wants to remove them
@@LT.KILLIAN-14031 You are literally so butthurt about a flag that will go out of your way, wasting free time into modding it out of the game. Now that is a snowflake if I ever saw one.
Cry about it
U know what the best way to do this is like with static shock because he’s not with black lighting so he’s not in his shadow and that’s miles problem
I think I only encountered one instance with a gay couple in the game and I actually liked that mission. Plus it doesn't affect the fun I'm having with the game so far.
I agree with a lot of what you said but here are my thoughts as a black teen. Growing up almost every popular superhero was white, and most black characters were super stereotypical. This is why I like Miles’s character so much, he feels like an actual black teen, and as someone who’s grown up in the black community his whole life seeing miles go around and help random people with problems feels accurate for someone like him to be focused on as community is really important in our culture. As for phasing Peter out as spider man in the games I personally don’t hate the idea. I love Peter and grew up with him as my spiderman, but I feel like a major theme of this game was about how being spiderman and being a normal person is almost impossible. Even when you think about it, the EMF which was Peters and Harry’s dream was destroyed directly because Peter is spiderman, which is why I don’t hate the idea that in the next game Peter decides to settle down with MJ and passes the torch to miles much like how Barry Allen passes the torch to Wally west as the flash
You do know wally west used to be a redhead right?? They literally swapped his race for pandering reasons lol
Was going to buy this game but this is a real eye opener. thanks man saved me 80 bucks
Didn’t know people could get offended over the most dumbest things
@@Noonehere14559 i know right
@@Noonehere14559swear down brah guys need to stop complaining and just enjoy the game it aint that deep
@@Noonehere14559kinda ironic you are offended because no one wants to buy you're garbage game for twitter users.
"If they had read the comic" - says the guy complaining about Spiderman's identity, which had built in ambiguity from the first issue. The whole point of Spiderman is that anybody should be able to see themselves in that suit. Not just man babies.
Relax its just his opinion
Also not everyone can be Spiderman
Thats ridiculous
You think a murderer can be Spiderman
Stan Lee literally said that was the point.@@dude9318
How is it filled to the brim? There’s like one mission with a gay character like this whole video is grown ass men freaking out about the littlest thing that has 0 zero impact on the story I feel like if there’s anything that has barely minute reference to gay people or someone with disabilities you freak out and call it woke trash It’s not like Peter and Miles teamed up and defeated venom with the power of gayness. Like clam down 😂
I mean, that pendulum swings both ways. The "Community" absolutely LOVES fabricating "representation" in the form of cringe headcanon and fanfiction where they claim a character is a gay/trans icon that they then go around pushing as fact, or claiming nonsense like "the only reason they didn't do it is because of -isms!" What makes it worse still is when activists from said "Community" then infiltrate companies and inject their headcanon into mainstream content to "make it official."
What do you mean? They were only able to beat venom after kissing each other!!!