Happy KOSHUR Birthday "Bamon Kher" 👍☺️👌Kashmiri Janam din VOHARVOD POOZA💐

  • Опубликовано: 10 ноя 2018
  • #KartikZoonpachPencham
    Happy Birthday of #Babbi #BamonKher
    The کأشُر Muslims say --”Zah doh Mubarak!!”
    while as the Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) say “Voharvod Mubarak!!”
    Vorvahdiyuk shchu Mubarak chaie. Hath hath mubarak
    LISTEN #Vohurvood #Pooza for #Peace & #Bliss
    Voharvood Mubarak #Babbi #BamonKher #bamonkher
    11th Nov 2018 English Cake Birthday
    12th Nov 2018 Kashmiri / Koshur Tahar Prepun Vohorvood / Birthday
    Before starting the puja, the sacred thread (Yoneye) is changed or
    washed chanting the Gayatri Mantra. The invocation of Ganapati and Gurus
    and seven Great Immortal Rishis follows.
    We invite the Seven Great Immortal Rishis through the Puja and offer
    them our obeisance, offerings of food and clothes. We bathe them with
    holy water containing many sacred herbs (Aushadees) (vkSkf/k)and other
    sacred substances like milk, curd, honey, etc. This is called “Ekemvimshati
    Snanam”. Then we take their Charanamrit and offer them a Seat (Aasan)
    and request them to remain in the form of Seven Sacred Knots
    (Brahamgandh) (czãxkaB) which we make in (Naribandh) to be tied. While
    doing this, we seek their blessings so that the one whose Birthday Puja is
    being performed would also rise to their stature in his or her life. This
    Naribandh with seven knots should be preserved for the whole year till the
    next bithday, so that the Seven Great Immortal Rishis protect us from every
    evil during the year.
    During the Puja we occasionally keep our left hand on our right wrist
    so as to indicate that both (husband and wife) are performing this Pujas
    jointly. For that we double the essential Stotras from 8 to 16 i.e, 8 for wife
    and 8 for husband.
    Then we offer “Zang” (tax)as a symbol of good omen and having
    spent the previous year comfortable, we are going to enter the new year of
    our life. This is symbolised by keeping some coins and salt on a bowl of
    uncooked rice ( a Kashmiri Pandit tradition). Dhoop(/kwi) is kept on the side
    and Deep (nhi)on the right side.
    While performing the puja we have to mention the name of that particular
    month in which our birthday falls. There are specific Shlokas for specific
    months (these are highlighted and mentioned in the main text). Zeeva
    Daan (thok nku)means invoking and giving life to an object by chanting certain
    Vedic Hymns.
    We wear a ring of Dharba grass or other recommended metals in the
    Sun finger. It is said that veins from th is finger touch and control the sexual
    and desirous tendencies of the humans (that is perhaps why the people
    wear th e engagement ring this finger). The holy Dharba prevents the disturbing
    trends from interference while one performs the puja.
    There is no restriction for women folk in celebrating and performing
    their or other’s birthday Puja.
    After performing the puja we prepare yellow coloured cooked rice
    (r~gj)or other delicacies. The yellow colour symbolizes the holy colour of
    Lord Vishnu the protector the protector and Sustainer of the world. This Puja
    is mainly the Puja of Vishnu, but in Kashmiri pandit tradition we almost
    always perform every Puja (Praypyun) (ÁsI;qu) along with the Bhairavas and
    other presiding deities of the respective areas where we reside. So it is
    imperative on us and it is also our tradition to keep the likes and dislikes of
    respective presiding Bhairavas and God, Goddess in mind (in Kashmir every
    village has got its own presiding Bhairavas who are the Presiding
    deities of the Srinagar city). We keep small pieces of cooked yellow rice
    known as “Chot” (pksÍ) (as per Kashmiri Pandit tradition a small portion of
    food) and perform the puja by offering these symbolic small pieces of food
    to every God/Goddess of the Universe. We take a small portion ourselves
    before we distribute this ‘Taher” or “Poore”(bread) or other eatables among
    our neighbours/friends/relatives
    May God bless you with knowledge, health, happiness & wisdom
    🌹🙏 *Jai Ho*..
    1. #WHAT
    Celebrating #Babbi's #BamonKher #Kashmiri birthday....
    2. #WHY
    a) Keeping the centuries old rituals, traditions, heritage on.
    b) Generates positive vibes.
    c) Kicks off & trigers good harmones in the body.
    d) Gives energy , bond & belongingness to the whole Family
    e) Caring & sharing of the Social human fabric.
    f) An ode to the rich past & ethos
    g) Gives a purpose to human life
    3. #HOW
    a) Wake up early,
    b) do all the cleaning of the home,
    c) prepare special delicacy,
    d) do BIRTHDAY PUJA in early morning by following the tradition & playing the KOSHUR VOHURVOOD POOJA on speaker phone so that everyone in #Home listens to it in reverence & respect ,
    e) distribute PRASAD,
    f) Be filled with joy,🤣
    g) Thank God!💐👍👌
    🙏🌹🌷 🌹
    Keep Smiling!

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