Who Is the Man of Lawlessness?

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1803
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Комментарии • 207

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 2 года назад +19

    give us the strength to endure to the end Lord we cannot do it without you let us not be deceived by anyone

  • @olivierhuczko1045
    @olivierhuczko1045 2 года назад +12

    God is amazing

  • @deusx.machinaanime.3072
    @deusx.machinaanime.3072 2 года назад +7

    Thank you Lord for this lesson 😇🙏🏻

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Год назад

      Cults are always fun!

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 Год назад

      LOL 😝

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Год назад


  • @ratherragid3046
    @ratherragid3046 2 года назад +1

    Wow. God at work. I am leading a study on eschatology (very humbling). Started preparing 2 Thessalonians 2 this morning! MARANATHA

  • @LeavingBabylon_
    @LeavingBabylon_ 2 года назад +2

    This one has been on my mind lately, thank you

  • @qwickvids1140
    @qwickvids1140 2 года назад +7

    6:18 when he said “…i am god but im not jesus….” I felt that part. I had to replay that part 5 times. Because there is no other way to the Father, or be forgiven and be given His grace but through Jesus

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for answering this question, really nailed it too.

  • @smazziszaz
    @smazziszaz 2 года назад +6

    Wowww, excellent EXCELLENT unpacking. As usual, that is. Can you also do one on who/WHAT is restraining the man of lawlessness, as you mentioned from the passage? Is it the Holy Spirit restraining him? Or it is someone/something else?

    • @sunnyjohnson992
      @sunnyjohnson992 Год назад

      It was the restraining force of the apostles! Their presence, with their powerful gifts bestowed by Holy Spirit, prevented apostasy from then becoming an epidemic. But when the apostles died by the end of the first century, the restraining brakes were removed.

  • @IsaiahEli
    @IsaiahEli 2 года назад +11

    The Lord is coming, the season is now! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!

    • @jeremiah7175
      @jeremiah7175 2 года назад

      Isaiah Eli
      7.74 thousand subscribers isn't enough for you? You still feel the need to keep advertising yourself, copying and pasting the same words every day for months??? Why don't you just seek to glorify God instead of endlessly promoting yourself and your channel??? Stop spamming posting in all piattaforme Trying to get people to follow you. Stop being manipulative. You know what you’re doing. Repent and believe the gospel.
      All your Rapping music is from devil…
      Many Christians today who claim to be a Christians, One day they will go all to hell.
      REPENT and believe the gospel.
      Matthew 7: 21-23
      Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. many will say to me, ‘ Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name , and do many mighty works in your name? 'And then will I declare to them, ' I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

    • @dudenotsoperfect9366
      @dudenotsoperfect9366 2 года назад

      The season is now? What does that mean?

    • @jeremiah7175
      @jeremiah7175 2 года назад

      2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      That doesn't sound like a secret rescue to me. It sounds like all of the other passages describing THE DAY OF THE LORD that comes only ONCE, after the tribulation of those days.
      . There is NOT ONE Verse in Scripture that declares Jesus will Come Before the Tribulation.
      . There is NOT ONE Verse in Scripture that declares that The Resurrection of The Dead is before the Tribulation.
      . There is NOT ONE Verse in Scripture that declares The TRUMPET is Before The Last TRUMPETS : All Scripture Declares and Confirms and Prophesies that it is a pre Wrath Post Tribulation Coming of Christ!

    • @dudenotsoperfect9366
      @dudenotsoperfect9366 2 года назад

      @@jeremiah7175 uhm ok brother.

    • @dudenotsoperfect9366
      @dudenotsoperfect9366 2 года назад

      @John 3:19 what i do know is that every generation thinks they are the chosen ones

  • @PreachingJesus
    @PreachingJesus Год назад +3

    The question is not, who is the man of lawlessness. The question is who was the man of lawlessness.

  • @alfiyantojanuar5255
    @alfiyantojanuar5255 2 года назад

    Thanks Pastor John

  • @Ponce.De.Lejeune
    @Ponce.De.Lejeune 6 месяцев назад


  • @kinguzi2228
    @kinguzi2228 2 года назад +2

    Goodness, God bless you 🙏🏾

  • @maxaplin4204
    @maxaplin4204 2 года назад +17

    John Piper is absolutely right that the man of lawlessness will perform real supernatural miracles (by the power of Satan).

    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад


    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      @Jay Rodriguez Emmanuel Macron isn't a miracle worker, he's a secular politician. Not only does that seem to be a bad guess to me, but you should admit you are making a guess.

    • @hyeminkwun9523
      @hyeminkwun9523 2 года назад +1

      Antichrist and remnant (excerpt from Our Lord's dictations to Maria Valtorta given on 1/25/1944, Notebooks 1944, pp. 109-110): "The Antichrist will be perfection of Horror, as I was perfection of Perfection. With his numberless weapons, symbolized by the ten horns, his jaws toothed with iron, his savage feet, and his small horn, he will torment beyond measure those who, small faithful flock, will remain My followers. The small horn is a symbol of extreme hatred with which Satan will endow his son to corrupt the humanity as he seduces it with his lying mouth, having himself worshipped as a god. The little horn will grow by the hour to do harm. His satanic intelligence will grow to make the mouth tell the most disturbing lies and he will grow in power, as I grew in Wisdom and Grace, armed with eyes to read the thoughts of holy people and kill them for that thought. Oh, My saints of end times! If the life of the early ones amidst the persecutions of paganism was heroic, 3 times, 7 times, and 7 times 7 times heroic will be the life of My last saints to face those torments as the darkness overwhelms them on all sides and Deceit tries to persuade them to worship it and believe in it. He will curse God as no son of man did, trample upon God's saints, and torture Christ's Church. He, the son of the union of demoniac pride and human lust, will think 'he can do great things and change the times and laws,' and, for 3.5 years, will be Horror reigning over the world. Then, the Father will say 'Enough' before the immense choir formed in Heaven; the wicked Beast will be slain and cast into the abyss along with all the lesser beasts to remain there with Satan, their begetter, for eternity. I shall then be called by the Father to 'judge the living and the dead' as stated in the Creed. The living, who preserved Life in themselves by having kept Grace and Faith alive, will inherit 'the kingdom, the power, and the majesty of God.' The spiritually dead will receive eternal death as their will has chosen. Come, oh people, to the Fount of Life! I open its source to you. Draw from it. Fortify yourselves in it to be fearless in trials. Immerse yourselves completely in it, in Me, the source of blessedness, in the lovely Paradise which My Father has created for you and in which the Threefold Love of the One God and the Purity of 'our' Mother awaits you."

    • @rickywestley6820
      @rickywestley6820 2 года назад +1

      Pretty sure it’s been happening for the last 8 years.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      @@rickywestley6820 What exactly has been happening for the last 8 years? And why 8?

  • @rickywestley6820
    @rickywestley6820 2 года назад

    I think I remember hearing this episode years ago.

  • @eljefe8149
    @eljefe8149 Год назад +2

    It seems like lawlessness has taken hold of the world

  • @koreyoneal2623
    @koreyoneal2623 2 года назад +1

    It was none other than Paul himself !!!! The apostasy is against his gospel , the one that he referred to as "my" gospel several times .

  • @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq
    @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq 4 месяца назад

    its a man that keeps us from offering the daily sacrifice and taking away there falling away the apostate

  • @marsonofjo344
    @marsonofjo344 4 месяца назад

    The Man of Lawlessness is supposed to read as "Man of Torahlessness", considering the speaker is Paul, a trained Pharisee, a Jew, an observer of the TaNaKh/Scripture.
    The Bishop of Antioch, the forerunner of the Papacy, is the "Man of Torahlessness". Verify this by reading the theology of Ignatius, 2nd Bishop of Antioch.

  • @candybambi7512
    @candybambi7512 Год назад

    I cured a man that was blind and one crippled with snap of my fingers I will never reveal my self so god's proficy will never be fulfilled I call my self God and I can fly F.B.I. knows who I am. Have a nice day or night.

    • @timestep1708
      @timestep1708 7 месяцев назад +1

      You spelled prophecy wrong

  • @DarrylDement
    @DarrylDement 6 месяцев назад

    You still did not answer the question from the man concerning who, personally this man of lawlessness is

  • @maxaplin4204
    @maxaplin4204 2 года назад +2

    Good teaching.
    Note that it is a mistake to say that Jesus might return today or tomorrow. He won't return until the man of lawlessness is up and running doing his thing.

    • @Daniellion1122
      @Daniellion1122 2 года назад +1

      Jesus can come for His Church any day. We are not a part of the tribulation because of the rapture. The doctrine that teaches He can come at any second is true.
      The word imminent means “likely to happen at any moment; impending.” When we speak of the imminence of Christ’s return, we mean that He could come back at any moment. There is nothing more in biblical prophecy that needs to happen before Jesus comes again. The imminence of Christ’s return is generally taught among evangelicals, with some disagreement according to one’s view of dispensationalism and whether one holds a pre-, mid-, or post-tribulational view of the rapture.
      Jesus spoke of His return repeatedly during His ministry, which naturally prompted questions from His disciples. One of their questions was, “When will these things happen?” (Mark 13:4). Jesus responded, “Of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come” (verses 32-33). It is important to remember in any discussion of eschatology that God does not intend for us to fully understand the timing of His plans.
      However, the Bible says that Jesus’ return is near, and we are to wait eagerly for it (Romans 8:19-25; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Philippians 4:5; Jude 21). James encourages us to “be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:8). Revelation 1:3 and 22:10 also say that “the time is near.”
      Jesus taught His disciples to watch for His return. “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Luke 12:40). The command to “be ready” implies imminence. Throughout the New Testament, the church is told to be ready (Philippians 3:20; Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:6). If the disciples and the early church were to expect the coming of the Lord at any time, how much more should we be waiting in keen expectation?
      At this point, it is good to distinguish between the second coming of Christ, proper, and the rapture of the church. The second coming of Christ, when He defeats His enemies and sets up His kingdom, will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place, including the tribulation (Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6-18). Therefore, the second coming is not imminent. However, according to the pre-tribulational view, the rapture will take place before the tribulation. The rapture could occur at any moment (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54) and can rightly be called “imminent.”
      Our salvation is “ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). Jesus could return for His own at any moment, and that event will set in motion the series of events detailed in Revelation 6-18. Like the five wise virgins in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:1-13), we must be ready. “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад +1

      @@Daniellion1122 You are making a big mistake. Here are a few points:
      (1) The idea that the church will miss out on the tribulation conflicts with Scripture, not least with Mark 13:19-20:
      'For those will be days of tribulation, the kind that hasn’t been from the beginning of creation until now and never will be again. If the Lord had not cut those days short, no one would be saved. But he cut those days short for the sake of the elect, whom he chose.' (CSB)
      This strongly implies that the elect, i.e., the saved, will be on earth suffering during the tribulation.
      (2) The Bible doesn't teach that Jesus will return twice, once to the air above the earth and a second time to the earth proper. There is no evidence from church history that anyone believed this before the 1830s, which strongly suggests it is a mistake.
      (3) It is true that the Bible teaches a kind of imminence, but this needs to be qualified to some extent.
      You quote Luke 12:40, but this obviously didn't mean that the return of Jesus was immediately imminent at the time the words were first spoken, because Jesus was still on earth with the disciples at the time. He could hardly return before he had left earth.
      Nor can we say that the words became immediately imminent once Jesus had ascended to heaven, because that would contradict other biblical passages. Compare Luke 12:40 with John 21:18:
      'Truly I tell you, when you were younger, you would tie your belt and walk wherever you wanted. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will tie you and carry you where you don’t want to go.' (CSB)
      This verse is clear that Peter would need to grow old, which shows that the imminence of Luke 12:40 didn't become an immediate imminence even after Jesus had ascended to heaven.
      And to say that the words became immediately imminent at the moment Peter died or at the moment the last apostle died is arbitrary.
      It is clear, then, that the imminence of passages like Luke 12:40 can't be taken too strictly or immediately.
      (4) I do believe that end-times events could unfold very quickly. I think that is what passages like Luke 12:40 suggest. But Jesus will return once, after the tribulation, and this won't happen until the man of lawlessness has been revealed.

    • @troywright359
      @troywright359 2 года назад

      @@maxaplin4204 1. that means people will stilll come to faith during the tribulation when the church is removed. elect will still be saved.
      2. The Bible does mention us meeting Him in the air, I think this what those who believe in the rapture are referring to. Not that their are two final second comings, but there is a meeting of Lord Jesus for the current believers when the rapture happens, which is different from the Second Coming of ~Jesus - His return to the actual earth.
      3.Well....yes you're right, there is often a two fold prophecy, where something is true for the day but also for the future
      4. Definitely I agree, 7 years is very very quick in relative to the rest of human history

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      @@troywright359 A few points in reply to your reply to me:
      (1) I do see how your point about people coming to faith during the tribulation makes my appeal to Mark 13:19-20 less impressive than I thought it was.
      However, I still think this passage most naturally suggests that God won't remove any of the elect prior to the tribulation. And I am convinced for other reasons anyway that this won't happen. No one believed this before the 1830s.
      (2) Yes, those who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture are referring to us meeting him in the air, as per 1 Thess 4:17. They believe this will happen a few years before Jesus' return to the earth proper.
      But 1 Thess 4:15 refers to this meeting in the air as a 'coming' of Christ. So, by biblical definitions, they do believe in 2 comings of Jesus.
      (3) I agree that biblical prophecies often have two layers of fulfilment. But that wasn't the point I was making.
      I don't believe, for example, that the verse I cited, Luke 12:40, will be fulfilled twice, but just once when Jesus returns.
      My point was that although, at first sight, this verse looks as if what it prophesies could have happened imminently from the moment it was spoken, it actually couldn't have.
      We know that Jesus had to die and rise first and that Peter had to grow old before it could imminently be fulfilled. But I would suggest that another thing that has to happen first is that the man of lawlessness has to be revealed.
      Those who believe in a pre-trib rapture will often point to the apparently imminent language of verses like this one and use these verses as proof texts that Jesus could return (to the air, in their view) at any moment. But this is far too simplistic.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 2 года назад +1

      Technically that is correct. He returns to the earth and sets his foot down at the end of the 7 year Tribulation. He defeats the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet and throws them into the lake of fire. Then he binds Satan for a 1,000 years. So we can put a date on the calendar for when Jesus will return. The day that we see the Anti-Christ make a peace treaty with Israel, you can mark 7 years and Christ will come to rule and reign on earth from that day forward.

  • @Daniellion1122
    @Daniellion1122 2 года назад +2

    The word imminent means “likely to happen at any moment; impending.” When we speak of the imminence of Christ’s return, we mean that He could come back at any moment. There is nothing more in biblical prophecy that needs to happen before Jesus comes again. The imminence of Christ’s return is generally taught among evangelicals, with some disagreement according to one’s view of dispensationalism and whether one holds a pre-, mid-, or post-tribulational view of the rapture.
    Jesus spoke of His return repeatedly during His ministry, which naturally prompted questions from His disciples. One of their questions was, “When will these things happen?” (Mark 13:4). Jesus responded, “Of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come” (verses 32-33). It is important to remember in any discussion of eschatology that God does not intend for us to fully understand the timing of His plans.
    However, the Bible says that Jesus’ return is near, and we are to wait eagerly for it (Romans 8:19-25; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Philippians 4:5; Jude 21). James encourages us to “be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:8). Revelation 1:3 and 22:10 also say that “the time is near.”
    Jesus taught His disciples to watch for His return. “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Luke 12:40). The command to “be ready” implies imminence. Throughout the New Testament, the church is told to be ready (Philippians 3:20; Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:6). If the disciples and the early church were to expect the coming of the Lord at any time, how much more should we be waiting in keen expectation?
    At this point, it is good to distinguish between the second coming of Christ, proper, and the rapture of the church. The second coming of Christ, when He defeats His enemies and sets up His kingdom, will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place, including the tribulation (Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6-18). Therefore, the second coming is not imminent. However, according to the pre-tribulational view, the rapture will take place before the tribulation. The rapture could occur at any moment (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54) and can rightly be called “imminent.”
    Our salvation is “ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:5). Jesus could return for His own at any moment, and that event will set in motion the series of events detailed in Revelation 6-18. Like the five wise virgins in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:1-13), we must be ready. “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

    • @BloodCovenant
      @BloodCovenant 2 года назад +1

      There is no secret pre-trib coming of Christ. Jesus said to consider the days of Noah. Then he illustrated immediately afterward "one taken one left". When looking at the days of Noah in Genesis we know the wicked were taken and Noah and his family were left. There is one last trumpet and one 2nd coming. That one second coming no man knows the day of the hour. Do not be deceived. The pre-trib rapture is a western church fantasy that was started by Darby and popularized by Scofield of the Scofield Bible and later Finis Dake who read Scofield and ran with the theory in the Dakes Bible.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      Until the 1830s all Christians believed that the rapture would take place when Jesus returns, not a few years before. To separate these things is unbiblical and a big mistake.

    • @BloodCovenant
      @BloodCovenant 2 года назад +1

      @@maxaplin4204 Agreed. I used to think it is not a big deal to believe in a pre-trib rapture because God knows who are his 2Ti 2:19. It is true that he knows who are his but it is also true that bad doctrine can be the ruin of those who name the name of Christ. A few weeks ago in Sunday school, I brought up how the way God deals with nations is the same in both testaments. Nothing has changed. Then I began to explain that God always takes credit for plagues, famines, and droughts and the reason for them is always the same. They are a result of defying him and also a mercy to point those with ears to hear back to him. The Sunday school teacher immediately refuted what I said by saying that the judgment of God won't happen until after the rapture. A person has to be blind to not see the judgment of God upon nations and the USA is included. Lots of NT scripture to back it up too. That was when I realized that believing in pre-trib fantasy is actually dangerous.

    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад


    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад +1

      “Now when you see these things begin to happen, look up, and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.”
      Luke 21:28🕊

  • @calebclendenin3348
    @calebclendenin3348 2 года назад +1

    Wish someone would also throw in the fact that Jesus said that he who had the Holy Spirit there was no law

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 11 месяцев назад

      Who told you Jesus said that?

  • @sleric3
    @sleric3 10 месяцев назад

    >> Who is the father of the son of perdition?
    The son is a man who is empowered by his father, Lucifer (a spirit). According to Isaiah 14:14, the latter wants to ascend above the heights of the clouds and be like the Most High.
    >> Why are the father and son of perdition not deterred by the fact that he will be cast to the underworld for his act and why does the falling away (loss of faith) have to happen first?
    Lucifer has his own plan, which is stipulated in Isaiah 14:12-15. Lucifer is a clever spirit and has a backup plan as he understands that there is a high probability that he will fail. This is why the first part has to be achieved before he acts. Those falling away (losing faith) will lose salvation and will serve him in the underworld so that he does not need to suffer.
    8. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming.
    Meaning Jesus destroys the lawless one with words only.
    9. The satan uses his usual trick, lie. The satan will try to discredit the event in verse 8 with another of its lies or science theories.
    11. Because they are wicked God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie (aka science theory).
    So don’t try to convince any scientist about what will happen to the lawless one. Just admire God’s work.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 2 года назад +3

    "Son of DESTRUCTION" READ THE NAMES. And stop acting like you dont know.

  • @Kdeezy1
    @Kdeezy1 2 года назад +3

    Roman Catholic Church…

  • @SuperSnooki14
    @SuperSnooki14 2 года назад +4

    The Antichrist is devil in the flesh.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад

      Antichrist is the poop of Rome.

  • @brandonroth8861
    @brandonroth8861 Год назад +2

    Why did Paul tell the Thesolonians they know who is currently restraining him if it's a man in our future? They were told he would be revealed after the restrainer they knew about was removed. How can a man restrain another man for 2000+ years. He had to be referring to someone in that for them to be told they know who's restraining him now.

  • @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq
    @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq 4 месяца назад

    sitting in the temple of god our body are the temple so if hes in his own body proclaiming to be god and dosent believe that there is a god that means he doesnt believe in the bible then he must the lawless one theres only one god then he must be the lawless one. Right not many gods

  • @jslevenson101
    @jslevenson101 Год назад

    The people that were following the man of lawlessness we're ignoring truth and science and listening to lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories and ignorance fell into a deep delusion and God just let them stay there because they did not want to accept truth.

  • @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq
    @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq 4 месяца назад

    i no who he is

  • @thelawless1523
    @thelawless1523 2 года назад

    hey man how u understand "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
    Death of the body or the real deal death aka separation from God? Would Christ stress over death of the body? He could just clip His fingers and resurrect anyone.
    i think He was talking about the final death, the one he will bring with Him. and some who heard those words will taste death on that day when He returns. what u think guys?

    • @DaddyAZTL
      @DaddyAZTL Год назад +1

      The father brought people from the dead. Christ himself could do nothing but the Father raises the dead

  • @sunnyjohnson992
    @sunnyjohnson992 Год назад

    The Bible pointed to the rise of Christendom’s clergy, describing them collectively as “the man of lawlessness” and “the son of destruction..whom the Lord Jesus will do away with.. and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.”(2 Thessalonians 2:3, 6-8)
    Christendom’s clergy are lawless because they have misled millions by promoting teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible. Like the religious leaders that Jesus condemned, the modern-day worshippers who are part of “the son of destruction” face destruction with no hope of a resurrection! (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9)

  • @lindsaymarksmith.9122
    @lindsaymarksmith.9122 10 месяцев назад

    In 2020 I asked God in absolute faith about Revelation 17:10-11 and was answered. Obama is the 8th He will do Daniel 11:21 and on because it is him.
    Because of what happened in 2020 saying what would happen to my mum and dad with words that where not my own that they would not last the 1st lockdown and then have it happen because I had things like this happen all my life I was in a place of brokenness and had a contrite heart and asked about Revelation 17:10-11 the Holy Spirit answered and gave the understanding that this was the same as Daniel 11:19-21.
    Long story short Obama will use what happens to Biden to get back in power. This is not my opinion my thought where not this but I put self to the side and asked in faith like we are told to do and I received to my shock. If you have a waring you must warn. There is no pride in this I don't get pleasure out of this but when you where warned what is coming you must warn.
    For the full post to be said I need a comment under this YuTB is stopping my post I am on my 3rd chan warning for over two years. My old initial post is geeing hid so I had to say things differently for this to be seen again.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 2 года назад

    Is being REVEALED.

  • @Jbarztheholyone
    @Jbarztheholyone 7 месяцев назад

    😆😆😆🤣🤣😂🙃😉😁😈 I AM here now hehe..Actually I AM pretty open not deceiving. I AM telling the truth it's just most can't handle the truth which makes them deceive themselves hehe what a paradox right hahaaa I can just tell the truth n no one will believe it 😁It's too easy

  • @MrPatdeeee
    @MrPatdeeee 2 года назад +5

    "Who Is the Man of Lawlessness?"
    And kind Sir...you said in your "foreword"...So today, we approach this topic of the man of lawlessness. Here’s one representative email from many: “Pastor John, my name is Jared, and I live in San Jose, California. I was reading through my Bible and recently came across the section about ‘the man of lawlessness’ in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. At first, I assumed this man was Satan himself. But it becomes clear in verse 9 that this ‘lawless one’ is ‘by the activity of Satan.’ So, it’s not Satan. In your estimation, who is this lawless man?”
    Thus, I believe the answer is quite simple; of whom the "Lawless man" was and is. Please follow along:
    1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Represents one God
    2. The Heart, the soul and the mind. Represents every Human. (And the "Image" of God)
    3. The devil. the beast and the False Prophet. (who was Lucifer named satan-A "fallen angel")
    So this list just shows 3 "SAMES". Yet untold items are called by different names since Creation. Yet they are one and the same. Car, automobile and my Go-buggy, etc!.
    So...Jesus said he WAS the Father; when he chastised Phillip. And later, in essence, He said He was the Holy Spirit at the "Transfiguration". And He told them, "Don't touch me because He was converting back to a Spirit at His ascension, to enter the Heaven again...
    Plus, He said He was God; when He said "Obey MY commandments"; yet the bible says; that God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. So was Jesus Lying? Heavens no! Because God had many different names. "Elohim, YHWH" and Yeshua in Hebrew 2,000 yrs ago. But "Jesus" in English. YET exactly the same!
    I could go on forever; showing where something is described and named; by different names. Thus. this makes our bible; extremely difficult to understand "who is who?" in many cases. Not to mention how many times I have wondered who "he" is' in the beginning of many a verse; in the beginning of a chapter, all over the bible. Yes it can be a real quandary; to say is it "he or him", etc?
    So the ONLY way; one can make the right answer; is to Pray to Jesus sincerely; asking for Wisdom, understanding and the truth. And His guidance, leading and directing us. For when you do that; you will KNOW that the "Lawless Man" was "satan", who was called Lucifer. Ad-infinitum!
    And after I prayed that prayer; I found this on a Christian Web:
    "Titles Given to Lucifer, The Antichrist
    Morning Star / A Man / Angel of Light
    King of Babylon / Gog / King of Tyre
    The Man of Sin / A Stern-faced King
    King of the North / Great Red Dragon
    Angel King from the Abyss -- 5th Trumpet
    The Beast that rises out of the Earth (Abyss)
    Lamb-like Beast / False Prophet / Horn Power"
    End of Story and I rest me case...
    ...In any case kind Sir, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!

    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад


    • @splinx1819
      @splinx1819 Год назад

      The man of lawlessness is not a man, it is symbolic for New Age spirituality. New Age is rising drastically in our society. “Spiritual awakening” is a very popular term, which is the powerful delusion that the Bible talks about. And it indeed a delusion as powerful as the Bible describes, enough for one to believe that he is awakened, transcended, and has become his own God, apart from Jesus’s law. New Age spirituality is clearly the man of lawlessness.

  • @rogelioancheta2430
    @rogelioancheta2430 Год назад +1

    The revelation of the "man of lawlessness" heralds the coming of the lord , why ? Simply because he is that "man of lawlessness" as he is lord of everything , he is not bound by any law the reason he is called "lawless" , and because he is "lawless" , he is SINLESS for no law can accuse him because he is not under the law...and because he is the "man of lawlessness" , he hates the lawlessness of men because men are under the law , and they transgress the law...he is coming into the world to destroy sinners and their evil works...

    • @philmainey136
      @philmainey136 Год назад +1


    • @JA-ru3il
      @JA-ru3il 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@philmainey136just people who are on the other side of Truth trying to reason with themselves

  • @bambiegabutin8271
    @bambiegabutin8271 Год назад

    Paul he rejected Law and Covenant. 😅✌️

  • @matthewcutler6827
    @matthewcutler6827 Год назад

    If the man is aware of who he is wouldn’t he also fear god and wouldn’t he also if aware wouldn’t he want to go against satan even with all the known

    • @ceceoo3
      @ceceoo3 Год назад

      He is full of evil. He may or may not know who he is. He is lawless and lies about everything and probably doesn’t even ponder on whether or not he’s ever wrong and never admits it even when he is. He thinks everything he does is ok. Knowing he’s antichrist would be a feather in the cap to such a person.

  • @bryanestrada2462
    @bryanestrada2462 2 месяца назад

    The man of lawlessness is a man of god who will give his soul for money and fame but doing that he lost the kingdom. It’s like Satan in real life. “Let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed” it’s like saying he has a choice.

  • @glennknight3695
    @glennknight3695 Год назад

    Funny how you're using the "image that was both able to speak and.." it's also noteworthy that the most moral and learned theologians attend church on Sunday and call YASHUA Jesus who is a Jew and the Lord of the sabbath which is not Sunday. Recognize the apostasy because you are among it and contributing to it

    • @julie1630
      @julie1630 Год назад

      Catholics changed the sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset to Sunday (sun god). Protestants did not change back and to me if a law all must worship Sunday watch out.

  • @christophergonzalgo5840
    @christophergonzalgo5840 Год назад

    the lawless one is not other than paul himself. the author of 13 books in new testament. he disregard the covenant law for salvation, that's why he was called the lawless one....in view of anti-christ, it is different from the lawless one...only 1st and 2nd John mention it...the anti christ refer to Cerenthus of gnostic teacher and he has follower.

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 11 месяцев назад

      Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
      Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
      MAT7 >
      And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Год назад

    There is a term being buried under the prison today those who were very foolish enough to follow the man of sin and allowed yourselves to be set up and deceived yourselves there is a prison far worst than any prison on earth today you will find yourselves being flattened under this prison in hell there is no man on this planet that is worth going to hell for trust me

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 2 года назад

    Stop talking to me in third person. The situation is dire. I have no time for fools.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 2 года назад +1

    "They serve a LIE."

  • @LawofChristMinistries
    @LawofChristMinistries Год назад +1

    Premil futurist 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

  • @antonelledavis2712
    @antonelledavis2712 Год назад

    A kingdom have to have kings ,that is number one ,the third horseman is a king, man of lawlessness ,man of destruction the third Charles, , he is going to need worship and praise , he also need a temple to have a praise that is going to be set up ,to bow and worship him , so when it is set up and people think they are worshipping God himself they are worshipping king of demon.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Год назад

    They are perversions of justice to claim to be just in a universe that is truly. Lawful is a sin.

  • @ruuibb
    @ruuibb 19 дней назад

    The man of lawlessness sounds like an evil celebrity or whoever is influencing a massive crowd. If I am right, the man of lawlessness could be more that one

  • @spitflamez
    @spitflamez 11 месяцев назад

    The Man of Sin aka the Lawless One is the Little Horn of Daniel 7 who thinks to change times and Law and persecutes the Saints. The Law is the Torah so he is the Torah-less one and the Mystery of Lawlessness = the Mystery of Torah-lessness and the Apostasy or falling away. Most modern Christians already follow him and the TORAHLESS doctrine like the Law has been done away with. The Law defines sin, transgress the Law then you commit sin so most Christians are already under his false doctrine aka drunk the Wine of Babylon. Do you keep the Sabbath or do SUN day? How about the Passover given to Israel or do you do Catholic Easter? Which one did Jesus do? Do you follow Jesus or the Pope? Where is Christ Mass in the scripture? Is it pagan or Biblical? Decorating trees in your home and all that other pagan witchcraft associated with that season? Gods holy days are eternal, they are part of creation in Genesis 1 and explained in Leviticus 23. This man of sin was identified by almost every Protestant Reformer like 500 years ago but most continued follow his teaching instead of Jesus, I mean Rabbi Yeshua ha Mashiach.

  • @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq
    @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq 4 месяца назад

    then jesus will destroy him with the brightness of his coming

  • @paullorence8933
    @paullorence8933 Год назад

    I'll tell you all why the lawless one pays no regard to any God because he is the first to realize we are God and all gods external to us are false especially including the idol made to look like mortal man JESUS CHRIST.
    He's lawless because "the law is the strength of sin" trying to keep the law the God of the Bible doesn't follow himself is what keeps us trapped and heading straight for our destruction.

  • @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq
    @VictoriaSmith-fh9wq 4 месяца назад

    thats the apostaste

  • @fatalx916
    @fatalx916 2 года назад +3

    The papacy=man of sin, lawless one, little horn, son of perdition

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 10 месяцев назад

    The antichrist/the man of lawlessness is not a 'man' - singular. The phrase, 'man of lawlessness' etc, is the use of a descriptive device known as 'personification'.
    Also, Rev 12:18 is not referring to 'a' singular man. There is no 'a' in the Greek text. It should be translated as man/mankind/humankind. Some translations have correctly ascribed it this way, though not many. This error has been propergated through erroneous tradition. It is mankind/humankind - a united kingdom of man, himself, as at Babel, united in rebellion against God the Creator and his Messiah.
    2 Thess 2:4, 'He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God' is speaking metaphorically. It is to say that he man/mankind will think himself superior to everything, his version of what is truth opposes the Word of God.
    The keys are given in the book of Revelation itself.
    *It is a kingdom 'which once was (at Babel), now is not (at John's time of writing) but will come again (in the last days), Rev 17:11.
    *It is the kingdom that is 'an eighth kingdom, which belongs to the seven'. The seven is the chronological complete beast of Gentile kingdoms which were prphesied to come, through Daniel, and unite the world in rebellion (apostasia) to God as first attempted at Babel where God said, if they be united like this, as one, nothing will be impossible for them. It is the resurrected kingdom of Babel, signifed by being assigned the number eight, since the number eight represents resurrection, a one world government where mankind becomes his own lord and master of his own destiny.
    *It is the kingdom 'which was wounded by the sword, yet lived', when God went to Babel and 'wounded man/mankind's effort to unite, as one, by confusing his language and dispersing him over the face of the earth.
    Man/kind has his own gospel to preach to the world, which opposes the Word of God; liberty, equality and fraternity, apart from God. His gospel blasphemes the Word of God calling it archaic, barbaric and even unrighteous. The word of man purports to save humankind apart from God and his Christ, Jesus. This is the deception which will be worshipped as truth by all those who are perishing, because they loved the darkness instead of the light.

  • @OnReaAl
    @OnReaAl Год назад

    Jesus will kill him!? ... and that's where one knows you know nothigh of higher law nor Gods love..

  • @anthonybennett5335
    @anthonybennett5335 10 месяцев назад

    The Papacy is the man of sin and son of perdition in 2 Thessalonians 2, also the little horn in Daniel 7, and the beast, Mystery Babylon, harlot and whore in Revelation 13, 17 and 18. This was the view of many of the early Church Fathers, Wycliffe, Luther and *all* the Reformers, Wesley, Spurgeon and so many others. I'm with them!

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 10 месяцев назад

      The antichrist/the man of lawlessness is not a 'man' - singular. The phrase, 'man of lawlessness' etc, is the use of a descriptive device known as 'personification'.
      Also, Rev 12:18 is not referring to 'a' singular man. There is no 'a' in the Greek text. It should be translated as man/mankind/humankind. Some translations have correctly ascribed it this way, though not many. This error has been propergated through erroneous tradition. It is mankind/humankind - a united kingdom of man, himself, as at Babel, united in rebellion against God the Creator and his Messiah.
      2 Thess 2:4, 'He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God' is speaking metaphorically. It is to say that he man/mankind will think himself superior to everything, his version of what is truth opposes the Word of God.
      The keys are given in the book of Revelation itself.
      *It is a kingdom 'which once was (at Babel), now is not (at John's time of writing) but will come again (in the last days), Rev 17:11.
      *It is the kingdom that is 'an eighth kingdom, which belongs to the seven'. The seven is the chronological complete beast of Gentile kingdoms which were prphesied to come, through Daniel, and unite the world in rebellion (apostasia) to God as first attempted at Babel where God said, if they be united like this, as one, nothing will be impossible for them. It is the resurrected kingdom of Babel, signifed by being assigned the number eight, since the number eight represents resurrection, a one world government where mankind becomes his own lord and master of his own destiny.
      *It is the kingdom 'which was wounded by the sword, yet lived', when God went to Babel and 'wounded man/mankind's effort to unite, as one, by confusing his language and dispersing him over the face of the earth.
      Man/kind has his own gospel to preach to the world, which opposes the Word of God; liberty, equality and fraternity, apart from God. His gospel blasphemes the Word of God calling it archaic, barbaric and even unrighteous. The word of man purports to save humankind apart from God and his Christ, Jesus. This is the deception which will be worshipped as truth by all those who are perishing, because they loved the darkness instead of the light.

    • @anthonybennett5335
      @anthonybennett5335 10 месяцев назад

      @@robertcain3426 Ancient Babylon (Babel), founded by Nimrod, became the centre of occult, 'mystery' religion. The Papacy, foreshadowed by the 'little horn' of Daniel 7, adopted many of the practices of ancient Babylon, and 'Christianised' them, becoming the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17. The Papacy - that succession of Popes - became that great, but false, substitute Christ, *the* Antichrist of the Scriptures

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 10 месяцев назад

      @@anthonybennett5335 The Roman church (the Papacy) is the progenitor of Christendom which, indeed, incorporated the pagin practices which go back to the history of mankind. The seven headed beast 'out of the sea' of Rev 13:11 is not the Papacy. The Papacy is the woman, the prostitute, Babylon. The reference to Babylon, is because, as you say, Babylon is the center of religious man. The Roman church joined (prostituted) itself to become just another religion in that religious ebtity known as Babylon, joining all the other religions of the world.
      The scriptures give light to who these characters are. And the scriptures indicate that the 'little horn', the antichrist is a resurrected kingdom which, 'once was (at Babel), was not (at John's time of writing) but was to come again (in the last days). It is further indicated by being given the number 'eight, which belonged to the seven'. The seven headed beast is the complete (given tbe number seven - complete/completion/whole) chronogical line of Gentile kingdoms which were to come and unute the world in rebellion to God.

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 10 месяцев назад

      Babylon was also the nation which took into captivity, Israel. And if you compare the passages of scripture in Isaiah, Jeremiah etc, you find that they are repeated in Revelation; 'Come out of her my people'; Fallen, Fallen, is Babylon the great. This is a repeat of what happened to Israel, upon the church which became apostate in the generations after the early church.

  • @mrsmith3260
    @mrsmith3260 Год назад

    lol, this guy has no idea at all.

  • @antonelledavis2712
    @antonelledavis2712 Год назад

    Satan have his kingdom set up too, he have kings ,queen ,prince ,princess and so on ,he is a copycat ,he knew God children left with a prayer to call forth his kingdom ,come ,and let his will done on the earth ,so he want his own to set up on the earth ,he need people worship and their praise,,

  • @TIJoe-te9qu
    @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад +2

    Clearly, this man of sin is the office of the PAPACY. Christianity fell away into the apostasy of Romanism, and the pope ascended his throne and sat as God on earth, which he still does. Romanism styles the pope to be the vicar of Christ, and another God on earth.

    • @HarryPairatestes363
      @HarryPairatestes363 Год назад +2

      The Pope is absolutely not considered to be a god on earth. If you're going to attempt to smear an entire denomination, at least get your facts in order.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад

      @@HarryPairatestes363 What exactly does VICARIUS FILII DEI and VICARIUS CHRISTI mean, in your estimation? The pope is literally being called the vicar of the Son of God. He is also called "his holiness" and sits upon a white throne with fake angels around, mimicking God.
      There are MANY catholic quotes from the centuries proclaiming the deity of the popes. Look for yourself. One of them, pope Leo I believe, said, "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." I'm not making this up.
      If you find this to be smearing the papacy, blame the arrogant popes. After all, it was God who decreed that the little horn who succeeded pagan Rome ,and the beast of Rome in the Revelation, would speak pompous, blasphemous words against the Most High. If I had time, I'd look in the books I have and find the many papal citations that declare the pope to be more than human, on a level with God. May i suggest you look them up, and see what the papacy really claims about its own "holy father" in Rome? At least be honest about it and look it up. I am not smearing anyone by using the papacy's own information.
      Therefore, please stop accusing the brethren, snd research your own denomination. While you're at it, you could read the Jesuits extreme oath of induction, which makes Jesuits swear to kill Protestants and their infants if the pope gives the order. This is not taught in catechism or mass, but its real and easily verified. Ask your priest or bishop about it.

    • @HarryPairatestes363
      @HarryPairatestes363 Год назад +1

      @@TIJoe-te9qu The word vicar simply means representative. Your lengthy, unhinged response still does not support your initial claim that the Pope is considered to be "God on earth." You are succumbing to conspiracy theories and paranoia. No Catholic worships the Pope as God. You've managed to, at best, point out that Popes, historically, have made blasphemous claims or have not lived up to God's standards.... In other words, they were sinners..as we all are. In terms of infallibility, the Pope, as a human being, is not considered infallible; infallibility only applies to his speaking on spiritual/scriptural matters. I'm sorry Martin Luther radicalized your lot to the point of complete irrationality, and has deceived you to the point of unmitigated hatred of an entire denomination. I'm more than willing to engage, intellectually, on areas of theological disagreement, but most of what you said just sounds like the usual anti catholic gobbledygook I've become accustomed to. I'm not going to repeatedly ask you to prove your initial claim--because it is untrue, and therefore you can do no such thing. Not interested in talking in circles.
      Foxes and Firebrands, the anti Jesuit claptrap that purports that there is a "secret oath" in which Jesuits are instructed to kill protestants, has been proven to be a forgery.
      *edited to include additional information*

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 Год назад

      The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, ” Cities Petrus Bertanous
      “The foundation of all our confidence is found in the Blessed Virgin Mary. God has committed to her the treasury of all good things, in order that everyone may know that through her are obtained every hope, every grace, and all salvation. For this is His will: That we obtain everything through Mary.” Pope Pius IX
      “But the supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires, together with a perfect accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.” (Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, “On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens”, dated January 10, 1890, trans. in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, p. 193
      “The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God and the vicar of God.” Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary
      “All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” On the Authority of the Councils, book 2, chapter 17
      “That the Roman Church never erred, nor will it, according to the Scriptures, ever err.” (Gregory VII, Cesare Baronius, Annales, year 1076, secs. 31-33, vol 17 (1869 ed.), pp. 405, 406, translated)
      “The Saviour Himself is the door of the sheepfold: ‘I am the door of the sheep.’ Into this fold of Jesus Christ, no man may enter unless he be led by the Sovereign Pontiff; and only if they be united to him can men be saved, for the Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Christ and His personal representative on earth.” Pope John XXIII in his homily to the Bishops and faithful assisting at his coronation on November 4, 1958
      “It was not necessary for the Redeemer to die in order to save the world; a drop of his blood, a single tear, or prayer, was sufficient to procure salvation for all; for such a prayer, being of infinite value, should be sufficient to save not one but a thousand worlds. … And God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of His priests, and either not to pardon or to pardon. Were the Redeemer to descend into a church, and sit in a confessional to administer the sacrament of penance, and a priest to sit in another confessional, Jesus would say over each penitent, “Ego te absolve,” the priest would likewise say over each of his penitents, “Ego te absolve,” and the penitents of each would be equally absolved… Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be called the creator of his Creator, since by saying the words of consecration, he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament, by giving him a sacramental existence, and produces him as a victim to be offered to the eternal Father… let the priest,” says St. Laurence Justinian, “approach the altar as another Christ.” St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Dignities and Duties of the Priest (1927)
      “All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that he is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” (Robert Bellarmine, Disputationes de Controversiis, Tom. 2, AControversia Prima, Book 2 (ADe Conciliorum Auctoritate [On the Authority of Councils]), chap. 17 (1628 ed., Vol. 1, p. 266), translated
      “And God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priest and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse to give absolution, provided the penitent is capable of it.” Liguori, Duties and Dignities of the Priest, p.27
      “This is our last lesson to you: receive it, engrave it in your minds, all of you: by God’s commandment salvation is to be found nowhere but in the Church; the strong and effective instrument of salvation is none other than the Roman Pontificate.” Pope Leo XIII, Allocution for the 25th anniversary of his election, February 20, 1903; Papal Teachings: The Church, Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, St. Paul Editions, Boston, 1962, par. 653
      “That all princes should kiss his [the Pope’s] feet only.” (Gregory VII, Cesare Baronius, Annales, year 1076, secs. 31-33, Vol 17 (1869 ed.), pp. 405, 406, translated)
      “The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth…by divine right the Pope has supreme and full power in faith, in morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true vicar, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God himself on earth.” Quoted in the New York Catechism
      “The infallibility of the pope is the infallibility of Jesus Christ Himself. . . whenever the pope thinks, it is God Himself, who is thinking in him.” (Fritz Leist, Der Gefangene des Vatikanus, p. 344. Quoted in Symposium on Revelation, pp. 340-341)
      “The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as Supreme Pastor and teacher of all the faithful-who confirms his brethren in the faith-he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals….The infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, ‘they exercise the supreme Magisterium,’ above all in an Ecumenical Council. When the Church through its supreme Magistrium proposes a doctrine ‘for belief as being divinely revealed,’ and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions ‘must be adhered to with the obedience of faith.’ This infallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine revelation itself.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, #891, 1994 edition
      “O Mary, the guardian of our peace and the dispensatrix of heavenly graces.” Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus, 1883
      “This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin.” The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol xii, article ‘Pope’ pg 265

  • @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt
    @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 2 года назад +2

    Imam Mahdi, caliph of the final Islamic caliphate.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      Surely an Islamic caliph wouldn't claim to be God (2 Thess 2:4).

    • @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt
      @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 2 года назад

      @@maxaplin4204 Only a "prophet" could abrogate it. Interestingly enough, the "prophet" Isa Islam will be accompanying the good Imam on his massacre through Jerusalem - at least according to Islam's near perfect inversion of the biblical prophecies - so it's not an impossibility, as unlikely as it might appear now. Hypothetically, Mahdi rallies the army of the black flags from Khorasan and conquers Jerusalem, becoming the most powerful dictator in history - who would resist him if he then claimed to be Allah in the flesh to boot? Alternatively, we interpret it differently in light of Daniel's claim that he will "honour a god of fortresses," possibly connected to the prostration to him as a god a la Daniel 3. Of course, I'm open to other options but I see no better fit for "god of fortresses" than Allah.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 2 года назад

      @@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt Given the great emphasis placed on the transcendence of God in Islam, it seems difficult to believe that Muslims would accept the idea of God incarnate.
      In Islam, God is other, he is out there, he is distant, he is so far above his creation. The idea of a God in the flesh and Islam don't seem to me to mix at all well.

    • @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt
      @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 2 года назад

      @@maxaplin4204 It does but again, a prophet can abrogate all previous Islamic scripture - just as Mohammed has already done with the earliest verses of the Koran - so it's definitely possible if a prophet is on the scene. Despite their rhetoric and unending denials, Muslims already worship Mohammed as their god, behaving no different than Christians do towards Jesus and setting him up as the perfect example. It's very possible that Muslims would behave in the same manner towards Imam Mahdi without crossing their spoken theological boundaries that are in reality abandoned in open worship of Mohammed today.
      Regardless, it's difficult to see what religious system could replace Islam and yet be more perfectly antichrist than Islam, which has been from its inception merely a polemic against the foundational doctrines of Christianity.

  • @calledisrael434
    @calledisrael434 Год назад

    Sadly you fail to have Prophecy INSIGHT....please read on
    :I see you are intellectuals & students of the BOOK & find it incredulous you DO NOT understand who the two Beasts of Daniel & Revelation are? They are both plainly before you but you seem winkered off for some reason? Perhaps you can not 'come as a child?'
    I am just a simple old Messianic Jew who has known exactly what & who they both are since 1996 when the second Beast arose -'ten kings of a [one] kingdom then another'[Dan7;24] 11th king -2nd Beast - given INSIGHT I believe.
    The 1st Beast is straight forward as we demanded & got from Rome God's Messiah Son's crucifixion/ murder HE sent to redeem us. HE has turned HIS Face from us since [WW2 suffering of Judah is proof] & will continue to do so until we repent & accept Our Messiah. This is the Beast that came 'out of the [Mediterranean] SEA' in 1947 official 1948 & the Beast that the elect are fooled & follow after believing them to be Israel returned but actually just 1/12th- Judah. Daniel 7 describes the nation of Israel's[Judah] re-emergance exactly -with INSIGHT which you DO NOT have obviously.....It is also the Daniel 2 feet & ten toes[why ten toes? only ten of old Jacob;s sons took up land establishing the ancient kingdom of Israel] of iron & potters[Jesus's] clay southern of the divided kingdom [Israel was to the north] from which the stone was cut- Jesus Christ- Yeshu ha Moshiach for me.Certainly was not divided Rome as it did NOT exist at the time.
    The 2nd Beast fulfilled ALL prophecy which is beyond your understanding -but I can reveal it if you are interested- my Rabbi -also an intellectual who I confounded saying to me 'you are correct why didn;t we realise?' ,confirmed with his study group long ago- he has since passed on. This antiChrist /man of sin/ son of perdition/2nd Beast WAS 1996 11th king[male prime Minister] & 8th head [as 3 repeat twice - 7th head fatally wounded- Rabin] magnifying himself equal to Jesus -Matt27;37-' king of the Jews' & changing his name to who Jesus is i.e. 'the right hand son ' [Benjamin] & God's Gift [Netanyahu. Hebrew] adds to 666 as Jesus counts -OLD Gematria & is known as the 'little horn[son]' i.e. the BIBI[baby] son who when ascending the throne '5 were gone [dead] , one is to come- as President Perez many years , one a sort time to go -Shamir d.2014 ...also like a leopard ;born Arabic Palestine...feet like Bear; parents from USSR....speaks like a lion ;roars Hebrew & English . He travelled in a S.E direction from his homeland -'out of the SEA' within his mothers womb being born different to ALL before as native born 'out of the[Holy] land'.......there is much much more you fail to understand sadly ......hoping this helps you to be enlightened as have I by the most remarkable being I have not physically met - just Dreams & visions .
    We are in the Last Week I believe which I think started after the last 7 year cycle you would not have seenfrom the renewing of the Mosaic Covenant Great Synagogue Rome 17th January 2016 by Pope Francis[a false Prophet], concluded 17th January 2023 so I believe 2nd half of Week adding 1260 days will start 30th June 2026 -1290 blessed are they thnat attains the 1335th day-45 days Great Tribulation[neutron bombs that the man of sin brought back to I(srael early 1980's] . Interestingly the the 666 man returned for his final 42 month Authority 30th December 2022- a western man[fake JEW] so add 42 months -30th June 2026 -removal??
    We shall see?!? whether the servant of Jacob is true or false - time will tell....
    Baruch Hashem in Yeshu ha Moshach ;HE Lives .....Shalom Alekum .....called Israel[Isaiah 46;11- HE tells me?]

  • @burningsphere2024
    @burningsphere2024 Год назад

    The hive brain duplicate that is in complete contempt and opposition to god acting in the position and authority of god , judgement day not a good place to be !😭

  • @bonitajanssen745
    @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад

    They are :
    The Holy Bible

    • @splinx1819
      @splinx1819 Год назад

      It’s spirituality, not the bible

  • @skywatcher7777
    @skywatcher7777 2 года назад +2

    The antichrist.

    • @gokartbob6478
      @gokartbob6478 2 года назад +1

      In the bible, there is no "The" in front of Antichrist.

    • @skywatcher7777
      @skywatcher7777 2 года назад +2

      I wasn’t quoting a direct scripture. Refer to 1 John 2:18.
      2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 refers to one antichrist, the man of sin, son of perdition will be “the” antichrist. The one who the Jews will believe is their messiah, and they’ll be deceived like everyone else who isn’t saved.

    • @gokartbob6478
      @gokartbob6478 2 года назад +1

      @@skywatcher7777 your theorising.... There is no connection between "son of perdition" and
      "many Antichrist's" (ya get it)
      Two different books, two different stories.
      Also, Antichrist's is not prophecy... It's a warning !

    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 2 года назад


    • @skywatcher7777
      @skywatcher7777 2 года назад +1

      Antichrist isn’t plural in 1 John 2:18. Two different books and stories have have parallel meanings 2 Thessalonians 2-3, 1: Thessalonians 4, Matthew 24, mark 13, Luke 21. All different books with same meanings. “The” antichrist will be the dictator of the communist, new world order one world government we are heading in to as prophesied.

  • @shqueeblesmckloofin7351
    @shqueeblesmckloofin7351 Год назад

    You are ALL GOD!!

  • @Amath-jf6ke
    @Amath-jf6ke 8 месяцев назад

    Tell pastor jon to pray because we HAVE the date of the revelation in our Ark of covanant "old book" the one the book of Eli is in. Which is in KING JAMES VERSION, EDOM... 😊😀😙🕇