Looking at all of the guides out here, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for in how to properly optimize DPS, no fluff, no confusing explanations, just a wonderful breakdown on how the rotation goes. Thank you ALOT, and keep the simple information rolling!!
not quite what wowhead reccomends (which ya know, whatever) but having someone actually explain why pressing buttons is good helps immensely to piece it all together
New player of 4 months and this guide made me play shaman - thanks its been amazing and now my main. small note - please add time stamps. I have referenced this guide many times and its awkward trying to find certain sections, but overall amazing guide and video!
I haven't played ele in a few expansions, but this is absolutely the reason I am back :p It feels great, looks great, and people seem to like having you around :p
This was a great video! I'm 595 Ele shammy for the first time and got told I need to learn my rotation because my dps was under the tank. CAme here and totally understand what I've been doing wrong! Here's hoping my next runs go better!
Thanks for the help my dude. It actually double my DPS. Sometimes we just follow guides without knowing the fuck our talents do. Now i know! Have a great day!
This is probably one of the easiest specs in the game right now. Considering the damage output by this BM hunter difficulty, you will see tons of elemental shamans. I have to admit as a ele main, I'm loving it and I'm happy to play it like this. It's easier than ever to use the full kit of all utility now.
ngl i used to play shamans until season 3 and 4 of DF when it was so heavily focused on lava build for m+, and i tried them out after the changes and i feel like im doing something wrong when i spam 1 button a lot
Thank you for this video, very good explanation. I'm a very casual player and it's good that I hear the instructions like I had 60 IQ. Finally a class and spec that I can play pretty good and not the last on the DPS meters. :) Keep up the good work!
I really enjoy how you explained this. I was doing farseer and not really liking it. This build and rotation seems much more fun. Thanks! Liked and subscribed! 😁👍
Hey Zuco! For the Storm Elemental rotation, I'll leave a macro that I use which is incredibly helpful. You've mentioned that you need to cast the Elemental Tempest skill, but you need to wait for it to use "Call Lightning" by itself, you cast its Tempest afterward. (when you summon the Elemental, you can right-click his Pet Bar so that his Tempest won't go off automatically (much like warlocks control their pets)). Anyway, hope it helps: #showtooltip /use [pet:Primal Storm Elemental]Tempest;[pet:Primal Fire Elemental]Meteor /use [known:Storm Elemental]Storm Elemental;[known:Fire Elemental]Fire Elemental
Yeah I know. I think this isn't necessary any more though. This past week, my Storm Ele has been waiting until he buffs himself, then casting Tempest in the correct order... But I just tried testing it again (and during this video), and my Storm Ele was back to his old ways, not using his abilities at the right time... So I'll keep testing it. This Macro is good and I do have it, but I'm hoping Blizz has just fixed it. We'll see.
Great vid, really appreciate it! On AOE rotation, what dictates how many chain lightnings you use before casting earthquake? is there a buff / set amount of maelstrom you wait for or is it just whatever keeps you from capping maelstrom? On ST, what made you decide to do a few more lightning bolts in a row at 11:50 (breaking the Lava B > Earth Shock > Lightning B)? Was there a buff/proc of something? Thanks!!
wow thats not so heavy as I thought. I am a lil bit of noob since I just playing my bm hunter but man we are in a bad state right now. was thinking about rolling enhance shammy but now I will level up elemental. thank you!
I love the energy and clarity you bring to Shaman, it genuinely makes me want to main it for TWW. But this class has way too many buttons! I literally can't fit them all on my action bars, nevermind remembering to use them all.
Yep, here it is.. forgot to put it in the video desc. CYQA6DE2ZxOD3n18X41tWLU5RBAAAAAMbzyyMjBmZhZmZMmZGAAAAAsYmlxMzwYyCzy2MN0MbAgZZaGwGjZaYmZGzYxMzYzsMMLmZmZMGzwA
@@yo-mook On AOE you don't really use Lava Burst unless you are forced to move, then use it during that movement. Overwise, spamming Chain Lightning is the way.
Visuals look awesome but i do feel like its super basic. But thinking about other specs they can mostly also be dumbed down to 2 buttons or so especially for the main rotation. One thing i think ele needs is more maelstrom spenders on a cd would at least add some diversity to the main rotation every now and then.
After getting my havoc DH to 80 and finishing out everything to time gated content. I wanna play this build now. ISO that UI setup ! After adding all the ele skills to the bars its alot to look at!
what mobility and defensives does a ele shaman have? the rotation etc looks fun, but im worried youre too squishy and dont have alot of mobility vs other classes
Thanks for this! Isn't it beneficial to tab target on AOE to spread around the Lightning Rod or are all targets that CL hits affected? Was under the impressions that only the primary target gets the LR.
@@MastersOfTheWinds haha yeah... It actually was this way a few weeks ago, but they've fixed it now, thankfully. You can tunnel on 1 target and the EQ will automatically spread L-Rod's to other targets. Awesome QoL.
Hello Zuco! Just found your videos (up and coming Elemental player I hope!!). But I wanted to ask, are we not pressing Lava Burst whenever we get a lava surge proc? I’m going to try and follow your rotation and guide to a T. But I wanted to ask. Thank you for the video!!
In aoe, it's really not worth it. Casting a Chain Lightning is going to deal much more damage. If you are forced to move because of a mechanic or ground swirly, etc, absolutely use that Lava Surge proc and press Lava Burst while on the move. But if you have time to cast spells, no, ignore Lava Surge procs in aoe and focus on harder hitting abilities. In ST, it's a much different story. Casting Lightning Bolt is still more valuable then Lava Burst, but weaving in Lava Bursts whenever you have a Surge proc is def worth.
Wish I could double thumbs up the response. Thank you for the knowledge and tip!! Very much appreciated the videos. Do you happen to have a discord channel? Either way, I’ll for sure be checking your channel for new videos on ele sham! Hope you have a blast in TWW!
@@ZucoWoW thanks for the vid I also was wondering the same thing, I saw in the aoe rotation though you did send it a few times. i am new to ele as well so I am missing why we using it a few times if we get a proc but you mentioned ignore it and use chain lightning only?
There's actually different ways to play this class. I like how you can pop the totems you need then when in a pinch reset the cooldowns on them. Totems are great for cc and taking out mobs of bad guys.
So is Tempest just an elevated Chain lightening? There's no spell button for it and i don't see it as a passive, so when it proc, do i just keep hitting lightening/chain-lightening?
@@neony123 For a pure ST fight, yes, but in aoe you def want it to add occasional Flame Shocks in order to maximize your Prime Wave damage and haste buff
If you precast Stormkeeper before the pull, you'll get your 2 stacks... You use them, then the extra Stormkeeper stack from Rolling Thunder will kick in, and you can use it.
Hey Zuco I’m maining shaman in TWW thanks in part to your videos . I was on the fence about feral but I leveled that first in DF and wanted to lvl something I have never mained before ( well got KSM with ele in SL ) and I saw your video about your main and why you chose it . Started messing around on the beta and ele feels fun ! In addition , resto feels rewarding when your knowledge of the dungeon and spec connect . Im subbed and I look forward to your future TWW videos . 🫡
@@Gompang2e Because of the Flash of Lightning talent. It cools down every CD that we have, including Prime Wave, Storm keeper and Storm Ele. It gets you back into your heavy hitting abilities.
With thunderstrike ward now a thing, have they changed elemental's loot table so they only get 1 handers and shields? It would feel pretty bad if you use the shield imbue but kept getting staff drops.
Question, I am coming back from a very big break. I tried this build out and I noticed I had little to no lava burst procs. What can I do to increase the LB procs?
Make sure your Flameshocks never go down. If you have good Flameshock uptime, you'll get enough Lava Surge procs. This build also doesn't really need Lava Burst that much. It's much more focused on the Lightning abilities.
Ele shamans looks much more appealing to me now with all lightning build, might swap from boomkin to ele shaman foe this xpac. Only thing im concerned of are the survivability, are they getting anything more in the def kit kow then what they have had previous? Dont wanna end up always dying in higher keys only cause shaman 😣
@@mattmay1020 Yep exactly... Something like 30% haste or a bit more, than you can go mastery... There is also a case to be made for Crit though... There are a TON of Crit synergies in the Stormbringer and Ele spec tree now, it might be worth going Crit
@@yosoum Generally no... This will feel bad right now when the mobs last for 8 seconds each... But once you get into higher keys, you'll drop Liquid Magma Totem and use Prime Wave, then go back to casting Chain Lightnings... Your Lava Surge will proc in roughly 5 seconds or so and you can pop off with it. Obviously if you get extremely unlucky and the Lava Surge doesn't proc, then you'll need to manually cast a LB to get the haste buff rolling.
I realize this is off topic but considering your depth of knowledge on everything Shaman, do you have a sense of what hero talents Resto Shaman will bring to Raid?
@@Duck4Evers Farseer is much more efficient for raid. Lots of Riptide spreading... You'll have Ancestors up all the time helping with extra healing, all for free. Mass AOE healing is a bit worse for Farseer, but it has that consistency and efficiency. Totemic can have bigger mass aoe heals with tons of free Chain Heals from your totems. It's more expensive on mana, but your Healing Rain from Surging totem heals for a lot more, so stacked groups of allies is awesome for Totemic. Both trees have their merits, you'd need to play around with them and see how it feels.
For earthshocks damage buff. But I havent seen anyone else recommend that. Maybe its not worth it , Im currently just casting lighting bolts for ST and works great. Lava burst only when I get a proc
@@jayi100 There's a new EQ talent that makes your EQ cast on the enemy you have selected. So you can have your mouse wherever you want and your EQ will automatically go onto your target.
Why use lava burst at all in the single target rotation? seems like even the crit does less than a solid lightning bolt and it comes out slower. Thoughts?
You only use lava burst when you get a proc so it is instant cast. No proc no cast. Additionally if you cast it while flame shock is active on the enemy it it is a guaranteed crit.
do i wanna cast earthquake every time it "procs" (gets flashy)? im kinda confused how many chain lightnings are betweens the earthquakes. Or is it just about not capping maelstorm?
If you EQ on the same selected target twice in a row (because MS is full), will the damage be doubled or do we need to wait with EQ until the prev. one is done?
As a filthy casual who basically does just world content and LFR (plus Delves in TWW) which of the two would be better suited, Stormbringer or Farseer?
I think Farseer is better. The Ancestors will also heal you if you cast a heal on yourself. They are up basically all the time. The Farseer build cools down offensive and defensive abilities like Cap Totem, Stone Bulwark Totem, etc, so it offers more flexibility and sustain for open world content like hard Rare bosses or Delves.
bro i was just zoned in looking at your hair that i didnt realise 11 mins went by 😂
@@Pk_WoW LOL
This got me..
Fucking dead. Lmao.
The bad guy from Roger Rabbit
@@MuttDogg2211 hahaha can't unsee it now
Looking at all of the guides out here, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for in how to properly optimize DPS, no fluff, no confusing explanations, just a wonderful breakdown on how the rotation goes. Thank you ALOT, and keep the simple information rolling!!
not quite what wowhead reccomends (which ya know, whatever) but having someone actually explain why pressing buttons is good helps immensely to piece it all together
New player of 4 months and this guide made me play shaman - thanks its been amazing and now my main. small note - please add time stamps. I have referenced this guide many times and its awkward trying to find certain sections, but overall amazing guide and video!
Very new to the game, and it’s a lot to take in. This guide was simple and easy to follow, and I can now do good damage hahah, thank you!
I haven't played ele in a few expansions, but this is absolutely the reason I am back :p It feels great, looks great, and people seem to like having you around :p
The visuals on Ele are awesome
bro is always locked in with great guides during new xpacs, remember following your tips beginning of dragonflight thank you
This was a great video! I'm 595 Ele shammy for the first time and got told I need to learn my rotation because my dps was under the tank. CAme here and totally understand what I've been doing wrong! Here's hoping my next runs go better!
Just started a Ele Shaman for the first time. This video helped me understand it better. Thank you!
Zuco my guy.. the hair 🤣 I can't
Send help dude. :)
must have zapped himself to get into character for the video
this helped me so much man. shaman was intimidating me to the point of rerolling but im gonna give it a another go for my main this expac. tysm ❤
Thanks for the help my dude. It actually double my DPS. Sometimes we just follow guides without knowing the fuck our talents do. Now i know! Have a great day!
This is probably one of the easiest specs in the game right now.
Considering the damage output by this BM hunter difficulty, you will see tons of elemental shamans.
I have to admit as a ele main, I'm loving it and I'm happy to play it like this. It's easier than ever to use the full kit of all utility now.
110%. I absolutely despised the clunky playstyle of Fire Build in a m+ setting and this just beat it into shape.
ngl i used to play shamans until season 3 and 4 of DF when it was so heavily focused on lava build for m+, and i tried them out after the changes and i feel like im doing something wrong when i spam 1 button a lot
Compared to the really clunky ice fury build this is such a welcomed change
been trying to learn it myself, mostly a utility bot but now and then i can do some damage :p
Thank you for this video, very good explanation. I'm a very casual player and it's good that I hear the instructions like I had 60 IQ. Finally a class and spec that I can play pretty good and not the last on the DPS meters. :) Keep up the good work!
Dude, this is an incredible video. Thank you!
I really enjoy how you explained this. I was doing farseer and not really liking it. This build and rotation seems much more fun. Thanks! Liked and subscribed! 😁👍
Great explanation, keep it up bro great guide
Hey, tyvm for yopur video, its going to help me a lot with my dps, love your content, dont let go !!! :)
This was actually a great explanation. Straight to the point, and made it easy to remember. The hair is throwing me off tho
Excellent simple rotation guide explained perfectly
this is great, an additional thing i can add it change your target when you cast tempest everytime because of Lighting Rode to be on other targets
Your teaching style is amazing, feels like i'm listening to a great coach!
Thanks for the vid
This is an amazing video you did a great job explaining and it was fun to learn keep it up.
Great great tips!!! Love it and commenting for your algorithm
This build is very strong, I love it!Thanks for the explanation 👍
Hey Zuco!
For the Storm Elemental rotation, I'll leave a macro that I use which is incredibly helpful.
You've mentioned that you need to cast the Elemental Tempest skill, but you need to wait for it to use "Call Lightning" by itself, you cast its Tempest afterward.
(when you summon the Elemental, you can right-click his Pet Bar so that his Tempest won't go off automatically (much like warlocks control their pets)).
Anyway, hope it helps:
/use [pet:Primal Storm Elemental]Tempest;[pet:Primal Fire Elemental]Meteor
/use [known:Storm Elemental]Storm Elemental;[known:Fire Elemental]Fire Elemental
I was also going to mention that, call lightning puts a debuff on the enemy making take more damage from his tempest
Yeah I know. I think this isn't necessary any more though. This past week, my Storm Ele has been waiting until he buffs himself, then casting Tempest in the correct order... But I just tried testing it again (and during this video), and my Storm Ele was back to his old ways, not using his abilities at the right time...
So I'll keep testing it. This Macro is good and I do have it, but I'm hoping Blizz has just fixed it. We'll see.
This is really awesome, thanks for great guide bro
Thanks for the breakdown. Very helpful!
Great videos man! Really enjoying your content.
this is what ele at begin need to learn ty man :D
This video is ruining my plans for wich char to level up first lol 😅 Shaman was not on the top but after this great video, it is. Thank you!
Thanks man. You made it easy for me to understand :)
Lava burst, Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt
nah you don't really cast lava burst unless you need to move and have instant proc :')
@@SheinelIisnt the damage buff to earth shock worth casting lava burst?
Lava burst, earth shock, lightning bolt!
@@MrHolzify Lava burst, Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt!!
Wow man i absolutely loved this. I will sub and keep and eye on you :D
very nice video , new sub .. very excited to play palpatine in wow
dew it
That was amazingly helpful thank you.
Thank you for sharing this
Great vid, really appreciate it! On AOE rotation, what dictates how many chain lightnings you use before casting earthquake? is there a buff / set amount of maelstrom you wait for or is it just whatever keeps you from capping maelstrom?
On ST, what made you decide to do a few more lightning bolts in a row at 11:50 (breaking the Lava B > Earth Shock > Lightning B)? Was there a buff/proc of something? Thanks!!
great questions, am wondering the same!
@@bleakcandour maybe just human mistake trying to explain and record himself too
After following this I was that the top of dps charts
Thnaks for the roto guide
Thx for your guides !
great guide! ganna be leveling up as elemental shammy
wow thats not so heavy as I thought. I am a lil bit of noob since I just playing my bm hunter but man we are in a bad state right now. was thinking about rolling enhance shammy but now I will level up elemental. thank you!
I love the energy and clarity you bring to Shaman, it genuinely makes me want to main it for TWW.
But this class has way too many buttons! I literally can't fit them all on my action bars, nevermind remembering to use them all.
Way too many buttons? O.o
@@Jarlaxled-wg6wj all 5 of them
Thanks for the guide! Do you have the talent build link somewhere for import?
Yep, here it is.. forgot to put it in the video desc.
@@ZucoWoW Thank you! Excited to try this out once I get my Earthen levels up haha!
thanks for the vids mate, gonna return to wow with some elemental action
thanks for diving so enthuiastically into explaining this. when you're saying "waiting for a lava surge," are you just spamming CL until you get one?
@@yo-mook On AOE you don't really use Lava Burst unless you are forced to move, then use it during that movement. Overwise, spamming Chain Lightning is the way.
you helped me a lot of :§
thank you
one question:
did i cast cainlighning 3 mops+
oder 2
2+ is good. Chain Lightning does a lot of damage relative to Lightning Bolt.
Visuals look awesome but i do feel like its super basic. But thinking about other specs they can mostly also be dumbed down to 2 buttons or so especially for the main rotation.
One thing i think ele needs is more maelstrom spenders on a cd would at least add some diversity to the main rotation every now and then.
I like both, too, but I don't know if you were to use an elemental blast. Instead, what would happen
Thank you alot, appreciate it! ❤️
ty alot bro , good vid , Great info
Can you explain how you are spreading flame shock at the start? I thought you had to flame shock before primordial wave.
Liquid Magma Totem spreads 3 Flame Shocks, I cast that for the extra FS's.
After getting my havoc DH to 80 and finishing out everything to time gated content. I wanna play this build now. ISO that UI setup ! After adding all the ele skills to the bars its alot to look at!
Great video honestly
what mobility and defensives does a ele shaman have?
the rotation etc looks fun, but im worried youre too squishy and dont have alot of mobility vs other classes
Very nice video. What weakaura do you use? Can you send a link to it? 🎉
@@imrecsorba8854 I don't use any weakauras for rotations.
@@ZucoWoW not for rotation. Just to see everything. I like how your gui looks
Thanks for this!
Isn't it beneficial to tab target on AOE to spread around the Lightning Rod or are all targets that CL hits affected? Was under the impressions that only the primary target gets the LR.
Aaaand just went over to the other Video and got that question answered!
@@MastersOfTheWinds haha yeah... It actually was this way a few weeks ago, but they've fixed it now, thankfully. You can tunnel on 1 target and the EQ will automatically spread L-Rod's to other targets. Awesome QoL.
Hello Zuco! Just found your videos (up and coming Elemental player I hope!!). But I wanted to ask, are we not pressing Lava Burst whenever we get a lava surge proc? I’m going to try and follow your rotation and guide to a T. But I wanted to ask. Thank you for the video!!
In aoe, it's really not worth it. Casting a Chain Lightning is going to deal much more damage. If you are forced to move because of a mechanic or ground swirly, etc, absolutely use that Lava Surge proc and press Lava Burst while on the move. But if you have time to cast spells, no, ignore Lava Surge procs in aoe and focus on harder hitting abilities.
In ST, it's a much different story. Casting Lightning Bolt is still more valuable then Lava Burst, but weaving in Lava Bursts whenever you have a Surge proc is def worth.
Wish I could double thumbs up the response. Thank you for the knowledge and tip!! Very much appreciated the videos. Do you happen to have a discord channel? Either way, I’ll for sure be checking your channel for new videos on ele sham! Hope you have a blast in TWW!
@@madeitrain7221 Yep! Here's the discord... discord.com/invite/RXBkTqg3
@@ZucoWoW thanks for the vid I also was wondering the same thing, I saw in the aoe rotation though you did send it a few times. i am new to ele as well so I am missing why we using it a few times if we get a proc but you mentioned ignore it and use chain lightning only?
There's actually different ways to play this class. I like how you can pop the totems you need then when in a pinch reset the cooldowns on them. Totems are great for cc and taking out mobs of bad guys.
Love the videos
So is Tempest just an elevated Chain lightening? There's no spell button for it and i don't see it as a passive, so when it proc, do i just keep hitting lightening/chain-lightening?
@@JohnnyBravo18798 When it procs it will replace Lightning Bolt. Check your L Bolt icon the next time it procs.
@@ZucoWoW thanks, was thinking this was the case, but dble checking. So it's strictly the lightening bolt only correct?
@@JohnnyBravo18798 Yep
Hello, why use magma liquid totem in a single target fight ? Primo wave already put the dot on the target.
Can you please explain 😊
Do you not need flameshock at all now and primordial wave cd is now so short you can upkeep it with that?
@@neony123 For a pure ST fight, yes, but in aoe you def want it to add occasional Flame Shocks in order to maximize your Prime Wave damage and haste buff
How does the Rolling Thunder heroic talent work? In my base spec stormkeeper says we can have 2 charges of it, but I don't see it on your action bar.
If you precast Stormkeeper before the pull, you'll get your 2 stacks... You use them, then the extra Stormkeeper stack from Rolling Thunder will kick in, and you can use it.
Do you use the earth shock right away?
Yeah you should... Because it puts Lightning Rod on the enemy, then you're Chain L and Lightning Bolt deal more damage to that target
@@ZucoWoW Thank you for your answer.
I am a Korean user Thank you for the good video👍
Hey Zuco I’m maining shaman in TWW thanks in part to your videos . I was on the fence about feral but I leveled that first in DF and wanted to lvl something I have never mained before ( well got KSM with ele in SL ) and I saw your video about your main and why you chose it . Started messing around on the beta and ele feels fun ! In addition , resto feels rewarding when your knowledge of the dungeon and spec connect .
Im subbed and I look forward to your future TWW videos . 🫡
in the single target rotation, I could see you keep using lightening bolt in a row multiple time. can you explain why?
@@Gompang2e Because of the Flash of Lightning talent. It cools down every CD that we have, including Prime Wave, Storm keeper and Storm Ele. It gets you back into your heavy hitting abilities.
@@ZucoWoW oh ok thanks.
what's the weakaura that tells you the rotation?
It's just showing what buttons I'm pressing... It's called "Trufigcd" :)
With thunderstrike ward now a thing, have they changed elemental's loot table so they only get 1 handers and shields? It would feel pretty bad if you use the shield imbue but kept getting staff drops.
Hi Zuco. For this build, do you even need to learn frost shock?
No actually... Good catch. I've been running so many different builds, I forgot. You aren't going to cast it, so put that talent somewhere else.
Question, I am coming back from a very big break. I tried this build out and I noticed I had little to no lava burst procs. What can I do to increase the LB procs?
Make sure your Flameshocks never go down. If you have good Flameshock uptime, you'll get enough Lava Surge procs.
This build also doesn't really need Lava Burst that much. It's much more focused on the Lightning abilities.
Any tip on tracking Tempest? I'm using Luxthos weakaura and there is zero indication when it procs :\
Ele shamans looks much more appealing to me now with all lightning build, might swap from boomkin to ele shaman foe this xpac.
Only thing im concerned of are the survivability, are they getting anything more in the def kit kow then what they have had previous? Dont wanna end up always dying in higher keys only cause shaman 😣
thx Zuco
Zuco do you have a feeling for how much of a loss Aftershock is gonna be? I like the "shotgunning finishers" kind of style
What kind of secondary stats works best with this build.....haste/mastery?
@@mattmay1020 Yep exactly... Something like 30% haste or a bit more, than you can go mastery... There is also a case to be made for Crit though... There are a TON of Crit synergies in the Stormbringer and Ele spec tree now, it might be worth going Crit
@@ZucoWoW thanks for the info.....much appreciated
Icyveins says only use lava burst while it procs or with primordial wave, are you sure rotating between those 3 is better?
Is it worth hardcasting lavaburst to get the haste if I don't have lavasurge procs in the AOE rotation?
@@yosoum Generally no... This will feel bad right now when the mobs last for 8 seconds each... But once you get into higher keys, you'll drop Liquid Magma Totem and use Prime Wave, then go back to casting Chain Lightnings... Your Lava Surge will proc in roughly 5 seconds or so and you can pop off with it.
Obviously if you get extremely unlucky and the Lava Surge doesn't proc, then you'll need to manually cast a LB to get the haste buff rolling.
So can I make my flame shock a lesser keybind now since I’m hoping not to have to apply it raw?
You can yeah... Not a bad idea.
I realize this is off topic but considering your depth of knowledge on everything Shaman, do you have a sense of what hero talents Resto Shaman will bring to Raid?
@@Duck4Evers Farseer is much more efficient for raid. Lots of Riptide spreading... You'll have Ancestors up all the time helping with extra healing, all for free. Mass AOE healing is a bit worse for Farseer, but it has that consistency and efficiency.
Totemic can have bigger mass aoe heals with tons of free Chain Heals from your totems. It's more expensive on mana, but your Healing Rain from Surging totem heals for a lot more, so stacked groups of allies is awesome for Totemic.
Both trees have their merits, you'd need to play around with them and see how it feels.
Awesome, thanks so much!
hahaha, love the hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wtf is going on with my hair?? lol send help
But farseer is still better in pure single target right ? Like for raiding
Why hard cast lava burst on single target??
For earthshocks damage buff. But I havent seen anyone else recommend that. Maybe its not worth it , Im currently just casting lighting bolts for ST and works great. Lava burst only when I get a proc
Is the Thunderstrike Ward passive not worthy getting?
Are macros doable for the Before and On Pull prep?
So on how many targets do we use the aoe rotation? 2+ or 3+?
@@ZucoWoW and on 2 targets we just do the ST Rotation?
And how do we use natures swiftness? Just keep it on cd?
@@nexxos3498 Yep!
Do you have a macro for your Earthquake? I don't see the radial come up on it
@@jayi100 There's a new EQ talent that makes your EQ cast on the enemy you have selected. So you can have your mouse wherever you want and your EQ will automatically go onto your target.
@@ZucoWoW Oh cool, thank you. Love the videos! Great work
Why use lava burst at all in the single target rotation? seems like even the crit does less than a solid lightning bolt and it comes out slower. Thoughts?
You only use lava burst when you get a proc so it is instant cast. No proc no cast. Additionally if you cast it while flame shock is active on the enemy it it is a guaranteed crit.
do i wanna cast earthquake every time it "procs" (gets flashy)? im kinda confused how many chain lightnings are betweens the earthquakes. Or is it just about not capping maelstorm?
My man wassup with that bird nest? That should be illegal 😂
the amount of comments on this video about my hair is alarming.... and 100% correct. :)
If you EQ on the same selected target twice in a row (because MS is full), will the damage be doubled or do we need to wait with EQ until the prev. one is done?
As a filthy casual who basically does just world content and LFR (plus Delves in TWW) which of the two would be better suited, Stormbringer or Farseer?
I think Farseer is better. The Ancestors will also heal you if you cast a heal on yourself. They are up basically all the time. The Farseer build cools down offensive and defensive abilities like Cap Totem, Stone Bulwark Totem, etc, so it offers more flexibility and sustain for open world content like hard Rare bosses or Delves.
@@ZucoWoW Nice, thanks for the info
Should give shamans tornado or something, tempest looks so weak visually..
So in the middle of the fight, after my cd on wave and totem reset i need to warto for the lava surge proc ?
ele looks fun in aoe fights but what about boss fights? just lightning bolt and lava burst?
hey, it would be cool if you link the spec in a planner :)
Do you have the link for this talent spec? Thanks