@@tiddycandy9874 hi I’m a swimming captain for my local swimming club and my advice is to firstly socialise make friends always paractise your drills to prefect your strokes try and get your times down to do more galas and have fun
1 00:00:00,412 --> 00:00:03,034 Top 20 Swimming Tips 상위 20 수영 비결들 2 00:00:03,158 --> 00:00:07,850 Top 20 Tips for Swimming Improvement Part 1 수영 향상을 위한 상위 20개 수영 비결들 1부 3 00:00:11,670 --> 00:00:13,439 20- Glide 20- 활강(glide) 4 00:00:13,566 --> 00:00:19,811 To save energy when you swim breaststroke, butterfly or freestyle, you need to learn how much to glide. 평영, 접영, 자유형으로 헤엄칠 때는 에너지를 아끼기 위해, 얼마나 활강해야 할지 알아야 합니다. 5 00:00:20,468 --> 00:00:24,980 Try exaggerating the glide and shorten it until it feels right. 활강을 과장되게 해본 다음 적당하다고 느낄 때까지 활강 거리를 줄여가십시요. 6 00:00:27,051 --> 00:00:29,118 19- Breathe Control 19- 호흡 제어 7 00:00:29,865 --> 00:00:32,239 Control your breathing while you swim. 헤엄칠 때는 호흡을 제어하십시요. 8 00:00:32,721 --> 00:00:36,159 Inhale quickly and exhale slowly. 재빠르게 들이쉬고 천천히 내쉬세요. 9 00:00:39,385 --> 00:00:41,405 18- Feel the water 18- 물을 느끼십시요 10 00:00:42,112 --> 00:00:46,788 When you do swim drills, the most important thing is to feel the water. 여러분이 수영 부분훈련을 할 때, 가장 중요한 것은 물을 느끼는 것입니다. 11 00:00:47,992 --> 00:00:52,359 The feel for the water is the most immediate and important feedback. 물에 대한 느낌은 가장 즉각적이고 중요한 피드백(feedback)입니다. 12 00:00:54,241 --> 00:00:57,849 It is one of the best ways to improve your swimming technique. 물에 대한 느낌은 여러분의 수영 기술을 향상하는 가장 좋은 방법의 하나입니다. 13 00:01:04,703 --> 00:01:06,523 17- Practice harder 17- 더 맹렬하게 연습하세요 14 00:01:07,301 --> 00:01:13,082 Most elite swimmers have a high tolerance for pain that they have developed through the years. 대부분의 상급 수영선수들은 고통에 대한 내성을 수년간에 걸쳐 개발하여 가지고 있습니다. 15 00:01:13,565 --> 00:01:19,701 Each time you swim there is an opportunity to push yourself and increase your tolerance for pain. 여러분이 수영할 때마다, 자신을 밀어붙여 고통에 대한 내성을 증가할 기회가 있습니다. 16 00:01:22,122 --> 00:01:24,467 16- Swim in a smaller tube 16- 더 작은 튜브 속에서 헤엄치세요 17 00:01:25,107 --> 00:01:31,154 In any stroke, when we try to swim faster we tend to extend the area in which we are swimming. 어떤 영법에서든, 더 빠르게 헤엄치려 할 때 우리는 헤엄치는 단면적을 늘리는 경향이 있습니다. 18 00:01:31,727 --> 00:01:39,570 But as a rule of thumb, it is almost always better to swim in a smaller tube because you create less resistance. 하지만 경험에 따르면, 더 적은 저항을 만들어내므로, 더 작은 튜브 속에서 헤엄치는 것이, 거의 언제나 더 낫습니다. 19 00:01:42,018 --> 00:01:43,182 15- Cool down 15- 쿨 다운(Cool down, 몸 식히기) 20 00:01:43,894 --> 00:01:49,566 When you swim, your muscles tighten and your blood flows rapidly from your heart. 수영할 때는, 근육이 팽팽해지고 혈액은 심장으로부터 급속하게 흐릅니다. 21 00:01:50,270 --> 00:01:55,336 If you suddenly stop your work out, your heart suddenly reduces the blood flow. 갑자기 운동하는 것을 중단하면, 여러분의 심장도 혈류량을 갑자기 줄이게 됩니다. 22 00:01:55,742 --> 00:01:58,494 This sudden change can cause problems. 이 급격한 변화는 여러 가지 문제를 일으킵니다. 23 00:01:59,164 --> 00:02:00,679 A 20 minute cool down 20분 동안 쿨 다운(cool down, 몸 식히기)을 하면 24 00:02:00,886 --> 00:02:04,026 can bring your body back to normal more gradually 몸을 평상시의 상태로 좀 더 서서히 되돌릴 수 있게 되고 25 00:02:04,105 --> 00:02:06,705 giving your muscles a chance to relax 근육이 풀어질 수 있게 되어 26 00:02:06,730 --> 00:02:09,548 and be better prepared for the next swim practice. 더 잘 준비된 몸 상태로 다음 수영 훈련을 할 수 있습니다. 27 00:02:10,724 --> 00:02:12,910 14- Don’t breathe on the first stroke 14- 첫 번째 팔 젓기에는 숨을 쉬지 마세요 28 00:02:13,147 --> 00:02:15,833 Your coach might have told you this before, 아마도 이전에 여러분의 코치님께 들었겠지만, 29 00:02:16,379 --> 00:02:17,945 but when you swim freestyle 자유형을 할 때는 30 00:02:17,970 --> 00:02:23,702 it is important not to breathe in the first stroke after the start or the flipturn. 발사(start) 혹은 엎어 돌기(flipturn)를 하고 나서 첫 번째 팔 젓기에 숨을 쉬지 않는 것이 중요합니다. 31 00:02:24,043 --> 00:02:28,088 The reason is that carrying that initial speed is really important 그 이유는 처음의 그 속도를 끌고 가는 것이 진짜로 중요하고 32 00:02:28,366 --> 00:02:31,766 and breathing usually slows down the momentum. 호흡하면 일반적으로 그 타력이 느려지기 때문입니다. 33 00:02:34,455 --> 00:02:35,892 13- Use your legs 13- 다리를 사용하세요 34 00:02:37,678 --> 00:02:41,815 Most of us when we swim, we pay a lot of attention to our upper body, 우리 대부분은 수영할 때, 상체에 많은 관심을 쏟습니다, 35 00:02:42,352 --> 00:02:46,558 however our legs are incredibly important in all of the strokes. 하지만 모든 영법에서 다리의 역할은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 중요합니다. 36 00:02:47,234 --> 00:02:50,498 Pay more attention to your legs and improve your kick. 다리에 관심을 더 많이 기울여 차기를 향상하십시요. 37 00:02:52,202 --> 00:02:53,464 12- Rotate 12- 몸통 회전 38 00:02:54,464 --> 00:02:58,564 For freestyle and backstroke most swimmers don’t rotate enough. 자유형과 배영에서 대부분의 수영인은 몸통을 충분히 회전하지 않습니다. 39 00:02:59,171 --> 00:03:03,206 If you are swimming more than a 50, you need to really rotate. 만약 50미터보다 더 긴 거리를 헤엄친다면, 진짜로 회전해야 할 필요가 있습니다. 40 00:03:03,755 --> 00:03:09,351 It prevents injuries, helps incorporate bigger muscles and decreases drag. 부상을 예방하고, 더 큰 근육들을 사용하는 데 도움이 되며 저항을 줄입니다. 41 00:03:11,165 --> 00:03:13,152 11- Use the bigger group muscles. 11- 더 큰 근육들을 사용하세요. 42 00:03:14,093 --> 00:03:22,012 It is better to use your entire upper back muscles and pectorals to pull than just your shoulders and biceps. 어깨와 위팔두갈래근만 사용하는 것보다는 윗등 과 가슴 근육 모두를 사용하여 팔을 당기는 것이 훨씬 더 낫습니다. 43 00:03:22,348 --> 00:03:25,353 These bigger group muscles have more power in store 더 큰 이 근육군들은 더 큰 힘을 쓸 수 있고 44 00:03:25,378 --> 00:03:29,643 and will help you move faster if you use them properly while you swim. 헤엄칠 때 제대로 사용한다면, 더 빠르게 갈 수 있을 것입니다. 45 00:03:34,009 --> 00:03:36,526 Thanks for watching! Swim fast! 시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 빠르게 헤엄치세요!
I felt like I wasn’t getting better at swimming this past week. Hopefully these tips will help me get better again, and push myself. Also please people DONT BREATHE ON THE FIRST STROKE AT A MEET
I’m a freshman in high school, my 50 free time is about a 26-27 seconds. I’m hoping by junior year I can be scouted. Any advice about workouts or swim sets I can do during practice to push myself?
Maravilha essa legenda em português. Desta forma , consigo entender as dicas e técnica. Faz 3 meses q entrei na natação para aprender a nadar, com 50 anos 😊
Regarding body rotation: following a back fusion surgery L3-4, I have been told to learn to swim like a log, meaning rotating both hips and shoulder at the same degree level as opposed to have more rotation on the shoulders compared to the hip. The overall exercise improves, for me, in terms of pain, when holding a pool-buy between my legs- any suggestions on how get rid of the pool-buy? I had the surgery 3 years ago. I tried with doing short distance reps without the device , but I do not improve on overall distance. thank you in advance
I have hard time to do #14, don't breathe on first stroke. After underwater dolphin kick and turns, I m out of breath and gasp for air. Which one is more important? Is it worth to trade one less underwater dolphin kick with not breathing on first stroke? I also want to achieve the goal that breathing only once on first lap and twice on 2nd lap on 50Y free. What else can I do to improve the lung capacity besides my daily swim practice routine?
+emden Lee carrying the momentum from the push is extremely important. I would say do one less dolphin kick and don't breathe on the first stroke. The way I increase my lung capacity is by controlling my breathe and practicing longer underwaters. When you are underwater try exhaling a little bit of air slowly. Counterintuitively to what many of us believe, the urge to breathe comes from having an excess of CO2 in your lungs, not from the lack of oxygen.
I have swim team tryouts for high school in the morning. As a freshman, I have no idea how fast I need to be to make the team. Oh well, this helped, so thanks!
It doesn’t really. Cooling down and stretching is the best way to finish a workout. Also eating and hydrating does a lot of good. For me the jacuzzi helps me relax my mind. I hope this helps
Without following the advice of #17, none of the other tips will seem necessary. By swimming harder, up to race pace, all flaws in your strokes will be magnified. Then you can review the remainder of the list and make corrections.
We have a 10 workout program available now. It is focused on short freestyle training. It will help you gain speed and also put in practice a good freestyle technique. Click here to learn more about it: skillswimming.com/swordfish/
+Konstantin Ognev there are important differences. For example in sprint freestyle some swimmer do straight arm, others do a version of common freestyle but with less rotation. In sprint you usually breathe once or twice in a 50. And the legs move a lot quicker. Distance has more shoulder rotation, less kick, more rhythmic breathing and a lot of singing inside ones head 😜
Well, make tutorial about sprint technique and drills, please. It's actual skill. High speed in water can safe sombody's life and get gold in non professional competition :)
bro we do swimming in p.e and we have this float thingy and we have to put it on our chest and swim backwars with one arm. I DONT MOVE. HOW? EVERYONE IS MOVING AND I JUST STAY THERE
watching this as a freshman member of my schools swim team. really helpful!!! thanks!!
hello idk if you’ll respond but i’m an upcoming freshman who wants to join the swim team. what do i need to know?? or like any advice you have haha
@@tiddycandy9874 hi I’m a swimming captain for my local swimming club and my advice is to firstly socialise make friends always paractise your drills to prefect your strokes try and get your times down to do more galas and have fun
@@tiddycandy9874 sorry my reply was late
Always slide your hand into the water during freestyle and backstroke don’t slap the water
No u have to pull
@@michelleshore2787 ?
I feel like stabbing the water with the tip of your fingers are much better and smoother than a plane sliding deeper
Watching this before my swim meet! Thanks for the advice! 😃
Supreme Society same ToT
That’s cool
I’m watching this one hour before my first swimming class in a while
I could make a whole video about each point. Which point would you like me to explain further?
Skills NT a video outlining all the points would be great....
maybe imporoving mobility of ankle joint and pointing toes...
rotation! how do you know if you are over rotating ? that would be a great video!
Lovey636 I have someone video my techniques and watch them outside the pool
How to improve gliding technique. How to avoid shoulders injury with proper techniques .... Thank you for your help! I love your videos!
I have my swim meet this weekend. I hope to do good
Breath control
Feel the water
Practice harder
Swim in a smaller tube
Cool down
Don't breath on the first stroke
Use your legs
Thank you!!
I have my swimming carnival tomorrow so thank you. Very helpful :)
Sie haben einen guten Rat gegeben . Danke und alles gute Schwimm bei allen Schwimmers
Having a swimming competition tomorrow. Very helpful
This helped a lot thanks! My first swim meet is coming up soon! This will probably help me! Also can you do a swim meet advice video?
00:00:00,412 --> 00:00:03,034
Top 20
Swimming Tips
상위 20
수영 비결들
00:00:03,158 --> 00:00:07,850
Top 20 Tips for Swimming Improvement Part 1
수영 향상을 위한 상위 20개 수영 비결들 1부
00:00:11,670 --> 00:00:13,439
20- Glide
20- 활강(glide)
00:00:13,566 --> 00:00:19,811
To save energy when you swim breaststroke, butterfly or freestyle, you need to learn how much to glide.
평영, 접영, 자유형으로 헤엄칠 때는 에너지를 아끼기 위해, 얼마나 활강해야 할지 알아야 합니다.
00:00:20,468 --> 00:00:24,980
Try exaggerating the glide and shorten it until it feels right.
활강을 과장되게 해본 다음 적당하다고 느낄 때까지 활강 거리를 줄여가십시요.
00:00:27,051 --> 00:00:29,118
19- Breathe Control
19- 호흡 제어
00:00:29,865 --> 00:00:32,239
Control your breathing while you swim.
헤엄칠 때는 호흡을 제어하십시요.
00:00:32,721 --> 00:00:36,159
Inhale quickly and exhale slowly.
재빠르게 들이쉬고 천천히 내쉬세요.
00:00:39,385 --> 00:00:41,405
18- Feel the water
18- 물을 느끼십시요
00:00:42,112 --> 00:00:46,788
When you do swim drills, the most important thing is to feel the water.
여러분이 수영 부분훈련을 할 때, 가장 중요한 것은 물을 느끼는 것입니다.
00:00:47,992 --> 00:00:52,359
The feel for the water is the most immediate and important feedback.
물에 대한 느낌은 가장 즉각적이고 중요한 피드백(feedback)입니다.
00:00:54,241 --> 00:00:57,849
It is one of the best ways to improve your swimming technique.
물에 대한 느낌은 여러분의 수영 기술을 향상하는 가장 좋은 방법의 하나입니다.
00:01:04,703 --> 00:01:06,523
17- Practice harder
17- 더 맹렬하게 연습하세요
00:01:07,301 --> 00:01:13,082
Most elite swimmers have a high tolerance for pain that they have developed through the years.
대부분의 상급 수영선수들은 고통에 대한 내성을 수년간에 걸쳐 개발하여 가지고 있습니다.
00:01:13,565 --> 00:01:19,701
Each time you swim there is an opportunity to push yourself and increase your tolerance for pain.
여러분이 수영할 때마다, 자신을 밀어붙여 고통에 대한 내성을 증가할 기회가 있습니다.
00:01:22,122 --> 00:01:24,467
16- Swim in a smaller tube
16- 더 작은 튜브 속에서 헤엄치세요
00:01:25,107 --> 00:01:31,154
In any stroke, when we try to swim faster we tend to extend the area in which we are swimming.
어떤 영법에서든, 더 빠르게 헤엄치려 할 때 우리는 헤엄치는 단면적을 늘리는 경향이 있습니다.
00:01:31,727 --> 00:01:39,570
But as a rule of thumb, it is almost always better to swim in a smaller tube because you create less resistance.
하지만 경험에 따르면, 더 적은 저항을 만들어내므로, 더 작은 튜브 속에서 헤엄치는 것이, 거의 언제나 더 낫습니다.
00:01:42,018 --> 00:01:43,182
15- Cool down
15- 쿨 다운(Cool down, 몸 식히기)
00:01:43,894 --> 00:01:49,566
When you swim, your muscles tighten and your blood flows rapidly from your heart.
수영할 때는, 근육이 팽팽해지고 혈액은 심장으로부터 급속하게 흐릅니다.
00:01:50,270 --> 00:01:55,336
If you suddenly stop your work out, your heart suddenly reduces the blood flow.
갑자기 운동하는 것을 중단하면, 여러분의 심장도 혈류량을 갑자기 줄이게 됩니다.
00:01:55,742 --> 00:01:58,494
This sudden change can cause problems.
이 급격한 변화는 여러 가지 문제를 일으킵니다.
00:01:59,164 --> 00:02:00,679
A 20 minute cool down
20분 동안 쿨 다운(cool down, 몸 식히기)을 하면
00:02:00,886 --> 00:02:04,026
can bring your body back to normal more gradually
몸을 평상시의 상태로 좀 더 서서히 되돌릴 수 있게 되고
00:02:04,105 --> 00:02:06,705
giving your muscles a chance to relax
근육이 풀어질 수 있게 되어
00:02:06,730 --> 00:02:09,548
and be better prepared for the next swim practice.
더 잘 준비된 몸 상태로 다음 수영 훈련을 할 수 있습니다.
00:02:10,724 --> 00:02:12,910
14- Don’t breathe on the first stroke
14- 첫 번째 팔 젓기에는 숨을 쉬지 마세요
00:02:13,147 --> 00:02:15,833
Your coach might have told you this before,
아마도 이전에 여러분의 코치님께 들었겠지만,
00:02:16,379 --> 00:02:17,945
but when you swim freestyle
자유형을 할 때는
00:02:17,970 --> 00:02:23,702
it is important not to breathe in the first stroke after the start or the flipturn.
발사(start) 혹은 엎어 돌기(flipturn)를 하고 나서 첫 번째 팔 젓기에 숨을 쉬지 않는 것이 중요합니다.
00:02:24,043 --> 00:02:28,088
The reason is that carrying that initial speed is really important
그 이유는 처음의 그 속도를 끌고 가는 것이 진짜로 중요하고
00:02:28,366 --> 00:02:31,766
and breathing usually slows down the momentum.
호흡하면 일반적으로 그 타력이 느려지기 때문입니다.
00:02:34,455 --> 00:02:35,892
13- Use your legs
13- 다리를 사용하세요
00:02:37,678 --> 00:02:41,815
Most of us when we swim, we pay a lot of attention to our upper body,
우리 대부분은 수영할 때, 상체에 많은 관심을 쏟습니다,
00:02:42,352 --> 00:02:46,558
however our legs are incredibly important in all of the strokes.
하지만 모든 영법에서 다리의 역할은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 중요합니다.
00:02:47,234 --> 00:02:50,498
Pay more attention to your legs and improve your kick.
다리에 관심을 더 많이 기울여 차기를 향상하십시요.
00:02:52,202 --> 00:02:53,464
12- Rotate
12- 몸통 회전
00:02:54,464 --> 00:02:58,564
For freestyle and backstroke most swimmers don’t rotate enough.
자유형과 배영에서 대부분의 수영인은 몸통을 충분히 회전하지 않습니다.
00:02:59,171 --> 00:03:03,206
If you are swimming more than a 50, you need to really rotate.
만약 50미터보다 더 긴 거리를 헤엄친다면, 진짜로 회전해야 할 필요가 있습니다.
00:03:03,755 --> 00:03:09,351
It prevents injuries, helps incorporate bigger muscles and decreases drag.
부상을 예방하고, 더 큰 근육들을 사용하는 데 도움이 되며 저항을 줄입니다.
00:03:11,165 --> 00:03:13,152
11- Use the bigger group muscles.
11- 더 큰 근육들을 사용하세요.
00:03:14,093 --> 00:03:22,012
It is better to use your entire upper back muscles and pectorals to pull than just your shoulders and biceps.
어깨와 위팔두갈래근만 사용하는 것보다는 윗등 과 가슴 근육 모두를 사용하여 팔을 당기는 것이 훨씬 더 낫습니다.
00:03:22,348 --> 00:03:25,353
These bigger group muscles have more power in store
더 큰 이 근육군들은 더 큰 힘을 쓸 수 있고
00:03:25,378 --> 00:03:29,643
and will help you move faster if you use them properly while you swim.
헤엄칠 때 제대로 사용한다면, 더 빠르게 갈 수 있을 것입니다.
00:03:34,009 --> 00:03:36,526
Thanks for watching!
Swim fast!
시청해주셔서 감사합니다!
빠르게 헤엄치세요!
Thanks for your translate!
번역해 주셔서 감사합니다.
I felt like I wasn’t getting better at swimming this past week. Hopefully these tips will help me get better again, and push myself. Also please people DONT BREATHE ON THE FIRST STROKE AT A MEET
I have very bad breath control and I can't hold my breath for more than 8 seconds
@@inferx_606 Try your best to hold is for the first stroke after your flip turn.
@@inferx_606so true
@@inferx_606so true
This man amazing
Brilliant swimming
I'm thinking of speedo briefs that colour for use in.my.pool
Short but very useful advice.
i need help with treading amd breathing
I’m a freshman in high school, my 50 free time is about a 26-27 seconds.
I’m hoping by junior year I can be scouted.
Any advice about workouts or swim sets I can do during practice to push myself?
Well if your a female that’s pretty good but if your a male get gainz
I think you should maybe record yourself and see what you are doing wrong, jopefully you got scouted by now!
wait i’m 12 and i go about a 27 is that good
@@brooketaylor8742 very good
@@brooketaylor8742 for a girl yh
I need to stop breath at the first stroke on the start and flip turns !!!
Excelent tip !!
God bless ✝️🙏🏽
This there much of a difference between pool swimming and sea swimming planning a mammoth challenge hopefully in 5 years
Cheers 🍻
I’m I the only person watching this the morning of my swimming carnival!?😂😅
i just finished a champian ship XD and got 3rd so now im here
Very helpful! Thank you so much!
Maravilha essa legenda em português. Desta forma , consigo entender as dicas e técnica. Faz 3 meses q entrei na natação para aprender a nadar, com 50 anos 😊
Regarding body rotation: following a back fusion surgery L3-4, I have been told to learn to swim like a log, meaning rotating both hips and shoulder at the same degree level as opposed to have more rotation on the shoulders compared to the hip. The overall exercise improves, for me, in terms of pain, when holding a pool-buy between my legs- any suggestions on how get rid of the pool-buy? I had the surgery 3 years ago. I tried with doing short distance reps without the device , but I do not improve on overall distance. thank you in advance
This was very helpful, Thanks! I appreciate this
Beautiful video! Some of those tips definitely blew my mind!
I have a swimming competition later.. i hope this helps
I have hard time to do #14, don't breathe on first stroke. After underwater dolphin kick and turns, I m out of breath and gasp for air. Which one is more important? Is it worth to trade one less underwater dolphin kick with not breathing on first stroke? I also want to achieve the goal that breathing only once on first lap and twice on 2nd lap on 50Y free. What else can I do to improve the lung capacity besides my daily swim practice routine?
+emden Lee carrying the momentum from the push is extremely important. I would say do one less dolphin kick and don't breathe on the first stroke. The way I increase my lung capacity is by controlling my breathe and practicing longer underwaters. When you are underwater try exhaling a little bit of air slowly. Counterintuitively to what many of us believe, the urge to breathe comes from having an excess of CO2 in your lungs, not from the lack of oxygen.
Skills NT Great tips! Thanks a lot!
+Skills NT Can you go into more detail about this? How do you prevent excess of CO2 in the lungs so that you can take fewer breaths?
my coach says that is a foul it should be 2 or 4
I have swim team tryouts for high school in the morning. As a freshman, I have no idea how fast I need to be to make the team. Oh well, this helped, so thanks!
Very helpful thanks a lot
Thanks for the tips..its very helpful to me ...
Thanks, This is one of the best in youtube. Found some new things to correct my son's techniques.
excellent,very helpful,thanlks alot.
Estou apaixonada pela natação e o crawl eu amo!!!
Thank you,I appreciate your help
Salam dari Java, Indonesia.❤
thank you so much, it helps a lot ....
feel the water? Gee thanks
its a gatis kandis subject "How to feel the water" xd
stay on land kid .... swimming requires a minimum iq level ... !
florinsi 😒
how can you train using your bigger muscles and avois using your biceps and shoulder. thanks in advance.
+C.L Van H a lot of it has to do with focusing on those bigger muscles. Also a good shoulder rotation is key to this.
Thanks. i will focus on that
ooh god tommorow i have my swimming competition on freestyle 50m
plz give me some advices
Swim fast! 😋 Enjoy and let your body do what you trained it to do. Be explosive.
Good one
Please help, is there any exercise to build my energy for freestyle? I can't swim freestyle that long since I get tired easily
I am going to a swim tryout today in 2 hours
Mine is tmr but did u make it
Watching this before a swiming tournament 👍
Good point!!!
Então!!! Com essa dica de não respirar nas primeiras braçadas , farei isso. Pq nem dou as braçadas e já respiro. 😥
i have a swimming carnival tommorow. That is why I am here. I am doing breastroke.
does jumping into the pool jacuzzi help for cooling down the muscles after a swim?
It doesn’t really. Cooling down and stretching is the best way to finish a workout. Also eating and hydrating does a lot of good. For me the jacuzzi helps me relax my mind. I hope this helps
I have noticed my hands get stiff after swimming. what would a 20 minute cool down mean?
Always awesome!
Without following the advice of #17, none of the other tips will seem necessary. By swimming harder, up to race pace, all flaws in your strokes will be magnified. Then you can review the remainder of the list and make corrections.
+armando negrete muchas gracias! Estoy trabajando en traducir los vídeos. El canal en español se llama Natación Skills NT
We have a 10 workout program available now. It is focused on short freestyle training. It will help you gain speed and also put in practice a good freestyle technique. Click here to learn more about it: skillswimming.com/swordfish/
Skills NT Swimming
. .
How do you think, is freestyle tecknique different for sprint and long distance?
+Konstantin Ognev there are important differences. For example in sprint freestyle some swimmer do straight arm, others do a version of common freestyle but with less rotation. In sprint you usually breathe once or twice in a 50. And the legs move a lot quicker. Distance has more shoulder rotation, less kick, more rhythmic breathing and a lot of singing inside ones head 😜
Well, make tutorial about sprint technique and drills, please. It's actual skill. High speed in water can safe sombody's life and get gold in non professional competition :)
Will do!
Don't breathe on the first stroke? Do you mean the entire first lap? I'm confused on that point! Thank you
Please show step on how to swim
We have a 12+^- m swimming pool but almost NEVER swim in it and its crystle clear
I want 2 improve my breastroke and my timing in 50m is 32..so plzz make a helpful video on breastroke
Wow ur fasttt
What do you mean feel the water
this is cool
I have a contest tomorrow and I’m scared 😱
Devi fare dei video con traduzione scritta sotto
Our coach calls this “fundamentals of swimming” 2:25
فين الترجمه
it good
My son is really having problems breathing on the first stroke
I'm watching this on the way for my swimming meet rn🙂😭
bro we do swimming in p.e and we have this float thingy and we have to put it on our chest and swim backwars with one arm. I DONT MOVE. HOW? EVERYONE IS MOVING AND I JUST STAY THERE
LOL practice harder! Easy to say hard to do!
I have a swimming Carnival and I just search this up
I let my son look at this video he’s learning how to swim 🏊🏽♂️ and he’s going to try some of these tips
I always practice harder and today I'm going to the pool
нужно усвоить
ياريت يكون باللغة العربية
this is simple technique
I have a competition with my cousin she has won medals
I couldn’t breath during this video
Swimming premier challenge tomorrow lets hope this works ✊
Le titre en français et le contenue en anglais 🤔🤔🤔🤔
In backstroke how swimmer knows the end is here and they reversed , requesting answer this
Try to look at the celling (if indoor) and memorize what there is that is close to the end.. Idk just something i do XD
Se eu não respirar na primeira braçada, eu morro.
Me: taking notes before my 400 IM
just here because in a few weeks the schlls gonna have swimming again T_T i really suck at swimming
I don't know how to swimming I need a teacher
You're a genius:O:-\
Eu espero nadar mto lindo ❤
No. 17 T^T
O m g
Be a canoe not a rowboat