The Mysteries of Adam and Eve

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @MrBlazingup420
    @MrBlazingup420 Месяц назад

    I was using that program Stellarium, notice when I was born, Orion was plowing Gaia, the bright star at the tip of his sword was touching the western horizon. The Egyptians called Orion Sah, "Sahu the Hidden One", 'sah' means "pig" in Sumerian, 'sahu' means "boar', the meaning of my name is "son of the boar", thats not all, Roger means "Famous Spear", not a sword, but it's slang meaning matches the placement of that sword, I grew up on Zinnia street, sounding much like (MUL-SIPA) ZI.AN.NA, the Babylonian name of Orion. They say that the 3 belt stars are associated with the 3 pyramids of Giza, below them is the Sphinx, where they say a library is hidden, from the writing of wise scribes. Hidden in the name of that bright star, Hatysa is Haya, meaning grain or seed, Haya is the God of Scribes, known as the Door Keeper, the husband of Nisaba, the Goddess of Grain, the star Spica in Virgo, known as the Furrow, made by the plow for the seed.
    In Sanskrit, hatya means Slaughter, 'gohatya' means "cow slaughter', but read backwards in Hebrew, Hatysa means "Savior of Sinners", 'yasa' means "Savior", 'hata' means "to sin". Virgo means virgin in Latin, 'vir' meaning "man", 'gin' coming from Greek 'gyne' meaning "woman", "man/woman" hidden in Virgin, in Sanskrit, 'vir' means "Hero", 'go' means "cow", Sun in Virgo is in September.
    Play the words "Her Mithras--Boy/Girl" in reverse, you hear it echo "Virgo--September". Orion does this too, use the words "They All Rule", you hear it echo "Orion".
    September 6th is 16 days from the Autumn Equinox, 106 days from the Winter Solstice, 169 days after the Spring Equinox, they all reduce to 7, hidden in September, on a Leap Year, the 250th day, 115 days left, a leap year has 366 days, cut in half, 183 days, which is May 14th, 115 days before September 6th, 250 days after, back up 7 days, August 31st is 183 days either way to Leap Day, February 29th, August 31st, 70 days from the Summer Solstice, 77 from September 6th, when I was born under the star Alula, meaning "First Boar', go back 9 months, December 6th is the 340th day of the year, add 7 hours, Alula is back at mid heaven.
    On the day of the Summer Solstice, you find the Sun at the tip of Orion's Club, seeding it with his Haya. On the day of the Winter Solstice, it's next to the little bloody red spot Spiculum, meaning Spear, but I'm sure you already know what a "speculum" is used for. Spiculum is in Sagittarius, the hips and thighs, as Scorpio is the sexual organ, squeezed in between is the hidden 13th, the Womb Ophiuchus, whose 7 main star outline a Cave Door, pyramidal on top.
    Spiculum is where you find stars 7 & 9 of Sagittarius (7+9=16), known as The Lagoon Nebula, a body of water that the Sun (son) must cross, on the day it stops moving (dies) on the southeastern horizon (cross) for 3 days.
    Playing "Her Message--Say There Is A Guest" in reverse will echo "Sagittarius--December". Both Orion and Sagittarius stand at the Gold and Silver Gates.
    What ever you do, don't add 24 hours, December 5th is an ancient festival, like May 14th, on what day did Isis find Osiris's body? it was on May 14th. 9 months 1 day 7 hours equals 6,606 hours. December 5th is the bad Santa, the one who comes when you've been bad. At the end of Christmas is "mas", which means Twin, Christmas is saying "Christ Twin". in English Gematria, 77 is the value for Christ, in Hebrew Oz is 77, the Wizard behind the Green Curtain pulling all the strings. Something you might not know about the name Orion.
    AN ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIAN HERBAL HANDBOOK VOLUME 1 = maš/ltakal, “URU.AN.NA means the plant called maš /ltakal” related to Fish oil, or seamen, and mud-ur.mah = “lion's blood". The Series URU.AN.NA and MUD-UR.MAH. Volume 1: The Tablets, Gilgamesh pits URU AN-NA, meaning "the Light of Heaven," against GUD AN-NA, Bull of Heaven, Taurus and Orion.
    The Teachers of Man are seed by Orion plowing Gaia, born to the Furrow Virgo.
    I am "Her Star", played in reverse Roger, do you know it's slang meaning, ha ha ha, it means Famous Spear, "Rog Genome Rog Envy" echoes "Evening Star Morning Star", the One, "Sin Eve" will echo "Venus".
    I am "Her Star Lewallyn" it echoes "Lewallyn Roger", that name means Like a Lion, "I Cupps-McCullough" will echo "All Welcome Spica". Do you have the ears to hear Macalla (Echo in Irish) in culu, 'reverse' in Irish.
    Call me the Trickster, don't let me fool you, ha ha ha

    • @ryandavis394
      @ryandavis394 Месяц назад

      You Christians haven't figured out so foolish So, in place of the Messianic Judaism that Yeshua expected all of his future worldwide followers to practice, the Romans created Christianity, a pagan religion. The papal Empire was, and is still alive in the Roman Catholic Church which is ruled by the office of the popes, the old religion of Babel.’
      “Who opposeth and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped so that he as Elohim sitteth in the temple of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim…” This prediction, which is also for the leader of the Renegades who shall be on Earth, makes allusion to the Church that was created by the Romans, and is illustrated till this day by the Popes.’
      ‘At that time there was only one power that ever set itself up as Elohim on Earth after the days of Yeshua’s Apostles, and that power was the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, beginning with Constantine. He took on himself the title of Pope and changed the real Roman Empire. Then he enforced Christianity upon the Roman people, making it as we have already said the Roman State Religion.’
      ‘And Constantine forced on the Romans all the days of Sun-worship: Sunday, Easter, Christmas… etc. Then he forced everything that was Jewish or had anything to do with Judaism out of the teachings of Yeshua’s Apostles. This law came from Constantine in 235 A.D. which stipulated: “Magistrates, city people and artisans are to rest on the Sun Day”. This was the first ever Sunday law.’
      ‘A fanatical supporter of Constantine, Eusebius who had been nominated ‘Bishop of Caesarea’ wrote: ‘All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the 7th day), these we have transferred to the Lord’s Day, Sunday.’
      ‘At the Council of Laodicea in 364 A.D. Canon 29 was made by the Church of Rome, which stated: “Christians shall not judaize and be idle on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath), but shall work on that day.” So from then on, everything that was Jewish or connected in worship with Judaism, (Yeshua’s Religion), was abolished.’
      ‘The Roman Catholic Church was very anti-Semitic, right from Constantine himself; because, for his plans to succeed, he wanted to do away with Yeshua’s religion. This he openly said, when he proclaimed that the Christians ‘shall not judaize’.
      So when Constantine became Christian Pope, he began to persecute the Jews. Christians were forbidden to associate with them. He banished the Rabbis in 337 A.D. and made it a crime for a Jew to marry a Christian woman. At the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. the question of Easter was discussed, and Passover was simply changed to Easter. Constantine said:’
      “And first of all, it appeared an unworthy thing, that in the celebration of this holy feast “we should follow the practices of the Jews”, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are therefore deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul… Let us have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crow, for we have received from our savior a different way… Beloved brethren, let us with one consent adopt this course, -and withdraw ourselves from all participation in their baseness-… It was needful that this matter should be rectified, so that we might have nothing in common with that nation of parricides, who slew their savior… That all should unite in desiring that which sound reason appears to demand, and in avoiding all participation “in the perjured conduct of the Jews”. In fine that I may express in a few words as possible it has been determined by the common judgments of all that the most holy feast of Easter should be kept on one and the same day.”
      ‘Yeshua the Jewish Rabbi was not born of a virgin birth, unlike Jesus the Christian Christ. But do the Christians know that Crucifixion was not an event unique to ‘Jesus’? Many others died exactly the same way in other mythologies:
      ‘Mithras was crucified in Persia, Tammuz in Babylon, Thules and Orontes in Egypt, Odin in Scandinavia, and Hesus in Britain’s druidic tradition. All these crucifixions happened thousands and hundreds of years before Christianity surfaced.’
      ‘There were also many ‘Virgin Births’ and many’ Immaculate Conceptions’ in other pagan religions. Does humanity know that the ‘Christian Mary’ was not the only ‘virgin’ that had an ‘immaculate conception’?
      ‘In Mexico, Quetzalcoatl the Sun god’s mother, ‘conceived him as a virgin; the ‘strictly celibate widow’ Semiramis conceived Tammuz after Nimrod’s death ‘without’ a male partner; Hercules, the Only-Begotten Son of Zeus, (father of Greek gods) was born in a ‘virgin birth’ to Alcmene; In Egypt the goddess Isis ‘conceived Horus as a virgin’.
      ‘Ancient Egyptian inscriptions can still be found which say: “Immaculate is our Lady Isis”. The same title, as the whole world knows, is now being given ‘Mary, the mother of the Roman Catholic and Christians’ Jesus.’
      ‘Did you know that ‘Mary’ who is now being worshipped as a goddess, is a variety of the same entity in ancient mothers and goddess stories and traditions. For example, Maia was the mother of Buddha. Moya was the mother of Agni. Myrrha was the mother of Bacchus. Mariana was the mother of Krishna. Myrrha was the mother of Adonis … etc.’
      ‘Hercules had abolished sacrifice in his time, and was called ‘the good Shepherd and the Prince of Peace’. He descended in the realms of Pluto then later ascended to his father Zeus… So normally, Christianity abolished Temple sacrifice in the name of their ‘Jesus’ who, it was also decided by the Romans, will be known in the future to have ascended to his father ‘God’, naturally.
      ‘In ancient Persia, Sun worship was much spread, and all worship took place on Sundays. We also have Zarathustra. He was born on the 25th of December, in a manger in a cave, and was ‘world savior’, from the Sun, many centuries before the Christian Christ.’
      ‘So, after Christianity took over the religion of the Messianic believers (as Yeshua’s followers were also known) - which was a Jewish Religion, and which combined the belief in, and the practice of Yeshua’s teachings as the bringer of the Messiah Spirit through the Mysteries, with the old Pharisaic Orthodox ones, - Constantine declared that he intended to wipe out everything Jewish, and everything Yeshua himself stood for.’
      ‘That way, Christianity would have nothing in common with the nation of the Jews; or in other words ‘with the true religion of YHWH, which was also the true religion of Yeshua himself. And they used the Name of Yeshua, a Jewish prophet Messiah, to reach their aims, saying at the same time: “Let us have nothing with the detestable Jewish crowd”.
      ‘So Easter was fixed on the Sunday following the Jewish Passover contrary to Yeshua’s instructions. They changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and Passover to Easter, a festival that was kept by the pagans in the spring in honor of Baal, and not only that, polytheism was definitely declared. The Popes became known as the Holy See, god on Earth, and they are still known as, and called ‘Holiness’ or ‘Holy Father’ even now”.
      ‘But that was nothing new. They simply kept and perpetuated the tradition of all Roman Emperors who were declared gods and divine beings. The Pope of today is still set as a deity on Earth, and considers himself that! During that Council of Nicaea where Constantine made the speech that was partly repeated here, it was also decided that their ‘Jesus’ could not remain just a man; he had to be made a god.’
      ‘Surely the status of Yeshua as a simple Jewish Rabbi and Prophet could not fit, if his story had to be integrated into the old polytheist doctrine of Trinity. So this had to be changed.By a joining of (3) deities to make one divine hellenized roman g-d ( Hesus the british druid deity and horus the Egyptian deity and the Eastern deity Krishna sanskirt for christ lord and savior-The bishops who sat in the panel at the Council voted for the Hellenized Hesus H Christ as the third person of their ‘Holy Trinity of God’ in the newly renamed old Babylonian religion, by the raising of hands. So they voted. Thus the Jewish Rabbi and Prophet Yeshua-Bar-Joseph became ‘Jesus’. He was elected to become a god to be worshipped, by the raising of hands, at a meeting staged by a group of Sun worshippers.’
      ‘After this meeting, Constantine issued the strict edict that said: “Anyone, Christian or not who continued to believe or claim that ‘hesus’ was a simple man, or who accepted or followed doctrines that did not conform to the new Council of Nicaea decisions, was to be considered a heretic and to be exiled from the Empire or put to death. Those who were true followers of Yeshua’s original doctrine were persecuted, stoned, arrested, and killed; and all their manuscripts were seized and destroyed.”
      ‘orginally it was hesus christ the (sun of g-d) aka (zues) aka (constaine) who on his death bed 🛌 confessed that he wanted to be immortalized remembered like (Zues) People were confused as to what sun worshiping had to with Judasim so in order to clear up this confusion the Orthodox simply changed it to ( son of god) ( Rabbi Yeshua Bar Yosef spoke and taught in aramaic ( he read the Torah in Hebrew he was a devout torah observant jew ( Son of god has a completely diffrent meaning in Hebrew means a Human who has a special relationship with g-d ( in graceo roman terms it means exactly as it implies ( A g-d idolatry pagan heathen crap) foe the illerate masses

    • @ryandavis394
      @ryandavis394 Месяц назад

      The Mary-based Catholic Religion that was created using the name of ‘Jesus’ by the Roman Emperors, and of its Christian offshoots therefore has absolutely nothing to do with the faith of Yeshua, the Messiah that was crucified by those same Romans in Jerusalem.’
      ‘Most of the practices now found in Christianity, were never performed or promulgated by Yeshua or his followers. He was a Jew, a Synagogue and Temple-frequenting, Kepa-and-Tallith-wearing Hebrew who practiced a very tolerant form of Judaism. He never created a Church neither did he himself, ever set a foot in one. As a matter of fact, Churches never existed till more than three hundred years after Yeshua died.’

      ‘Because as he said himself, everything he did, all people can do; and it is only through the Mysteries - that he and his ancestors before him had mastered-, that it can that be achieved. It cannot be achieved in any other way. That is done only after Divine Realization has been achieved. Not by kneeling before crosses and hand-made idols; but by living as he lived, worshipping God as he worshipped and practicing what he himself practiced and preached; and most of all by Realizing one’s Divinity.’
      ‘After the Temple had been destroyed in Jerusalem by the Romans after all the Jews had been scattered abroad, being sold into slavery, and after most of Yeshua’s true followers had been decimated, the Religion that took over the world was the Roman Catholic Church. For Rome controlled most of the then civilized world as Earth’s ruling empire. All Jews had been forcefully sent abroad, and none were allowed to set foot in Palestine again.’
      ‘About 230 years after Yohanan (or John), one of Yeshua’s apostles wrote his book of Revelations, the Roman Empire was virtually separated in two; one part in Europe, the other in the Middle-East. Then their authority was constantly undermined by ferocious attacks by the many factions of revolutionaries that existed throughout the occupied territories at that time.’
      ‘Finally, the Roman Empire was reduced to being called the Byzantine Empire, after the city of Byzantium, which King Constantine made the Empire’s capital, and later named Constantinople, after himself.’
      ‘He then split this in two, by starting his own Religion based on the Jewish faith, after having seized and confiscated most of the manuscripts kept in Jerusalem and other Synagogues throughout Israel. He had also seized those written by Yeshua’s apostles, and the ones the apostles had received from their own parents; with writings from the early prophets, as it had been customary. Which custom we encourage Man of today to also take up, to discourage such falsifications as were done by the Romans, in future.’
      ‘As the Roman Empire declined, the Holy Papal Empire, hiding behind the name of ‘The Holy Roman Catholic Church’, rose out of its ruins. And that decline had begun from about year 185, ending with year 476 of the Christian Era; the Empire by then had had a population of 120 millions. Thanks to this Papal Empire, Rome continued to rule the world for a further one thousand years.’
      ‘Constantine, an Ishtar, Apollo and Satan worshipper, had decided to create a Roman State Religion, he had also been determined not to abandon his pagan practices. His Church kept the original pagan worship of Ishtar that took place near the time when Yeshua was crucified; and the new worshippers were lied to, that it was to commemorate ‘Jesus’ death. The name of Ishtar was therefore, modified and replaced by the innocent sounding Easter, 400 years after Constantine’s death.’
      ‘It was therefore the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s religion that brought Christianity to Earth; and Christianity no matter which sect it is, is the product of the Roman Catholic Church. Since as Humanity knows, the other groups began to be created when many nations protested and began to rebel against the Roman Church; after realizing that it was still the Roman Empire, only under a different name and in the guise of a Religious Denomination. But we want to tell Humanity the truth, once and for all and to help those who shall follow our messenger, this young lady to whom we are giving our latest message.’
      ‘OYahweh ordained a calendar that was supposed to be kept by all of Humanity, and which we are pleased to say, is still being kept by the Jewish people of today. We shall recommend those who will belong to the new Essene group to do the same but only in regards to the Religious festivals; for their practices in the Mysteries. By that we mean they should observe the Jewish religious festivals, not the Christians ones.’
      ‘The calendar that was given is lunisolar, and months are reckoned according to moon, years according to sun. So to reconcile lunar years (354 days) with solar years (365 days), one month is added to lunar years seven times in 19 solar years.’
      ‘Leap years occur in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th years of fixed cycle established in Temple time. With twelve months in an ordinary year; and 13 months in a leap year; and months have 29 and 30 days. We give you these precisions on account of Yeshua’s birth date which was a leap year…’
      ‘And with these precisions, we repeat that Yeshua was not born in December; we will also prove it. Christmas is nothing but another Christian paganist festival that should not be observed by any follower of Yeshua. Although there is no indication whatsoever in that ‘New Testament’ book, that ‘Jesus’ (or Yeshua) was born on December the twenty fifth, people cite Mathew’s passage in Chapter 2:1-2 to justify Christmas; which they say is a celebration of the saviour’s birthday.’
      ‘Humanity keeps this annually on December 25th, the time of the winter solstice when the daylight portion is at its lowest, and the sun begins to come back a little longer each day afterwards. But nowhere in the Bible can it be found that Yeshua asked his disciples to celebrate his birthday. Or that the apostles or any other of his future followers ever observed that particular birthday celebration.’
      ‘Neither is there recorded in the Bible that they kept such strange customs as cutting a Christmas tree, dressing it up and covering it in multicolored strings and garlands. Neither is there recorded that they kissed each other under a mistletoe sprig, cut and burned or baked ‘yuletide logs’, or exchanged expensive gifts.’
      ‘No, they never did, because this festival was a pagan festival that went against Yeshua’s faith which was also their faith. It was against the Law that Yahweh, gave to Humanity. Let those of today who claim to be Yeshua’s disciples follow his example. Yeshua (Jesus) and his disciples never kept Christmas, and none of his early followers kept it. It is wrong for you to do so, at least not in the name of Yeshua.
      The jews tried warning you they gave up ( like they said Christians never listen ( Christianity is a curse) by a bunch of narcissist child molesters psychopaths who sold their souls for world domination. Typical narcissist behavior mentality tendencies 'it was a mistranslation by the greeks ' The covent uncircumcison ( anti semetic ant feminist illerate retarded idol worshiping doctrine broke all of our creators commandments ( our creator is not holding your hands lucky rir you you have me the goat i am direct connection to source alignment with spirt universe higher self (north node) let me ease your yolk confusion I will give you the truth the knowledge understanding ( because your not gonna be able to figure it out or understand this with out me and the rest of 144,000 and g-ds chosen people the jews ( the vatican gets off knowing Christians ✝️ blindly foolishly believe everything they told you ( hardcore fantastics ( are as much as to blame blindly stupidly putting faith in them ( simple all of this humans are arrogant prideful bashful egotistical ignorant by nature ( dwelling on stupid crap idol worshiping is for fools. The original writings of Yeshua’s apostles were seized by the Romans. It was they who, when they decided to create a Roman State Religion using Yeshua’s name, ordered their scribes to change the accounts of the apostles, and write them anew to suit their own needs and to perpetuate their pagan beliefs.’ ( Revelations was put as another anti Semitic pro roman political proganda device because the jews refused to convert to Christianity ( obviously it's about the church of satan ( altered twisted hysterically like all the lies the vaticas ( who failed miserably horrendously to cover up hod their lies for ever ( they got cocky assumed constaines Orthodox papacy destroy siged all manuscripts of Tau'mas Aramaic for Twin ( translitterated from aramaic to greek Thomas ( translated didymos Greek)

    • @MrBlazingup420
      @MrBlazingup420 Месяц назад

      @@ryandavis394 What are you blubbering about, sounds like a fantasy you've created. How do you get 13 months out of a leap year when it adds a day not 30, are you talking about the moon's cycle, it's a 12 full moons year twice, followed by a 13 full moon year, 37 full moons, the 4th year, when we add an extra day makes 49 full moons 7x7. Who are these follower of Yeshua, that comes from Hebrew yasa, meaning Savior, so he was just happened to be named Savior at birth, that name is made up, so who are you really talking about.
      What do you mean by "The jews tried warning you they gave up", do you even know who I am.
      Tau'mas Aramaic for Twin ( translitterated from aramaic to greek Thomas ( translated didymos Greek). That isn't right, it means "The Twin", Twin is mas, Tho-mas is The Twin, as in Christ-mas.

    • @KingdomTaskForce
      @KingdomTaskForce  Месяц назад

      ​@@MrBlazingup420 Hey, my name is Thomas!!😊

  • @Baptized_in_Fire.
    @Baptized_in_Fire. Месяц назад

    Sakayamuni(sp?) means scythian sage. Tmyk

  • @The.Alabama.Woodsman
    @The.Alabama.Woodsman 17 дней назад

    Dude... you need Jesus!