Christianity vs Calvinism: True Gospel or a Highway to Hell

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • There is only one true Gospel that saves and all others are perversions and false. The Bible warns us of falling for false gospels because believing in a false gospel leads to a false conversion, a false assurance and a false Christian life who acts religious but is empty and devoid of truth and the eternal life that comes from God by grace through faith in Christ alone.
    Some popular teachers of Calvinism are John MacArthur, Paul Washer, the late RC Sproul and John Piper.
    The Bible warns us of wolves in sheep's clothing that come to scatter the sheep (Christians). Scripture warns us there are false teachers with damnable heresies. Over and over again in the New Testament, from Jesus to the Apostles and their letters and the Book of Revelation, we are told to be standing firm on the True Gospel and the Word of God and not led astray by phonies who crept into the church with doctrines of devils.
    #Christianity #calvinism #FaithonFire

Комментарии • 564

  • @ShowCat1
    @ShowCat1 4 месяца назад +30

    Thank you for your hard ball pitches to calvinism. Keep telling it straight!

    • @abuelb
      @abuelb 4 месяца назад +1

      1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, (1 Peter 1:1-4, NASB)

  • @ShowCat1
    @ShowCat1 4 месяца назад +41

    A calvinist told me that Satan can only do what God sends him to do. I ask him, "So when Satan appears as an angel of light to deceive people, did God send him to deceive?"

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +24

      If the Calvinist is honest about their doctrines, he'd have to say yes to that question. In fact, there are many Calvinist teachers and pastors who do assert that God decrees and determines all evil and sin. I don't think a single one of them that blaspheme God that way are saved. They accuse God with what Satan does.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад +1

      Satan can only do what God allows him to do.
      He isn't necessarily sent.
      I agree with you 💯%.
      All five points of Calvinism are Satanic trash.

    • @ShowCat1
      @ShowCat1 4 месяца назад +7

      @@faithonfireministries I cannot quote the verse in the koran, But I have been told that there is a verse in the Koran that says allah is the great deceiver. It seems to me that calvanist have the same view of the true God as they do of the false God called Allah

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад +10

      Do you read the scripture?
      11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
      12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
      1) God sends them strong delusion
      2) that they might believe a lie
      3) that all those that believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness *MIGHT BE DAMNED*
      Spin that.

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад

      Yes. They believe everything is ordained by God’s sovereign decree, even every sin, every murder, every child rape, every witchcraft ritual and blood sacrifice - all to the glory of God. These people are really sick.

  • @RS-qk4jj
    @RS-qk4jj 4 месяца назад +14

    You are so right! Calvinism is not the Gospel!

  • @Watchmanonthewall77
    @Watchmanonthewall77 4 месяца назад +20

    I pray all Calvinists quit trying to pick everyone elses theology apart and worry about their own.
    Also, they need to quit calling their theology "sound doctrine".

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 Месяц назад +4

      @@Watchmanonthewall77 Yea. “Sound doctrine,” and “orthodox.” They love that one. “That is not orthodox teaching.” Yea. Jesus only dying for the elect is not “orthodox” either. “Jesus wouldn’t waste his blood on someone who would not be saved,” is beyond sick and demonic doctrine.

  • @dankmartin6510
    @dankmartin6510 4 месяца назад +23

    When Calvin claimed in his Institutes that no one could understand Christianity unless they understood him first, that should have been enough for people to ignore him completely after his passing.

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 4 месяца назад +4

      Where in the Institutes does it say that?

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +1

      Calvinists pride themselves in large theological libraries. They need to stick to Paul, Peter and John instead of that murderer Calvin and heretic Luther.

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +4

      @@dannorris8478 Do they take “great pride” in their leader being a murderer?

    • @Kay-br7by
      @Kay-br7by 3 месяца назад +1

      @@dannorris8478 Lol...

    • @Here12years
      @Here12years 3 месяца назад

      ​@@dannorris8478John Calvin was a mass murderer. A serial killer. He killed 38 people. One man he tied to a stake and lit half green wood under him so he would die a slow, painful horrendous death.

  • @pbm8264
    @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +28

    The Calvinist demons will be upset with this message.

    • @bigtobacco1098
      @bigtobacco1098 4 месяца назад +1

      Man centered self saving ??

    • @bigtobacco1098
      @bigtobacco1098 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +3

      @@dannorris8478 I wonder what Bible verse heretic John Calvin used to banish and kill his opponents?

    • @kevinevans8892
      @kevinevans8892 4 месяца назад

      ​@@pbm8264wow so much hate. Why are you Christians fighting among yourselves while the devil stands by laughing?

  • @pbm8264
    @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +15

    I know Calvinists hate Catholicism, but I can see how some Catholics will make it ahead of Calvinists. At least Catholics believe that Jesus died for all. Calvinists cannot even get that simple truth right.

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад +2

      It was written of John’s baptism:
      Mat 3:5 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan,
      Do you think that LITERALLY every single person in Jerusalem, Judea and the area round about Jordan went to John to be baptized? Do you think that was true, or rather that it was saying enormous amounts of people from those places went?
      So when you read “all” used in other passages, why is it you think it means literally every single human being?

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +1

      @@mephi654 Oh I know “all” in Scripture doesn’t mean “all” sometimes but just all of a certain group,etc. But it is clear that Jesus died for all. His grace is unto all, but upon all that those that believe.
      Calvinism is really a ridiculous doctrine. Every one of the five points of Calvinism is straight from the pit of Hell. It’s time that we take the kid gloves off and call it for what it is. And these cessationist Calvinists have the nerve to make fun of charismatics, yet they are full of doctrines of devils. It is simply ridiculous to believe that Jesus died only for the “elect.” They say that Jesus’ blood would be wasted if it was shed for someone who would be lost. How ridiculous is that. These doctrines of devils are beyond ridiculous.

    • @losnfjslefn8857
      @losnfjslefn8857 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@mephi654Well even putting aside the word "all", in Luke 19:10 Jesus says He came to seek and to save that which was lost. In Romans, Paul writes that Jesus died for the ungodly.
      So based on these alone, we know that whoever is lost and ungodly, that's who Jesus came to save and died for.
      So who is considered lost and who is considered ungodly?

    • @williammarinelli2363
      @williammarinelli2363 4 месяца назад

      Both hold Augustine as a theological hero.

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад +2

      @@williammarinelli2363 Yea Calvin said he can build his whole theology behind Augustine. It’s ashamed he didn’t go 300 or so years further back all the way to Paul.

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 4 месяца назад +10

    The sad/funny part is that Calvies can't see that their cult beliefs cancels the Bible. By their belief system the Bible is a waste of time. Eh?

  • @pastorandymcdaniel4512
    @pastorandymcdaniel4512 4 месяца назад +12

    Outstanding! We must continue the fight against this awful teaching.

  • @williamfell1802
    @williamfell1802 4 месяца назад +9

    I agree with you Brother, most Christians today read their Bible. The Gospel of Calvinist is a gospel right out of Hell. Thank God from the imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ.

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад

      It appears to you that way because the issue hasn’t been framed correctly for you.
      Calvinism is an affront to the spirit of a man because it teaches that he ultimately had nothing to do with his own salvation. That wounds his pride; and if *_ANY_* thing finds its origins in hell, it is pride (the first sin of the devil).
      Now, let me offer an olive branch. A solution to the debate rarely considered. Read Judges 13 -16 about the life of Samson. Then consider Calvinism’s beliefs about salvation as you consider this about Samson:
      Who did the mighty works that Samson is recorded as having done: Samson or the Spirit of God who came upon him?
      [answer: you could say Samson and be right; you could say the power was God’s and be right; you could say ‘both’ or ‘either’ and be right]
      It is that way when it comes to how a man is saved. God is responsible *AND* man is responsible.

  • @OkieAllDay
    @OkieAllDay 4 месяца назад +19

    (Before we left the church) my dad had a serious sit down with the senior pastor and his 2 right hand men (all Calvinists). Eventually my dad asked the pastor point blank - "Is it God's will if a 12 year old girl is r@p3d and murd3r3d and then goes to hell?" The pastor didn't miss a beat and said yes - everything that happens is ordained by God. What utter heresy!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +11

      That is horrible when a supposed Christian blames God for what Satan does. It is utter heresy as you said.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 3 месяца назад +2

      The great tragedy of that is that they don't believe that themselves. No Calvinist does. And it's very easy to prove.

    • @stevenepstein6454
      @stevenepstein6454 3 месяца назад

      @getrit3007 God can do what he wants and still no be a tyrant. He has mercy on whoever he wants.

    • @stevenepstein6454
      @stevenepstein6454 3 месяца назад

      @getrit3007 And he's not saying all as in all of those he wrote to on that letter?

    • @stevenepstein6454
      @stevenepstein6454 3 месяца назад

      ​@getrit3007Bro, that's not right. We use the bible. You can't sit in a dark room for 6 hours trying to feel something until you think you had a breakthrough and say it's the spirit of God telling you. God does not speak in feelings and extra-biblical experiences.

  • @user-zs2ly5qu3f
    @user-zs2ly5qu3f 4 месяца назад +17

    Good job Brian...One of the problems people who are stuck in Calvinism is that they don't understand the necessary implications of their Theology and what it necessarily means for God's Nature and Character and what it does to the Gospel...There is NO Gospel is Calvinism...One of the Proofs is that Calvinists can't even say God Loves YOU...Because if your NOT the Elect you are the NONE Elect and are Predestined to Hell and when combined with ECT...You are necessary only left with Terror and Torment and you cannot Escape...Sick and Satanic...Keep making these Videos Brian...Thanks...

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +3

      Yep, you get it. Sad that Calvinists don't get it and how damaging and false their doctrines are.

    • @user-zs2ly5qu3f
      @user-zs2ly5qu3f 4 месяца назад +5

      @@dannorris8478 Hey Dan...I support your Right to have your own mind on this subject...But I am against Calvinism because of the necessary facts it forces upon the Nature and Character of God...If Calvinism is True then God is NOT Good and God is NOT Love...Have a good day...

    • @user-zs2ly5qu3f
      @user-zs2ly5qu3f 4 месяца назад +1

      @@dannorris8478 I'm NOT a Mormon...

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@dannorris8478 When do the calvinist magnify Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
      Halfway through my marriage my husband was handed a little blue book that changed his life written by a calvinist reverend. In these last three years I don't hear him exalt Jesus. I only hear how he's in the cool kids club and now I and everyone else are following another god.
      What calvinism has shown me (I'm personally living with it) is hate mongering, doom & gloom and all about God's wrath.
      The God of the Bible is a Merciful God, not a god of torment.
      I surely don't see what you are accomplishing by constantly sharing about the mormon 🤦‍♀️
      The Bible says we are to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. For one to believe, they must make that choice to do so.

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 3 месяца назад +1

      @@dannorris8478 Jesus said over and over again to believe in Him.
      Believe is a verb. A verb is an action word.
      Therefore one must take action, which in this case would be to choose and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.
      God in His wonderful Mercy and Grace towards us has given man the choice to believe in Him or not to believe in Him.
      Praise the Lord 🙌

  • @eiontactics9056
    @eiontactics9056 3 месяца назад +5

    Amen! The Gospel is the most important argument against Calvinism. Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man... whosoever believes in Him will be saved.
    A LOT of Christians don't understand that concept of the Gospel message, and it is concerning! I think that is what confuses many non-Calvinists and they ignorantly defend Calvinism as part of Christianity.

  • @robbyclark6915
    @robbyclark6915 4 месяца назад +14

    The irony of the calvinist is that if you explain Calvinism to them in detail, and point out the clear inconsistencies and contradictions in their theology. They accuse you of not understanding Calvinism.

    • @losnfjslefn8857
      @losnfjslefn8857 4 месяца назад +3

      Yep. I've found that most Calvinists don't really understand Calvinism themselves and are surprised when I point out quotes made by prominent Calvinist leaders.

    • @robbyclark6915
      @robbyclark6915 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 so thoughtful of you. You definitely sound like a good little calvinist

    • @robbyclark6915
      @robbyclark6915 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 btw, no one said anything about the calvinist misinterpretation of scripture. I said their "inconsistencies and contradictions" Comprehension is your friend. Try understanding what you read before you leave your reply or is that unnecessary in Calvinism too? Who's calling who stupid?

    • @robbyclark6915
      @robbyclark6915 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 I expected no less

    • @robbyclark6915
      @robbyclark6915 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 hop on sorteriology 101, you might learn something? Dr. Flowers doesn't dig into your Mormon book, but he's pretty handy with a Bible.

  • @bstein9500
    @bstein9500 4 месяца назад +5

    I agree 100%. We all have times when we wonder how it could possibly be that simple, but my feelings do not trump the truth in the word of God. Calvinism brings an instant feeling of bondage. I've been there.
    1 John 4:18 (KJV) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    • @sydney.g.sloangammagee8181
      @sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 3 месяца назад

      I consider myself a Reformationists - because I am grateful & delighted that I have my own Bible to read . . . from what I read, I could never be a Calvinist . . . but also from what I read, I could never be an Armenian.
      God, Jesus, Holy Spirit INTEND for each of us to know that we have a relationship together . . .
      "nudges" every time I go wrong, tell me that I am not alone,
      looking back, I can see how long I have been guided & corrected to get me to where I am today,
      such unending patience assures me that I am indeed secure in the salvation of the blood of Jesus!
      I am so ashamed of how I behaved & spoke considering myself a "born-again" believer, little-by-little, baby-steps along the way, how to forgive others, how to recognize who I needed to ask forgiveness of, listening for guidance,
      "you don't want to say that" or
      "you need to apologize, RIGHT NOW"
      To understand how to love strangers around the world, how to love your neighbors, how to pray for your enemies . . . it has taken me my lifetime to grasp these things, not instantaneously the moment I chose to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, & to become oh so very grateful for all the blessings I have received through Gods mercy -

  • @mitchmonteith6468
    @mitchmonteith6468 4 месяца назад +11

    I pray all calvinist repent & believe the Gospel.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@dannorris8478you mean his prayer changed God's mind?

  • @Tomlincoln466
    @Tomlincoln466 4 месяца назад +9

    Calvinism - ' Believing is a work. '
    Romans 4v5 - ' Now to him who worketh not but believeth in him who justifieth the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness. '

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 4 месяца назад +6

    1 Corinthians 4:4 tells us that satan has blinded the nonbelievers of this world, but calvinists claim that GOD has blinded the nonbelievers of this world. They have the wrong Jesus, the wrong God.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +4

      2 Corinthians 4: 4 you meant, but indeed an excellent point and Bible reference! Thanks!

  • @ivanodosreis4921
    @ivanodosreis4921 4 месяца назад +5

    Spencer Smith likes to say “Doctrine Matters” but he doesn’t say what doctrine he is talking about because he follows what he considers “sound doctrine”. I’ll just rephrase his little motto. Doctrine from the Bible Matters!
    Once again good video.

    • @ToledoOhio
      @ToledoOhio 4 месяца назад

      Lol I bought his doctrine matters sweatshirt during COVID...before I realized his testimony didn't produce fruit

    • @ivanodosreis4921
      @ivanodosreis4921 4 месяца назад

      @@ToledoOhio LOL

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад +1

      Spencer Smith backloader extraordinaire!

    • @chlq35
      @chlq35 4 месяца назад

      @@ivanodosreis4921 spencer smith is a false one too, repent of your sins clown.

  • @4allages708
    @4allages708 3 месяца назад +2

    amen "Faith on Fire" truly you are a wise man, keep on keeping on!

  • @jimmattson8008
    @jimmattson8008 12 дней назад +1

    I told my Calvinist friend that I don't believe in his God but in my God who offers salvation to everyone who believes.

  • @truthseeker5698
    @truthseeker5698 4 месяца назад +2

    Excellent Brian! Really thorough well integrated confronting of the reformed calvinist theologies.

  • @danielrutigliano7938
    @danielrutigliano7938 4 месяца назад +2

    Hi Brian. I just recently came across your channel and have listened to a half dozen videos or so....all very sound and encouraging.
    I went through your list of videos and I see you speak much about heresies such as Calvinism, Mormons, JWs as well.
    Quick question(s): have you touched on Catholicism at all? Do you believe Catholicism ever had the truth from it's inception or that it was always a mixture of law and grace....which is what I believe as a former Catholic. Just a few qs....hope you don't mind.
    Be blessed.

  • @beautifulbuds
    @beautifulbuds Месяц назад +1

    Great video!!!! Please keep them coming.

  • @mimisides
    @mimisides 4 месяца назад +5

    People profess Calvinism for the very same reason that people profess atheism - it's convenient in terms of their lifestyle choice. But like with atheists it's really easy to prove that they don't believe the words that come out of their mouths

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Great point!

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад

      ​@@dannorris8478 would you like me to prove that you don't believe Calvinistic doctrines? Let's see if you take up the challenge. If you do, you will be the first.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад

      No reply. Exactly as I expected. I'll add you to the list...

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 Exactly as I predicted. Won't take up the challenge. Thank you for proving me right. Extra points to you for proving me right a second time by resorting to an ad hominem, a tool always used by people that have been cornered by an argument that exposes them. Your work is done. You can go now.

  • @katdumore535
    @katdumore535 4 месяца назад +21

    Excellent point, the Bible wouldn’t need to warn against false gospels if Calvinism were true.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад +3

      Excellent point!!!

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад

      How many professing Christians are Calvinists? How many aren’t Calvinists?
      13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
      14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:13-14
      *FEW THERE BE* that find it. Few. What makes you think you are one of the few when you think just as the ‘many’ do?

    • @katdumore535
      @katdumore535 4 месяца назад +1

      @@mephi654 Do a little investigating on your own. How many subscribers does John Mac have? Paul washer? Voddie Baucham? Now how many do true full grace not of works Bible believing channels have? This channel how many?
      Just for kicks go look at how much money they’re all personal worth 🤑💰telling!

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад

      You point to this tiny channel as that narrow group that finds life? What of the other channels and churches that hold the same doctrines?
      But careful, the more you allow into that number the less the chance you fit the description of few.

    • @katdumore535
      @katdumore535 4 месяца назад

      @@mephi654 hey you brought it up don’t get mad. 🤣 Mr. Calvin Satan worshiper, John Mac alone has almost a million not including his side channels that repost his nonsense. None of the smaller true grace channels could ever add up to his numbers alone. Lmbo!….
      We’ll find out for sure after the rapture when all those guys get cast into great tribulation. 💪🏼

  • @steviesvideos319
    @steviesvideos319 4 месяца назад +9

    Calvanism is a cold and limited belief system.

  • @stephend7420
    @stephend7420 16 дней назад +1

    Love it! Brilliant video! Calvinists in my experience think people cannot really be saved unless they believe Calvinist theology i.e. it is really a religion of works. I was saved when I knew nothing about anyone's theology. Jesus did not go around giving everyone a big textbook of systematic theology and saying 'believe on this and you will be saved'.

  • @erickanter
    @erickanter 4 месяца назад +3

    Good news if you are a Calvinist you are saved. Bad news if you are a Calvinist. You are SOL.

  • @jameslowrance5009
    @jameslowrance5009 4 месяца назад +2

    Brian, this is somewhat of a test, to see if I'm barred from commenting on your vids. I always place likes on them. If I disagree the worst I will do is to not place a like. This has yet to happen over the approximate 2 years we have been viewing each other's vids. This message was excellent as usual and I'm very glad to see Bible teachers helping those who are drawn into the false religious sect of Calvinism. Blessings to You and Your Family! 🙏🙏

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Hi James! It’s so good to hear from you as always. I would never bar you from commenting on my channel. You are a blessing. Thanks for the likes. God bless you!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад

      Dan, are you capable of talking through Scripture without the personal jabs and insults? I doubt it. I stopped reading at the first insult. I'm sure there were more but I won't waste my time with you. Go be a keyboard warrior troll someplace else.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +2

      The only one attacking the Gospel of grace is you fella! Now take a hike and go try that nonsense on someone else. Your cult garbage and false sense of your enlightened divine understanding is pure foolishness to any true Bible believer and we all see right through your lies.

    • @johngraves9237
      @johngraves9237 3 месяца назад

      ​@@faithonfireministries Notice how Calvinists like him do not have the love of the Father, they have the spirit of Saul before his conversion.

    • @jameslowrance5009
      @jameslowrance5009 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I know I'm late replying but just to let you know that while I've disabled comments on my channel for now, I always place likes on your videos and my wife and I still pray for you and your family. Blessings, James✝🙏

  • @graceisaweapon
    @graceisaweapon 23 дня назад +1

    "Calvinism is false." That resumes all.
    Thank you for being straightforward on a serious issue that has divided the Body of Christ, the Church, for centuries. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. No wonder they call Him the Savior.

  • @propheticdreamer12
    @propheticdreamer12 4 месяца назад +13

    This is why I do not refer to them as brothers and sisters. How? Also, I don't agree with others presenting them before the body of Christ as if they are just another "faction" of believers. (Dr Michael Brown does this) it should be condemned as false and wicked. (I definitely do not mean to hurt anyone innocently misled- it's the doctrine in itself)

    • @tannerfrancisco8759
      @tannerfrancisco8759 4 месяца назад

      Calvinist's semi tolerate Michael Brown to exploit and co-opt his authority as a Hebrew scholar to infiltrate and convert those who like Michael Brown.
      Many people try to play nice and call them Brothers and sisters but Paul told us to cast them out and said they were fallen from Grace and accursed. Seventh-Day Adventists are more Christian than Calvinists are yet we call them a cult. Calvinism's greatest feat was keeping themselves from being excommunicated from the body of Christ, but they do it with deception and subversion which is impossible to be of God- the Spirit of Truth.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 4 месяца назад +3

      Amen, way past time the gatekeepers along with their adherents of reformed calvinism were separated and called out.

    • @propheticdreamer12
      @propheticdreamer12 4 месяца назад +3

      @@truthseeker5698 I agree. Calvinism is damaging. I seen a video where a lady was crying asking JMac how can she know if she is "chosen". It was heartbreaking.

    • @eugenejoseph7076
      @eugenejoseph7076 4 месяца назад

      100% agree. If this is a false doctrine (which it is!!) the inference is that those who preach it and teach it are false teachers. False is the opposite or truth,, which means it is a lie. Lies come from the Father of lies. Its time to stop the 'niceties' regarding Calvinism being a different 'gospel', NO! It's demonic and is turning passive and lazy believers into 'children of Satan' ! I'm done with these liars. In 2022 we were excommunicated because we started pushing against it in a small bible study we had joined during Coocoovid! The way they treated us after we shared what we believed was the real and true Gospel was very demeaning and rude. They started treating us like little kids who didn't know their Bibles! By the way, my wife and I are 65 retired from education and many years in ministry! This doctrine makes me sad and sick at the same time.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 Lyn a tic the satan is smiling on you.

  • @Jebron_G
    @Jebron_G 4 месяца назад +6

    Ìf Calvinims is true, there is no such a thing as good news.
    Which elect considers the news of any if not all of their loved ones being predestined to eternal lake of fire good??
    Sad news would be more fitting and compassionate for a loving father to describe such news to his elect!!

    • @mephi654
      @mephi654 4 месяца назад

      Revelation 21:8 provides a partial listing of kinds of people that will have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone.
      But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8
      The list *_begins_* with the fearful and unbelieving. Seems rather harsh doesn’t it? Yes, every single person who *_will not believe_* has a place prepared for them too. Even if the reason for their rejection was they were afraid.
      Stop listening to lovey-dovey demonic lies. He will bring an end to sin (and sinners). This world and everything in it is going to perish in fire.

    • @Jebron_G
      @Jebron_G 4 месяца назад +1

      @mephi654 Thanks for proving Calvinism is false.
      You just have to believe in order not to spend eternity in hell. It doesn't say those whom God caused not to believe, so It's clearly a personal choice!
      The gospel is good news for all while alive and especially those who believe.
      John 3: 16

    • @williammarinelli2363
      @williammarinelli2363 4 месяца назад

      I'll extend your statement to "There is no news whatsoever - be it good or not." News means recent happenings. Nothing could be more antithetical to that then if everything was set at found. of world.

    • @Jebron_G
      @Jebron_G Месяц назад

      Calvinism teaches that God causes irresistably whoever he pleases to believe or not to believe. You totally missed Calvinsim in your comment!

    • @williammarinelli2363
      @williammarinelli2363 Месяц назад

      @@TheBereanVoice Try not to take this the wrong way, cosidetto Berean Voice, but you're a liar. What you're hiding from disclosure is the Calvinist position that, in the words of Sproul, "our final destination, heaven or hell, is decided by God not only before we get there, but before we are even born." That sole decision is the only decision that matters to anybody. Anything that follows, including lip service to the proposition that "every sinner who hears and believes the gospel will infallibly be pardoned and justified," is mere perfunctory afterthought - allowing the critical thinker to probe and pull teeth to eventually draw out admission that the sinner who hears and believes the gospel is effectually (robotically) caused to do so by the divine download of pre-faith regeneration because the Calvinistic caricature of God does not give all men the necessary means to call on Him but rather a select few winners of the eternal lottery.
      I dispute the Sproul quote, from his book entitled _Chosen by God_. When honest, you'll agree with it.

  • @Melanie_44
    @Melanie_44 4 месяца назад +4

    Amen. Jesus is the way! The Good News Gospel of Salvation 1Cort15:1-4.....(Believe)

    • @Melanie_44
      @Melanie_44 4 месяца назад

      ​@@dannorris8478 Hello ❤Paul Makes it Clear 3 Times in scripture the importance of Jesus Gospel (1Cort15:1-4) written in
      People need to know what Jesus did for us on the cross, the shedding of his blood atonement saves and washes our sins.
      Eph1:13 (Believing in the finished work)
      God Bless

    • @Melanie_44
      @Melanie_44 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 what is the point your trying to make?

  • @ninomaltese1661
    @ninomaltese1661 4 месяца назад +3

    If the Calvinist would change the ordo salutis the entire tulip would fall apart. Everything in Calvinism stands or falls in the ordo salutis. Biblically the Calvinistic ordo salutis does not stand.

    • @Baltic_Hammer6162
      @Baltic_Hammer6162 3 месяца назад

      Never heard of "ordo salutis" before so I looked it up. You are correct.

  • @shawnlusby1538
    @shawnlusby1538 4 месяца назад +3

    I know this is a little off topic from this video Brian, but I was wondering what your thoughts were on what is going on with the United Methodist Church. Maybe you can do a video about it. I briefly attend an United Methodist Church over 20 years ago and even back then I saw the cracks coming in

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +4

      I think it is disgusting what has happened to the mainline Protestant churches and their ridiculous compromises on sin, including the recent revolting change in the Methodist church.

    • @shawnlusby1538
      @shawnlusby1538 4 месяца назад +2

      @@faithonfireministries I agree and I would even go so far as to say that the United Methodist Church, at this point, is apostate and should be avoided at all costs

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +2


    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries Yep. John Wesley would turn in his grave if he could see what they have become

  • @jarrelljohnson5536
    @jarrelljohnson5536 2 месяца назад +1

    Well said, brother!

  • @Here12years
    @Here12years 3 месяца назад +2

    Calvanism brings, accepts and preaches a different gospel from which Jesus led the disciples to teach. To fundamentally mistake Gods character to one that more resembles Satan himself makes me question if they know God at all. Paul said in Galatians 1:8 8 But, if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

    • @Here12years
      @Here12years Месяц назад

      @@TheBereanVoice they preach some truths of the Bible, but they also contradict it as well. I'm not judging calvanist, I'm trying to expose calvanism for what it is.

  • @jimmattson8008
    @jimmattson8008 12 дней назад

    Calvinism makes me feel like I'm a child of Satan unless God takes me away from Satan.

  • @krissyyoung9264
    @krissyyoung9264 Месяц назад +1

    I’m still having a really hard time understanding how the Calvinist doctrine is so widely accepted. I guess many just don’t see it in its full implications? It’s bizarre to me that anyone claiming to be a Christian can believe such cruelty of God.
    I’ve explained it to my 84 yr old mom. She’s loved Jesus and has been saved since a little girl, and she looked at me with such astonishment and hurt.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      When we know the truth of the Gospel and look to the Bible for our sole authority on doctrine, it is hard to understand why any professing Christian doesn't also get it and discern false theologies and avoid them. However, when we look at the tendency of most people as Scripture explains it, then it becomes much easier to understand it. Few enter by the narrow way even when they are exposed to what the narrow way is and offered a detour off the wide road to destruction that they are on. A false theology that perverts the Gospel into a false one is one of the paths Satan sets up along the wide road and people choose that path often due to pride and they are on that wide road to destruction because they found it more comfortable to follow men and man-made religion (their philosophies and theologies) than to follow Jesus Christ and God's Word which is the narrow way.

  • @Richard_Rz
    @Richard_Rz 4 месяца назад +9

    Wow, way to take the issue so seriously my brother! Most dance around the issue but I appreciate the straight talk of Truth! Calvinism is bad news even for Calvinists as they are constantly looking to their own works for assurance of Salvation, there's no rest!

    • @BrandonReid-j6u
      @BrandonReid-j6u 4 месяца назад +3

      They saw they believe in grace, but, their belief system brings about legalism-I know I was a Calvanist and hated it the entire time

  • @davidhook487
    @davidhook487 4 месяца назад +4

    Absolutely love your channel brother! You are a blessing! Please keep them coming! You and I are to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered under the saints! You are blessing brother and thanks again!

  • @zheartReyampe
    @zheartReyampe 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for your video! Very enlightening.

  • @johnmoore3521
    @johnmoore3521 3 месяца назад +2

    Why would God say my coveanut I shall not break?
    According to Calvinism a coveanut from God has no meaning.
    According to Calvinism Jesus died for the predestined?
    If salvation was predestined, there would be no coveanut or reason for our Lords atonement.
    Can they be so narcissistic as to disregard Gods perfection?

    • @Baltic_Hammer6162
      @Baltic_Hammer6162 3 месяца назад

      Oh yes they are narcissistic. Jean Cauvin, man in Geneva, was the ultimate narcissist. Who else would be so overinflated with pride/self-importance than someone who demands the government to officially declare that YOU are The True Voice of God on Earth.... AND..... also demand that your writings and words be treated as Holy Writ, the same as the Bible's authors??
      The crazy thing is the Geneva Council bowed to Cauvin's demands and put them into law. The law was enforced by torture, chopping block and burning stake. Cauvin also had his own personal torturer....where do you find that in the Bible???

  • @samiraport
    @samiraport 2 месяца назад

    I will need to hear more pro elect arguments (biblical & non biblical). But I agree, why being warned of false teaching? Why being the salt? Why fishing men? IF it’s all decided already anyways?! Also, this doctrine seems to me (again, I don’t know much about it yet), like Islam. Like, do they hope to enter heaven? Bc how do they know they are the elect? If I did not believe in Christ and what’s he’s been doing for me on the cross and rather hope to be one of the elect, then my whole life would be hoping and being unsure?! I do feel sure about being saved and thus I want to be more like Christ. Idk, the idea of the elect would drive me crazy to be frank 😅

  • @rossduncan4187
    @rossduncan4187 4 месяца назад +1

    Have you ever debated a calvinist? And if so, Is there a link where I could watch it?
    If not then you need to organise one.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад

      Calvinists, like atheists, will not debate anyone that has them sussed - that understands that they don't really believe what they say. I've challenged dozens of them in this manner: you're a fake. You aren't really a Calvinist and I can prove it. I have yet to get a reply. I've issued the same challenge to dozens of atheists with exactly the same outcome

  • @infinitereachministries4279
    @infinitereachministries4279 4 месяца назад +1

    How does discipleship work in Calvanism?

  • @primeobjective5469
    @primeobjective5469 4 месяца назад +3

    The chief-end of man, statistically according to God's immutable decree, is for the Lake of Fire for the good pleasure if Gods will to glorify Himself.
    God could have created a world where no one sinned, and be glorified. Instead, He created a word where sin exist to be MOST glorified in order to express His wrath.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      "He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
      All five points of Calvinism are Satanic trash.

  • @kristinazagorskaite871
    @kristinazagorskaite871 4 месяца назад +2

    I live in London, UK and I cannot find sound church, the closest I could get is the Calvinistic church. Does anyone know sound biblical church that is NOT Calvinistic and NOT Penticostal/Charismatic, only sound Bible believing church? Thank you for your help.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +2

      I don't know about the churches in London, but I will tell you this much... though I have never attended a Charismatic church before, if my choices were that or a Calvinist church, I'd choose the Charismatic one without a second thought about it. At least they tend to preach the right Gospel even if they worship and do church in a less conservative way than I am accustomed to.

    • @kristinazagorskaite871
      @kristinazagorskaite871 4 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries trust me brother, here in London pentecostal/charismatic churches are corrupted. I've been 5 years in this movement and changed many churches in between, because they have traumatised me so much by saying such things that I'm not saved because i didn't speak tongues, casting demons of me which i didn't have any, they been pushing me on the floor and doing some kind of witchcraft in the name of Jesus, been accused falsely of sin because apparently God told them in the dreams about me....they preached mainly prosperity gospel and not the truth Gospel. LIterally pentecostal/charismatic movement nearly led me to suicide. I still need loads Lord's healing of the church abuse that i went through... so in comparison, john macarthur church in London is really been refreshing to me in comparison with pentecostal/charismatic, however I extremely disagree with their views, such as 5 point of Tulip, not believing in mental health issues and etc.. Honestly brother, i am soo disappointed and discouraged that churches are corrupted today and i still can't find where I could serve the Lord peacefully, since I've got born again about 9 years now...

    • @Baltic_Hammer6162
      @Baltic_Hammer6162 3 месяца назад

      Ian McCormack was running a church in England. IIRC around London. Don't know if he's still active. He's from New Zealand and his near death/death experience is pretty wild. There's lots of interviews on RUclips and lectures/sermons.

  • @ashermarcus5242
    @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад +1

    Calvanism will hurt the brain of anyone seeking the true God of the bible. I know it hurts mine I sincerely fear their final outcome as I also do for jws mormons and that is why I pray for jws Mormons and calvanists to come to know the true God of the bible. I do not listen to any reform preacher because despite the fact many do preach a solid message the core of their belief system is the Tulip god who has decided one if not both of my kids will go to the eternal lake of fire just so he can be glorified.

  • @ovemalmstrom7428
    @ovemalmstrom7428 4 месяца назад +1


  • @chih6948
    @chih6948 4 месяца назад +1


  • @TheHarvestisReady-media
    @TheHarvestisReady-media 4 месяца назад

    I have had so many arguments over this. That we are saved because we have faith. True faith. If all of sudden we base or try to tell people that repenting sins is what is needed they are wrong.
    We turn to God because we see the truth. IE God's way is right our way is wrong. Yes we called to walk in newness of life, but our actions past present and future have no bearing on our salvation.
    They will say you believe in Hyper Grace. You believe you can do what you want. When the truth is far from it.
    We came as we are, we are regenerated so we can walk a new life.
    I hope it is clear. I think we are on the same page.
    like I heard one preacher say. To be saved you must believe you can sin like the devil and you will still be saved. Now that is not giving a licence, just an acknowledgement that our salvation is not based on what we do but what Christ has done. Free to live for God. Without the fear of what sin will do in our lives.
    True Grace, the freedom to what God wants us to do.
    If we include repenting of sins as part of salvation we are saying I will do it my way. I will show God how good I am.
    Where God wants us to obey because we love Him. Why do we love Him because He first loved us.
    Living right is natural response to Accepting the Gospel. Living right doesn't cause Grace. Grace causes us to live right.

  • @jimharmon2300
    @jimharmon2300 4 месяца назад +2

    I think I do understand predestination per say .
    GOD shows two roads .
    The high road to life .
    The low road to death .
    You choose which road .
    HE predestined where the roads end but you are the one to choose which road you travel.
    Totally your choice .

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Well said!

    • @jimharmon2300
      @jimharmon2300 4 месяца назад +1

      Just understanding of total story .

    • @jimharmon2300
      @jimharmon2300 4 месяца назад +1

      Just proves my comment correct .
      Deduction of scripture is gift to all .
      Then why speak in such a negative way against my comment ?

    • @jimharmon2300
      @jimharmon2300 4 месяца назад +1

      Never been to a Bible college, drove by one I am sure .
      Depends on which one you choose selects which doctrine you are taught .
      I find religions and doctrines is what separates men .
      Each is correct , just ask them , everyone else is wrong .
      One GOD and so many religions and doctrines.
      Really what makes common sense is
      One GOD , one law for all “of HIS people “ .
      What I see is there is but two people on earth.
      HIS and not HIS .
      Obedient or disobedient.
      Faithful or unfaithful.
      Without laws there is no order .
      Back to predestination.
      GOD knows the heart and wisdom greater than all .
      HE is able to predict what man will do by the man’s past and testing man .
      Was not Abraham tested ?
      Would not be difficult even for a man to predict what Pharaoh would do with Moses .
      Considering the circumstances.
      Job was tested .
      Jesus went into the wilderness to be tested , why ?
      If GOD had predestined all these men why would they have to be tested ?

  • @MelbaCox-x3t
    @MelbaCox-x3t 4 месяца назад +2

    Two different gospels.
    Apples and Oranges

  • @rsscdf
    @rsscdf 4 месяца назад +4

    Amen! Great video. If calvinism were true what would be the point of prayer if everything is already predetermined.

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад +1

    True 👍

  • @matthewleo1833
    @matthewleo1833 4 месяца назад +2

    How does total depravity jive with , "the messiah came, died(for sins!), and was raised.. "he's come to take the sins of the world " John the Baptist... It essentially a different gospel, at the very least, a twisted gospel to the simplicity of Christ... Ps:a wolf isn't obvious if you aren't reading the word on your own and only looking to God for wisdom, but first you must believe he will give you that wisdom, James

  • @gavinadams4572
    @gavinadams4572 4 месяца назад +1

    Good points made.

  • @BigGuy86ed
    @BigGuy86ed 4 месяца назад +2

    Agastinian anthropology projected on to scripture equals calvanism.

  • @danielmorais8745
    @danielmorais8745 4 месяца назад +1

    We are sinners under the Death penalty of sin.. Jesus is our death penalty substitute.and sin offering.. the moment we believe in Jesus and trust in his perfect blood shed on the cross to forgive our sins past presente and future we are save Forever sealed and batized into the body of Crist impossíble to lose salvation

  • @Sportsguy3090
    @Sportsguy3090 4 месяца назад

    If you have judged someone for a sin that you do as well like Matthew 7:3 describes can you still be saved by believing on Christ and nothing else being required or would I then have to do something else as well to be saved?

  • @zebra2346
    @zebra2346 4 месяца назад +3

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ‭John 14:6 KJV‬
    Calvinists believe that their Calvinist god chose them for salvation UNCONDITIONALLY before the foundation of the world. That means that their ELECTION has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Just a roll of the dice by the Calvinist god, some go to Heaven and some go to Hell for no reason whatsoever. If you are not saved by Jesus Christ, then technically that isn't even Christianity. Jesus is THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Not UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION. Get away from Calvinism as fast as you possibly can. It has another god, another christ, and another gospel. It is a cult, enslaving its adherents so that they can not think outside of the Calvinist paradigm they have been brainwashed into believing by the many Calvinist false teachers of today. Sproul, McArthur, Piper, Washer, White, Durbin, Lawson-all wicked false teachers teaching lies that contradicts the Bible. Please, come to your senses and renounce Calvinism and its wicked false teachers before its too late.

    • @rsscdf
      @rsscdf 4 месяца назад +2


  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 4 месяца назад +4

    Thanks for the informative video.

  • @robertwheeler1158
    @robertwheeler1158 4 месяца назад +3

    John Calvin was a Protestant Reformer who believed that salvation was by grace alone through faith alone. He got his theology straight out of the Book of Romans, which I would strongly suggest you read for yourself carefully from beginning to end, following Paul's line of argument. Among other things he says "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified." (Rom. 8:28-30; NKJV).
    But God uses human means to accomplish His sovereign purposes on earth. "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, / Who bring glad tidings of good things!'" (Rom. 10:14,15).
    The modern, decadent church, however, does not want to talk about the holiness of God, the moral law, the depravity of man, the last judgment, or an eternity in hell. It relies on human means in evangelism and leaves the Holy Spirit entirely out of the picture.
    And if you want to hear good, solid, expository preaching, you are more likely to find it in a Calvinist or Reformed church.
    So who's paying attention to what the Bible says and who isn't?

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад

      KJV only. Contrast Free Grace theology with Calvinism and then asert which is biblical.

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 4 месяца назад +1

      @@gregorylatta8159 Calvinism definitely. Read Romans. Read Ephesians. Base your theology on what the Bible says, not John Nelson Darby, C.I. Scofield, or Zane Hodges. Let the Bible speak for itself, without superimposing an artificial Dispensational scheme on it.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад

      Repent and believe the gospel 🙏

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 4 месяца назад +2

      @@gregorylatta8159 According to Free Grace Theology you're not supposed to repent. That is "backloading works into salvation," according to them. As for me, I will go by what Paul says in Romans.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад

      ​@@robertwheeler1158That is false. Repent and believe the gospel 🙏

  • @BigGuy86ed
    @BigGuy86ed 4 месяца назад +3

    Solid points here.

  • @joshuareign8952
    @joshuareign8952 4 месяца назад +2

    Strong words from a strong man, a movie reference
    Anyway great video brother 😁👍
    Keep defending the gospel 🙂😄

  • @Tim.Foster123
    @Tim.Foster123 4 месяца назад +1

    In John 3, seems to me that Jesus clearly teaches that regeneration precedes faith.
    (just out of curiosity - is anyone here bothered that the Nephilim are predestined to hell?)

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Congrats! You get the dumbest comment award for the week.

    • @Tim.Foster123
      @Tim.Foster123 4 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries (Do you believe the Nephilim had an option to believe and be saved? Read Heb 2:16 before answering)
      - -
      We can walk through John 3 if you like. The context starts in Jn 2:23, where many people "believe in Him", but He doesn't entrust Himself to them because He knows what is in their heart. They 'believe' in Him, but their belief is like that of the demons: they believe facts, but they're not placing saving faith in Him.
      When Nic comes at nite, look at what he says "We know You are from God because no one can do these things unless God is with Him". He believes Jesus is from God. But Jesus cuts him off and answers him by saying "You must be born again. That which is flesh is flesh and does no spiritual good. Unless you've been born again, you cannot see (let alone enter) the kingdom of God".
      Nic has belief. But it's no good. He **first** needs to be born again.
      They talk about new birth until v12.
      Then after talking about being born again, they talk about saving faith (v15-16).
      More could be said, but that's enough to make the point that this is just one of many passages that shows regeneration precedes saving faith

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад

      You have a very odd perspective on Scripture. First of all nobody looks to the Nephilim to understand John 3 or to understand the truth of the Gospel that saves. The New Testament gives us a perfectly clear understanding throughout regarding the Gospel of Christ and how one is saved, and the role of faith in it, and tons of context that go perfectly with John 3, and anybody ignoring all that Scripture and instead pointing people to the Nephilim to understand John 3 and being born again has got a very strange ulterior motive and agenda for sure!

    • @Tim.Foster123
      @Tim.Foster123 4 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries > You have a very odd perspective on Scripture.
      The real issue - forgive me for pointing it out - is that you have a very narrow view of Scripture. Strictly Western 21st century. You should step outside of your world and look at things through the eyes of people who don't share your cultural presuppositions. (I was born in what you would call a 3rd world country, and have studied Church history. Rest assured: your views barely scratch the surface of views that are out there).
      > First of all nobody looks to the Nephilim to understand John 3
      Read a bit more carefully. My explanation of John 3 stands on its own, taking just the context as presented by John the Apostle. I don't invoke the Nephilim to explain John 3.
      > The New Testament gives us a perfectly clear understanding throughout regarding the Gospel of Christ and how one is saved, and the role of faith in it, and tons of context that go perfectly with John 3,
      But soteriology is actually a fairly complex subject. Usually I find that when people describe it as "perfectly clear", it's because they haven't stepped outside of their world. Things are simple to them because they only see a few moving parts. And then when they step outside of their world, they realize that there's a lot going on that they've simply assumed was the case, when it wasn't.
      Take the word "all" for example. There are no shortage of Western Christians who read Jesus died for "all" and insist it means He "died for every man/woman/child" ever created. It doesn't dawn on them that that thought is fairly new in Church history. They haven't the first clue that people prior to Columbus often used universal statements to describe a limited group of people. Modern Western Christians would never say things like:
      "And there were in Jerusalem Jews from every nation under heaven"
      "Caesar Augustus sent out a decree that the whole world should be taxed"
      "When Shemaiah and Abtalion left the sanctuary, the whole world followed them"
      "Study the Torah, and the whole world will gather together to you"
      "Simeon ben Gamaliel entered the synagogue, the whole world stood up before him"
      Yet statements like this can be found all over the 1st century, both in the Bible and in rabbinical documents. And these authors were not trying to say "the whole known world" because they knew the world was much larger than what they were describing. EG, Luke knew full well that Caesar wasn't trying to tax Indians or Ethopians or Nigerians - he knew of those countries, and knew they were beyond Rome's control. Yet he still said "all the world".
      Ancient Jews frequently used the phrase to describe all the worshipers of Yahweh in the synagogue that day - as demonstrated in the last 3 quotes I gave.
      But one would never know this if all they knew was Sunday School fodder from Western 21st century churches. Gotta step outside your world and learn about the rest of the planet. And the rest of history. Because there are literally dozens of such examples of universal statements all across the Bible, literally from Genesis to Revelation.
      Now take that understanding of universal language and plug it back into what we read in the Scriptures: Did Jesus die for the salvation of MesoAmerican Tulmechs who were already in hell prior to 30AD?
      If your answer is 'yes' ..please explain how that works. Because Rom 10 is quite clear that they cannot believe if a preacher is not sent to them. And rest assured, there is no evidence whatsoever that a preacher was sent to the Western hemisphere until the Spanish missionaries came in 1500s AD.
      (Some might quibble that Viking Christians came over a couple hundred years earlier. Ok, fine. But that doesn't help the Tulmechs who lived, paganized, and died prior to Jesus' death in 30AD).
      > and anybody ignoring all that Scripture and instead pointing people to the Nephilim to understand John 3 and being born again has got a very strange ulterior motive and agenda for sure!
      Think of it less as 'ignoring' and more as 'including'.
      That is, if you're going to talk about salvation for "all", somewhere along the line you need to have a hard discussion about the salvation of the Nephilim: if they were indeed cross-breeds between angels and humas (as the Book Enoch states, and as Scripture implies), what salvation was available to them - if any? Heb 2:16 explicitly and unquestionably says none was made for them.
      It's a real question.
      Even if you believe the Nephilim were strictly human (as my pastor does), it's still a serious question and deserves serious consideration.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 3 месяца назад

      No it doesn't. The Calvinistic doctrine of Total Depravity is wrong and you know it is.

  • @abuelb
    @abuelb 4 месяца назад

    1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as aliens, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, (1 Peter 1:1-4, NASB)

  • @ToledoOhio
    @ToledoOhio 4 месяца назад +1

    Revelation 22:18

  • @5winder
    @5winder 4 месяца назад +2

    Amen, brother. Well done.❤

  • @HumbleHeartMinistry
    @HumbleHeartMinistry 4 месяца назад

    When it talks about being predestined, you have to combine that with the rest of the scriptures. To be saved is not just a one time confession of faith, but a continual belief that increases more and more, faith to faith, glory to glory. We see this example with the children of Israel. They all believed when they went through the Red Sea on dry ground. Yet they could not enter into the promised land because of unbelief! They turned back to Egypt in their hearts. We must continue in the faith unto the end. Jesus said, He who overcomes, he who endures unto the end shall be saved! When it talks about being predestined it is simply telling us that God who knows all things from the beginning unto the end, knew from the beginning who would keep the faith, who would finish the coarse, who would overcome and endure unto the end! Who would not fall away, and turn back to Egypt!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      You are promoting a works based salvation and suggesting faith comes over time, earned by one's own faithfulness more and more. The problem with that is that it goes directly against tons of Scripture to the contrary that salvation is given as a gift of God, not slowly handed out piecemeal over time. It is a one time gift of grace through faith and not of works. A person either turned from unbelief to belief on the Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with Scripture (one time) or they didn't. You are describing a religious person who has not come to faith in Christ at all but instead trusts in themselves and in their mind Jesus is only part of the equation but mostly it is themselves earning their own salvation over time. Very sad and very unbiblical.
      If God takes back salvation from those to whom God gave the gift of salvation (grace), then it was never a gift to begin with. It was a pending reward conditioned upon future performance and not a gift at all.

    • @HumbleHeartMinistry
      @HumbleHeartMinistry 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries A gift when given, it then belongs to the one it was given to. They then have the freewill to do with that gift whatever they want. God never will take back that gift, but we can choose to use that gift the way it was meant to be used, and cherish that gift. And keep it. Or we can keep the gift for a while, until we see something we think is more appealing and then throw that gift into the garbage. God does not make us keep the faith, we must choose to! God will keep us only if we want to be kept! Nothing can pull us out of the father’s hand. But we have freewill to choose to go back to Egypt! That is why we must fear the Lord, and keep ourselves in the faith, as his word warns us to! Just because we once received the free gift, does not mean we can’t in the future throw it away!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      Will a person who experiences God's grace in their life unto salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit ever simply choose to give that up and pretend it was not real, stop believing and go believe something else? No, never! We don't live in a vacuum. If anyone gets pulled away into rebellion against God it is because of worldly influences and Jesus said He gives us eternal life and nobody can pluck us out of His hand or out of the Father's hand. So, if that appears to be the case, that is just our perception and not God's reality about their soul. If anybody truly loses salvation because they stop believing by faith then absolutely somebody(s) plucked that believer out of their hands, and I don't believe that is possible.

    • @johngraves9237
      @johngraves9237 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@faithonfireministries That is also Catholicism, salvation over time

  • @mustaffa1611
    @mustaffa1611 4 месяца назад

    Look up "Sam Shamoun witnessed James White funeral ceremony by Jimmy Akin | DEBATE REVIEW"

  • @Tigerex966
    @Tigerex966 4 месяца назад +2

    Can you respond to justin peters response video to your Where he calls you a liar and appears to have receipts to back it up?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +4

      I'm not playing his game. I'll stick to refuting false theology and unbiblical doctrines, including from him, but I won't be engaging him in the gutter where he likes to play with his personal attack character hit pieces. His low-life way of dealing with those who disagree with his theology is to attack them personally with lies very sneaky and manipulative to fool his gullible audience, which seemed to work on you. But that is not my way of doing things. He lied throughout that video and he knows it and he will answer to God one day for it. My conscience is clear as to everything he presented and other people pointed out his glaringly obvious lies in his comment section and he simply deleted their comments and continues to keep that video up. That speaks volumes in itself about his condition.

    • @Tigerex966
      @Tigerex966 4 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries okay just thought I would ask.
      I hope you both can love forgive mend and be in the kingdom, without compromising your core beliefs.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@faithonfireministrieswell done. Justin Peters is a very sad man. I feel very sorry for him. His whole shtick is criticising "false teachers" and appears to be permanently miserable. I attempted to engage with him politely on Twitter. Essentially I said "you appear to be obsessed with Benny Hinn. I don't know any Pentecostal Christian that doesn't consider him a fraud and a charlatan. If you want to see a truly Biblical ministry about healing, look at Curry Blake at JGLM in Texas. His teaching is Biblical and his ministry produces real fruit." I got no response. You'd reckon that a bloke with CP would look anywhere for healing. But not him. I concluded that holding onto his cessationist doctrine is more important to him than being healed

  • @noybiznatch
    @noybiznatch 4 месяца назад

    Faith + Repentance = A saving faith. Repentance and obedience are works of FAITH, they are not works of the LAW. Faith = trust, love, and obedience.
    Lordship Salvation is more biblically sound than Hyper Grace
    You say your against Calvinism, but it appears you believe in the "P"of TULIP. That God perseveres us until the end. I'm guessing you believe in OSAS? NONE of the church fathers believed in OSAS.

  • @MelbaCox-x3t
    @MelbaCox-x3t 3 месяца назад

    God reveals Christ in your heart, and you believe him. SEE 2CO4:6
    Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness Rom 4:3
    See also Gal 1;15-16;

  • @t.macneil7048
    @t.macneil7048 4 месяца назад +1

    Interesting I'm with reformed theology the Gospel you just mentioned in the 1st 32 seconds is the Gospel we preach when the opportunity arises with other people, whether at work or in public.
    Its the same Gospel we preach in Church every week.
    I or my brothers and sister's never say "You have to be apart of the elect to be saved, before you receive salvation from Christ"
    If Christians from the reformed camp do, I'd be incredibly disappointed.

  • @jeffdollar1646
    @jeffdollar1646 4 месяца назад +2

    I trust that all those who hold to the view that Calvinism is the "highway to hell" will be honest and cease utilizing it's heritage - like the hymn "Amazing Grace" and and large chunk of the hymns in the hymnal, the English translation of the Bible which came to you soaked in the blood of Calvinistic martyrs, or the bedrock of Christian America, brought to you by Calvinists and the Geneva Bible, who left all to find a refuge where they may worship freely. The truth is, people like this fellow are Finneyites - followers of the the apostate Presbyterian who popularized Pelagianism, free-will, and the altar call - and above all else the hatred of "Calvinism". You follow this heretic at your own risk, one who does not understand real Christianity and condemns the martyrs who died for it.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      The song "Amazing Grace" is not Calvinistic. It was written by John Newton, an Anglican, not Calvinist nor Puritan. If you think the lyrics are supporting Calvinism, then that just proves you are so far gone indoctrinated into Calvinistic doctrines that you simply see everything through that lens. That is one of the scary realities about being swept up into a cultish practice and mindset. It distorts your view of reality and perverts the truth and you end up in gross error and start labeling true Bible believers as heretics. What a shame.

    • @williammarinelli2363
      @williammarinelli2363 4 месяца назад +1

      In Amazing Grace the line, "I once was lost but now am found" is precious. Google "John MacArthur testimony" and check first hit, a gty website - gty stands for "Grace to you" which is a euphemism for John MacArthur's true stance of "Grace for few."
      Note how there is no sense of "I once was lost but now am found" for MacArthur. "I always believed the gospel." "I never rebelled." "when God did his saving work in my heart, it was not discernible to me."
      Not questioning MacArthur's salvation. My testimony is more "rags to riches" in which I see me unsaved self in Rom 1. I get that children raised in a Christian home may not have that contrast to reflect upon.

    • @williammarinelli2363
      @williammarinelli2363 4 месяца назад +1

      "I trust that all those who hold to the view that Calvinism is the "highway to hell" will be honest and cease utilizing it's heritage - like the hymn "Amazing Grace" and and large chunk of the hymns in the hymnal,"
      There is a chunk of hymns that I would throw on the dunghill in a heartbeat. There's a Fanny Crosby hymn entitled, "Pass me not" in which an anxious seeker is pleading a schmuck Calvinistic caricature of deity that she not be one of the losers of the eternal lottery before the foundation of the world and be "passed over." How Fanny conceived the idea that praying this way or singing this hymn would alter something done immutably at the found. of world - you gotta ask her. Interesting verb - "pass." In the account of the Good Samaritan, the priest and Levite PASS by the victim. Thus the Samaritan was neighbor to him that fell upon thieves, whilst the priest and Levite were godly in that they followed the example of God as represented by the Calvinistic ideology.
      I'm not aware of following Finney. Provide a quote and I'll gladly compare it to the narrative of Scripture, but not the worthless Geneva Bible of which one third of the total text was extrabiblical notes that had zero business sharing the page with sacred text. (Ditto Schofield and any "study" Bible.) Some of those notes offended James in what he cared about most - the divine right of kings - so he commissioned a Bible translation of Bible alone - no baggage. He may have been Queen James, but he was right on this issue.
      Let's assume, however, that I'm a Finneyite (whatever that is.) What's the harm in any eternal sense? How would your convincing me otherwise possibly alter the already determined (as you assert) populations of heaven and hell?
      A word search of KJV reveals freewill mentioned in Bible 17 times. Sovereignty zero. Normally in Western Civilization we call that a shutout.

    • @jeffdollar1646
      @jeffdollar1646 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries Perhaps a more in depth study of Newton is in order. He was an advocate of being kind to mis-guided Arminians, but it would be a grave mistake to deny he was a Calvinist. From his letters, "Admitting, what I am sure you will admit, the total depravity of human nature, how can we account for the conversion of a soul to God, unless we likewise admit an election of grace? The work must begin somewhere. Either the sinner first seeks the Lord, or the Lord first seeks the sinner. The former is impossible, if by nature we are dead in trespasses and sins; if the god of this world has blinded our eyes, and maintains the possession of our hearts; and if our carnal minds, so far from being disposed to seek God, are enmity against him." You can attempt to re-fabricate history all you want, but you can't change the facts. Calvinism is the bedrock of orthodoxy, and those who attempt to destroy it are on the road to apostasy, sooner or later.

  • @matthewford4050
    @matthewford4050 4 месяца назад +3

    It is great that you expose Gnostic Calvinist. However, you still hold to their view in regard to the work of Christ on the cross. They call it Penal substitution atonement (psa). Mike winger defends this idea as well.
    Psa is false view imposed by the Calvinist.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад

      Please describe the correct interpretation in that case.

    • @pbm8264
      @pbm8264 4 месяца назад

      Yep. PSA says that Jesus was punished for our sins at the cross and that the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus at the Cross.
      But the Scriptures show perfect unity of the Godhead at the Cross. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. Jesus offered himself, through the eternal Spirit without spot unto God. It was a perfect sacrifice and a willing sacrifice. He gave Himself.
      It is ashamed that Calvinism has influenced seminaries and theological thought so much over the past 500 years that even many of the non Calvinists have a faulty view of the atonement.

  • @johnsmithSongbird
    @johnsmithSongbird 4 месяца назад

    Michael servetis did not accept the trinity
    Neither do I
    The catholic taught God is a 3 person God
    He had 3 faces
    Michael was also a doctor
    John Calvin heard Michael say
    The trinity is a 3 headed God
    He was so mad John and his followers burn Michael alive at the stake
    John taught some are born to be sinners
    Some are predestined to be saved
    He was a dangerous fanatic who would kill anyone he didn't like
    How would you like to have this lunatic living next door to you
    When John went to hell
    He saw Michael living in heaven
    He is still there
    If you follow his doctrine you will be too

  • @jacquesw8725
    @jacquesw8725 4 месяца назад +1

    This is one of the biggest problems I have with Calvinism: If God chose to elect a few to be saved, then the rest had to have been chosen to hell. There is no other way around that! So what happens to the rest of the people that have not been chosen by God, but have heard the gospel and accepted it? According to the doctrine of Calvinism, they are going to hell because they were not chosen! So no matter what a person believes, does, repents, etc., they are doomed for hell. That just doesn't sound fair and just, making God's love limited!

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      They say if you believe the gospel that means God regenerated you first and made you believe.
      Funny thing is that they don't know what the gospel is.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 You are just frontloading works into the gospel and attributing them to God.
      God grants repentance unto the acknowledgement of the truth.
      Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
      If God grants repentance *of sins* and if that has anything to do with salvation at all, then it had better be perfect repentance.
      God's standard is absolute perfection.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 I know exactly what you were implying.
      Faith isn't the gift.
      Salvation is the gift.
      God draws all men unto Him and He gives a measure of faith to every man, it's then up to us to decide where to place our faith.
      Nice try Calvinist.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 Romans 12:3, read it and weep Calvo.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 Месяц назад

      @@TheBereanVoice God draws all men unto Him.

  • @carldelpopolo9254
    @carldelpopolo9254 4 месяца назад +1

    Very good you should do some arminianism one also.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +2

      Yes, I am not a fan of Arminianism either. It is just the flip side of the same counterfeit coin of Calvinism.

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 3 месяца назад

      @@dannorris8478 so you believe there's only two camps of belief, calvinism vs. arminianism? My husband believes that too.
      What about those who are in the camp of being a born again believer? 🤔

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 3 месяца назад +1

      @@dannorris8478 I agree folks can be confused. My husband is very confused and delusional right now since his conversion into calvinism.
      The Holy Spirit illuminated to me the fallacy of calvinism that my husband brings home to our family from his reformed calvinist church.

  • @mrcubsfan97
    @mrcubsfan97 4 месяца назад

    I don't agree with Calvinism as a whole but two things that are scriptural that you seem to disagree with
    1. God knew the end from the beginning
    (From God's perspective we are predestined)
    2. Satan can only do what God allows him to do
    (See the book of Job and Numbers 23)

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 3 месяца назад

      Knowing the end from the beginning is not the same thing as knowing all the bits in the middle.

  • @hendrikjansevanrensburg8337
    @hendrikjansevanrensburg8337 4 месяца назад

    Please read John 6 : 44, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 2,
    Revolution 13 : 8, Revolution 17 : 8.
    Yes, the bible say in a lot of places "we must choose " but if you take the above in account, then we did nothing out of ourselves, but was/will be driven /helped. Like do the action , we will succeed, we are helped. i not a Calvinist (take responsibility for my own misunderstanding of the Word of God) me follower of Christ.

  • @ObeyHisWord
    @ObeyHisWord 4 месяца назад +1

    Faith is a gift of Yahweh. A dead person spiritually does NOT have the ability to believe according to the scriptures. Reformers believe and teach the same Gospel, but it is Yahweh centered, NOT man centered. That is why it is called Grace.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад +1

      You don't believe a word of that and I can prove it

  • @rogervincent2092
    @rogervincent2092 4 месяца назад +3

    Brian and others teach work righteousness. If everyone receives equal grace. What is the distinction between those who receive and those who reject? The distinction is your choosing on your own. Ergo work righteousness. You have reason to boast when others could not do what you accomplished. Condradulations!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад

      Nope, another lie from a Calvinist. What a shock! Sarcasm intended.

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 4 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries If everyone receives an equal amount of grace. What is the distinction between those who receive Christ and those who reject Christ? What is the distinction?

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      What you're saying is the silliest nonsense I've ever heard. Are you OK in your head, O Calvinist?

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 4 месяца назад

      ​@@rogervincent2092Jesus made salvation conditional upon belief.
      Belief is not a work.
      God draws all men unto Him and He gives a measure of faith to every man, it's then up to us to decide where to place our faith.
      You either believe that Jesus paid your sin debt in full or you don't.
      How you got there is irrelevant.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Grace (salvation) is received through faith as a gift of God (Eph 2: 8). No faith? No gift! The gift is offered freely to whosoever believes, and not given before they believe. I referenced Revelation 22: 17 in my video as a clear indication (one of many in the New Testament) that the grace of God is offered to everyone and everyone is actively being invited to come and take the water of life freely. That is equal justice. People choose. God doesn't force anyone to be saved against their will, nor does God send anyone to hell who has not chosen hell for themselves by rejecting God's free offer of grace.

  • @StarAccount-km1rt
    @StarAccount-km1rt 4 месяца назад

    Sadly Calvinism has infiltrated all Christian endeavours. The KJV Bible translators were exclusively Calvinist. Christians were excluded.
    Can you name one Brick and mortar Church that is not Calvinist based?
    Can you name one seminary that is not based on Calvinism?

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад

      I have yet to see a Calvinist pentecostal church

    • @jockwross
      @jockwross 3 месяца назад

      Ha! That's a good observation but on the other hand I have yet to see a real pentecostal like the originals in ACTS

  • @johntrevett2944
    @johntrevett2944 4 месяца назад +1

    What he is saying is double predestination, not biblical election.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      Biblical election is unto service every time, so evident in the context of the verses about the elect or chosen. What is unbiblical is to suggest that election is unto salvation. That is easily debunked through the OT and the NT.

    • @johntrevett2944
      @johntrevett2944 3 месяца назад

      God, before the foundation of the world, chose to make certain individuals the objects of His unmerited favor or special grace (Mark 13:20; Ephesians 1:4-5; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 17:8). These individuals from every tribe, tongue and nation were chosen by God for adoption, not because of anything they would do but because of His sovereign will (Romans 9:11-13; Romans 9:16; Romans 10:20; 1 Corinthians 1:27-29; 2 Timothy 1:9). God could have chosen to save all men (He certainly has the power and authority to do so), and He could have chosen to save no one (He is under no obligation to save anyone). He instead chose to save some and leave others to the consequences of their sin (Exodus 33:19; Deuteronomy 7:6-7; Romans 9:10-24; Acts 13:48; 1 Peter 2:8).
      There are many verses in both the Old and New Testaments that speak of election, and, when one looks at all the Bible teaches about election and predestination, it becomes obvious that God’s choice was not based on any foreseen act or response, but was based solely on God’s own good pleasure and sovereign will. Properly understood, God’s unconditional election is one link in the unbreakable chain of salvation seen in Romans 8:28-29: “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” All those who are predestined will be saved (John 6:39; Romans 8:30) because they are the ones that God the Father gives to Jesus Christ (John 6:37) who will raise them up on the last day (John 6:39; John 17:2). They are Christ’s sheep (John 10:1-30) who hear His voice and for whom He died (John 10:15) in order to give them eternal life and make them secure forever in the hand of God (John 10:26-30).

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      No, you are dead wrong. You can misquote any isolated text you want, but that still does not stop the truth of the Word of God that you are willfully distorting to push a cultish man-made systematic theology that is so easily debunked in Scripture.

    • @johntrevett2944
      @johntrevett2944 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries The Bible teaches that God chooses people based on His own purposes and His desire to show grace to undeserving sinners. Ephesians 1:4-6 says, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” He chose in love, in accordance with His pleasure and will, so that He would be glorified. God’s election has nothing to do with what the elect would or would not do.
      God did not choose everyone. If He had, then everyone would come to faith in Christ. He chose some, and He left others to their own desires. Left to ourselves, all of us would continue in our rebellion and reject Christ. God chose to pursue some, convict them of their need, and lead them to faith. It is because of God’s choice that anyone comes to faith in Christ. Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day” (John 6:44).

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      You skipped Ephesians 1:3, like every Calvinist does on purpose because it totally destroys tour false ideology. Starting at verse 4 removes the context of what is predestined. What is predestined from before the foundation of the world is not individuals into salvation, but the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ that God predestined to give each and every single person who becomes a believer in Christ.

  • @scottsnyder7909
    @scottsnyder7909 4 месяца назад

    Which JC do you follow ?

  • @livingforjesus8551
    @livingforjesus8551 4 месяца назад +1

    You say that if they preach another gospel, they will be accursed, but that is not what Galatians said, it said let them be accursed, not they will be accursed. Saying they will be accursed, is just like saying that they have no hope of salvation now, which puts you in the same camp as calvinists, because they teach that people are without hope, and saying that they will be accursed is teaching that peopel are without hope. No, Galatians says, let them be accursed, not they will be accursed.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад

      I read it from Scripture first as it is written, "let him be accursed" which means to be under a curse, and then I said such people preaching a false gospel will be accursed and they are cursing others who believe their false gospel. So, your point is also well taken, and I agree with you, that those who turn from their false gospel preaching and believe the true Gospel and stop preaching the false gospel, despite the damage they might have done to others, they are given grace by God and no longer going to be accursed, but are forgiven and saved as is anyone else who comes to faith in the true Gospel. However, my point was assuming the false teacher does not stop being a false teacher and I could have made that more clear I suppose.

    • @livingforjesus8551
      @livingforjesus8551 4 месяца назад

      The question is, can a believer preach a false gospel? The answer is yes, they can, because it is a heresy, which is a work of the flesh, which any believer can do, and that is why it says, let him be accursed. Which means don't take the person seriously when it comes to God's word, because they got the gospel wrong. It doesn't mean that they are under a curse, because a saved person can absolutely preach a false gospel, and still be saved.

    • @livingforjesus8551
      @livingforjesus8551 4 месяца назад

      Yes, it says let him be accursed, it doesn't say they are accursed. Those are 2 very different things, because a saved person can be teaching a false gospel. They can believe in the true gospel, and then be deceived into thinking into preaching works for salvation, and still be saved. The part I have a problem with, is that you say, "yhey will be accursed," when ut doesn't say that at all, it says, let them be accursed, because will be accursed and let them be accursed, is 2 very different things. Yes, one preaching a false gospel can curse others into an eternity in hell, because they will have a false belief in that false gospel, now if they believe the true gospel, after being taught a false gospel they will be saved, but they can still teach a false gospel after they are saved.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад

      I believe Galatians 1 about "let him be accursed" is true even under the scenario you are giving. It would just mean that being accursed (under a curse) is not a curse resulting in the loss of salvation of the true believer who simply got confused or indoctrinated and began preached a false gospel. There is still some sort of curse though. It is still the Word of God and I believe what it says regarding anyone preaching a false gospel, let him be accursed. This means if they don't stop doing that they will in fact be accursed, otherwise that Bible verse would not be true.

    • @livingforjesus8551
      @livingforjesus8551 4 месяца назад

      No, it does not say they are accursed, it says let him be accursed, those are 2 very different things. You are saying that one had to stop preaching a false gospel to be saved, and that is a works base salvation, because you are saying someone has to do something other than believe in the true gospel to be saved. Paul isn't saying God had them under a curse, Paul is saying to the PEOPLE, let them be accursed. Meaning he is telling those people not to take them seriously.
      This means if they don't stop doing they they will in fact be accursed,
      Also you,
      It would mean that being (under a curse) is not a curse resulting in the loss of salvation of the true believer who simply got confused or indoctrinated and began to preach a false gospel.
      If you compare those 2 statements, you are still saying that a saved person has to stop preaching a false gospel or else he will be accursed too. You are also saying that a person has to stop a certain sin to be saved, which is a works salvation. Also, Paul never said they were under a curse, that is you adding that to the text. Yes, it is the Word of God, and it says, let him be accursed, it doesn't say, they are accursed, or they will be accursed, or they are under the curse of God, those are all different from, let him be accursed. Paul is telling them, that they are not to take them seriously. Paul even said at the start of the chapter, that he marvels that they were soon removed from the gospel onto another gospel, which isn't another, but there be some who pervert the gospel of Christ. These people were robed from the true gospel, into another, and they started preaching that gospel, and that is why Paul addressed the matter. You are telling me that these saved people are accursed, before they preached another gospel, but Paul said, let them be accursed, which is different from that they are under a curse.

  • @nancybenson1951
    @nancybenson1951 4 месяца назад +1

    Yes, yes, yes. ❤

  • @mephi654
    @mephi654 4 месяца назад

    Mental assent to the facts related to the gospel of Jesus Christ will not save you. Isaiah 53:10 says: “… when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed…”
    Do not overlook the qualifier: *WHEN*
    In the same way that godly Jews - in order to draw near to God - brought a sacrifice as a temporary expiation of their sin, you must do so too. But NOT through the blood of bulls and goats. Rather, you are to choose the offering which he himself has provided for you: the blood of his only begotten sinless son.
    “… WHEN thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed…”

  • @rogervincent2092
    @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

    CORRECTION: It's not the same as YOUR interpretation of the gospel. I love how people equate their interpretation to the truth if God's wird

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 3 месяца назад

      It's also YOUR interpretation. You don't believe Calvinism and I can prove it. Here's my prediction - you won't accept the challenge because you know I'm right. I now invite you to prove me wrong.

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @mimisides Of course, it's my interpretation. I never argue that Calvinism is right. I only argue that it is scriptural, therefore making arguments that Calvinism teaches a different gospel or that it is a doctrine of demons is just arrogant and ignorant.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      Roger, Calvinism is not Scriptural. That is my point. The only Scripture a Calvinist uses is an isolated prooftext completely out of context. Their doctrines absolutely pervert the true Gospel in the Bible into a false gospel and false hope of unconditionally winning the God lottery unto salvation. There is no getting around that fact.

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries That's YOUR. interpretation. More spiritual, more committed, more intelligent than you would disagree. Do you not understand this? You argument is circular.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      I understand that. I am okay with that claim. The Bible is true because the Bible is God's Word which is true. I believe that and will stand firm on that belief. It may be circular but I'll stick with it despite the wisdom of men and the doctrines of man that oppose God's Word with all their high minded philosophy and reasoning that leads to questioning God's Word or replacing it with false systematic theologies.

  • @joek6787
    @joek6787 4 месяца назад +1

    I am being riddled with logical fallacy without theological perspectives being met with substantial scriptural evidence.
    Go in peace, and may the Lord continue to show you His sovereign grace in His penal substitutionary atonement for you, which is found in His Word.
    “As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”
    “What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”
    So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”
    So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
    You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?”
    But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?
    What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory- even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭13-24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 4 месяца назад

      ESV is Satanic! KJV only. Free Grace theology destroys Calvinism!!!

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      Like ALL Calvinists, you rip Romans out of context, so it fits Calvinism. Romans 9 was written by the Apostle Paul to apostate Jews. Romans 9 does not have anything to do with gentile salvation before the foundation of the world. Nothing. Like all Calvinists you isolate Romans 9 from its context, so it fits Calvinism. That is what you have been taught by Calvinist false teachers. The same can be said for ALL Calvinism proof texts. Calvinism denies Scriptural authority. It cherry picks verses to fit Calvinism. I've heard all of the same tired proof texts over and over just as you have been taught by your Calvinist false teachers. I was a Calvinist for over 20‭ years, and it's very difficult coming to terms that you have been fooled, and most never do. They have too much pride and too much invested in their cherished belief and refuse to be corrected by Scriptures. Friend, I hope you find your way out because Calvinism is a cult, and you are indoctrinated as much as any Mormon or Jehovah Witness is. Please come to your senses.

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      Like ALL Calvinists, you rip Romans out of context, so it fits Calvinism. Romans 9 was written by the Apostle Paul to apostate Jews. Romans 9 does not have anything to do with gentile salvation before the foundation of the world. Nothing. Like all Calvinists you isolate Romans 9 from its context, so it fits Calvinism. That is what you have been taught by Calvinist false teachers. The same can be said for ALL Calvinism proof texts. Calvinism denies Scriptural authority. It cherry picks verses to fit Calvinism. I've heard all of the same tired proof texts over and over just as you have been taught by your Calvinist false teachers. I was a Calvinist for over 20‭ years, and it's very difficult coming to terms that you have been fooled, and most never do. They have too much pride and too much invested in their cherished belief and refuse to be corrected by Scriptures. Friend, I hope you find your way out because Calvinism is a cult, and you are indoctrinated as much as any Mormon or Jehovah Witness is. Please come to your senses.

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      Like ALL Calvinists, you rip Romans out of context, so it fits Calvinism. Romans 9 was written by the Apostle Paul to apostate Jews. Romans 9 does not have anything to do with gentile salvation before the foundation of the world. Nothing. Like all Calvinists you isolate Romans 9 from its context, so it fits Calvinism. That is what you have been taught by Calvinist false teachers. The same can be said for ALL Calvinism proof texts. Calvinism denies Scriptural authority. It cherry picks verses to fit Calvinism. I've heard all of the same tired proof texts over and over just as you have been taught by your Calvinist false teachers. I was a Calvinist for over 20‭ years, and it's very difficult coming to terms that you have been fooled, and most never do. They have too much pride and too much invested in their cherished belief and refuse to be corrected by Scriptures. Friend, I hope you find your way out because Calvinism is a cult, and you are indoctrinated as much as any Mormon or Jehovah Witness is. Please come to your senses.

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      Like ALL Calvinists, you rip Romans out of context, so it fits Calvinism. Romans 9 was written by the Apostle Paul to apostate Jews. Romans 9 does not have anything to do with gentile salvation before the foundation of the world. Nothing. Like all Calvinists you isolate Romans 9 from its context, so it fits Calvinism. That is what you have been taught by Calvinist false teachers. The same can be said for ALL Calvinism proof texts. Calvinism denies Scriptural authority. It cherry picks verses to fit Calvinism. I've heard all of the same tired proof texts over and over just as you have been taught by your Calvinist false teachers. I was a Calvinist for over 20‭ years, and it's very difficult coming to terms that you have been fooled, and most never do. They have too much pride and too much invested in their cherished belief and refuse to be corrected by Scriptures. Friend, I hope you find your way out because Calvinism is a cult, and you are indoctrinated as much as any Mormon or Jehovah Witness is. Please come to your senses.

  • @Tigerex966
    @Tigerex966 4 месяца назад +2

    What are you talking about about?
    You almost sound like that crazy preacher who say never confess or repent because they are worksalvation, contradicting what the bible says to do.
    And they are not works of the law or flesh, they are your faith your belief, as you cannot do them honestly if you dont believe.
    Tne theif on the cross and you and i confessed our sins and repented of them thats turn from them to christ instead in belief that he forgaves them.
    None of that is works salvation, thats salvation all true christians are told by scripture to do and do.
    There is nothing wrong with confessing your sins and repenting and believing.
    Jesus himself says to do so.
    When tje guard as Paul what must I do to be saved thats what he says to do.
    If we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive them.and clean us from all rightousness.
    Confessing and repenting and believing is not works based salvation, its the gospel and what we as christians are commanded to do.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Repent means to change your mind. Repent and believe is what the Bible says resulting in the remission of sins. That means change your mind from unbelief and turn to Christ and believe on Him, and by that faith in Christ we receive the gift of God's grace which is the remission of sins washed away by His blood and the gift of eternal life. It is not complicated and very consistent in the Bible.
      "Of your sins" is a phrase added to the word "repent" that is never found in Scripture at all, but has become so popularized by famous preachers that most people think it is in the Bible. Read the entire Gospel of John and the word repent and repentance never shows up even once and yet it is the evangelistic Gospel. Conceptually "repentance" is there in that the emphasize over and over again is about turning from unbelief to belief in Christ and be saved. That turning from unbelief to belief is Biblical repentance.
      So, ask yourself this... Do you think God is so confusing and mysterious about salvation that He would make a requirement for salvation to be an act (work) of "repent of your sins" but never actually write it in His Word? No! Making that a requirement of salvation is adding to Scripture and adding to the Gospel.

    • @Tigerex966
      @Tigerex966 4 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministrieswe may phrase it slightly different but I think your view is similar to mine for the most part , yet there are people saying confessing your sins and repenting is works salvation and actually telling people not to believe ?...its the pastor Steve from wesborough or something baptist church.
      He considers them a work for salvation the way calvinist believe faith is a work not man can do, unless he is mysteriously regenerated first and elected for salvation before creation on eternity past.
      ..... to do so and we still cant believe unless God first does a mysterious work of regeneration essentially making us saved first born again so we can believe.
      In other words they have it backwards you believe first and you can and its not works salvation then you are saved.
      Both over think and think we make God weak and completely depended on us to save ys, if we do basically anything, including believe confess repent, like he asks us to do, and made us able to do, after hearing the word and being drawn by him.
      And he draws all.
      The word is the power of God unto comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
      Jesus draws all men to him.
      Choose you today who you will serve.
      We are asked to do that because God gave us the ability to do that by grace through faith...that's why we cannot boast of believing and faith or the Confessing and repenting which are the evidence of that faith.
      John 3.16
      God gets all the glory for our salvation we get none, and we are able to and responsible to confess repent and believe.
      Those are not works of the law or works salvation as some make it out to be.
      Take care we have to be careful if outting labels like worksalvation not really saves on others who may differ slightly with non salvific bible passages and reason debate talk about this matters in ten spirit of truth to become stronger in his word kneeing we or others may be wrong in one area as we will be or were and to rebuke reprove or at fir encourage each other to reconcile and grow in t he lord

    • @aaronlee6821
      @aaronlee6821 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Brian, you have a fatal flaw in your reasoning. What do you think that a lack of belief/faith in Jesus Christ is? It is a sin. So if one repents from that lack of belief/faith, and turns to Jesus Christ, they are repenting of sin. They are turning from a heart that was full of and loved sin, and are given a new heart that loves Jesus Christ and all the brethren and hates sin. If one is truly converted, they will hate sin, and they will turn from all their past sins they are aware of. That conversion is repentance of the sin of lack of belief/faith, as well all sin, being all sin is in direct opposition to the Holy Spirit who then indwells in a true believer. If one refuses to repent of sin, it is a clear indicator that they are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit and do not have a converted heart.
      Now, if someone argues that the repentance/turning away from sin happens immediately after conversion, and another argues that it happens immediately before conversion, I suppose that issue is much more open to debate. But to argue as you have, Brian, that repentance is not repenting of sin, when it very clearly is, being lack of faith/believe is a sin, is a completely flawed argument.
      As a side note, I am not trying to say that one must recall all their past sins and confess/repent of each and every one, some of which might be possible to even recall or recognize as sin. Rather I'm referring to repenting of their obvious sins, which are indicated to be sins, via the Holy Spirit, and through His Word. One's heart and whole life is changed at the moment of conversion, and they have a completely different outlook on sin compared to previously. If one does not have that totally different outlook on sin, then they have not been truly converted.

  • @DeskOfDean
    @DeskOfDean 4 месяца назад +1

    Romans 9:16: It depends on God, who has mercy, not on human will or exertion
    John 6:44: No one can come to God unless the Father who sent him draws him

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Romans 9 does not end the Book. Read in chapter 11 and you find out that God grants mercy upon all. John 6 does not end the Gospel of John. Read on and find out that Jesus said in John 12: 32 that if He is lifted up (on the cross to die) He will draw ALL men unto Himself. Just keep reading Scripture and it destroys every distinctive point of Calvinism every time.

    • @DeskOfDean
      @DeskOfDean 4 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I do see your point (from scripture) but ALL does not always mean ALL.
      Mark 1:4-5 And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. 5 The whole Judean countryside and ALL the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.
      Clearly that use of all is only referring to those that came to God.
      Also most Calvinist I know don’t worship men or other pastors over the word of God, though I do know some that think MCcarthur can do no wrong even though he is a dispensationalist

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  4 месяца назад +1

      Point taken, "all" sometimes literally means all and sometimes it does not, but that is where context and discernment comes in. In the Gospel of John chapter 1: 3, Jesus made ALL things, "3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." Wouldn't it be reasonable for us to believe that "all" in this context is referring to literally everything that has ever come into existence? So, a little further down the chapter when John the Baptist says Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, why would we think this is not referring to all sin of all the world, but only a limited amount of sin taken away from only a limited number of people in the world? The latter makes no sense given the context already established earlier in the chapter. Then in John 3, why would we then conclude that For God so loved the World, that "world" does not literally mean the whole world but means only very few elect people in the world? Again, that would not make sense.

  • @karintraut8151
    @karintraut8151 4 месяца назад

    Fear mongering yes. 🙏

  • @lonnierandall7882
    @lonnierandall7882 4 месяца назад +2

    I never knew what Calvinism was, but I understood from the Bible that predestination has to be true, otherwise God is not omniscient.
    But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7
    If God doesn't already know who will be saved, if it is a complete surprise to him, well, that's just ridiculous. God is the only one who already knows whosoever will. He also already knows whosoever won't.
    John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
    John 6:65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.
    Matthew 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
    It really is all about God!
    Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
    The thing about predestination is that God is the only one who knows how it turns out. We are not privy to it. Therefore, we have to live our lives one moment at a time constantly making choices that we have no idea we will be faced with, until we are faced with them. We also have no idea what choices we will make, until we make them. However, God already knows.
    God knew exactly what would happen in the garden of Eden. That is why He put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there. He did not have to let the serpent in Eden. It was in the plan of salvation from the beginning. Adam's sin was not a failure of God. It was His plan. That is why Revelation says that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. It was already in the plan. It is all about us coming back to God in repentance and falling on His mercy; and who will and who will not. Some will be wheat and some will be tares. Which is why he didn't give us our eternal bodies in the first place. God will sort us out in the resurrection or the harvest.
    Think of this world as a movie that has an "in the beginning" and a "the end." God is the producer and director of this movie. He has plugged it in, and now it is playing. He already knows the whole epic story. God is not confined to time the way we are. He sees it all at once. The word "freewill" is nowhere in the Bible. But the terms "will of God" or "His will" are found 35 times. God chose us before we chose Him. We are ordained to salvation, even before we believe.
    Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.
    Which would also mean that as many as were not ordained to eternal life did not believe.
    2 Thessalonians 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
    Ephesians 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
    Romans 8:29-30 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
    John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou has given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
    1 Peter 1:2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
    Ephesians 1:4 According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад +2

      If God knew what was going to happen in the garden of Eden how could he say that he regretted making man? Gen 6:6. There's your whole argument shot down with a single scripture. There are also occasions where God is surprised by people's actions (Jeremiah 19:5). The term "omniscient" does not appear in the Bible, but even if we accept it's validity in principle, by definition no one, including God, can know that which cannot be known, such as the free will decisions of free will beings. That is, without knowing that which cannot be known, he is still omniscient

    • @aaronlee6821
      @aaronlee6821 4 месяца назад +2

      I liked your reply, even if I'd maybe word some things a bit differently than you. But especially you're spot on about how God knows everything from the start and He is the only one who knows that. I would have added to that though, just to make things even more evident, is that God created each and every one of us with that foreknowledge. For everyone who would eventually become a true believer, He knew that in advance and He chose to create that individual, and wrote that person's name in the Book of Life from before the foundation of the world. And for everyone who would not ever become a true believer, likewise He knew that in advance and chose to create that individual, and did not write that person's name in the Book of Life.
      So, if God knew everything in advance, AND He created everyone with that knowledge, it means He did create some to be destined for everlasting life, and others were destined to the opposite. And, as you mentioned, none of us are privy to that information. We have absolutely no idea in advance, who will become a true believer and who will not, not even regarding ourselves. Only God knows that. So, it is important to realize that there is God's perspective, with His infinite knowledge/preknowledge/plan, and there is man's perspective, which in no way can comprehend but an infinitely small fraction of the knowledge of God. God''s knowledge and plan, that He created in advance, in no way eliminates man's responsibility because we cannot be aware of that knowledge/plan to the extend He does.
      To say it another way, if we had the full knowledge of God, and knew for certain who would become a true believer, and who would not, then many of the arguments against Calvinism would be perfectly legitimate, i.e., we would have no reason to evangelize those who are predestined to not believe. But because we do not have that knowledge, and only God does, we do evangelize all people, knowing that some will hear the Gospel and become believers and some will continue to reject the Gospel. I've said it numerous times, we need to realize that there is God's perspective and there is man's perspective. If we view God's Word and how it is interpreted only via man's perspective, we fail to realize that God's perspective is written about in the Bible, but that we can only accept it, but not completely understand fully why it is that way.
      Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
      I think that passage sums up so well my view on the issue. I am a Bible believer, and must accept what God's Word so very clearly states, even if it does not jive totally with my limited man's logic of how I think things should be. How I think it should be is not what God says, and what God says is the truth and is the way it is, and I must accept that.

    • @aaronlee6821
      @aaronlee6821 4 месяца назад

      @@mimisides How can you possibly claim that God is not omniscient if you've read the Bible? God's omniscient attributes are written of throughout Scripture, even though the word itself does not appear. So, if you come across a verse (such as your mention of Jeremiah 19:5), which your interpretation contradicts what is said about God's attributes throughout the Bible, you must conclude that either the Bible is in error (which is absolutely not the case), or that your interpretation is wrong (which is the case). God's Word is written to be understood by man, who has limited reasoning/understanding. If, with that limited reasoning/understanding try to limit God's mind/understanding to be at our level, we will completely fail to understand much of God's Word, such as what you have done in this case.

    • @lonnierandall7882
      @lonnierandall7882 4 месяца назад +1

      @@mimisides Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
      13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

    • @mimisides
      @mimisides 4 месяца назад +1

      @@aaronlee6821 1. I didn't say he wasn't omniscient. I just said he cannot know that which cannot be known. It's not that hard to understand. The question is whether future decisions of free will beings can be known. I argue it can't
      2. My "interpretation" of Jeremiah 19:5? Tell me what interpretation can be placed on "nor did it ever enter my mind" other than that he was surprised by their actions and therefore he didn't know what they were going to do? Without changing the meaning of the English language because what Scripture says doesn't line up with your dictrine, tell me what other interpretation is possible. Note - there are many scruptures like this - this is just one example of many. This is a test to see whether you really care what the Bible says.
      3. How could God regret making man if he knew they were going to sin (Gen6:6)? How can you regret doing something if you if you already know the outcome.

  • @warrenroby6907
    @warrenroby6907 4 месяца назад

    The traditional doctrine of hell is more noxious than TULIP.

  • @wayside70
    @wayside70 4 месяца назад +2

    Just like the jehovahs witnesses leaving pamplets in my front door. More false doctrine by the deceiver Joseph Smith. Thanks for taking the time to make another video brian...(you should have a podcast debate with Justin peters on calvinism)

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      What you are saying doesn't surprise me. The true church of Jesus Christ will always persecuted by over zealous religious fanatics blinded by their demonic heresies. I pray you come to your senses

    • @zebra2346
      @zebra2346 4 месяца назад

      What you are saying doesn't surprise me. The true church of Jesus Christ will always persecuted by over zealous religious fanatics blinded by their demonic heresies. I pray you come to your senses