I'm creating a channel! At least, that's what youtube has just alerted me now. I just wanted to comment that I love this video. Dr. Satel is a highly informative professional. Thank you for posting it.
now i'm addicted to watching Dr Satel's lectures on youtube,,,,along with the dope. lol No, I'm coming off of a wicked relapse and pulling it together......it's time. I find Dr Sally's take on addiction inspiring. Check her out on Sam Harris' podcast. She's the best!!!! :)
Delightful human being. Excellent talk.
I'm creating a channel! At least, that's what youtube has just alerted me now. I just wanted to comment that I love this video. Dr. Satel is a highly informative professional. Thank you for posting it.
now i'm addicted to watching Dr Satel's lectures on youtube,,,,along with the dope. lol No, I'm coming off of a wicked relapse and pulling it together......it's time. I find Dr Sally's take on addiction inspiring. Check her out on Sam Harris' podcast. She's the best!!!! :)
45:37 Dr. Sally Satel *GETS SERIOUS!*
Brains and beauty
38:44 functional scanning & addiction truths ie think about it.
boy howdy