Didn't really explain the ending. What I loved about the ending was that I had a building sense of dread from the moment he killed the first Armitage. I felt he was going to kill all of them and be discovered by the police and shot or arrested for murder. This was reinforced as the house caught flame and it was clear that there would be no evidence left of the evil that went on there. All the way to where he put his hands around Rose's throat until inevitably the red and blue lights, he had called for, ironically, showed up. But I love that THAT is the moment Peele subverts our expectations and reveals that it's his best friend come to save him. It was interesting because he forces the audience to acknowledge the horror of that expectation while simultaneously ending the story with triumph over it.
The ending is when i started to get anxious. I thought it was all in his head to make him a happy transplant. and we would discover that it was an illusion.
That's exactly what I was thinking :D Once Chris was down in that basement I felt hopeless. Where as in other horror movies, I always have some idea that someone is coming to save the protagonist. But here is this black guy and I felt like, nope. He's screwed. The police already laughed at his friend so who's gonna find him? Then when the police car drove up, I was like "He's a dead man. This sucks" because there was no way the police were going to believe this black guy covered in blood surrounded by his dying girlfriend, a dead woman in his car and another dead guy on the road, a house on fire full of dead people behind him. especially with the police set up in the beginning. I love that Peele subverted that expectation and forced me to think about how sad it was that I had it in the first place.
You kind of glossed over one of the biggest reveals in the movie that ultimately explains everything. The scene where the girlfriend's father explains that his father was beaten by Jesse Owens and that he never got over it is the event that aet everything in motion. He really DID never get over that he was beaten by an athletically superior black man and in his own twisted way was driven to find a way for white people to have the same gifts as these gifted black people. If you notice the guy who disappeared before Chris was a gifted jazz musician. Chris is a gifted photographer. That is their reason for specifically targeting gifted black people...because Jesse Owens was a gifted black person...just felt like that was important to understanding the movie.
My buddy pointed this out to me but I thought it was really cool how Chris almost choked out Rose, but didn't. And it may be hard to understand why, until you realize that that's how his mother died, bleeding in the middle of the road. He wanted Rose to experience what his mom experienced.
Beau Payne But he saved Georgina after he hit her with the car cause that's how his mother passed. I honestly think he didn't choke out Rose because he still loved her.
I thought the dude killed himself to kill the Grandpa. Like when the flash went off, the guy was in control of his body again, but there was still a piece of that old dude in him, so after all he'd been through, he wanted to kill him and himself.
If you remember the scene where the Asian guy introduced himself, he asked how the "black experience" was. I took that as one of the white folk who did the brain transplant in the Asian guy's body, curious for another switch, possibly. I'm assuming they didn't only take black people, but just anyone with talent.
Actually, he was in the auction just like everyone else. He was asking because he wanted to decide if swapping his asian body for a black one may cause some problems that did not seem worth it to him. Asians are considered the most accepted POC as Chinwe Okorie said and plus the man had no scar from a transplant so that kills that theory.
I love this movied. They believed black people inherently had both superior physicality, but inferior mental ability and resented them for it. Believing black bodies were wasted on them. This is both a commentary the way society tries to supjigate, or excrersie control back people and the way society tries to claim black bodies are somehow inherently stronger, faster or more sexual. It also does a great job of showing how racist myths about a group, even if those myths are "positive" are still inherently damaging to that racialized group. So the ultimate conclusion of this film is you have to target subtle racism and just as much as overt racism.
I wouldn't necessarily say the people were racist in the movie. They admired black people due to our natural abilities and culture. One guy even stated "black is in" or something along those lines. In fact, they admired it so much that they physically wanted to become black. Racists despise us. I highly doubt they'd want to swap bodies with a black person regardless of the situation.
Da Kid Gowie Racist despise you, because they want to be you. if you werent around They could be the best. Wasnt the father saying he wish all "bucks" could be killed? He was racist as fuck.
Da Kid Gowie I mean they were racist enough to hypnotize them and take over their bodies like they're an object or tool to play with, only cause they're black. They coulda found big fit white guys anywhere but they wanted blacks cause they don't see them human enough to realize that's wrong.
Get Out Pt 2: Uprising - An comedy/action film where Chris & his best friend Rod go to the suburbs and to kill the remaining bidders and rescue Dre and the rest of the hypnotized black folks.
Pop Jones I said the samething as well. I hope part 2 leaves off from part one so that way we can get a clear picture just like they did with the Michael Myer movies.
i think he simply likes being young and strong enough to take care of his land, his home. things he took pride in but could no longer do because he was getting older and weaker. like he said "Not doing anything I don't want to do". And we dont know how grammy and gramps integrate in with the family when Rose isn't bringing some poor schmuck home for his/her lobotomy. Chris is there so they may just be acting as though they 'work' for the family, rather than being a part of it for that specific weekend
That's more like it, because even the grandmother even cried, but why would she cry if she is in the body she wants to be? It was an act to trick Chris.
i dont think that was the grandmother crying, but the tiny sliver of the person stuck inside of her wanting to get out. the young woman trapped in the sunken place. like Logan at the party or the groundskeeper when the flash went off in their faces: that person trapped inside could see Chris, could see what was going to happen to him, were helpless to change his or their own fates. I'd fucking cry, scream at him to "Get Out!" or shoot myself too
I thought after dude killed hisself and the house burning that he could prolly blame it on him u know. I mean it wld b shitty but easier to explain than all that mind hypnosis stuff .. like dude attacked us me and rose made it out the house he shot her then hisself
I like how the whole conversation about judo and jujitsu came back in the end. Rose's brother tried to say that judo was about physical strength, but jujitsu was mental requiring that you anticipate the next 4 or 5 moves. In that struggle with the brother, Chris reaches out to the doorknob knowing that the brother would lift his leg to kick it shut. And then BAM! Thinking ahead.
kyle price I agree with you I just saw this movie and it is crazy it definitely has you thinking but his girlfriend never really liked him she was just using him from the beginning
Willie Robinson you are absolutely right she was full of shit and it was wrong how she played with his emotions he really loved her and actually believed she loved him that's why at the end even after he knew she tricked him and was trying to kill him he still could not kill her it is very wrong the way she treated him
I think the character would only want to get on with his life and try in some way to put that experience behind him as much as he can. He's never gonna want to set foot near there again. Besides, he was gone during the auction, he doesn't know anything about the bidders. This isn't a film about revenge, it's just a film about getting out.
I'm 49 & saw it differently & exceptionally disturbing. It is not "new" as all RottenTomatoes reviewers say, as a similar premise was done in The Dark Secret of Harvest Home by Thomas Tyron (w/Bette Davis!), & recently w/Skeleton Key. I dreaded another ending like that & was glad the film ended better. I figured "it" out quickly, & didn't recognize the opening character at the party, so how's that?! I completely missed that the brains were switched. What bothered me was the abuse of power, & so smugly, too. Your video will help me sleep better tonight.thank you!
As a white dude I loved every aspect of this movie. I thought the the scenes of Chris being around the family and other white people were awesome because the scenes showed how racist people still are and it was kind of embarrassing knowing that there are still people of my race that act like that. The psychological elements of it were well done and the acting was great. Didn't see the twist coming at the end which really slammed it home for me. Good movie all the way around. Good acting, good suspense, good job at pointing out ongoing racism, and great plot and plot twists. Great movie
Don't remember the last time I went to a theater to watch a film, but I'm glad I decided to go watch "Get Out". It was thrilling, kept me on the edge of my seat, the first half was a little slow, but man does it pick up and gets crazy towards the end. Must watch!
Being white I loved this movie. Shows we need to tackle subtle racism just as much as blatant racism. I have white skin but my grandpa on my dads side is full mexican and my grandma on my moms side is full native. My brother is a little darker than me and my sister has longer hair (native). All three of us have exactly the same parents and grandparents and so on yet we look slightly different. People are always trying to fit us in their "group" of genetics but we are too diverse to fit in any so we denounce all. People ask me what I am and I tell them human. Usually they press on and sometimes they literally don't believe I'm half dark and half not. They literally say "no your white" or "no your lying" I just look at them like wtf. People want to feel like they belong so much they will make others fit into their prerogative. Fuck racism and I love this movie. In cass anyone is wondering the white I have in me are Italian and Irish. So basically quarter Irish quarter Italian quarter Mexican and quarter Native American. Yes I literally have 1/4 of each, I did one of spit tube test things.
when in the first 15 minutes of the film, and the couple is settled in for the first night, it cuts to the forest and backtracks all the way back to the bed, and ends with Peele screaming... I think Peele is trying to show reversed sleep paralysis. I didn't see Jordan in the film but that was definitely his scream. maybe he was a previous victim at some point. what an awesome show, it's on the level of The Exorcist with all the hidden messages
I just watched your John Wick 2 review. And this review as well both explained really good. Just as I imagined TOTALLY!! agree with everything that was said. Keep them coming BLESSINGS
Dean Armitage-Jack Baker Missy Armitage-Marguerite Jeremy Armitage-Lucas Rose Armitage-Mia Rod-Chris Redfield Plot twist-Eveline (not seen) was dying so she needed a host to keep on living so she hypnotized/controlled the Armitage family to find the host.
*PLEASE READ* Noooo they specially wanted to take black people... in the movie they say "black is in" it's also a subliminal message.. a lot of people want to take black culture and make it their own.
Rose was the one who brought all the victims home including Georgina. Then as Chris was dying (or so she thought)she was on to the beloved ball players. Her confidence is amazing. I wonder where she gets it.😌
When Logan was speaking about the African American experience, he was basically telling everyone how he was his woman's slave. Being a "homebody" and "chores is his sanctuary"
I agree with you. Thanks for clearing up why grounds keeper Walter killed himself because that did confuse me. Get Out is damn near perfect, but it does have flaws. 1: The Mind Stealing Society is still out there. 2: The cops will find those bodies and conducted an investigation. 3: The ending is too happy. Chris should've died or got captured. Get Out easily sets itself up for a sequel because The Bill is always due.
At the beginning they welcome Chris as families not knowing they both all including his gf parents turn against him at the end #GetOut is best 2017 movie I have watch Chris did fight back though, this movie it's kind of related to Rascim I enjoy it thanks to all the producer and directors and also to all the character well done.
Obviously I know the flash knocked him out of being hypnotized but I just want to know why his nose bled. When the other black person got knocked out of it he didnt have the same reaction, you know?
purpletua the reason his nose bled was because as Andre returned to consciousness and was able to tell Chris to "get out", he used a lot of energy. We are left to infer that he struggled immensely just to tell Chris that one thing, and exerting so much effort took a toll on his physical body, despite another man's brain inside of it. Due to the great stress, his nose bled.
This may be far fetched but Coagula (the family business) is the root word of coagulation which in science refers to the process of the clot forming or bleeding cessation. When Logan saw the flash he regains "consciousness" and anti-coagulates or bleeds. I also like how Logan rearranged could spell Anglo.
Possible Plot Hole: How did he unshackle himself so that he was able to plug his ears with cotton? And then refasten the shackles? I thought the symbolism was great but I couldn't get past this one detail. It even showed him biting at the strap buckle to no avail. Anyone else confused by this?
i got the feeling that the cop from the beginning was now inside his freinds/TSA agents head. that would explain how he knew where to find him. i think most people noticed that though
Honestly, in the end I thought it was Chris dreaming to catch them, because I was not convinced by the weelchair guy supposed to get him in the operation room. He was there so naive standing and waiting for the punch in the head... Really ackward.
About the scene with the running groundskeeper: grandpa armitage was an Olympic sprinter until he was beat by Jesse Owens though it was probably unnecessary to have him running straight at Chris lol
The thing I still don't understand about this movie is when Chris goes upstairs to get his phone and everyone downstairs is quiet listening to his footsteps. Is this symbolism or am I missing something here?
Best movie of 2017 so far. I expect it to be replaced next weekend by Logan but it has a place for now. If you are considering seeing this movie, do it. It is so good.
Thanks so much! This is the best. I didn't want to have to watch the whole movie. I don't like how uncomfortable and how LONG it took for things to happen
I understood it but the fact of why the flash messed them up like why the missing dude freak out on him and why the grandpa snap out and the biggest one what happend to the other guys she dated and lastly tf he find him lol
I hate horror movies! But this by far was one of the most interesting things I have seen probably ever. it made me laugh and gave me nightmares. It made me think and it made me sad and happy. I'm thinking that this is going to be at 1 time thing for Jordan Peele but if it's not I would be glad! I mean after all if Tom Ford is making great movies then why can't he?! :-)
My girlfriend is black. As one of the only white men in the theater when we saw this film, which is about a sinister cult of rich white people who take over the bodies of black people, I made sure to use my creepiest movie villain laugh during the moments of comic relief. Funny stuff. Black people take movies very seriously.
I'm gonna make a movie called "Come In" and it'll be about a white boyfriend meeting his black girlfriends parents and it's just two hours of them having a good time
Loved this movie. Definitely a lot of messages to be taken from this. I feel that everyone should see it even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Racism is still alive to day we can't ignore it. But like I always say not every black person is a thug and not every white person is a racist.
I enjoyed this movie and so did my kids. I watched it twice and picked up on things the second time around that I missed the first. This video explains a little more that I hadn't thought of. Check it out if you like.
Didn't really explain the ending. What I loved about the ending was that I had a building sense of dread from the moment he killed the first Armitage. I felt he was going to kill all of them and be discovered by the police and shot or arrested for murder. This was reinforced as the house caught flame and it was clear that there would be no evidence left of the evil that went on there. All the way to where he put his hands around Rose's throat until inevitably the red and blue lights, he had called for, ironically, showed up. But I love that THAT is the moment Peele subverts our expectations and reveals that it's his best friend come to save him. It was interesting because he forces the audience to acknowledge the horror of that expectation while simultaneously ending the story with triumph over it.
Chad Furlong it's such an incredible statement. this movie is a masterpiece
Chad Furlong Damn when u put it like that it gives me a new perspective on the movie and ending
The ending is when i started to get anxious. I thought it was all in his head to make him a happy transplant. and we would discover that it was an illusion.
Chad Furlong smart comment. I learned something just now
That's exactly what I was thinking :D Once Chris was down in that basement I felt hopeless. Where as in other horror movies, I always have some idea that someone is coming to save the protagonist. But here is this black guy and I felt like, nope. He's screwed. The police already laughed at his friend so who's gonna find him? Then when the police car drove up, I was like "He's a dead man. This sucks" because there was no way the police were going to believe this black guy covered in blood surrounded by his dying girlfriend, a dead woman in his car and another dead guy on the road, a house on fire full of dead people behind him. especially with the police set up in the beginning. I love that Peele subverted that expectation and forced me to think about how sad it was that I had it in the first place.
You kind of glossed over one of the biggest reveals in the movie that ultimately explains everything. The scene where the girlfriend's father explains that his father was beaten by Jesse Owens and that he never got over it is the event that aet everything in motion. He really DID never get over that he was beaten by an athletically superior black man and in his own twisted way was driven to find a way for white people to have the same gifts as these gifted black people. If you notice the guy who disappeared before Chris was a gifted jazz musician. Chris is a gifted photographer. That is their reason for specifically targeting gifted black people...because Jesse Owens was a gifted black person...just felt like that was important to understanding the movie.
Kristopher Williams well put
Exactly....as soon as i heard that line i knew there was a significance to it
and also you could mention how rose was looking up ncaa prospects near the end, presumably for her next target
that part legit had me dying
Kristopher Williams Oh shit and Dre was a Jazz Player. Niiiice catching thay
My buddy pointed this out to me but I thought it was really cool how Chris almost choked out Rose, but didn't. And it may be hard to understand why, until you realize that that's how his mother died, bleeding in the middle of the road. He wanted Rose to experience what his mom experienced.
Beau Payne Wait I thought she did the eye trick her mother did to control him? Or was the music in both instances confusing me? lol
Willie Robinson no it was because she started smiling because the cop car pulled up behind them
Ok. I just watched the movie again. I saw her smiling too.
yes! i didnt realize this!
Beau Payne But he saved Georgina after he hit her with the car cause that's how his mother passed. I honestly think he didn't choke out Rose because he still loved her.
Isn't it ironic that the thing he uses to save himself is cotton?
SH Julio 😂😂
Really? This is what you came up with? Geez!
Lmfao I see what you did there
SH Julio Good eye!
Yo i didn't even put that together
I wish the movie was longer, it's so good
I'm whiter than sour cream and this is by far one of the best movies I have seen since bird man.
cslim117 have you seen Manchester by the Sea or Allied? La La Land or Moonlight?
Darrel Be no not yet but I plan on viewing them as well.
I completely agree as a japanese person
cslim117 don't worry we can tell ur white since ur a warriors fan
Wonder McThunder I actually don't watch basketball I saw this pic on google and made it my pic
I thought the dude killed himself to kill the Grandpa. Like when the flash went off, the guy was in control of his body again, but there was still a piece of that old dude in him, so after all he'd been through, he wanted to kill him and himself.
plus one Asian guy
Kim Lasley eurasian writer
I took that as how Asians are the most accepted POC that can elevate into whiteness. Often used to pit against blackness.
If you remember the scene where the Asian guy introduced himself, he asked how the "black experience" was. I took that as one of the white folk who did the brain transplant in the Asian guy's body, curious for another switch, possibly. I'm assuming they didn't only take black people, but just anyone with talent.
Years exactly right.
Actually, he was in the auction just like everyone else. He was asking because he wanted to decide if swapping his asian body for a black one may cause some problems that did not seem worth it to him. Asians are considered the most accepted POC as Chinwe Okorie said and plus the man had no scar from a transplant so that kills that theory.
I love this movied. They believed black people inherently had both superior physicality, but inferior mental ability and resented them for it. Believing black bodies were wasted on them.
This is both a commentary the way society tries to supjigate, or excrersie control back people and the way society tries to claim black bodies are somehow inherently stronger, faster or more sexual. It also does a great job of showing how racist myths about a group, even if those myths are "positive" are still inherently damaging to that racialized group.
So the ultimate conclusion of this film is you have to target subtle racism and just as much as overt racism.
Phil Dog like it
Phil Dog yes. someone who explained better without being racist
I wouldn't necessarily say the people were racist in the movie. They admired black people due to our natural abilities and culture. One guy even stated "black is in" or something along those lines. In fact, they admired it so much that they physically wanted to become black. Racists despise us. I highly doubt they'd want to swap bodies with a black person regardless of the situation.
Da Kid Gowie Racist despise you, because they want to be you. if you werent around They could be the best. Wasnt the father saying he wish all "bucks" could be killed? He was racist as fuck.
Da Kid Gowie I mean they were racist enough to hypnotize them and take over their bodies like they're an object or tool to play with, only cause they're black. They coulda found big fit white guys anywhere but they wanted blacks cause they don't see them human enough to realize that's wrong.
I bet this kid has a white girlfriend....my goodness please 'Get Out'. Geez
They never rescued my nigga Dre
Jammie Hurt could he be rescued though? They took out his brain right?
Get Out Pt 2: Uprising - An comedy/action film where Chris & his best friend Rod go to the suburbs and to kill the remaining bidders and rescue Dre and the rest of the hypnotized black folks.
Pop Jones 😂😂😂😂
Pop Jones I said the samething as well. I hope part 2 leaves off from part one so that way we can get a clear picture just like they did with the Michael Myer movies.
Miss Bradley They should just leave it as a standalone movie. I can't see this being a sequel
This movie is an instant classic!
So the grandpa just likes to cut wood all day?
i think he simply likes being young and strong enough to take care of his land, his home. things he took pride in but could no longer do because he was getting older and weaker. like he said "Not doing anything I don't want to do". And we dont know how grammy and gramps integrate in with the family when Rose isn't bringing some poor schmuck home for his/her lobotomy. Chris is there so they may just be acting as though they 'work' for the family, rather than being a part of it for that specific weekend
I think it was just a act to trap chris.
That's more like it, because even the grandmother even cried, but why would she cry if she is in the body she wants to be? It was an act to trick Chris.
i dont think that was the grandmother crying, but the tiny sliver of the person stuck inside of her wanting to get out. the young woman trapped in the sunken place. like Logan at the party or the groundskeeper when the flash went off in their faces: that person trapped inside could see Chris, could see what was going to happen to him, were helpless to change his or their own fates. I'd fucking cry, scream at him to "Get Out!" or shoot myself too
Elizabeth Denbow true, she was smiling and crying at the same time.
I thought the cops were going to send Chris to jail but it was Chris's friend what a twist
jail? they would have shot him. but yea i agree it was a crazy twist when his friend came out the car
I thought after dude killed hisself and the house burning that he could prolly blame it on him u know. I mean it wld b shitty but easier to explain than all that mind hypnosis stuff .. like dude attacked us me and rose made it out the house he shot her then hisself
I like how the whole conversation about judo and jujitsu came back in the end. Rose's brother tried to say that judo was about physical strength, but jujitsu was mental requiring that you anticipate the next 4 or 5 moves. In that struggle with the brother, Chris reaches out to the doorknob knowing that the brother would lift his leg to kick it shut. And then BAM! Thinking ahead.
Deena Price as a bjj praticioner I loved that part also!
basically his girlfriend set him up pretty fucking obvious from the start
kyle price I agree with you I just saw this movie and it is crazy it definitely has you thinking but his girlfriend never really liked him she was just using him from the beginning
It wasn't obvious to me, that's what made the movie even better lol
I didn't want to believe it, but I figured. How can you not know your parents are racist. She was full of shit from the start!
Willie Robinson you are absolutely right she was full of shit and it was wrong how she played with his emotions he really loved her and actually believed she loved him that's why at the end even after he knew she tricked him and was trying to kill him he still could not kill her it is very wrong the way she treated him
Willie Robinson riiiiiight
I'd like to sew a sequel either called "Get In" or "Get Them" where he goes and hunts down all of the bidders.
No... just no.
Alex Pacheco me too
I think the character would only want to get on with his life and try in some way to put that experience behind him as much as he can. He's never gonna want to set foot near there again. Besides, he was gone during the auction, he doesn't know anything about the bidders. This isn't a film about revenge, it's just a film about getting out.
I'm 49 & saw it differently & exceptionally disturbing. It is not "new" as all RottenTomatoes reviewers say, as a similar premise was done in The Dark Secret of Harvest Home by Thomas Tyron (w/Bette Davis!), & recently w/Skeleton Key. I dreaded another ending like that & was glad the film ended better. I figured "it" out quickly, & didn't recognize the opening character at the party, so how's that?! I completely missed that the brains were switched. What bothered me was the abuse of power, & so smugly, too. Your video will help me sleep better tonight.thank you!
As a white dude I loved every aspect of this movie. I thought the the scenes of Chris being around the family and other white people were awesome because the scenes showed how racist people still are and it was kind of embarrassing knowing that there are still people of my race that act like that. The psychological elements of it were well done and the acting was great. Didn't see the twist coming at the end which really slammed it home for me. Good movie all the way around. Good acting, good suspense, good job at pointing out ongoing racism, and great plot and plot twists. Great movie
Yeah dude, Lets not forget that any ethnic group can be racist. Somehow some people cant comprehend that.
Dude, you missed the entire point of the movie.
Don't remember the last time I went to a theater to watch a film, but I'm glad I decided to go watch "Get Out". It was thrilling, kept me on the edge of my seat, the first half was a little slow, but man does it pick up and gets crazy towards the end. Must watch!
Being white I loved this movie. Shows we need to tackle subtle racism just as much as blatant racism. I have white skin but my grandpa on my dads side is full mexican and my grandma on my moms side is full native. My brother is a little darker than me and my sister has longer hair (native). All three of us have exactly the same parents and grandparents and so on yet we look slightly different. People are always trying to fit us in their "group" of genetics but we are too diverse to fit in any so we denounce all. People ask me what I am and I tell them human. Usually they press on and sometimes they literally don't believe I'm half dark and half not. They literally say "no your white" or "no your lying" I just look at them like wtf. People want to feel like they belong so much they will make others fit into their prerogative. Fuck racism and I love this movie. In cass anyone is wondering the white I have in me are Italian and Irish. So basically quarter Irish quarter Italian quarter Mexican and quarter Native American. Yes I literally have 1/4 of each, I did one of spit tube test things.
to be able to explain the ending you have to first tell us how it ends
caleb8085 He stops dating white women is how it ends. 🤦🏾♀️
caleb8085 his friend saves him
Thnx for the heads up on the film. trailer made it look cool.
The communities dark plans sounds like misguided hope of the worst kind.
The Lesion? 4:00 Your Solution is more racist, never saw that coming.
This film was fucking awesome!!!!!
Not a subscriber, but certainly enjoyed your review/analysis. Funny closing. Bravo!
good stuff , thanks
when in the first 15 minutes of the film, and the couple is settled in for the first night, it cuts to the forest and backtracks all the way back to the bed, and ends with Peele screaming... I think Peele is trying to show reversed sleep paralysis. I didn't see Jordan in the film but that was definitely his scream. maybe he was a previous victim at some point. what an awesome show, it's on the level of The Exorcist with all the hidden messages
I just watched your John Wick 2 review. And this review as well both explained really good. Just as I imagined TOTALLY!! agree with everything that was said. Keep them coming BLESSINGS
R.i.P Chris Farley
Dean Armitage-Jack Baker
Missy Armitage-Marguerite
Jeremy Armitage-Lucas
Rose Armitage-Mia
Rod-Chris Redfield
Plot twist-Eveline (not seen) was dying so she needed a host to keep on living so she hypnotized/controlled the Armitage family to find the host.
Noooo they specially wanted to take black people... in the movie they say "black is in" it's also a subliminal message.. a lot of people want to take black culture and make it their own.
Loved it! Gotta watch it 2 or 3 more times.
Rose was the one who brought all the victims home including Georgina. Then as Chris was dying (or so she thought)she was on to the beloved ball players. Her confidence is amazing. I wonder where she gets it.😌
When Logan was speaking about the African American experience, he was basically telling everyone how he was his woman's slave. Being a "homebody" and "chores is his sanctuary"
this explains soooooo much because when i first saw this movie yesterday i was sooooo confused
Reminds me of the Skeleton key..w the Wicker man thrown in.Also the same spell is utilized in Angel/btvs and Vampire Diaries/ Originals
I agree with you. Thanks for clearing up why grounds keeper Walter killed himself because that did confuse me. Get Out is damn near perfect, but it does have flaws. 1: The Mind Stealing Society is still out there. 2: The cops will find those bodies and conducted an investigation. 3: The ending is too happy. Chris should've died or got captured. Get Out easily sets itself up for a sequel because The Bill is always due.
What is the ending song for this video? It's so catchy.
Lmao that click at the end was sooo funny and random
Solid content
At the beginning they welcome Chris as families not knowing they both all including his gf parents turn against him at the end #GetOut is best 2017 movie I have watch Chris did fight back though, this movie it's kind of related to Rascim I enjoy it thanks to all the producer and directors and also to all the character well done.
i was looking for this today.
Does anyone have a theory on why Andre/Logan's nose bled after the flash?
Obviously I know the flash knocked him out of being hypnotized but I just want to know why his nose bled. When the other black person got knocked out of it he didnt have the same reaction, you know?
purpletua the reason his nose bled was because as Andre returned to consciousness and was able to tell Chris to "get out", he used a lot of energy. We are left to infer that he struggled immensely just to tell Chris that one thing, and exerting so much effort took a toll on his physical body, despite another man's brain inside of it. Due to the great stress, his nose bled.
That makes sense! Thanks!
Zachary is the goat xD
This may be far fetched but Coagula (the family business) is the root word of coagulation which in science refers to the process of the clot forming or bleeding cessation. When Logan saw the flash he regains "consciousness" and anti-coagulates or bleeds. I also like how Logan rearranged could spell Anglo.
IMHO... my breakdown
30% Comedy
20% Horror
50% Thriller/Suspense
= still 100% on RottenTomatoes :)
spot on!!!!! i watched the movie and everything that was said was true and interesting!!
Great explanation
Possible Plot Hole: How did he unshackle himself so that he was able to plug his ears with cotton? And then refasten the shackles? I thought the symbolism was great but I couldn't get past this one detail. It even showed him biting at the strap buckle to no avail. Anyone else confused by this?
That makes sense! Thank you!
i got the feeling that the cop from the beginning was now inside his freinds/TSA agents head. that would explain how he knew where to find him. i think most people noticed that though
Is it like Stepford Wives?
Yes, but with racism, isntead of sexism as the element of satire.
Yeah pretty much
Very educational movie it reveals a lot that should be reveled more and more and more.
Honestly, in the end I thought it was Chris dreaming to catch them, because I was not convinced by the weelchair guy supposed to get him in the operation room. He was there so naive standing and waiting for the punch in the head... Really ackward.
this movie was so good I hop Jordan makes another one
About the scene with the running groundskeeper: grandpa armitage was an Olympic sprinter until he was beat by Jesse Owens though it was probably unnecessary to have him running straight at Chris lol
This explanation was so much better than the Found Flix explanation, which got so many simple details wrong.
The thing I still don't understand about this movie is when Chris goes upstairs to get his phone and everyone downstairs is quiet listening to his footsteps. Is this symbolism or am I missing something here?
I like when the black guy got his revenge on the white family
nice vid
The Cuckold comment made me subscribe, pure comedy
lmao @ the Chris Farley part
Great discussion on the movie mate. Really creepy but the writer is a genius
Best movie of 2017 so far. I expect it to be replaced next weekend by Logan but it has a place for now. If you are considering seeing this movie, do it. It is so good.
Did everyone just ignore the obvious Monarch Mind Control scene?????
Oli.Vyae I must have lol... The what?
Insane, I literally knew that this was exactly what gonna happen, that they put another person's mine into another person
Seth Bishop you mean mind
At the end the reason the girlfriend ate the fruit loops and milk separate is because she wanted whites and colored separate....yeah she dragged it.
when she was getting choked and the face she made when she smiled scared the shit out of me
Yeah that was fucking creepy.
can someone explain why is phone was unconnected from the charger what was the need to do that??
Thanks so much! This is the best. I didn't want to have to watch the whole movie. I don't like how uncomfortable and how LONG it took for things to happen
I realized that Walter was always wearing a hat because of the scar of when they were switching brains. And why Georgina's hair is always in front.
she is wearing a wig , its rosey's grandma inside her.
The movie was ok and all. It really got me thinking about why would someone want that to happen, thank you for giving us this info.
Calvin Candie from Django Unchained + StepFord Wives = Get Out.
I understood it but the fact of why the flash messed them up like why the missing dude freak out on him and why the grandpa snap out and the biggest one what happend to the other guys she dated and lastly tf he find him lol
Bruh this video funny ass hell..."kill whitey"😂😂 RIP Chris Farley he's so missed in comedy films
can somone tell me the song at the beggining and end of the film
bezerk lama The song at the beginning is Redbone by Childish Gambino.
You didn't explain why the flash takes them out of their trance
Damn I almost forgot Chris Farley passed...great review by the way.
plot twist: In real life chris has an British accent, & his "black mirror" episode isn't too far from this concept
I hate horror movies! But this by far was one of the most interesting things I have seen probably ever. it made me laugh and gave me nightmares. It made me think and it made me sad and happy. I'm thinking that this is going to be at 1 time thing for Jordan Peele but if it's not I would be glad! I mean after all if Tom Ford is making great movies then why can't he?! :-)
It's like skeleton key
Jared bowman it's more like Austin Powers
Jared bowman I said the same thing. But it's more like Skelton key mixed with stepford wives.
Candie P Okay I'm not the only one to figure out that he got that idea from the movie Skeleton Key.
nice video
The big dude was there since 15 years old so he knew the deal he was the first kiss of the girl the brother talked about
My girlfriend is black. As one of the only white men in the theater when we saw this film, which is about a sinister cult of rich white people who take over the bodies of black people, I made sure to use my creepiest movie villain laugh during the moments of comic relief. Funny stuff. Black people take movies very seriously.
Great dedication from the girlfriend to be with him for 5 months before introducing him to her family.
LOL I told y'all bout that interracial dating! LOL They got Kanye
I swear I just seen the actor for Emperor Palpantine in one of the scenes.
I saw the movie yesterday it was freaking awesome
I see a lot of people saying that it made them uncomfortable because of the movies plot.
i never saw a horrormovie like that before it was a master piece
I'm gonna make a movie called "Come In" and it'll be about a white boyfriend meeting his black girlfriends parents and it's just two hours of them having a good time
I'm just happy the movie didn't have the same ending as Night of The Living Dead.
I haven't seen this movie yet. is it good? someone let me know.
that movie was awesome and original
Loved this movie. Definitely a lot of messages to be taken from this. I feel that everyone should see it even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Racism is still alive to day we can't ignore it. But like I always say not every black person is a thug and not every white person is a racist.
I enjoyed this movie and so did my kids. I watched it twice and picked up on things the second time around that I missed the first. This video explains a little more that I hadn't thought of. Check it out if you like.
if this was a Kubrick film the TSA guy would have been killed the moment he arrived.
Guys did you know dinosaurs still exits? Because I saw them in a movie
oh he'll this movie gonna really make me have to get . out lmfao