if its going east, its going east. The question is worded wrong if you want a resultant vector. Going east assumes compensation for the southward force. The question should be what rudder setting is required to keep the boat going east?
The resultant heading if the vessel captain does not compensate is actually 360- 7.59 = 352.41 degs south east. If the captain compensates for the 2 knots south push while going east he will have to steer to 7.59 degs north and his speed will drop by the difference between the hypoteneuse and direct east speed which is 15.1327 - 15 = 0.1327 knots reduction in speed so the actual speed will be 14.86 knots heading at 7.59 degs. If the capt wants to maintain his 15 knots direct east then he will have to increase speed to 15.1327 knots going 7.59 degs north. The 2 knot south push he is working against will then reduce the vsl speed to 15 knots and redirect the vsl due east.
I agree sir and i think this should be the focus of tools like devin. Rather than market it as a full dev that could be an agent spececialized in an area to help individuals.
The way you've worded this sounds more like 15 kts due east is what the boat is achieving, i.e. it's heading a little north of east and doing a little more than 15 kts through the water. This kind of question can be posed either way round - given the current and the resultant, find the boat's speed through the water and heading, or given the current and the boat's speed through the water and heating, find the resultant. You need to be more clear which way round you are asking.
Igone. was distracted when wating and it is a good video. Boat speed in any messure is constant. Only increase in velocity is being off coarse. To maintain heading, Eastward travel will be reduced do to non-linear vector causing boat to compensate.
Must be slower in East as hypotenues is vessle speed and fighting Northern current and driffting vessle off coarse. 15knots now reduced to lower number 12.x? Love videos, but did not follow this one.
if its going east, its going east. The question is worded wrong if you want a resultant vector. Going east assumes compensation for the southward force. The question should be what rudder setting is required to keep the boat going east?
Good point.
The resultant heading if the vessel captain does not compensate is actually 360- 7.59 = 352.41 degs south east. If the captain compensates for the 2 knots south push while going east he will have to steer to 7.59 degs north and his speed will drop by the difference between the hypoteneuse and direct east speed which is 15.1327 - 15 = 0.1327 knots reduction in speed so the actual speed will be 14.86 knots heading at 7.59 degs. If the capt wants to maintain his 15 knots direct east then he will have to increase speed to 15.1327 knots going 7.59 degs north. The 2 knot south push he is working against will then reduce the vsl speed to 15 knots and redirect the vsl due east.
Effective East travel speed still at a15 knots?
Heading is still east, right? But the course the boat is traveling is 98 degrees or so.
I agree sir and i think this should be the focus of tools like devin. Rather than market it as a full dev that could be an agent spececialized in an area to help individuals.
The way you've worded this sounds more like 15 kts due east is what the boat is achieving, i.e. it's heading a little north of east and doing a little more than 15 kts through the water. This kind of question can be posed either way round - given the current and the resultant, find the boat's speed through the water and heading, or given the current and the boat's speed through the water and heating, find the resultant. You need to be more clear which way round you are asking.
Thank you. ✓229 kts at 97.6°
Approximately 15.1 kts
Thoughourly enjoyable video….thanks maths man.
that was fun. thanks
If you're on a compass heading of due east, but being pushed south, your compass heading is still due east.
Surely if it's motoring east, and being pushed south, it's still "motoring" east at 15kts
what degree is centerllne of boa1 to maintain due East on compass heading? 97.59?
Igone. was distracted when wating and it is a good video. Boat speed in any messure is constant. Only increase in velocity is being off coarse. To maintain heading, Eastward travel will be reduced do to non-linear vector causing boat to compensate.
I am no math expert but the angle being made is between the axis and the hypotenuse isnt it. So shouldnt Cos be considered.
Must be slower in East as hypotenues is vessle speed and fighting Northern current and driffting vessle off coarse. 15knots now reduced to lower number 12.x?
Love videos, but did not follow this one.
References to vessels should be feminine.
e. g. She was traveling ESE. Her speed was 15 knots.
pushed by South current an oximoron. Current is travel is North.
EESE Aye capn
Hmm wasted too much time. Should be able to pack all this in a 5 mins max video.
For the algo.
Teacher needs to go to school 😅😅and learn Clarity 😂😂🎉