Cops: **annoyed because nothing ever happens whenever they’re surveilling the house** Me: Hm. That IS strange. It’s almost as if...the stalker doesn’t want to get caught by they wait until the coast is clear. very weird.
Hello!! This story is actually about my aunt, so i thought i’d come on here and say thank you for covering her story is a non biased way. I never met her, but my family has dealt with a lot of trauma because of what happened. It pains me to think people didn’t believe her and thought she staged it all, but I am glad the general public can see that she wasn’t what the police made her out to be. Anyways, thank you for sharing the story and being as respectful as you were about it. :)
As a former Vancouver resident, I am well aware of the documented incompetence of the Vancouver police force. A decorated police veteran had pinpointed Canadian serial k*ller Robert Pickerton a good year before he was caught. Or at least pinpointed that his pig farm was a central location between all of the Murders. And the police force itself was subjected to public inquiry and slammed for allowing 49 women (a statement Pickton made after incarceration) to be ruthlessly murdered and their bodies eaten by his pigs.
My God that’s Absolutely Horrific & Even More Devastating that they didn’t do Their job properly to prevent all those additional women from being Murdered & Slaughtered 💔literally 😫💔😩😢
These f'ckin cops 🙄 "ThE sTaLkEr DoEsNt ShOw Up WhEn We'Re HeRe So ShE's LyiNg" Also, how convenient her ex is a cop yet shizz never went down when he was around, by his own admittance 🤔 Yeah... pigs did it.
“ when the police were there , there was NO stalker activity, the second the police left the stalker would come back “ hmm wow, almost like maybe he didn’t want to get caught !! lol
It's the same reason you don't see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room. The cop ex-bf was conveniently never questioned, too. License to kill, I guess.
Almost like whoever did it knew the police schedule, which means they were either law enforcement themselves, or they were always at Cindy's house and knew when the police left.
you do know that the cops wouldn't tell the stalker when they are leaving and they wouldn't just be sitting outside out in the open, they would be hiding for that sole reason.
They really would rather think this woman was a professional knot tie expert, drug addict, arson, crazy, and a levitating magician before considering that there was an actual stalker
A similar thing happened to my mum and I, when I was a teenager. We had a guy stalking us for months. Everytime we called the cops, they blew us off. The guy would walk around our house tapping on the windows. We would call the cops, but by the time the cops finally turned up, he was gone. He started to harras several other women in our neighbourhood. THEN the cops took it seriously and brought in dogs. If the cops had believed us initially, the stalkers behaviour wouldn't of exacerbated to harassing half the neighbourhood. What's scary is the police were too incompetent to catch the guy. Even with the help of hundreds of police reports, several eye witness accounts and a team of tracker dogs. Sadly many cops are keystone cops.🍩
As a woman who has been secretly recorded, blackmailed w said recording, kidnapped, beaten, s.a'd, threatened with a gun, and stalked by my ex, i cannot imagine the fear she endured on top of the cops openly telling her shes staging everything and making it up. Breaks my heart she went through that.
The cops didn’t believe her, so they didn’t run prints on the knife. Even if you think this lady is full of it just do your damn job to the minimal amount required please…
@@Lwatcher-t9o It would require huge amounts of time to stalk someone like this, if you start to think about it. That leads me to conclusion that it could have been either someone who was paid for it or someone that didn't have other things to do or could easily make himself available anytime. This alone would be enough for police to find out who the stalker could have been, but nobody really investigated this maybe because of possible negligence of these police departments. But I can't say anything for sure if I wasn't there.
They should have run's possible that her ex-husband was wearing gloves or something but even if they found just her prints they could have told her the could have been inconclusive but still running the prints would have given them a clearer picture!!!
The cops actually thought Cindy was making everything up because her stalker wasn’t around when they were around? But if she was being stalked then obviously the stalker knew when the police were at her house… I cannot imagine anything more terrifying than what Cindy went through. Rest In Peace, Cindy. I’m so sorry this happened to you
As an opioid IV user, if you inject yourself there is absolutely & and i mean no fucking way that you would have the time to ditch the needle and tie yourself up. The amount of time it takes for the drug to finish the come up and peak is less than 10 seconds.
A knot expert was able to tie himself up that way?! No shit!! "We aren't sure how this young man's body ended up on that roof, so we hired Tony Hawk to launch himself up there, thus proving the man got there himself"
This is a lady who had this obsession for a long long time and sacrificed a lot to make people believe her. It is very easy to believe she could have spent a few days studying knots in order to make her own story more believable. Knots aren't that hard to learn if you actually study.
@@scpy4346 this was pre internet days and no evidence was ever found that she did this. Police are lazy, inept and lack integrity. They find only what they want to find. They do cover-up for themselves & others. This was at a time when stalking woman was easy & perpetrators knew they'd get away with it. Pretty much the same as these days
As an opioid IV user, if you inject yourself there is absolutely & and i mean no fucking way that you would have the time to ditch the needle and tie yourself up. The amount of time it takes for the drug to finish the come up and peak is less than 10 seconds.
@@TheZINGularity I'm a recovering dope fiend. They didn't say whether it was in a vein or muscle. If it was in a vein, I agree she wouldn't have had time, but if it was I.M., then she would've had time, because it would have taken awhile to absorb in the bloodstream.
Bless her heart. Poor Cindy must have been so terrified and to be brushed off by the police is maddening and sickening at the same time. Basically, she had no one to help her and that is unacceptable. To be blamed for your own stalking and then to be murdered and still be brushed off and not believed. It’s just wrong on so many levels and unacceptable. I hope someday the truth will see the light of day. 🙏🏼
She had a detective/police boyfriend and the stalker activity only happened when he was away or when the police detail were changing shifts and the scene was always was that guy not a suspect?
yepp and i thought that maybe there was someone manipulating everyone into thinking she had been faking everything behind her back and that person could be anyone of the people you mentioned since they would be close with the other police.
@@sallykauth2115 It was a joke and I haven’t watched this in ages so I can’t say exactly lmao, but I think it’s along the lines of ‘obviously a knot expert can put himself in the same position, he’s an expert at it’, but above all else, ‘twas a joke
@@needtopoonow308 Oh my goodness. No need to explain @Wesley D. de los Santos' joke. I actually "liked" it. I completely understand the wordplay involved between the two homophones "knot" and "not,"
The stalker worked in the police force. He knew when the police werent there.... Was able to find the girl in another state with a different name... Easily convinced other police departments she was crazy... This would all be so simple if the dude was on the force...
@@milkywaygaming2415 maybe before she met him, maybe he knew of her and was an obsessed stalker and started this elaborate plan to become her “Hero” coming to protect her but after harassment at work about defending her being “crazy” so he tried not to defend her anymore which caused her to break up with him and moving away, causing him to lash out resulting in her death
That is insanely creepy. I remember watching an episode on Unsolved Mysteries. It reminded me of another episode where this couple who were seniors was stocked for over 10 years. The stalker, attacker always knew when authorities were watching the house, and something happened during a time when they were watching the house, because the predator knew or found a gap in surveillance.
As a recovering addict, no way could you shoot a lethal dose even with a high tolerance and hog tie yourself in a way that you have to get a professional knot guy to recreate. Hit that guy with a lethal shot of dope and then let him recreate it. That woman was murdered.
Agreed, but why no traces? I mean, all that time and no footprints? The lack of evidence suggests a background in criminal investigation, but the investigating officer didn't enter her life until after this became a problem.
When I was a young child we spent about 3 years being terrorized by an anonymous stalker who was obsessed with my single mother. The police also dismissed it as fake, and even accused my brother and me of being the ones breaking in and doing things. They never lifted a finger to help. Luckily for us, one day it just stopped. We never knew why it stopped, why it started, or who it was.
I'm so sorry your family went through that. It must be so insanely horrible to have these kinds of cases just written off by the people in society who are supposed to protect you. Of course when it comes to violent crimes the easiest/most common answer usually is the correct one but in so many of these retellings you just hear police treat them like there are no other possibilities than what they immediately think of.
@Nero Wynn It was a pretty bad time. My brother and I both developed PTSD from it, and to this day we both have extreme hyper vigilance and super sensitive startle responses.
I'm real heaps sad to hear what your mother, your brother & you Mimi must've all had of gone through & had to put up with. It really disappoints me that these psychos even exist. Sorry to hear about how the authorities wouldn't believe you or help or even protect you too.. That is their job & in my opinion they at failed it miserably in both cases yours & this. I believe her by the way, despite what anyone thinks or said. You don't inject yourself with an overdose, tie yourself up & run to an abandoned house to then strangle yourself all to stage your murder. It wouldn't be possible. Also they would have found the needle, at least closeby. That guy was too sus standing in the night watching her house burn & if not then why wouldn't he call 911 when asked? Plus noone stabs themselves through their own hand with a pairing knife for that, no matter how elaborate they are trying to make their stalking/death threats seem. I don't believe she had mental problems at all (like schizophrenia) at least not serious ones if she did. I am glad to hear your harassments stopped Mimi. It sounds like he was just a real trash pile perv anyway & mammoth duche w/ a tiny appendage & I'm sorry that he never got caught & had to face the charges for it. He must be f**ked up to do that in the first place, even to think of doing those things let alone going through with them is sick. Even though I'm not saying that's any excuse at all. What always makes me wonder is why don't these people ever think anyone will ever see them, find out or catch them in some way. Or do they simply not care about any consequences? People are always watching just for them to f**k up so they can all make an example of the scumbags. I think & hope they all get tortured to the same extent of their victims & permanently if they won't leave them alone. I would love for someone like this to break into "the wrong sort of guys" house & get what he deserves.. I also hope the guy who did this to you & your family feels like the massive piece of shit (that he is). Also that he finds out exactly what you & everybody else think of him... I mean he has affected you (& your family) in a heaps negative (that could get worse too), for probably your whole life. Good on you & congrats getting through it all though. I would have PTSD too for sure. It'd also prolly have blood-pressured me right up & I'd have had a stress, anxiety or panic attack or just a mental breakdown lol.. Bless you & best of luck to you with working through your problems & condition. I hope it goes away & you get better.. Have a nice rest of your day!.. 🙂
I live with DID and I’m honestly not convinced…although truthfully it rarely ends up being like people expect it is. Thank you for the respectful way you spoke of DID, it’s rare for me to see/hear people not treat it as a joke. Much appreciated.
They should have ALL lost their jobs. Immediately upon her body being found. Worthless sacks of trash. I hope this case haunts all of them until they die.
Yeah, even if it was herself doing these things and not knowing, she would still have felt terrified. Fear isn’t just about what is happening it’s the perception of what is happening.
It's easy to jump on 'police are incompetent' train, but I know people who act like this. She was clearly looking for attention. The more she feels invalidated by the refusal of others to believe her lies, the more desperate she is for her story to somehow be true.
@@RhetteliosI was thinking the exact same thing. the stalker was definitely not real. just by the description of her it was pretty obvious very early into the story, the divorce, claiming abuse then claiming stalker activity and fucking the cop who was investigating it lmao
My heart breaks for this poor woman. Imagine going so long being terrorized by someone, having no one believe you, and then be murdered. Such a sad life.
And DID occurs by repeated trauma before the age of 6 or 7. (DID does not occur from trauma later in life ). So that means she had been traumatized pretty much her entire life.
@@shuffman8094 the DID theory was fucking stupid and probably made up by people on the internet who don't know how DID works. The most "evil" personas are literally just kind of bitchy, that's it. They aren't going to go kill people or somthing, I hate people who think that.
@@shuffman8094 The DID "theory" is brainmeltingly idiotic. There is literally NO evidence, no matter how flimsy, that supports it. There is a lot of evidence that contradicts it. There's literally exactly as much evidence to say that aliens from another dimension did it than there is to say it was DID. She was murdered. There's no two ways about it. The feet being clean, the needle being missing, her having no time to tie herself up after the injection, the body not being seen earlier (i.e. it was dumped)... there's no way ALL these things are explainable with her having done it herself. None. Absolute zero. Zero kelvin. One, MAYBE two? Extremely unlikely, but possible. But that many? No. Only a moron that's already convinced there was no stalker and is refusing to even consider the possibility they were wrong would even consider this being a suicide. Everyone says ACAB, but we also need ACAR, because it seems All Cops Are Retards.
@@artvulture456 The DID theory is used for people to say "Bitches be crazy" and dismiss this woman, most likely because they're sexist. I mean the cops sure were. To just let someone suffer a stalker because they're "crazy" and making it up, seems like something they'd do, especially if it's a woman. They tend to not take them seriously.
Right?!!!! Not a single f*ck truly given! And also shines a light on how mistreated those who struggle with mental illness can be I feel like. Even if they thought she was mentally ill, they should've done thorough investigation to ensure this I feel.
So the fact that her best friends husband seen someone standing outside the house after the fire broke out means nothing, huh?!? I feel so sad for her...
@@davidvasey5065 if a stalker did set the fire, and not Cindy, then it would be a direct attempt on her life with at least some chance of success. As far as they would be aware, this may be the conclusion to all their psychotic effort, so they’d want a good view.
@@risingtide117 I do believe your right, when someone wrongs me I sure like to watch them suffer, I suppose the feeling isn't that much different from a killers
Me: "So Cindy is a knot expert, suicidal maniac, arsonist, pathological liar, cat murderer, telephone line vandal...basically everything except an Apollo astronaut?" Police: "Yes." Me: "So Cindy is the victim of a stalker?" Police: "No."
@@dsandoval9396 Or maybe the specific part of the story where they were talking about how her body was tied up? They had specifically said that the police believed she had done it herself.
@@Pythius13 Yeah, I heard that part in the video but OP called her a "knot expert". My point is just because you know how to tie a few knots doesn't make you an "expert". Anyone can tie a knot, people learn to tie knots as a child tying their shoes. Point is that it's not some expert skill only a select few know, I'm pretty sure your average office worker knows how to tie knots that tighten on the own.
@@dsandoval9396 It says in the video that the police brought in a “knot expert” to show that it is possible to tie yourself up the specific way that Cindy did. Apparently none of the police force members could do this to themselves or they wouldn’t have had the need to consult a so called “knot expert.” The person that you replied to was joking that Cindy must have also been a “knot expert” for her to have gotten herself tied up that same way.
I can’t believe basically watching a man tell stories is so riveting. It’s better than a documentary or a tv show. Ballen is definitely a true talent in story telling.
I am a police officer and this story breaks my heart and makes me angry. There is no way she did it herself. There is legit no way she was making any of this up! Absolutely absurd! Those officers failed this poor woman. 🥺
The infuriating is, even in the unlikely scenario that she was stalking herself, it would still have been the police's job to investigate and to protect her even if it would have been against herself.
The unfortunate reality is that police do not offer personal protection or surveillance, but bodyguards do. The FBI provides personal protection in extreme circumstances and the police only provide serious surveillance if crimes are repeatedly committed. The deaths of the cats is probably why the police set up surveillance on her house. Since a crime was being committed on the premises, the police wanted to find out who was killing cats. But they didn't care enough about the cats to continue that expenditure on the city budgets, so I'm sure to very small protest from a cop or two who wanted to protect the cats, the force called off the surveillance. If you ever feel threatened or insecure, professional bodyguards are your extremely costly solution.
For the police to be able to do that, we would need to pay more in taxes so that we could pay them. The same people who complain are often the same ones who don’t want to pay higher taxes.
Sadly, before the late 1990s, the police did fuck all in that department. Someone had to be missing for 3 days to be considered missing, the standards of crime scene investigations were a lot worse, a lot of contaminated evidence, a lot of sitting around doing nothing. The trade-off was the cops back then were really friendly and nice, would get to know the neighborhoods and hang out, and since everyone knew the cops, and the cops knew everyone, it was easier to patrol and stop crimes, but wouldn't be able to do much about a missing person and mental illnesses weren't treated as real in a lot of ways. The '90s came and cops started to be less personable, stopped being as involved, started to be colder and more militaristic, more so after Columbine in 1994, we got SWAT formed after the Texas Belltower Sniper too, it went from friendly to business. Really, if it happened today, they would have gotten her help, would have supervised her better, would have put cameras up in her house to record, inside and out.
There’s a theory it was Roy, that’s pretty strong. This started just a few months after they split, and continued until her death. He didn’t have as solid of alibis as is mentioned here, he was just “trusted”, being a medical professional. He would have had access to morphine, etc, from his place of work. He also was the person who pegged Cindy as having “mental problems” to the police, implying to them that she was seeking attention. They believed him, as a “professional”.
Oh my goodness I think your right. When there was a fire inside her house the neighbor went outside and saw a man and asked him to call 911, but instead he ran away. Of course as a doctor the police trusted him. It makes sense.
This story is unbelievable. In modern times, we now know that people can be motivated to do some ugly, horrendous things for small or perceived slights. Perhaps, someone wanted to date her and she declined. Its mind blowing to assume she would do this when there is evidence that lends credibility to the fact that she most likely was not her own predator/perpetrator. No history of this kind of behavior or of any kind of mental illness. I would have looked into Agnes and Tom, as well as, anyone that surrounded her. The person/persons would only need a small amount of common sense to know not to come to her home and commit crimes while police are parked out front (marked cars, Im sure). That must have been terrifying for her to not even have hope, knowing the police wasnt even seeking a perp. May she RIP. These officers should be ashamed.
No, it's not their job. They responded countless times and investigated and all came to the conclusion that she staged the attacks. Should the police now hire a police officer for every paranoid person that's out there. They have limited resources and have to distribute them to respond to real crime.
@@cookiedon101 actually the Supreme Court ruled that the police don’t have a constitutional duty to protect or serve. And if they don’t want to they don’t HAVE to respond to calls.. so it’s not technically ‘their job’. I’m not sure exactly how it works. Multiple suits have been filed against multiple states and each time the courts have upheld the same verdict ‘police have no constitutional duty to protect any persons not in custody’
Nah the cops are probably just lazy. You won't get no criminal minds level investigation unless you're important, rich or there's a serial killer running around.
@Biden is illegitimate then answer this... She had a lethal dose of morphine from an iv needle that we both can agree on correct?, the mark was found obviously.... Ok so why wasn't the needle found at her body? The needle was NO WHERE FOUND and she clearly been drugged to kill her. Unless she ate it or shoved it up her own ass somehow, somebody else clearly did this to her. I donno why that's so hard to believe? U can't give yourself a shot like that in the back area(like he said) with her hands tied up... Let alone making sure hitting the vein correctly to make sure its in... That can NOT be done by herself. Unless u can give me a REAL plausible answer on everything I just said.(not picking a fight, I'm just throwing those facts out there and seeing if u can debunk this is all man) then she was killed, not suicide.
@The wildest Of turkeys He did say though that the dosage she had received was one that would have killed her very quickly. He said that IF she did do this to herself then she would have had to inject it and then immediately get to tying herself up. With it being that high of a dosage how did she hide the needle her socks and shoes without getting dirt on her feet and then proceed to tie herself up all in that time frame?
@@mystaniceguy yeah honestly Im fine with the law and all but sometimes I think something should happen whether it specifically falls under a law or not, granted not everything since that would be chaos but it shouldnt be wait until shit gets real then act upon it
The worst of this is that the police still thought she was faking EVEN WHEN SHE HAD TWO OTHER WITNESSES, one of whom physically saw the perpetrator run away, even if it was in the dark.
@@brandyhooper5151 yes it has happened before but we don’t know that’s what happened in this case because the police didn’t bother to investigate. It’s that whole investigation thing that is important. When the police don’t do it they’re not doing their job. And if they’re not doing their job we have to ask why.
Agree... Its pretty common though. Channels start out posting as much as they can, then when they go viral and get big viewing numbers, they cut videos down to once or twice a week.. That whole "work smarter, not harder" thing...
@@carloo69 Yeah I get it people need a break. It could definitely be feasible to spit out two 30 min stories a week. He probably wouldn't have to work so hard. It doesn't seem like a major production. Just Mr. Ballen, a camera, a green screen, and his amazing story telling abilities. Maybe the tap is running dry on the stories he finds. Hell, he's told thousands of different stories. It must be getting harder to come across really intriguing things. But regardless people will still watch his once a week videos. He will still make a large amount of money to get to do what he loves. His fans will still be happy that he's at least doing it once a week. Could be once a month. So everyone wins.
I had a friend in Atlanta who had a stalker. The cops told her to move out of state because there was nothing they could do until he “did something.” She moved...she’d done nothing wrong, yet she was the one who had to upend her life. They went out once, he was scary, and she never went out with him again, but he broke into her condo on multiple occasions, and even got caught once but convinced them that she was just trying to get him in trouble, would show up at work to “pick her up after work because she had car trouble.” This was in the 80’s. I’ve always wondered if he went on to kill other women who turned him down, because when she moved, he showed up pretending to be her husband, wanting to know her address. Our boss called the cops because he was demanding to search the building for her. He took off before the cops got there. Scary SOB.
This happened to me. A guy broke into my apartment and swung a cloth filled with heavy metal (?) and cracked my head. I passed out and then came to. He told me that he would kill me if I ever told anyone. The police picked him up on DUI and then the trial and then prison for him.
Problem is you can't pick someone up on accusation alone. That could be abused way to easily. In this case she didn't even know who was doing it. Its shitty but what could the police do? They couldn't do surveillance for life, especially if they never find any evidence to support her claims.
I had a stalker from ages 16 to 19 were the worst years but I was 23 married and had just had a baby the last time I ever heard from him. Its too long a story but the short of it is that I had to deal with it completely alone and even though he did things ranging in seriousness from calling and leaving death threats to calling in a bomb threat to my highschool he was never pusinished because his father was a cop. That last time I heard from him he had been leaving messages on moms answering machine and she hadn't been telling me because she didn't want me to worry but I wasn't a scared teen anymore. I was a mom. When he said he knew I got married and had a baby I knew right then without a doubt that if I ever saw him in my territory near my home I'd have to kill him. I'd have done it too. 3 years of torment and he dared even speak of my child.
The amount of gaslighting from the police is strong in this case. I recommend the family contacting the FBI to investigate. There is a lot in this story to suggest the stalker was connected to the police department in some way.
Gaslighting in all forms is criminally reprehensible and causes significantly crippling unacknowledged harm to its victims on endless levels and oftentimes this suffering is swept under the rug thus blaming the victim essentially, making things 10 times worse. Never is Justice found
This poor woman went through this totally alone with so few people believing her, how hopeless she must have felt. Your struggle is now over ... Rest in peace
This same thing happened to me. But I'm a guy who was stalked by a much older guy. Cops didn't believe me either. My stalker was caught the night he stabbed me when I took my trash out. He's in prison now. But I had to deal with 6 months of death threats and him following me, it really screwed my head up and I've never been the same.
It is already a heavy world it becomes heavier when you are telling the truth & no one believes you. I am happy to know you survived & hope you a surrounded by loving, kind people.
The fact that the coroner found it would be impossible for her 'stage' her own death tells me the cops really f**ked up. I think they have a lot to answer for.
Can anyone explain to me why Police or Herself didn’t setup Video Surveillance in and outside the home? I know they came to property and watched but having actual Video would help clear up a lot of things.
@@seroogyw6238 Honestly it's because at the time it would cost you about, in todays dollar value, $2k for a camcorder that would give you the video quality of your average bigfoot video. So it wouldn't really be something they would think about in this situation.
Chris Forstner It’s not the point of quality if that is your argument! I guarantee the police themselves had the best equipment at the time or had access to it. To just have flood lights or sit outside at certain times obviously wasn’t enough! Someone should have at least tried setup up some type of VIdeo Surveillance just to get any idea what is happening...
This story is so incredibly frustrating 😭 For them to actually declare this a suicide after failing her so badly for so many years is just disgusting 😳
@@tomkee4479 I can't remember the other story Ballen told where a group of friends (maybe just two) the sheriff had a conflict of interest in the case but this reminded me of that
So I gotta say, he left a LOT out for the views and fear factor. Stephanie Harlowe does an excellent deep dive into it, she's also known as Cindy James. She definitely had histrionic personality disorder imo.
Easy to say that when it happens one time. But what are you gonna do if it appears she’s faking it and calling you for literal years and nothing seems to change? You had 20 minutes to learn about this case. Police dealt with this for years straight. Everyone’s an expert on criminal investigation ig 🙄
Lmao "happens one time" you bootlickers always want to pull that "few bad apples" argument like this isn't a consistent problem. Cops are too busy ticketing for minor offenses for revenue and chatting next to the coffee shop to do any actual work. Have you ever tried to get help from american police in an emergency? They show up 30 minutes late and take no notes and never follow up. Some teens set my neighbor's house on fire and the cops said it was a prank gone wrong and never arrested the teens. Apparently with canadian police it isn't much better. And just listen to the stories of abused women. The cops always say their hands are tied until after she's already dead or beaten. Cops don't prevent crime and they hardly punish it. They're all too busy shooting innocent people and dogs for a power trip if they aren't using their sirens to speed to the krispy kreme
I may be a little off base here, but I have a theory. And from what I have read I feel like a few of you would agree with me. The saying goes that truth is stranger than fiction, and it is also said that art imitates life. I have been writing fiction stories since I was a child and I've learned through research for my stories that most often, when a crime has a single victim, the villain is someone very close to them. They also have a tendency to show up looking like a hero. And there is one person, technically two, that have a tendency to show up repeatedly in this story: Agnes and her husband. My first reason for this conclusion is the voicemail left for the husband. The voice is clearly female. The tones, despite the feigned raspiness, are far to soft and pitched to high for that voice to belong to a man. You may ask, "Then why not have Agnes's husband make the call? Wouldn't that be more intimidating?" Indeed it would, but having a female voice on that voicemail takes away the credibility of the threat and has the bonus of making Cindy look guilty. Reason two: The stalker always knew. No matter where she went, or even if she changed her number, the stalker always had the information. This was in the 1980's. They didn't have "people search" websites and Google was still more than 20 years away, so if your number was unlisted it meant no one had it unless you gave it to them. So at the very least that means that someone Cindy knew gave the stalker her number. Even when she moved to a new city the stalking resumed very shortly. Reason three: timing and "witnesses". I find it a very convenient coincidence that Agnes would show up during one of the stalkers attacks. Cindy is nearly strangled until the attacker "hears Agnes's car" from the backyard. Does Agnes drive a Semi or ride a Harley? Or perhaps she drives a '76 Chevelle with a blown 454? I highly doubt any of those. It makes more sense to me that this entire scenario was engineered those cenemnt Cindy's trust and friendship in Agnes. Also included was the fire. Police and firefighters say that the perpetrator had to have already been in the house. Agnes and her husband would have been well aware that the police did not believe Cindy and actually accused her of staging it all. This means that no one would be looking at them as suspects. Imagine the level of power you would have to feel, knowing that you could almost certainly get away with murder and the cops would say she did it to herself. So why not take advantage of the situation? Some might say that it's stupid to thing the two would start a fire in a house that they are in, but they clue here is that "Cindy heard noise in the basement". Why would someone make noise if they were trying to burn someone's house down unless they were trying to preserve their own lives? They wanted her to wake up. And by feigning sleep when she came to them they solidified their alliby with Cindy and were able to make Cindy look guilty again. And let's not forget the story of the strange man in the street who ran away when questioned. If that's not the phoniest "he went that-a-way" I've ever heard. In truth that is the one slip up that the couple made. It was likely an attempt to make it look like they believed her, but was still entirely pointless. The last part of reason three is that, out of everyone in Cindy's life, Agnes, and her husband, are the only ones to ever be present when the stalker acted. If it was anyone else, the stalker would wait til they left. Reason four: no break-ins. Whenever something happened in Cindy's home, aside from the fire, there was never a sign of forced entry. Of course this would make it look like Cindy was making it all up, but someone who had a key could have done it all just as easily. Some may say that it's an assumption that Cindy would have given Agnes a key, but this was her best friend. I have a key to my best friends house and he lives an hour away from me. It's security. Something Cindy would have wanted, especially after the calls started. And, finally, reason five: anonymity. No matter what, where or when Agnes would fit in, look like she belonged. I'd like to know if she had a car-phone. They had the technology in the 80's. If so it's perfectly fiesable for them to have been watching her house the night she closed the curtains. At least I have reached the hardest part of all of this, and that's motive. Most would say there was none, but I disagree. I personally believe it was triggered by Cindy's divorce. There are people that believe that marriage is sacred, or, at the very least, meant to be life-long. It is certainly possible that Agnes was one of these types of people and took it as a personal affront that her best friend got a divorce. It may sound extreme, even bazaar, that someone could turn psycho on someone they love over something that had nothing to do with them personally, but in reality we never really know what will set someone off.
By the way, this theory can easily be proven or disproven with modern technology. All that would be needed is to compare the voicemail recording to the audio in Agnes's interviews in a voice print. The voice print is less about the words and more about the tone. Even when someone uses and artificial voice modulator, or changes their vice via natural means, the voice print stays consistent.
@@BenjaminJackson-fg6cp i personally believe that roy was also involved. i think he set it up. wouldnt be the first husband to do some shit like that. we never heard voicemails from cindy just roy. i dont think it was cuz of the motive u say. i think the motive is scorned husband takes revenge.
Another thing that struck me as kind of odd was that Agnes & her husband went to stay at Cindy's vs. inviting/insisting that Cindy come stay with them temporarily - wouldn't they be concerned about putting themselves in danger if something happened (such as a house fire) while they were there? I guess they might not have wanted to have their home become a target, or they could have thought their presence would be enough of a deterrent. Which raises the question of why it wasn't a deterrent - all the other incidents took place when Cindy was by herself, AFAIK. Why would the perpetrator take the risk of being seen by 2 more witnesses whom they must have known were in the house? The guy who allegedly ran away could have been fabricated to deflect suspicion. It's also not out of the question that Roy could have orchestrated the whole thing and recruited Agnes & her husband to help carry out his sinister plan. There are plenty of cases where 2 or more people start to feed off of each other and end up doing awful things that they wouldn't necessarily have done or thought of on their own (folie à deux). So many possibilities, so many unanswered questions...
@@dontcare7086 No way she did ALL that to herself. Someone, even if he had an accomplice, planned her murder perfectly. It's bitterly obvious the stalker knew when the cops were watching and when they weren't. This was so brutally planned.
it's so crazy that cindy literally moved to an entirely new location, because she was in so much fear. but people still didn't take her seriously. RIP Cindy
well, moving from Vancouver to Richmond is much like moving from Manhattan to the Bronx, different zipcode, same city. I want to know why she didn't flee farther, I mean it isn't like Canada is short of space to hide in.
@@brendancoulter5761 No, I don't find it weird. A move from Vancouver to Richmond is not much of an evasion in terms of avoiding a stalker. Especially if her stalker was that police officer boyfriend who could easily look up her new address via updated drivers licence.
@@jaybea365 Exactly. If I'm running from someone, I'm _running._ Meaning I'm gonna flee the _country,_ or at the very least the state, not just switch neighborhoods.
As someone with DID : the fact that no one realized she had DID is very logical, this is an extremely “hidden” condition. Also full black out are not common in this disorder, even if they still happen for some of us. The DID theory seams realistic to me as I have friends that also almost got killed by another “personality” of theirs (they are actually called alters as they are not really personalities but more identities)
RIP Cindy, regardless of whether you died by your own hand or someone else's, I firmly believe your death is due to negligence from the police. Serve and PROTECT.
@Sarah Johanson Amen! So tired of police deciding that victims are staging attacks. Just because they found no evidence doesn't mean there wasn't an attack.
This is 1 of the worst cases of gaslighting I have ever heard of. The fact that Law Enforcement played into blaming the victim also is completely horrible. This poor woman had practically no one to turn to for help. So glad she did have a few friends who believed her.
@@CorneliusFractogram Doesn't seem strange that the stalker was calling her ex and also left a threatening voice-mail. He kept it for sometime and never brought it up to anyone until he was questioned by police. Seems like a good way to cover his @$$ when being looked at as a suspect
My ex wife isn’t far from this. The time and effort she went to to build a world of a narrative agaisnt me to get custody of our daughters was insane! She’s spent 4 years now destroying every aspect of my life, every relationship, she denies letting me see my daughters then tells them I don’t care and jsut don’t show up, moved them in with her boyfriend day after the divorce and told them to call me first name and not dad anymore. The narcissistic manipulation she’s don’t to me for 8 years made me hate myself and feel crazy felt like it was all my fault like she said but 18 months of therapy my therapist finally was able to show me none of this is my fault and show me how she has taken all her mistakes and hurtful things she’s done and puts them on me . It all Makes sense now and I’ve been building a truckload of evidence she’s been manipulating me and everyone in my life since day 1. It is horrible though feeling like no one believes you. People like this are truly terrible people that will do anything to look good and make you look horrible. She’s willing to hurt my children emotionally telling them I don’t love them when it’s her that is ignoring my time! The shits going to hit the fan in court very soon.
Yeah it's some kind of stalkers handbook that teaches you how to stalk but leave no evidence, I found my ex gf's herpes medication and tried to break up with her and she stalked me for 18 months always with no trace or proof, she just wouldn't leave me alone it was really pathetic.
@@redcrimson1028 Yeah that's what he's saying. The boy cried wolf so much that when an actual wolf appeared, no one believed him. The difference, as Thomas said, was that in this case the girl hadn't been lying.
@@redcrimson1028 yeah but was he tho? Or was there a wolf all along and people were just like yeaah right kid until he got Eaten haha and then they BLAMED HIM lol
I think Cindy’s stalker was secretly living inside her house. That’s why they always knew when there was a gap in surveillance and why there was a few months of peace when she moved. She should have moved into an rv and kept rolling around.
There is another still ongoing case in the US where a woman died and it has been labeled as a suicide, but…it is almost impossible. Her name is Ellen Rae Greenberg-from Philadelphia.
Wait, you don't think she stabbed herself 20 times, ten of which in the back and neck? noooooooo way! Must have been her! Police said so and this time it is even in the US of A, where we have plenty of prove that the police lies. Although one of the forensic scientists saying, that it was definitely a homicide, also fabricated evidence that put two teenagers behind bars for 30 years, soooo. Also, after your fiance with whom you had send out std's (save the dates) for the wedding died of 20 stab wounds (or before she was stabbed) and you discovered her and it is ruled a suicide and three years later you are happily married? Strong will or simply the murderer?
I only recently discovered your channel man and I must say I absolutely LOVE your content. I've always had a fascination with murder mystery type of programs on TV or unsolved mystery type of things and the way you talk and present each video is TOP NOTCH. So keep up the good work dude!!!
I remember this when it happened. I always thought that, just because a cop could tie himself up in the same way she was found was not enough to assume she did. The police failed her.
Not to mention the autopsy report said she had overdosed on morphine and other drugs. How could she OD on her own and then run to where she was found, tie herself up, and die right there with clean feet? There are too many holes in the story.
I think Mr Balley presented all of evidenced why it wouldn't be possible - also her clean feet and lack of a needle anywhere near makes it impossible for her to do it herself.
@@yoongistongue4163 exactky, i wanna see someone ask one of those idiot detectives to explain exactly how she could have done that to herself when there was no needle anywhere and i am a recovering opiate addict and im telling ya, she couod not have injected herself with enough heroin to cause an overdose and stayed coherent long enough to get from somewhere else to where her bidywas found plus tie herself up that way. It is impossible because the whole reason people inject their drugs straight into their veins is because when u do it hits u literally immediatley unlike taking it by mouth where it takes 15 to 30 min to hit u and even snorting it it takes a little bit to hit. injection is within seconds.
So the police believes the ex-husband was being harassed/stalked and he even had a voicemail proving its real but they still don’t believe Cindy. WTF wow.
That voicemail I thought sounded like a woman but still no way she did this to herself. You don't just iv use suddenly and get it in your vein. And the friends bf saw a guy just watching them ran away. That's it strange behavior. Means a man in the middle of the night just happened to be there at the right time, saw the fire and just watched them panic and decide not to help. No way!
@@dannyrivers3922actually when women commit suicide they use overdose most of the time whereas men usually use a gun or hang themselves. I’m inclined to believe Cindy had a mental disorder and did this to herself but the points Ballen brings up at the end do suggest she either had help or he ballen doesn’t have all of the information the police had about the scene. Also, since teens frequented that house they could’ve very likely taken the needle or helped Cindy’s self harming personality. Whatever the case is I pray she is at peace now.
To be fair... MrBallen also reported about cases where people (even 'poor girls' ) DID stage a lot of shit to fool the police and everyone to get away with murder... so, while unfortunate this -to them- probably seemed very much like one of those cases.
@@fumomofumosarum5893 TO BE FAIR her husband who was actually a psychiatrist, never noticed this diagnosis.. 16 years and he was a psychiatrist.. that says alot
@@fumomofumosarum5893 to be fair, I don't get to "chose" what part of my job I do. They have a job to do, and their neglegence probably allowed her to get murdered and also made this womans last few years absolute hell. Shame on them! Do your job properly
I’m so mad about this. Some people are really good at covering their tracks. Cindy was murdered. And the fact that they did nothing about the man staring at the house while it was on fire pisses me off
If this was happening to a sister or close female friend of mine, I'd say 'That's it, you're staying with me!' I feel like this woman was let down in so many ways by so many.
"What do we got chief?" "Looks like the victim was tied up beaten and tortured by having cigars put out on her back and finally shot in the back of the head" "My god when will people learn suicide is never the way"
Hi (: I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and I wanted to share some details about about it to provide important context. People who have DID have PTSD. ‘Splitting’ (or the distinction of parts) happens when a very intense/traumatic event occurs that the individual can’t integrate with the rest of their life experiences up until that point. This trauma happens before the age of 9 and those memories get filed away separately into what we call ‘Parts’. Yes, DID is defined by at least 2 distinct ‘parts’, but there is much more to it than that. Parts are not always fully defined as their own person, and while the memory gaps happen the complete black outs are usually triggered by some trauma or trauma adjacent event. The ‘switches’ in personality are sometimes subtle, but those who were really close to her would have noticed some change in behavior. If she was attacking herself then she would have had points were she wasn’t afraid for her life, which didn’t seem to happen once the events started. Also, switching is not something that people with DID can normally control. After years of therapy and coexistence, it’s easier to tell when those switches happen, but it’s like always being part of a group project. You don’t have control over other peoples input or lack of. Movies like ‘Split’ have created gross stereotypes about this community of humans, and I hope that this comes across as educational and not critical. I love your videos and watching your stories, and with DID being researched so heavily in the last decade, there is still lots of outdated or incomplete information out there. 🙏🏼♥️
I know someone that legitimately has DId and I used to live with her and have known her for over 20 years. At first I didn't know about this, but a mutual friend who was also living with us did. He told me that he suspected that she had DId and I started paying really close attention. I could then tell when she became another "personality ", the changes were very clear to me then. We came to realize that this had to be directly caused by the abuse from her family growing up and from the abuse by her two ex-husbands. She had been abused for at least 40 years. When she was one of her "alters" her voice, mannerisms, personality and even her gait would change, if a person was paying attention you could clearly tell . It wasn't forced changes it was smooth and was very natural. I never thought she was faking and still don't to this day, the switches don't happen much anymore as long as everything is kept on even keel. So imo it's unlikely the lady in the story had this illness or someone would know. I also think the police should be held accountable for her death since they didn't believe her and she was clearly murdered by her stalker, even though it sounds like they tried to cover it up. So horrible she died knowing no one believed her. Love Mr Ballen, great channels. I'm an addict now.
I'm just here to say how much I love that John is engaging with the community here in the comments. That's so rare to see for a RUclipsr of this caliber. Kudos to you MrBallen!
Did police ever check the call records of Cindy's telephone to determine, whether she was really getting those calls? If yes, from which number was she getting the calls? Did the police never bothered to call up the telephone company and check the details? This is the most important question i felt unanswered in the video
@@marksmith164 I imagine the caller would of used a pay phone but I am not sure either. I don't know if they could trace calls like that back then. I think they could of located the caller if they set it up though.
@@bymysidebrits1701 That's why it makes sense that it's the boyfriend that was a police officer or at least someone close to her. A police officer would also have access to drugs and be able to test or know it potency. I'm speculating because I'm stumped. It's seems like it's so obvious but with all the possibilities I'm just not certain.
Those police officers, or the department, or whatever, were absolutely inexcusable. They seemed to think that, because they didn’t find anything, nothing was happening. The arrogance is unbelievable - their assumptions about the victim were solely based on their faith that their detective powers were infallible. This, even at the stage where they simply didn’t bother doing their jobs! That poor bloody woman.
Just goes to prove the whole narrative you are the only one to protect yourself in the heat of the moment, not rely of LE to come save the day...realistically what cld they have done that they hadnt spent resources on already? Shld a cop have permanently been her bodyguard?? Sometimes when u have thoughts like this reality is supposed to kick in
@@Mike_Jones68 maybe they could have quietly had an officer stay inside the house and not told anyone. Three is a way they could have caught him if they really cared. Those cops are less than worthless.
@@ellavek1998 yep. I agree. The “vigilante” argument falls apart as soon as people realise that cops are paid money to do a job. This is an example of what happens when they don’t bother doing the job. Don’t bother doing the job, you get disbanded and replaced with people who do do the job, I’d say. Otherwise, what’s the point paying them?
To be fair, the police receive non-sense calls from crazy people all the time. It can be hard to separate the noise from the signal sometimes because of it. A person in massive distress from a skilled stalker sounds awfully a lot like a schizophrenic calling the cops to complain about how the mailman is out to get them. Sadly this mean a skilled stalker can basically go undetected if they are good enough. Not to excuse the officers but just to give some perspective.
When John said “the police brought in a knot expert…” my sarcastic brain processed that as “a NOT expert” because at this point they’d stopped responding to calls.
This Poor Woman. Finally getting out of a toxic relationship from a Psychiatrist, talk about being 'Mind F*cked' or gaslighting. Then to have this aggressive stalker. With her only help, police, not believe her for years telling her she's doing it to herself. My Heart goes out to her. *RIP Cindy*
Yep, this whole situation is ridiculous. The police department should be completely gutted and all new officers hired. The fact that they concluded suicide proves their absolute incompetency. No needle and clean feet should have been able to rule out suicide above any other piece of evidence or assumption. That entire police force has no business being in a position where people have to rely on them for safety.
Voice on the message is definitely a woman - I wonder if her “friend” Agnes was ever investigated- she would have had knowledge about Cindy staying at the couples house for arson attempt, known her unlisted number for bridge dates, known every time she moved to keep in touch, as well as being conveniently the one who arrived to find Cindy missing (who knows if that even happened, Agnes may have already kidnapped her, drugged her and then told police she went to Cindys house)… it’s usually someone close to the victim… jealousy or even love/obsession may have been a motive (think Selena). Would be interesting to know what Agnes did for a living and if she had access to morphine, needles, and cats. It’s a find line of power to be the shoulder to cry on for Cindy and also the one inflicting the torment…
NO…. you need to know this woman’s husband was a psychiatrist. he had access to psych drugs. anyway her husband had a weird name like roy moonflower or something like that. Bailey Sarian covered this case as well, It was definitely the ex husband.
@The Key x Interesting... A twist on the 'Munchausen by Proxy" syndrome. Seeking attention by injecting oneself into drama as the selfless, loyal friend and confidant to the victim while all the while being the perpetrator. You may have something there. Agnes DID seem to be in the picture or at least the aftermath of every occurrence.
@The Key x Munchausen by proxy is where you're doing it to a different person for attention. Munchausen syndrome is where you're doing it to yourself for attention.
18:10 Tom Brady. Bottom rose, right in the middle
Well done! This one took forever for people to find!
I believed he had already given the answer.
How in the world did you see that?
Are you really sure sir? Even with holding the original picture of her next to this one it looks exactly the same. Or I am just completely blind
That was good congrats. I would of never seen it. Even after u pointed it out had to watch 3 times to see it
Me: *clicks on unsolvable mysteries*
Also me: *gets mad when the mystery is unsolved*
Thats why its called unsolved and mystery meaning nobody knows !!
The voice tho its bloody creepy
Unless she is stalking herself
I think its a cop
I feel ya
Haha everytime!
Cops: **annoyed because nothing ever happens whenever they’re surveilling the house**
Me: Hm. That IS strange. It’s almost as if...the stalker doesn’t want to get caught by they wait until the coast is clear. very weird.
hmm, ah yes, the floor is made of floor.
Who would have thunk?
@Joshua Greenspan 😮😯😲🤫
Thats what i was thinking who would stalk someone when they know the cops are there
Hello!! This story is actually about my aunt, so i thought i’d come on here and say thank you for covering her story is a non biased way. I never met her, but my family has dealt with a lot of trauma because of what happened. It pains me to think people didn’t believe her and thought she staged it all, but I am glad the general public can see that she wasn’t what the police made her out to be. Anyways, thank you for sharing the story and being as respectful as you were about it. :)
Hope ya aunt found peace :)
I hope one day there is justice for Cindy. Your family needs peace. ❤
RIP your aunt hope she and your fam find peace and justice. 😇
I believe her 100% I know about the Vancouver cops history they are useless and because of their mistakes they've caused a lot of women to be murdered
@@jbrobertson6052 maybe their the masterminds behind it all... 😱 also hi again!
As a former Vancouver resident, I am well aware of the documented incompetence of the Vancouver police force. A decorated police veteran had pinpointed Canadian serial k*ller Robert Pickerton a good year before he was caught. Or at least pinpointed that his pig farm was a central location between all of the Murders. And the police force itself was subjected to public inquiry and slammed for allowing 49 women (a statement Pickton made after incarceration) to be ruthlessly murdered and their bodies eaten by his pigs.
My God that’s Absolutely Horrific & Even More Devastating that they didn’t do Their job properly to prevent all those additional women from being Murdered & Slaughtered 💔literally 😫💔😩😢
These f'ckin cops 🙄
"ThE sTaLkEr DoEsNt ShOw Up WhEn We'Re HeRe So ShE's LyiNg"
Also, how convenient her ex is a cop yet shizz never went down when he was around, by his own admittance 🤔
Yeah... pigs did it.
Medical examiner: Yeah this definitely wasn’t a suicide
Police: Nah bro trust me
It doesn’t make sense that the cops didn’t fingerprint a single thing in ALL 3 or 4 incidents?!? WTF!!!! Why?!?
@@brandonmarquette9612 easy cop corruption
Medical examiner never said it was definitely not a suicide. They said they couldn't say it was or wasn't suicide.
cop most likely did it, honestly
Cindy: Dies
Police: She must be faking
So true. I wish police would take things like that and this seriously:(
@@Snesgamer yeah but I was meaning for both sides. If she was doing it or someone else was doing it the police should have done something to help her
@@Snesgamer No it couldn't.
RIGHT! How the hell? No shoes, no socks.....feet perfect. No syringe, yet over
Just look at the Vancouver cops history you'll see they've done this more than once
Sorry this took so long... tHe BaD mAn GoT mE yesterday and so this video went under review. Luckily it just cleared. Enjoy!
Epic video epic
You sir, have impeccable timing
It got cleared in just enough time to make my morning. Thanks @MrBallen!!!
thx for being a youtuber
RUclips better lock it up.
Watching this 3 years after it was posted. You’ve come so far! Proud of you.
“ when the police were there , there was NO stalker activity, the second the police left the stalker would come back “ hmm wow, almost like maybe he didn’t want to get caught !! lol
It's the same reason you don't see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room. The cop ex-bf was conveniently never questioned, too. License to kill, I guess.
@K Ker you know I’m starting to wonder why none of the neighbors ever saw even a little bit of what happened
Almost like whoever did it knew the police schedule, which means they were either law enforcement themselves, or they were always at Cindy's house and knew when the police left.
you do know that the cops wouldn't tell the stalker when they are leaving and they wouldn't just be sitting outside out in the open, they would be hiding for that sole reason.
Or it could have been a police officer that was off duty and knew the shift change.
They really would rather think this woman was a professional knot tie expert, drug addict, arson, crazy, and a levitating magician before considering that there was an actual stalker
😆 true
@@mauricioduran6015 Pretty gross generalization
@@mauricioduran6015 Only in your feeble mind. You don’t like cops, why not just say it?
I love them
@@mauricioduran6015 Okay Q
No matter who is responsible, clearly this poor woman suffered tremendously and did not get the help she needed and deserved.
@You're not Awake Not just yet that's canadian Police for ya, they don't help others.
Yeah idk cops seem to really have a hard job
Gun. And you should probably be vacuuming
A similar thing happened to my mum and I, when I was a teenager. We had a guy stalking us for months. Everytime we called the cops, they blew us off. The guy would walk around our house tapping on the windows. We would call the cops, but by the time the cops finally turned up, he was gone. He started to harras several other women in our neighbourhood. THEN the cops took it seriously and brought in dogs. If the cops had believed us initially, the stalkers behaviour wouldn't of exacerbated to harassing half the neighbourhood. What's scary is the police were too incompetent to catch the guy. Even with the help of hundreds of police reports, several eye witness accounts and a team of tracker dogs. Sadly many cops are keystone cops.🍩
As a woman who has been secretly recorded, blackmailed w said recording, kidnapped, beaten, s.a'd, threatened with a gun, and stalked by my ex, i cannot imagine the fear she endured on top of the cops openly telling her shes staging everything and making it up. Breaks my heart she went through that.
I'm so sorry that you went through that.
I'm sorry you had to survive that. I had very little help with a past psycho also. It makes me wonder if they figured out it was the cop ex boyfriend.
I’m so sorry this happened to you
@@mememinexdd4843don’t be so disrespectful
The cops didn’t believe her, so they didn’t run prints on the knife. Even if you think this lady is full of it just do your damn job to the minimal amount required please…
👏👏👏 say it louder for the back 😂
Yup, and someone got away with murder because of it!
Foul play, police officers involved.
@@Lwatcher-t9o It would require huge amounts of time to stalk someone like this, if you start to think about it. That leads me to conclusion that it could have been either someone who was paid for it or someone that didn't have other things to do or could easily make himself available anytime. This alone would be enough for police to find out who the stalker could have been, but nobody really investigated this maybe because of possible negligence of these police departments. But I can't say anything for sure if I wasn't there.
They should have run's possible that her ex-husband was wearing gloves or something but even if they found just her prints they could have told her the could have been inconclusive but still running the prints would have given them a clearer picture!!!
The cops actually thought Cindy was making everything up because her stalker wasn’t around when they were around? But if she was being stalked then obviously the stalker knew when the police were at her house… I cannot imagine anything more terrifying than what Cindy went through. Rest In Peace, Cindy. I’m so sorry this happened to you
I wonder why police didn't just use a simple trick that they tell Cindy "Ok we leave now" but they actually leave one cop hiding in her apartment.
@@BigBlueandWhite because that’s illegal.
As an opioid IV user, if you inject yourself there is absolutely & and i mean no fucking way that you would have the time to ditch the needle and tie yourself up. The amount of time it takes for the drug to finish the come up and peak is less than 10 seconds.
@@alexblaze8878 Not necessarily... just hide in a place that's not illegal but not too revealing to the streets.
@@BigBlueandWhite you said “hide in her apartment”. Again, that’s illegal.
A knot expert was able to tie himself up that way?! No shit!!
"We aren't sure how this young man's body ended up on that roof, so we hired Tony Hawk to launch himself up there, thus proving the man got there himself"
That was my thought!
This is a lady who had this obsession for a long long time and sacrificed a lot to make people believe her. It is very easy to believe she could have spent a few days studying knots in order to make her own story more believable. Knots aren't that hard to learn if you actually study.
@@scpy4346 this was pre internet days and no evidence was ever found that she did this. Police are lazy, inept and lack integrity. They find only what they want to find. They do cover-up for themselves & others. This was at a time when stalking woman was easy & perpetrators knew they'd get away with it. Pretty much the same as these days
As an opioid IV user, if you inject yourself there is absolutely & and i mean no fucking way that you would have the time to ditch the needle and tie yourself up. The amount of time it takes for the drug to finish the come up and peak is less than 10 seconds.
@@TheZINGularity I'm a recovering dope fiend. They didn't say whether it was in a vein or muscle. If it was in a vein, I agree she wouldn't have had time, but if it was I.M., then she would've had time, because it would have taken awhile to absorb in the bloodstream.
Bless her heart. Poor Cindy must have been so terrified and to be brushed off by the police is maddening and sickening at the same time. Basically, she had no one to help her and that is unacceptable. To be blamed for your own stalking and then to be murdered and still be brushed off and not believed. It’s just wrong on so many levels and unacceptable. I hope someday the truth will see the light of day. 🙏🏼
She had a detective/police boyfriend and the stalker activity only happened when he was away or when the police detail were changing shifts and the scene was always was that guy not a suspect?
@@andrewb9409 That does not absolve him of suspicion.
@@andrewb9409 he could be a stalker that worked his way into her life. Doesn’t really mean much about when it all started
yepp and i thought that maybe there was someone manipulating everyone into thinking she had been faking everything behind her back and that person could be anyone of the people you mentioned since they would be close with the other police.
Because he is a perfect human being. He could never do anything g wrong It’s just not possible.
Police protect their own unfortunately
‘A knot expert was able to put himself in the same position’
A professional gymnast was able to do a cartwheel.
@Wesley D. de los Santos hah, he has bad reasoning, not bad grammar✊
Why do you think Mr. Ballen has bad reasoning?
@Wesley D. de los Santos Me too! :p
@@sallykauth2115 It was a joke and I haven’t watched this in ages so I can’t say exactly lmao, but I think it’s along the lines of ‘obviously a knot expert can put himself in the same position, he’s an expert at it’, but above all else, ‘twas a joke
Oh my goodness. No need to explain @Wesley D. de los Santos' joke. I actually "liked" it. I completely understand the wordplay involved between the two homophones "knot" and "not,"
The stalker worked in the police force. He knew when the police werent there.... Was able to find the girl in another state with a different name... Easily convinced other police departments she was crazy... This would all be so simple if the dude was on the force...
15:54 he mentions ex bf cop.. Your theory holds weight.
@@slysampss But she was being harrassed before she met the first cop
Good job detective. You’re a genius
@@milkywaygaming2415 True, but what if.. what if this was planned before, and the first cop knew her for a while already while she was unaware of it.
@@milkywaygaming2415 maybe before she met him, maybe he knew of her and was an obsessed stalker and started this elaborate plan to become her “Hero” coming to protect her but after harassment at work about defending her being “crazy” so he tried not to defend her anymore which caused her to break up with him and moving away, causing him to lash out resulting in her death
That is insanely creepy. I remember watching an episode on Unsolved Mysteries. It reminded me of another episode where this couple who were seniors was stocked for over 10 years. The stalker, attacker always knew when authorities were watching the house, and something happened during a time when they were watching the house, because the predator knew or found a gap in surveillance.
As a recovering addict, no way could you shoot a lethal dose even with a high tolerance and hog tie yourself in a way that you have to get a professional knot guy to recreate. Hit that guy with a lethal shot of dope and then let him recreate it. That woman was murdered.
I battled with opiates years ago. I agree 100% with you. Poor Cindy.
Ye 💯 💯 💯
Agreed, but why no traces? I mean, all that time and no footprints?
The lack of evidence suggests a background in criminal investigation, but the investigating officer didn't enter her life until after this became a problem.
@@nathanjones6638 When the pigs commit the crimes themselves they can simply not put effort into solving a case, or just cover it up.
@@nathanjones6638 Who was the main person still in her life? Her best friend!!! It was her friend!
When I was a young child we spent about 3 years being terrorized by an anonymous stalker who was obsessed with my single mother. The police also dismissed it as fake, and even accused my brother and me of being the ones breaking in and doing things. They never lifted a finger to help.
Luckily for us, one day it just stopped. We never knew why it stopped, why it started, or who it was.
I'm so sorry your family went through that.
It must be so insanely horrible to have these kinds of cases just written off by the people in society who are supposed to protect you. Of course when it comes to violent crimes the easiest/most common answer usually is the correct one but in so many of these retellings you just hear police treat them like there are no other possibilities than what they immediately think of.
Sorry that happened to you but I hope that person was caught
@Nero Wynn It was a pretty bad time. My brother and I both developed PTSD from it, and to this day we both have extreme hyper vigilance and super sensitive startle responses.
I'm real heaps sad to hear what your mother, your brother & you Mimi must've all had of gone through & had to put up with. It really disappoints me that these psychos even exist. Sorry to hear about how the authorities wouldn't believe you or help or even protect you too.. That is their job & in my opinion they at failed it miserably in both cases yours & this. I believe her by the way, despite what anyone thinks or said. You don't inject yourself with an overdose, tie yourself up & run to an abandoned house to then strangle yourself all to stage your murder. It wouldn't be possible. Also they would have found the needle, at least closeby. That guy was too sus standing in the night watching her house burn & if not then why wouldn't he call 911 when asked? Plus noone stabs themselves through their own hand with a pairing knife for that, no matter how elaborate they are trying to make their stalking/death threats seem. I don't believe she had mental problems at all (like schizophrenia) at least not serious ones if she did. I am glad to hear your harassments stopped Mimi. It sounds like he was just a real trash pile perv anyway & mammoth duche w/ a tiny appendage & I'm sorry that he never got caught & had to face the charges for it. He must be f**ked up to do that in the first place, even to think of doing those things let alone going through with them is sick. Even though I'm not saying that's any excuse at all. What always makes me wonder is why don't these people ever think anyone will ever see them, find out or catch them in some way. Or do they simply not care about any consequences? People are always watching just for them to f**k up so they can all make an example of the scumbags. I think & hope they all get tortured to the same extent of their victims & permanently if they won't leave them alone. I would love for someone like this to break into "the wrong sort of guys" house & get what he deserves.. I also hope the guy who did this to you & your family feels like the massive piece of shit (that he is). Also that he finds out exactly what you & everybody else think of him... I mean he has affected you (& your family) in a heaps negative (that could get worse too), for probably your whole life. Good on you & congrats getting through it all though. I would have PTSD too for sure. It'd also prolly have blood-pressured me right up & I'd have had a stress, anxiety or panic attack or just a mental breakdown lol.. Bless you & best of luck to you with working through your problems & condition. I hope it goes away & you get better.. Have a nice rest of your day!.. 🙂
When you’ve already heard a story before but Mr.Ballen explains it 10x better.
I listen to this to go to sleep that's how good he is
Lies bailey Sairian did I spelt it wrong but Mr ballen and Bailey did this stley
I live with DID and I’m honestly not convinced…although truthfully it rarely ends up being like people expect it is. Thank you for the respectful way you spoke of DID, it’s rare for me to see/hear people not treat it as a joke. Much appreciated.
Hi there
I also have been diagnosed with DID and I also find that theory to be far fetched
I hope you are doing ok 👍
@@Rat_Queen86 I am thank you! Hope you are as well!
@@FoxycougarI am thank you
I love me some Mr Ballen ❤ how did you come across his channel?
The way the police handled this makes my blood boil.
If someone told you they've been r**e without any proof what will you do?
They should have ALL lost their jobs. Immediately upon her body being found. Worthless sacks of trash. I hope this case haunts all of them until they die.
Welcome too Vancouver
Regardless if she had a stalker or not. This poor lady was going thru it.
Yeah, even if it was herself doing these things and not knowing, she would still have felt terrified. Fear isn’t just about what is happening it’s the perception of what is happening.
That many years of being stalked...just sad and wierd
It is really sad. I can’t even imagine what she must have been going through. How frustrating. Mr. B always tells the best stories.
Yes indeed a sad story whether or not she was stalking herself.
@Lee x Yes its how i abbreviate it. Dont know why ur worried about it
"police set up a surveillance operation on her property"
Proceeds to show the background image with police eating donuts in the car.
Ballen always does his homework
So typical of them isn't it
@@ghostdetective311 did they keep her safe, no they blew her off.
She was the doughnut. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
that stalker definitely had some type of connection with the police. this case makes me sick because of how they neglected her. sad story man
I do think a whole cult is in this the hell neighbor don't watch someone House?
It's easy to jump on 'police are incompetent' train, but I know people who act like this. She was clearly looking for attention. The more she feels invalidated by the refusal of others to believe her lies, the more desperate she is for her story to somehow be true.
@@RhetteliosI was thinking the exact same thing. the stalker was definitely not real. just by the description of her it was pretty obvious very early into the story, the divorce, claiming abuse then claiming stalker activity and fucking the cop who was investigating it lmao
My heart breaks for this poor woman. Imagine going so long being terrorized by someone, having no one believe you, and then be murdered. Such a sad life.
And DID occurs by repeated trauma before the age of 6 or 7. (DID does not occur from trauma later in life ). So that means she had been traumatized pretty much her entire life.
@@shuffman8094 the DID theory was fucking stupid and probably made up by people on the internet who don't know how DID works. The most "evil" personas are literally just kind of bitchy, that's it. They aren't going to go kill people or somthing, I hate people who think that.
@@shuffman8094 The DID "theory" is brainmeltingly idiotic. There is literally NO evidence, no matter how flimsy, that supports it. There is a lot of evidence that contradicts it. There's literally exactly as much evidence to say that aliens from another dimension did it than there is to say it was DID.
She was murdered. There's no two ways about it. The feet being clean, the needle being missing, her having no time to tie herself up after the injection, the body not being seen earlier (i.e. it was dumped)... there's no way ALL these things are explainable with her having done it herself. None. Absolute zero. Zero kelvin. One, MAYBE two? Extremely unlikely, but possible. But that many? No. Only a moron that's already convinced there was no stalker and is refusing to even consider the possibility they were wrong would even consider this being a suicide.
Everyone says ACAB, but we also need ACAR, because it seems All Cops Are Retards.
@@artvulture456 The DID theory is used for people to say "Bitches be crazy" and dismiss this woman, most likely because they're sexist.
I mean the cops sure were. To just let someone suffer a stalker because they're "crazy" and making it up, seems like something they'd do, especially if it's a woman. They tend to not take them seriously.
“A knot expert was able to put himself in the same position” well yea because he is a knot expert lol dam these people just didnt care to help her
Right?!!!! Not a single f*ck truly given! And also shines a light on how mistreated those who struggle with mental illness can be I feel like. Even if they thought she was mentally ill, they should've done thorough investigation to ensure this I feel.
Bottom line is the cops didn't like her
I love his stories and I think he could help some families out there find closure for some unsolved cases
And the knot expert wasn't out of his mind on morphine.
@@estieFa - Very good point!
So the fact that her best friends husband seen someone standing outside the house after the fire broke out means nothing, huh?!? I feel so sad for her...
Maybe he was curious. And when he said "run and call 911" he ran to call 911.. lol
@@slapbl4ck0ut37 I thought he just ran.
@@davidvasey5065 if a stalker did set the fire, and not Cindy, then it would be a direct attempt on her life with at least some chance of success. As far as they would be aware, this may be the conclusion to all their psychotic effort, so they’d want a good view.
@@risingtide117 I do believe your right, when someone wrongs me I sure like to watch them suffer, I suppose the feeling isn't that much different from a killers
He was the only one that saw him...Hmmmmmmm
RIP Cindy. I hope you are at peace. I am really sorry for the loss of your aunt and that one day you get all the answers you need. ❤️
Me: "So Cindy is a knot expert, suicidal maniac, arsonist, pathological liar, cat murderer, telephone line vandal...basically everything except an Apollo astronaut?"
Police: "Yes."
Me: "So Cindy is the victim of a stalker?"
Police: "No."
Where did it say they thought she was a knot expert?
Or, did you pull that out of your ass?
@@dsandoval9396 Or maybe the specific part of the story where they were talking about how her body was tied up? They had specifically said that the police believed she had done it herself.
@@Pythius13 Yeah, I heard that part in the video but OP called her a "knot expert".
My point is just because you know how to tie a few knots doesn't make you an "expert". Anyone can tie a knot, people learn to tie knots as a child tying their shoes.
Point is that it's not some expert skill only a select few know, I'm pretty sure your average office worker knows how to tie knots that tighten on the own.
@@dsandoval9396 It says in the video that the police brought in a “knot expert” to show that it is possible to tie yourself up the specific way that Cindy did. Apparently none of the police force members could do this to themselves or they wouldn’t have had the need to consult a so called “knot expert.” The person that you replied to was joking that Cindy must have also been a “knot expert” for her to have gotten herself tied up that same way.
And did all of that while hopped up on morphine don't forget
Finally, someone who tells the story at a normal pace without annoying music, tons of ads or ridiculously placed cliff hangers.
And not a snooze fest
Let’s appreciate MrBallen because, despite the significant delay in posting this, he still got this video out. Thank you for your commitment sir!
Thank you! Frustrating for sure, but all is right in the world now!
@@MrBallen thanks for making my day better with this video
So true! We love this channel and Mr. Ballen. He’s a GREAT story teller!
5.4 million subscribers!! Congrats dude! You're a great story teller, and thank you for your service to our country. Well deserved!
Things I have learnt from mr ballen: no caves, no scuba diving, no walking alone and no camping
Thank you mr ballen I’m your biggest fan
You don’t realise what this means to me
Memez get a room eh. Haha. Nah he is awsome.
Lol! 😀
Cindy: *Gets found drugged and dead in a ditch after weeks of being stalked*
Cops: "Must've been the wind..."
Poor Cindy
Right like oh this looks like the perfect place to shoot up an hog tie myself 🧐
Hahaha yeah
Imagine being stalked and knowing the police didn't believe you and did nothing to help you. It would be soul shattering.
she should've moved to south america or something
Happened to me I had to move across the country :(
@@kerrysmiles damn, girl.. thank god i'm a man and nobody cares to stalk me, lol
@@jwst8 men get stalked too. Some people are just sick. Trust your gut. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable listen to yourself.
Trust me it's fkd
Omg i remember his story! I heard it so ewhere else before! I hope you and your family are good and found peace. Definitely a crazy story!
I can’t believe basically watching a man tell stories is so riveting. It’s better than a documentary or a tv show. Ballen is definitely a true talent in story telling.
Look at you , hoping for a response from Ballen!!
@@KM-mv3qr ?
@@bmc4175 yeah, you know it.
@@KM-mv3qr hope everything is well with you. God bless.
@@KM-mv3qr so isnt everyone? Dont act special when you know everyone else isnt
She was stalked and killed they did not do justice for that poor women.
Typical cops ...too busy drinking coffee n eating doughnuts in a warm office.
YES, that’s what I say too...”Sorry A$$ Cops!”
Bootlickers be like "what are you gonna do when u need 🐽s huh??"
This is why I have a gun and adopted German Shepherd/Pitty mix. 🦮🐾🔫
Honestly, I think the police are good at acting as deterrent, but they are not very good if someone who you don't know singles you out.
When do they get justice for women?
I don't even want to get up this early for college classes determining my future in life, but for a Mr. Ballen video, that's different.
There are night jobs 🤷
Cindy's commitment to the bit is legendary
I am a police officer and this story breaks my heart and makes me angry. There is no way she did it herself. There is legit no way she was making any of this up! Absolutely absurd! Those officers failed this poor woman. 🥺
Your a police with that profile pic? Doubt
@@reggielacey2235 I really don't care if you doubt it. I have nothing to prove. I'm human just like everyone else.... We don't dress like robots....
@@RoseTx ok bro
@@reggielacey2235 how exactly do you expect cops to dress? Are we supposed to never fix ourselves up?
@@RoseTx if by dress up you mean look like snookie then Ok sure. That's like a surfer frat boy oy from Jersey saying he's a cop or something.
The infuriating is, even in the unlikely scenario that she was stalking herself, it would still have been the police's job to investigate and to protect her even if it would have been against herself.
In theory, but in reality, police exist to catch criminals and enforce the law. You should never trust them to do anything proactive.
The unfortunate reality is that police do not offer personal protection or surveillance, but bodyguards do.
The FBI provides personal protection in extreme circumstances and the police only provide serious surveillance if crimes are repeatedly committed.
The deaths of the cats is probably why the police set up surveillance on her house. Since a crime was being committed on the premises, the police wanted to find out who was killing cats.
But they didn't care enough about the cats to continue that expenditure on the city budgets, so I'm sure to very small protest from a cop or two who wanted to protect the cats, the force called off the surveillance.
If you ever feel threatened or insecure, professional bodyguards are your extremely costly solution.
For the police to be able to do that, we would need to pay more in taxes so that we could pay them. The same people who complain are often the same ones who don’t want to pay higher taxes.
Its 1982
Sadly, before the late 1990s, the police did fuck all in that department. Someone had to be missing for 3 days to be considered missing, the standards of crime scene investigations were a lot worse, a lot of contaminated evidence, a lot of sitting around doing nothing. The trade-off was the cops back then were really friendly and nice, would get to know the neighborhoods and hang out, and since everyone knew the cops, and the cops knew everyone, it was easier to patrol and stop crimes, but wouldn't be able to do much about a missing person and mental illnesses weren't treated as real in a lot of ways.
The '90s came and cops started to be less personable, stopped being as involved, started to be colder and more militaristic, more so after Columbine in 1994, we got SWAT formed after the Texas Belltower Sniper too, it went from friendly to business. Really, if it happened today, they would have gotten her help, would have supervised her better, would have put cameras up in her house to record, inside and out.
There’s a theory it was Roy, that’s pretty strong.
This started just a few months after they split, and continued until her death. He didn’t have as solid of alibis as is mentioned here, he was just “trusted”, being a medical professional. He would have had access to morphine, etc, from his place of work. He also was the person who pegged Cindy as having “mental problems” to the police, implying to them that she was seeking attention. They believed him, as a “professional”.
Hes a psychiatrist, he doesn't have access to morphine
Oh my goodness I think your right. When there was a fire inside her house the neighbor went outside and saw a man and asked him to call 911, but instead he ran away. Of course as a doctor the police trusted him. It makes sense.
good to know! also it seems too convenient that he had a message on his phone "from the stalker" talking about killing cindy lol.
The voicemail was clearly a woman. I'm betting he paid someone with either drugs or cash to call and leave that message at his house.
Keystone cops so sad
This story is unbelievable. In modern times, we now know that people can be motivated to do some ugly, horrendous things for small or perceived slights. Perhaps, someone wanted to date her and she declined. Its mind blowing to assume she would do this when there is evidence that lends credibility to the fact that she most likely was not her own predator/perpetrator. No history of this kind of behavior or of any kind of mental illness. I would have looked into Agnes and Tom, as well as, anyone that surrounded her. The person/persons would only need a small amount of common sense to know not to come to her home and commit crimes while police are parked out front (marked cars, Im sure). That must have been terrifying for her to not even have hope, knowing the police wasnt even seeking a perp. May she RIP. These officers should be ashamed.
“Cindy dead meat soon” is 100% said in a scratchy woman’s voice
Exactly what I thought.....incredibly obvious.
I'd like to hear a recording of Cindy to compare it to, because it's pretty fucking telling. No wonder the police didn't buy her story.
That call is without a doubt either the killer or tied directly to him
Yep for sure a female voice
Yes sounded like a smoker...
Gotta love how the cops just got tired of Cindy, and stopped responding to her calls? Like, that’s your job guys!
No, it's not their job. They responded countless times and investigated and all came to the conclusion that she staged the attacks. Should the police now hire a police officer for every paranoid person that's out there. They have limited resources and have to distribute them to respond to real crime.
@@benjaminfacouchere2395 it’s literally their job to respond to the calls no matter what they feel is happening.
@@cookiedon101 actually the Supreme Court ruled that the police don’t have a constitutional duty to protect or serve. And if they don’t want to they don’t HAVE to respond to calls.. so it’s not technically ‘their job’. I’m not sure exactly how it works. Multiple suits have been filed against multiple states and each time the courts have upheld the same verdict ‘police have no constitutional duty to protect any persons not in custody’
@@benjaminfacouchere2395 I don’t know what you mean by a real crime but this woman was murdered
@@benjaminfacouchere2395 I hope you can be so objective when it affects you
Cindy: *breathes*
Police: pretty sure that's a lie too.
@Biden is illegitimate Not impossible.
@Biden is illegitimate you clearly don't know what impossible means if you think this is impossible
Nah the cops are probably just lazy. You won't get no criminal minds level investigation unless you're important, rich or there's a serial killer running around.
@Biden is illegitimate then answer this... She had a lethal dose of morphine from an iv needle that we both can agree on correct?, the mark was found obviously.... Ok so why wasn't the needle found at her body? The needle was NO WHERE FOUND and she clearly been drugged to kill her. Unless she ate it or shoved it up her own ass somehow, somebody else clearly did this to her. I donno why that's so hard to believe? U can't give yourself a shot like that in the back area(like he said) with her hands tied up... Let alone making sure hitting the vein correctly to make sure its in... That can NOT be done by herself. Unless u can give me a REAL plausible answer on everything I just said.(not picking a fight, I'm just throwing those facts out there and seeing if u can debunk this is all man) then she was killed, not suicide.
@The wildest Of turkeys He did say though that the dosage she had received was one that would have killed her very quickly. He said that IF she did do this to herself then she would have had to inject it and then immediately get to tying herself up. With it being that high of a dosage how did she hide the needle her socks and shoes without getting dirt on her feet and then proceed to tie herself up all in that time frame?
Heartbreaking that the authorities didn’t listen to her.
No matter who truly is the responsible for this, the police department involved with this case will always be responsible for letting it ever happen
Unfortunately if there is no crime committed they won’t do anything. Sucks. Actually a current thing happening to my sister rn. Cops didn’t do shit.
@@mystaniceguy thats extremely unfortunate
Truth sause
@@steverambo7599 and I’m a supporter of police. Good thing I own firearms. But still it sucks that if there is no crime they won’t do anything
@@mystaniceguy yeah honestly Im fine with the law and all but sometimes I think something should happen whether it specifically falls under a law or not, granted not everything since that would be chaos but it shouldnt be wait until shit gets real then act upon it
The worst of this is that the police still thought she was faking EVEN WHEN SHE HAD TWO OTHER WITNESSES, one of whom physically saw the perpetrator run away, even if it was in the dark.
They CHOSE to say that instead of investigating themselves, because the pigs were the stalkers.
@@mrianwonder6527 wtf is wrong with you ahahah, why would police stalk a woman and kill her like this? do you even use your brain
@@brandyhooper5151 yes it has happened before but we don’t know that’s what happened in this case because the police didn’t bother to investigate. It’s that whole investigation thing that is important. When the police don’t do it they’re not doing their job. And if they’re not doing their job we have to ask why.
Or her friends husband lied cuz it was him
@@mrianwonder6527 your a dumb fuck liberal lmao
I hope everyone who reads this has THE BEST day ever!
Thankyou ^_^ I hope you have the best day ever!
You too.
Cheers Mate , that is a very kind comment for us all. Now you make sure you have the bestest mostbfantabulous day also . Love and blessings to all!
Ahhh! You too!!!
Sincerely, 😊 Thank you all back! 🙏🏿🙌🏿
I really wish Mr Ballen was still posting 3 to four times a week. Hell it would be nice to even get 2 videos a week. Once a week is such a bummer.
Agree... Its pretty common though. Channels start out posting as much as they can, then when they go viral and get big viewing numbers, they cut videos down to once or twice a week.. That whole "work smarter, not harder" thing...
@@carloo69 Yeah I get it people need a break. It could definitely be feasible to spit out two 30 min stories a week. He probably wouldn't have to work so hard. It doesn't seem like a major production. Just Mr. Ballen, a camera, a green screen, and his amazing story telling abilities. Maybe the tap is running dry on the stories he finds. Hell, he's told thousands of different stories. It must be getting harder to come across really intriguing things. But regardless people will still watch his once a week videos. He will still make a large amount of money to get to do what he loves. His fans will still be happy that he's at least doing it once a week. Could be once a month. So everyone wins.
I had a friend in Atlanta who had a stalker. The cops told her to move out of state because there was nothing they could do until he “did something.” She moved...she’d done nothing wrong, yet she was the one who had to upend her life. They went out once, he was scary, and she never went out with him again, but he broke into her condo on multiple occasions, and even got caught once but convinced them that she was just trying to get him in trouble, would show up at work to “pick her up after work because she had car trouble.” This was in the 80’s. I’ve always wondered if he went on to kill other women who turned him down, because when she moved, he showed up pretending to be her husband, wanting to know her address. Our boss called the cops because he was demanding to search the building for her. He took off before the cops got there. Scary SOB.
Very scary ...nothing like the police gaslighting you about it to boot .
The entire legal system surrounding stalkers is totally broken. Cops won’t do anything until the victim is either seriously injured or dead
This happened to me. A guy broke into my apartment and swung a cloth filled with heavy metal (?) and cracked my head. I passed out and then came to. He told me that he would kill me if I ever told anyone. The police picked him up on DUI and then the trial and then prison for him.
Problem is you can't pick someone up on accusation alone. That could be abused way to easily. In this case she didn't even know who was doing it. Its shitty but what could the police do? They couldn't do surveillance for life, especially if they never find any evidence to support her claims.
I had a stalker from ages 16 to 19 were the worst years but I was 23 married and had just had a baby the last time I ever heard from him. Its too long a story but the short of it is that I had to deal with it completely alone and even though he did things ranging in seriousness from calling and leaving death threats to calling in a bomb threat to my highschool he was never pusinished because his father was a cop.
That last time I heard from him he had been leaving messages on moms answering machine and she hadn't been telling me because she didn't want me to worry but I wasn't a scared teen anymore. I was a mom. When he said he knew I got married and had a baby I knew right then without a doubt that if I ever saw him in my territory near my home I'd have to kill him. I'd have done it too. 3 years of torment and he dared even speak of my child.
The amount of gaslighting from the police is strong in this case. I recommend the family contacting the FBI to investigate. There is a lot in this story to suggest the stalker was connected to the police department in some way.
This happened in Vancouver, BC, Canada. There is no FBI in Canada. (That we are aware of…)
@@worldsigh1788 oh there is😂
Gaslighting in all forms is criminally reprehensible and causes significantly crippling unacknowledged harm to its victims on endless levels and oftentimes this suffering is swept under the rug thus blaming the victim essentially, making things 10 times worse. Never is Justice found
@@worldsigh1788 csis
the caller on the other side of the phone, ""DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET TO BELLS CANYON?!?!!?""
After watching that video, I googled bell’s cannon and found out it was in Utah... so creepy!!!
I literally LOL'd at that! Thank you
I understood that reference
Hahaha no no no!! I am still creeped out by that story and the one where the father and son are in the forest with no sounds 🥺
When you mentioned the police officer boyfriend, I said ‘it was him’ poor lady RIP!
This poor woman went through this totally alone with so few people believing her, how hopeless she must have felt. Your struggle is now over ... Rest in peace
if you think about it 2 of the few people that did believe her agnes and her husband where most likely the ones that did it.very sad.
Is the invisible woman inspiration
Such a damn shame... To cry for help in a crowded room with no one to hear u :(
This same thing happened to me. But I'm a guy who was stalked by a much older guy. Cops didn't believe me either. My stalker was caught the night he stabbed me when I took my trash out. He's in prison now. But I had to deal with 6 months of death threats and him following me, it really screwed my head up and I've never been the same.
Omg you poor thing. How did it start ..did u know him
I"m glad u made it.
I'm so sorry you went through that. The disbelief from people who should be helping you is an extra layer of disgusting
im sorry about all of that , i wish you the best , and for peace
It is already a heavy world it becomes heavier when you are telling the truth & no one believes you. I am happy to know you survived & hope you a surrounded by loving, kind people.
The fact that the coroner found it would be impossible for her 'stage' her own death tells me the cops really f**ked up. I think they have a lot to answer for.
Can anyone explain to me why Police or Herself didn’t setup Video Surveillance in and outside the home? I know they came to property and watched but having actual Video would help clear up a lot of things.
You better believe it! If it was one of their family members or kids they would of done a lot better job! They didn't even take prints?
@Mr. Rich B.O.B most aren’t that bright so not surprising
@@seroogyw6238 Honestly it's because at the time it would cost you about, in todays dollar value, $2k for a camcorder that would give you the video quality of your average bigfoot video. So it wouldn't really be something they would think about in this situation.
Chris Forstner It’s not the point of quality if that is your argument! I guarantee the police themselves had the best equipment at the time or had access to it. To just have flood lights or sit outside at certain times obviously wasn’t enough! Someone should have at least tried setup up some type of VIdeo Surveillance just to get any idea what is happening...
I love your channel so much, thank you!
This story is so incredibly frustrating 😭 For them to actually declare this a suicide after failing her so badly for so many years is just disgusting 😳
FR, they just didn't want to admit they were wrong. They should have definitely left her case open and not what they did ACAB
police and or politicians were involved
@@LL-hc3zm u are dead on with that one!! , almost wouod bet money on it
@@tomkee4479 I can't remember the other story Ballen told where a group of friends (maybe just two) the sheriff had a conflict of interest in the case but this reminded me of that
So I gotta say, he left a LOT out for the views and fear factor. Stephanie Harlowe does an excellent deep dive into it, she's also known as Cindy James. She definitely had histrionic personality disorder imo.
*Someone who's never played guitar
Guitarist of 20 years: "I can easily play these licks, she could've done it"
Logic of a knot expert.
Well said.
Very well said indeed the police are just lazy
I thought that too lmaoooo
I wonder if he injected himself with morphine before tying himself up.
LMBO!!! RIGHT!?!?!?
The amount of neglegence throughout this case is appauling. My heart goes out to her as this was a living nightmare. RIP Cindy you didn't deserve this
The care and concern we may have over a 20 minute video would be more difficult to sustain over multiple years.
Easy to say that when it happens one time. But what are you gonna do if it appears she’s faking it and calling you for literal years and nothing seems to change? You had 20 minutes to learn about this case. Police dealt with this for years straight.
Everyone’s an expert on criminal investigation ig 🙄
I agree
Sad abt what happened to her... the apathy police showed is appalling
Lmao "happens one time" you bootlickers always want to pull that "few bad apples" argument like this isn't a consistent problem. Cops are too busy ticketing for minor offenses for revenue and chatting next to the coffee shop to do any actual work. Have you ever tried to get help from american police in an emergency? They show up 30 minutes late and take no notes and never follow up. Some teens set my neighbor's house on fire and the cops said it was a prank gone wrong and never arrested the teens. Apparently with canadian police it isn't much better. And just listen to the stories of abused women. The cops always say their hands are tied until after she's already dead or beaten. Cops don't prevent crime and they hardly punish it. They're all too busy shooting innocent people and dogs for a power trip if they aren't using their sirens to speed to the krispy kreme
I may be a little off base here, but I have a theory. And from what I have read I feel like a few of you would agree with me.
The saying goes that truth is stranger than fiction, and it is also said that art imitates life. I have been writing fiction stories since I was a child and I've learned through research for my stories that most often, when a crime has a single victim, the villain is someone very close to them. They also have a tendency to show up looking like a hero. And there is one person, technically two, that have a tendency to show up repeatedly in this story: Agnes and her husband.
My first reason for this conclusion is the voicemail left for the husband. The voice is clearly female. The tones, despite the feigned raspiness, are far to soft and pitched to high for that voice to belong to a man. You may ask, "Then why not have Agnes's husband make the call? Wouldn't that be more intimidating?" Indeed it would, but having a female voice on that voicemail takes away the credibility of the threat and has the bonus of making Cindy look guilty.
Reason two: The stalker always knew. No matter where she went, or even if she changed her number, the stalker always had the information. This was in the 1980's. They didn't have "people search" websites and Google was still more than 20 years away, so if your number was unlisted it meant no one had it unless you gave it to them. So at the very least that means that someone Cindy knew gave the stalker her number. Even when she moved to a new city the stalking resumed very shortly.
Reason three: timing and "witnesses". I find it a very convenient coincidence that Agnes would show up during one of the stalkers attacks. Cindy is nearly strangled until the attacker "hears Agnes's car" from the backyard. Does Agnes drive a Semi or ride a Harley? Or perhaps she drives a '76 Chevelle with a blown 454? I highly doubt any of those. It makes more sense to me that this entire scenario was engineered those cenemnt Cindy's trust and friendship in Agnes.
Also included was the fire. Police and firefighters say that the perpetrator had to have already been in the house. Agnes and her husband would have been well aware that the police did not believe Cindy and actually accused her of staging it all. This means that no one would be looking at them as suspects. Imagine the level of power you would have to feel, knowing that you could almost certainly get away with murder and the cops would say she did it to herself. So why not take advantage of the situation? Some might say that it's stupid to thing the two would start a fire in a house that they are in, but they clue here is that "Cindy heard noise in the basement". Why would someone make noise if they were trying to burn someone's house down unless they were trying to preserve their own lives? They wanted her to wake up. And by feigning sleep when she came to them they solidified their alliby with Cindy and were able to make Cindy look guilty again. And let's not forget the story of the strange man in the street who ran away when questioned. If that's not the phoniest "he went that-a-way" I've ever heard. In truth that is the one slip up that the couple made. It was likely an attempt to make it look like they believed her, but was still entirely pointless.
The last part of reason three is that, out of everyone in Cindy's life, Agnes, and her husband, are the only ones to ever be present when the stalker acted. If it was anyone else, the stalker would wait til they left.
Reason four: no break-ins. Whenever something happened in Cindy's home, aside from the fire, there was never a sign of forced entry. Of course this would make it look like Cindy was making it all up, but someone who had a key could have done it all just as easily. Some may say that it's an assumption that Cindy would have given Agnes a key, but this was her best friend. I have a key to my best friends house and he lives an hour away from me. It's security. Something Cindy would have wanted, especially after the calls started.
And, finally, reason five: anonymity. No matter what, where or when Agnes would fit in, look like she belonged. I'd like to know if she had a car-phone. They had the technology in the 80's. If so it's perfectly fiesable for them to have been watching her house the night she closed the curtains.
At least I have reached the hardest part of all of this, and that's motive. Most would say there was none, but I disagree. I personally believe it was triggered by Cindy's divorce. There are people that believe that marriage is sacred, or, at the very least, meant to be life-long. It is certainly possible that Agnes was one of these types of people and took it as a personal affront that her best friend got a divorce. It may sound extreme, even bazaar, that someone could turn psycho on someone they love over something that had nothing to do with them personally, but in reality we never really know what will set someone off.
By the way, this theory can easily be proven or disproven with modern technology. All that would be needed is to compare the voicemail recording to the audio in Agnes's interviews in a voice print. The voice print is less about the words and more about the tone. Even when someone uses and artificial voice modulator, or changes their vice via natural means, the voice print stays consistent.
@@BenjaminJackson-fg6cp i personally believe that roy was also involved. i think he set it up. wouldnt be the first husband to do some shit like that. we never heard voicemails from cindy just roy. i dont think it was cuz of the motive u say. i think the motive is scorned husband takes revenge.
Another thing that struck me as kind of odd was that Agnes & her husband went to stay at Cindy's vs. inviting/insisting that Cindy come stay with them temporarily - wouldn't they be concerned about putting themselves in danger if something happened (such as a house fire) while they were there? I guess they might not have wanted to have their home become a target, or they could have thought their presence would be enough of a deterrent. Which raises the question of why it wasn't a deterrent - all the other incidents took place when Cindy was by herself, AFAIK. Why would the perpetrator take the risk of being seen by 2 more witnesses whom they must have known were in the house? The guy who allegedly ran away could have been fabricated to deflect suspicion.
It's also not out of the question that Roy could have orchestrated the whole thing and recruited Agnes & her husband to help carry out his sinister plan. There are plenty of cases where 2 or more people start to feed off of each other and end up doing awful things that they wouldn't necessarily have done or thought of on their own (folie à deux).
So many possibilities, so many unanswered questions...
The strange, dark, and mysterious delivered in story format is basically my best friend at this point.
same LOL
Same, I get scared easily doe
Exactly. It’s weird to think that I wait for mrballen to post. It’s literally the best part of the week. Man I need a life..... do I though ... yep.
Cindy was murdered. I refuse to accept that all that time she was doing this stuff to herself. NO. RIP CINDY.
Idk I was hoping she was telling the truth but that recording sounded exactly like a woman saying "Cindy dead meat soon". That can't be a man.
@@dontcare7086 No way she did ALL that to herself. Someone, even if he had an accomplice, planned her murder perfectly. It's bitterly obvious the stalker knew when the cops were watching and when they weren't. This was so brutally planned.
@@GenXfrom75 I agree, once I heard what the medical examiner said I immediately suspected foul play.
I totally agree with you x
it's so crazy that cindy literally moved to an entirely new location, because she was in so much fear. but people still didn't take her seriously. RIP Cindy
well, moving from Vancouver to Richmond is much like moving from Manhattan to the Bronx, different zipcode, same city. I want to know why she didn't flee farther, I mean it isn't like Canada is short of space to hide in.
Do you not find it a bit weird that she moved, she stalker apparently moved with her, and still was never noticed?
@@brendancoulter5761 No, I don't find it weird. A move from Vancouver to Richmond is not much of an evasion in terms of avoiding a stalker. Especially if her stalker was that police officer boyfriend who could easily look up her new address via updated
drivers licence.
@@jaybea365 Exactly. If I'm running from someone, I'm _running._ Meaning I'm gonna flee the _country,_ or at the very least the state, not just switch neighborhoods.
Because she made it all up
As someone with DID : the fact that no one realized she had DID is very logical, this is an extremely “hidden” condition. Also full black out are not common in this disorder, even if they still happen for some of us. The DID theory seams realistic to me as I have friends that also almost got killed by another “personality” of theirs (they are actually called alters as they are not really personalities but more identities)
RIP Cindy, regardless of whether you died by your own hand or someone else's, I firmly believe your death is due to negligence from the police. Serve and PROTECT.
It seems they often forget what their job is. Poor woman was terrorized.
Dude they put up with her lunacy for years. Maybe they should've send her to a mental hospital.
@@roseye369 Who did it?
Bitches with badges is what I say.
@Sarah Johanson Amen! So tired of police deciding that victims are staging attacks. Just because they found no evidence doesn't mean there wasn't an attack.
This is 1 of the worst cases of gaslighting I have ever heard of. The fact that Law Enforcement played into blaming the victim also is completely horrible. This poor woman had practically no one to turn to for help. So glad she did have a few friends who believed her.
It's supposedly an unsolved mystery which the Internet is still fighting about, but here you are, having it all figured out.
@@CorneliusFractogram Doesn't seem strange that the stalker was calling her ex and also
left a threatening voice-mail. He kept it for sometime and never brought it up to anyone until he was questioned by police. Seems like a good way to cover his @$$ when being looked at as a suspect
My ex wife isn’t far from this. The time and effort she went to to build a world of a narrative agaisnt me to get custody of our daughters was insane! She’s spent 4 years now destroying every aspect of my life, every relationship, she denies letting me see my daughters then tells them I don’t care and jsut don’t show up, moved them in with her boyfriend day after the divorce and told them to call me first name and not dad anymore. The narcissistic manipulation she’s don’t to me for 8 years made me hate myself and feel crazy felt like it was all my fault like she said but 18 months of therapy my therapist finally was able to show me none of this is my fault and show me how she has taken all her mistakes and hurtful things she’s done and puts them on me . It all Makes sense now and I’ve been building a truckload of evidence she’s been manipulating me and everyone in my life since day 1. It is horrible though feeling like no one believes you. People like this are truly terrible people that will do anything to look good and make you look horrible. She’s willing to hurt my children emotionally telling them I don’t love them when it’s her that is ignoring my time! The shits going to hit the fan in court very soon.
@@CorneliusFractogram just because it’s a mystery it doesn’t preclude people from having insights and opinions…
Yeah it's some kind of stalkers handbook that teaches you how to stalk but leave no evidence, I found my ex gf's herpes medication and tried to break up with her and she stalked me for 18 months always with no trace or proof, she just wouldn't leave me alone it was really pathetic.
I've never been this frustrated with a story.
Same I’ve been watching this on Xbox one and I came to my phone just to write a comment saying wtf
This and keneeka jenkins have spun me out
Then try the Circleville Letters. This one is easy peasy compared to that dumpster fire.
@@carmensavu5122 i heard the story a few months ago but I still found this one to be more infuriating for whichever reason.
Gotta be a horrible feeling when you're steady being attacked and the ppl who supposed to protect you don't believe you...😔
It’s like the girl who cried wolf, but she was never lying.
the wolf was just too good at hiding
What are u talking about? The boy that cried wolf was lying, its just tge wolf actually showed up in the end.
@@redcrimson1028 Yeah that's what he's saying. The boy cried wolf so much that when an actual wolf appeared, no one believed him. The difference, as Thomas said, was that in this case the girl hadn't been lying.
@@redcrimson1028 lol what are YOU talking about…
@@redcrimson1028 yeah but was he tho? Or was there a wolf all along and people were just like yeaah right kid until he got Eaten haha and then they BLAMED HIM lol
I think Cindy’s stalker was secretly living inside her house. That’s why they always knew when there was a gap in surveillance and why there was a few months of peace when she moved. She should have moved into an rv and kept rolling around.
Agreed, and it wouldn't be the first person to have it happen, either.
That's what I was thinking too! Smfh so sad there's no justice for her 😢
Thats exactly what I thought too!!
Good thought... That would explain it. Or else the stalker was a cop that knew when she was being watched
If you look at the house that's not really possible plus no one heard anything while they were there.
There is another still ongoing case in the US where a woman died and it has been labeled as a suicide, but…it is almost impossible. Her name is Ellen Rae Greenberg-from Philadelphia.
That one drives me crazy! It had to be the husband.
Subhanallah ! Iv just watched it. Unbelievably horrendous !
Wait, you don't think she stabbed herself 20 times, ten of which in the back and neck? noooooooo way! Must have been her! Police said so and this time it is even in the US of A, where we have plenty of prove that the police lies. Although one of the forensic scientists saying, that it was definitely a homicide, also fabricated evidence that put two teenagers behind bars for 30 years, soooo. Also, after your fiance with whom you had send out std's (save the dates) for the wedding died of 20 stab wounds (or before she was stabbed) and you discovered her and it is ruled a suicide and three years later you are happily married? Strong will or simply the murderer?
@@maryeckel9682 Husband, married friends or the policeman boyfriend then ex.
Yes!!! Very frustrating
I only recently discovered your channel man and I must say I absolutely LOVE your content.
I've always had a fascination with murder mystery type of programs on TV or unsolved mystery type of things and the way you talk and present each video is TOP NOTCH.
So keep up the good work dude!!!
I remember this when it happened. I always thought that, just because a cop could tie himself up in the same way she was found was not enough to assume she did. The police failed her.
Not to mention the autopsy report said she had overdosed on morphine and other drugs. How could she OD on her own and then run to where she was found, tie herself up, and die right there with clean feet? There are too many holes in the story.
And a knot expert at that. of course he would be good at tying himself up LOL
I think Mr Balley presented all of evidenced why it wouldn't be possible - also her clean feet and lack of a needle anywhere near makes it impossible for her to do it herself.
@@yoongistongue4163 exactky, i wanna see someone ask one of those idiot detectives to explain exactly how she could have done that to herself when there was no needle anywhere and i am a recovering opiate addict and im telling ya, she couod not have injected herself with enough heroin to cause an overdose and stayed coherent long enough to get from somewhere else to where her bidywas found plus tie herself up that way. It is impossible because the whole reason people inject their drugs straight into their veins is because when u do it hits u literally immediatley unlike taking it by mouth where it takes 15 to 30 min to hit u and even snorting it it takes a little bit to hit. injection is within seconds.
They should have given him a large dose of morphine and then asked him to tie himself up. RIP. Judgement Day will be karma for this murderer.
So the police believes the ex-husband was being harassed/stalked and he even had a voicemail proving its real but they still don’t believe Cindy. WTF wow.
And wy would the ex husband be harassed anyway?
That voicemail was clearly a womans voice
@@Jerry-ju5bm yeah i noticed that too
That voicemail I thought sounded like a woman but still no way she did this to herself. You don't just iv use suddenly and get it in your vein. And the friends bf saw a guy just watching them ran away. That's it strange behavior. Means a man in the middle of the night just happened to be there at the right time, saw the fire and just watched them panic and decide not to help. No way!
@@dannyrivers3922actually when women commit suicide they use overdose most of the time whereas men usually use a gun or hang themselves.
I’m inclined to believe Cindy had a mental disorder and did this to herself but the points Ballen brings up at the end do suggest she either had help or he ballen doesn’t have all of the information the police had about the scene. Also, since teens frequented that house they could’ve very likely taken the needle or helped Cindy’s self harming personality.
Whatever the case is I pray she is at peace now.
It makes me sick to think about how the police treated this poor girl, and that whoever did this to her got away with it scott free
To be fair... MrBallen also reported about cases where people (even 'poor girls' ) DID stage a lot of shit to fool the police and everyone to get away with murder... so, while unfortunate this -to them- probably seemed very much like one of those cases.
@@fumomofumosarum5893 I get that but that doesn't mean they should treat every case as if it's the same as the last one. That's just bad work ethic.
@@fumomofumosarum5893 TO BE FAIR her husband who was actually a psychiatrist, never noticed this diagnosis.. 16 years and he was a psychiatrist.. that says alot
@@fumomofumosarum5893 to be fair, I don't get to "chose" what part of my job I do. They have a job to do, and their neglegence probably allowed her to get murdered and also made this womans last few years absolute hell. Shame on them! Do your job properly
“Dead meat soon.”
That voice. It made me shudder and look around the room to double check that I was still alone.
I’m so mad about this. Some people are really good at covering their tracks. Cindy was murdered. And the fact that they did nothing about the man staring at the house while it was on fire pisses me off
Forreal!! I'm pissed off right now too..they didn't take stalking seriously back then
If this was happening to a sister or close female friend of mine, I'd say 'That's it, you're staying with me!' I feel like this woman was let down in so many ways by so many.
"What do we got chief?"
"Looks like the victim was tied up beaten and tortured by having cigars put out on her back and finally shot in the back of the head"
"My god when will people learn suicide is never the way"
😂 when I read ur comment I just pictured it like some 50’s cop show w satire.
The victim in the afterlife : bruh
This is something Detective Harrison from South Park would say 😂
@@klownfromouttatown1188 "jesus christ monkey balls"
That's crazy to say someone tied they self up and killed they self🤔 why tie yourself up?
Hi (: I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and I wanted to share some details about about it to provide important context. People who have DID have PTSD. ‘Splitting’ (or the distinction of parts) happens when a very intense/traumatic event occurs that the individual can’t integrate with the rest of their life experiences up until that point. This trauma happens before the age of 9 and those memories get filed away separately into what we call ‘Parts’. Yes, DID is defined by at least 2 distinct ‘parts’, but there is much more to it than that. Parts are not always fully defined as their own person, and while the memory gaps happen the complete black outs are usually triggered by some trauma or trauma adjacent event. The ‘switches’ in personality are sometimes subtle, but those who were really close to her would have noticed some change in behavior. If she was attacking herself then she would have had points were she wasn’t afraid for her life, which didn’t seem to happen once the events started. Also, switching is not something that people with DID can normally control. After years of therapy and coexistence, it’s easier to tell when those switches happen, but it’s like always being part of a group project. You don’t have control over other peoples input or lack of. Movies like ‘Split’ have created gross stereotypes about this community of humans, and I hope that this comes across as educational and not critical. I love your videos and watching your stories, and with DID being researched so heavily in the last decade, there is still lots of outdated or incomplete information out there. 🙏🏼♥️
I know someone that legitimately has DId and I used to live with her and have known her for over 20 years. At first I didn't know about this, but a mutual friend who was also living with us did. He told me that he suspected that she had DId and I started paying really close attention. I could then tell when she became another "personality ", the changes were very clear to me then. We came to realize that this had to be directly caused by the abuse from her family growing up and from the abuse by her two ex-husbands. She had been abused for at least 40 years. When she was one of her "alters" her voice, mannerisms, personality and even her gait would change, if a person was paying attention you could clearly tell . It wasn't forced changes it was smooth and was very natural. I never thought she was faking and still don't to this day, the switches don't happen much anymore as long as everything is kept on even keel. So imo it's unlikely the lady in the story had this illness or someone would know. I also think the police should be held accountable for her death since they didn't believe her and she was clearly murdered by her stalker, even though it sounds like they tried to cover it up. So horrible she died knowing no one believed her. Love Mr Ballen, great channels. I'm an addict now.
I'm just here to say how much I love that John is engaging with the community here in the comments. That's so rare to see for a RUclipsr of this caliber. Kudos to you MrBallen!
Did police ever check the call records of Cindy's telephone to determine, whether she was really getting those calls? If yes, from which number was she getting the calls? Did the police never bothered to call up the telephone company and check the details? This is the most important question i felt unanswered in the video
That's a good question, but I have one for you... would they have been able to do that in 1982? I genuinely don't know, which is why I'm asking.
@@marksmith164 I imagine the caller would of used a pay phone but I am not sure either. I don't know if they could trace calls like that back then. I think they could of located the caller if they set it up though.
@@timelkin838 Or at the very least, provide them with a general localised area, helping to narrow down the search a little. Maybe.
How would the stalker have gotten her phone number right after she changed it too??
@@bymysidebrits1701 That's why it makes sense that it's the boyfriend that was a police officer or at least someone close to her. A police officer would also have access to drugs and be able to test or know it potency. I'm speculating because I'm stumped. It's seems like it's so obvious but with all the possibilities I'm just not certain.
Those police officers, or the department, or whatever, were absolutely inexcusable. They seemed to think that, because they didn’t find anything, nothing was happening. The arrogance is unbelievable - their assumptions about the victim were solely based on their faith that their detective powers were infallible. This, even at the stage where they simply didn’t bother doing their jobs!
That poor bloody woman.
Just goes to prove the whole narrative you are the only one to protect yourself in the heat of the moment, not rely of LE to come save the day...realistically what cld they have done that they hadnt spent resources on already? Shld a cop have permanently been her bodyguard?? Sometimes when u have thoughts like this reality is supposed to kick in
@@Mike_Jones68 maybe they could have quietly had an officer stay inside the house and not told anyone. Three is a way they could have caught him if they really cared. Those cops are less than worthless.
@@ellavek1998 yep. I agree. The “vigilante” argument falls apart as soon as people realise that cops are paid money to do a job. This is an example of what happens when they don’t bother doing the job.
Don’t bother doing the job, you get disbanded and replaced with people who do do the job, I’d say. Otherwise, what’s the point paying them?
To be fair, the police receive non-sense calls from crazy people all the time. It can be hard to separate the noise from the signal sometimes because of it. A person in massive distress from a skilled stalker sounds awfully a lot like a schizophrenic calling the cops to complain about how the mailman is out to get them. Sadly this mean a skilled stalker can basically go undetected if they are good enough.
Not to excuse the officers but just to give some perspective.
literally the most frustrating thing I’ve ever watched. RIP Cindy.
I like how a knot EXPERT was called in. And because the EXPERT could tie himself up then everyone in the world could
Ppl are so fucked up
Mr Ballen is like a cool camp counselor that tells a bunch of stories
Hes straight and an ex navy seal, not that camp
And then everyone dies
@@susanpierce3379 how is his voice irritating it literally just sounds like a normal mans voice
@@smallmannic8595 its worded like shit but they are saying that mr. Ballen doesn't have an irritating voice
@@smallmannic8595 "and he's not a RUclipsr with a irritating voice"
When John said “the police brought in a knot expert…” my sarcastic brain processed that as “a NOT expert” because at this point they’d stopped responding to calls.
Same. I'm glad it wasn't just me lol.
A knot expert may be able to tie and bind himself but he is the "expert" right?? She wasn't! I know I can't bind my own hands behind my back!
I have binged Ballen for years now. I've never once noticed the "secret" in today's video.
This Poor Woman. Finally getting out of a toxic relationship from a Psychiatrist, talk about being 'Mind F*cked' or gaslighting. Then to have this aggressive stalker. With her only help, police, not believe her for years telling her she's doing it to herself. My Heart goes out to her. *RIP Cindy*
@@semperfidelification He says so in the beginning of the story
@@semperfidelification he mentions it @ 0:59 time stamp
Yep, this whole situation is ridiculous. The police department should be completely gutted and all new officers hired. The fact that they concluded suicide proves their absolute incompetency. No needle and clean feet should have been able to rule out suicide above any other piece of evidence or assumption. That entire police force has no business being in a position where people have to rely on them for safety.
Typically feminist...automatically assume the ex was "toxic." you SJWs need to find a new hobby.
@@DominicNJ73 that’s not being a feminist. her husband was literally abusing her. so yes HE WAS TOXIC.
Nobody else on yt tells these stories better than mrBallen that's a fact
Thank you!!
Voice on the message is definitely a woman - I wonder if her “friend” Agnes was ever investigated- she would have had knowledge about Cindy staying at the couples house for arson attempt, known her unlisted number for bridge dates, known every time she moved to keep in touch, as well as being conveniently the one who arrived to find Cindy missing (who knows if that even happened, Agnes may have already kidnapped her, drugged her and then told police she went to Cindys house)… it’s usually someone close to the victim… jealousy or even love/obsession may have been a motive (think Selena). Would be interesting to know what Agnes did for a living and if she had access to morphine, needles, and cats. It’s a find line of power to be the shoulder to cry on for Cindy and also the one inflicting the torment…
agnes and her husband stayed at Cindy's house, not the other way around.
NO…. you need to know this woman’s husband was a psychiatrist. he had access to psych drugs. anyway her husband had a weird name like roy moonflower or something like that. Bailey Sarian covered this case as well, It was definitely the ex husband.
Just like the movie serial mom. Pussy willows
@The Key x
Interesting... A twist on the 'Munchausen by Proxy" syndrome. Seeking attention by injecting oneself into drama as the selfless, loyal friend and confidant to the victim while all the while being the perpetrator. You may have something there. Agnes DID seem to be in the picture or at least the aftermath of every occurrence.
@The Key x
Munchausen by proxy is where you're doing it to a different person for attention. Munchausen syndrome is where you're doing it to yourself for attention.