The true knowledge of Christianity returns, not JC personally. It starts with- The proper understanding that biblical creation is of spiritual nature, not material nature has been discovered. Biblical creation is metaphors for psychological factors not material and is the creation of Adam. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRISTIANITY. (Basics) (sequence) I will send you Elijah before the great day of the lord.(the nut balls has arrived) 1 The entrance of Elijah the messenger. Embodied in the knowledge of the Old Seers. (The book of Rev. begins) 2 Christianity as present in the world is proven false. 3 The world falls into disbelief. 4 The world mostly takes on the new knowledge. 5 Governments and religions are removed or become inert. 2 camps are created one good-the greater number falls away. 6 The good leave the cities, go into hiding for safety.3 7 End time arrives. The evil with no governance destroy their own kind. (by the hand of man will man's blood be shed)(the great day of the lord). 8 Proper Christianity remains. (natural man)
The true knowledge of Christianity returns, not JC personally. It starts with- The proper understanding that biblical creation is of spiritual nature, not material nature has been discovered. Biblical creation is metaphors for psychological factors not material and is the creation of Adam.
I will send you Elijah before the great day of the lord.(the nut balls has arrived)
1 The entrance of Elijah the messenger. Embodied in the knowledge of the Old Seers. (The book of Rev. begins)
2 Christianity as present in the world is proven false.
3 The world falls into disbelief.
4 The world mostly takes on the new knowledge.
5 Governments and religions are removed or become inert. 2 camps are created one good-the greater number falls away.
6 The good leave the cities, go into hiding for safety.3
7 End time arrives. The evil with no governance destroy their own kind. (by the hand of man will man's blood be shed)(the great day of the lord).
8 Proper Christianity remains. (natural man)