Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) - The Deep Right - A Manifesto

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • I'm joined again by Curtis to discuss and dissect what is closest to a declaration of the propositions of the Deep Right.
    We focus primarily on the five principles laid out in his Substack post: Principles of the Deep Right: Timelessness, Neutrality, Vitalism, Realism & Absolutism, but as always with Curtis, exciting tangents abound.
    Curtis Yarvin is a writer, technologist, and dark lord of the dissident blogosphere. You can find his work at

Комментарии • 373

  • @TreeCurtis84
    @TreeCurtis84 2 года назад +36

    You are probably one of my favorite people to interview him. I was delighted to see you have a round 2. Beautifully done

  • @friedabokorny7140
    @friedabokorny7140 2 года назад +76

    A conversation between Curtis Yarvin and Jonathan Pageau would be awesome.

  • @uverpro3598
    @uverpro3598 Год назад +7

    I’ve recently reverted to Orthodox Christianity and Curtis’ summation of vitalism, is essentially my concept of the Will of God.

    • @virtualpilgrim8645
      @virtualpilgrim8645 5 месяцев назад

      So, you think Mary can hear your prayers?

    • @shellytyler00
      @shellytyler00 6 дней назад

      @@virtualpilgrim8645 You're a buffoon and that's OK. God still loves you.

  • @_GOD_HAND_
    @_GOD_HAND_ 2 года назад +34

    Yarvin comparing the Roman Republic to modern America is sophistry. The Conflict of the Orders was contested by two factions (plebs and patricians) who both saw themselves as quintessentially Roman, and wanted the same thing--Roman military hegemony over Europe and Central Asia. But the Plebs felt cut out of Rome's power-political processes, leading to centuries of resentment. It was a conflict that could be resolved with proper leadership.
    In America today, there is no common ground whatsoever between left and right. Both sides see each other as fundamentally EVIL. A more appropriate historical analogy would be Moorish Spain, where Muslims, Jews and Christians lived a very shaky coexistence for 700 years. Despite their phenomenal material prosperity, these groups never integrated fully because their worldviews were not compatible. When one group (Christians) finally gained the upper hand, they routed everyone else in a matter of years.

    • @emZee1994
      @emZee1994 2 года назад +1


    • @2regarded
      @2regarded 2 года назад +7

      Idk... You are right about Rome but I think it's a bit presumptuous to assume the political ideologies of today resonate with people on a level that couldn't be undone by propaganda in a different direction. A religious Muslim from the middle east believes in his religion on a level that no liberal or conservative could ever match with their beliefs.
      I would use a Christian as an example but I'm not sure if there is a place left in the world where a true passionate belief exists with either of the other two abrahamic religions today on a large scale

    • @_GOD_HAND_
      @_GOD_HAND_ 2 года назад

      @@2regarded True, but we aren't really dealing with political ideology, at least from the left. "Progressivism" in its present incarnation is merely a convenient political vehicle for race-hate against Whites and lust for the wealth of White Civilization, which are the true motivations of its adherents.
      Given the demographic shifts which are taking place, this isn't a problem that can be resolved with propaganda, because no amount of propaganda can make up for the biological/cultural shortcomings of the people looking to usurp us.
      The BEST we could hope for in such a scenario would be a stagnant, multi-racial idiocracy in which we are bled dry and gently discarded.

    • @kreek22
      @kreek22 2 года назад +13

      Up until the end of the Muslim occupation, there were, for 700 years, always states controlled by Muslims and states controlled by Christians. America is a single state, divided within. The Muslims did not conquer Christian Iberia from within and the Christians did not conquer Muslim Iberia from within. The American Left has conquered America from within. It's perhaps more akin to the way the Christians conquered the Roman Empire from within over the course of 300 years.

    • @Mr___X
      @Mr___X 2 года назад +1

      @@kreek22 "the left". Yeah, ok...

  • @OblateSpheroid
    @OblateSpheroid 2 года назад +18

    Thank you for your work, Mrs. Kaschuta and Mr. Yarvin.

  • @smak387
    @smak387 Год назад +20

    This man had a 42 minute stream of consciousness. Wow

    • @timothyfoster6215
      @timothyfoster6215 3 месяца назад

      Really? I'm half though and he hasn't started yet... He's been repeating right/left truisms interchangeably but opposing the other.

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +18

    US Constitution is misunderstood part 1! 🤔🧐:
    1. The constitution wasn’t pro-slavery, it was just politically impossible to eliminate it AND unify the north and south, and it was economically impossible for the south to give it up, the north wouldn’t pay for the repatriation of the slaves, or subsidizing the costs of the south to abandon them, and north and south were substantially different civilizations because the south was agrarian Scotts-Irish and the north commercial anglo-dutch, as different as anglo and french canada today and this genetic and cultural difference remains. Likewise, while the civil war propaganda was over slavery - the pc/woke movement of the day - the causal debate was over the fact that the south paid all the federal taxes on the one hand, and that the western expansion after the Louisiana purchase put the agrarian south in a position to dominate the west, and the combined south and west would dominate the north.
    2. The constitution was not democratic in design it was republican, with Jefferson trying to limit the power of the state by maximizing inclusion - not empowering the bottom - without producing the historical failing of democracies maximizing the power of the ‘less able’. So democracy was specifically not the model they sought, because of the repeated and rapid failure of every democratic experiment in history, as the people maximize rent-seeking and the primary means of self-improvement evolves into competing over rents instead of productivity, and the people, city-state, kingdom, nation collapses from inability to adapt to demographic, ecological, climatological, plague, disease, or technical change, or from shocks from the loss of trade routes, from mass migration, or from war or conquest.
    3. The confederation was not designed as an indivisible union it was a reflection of 1000 years of germanic civilization under the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) of loosely federated Germanic states. The semi-religious effect of the french revolution - which is arguably a failed experiment, not only because it destroyed the HRE, obscures our historical understanding, that England was a germanic nation and part of german civilization, and that only changed after 1830. So the USA was formed as a traditional germanic state, using the common law of germanic states, using the loose federation of the germanic states, but with the more advanced institutions of the English germanic state. Without that understanding, the audience does not grasp the 5000 years of the organization of western civilization under the trifunctional with law as the first institution, the state, second, and the faith last, and that America, like England, like the greater germanic civilization, like the roman and greek, like the pre-city states, back to the steppe, have relied on a continuous, evolving legal tradition, that preserved individual self-determination, by sovereignty, and reciprocity of all those who were capable of purchasing that right by demonstrated loyalty to the polity
    4. Democracy is a luxury that is the product of successful construction of rule of law, and a majority middle class (demonstrating self-determination by self-determined means) as a result. India cannot escape endemic corruption and poverty because it tried to ‘skip’ the necessary developmental sequence (Fukuyama): was not first fully militarized, then from the military a professional bureaucracy, and from that professional bureaucracy rule of law, and once military, state, rule of law were established gradually enfranchising groups until a middle class emerged that was capable of sustaining rule of law out of pure self-interest before opening the franchise to all.
    5. Democratic government is useful only for the distribution of spoils (earnings) of war, conquest, shipping routes and lanes, stable resulting currency, and the wealth that accumulates from the new opportunities therefrom. Democracies have a terrible record of Strategic, Military, Political, and Economic rule - the via positiva. Democracy like the jury only have utility in ending confidence of the people in the legislature and assent or veto of appropriations or traditional and normative alterations.
    6. Rule of Law, and Constitution, Legislation, Code, Regulation, Case Law, serve as a TECHNICAL operating system for large scale division of labor in human cooperation, and it does NOT serve (as this professor demonstrates by the frame of his arguments) as a secular religion that provides mindfulness, shared metaphysics, manners, ethics, morals, norms, and traditions - those are low-resolution low-precision social rules to assist in cooperation on shared strategy. Not high-resolution legal rules to prevent or resolve disputes. Democracy has never produced a good. Rule of law has always produced a good. The only known function of democracy that provides a continuous good is the jury for the judgment of conflicts, a parliament as a market for the production of commons, and the commercial market for goods, services, and information, and the geographic market for the production of polities. The idea that the common people are capable of self-rule is a pseudoscientific claim in order to create a pseudoscientific secular theology. I love the feeling of voting. I also recognize that the cost of that feeling is permanent internal political conflict over rents rather than permanent internal personal, marital, commercial, and social cooperation in the production of LOCAL harmony and preference.
    7. We live in an era where most people are literate (whether or not informed), and only a minority of people directly participate in the market and survive entirely by market competition. We have lost the frequent visibility of people who are illiterate, or semi-literate, have only agrarian and religious experience and knowledge, and whose frame of reference is self-sustaining agrarian production, where even the least able of farmers is a small business owner with small business interests. The founders were very clear that they were institutionally and technologically advanced compared to the rest of the world, and extremely clear that they had left behind the parasitic nobility and the parasitic church, and the parasitic underclass, to create a ‘wholly middle class’ society - which means ‘eugenic’ society - which is why the eugenics movement took root in America. So chastizing the founders for limiting political participation to those with demonstrated capacity to make decisions of common interests, and for preventing the rent-seeking that they had just succeeded in escaping in Europe, or for having to tolerate slavery, is intellectually dishonest. “We the People” meant ‘We the people of virtue, who are not the parasitic nobility, church, or underclasses’.
    8. The federation was a treaty between states. The constitution was an economic and military necessity of the time, given that Americans perceived european great powers like the Arab world views the American empire today. It needed to defend itself, but also create the opportunity to capture the rest of the continent. It was NOT a mere ideological preference, as this professor implies. ADULTS WITH RESPONSIBILITY AT SCALE DO NOT MAKE IDEOLOGICAL DECISIONS. They only speak ideologically (in ideals), or theologically (ideals), to simple people who are (as today) ignorant of strategic, military, economic, and political necessities. And the idea of federation was as unpleasant then as the disputes between Latin, Germanic, and Slavic Europe today. People want sovereignty. (ok…he starts correcting himself at 1:05, by stating the strategic incentives of the founders.
    9. The idea that Congress was a parliament (place of parley) and functioned more as a war council is correct and well explained. (at this point I’m seeing his shift out of secular theology). The senate was expressly designed to preserve the independent interests of the state. Converting to direct election of the senate was a tragedy. Washington wouldn’t take the position of king, so they made a presidential executive instead (a mistake) a house of commons (parliament), the senate (house of lords), an independent judiciary.
    10. Yes, bicameralism both makes it harder to make laws as well as reverse laws. But it is true they will produce fewer unconstitutional laws. But the failure in the constitution is requiring the assent of the supreme court prior to the ascent of legislation into law. This is partly because in the common law model of the English system the house of lords traditionally fulfilled that role, and the senate and the house of lords have both been eliminated from that by parliamentary sovereignty in England, and by attempts to impose democratic and legislative sovereignty in the states, rather than preserving rule of law by the common (natural) law of ancestral Germanic peoples.

    • @etheretherether
      @etheretherether 2 года назад +5

      Sir this is a comments section, not a blog.

    • @robinfox3023
      @robinfox3023 2 года назад +2

      interesting and riveting. thanls!

  • @relaxingsounds1386
    @relaxingsounds1386 2 года назад +11

    This guy is all over the place.

    • @smak387
      @smak387 Год назад +4

      This guy is as weird and disorganized as I expected him to he. Very difficult to listen to. Best consumed in writing.

  • @CaptJackAubreyOfTheRoyalNavy
    @CaptJackAubreyOfTheRoyalNavy Год назад +8

    The discussion on vitalism was profound.

  • @RCCarDude
    @RCCarDude Год назад +3

    Having rewatched this after Yarvin's recent interview with Auron, I feel like this is the superior talk. Not trying to cause discord in the space, just saying he seems more erudite and on topic here. His premise of neo-monarchism makes more sense in the context of a strong central power brokering peace between the warring factions, whereas in Auron's talk he seemed to be saying that even in DeSantis's ascendance to power, grabbing power, using it, and stacking wins, was still somehow a LARP. At any rate, great video, Alex, and no simp, think you should wear the aviators again, gives you such a cool 70s vibe. God bless. 🙏

  • @mathiusq9128
    @mathiusq9128 2 года назад +14

    my dad never needed to lock up his bicycle when he was a kid

    • @yes-vy6bn
      @yes-vy6bn 2 года назад

      nor do romanians. (racially homogenous society)

  • @allysongierke312
    @allysongierke312 Месяц назад +1

    I just found an old interview of Yarvin talking about the great HBO series the Young Pope. It was brilliant. I love Curtis so much for that enlightening critique. His is assessment of the Roman Catholic Church was spot on. It’s beautiful - even with all its flaws.

  • @merek5380
    @merek5380 2 года назад +13

    How does live and let live work in an age where we are all interconnected with phones? Hegemony is a function of the very technology we are using to listen to him speak.

  • @commonwunder
    @commonwunder 2 года назад +23

    Some public intellectuals gain fame because they're charismatic, or excellent orators... or both.
    Mr.Yarvin is neither... his patois is incoherent and wanders unintelligibly without any rhyme or reason to it. You feel there is a great intelligence lurking somewhere beneath his idiosyncratic thought patterns. But once he's stopped traversing his peculiar path and it’s all over… its tricky to know for sure, what you might of actually gleaned... from so much nattering. I had assumed he was being marginalised by ‘left leaning media outlets’. Given very little 'air' for his views to breathe. But I now think his ‘impenetrably obtuse ramblings’ are not being censored… if anything, he ‘self-censors’.
    By being such an unnatural and quirky communicator. He’s the Slavoj Žižek of the right, he's fascinating but only as an idiosyncratic spectacle. ...and, and, and.

    • @ideafaktory
      @ideafaktory 2 года назад +6

      I agree. Not sure how long you need listen to this incoherent ideological slop to find out if there's a there there, but I'm tapping out.

    • @philiptetlockenjoyer5854
      @philiptetlockenjoyer5854 2 года назад +10

      @@ideafaktory he writes well

    • @jonazo7188
      @jonazo7188 2 года назад +2

      Eh, he's charismatic.

    • @stephensmith7995
      @stephensmith7995 2 года назад +9

      He's very easy to understand, but I suppose for people working with an average IQ it might be somewhat out of their range of comprehension.

    • @commonwunder
      @commonwunder 2 года назад +7

      @@stephensmith7995 Really? that what you're going with? If you'd read my comment properly... rather than rush to defend the edifice of your big 'man-crush'. You'd of understood that I meant... 'the general public' will find little of interest in Yarvin. That his style of delivery is off-putting... as if he's socially maladjusted. You couldn't just wheel him into a topical cultural debate... he's too idiosyncratic to be 'let loose' on the masses. But you go on... thinking that you and Yavin are in some sort of special IQ club together ...enjoy!

  • @pp-bb6jj
    @pp-bb6jj 3 месяца назад +2

    Yarvin ethnic ancestry really kicks in when he starts explaining history. If you know something about the topics he is talking about.

  • @otisrue165
    @otisrue165 2 года назад +17

    I've always thought that the people with the most contempt for the past and for history (except for history that exposes how dumb and evil the people of the past were) are basically motivated by egoism and parochialism.

  • @Subvisual
    @Subvisual 2 года назад +9

    He turns on a dime from 1) It's impossible for the masses to impose their culture on the elites to 2) It's wrong for the masses to impose cultural rules on the elites.

    • @amisteryfella
      @amisteryfella 2 года назад +8

      impossible and wrong are not antonyms

    • @relaxingsounds1386
      @relaxingsounds1386 2 года назад +3

      Impossible and wrong are not antonyms. Please go learn things.

    • @Mr___X
      @Mr___X 2 года назад +1

      @@amisteryfella Yes, but is it true. Clearly not. So why are 'wrong' and 'impossible' being used.

    • @BILLYLTD1408
      @BILLYLTD1408 2 года назад

      It sounds like you think you're comparing a square to a circle when you're actually comparing a square to a rectangle.

    • @johntatum1951
      @johntatum1951 Год назад +1

      Yep, Curtis is interesting but no always consistent about what he says. It is a theory, kind of like Darwin...just a able to prove it.

  • @Kouros-y2t
    @Kouros-y2t Год назад +6

    He has trouble getting things straight. It's as if his mind has no tension.

  • @BioChemistryWizard
    @BioChemistryWizard 2 года назад +8

    Curtis Yarvin has many valuable things to say but Jesus I swear his sort of Jewish morality leads him to completely different conclusions than say European identitarians or Fascists. He thinks a bit too individualistic which is why he loses a lot of these people into this sort of philosophy to someone like Nick Fuentes etc. His worldview leads to a place where people who do not amount to much in life or other highly competitve environments are doomed to misery. Where as something like European collectivists would feel they are winning and content with winning just by seeing people of their stock and values winning as good enough.

    • @BioChemistryWizard
      @BioChemistryWizard Год назад +1

      @@nonserviam4813 He wants the plebs guided by a great individualistic leader but he is still not a true collectivist. He has a very Jewish fashion for his conception of a man's place in society. "Allow a single person to guide politics while the plebs find themselves in their own individualism".

    • @mysteryman6918
      @mysteryman6918 Год назад +3

      @@BioChemistryWizard I don’t understand how that’s “Jewish,” are Jews supposed to be collectivist or individualist? How do we define those terms? I find them mostly useless

    • @occidentalist
      @occidentalist 19 дней назад

      If you believe that individuals who sit at the bottom of the ladder aren't be made to feel miserable under fascist regimes then you might be in for somewhat of a surprise.

    • @BioChemistryWizard
      @BioChemistryWizard 19 дней назад

      @@occidentalist Do you think the SA which was filled of low class people were all miserable? I promise you they get off on the collective unity and nationalism because the ideology itself inspired a sort of proleterianism without the communism part. Curtis Yarvin cant build a mass movement because he just wants a bunch of "enlightened technocrats" to min-max orders to the population.

  • @justingeneral3078
    @justingeneral3078 2 года назад +8

    1:21:57 This is a very strong point. Many of us will have experienced this and know it to be true.

  • @mrRambleGamble
    @mrRambleGamble 2 года назад +28

    40:55 "It shouldn't matter if people mutilate their kids"
    1:08:50 "Vitalism it's against the rotting of humanity"
    This convo needed more pushback. Yarvin is everywhere and nowhere here.

    • @kreek22
      @kreek22 2 года назад +12

      I think he's imagining (and it takes some imagination) two people who live apart in the same nation...somehow. This may have worked for his ancestors in the Pale of Settlement, but I can't see how it works when the population is split as it is in America.
      A more cynical interpretation: our insane enemies are destroying themselves in an especially gruesome fashion, but the rule is "never stop your enemy from making a mistake"--especially when your enemy is more powerful than you are and you can't stop them anyway.

    • @Mr___X
      @Mr___X 2 года назад +8

      Almost like he doesn't believe anything he's saying...

    • @anaveragechannel468
      @anaveragechannel468 2 года назад +1

      @@kreek22 I think that he believes that ultra-progressives cannot be saved until they realize that their ideas suck. If you separate them and let them fuck their children up and their cities they will come back crawling in 10 years asking for stability and a system that works.
      In a similar way to how east Germany just gave up its sovereignty to west Germany then they lost their faith in their system.

    • @RCCarDude
      @RCCarDude 2 года назад +3

      @@kreek22 To be fair, they're part of the same country but not the same nation. These people are antipodes of one another.

    • @fnando1281
      @fnando1281 2 года назад +6

      Yeah. There are definitely two nations operating there. I think Yarvin's point here is that in order to consolidate power, the Ceaser must ensure that both lifestyles are permitted and protected under the new regime. The question then is which one would eventually and naturally overcome the other, given that no institutional prosecution would be possible, either way around.
      Think of it: the values, pro-natalist one or the orgies, abortions, drugs, and no working one. I think the Caeser should also, passively, encourage one lifestyle over the other. Lightly enough, so not to cause any conflict.

  • @johntatum1951
    @johntatum1951 Год назад +2

    Yaarvin is an interesting guy with more of a historical perspective and how we really need to learn from our history, or we are doomed to repeat past mistakes...:)

  • @anonymousAJ
    @anonymousAJ 2 года назад +5

    42:00 in the red vs blue class war, the mindset for each of these classes is fundamentally defensive
    One side is justified in it's defense and actually plays defense. One side is not attacked except when it plays offense and considers every such attack to be mortal

  • @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287
    @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287 2 года назад +43

    The idea that the right should stay out of the business of psychos who are abusing their children with permanent physiology-altering drugs is where this completely loses me. If that’s not what Curtis is arguing, I’ll re-listen but I think that is what his position fundamentally is. If so, that is complete nonsense.

    • @kissmyass682
      @kissmyass682 2 года назад +31

      I think his idea is more like you're gambling in a casino, and you can liberate your children, that's way easier and safer. Or you can try to go for the whole prize and try to liberate the enemy's children, that's much harder, and the house always wins in the end so you're playing a rigged game.

    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад

      And in a way who cares about the enemies children? Some woke asshole wants to castrate their child, good end of the line genetically for that cancer family. As long as we can defend our own children why do we care about theirs?

    • @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287
      @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287 2 года назад +20

      @@kissmyass682 I’m not sure that I am persuaded by the idea that we can only save our own children and that it is a political risk to attempt to “save” the others. I’m not sure we should be in politics at all if open and institutionally backed sterilization of children is a cause not worth fighting for.

    • @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287
      @karlpilkingtonspilko-pants3287 2 года назад +16

      @@kissmyass682 And in regards to liberating the enemy’s children: that is precisely how the left sees the children of traditional families and who can argue that they haven’t succeeded?

    • @kreek22
      @kreek22 2 года назад +3

      For some reason he even thinks that the Right is unwilling to commit violence in order to save children from such abuse. He is mistaken. Consider how much less provocation gave rise to the events of 1775.

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +3

    US Common Law of Tort Explained Part 1 🤔🧐:
    1 of 5
    The Laws of Nature
    1. There is but one law of nature: Defeat Entropy By Accumulation, By Acquisition, By "Cooperation". In other words "Evolve".
    2. We have discovered four laws of nature:
    ... a) The physical (initial, input, or before state),
    ... b) The behavioral (the action, or during state),
    ... c) The evolutionary (consequential, or after state),
    ... d) and the Formal or Logical Laws we use to describe them (continuous recursive disambiguation into an unambigous subsequent stable relation, using description of a sequence of names of states, properties, and operations).
    3. So the universe operates by a simple rule, a simple grammar, of names, properties, operations, stable relations (agreements, truth)
    The First Principles of the Universe
    1. Pressure -> Entropy(Decay, Die), or Accumulate (Persist, live)
    Persist -> Acquire -> "Combine(cooperate)-> CALCULATE EVOLUTION
    2. Acquire (life) - must aquire energy, transform it (work) and capture some percentage of it by doing so.
    3. Cooperate (people) -> (organelles, cells, sex, advanced life, mammals, people.)
    4. Cooperative Choices -Evade, Cooperate, Conflict
    5. Organize (markets)
    6. Influence -> persuade -> coerce
    7. Institutions of Influence Social(Religion) Economic (trade, contract) Political(state, military), with court somewhere between that triangle.
    8. Institutional Order of Development
    9. What causes group strategy - geography, food, class relations, tech
    10. Contents of Group evolutinary strategy - -> Culture -> Metaphysics
    11. Civilizational Differences in order of development.
    12. Rate of evolutionary compuation, competitive advantage, wealth(choices available to the hierarch of the classes) quality of life, dependent upon it.
    European Group Strategy
    1. Wagons, Chariots, Sea People, Pirates, Vikings, Navies - contractual entreneurial warfare, sovereignty, reciprocity, democracy, hierarchy, technology AND maneuver, ooda loop, adaptability: maximum evolutionary computation by the elimination of impediments to trial, error, innovation, and adaptation. The Via-Negativa, instead of the Via Positiva.
    2. Trifunctionalism. Religion, Military (state), and Law(neutral). The european order is fundamentally military (every able bodied man in the militia).
    3. The Greeks, THe Romans, The Germanics, Atlantics, The English, The Americans, and the Anglosophere. Athens-sparta-Rome, vs England-Germany-America.
    4. The consistency of the european group evolutionary strategy over 5000 years - in law. Not in religion, not in philosophy, not in literature. But by intergenerational transfer of metaphysical assumptions about the world and man's relation to it and one another.
    The Law
    1. The Natural Law (of cooperation), Natural Rights, vs Human Rights.
    Reciprocal Insurance, Self Determination, by Suppression of power and authority, by sovereignty in Demonstrated Interest, by by Reciprocity in display word and deed, limiting us to voluntary markets for cooperation (list) and voluntary market for the resolution of disputes (court), at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unable or unwilling to bear the above responsibilities.
    2. Rule of Law: .... (natural, universal,prohibition on authority)
    3. The Common Law: That which many polities have empirically discovered in common.
    4. Trifunctionalism: independent Religion(jury, pedagogy), Judiciary(and jury, cooperation), Legislature(jury, appropriations), Executive (cabinet, generals, king, monarchy, - operations).
    5. The State: The assets of the corporation we call a polity.
    6. The King (or monarchy): the judge of last resort, and above the law in restoration of the rule of law.
    7. Houses for the Classes (responsibility)
    8. Concurrent Democracy
    9. Enfranchisement by Capacity for Responsibility (Wildman(barbarian), slave, serf, freeman, citizen, sovereign).
    10. Leading to the productin of commons, that reduce costs for all , especially famlies, leading to higher standard of living, by higher trust, higher cooperative velocity, at lower transaction costs, lower opportunity costs, and lower material costs - despite the higher pedagogial, psychological, emotional costs.
    11. The purpose of our law is to continue the european group evolutionary strategy that demonstrated evolutionary velocity during the bronze, iron, and steel ages - despite the semitic dark ages - that maximizes our standard of living by increasing our capture of energy, comparative advantage, prosperity and choice, lifting the classes out of ignorance,superstition, poverty, hard labor, starvation, diseases, suffering, tyranny, and the vicissitudes of a nature all but hostile to life in a universe that is by and large a vast irradiated wasteland - fulfilling the european presumption that we are gods in the making not subjects of tyrants gods or the universe.
    5. The Least Divergence From Nature, The Greatest Adaptation To Nature
    Maximizes prosperity (cometitive advantage), choice (opportunity), the Innovative(increases in capital), and Adaptive (maneuver, change), by suppression of irreciprocity and falsehood (via-negativa), by maximization of responsibility (duty) by limiting us to via positiva adversarial (competitive, discovery, evolutionary) markets for cooperation and via-negative adversarial courts (dispute resolution) for dispute resolution, preserving our self determination, by self determined means, by reciprocal insurance, of sovereignty in demonstrated interests, and reciprocity in display word and deed, at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unwilling, unfit, and unable to carry that responsibility (duty)

  • @Caligula138
    @Caligula138 2 года назад +3

    Moldbug needs to train in a fighting style and befriend Joe Rogan.

  • @twogermanys
    @twogermanys 2 года назад +6

    Taboo comment I know as we all need to get behind our 'social betters' so to speak, but one wonders how much an aristocrat democrat can be deep right...

    • @mrRambleGamble
      @mrRambleGamble 2 года назад +3

      What's right about Curtis anymore? He's telling you not to fight, not to question the elites, not to fight against immoral social decay... The dude is drifting left.

  • @johncracker5217
    @johncracker5217 2 года назад +11

    Ummm uh ummmm uhhhh um ahh ummmmmmm uh yea..

  • @smak387
    @smak387 Год назад +3

    This guy is as strange and diffuclt to consume as I expected.

    • @mysteryman6918
      @mysteryman6918 Год назад +2

      I would try reading unqualified reservations before trying to get everything from Gray Mirror and podcasts

  • @ludviglidstrom6924
    @ludviglidstrom6924 2 года назад +4

    As a Marxist, I think that I disagree with basically everything he is saying, but he is still very entertaining to listen to.

  • @jackshadow325
    @jackshadow325 2 года назад +4

    764 "umms" in the first two minutes!

  • @viron6734
    @viron6734 Год назад +3

    I've heard many people talk about this guy. To be honest, I was expecting a lot more.

  • @matasuki
    @matasuki 2 года назад +22

    All roads lead to Uncle Ted aka the Unabomber. Dude predicted all of this decay

    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад +7

      Word, I am glad so many people are waking up to the fact Uncle Ted is a prophet.

    • @twogermanys
      @twogermanys 2 года назад +1

      @@XanarchistBlogspot @matasuki , I'd settle for a Vespasian over the effete Caesar as far as Roman leader larp memes go, but you are definitely onto something...

    • @charlesgerety1403
      @charlesgerety1403 2 года назад +3

      He is making plenty of sense in 2022

    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад +1

      Tedpilled, love it.

    • @Aristotle675
      @Aristotle675 2 года назад

      Doesn’t work because a foreign technological power will just conquer your country

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +3

    US Constitution is misunderstood part 2! 🤔🧐:
    11. The parliament is a jury. The number of the jury (historical jury, thang, senate, parliament, electorate) reflects (a) the number of people it is impossible or difficult to bribe, (b) the importance of the question before the jury, (c) the number of ‘houses’ (families, clans, tribes, nobles, kings) that must assent (or dissent) to eliminate defection from the alliance. Yet this has in our maturity resulted in the institutions and special interests ‘bribing’ politicians (the jury) rather than individuals or groups.
    12. To overcome this problem of ‘bribing’ or ‘influence’ in history, juries (thangs) were and can be selected by lot (random). At present there is no reason for any politician or legislature, because of widespread communication, natural statesmen will emerge in the market for information without statesmen being elected. (But that would require liability for public speech in matters public). There is a need for a standing cabinet, and a need for a house of governors, but there is no longer a need for a sitting federal legislature. And it is the sitting federal legislature that is the cause of conflict.
    13. A senator was appointed by the state legislatures. Not elected. that’s why the regulations on criteria for senators were flexible. The House was directly elected so it had tighter controls to limit the fashion of the people. And these short two years guaranteed a rotation thereby limiting their ability to accumulate power. This is again, a modification of the jury model. It’s semi-random, not selection by lot (random). But as close as possible to selection by lot.
    14. Property then (farmers, small business owners) as now (employing others) remains the only objective measure of demonstrated interests and demonstrated ability to productively contribute to political decisions. The mistake, when extending the franchise, was not adding a lower house for unpropertied (non-employing) vote. The lower classes, for over a thousand years, had been represented by the church and the church leadership had been educated nobility (middle and upper classes with demonstrated experience). This would have restored the legislature as a market for commons between the classes.
    15. Again. The USA was NOT established as a democracy, but as a republic like Rome, like Athens, under rule of law. The purpose of inclusion was not to enact the will of the people to implement activist policy that would externalize costs onto others (privileges), but to prevent another emergence of nobility or priesthood, or peasantry, that would enact privileges that would deprive them of sovereignty, repeating the corruption of the state and church.
    16. This professor is again, treating the founders as conducting an ideological and secular theological or even moral project when it was purely rational and empirical method of replacing the crown government given the British naval, agrarian, commercial, financial revolutions leading up to the industrial revolution in 1760’s. These accumulated revolutions, especially the beginning of the industrial revolution, were creating opportunity and prosperity and potential unseen before. And so the new middle class that emerged by the Hanseatic trade, the restoration of Aristotle and the renaissance in european thought, the age of sail (in response to the Muslim conquest of Constantinople and closure of eastern ports) was taking power from legacy church and nobility, and this new class as we see in Americas, was looking to divest itself of the burdens of the aristocracy, nobility, state, and the church and the ‘undesirable’ peasantry. This was their goal. Their concept of equality was in people who were industrious protestants.
    16.5. Dishonest representation of the purpose of the three methods of selecting political representation (a) The Electoral College to Select the President, balancing the states in selecting president, (b) the State Legislatures to appoint the Senators balancing the fashions of the people, and (c) the people to Elect Representatives, to reflect the fashions of the day.
    17. There are no countries of 350M people there are only empires,or low trust tribal alliances at continuous war under an authoritarian government. The average size of a non-imperial country is 22M people. The optimum size of a democratic polity is closer to 10m because otherwise, interests, and especially interests in commons, are heterogeneous. Only ethnically homogenous countries survive at scale. China, India, USA are empires not nations, and Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, and likely Nigeria haven’t yet reached development, maturity, or normalization producing sufficient pressure to break down. So the chances that we would convert a continental empire (the USA) into a nation are near zero. And present conflict illustrates that fact.
    18. There is no higher authority than self-determination, and no judge other than violence. Countries, Constitutions, governments are only useful until alternatives are more useful. Any state or territory can secede by the application of sufficient stress, conflict, or violence. There is no method of justifying the war of aggression against the south unless you are claiming some supernatural theology or supernormal ideology

  • @aescubed
    @aescubed Месяц назад

    To Curtis’s point on Vitality; ok if “fully automated luxury communism” is a problem, then how about MOSTLY automated luxury communism?
    You NEED non sentient labour taking care of the common-law recognised needs and wants to spend 2 years learning and making shoes with the optimal amount and kind of labour.

  • @sohcahtoamedia216
    @sohcahtoamedia216 2 года назад +2

    Does anyone else find it a little goofy that Yarvin always uses an sm58 mic like a pop/rock singer. I always get a chuckle out of it.

  • @Dagan81
    @Dagan81 2 года назад +3

    I can't access his site without first paying for a subscription. But, having read the part which mentions 'Timelessness', he appears to delve into Heidegger and the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin.

  • @anonymousAJ
    @anonymousAJ 2 года назад +2

    37:00 the system that was supposed to produce the will of the people has produced class war
    We know that no system can produce the will of the people - arrow's impossibility theorem

  • @jakeshockley2735
    @jakeshockley2735 Месяц назад

    The tools for dominance get better, the wisdom of tools do not.

  • @themccarthyplan2020
    @themccarthyplan2020 2 года назад +3

    According to the historical record and contemporary data, it is impossible to effectively govern, police and defend a multicultural multiracial multireligious multidegeneracy society. Nationalism, correctly understood and presented, is a key to world peace ❤️🙏

    • @Mr___X
      @Mr___X 2 года назад

      Govern, no. But it can be directed in broad brush strokes, particularly when given a target. The cat's out of the bag now.

    • @RCCarDude
      @RCCarDude 2 года назад

      America saw Yugoslavia and Lebanon and thought "Hey, that's a good way to run a country."

    • @mysteryman6918
      @mysteryman6918 Год назад

      Roman Republic? Roman Empire? Persian Empire? Caliphates? Dozens of other empires throughout history? I agree that states tend to be more stable when they are homogenous

  • @OblateSpheroid
    @OblateSpheroid 2 года назад +12

    Some statements in this interview that I’d like AA to fact check.

    • @justingeneral3078
      @justingeneral3078 2 года назад

      It would be about as reliable as a BBC fact check. AA uses the same tricks, only for perpetuating a different narrative

    • @YouTubeComments
      @YouTubeComments 2 года назад +1


    @OGRE_HATES_NERDS Год назад +2

    easy to say for a rich guy like him

  • @bigboypantsgolf
    @bigboypantsgolf Год назад +1

    Pauly Shore is back!

  • @blin483
    @blin483 2 года назад +5

    Oh my god I can’t believe my luck. Nothing beats this era of the internet!!

    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад +1

      Meh in 2012 Yarvin could talk about Thomas Carlyle and his audience would get the reference. The "dissident right" is pretty much just watered down and normyized alt right.

  • @johncracker5217
    @johncracker5217 2 года назад +3

    33:49 you’re welcome

  • @Dannytheman444
    @Dannytheman444 2 года назад +1

    19:05 sounds like my director of graduate studies justifying doctoral stipends! all jokes love the interview

  • @HakWilliams
    @HakWilliams 2 года назад +10

    So, we just need to farm and work hard all day? Avoid video games and porn? Stop eating processed foods? Produce a big family? Build a chair with hand tools?

    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад +14

      Read a book and unplug from the matrix and you might come to see things in less strawman terms.

    • @landonmercer178
      @landonmercer178 2 года назад +9


    • @XanarchistBlogspot
      @XanarchistBlogspot 2 года назад +12

      Avoiding video games, porn and processes food would do us all a lot of good. Can you actually not see that?

    • @chadpilled7913
      @chadpilled7913 2 года назад +4

      If you added worship Christ the living God and make him the center of our lives and lead a life of repentance, that would cover it all.

    • @_BirdOfGoodOmen
      @_BirdOfGoodOmen 2 года назад +2


  • @AlexReyn888
    @AlexReyn888 Год назад +1

    It's not obvious why anyone should choose excellency over pleasure, other than because Curtis prefers one of them. It's not obvious why you should not be like a child - for the rest of your life, if your environment allows it. Also, apparently Yarvin needs to start with his definition of human, because if human is an extended case of the zoological, there is no "becoming human" or "experience that makes us human". These are just individual preferences without religious or philosophical basis. And the view of human as an absolute evil that must be controlled by an absolute tyrant, that he expressed earlier, does not help Yarvin much in clarifying his positions.

    • @mysteryman6918
      @mysteryman6918 Год назад

      I agree that Yarvin is a weak philosopher, although he’s grasping at points that someone in the future (or perhaps the past) will be able to lay out better. I would just say that the best argument against being a child is that one grows out of it naturally, and in a sense all “trying” to be like a child is denying your will to excellence. Of course in modern society it is easier than ever to never be or learn anything, but I feel that most current mental disorders arise from the inner knowledge that we are not fulfilling our natural roles, in relationships, parentage and worldly skillfulness…

  • @noleenole8254
    @noleenole8254 2 года назад +1

    Adopt me Curtis!!

  • @goodleshoes
    @goodleshoes 6 месяцев назад

    I don't enjoy this sentiment that if humans didn't need to work (robots do all jobs) we would go crazy and hate our lives. No, I reject that. We should be able to spend time with our families, do what we want, trying to learn what we want to learn, work on what we want to. If we weren't forced to work, we would figure out what we want out of life. I want to spend time with my child (which my job mostly prevents me from) and I wish I got to spend more time with my mother (who didn't get to spend much time with me because of work) before she died. I'm sick of this humans need toil mindset.

  • @LukeMcGuireoides
    @LukeMcGuireoides Год назад +1

    "i do subscribe to the principle of timelessness" 😂😂😂

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +2

    INSTEAD RULE OF LAW IS A GOOD: NOMOCRACY: the distributed dictatorship of sovereign warriors.
    I don't think a constitutional oligarchy matters - it might be good. it's not as good as a constitutional monarchy. The problems are (a) democracy (b) freedom of false speech, (c) ability to circumvent of rule of law of reciprocity due to the frailty of the constitution, (d) the loss of universal standing in matters of the commons (we can't sue politicians and bureaucrats), (e) we have no mechanism for evolving necessary monopoly bureaucracy into competitive private organizations once institutionalized (habituated). (f) the failure to modernize the fiat money system for direct distribution of liquidity to consumers rather than through credit in the financial system. (g) it has been possible to forcibly 'convert' the population from the nuclear family and civic responsibility, and immigrate the underclasses the country was designed to escape from (not to mention the civil rights acts, and the civil war) which caused forced integration)

  • @fabreezethefaintinggoat5484
    @fabreezethefaintinggoat5484 Год назад +1

    he looks like gai tarzan

  • @jeffgreene5956
    @jeffgreene5956 2 года назад +6

    How can a "good" Caesar, allow things which history has shown to be antithetical to a flourishing human society, take a neutral position? Or am I misunderstanding?

  • @TheMonanegro
    @TheMonanegro 2 года назад +3

    Just start lifting weights Curt and your philosophy will be mastered. Do not let the coom get in the way of the boom - uncoomed boomer

  • @thetaste1962
    @thetaste1962 2 года назад +6

    Don't smoke weed kids.

  • @rodionglazkov1136
    @rodionglazkov1136 2 года назад

    “Mentor small bug”

  • @rjelavic
    @rjelavic 2 года назад +1

    Where is this manifesto published and under which title?

    • @kreek22
      @kreek22 2 года назад

      It is his Gray Mirror post from April 23.

  • @greenglasful
    @greenglasful 2 года назад +5

    Damn Curtis still reading the same script and giving the same exact speech, again? I think we need live callers 😂
    That LA 🌞 has a way of doing that to a ...

  • @girlswithgames
    @girlswithgames 7 месяцев назад

    Hey i did not realize this guy was still active

  • @virtualpilgrim8645
    @virtualpilgrim8645 5 месяцев назад

    19:36 "Who looks up to who." Wrong. Should be, Who looks up to whom.

  • @THINKincessantly
    @THINKincessantly Год назад

    There’s not another podcast or talkshow host that lets the guest run out all the slack in the line like Alex...Very patient lady.

  • @fabreezethefaintinggoat5484
    @fabreezethefaintinggoat5484 Год назад +1

    have the guys from russians with attitude on

  • @shannonm.townsend1232
    @shannonm.townsend1232 Год назад

    Please give an example of the hate rolling off of upper class corresponding to the hatred of red states. Is this true of the upper class in red states?

    • @dontcallthemliberals3316
      @dontcallthemliberals3316 7 месяцев назад +1

      literally any time Destiny talks about a right winger, this example is particularly telling since he was born in a red state and raised catholic yet the poison in his voice when he talks about republicans..
      Also you can look up news pundits talking about Florida ignoring covid mandates that should be a goldmine of clips.
      Btw This isn't just an American thing, having conservative politics is considered low-class/trashy in every country in the west. Immigration, broken families, atomised communities, these things only affect low status people.. You don't want the other girls to think you're low status do you?

  • @multilingualmob5531
    @multilingualmob5531 Год назад +1

    “Buy an Argentine man for what he’s worth, then sell him for what he thinks he’s worth, and you’ll be very rich.” :-)

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +4

    The West Begins - It’s Difference in The Militia
    It all begins with a militia. That is what separates the west from the rest. Without concentrated production capital (flood river valleys) that 'industrialized' production, it was not possible to concentrate sufficient wealth to form armies. Instead, the wealthy (nobility) supplied their own men, steeds, arms and armor, and the militia fought with them to hold their land, the property, their women, and the civilization from conquest. The byproduct of the order of the militia is a shareholder arrangement between peers - and the one law of reciprocity.
    1.Whiteness:Freedom > Liberty > Sovereignty > Self Determination="Whitenes": Reciprocal insurance,by force of arms,of self-determination,by self-determined means,by sovereignty in demonstrated interest,reciprocity in display, word and deed and markets in everything=Responsibility
    2. We have organized government(because of the introduction of women) into producing the evasion of responsibility combined with forced integration, mass-producing anxiety, alienation,competitive failure, inequality,resentment, and infantilization of ability that prevents curing it

  • @uverpro3598
    @uverpro3598 Год назад

    I don’t lose the moral high ground of weaken the social fabric by outlawing the mutilation of children.

  • @ericlefevre7741
    @ericlefevre7741 2 года назад +6

    Surely Curtis can spend a little bit of his Thiel money and buy himself a halfway decent mic that does not sound like it got ran over by a car.

    • @warrencdent
      @warrencdent 2 года назад

      His mic sounds better than hers though, and I suspect she is using an EQ filter on that mic and it's just too bright.

  • @RedBricksTraffic
    @RedBricksTraffic 2 года назад +2

    excellent interview!

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +1

    US Common Law of Tort explained part 2:
    ONE: The Laws of Nature
    1. There is but one law of nature: Defeat Entropy By Accumulation, By Acquisition, By "Cooperation". In other words "Evolve".
    2. We have discovered four laws of nature:
    ... a) The physical (initial, input, or before state),
    ... b) The behavioral (the action, or during state),
    ... c) The evolutionary (consequential, or after state),
    ... d) and the Formal or Logical Laws we use to describe them (continuous recursive disambiguation into an unambigous subsequent stable relation, using description of a sequence of names of states, properties, and operations).
    3. So the universe operates by a simple rule, a simple grammar, of names, properties, operations, stable relations (agreements, truth)
    TWO: The First Principles of the Universe
    1. Pressure -> Entropy(Decay, Die), or Accumulate (Persist, live)
    Persist -> Acquire -> "Combine(cooperate)-> CALCULATE EVOLUTION
    2. Acquire (life) - must aquire energy, transform it (work) and capture some percentage of it by doing so.
    3. Cooperate (people) -> (organelles, cells, sex, advanced life, mammals, people.)
    4. Cooperative Choices -Evade, Cooperate, Conflict
    5. Organize (markets)
    6. Influence -> persuade -> coerce
    7. Institutions of Influence Social(Religion) Economic (trade, contract) Political(state, military), with court somewhere between that triangle.
    8. Institutional Order of Development
    9. What causes group strategy - geography, food, class relations, tech
    10. Contents of Group evolutionary strategy - -> Culture -> Metaphysics
    11. Civilizational Differences in order of development.
    12. Rate of evolutionary compuation, competitive advantage, wealth(choices available to the hierarch of the classes) quality of life, dependent upon it.
    THREE: European Group Strategy
    1. Wagons, Chariots, Sea People, Pirates, Vikings, Navies - contractual entreneurial warfare, sovereignty, reciprocity, democracy, hierarchy, technology AND maneuver, ooda loop, adaptability: maximum evolutionary computation by the elimination of impediments to trial, error, innovation, and adaptation. The Via-Negativa, instead of the Via Positiva.
    2. Trifunctionalism. Religion, Military (state), and Law(neutral). The european order is fundamentally military (every able bodied man in the militia).
    3. The Greeks, THe Romans, The Germanics, Atlantics, The English, The Americans, and the Anglosophere. Athens-sparta-Rome, vs England-Germany-America.
    4. The consistency of the european group evolutionary strategy over 5000 years - in law. Not in religion, not in philosophy, not in literature. But by intergenerational transfer of metaphysical assumptions about the world and man's relation to it and one another

  • @BTLRC
    @BTLRC 2 года назад

    Pigs & acorns metaphor was great. 👍

  • @Drforbin941
    @Drforbin941 Месяц назад

    Very proud self obsessed individuals like ELON MUSK right? The very types of people he wants to put in absolute control?

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад

    US Common Law of Tort part 3:
    FOUR: The Law
    1. The Natural Law (of cooperation), Natural Rights, vs Human Rights.
    Reciprocal Insurance, Self Determination, by Suppression of power and authority, by sovereignty in Demonstrated Interest, by by Reciprocity in display word and deed, limiting us to voluntary markets for cooperation (list) and voluntary market for the resolution of disputes (court), at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unable or unwilling to bear the above responsibilities.
    2. Rule of Law: .... (natural, universal,prohibition on authority)
    3. The Common Law: That which many polities have empirically discovered in common.
    4. Trifunctionalism: independent Religion(jury, pedagogy), Judiciary(and jury, cooperation), Legislature(jury, appropriations), Executive (cabinet, generals, king, monarchy, - operations).
    5. The State: The assets of the corporation we call a polity.
    6. The King (or monarchy): the judge of last resort, and above the law in restoration of the rule of law.
    7. Houses for the Classes (responsibility)
    8. Concurrent Democracy
    9. Enfranchisement by Capacity for Responsibility (Wildman(barbarian), slave, serf, freeman, citizen, sovereign).
    10. Leading to the productin of commons, that reduce costs for all , especially famlies, leading to higher standard of living, by higher trust, higher cooperative velocity, at lower transaction costs, lower opportunity costs, and lower material costs - despite the higher pedagogial, psychological, emotional costs.
    FIVE: The Least Divergence From Nature, The Greatst Adaptation To Nature
    1. This Maximizes prosperity (cometitive advantage), choice (opportunity), the Innovative(increases in capital), and Adaptive (maneuver, change), by suppression of irreciprocity and falsehood (via-negativa), by maximization of responsibility (duty) by limiting us to via positiva adversarial (competitive, discovery, evolutionary) markets and via-negative adversarial courts (dispute resolution),
    2. The purpose of our law is to continue the european group evolutionary strategy that demonstrated evolutionary velocity during the bronze, iron, and steel ages - despite the semitic dark ages - that maximizes our standard of living by increasing our capture of energy, comparative advantage, prosperity and choice, lifting the classes out of ignorance,s uperstition, poverty, hard labor, starvation, diseases, suffering, tyranny, and the vicissitudes of a nature all but hostile to life in a universe that is by and large a vast irradiated wasteland - fulfilling the european presumption that we are gods in the making not subjects of tyrants gods or the universe.

  • @Drforbin941
    @Drforbin941 Месяц назад

    And part of them are spending on Fentanly

  • @kevinashcroft2028
    @kevinashcroft2028 Год назад

    It is absolutely nobody's buisness wether anyone transitions but when that becomes the focal point of the sole health regime that the public , who want to get along in their families without having the rainbow flag stuffed down their throat , use ; then something hegemonic appears within society that defends a certain group .

  • @mysteryman6918
    @mysteryman6918 Год назад

    Moldbug appears to be broadcasting from Club Tropical Excellent

  • @HakWilliams
    @HakWilliams 2 года назад +10

    I find everything on this channel vague and cryptic

    • @The1Green4Man
      @The1Green4Man 2 года назад +7

      No body on here says what they really think, they’re all playing a game.

    • @kissmyass682
      @kissmyass682 2 года назад +16

      eventually you'll start to get it

    • @HakWilliams
      @HakWilliams 2 года назад +1

      @@kissmyass682 what are you dissatisfied with? What do you want to change or do differently?

    • @flacjacket
      @flacjacket 2 года назад +6

      @@HakWilliams if you have to ask that question then you aren't ready to understand.

    • @CortlandFoxworth
      @CortlandFoxworth 2 года назад +6

      Try raising your iq

  • @jsong8282
    @jsong8282 2 года назад

    Similar themes on the Revolution to Hazony

  • @gregoryallen0001
    @gregoryallen0001 Год назад

    pauly shore yoooooooooo hey 😐
    edit: v insightful at 40:00 ish

  • @rooruffneck
    @rooruffneck Год назад

    Edward de Vere is fascinating.

  • @_GOD_HAND_
    @_GOD_HAND_ 2 года назад

    Curtis "Early Life" Yarvin

  • @fauxshowyo
    @fauxshowyo 2 года назад +3

    millennial refugees represent

  • @davidragsdale7923
    @davidragsdale7923 2 года назад +1


  • @sirnedwood8987
    @sirnedwood8987 2 года назад +3

    40:55 What the hell Curtis?!?! You've jumped the shark twice in as many months.

    • @sirnedwood8987
      @sirnedwood8987 2 года назад +2

      @Si uno momento These people have power. Once a behaviour is normalized, they will inflict it on you. Schools in Germany now have a program where they get everyone to dress up as the opposite gender so they can determine if anyone is trans. And this is mandatory. For a non gender example, the Amish are being targeted for not abiding by USDA food production laws. Industrial farming is normalized, and now anyone not under the control of that system is pressured to conform.

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад +1

    Fascinating that the court is simply saying that (a) the circumention of the constitution, the legislature, the common law, and the popular will by(b) forcing legislation from the bench, (c) abuse of the due process clause (d) means the court must return these decisions to the localities (states), because (e) these questions are NORMATIVE (preferences), not NECESSARY (absolutes).
    The federal constitution created an alliance of separate states, who reciprocally insured natural law (natural rights, including speech, property, arms), the common law (empirical law), republican governmnet (rule of law), and provided a means of resolution of differences between states (courts), and a means of producing commons between states (the legislature), and a means of decidability in administration, international trade, and defense (president/executive branch).
    Yet the left is seeking to create a single state monopoly (continental versin of globalism), and using the court as if it holds a monopoly. And the right is claiming victory as if the court can mandate a single state monopoly. While the court is saying it may not, under natural, common, constitutional, law, legislate NORMS only NECESSITIES, thereby creating a market for political competition by norms and commons, and thereby continuing the long history of rapid european civilizational innovation by market competition in politics as well as goods, services, and information.

  • @virtualpilgrim8645
    @virtualpilgrim8645 5 месяцев назад

    "Um, um, um..."

  • @joaodecarvalho7012
    @joaodecarvalho7012 2 месяца назад

    Do you want an emperor? Go to China or Russia. Or the kings of Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

  • @joshsimpson10
    @joshsimpson10 2 года назад

    Curtis Yarvin has major Gore Vidal vibes

  • @THINKincessantly
    @THINKincessantly Год назад +1

    I want to listen but every time i try this guy he constantly interrupts or just goes on and on, rude conversationalists are aggravating AF! But because this is the most easy to listen to, interesting host & podcasts, Ummmm annnnd soooo ummm lets see ...Play▶️
    31:54 in and um so yeah um im tappin, Guess my IQ is too low--listened to about 10 hrs and theres just better directions to go--

  • @JOHNSMITH-ve3rq
    @JOHNSMITH-ve3rq 2 года назад +4

    Lmao yarvin is at Thiels mansion or something

  • @AD-ll1hy
    @AD-ll1hy Год назад

    15:43 "You can save anyone, with enough power", is it all about power to Yarvin?

  • @HouseofComments
    @HouseofComments 2 года назад +5

    Detached from reality!

    • @HouseofComments
      @HouseofComments 2 года назад

      Because most of what Curtis says now and the DR in general are no longer connected to the data we measure.
      This includes the theoretical that Curtis opines about and the pragmatic - say ethnonationalism as a game theory.
      The DR are now at the tail end of where Alt Right 1 were and have little of value to offer ordinary people.
      I am now focused on the political mission we are on and have little space to run panels or streams as they would conflict without our political goals.
      People have archived them in a few places I'm led to believe.
      Listening to Curtis bleat about muh Technocratic Based Monarch is tedious given people are now swimming into England.
      I also have little tine for DR interviews that do not challenge nonsense
      Take care!

    • @Mr___X
      @Mr___X 2 года назад

      But don't you know, the American elite truly is represented by middling bureaucrats who are cousins with the guy doing the hiring. Honest, they're the natural elite!

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад

    We are only compatible, and as compatible we can trade, in trade we can create reciprocity, and by reciprocity equality of satisfaction, but never equality, because we are not equal. Worse, the only meaningful axis of evolutionary computation in humans is sex,
    2. and as such the greater the sex differences the greater the rate of evolutionary computation, so the pursuit of sex differences in excellence will always and everywhere under compatibility, reciprocity, and trade, will evolve faster
    3. and under more prosperity than any other possible organization.
    Women do not want equality. They want more. There is no end of their wants. And there is no end of their want of evasion of responsibility regardless of their wants. There is no female behavior that,
    4. differs from the male that does not originate in the evasion of responsibility that would cause potential for conflict, and therefore to risk. Everything they do in relation to the commons externalizes risk to males and internalizes the productivity of males

  • @therearenoshortcuts9868
    @therearenoshortcuts9868 Год назад

    "Deep Right"....
    sounds like some kind of weird Massage move

  • @assemblyofsilence
    @assemblyofsilence 2 года назад +1

    Jordan Peterson needs to hear this.

  • @n1mbusmusic606
    @n1mbusmusic606 Год назад

    Def don't want to live in Wall-E. I love 4th industrial rev tech and fusion and the culture novels which depict an advanced luxury communism of sorts, but agree vitality and the pursuit of greatness is more important than pleasure or safety for their own sake. We mustn't become weak

  • @erikbrus8388
    @erikbrus8388 2 года назад

    We had the Best System of Government (Perfect Government) and we blew it:
    1) Nomocracy (Rule of Law by Natural Law of Torts: Reciprocity)
    2) A Hereditary Monarchy as Judge of Last Resort, and custodian of territory, institutions, organizations, families, and individuals.
    …. A State(Foreign Relations) Organization,
    …. A Professional Military,
    …. A Professional Judiciary, and
    …. A Treasury of Last Resort.
    3) A Market for Commons consisting of:
    …. Regional Nobility(Persistent families) serving as a normative Supreme Court
    …. A House of Industry(Commons) for those with responsibilities.
    …. A Church Serving as a House of Labor and family.
    4) A Local (Democratic) Polity(private partnership) of Property Owners
    …. A Militia and Sheriffs
    …. Voluntary Civic Organizations
    5) The Nuclear Family. And Family and Nation as subject of policy
    6) The Individual and Property as the subject of law.
    Really. You can’t do much better than that for a ‘steady state’. Because under war or stress the organization can switch from market rule to military rule (Fascism), and under plenty the organization can switch from market rule to (contingent and temporary) redistribution.
    The central probelm with all forms of government is nothing more complex than the demographics of the polity. The larger the demonstrated underclass, the less effective a government and the more risk involved and the more limited are one’s options. The smaller the demonstrated underclass, the more effective a government and the less risk involved and the more plentiful (variable) are one’s options.
    Market governments cause a natural eugenic change in the distribution, while creating the greatest adaptability, rate of innovation(competition) and highest standard of living.
    But they require a militia or at least a dedicated military to bring into being.
    Best System of Government part 2 (about women):
    They are all just women. That is all that they can be. It is what most prefer to be. And truth is irrelevant to women, since that is a matter of contractual constraint and non compromise. They care only for non-conflict( consensus), possibility, consumption.
    So the journey for men, is to limit women to reciprocity and possibility, not preference, good, or truth.
    “I can do that for you”, and “I cannot do that for you”, and “I can only do that for you (when conditions are met)”, are in the vocabulary of women’s understanding.
    The fact that we added women to the men’s voting pool, but did not provide for them a separate house, as we had the nobility(lords), the property owners people(commons), and the labor (church) is the problem of modernity - not their participation in the market for commons or the market for labor.
    Markets force cooperation on means despite incompatibility of ends, and construct compromises. Whereas democracy and false equality create markets for propaganda, deception, and bribery of voters through forcible takings and distributions..
    When we have opposing reproductive and evolutionary interests, and we have different means of coercion of one another (violence vs seduction), different preferences (numbers versus excellences, equality and consensus vs hierarchy and truth), then the only solution to cooperation that preserves an honest high trust society is a market constructed for the purpose of trade between peoples of different interests.
    The market for consumption (Self), the market for fixed capital (home), the market for reproduction (family), the market for production(goods, services, and information), the market for the production of commons(‘govt’), and the market for polities, all regulated by the one law of reciprocity - provides a ‘perfect’ hierarchy of ‘perfect’ institutions that assist us in achieving our differing goals, with differing abilities, by the service of one another’s means, despite our differing ends.
    We had the perfect government, built by the aristocracy, and the failure of the aristocracy to expand the houses to replace the church (family and labor), and to expand the houses to include women, broke the meritocratic hierarchy that for millennia had maximized liberty and prosperity by demonstrated merit, by assisting in incremental, demonstrated loyalty and ability by the product of one’s efforts, and the demonstrated consistency of the intergenerational family as an insurer of individual performance.
    The one law of reciprocity (tort).
    An independent ‘cult’ of the law: the judiciary.
    An hereditary monarch as a judge of last resort.
    A cabinet of professionals in service of the monarch.
    A market for the production of commons (non-consumables) consisting of houses for each of the classes: military, judicial, regional (governors), commerce (property), mothers (women), and dependents(underclasses).
    That market produces contracts, not legislation or law.
    All contracts ascend unless vetoed by the military, judiciary or King as judge of last resort.
    All funds raised are produced by contract between the houses.
    All employees the monarchy serve at the pleasure of the king - without exception.
    The only ‘Tax’ (non-discretionary cost) for all is 3% of GDP for the military and militia, 1% for the monarchy(use with total discretion), and .01% for the judiciary, raised by the houses.

  • @mrRambleGamble
    @mrRambleGamble 2 года назад

    I would take King Bogbeef over King Yarvin any day.

    • @mysteryman6918
      @mysteryman6918 Год назад

      So would Yarvin, given that his belief that philosophers shouldn’t rule. That said, I think Bog is too much of an amateur thinker himself.

  • @Cuyt24
    @Cuyt24 Год назад

    Curtis looks like my step mom.

  • @merfymac
    @merfymac 2 года назад +2
