As an "anime lover" I get it, as an engineer of sorts, I also get it. Bare in mind, the Garland is semi autonomous, once linked , with the rider. This allows certain operations. He twists the throttle full forward, ( when I say "forward" i mean full throttle during typical motorcycle operational control"....but it goes in reverse. ) there is a mind/meld of sorts between operators, and mech in megazone 23.
As an "anime lover" I get it, as an engineer of sorts, I also get it. Bare in mind, the Garland is semi autonomous, once linked , with the rider. This allows certain operations. He twists the throttle full forward, ( when I say "forward" i mean full throttle during typical motorcycle operational control"....but it goes in reverse. ) there is a mind/meld of sorts between operators, and mech in megazone 23.
Pretty cramped in there, huh, Shogo?
well it is a dvd recorded from the 1980's so your gonna have to forgive me on that
Their using robotech music!
Because its robotech the movie, not megazone 23
They rewrote MEGAZONE 23 and dubbed it into ROBOTECH THE MOVIE released in 86
What song was that you were talking about from the Robotech
@@speedhalo5428 it IS robotech, its the adaptation of megazone 23