r/MaliciousCompliance - Karen Teacher Says My BROKEN LEG IS FAKE! Forces Me to Dance!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 603

  • @jakeofnotrades13579
    @jakeofnotrades13579 Месяц назад +189

    The fact that Mr. M got to retire is maddening. Forcing a child with a freshly broken ankle to dance for his amusement is monstrous. If I were the parent I would have done every thing to rune his life, sued him for all he was worth, demand he be fired immediately. If the school tried to fight back I would call the police, the news, and every parent of every child in that school and tell them exactly what kind of people they hire.

    • @GeorgieB1965
      @GeorgieB1965 Месяц назад +17

      Speaking as a retired government employee, it's often cheaper and more expedient to strong-arm an older employee into retirement when it comes to this kind of malfeasance. The employee can fight it, but I'm sure that HR and the union strongly persuaded him that it would be in his best interests to accept the early retirement.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 Месяц назад +10

      I'm pretty sure, if financially possible, I would still have sued him personally.

    • @zshimada
      @zshimada Месяц назад

      Keep in mind the CEO of activision blizzard got a multi-million dollar retirement plan after sending death threats to his secretary who complained about sexual harassment. Sorry to say, tenure is a powerful thing. Doesn't stop people from photoshopping devil horns on his head though.

    • @jeanniecorn2632
      @jeanniecorn2632 Месяц назад

      you do not have a open mind .

    • @Sam-ob4of
      @Sam-ob4of Месяц назад +3


  • @Vintagegirl70
    @Vintagegirl70 Месяц назад +370

    I got sick at work once and it took them so long to get me off of the register that I puked all over the open register drawer. I hope they had fun cleaning that money.

    • @DarthG33k
      @DarthG33k Месяц назад +54

      They needed the best money laundering service they could find...

    • @thalinororcbreaker2840
      @thalinororcbreaker2840 Месяц назад +24

      😂 I would pay to see that.

    • @ElCid48
      @ElCid48 Месяц назад +17

      when I made my first communion in the '50's I did not have breakfast and was unconscious when they had to to to receive communion. Mr Roberts had to come and pick me up to take me outside and my mother run and I come to on the porch of being rocked by my mother. I was able to walk back into the Church and kneel down at the altar and as the priest did not see me and was returning the Host back to the altar, the nuns used their slappers to make the priest aware I was there. He turn around and saw me and look like he was seeing a ghost. Where did she come from?? the nuns ushered be out after Mass and straight into the breakfast room and fed be oatmeal and toast.

    • @Enki1013
      @Enki1013 Месяц назад +12

      Beat me to a punchline on dirty money

    • @lorewolf
      @lorewolf Месяц назад +11

      Had that happen to me once... except I then had to clean up my own vomit... had a super sweet customer chew out the manager at the time... still didn't get to go home until my shift ended

  • @norarivkis2513
    @norarivkis2513 Месяц назад +191

    Story 1: my mother took her second year law school exams with morning sickness (I was born seven months later). This was in the 1960s, when very few women went to law school in the first place, and those who did go weren't very well treated. The proctor didn't see any reason why he should give my mother permission to leave the room during exams that nobody else had... until Mom smiled sweetly and threw up right on his shoes.
    She never had trouble getting permission to go to the bathroom for the rest of the exam week.

    • @lotusasche4183
      @lotusasche4183 Месяц назад +28

      Boss mom for the win! Putting misogyny and sexism in its place.

    • @norarivkis2513
      @norarivkis2513 Месяц назад +22

      @@lotusasche4183 Mom was great about that. She did it again when she finished law school and took the Bar exam.
      The New York Bar doesn't just require a written exam, but an interview by a senior judge or attorney who had to pass you for the 'character committee... which asinine plan was originally implemented to keep Jews out of the Bar Association. By the time Mom applied it was basically being used to keep out Black people and women.
      She was interviewed by an ancient judge who just stared at her for a full three minutes in silence when she entered his office. Finally, he blurted out quizzically, "You're married." It was said as if it was a statement, but he clearly meant it as a question.
      Mom allowed as how yes, she was.
      "And you still want to become a lawyer."
      Mom told him that yes, she did.
      Another few minutes of silence. Suddenly, accusing, he snarled, "You can't love your husband very much then, can you?!"
      Mom, without missing a beat, answered *"I wasn't aware that that was a requirement for admission to the New York Bar."*
      It was an especially personal hit because the judge was going through a very nasty divorce -- the kind that regularly gets written up in the society column of the newspapers -- at the time!
      Mom passed her exam just fine, but unsurprisingly failed that character committee interview, the first time she applied for the Bar. She practiced law in New Jersey -- where she'd passed the exam as well, and which did not have a character interview -- for six months until she could apply for New York again. That time, she got a different interviewer; one who handled the whole thing fairly and gave her no trouble.
      Mom always maintained that the six months of not working in-state was worth it for the chance to use that line.

    • @Fete_Fatale
      @Fete_Fatale Месяц назад +15

      I think OP got this wrong.
      He should really have puked on Karen rather than on his desk.

    • @norarivkis2513
      @norarivkis2513 Месяц назад +13

      @@Fete_Fatale Or at least on Karen's desk, if he couldn't get that close to the teacher.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar Месяц назад +46

    Retirement as a form of punishment is utter BS. That teacher from story 3 should've been fired and blacklisted, so he doesn't get to retire as a teacher.

    • @CaptainSaucyNoodles
      @CaptainSaucyNoodles 29 дней назад +4

      Lot of people get that done gently, like they get a talk with the principal and asked to retire from teaching.
      Publicly attacking employees generally reduces morale a bit.
      That's basically getting blackballed, just not in public. They have pretty extensive files on people in education.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Месяц назад +90

    Story 2: Hating a particular child for no real reason? That mentality does not belong in a school (or anywhere). The sister literally has a condition where her lips could bleed from extreme chapping, and the teacher just didn't care until the blood actually started flowing out of her mouth.
    Yeah, I think the experience traumatized the teacher enough that she just left

    • @alicewilloughby4318
      @alicewilloughby4318 Месяц назад +8

      I suspect the teacher had some bitter memory of being mistreated by a "perfect" child and ll the adults taking Miss Perfect's side, and OP's sister reminded her of that.

    • @ravenfox926
      @ravenfox926 26 дней назад

      I hope so. People like her shouldn't teach kids.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 Месяц назад +208

    Story 3 - That’s total BS! That teacher should’ve been fired and charged with child endangerment and neglect! If that had happened to me or my brother my mom would’ve gone scorched earth on that guy and the school.

    • @jacknoe4024
      @jacknoe4024 Месяц назад +22

      In a just world, Mr. M would have paid for OP's medical care for the remainder of their life.

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Месяц назад +19

      I may be wrong, but him being forced into "early retirement" means he got fired. Either way, he's a danger to students and was taught a lesson.

    • @Jedidiah_Martin_2
      @Jedidiah_Martin_2 Месяц назад +4

      Mine too! Mom is barely 5'2", but she grew up on a potato farm in Manhattan, Montana.

    • @Ocean.DreaMz
      @Ocean.DreaMz Месяц назад +3

      Back in the day, things were different.

    • @blitsriderfield4099
      @blitsriderfield4099 Месяц назад +6

      ​@@Jedidiah_Martin_2Today I learned there's a Manhattan, Montana

  • @SirPreyas
    @SirPreyas Месяц назад +42

    For story #3: I 100% agree. OP's oarents should've hired a lawyer and sued the school. Mr. M deserved WAY worse than just having to retire early.

  • @marylowther8495
    @marylowther8495 Месяц назад +59

    This was not at school but in the ER I actually worked in! I had developed an as yet undiagnosed allergy that led to convusive regurgitation for literally hours, and went in after about six hours of it for some badly needed IV fluids. Despite it clearly saying on my chart that Gravol had no effect on my problem the smart butt intern ordered it be administered.
    When I (did I mention I had been working there for twenty five years?) advised him that Gravol had already been tried unsuccessfully he replied "Don't be stupid. Gravol always works," and insisted it be administered. Ten minutes later, when he was back to check, I had the satisfaction of pulling over his lab coat and puking into his pocket!
    People (be they teachers, doctors, nurses or whoever) who don't listen to their patients and/or students deserve a pocket full of puke. That intern was not allowed to live his ignorance down, either, as my coworkers took to calling him "Doctor Gravol" to his face.

    • @gailpippin9761
      @gailpippin9761 Месяц назад +14

      Yeah...interns. I worked in a teaching hospital for 33 years, so I knew many. I'm still friends with 2 of them.
      Most of them were nice and competent, but there were a few arrogant little twits.....
      Now, I usually called them by either their first or last names (NEVER in earshot of a patient).
      So this one afternoon, the Head of the department, who had personally pirated me from another department as an appointment secretary) was standing about 10nfeet from my desk, his back to me, writing notes in a patient's chart (yeah, it was that long ago) when one of the Residents walked up. I greeted him with "Hey, John! How are you?" Withe the most venomous voice he hissed out "That's DOCTOR Smith to you!"
      With that, the department head grew still. He didn't move and I knew he was listening, but John...er, I mean, DOCTOR Smith was not aware of this as his back was to Dr O.
      I leaned back in my chair and said "Soooo...you want me to call you Dr Smith?"
      When he said 'yes', I told him "In that case, you can call me Mrs Jones"
      Oh, he went off on me! His fatal error was made when he said "You're just an appointment secretary!" I became my father at that point. He was standing while I was seated, but I looked down my nose at him, and my words became very cold and clipped, uttering each syllable clearly.
      "I am not "just" anything, JOHN! We appointment secretaries are your last hope when it comes to catching errors. We will schedule you with bag ladies, drunks and overall jetks until you beg for mercy. Don't you EVER refer to us or the front desk people as "just" anything! Do. You. Understand. Me?"
      With that, he turned to Dr O and whined out "Dr O, did you hear what she just said to me!?!?" (The big old, whiny baby!)
      Dr O turned around and said "I may be the head of this department, but you just locked horns with the person who really runs this place!"
      John just rushed off, Dr O gave me a wink, and went back to charting.
      I told the other appointment secretaries what had happened and what I planned to do, and they liked the idea, so for severall months filled his orders exactly how he'd written them, and we gave him the WORST patients ever, until he came to me to apologize and beg us to give him a break. I just told him he needed to come back when we were ALL there, because when he'd insulted ME, he'd insulted ALL of us, and he did.
      I guess the moral of the story is this: Respect your support staff, and they'll bend over backwards for you.
      Also, we still questioned orders that could jeopardize the patient.
      I was also asked to speak with the new interns every year about respecting the support staff...

    • @DSoSJohnH
      @DSoSJohnH 26 дней назад +4

      I have that issue with every time I go to the ER. Tylenol does not work for me at all, not pill, capsule, gel, or liquid IV. Every time I'm there I tell them that it doesn't work for me, and hasn't since I was 14 (I'm 39 now). Every time they give me pain killers, usually for a migraine due to not being able to eat or drink, they give me Tylenol, I tell them again before they hook it up to me. They always say that they have to give it. I tell them it's useless for me but go ahead, I'll only be in pain and getting worse for the next 1 to 2 hours while it drips. Every time 1 to 2 hours later they ask how I am, and I tell them the truth, the migraine is worse (or the headache has turned into a migraine). Half the time the migraine is so bad that it makes me vomit (or usually dry heaves, due to nothing in my stomach). At that point it's 50/50 on what they do. The good doctor/nurse gives me liquid tramadol, the rest set up a 2nd Tylenol IV which only prolongs my suffering. Only after I'm pressing my head so hard and nearly screaming in pain do they finally give me tramadol or something else that isn't Tylenol. I've been to the ER 6 times since 2023 for various reasons, and each time that's happened. I'm half tempted to just start saying that I'm allergic to Tylenol. The thing is, it's only Tylenol that doesn't work. Well, Advil/Aspirin doesn't work either, never has worked for me, not even when I was a kid. But Goody's Powder, which has Acetaminophen, it helps more often than not, something like 75% chance it will knock out a headache or migraine within 3 hours. Excedrin sometimes helps too, but it has to be the gel-cap, the normal capsule doesn't, however it's been much less effective in the past 8 years. So no idea why Tylenol has zero effect on me, and why others does/doesn't work on me like they do. I was given Tramadol pills for some other pain, I've tried them with migraines and the pills doesn't work for that. I was recently given Sumatriptan for migraines and it works less than 25% of the time. I'm just medically weird I guess XD

    • @marylowther8495
      @marylowther8495 26 дней назад +1

      @@DSoSJohnH Have you seen a specialist? Sounds like an allergy to me, and something most residents and interns have no experience with.

    • @L33TRedNinja
      @L33TRedNinja 24 дня назад

      ⁠ I have a similar problem with migraines.

  • @KaneLivesInDeath
    @KaneLivesInDeath Месяц назад +28

    Story 1: "She wouldn't even care if I was dying..."
    Yeah... at that point, I'd get her fired.

  • @alantran4901
    @alantran4901 Месяц назад +69

    Story 3: Here hoping the jerk did not get his pension/tenure because the school would need to cut cost.

    • @Salicat99
      @Salicat99 Месяц назад +4

      He will have gotten less, assuming it is like it is here. The number of years you have taught + age = percent of your best 5 years of pay (to a max of 85%). So his percentage was lower.

  • @SallySlayer409
    @SallySlayer409 Месяц назад +45

    If a teacher called me to bad mouth my kid, I would be hanging up to have that conversation in person with everyone and their mom. There are too many teachers that have zero skills with children.

    • @BlazeBuds
      @BlazeBuds Месяц назад +5

      Notice how 95% of these stories are about female teachers? Alot who were given the job because of equity and crap, now all the male teachers have gone cause they got fed up or driven away or me too got them over bs usually. Also so many female predator teachers. Its concerning that 90% of teachers now are female. Meed a good mix of men and women to teach, it should be the best person for the job

    • @latoyamcdonald4444
      @latoyamcdonald4444 Месяц назад +3

      ​@BlazeBuds you do realize that teaching was historical consider a woman's job along with nursing. Even when I was in college in the early 2000s there were incentives for guys to enroll into teaching courses.

    • @the_Pons
      @the_Pons 29 дней назад +2

      @@BlazeBuds And how many stories have one not heard over the years of male teachers and coaches being predators?
      Also, you sound like some misogynistic conspiracy theorist. I highly doubt "alot" of female teachers got their jobs due to equity rather than merit. Also, since 1988 male teachers have only made up 23-30% of teachers in the US, so most teachers are women to begin with, so if there are a few bad apples, it is going to appear to be almost soley women because that pool of people was larger to begin with.

  • @kkcliffy2952
    @kkcliffy2952 Месяц назад +23

    For the cold allergy story: why in the world were they making anyone swim in an unheated pool in winter?! That could be dangerous even for kids who aren't allergic to the cold.

    • @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber
      @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 20 дней назад +1

      Can confirm. Children are more less able to manage their body temperature, and are more susceptible to SUDDEN decline in condition (as opposed to the more gradual decline one sees in adults). That could have gone VERY wrong, VERY fast.

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 4 часа назад

      Yeah, I'd've said, "Fine, so send me to the principal's office." That's nuts. One thing parents need to tell their kids: bodily needs trump whatever any teacher or official says, and if there are consequences, the parents will back them up.

  • @lotusasche4183
    @lotusasche4183 Месяц назад +68

    Me: "Can i have that in writing please?"
    Also me: you have just signed your death warrant.

  • @The420ofGod
    @The420ofGod Месяц назад +50

    Story 3: I would have still sue for all the things Mr m. Did especially singling out and targeting someone

  • @rhaeasoul8531
    @rhaeasoul8531 Месяц назад +8

    Purposely ignoring a students allergies should be charged as assualt / attempted murder towards the evil teacher.

  • @firefly4f4
    @firefly4f4 Месяц назад +42

    Title story/ Mr. M:
    Should have gone through with the lawsuit anyway, personally against him and the school for employing him. That's indefensible.

  • @IamSnowbird
    @IamSnowbird Месяц назад +46

    I taught with some people who never should have been teachers.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Месяц назад +20

    All of the Students should have told Mr. M and the rest of the Teachers to Stuff Themselves when they demand the kids do the Chicken Dance...
    When Mr. M tries to write them up for refusing to do it, report him to the Principal, School Board, Department of Education & CPS for Child Abuse...
    I would have...

  • @CourchaineDk
    @CourchaineDk Месяц назад +11

    If a teacher forced my kid to dance with a broken bone, i'm pretty sure i'd go to jail shortly after.

    • @sheyennemerritt3215
      @sheyennemerritt3215 22 дня назад +1

      Yeah I know parents need to do that
      mine didn't
      I had a broken foot for 2 hours at play practice for a musical where I had to dance and they made me go through the stupid Musical and go through the practice cuz they refused to call my mother and people keep trying to insist oh "but a teacher wouldn't do that"
      a teacher and a grandma did that a GRANDMA, with a grandkid my age and my class at school

    • @sheyennemerritt3215
      @sheyennemerritt3215 22 дня назад +1

      By the way I was in a cast for 6 weeks after that a boot for 4 weeks after that that I could not walk in I was diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy otherwise known as complex regional pain syndrome a year later I'm 31 now I was 14 when it happened

  • @Orxenhorf
    @Orxenhorf Месяц назад +6

    14:00 - That right there... THAT is what pisses me off the most. Do something horrific or even illegal? Oh, you can retire with no mention of it on the records or loss of benefits. He needed to be fired, with a note sent to the state board of education accreditation office to rescind his teaching certificate.
    They do the same crap with cops all the time too. Oh, you wrecked an innocent persons car & injured them severely by speeding through a light while not even responding to a call? Suspended with pay until being allowed to retire with full benefits, or sent off the get the same job in a different town.

  • @low-keydrama1260
    @low-keydrama1260 Месяц назад +7

    Story 1: “I don’t care if you’re dying” + accusing OP of vomiting ON PURPOSE to spite her despite everyone telling her = shouldn’t be allowed to teach

  • @patriciakilbourn4323
    @patriciakilbourn4323 Месяц назад +3

    Just another quick comment. I was a teacher and the saddest thing I ever heard was from a student who asked me this question. "Why are you a teacher? You LIKE children." She was in 6th grade.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 Месяц назад +27

    Story 3 - If that had been me or my brother, that guy would be in jail because my mom would’ve gone Hell on Earth on him and the teacher.

    @SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS Месяц назад +14

    The teachers in elementary school were mad at me and I threw up on my desk too. "That's what... *gags* ...the problem is." I said. I went home.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 Месяц назад +19

    Story 1 - To be honest I was expecting OP to throw up on that teacher but then that would’ve made the situation worse for him. But seriously though that teacher should’ve been fired if not suspended without pay

    • @Ryanthusar
      @Ryanthusar Месяц назад +3

      OP should have, and nope it wouldnt have been worse, all the teacher could do was send them to the principals office. The principal would not have been happy and gone after the teacher. The teacher would have no choice but to leave to go home to get changed. Also, as I said in my post, it's a biohazard when someone is sick. It also can set others off, yeah sympathy nausea can be a B at times, but in a classroom of kids you will have other kids also throwing up due to that reason.

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 Месяц назад +4

    Story 3: Mr. M should have been arrested for Child Abuse & Child Endangerment for threatening an injured child to further injure themselves by performing a humiliation-only video.
    Having police drag him out of his own classroom in handcuffs would have been karmic justice in it's own right. Not to mention a civil suit brought against him and the school.
    That kind of thing could get a school closed down and/or most of the admin fired since they had knowingly allowed the humiliation video to occur for multiple years.
    Story 4: IEP = Individualized Education Program

  • @xxartimisxx
    @xxartimisxx Месяц назад +9

    This is actually one of my favorite stories to tell! My little brother thought I was faking or lying about being allergic to shrimp. I think I was about preteen age when at least two or three separate occasions of me getting sick (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) to figure out my body didn’t like it, even it I found it delicious. I started saying I was allergic to avoid contact wit it. If my brother had a friend eating with us he would whisper-yell “She’s not really allergic!” I wish I was exaggerating that, but I’m not. If it was just our family he would roll his eyes and glare at me. I never developed hives or swelled like a balloon (that I can remember at least) so I guess in his mind if I wasn’t dying then I wasn’t really allergic. That or he really thought I was being overdramatic…
    Anyway, a decade later I’m in college getting tested for allergies when I remember that I get sick from eating shrimp. The doctor tells me “Well, you probably aren’t allergic but we’ll test you anyway.” I was tested for shrimp, crab, and lobster, and I came up positive for being allergic to ALL THREE. First thing I did was text my brother “You can shut up now about me not being allergic to shrimp, I have medical proof that I am.” I still remember that satisfied, devious grin I wore afterward, even as my back itched like crazy.

    • @karinwolf3645
      @karinwolf3645 Месяц назад +1

      I was tested for an egg allergy that I thought I had when I was a child... Turns out I really am allergic to eggs. Who knew?

  • @magpiewithagamingpc1516
    @magpiewithagamingpc1516 Месяц назад +9

    I had a teacher who said I made myself throw up. I was in 4th grade and felt like I was dying. Ended up with a fever of over 100🤣

  • @stevensiferd7104
    @stevensiferd7104 Месяц назад +5

    Story 1 -- True malicious compliance would be puking ON the teacher.
    Story 3 -- I was in eighth grade in 1978/79 when bullying was much more common. Even back then, this level of bullying from a teacher would not be accepted or excused.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Месяц назад +9

    Story 5: Hey, at least the teacher let the skippers take the test when they showed up and graded them fairly. I kinda laugh at the imagery of them making their way through the building in Golf shoes

  • @EastTexasRanching
    @EastTexasRanching Месяц назад +3

    The story about the girl with the broken ankle. They should have gone ahead and sued the school. The school knew this teacher was mental. And, she should have sued the teacher in his personal capacity for everything he owned. I was fortunate to have great teachers. But, we had great principals too. That usually makes the difference.

  • @kristymurphy9361
    @kristymurphy9361 Месяц назад +4

    My senior year I didn't participate in skip day. I had learned from the previous 2 years that most teachers at my school were cool with the practice and planned "fun" classes for that day. All except my US History teacher. She hated skip day, but she made it worth it to those that showed up to class. We were in the middle of a "project" that was worth 40% of our grade. This "project" was watching the most boring videos that put everyone to sleep and filling out a 20 page (front and back) packet of questions. Everyone that showed up on skip day got all the answers given to us. We showed up to class and she said "Sit down, shut up, get out your packets, I'm not repeating myself. Period." It's the only reason I passed that class.

    • @QuayHollywood
      @QuayHollywood 17 дней назад

      I had a teacher who would do this. Not cause she hated Skip Day but because she just wanted to see what the class would do. I know for a fact I was passing that class anyway, but I still went cause from pre-k to senior year. I had perfect attendance, and I wasn't breaking my streak, lol. It was definitely me and 1 other kid that was holding the highest grade in the class to show up. I don't remember the others. Funnily enough, she let us go after about 5 minutes, and it was my US history class 😂.

  • @RunnyBabbitMom
    @RunnyBabbitMom Месяц назад +22

    I have face blindness, what that means is even if I have known someone 20 years I don't reconize their face so I know people by features. I know one lady by her beautiful silvery gray hair. One day when I was at the grocery store a woman came into line behind me and kept tapping me on the shoulder and waving but not saying anything. I said hi and went back to unloading my cart. Then she said it's rude to pretend to not know someone and I realized it was the lady who usually had silvery gray hair, she had dyed her hair bright red. I told her about my face blindness, she crossed her arms and said that at her age if that actually existed she would know about it.

    • @carace246
      @carace246 Месяц назад +6

      Brad Pitt padece de lo mismo, ni siquiera es capaz de reconocer a sus propios hijos, el dice que los reconoce por rasgos característicos y voces

    • @dixietenbroeck8717
      @dixietenbroeck8717 Месяц назад +13

      *"Face Blindness" DOES EXIST! I've known about it for many years - 73yo, retired RN here.*

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom Месяц назад +4

      @@dixietenbroeck8717 Thank you. It's nice to know there are people who know about it.

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom Месяц назад +3

      @@carace246 ¡Uau! Yo no lo sabía. Gracias.

    • @darralynemunro7350
      @darralynemunro7350 Месяц назад +11

      My daughter has a mild form of face blindness. She didn't actually know that we recognised people by their facial features until she was about 15 or 16. She always thought that we all identified people the way she did. She always looks for other identifying features such as hair colour, earrings, clothing types, stance, body shape etc. She recognises people she knows well like close family and her husband, but other people she really battles to recognise until they either speak or remind her where she knows them from. During Covid I mentioned to her that I was battling to recognise people with masks on because I couldn't see their whole face, so she pipes up, "Welcome to MY world. I then understood what she goes through. I have great sympathy for her now.

  • @OklaCrazyChick
    @OklaCrazyChick Месяц назад +8

    In 4th grade (93 or 94) I had been knocked off the jungle gym by my "friends " & fallen 6 feet to the ground. My right arm felt funny & I asked to go to the office because I thought it was broken.
    The teacher on recess duty told me it didn't look broken & to go sit on the steps & wait for the bell...
    I lay there crying, holding my arm for 30 minutes until recess was over.
    Then some teachers took me into the bathroom, had me remove my shirt & were moving & bending my arm around.
    It didn't really hurt until I lifted it like I was raising my hand.
    It just felt really heavy.
    They kept saying it wasn't broken because I could bend my elbow (?)
    Luckily my mom had come up to the school for something unrelated because NOBODY HAD CALLED HER!!
    I just heard her voice screaming & cussing down the halls about them not calling her for over an hour & then she comes in, finding me crying, TOPLESS in the bathroom surrounded by 6 teachers.
    Needless to say, I got taken to the hospital & had broken my arm between the shoulder and elbow (closer to my shoulder).
    I also had some of those same teachers not believe it still because I wasn't put in a cast.
    It was such an awkward spot that a cast wouldn't work.
    A half body cast was my only other option.
    I've since broken that exact same spot three more times....

    • @matteoinocencio9702
      @matteoinocencio9702 Месяц назад +2

      Son of a nurse here: HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU BREAK YOUR HUMERUS?!?!?

    • @OklaCrazyChick
      @OklaCrazyChick Месяц назад +2

      I was a very skinny & brittle child.
      I ended up having to take calcium supplements because of it.
      I can still snap a finger bone by clinching too hard.

  • @bear_trap107
    @bear_trap107 Месяц назад +2

    Trust me, if i was a parent and a teacher denied my kid a basic medical requirement they need, then i would raise absolute hell.

  • @joaopedrooliveira590
    @joaopedrooliveira590 День назад +1

    Story 3 - not only the teacher, the principal should have been fired as well. He knew the behaviour of the teacher and allowed him to keep dealing with children. Forget the lawyers, I would have the police involved. And by the time that teacher was in jail, I would make sure everyone there knew he was arrested for assault on a child.

  • @a.jaydeb.7441
    @a.jaydeb.7441 Месяц назад +7

    I have an allergy to fake sugars, a lot of people roll their eyes at me when I cringe away from "diet" or "zero" sodas. I once had a teacher that was doing an end of year party and while she was asking what kinds of sodas and drinks we wanted I specifically requested we have some that aren't diet or zero, due to my allergy. She basically scoffed and said she would ONLY be getting drinks of those kinds because they were "healthier"(spoiler alert: they're actually NOT healthier, less real sugar but tons of fake sugar that's far harder on your body even if you're not allergic). My level of allergy is not dying level luckily.... but it can get messy and I was a vindictive kid. Day of the party comes and I make sure I'm wearing clothes I'm not fond of, and I get a diet coke. Teacher starts talking, saying stuff like "see, isn't that so much better" "it's so much healthier for you", and I turn to her with a shit-eating grin and blood absolutely pouring from my nose going "I don't think it is." The shriek of horror she let out was so worth the migraine and gushing nose lmao, my mom wasn't amused when I told her why my clothes were ruined though...

  • @roymustang5922
    @roymustang5922 Месяц назад +9

    Some of these teachers are on an undeserved power trip.

  • @christopherabbott3484
    @christopherabbott3484 Месяц назад +3

    Growing up no one believed me that I'm allergic to onions. They would make my tongue itch. Luckily that's as bad as it got.

  • @elza_jay
    @elza_jay Месяц назад +6

    I have Spontaneous Urticaria, and one of my triggers is excessive heat. If i get too warm, my entire body breaks out in hives to the point I need a cold shower or ice bath.

  • @stacy4530
    @stacy4530 Месяц назад +3

    I have a friend who is allergic to water. Can you imagine? She showers, gets out covered in hives. Doing the dishes, covered in hives. She can't wear gloves to wash the dishes, or clean, because she sweats and gets covered in hives. It's bonkers. Hot days where she sweats, covered in hives. The hives go away after a bit, but what a hassle

  • @poohbear4515
    @poohbear4515 Месяц назад +13

    Ugh…I used to get very bad chapped lips because out of habit, I always licked my lips and around them making them very scabby and disgusting… I’m autistic so it was tough for me to get used to the feeling of lip medicine, but after some time, I got used to it and my lips were back to normal. But I can still remember the painful feeling when listening to the second story…. That girl is a legend.

  • @JadenYukifan28
    @JadenYukifan28 Месяц назад +11

    Story #2: too bad the teacher wasn't fired for what she did, but come on, that Teacher was a bully and really stupid. I have an Allergy to Latex, I can touch it but if it touches anywhere else I can go into anaphylaxis shock.

  • @karinwolf3645
    @karinwolf3645 Месяц назад +4

    One summer when I was young I was allergic to sunlight. Any time I went into direct sunlight I broke out in hives. It took hours in the shade to make them go away. Then it went away! 🤷🙄

  • @drewmetcalf5506
    @drewmetcalf5506 Месяц назад +2

    My 6th grade teacher hated me. Having just moved, no students or teachers knew me. On the first day, he called roll. My full name is "A," and the most common nickname is "B," but I've always been called "C." He asked."What do I call you, "A" or "B"? I said "C," and the whole class laughed. He got embarrassed, and from that moment on, I was his whipping boy.
    It was bad enough that my mother tried to complain to the principal. We were told to cut HIM some slack. Apparently, he had just lost his wife and child in a traffic accident. I felt very sorry for him, but that didn't stop me from having the most miserable year I ever had in school.
    Some people should not be teachers if they can't resist taking out their own problems on children.

  • @richardmarkert7736
    @richardmarkert7736 26 дней назад +2

    I used to fall asleep in class. Teachers would make me stand up. So I learned to sleep standing up

  • @bertkesurf
    @bertkesurf Месяц назад +10

    A cold/low temp allergy is absolutely real, my best friend has it. I've seen him break out in hives in temps under 72 degrees, it's wild.

    • @zangetsu2k8
      @zangetsu2k8 Месяц назад +1

      Altho a very mild case. I have cold allergy. I get itchy rash on both my hands during winter. Wearing gloves does not help much.

    • @karencotlar2023
      @karencotlar2023 25 дней назад +1

      My mother had a cold allergy. She’d also get really itchy when she was cold, and if you just lightly brush her skin much less scratch it would get these angry red welts which went away when she warmed up.

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 4 часа назад

      @@zangetsu2k8 Are these tiny blisters that later merge into big blisters, for which you need steroid cream? If so, read up on dyshidrosis. My trigger for it was laundry soap. And in the winter, waiting at the bus stop, what would my hands be doing? They'd be in my coat pockets, trying to keep warm. Coat pockets--places where the washing machine was unlikely to fully rinse out the laundry detergent. Even today, when I do laundry, whether I get any of the detergent on my hands or not, I always wash my hands immediately with bar soap, just in case. I had my hands break out one time so bad that they literally looked worse than monster hands from a cheesy 50's horror flick. Today, if/when it happens, I ask my GP for one of those 6-5-4-3-2-1 steroid pill packs. BTW, CVS's "Itch Relief" is great for temporary relief from this stuff.

  • @EagleClipCh
    @EagleClipCh Месяц назад +7

    For the allergy story; I am allergic to jalapeños specifically I can have other hot peppers or regular peppers but not jalapeños. Others usually take this with a grain of salt until 2021 during a party where jalapeños was put in the salsa and no one was told. I spent the next 3 hours puking my guts up when I was conscious and then blacking out afterwards.

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Месяц назад +3

      What happened to the one who made the Salsa?

    • @EagleClipCh
      @EagleClipCh Месяц назад +2

      @JadenYukifan28 they were not told of my allergy so it was an honest mistake

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Месяц назад +3

      @@EagleClipCh Ahh, glad everything worked out in the end.

  • @TheSkreeBat
    @TheSkreeBat Месяц назад +2

    Wish that mom demanded the teacher to be fired or threaten legal action, him being retired is such BS

  • @zachmansfield6640
    @zachmansfield6640 Месяц назад +11

    Story #4- Props to Mrs. Schaffer for knowing when to fold 'em.

    • @user-fd2dc8us8n
      @user-fd2dc8us8n Месяц назад +2

      Waaay back when, I did something in school (don't remember what or when) where I had to write a sentence a certain amount of times. I managed to get 3 pencils lined up in my writing hand to legibly write the sentence. Finished the task up nicely, but did have some cramping afterwards. 😊

  • @giavette_x_dekarios
    @giavette_x_dekarios Месяц назад +2

    I spent an entire day throwing up, dizzy, horrible migraine and the principal refused to send me home because when she called my house, my father, who knew absolutely NOTHING about me, couldn't understand why they were calling and to HER that meant I was faking. I threw up six times through the day, twice in front of her but because I didn't throw up fast enough the last time, she told me she thought I was doing it on purpose to get sent home. It turned out, my new glasses had had the lenses in backwards and it was causing my eyes to be unable to focus properly and it was messing with my equilibrium. I spent the next 2 days out of school until I could get the right lenses and then mom tore the principal and all of my teachers a new one. Sadly, no one cared and life continued on as usual.

  • @charlenevarada--Stargazer
    @charlenevarada--Stargazer Месяц назад +2

    Hi-these "teacher" stories really hit home with me because I had one in 5th grade who NEVER allowed her students to use the bathroom during class time! In fact, if any student wanted to go bathroom badly, she NEVER called on them-so when they urinated under their desks, she dragged them down to the principal's office claiming they were "crazy & needed psychiatric care!" She even slapped students in the face too! I was a target for her s**t as well even though I was innocent!😮

  • @kstricl
    @kstricl Месяц назад +2

    My oldest son has cold urticaria, as does my father in law.
    My father in law has a story about going to the hospital for swelling, something where applying a cold pack is a common treatment. He warned the nurse that he had the condition and the nurse refused to believe him. She applied the cold pack; after a while she checked on things and sure enough, father in law had broken out in hives and was generally miserable. While she's half freaking out, father in law is telling her "told you so" and the Dr tells the nurse "next time someone says they are allergic to something, listen to them."

  • @petestorz172
    @petestorz172 Месяц назад +9

    IIRC, "IEP" = Individual Education Plan.

    • @primrosevale1995
      @primrosevale1995 Месяц назад +5

      THIS. This right here is super important because it details the accommodations and needs for students who have learning disabilities.

  • @blitsriderfield4099
    @blitsriderfield4099 Месяц назад +3

    Why in the big wide world would a school have SWIMMING CLASSES in an UNHEATED POOL IN WINTER?!

    • @leafdaleaudiovideoengineer4763
      @leafdaleaudiovideoengineer4763 Месяц назад

      Some pools in the American southwest operate year-round, since the lowest air temperature is maybe about 40 deg F. Yeah, the water's cold, but not THAT cold.

  • @arthurbrandonnielsen
    @arthurbrandonnielsen Месяц назад +2

    Should have gone Scorched Earth on that abusive teacher.
    "I am taking this to the lawyers and the papers. Your choice whether or not this evidence includes the school as a willing, knowing accomplice.

  • @BlueSkyBS
    @BlueSkyBS Месяц назад +2

    Story 3: So OP has to live with a lifelong injury that, whilst inconvenient now, is probably going to get worse as they get older. Meanwhile, the teacher who forced them to dance on said injury doesn't face any real consequences for his actions. And no, I do not consider being made to, quietly, retire early as consequences. That's more like being swept under the rug for being problematic.

  • @dylan0063
    @dylan0063 Месяц назад +2

    If my kid broke their ankle and a teacher forced them to dance the retirement wouldn't stop me from sueing and pressing charges not less

  • @Rosedawn321
    @Rosedawn321 Месяц назад +3

    When I went to ICU I was unconscious for 2 days and by the time I awoke by lips were so dry they were almost bleeding. The hospital didm’t even have vaseline on hand! God bless my daughter for bringing me Carmex!

  • @heatherdickau5335
    @heatherdickau5335 Месяц назад +2

    The sad part about story 3 is that he probably just moved on to a new school district. That is how crappy teachers keep teaching. The school board should have fired him.

  • @mjd3813
    @mjd3813 Месяц назад +3

    Story 2- I have a water allergy. Yep, every time water touches my skin for more than 15 minutes I will become red and break out in hives. Needless to say it has caused a couple of problems on school pool days with the older teachers.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 26 дней назад +1

      “I'm H₂O-intolerant.” -Sheldon (from Finding Nemo)

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Месяц назад +3

    Three times in my school daze I actually walked out of a bad teacher's class, and never went back. Even as a kid I didn't tolerate their BS. 🤨
    Story three.... Mr. M should have been fired, losing his teaching credentials and his pension. He was a monster. 😡

  • @PositiveStellarLuckyAchiever
    @PositiveStellarLuckyAchiever Месяц назад +4

    Story 3: Why didn't it occur to OP to just skip the fieldtrip? That's what I did the one time I didn't want to go, albeit for different reasons.
    And really, all abusive teachers should be arrested. Students have rights!

    • @foogod4237
      @foogod4237 26 дней назад

      Umm, why would they *want* to skip it? It's a party in the park (with pizza) with all of their friends. They clearly *did want to go* to the party/field trip.
      By the sound of things, they probably wouldn't even have minded that much doing the dance if they'd been physically able to. You seem to have completely missed the whole point of the story that they *weren't* trying to get out of doing something they didn't want to do.

  • @hagnat
    @hagnat Месяц назад +7

    story 4.. this is a clear Monty Hall Problem story. The homeroom teacher already refused the 1st "door" (OP writing 1 line and copy-pasting 100x), and she was presented with the 2nd "door" (OP dictactes, they write it down)... would you DARE to swap that 2nd Door for a 3rd "Door", without knowing if it would make OP have to actually do something, or if it was more punishing task on yourself ?

    • @foogod4237
      @foogod4237 26 дней назад +1

      Umm, this is nothing like a Monty Hall problem really in any way: the "prizes" behind the doors are not predetermined, there's potentially no limit to the number of doors, there is no opportunity to choose which door is opened, and the "host" never reveals any additional information at any point. That's like looking at a cat and saying "this is clearly an antelope".
      Plus, the correct response to an *actual* Monty Hall problem is that the contestant *should* switch doors when given the opportunity (so your analogy actually suggests the opposite of what you're claiming).
      (This is just a simple escalating confrontation. Really just a game of "chicken", more than "Let's Make a Deal".)

  • @sergiom3988
    @sergiom3988 Месяц назад +2

    8:00 the teacher was fired not because it could have ended badly for the commenter with the "cold allergy", but because it could end badly for the school. Can you even start to imagine what a deeeeeeeep legal trouble the school would be in if that student died?

  • @patrickfraley361
    @patrickfraley361 Месяц назад +2

    Story 3: Unfortunately, he probably still got his pension when he retired.

  • @celestialflea
    @celestialflea Месяц назад +2

    Story 3 is child abuse and endangerment, should've been arrested and thrown in jail never mind forced retirement. Mom should've definitely sued the schools ass off, they knew he was being abusive towards kids and did nothing to rectify it so they are 100% liable.

  • @GeorgieB1965
    @GeorgieB1965 Месяц назад +2

    Story #2, the addendum: I had a co-worker who actually had that allergy and used to get shots for it. I had a hard time believing it, as I never heard of someone being allergic to cold weather, but I did give the benefit of the doubt, as she was originally from Jamaica, where it's perpetually warm, and she never experienced the cold until she moved to New England.

  • @Mongolenfreak
    @Mongolenfreak Месяц назад +2

    Third story: that teacher ahould have been sued. Op has problems to the day with their ankle, this is a serious problem with impact on their daily live. It will get op medical problems especially when op gets older.

  • @DavidFMayerPhD
    @DavidFMayerPhD Месяц назад +2

    When I taught high school, all a student need to do to go to the restroom was to raise her hand. I immediately pointed to the door. Elapsed time: one second.

  • @khalidfrancis6845
    @khalidfrancis6845 Месяц назад +2

    Allergic to being cold is CRAZY

  • @Nonexister1
    @Nonexister1 29 дней назад +1

    I was a telephone lineman for 16 years. During one winter, after a fresh snow, I was working in a field. I foegot my sunglasses, and it was a bright sun shiny day. I spent the day with the sun glaring off snow. To this day, I'm still sensitive to bright lights. Getting my eyes checked annually causes a severe headache.

  • @momothegamer6375
    @momothegamer6375 Месяц назад +2

    Story 2- I have a minor allergy to fruit and veggies. More specifically the pollen on the plant that grows said food, but either way, all fruits and veggies make my tongue and throat itch like crazy. Not enough to keep me away, but still annoying. Many ppl I've told don't believe it's real.

  • @heatherdickau5335
    @heatherdickau5335 Месяц назад +2

    Story 1 And Op helped spread his stomach bug thanks to the teacher. Lets hope she was the first to catch it.

  • @dylanvodden1369
    @dylanvodden1369 Месяц назад +2

    My buddies little brother was told he takes too many bathroom breaks, so one time he had to go and the teacher wouldnt let him, so he peed himself right at the desk. That was the last time anyone stopped him from using the restroom during class.

  • @Khozhi01
    @Khozhi01 Месяц назад +2

    Some teachers never should teach. In second grade my mom got my teacher fired after she slammed me into the desk pushing my seat in. Because I was pushed to far away from it. My actual ribs were bruised in a perfect line across my lil chest.

  • @Danceofmasks
    @Danceofmasks Месяц назад +2

    I had a bad teacher one year.
    From that point on, no matter what the circumstance, I'd refer to her as "Miss Flaming Thunderc***" to her face, to every other member of staff, to the principal, everybody.
    When challenged, I'd just stand my ground with, "if it's a fact, it's not slander"

  • @Xarestrill
    @Xarestrill Месяц назад +1

    I had a computer teacher in high school that told us all on day one that if we felt like we were going to throw up, just get up and go because she didn't want us to end up puking on the computers while trying to get her permission.

  • @HalfEye79
    @HalfEye79 26 дней назад +2

    To the allergies:
    I have an allergy to a sort of penicillin. What is very unconvenient. But I just found out in my 40s. So, no teacher got involved.
    To story 4:
    There was a similar story with Carl Friedrich Gauß, who became a mathematician in the 18th century. He had to sum all whole numbers from 1 to 100. He took a shortcut from it. When you add 1 to 100 you get 101. That also is true with 2 and 99 or 3 and 98. So he just added 1 and 100 and multiplied the sum by 50 and he got the result of 5050 in mere minutes.

  • @s.q.10-e66
    @s.q.10-e66 28 дней назад +2

    My wife has a story where a teacher didn't believe that she had to run to the bathroom and throw up. All the kids were lined up to go, single file, to the next thing, so my wife turned around, to get in line I think, and ended up vomiting all over the first three or four kids in line.

  • @amorasilverspark
    @amorasilverspark 29 дней назад +4

    Anyone who wants to know what an IEP is, it stands for Individual Education Plan.

  • @dianemartel5205
    @dianemartel5205 Месяц назад +2

    Story 1: I heard about a kid who fell off some playground equipment at noon recess and broke his collar bone. His butthole teacher didn’t believe he was hurt and the kid didn’t go to the hospital until after he got home that day. I honestly don’t know why his parents didn’t sue the crap out of the teacher and the school.

  • @itsjulliancook2900
    @itsjulliancook2900 29 дней назад +2

    Im at the end of the allergy story.
    Let me start by saying, I have a skin condition which basically makes me allergic to intense UV light. In the spring/summer/early fall, im always covered as much as possible. Even with make up as sunscreen alone is not enough. If im exposed for too long, my skin starts to burn, swell and break out into these painful rashes that look like tiny bubble. It takes months to heal from a flare up. Its rare for people on the equator to have it, but most in the northern hemisphere are familiar with the condition and understands the different severities.
    So back when i was in middle / Highschool, i had this one PE teacher who wouldn't believe my allergies were real and thought i was faking it to avoid being in the sun. Im Brown and back them (20 yrs ago) it was common for girls not wanting to get tanned because being light skinned was considered beautiful. So i would get dragger out from the shade or indoor courts, to go do the drills outside. It took a sever reaction which made my skin bleed from the little bumps, for the teacher to let me go back inside. And then berated me for not wearing sunscreen. Which was a lie because i wore and still wear sunscreen everyday.
    My dad lost it on them and after that day, i was exempt from any outsde sports if it wasnt in the shade or if i couldnt wear uv guards.

  • @vickymc9695
    @vickymc9695 Месяц назад +2

    The weirdest allergy I know of is my friends' one. He's allergic to being dehydrated.
    Hot days and he starts going to anaphylaxis

  • @yaqbulyakkerbat4190
    @yaqbulyakkerbat4190 Месяц назад +2

    Story 3 reminds me of what happened to my female cousin. It was 1999, so 25 years ago I guess (makes me feel old). She and I are the same age, both 10 at the time.
    Her class had an absolutely reprehensible teacher that considered himself a hotshot. Jerk is a fitting name. Guy was around 30 from what I know. Still pretty fresh to teaching with only a few years under his belt. And he was insanely mean and physical with the kids. Never hitting them, but often grabbing them, screaming, shaming them in front of the class etc.
    It came to a head during swimming lessons when my cousin was afraid to jump off the diving board. Jerk charged up there and tried to shove her off. She panicked and tried to avoid him. So he ended up hurling her off the board and making her crack her head open on the side of the pool.
    She nearly drowned too but the lifeguard managed to save her life. The entire time jerk refused to lift a finger to help.
    My cousin ended up being in a coma for 2 months. And when an arbitrator informed my uncle that the only punishment Jerk was getting was the rest of the year on paid suspension. (Despite a full class of kids, a teachers aide, and a lifeguard reporting him. From what my uncle says, Jerk was closely related to the head of the school board). He decided to take things into his own hands.
    My uncle at the time was, lets say, part of a club. A club that liked motorcycles, mechanics, and bars. When his pals heard the full story they felt that justice hadn't been served.
    Jerk spent the next 8 months in a body cast and has had a permanent limp that necessitates a cane ever since. Apparently he's an amazing and empathetic teacher nowadays.
    Cousin is okay. She's been photosensitive and had periodic migraines ever since. But has gone into a profession caring for special-needs children. And she's quite happy.
    Uncle Randy still brags about it when he's had a few too many beers lol.

  • @MizuMing
    @MizuMing Месяц назад +1

    Story 1: Saying things like she didn't care if Op was even dying should have ended her career right there. She had no business teaching with that attitude. 🙅

  • @blender4464
    @blender4464 Месяц назад +3

    They took senior skip day off to golf? How boring.

  • @shadodragonette
    @shadodragonette Месяц назад +1

    The person with the "cold allergy", I think I used to have it, too. From high school until I got pregnant. Not as bad as you, but I would break out in hives if I got too cold. My hands and feet would swell just from air conditioning, and welts would appear all over my body as if I had been beaten. My parents did take me to the doctor multiple times, but the hives would fade before they could see me. They only once got so bad that I broke out on my scalp and face, that was when a doctor saw it and decided it was nerves without any tests of any kind. This continued into my mid 20's, until I got pregnant. I have ZERO idea why it stopped then, but I am grateful. No one could ever give me a good reason why it happened or why it stopped. Your "cold allergy" makes the most sense. Thank you for solving one mystery for me!

  • @captainclaws9149
    @captainclaws9149 Месяц назад +2

    Story 1: something I think you guys are missing is that the teacher said that she didn’t care if the student was dieing even if she was exaggerating that’s still nothing to say to a student.

  • @SquiggyGirlForever
    @SquiggyGirlForever Месяц назад +2

    Forcing kids to do the chicken dance?? How about no fricking way. Especially on a broken ankle. ... Not happening!

  • @creator-chan5255
    @creator-chan5255 Месяц назад +7

    Story 2- I have an allergy to fresh garlic. My Chinese teacher was having my class do a hot pot and she brought chopped garlic and chives with her. Her, knowing my allergy, puts the open tub over me, since I sat next to her. Everyone shouted at her to get it away from me. BTW-She was the Chinese language and culture teacher and she was teaching table manners that day

  • @sylverkat9488
    @sylverkat9488 Месяц назад +2

    I have two allergies - one is for a medication that nobody really uses anymore (actifed) and the other is to onions. I won't react to dehydrated onions as much, but fresh onions make me break out in hives. I can't count the number of people on my hands and toes that have told me there is no such thing. I assure you, there is!

  • @banisteranim8573
    @banisteranim8573 Месяц назад +4

    I have something like an allergy to mint. Growing up my grandmother did not believe me. Anytime I had anything with mint in it, my face and hands would turn pink and my mouth and throat would burn for around 1-2 hours after. It wasn't until little me ran out of my little kid toothpaste that I got to be a bit petty. My grandmother told me to use hers (I stayed the night at her house a lot as a kid) and I was hesitant because hers smelled a lot more like mint than mine did, but she insisted. So I complied. Within minutes, my mouth was both burning and numb. I was drooling and crying and she didn't know what to do so she sent me to bed. I woke up the next morning with a low fever and the worst sore throat I've ever had and my grandmother made sure I was never low on my toothpaste at her house again. I actually still have to use kids toothpaste to this day, to avoid something similar happening (This repeated with my mother's toothpaste to a slightly lesser degree a few years after so I'm taking no chances).

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 4 часа назад

      That's not "like" an allergy--that IS an allergy! I'm surprised you survived!

  • @ashleyrollins3121
    @ashleyrollins3121 Месяц назад +1

    I whole-heartedly believe that Mr. M was bullied in school and specifically chose to be a teacher so he could bully students.

  • @giraffegiraffe8702
    @giraffegiraffe8702 Месяц назад +1

    Foot story - early retirement vs being charged… that’s why you don’t let the school decide how to handle “punishment”.
    The school administration is there to protect themselves, not the students. So they’re going to try to pick any option that’s easiest for them, especially if it doesn’t make them look bad.
    But what they can’t do is stop the parents from contacting the police.

  • @breannashell3799
    @breannashell3799 29 дней назад +2

    I have T1 diabetes and when I tell people that everything and anything, from the heat and cold to adrenaline, can affect my blood sugars, they don't believe me until it happens.

  • @clairecheney
    @clairecheney Месяц назад +2

    I have eczema, and one of my triggers is water. So yes, I react to my own blood, sweat, tears and drool.
    When I was finally referred to a dermatologist, he laughed and said no one can be allergic to water.
    I told him he was a terrible doctor and wasting both of our time (he spent 20 mins boasting of how skilled he was before he even asked anything about me) and walked out on him. I've never seen anyone so stunned

  • @leehuff2330
    @leehuff2330 28 дней назад +1

    Hearing these stories remind me of the time a gym teacher (and the wrestling coach) got his just deserts.
    This coach loved to make fun of anyone who wasn't on the wrestling team. One day, a buddy of mine suffered an accident in shop class that cost him parts of a couple fingers when a board kicked, pushing his hand into a table saw.
    Said coach had a ball making fun of the kid until, about a month later, the EXACT SAME THING happened to HIM.
    For the rest of that year, and the entire following year, we all openly made fun of "coach" to his face.
    What can I say, it was the 80s and we kids didn't care who got mad at us.

  • @ashesnowesong4129
    @ashesnowesong4129 Месяц назад +1

    Since these are all stories of terrible teachers I wanted to share a story of a good teacher I had, maybe the best teacher I ever had. I grew up poor and didn't have the best mom. During winter I got horrible chapped lips, I couldn't even open my mouth without it cracking and bleeding. One of the many wonderful things this teacher did was once she noticed how bad my lips were getting was stock the room with petroleum jelly to help the chapping. Just one of many reasons she was the best teacher I ever had.

  • @crichtonbruce4329
    @crichtonbruce4329 Месяц назад +2

    My worst story... I'm old enough that physical punishment was still standard in school, in our case beating the hands with a strap or ruler. In grade 2 we has a literal sadist for a teacher, Mrs. P, who would make up excuses to strap us from the best, most well behaved children on down to the most unruly. Everyone got the strap, sometimes several of us in one day, given by the Principal in front of the class.
    I remember looking over at Mrs. P once during punishment seeing a very self satisfied leer of a smile on her face as a child cried from the pain of the strap. That was the first and worst time I knew I was seeing evil.
    This was also when if you got punished at school you also got punished at home. This was also a company town for hard rock miners.
    Anyway, this being a small town, parents talking with each other soon figured out that Mrs. P was abusing their children, so a group of large, burly, angry hard rock miners and their equally angry wives showed up to the school to confront the Principle and Mrs. P. with the ultimatum that Mrs. P had better be out of town in 24 hours or else "steps" would be taken.
    Mrs. P was gone within that time limit. Never to be seen in our town again.