So this video's beginning to gain a lot more traction and attention so I decided I'd go ahead an provide some responses and insight to some of the more frequently asked questions and comments right here below: How did he know you were there? Does he have cameras? From what I know about the situation and what others have relayed to me through the years since this incident, this crazy dude just seemed to show up to this place at random to try to catch people (hence why he popped out of a bush). I'd been there for 2 hours at the point he showed up so I highly doubt he knew beforehand, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I even heard rumors that he either recently or currently lives in a trailer on sight. It very much appears that this is just his sick twisted way of hunting people like they're deer while hiding behind legal loopholes. Why didn't you run? Why did you let him handcuff you? These are questions I still ponder myself all this time later, unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. I'd never been seriously caught before in my time exploring before this took place so I was always under the impression that if you do get caught just play nice and be reasonable and 90% of the time you'll just be let off with a warning. Not to mention a dude with a gun with God only knows what kind of ammo in it isn't something to take too lightly. But with all things considered, yes, if I were transported back in time, I would have 100 percent taken off at full speed with a good head start the second he popped up. Why didn't you hide out and wait? As previously stated I'd never been in such a predicament yet in my exploring days at the time of this incident so that definitely played a part, but it's also mostly due to the fact that I don't live locally to that area, so the option of risking it and escaping and finding a cozy hotel room for the weekend was outweighing the option of a long night's campout at a cold dingy factory. But once again, hindsight is 20/20, and it I'd have gladly waiting it out as long as it took if I went back in time. "bUt yOUr tREsPasiNg hE hAs eVEry riGHt tO yada yada yada and other loads of baseless BS" I go to places that are neglected and abandoned to film light hearted little exploration vlog style videos where I do no damage, take nothing, and never enter unless there's already an established way in. This guy uses his free time to camp out where he knows people will be and uses it as an excuse to threaten or shoot them for fun, I commit victimless "crimes" and he is no victim. That's why a judge and jury sentenced him to prison time and 2 years probation as compared to my little 200 dollar fine. I cross no moral lines by going to places these alleged "property owners" are too neglectful to upkeep. They're not houses or places of business, they're abandoned unused properties.
He has every right to protect his property. Just because its neglected does not mean it does not have valuables. Many scrappers visit abandoned sites/ homes to steal raw material to recycle. Also, if someone gets hurt the owner could face a lawsuit. You assume risk of getting hurt by falls, trips, unsound structures and people. I know this must of been scary but be a big boy and accept the risks along with the rewards. Remember you were not invited so you shouldn't complain about it. Stay vigilant.
This is beyond psychotic, handcuffing you and placing you in his private vehicle over trespassing in an abandoned factory? What if he drove you to an undisclosed location, you”re helpless already in handcuffs and you”re bags are in the trunk if you had your cellphone in them.
Dang this is this guy’s hobby just terrifying people. I get it’s his property but simply asking you to leave would have sufficed. Sorry you had to go through all that, you earned a sub for your bravery!
@@JaredCokerUrbex Dude you should look into taking legal actions against him because making you handcuff yourself putting your bag and camera in his trunk and making you get into his car to drive you somewhere is kidnapping and endangerment. He should be arrested. You should sue him.
I thought the very same thing. Had he been a serial killer using that factory as his catch sight. Just imagine the young adults he could do this very same thing to and go off and kill them. He would have just ended up another missing person. Nobody would have known any better. Dang, I hope he does his exploring with someone else. Exploring is dangerous enough, but alone. He'll no!!
I’ve had to run from that guy once. Me and some friends were inside and he showed up without us knowing. We ran into a woman and she hollered for the landowner and we all sprinted out of there while he yelled about shooting us. Crazy stuff. Crazy guy. I don’t understand why he’s always there. Like what could he possibly be doing???
Glad you made it out! Dude shouldn't be walking free, that's for sure, only a matter of time before he does something serious enough to finally get put away for good.
If you know how much the scrap metal alone is worth in that building, nevermind the actual land value, he's clearly protecting his assets. Many of the machines and vehicles in there look stripped already, whether by him or robbers, probably both. He's an old man. Crazy? Yes. Defending his property, even in just scrap metal alone, that's alot of money. Not saying he's not a psycho, but all that metal in there could be his retirement fund.
maybe he worked there at some point when the place was still open as a business.... and maybe he's got some mental problem where he feels he needs to protect the place now ?
@MrVinFord You're not a very bright little guy, funny how quiet you got when I already gave you exactly what you needed to be proven wrong, but here you go again since you loved spamming every other comment so much. The dumbest ones always screech the loudest.
Jeez, this was crazy!! Glad you’re ok and weren’t shot like those poor kids. Here in the UK, trespassing is just a civil matter. If the cops do get called, they just tell you to leave the property, sometimes ask for your details and that’s it.
What a idiot idea, GET A REAL LAWFUL FORCE SIGN! And put it them every 20 feet surrounding the gate. He spray painted it and actually thinks it’s enforceable. Thats a joke 😂
The owner’s name is Ken Thomas, and you can find his mugshot online. Also, the factor is called TreatCo in Wichita and it was investigated several times in the past for alleged environmental violations. Ken is a horrible person for many obvious reasons.
Depending on the jurisdiction, there are allowances for the property owner to detain an individual committing misdemeanors on property within sight of said property owner. It’s also (generally) NOT illegal to threaten to shoot (and display a weapon) someone who is on your property (though, in most cases, it would be illegal to shoot AT the person, discharging a warning shot varies). The property owner did not know what Jared had done on the property - he could have broken in (breaking and entering), he could have vandalized and/or destroyed property, or he could have taken a souvenir (theft). As long as this man is the property owner and/or acting on the authority of the property owner, he is well within his right to detain and threaten anybody on his land. It’s NOT Kidnapping, it’s detaining. Long story short, Jared IS breaking the law and the owner is in his rights. After all, in the crazy world we live in, if Jared had injured himself on the property, he would be within his right to sue.
You don't seem to know what kidnapping entails. If he's the property owner, he can 100% detain you for trespassing while he waits for authorities. I.E.: Kidnapping is an unlawful activity in Kansas when a person is taken or confined by force, threat or deception, with the intent to hold such person for ransom, or as a shield or hostage, or to facilitate flight or the commission of any crime.
@@richardludwig3673 Dude what you're saying is simply wrong. None of what you said applies to this situation. Citizens arrest is always a bad idea. You could end up getting charged with assault, battery, false imprisonment, etc. It’s simply not worth the risk over some rundown factory. If someone tries to attack you with a weapon on your own property and you hold them at gunpoint until the cops arrive that’s a bit of a different story but this guy with the camera had no weapon and showed no aggression and no intent to harm and he unlawfully handcuffed him, held him at gunpoint, threatened to shoot him and brandished his weapon, plus admitted he shot at other people recently. Dude would get SLAMMED with felony charges. I highly doubt the man owns that property. You cannot simply own an abandoned factory and squatters rights do not apply to this situation, it is technically owned by the state.
@@richardludwig3673 Someone said in the comments "Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you." "Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK"
@@bryantsalmon2 It’s one thing to do a citizens arrest, it’s another thing to physically hold someone hostage at gunpoint, which is exactly what he did. Also fun fact, this dude later got arrested for actually shooting the minors that were trespassing. I’m not by any means condoning trespassing, it’s unlawful, even so, that doesn’t give some old dude who happens to own a property the right to enforce the law. If he wants to do that, then he should become a police officer.
If you break into my property, you being held at gunpoint is your bet case scenario. These video are great but cross a threshold and bad shit can happen. The man was within his rights in all but a few states. He was not arrested when he detained this kid. "fuck around and find out" is the phrase these kids use now days and sadly its going to happen.
@@bryantsalmon2 No he was later arrested, not in this video. Look it up, it was in the news. Also, your best case scenario if you kill someone who is trespassing on a property who isn’t physically threatening you, is prison time. Reason being, is because you weren’t actually physically threatened, yet you still took the liberty to literally kill someone. The only time that is necessary is when your life is literally being threatened. Like I would get holding someone at gun point if they were attempting to rob me, even pointing a gun at me, yes, in that case, by all means, do everything you can to protect yourself. On the other hand, if an innocent kid is exploring your property, not harming anyone, not stealing, and not in any way threatening your safety, which was the case in this video, the proper thing to do is to tell him to leave or their will be consequences and ultimately let the cops deal with it. You are not a police officer and it’s not your job to arrest someone. The whole point of a citizen’s arrest is to be an informant for the police to then give them a lead to arrest someone.
So he was just waiting in the bushes to handcuff a teen boy at gunpoint and put him in his car? And he DIDN'T get arrested? What's happening in Wichita???
There was a freaking article about it. He shot the 2 teens later after the arrest. 2 year probation. Honestly, they should've jailed that mf old creep@@BuduLips
That guy should have been charged with impersonating a police officer, there is no reason for anyone that is not in law enforcement to be placing handcuffs on anyone.
@@mikemancini313dude shut the fuck up. No one actually cares that there are signs that say no trespassing. Literally no one cares when exploring abandoned areas. Quit being a goodie two shoes bro. I don’t understand people that guard abandoned buildings with their life when most people that explore abandoned areas, they are just exploring with no bad intentions. They just want to look around. It’s a fun experience to see what is left behind.
I don't know how you can be so nonchalant about being given a criminal record by that guy when you weren't doing anything wrong. If that were me, that guy wouldn't have seen the last of me, that's for sure
Thanks man, and yeah I had that theory too, kinda seems as though he gets a sick thrill out of it while hiding behind some cheap castle law type loophole.
@@exploretheabandoned From my understanding, this is probably something he does fairly often, there was a lot of awkward conversation in the long time waiting for the cops, but he never said anything about knowing I was there ahead of time. And like I mentioned, he was playing tough guy and exaggerating, or just straight up lying about a lot of stuff, but he told stories of other guys he chased or shot, etc. Not sure how much is true obviously, but bottom line, I think he literally just sits around there camping out waiting for people, especially since he was crouching behind a bush so I couldn't see him when he finally appeared.
I get defending your property and whatnot, but this dude definitley seems like he goes out here with the intent of harming people, and not to protect his pile of bricks of an building that no one has used for years.
Those cops should be fired man, if you told them he fired a gun, and he told them he was gonna shoot more kids and all they said was "please don't do that"? That's so disgraceful
the amount of graffiti and damage in the place but it’s always the explorers that just take photos and videos that get arrested . so glad you got back to your car , just started following you and i’m impressed with your explores
The hillbillies from the movie Deliverance must be his relatives. Glad you got out of there unharmed. I've read too many news stories of young people who were never seen again. Might be a good idea to take a buddy along.
He's guarding an abandoned building, with a gun, that's worth no more than a pile of garbage? 🗑 That's creepy as hell! Just what was in that place that's worth pointing a gun at someone for God's sake?
Some backwards hillbilly psycho that likes to hunt people then use castle doctrine as a legal defense. In some states, you’re allowed chase down and shoot people who enter your property and doesn’t matter if it’s a house or a dilapidated factory. Fortunately he’s not THAT much of a psycho to use actual lethal rounds (in this case) but you can tell he loves doing this to people cause he thinks he has a legal loophole to do so.
If somebody is trespassing in that building and is injured or killed, it's pretty much guaranteed the injured party will SUE the property owners and whoever else they can find, AND hold the security people responsible... Actions have Consequences. That being said, Outstanding video.
Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you. Another thing I forgot to mention is yes, he does live in a trailer on the front of the property, exactly where he pulled into the second gate at in the video. Me and my friends go there quite a lot and I remember we were like 8 deep in there, we made it to the roof, I remember looking down over the roof and seeing him sitting outside on his phone at 4 in the morning. I ran over and pointed this out to my friends and suggested we got out. After I told them, we hurried out and as we got out and were hopping over the gates, we could hear him walking around, almost stomping on metal parts in the factory looking for us since we were making noise trying to get out. Luckily we made it out and haven’t gone back since, and this was about 3 months ago. Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK😭😭
Oh trust me man I'm very familiar, that was the exact incident that happened right after me, I even heard it come through over the cop's radio while I was with him at the station. Scary to think about to this day 3 years later.
Holy crap! This was insane, one of the most suspenseful urbex vids I've seen! That guy is off his rocker, he's going to try that stunt on someone, and get shot himself! Usually citizens arrests are for violent crimes, not trespassing. Did you ever look into if you could have taken him to court for something like false imprisonment or similar?
You cannot shoot someone for merely trespassing on abandoned property. Especially if you are running away and have no weapon. I would have outright refused to put on the handcuffs. the reason why he had u do it is because he would have had to take his hands off his precious weapon. Next time dont go alone and most certainly know your exits. Or at least find a good hiding spot and wait it out. The reason why he didnt go in, you had the tactical advantage inside the building, and all he had to do was wait for you to come out. If he shot you in the back running he would have a murder charge on him.
Yeah man, I've spent the last year thinking everything you just mentioned, I would have done everything differently if I were to go back in time, anything from just hunkering down and hiding in there for the night, or taking off in a dead sprint the moment he popped up.
@@LadyBits2023 You're don't know what you're talking about. The dude's name is Ken Thomas and he was on probation for shooting teenagers. Someone said in the comments "Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you." "Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK" You're not very bright.
guy is 100% a psychotic wanna be military larper. tactical vest, hand cuffs,. rifle kitted out and carrying pepper spray in his support hand. this guy is all sorts of messed up. im glad you made it out alive and didnt become "it puts the Jarden coker in the hole" type situation.
Bro this is insane I'm glad you are ok. It's insane that we run the risk of running into psychopaths like this when doing this stuff. Dude actually shoots at people for going in his ABANDONED factory like come on, ridiculous. Makes for a good story tho haha, nice vid dude!
Oh for sure, it kinda changes the whole dynamic forever after something like that happens, but we press on anyway. But the silver lining is that some killer footage came out of it.
That was absolutely insane! That was a really good video, it was epic to watch but also totally crazy. Still glad you didn’t get shot so that you can keep making more videos.
what the hell man! those poor kids, imagine how scared they mustve been with that psychopath shooting at them. I commend your bravery man, im so sorry you went through that
I just came across your channel.I love it,my wife an I bin doing this for 4 or 5 years.we thought about doing a RUclips, I love the close calls,intense It sucks you got caught. we bin caught only one time in an abandoned prison in p.a, We had to out run an out smart the cops or security many times,I always try an get in an get to the top so I can get a good visual of the surrounding areas,make sure nobody's coming for us, doing it alone is sketchy, I get nervous just watching your videos😅, never let getting caught stop you,I know it sounds stupid,but that's the chance we take.the love for exploring. Those cars out front are pretty neat, Those are mostly transmissions in that one room, Looking forward to more videos, Stay safe,an alert,
Damn, that’s crazy, but, you take that chance whilst Urbexing, never know who you might run into, luckily, he wasn’t a Serial Killer, for real! I would say, never go alone, but wow, what an Urbex video, especially the abandoned forklifts, frozen in time, so fascinating, Thsnks for this, you certainly have brass balls! Awesome!
Wow man that was a traumatic experience, I was on the edge of my seat for the whole video! Great editing, didn't even feel like it was 30 min long. I did chuckle when you stopped to set up the tripod, TWICE, to catch footage crawling out the window in attempt to escape...oh well you're already stuck in the situation, might as well make the best of it! Too bad you couldn't keep the camera recording the whole time while you were in his car too...
Yeah, I always figure whenever I had to put to camera tripod down to start climbing in and out of somewhere, I may as well have it face me 😂 Although it was kinda weird in the moment being in such a dangerous scenario but still thinking about footage.
@@JaredCokerUrbex I feel that! When something crazy starts to go down, I feel like my gut reaction is to stop recording…I don’t know why but that’s what I do without thinking…it’s made me miss out on what could’ve been some good footage, and I’m trying to be more conscious about it now
Thus is exactly why, and I say this as a proud gun owner, not everyone deserves guns. The 2A says we have the right to a well regulated militia that does not mean every dipshit deserves a gun.
@@JaredCokerUrbex glad to hear it. I just discovered your Channel so I really enjoy your content. Sorry for all the stuff that went down and you didn't let us down it was just that creep who did it to you. Would love to see maybe even you bowling if you're taking a break from exploring. Like I said we really enjoy your channel :D
This is insane, there is absolutely no way in hell that I would put handcuffs on because some random wannabe cop guy with a rifle told me to, for trespassing and exploring an abandoned building. He could be a fucking serial killer for all I know. This dude is dangerous if he thinks it ok to shoot people for exploring abandoned buildings. I would have laughed in his face for demanding I put his handcuffs on. He seems like one of those nosey ass HOA neighbors who constantly complaining about the most pettiest shit.
What I'm wondering is how was this dude not arrested for kidnapping you by force? When he made you put on those handcuffs and told you to get into his car. Would that not be considered kidnapping? He had no right handcuffing you, let alone telling you to get in his private mode of transportation. And all the while under the threat of shooting you. You didn't know this phycho from a hole in the ground. What if he was a serial killer and was using that factory as a ruse to capture people to murder them. Never, ever get a car with any stranger. In this situation, maybe you calling the police and reporting yourself being kidnapped by a gun toting psycho would have been a better choice. Had you have had the opportunity. I would have told him I will call the police on myself. I bet he's called cops before, thus them knowing this nutsac and what he was capable of. Were there any No Trespassing signs. I noticed the gate he pushed opened didn't have a lock. But like you said, hindsight is 20-20. Damn I'm so happy that weirdo Freddy Kruger didn't kill you and put your body in that place. Never explore alone. Have a backup just in case you fall and get hurt or come across a crazy lunatic like this weirdo. Praise God you made it out alive.
19:03 The painting of a rainy cloud with the graffiti saying: "I like peeing on people" made me laugh hard. Impressive how you managed to stay so calm during such an unnerving encounter. That man is a definite psychopath. What citizen just walks around with handcuffs to detain people?
I'd be scared of some pulp fiction stuff. Property owner finds you, you get tied up in the building and well......go watch the movie to know what scene I am talking about hahaha
The way he said “put own these hand cuffs” reminds me of the scene in Deliverance when Ned Beatty is told to “take off that little ol’ shirt. And the panties. Take ‘em off.”
@@DatcleanMochaJoah well yeah, probably not normal to be held at gunpoint, putting him in handcuffs by some vigilante weirdo in army fatigues for trespassing… unless you’re in Tajikistan, C.A.R. or Guyana. Unless this is normal in the US? You tell me mate
I actually live in Wichita Kansas I do know if you would had just told the cop you have a RUclips channel on the abandoned places they'd probably would have let you off lot more faster at least you do have video evidence of that guy
I definitely did, there was a lot of time talking to both that guy and the cops. The cops definitely knew I was only there for filming reasons, but I think that dude either wanted to press charges, or they were required to take me away since I was technically caught in the act. Either way, I couldn't say for sure. I was hoping the whole time something would get sorted out, but once they read me my rights and put a new pair of cuffs on me, I knew it was over.
Yeah it was a trespassing charge, just a fine technically, but they fees for a lawyer so I didn't have to keep driving to Wichita for court dates was brutal.
@@JaredCokerUrbex Wish I'd have found your channel sooner, I might have tagged along. I used to explore Wichita and I was very familiar with a lot of the abandoned areas in this part of the mid-west. You got any plans before Sunday? lol I know of abandoned military sites you might be interested in, in Kansas. Among other things.
@@ECSH0315 well to be fair, I live near KC so I'm never really around Wichita, and I tend to travel to film nowadays anyway. Just filmed a big trip in September so I could hibernate for winter.
This is my first video that I watched on your channel. What a crazy experience must be this for you. I hope you are fine now and for the 2 that were shot that they are too. The factory is without the crazy owner is very nice to explore. Thanks for sharing this video and try to stay safe😊
I seen your video on the dark knights channel and I just wanted to come and subscribe because man that was some scary crap thank God you're still alive be safe
I don't think I will ever urban explore anymore after watching this video. Im not getting a gun pointed in my face. If he ever does that in Texas. Boy it will end badly, my friends do carry.
as someone who was born and raised in Wichita Kansas there entire life , I’ve had a lot and I mean a lot of friends who have gone here and all of them have been shot at ( not with pellots) he does now live In a camper on sight and he’s a bit older now and will not hesitate
with all your documentation I would have just pressed charged or sued the guy on reckless endangerment, false arrest, etc . He coerced you under gun point to put hand cuffs on
I lived in Olathe and KC as a kid (attended Morse Elementary in 4th grade). A lot of crazy wackos around there unfortunately. Deadly force is for home invasions and if you're threatening someone's life, not for mere tresspassing.
Well it was pretty much just because I knew if he was gonna shoot me, he would've just did it already, and I was just trying to play nice in case he let me go.
That was a creep fest for sure! I did a bunch of lone Rolling Acres mall videos and I know what Jared was saying about making noise (and giving yourself away) as you don't know who is lurking in the shadows... and there sure aren't any police around to save you if a crack head shows up with a hatchet. Thanks for filming what you did, that was great.
Big mistake attempting to leave with all that daylight in such a wide open area. Especially knowing that he's still there. You should have hunkered down in one of those areas high up that wouldn't be easily accessible by foot, and just waited it out. He would have looked around a bunch more and just left. You shouldn't have left until you saw that car go back out the way it came. He ain't going to stay there overnight. He wants to do his 8 hours and go home. What did you think was going to happen? You thought you were safe if you are outside of the building or something? I don't get your endgame there. You'd be a terrible prowler. Oh well. You live you learn I guess. At least now you have Street cred.
I've definitely thought those same exact thoughts over and over again 1000 times since then, unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. I guess for more context, I was actually just in town that weekend for another event and doing some exploring on the side, so the thought of escaping and getting to a nice cozy hotel room definitely seemed more appealing than getting trapped in there possibly all night. Plus, from what I'd observed I thought he was walking laps, so I didn't expect him to just hide somewhere. But all things considered, if I had a time machine I definitely would've done it different.
We aren’t gonna talk about the shadow under the door that looks like feet when he said “it was just the wind” (beginning of the video 2:35 into the video)
Ooooohhhhh my gahhhhhhhh Listen, I’ve been watching Urbex for a long time never has a video made me 💩 a little in my undies like this video did. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 sorry, TMI but this had me shooketh to my bare bones. 😰
I hope that in the year or so since this video, that you have worked on your situational awareness. Also if work on keeping a quieter voice and using a filtered light so people can’t see your beam from a distance
I literally live in the Sedgwick County area and my last time I went there was in April and the month after two kids got shot and I went in the day time like 4 times but that was mid of 2020. Idk if he goes there at night time but we usually go at night but idk when the guy started patrolling the area bc we basically went every night and went under the bridge like you did. I remember hearing a loud bang like in the video and this was around midnight and I was like wtf was that and I just ran back to my truck. But where u were when you peaked and saw him, I would usually go to the roof and head down the stairs but in your scenario I would go through the factory instead of the outside but thank god you're safe
So this video's beginning to gain a lot more traction and attention so I decided I'd go ahead an provide some responses and insight to some of the more frequently asked questions and comments right here below:
How did he know you were there? Does he have cameras?
From what I know about the situation and what others have relayed to me through the years since this incident, this crazy dude just seemed to show up to this place at random to try to catch people (hence why he popped out of a bush). I'd been there for 2 hours at the point he showed up so I highly doubt he knew beforehand, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I even heard rumors that he either recently or currently lives in a trailer on sight. It very much appears that this is just his sick twisted way of hunting people like they're deer while hiding behind legal loopholes.
Why didn't you run? Why did you let him handcuff you?
These are questions I still ponder myself all this time later, unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. I'd never been seriously caught before in my time exploring before this took place so I was always under the impression that if you do get caught just play nice and be reasonable and 90% of the time you'll just be let off with a warning. Not to mention a dude with a gun with God only knows what kind of ammo in it isn't something to take too lightly. But with all things considered, yes, if I were transported back in time, I would have 100 percent taken off at full speed with a good head start the second he popped up.
Why didn't you hide out and wait?
As previously stated I'd never been in such a predicament yet in my exploring days at the time of this incident so that definitely played a part, but it's also mostly due to the fact that I don't live locally to that area, so the option of risking it and escaping and finding a cozy hotel room for the weekend was outweighing the option of a long night's campout at a cold dingy factory. But once again, hindsight is 20/20, and it I'd have gladly waiting it out as long as it took if I went back in time.
"bUt yOUr tREsPasiNg hE hAs eVEry riGHt tO yada yada yada and other loads of baseless BS"
I go to places that are neglected and abandoned to film light hearted little exploration vlog style videos where I do no damage, take nothing, and never enter unless there's already an established way in. This guy uses his free time to camp out where he knows people will be and uses it as an excuse to threaten or shoot them for fun, I commit victimless "crimes" and he is no victim. That's why a judge and jury sentenced him to prison time and 2 years probation as compared to my little 200 dollar fine. I cross no moral lines by going to places these alleged "property owners" are too neglectful to upkeep. They're not houses or places of business, they're abandoned unused properties.
Is that the same dude who shot the two kids there with a shot gun a couple years back
@@damonduncan8315 Yeah, he shot the other two 15 minutes after I'd been taken
@@JaredCokerUrbexso wait he’s already shot two people? Anyone die?
@RizenOneOneSeven He didn't use bullets. He used pellets. They did go to the hospital, but the injuries were minor.
He has every right to protect his property. Just because its neglected does not mean it does not have valuables. Many scrappers visit abandoned sites/ homes to steal raw material to recycle. Also, if someone gets hurt the owner could face a lawsuit. You assume risk of getting hurt by falls, trips, unsound structures and people. I know this must of been scary but be a big boy and accept the risks along with the rewards. Remember you were not invited so you shouldn't complain about it.
Stay vigilant.
Jeez man I’m glad he didn’t shoot at you. But wow that dude is a psycho.
Yeah bro, never seen anything like this
BBs aint nothing but a thing 😭
its his property. you will understand when you own one.
Yeah but it’s fake so no worries
@@bryantsalmon2Americans are fckin crazy people
That guy is a complete Psycho! He's gonna mess up one day and find HIMSELF behind bars with serious charges!!
He is in jail
@@penguiz23he shot two kids a little after this video was made, he was charged with aggravated battery.
@@dancarter6185 True but he didn't go to jail, just a misdemeanor and probation.
Which one the youtuber or the owner ?
This is beyond psychotic, handcuffing you and placing you in his private vehicle over trespassing in an abandoned factory? What if he drove you to an undisclosed location, you”re helpless already in handcuffs and you”re bags are in the trunk if you had your cellphone in them.
Don’t worry it’s fake
@@MrVinFordhows it fake?
@@MrVinFord I doubt you’re truly as dumb as you’re pretending to be.
@@MrVinFord la persona fue procesada, para nada es fake bro..
Dang this is this guy’s hobby just terrifying people. I get it’s his property but simply asking you to leave would have sufficed. Sorry you had to go through all that, you earned a sub for your bravery!
Thank you, much appreciated 😅
I’m not sure it’s really his property
Dame dude get out of thare bra
@@JaredCokerUrbex Dude you should look into taking legal actions against him because making you handcuff yourself putting your bag and camera in his trunk and making you get into his car to drive you somewhere is kidnapping and endangerment. He should be arrested. You should sue him.
I thought the very same thing. Had he been a serial killer using that factory as his catch sight. Just imagine the young adults he could do this very same thing to and go off and kill them. He would have just ended up another missing person. Nobody would have known any better. Dang, I hope he does his exploring with someone else. Exploring is dangerous enough, but alone. He'll no!!
Damn son!!! THAT’S INSANE! Glad you made it out safe, got me a little nervous to go exploring now haha
Yeah man, everything changes when something like that happens.
@@JaredCokerUrbex I’m tryna go to this abandoned school in KC this weekend but now I’m having second thoughts😂
@@UnderwaterFlyZone Extreme caution is always best, it's an unpredictable game no matter what.
@@UnderwaterFlyZone is it on troost and prospect? You have to be careful with that school the houses on the front side get paid to report people
@@juliangonzales9644 yeah that’s the one haha. Good to know, is there still a way in without getting caught?
Dude, the way you kept so calm when he caught you. I would've been freaking out. We'll have to do another podcast episode soon.
For sure man, I figured if I stayed cool and complied maybe he's let me go, but obviously you can't reason with crazy.
I’ve had to run from that guy once. Me and some friends were inside and he showed up without us knowing. We ran into a woman and she hollered for the landowner and we all sprinted out of there while he yelled about shooting us. Crazy stuff. Crazy guy.
I don’t understand why he’s always there. Like what could he possibly be doing???
Glad you made it out! Dude shouldn't be walking free, that's for sure, only a matter of time before he does something serious enough to finally get put away for good.
If you know how much the scrap metal alone is worth in that building, nevermind the actual land value, he's clearly protecting his assets. Many of the machines and vehicles in there look stripped already, whether by him or robbers, probably both. He's an old man. Crazy? Yes. Defending his property, even in just scrap metal alone, that's alot of money.
Not saying he's not a psycho, but all that metal in there could be his retirement fund.
maybe he worked there at some point when the place was still open as a business.... and maybe he's got some mental problem where he feels he needs to protect the place now ?
What’s his name? I mean I’m sure you reported it. You are eager to talk about it online so that makes sense right?
@MrVinFord You're not a very bright little guy, funny how quiet you got when I already gave you exactly what you needed to be proven wrong, but here you go again since you loved spamming every other comment so much. The dumbest ones always screech the loudest.
Jeez, this was crazy!! Glad you’re ok and weren’t shot like those poor kids. Here in the UK, trespassing is just a civil matter. If the cops do get called, they just tell you to leave the property, sometimes ask for your details and that’s it.
who came here after watching Chilling scares video?
Same bruv
me not. what's the name of the video?
@CHEESE-zio thank you!
What a idiot idea, GET A REAL LAWFUL FORCE SIGN! And put it them every 20 feet surrounding the gate. He spray painted it and actually thinks it’s enforceable. Thats a joke 😂
Hell yea! Happy to see this finally posted! Can't wait for you to be back in the urbex scene in kc again! We're all waiting for ya
Thank you my man
The owner’s name is Ken Thomas, and you can find his mugshot online.
Also, the factor is called TreatCo in Wichita and it was investigated several times in the past for alleged environmental violations.
Ken is a horrible person for many obvious reasons.
Bro he legit kidnapped you for a misdemeanor trespassing and threatened to shoot you. Felony criminal charges and an easy civil lawsuit.
Depending on the jurisdiction, there are allowances for the property owner to detain an individual committing misdemeanors on property within sight of said property owner. It’s also (generally) NOT illegal to threaten to shoot (and display a weapon) someone who is on your property (though, in most cases, it would be illegal to shoot AT the person, discharging a warning shot varies).
The property owner did not know what Jared had done on the property - he could have broken in (breaking and entering), he could have vandalized and/or destroyed property, or he could have taken a souvenir (theft).
As long as this man is the property owner and/or acting on the authority of the property owner, he is well within his right to detain and threaten anybody on his land. It’s NOT Kidnapping, it’s detaining.
Long story short, Jared IS breaking the law and the owner is in his rights. After all, in the crazy world we live in, if Jared had injured himself on the property, he would be within his right to sue.
You don't seem to know what kidnapping entails. If he's the property owner, he can 100% detain you for trespassing while he waits for authorities. I.E.: Kidnapping is an unlawful activity in Kansas when a person is taken or confined by force, threat or deception, with the intent to hold such person for ransom, or as a shield or hostage, or to facilitate flight or the commission of any crime.
Yeah sounds fake as fuck, you probably still believe it’s real hahaha
@@richardludwig3673 Dude what you're saying is simply wrong. None of what you said applies to this situation.
Citizens arrest is always a bad idea. You could end up getting charged with assault, battery, false imprisonment, etc. It’s simply not worth the risk over some rundown factory. If someone tries to attack you with a weapon on your own property and you hold them at gunpoint until the cops arrive that’s a bit of a different story but this guy with the camera had no weapon and showed no aggression and no intent to harm and he unlawfully handcuffed him, held him at gunpoint, threatened to shoot him and brandished his weapon, plus admitted he shot at other people recently. Dude would get SLAMMED with felony charges.
I highly doubt the man owns that property. You cannot simply own an abandoned factory and squatters rights do not apply to this situation, it is technically owned by the state.
@@richardludwig3673 Someone said in the comments
"Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you."
"Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK"
That dude should be arrested for impersonating a police officer and threatening your safety.
Citizen arrests. Well within his rights. Who is the victim here?
@@bryantsalmon2 It’s one thing to do a citizens arrest, it’s another thing to physically hold someone hostage at gunpoint, which is exactly what he did. Also fun fact, this dude later got arrested for actually shooting the minors that were trespassing. I’m not by any means condoning trespassing, it’s unlawful, even so, that doesn’t give some old dude who happens to own a property the right to enforce the law. If he wants to do that, then he should become a police officer.
If you break into my property, you being held at gunpoint is your bet case scenario. These video are great but cross a threshold and bad shit can happen. The man was within his rights in all but a few states. He was not arrested when he detained this kid. "fuck around and find out" is the phrase these kids use now days and sadly its going to happen.
@@bryantsalmon2 No he was later arrested, not in this video. Look it up, it was in the news. Also, your best case scenario if you kill someone who is trespassing on a property who isn’t physically threatening you, is prison time. Reason being, is because you weren’t actually physically threatened, yet you still took the liberty to literally kill someone. The only time that is necessary is when your life is literally being threatened. Like I would get holding someone at gun point if they were attempting to rob me, even pointing a gun at me, yes, in that case, by all means, do everything you can to protect yourself. On the other hand, if an innocent kid is exploring your property, not harming anyone, not stealing, and not in any way threatening your safety, which was the case in this video, the proper thing to do is to tell him to leave or their will be consequences and ultimately let the cops deal with it. You are not a police officer and it’s not your job to arrest someone. The whole point of a citizen’s arrest is to be an informant for the police to then give them a lead to arrest someone.
@@Steven.White30 You're Wrong on many levels. Hit some law books my man.
As someone who was born and raised here there whole life this is not cap . He’s crazy
@@ymgspaz what does cap mean???????????
@brentkiely657 cap is what you wear on your head or the lid to bottled fluids anyone who says otherwise is a dummy 😂
@@sequimskater420 Its the stupid lingo kids have these days. i hate it.
So he was just waiting in the bushes to handcuff a teen boy at gunpoint and put him in his car? And he DIDN'T get arrested? What's happening in Wichita???
Fake shit
Yeah I know, fake as fuck
There was a freaking article about it. He shot the 2 teens later after the arrest. 2 year probation. Honestly, they should've jailed that mf old creep@@BuduLips
@@BuduLips its not lmao
It's the wicked west
That guy should have been charged with impersonating a police officer, there is no reason for anyone that is not in law enforcement to be placing handcuffs on anyone.
I heard through the grapevine that he's back in jail right now
@@JaredCokerUrbexis he in jail at the moment ? just wondering because i wanna explore the place or is that a bad idea
@@masonchristian6302I don't think it's worth the risk
@@mikemancini313dude shut the fuck up. No one actually cares that there are signs that say no trespassing. Literally no one cares when exploring abandoned areas. Quit being a goodie two shoes bro. I don’t understand people that guard abandoned buildings with their life when most people that explore abandoned areas, they are just exploring with no bad intentions. They just want to look around. It’s a fun experience to see what is left behind.
.... except he didn't actually break any laws go read the laws in that jurisdiction
I don't know how you can be so nonchalant about being given a criminal record by that guy when you weren't doing anything wrong. If that were me, that guy wouldn't have seen the last of me, that's for sure
Sounds like it was that crazy dudes personal playground, seems he does it for fun; glad you’re okay
Thanks man, and yeah I had that theory too, kinda seems as though he gets a sick thrill out of it while hiding behind some cheap castle law type loophole.
@@JaredCokerUrbex literally a worst urbex nightmare situation
Wow that was one of the most intense urbex videos I’ve seen. This situation would be one of my worst nightmares.
Yeah man, I've always considered this to be about the worst possible thing to happen outside of actually getting shot or injured.
@@JaredCokerUrbex How did he know you were in there in the first place? Did he see you when he was opening the gates?
@@exploretheabandoned From my understanding, this is probably something he does fairly often, there was a lot of awkward conversation in the long time waiting for the cops, but he never said anything about knowing I was there ahead of time. And like I mentioned, he was playing tough guy and exaggerating, or just straight up lying about a lot of stuff, but he told stories of other guys he chased or shot, etc. Not sure how much is true obviously, but bottom line, I think he literally just sits around there camping out waiting for people, especially since he was crouching behind a bush so I couldn't see him when he finally appeared.
Was good until he brought his friend with a fake gun for content lol
Spam some more comments little guy, go ahead make yourself look even stupider.
I get defending your property and whatnot, but this dude definitley seems like he goes out here with the intent of harming people, and not to protect his pile of bricks of an building that no one has used for years.
Those cops should be fired man, if you told them he fired a gun, and he told them he was gonna shoot more kids and all they said was "please don't do that"? That's so disgraceful
That’s insane dude! I’m glade you’re okay!
the amount of graffiti and damage in the place but it’s always the explorers that just take photos and videos that get arrested . so glad you got back to your car , just started following you and i’m impressed with your explores
Thanks man, wrong place wrong time 😂
The hillbillies from the movie Deliverance must be his relatives. Glad you got out of there unharmed. I've read too many news stories of young people who were never seen again. Might be a good idea to take a buddy along.
He's guarding an abandoned building, with a gun, that's worth no more than a pile of garbage? 🗑
That's creepy as hell!
Just what was in that place that's worth pointing a gun at someone for God's sake?
Some backwards hillbilly psycho that likes to hunt people then use castle doctrine as a legal defense. In some states, you’re allowed chase down and shoot people who enter your property and doesn’t matter if it’s a house or a dilapidated factory. Fortunately he’s not THAT much of a psycho to use actual lethal rounds (in this case) but you can tell he loves doing this to people cause he thinks he has a legal loophole to do so.
That bang did not sound like the wind, it sounded more like a gunshot blast.
If somebody is trespassing in that building and is injured or killed, it's pretty much guaranteed the injured party will SUE the property owners and whoever else they can find, AND hold the security people responsible... Actions have Consequences. That being said, Outstanding video.
Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you.
Another thing I forgot to mention is yes, he does live in a trailer on the front of the property, exactly where he pulled into the second gate at in the video.
Me and my friends go there quite a lot and I remember we were like 8 deep in there, we made it to the roof, I remember looking down over the roof and seeing him sitting outside on his phone at 4 in the morning. I ran over and pointed this out to my friends and suggested we got out. After I told them, we hurried out and as we got out and were hopping over the gates, we could hear him walking around, almost stomping on metal parts in the factory looking for us since we were making noise trying to get out. Luckily we made it out and haven’t gone back since, and this was about 3 months ago.
Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK😭😭
Oh trust me man I'm very familiar, that was the exact incident that happened right after me, I even heard it come through over the cop's radio while I was with him at the station. Scary to think about to this day 3 years later.
Holy crap! This was insane, one of the most suspenseful urbex vids I've seen! That guy is off his rocker, he's going to try that stunt on someone, and get shot himself! Usually citizens arrests are for violent crimes, not trespassing. Did you ever look into if you could have taken him to court for something like false imprisonment or similar?
I assumed the police would arrive, see the situation and work it out. They obviously knew he was crazy, but still took me anyway.
na i guess he was smart enough to know chances are slim that you can't be be charged for false imprisonment if the person puts them on him/her self
@@christopherarrington3904 He was basically saying he'd shoot him if he didn't. Not directly, but he did say it about running.
You cannot shoot someone for merely trespassing on abandoned property. Especially if you are running away and have no weapon. I would have outright refused to put on the handcuffs. the reason why he had u do it is because he would have had to take his hands off his precious weapon. Next time dont go alone and most certainly know your exits. Or at least find a good hiding spot and wait it out. The reason why he didnt go in, you had the tactical advantage inside the building, and all he had to do was wait for you to come out. If he shot you in the back running he would have a murder charge on him.
Yeah man, I've spent the last year thinking everything you just mentioned, I would have done everything differently if I were to go back in time, anything from just hunkering down and hiding in there for the night, or taking off in a dead sprint the moment he popped up.
Nah at that point you gotta take your life as #1 priority and do what they want. He didn’t know the gun had pellets at the time
... except you're totally wrong and you actually can🤣.... Read the laws in that jurisdiction, especially
@@LadyBits2023Actually can what?
@@LadyBits2023 You're don't know what you're talking about. The dude's name is Ken Thomas and he was on probation for shooting teenagers.
Someone said in the comments
"Idk how active you are on replying to comments on this video anymore, but if you look up “Treatco Wichita Ks” and go to images, an article will pop up about this same guy being found guilty for shooting 2 teenagers around March 2021. In the mugshot, he’s seen wearing the same blue collar button up shirt, with the same letterman jacket with the same patches on each side. The article states that he shot 2 teenagers with buckshot in the legs and arms as soon as they entered the property through the hole in the fence. It also quotes what he says in the article because it says, “court says he even pointed out the teens to a police officer during an unrelated trespassing report, telling the police officers, “I’ll go get my shotgun, rustle you up two more””. You pointed this out at the end of your video, that whole thing was the exact same one you were talking about, the article says he shot them without warning them. It’s very scary to think about but I’m glad he showed mercy to you."
"Another encounter my friends had with him was they went during the day without me, he randomly showed up about an hour later looking for them. They noticed that same red car while they were running away, and that man in the red car tried running them over while they were hopping the fence, luckily once again, they made it out. But from what I’ve heard and seen, he’s a deranged killer, probably has more bodies than BTK"
You're not very bright.
You should file charges against that man.
Why is he even there?! He’s not doing any work, he’s literally PATROLLING WITH A RIFLE!
Also what’s the purpose behind blurring his name and face?
guy is 100% a psychotic wanna be military larper. tactical vest, hand cuffs,. rifle kitted out and carrying pepper spray in his support hand. this guy is all sorts of messed up. im glad you made it out alive and didnt become "it puts the Jarden coker in the hole" type situation.
That guy probably has cameras set up all around the property waiting to catch trespassers.
Bro this is insane I'm glad you are ok. It's insane that we run the risk of running into psychopaths like this when doing this stuff. Dude actually shoots at people for going in his ABANDONED factory like come on, ridiculous. Makes for a good story tho haha, nice vid dude!
Oh for sure, it kinda changes the whole dynamic forever after something like that happens, but we press on anyway. But the silver lining is that some killer footage came out of it.
came here from tiktok, this is insane
That was absolutely insane! That was a really good video, it was epic to watch but also totally crazy. Still glad you didn’t get shot so that you can keep making more videos.
what the hell man! those poor kids, imagine how scared they mustve been with that psychopath shooting at them.
I commend your bravery man, im so sorry you went through that
One of the most intense videos I've seen on RUclips, you must have been terrified.
Climbing back out that window to head in the same direction I just heard that blast was one of the most unpleasant sensations I've ever felt.
Thanks, Jared. You really need to make some found footage movies. you're a natural.😊
I just came across your channel.I love it,my wife an I bin doing this for 4 or 5 years.we thought about doing a RUclips,
I love the close calls,intense
It sucks you got caught. we bin caught only one time in an abandoned prison in p.a,
We had to out run an out smart the cops or security many times,I always try an get in an get to the top so I can get a good visual of the surrounding areas,make sure nobody's coming for us, doing it alone is sketchy,
I get nervous just watching your videos😅, never let getting caught stop you,I know it sounds stupid,but that's the chance we take.the love for exploring.
Those cars out front are pretty neat,
Those are mostly transmissions in that one room,
Looking forward to more videos,
Stay safe,an alert,
Thank you, it definitely hindered me for a while, but it definitely didn't stop me.
Damn, that’s crazy, but, you take that chance whilst Urbexing, never know who you might run into, luckily, he wasn’t a Serial Killer, for real! I would say, never go alone, but wow, what an Urbex video, especially the abandoned forklifts, frozen in time, so fascinating, Thsnks for this, you certainly have brass balls! Awesome!
Well, he's not a serial killer YET, I'm sure he'll get there though 😅
Wow man that was a traumatic experience, I was on the edge of my seat for the whole video! Great editing, didn't even feel like it was 30 min long. I did chuckle when you stopped to set up the tripod, TWICE, to catch footage crawling out the window in attempt to escape...oh well you're already stuck in the situation, might as well make the best of it! Too bad you couldn't keep the camera recording the whole time while you were in his car too...
Yeah, I always figure whenever I had to put to camera tripod down to start climbing in and out of somewhere, I may as well have it face me 😂
Although it was kinda weird in the moment being in such a dangerous scenario but still thinking about footage.
@@JaredCokerUrbex I feel that! When something crazy starts to go down, I feel like my gut reaction is to stop recording…I don’t know why but that’s what I do without thinking…it’s made me miss out on what could’ve been some good footage, and I’m trying to be more conscious about it now
@@PinetopJackson2 I kinda just keep the camera rolling at every moment so I never miss anything.
Thus is exactly why, and I say this as a proud gun owner, not everyone deserves guns. The 2A says we have the right to a well regulated militia that does not mean every dipshit deserves a gun.
Sorry you had to go through all that. Hope that your record was expunged and that you can still do urban exploring.
I will again sometime for sure
@@JaredCokerUrbex glad to hear it. I just discovered your Channel so I really enjoy your content. Sorry for all the stuff that went down and you didn't let us down it was just that creep who did it to you. Would love to see maybe even you bowling if you're taking a break from exploring. Like I said we really enjoy your channel :D
This is insane, there is absolutely no way in hell that I would put handcuffs on because some random wannabe cop guy with a rifle told me to, for trespassing and exploring an abandoned building. He could be a fucking serial killer for all I know. This dude is dangerous if he thinks it ok to shoot people for exploring abandoned buildings. I would have laughed in his face for demanding I put his handcuffs on. He seems like one of those nosey ass HOA neighbors who constantly complaining about the most pettiest shit.
22:26 You would’ve thought he’d learn not to jinx himself at all costs after that first jinx 😂
The definition of insanity 😂
Thanks very much for the informative video. Great work for sure. Stay safe!!
What I'm wondering is how was this dude not arrested for kidnapping you by force? When he made you put on those handcuffs and told you to get into his car. Would that not be considered kidnapping? He had no right handcuffing you, let alone telling you to get in his private mode of transportation. And all the while under the threat of shooting you. You didn't know this phycho from a hole in the ground. What if he was a serial killer and was using that factory as a ruse to capture people to murder them. Never, ever get a car with any stranger. In this situation, maybe you calling the police and reporting yourself being kidnapped by a gun toting psycho would have been a better choice. Had you have had the opportunity. I would have told him I will call the police on myself. I bet he's called cops before, thus them knowing this nutsac and what he was capable of. Were there any No Trespassing signs. I noticed the gate he pushed opened didn't have a lock. But like you said, hindsight is 20-20. Damn I'm so happy that weirdo Freddy Kruger didn't kill you and put your body in that place. Never explore alone. Have a backup just in case you fall and get hurt or come across a crazy lunatic like this weirdo. Praise God you made it out alive.
Bro could've just found a really good hiding spot and left when he believes he is safe
This deserves more views
19:03 The painting of a rainy cloud with the graffiti saying: "I like peeing on people" made me laugh hard.
Impressive how you managed to stay so calm during such an unnerving encounter. That man is a definite psychopath. What citizen just walks around with handcuffs to detain people?
But placing handcuffs on someone is kidnapping, even if you are waiting for the police
I'd be scared of some pulp fiction stuff. Property owner finds you, you get tied up in the building and well......go watch the movie to know what scene I am talking about hahaha
The way he said “put own these hand cuffs” reminds me of the scene in Deliverance when Ned Beatty is told to “take off that little ol’ shirt. And the panties. Take ‘em off.”
That's some crazy stuff, man.
America is crazy. Good video mate
America is crazy because of one video?
@@DatcleanMochaJoah well yeah, probably not normal to be held at gunpoint, putting him in handcuffs by some vigilante weirdo in army fatigues for trespassing… unless you’re in Tajikistan, C.A.R. or Guyana. Unless this is normal in the US? You tell me mate
I actually live in Wichita Kansas I do know if you would had just told the cop you have a RUclips channel on the abandoned places they'd probably would have let you off lot more faster at least you do have video evidence of that guy
I definitely did, there was a lot of time talking to both that guy and the cops. The cops definitely knew I was only there for filming reasons, but I think that dude either wanted to press charges, or they were required to take me away since I was technically caught in the act. Either way, I couldn't say for sure. I was hoping the whole time something would get sorted out, but once they read me my rights and put a new pair of cuffs on me, I knew it was over.
Did charges stick? Did they actually hit you with trespassing?
Yeah it was a trespassing charge, just a fine technically, but they fees for a lawyer so I didn't have to keep driving to Wichita for court dates was brutal.
@@JaredCokerUrbex Wish I'd have found your channel sooner, I might have tagged along. I used to explore Wichita and I was very familiar with a lot of the abandoned areas in this part of the mid-west. You got any plans before Sunday? lol I know of abandoned military sites you might be interested in, in Kansas. Among other things.
@@ECSH0315 well to be fair, I live near KC so I'm never really around Wichita, and I tend to travel to film nowadays anyway. Just filmed a big trip in September so I could hibernate for winter.
Anyone notice the “use of deadly force” written on one of the garage doors? 😟
That guy is an idiot for impersonating an officer.
Crazy that the place was your first vid and your quote on quote last.
I suppose it started and ended an era
Not sure if you team, but I’m based in Olathe, KS and got my own gear too. Would love to film a sight w/u. The hospital video- bro. That was mental!
I'm glad my friends and I didn't go there like we were wanting to, because we don't live too far from there.
DUDE! should've asked to see a badge some old dude pulling up in a sedan! hiding in the bushes with an AR like a creep!
This was great band when you got caught it scared me to death lol I'm new here and so subscribing hope this hasn't stopped you from exploring
This is my first video that I watched on your channel. What a crazy experience must be this for you. I hope you are fine now and for the 2 that were shot that they are too. The factory is without the crazy owner is very nice to explore. Thanks for sharing this video and try to stay safe😊
Hey thanks! I believe all parties involved have gone on to be fine 👍
I seen your video on the dark knights channel and I just wanted to come and subscribe because man that was some scary crap thank God you're still alive be safe
Thst ending was insane. Dude is way too protective to make any sense.
Damn im surprised the cop didnt call the shooting out over code in the radio, they normally do that so things like this don't happen but 🤷♀
I don't think I will ever urban explore anymore after watching this video. Im not getting a gun pointed in my face. If he ever does that in Texas. Boy it will end badly, my friends do carry.
as someone who was born and raised in Wichita Kansas there entire life , I’ve had a lot and I mean a lot of friends who have gone here and all of them have been shot at ( not with pellots) he does now live In a camper on sight and he’s a bit older now and will not hesitate
Man I've never wanted a location before to avoid a place lol
So they really just let that guy go? What’s the update on that factory and that guy?
Wish I knew, but I bet he's just right back there again.
with all your documentation I would have just pressed charged or sued the guy on reckless endangerment, false arrest, etc . He coerced you under gun point to put hand cuffs on
Woah that Ram 1500 is actually fairly new, probably around a 2003. I have a slightly newer 2006.
Hopefully your lawyer gets this knocked down, potentially counter sue for kidnapping
Bro me and some buddies went there and he pulled out a baton and swung at us but we just ran lmao
6:10 the garage door says “ Use of deadly force “
Project dark knight sent me! Here to give u support! Keep exploring brotha!!
I understand defending your home like that. But some abandoned destroyed factory? Nah man.
I lived in Olathe and KC as a kid (attended Morse Elementary in 4th grade). A lot of crazy wackos around there unfortunately. Deadly force is for home invasions and if you're threatening someone's life, not for mere tresspassing.
Some of these want to be cops think they hot stuff
WHAT THE!? THIS IS CRAZY! why- why would they do that knowing that? Im baffled
Bro how tf did you remain so calm when he caught you. I mean he literally had a gun.
Well it was pretty much just because I knew if he was gonna shoot me, he would've just did it already, and I was just trying to play nice in case he let me go.
Pretty sure you were legally clean to smoke this dude.... he isn't allowed to fucking kidnap you at gunpoint...
That was a creep fest for sure! I did a bunch of lone Rolling Acres mall videos and I know what Jared was saying about making noise (and giving yourself away) as you don't know who is lurking in the shadows... and there sure aren't any police around to save you if a crack head shows up with a hatchet. Thanks for filming what you did, that was great.
Big mistake attempting to leave with all that daylight in such a wide open area. Especially knowing that he's still there. You should have hunkered down in one of those areas high up that wouldn't be easily accessible by foot, and just waited it out. He would have looked around a bunch more and just left. You shouldn't have left until you saw that car go back out the way it came. He ain't going to stay there overnight. He wants to do his 8 hours and go home. What did you think was going to happen? You thought you were safe if you are outside of the building or something? I don't get your endgame there. You'd be a terrible prowler. Oh well. You live you learn I guess. At least now you have Street cred.
I've definitely thought those same exact thoughts over and over again 1000 times since then, unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. I guess for more context, I was actually just in town that weekend for another event and doing some exploring on the side, so the thought of escaping and getting to a nice cozy hotel room definitely seemed more appealing than getting trapped in there possibly all night. Plus, from what I'd observed I thought he was walking laps, so I didn't expect him to just hide somewhere. But all things considered, if I had a time machine I definitely would've done it different.
5:16 yup those look to be transmissions
Hello Chilling Scares visitors!
We aren’t gonna talk about the shadow under the door that looks like feet when he said “it was just the wind” (beginning of the video 2:35 into the video)
Ooooohhhhh my gahhhhhhhh
Listen, I’ve been watching Urbex for a long time never has a video made me 💩 a little in my undies like this video did. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 sorry, TMI but this had me shooketh to my bare bones. 😰
I'd never seen anything like it either, but trust me actually BEING there was even worse 😅
I hope that in the year or so since this video, that you have worked on your situational awareness. Also if work on keeping a quieter voice and using a filtered light so people can’t see your beam from a distance
I was exploring Metro Center in AZ and got corned by a security guy. I fake surrendered, then used my pepper ball gun on him.. and I bailed. Got away.
How did he know you were there?
If you don't mind me asking, what was the penalty for criminal trespassing, or did you plead to a lesser charge or were the charges dropped?
Well since I hired an attorney, I'm not sure if it made a difference, but there was a couple hundred dollars in fees.
@@JaredCokerUrbex I was going to ask you that sense I was arrest for same thing.
I literally live in the Sedgwick County area and my last time I went there was in April and the month after two kids got shot and I went in the day time like 4 times but that was mid of 2020. Idk if he goes there at night time but we usually go at night but idk when the guy started patrolling the area bc we basically went every night and went under the bridge like you did. I remember hearing a loud bang like in the video and this was around midnight and I was like wtf was that and I just ran back to my truck. But where u were when you peaked and saw him, I would usually go to the roof and head down the stairs but in your scenario I would go through the factory instead of the outside but thank god you're safe
I guess he's started to patrol more often, either that or I was just insanely unlucky.
@@JaredCokerUrbex I honestly wanted to go back there sometime in April or later this year but I'm changing my mind bout doing it 😂
dude has a full rv outside the factory. values that abandoned concrete box more than his life damn near.
@@artif6cts where's this RV at bc I've never seen it near this building before
First time Ive ever seen a Ford Focus and it was scary.
Man I'm glad you made it out okay from this. That guy was an absolute nutcase.
Thanks, I still think back to this all the time and wonder how things would have turned out if I just ran for it while I had an opening.