Apparently this wasn't clear, so let me make it so - I do think that charging for melee sucks, but I DO think it's for a good reason - saving Payday 3. I've made a thread on Twitter with longer thoughts if you'd care to read ( but either way, if you don't think the game is on its deathbed, that's fine, but I do - and I understand Starbreeze have to do everything they can to try and fix that. If it works, it'll all be worth it. I've tried my best to be fair yet blunt in this video, as I know the paid melee weapon isn't proving to be a popular idea - if it drives sales and saves Payday 3 from the brink, my view is it'll be worth it - but I won't recommend buying a DLC just to save a game that could (and should) have launched FAR differently... let me know your thoughts below!
@@RedArcherLive this is a fair outlook on the update I agree having a overkill be paid is not a good idea but starbreeze have been trying to add meaningful updates and I don’t mind spending money on a dlc when we just got First world bank for free
A bit revisionist to say that people LOVED the melee system in payday 2. Melees were basically useless except for 4 options (Katana, Ice Pick, Buzzer, Electric Brass Knuckles) which were run all the time no matter what build you were going for. The lack of a melee system, and locking it behind a paywall, is annoying sure, but lets not act like payday 2s melee system was anything special. It was relegated to stuns for jokers or dozer killers.
My most used melee in Payday 2 was the weapon butt, not even joking. Unless I was on a dedicated melee build, weapon butt was my go-to because it's instant, unlike all the other melee options. And even then if I put a few points aside, that melee butt could instant-kill normal cops even off a dedicated melee build as a panic button
The pessimistic side of me thinks that no matter how well this jacket DLC does, starbreeze higher ups are gonna be itching to end support if there isn’t enough sales to pack the Super Bowl
well to be fair. nobody really USED the melees in Payday 2 except for a couple best-in-slots. Mainly the ones with stunning effects or high damage, high concealment. Or the spoons. Can't say I ever saw anyone use the 50 Blessings Briefcase. Or anything other than the Ice Pick or CLSoG, for that matter.
Ice pick or katana for damage, buzzer or electric knuckles for stuns. Rest of the melees were more or less reskins. Payday 2s melee system was an afterthought, everyone acting like it was a huge system is a bit odd.
@@guymanguy I think the issue isn't that the melee system was bad/good, but the fact that our very first introduction to an entirely new system that fans have been begging for is gonna be PAID DLC. Sure the melee system in Payday 2 was pretty much a joke, but at the very least we got plenty of free options for it alongside skills for melee which were FREE. That's more than enough reason to be skeptical or upset in my eyes.
@ This wording makes it seem like you think the bat is part of a new melee system being added? It's not, it's an Overkill weapon. Part of the new Overskill system. It's a melee weapon but it's not part of any melee system.
Honestly I would buy the new DLCs if they had a fully Offline Mode. Without it there is a very real possibility of me buying it then not being able to play it later because they shut the servers down.
I keep going back and forth in my mind and the lack of online is my strongest reason to not buy it. I really want to just give Overkill some more money because I love Payday and so the higher ups can financially justify further investment in Payday 3. But if there's a chance the game will cease to exist in any playable form because servers got remotely shut down, then I can't risk that money being lost forever.
@@bryanthernandez9769 yeah, but they made that with the promise of a full offline mode following it as part of Operation Medic Bag - something they've now stated to be complete, and yet offline mode never materialised, just this beta we've been stuck with for 7 months
With the almir clip. I think the issue here is internally they're not viewing it as a melee system they're viewing it as a overkill weapon that happens to be a melee and that's the problem
I feel like everyone’s kinda overlooking that Jacket’s Bat is gonna be an Overkill/Overskill weapon, which means it probably isn’t gonna last the entire heist once you call it in I’m willing to bet maybe 20ish kills and it goes away just like the other weapons in that category I get people are upset they’re essentially charging us for a melee weapon, but I feel like this is more “testing grounds” material for a REAL dedicated melee system, cause again, the bat’s an Overkill/Overskill weapon, not a replacement for gun-butt
i feel like people complaining about this never played payday 2 cause half the melees were locked behind a paywall, heck the BEST ONE (the katana) was literally locked behind a character pack, why is this any diffrenet? yes its stupid but dont act like they've never done this before.
100% agreed. My point is that there's anger that the first whiff of melee, a very popular post on the suggested additions, is paid - and there's no free counterpart, even a weaker one. I don't like it, but my wider point is more that they kinda HAVE to do this to try and sell the DLC.
@@RedArcherLive yeah thats very true, i mean when they filed for bankrupcy they had to put out more payday 2 dlc even tho they said that h3h3 was the last one cause what else were they going to do? if jacket doesnt sell well (even tho i hope he does cause he looks awesome, paid melee aside) then it might be the same time im an optimist so im holding out hope, cyberpunk taught me enough time and a game can turn out great.
I'm gonna be a bit naive now BUT I personally think Sociopath is Overkill because of Jacket. Nothing else. I don't see Sociopath as "Melee System" or "Melee Weapon" because Melee System needs it's own slot, stats and skill. Baseball bat is iconic to Jacket and making bare-hand berserker wouldn't make sense. They might be testing how melee gameplay would work, if it's fun, not make it as it was in PD2 and they can jump from that
This is it. If we had a different new weapon type paid there wouldn't be any issues. "They're locking a flamethrower weapon category behind a DLC!!!!" Wouldn't be much of a drama.
The only universe I consider purchasing the character pack is one with offline mode, and that's assuming the pack costs $5 usd, and even then I probably wouldn't buy it cause I don't want my money going to project backshots
As someone who's quit PD3, it definitely speaks words that the biggest piece of news is related to issues with its monetisation. Really good job from SBZ wanting players to come back.
my big beef currently is the prefab of a free gun that's paid rather than give our chicken man his proper SMG back, at least in universe clover's prefab makes sense since the L85 was shelved and for donacdum his sporting pistol suits him well BUT a prefab lesser version of a cobray SMG. plus I hope they will give those who own the previous jacket DLC some goodies (or own hotline miami) I'd love to have the 50 blessings logo on my gear
Its a damn shame what has become of payday 3. The gun play feels fantastic and unreal engine offers all sorts of functionality that wasn't possible in the diesel engine but the developers dont listen to their remaining fanbase at all. You know what could save payday 3? Custom heists. You know what starbreeze refuses to do? Help the mod community. There is some INSANE custom heist potential in 3 because for the most part, if unreal engine can do it, so can payday 3. The mod community has already gotten 80% of the functionality from heists into custom maps but starbreeze doesnt want to give us that last 20% so we can actually do something with the framework theyve provided. Not only that but they are activly lying about things that they dont want to admit are clearly developer direction. For example: RNG would be incredibly easy to implement, ive done it myself with the limited mod tools supplied. Not only that but recently theyve said overdrill would be too much work to implement... but with the power of unreal engine you could make that shit happen within a day. Its all just laziness
@RedArcherLive Thank you kindly! It was drawn by Daeream/Daereamart. She is a big Amy rose fan, great cosplayer, and fantastic artist! I recommend checking her out.
Overskill makes me think its gonne be something like how most perk decks worked in payday 2, a throwable replacement, maybe the baseball bat has a cooldown, like a sort of "rage" i do remember it once being mentioned somewhere that they have no plans for a melee system but its very vivid
Think of the baseball bat maybe just being an early access type deal, or a little extra to go with the character DLC to offset the Ziv? You can't really have authentic Jacket without the baseball bat anyway, not sure what people expected.
Not only does it mean that the Overskill system will be added on Feb 3, but also that the bat will have upgrades. And I'd be surprised if it didn't have a leech/healing upgrade, which would greatly change things build-wise - or at least have the potential to.
This character pack has this to offer -A mask -A character -A weapon you can’t even use all the time (I don’t like overkill weapons as a concept for payday 2) -A preset. Versus what you got a from a payday 2 character dlc -Playable character -A full fledged secondary or primary (sometimes both) -2-3 Melee weapons -Achievements -A mask -New mask patterns. If this is really the best they can do this won’t bring back audiences I hate to be a doomer but it’s true. By the way good job SBZ putting an attachment WE CANT EVENT GET IN GAME as an exclusive preset! Because attachments for guns are totally not completely barebones.
Honestly, hoping I don’t sound like I’m glazing here, I am really excited for this dlc. The bat being an overkill weapon, as well as the new overkill levelling system, just seems exciting for me. I’m just hoping this is the beginning of a renaissance for Payday 3, and not its desperate last breath.
Not at all. Plenty of people are excited, and I think this DLC is overall going to be good! Sadly, my point for this video was to point out that we're in a very precarious position and that something like charging for a melee ability is kind of a necessity to try and drive up sales & interest and I think that's been lost on some people - something I'll keep in mind going forward.
If I've learned something from Starbreeze after getting scammed with the gold edition it's that they just wanna squeeze more money off anyone dumb enough to buy it (including me) Before they get off the lease legally on March. If there is any hope to have is for them to deliver mod support and maybe after they are in a predicament again they'll come back to make countless DLC like they did for PD2. Without mod support tho, there won't be a game to come back to.
something i think about this is the "free element" in the case of the bat overkill weapon is that all players can use the bat in heist but you have one heister own the character pack to be able for that to happern
They might just add the system or free counterpart at the same time or soon after they add jacket, just wait and see what happens relax Sounds like Almir knows that
A way this could possibly work (or be reworked) You equip a melee weapon (separate from the gun butt, that stays as the normal single button quick melee) set to weapon slot 3, and the Overskill just heavily boosts your melee
It really speaks volumes that feature request website doesn't work if the highest voted item has ONLY 3.2k votes, when the game peaked at 69k on steam alone I keep forgetting it exists because I don't see it mentioned ANYWHERE in the game... WHERE I WOULD SPEND MOST OF MY TIME
I don't remember exactly where but I heard (and the source was an actual dev) that all the money generated from DLC in the second year of payday 3 will go directly back into the game. What if the reason they made it an Overkill weapon is so they could test the system first so it's not broken on full release?
I hope they make it so everyone can play as the same character, because if I pay to get my chicken man, then can't play him because someone else has him, it's gonna drive people away
The biggest thing that really showed where we are is Mario's video, the guy whos always able to make that shit fun is like "its not where anyone wants it but I want it to be better." Genuinely saddening And no matter what happens, Almir loves this game and series hes doing his best and do not blame him for some of the decisions because some of it is just out of his control
Towards the end you said you think this will be the last Payday 3 DLC if it doesn't pull any sales, but I think the one other thing Starbreeze have up their sleeve is Armor 2.0. I'd be surprised if that gets its plug pulled, since it's been months since the concept of it was released - it's likely close to being finished. And if that doesn't work... well... that would probably be that, as much as I hate to say it.
The reason why I stopped playing payday3 is once I hit Lv.110 is because I felt the game is done. And the MAIN REASON and DID NOT play the dlcs I PURCHASED is because I just want to try out new guns and skills, but in order to do that I have to PLAY USELESS GAMES to UNLOCK/UPGRADE. As a player who is already tired of pd3, one of the biggest barriers to get back after one DLC or weapon pack is because I don’t want to play over and over just to level up the skill tree and weapons that I PAID
I got a couple friends in this situation where we all preorder the gold edition, and although the game didn’t deliver as expected, we still kept up with the news and DLC (although I am the only one buying then because I want the game to be good). But every time I asked my buddies to get back and play the nee skills/weapons, they just tell me that they just don’t want to grind for levels after paid for the dlc. This is also stopped me from getting back the game after new stuff dropped because I don’t want to grind to level up skill line and weapon mods
Maybe you won't appreciate this comment. It is just my opinion, but having almost religiously watched all of your payday videos since payday 3 got announced, I almost feel like you're kind of hoping for this game to die at this point. I don't really see how you or any other content creator expect Payday 3 to recover if they can't make any money. People genuinely upset by not being able to get the melee weapon for free should just... get the dlc. They're clearly invested enough into the game to merit spending the (I assume, hopefully) < $10 or whatever for the most wanted character. Who's to say free melee weapons aren't already planned, or can come out in the future? I understand your points and obviously I don't know what you know as a starbreeze partner. But when you say we don't have any content confirmed for year 2, we do have armor 2.0, the overskill stuff, this character pack on the horizon. They've already said they aren't going to annouce stuff/give timelines as they are going into a more "get it as it comes" way of doing things similar to how Payday 2 worked. Starbreeze has literally been saying that this game will be supported, even with this smaller team, which personally I think might be a bit more efficient than before, with the right people in charge now. Maybe not in terms of frequency, but quality and adhering to the community, I certainly think so. Literally saying "This update is the final update if things don't go well" and "this is the breaking point for payday 3", and then actively not recommending the dlc seems like you hammering the nail into the coffin yourself. I'm not saying you should actively do the opposite, but why does there need to be a recommendation at all if you know that convincing people not to may literally kill the game? The power you guys have as content creators can't be understated - I get you want to get views from baity titles and thumbnails but it is actively killing any hope for payday 3. Anyway, sorry for the rant, hope it doesn't upset anyone, I enjoy your content but its just a shame to see an actual decent dlc be put down.
Payday 3 deserved its hate at the start launching a unplayable game is unacceptable but now all the hate feels so forced they acknowledged the fault and even fired mio they genuinely are trying o save payday 3 but the community is being so negative that I honestly am getting this dlc just to support starbreeze because there is no other game like payday
I'm really sad and sorry to hear that's how it's coming across. As with a few other comments, it seems as though the logic behind this video isn't coming through - my point was explaining that while charging for the melee sucks, it's necessary if they want this DLC to sell well and save the game. In terms of "content", I define that as things you can play, such as heists and guns. There's definitely leeway there and you could call skills/armour that but I see those more as core systems being changed instead of new CONTENT. Definitely room to argue on the definitions there lol It's definitely a matter of perspective as to how you see the future of this game. Call it a gut instinct to me that since the 4 Year 1 DLCs and free content didn't shift the needle and now the executives have drained staff and funding that it seems pretty clear where we're headed - but I GENUINELY don't want us to go there. I however can't, in good faith, say "buy this DLC to save the game" because we should never have been in this mess to begin with had Payday 3 been the game it so easily could've been at launch. It's not the players' job to fix a mess they didn't create.
I agree with everything you said but I still think it’s important to keep positive in the light that payday 3 actually has a chance to turn things around I have loved this franchise for 10 years now I still have yet to see a game like payday it’s a unique and fun game that really gives you the heisting fantasy now obviously payday 2 is much better but that was with a Decade of update by this point if we keep a positive emotional outlook on payday 3 then maybe we could have a shift in momentum and player base and maybe even a refocus on funding and development
I'm holding out hope that this update will also have a 2nd melee weapon for free and they just haven't announced it yet. After getting heat for Almir proposing paid legacy heists after they had previously said all legacy heists would be free, I HAVE to believe that they won't make the same mistake again with the "new weapon class introduced for free" thing. They unfortunately have a history of going back on their word, and they know that.
I see some people saying they're locking the "melee system" behind a paywall. Well, first of all, they should stop saying pd3 should have a melee system, since pd2 did, because it was ass. Second, I feel like I'm the first to say that this will likely be the only melee weapon they release. They didn't add a melee system with one weapon and put it behind a paywall. It's an "overskill weapon". There probably isn't going to be another melee weapon with the next content drop, if that ever happens.
Something that not many people mention but I feel impacts the game far more than some people realize is the lack of any new achievements or challenges. Currently, outside of difficulty and stealth/loud, there is no reason to stick around playing the game besides whatever you can come up yourself. I’m not buying Jacket and the ONLY reason I am not is because there is no reason to keep playing the game. If they bothered to add stuff to keep players around, I would be more than willing to pay for ALL the payday 3 dlcs and to keep playing for hundreds of hours. I want to stick around until the very end but I can’t do that if there’s NOTHING to stick around for.
I'm sharing wifi right now and would LOVE to see offline mode. I was so excited to see a melee weapon (especially being so powerful, animated, and fun looking (payday 2 esk)) and then immediately let back down to know it's gonna be an overkill weapon... I dont even fully mind it being paid or not, but I momentarily thought it would be fun to run around with a bat all game. I love PayDay 2, PayDay 3 just doesn't have the repeat playablility feel yet. I haven't played in a few months, I think now. Sad.
I doubt melee will always be paid, I personally think that we may still get pd2 style melees with the sociopath overskill weapon as a larger, more powerful melee, if that makes sense
I personally thought that getting First World Bank and THEN Jacket shortly after, was a very VERY good step into the right direction for the game. Im a Houston and Jacket Main in Payday 2, I was ecstatic to get Houston, but relieved the character pack was Free. With Jacket on the other hand, i'd very much be willing to pay for it, As Hotline Miami itself hasnt had anything since 2015, and Payday 3 is in dire need of love and support (as well as cash) in order to go on. i dont want this game to die. so i want to support both Hotline and Payday as i am huge fan of them both. Payday is what got me into Hotline Miami to begin with, and ever since, it gave me a deep respect and love for Synthwave music. Basically, the DLC pack is very much hitting on my nostalgia factor. but there is genuine reason for me to buy this one. if theres a character pack i'd be willing to pay for, its Jacket. especially now that his voice lines are, (imo) MUCH better. Above Rust, Sydney, or even Scarface- altho that one might never happen again.
I’m somewhat okay with a melee weapon being used as a overskill weapon. My concern is: will I get a health boost or damage resistance for having it out so I don’t die instantly just for running melee. If it’s successful I’d love to see this played more for overskill weapons or even get our own riot shield we can call down to resistant to some damage from one side before it breaks.
A way that i think the whole paid melee system could be fixed is to make a new equipment slot for melee weapons, this is where you can choose between the weapon bash, baseball bat, etc. Then make the overskill weapon simply buff whichever melee weapon you currently have equipped, i mean it's kinda stupid that you have to fill a meter before you can smack someone in the face. (i posted this while about 1/3 into the video so if this is mentioned later i didn't know)
Actually i just thought of something, smart people are welcome to point out how much of a dumbass i am: What if Payday 3 development will never be shut down because they HAVE to make a profit to uphold the agreement with Digital Bros. Even if the game continues to perform as poorly as it is now, if they cancel development they won't make a single cent off this game and therefore it would be impossible to pay that 40 million.
All i ask for is for the baseball bat to be at least accessible at the press of a button. Id much rather have a proper melee system instead of it being probably tied to the overkill meter but whatever. I think the dlc will do well but at the same time its just a character. Granter its a very requested character but this is making people pay for a personality sound and looks instead of genuine features like weapons (since the gun is a preset which is mid instead of a new gun, and the baseball bat that will likely just be tied to the meter instead of an option thats always there)
i have to disagree that this is going to be the last nail in the coffin for payday 3 if this flops, we still have the skill rework and armor 2.0 which will (hopefully) completely shift up the way the games going to be played by giving people more to do in the game by making builds, amd the gameplay loop of that. personalty i dont have as much of a doomer option on this, im going to support this game till the day it goes offline cuz i love this franchise and i want it to succeed, and i want to be here for its 5th and 10th year anniversary
I believe you pull the bat out and it’s not dropped off, they’re adding the overskill system to the game but the weapons are still called overkill weapons, this is called an overskill weapon because it’s a skill that will recharge and you pull it out again since it doesn’t make sense for it to have ammo, this also means you can’t drop it to friends to let them try it though
I think the best way to do a melee system in Payday 3 would be to have it as a seperate weapon class, but have it not be as strong as the sociopath Overskill weapon, like how the R900 isn't as good as the HET as a sniper. But I think there should be only like 3 or 4 "weapons", but with different reskins. As somebody else here said, nobody used all the melee options in Payday 2, only a select few because a lot of them just weren't worth it. So I think melee should be like you have: - Light weapon that does low damage and knockdown, a light stagger maybe, but is fast - Balanced weapon that is medium speed, medium damage and medium knockdown, maybe akin to the weapon butt melee knockback. - Heavy weapon that is slow, but big damage and big knockdown, something similar to what happens to the crew AI in Payday: The Heist when a bulldozer shows up and knocks them down. - Special weapons that can have status effects, like tazing someone or setting them on fire etc. or maybe have some other interesting effect, but those could be on a sort of regenerating ammo system where maybe you get charge for them by getting kills, and you could have skills that affect the ammo pickup/efficiency of these special melee weapons. All but the special weapons I think should just be skins, and treated as skins by the game, give them unique animations and so on as though they were different weapons, but stat-wise have all of them be categorised like that with normalised stats. That way it's up to personal preference which weapon people actually go for, at least that's my opinion on it
its been like this since launch, the worst aspects of the gameplay they bunkered down on since launch, they wasted time and effort changing some stuff, but only to bunker down on the underlining problem behind it, when a studio wastes time and money like this to bunker down and never changes even when its clear the game is on life support = they dont care. its already been written of since launch and all they are doing is trying to milk it with the least amount of effort until it dies... this also includes selling player data... even if the game is doing poorly, figuring out what gets the folks still playing to hang around and still buy DLC despite how bad the game is = valuable data to game companies that build products out the gate with minimum effort in mind, the big names gobble up this kind of data and use it for future game development and picking management for them that wont listen or care what gamers think, as the profit strategy is not about customer satisfaction, but how to best "legally" scam them and on a ongoing repeating basis. with maximum profit in mind, so they can figure out how to lure more consistent player counts = more valuable player data and milk money from microtransactions etc without them having to invest allot of money to make those returns, needless to say its never about listening to what gamers want, its always about ignoring them and finding the best way to manipulate consistent player counts, because again even if you always play for free... your data is still being sold and its very valuable even if the game is clearly doing poorly, so long as they stay above a certain margin servers remain online, so data can be collected and sold. so when gamers keep supporting a studio run by people like this = those gamers are a main reason the AAA is so trash these days, imagine if everytime your plumber came round you paid them and phoned the again for a new job, knowing they f'd up each time you phoned them... and never listen when you complain about their service, iunstead of dumping them and finding someone else, you keep calling them back anyways, supporting their crap service regardless like a fool... why would they listen to a customer? if they keep calling them back and paying them despite them basically never fixing the problem you paid them to fix... they know they can just ignore you and get free money because your a fool and others like them see this and it click like a light bulb "gamers are fools = easy money = $$$" and next thing you know you have AAA trash gaming of today and payday 3... its hardly a surprise. Stop supporting this studio, support a good studio so they can afford to employ more workers who care... make more products with those workers who care, so you have more games you actually love to play that arent trash...
they should actually have melee combat in pd3, you could add a skill line that only involves in brawling/melee just like in PD2. I don't really like how the baseball bat is an overkill weapon, doesn't really make that much sense, a wooden baseball bat isn't overkill lmao
I expected me to have doomer mindset about it and not you. Me and my friends picked this game up again, I was blown up by how the menu and some things have changed since I last played. We both are excited for Jacket DLC and I want them to come back to these collaborations, cameos and tie-ins, in my opinion they truly made Payday 2 special, so imagine what kind of stuff they would be cooking up. I used to be negative at one point (pretty recently) but I'm back thinking positively about this game. I will support this game as long as they don't do something really stupid and break the trust completely
I can understand why people would be annoyed by the melee weapon being behind a pay wall I understand but look on the bright side it’s new content being added and the overskill and hopefully armor2.0 in the update too
Mate im from Northern ireland, and it's not gun knoledge i just recognise the difference from the ziv from the tribune as there are a few details that set them apart
I honestly don’t know what to think about this pack, part of me wants to say this is a great thing for the game but locking the melee weapon behind a paywall doesn’t sit right with me
If they finally end up adding new trophies/achievements with this, I will actually pick it up and play the game again. I just need a reason to play, something to actually work towards. If this is just a new character, there is no reason for me to play the same old content again.
I don’t think people understand how much they’ve done over the past year of support. Getting the game to a playable point, adding content here and there, and trying to get bit of feedback here and there about stuff they should add to the game, some of it was added, some of it is being added (skills 2.0, armor 2.0, etc.) and some of them won’t be added, at least any time soon. I’m sure we will get a melee system in the game this year (if the game makes it through the year) but it was never a priority, and to now make it a number one top priority thing just doesn’t sit right with me. I’d rather them just make the baseball bat an Overskill weapon (locked behind the DLC or not) as a bandaid to last us till we get a full on melee system. They don’t have the people to make these changes right here right now. They will come after the armor 2.0 and skills 2.0 systems. I believe that the devs are doing the best they can, and when I see a video like this saying that this is greedy. While it is, this is NOWHERE near as bad as it was in PD2. If it was PD2 it would’ve been a new weapons (mac10 and the baseball bat) charms, stickers, and the character all behind the pack. We legit saw this when they added Jacket the first time into PD2… It just seems disingenuous to say that they are being greedy when the only think they are doing is locking an overskill weapon behind a paywall that can most likely be dropped to other people within the heist just like every other Overskill weapon… And as Twitter man said to you, you haven’t played it yet. I get you’re being cautious but I think this is a bit more than that.
Some really good points, but I do need to correct you in a few places: - I know they've added loads of good stuff, but they're now far less able to thanks to the men at the top pulling the staff and funding. They actually confirmed layoffs the other day, fun fact - and said that the people weren't tied to any projects. Yeah right. - I doubt a new melee system is coming any time soon. - I never said it was a top priority, I pointed out that it was a wanted feature and nothing more. - I never said charging for melee was greed, I said it was a necessary play to drive DLC sales, and for good reason. As for the Twitter thing, he asked for people's opinions and mine were based on what we know to be fact. Telling me "you haven't played it" was not a valid response, since playing it won't change the facts that the gun is a preset and the melee option is paid. Beyond that I literally said the DLC looked good lmao I get people are thinking I'm just moaning but I'm genuinely just trying to make the current situation clear. That's it.
@@RedArcherLiveI get that, and that’s why I worded my comment the way I did. While yes we should be mad at the top of the company basically ruining their reputation and their own franchise that they know CAN sell well (as seen with PD2 and its stead player count and the amount of people that bought PD3 at launch.) I said it felt a bit off because this should be something we are happy about, and maybe that’s just because I’ve had enough of the Debby downer mentality with payday 3 and want the best for it at this point. I know Almir and the devs behind the game want this game to do well, and maybe if feels off because I’d rather not see the dev’s hard work be scrutinized as much as it is currently because of a melee weapon. I do think we will get some sort of melee system. Something more akin to the early PD2 days. And then later down the line (if it gets there) we get something more fleshed out. I didn’t say we’re gonna get it any time soon but within 2025? Sure, I think they could manage that. After getting Overskill, Armor 2.0, and Skills 2.0. Which have already been talked about and are likely being worked on, completed, or close to completion. The comment about the melee system needing to be a top priority came from mostly Twitter where a lot of people were making it out to be that they should’ve been working on a melee system and instead they are just going to paywall the solution. And most of my comment wasn’t directed at you and more at the people that say that PD3 devs haven’t done anything and instead are just pumping out cosmetics or at least giving that vibe. Like the devs are lazy or something, but they aren’t. Do I think them paywalling the baseball bat was a good idea? Idk. It depends if we get some sort of equivalent for free (maybe a katana for instance) and we get basically a skin for that free variant or just another Overskill weapon entirely with different effects. If we get a free variant too, I think it’s perfectly fine. If we don’t, I don’t think it’ll sit well but most people will forget it’s a thing and just use the other weapons in the game after a month if the bat isn’t good against things like Dozers. I find it absurd that the CEO can come out and basically say that Payday is getting shafted just so they can put all their eggs in unmade basket being project Baxter, and in the same breath say Payday won’t loose any content when it seems like close to 50% if not more of the staff that was working on Payday 3 are on different projects (the pubg event and Baxter)
I feel like devs are working out so much for this game, listening the community, looking through the feedbacks and want to improve the game as how we want but the starbreeze doesn't let them do it.. i'm beginning to feel like they are 2 sides like red and blue not complete eachother under one roof. I really hope this DLC made payday 3 return or it'll be the last nail to the coffin
i've never really seen the interest in Jacket. Never used them in Payday 2 but I plan to get the DLC to give it a go. I've been a Payday fan for YEARS. I had such high hopes for this game. I convinced friends to get this game before launch then when things started to pick up with Medic Bag. But I still buy DLC and everything. Just an abusive relationship I probably will never leave until it takes me down with it. Lol
I still think that the developer should be supported and the DLC should be purchased. I don't think it will cost much, but Starbreeze might get resources for the next updates.
9:03 exactly this, After hearing the news about the layoffs and pubg thing I just couldn't in good faith enjoy the update like I had with litterally every other update. Just so frustrating to see them on a good streak and get plug pulled on em. That being said im still excited for jacket just because I like him as a character and think he is really cool. So you could see that drop as how you described were new big and loved content isn't enough anymore, and that might be true for some. But for people like me I think the update just dropped in the nuke that was the news and that's why the numbers aren't as high as they should be or would have been. I fully respect people moving on and being outraged but I just can't. They say the actions speak louder then words and im willing to ride it out, even if it all fails I still had a good time and wanna see where this goes, even if it is of a figurative cliff.
A bit of a doomer perspective from me (granted I want the game to survive) but some small part of me wishes this would be the final nail in the Payday 3 coffin. I tried really hard to love the game, and I do still believe it has/had the potential to be way better than payday 2, being already better in some ways. No matter how much they try it doesn't seem to be enough and rather than have 0.03mg copium to keep it going on life support for another 3 months until the next content update that will bring over maybe 200 extra players, just have Starbreeze acknowledge this is not sustainable. With the wait and underwhelming response after the content release, they'll just be in the same boat 2 weeks after this pack. They need to do an operation medic bag part 2 if they want people to stick with the game for more than what playtime that new content provides (FWB was one stealth, one loud playthrough for me in like 1 day) It's like watching something you love suffer through its last moments and being given a morphine shot to just numb the pain for a few moments.
I was and is one of the biggest payday 3 glazers, but damn, even my hope runs out. I'm not a big Jacket fan, but i'll buy the dlc, at least to listen for the voice lines and the bat looks cool i guess. I really hope that IF, not when, but IF, payday 3 goes down, devs and writers will release some kind of ideas and conepts they had for payday universe. Because i want to see how it ends, i want to know who Shade is, what ending is real, where's president Bane if the fan favorite ending is real or what's gonna happen to the world if Dentist is alive. Also, i want to know if they had any plans for Joy my beloved other than "Joy hacked this database and found everything we need" and "Joy couldn't hack this database so now we need to go physical".
Honestly I always thought both endings of Payday 2 were canon. They did a funeral for the Bain they knew and loved (that body still died) and then partied to celebrate the end of their crime spree and Bain becoming president. I don't think they'll ever officially confirm that, but that's always how I've canonised it in my head
@RedArcherLive yeah, the scene probably happened, but The Dentist is either dead or alive and considering his plans, that is a big diffirence in the endings. Well, if i remember everything correctly
I really want this game to succeed, the devs, Almir and Andreas are trying there, but I’m worry, I’m crossing all my fingers hoping this game get the no man sky situation and able to get back on there self’s
I have my gripes with payday 3 but this isn't one of them. This isn't a melee system but merely a weapon to fit Jacket as Hotline Miami is known for those types of weapons. If it was an entire melee system with perks and a new slot then yes it'd be a problem but this is just an overkill weapon to fit the characters MO. Also Payday 2 made you pay for the first batch of melee weapons. . .
Payday 2 melee system was not very good. Been saying for years the Melee system should be like Doom 2014 one hit melee kills, or pulls you into a gruesome animation. And with jacket have some unique things, or even knocking out multiple cops with one swing and doing finishers that make others screen and flee or drop their gun. that would be epic would buy it instantly
Payday 3 has much the same issue i had with raid in D1, yes they were fun yes i enjoyed playing them. But i wasn't going to play them none stop, after half a dozen run i was running out of interests to keep doing the raid. And i'll probably buy and play and have a lot of fun, but i probably wont be sticking around for more then a few days before whats new has run its course.
We are already in a sinking boat so we might just take a gamble on it. We won't lose hundreds of dollars with this pack (we already lost it with the previous DLCs lmao) so I think we might just go along with it. Hell who knows we might even save the game or atleast buy the devs some more time to really fix and pull their shit togheter. Although it was a different world back then, they managed to pull Payday 2 back from near death so we might experience just that only abit harsher this time.
The only way they'll get people back into the game is by cutting the price of the base game. So many people are always picking up Payday 2 because it's cheap.
as a quick note jacket was not free where I bought him you would need to buy Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Digital Special Edition to get him in payday 2 soo I understand them even though I'm not a developer but every time you hear "we want jacket" or something with jacket and it could get a little bit tired on some people I can understand and at least you can and need to be happy there actually releasing jacket even though it's behind the paywall I am deeply sorry about my English and how I write it but short story is you could get tired of hearing the same thing and they finally did something you guys want and I will agree with Troy here about yeah we don't know where our money is going to but you guys have been complaining and want it
I'm basically done with this game. I only play First World Bank about 2 or 3 times a week other than that nothing else is bringing me back until a new update drops.
What I would say: is lean into the gunplay more. But I think the payday 3 team need to lean into their strengths, but it's kind of hard to say what their strengths are, they cant make great, fun, original heists. Their kind of doing the same thing to us with teasers and us telling them medic bag/offline mode. Havent tried the new overkill stuff but the mental gymnastics of trying to explain/ understand it. At this rate, I'm wondering if "den of wolves" would be better but im skeptical. My good faith and hope with pd3 is gone, im just waiting for Monster hunter, good luck crew, pd3 definitely not getting the with love/ live service/ comeback nomination.
I just want 'em to buff the gun butt against enemies, keeping it at zero damage vs civs. I don't mind them adding a full melee weapon system as long as it's more viable--PD2's take on it was pretty trashy and people *obsessed* over that damned spoon. ._.
It's simple, really - they have to sell the DLC to people who are not interested in character. With no new gun and perk decks gone Jacket DLC has nothing to offer to a lot of players.
Honest reaction to this being a thing? Starbreeze is flatout listening to the wrong people. They are listening to the people that want this game to be "Payday 2 Fancy Graphics Edition", NOT a game that stands on its own with its own content, and its own gameplay. After all, how many ORIGINAL characters does PD3 have? Pearl. And that's it. They could have made a brand new character (which, as a note, they ANNOUNCED this would be - when it's now very much not), but instead they caved in and listen to the crybabies who can't handle the fact that this is a different game, and just want rehash after rehash. That's why we don't get weekly blogs anymore. That's why we get recycled characters three times in a row. That's why the most demanded kind of heists are just old ones. That's why people are demanding the C4 and the OverSaw back DESPITE NOBODY LIKING THEM IN PD2! It's not the devs killing this game, it's the community with their demand to make nothing but more Payday 2.
I think its a bit of a overstatement to say payday 3 is even adding a melee system...its a melee overkill weapon and tbh i think if your gonna make payed char packs. Unique overkill (er. .overskill?) weapons are a perfect way to get some value . Fits the theme of the character qnd addresses the issue of not enough current overkill weapons. Remember payday 2 had you pay for entire perk decks
I said it's a barebones one through Overkill weapons, not a full system. If it was a full system I wouldn't even try to justify it like I did in this video lol
Apparently this wasn't clear, so let me make it so - I do think that charging for melee sucks, but I DO think it's for a good reason - saving Payday 3. I've made a thread on Twitter with longer thoughts if you'd care to read ( but either way, if you don't think the game is on its deathbed, that's fine, but I do - and I understand Starbreeze have to do everything they can to try and fix that. If it works, it'll all be worth it.
I've tried my best to be fair yet blunt in this video, as I know the paid melee weapon isn't proving to be a popular idea - if it drives sales and saves Payday 3 from the brink, my view is it'll be worth it - but I won't recommend buying a DLC just to save a game that could (and should) have launched FAR differently... let me know your thoughts below!
@@RedArcherLive this is a fair outlook on the update I agree having a overkill be paid is not a good idea but starbreeze have been trying to add meaningful updates and I don’t mind spending money on a dlc when we just got First world bank for free
The overwhelming vibe I get from the devs these days is, "What do you want from us?! Cuz we'll do it!"
i think it would be nice if they could get the community to help with adding more maps or improvements to make the game feel better
@@RedArcherLive like ive said before im indifferent if this game dies or not,if it doesn't that is incredible, but if it dies? Ive had my fun with it
@@amaterasu659 if we can bully them into adding a spoon into payday 2 we can bully them into letting us help
A bit revisionist to say that people LOVED the melee system in payday 2. Melees were basically useless except for 4 options (Katana, Ice Pick, Buzzer, Electric Brass Knuckles) which were run all the time no matter what build you were going for. The lack of a melee system, and locking it behind a paywall, is annoying sure, but lets not act like payday 2s melee system was anything special. It was relegated to stuns for jokers or dozer killers.
Fair point, I should've said they loved having that option and could make it fun with the correct perk decks. Apologies
@@RedArcherLive but the perk decks that make them good are paid right? Unless I’m completely misremembering
I allways used the the toothbrush it was a perfect fast weapon
Agree, most melees was just straight up useless
My most used melee in Payday 2 was the weapon butt, not even joking. Unless I was on a dedicated melee build, weapon butt was my go-to because it's instant, unlike all the other melee options. And even then if I put a few points aside, that melee butt could instant-kill normal cops even off a dedicated melee build as a panic button
Really hoping that this game can pull its shit together and actually survive
Seriously tho. Love the payday franchise too much for it to go out this way.
Same. If this DLC works out for them, it'll all be worth it.
Same tbh
baffles me how there are people that still have hope, starbreeze don't deserve this IP nor your hopeful thoughts, the game is gone this year 100%.
The pessimistic side of me thinks that no matter how well this jacket DLC does, starbreeze higher ups are gonna be itching to end support if there isn’t enough sales to pack the Super Bowl
And I don't blame you for feeling that way because they've not done much to show otherwise.
well to be fair. nobody really USED the melees in Payday 2 except for a couple best-in-slots. Mainly the ones with stunning effects or high damage, high concealment. Or the spoons. Can't say I ever saw anyone use the 50 Blessings Briefcase.
Or anything other than the Ice Pick or CLSoG, for that matter.
Ice pick or katana for damage, buzzer or electric knuckles for stuns. Rest of the melees were more or less reskins. Payday 2s melee system was an afterthought, everyone acting like it was a huge system is a bit odd.
"payday 2 did it bad so everything in payday 3 is allowed to be shit now"
@@guymanguy I think the issue isn't that the melee system was bad/good, but the fact that our very first introduction to an entirely new system that fans have been begging for is gonna be PAID DLC. Sure the melee system in Payday 2 was pretty much a joke, but at the very least we got plenty of free options for it alongside skills for melee which were FREE. That's more than enough reason to be skeptical or upset in my eyes.
@ This wording makes it seem like you think the bat is part of a new melee system being added? It's not, it's an Overkill weapon. Part of the new Overskill system. It's a melee weapon but it's not part of any melee system.
@@backlawa7527 cmon like the people who've bought payday 3 won't buy the dlcs especially one of the most popular characters in the franchise.
The higher ups need to smarten up and realize payday is their bread and butter
I don't think they're capable of that.
They won't. I'm calling it now. They'll let this game die and then they'll blame us as the consumer.
Not happening. They are complete idiots. Project Baxter will bankrupt Starbreeze and it will be over.
@@RedArcherLivelet's make some food because there already a dumpster 🔥 to cook from gather around frends
Its so project baxtover...
Honestly I would buy the new DLCs if they had a fully Offline Mode. Without it there is a very real possibility of me buying it then not being able to play it later because they shut the servers down.
Yeah, that's definitely an itch at the back of my head.
I keep going back and forth in my mind and the lack of online is my strongest reason to not buy it. I really want to just give Overkill some more money because I love Payday and so the higher ups can financially justify further investment in Payday 3.
But if there's a chance the game will cease to exist in any playable form because servers got remotely shut down, then I can't risk that money being lost forever.
Iam also waiting for an offline mode to start buying some very much wanted DLCs
There is a single player mode but it’s on beta
@@bryanthernandez9769 yeah, but they made that with the promise of a full offline mode following it as part of Operation Medic Bag - something they've now stated to be complete, and yet offline mode never materialised, just this beta we've been stuck with for 7 months
With the almir clip. I think the issue here is internally they're not viewing it as a melee system they're viewing it as a overkill weapon that happens to be a melee and that's the problem
Yeah, that's a logical way of looking at it
I feel like everyone’s kinda overlooking that Jacket’s Bat is gonna be an Overkill/Overskill weapon, which means it probably isn’t gonna last the entire heist once you call it in
I’m willing to bet maybe 20ish kills and it goes away just like the other weapons in that category
I get people are upset they’re essentially charging us for a melee weapon, but I feel like this is more “testing grounds” material for a REAL dedicated melee system, cause again, the bat’s an Overkill/Overskill weapon, not a replacement for gun-butt
I do wonder how they'll implement that, yeah. Perhaps some kind of bar that ticks down as you hit enemies, like a durability level?
I think it would be cool to see the bat break as it gets used until it’s completely unusable
i feel like people complaining about this never played payday 2 cause half the melees were locked behind a paywall, heck the BEST ONE (the katana) was literally locked behind a character pack, why is this any diffrenet?
yes its stupid but dont act like they've never done this before.
100% agreed. My point is that there's anger that the first whiff of melee, a very popular post on the suggested additions, is paid - and there's no free counterpart, even a weaker one. I don't like it, but my wider point is more that they kinda HAVE to do this to try and sell the DLC.
@@RedArcherLive yeah thats very true, i mean when they filed for bankrupcy they had to put out more payday 2 dlc even tho they said that h3h3 was the last one cause what else were they going to do? if jacket doesnt sell well (even tho i hope he does cause he looks awesome, paid melee aside) then it might be the same time im an optimist so im holding out hope, cyberpunk taught me enough time and a game can turn out great.
I'm gonna be a bit naive now BUT I personally think Sociopath is Overkill because of Jacket. Nothing else. I don't see Sociopath as "Melee System" or "Melee Weapon" because Melee System needs it's own slot, stats and skill. Baseball bat is iconic to Jacket and making bare-hand berserker wouldn't make sense. They might be testing how melee gameplay would work, if it's fun, not make it as it was in PD2 and they can jump from that
This is it.
If we had a different new weapon type paid there wouldn't be any issues.
"They're locking a flamethrower weapon category behind a DLC!!!!" Wouldn't be much of a drama.
The only universe I consider purchasing the character pack is one with offline mode, and that's assuming the pack costs $5 usd, and even then I probably wouldn't buy it cause I don't want my money going to project backshots
The pack is probably more than $5?
"Can you really bl-amy?
As someone who's quit PD3, it definitely speaks words that the biggest piece of news is related to issues with its monetisation. Really good job from SBZ wanting players to come back.
my big beef currently is the prefab of a free gun that's paid rather than give our chicken man his proper SMG back, at least in universe clover's prefab makes sense since the L85 was shelved and for donacdum his sporting pistol suits him well BUT a prefab lesser version of a cobray SMG. plus I hope they will give those who own the previous jacket DLC some goodies (or own hotline miami) I'd love to have the 50 blessings logo on my gear
Its a damn shame what has become of payday 3. The gun play feels fantastic and unreal engine offers all sorts of functionality that wasn't possible in the diesel engine but the developers dont listen to their remaining fanbase at all.
You know what could save payday 3? Custom heists. You know what starbreeze refuses to do? Help the mod community. There is some INSANE custom heist potential in 3 because for the most part, if unreal engine can do it, so can payday 3. The mod community has already gotten 80% of the functionality from heists into custom maps but starbreeze doesnt want to give us that last 20% so we can actually do something with the framework theyve provided.
Not only that but they are activly lying about things that they dont want to admit are clearly developer direction. For example: RNG would be incredibly easy to implement, ive done it myself with the limited mod tools supplied. Not only that but recently theyve said overdrill would be too much work to implement... but with the power of unreal engine you could make that shit happen within a day. Its all just laziness
Off topic of the video but I think the Amy plush is very cute :)
Thank you! And nice profile picture 👀
@RedArcherLive Thank you kindly! It was drawn by Daeream/Daereamart. She is a big Amy rose fan, great cosplayer, and fantastic artist! I recommend checking her out.
The preset is for the tribune smg as its a secondary and can be used while holding a human shield
it upsets me so much they did that. I know I'm still being gifted the DLC by a loved one since they know I'm a nutter for HLM
Me when I forget the guns in the game I'm most known for talking about
Overskill makes me think its gonne be something like how most perk decks worked in payday 2, a throwable replacement, maybe the baseball bat has a cooldown, like a sort of "rage" i do remember it once being mentioned somewhere that they have no plans for a melee system but its very vivid
Think of the baseball bat maybe just being an early access type deal, or a little extra to go with the character DLC to offset the Ziv? You can't really have authentic Jacket without the baseball bat anyway, not sure what people expected.
I would assume that the preset is for the Tribune 32 rather than the Ziv Commando, since Jacket is shown using it while holding a hostage.
Slight correction: The Miami Decadence preset is for the Tribune 32 SMG. Ironically, an (allegedly) paid preset for a free-to-play weapon.
Not only does it mean that the Overskill system will be added on Feb 3, but also that the bat will have upgrades. And I'd be surprised if it didn't have a leech/healing upgrade, which would greatly change things build-wise - or at least have the potential to.
they need to get rid of those dogshit preset weapons and go back to making unique weapons for each new character
This character pack has this to offer
-A mask
-A character
-A weapon you can’t even use all the time (I don’t like overkill weapons as a concept for payday 2)
-A preset.
Versus what you got a from a payday 2 character dlc
-Playable character
-A full fledged secondary or primary (sometimes both)
-2-3 Melee weapons
-A mask
-New mask patterns.
If this is really the best they can do this won’t bring back audiences I hate to be a doomer but it’s true.
By the way good job SBZ putting an attachment WE CANT EVENT GET IN GAME as an exclusive preset! Because attachments for guns are totally not completely barebones.
You missed a few things like the charm and the stickers which is not much but you shouldn't skip them
Honestly, hoping I don’t sound like I’m glazing here, I am really excited for this dlc. The bat being an overkill weapon, as well as the new overkill levelling system, just seems exciting for me. I’m just hoping this is the beginning of a renaissance for Payday 3, and not its desperate last breath.
Not at all. Plenty of people are excited, and I think this DLC is overall going to be good! Sadly, my point for this video was to point out that we're in a very precarious position and that something like charging for a melee ability is kind of a necessity to try and drive up sales & interest and I think that's been lost on some people - something I'll keep in mind going forward.
If I've learned something from Starbreeze after getting scammed with the gold edition it's that they just wanna squeeze more money off anyone dumb enough to buy it (including me)
Before they get off the lease legally on March.
If there is any hope to have is for them to deliver mod support and maybe after they are in a predicament again they'll come back to make countless DLC like they did for PD2.
Without mod support tho, there won't be a game to come back to.
something i think about this is the "free element" in the case of the bat overkill weapon is that all players can use the bat in heist but you have one heister own the character pack to be able for that to happern
They might just add the system or free counterpart at the same time or soon after they add jacket, just wait and see what happens relax
Sounds like Almir knows that
A way this could possibly work (or be reworked)
You equip a melee weapon (separate from the gun butt, that stays as the normal single button quick melee) set to weapon slot 3, and the Overskill just heavily boosts your melee
It really speaks volumes that feature request website doesn't work if the highest voted item has ONLY 3.2k votes, when the game peaked at 69k on steam alone
I keep forgetting it exists because I don't see it mentioned ANYWHERE in the game... WHERE I WOULD SPEND MOST OF MY TIME
...yeah, good point.
I don't remember exactly where but I heard (and the source was an actual dev) that all the money generated from DLC in the second year of payday 3 will go directly back into the game. What if the reason they made it an Overkill weapon is so they could test the system first so it's not broken on full release?
I hope they make it so everyone can play as the same character, because if I pay to get my chicken man, then can't play him because someone else has him, it's gonna drive people away
The biggest thing that really showed where we are is Mario's video, the guy whos always able to make that shit fun is like "its not where anyone wants it but I want it to be better." Genuinely saddening
And no matter what happens, Almir loves this game and series hes doing his best and do not blame him for some of the decisions because some of it is just out of his control
Towards the end you said you think this will be the last Payday 3 DLC if it doesn't pull any sales, but I think the one other thing Starbreeze have up their sleeve is Armor 2.0. I'd be surprised if that gets its plug pulled, since it's been months since the concept of it was released - it's likely close to being finished. And if that doesn't work... well... that would probably be that, as much as I hate to say it.
Very true - but that's not a DLC.
Actually, this weapon preset is for Trybun 32, as in trailer, Jacket is seen using it, while holding a bodyshield (And Ziv Commando is an Primary)
The reason why I stopped playing payday3 is once I hit Lv.110 is because I felt the game is done. And the MAIN REASON and DID NOT play the dlcs I PURCHASED is because I just want to try out new guns and skills, but in order to do that I have to PLAY USELESS GAMES to UNLOCK/UPGRADE. As a player who is already tired of pd3, one of the biggest barriers to get back after one DLC or weapon pack is because I don’t want to play over and over just to level up the skill tree and weapons that I PAID
I got a couple friends in this situation where we all preorder the gold edition, and although the game didn’t deliver as expected, we still kept up with the news and DLC (although I am the only one buying then because I want the game to be good). But every time I asked my buddies to get back and play the nee skills/weapons, they just tell me that they just don’t want to grind for levels after paid for the dlc. This is also stopped me from getting back the game after new stuff dropped because I don’t want to grind to level up skill line and weapon mods
I dont have a problem with them making it payed as long as we get a proper mele-systhem in the near to middle future
Hopefully we will!
Maybe you won't appreciate this comment. It is just my opinion, but having almost religiously watched all of your payday videos since payday 3 got announced, I almost feel like you're kind of hoping for this game to die at this point.
I don't really see how you or any other content creator expect Payday 3 to recover if they can't make any money. People genuinely upset by not being able to get the melee weapon for free should just... get the dlc. They're clearly invested enough into the game to merit spending the (I assume, hopefully) < $10 or whatever for the most wanted character. Who's to say free melee weapons aren't already planned, or can come out in the future?
I understand your points and obviously I don't know what you know as a starbreeze partner. But when you say we don't have any content confirmed for year 2, we do have armor 2.0, the overskill stuff, this character pack on the horizon.
They've already said they aren't going to annouce stuff/give timelines as they are going into a more "get it as it comes" way of doing things similar to how Payday 2 worked. Starbreeze has literally been saying that this game will be supported, even with this smaller team, which personally I think might be a bit more efficient than before, with the right people in charge now. Maybe not in terms of frequency, but quality and adhering to the community, I certainly think so.
Literally saying "This update is the final update if things don't go well" and "this is the breaking point for payday 3", and then actively not recommending the dlc seems like you hammering the nail into the coffin yourself. I'm not saying you should actively do the opposite, but why does there need to be a recommendation at all if you know that convincing people not to may literally kill the game?
The power you guys have as content creators can't be understated - I get you want to get views from baity titles and thumbnails but it is actively killing any hope for payday 3.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, hope it doesn't upset anyone, I enjoy your content but its just a shame to see an actual decent dlc be put down.
Payday 3 deserved its hate at the start launching a unplayable game is unacceptable but now all the hate feels so forced they acknowledged the fault and even fired mio they genuinely are trying o save payday 3 but the community is being so negative that I honestly am getting this dlc just to support starbreeze because there is no other game like payday
I'm really sad and sorry to hear that's how it's coming across. As with a few other comments, it seems as though the logic behind this video isn't coming through - my point was explaining that while charging for the melee sucks, it's necessary if they want this DLC to sell well and save the game. In terms of "content", I define that as things you can play, such as heists and guns. There's definitely leeway there and you could call skills/armour that but I see those more as core systems being changed instead of new CONTENT. Definitely room to argue on the definitions there lol
It's definitely a matter of perspective as to how you see the future of this game. Call it a gut instinct to me that since the 4 Year 1 DLCs and free content didn't shift the needle and now the executives have drained staff and funding that it seems pretty clear where we're headed - but I GENUINELY don't want us to go there. I however can't, in good faith, say "buy this DLC to save the game" because we should never have been in this mess to begin with had Payday 3 been the game it so easily could've been at launch. It's not the players' job to fix a mess they didn't create.
I agree with everything you said but I still think it’s important to keep positive in the light that payday 3 actually has a chance to turn things around I have loved this franchise for 10 years now I still have yet to see a game like payday it’s a unique and fun game that really gives you the heisting fantasy now obviously payday 2 is much better but that was with a Decade of update by this point if we keep a positive emotional outlook on payday 3 then maybe we could have a shift in momentum and player base and maybe even a refocus on funding and development
@@RedArcherLiveThis comment is making my point much better than I did
I'm holding out hope that this update will also have a 2nd melee weapon for free and they just haven't announced it yet.
After getting heat for Almir proposing paid legacy heists after they had previously said all legacy heists would be free, I HAVE to believe that they won't make the same mistake again with the "new weapon class introduced for free" thing.
They unfortunately have a history of going back on their word, and they know that.
I see some people saying they're locking the "melee system" behind a paywall. Well, first of all, they should stop saying pd3 should have a melee system, since pd2 did, because it was ass. Second, I feel like I'm the first to say that this will likely be the only melee weapon they release. They didn't add a melee system with one weapon and put it behind a paywall. It's an "overskill weapon". There probably isn't going to be another melee weapon with the next content drop, if that ever happens.
A free Overskill with Gloved brawling could be cool.
Something that not many people mention but I feel impacts the game far more than some people realize is the lack of any new achievements or challenges. Currently, outside of difficulty and stealth/loud, there is no reason to stick around playing the game besides whatever you can come up yourself. I’m not buying Jacket and the ONLY reason I am not is because there is no reason to keep playing the game. If they bothered to add stuff to keep players around, I would be more than willing to pay for ALL the payday 3 dlcs and to keep playing for hundreds of hours. I want to stick around until the very end but I can’t do that if there’s NOTHING to stick around for.
this is almost a civil war...
Where's Captain America when you need him
I'm sharing wifi right now and would LOVE to see offline mode. I was so excited to see a melee weapon (especially being so powerful, animated, and fun looking (payday 2 esk)) and then immediately let back down to know it's gonna be an overkill weapon... I dont even fully mind it being paid or not, but I momentarily thought it would be fun to run around with a bat all game. I love PayDay 2, PayDay 3 just doesn't have the repeat playablility feel yet. I haven't played in a few months, I think now. Sad.
I doubt melee will always be paid, I personally think that we may still get pd2 style melees with the sociopath overskill weapon as a larger, more powerful melee, if that makes sense
I think jacket should be part of the gold edition
I personally thought that getting First World Bank and THEN Jacket shortly after, was a very VERY good step into the right direction for the game.
Im a Houston and Jacket Main in Payday 2,
I was ecstatic to get Houston, but relieved the character pack was Free.
With Jacket on the other hand, i'd very much be willing to pay for it,
As Hotline Miami itself hasnt had anything since 2015, and Payday 3 is in dire need of love and support (as well as cash) in order to go on. i dont want this game to die.
so i want to support both Hotline and Payday as i am huge fan of them both.
Payday is what got me into Hotline Miami to begin with, and ever since, it gave me a deep respect and love for Synthwave music.
Basically, the DLC pack is very much hitting on my nostalgia factor. but there is genuine reason for me to buy this one.
if theres a character pack i'd be willing to pay for, its Jacket. especially now that his voice lines are, (imo) MUCH better.
Above Rust, Sydney, or even Scarface- altho that one might never happen again.
I’m somewhat okay with a melee weapon being used as a overskill weapon. My concern is: will I get a health boost or damage resistance for having it out so I don’t die instantly just for running melee. If it’s successful I’d love to see this played more for overskill weapons or even get our own riot shield we can call down to resistant to some damage from one side before it breaks.
A way that i think the whole paid melee system could be fixed is to make a new equipment slot for melee weapons, this is where you can choose between the weapon bash, baseball bat, etc. Then make the overskill weapon simply buff whichever melee weapon you currently have equipped, i mean it's kinda stupid that you have to fill a meter before you can smack someone in the face.
(i posted this while about 1/3 into the video so if this is mentioned later i didn't know)
Actually i just thought of something, smart people are welcome to point out how much of a dumbass i am:
What if Payday 3 development will never be shut down because they HAVE to make a profit to uphold the agreement with Digital Bros. Even if the game continues to perform as poorly as it is now, if they cancel development they won't make a single cent off this game and therefore it would be impossible to pay that 40 million.
All i ask for is for the baseball bat to be at least accessible at the press of a button. Id much rather have a proper melee system instead of it being probably tied to the overkill meter but whatever.
I think the dlc will do well but at the same time its just a character. Granter its a very requested character but this is making people pay for a personality sound and looks instead of genuine features like weapons (since the gun is a preset which is mid instead of a new gun, and the baseball bat that will likely just be tied to the meter instead of an option thats always there)
Offline mode before the servers shut down forever is the only thing I have hope for anymore
i have to disagree that this is going to be the last nail in the coffin for payday 3 if this flops, we still have the skill rework and armor 2.0 which will (hopefully) completely shift up the way the games going to be played by giving people more to do in the game by making builds, amd the gameplay loop of that. personalty i dont have as much of a doomer option on this, im going to support this game till the day it goes offline cuz i love this franchise and i want it to succeed, and i want to be here for its 5th and 10th year anniversary
I believe you pull the bat out and it’s not dropped off, they’re adding the overskill system to the game but the weapons are still called overkill weapons, this is called an overskill weapon because it’s a skill that will recharge and you pull it out again since it doesn’t make sense for it to have ammo, this also means you can’t drop it to friends to let them try it though
I think the best way to do a melee system in Payday 3 would be to have it as a seperate weapon class, but have it not be as strong as the sociopath Overskill weapon, like how the R900 isn't as good as the HET as a sniper.
But I think there should be only like 3 or 4 "weapons", but with different reskins. As somebody else here said, nobody used all the melee options in Payday 2, only a select few because a lot of them just weren't worth it. So I think melee should be like you have:
- Light weapon that does low damage and knockdown, a light stagger maybe, but is fast
- Balanced weapon that is medium speed, medium damage and medium knockdown, maybe akin to the weapon butt melee knockback.
- Heavy weapon that is slow, but big damage and big knockdown, something similar to what happens to the crew AI in Payday: The Heist when a bulldozer shows up and knocks them down.
- Special weapons that can have status effects, like tazing someone or setting them on fire etc. or maybe have some other interesting effect, but those could be on a sort of regenerating ammo system where maybe you get charge for them by getting kills, and you could have skills that affect the ammo pickup/efficiency of these special melee weapons.
All but the special weapons I think should just be skins, and treated as skins by the game, give them unique animations and so on as though they were different weapons, but stat-wise have all of them be categorised like that with normalised stats. That way it's up to personal preference which weapon people actually go for, at least that's my opinion on it
its been like this since launch, the worst aspects of the gameplay they bunkered down on since launch, they wasted time and effort changing some stuff, but only to bunker down on the underlining problem behind it, when a studio wastes time and money like this to bunker down and never changes even when its clear the game is on life support = they dont care.
its already been written of since launch and all they are doing is trying to milk it with the least amount of effort until it dies... this also includes selling player data...
even if the game is doing poorly, figuring out what gets the folks still playing to hang around and still buy DLC despite how bad the game is = valuable data to game companies that build products out the gate with minimum effort in mind, the big names gobble up this kind of data and use it for future game development and picking management for them that wont listen or care what gamers think, as the profit strategy is not about customer satisfaction, but how to best "legally" scam them and on a ongoing repeating basis.
with maximum profit in mind, so they can figure out how to lure more consistent player counts = more valuable player data and milk money from microtransactions etc without them having to invest allot of money to make those returns, needless to say its never about listening to what gamers want, its always about ignoring them and finding the best way to manipulate consistent player counts, because again even if you always play for free... your data is still being sold and its very valuable even if the game is clearly doing poorly, so long as they stay above a certain margin servers remain online, so data can be collected and sold.
so when gamers keep supporting a studio run by people like this = those gamers are a main reason the AAA is so trash these days, imagine if everytime your plumber came round you paid them and phoned the again for a new job, knowing they f'd up each time you phoned them... and never listen when you complain about their service, iunstead of dumping them and finding someone else, you keep calling them back anyways, supporting their crap service regardless like a fool... why would they listen to a customer? if they keep calling them back and paying them despite them basically never fixing the problem you paid them to fix... they know they can just ignore you and get free money because your a fool and others like them see this and it click like a light bulb "gamers are fools = easy money = $$$" and next thing you know you have AAA trash gaming of today and payday 3... its hardly a surprise.
Stop supporting this studio, support a good studio so they can afford to employ more workers who care... make more products with those workers who care, so you have more games you actually love to play that arent trash...
It should not be on the consumer to consider if its worth engaging depending on if the project will still even be alive for the foreseeable future
The preset looks like its for the tribune 32 secondary, not the ziv commando.
they should actually have melee combat in pd3, you could add a skill line that only involves in brawling/melee just like in PD2. I don't really like how the baseball bat is an overkill weapon, doesn't really make that much sense, a wooden baseball bat isn't overkill lmao
I think honestly it was probably just the simpler and more logical implementation of Jacket's bat based on what SBZ is currently able to accomplish.
I expected me to have doomer mindset about it and not you. Me and my friends picked this game up again, I was blown up by how the menu and some things have changed since I last played. We both are excited for Jacket DLC and I want them to come back to these collaborations, cameos and tie-ins, in my opinion they truly made Payday 2 special, so imagine what kind of stuff they would be cooking up. I used to be negative at one point (pretty recently) but I'm back thinking positively about this game. I will support this game as long as they don't do something really stupid and break the trust completely
I can understand why people would be annoyed by the melee weapon being behind a pay wall I understand but look on the bright side it’s new content being added and the overskill and hopefully armor2.0 in the update too
I wonder if we’re getting a dev update, maybe they’ll reveal somethin free who knows. im to exhausted to hope for that tho
Looks fun, but I'm not buying it until there's an offline mode.
Now i don't really care what you or other youtubers say about PD3 anymore, Jacket is back 🔥🐔 let's fucking Gooooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nah that's not the ziv commando, the preset is the tribune
ah, the Brit shows his lack of gun knowledge once again
Mate im from Northern ireland, and it's not gun knoledge i just recognise the difference from the ziv from the tribune as there are a few details that set them apart
@testepic-lz6kv it was meant to be a joke 💀 I'm just a silly goose
I honestly don’t know what to think about this pack, part of me wants to say this is a great thing for the game but locking the melee weapon behind a paywall doesn’t sit right with me
If they finally end up adding new trophies/achievements with this, I will actually pick it up and play the game again.
I just need a reason to play, something to actually work towards.
If this is just a new character, there is no reason for me to play the same old content again.
I don’t think people understand how much they’ve done over the past year of support. Getting the game to a playable point, adding content here and there, and trying to get bit of feedback here and there about stuff they should add to the game, some of it was added, some of it is being added (skills 2.0, armor 2.0, etc.) and some of them won’t be added, at least any time soon. I’m sure we will get a melee system in the game this year (if the game makes it through the year) but it was never a priority, and to now make it a number one top priority thing just doesn’t sit right with me. I’d rather them just make the baseball bat an Overskill weapon (locked behind the DLC or not) as a bandaid to last us till we get a full on melee system. They don’t have the people to make these changes right here right now. They will come after the armor 2.0 and skills 2.0 systems. I believe that the devs are doing the best they can, and when I see a video like this saying that this is greedy. While it is, this is NOWHERE near as bad as it was in PD2. If it was PD2 it would’ve been a new weapons (mac10 and the baseball bat) charms, stickers, and the character all behind the pack. We legit saw this when they added Jacket the first time into PD2…
It just seems disingenuous to say that they are being greedy when the only think they are doing is locking an overskill weapon behind a paywall that can most likely be dropped to other people within the heist just like every other Overskill weapon…
And as Twitter man said to you, you haven’t played it yet. I get you’re being cautious but I think this is a bit more than that.
Some really good points, but I do need to correct you in a few places:
- I know they've added loads of good stuff, but they're now far less able to thanks to the men at the top pulling the staff and funding. They actually confirmed layoffs the other day, fun fact - and said that the people weren't tied to any projects. Yeah right.
- I doubt a new melee system is coming any time soon.
- I never said it was a top priority, I pointed out that it was a wanted feature and nothing more.
- I never said charging for melee was greed, I said it was a necessary play to drive DLC sales, and for good reason.
As for the Twitter thing, he asked for people's opinions and mine were based on what we know to be fact. Telling me "you haven't played it" was not a valid response, since playing it won't change the facts that the gun is a preset and the melee option is paid. Beyond that I literally said the DLC looked good lmao
I get people are thinking I'm just moaning but I'm genuinely just trying to make the current situation clear. That's it.
@@RedArcherLiveI get that, and that’s why I worded my comment the way I did. While yes we should be mad at the top of the company basically ruining their reputation and their own franchise that they know CAN sell well (as seen with PD2 and its stead player count and the amount of people that bought PD3 at launch.)
I said it felt a bit off because this should be something we are happy about, and maybe that’s just because I’ve had enough of the Debby downer mentality with payday 3 and want the best for it at this point. I know Almir and the devs behind the game want this game to do well, and maybe if feels off because I’d rather not see the dev’s hard work be scrutinized as much as it is currently because of a melee weapon.
I do think we will get some sort of melee system. Something more akin to the early PD2 days. And then later down the line (if it gets there) we get something more fleshed out. I didn’t say we’re gonna get it any time soon but within 2025? Sure, I think they could manage that. After getting Overskill, Armor 2.0, and Skills 2.0. Which have already been talked about and are likely being worked on, completed, or close to completion.
The comment about the melee system needing to be a top priority came from mostly Twitter where a lot of people were making it out to be that they should’ve been working on a melee system and instead they are just going to paywall the solution. And most of my comment wasn’t directed at you and more at the people that say that PD3 devs haven’t done anything and instead are just pumping out cosmetics or at least giving that vibe. Like the devs are lazy or something, but they aren’t.
Do I think them paywalling the baseball bat was a good idea? Idk. It depends if we get some sort of equivalent for free (maybe a katana for instance) and we get basically a skin for that free variant or just another Overskill weapon entirely with different effects. If we get a free variant too, I think it’s perfectly fine. If we don’t, I don’t think it’ll sit well but most people will forget it’s a thing and just use the other weapons in the game after a month if the bat isn’t good against things like Dozers.
I find it absurd that the CEO can come out and basically say that Payday is getting shafted just so they can put all their eggs in unmade basket being project Baxter, and in the same breath say Payday won’t loose any content when it seems like close to 50% if not more of the staff that was working on Payday 3 are on different projects (the pubg event and Baxter)
I feel like devs are working out so much for this game, listening the community, looking through the feedbacks and want to improve the game as how we want but the starbreeze doesn't let them do it.. i'm beginning to feel like they are 2 sides like red and blue not complete eachother under one roof. I really hope this DLC made payday 3 return or it'll be the last nail to the coffin
Every time I hear the word I can't do this I can't do that on RUclips
All I hear is unnecessary censor
doom and gloom, doom and gloom, doom and gloo-
HEY LOOK *A m y P l u s h !*
Amy plush is more important than anything else. Thank you for reading.
i've never really seen the interest in Jacket. Never used them in Payday 2 but I plan to get the DLC to give it a go. I've been a Payday fan for YEARS. I had such high hopes for this game. I convinced friends to get this game before launch then when things started to pick up with Medic Bag. But I still buy DLC and everything. Just an abusive relationship I probably will never leave until it takes me down with it. Lol
I will buy this dlc when offline mode is out tell then I can wait or🏴☠️
I still think that the developer should be supported and the DLC should be purchased. I don't think it will cost much, but Starbreeze might get resources for the next updates.
9:03 exactly this, After hearing the news about the layoffs and pubg thing I just couldn't in good faith enjoy the update like I had with litterally every other update. Just so frustrating to see them on a good streak and get plug pulled on em. That being said im still excited for jacket just because I like him as a character and think he is really cool. So you could see that drop as how you described were new big and loved content isn't enough anymore, and that might be true for some. But for people like me I think the update just dropped in the nuke that was the news and that's why the numbers aren't as high as they should be or would have been. I fully respect people moving on and being outraged but I just can't. They say the actions speak louder then words and im willing to ride it out, even if it all fails I still had a good time and wanna see where this goes, even if it is of a figurative cliff.
I really hope things turn for the better, putting my chips in still with remaining confidence. Regardless I’m gonna buy the character pack
A bit of a doomer perspective from me (granted I want the game to survive) but some small part of me wishes this would be the final nail in the Payday 3 coffin. I tried really hard to love the game, and I do still believe it has/had the potential to be way better than payday 2, being already better in some ways.
No matter how much they try it doesn't seem to be enough and rather than have 0.03mg copium to keep it going on life support for another 3 months until the next content update that will bring over maybe 200 extra players, just have Starbreeze acknowledge this is not sustainable. With the wait and underwhelming response after the content release, they'll just be in the same boat 2 weeks after this pack. They need to do an operation medic bag part 2 if they want people to stick with the game for more than what playtime that new content provides (FWB was one stealth, one loud playthrough for me in like 1 day)
It's like watching something you love suffer through its last moments and being given a morphine shot to just numb the pain for a few moments.
I was and is one of the biggest payday 3 glazers, but damn, even my hope runs out. I'm not a big Jacket fan, but i'll buy the dlc, at least to listen for the voice lines and the bat looks cool i guess. I really hope that IF, not when, but IF, payday 3 goes down, devs and writers will release some kind of ideas and conepts they had for payday universe. Because i want to see how it ends, i want to know who Shade is, what ending is real, where's president Bane if the fan favorite ending is real or what's gonna happen to the world if Dentist is alive. Also, i want to know if they had any plans for Joy my beloved other than "Joy hacked this database and found everything we need" and "Joy couldn't hack this database so now we need to go physical".
Honestly I always thought both endings of Payday 2 were canon. They did a funeral for the Bain they knew and loved (that body still died) and then partied to celebrate the end of their crime spree and Bain becoming president.
I don't think they'll ever officially confirm that, but that's always how I've canonised it in my head
@RedArcherLive yeah, the scene probably happened, but The Dentist is either dead or alive and considering his plans, that is a big diffirence in the endings. Well, if i remember everything correctly
@NikolayHizenprof considering he dies during the secret, 8 imagine that's the end of him... but who knows lol
@@RedArcherLive yeah, but still i hope we'll know, it is bugging me since payday 3 announcement
I bought the gold edition already… I’ll be damned if I give this company another cent.
I really want this game to succeed, the devs, Almir and Andreas are trying there, but I’m worry, I’m crossing all my fingers hoping this game get the no man sky situation and able to get back on there self’s
I seen a lot of people saying they might buy payday 3 for jacket so maybe there still hope
They should sell a comically large spoon melee for 0,69 dollars
I have my gripes with payday 3 but this isn't one of them. This isn't a melee system but merely a weapon to fit Jacket as Hotline Miami is known for those types of weapons. If it was an entire melee system with perks and a new slot then yes it'd be a problem but this is just an overkill weapon to fit the characters MO. Also Payday 2 made you pay for the first batch of melee weapons. . .
not the first batch. Almost 90% of melee weapon in PD2 is from paid content. And OP Katana is locked behind paid character
Is there gonna be any perks from it? Like at this point no weapon is pissing me off a bit
Payday 2 melee system was not very good.
Been saying for years the
Melee system should be like Doom 2014 one hit melee kills, or pulls you into a gruesome animation. And with jacket have some unique things, or even knocking out multiple cops with one swing and doing finishers that make others screen and flee or drop their gun.
that would be epic would buy it instantly
Payday 3 has much the same issue i had with raid in D1, yes they were fun yes i enjoyed playing them. But i wasn't going to play them none stop, after half a dozen run i was running out of interests to keep doing the raid. And i'll probably buy and play and have a lot of fun, but i probably wont be sticking around for more then a few days before whats new has run its course.
We are already in a sinking boat so we might just take a gamble on it. We won't lose hundreds of dollars with this pack (we already lost it with the previous DLCs lmao) so I think we might just go along with it. Hell who knows we might even save the game or atleast buy the devs some more time to really fix and pull their shit togheter. Although it was a different world back then, they managed to pull Payday 2 back from near death so we might experience just that only abit harsher this time.
No way I'm spending well earned cash for this. A total cash grab!
Payday 3 will be added to Playstation Plus monthly free games in February 2025.
The only way they'll get people back into the game is by cutting the price of the base game. So many people are always picking up Payday 2 because it's cheap.
as a quick note jacket was not free where I bought him you would need to buy Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Digital Special Edition to get him in payday 2 soo I understand them even though I'm not a developer but every time you hear "we want jacket" or something with jacket and it could get a little bit tired on some people I can understand and at least you can and need to be happy there actually releasing jacket even though it's behind the paywall I am deeply sorry about my English and how I write it but short story is you could get tired of hearing the same thing and they finally did something you guys want and I will agree with Troy here about yeah we don't know where our money is going to but you guys have been complaining and want it
I'm basically done with this game. I only play First World Bank about 2 or 3 times a week other than that nothing else is bringing me back until a new update drops.
Bro DLC's still not avaiable on XBOX PC App, no way I am giving them more money.
What I would say: is lean into the gunplay more. But I think the payday 3 team need to lean into their strengths, but it's kind of hard to say what their strengths are, they cant make great, fun, original heists. Their kind of doing the same thing to us with teasers and us telling them medic bag/offline mode. Havent tried the new overkill stuff but the mental gymnastics of trying to explain/ understand it. At this rate, I'm wondering if "den of wolves" would be better but im skeptical. My good faith and hope with pd3 is gone, im just waiting for Monster hunter, good luck crew, pd3 definitely not getting the with love/ live service/ comeback nomination.
I can't even make it to the main menu half of the time. I'm not buying anymore DLC.
I just want 'em to buff the gun butt against enemies, keeping it at zero damage vs civs. I don't mind them adding a full melee weapon system as long as it's more viable--PD2's take on it was pretty trashy and people *obsessed* over that damned spoon. ._.
Didn’t really use jacket but I will buy it to try to keep the game on life support
It's simple, really - they have to sell the DLC to people who are not interested in character. With no new gun and perk decks gone Jacket DLC has nothing to offer to a lot of players.
Exactly. They need a USP, and this is what they've got
Honest reaction to this being a thing?
Starbreeze is flatout listening to the wrong people. They are listening to the people that want this game to be "Payday 2 Fancy Graphics Edition", NOT a game that stands on its own with its own content, and its own gameplay.
After all, how many ORIGINAL characters does PD3 have? Pearl. And that's it.
They could have made a brand new character (which, as a note, they ANNOUNCED this would be - when it's now very much not), but instead they caved in and listen to the crybabies who can't handle the fact that this is a different game, and just want rehash after rehash.
That's why we don't get weekly blogs anymore. That's why we get recycled characters three times in a row. That's why the most demanded kind of heists are just old ones. That's why people are demanding the C4 and the OverSaw back DESPITE NOBODY LIKING THEM IN PD2!
It's not the devs killing this game, it's the community with their demand to make nothing but more Payday 2.
I’d rather have John wick as a character in payday 3 then jacket
I think its a bit of a overstatement to say payday 3 is even adding a melee system...its a melee overkill weapon and tbh i think if your gonna make payed char packs. Unique overkill (er. .overskill?) weapons are a perfect way to get some value . Fits the theme of the character qnd addresses the issue of not enough current overkill weapons.
Remember payday 2 had you pay for entire perk decks
I said it's a barebones one through Overkill weapons, not a full system. If it was a full system I wouldn't even try to justify it like I did in this video lol
@RedArcherLive ah apologies are due then. I must have missed that part...either way. I'm optimistic about the approach..
@@doot7730 that's what matters!
I am not happy with it , I don't pay more money on it.