Basketball Man I completely agree. I was going to bring up the Ezio trilogy but decided against. Also Uncharted 4 was the best by far, and that's saying a lot because the first three were amazing. That's how a continuation or any game for that matter should be done. Also you're right; companies are about money instead of the game/product itself. All companies nowadays, with a few exceptions, care about is financial wealth and nothing more.
Racster Entertainment. Games, Movies & Product Reviews I don't know if you were replying to my comment based on whether if I should buy this game but if you are, thanks for your review. I'll just save my money and wait for God of War 4.
7.8 seems pretty generous to me, it might be worth that score once BioWare fixes a few issues, starting with the NPC's that stare into your soul with zero emotion.
Wait, what? They removed time pause and choosing squadmate abilities? But that's the core ME mechanic! How do you even get through Insanity without that?!
vovka murla the squad mates combo with your abilities automatically if the abilities you use and the ones they use combo together. I prefer the old system but it doesn't work half bad in this
ikr, if you spend a minute looking over past review scores a lot of games that were actually well made ended up in the high 7's. I swear IGN takes bribes from EA because this thing doesn't really deserve anything higher than a 5.0.
In Mass Effect, the first one, the squad wasn't that great yet, they were just introduced, Tali was interesting for me because of the whole exosuit and making the geth business, Garrus was interesting because while Shepard was a Spectre, Garrus was more like one, but my favourite was Liara with the whole Benezia storyline. Wrex had a few jokes now and then, but it was Mass Effect 2 that really gave all characters a personality
Rubbish. I don't know where you pulled this BioWare bankruptcy bull from. You may be thinking of Interplay Entertainment, not BioWare. The quality of games from BioWare seemed to drop more when Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, co-founders of BioWare, left (More personal opinion than fact). To insinuate that EA saved BioWare is a fabrication, it was simply a partnership, in fact, BioWare really faces the financial struggle now after the Andromeda release. I agree that Mass Effect 2 is certainly the best in the series, but don't make EA out to look like heroes who made it so great, because keep in mind they still hold the reigns on the above "work of art".
lol bankrupt, where you pulling that out? EA acquired Bioware cause they are getting big and creating a lot of buzz. I just wished Bioware stayed the same, but we can't always get what we want, guess founders just got blinded by the big money that was offered to them hoping it would help the company grow bigger more quickly, but that isn't always the case, cause they are now limited by what EA dictates and wants as per EA's own company policy.
4:20 "You can't equip [your squad] with gear either." Wait, WHAT? I knew Tactical Pause was gone, but come on. Dragon Age: Inquisition allowed me to outfit and customize companions' loadout.
Yeah i am very unhappy bout that myself. LEss that appearance stuff, but in general i am kinda disappointed that i can't control what they bring into a fight......... AT all
Pretty sure you can customise their loadout (weapons, skills etc). I suspect what he's talking about at 4:20 is lack of armour customisation, like how you could change armour in ME1.
John Smith I didn't find a way to change the weapons of my team. I can change what skills they use and how they level up but I can't order them to use those skills. :( Anyway, the game is still fun, can't wait to play the full one. (I only played the 10 hours trial)
saboteneko woah you're free to have your opinions, but Mass Effect is one of my favorite series, Bioware has for the most part made great rpgs...this only mildly entertaining
It hasn't gone down per-say, only it hasn't gone up. The new console generation and the 5 year gap set most people's expectations far too high. Most people who haven't played Mass Effect before will enjoy this, it's hugely subjective.
I played the original trilogy. I am not disappointed with Andromeda. Neither are a lot of people who are actually playing the game. People just love to shit on it simply because it is Mass Effect.
the facial animation is not that great but its not horrible that i have to stop playing the game. there are those who are using this as the main reason and are exaggerating to a crazy level. the only thing I don't like that disappointed me is i can't customize my squads load out. that's something you could have done in the previous trilogy. if they add it as a patch that would be great or add it as a free dlc that can work.
I don't think it's reasonable at all tbh lol By the sounds of it, there aren't going to even be anything like the Rachni or Batarians etc (less important races) Imagine if we only had Turians and Geth in ME 1. That's how disappointing this is imo, bringing over older races only makes it slightly better
In OT u can explore across milkyway galaxy by mass relay(which contain a lot of cluster) while in MEA u only explore 1 cluster. Too have many races in a cluster seems a bit off for me :X
That is true, but it's also a fictional universe so they can decide how populated or unpopulated an area is. They could have just chosen to have a planet with many races on, or each main hub planet having it's own race. It's just laziness
80's Alex Like me!! Ever since ME3 came out, I've always sort of kinda been interested in the series. This game looks pretty cool so hopefully I can get it soon
Mass Effect 1: 8.5 Mass Effect 2: 9.6 Mass Effect 3: 9.5 Mass Effect Andromeda: 7.7 All based on IGN's reviews. It's harder to appeal the crowds now than before.
ea is doing to mass effect exactly what they did to dead space. Destroying a potentially good singleplayer for a focus on multiplayer so they can pull out microtransactions.
Jacob Rice Dead Space 3 ditched the single player aspect for co-op. (Granted you can still play the game solo.) There also were micro transactions in Dead Space 3,
So I just played about 45 minutes into ME Andromeda.... I'm not sure why all the hate. I'm finding the game very enjoyable. This coming from a fan of the first three Mass Effects. People need to get a grip, just because it isn't a perfect masterpiece doesn't mean the game is terrible!
Seems like people's biggest gripe with this game is the facial animation, and yes, they are not the best considering we are in 2017, but I personally am able to look past that. It seems an overall very playable, and dare I say enjoyable, space adventure.
Not just the facial animations, all the animations. Also, the writing and voice acting can be very, VERY shitty. Those are not the kind of animations and writing that you would expect from a AAA RPG game in 2017.
1. Glitches 2. more glitches 3. even MORE glitches 4. then massive FPS drops that makes the game unplayable 5. Stupid game mechanics aka life support (play on insanity, you'll see what I mean pretty damn fast after you get off your starter planets) 6. Bad animation
You know, first 4 points + your last one can be easily fixed with patches, for me the main problem with this game is awful writing. I mean, the dialogs, chemistry between characters, morality system....everything which made Mass Effect a great franchise have completely dissapeared from this game. You still can have fun playing this, but Its not an RPG anymore. As Mr. Denton would say - "What a shame".
I'm most disappointed by the lack of new races. how can you go to a completely new galaxy and only introduce two new races. Just seems lazy. I was looking forward to some interesting new characters.
Like Pitoon pointed out, how can you expect tons of new races when there are no relays in Andromeda. Would be pretty stupid if there were a ton of new races in just a small cluster.
People commend Witcher in a lot of comments i see under Skyrim/DAI/ME videos. I played and finished it and it was ok game, but nowhere near praise it gets. Fighting is clunky, character progression is weak (just nods +5% dmg or something like that- boring), inventory is a mess. The plot is good and dialogues are awesome, but gameplaywise its mediocre. People give it too much credit.
I actually really enjoyed the game. Sure it has faults but I don't think they made it awful or a disaster. I've enjoyed all the Dragon Age and Mass Effect games and found each one has things to love and hate. Not everything can be as perfect as Zelda.
Those scores are pretty compatible. It's like - "It's decent, but not quite what we wanted from a new Mass Effect game" I don't know why people think 1-2 points make that big of a different, like both reviewers can easily have the same pros and cons with the game. Just like when people are like "No way that game is a 10, it's more like a 9", and I am like, "that's basically the same thing, just different perspectives on how much the reviewer enjoyed the game in the end"
Here's my rant against this: 1. This is an entirely new story. It should be given that the characters will have to grow on you because we've had to long to love the Normandy crew. We are used to Shepard: someone already known and has made his/her mark. So yes, an underdog like Ryder needs time to grow on us, but that is what is exciting about this game. 2. The reason there are only two new alien races (the Angara and Kett) is because we're going to a new galaxy-- yes-- but it is restricted to the Helius Cluster (which is not the entire galaxy of Andromeda itself). In Mass Effect 1-3, we had an entire galaxy to explore filled with many clusters and systems, and that was possible because of the Mass Relays. Andromeda does not have these Mass Relays, as they were created by the Reapers, so it only makes sense that we'd be introduced to few new alien races (in fact, we're lucky to even have 2 in the same cluster-- to find the main alien races of the Mass Effect franchise, you'd need to travel halfway across the galaxy). Simply put, you're not going to find tons of new alien races in this game because it is in sync with the lore of Mass Effect. This is a big cluster to explore, but it's not the entire galaxy of Andromeda. So you can't fault the game for only introducing two new alien races. The writers are doing nothing less than being consistent. 3. Furthermore, because this is limited to a single cluster, the worlds within the cluster would more than likely be emptier because not every planet is extravagant. Looking back in the original trilogy, it was normal for you to travel to a cluster and only travel on one single world for the main missions (How many other planets can you name besides Knossos, Feros, Eden Prime, Tuchunka, Palaven, Illium, Ranoch, and much more?) The point I'm making is that these worlds were the main areas of government and civilization for the different alien races. Using logic like this would be like saying why Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury aren't populated in our solar system. It's because other worlds are the focus of life and civilization. The Angarans are to the Helius Cluster as much as Humans are to the Sol Cluster of Mass Effect's universe. The Kett are invaders from what I have deducted, so it's actually generous to have two new races introduced within the confines of a single cluster (Helius). Because of this, it makes sense there would be more barren and emptier planets (remember the point of this game is to find a new suitable home for Humanity-- the Pathfinder is in charge of finding the location and resources to do so). 4. This is the first game of the new story (featuring the Tempest crew). In Mass Effect 1, the characters introduced had to grow on you as well. For example, back stories and personalities of our crew in Mass Effect 1 didn't entirely come to fruition until Mass Effect 2 when we actually learned more about the other races. You can't have personal preference of other previous characters like Garrus, Tali, or Mordin influence bias against the new characters-- it's a new and fresh chapter. If you don't give the new crew a chance because you're too attached to the Normandy crew, of course you'd fault the new game. 5. Shepard is a legend. Nobody will compare to Shepard. The Mass Effect story told throughout games 1-3 was his/her story. It had 3 games of buildup to tell this story, so the only fair comparison (story-wise) for Mass Effect Andromeda would be to compare it to Mass Effect 1. Ryder, as I mentioned earlier, is an underdog who is making his/her mark. He or she is the new Pathfinder-- not a war hero or legend as Shepard was. Because this is a new story, there will be new buildups and developments for Ryder. So having a character who isn't as appealing as Shepard isn't a fair claim because Shepard has had 3 games to build upon.
All your points make perfect sense. I've played the game twice now and enjoyed it both times. Sure, the game had problems before but they've been fixed now. I think most people pick on it because it was the 'in' thing to do and they were just following the herd.
I knew ME:A would be received poorly Bioware lost Casey Hudson, the project director for the previous trilogy and KOTOR. The reason why the Uncharted series (Drake's) never failed was because they always had the same person leading the team, Amy Hennig , while the first three Gears Of Wars had Cliffy B
You make a good point but Amy Hennig left Naughty Dog for Visceral and didn't lead the production of UC4. Neil Druckmann did and from what I can tell did a fantastic job. I'm still buying ME:A though it looks good enough for me to to pick up when it launches.
Yes GoW4 was awesome, but let's be honest, it wasn't "Epic" (hehe sorry). It wasn't as good as the original trilogy, it didn't carry the same weight. As for ME:A, I understand that venturing into a new galaxy so to speak may not be as easy as creating a lore closer to home, my hope is that Bioware made this first game in the series (hopefully) to establish new gameplay & characters. the next one hopefully will put more emphasis on deeper character, world, and lore development. I love the series, I played the whole trilogy 7 times now, each making different decisions. I will probably buy the game when they've released all of the dlc and patches
TheCookieCrusader You bring up an interesting argument, I'll take note of it. But seriously now that some time has passed I'm way less enthusiastic about Andromeda. It's a solid 7/10 but pretty forgettable with a lame conclusion and meaningless choices.
FuryanJedi13 After playing through the entire series and ignoring anything Andromeda related (reviews and all), I can say that I still think the game is eh. I don’t think it’s awful or needs to be panned, but it’s just not as interesting as the others. People didn’t like it because it was completely different and matched with the quality of ME1 rather than 2 (or kind of 3)
a guy who plays video games technically, it is. It has a whole bunch of explorable, open world planets. But, as they said, there are several other flaws.
Based on everything you said, and considering this score is on a scale of 1-10, how can you conclude this is a 7.7? Nonsense. Don't lose our trust, IGN.
here's a opinion/review on the game from someone who is actually playing it. PROS 1. great gameplay 2. enviroments are great 3. fun multiplayer 4. exploring a semi-open world(for those me1 fans) 5. decent story CONS 1. facial animations are a little wack, but should't ruin the game (honestly make for some funny moments) 2. voice acting is a bit meh 3. character creator needs some work, but it's not terrible the game for me is a 8/10
DemonicSpartan everyone expects this game to be better than the trilogy but you never usually get better just different and the same which is what we got in andromeda
Caleb Pagan well watching a video is nowhere near the same as playing it, don't let someone else's opinion influence ur own, and without the glitches and bugs and when they add the improved character creator, this game will be 9/10 imho
I've spent countless of hours with ME-trilogy and still remember how the story was compelling straight from the beginning. Although the actual gameplay was a bit glumsy (especially in the original ME) it was tolerable because you just wanted to know how the plot thickened. After six hours with ME:A trial I'm really confused because the gameplay is a lot better (UI isn't so intuitive at first but you'll get use to it) while on the other hand the story isn't that interesting as I expected. I don't mean that it's a bad game but it doesn't redeem my expectations for a great new adventure in a new environment.
I still had fun playing due to the combat. Complimenting the skills you achieve definitely lead to specific and individual styles of play in regards to combat
so you have 10 points that you can award: 1 for graphics 1 for gameplay out of combat 1 for main story/sidequests 1 for gameplay in combat 1 for animations 1 for character development 1 for ai 1 for dialogue 1 for multiplayer (since it has one) 1 for how polished it is graphics are amazing, every planet is well designed and beautiful so +1, gameplay out of combat: nomad is great, crafting is diverse, there is lot of places to explore, nexus is fun (a bit lifeless but still), repeat is cool too so another +1 main story is fine for a stand alone game (this is not mass effect 4 this is a stand alone title with in the universe) side quests are often fetch stile but have a good story behind them (like that one on eos with recordings of a sick kid) so another +1 gameplay in combat: the game has a lot of layers to combat and is responsive and fast paced, guns all feel varied and well balanced, another +1 animations apart from facial animations they are great the way ryder moves and jumps and trips on small rocks is awesome but facial animations ruin it so ok -1 character development is great they all have their own beliefs and hopes, ok +1 ai is so so and thats bad in 2017 another -1 dialogue is fun and light hearted most of the time, so +1 multiplayer works as intended (you don't have to like it but it works) so +1 its not polished enough so -1 So 7/10 where do you rate it down?
@Jackson I just did a quest for finding a UV light for two stoners (that was a fun little diversion...) a nexus side quest about knight and contagious woman very good quests all round side quests are awesome... Liams loyalty mission simply outstanding I don't know what you are complaining about its all very well written
Alex Ismailov It definitely does. It's a throwback to Mass Effect 1 for sure. It's not as impressive as ME2 but it's still a good start for future games to come.
3:47 at least the voice acting is almost universally strong enough ... You lost all credibility there the voice acting is HORRIBLE even Siri could do a better job than half of these voice actors
Lmao at all Nintendo haters that were just waiting for this game to come and do better than Zelda. lmfaoooooo!!!!!!! Only shot ya'll nintendo haters got left is Red Dead Redemption 2 .
Vitoamiibo They were so proud of their 3rd party games, graphics etc.. and this is what they got this year. LMFAO. They'll be bummed more when Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey will compete head to head for GotY
I don't care what you guys said,for me Mass Effect Andromeda is Awesome game,there's a lot of great games in future but so far Mass Effect Andromeda did a wonderful great jobs.
Don't know what's wrong with you all, im 30hrs in and I love it! I hated Dragon Age Inquisition because of its tedious quests and boring story, gameplay, and open world but Andromeda was much better. The story is interesting and a great start for this new galaxy. Same goes for characters. They are not as iconic as the previous groups because they are brand new and did not have three games and DLC to get to know them but they are fun to talk to and feel real. At first the faces were a bit weird and distracting but after awhile I got used to it and it felt like standard Mass Effect faces. Combat is also sooooo good! There are those tedious missions but I didnt feel like I had to complete all of them to progress. I also ignored mining and crafting (cuz I dont care for games with those mechanics) except for a few occasions and I still didnt feel like the game was punishing me. Overall its more Mass Effect and I love this franchise so I love this game.
Like the words of Miracle of Sound: "No matter what scars you bear and whatever uniform you wear, you may fight like a Krogan, run like a Leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard."
Personally I freakin love this game. If this game didn't have the Mass Effect name on it, this game would be viewed entirely different. Yes there are some poor aspects in this game, however the overall enjoyment is through the roof.
Personally, I loved this game. I felt the combat and story telling were well balanced and a lot less rage inducing than Mass Effect 2. I will admit that the game had its disappointments but I still enjoyed the game. One of the biggest issues I had with the game was how Peebee was the only unique looking Asari and I say this because if you look at the face of every other asari you can interact with, they all have the same face. It was nice to see that romancing characters was something we were still able to do and out of all my options, Vetra was easily the best. I wish this game had some DLCs or sequel on the way so that the story can not only be improved on, but also so we can see more of these characters and have more to do with them either as friends or lovers (i. e. Vetra) 😁
Hey IGN & all the idiots hating, you do know that you're exploring a single star cluster in this game, right? Not the entire Andromeda galaxy? Obviously there's not going to be a lot of new species, you're only exploring a tiny part of Andromeda, not the whole galaxy. There aren't any mass relays in this galaxy.
Mass Effect Andromeda is absolutely AMAZING!!. I'm playing it for about 75 hours now on Insanity and it has to be played to be appreciated. Incredible game.
yeah i remember noman sky the showed everybody a game that i expected to come out the way it did when all gamer nerds ''like you'' who were soo SCOCKED! that it wasn't this masterpeice nobody said it was going to be. i swear you people trip on your own stupidity
Wow did you even play the game? Stop comparing it to that garbage, it's good , not fantastic but good after 20hrs of gameplay. And there are still people that worked on the previous games, the lead director for instance.
William Coffman Just the fact that MEA has a story makes it significantly better than No Man's Sky. Not to mention MEA has thousands of smaller stories in bedded in its much larger story. No Man's Sky was biblical junk because it had no substance. Just empty boring planets that you could mine for no reason. MEA is the opposite. It's full of story and things to do. The only other game that I can think of that is on MEA's level is the Witcher 3.
so you have 10 points that you can award: 1 for graphics 1 for gameplay out of combat 1 for main story/sidequests 1 for gameplay in combat 1 for animations 1 for character development 1 for ai 1 for dialogue 1 for multiplayer (since it has one) 1 for how polished it is graphics are amazing, every planet is well designed and beautiful so +1, gameplay out of combat: nomad is great, crafting is diverse, there is lot of places to explore, nexus is fun (a bit lifeless but still), repeat is cool too so another +1 main story is fine for a stand alone game (this is not mass effect 4 this is a stand alone title with in the universe) side quests are often fetch stile but have a good story behind them (like that one on eos with recordings of a sick kid) so another +1 gameplay in combat: the game has a lot of layers to combat and is responsive and fast paced, guns all feel varied and well balanced, another +1 animations apart from facial animations they are great the way ryder moves and jumps and trips on small rocks is awesome but facial animations ruin it so ok -1 character development is great they all have their own beliefs and hopes, ok +1 ai is so so and thats bad in 2017 another -1 dialogue is fun and light hearted most of the time, so +1 multiplayer works as intended (you don't have to like it but it works) so +1 its not polished enough so -1 So 7/10 where do you rate it down?
If mass effect 1 was released today instead of when it was people wouldn't be pleased. Its just the culture nowadays of complaining for the sake of complaining. We Only remember the best things about the past and ignore the issues something had because we want to feel like in our time we had the best things.
Why would they let you change everything about your character's abilities at any given moment? So much for meaningful decisions and emergent gameplay. In an unfavorable situation? Don't worry about it, you don't have to use skill to create a solution, just change your kit to give you the best tools and completely undermine the whole challenge! How convenient.
AlonditeMX I agree. My buddy played as a solider and I was a vanguard in the old mass effects.. completely different play through. This new skill changing mid game is shit
Vlad the Gamer Impaler dude you're on every comment bashing the game get a life. Ppl are asking legitimate questions and you come here with a sky rim comparison
It's not as cut and dry as it seems. I was worried about this as well but I soon realized that not only is there an in-game, lore based explanation for this, but you also have to be careful about not creating a character that ends up being unfocused and therefore missing the bonuses provided by the specializations you're going for. In other words, there is strategic thinking involved in how you decide to spec your character and if you focus on a certain build; I went for Tech+soldier= infiltrator and ended up with a much more versatile and effective Ryder than my friend who went for a jack of all trades Bio/ tech/sold build. In conclusion, the ability and leveling system is quite deep and very fun to experiment with, but keeping focus is key to effectiveness.
I played this game for thirty hours now and may I say im on xbox and there is no animation mishaps. I've come to believe this is mainly occuring on PC and for original fans to bash on the game due to changes is more disappointing. Original mass effect fans need to accept the changes like the halo fans had to accept with Halo 5: Guardians.
Morgan Williams true, Halo 5's story didn't feel memorable at all, Halos 1 2 3 and 4 were all memorable, arguably 4 was the most memorable because of Cortanas sacrifice which honestly hit me hard
I understand the bugs and facial expressions at launch but I don't understand why a majority of the people are in a big negative Nancy wagon lol.I'm a big mass effect fan and read the prequel book to the first game before it came out. My favorite ME is ME2 but I am really enjoying andromeda.'I like the story and I love the exploration. I don't understand how some people say the game isn't really immersive. Oh well. I love the game so far and would recommend it.
Most negatives mentioned are not a concern to me except for the lack of control of the team. I think this is a major mistake. If anything, Bioware is known for its team based strategy rig's going back to Balder's Gate. Bioware, fix this please or give us modding tools so we can make a real Bioware rpg.
The makes no sense. the reviewer says mostly negative shit and then gives a 7.7...And from reading comments about this game everyone who says they haven't played shit on it... everyone who says they played says it will be great game. I think this will be a great game and i pre ordered. you can only judge if you actually played. This review also came out before the damn game even came out like come on its literally like 100+ hours long.
The problem the game faces is that people will compare it to the original trilogy and complain about it not being the old characters. People were always going to say the originals were better because the trilogy is an older game. Andromeda is very fun from what I have played. I can't see the story being as good as the original but it does seem like a fun game. Except for the facial animations
master chief You just nailed the exact reason why the game is getting so much crap. People gripe that the new squad isn't as nice the one from the original trilogy yet fail to realize they grew and developed over the course of the games of course the new team isn't gonna instantly replace them, new trilogy people.
Oh that's easy. It's the AAA bump. If they don't meet a minimum score for most AAA games, the developers basically stop sending them copies unless there's a CONSENSUS a game was bad (like Duke Nukem Forever). 7 on a AAA game is basically the lowest you can give it until it's nigh unplayable. Then you can go down to like... a 6. You'll notice for most publications, almost every game below a 6 is something that had a VERY small budget. Point is. It's less an ethics problem for reviewers and more an ethics problem in how reviews are handled.
I thought I quit playing games 4 years ago because I got older and found new interests, but every time I've tried to get back into them I get so turned off. Games are so shallow anymore, Fallout 4 was so boring as they replaced quality for quantity and there was a lot to do in Fallout 3. Mass Effect 2 was probably my favorite game, I don't understand why they would change the combat so much and make the story so bland. What a disappointment, I thought this was gonna be my re-entry but now I think I'm gonna sell my XBOX because I've got no use for it.
You either have too much other interests or need to branch out. Games today are incredible. Have you played the souls series? They are incredible, absolutely amazing games. The new Zelda? Incredible. Bloodborne? Outstanding. Since you own an xbox, I dare you to play the dark souls series. You will love it, but only if you want to enjoy games. Saying things like "games are so shallow anymore" is just wrong. Games today are pushing boundaries, using 3D in ways that older generations wish they could have used. My point is, its you who has changed. Games are getting better and better.
how was mass effects 2 story not bland: hi she, save humans from collectors, collect a team go to a b c and then fight big boss (here is the story of me2)
I've played mass effect andromeda and I happen to love the game and it's a nice change of pace from fighting the reapers all the time and this game takes place after the events of mass effect 3 so the reapers have been dealt with
Despite all the negative comments / reactions this game got i really like it and i just purchased it , my point is don't listen to negative reviews and haters, if you want to judge a game play it first and if you dont like it that's okay too, it all comes down to personal preference, people tend to enjoy/ like different things/ games, happy gaming btw :)
Hard to trust a reviewer that makes their hero look like that XD
all character creation model are ugly lol the female got hit most
exactly!! :D :D
his three character he pointed out that are interesting from the original in his opinion are my least favorites
The reviewer’s Ryder looks like Carrot Top’s long lost brother after he got hit in the face with a waffle maker.
What if it’s designed after the reviewer?
I miss Shepard.
Basketball Man Most games are like these nowadays. Not all, but most.
Basketball Man I completely agree. I was going to bring up the Ezio trilogy but decided against. Also Uncharted 4 was the best by far, and that's saying a lot because the first three were amazing. That's how a continuation or any game for that matter should be done. Also you're right; companies are about money instead of the game/product itself. All companies nowadays, with a few exceptions, care about is financial wealth and nothing more.
boring lacklustre effort just like dragon age inquisition.Empty no feeling No Spark.
Racster Entertainment. Games, Movies & Product Reviews I don't know if you were replying to my comment based on whether if I should buy this game but if you are, thanks for your review. I'll just save my money and wait for God of War 4.
Universe Man bro it’s no worse than Mass Effect 1 give it 2 more games to develop characters it’s won’t be bad
This guy shouldn't be allowed to review this game if his character looks like that..
Maverick Mueller I love how deadpan he was with the review tho. I bet he was super disappointed as much as us.
Why? Are we worried he'll accidentally make Ryder likeable?
all the model look horrible true mass effect game is 1-3 after that new team making the game
Lol i thought he was kinda hot...
Maverick Mueller my thoughts exactly plus no emotion 😆
7.8 seems pretty generous to me, it might be worth that score once BioWare fixes a few issues, starting with the NPC's that stare into your soul with zero emotion.
yea it was more of a 7.6 to me
Wait, what? They removed time pause and choosing squadmate abilities? But that's the core ME mechanic! How do you even get through Insanity without that?!
ME1 was an RPG game, ME2 was action RPG,, ME3 was action with an RPG flavor, ME A, a Pure 3rd Person Shooter
ME A2 will probably be just a shooter, no RPG elements, no conversations, no choices. Just go and jetpack around and shoot shit.
vovka murla the squad mates combo with your abilities automatically if the abilities you use and the ones they use combo together. I prefer the old system but it doesn't work half bad in this
InfiniteDarkMass I think it maybe because you can switch between classes yourself? It's a bit disappointing because I loved that in the older games.
I noticed that playing the trail. I kept trying to figure it out till i realized it just wasnt there.
tldr; "this game does nothing right. 7.7/10" - ign
loved how he briefly mentioned "subpar facial animations". So many negative points but a 7.7? wtf
If a movie gets 7.7 on Imdb, it's probably among the 10% of the most well received movies of the year.
ikr, if you spend a minute looking over past review scores a lot of games that were actually well made ended up in the high 7's. I swear IGN takes bribes from EA because this thing doesn't really deserve anything higher than a 5.0.
In Mass Effect, the first one, the squad wasn't that great yet, they were just introduced, Tali was interesting for me because of the whole exosuit and making the geth business, Garrus was interesting because while Shepard was a Spectre, Garrus was more like one, but my favourite was Liara with the whole Benezia storyline. Wrex had a few jokes now and then, but it was Mass Effect 2 that really gave all characters a personality
That honestly is a good point. Maybe if they gave this game a sequel that fleshed out the characters more, maybe the OG Andromeda would age better.
Not to worry guys Cyberpunk 2077 will be the new "mass effect" :)
I need it in my life, andromeda will do until it's out though. I found it really fun in the trial if I'm honest
wish CDPR will takeover Mass effect. Oh well..
Oh yea, I forgot about that one! Any news on Cyberpunk 2077?
That's still 60 years we have to wait though.
Hell nope
Bioware used to be my favorite game company, but then EA took over
HappyVegan you do know bio ware was going bankrupt then EA bought them out and made mass effect 2 the best game in the series
Rubbish. I don't know where you pulled this BioWare bankruptcy bull from. You may be thinking of Interplay Entertainment, not BioWare. The quality of games from BioWare seemed to drop more when Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, co-founders of BioWare, left (More personal opinion than fact). To insinuate that EA saved BioWare is a fabrication, it was simply a partnership, in fact, BioWare really faces the financial struggle now after the Andromeda release. I agree that Mass Effect 2 is certainly the best in the series, but don't make EA out to look like heroes who made it so great, because keep in mind they still hold the reigns on the above "work of art".
lol bankrupt, where you pulling that out? EA acquired Bioware cause they are getting big and creating a lot of buzz. I just wished Bioware stayed the same, but we can't always get what we want, guess founders just got blinded by the big money that was offered to them hoping it would help the company grow bigger more quickly, but that isn't always the case, cause they are now limited by what EA dictates and wants as per EA's own company policy.
HappyVegan EA already was with Bioware during Mass Effect one.
Well ea's magic is here. The magic is shipping unfinished games with lots of microtransactions;-)
4:20 "You can't equip [your squad] with gear either." Wait, WHAT?
I knew Tactical Pause was gone, but come on. Dragon Age: Inquisition allowed me to outfit and customize companions' loadout.
Not surprising. Bioware is all about taking huge steps back with every new game they release. Especially with EA holding its leash.
Abe's Mission Control and yet you don't bring up that you can actually play as your companion in dai, please if your gonna complain do it efficiently
Yeah i am very unhappy bout that myself. LEss that appearance stuff, but in general i am kinda disappointed that i can't control what they bring into a fight......... AT all
Pretty sure you can customise their loadout (weapons, skills etc). I suspect what he's talking about at 4:20 is lack of armour customisation, like how you could change armour in ME1.
John Smith I didn't find a way to change the weapons of my team. I can change what skills they use and how they level up but I can't order them to use those skills. :( Anyway, the game is still fun, can't wait to play the full one. (I only played the 10 hours trial)
Honestly thought this was a spin off more than a sequel
its sad to see an excellent game saga go down...
saboteneko woah you're free to have your opinions, but Mass Effect is one of my favorite series, Bioware has for the most part made great rpgs...this only mildly entertaining
It hasn't gone down per-say, only it hasn't gone up. The new console generation and the 5 year gap set most people's expectations far too high. Most people who haven't played Mass Effect before will enjoy this, it's hugely subjective.
I played the original trilogy. I am not disappointed with Andromeda. Neither are a lot of people who are actually playing the game. People just love to shit on it simply because it is Mass Effect.
Krytern UK no it's just because people have their own opinions doesn't matter if its mass effect or not
the facial animation is not that great but its not horrible that i have to stop playing the game. there are those who are using this as the main reason and are exaggerating to a crazy level. the only thing I don't like that disappointed me is i can't customize my squads load out. that's something you could have done in the previous trilogy. if they add it as a patch that would be great or add it as a free dlc that can work.
disappointed there's only 2 new races, I'd assumed there would be a lot more
Nick It's only 1 cluster so that kinda reasonable but seems lazy at the same time.
Yea thats the only point I am sad about too. Expected at least 4 new intelligent races
I don't think it's reasonable at all tbh lol
By the sounds of it, there aren't going to even be anything like the Rachni or Batarians etc (less important races)
Imagine if we only had Turians and Geth in ME 1. That's how disappointing this is imo, bringing over older races only makes it slightly better
In OT u can explore across milkyway galaxy by mass relay(which contain a lot of cluster) while in MEA u only explore 1 cluster. Too have many races in a cluster seems a bit off for me :X
That is true, but it's also a fictional universe so they can decide how populated or unpopulated an area is. They could have just chosen to have a planet with many races on, or each main hub planet having it's own race. It's just laziness
So it sounds like this game would be great for someone who hasn't played Mass Effect before?
You also wouldn't be constantly comparing everything to the originals either
80's Alex Like me!! Ever since ME3 came out, I've always sort of kinda been interested in the series. This game looks pretty cool so hopefully I can get it soon
Well in that case, I will buy it.
captainsprinkles1985 Why have you not had a chance to play them but can play Andromeda now?
Mass Effect 1: 8.5
Mass Effect 2: 9.6
Mass Effect 3: 9.5
Mass Effect Andromeda: 7.7
All based on IGN's reviews. It's harder to appeal the crowds now than before.
Disagree. I think Mass Effect 2 and 3 were both just better games straight up.
Andromeda getting a 7.7 is nice. Also, ME1 should have been rated above ME3 for sure.
The kids cry and go crazy when IGN doesnt give their game a 9.
Andromeda deserves a 4
the time when small studios made a better game than AAA studio.
Because I am indy this one actually is small studio with bioware brand.
small studios do not have a 40 million budget
I think they use team B (bioware Montreal) which never make a full game. All those who make OT was in bioware Edmonton.
CD Projekt Red?
40 million is a small budget in todays gaming market. not indie but no huge either.
ea is doing to mass effect exactly what they did to dead space. Destroying a potentially good singleplayer for a focus on multiplayer so they can pull out microtransactions.
Melted Cheese Exactly...
Well that's just a lie, the multiplayer of MEA isn't the man focus
it's not EA, Bioware has free hands when it comes to developing, check ex-bioware chief's interview about EA, this is on Bioware (the new one)
Jacob Rice Dead Space 3 ditched the single player aspect for co-op. (Granted you can still play the game solo.)
There also were micro transactions in Dead Space 3,
There was MP in ME3 and that game was amazing in both modes. This, however, is just a piece of crap game.
So I just played about 45 minutes into ME Andromeda.... I'm not sure why all the hate. I'm finding the game very enjoyable. This coming from a fan of the first three Mass Effects. People need to get a grip, just because it isn't a perfect masterpiece doesn't mean the game is terrible!
you think as newbie to mass effect (= lower expactations) I could be totally free from any hate?
Seems like people's biggest gripe with this game is the facial animation, and yes, they are not the best considering we are in 2017, but I personally am able to look past that. It seems an overall very playable, and dare I say enjoyable, space adventure.
Not just the facial animations, all the animations. Also, the writing and voice acting can be very, VERY shitty. Those are not the kind of animations and writing that you would expect from a AAA RPG game in 2017.
1. Glitches
2. more glitches
3. even MORE glitches
4. then massive FPS drops that makes the game unplayable
5. Stupid game mechanics aka life support (play on insanity, you'll see what I mean pretty damn fast after you get off your starter planets)
6. Bad animation
You know, first 4 points + your last one can be easily fixed with patches, for me the main problem with this game is awful writing. I mean, the dialogs, chemistry between characters, morality system....everything which made Mass Effect a great franchise have completely dissapeared from this game. You still can have fun playing this, but Its not an RPG anymore. As Mr. Denton would say - "What a shame".
I'm most disappointed by the lack of new races. how can you go to a completely new galaxy and only introduce two new races. Just seems lazy. I was looking forward to some interesting new characters.
The game only has two new races? That's pretty bad for a Mass Effect game. Even the original introduced so many at once.
Wastingsometimehere should never have left the milky way imo
To be precise they only land on 1 cluster.They didn't have mass relay like in milkyway.
Like Pitoon pointed out, how can you expect tons of new races when there are no relays in Andromeda. Would be pretty stupid if there were a ton of new races in just a small cluster.
Pitoon M. I guess that's true. Well, either way I'm looking forward to playing the game.
Help me CD projekt red, you're my only hope..
According to....?
The Witcher 3 is the best game I've played this generation, who are you to say it's over-praised?
People commend Witcher in a lot of comments i see under Skyrim/DAI/ME videos. I played and finished it and it was ok game, but nowhere near praise it gets. Fighting is clunky, character progression is weak (just nods +5% dmg or something like that- boring), inventory is a mess. The plot is good and dialogues are awesome, but gameplaywise its mediocre. People give it too much credit.
Just because you didn't like it yourself doesn't mean that it's objectively worse than people think.
I actually really enjoyed the game. Sure it has faults but I don't think they made it awful or a disaster. I've enjoyed all the Dragon Age and Mass Effect games and found each one has things to love and hate.
Not everything can be as perfect as Zelda.
I agree to this. For a game deluxe on sale this is a steal.
I like your perspective
IGN: 7.7/10
Gamespot: 6/10
I don't know who to trust anymore, i'll review it myself.
Jonathan Ellam acg gave this game "rent or wait for deep sale" rating, lmao get rekt bioware
Jherence_ Army ACG is the best reviewer out there imho
Those scores are pretty compatible.
It's like - "It's decent, but not quite what we wanted from a new Mass Effect game"
I don't know why people think 1-2 points make that big of a different, like both reviewers can easily have the same pros and cons with the game.
Just like when people are like "No way that game is a 10, it's more like a 9", and I am like, "that's basically the same thing, just different perspectives on how much the reviewer enjoyed the game in the end"
Like everyone else said. ACG is the way to go.
7.7 IGN😂
Meanwhile in Japan:
Nier Automata 9/10
Breath of the Wild 10/10
Here's my rant against this:
1. This is an entirely new story. It should be given that the characters will have to grow on you because we've had to long to love the Normandy crew. We are used to Shepard: someone already known and has made his/her mark. So yes, an underdog like Ryder needs time to grow on us, but that is what is exciting about this game.
2. The reason there are only two new alien races (the Angara and Kett) is because we're going to a new galaxy-- yes-- but it is restricted to the Helius Cluster (which is not the entire galaxy of Andromeda itself). In Mass Effect 1-3, we had an entire galaxy to explore filled with many clusters and systems, and that was possible because of the Mass Relays. Andromeda does not have these Mass Relays, as they were created by the Reapers, so it only makes sense that we'd be introduced to few new alien races (in fact, we're lucky to even have 2 in the same cluster-- to find the main alien races of the Mass Effect franchise, you'd need to travel halfway across the galaxy). Simply put, you're not going to find tons of new alien races in this game because it is in sync with the lore of Mass Effect. This is a big cluster to explore, but it's not the entire galaxy of Andromeda. So you can't fault the game for only introducing two new alien races. The writers are doing nothing less than being consistent.
3. Furthermore, because this is limited to a single cluster, the worlds within the cluster would more than likely be emptier because not every planet is extravagant. Looking back in the original trilogy, it was normal for you to travel to a cluster and only travel on one single world for the main missions (How many other planets can you name besides Knossos, Feros, Eden Prime, Tuchunka, Palaven, Illium, Ranoch, and much more?) The point I'm making is that these worlds were the main areas of government and civilization for the different alien races. Using logic like this would be like saying why Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury aren't populated in our solar system. It's because other worlds are the focus of life and civilization. The Angarans are to the Helius Cluster as much as Humans are to the Sol Cluster of Mass Effect's universe. The Kett are invaders from what I have deducted, so it's actually generous to have two new races introduced within the confines of a single cluster (Helius). Because of this, it makes sense there would be more barren and emptier planets (remember the point of this game is to find a new suitable home for Humanity-- the Pathfinder is in charge of finding the location and resources to do so).
4. This is the first game of the new story (featuring the Tempest crew). In Mass Effect 1, the characters introduced had to grow on you as well. For example, back stories and personalities of our crew in Mass Effect 1 didn't entirely come to fruition until Mass Effect 2 when we actually learned more about the other races. You can't have personal preference of other previous characters like Garrus, Tali, or Mordin influence bias against the new characters-- it's a new and fresh chapter. If you don't give the new crew a chance because you're too attached to the Normandy crew, of course you'd fault the new game.
5. Shepard is a legend. Nobody will compare to Shepard. The Mass Effect story told throughout games 1-3 was his/her story. It had 3 games of buildup to tell this story, so the only fair comparison (story-wise) for Mass Effect Andromeda would be to compare it to Mass Effect 1. Ryder, as I mentioned earlier, is an underdog who is making his/her mark. He or she is the new Pathfinder-- not a war hero or legend as Shepard was. Because this is a new story, there will be new buildups and developments for Ryder. So having a character who isn't as appealing as Shepard isn't a fair claim because Shepard has had 3 games to build upon.
All your points make perfect sense. I've played the game twice now and enjoyed it both times. Sure, the game had problems before but they've been fixed now. I think most people pick on it because it was the 'in' thing to do and they were just following the herd.
The TropicanaMan what are you trying to tell me
Phenomenal explanation of the Mass Effect Universe !!!!!!! Thanks !!!!!
This did not age well considering they stopped supporting the game and dropped plans for a trilogy after the game landed flat on it's face
Was the reviewer a robot by any chance? Where's the emotions man...
He wanted to match the dialogue of the game?
Roger Desbiens nah dudes voice is way worse then the game
They were programed by Bioware
He was crying inside I guess.
then you havent played the game its beyond awful
I knew ME:A would be received poorly Bioware lost Casey Hudson, the project director for the previous trilogy and KOTOR. The reason why the Uncharted series (Drake's) never failed was because they always had the same person leading the team, Amy Hennig , while the first three Gears Of Wars had Cliffy B
You make a good point but Amy Hennig left Naughty Dog for Visceral and didn't lead the production of UC4. Neil Druckmann did and from what I can tell did a fantastic job. I'm still buying ME:A though it looks good enough for me to to pick up when it launches.
Amy left and Uncharted 4 turned out to be awesome.
Yeah but you know who replaced her? Neil there ya go
GoW4 was awesome and it wasn't even made by Epic
Yes GoW4 was awesome, but let's be honest, it wasn't "Epic" (hehe sorry). It wasn't as good as the original trilogy, it didn't carry the same weight. As for ME:A, I understand that venturing into a new galaxy so to speak may not be as easy as creating a lore closer to home, my hope is that Bioware made this first game in the series (hopefully) to establish new gameplay & characters. the next one hopefully will put more emphasis on deeper character, world, and lore development. I love the series, I played the whole trilogy 7 times now, each making different decisions. I will probably buy the game when they've released all of the dlc and patches
Well all these reviews about ME Andromeda have helped me reach a decision, I've got to stop watching reviews.
I know right. The game's got problems but it's so damn good
i just completed it and i have to say the game is actually better then ME3, miles better then ME1 though.
i like the battle in this game. but i hating those sudoku puzzles. really destroys the pace.
TheCookieCrusader You bring up an interesting argument, I'll take note of it. But seriously now that some time has passed I'm way less enthusiastic about Andromeda. It's a solid 7/10 but pretty forgettable with a lame conclusion and meaningless choices.
somebody once told me...
mcawesome0 the grass is much greener, on the other side.
Get your game on, go play!!
I don't have the best facial animations in the shed
she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.
To catch me outside
I don't get the hate, I'm loving the game!!!
Me to it's not that bad.
Same, it is awesome.
I think people dump on it because they are just sheep following the herd, and hating this game is simply the 'in' thing to do.
@@FuryanJedi13 Exactly. No one thinks for themselves. I for one, am enjoying this game.
FuryanJedi13 After playing through the entire series and ignoring anything Andromeda related (reviews and all), I can say that I still think the game is eh. I don’t think it’s awful or needs to be panned, but it’s just not as interesting as the others. People didn’t like it because it was completely different and matched with the quality of ME1 rather than 2 (or kind of 3)
And bioware said this will be their biggest game yet
Technically it is, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good.
Sans yes I know
a guy who plays video games technically, it is. It has a whole bunch of explorable, open world planets. But, as they said, there are several other flaws.
its EA ruining things for them poor bioware is trying hard
"It has a little something for everyone"
ACG and Worth a Buy did the best reviews for this game
Yes I agree ... angry joe is fun also
ACG is trash.
The only reviews that matter now.
waiting for gameranx review, they are solid af, and legit too.
Mass Effect 4 needs to have the best of the original trilogy and the best of Andromeda
Based on everything you said, and considering this score is on a scale of 1-10, how can you conclude this is a 7.7? Nonsense. Don't lose our trust, IGN.
Right now, Sean Murray is celebrating the fact that his is no longer the only universally
hated recent space exploration game...
here's a opinion/review on the game from someone who is actually playing it.
1. great gameplay
2. enviroments are great
3. fun multiplayer
4. exploring a semi-open world(for those me1 fans)
5. decent story
1. facial animations are a little wack, but should't ruin the game (honestly make for some funny moments)
2. voice acting is a bit meh
3. character creator needs some work, but it's not terrible
the game for me is a 8/10
DemonicSpartan how did u find the individual squadmates? I've heard pretty good things from other people who've actually played the game
DemonicSpartan everyone expects this game to be better than the trilogy but you never usually get better just different and the same which is what we got in andromeda
DemonicSpartan Lmao I've seen crowbcats video on this game you cannot tell me this game is an 8/10
Caleb Pagan well watching a video is nowhere near the same as playing it, don't let someone else's opinion influence ur own, and without the glitches and bugs and when they add the improved character creator, this game will be 9/10 imho
Samina Firdaus not to mention some scenes as well as the acting in them are very well done
I've spent countless of hours with ME-trilogy and still remember how the story was compelling straight from the beginning. Although the actual gameplay was a bit glumsy (especially in the original ME) it was tolerable because you just wanted to know how the plot thickened. After six hours with ME:A trial I'm really confused because the gameplay is a lot better (UI isn't so intuitive at first but you'll get use to it) while on the other hand the story isn't that interesting as I expected. I don't mean that it's a bad game but it doesn't redeem my expectations for a great new adventure in a new environment.
7.7 thank me when you skip to the score part in the video
This got a better score than Starfield.
Starfield got a wayyy better Metacritic score than Mass Effect Andromeda.. Starfield got a 83% & Mass Effect Andromeda got a 71% 👌🏾💀
I’m commander shepherd and this is my favorite review on the citadel
Still plays and looks better in 2020 than cyberpunk
I still had fun playing due to the combat. Complimenting the skills you achieve definitely lead to specific and individual styles of play in regards to combat
**breathes in**
and yes sir that's another franchise in ruins
so you have 10 points that you can award:
1 for graphics
1 for gameplay out of combat
1 for main story/sidequests
1 for gameplay in combat
1 for animations
1 for character development
1 for ai
1 for dialogue
1 for multiplayer (since it has one)
1 for how polished it is
graphics are amazing, every planet is well designed and beautiful so +1,
gameplay out of combat: nomad is great, crafting is diverse, there is lot of
places to explore, nexus is fun (a bit lifeless but still), repeat is cool too so another +1
main story is fine for a stand alone game (this is not mass effect 4 this is a stand alone title with in the universe) side quests are often fetch stile but have a good story behind them (like that one on eos with recordings of a sick kid) so another +1
gameplay in combat: the game has a lot of layers to combat and is responsive and fast paced, guns all feel varied and well balanced, another +1
animations apart from facial animations they are great the way ryder moves and jumps and trips on small rocks is awesome but facial animations ruin it so ok -1
character development is great they all have their own beliefs and hopes, ok +1
ai is so so and thats bad in 2017 another -1
dialogue is fun and light hearted most of the time, so +1
multiplayer works as intended (you don't have to like it but it works) so +1
its not polished enough so -1
So 7/10 where do you rate it down?
@Jackson I just did a quest for finding a UV light for two stoners (that was a fun little diversion...) a nexus side quest about knight and contagious woman very good quests all round side quests are awesome... Liams loyalty mission simply outstanding I don't know what you are complaining about its all very well written
caleron0 Bioware gives us a good new Mass Effect game and suddenly the franchise is in ruins? The internet loves to hyperbolize, doesn't it?
Gimme an S...gimme a J...gimme a W...
@@Nathonaj17 This makes me sad to read now.
How was he able to hide "that" hair under the helmet is far beyond me :>
Bioware, whoever did the facial animations in Andromeda, please fire them before you start on Dragon Age 4.
does the story hold up to the previous games? that's all I want to know.
Alex Ismailov no
I suspect it'll match up to the first one, but doubt it'll be quite as good as 2 or 3 just yet.
Alex Ismailov
It definitely does. It's a throwback to Mass Effect 1 for sure. It's not as impressive as ME2 but it's still a good start for future games to come.
Alex Ismailov You can't compare one game to an entire trilogy.
C'mon, the Collectors were cool. A lot cooler in fact than the Reapers. (Not actual Reapers but the reaper ground forces like husks, marauders, etc.)
-Tons of Planets
-Empty, reptitive worlds
-Alien Monoliths
-Vehicles to Traverse
this feels like a No Man's Sky but with a Story
So basically, save your money, avoid disappointment, and return to the old trilogy.
Seems like a very fair review.
True. I'm loving the game so far but all his points are valid.
Is a joke? or shills?
3:47 at least the voice acting is almost universally strong enough ...
You lost all credibility there the voice acting is HORRIBLE even Siri could do a better job than half of these voice actors
If you all were wondering why Casey Hudson left Bioware...wonder no more.
amazing... Styx: Shards of Darkness had a 7.8...
Still running better than cybersquirrle 2077
Cybernut 2069 has a 9/10 on IGN lol.
It's a 7.7. You"re welcome
This has a better looking character creation than Cyberpunk on PS4
Lmao at all Nintendo haters that were just waiting for this game to come and do better than Zelda. lmfaoooooo!!!!!!! Only shot ya'll nintendo haters got left is Red Dead Redemption 2 .
They were so proud of their 3rd party games, graphics etc.. and this is what they got this year. LMFAO. They'll be bummed more when Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey will compete head to head for GotY
Vitoamiibo And you're a fanboy doing the same shit so get off your high horse.
the game looks oddly unique and interesting at first but completely pales in comparison to other mass effect games in terms of storyline
I don't care what you guys said,for me Mass Effect Andromeda is Awesome game,there's a lot of great games in future but so far Mass Effect Andromeda did a wonderful great jobs.
conclusion - wait for patches and DLC's...and a sale ofc
Whose here after anthem review
You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you`ll never be better than commander shepard :D
I miss the Mako. The Nomad can't climb hills for shit.
Theodore Roosevelt You can get the Mako upgrade, this is why people actually need to thoroughly play the game before judging it.
@@karrotcake4122 what's that
Don't know what's wrong with you all, im 30hrs in and I love it! I hated Dragon Age Inquisition because of its tedious quests and boring story, gameplay, and open world but Andromeda was much better. The story is interesting and a great start for this new galaxy. Same goes for characters. They are not as iconic as the previous groups because they are brand new and did not have three games and DLC to get to know them but they are fun to talk to and feel real. At first the faces were a bit weird and distracting but after awhile I got used to it and it felt like standard Mass Effect faces. Combat is also sooooo good! There are those tedious missions but I didnt feel like I had to complete all of them to progress. I also ignored mining and crafting (cuz I dont care for games with those mechanics) except for a few occasions and I still didnt feel like the game was punishing me. Overall its more Mass Effect and I love this franchise so I love this game.
Like the words of Miracle of Sound: "No matter what scars you bear and whatever uniform you wear, you may fight like a Krogan, run like a Leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard."
Personally I freakin love this game. If this game didn't have the Mass Effect name on it, this game would be viewed entirely different. Yes there are some poor aspects in this game, however the overall enjoyment is through the roof.
Personally, I loved this game. I felt the combat and story telling were well balanced and a lot less rage inducing than Mass Effect 2. I will admit that the game had its disappointments but I still enjoyed the game. One of the biggest issues I had with the game was how Peebee was the only unique looking Asari and I say this because if you look at the face of every other asari you can interact with, they all have the same face. It was nice to see that romancing characters was something we were still able to do and out of all my options, Vetra was easily the best. I wish this game had some DLCs or sequel on the way so that the story can not only be improved on, but also so we can see more of these characters and have more to do with them either as friends or lovers (i. e. Vetra) 😁
Rather play this than anthem
About36GREEKS is it worth $10
I personally loved the game just finished my second playthrough.
Game ain't that bad really enjoying it so far
Yeah 7.7 is a fair score but it's just so fun and I'm really liking the characters
Jakekhaos7 My main problem isn't the facial expressions there is just a huge amount of bugs watch crowbars video if you want to see them
Hey IGN & all the idiots hating, you do know that you're exploring a single star cluster in this game, right? Not the entire Andromeda galaxy? Obviously there's not going to be a lot of new species, you're only exploring a tiny part of Andromeda, not the whole galaxy. There aren't any mass relays in this galaxy.
Mass Effect Andromeda is absolutely AMAZING!!. I'm playing it for about 75 hours now on Insanity and it has to be played to be appreciated. Incredible game.
Nobody on the original BIO-WARE team worked on this pile. Stay away until it goes on sale. This is no man sky all over again.
yeah i remember noman sky the showed everybody a game that i expected to come out the way it did when all gamer nerds ''like you'' who were soo SCOCKED! that it wasn't this masterpeice nobody said it was going to be. i swear you people trip on your own stupidity
Wow did you even play the game? Stop comparing it to that garbage, it's good , not fantastic but good after 20hrs of gameplay. And there are still people that worked on the previous games, the lead director for instance.
William Coffman Just the fact that MEA has a story makes it significantly better than No Man's Sky. Not to mention MEA has thousands of smaller stories in bedded in its much larger story. No Man's Sky was biblical junk because it had no substance. Just empty boring planets that you could mine for no reason. MEA is the opposite. It's full of story and things to do. The only other game that I can think of that is on MEA's level is the Witcher 3.
so you have 10 points that you can award:
1 for graphics
1 for gameplay out of combat
1 for main story/sidequests
1 for gameplay in combat
1 for animations
1 for character development
1 for ai
1 for dialogue
1 for multiplayer (since it has one)
1 for how polished it is
graphics are amazing, every planet is well designed and beautiful so +1,
gameplay out of combat: nomad is great, crafting is diverse, there is lot of
places to explore, nexus is fun (a bit lifeless but still), repeat is cool too so another +1
main story is fine for a stand alone game (this is not mass effect 4 this is a stand alone title with in the universe) side quests are often fetch stile but have a good story behind them (like that one on eos with recordings of a sick kid) so another +1
gameplay in combat: the game has a lot of layers to combat and is responsive and fast paced, guns all feel varied and well balanced, another +1
animations apart from facial animations they are great the way ryder moves and jumps and trips on small rocks is awesome but facial animations ruin it so ok -1
character development is great they all have their own beliefs and hopes, ok +1
ai is so so and thats bad in 2017 another -1
dialogue is fun and light hearted most of the time, so +1
multiplayer works as intended (you don't have to like it but it works) so +1
its not polished enough so -1
So 7/10 where do you rate it down?
That's not how review scores work. What makes you think IGN judges games by the exact same system that you do
If mass effect 1 was released today instead of when it was people wouldn't be pleased. Its just the culture nowadays of complaining for the sake of complaining. We Only remember the best things about the past and ignore the issues something had because we want to feel like in our time we had the best things.
Tj Faino, yeah how dare fans have standards.
When it's IGN , ...
subtract 2 points and u"ll get the original score
I am a big original trilogy fanboy and I'm enjoying Andromeda so far too. I'll never listen to people ever again.
This is better than Starfield.
Not even close to being as great as Starfield
It is 😂😂
this game is really fun ignore the reviews
Can we just bring Shepard back and use him? I can't survive without "I should go"
If it wouldn't be titled as Mass Effect, I'd give a 5. But it's 1/10 now.
7.7.. did EA mail their check wrong?
And further more what makes is a 7.7 like why not a 7.5 or 8.. what makes it go from a 7.6 to a 7.7.. it just seems so stupid
+StatickMatti you do realize all reviews are by one person and completely arbitrary, right? That's why.
Why would they let you change everything about your character's abilities at any given moment? So much for meaningful decisions and emergent gameplay. In an unfavorable situation? Don't worry about it, you don't have to use skill to create a solution, just change your kit to give you the best tools and completely undermine the whole challenge! How convenient.
why would you be stuck with the same abilities for entire game? skyrim lets you grade all abilities doesn't it?
AlonditeMX I agree. My buddy played as a solider and I was a vanguard in the old mass effects.. completely different play through. This new skill changing mid game is shit
Vlad the Gamer Impaler dude you're on every comment bashing the game get a life. Ppl are asking legitimate questions and you come here with a sky rim comparison
It's not as cut and dry as it seems.
I was worried about this as well but I soon realized that not only is there an in-game, lore based explanation for this, but you also have to be careful about not creating a character that ends up being unfocused and therefore missing the bonuses provided by the specializations you're going for.
In other words, there is strategic thinking involved in how you decide to spec your character and if you focus on a certain build; I went for Tech+soldier= infiltrator and ended up with a much more versatile and effective Ryder than my friend who went for a jack of all trades Bio/ tech/sold build.
In conclusion, the ability and leveling system is quite deep and very fun to experiment with, but keeping focus is key to effectiveness.
They had 5 years and come up with this?! Inexcusable!
I'd take a proper remake of KOTOR on a modern engine over this average game any day.
I played this game for thirty hours now and may I say im on xbox and there is no animation mishaps. I've come to believe this is mainly occuring on PC and for original fans to bash on the game due to changes is more disappointing. Original mass effect fans need to accept the changes like the halo fans had to accept with Halo 5: Guardians.
Changes in games don't usually work out though
You probably just have low standards
steven cool story
changes?, more like lack of main features
Morgan Williams true, Halo 5's story didn't feel memorable at all, Halos 1 2 3 and 4 were all memorable, arguably 4 was the most memorable because of Cortanas sacrifice which honestly hit me hard
In spite of the fact that the reviewer listed a ton of things that he didn't like about the game, he still gave it a 7.7 out of 10. How does that work
This review made me not want the game, but I got it anyway and I have to say that I am really enjoying it! It's a great game.
First SimCity, then the Sims, now Mass Effect. Is there any series EA can't ruin?
I understand the bugs and facial expressions at launch but I don't understand why a majority of the people are in a big negative Nancy wagon lol.I'm a big mass effect fan and read the prequel book to the first game before it came out. My favorite ME is ME2 but I am really enjoying andromeda.'I like the story and I love the exploration. I don't understand how some people say the game isn't really immersive. Oh well. I love the game so far and would recommend it.
well now we wait for TES 6 and GTA 6, who is with me??
They Live We Sleep i'm waiting for rdr 2 and cyberpunk 2077 (hopefully) to be released
yea I totally forgot about Red Dead 2 I hope it will be as great as the first one
They Live We Sleep Waiting for cyberpunk 2077
OLD HUNTER im with ya there bro,just hope it retains some of the old that made it great
Don't forget Cyberpunk.
Most negatives mentioned are not a concern to me except for the lack of control of the team. I think this is a major mistake. If anything, Bioware is known for its team based strategy rig's going back to Balder's Gate. Bioware, fix this please or give us modding tools so we can make a real Bioware rpg.
Ron Simons hi please subscribe to my channel and also watch my video
Tatsumi Akame he can if he wants
the core bioware team has already left. This game was made by a totally new team who prefer to hire SJWs.
Ron Simons EA ruined Bioware.
"7.7 - Good" - In the common tongue "4.5 - Almost entirely shit".
The makes no sense. the reviewer says mostly negative shit and then gives a 7.7...And from reading comments about this game everyone who says they haven't played shit on it... everyone who says they played says it will be great game. I think this will be a great game and i pre ordered. you can only judge if you actually played. This review also came out before the damn game even came out like come on its literally like 100+ hours long.
Also i feel as if pple are judging this game because its a fresh new beginning to this new addition to the franchise.
The problem the game faces is that people will compare it to the original trilogy and complain about it not being the old characters. People were always going to say the originals were better because the trilogy is an older game. Andromeda is very fun from what I have played. I can't see the story being as good as the original but it does seem like a fun game. Except for the facial animations
master chief You just nailed the exact reason why the game is getting so much crap. People gripe that the new squad isn't as nice the one from the original trilogy yet fail to realize they grew and developed over the course of the games of course the new team isn't gonna instantly replace them, new trilogy people.
master chief they reviewed the game by playing it. EA gave them access
Oh that's easy. It's the AAA bump. If they don't meet a minimum score for most AAA games, the developers basically stop sending them copies unless there's a CONSENSUS a game was bad (like Duke Nukem Forever). 7 on a AAA game is basically the lowest you can give it until it's nigh unplayable. Then you can go down to like... a 6. You'll notice for most publications, almost every game below a 6 is something that had a VERY small budget.
Point is. It's less an ethics problem for reviewers and more an ethics problem in how reviews are handled.
I thought I quit playing games 4 years ago because I got older and found new interests, but every time I've tried to get back into them I get so turned off. Games are so shallow anymore, Fallout 4 was so boring as they replaced quality for quantity and there was a lot to do in Fallout 3. Mass Effect 2 was probably my favorite game, I don't understand why they would change the combat so much and make the story so bland. What a disappointment, I thought this was gonna be my re-entry but now I think I'm gonna sell my XBOX because I've got no use for it.
You either have too much other interests or need to branch out. Games today are incredible. Have you played the souls series? They are incredible, absolutely amazing games. The new Zelda? Incredible. Bloodborne? Outstanding.
Since you own an xbox, I dare you to play the dark souls series. You will love it, but only if you want to enjoy games. Saying things like "games are so shallow anymore" is just wrong. Games today are pushing boundaries, using 3D in ways that older generations wish they could have used.
My point is, its you who has changed. Games are getting better and better.
how was mass effects 2 story not bland: hi she, save humans from collectors, collect a team go to a b c and then fight big boss (here is the story of me2)
I think they should had resurrected, cloned, revived Shepard, it was the best looking male character ever
I gave 5/10 the original trilogy was much better and Mass effect is my fav series
I've played mass effect andromeda and I happen to love the game and it's a nice change of pace from fighting the reapers all the time and this game takes place after the events of mass effect 3 so the reapers have been dealt with
Despite all the negative comments / reactions this game got i really like it and i just purchased it , my point is don't listen to negative reviews and haters, if you want to judge a game play it first and if you dont like it that's okay too, it all comes down to personal preference, people tend to enjoy/ like different things/ games, happy gaming btw :)
I like it so far. And the animation is fine. It's not the best, but it's not as distracting as people are trying to make it look.