Reaction to SABATON - Wehrmacht (Official Lyric Video)

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @neoxperson7858
    @neoxperson7858 2 года назад +229

    You can compare the Wehrmacht to the US army in a way. The US army has done a lot of terrible things over the years they've been at it. Does that mean that every single US army soldier is a terrible human being and a murderer of civilians? Of course not. Now apply that to the Wehrmacht. Saying that the Wehrmacht hasn't done anything wrong and that all the men were just blindly following orders isn't correct. They have done a lot of horrible things, especially in Russia.. But the average guy was usually just a dude who wanted to fight for his country. In the later years of the war they didn't even have a choice, they had to fight.

    • @Kartoffelkamm
      @Kartoffelkamm 2 года назад

      I hope this doesn't come off wrong, but if someone wants to fight for a country like Nazi Germany, that kinda puts some doubt on the claim that they're just a dude.
      Kinda like the Russian soldiers today, in a way.

    • @mikeirons9244
      @mikeirons9244 2 года назад +44

      One big difference to the US Army is that Nazi Germany had conscription. So once the war had started they didn't have the option not to fight

    • @binyominsilverman1592
      @binyominsilverman1592 2 года назад +7

      You can't say that. The Wehrmacht's primary job early in the war was to provide cover for the Einsatzgruppen who were actually a unit in the Wehrmacht, not the S.S. The Wehrmacht is directly responsible for over the murder of over a million Jews.

    • @mikeirons9244
      @mikeirons9244 2 года назад +26

      @@binyominsilverman1592 They were not Wehrmacht units. The Einsatzgruppen were a mix of Gestapo and other special police units like the SD and the Waffen SS. All know Einsatzgruppen were commanded by SS officers. They did in some cases work together with and often tried to keep their activities from the Wehrmacht, which of course wasn't always possible. And there are documented cases in which the Wehrmacht knew what the Einsatzgruppen were doing.
      Also saying that covering for them was their primary function is just not correct. The primary objective was to capture strategic goals and either defeat opposing forces or force their surrender. There was also an agreement from the most senior SS Officers with the Wehrmacht, that the Einsatzgruppen may not be used near frontlines or in any way that impacts operations of the Wehrmacht.

    • @mikeirons9244
      @mikeirons9244 2 года назад +2

      @@PodreyJenkin138 There is? If you have some information on that I'd love to know more

  • @fallenknighttyler8695
    @fallenknighttyler8695 2 года назад +139

    This is actually one of songs sabaton actually got flack for in some places.
    The song itself like you see in the chorus asks is very simple question
    "Were they mad Men on a leash or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich may seem real at times."
    Lot of people paint the main German army (the Wehrmacht) with the same brush as the SS but it was more complicated than that. Germany went to war under false pretenses by their leaders and for a time it looked like they were going to win.
    a lot of people only seem to focus on specific points but when you really look at the mess Germany went through between the periods of both world wars, it becomes easier to understand, at least a little how things ended up so extreme

    • @boof-7599
      @boof-7599 Год назад

      The wehrmacht should receive all the flak they get, most units took part in the holocaust of bullets when they went into the USSR

    • @panzerwaffel5281
      @panzerwaffel5281 5 месяцев назад

      The primary goal of the Wehrmacht was to fight Bolshevism in the East, i.e. the greatest threat to the world - not the extermination of Jews and the general implementation of Nazi assumptions. The Nazis used the Wehrmacht to, in a sense, cleanse Europe of the enemies of their aspirations to achieve their criminal goals, which were kept secret from the Wehrmacht soldiers. Although the Wehrmacht committed war crimes, many of them were crimes committed under officer orders or OKH guidelines. This means that most of the Wehrmacht's war crimes were committed not by soldiers' decisions, but by officers' orders and the soldiers' duty to carry them out.
      Even if we assume that Wehrmacht soldiers were murderers without moral boundaries, how can we explain why the NSDAP and the SS hid the entire process of extermination of the Jewish, Polish and Soviet people from the army and civilian population? They were simply aware that this would be met with opposition and a split in the state. The civilians of the Third Reich who were Nazis knew nothing about the real application of this ideology, and that was the point. The Third Reich was a machine driven by Wehrmacht, wearing blindfold.

  • @fenrisulfur842
    @fenrisulfur842 2 года назад +127

    Great reaction again Dave! Difficult Topic even today. My Grandpa and his 2 Brothers both served during WWII in the Wehrmacht and the Kriegsmarine (Army and Navy), and even my Grandpa hardly talked about the time (which is a general thing as i heard from friends not only from Germany, but also the UK and the US) they had a very "weird" relation to the wartime. The stories of friends and stuff, and then the horror they were forced to deal with day by day. This topic is way to complex for a public comment on YT

  • @jaykubisanidiot8657
    @jaykubisanidiot8657 2 года назад +30

    The chorus screams out, Panzers on the line.. like it's some big, metal unstoppable juggernaut. Meanwhile softer, you hear, What about the men executing orders? And the chorus just yells over it, like don't worry about all that just follow orders and everything will be glorious and true... Makes one think...

  • @Thorfinn_Son_Of_Thors
    @Thorfinn_Son_Of_Thors 2 года назад +49

    While we can't say the Wehrmacht didn't all know what was going on involving the Holocaust, prime examples of how some German soldiers felt was Operation Valkryie, where men of the Wehrmacht conspired and plotted to kill Hitler, arrest the members of the Nazi Party, sieze control of Germany through a Coup, then turn their newly Militarized government back to the Weimar Republic. All following this would be the new German govt. attempted to surreder with peace treaties to the Western Allies.

    • @hansvonfritz1670
      @hansvonfritz1670 Год назад +3

      they wouldn't surrender tho, but go for peace treaty

    • @kingseb2252
      @kingseb2252 Год назад +2

      @@hansvonfritz1670 that is surrendering i think your thinking of is unconditional surrender which is what happened

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 5 месяцев назад

      @@hansvonfritz1670 ofcourse they wouldnt surrender to the russians
      war with the soviets was invedible no matter if germany had been democratic or facist
      the soviets were grabbing land all over europe

  • @nathanrood865
    @nathanrood865 2 года назад +104

    4:35 when you mentioned being a screw and not knowing you're part of a lethal killing machine, all I thought about were my buddies in Iraq (and myself in Afghanistan years later) being told you're going to do good by your leaders and supporting citizens just to have rocks thrown at you by the citizens. Don't get me wrong, the Taliban deserved every bit of hell we gave them, but we weren't the angels we thought we'd be. Great breakdown as always sir.

    • @chaplaingrunt5126
      @chaplaingrunt5126 2 года назад +14

      I was a soldier. We fought for big business, not for freedom or anything beyond what big business wanted, at least the Germans tried to shut down communism.

    • @RoyalFusilier
      @RoyalFusilier 2 года назад

      The Germans were fighting for big business too, buddy; fascism is capitalism's defense mechanism against communism as they say.

    • @chaplaingrunt5126
      @chaplaingrunt5126 2 года назад +4

      @@RoyalFusilier uhh no it's not. NatSocs hated capitalism.

  • @madogthefirst
    @madogthefirst 2 года назад +12

    Ex machina means from/with machine. Such as Deus Ex Machina means God from the machine, literary device that solve a problem in the story out of no where (writer wrote themselves into a corner).
    Ad victoriam (To victory)
    Ex machina (with machines) [context seems to change some of the meaning]
    Non sebi sed patriae (not for self but for fatherland)

  • @mikeirons9244
    @mikeirons9244 2 года назад +40

    Just to clear up the relationship between the Nazi Party and the Wehrmacht: the Wehrmacht was the standing army of Germany but had no ties to the party specifically. Further there was conscription and you did not have to be a member of the party. Many of the high ranking officers were nevertheless. The armed force of the party was the Waffen SS. It was mainly the SS and the Waffen SS looking for so called "undesirables" and their massacres. What was the case, is that sometimes they did enlist the help of certain Wehrmacht units to help them.

    • @samuel10125
      @samuel10125 2 года назад +1

      During the planning for the invasion of the Soviet Union a number of orders were devised by the Wehrmacht leadership. The orders contravened international law and established codes of conduct and became known collectively as "Criminal Orders". The orders were a declaration of war against the civilian population.
      In November 1935, the psychological war laboratory of the War Ministry submitted a study about how best to undermine Red Army morale should a German-Soviet war break out. Working closely with the émigré Russian Fascist Party based in Harbin, the German psychological warfare unit created a series of pamphlets written in Russian for distribution in the Soviet Union. Much of it was designed to play on Russian anti-Semitism, with one pamphlet calling the "Gentlemen commissars and party functionaries" a group of "mostly filthy Jews". The pamphlet ended with the call for "brother soldiers" of the Red Army to rise up and kill all of the "Jewish commissars".
      Although this material was not used at the time, later in 1941 the material the psychological war laboratory had developed in 1935 was dusted off, and served as the basis not only for propaganda in the Soviet Union but also for propaganda within the German Army. Before Barbarossa, German troops were exposed to violent anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic indoctrination via movies, radio, lectures, books and leaflets. The lectures were delivered by "National Socialist Leadership Officers", who were created for that purpose, and by their junior officers. German Army propaganda portrayed the Soviet enemy in the most dehumanized terms, depicting the Red Army as a force of Slavic Untermenschen (sub-humans) and "Asiatic" savages engaging in "barbaric Asiatic fighting methods" commanded by evil Jewish commissars to whom German troops were to grant no mercy.
      British historian Richard J. Evans wrote that junior officers tended to be especially zealous National Socialists with a third of them being Nazi Party members in 1941. The Wehrmacht did not just obey Hitler's criminal orders for Barbarossa because of obedience, but rather because they shared Hitler's belief that the Soviet Union was run by Jews, and that it was necessary for Germany to completely destroy "Judeo-Bolshevism".
      In Poland
      The Wehrmacht responded brutally to acts by alleged insurgents during the invasion of Poland in 1939 and was responsible for indiscriminate shootings of prisoners of war and civilians. Any act of defiance was met with the most ruthless violence, although the Army leadership did seek to discourage so-called "wild" shootings where Wehrmacht troops would shoot civilians on their own initiative or participate in murders conducted by the SS. Obviously that clearly didn't work
      In Belgium
      Between 25 and 28 May 1940, the Wehrmacht committed several war crimes in and near the small Belgian village of Vinkt. Hostages were taken and used as human shields. As the Belgian Army continued to resist, farms were searched and looted, and more hostages were taken. In all, eighty-six civilians were executed. Besides Vinkt, other massacres and shootings happened with estimates of 600 victims.
      In France
      During the rout of the French Army, in June 1940, the Großdeutschland Regiment massacred African soldiers and their White officers it had taken prisoner near the Bois d'Eraine. Ten more Black Frenchmen were murdered near Lyon.
      The same month, 9th Infantry Division massacred Black soldiers of the 4th North African Infantry Division they had captured near Erquivillers. A German officer is cited in French reports as explaining "an inferior race does not deserve to do battle with a civilized race such as the Germans."
      In September 1944, during the retreat from France, the garrison of Brest executed civilians and looted and destroyed civilian property during the Battle for Brest. The commander of the garrison, Generalleutnant Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke, was convicted of war crimes relating to these actions in 1951.
      The massacres include that of at least 1500 black French POWs of West African origin and was preceded by propaganda depicting the Africans as savages. From October 1942 onwards, the Wehrmacht carried out the 'Commando Order' calling for the summary execution of all captured commandos, even if in uniform. After the Italian armistice in 1943, many POWs were executed on several occasions when Italian troops resisted their forcible disarmament by the Germans. The massacre of the Acqui Division at Kefalonia is the most infamous.
      In Italy
      On 26 March 1944, 15 uniformed US Army officers and men were shot without trial at La Spezia, in Italy, after orders of the commander of the German 75th Army Corps, General Anton Dostler, despite the opposition of his subordinates of the 135th Fortress Brigade. Dostler was sentenced to death by an American military tribunal and executed by firing squad in December 1945
      In North Africa
      Newer research has exposed Wehrmacht war crimes in North Africa. This opposes the term "War without hate" which is used by some authors to describe the North African Campaign.
      Giordana Terracina writes that: "On April 3, the Italians recaptured Benghazi and a few months later the Afrika Korps led by Rommel was sent to Libya and began the deportation of the Jews of Cyrenaica in the concentration camp of Giado and other smaller towns in Tripolitania. This measure was accompanied by shooting, also in Benghazi, of some Jews guilty of having welcomed the British troops, on their arrival, treating them as liberators."
      Jews from all around Cyrenaica and Benghazi were deported into Italy for forced labour. At the Giado concentration camp, a survivor by the name of Sion Burbea testifies that he witnessed Erwin Rommel inspecting their work at the camp.
      Some historians directly connect Rommel with the war crimes of the Wehrmacht in North Africa. According to German historian Wolfgang Proske, Rommel forbade his soldiers from buying anything from the Jewish population of Tripoli, used Jewish slave labour and commanded Jews to clear out minefields by walking on them ahead of his forces. Proske also claims that Jews in Tripoli were later sent to Concentration Camps.
      The Wehrmacht's persecution of Jews continued into 1942. According to the publication Jewish Communities of the World edited by Anthony Lerman, in 1942 during the German occupation, the Benghazi quarter that housed the Jewish population was plundered and 2000 Jews were deported across the desert, out of which circa a fifth of them had perished. Jews in Benghazi were also victims of a pogrom in 1942 The Moment Magazine reports: "on orders from the German military commander, the Axis forces, in 1942, plundered Jewish shops and deported 2,600 Benghazi Jews to Giado".
      Robert Satloff writes in his book Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands that as the German and Italian forces retreated across Libya towards Tunisia, the Jewish population became victims upon which they released their anger and frustration. According to Satloff, Afrika Korps soldiers plundered Jewish property all along the Libyan coast. This violence and persecution only came to an end with the arrival of General Montgomery in Tripoli on January 23, 1943. German historian Clemens Vollnhals writes that the use of Jews by Afrika Korps as forced labour is barely known, but it did happen alongside persecution of Jewish population (although on smaller scale than in Europe) and some of the labourers were worked to death.
      The persecution of Jews by the Wehrmacht continued into Tunisia. According to several historians, allegations and stories that associate Rommel and the Afrika Korps with the harassing and plundering of Jewish gold and property in Tunisia are usually known under the name "Rommel's treasure" or "Rommel's gold". Other historians, however, state that Rommel had nothing to do with the treasure, and that "Rauff's treasure would be a more appropriate name. When the Wehrmacht entered Tunisia, they ordered the establishment of a Judenrat and Jews were subject to forced labou 2,000 Jewish men
      Rape cases by the Wehrmacht are also very high they where also where involved on human experiments they used Jews, homosexuals trying to cure it as if it where are sickness.
      Not trying to be a dick but Wehrmacht did alot of incredibly messed up things on their of their own initiative hense why even the SS expressed that they thought in some cases Wehrmacht where worse than them.

    • @razier5299
      @razier5299 2 года назад

      @@samuel10125 Yeah I don't think anyone is saying they're fully innocent but okay. This is just talking about how not everyone in the army was like SS where they are in full support.

  • @Nick-tz5tf
    @Nick-tz5tf 2 года назад +24

    5:14 Fun fact, during ww1 in the Christmas truce when the Germans and the French Americans British ect were in the trenches. A German and a British officer talked. And they had both claimed they were both fighting for freedom.

    • @peter-8483
      @peter-8483 Год назад +7

      Because both were, look at the outcome of the war, Germans ousted of their ancestral homeland, borders redrawn, mass killing of civilians.
      The foul actions of the english and french made peace after WW1 impossible.

    • @kimberlybellard6972
      @kimberlybellard6972 7 месяцев назад +1

      America didn’t join the war until 1917. The Christmas Truce took place in 1914

  • @sepher5264
    @sepher5264 2 года назад +37

    My grandfather fought for Germany during WWII, for most of them it was just about defending their country and protecting their families.

    • @laszlo5524
      @laszlo5524 3 месяца назад

      No tak trzeba było bronić Niemcy przed cywilami, kobietami, dziećmi i starcami.

  • @Finkele1
    @Finkele1 2 года назад +5

    Army would fall apart if they wouldn't follow the orders...Yea I have been in army as every man here in Finland. There is command line and if you have some problem with that you should talk next to your rank...ofc mostly it's problem with that next to rank. Anyways this is how military works...following orders....

  • @Hockey-gn2tj
    @Hockey-gn2tj 2 года назад +3

    Ima steal this comment is saw (with credits) (TrevorHendrix Media)
    “What I find so compelling about this song is that
    the chorus so vividly paints the message of the
    entire song. As the booming voices of
    propaganda shout at us the image that the high
    command wanted us to see "Panzers on a line,
    form the Wehrmacht's spine" it drowns out the
    singer who says "what about the men executing
    orders?". It's like the singer asks "what of the
    men?" And the shouting voice of propaganda is
    to say "don't think of the men. Think of the
    machine. Think of the mighty panzer. Think of
    the image. Think of the vision. Think of the goal.
    The men are only parts of that." And yet the
    singer still proclaims: "what about the men?".”

  • @sgtboom7
    @sgtboom7 2 года назад +7

    The book: Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning tells the story of a group of ordinary middle-aged German men who were stationed in Poland and over the course of their stay they went from your standard, non-party affiliate, empathetic men. To cold-blooded killers who carried out the Final Solution without a second thought as more and more heinous, cruel, and sadistic orders came down the chain of command. It is an excellent case study on how normal people can turn into murderous killers as they are ordered to it again and again and again.
    I haven't read it myself however, I hear it is well researched and have heard only good things about it.

  • @jayzandstra1830
    @jayzandstra1830 2 года назад +10

    you should definitely check out their additional ''history'' videos of these songs,gets you even more more insight in the topic.
    the one of this song is especially good

  • @MrFright2010
    @MrFright2010 2 года назад +3

    Are you going to react the new „Miracle of Sound“ song on Elden Ring, „Fallen Leaves“?

  • @josephstalin8217
    @josephstalin8217 6 месяцев назад +2

    Lots of Wehrmacht soldiers didn’t associate themselves with the Nazi regime for they saw the horrors and a few even tried to kill hitler. Two people stand out for who saw the Nazis true colors and even though served by them, they didn’t associate themselves with them. Erwin Rommel, the desert fox and leader of the ghost division (7th panzer division) he classified himself part of the Wehrmacht army and not the Nazis, but hitler told him to either leave the army or I’ll kill you. Rommel killed himself, he saw what the Nazis were doing truly. Another person realized it too late and many of you may know who he is. Gangle, a Wehrmacht squad leader of castle itter. He surrendered himself to Lee and lead an assualt alongside lees US forces to liberate castle itter from the Nazis and SS, he redeemed himself and was the only death.

  • @DanoMano1987
    @DanoMano1987 2 года назад +3

    Ad victorium ex machina non sibi sed patriae
    I believe it would be better said:
    Toward Victory out from the "machine", not for self, but for the father country [or, Father Land]. The "Patriae" is an adjective for "Sed" (land); land is a masculine noun in German, but usually is feminine in other European languages.

  • @deadmanlnc2215
    @deadmanlnc2215 2 года назад +7

    I used this song for a history project, unfortunately my teacher failed it because as she said I couldn't use Nazis, for context the project was picking an army from the past and present them, and I chose the Wehrmacht 😅😂

    • @richardswinford7078
      @richardswinford7078 2 года назад +10

      That’s complete and utter bullshit, I would’ve hated my history teacher if he was like that and I probably would’ve argued all the way to the principal’s office that not all of the Wehrmacht were Nazis. My history teacher had us make propaganda posters for one of the countries involved and I chose the Germans. I had swastikas, a giant German flag and a bunch of phrases in German written on it that basically called for the destruction of the enemies of the reich. My teacher told me I did a good job and I got a 90% for it.

    • @deadmanlnc2215
      @deadmanlnc2215 2 года назад

      @@richardswinford7078 it is bullshit, she didn't even know who the Whermacht was until she had to Google it and first thing she saw was a the German flag and Swastika assumed Nazis.

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 5 месяцев назад

      your teacher was a fucking idiot
      saying all german soldiers were nazis is dumb

  • @TheMaxX13
    @TheMaxX13 2 года назад +8

    Love your reactions to Sabaton!! In 9 days i see them live in Belgium 🤘

  • @RavetsU
    @RavetsU 2 года назад +15

    There is a great tv series made about Wehrmacht called generation war. It follows the story of 5 germans who are friends, aged around 20. They're all part of the German army, Wehrmacht. I believe those main characters are based on real people and the story ofcoure is real.

    • @martingormann8627
      @martingormann8627 2 года назад +1

      One of those friend is a jew so he can’t serve in werhmacht

    • @RavetsU
      @RavetsU 2 года назад

      @@martingormann8627 Right, it's been a while since I saw it didn't remember. Have to watch it again!

    • @danidonaldson2584
      @danidonaldson2584 Год назад

      Loved that series! Was so upset when Netflix removed it.

  • @MarkLac
    @MarkLac 2 года назад +3

    Just even discussing about the Wehrmacht today still has its controversies. Yes there may have been those soldiers who refused orders or even showed mercy, but there were those who followed them. Was the organization as a whole criminal, definitely, but were there those men who wanted to display their honor and not be implicated in the crimes being committed, yes. It is still a heavy topic to discuss even now after more than 75 years since the war in Europe ended. It is a bitter history lesson that in essence everything needs to be questioned that our conscious we must always go to otherwise we risk walking in blind like a sleep walker.

  • @madogthefirst
    @madogthefirst 2 года назад +2

    Closer translation would be "not for self but for fatherland."

  • @madogthefirst
    @madogthefirst 2 года назад +2

    The Wehrmacht is the combined arms of the German military, army airforce and possibly navy. These would be your regular soldiers.

  • @frontgamet.v1892
    @frontgamet.v1892 Год назад +1

    Wehrmacht is the strongest Army in history.. Fought against a planet.

  • @jeantrentleman7543
    @jeantrentleman7543 2 года назад +2

    Hi Dave enjoy your reactions was hoping you would react to TOKYO GROOVE FUNK #1 this act is amazing and rite in your lane hope these words find you well love and respect from the east coast of Canada Rocko out

  • @andrewludwig9251
    @andrewludwig9251 2 года назад +2

    This song was written when Joakim was really into putting Latin in their songs.

  • @viggojohansson3912
    @viggojohansson3912 2 года назад +2

    You should react to the final solution

  • @celticrebel5229
    @celticrebel5229 2 года назад +2


  • @miksa6732
    @miksa6732 2 года назад +2

    I never listened any of those bands, but they sound good tho

  • @gunsblazing4509
    @gunsblazing4509 2 года назад +2

    Hey Dave, you should listen to the Sabaton version of the song "Twilight Of The Thundergod", where he colabs with Peter Tägtgren of the Swedish Death Metal Band Hypocrisy! Personally one of my new favorites, and I think you would enjoy it a lot as well.

  • @NGkunu
    @NGkunu 2 года назад +1

    This song is not new it was released i think back in 2012, I listened to it, Then shared it to my friends because it changed the impact of what i was thinking about the wehrmacht and the soldiers who i thought were evil. But i have changed my view thanks to the song.

  • @knifedge1doolin180
    @knifedge1doolin180 2 года назад +1

    Another part of the song also covers the part that the propaganda stated that their empire they were building was supposed to last 1000 years so the may have to go thru hardship and do some regretable things but the next 10 generations would have a "great" world thanks to them.

  • @entertoby6698
    @entertoby6698 2 года назад +1

    i need to watch sausage party now

  • @ReinaSaurus
    @ReinaSaurus Месяц назад

    definitely a lot of propaganda in the wehrmacht. their units built concentration camps. they massacred civilians and prisoners of war. invaded and occupied not aggressive countries.
    standing up for humanism and mercy in these times mostly meant you were a deserter.
    thats a good song by sabaton. not apologetic.

  • @thekitsune9029
    @thekitsune9029 6 месяцев назад

    yes! i get into arguments all the time regarding the Wehrmacht and Nazis, and this just sums up the point I make about the Wehrmacht not knowing about things like the holocaust

  • @pokemanda95
    @pokemanda95 Год назад

    In all times the german soldier , warrior fight for the family for freedom your country the wehrmacht to the ss fights for hitler and buddys.
    The german wehrmacht have book of rules for the war and wath they to do the zivilians. And enemiys this changed my eyes for ever

  • @bhight100
    @bhight100 Год назад

    The Weirmacht was not party specific and had not ties to the Nazis, in fact it was not uncommon for Weirmacht commanders to blatantly disregard orders from high command including but not limited to Erwin Rommel also known as the Dessert Fox who refused orders to execute Jews and heals military funerals for enemy Soldiers who served distinctly, he held important personal items and sent them to their relatives with a map and personal letter expressing his condolences. He was a gentleman and a soldier first and foremost. He was supposedly involved in the plot to kill Hitler and was given the option of a cionide pill to spare his family

  • @brendtasher
    @brendtasher Год назад +1

    Привет из России

  • @gameandmovies7994
    @gameandmovies7994 2 года назад

    It hurts thoose young Germans were done anything wrong only following orders but in ww2 movies and game they portrayed as Evil

  • @gaetanhennebert2403
    @gaetanhennebert2403 Год назад

    This is my favorite song from sabaton, for 2 main reason:
    - they speak about the Wehrmacht and not the SS, thats a confusion we see a lot Wehrmacht = nazi, no, i guess that some of them were nazi but, i dont think that all of them was like that, thats the difference between the SS, the SS were the weapon of nazis, the Wehrmacht was the weapon of Germany
    - and 2nd thing, i love the instrumental, it says exactly what Joakim is singing but without a single Word, u can feel the power of the Wehrmacht and the fear they bring to their enemies but also some sadness sometimes...
    This is why, this song is a masterclass, and their best song for me 🤌

  • @horn_hero
    @horn_hero 2 года назад

    5:05 what a coincidence! It’s one of my dreams to have a consensual screw at some point!

  • @DaxRaider
    @DaxRaider 2 года назад

    its good comparable with the russians in ukraine right now, alot are young and have no idea why they are there or what they are fighting, and troops behind the lines do incredible terror ... sure some of them are maniacs but people are to fast to call all the normal soldiers murderers while most of them just are young men fighting in the believe to fight for their countries safety and against nazis and all the lies they were told

  • @jan4802
    @jan4802 2 года назад

    Why he is so...

  • @yaboyed5779
    @yaboyed5779 2 года назад

    So essentially saying the Wehrmacht was part of the Nazi party is like saying the US army is part of the Democrat party.

  • @goncalvesalisson3683
    @goncalvesalisson3683 2 года назад

    Loved your reaction +1sub

  • @Juhani96
    @Juhani96 2 года назад

    daamn that chorus is noice in this song. As we know panzers really did a big part of supporting and leading whermacht in battles

  • @michajakubowski7149
    @michajakubowski7149 2 года назад

    He has great voice and great mind. :)

  • @oliversherman2414
    @oliversherman2414 2 года назад

    I love your channel keep up the great stuff

  • @Jonty_Burrow
    @Jonty_Burrow 2 года назад

    I love the chorus as most people focus on the panzers and their abilities but not the infantrymen

  • @urboijosh7
    @urboijosh7 2 года назад

    you should definitley listen to more songs from the carolus rex album theyre fire

  • @twistedjaide4738
    @twistedjaide4738 2 года назад +2

    Wehrmacht is pronounced with a V not a W

  • @bhight100
    @bhight100 Год назад

    It's the German Army pronounced "Virmacht" Weirmacht.

  • @OneJazzyBoye
    @OneJazzyBoye 2 года назад +5

    This is one of Sabaton's songs that I disagree with somewhat. The Wehrmacht were very much complicit in the crimes of the Reich, maybe not to the extent that the SS was, but also nowhere near innocence. The song itself is really good though.

    • @lordgino2006
      @lordgino2006 2 года назад +8

      I will put the accent on your somewhat: you are right that the wermacht as a whole was in the wrong and shed innocent blood, but does it mean that EVERY men in the wermacht wanted to shed said blood? Some wanted to, some were convinced into doing it, and other were forced into doing it. Where was the line drawn? Life has too many shade of grey to simply say this=good vs that=bad.
      This is the subject of the song. It's not about those who made the orders, but those who executed
      Crazy mad men on a leash or young men who lost their way?
      What about the men executing orders?

    • @madogthefirst
      @madogthefirst 2 года назад +4

      @@lordgino2006 I agree. It is easy to vilify them all and lump them together, much harder to remember they were ordinary people that may have been caught up in the whole mess.

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 5 месяцев назад

      but the individual solder 99 percent of times was not
      the higher ups knew
      just for logistical reasons already
      but the average rifleman knew nothing