@dumbnetworks How many americans speak any other language than english? (don't count spanish now :) ) Most people in the world speak they own language, and they don't even read or write it. What would they do, if they couldn't understand that beautyful shit coming from Hollywood?
I agree with you about syncro shit but this is how ignorants are, hungarians don't speak any other language, exactly because they syncronize everything, they are afraid that they will lose their language otherwise...
Good to know people enjoy murphy on another language too.
The voice you're hearing is his Hungarian voice in every film.
george dörner. his name means 'someone who dörns'. he dörnin' all time.
ezer köszönet hoyg ez le van forditva istenem de jóóó küssz kössz kössz
@dumbnetworks How many americans speak any other language than english? (don't count spanish now :) ) Most people in the world speak they own language, and they don't even read or write it. What would they do, if they couldn't understand that beautyful shit coming from Hollywood?
I agree with you about syncro shit but this is how ignorants are, hungarians don't speak any other language, exactly because they syncronize everything, they are afraid that they will lose their language otherwise...