I've never been to Europe but this is the Europe in my imagination. Ancient buildings, beautiful music and its people. I cannot express myself better in English. Love from China.
My birth city!(: and your english is perfect, unlike most americans whose first language is english! And I'm learning Mandarin currently, among others!(:
@@armytbchaine6515 Parce que les europeens ont du respect pour l'histoire, l'architecture, et tout ca, de leurs pays, pas comme les americains qui se sont fourres avec toute cette demolition et destruction, avec leurs nouvelles boites grises moches...
Just imagine Schiller and Beethoven learning that people still know the words and the melody. How amazing is that? I am not just a proud German, but I am a proud European. When we stand together, we can achieve such great things!
I'm not European or German, but Ode to Joy brings tears, happiness, the oneness that Beethoven has given us one of his biggest treasures ever. The feeling that the we are world citizens and music has no bounds. Given a chance I'd love to learn German just to sing Ode to Joy.
I’m from America and this brings tears to my eyes. It’s crazy to think back to all the tragedies (war, hatred, plague, uprisings, starvation) and all the great things (culture, alliances, perseverance, love, peace, togetherness) that’s happened in Europe. There’s truly no other place like it. God bless Europe and the great nations within it ❤️
Ich stimme zu. It also makes me proud and glad to live in Europe. Danke Deutschland for providing both the composer and the music. Germany is in the very heart of Europe and it couldn't exist without you, despite all the tragic history. Love and very high regards from Scandinavia
“Unbelievable that at group of humans with instruments can produce so much emotion. I have trained inside an oven.” Oh wait, trans-European understanding is not great. The song is though, and transcends language.
Ja, damals war virales Marketing noch der heiße Scheiß :-) INzwischen muss man ja mit dem Fallschirm aus der Stratosphäre springen, oder William Shattner ins Weltall jagen. Damals konnte ne Bank noch ein Orchester mieten und 8 Kameramänner ranschaffen, und schon ist man auf der Titelseite der Bild gelandet.
Ich bin von Tschechien und hab Deutsche echt gern, also die meisten die ich je getroffen hab, sind sehr Sympathisch und macht mir eine Freude, dass wir zsm ohne Krieg miteinander im vereinten Europa leben können.🇨🇿🇩🇪🇪🇺
Gut gesagt in jeder Sprache, mein Freund. Ich komme aus den USA und Hoffer, dass eines Tages die ganze Welt ohne Krieg in Freundschaft leben kann. (Ich spreche uberhaupt kein Deutsch. Dies ist ein Google Translate-Ubersetzung.)
Can you imagine that -on warm and relaxing afternoon in summer-, you walk through a plaza in Hamburg and suddenly you see this? Did you notice the people..., respectful, silent, and simply enjoying it? Only God knows how much I would love to be in one of these places, at the right time. Bravo, FRIENDS...!
Well this was in Nürnberg according to the title (I'm from Hamburg) but ye.. This symphony has so much power to it. United so many people and left them astounded at that plaza
@ Badger ... aye, I was noticing that young people were quietly moving in to take a selfie with orchestra behind them, no one interfered, they moved away as quietly as they arrived, the audience grew close yet allowed them a respectful space in which to perform and ... not a policeman, nor an 'organiser' nor 'site security' in sight ? I felt something, I can't explain it, about 'The essential goodness of people when left alone ...' and I wondered, did anyone of the performers or 'live audience' imagine they were part of something that would be viewed (to date) by approaching 18 MILLION people? Thank you Evenord-Bank for putting this here And to those who down thumbed ... I can only wish for you a speedy recovery from whatever it is that ails you!
@Gregory Smith - I feel genuinely sad for you. Tolerance is a mark of sound mental health and you're claiming to have none. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery from whatever ails you.
This is absolutely my very favourite among flash mobs - and I have seen plenty. It's Europe at its best, including, joyful and heartwarming! Not the least seeing the audience singing along! "Alle Menschen werden Brüder ..." A goal still worth striving for, 199 years later. I don't know how many times by now I have revisited this clip. Viel Liebe aus Schweden!
That's exactly what the bank's marketing agency thought when they came up with it in the brain storming. It's an advert. It's staged. And badly so. Using this wonderful piece to promote a FUCKING BANK.
The music is written by Beethoven and the lyrics by Schiller and I am so proud that this is the anthem of Europe. It is a masterpiece about the magic of joy, friendship and trust. It says "alle Menschen werden Brüder", meaning all humans will be brothers where there is this kind of magic. That is my deepest wish: let us all be brothers and sisters. Let us heal the world, for the power lies in us.
Als Europäer rührt dieses Video, und die Menschen dahinter, einen zu Tränen, und man wird bestätigt dass es in Europa ein wir-gefühl gibt, das im Zeitalter der Globalisierung mehr im Vordergrund steht denn Je. Ich hoffe wir können Europa auch in Zukunft so wahren, so offen, so hilfsbereit, so zusammen, aber am wichtigsten so Friedlich!💙🇪🇺💙
The Channel und nicht nur eureäper, alle Menschen werden Brüder:)) und heute noch mehr als Je! Mach mit weiter, hören und singen, was eben in unseren Möglichkeiten stehe.
I lost my German friends mid last year, it still hurts so I'm here to remeber him with the greatest song ever created. 8 years later and I'm still watching the greatest flashmob of all time.
well basically its an EXACT Copy of the Sabadell Flashmob which has been created 3 years before. looks lke the same marketing company who has created it. ruclips.net/video/GBaHPND2QJg/видео.html
Deutschland ist eine großartige Nation, wir werden Sie immer lieben und schätzen für das, was Sie für die gesamte Kunstwelt getan haben. Hallo aus Moskau.
@T Werk Leider wird es nicht bald passieren. Zwischen Russland und den Ländern Europas besteht eine große kulturelle Kluft sowie ein Misstrauen gegenübereinander. Damit Sie verstehen, wovon ich rede. Jahrhunderts wurden die Menschen in Russland auf die Literatur von Goethe und Schiller aufgewachsen und bewunderten den Gedanken der Deutschen, aber dann begann der Krieg. Es war auch mit der französischen Kunst vor Napoleons Marsch nach Moskau.Wenn Sie die Russen fragen, warum die Deutschen den Krieg mit Russland begonnen haben, werden Sie immer noch keine klare Antwort finden. Der einheitliche Weg Russlands mit Europa ging auseinander, als die Kommunisten an die Macht kamen und die Literatur von Friedrich Nietzsche verboten. Es scheint so eine Kleinigkeit zu sein, aber es hat eindeutig für uns den ganzen weiteren Verlauf der Ereignisse definiert.
Ich fühle mich diskriminiert, warum werden alle anderen Geschlechter in eine Kategorie gepackt (divers)? Mein Geschlecht wird nie erwähnt. Stoppt Diskriminierung von Kampfhelikoptern.
I'm not German, but I truly wish I was when I see stuff like this happening. Germany is such an interesting, yet surprisingly stunning country with amazing culture, people and music.. I love it all! Love, appreciation and all of the best from Brazil!! 💜
Musik ist die mächtigste Sprache dieser Welt, die alle Menschen zu verbinden weiß. Sie schließt niemanden aus, spaltet nicht. Musik bringt das Schöne, dass in uns Menschen wohnt, ans Licht.
@@GamingShade Ich schrieb doch:“ Musik“ wenn du den Begriff soweit fassen magst, könnten wir auch“ Kreide auf der Tafel“ mit ein ordnen. (Zum Thema Helene Fischer) Kastelruther Spasten ist doch die behindertentruppe mit Nasenflöte oder?
Die Klassische Musik ist eins der Besten Musikarten die es gibt obwohl nicht viele sie mögen. Wenn man die Musik hört spürt mann die Kraft der Vergangenheit ins sich (also bei ist es so), Mann sieht auch Viele schöne Farben im Kopf wenn man es hört was es so wunderbar macht .
@@zyrionlannister6065 Ich höre gerne und oft Klassik (am liebsten J.S.Bach), obwohl ich im Herzen Rock-Musiker bin. Man sollte Musik nicht in Schubladen einteilen. Wirklich gute Musik berührt einen immer, egal welches Genre. "Music was my first love!"
Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium Wir betreten feuertrunken Himmlische, dein Heiligtum! Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
I am not a german,neither I can speak German...but see ,I cry everytime I listen to this,this hymn has something in it,something which is meant to be understood by 💓 not by mind.
Aarohi Rana exactly....... usually I can't understand or find the real or true meaning of any song or music but this one stuck my heart. I feel so relaxed and happy after hearing it
The lyrics *are* available in English, lyricstranslate.com/en/ode-die-freude-ode-joy-ode-joy.html-2 The title itself should give you a clue about the feelings it evokes. It's Ode to Joy.
Can't believe the intense joyful tears this pulls from me. This is the world I want. Thanks to everyone involved in this production. Please don't stop.
ja allein nur das Gefühl beim Video schauen ist so klasse.Wer weiß wie das ist wenn man zufällig in einen Flashmob gerät oder aktiv mitmacht.Die Emotionen die das auslöst sind unbeschreiblich.
Oh ja, diese Begeisterung in den Gesichtern der Menschen zu sehen, der Musiker, Sänger und im Publikum, das überkommt einen richtig. Das ist eben etwas ganz anderes, als wenn man einfach eine CD in die Stereoanlage schiebt.
Es gibt Musik auf dieser Welt, die Dich berührt, wo Du nicht weghören kannst, die Du bis zum Ende hören musst, die Dich bewegt, wo Du mitsingen musst, die deinen Pulsschlag hebt, deine Laune verbessert, Dich lächeln und tanzen läßt. Musik, die dich ergreift. Dieses Stück ist eines davon.
I'm pretty sure all Europeans who are watching this right now, feel like" oh wow this is why i'm proud to be an european" . We all love Europe because of its diversity, kindness, openness and beauty. Let's work together because we can make so much more for Europe and the whole world when we do it toghether! I will never forget where I'm from and what european values taught me for the rest of my life!
We’re different and in the same time united. Some of my values definitely differentiate from a German or a French citizen. But I’m convinced that in some areas we share exactly the same ideals.
ich auch und erinnert mich an meinen vater der das immer gehoert hat,leider ist das alles vorbei seit dem einwanderer chaos wer will das hoeren,staerke ist angesagt nicht traenen
I was playing with the 280th Artillary Group Band in Ansbach in1961 ,some of us were invited to participate in the spring music festival in Nuremburg. It turned out to be one of the most amazing things I was ever involved in. There were something like 8,000 people playing at the same time. One main conductor, and six assistant conductors. It still sends chills up my spine thinking about it, man what a day to remember...
It is a pity that only now I watched this video. That's great! Amazing music and wonderful people! Germany, you are the brain of the planet, you give the whole world so much, so generously: science, philosophy, music, poetry. Please do not forget your national traditions - the world needs it. Please be yourself. With love from Russia.
Ich "liebe" dich für diese Aussage als meinen Bruder. Du bist wahrlich ein dem europäischen Geist zugehöriger Bruder und Seelenverwandter. - Das heißt: "Alle Menschen werden Brüder!"
Skoro jesteś Chińczykiem to powinieneś wiedzieć ale niestety jesteś za młody i tego nie wiesz, że w przypadku rządów komunistów (które zaczynają zalewać Europę) takie pojęcia jak wolność, równość i braterstwo nie istnieją. Przeczytaj książkę pt. "Ludzka przestarzałość” 1956 Günther Anders
This brings tears in my eyes and smile on my face at the same time. How amazing these people are, so peaceful, enjoying art, children running around. I wish to see the same in my country India some day when everything will be at peace.
Ich bin tatsächlich zu Tränen gerührt... Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Ich finde nicht wirklich Worte für meine Gefühle, nur: Tränen fließen und mein Herz hüpft vor FREUDE!!! Danke, Beethoven und Schiller für dieses Meisterwerk! Welch ein Geschenk an die Menschheit, Wow! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Wow - was wäre wenn alle Menschen auf dieser Welt das genauso wahrnehmen würden wie du ??? Das Paradies wäre wieder auf dieser Erde !!! Ich bin zumindest einer davon 😍🙃😉
When this is over, may we never take singing together in the streets for granted. May we never take holding a stranger's hand for granted. May we never take being free to meet, hug, travel for granted. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one visiting this video in these dark times. I can't wait to be able to get on a bus again and ride to Nurnberg, a city I fell in love with the moment I saw it; I can only hope the pandemic crisis will teach more people to appreciate the most precious thing we have, our humanity. Love to all of you from Poland. We're in this together.
I don't cry when I lose beloved one...but I cry when I hear beethoven works.... Strong against death but weak before your masterpieces beethoven. you made us know how Germany is great.... from Sudan.
In this poem, Friedrich Schiller describes the ideal of a society with equal rights, who are connected by the bond of joy and friendship. Let us live this noble ideal and further expand the idea in Europe. Pass this ideal on to your children so that they can look into an equal future. I love the cultures in Europe - together we are strong.
I cried as watching this video but because I imagine this happening when everyone is racially homogenous, as no man is born equal. Rather unequal in freedom than equal in slavery. Nature prevails♥
I love the Germans, they're the most wonderful people. I've had the pleasure of working with many of them. There's so much richness here of culture and history. This is among my favorite videos ever. Whomever constructed this was a genius, the framing is almost mythological. Blind (and benevolent) Father Culture waiting for the child to reinvigorate him. He takes her song, plays it back to her, weaves it deeper and deeper, the community joins in, weaving their melodies into hers, and then joining their voices together in triumphant praise of her. This video does Beethoven justice. Ode to joy. Grief and Praise. Grief-joy. All the more poignant for being filmed in Nuremberg, that blood-soaked land, full of hard won beauty. I love it. Genius. Thank you. From one of your British (and European) friends.
Im happy to hear you like Germany. I live in Germany and sadly the people who are around me aren't as nice as the ones you have met. Im glad though you met nice germans as regardless to my experience Germany is still a great country
That brings a tear to my eye. Music from a great man. Written for the people and to elevate our humanity. Played by musicians who understand the import of what they are playing. And received by the people in joy and humility. Surely God is in his heaven and so is Ludwig.
@ Colin Bryant This was so beautiful, wasn't it? I just discovered another RUclips channel by someone called Evan Carmichael and he also posts videos of flash mobs. They're really good.
This is why Beethoven is GREAT, he is always present, he is always connecting with us and this will never end. His Heavenly music is a Part of the Paradise .
You are right Samir. It's incredible that Beethoven wrote Ode To Joy when he was deaf. His music is humanity at its best and it lives on in us. I often feel that music like this is what will save us from ourselves.
@@amandajones6481 Hi Amanda , he wasn't only deaf but lonely completely , no social life : that points to a critical question : is social life stop our most important tasks for humanity ? Beethoven suffered along his life from childhood to the end , he would be a criminal against what he faced from his father particularly , but HE was like a god with a quite POWERFUL strength on MUSIC and had the POWER to change Man History : this was from Heaven sure
Нюрнберг-один из красивейших городов Германии.Ода -самое торжественное произведение,которое можно услышать.Спасибо создателям ролика❤.Скучаю по городу и мечтаю о торжестве справедливости в этом мире✊
October, 2018......December, 2018... February, 2019...Someone liked my post, So...I watched and cried and again... lol !! I cried, literally; with tears of Joy, while watching this...To see the expression on the crowd, TO HEAR the Chorale !!! Fantastische... Danke Sehr !! The PRIDE displayed by - I HAVE to believe - Were those just lucky to be there. And joining in !!!
This warms the heart. I imagine this is how Beethoven wanted his music to be remembered. True unity in appreciation of the beauty of humanity. Not only Germans but people around the world who have come to cherish this memory of the past. True Freude Alle Menschen werden Brüder
After 2 weeks of curfew and quarantine, listening to this heavenly music and seeing so many people singing the anthem brings so much joy and tears. I am very proud of the folks and all of German people.
I am from india. I don't understand what they are singing but it is very cool and energetic to listen. One Of The Beautiful Music. Best wishes from INDIA.
Joy, beautiful spark of divinity, Daughter from Elysium, We enter, drunk with fire, Heavenly, thy sanctuary! Your magics join again What custom strictly divided;* All people become brothers,* Where your gentle wing abides. Who has succeeded in the great attempt, To be a friend's friend, Whoever has won a lovely woman, Add his to the jubilation! Indeed, who calls at least one soul Theirs upon this world! And whoever never managed, shall steal himself Weeping away from this union. All creatures drink of joy At nature's breast. Just and unjust Alike taste of her gift; She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine, A tried friend to the end. [Even] the worm has been granted sensuality, And the cherub stands before God! Gladly, as His heavenly bodies fly On their courses through the heavens, Thus, brothers, you should run your race, As a hero going to conquest. You millions, I embrace you. This kiss is for all the world! Brothers, above the starry canopy There must dwell a loving Father. Do you fall in worship, you millions? World, do you know your creator? Seek him in the heavens; Above the stars must He dwell. But they sing it in german.
"Come sing a song of Joy is the most beautiful hymn sung every Christmas. Stunning piece of music ever composed." Find the English version of this music and you will see. Ode to Joy is the name of the song
Lyrics: Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum! Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder, (Schillers Original: Was der Mode Schwert geteilt; Bettler werden Fürstenbrüder,) Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. In English: Joy, beautiful spark of the gods, Daughter of Elysium, We approach fire-drunk, Heavenly One, your shrine. Your magic reunites What custom sternly divides; All people become brothers (Schiller's original: What custom's sword separates; Beggars become princes' brothers) Where your gentle wing alights.
Das Lied hat noch eine zweite Strophe Wem der große Wurf gelungen eines Freundes Freund zu sein Wer ein holdes Weib errungen mische seinen Jubel ein. Ja wer auch nur eine Seele sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund Und wer's nie gekonnt der Stehle weinend sich aus diesem Bund
@@quistisa08 The situation is sad. We are closing our towns, our streets too. If the people in every country in&outside the EU, do what we have been adviced to do, we will make the situation easier to deal with. So borders along the world might be closed but not because we don't share the same goal.
@poddypoldi Ich kann diesen hysterischen Populismus langsam nicht mehr hören. Unter jedem Video, was auch nur im Entferntesten mit Deutschland zu tun hat, findet man euren geistigen Müll.
dh 13 Leider die bittere Wahrheit. Wäre das Video 2019 aufgenommen worden, würde es so aussehen als hätte man es in der Türkei gedreht. In den Innenstädten sind teilweise mehr von denen als Deutsche. Die Mehrheit interessiert sich weder für unsere Kultur, noch für unsere Werte. Das Thema wird nicht ohne Grund so hochgepusht. Aber immerhin haben die Menschen in Europa ihre Heimat nun Schätzen gelernt und fürchten nun diese zu verlieren, zurecht.
Es ist si schön, wenn die Musiker und die Sänger mit ihrer Musik zu den Menschen kommen. Es rührt mich sehr an, die Musik zu hören und due Menschen zu sehen, wie sie reagieren und agieren. Es ist als ob die Welt den Atem anhält und das Leben stillsteht. Danke, danke für diesen Beitrag😊 ,,
It's so great to be a part of the population that can experience music this way, to get chills and tear up when the perfect songs come on. I am so thankful and can't imagine going through this world not being able to feel the music! www.discovery.com/science/Getting-Chills-from-Music
Ich liebe das Zusammenkommen von Instrumenten, Stimmen und ZuhörerInnen bei Flashmops 🤗🥰🌟 mehr davon jeden Tag an jedem Ort läßt unsere 💕 frei sein und in Freude schwingen 💓💃☺️ HerzensDANK 🤗🙏🥰😘😘😘😘😘
💖🙏Danke an alle Musiker und Musikerinnen, an alle Sänger und Sängerinnen. In der Hoffnung, das wir das hoffentlich bald mal wieder so erleben dürfen. Denn es erfüllt das Herz mit großer Freude 🙏💖
"es erfüllt das Herz mit großer Freude" da sagste das richtige. Hab jedesmal wenn ich dieses Video ansehe Tränen im Auge. Es geht wirklich tief ins Herz. Grad der Junge im Video der seine Kopfhörer abnimmt und checkt was da Grad um ihn herum passiert. Ein Fest für die Seele dieses Video. Hätte ich das Live erlebt wäre ich wahrscheinlich vor Freude zusammengebrochen. Tolle Musiker.
Music can do that not even politicians can: gather hundred people and make them feel true emotions. Thanks for sharing! It's beautiful! Beethoven for ever!
@@Kairat1969 what the hell is wrong with you? do you have a decency deficiency? an intelligence deficiency? suffering frm know-nothing asshole-ism? or are you jst a lame-ass Russian troll with no soul? Its all of the above, right?! Yeah, that's it. 🤨🙄😠
A true masterpiece. Not only because of the heavenly misuc but for each and every details of the video: I get back regularly to watch it and I always have tears in my eyes when it's over...
So was schönes sollte man öfter in den Innenstädten bringen, das die Leute sich mal wieder wahrnehmen, und merken das Sie nicht allein auf der Erde sind, und das Gemeinschaft was ganz tolles sein kann.
LYRICS - English translation: Joy, beautiful sparkle of God, Daughter of Elysium, We enter, fire-drunk, Heavenly, your holy sanctuary. Your magics bind again What custom has strictly parted. (1785 version: What custom's sword has parted.) All men become brothers (1785 version: Beggars become princes' brothers.) Where your tender wing lingers. Chorus Be embraced, millions! This kiss to the entire world! Brothers, above the starry canopy Must a loving Father reside. Who has succeeded in the great attempt To be a friend's friend; Whoever has won a lovely woman Add in his jubilation! Yes, who calls even one soul His own on the earth's sphere! And whoever never could achieve this, Let him steal away crying from this gathering! Chorus Those who occupy the great circle, Pay homage to sympathy! It leads to the stars Where the unknown one reigns. All creatures drink joy At the breasts of nature, All good, all evil Follow her trail of roses. Kisses she gave us, and the vine, A friend, proven in death. Pleasure was given to the worm, And the cherub stands before God. Chorus Do you fall down, you millions? Do you sense the creator, world? Seek him above the starry canopy, Above the stars he must live. Joy is the name of the strong spring In eternal nature. Joy, joy drives the wheels In the great clock of worlds. She lures flowers from the buds, Suns out of the firmament, She rolls spheres in the spaces That the seer's telescope does not know. Chorus Happy, as his suns fly Across Heaven's splendid map, Run, brothers, along your path Joyfully, as a hero to victory. From the fiery mirror of truth She smiles upon the researcher, Towards virtue’s steep hill She guides the endurer’s path. Upon faith’s sunlit mountain One sees her banners in the wind, Through the opening of burst coffins One sees them standing in the chorus of angels. Chorus Endure courageously, millions! Endure for the better world! There above the starry canopy A great God will reward. Gods one cannot repay Beautiful it is, to be like them. Grief and poverty, acquaint yourselves With the joyful ones rejoice. Anger and revenge be forgotten, Our deadly enemy be forgiven, No tears shall he shed No remorse shall gnaw at him Chorus Our debt registers be abolished Reconcile the entire world! Brothers, over the starry canopy God judges, as we judged. Joy bubbles in the cup, In the grape’s golden blood Cannibals drink gentleness The fearful, courage -- Brothers, fly from your perches, When the full cup is passed, Let the foam spray to the heavens This glass to the good spirit Chorus He whom the spirals of stars praise, He whom the seraphim’s hymn glorifies, This glass to the good spirit Above the starry canopy! Courage firm in great suffering, Help there, where innocence weeps, Eternally sworn oaths, Truth towards friend and foe, Mens’ pride before kings’ thrones -- Brothers, even if it costs property and blood, -- The crowns to those who earn them, Defeat to the lying brood! Chorus Close the holy circle tighter, Swear by this golden vine: Remain true to the vows, Swear by the judge above the stars! (The 1803 version ends here; the 1785 version continues with the following.) Escape the tyrants’ chains, Generosity also to the villain, Hope upon the deathbeds, Mercy from the high court! The dead, too, shall live! Brothers, drink and chime in, All sinners shall be forgiven, And hell shall be no more. Chorus A serene departing hour! Sweet sleep in the shroud! Brothers-a mild sentence From the final judge!
I'm blinking away the tears as well......and the words start ( in English ) "Oh Joy, thou wondrous spark of God..." which shouldn't perhaps arouse such emotion in a total non-believer in anything "supernatural" but it does.
@pumpkin head @japeking1 Hey guys happy to see you Beethoven is always living in this masterpiece 😭😭♥️♥️♥️ No one has composed like him It's been 195 years and this masterpiece will live forever ♥️♥️
@@bksurez1439 just Google The Following: "Lyrics to Ode to die Freude" and scroll down to both Wikipedia (poem) and lyricstranslate.com. The second listing translates the song into English. Please leave me a comment, or at least a thumbs up. Thanks.😎😎👌👌
Today it's Liberation Day in the Netherlands. It's 77 years ago that Europe (or at least a big part of it) was liberated from tiranny and oppression. Now we can see how fragile our peace and liberty is, as our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are now the victim of exactly the same thing. Yes, even genocide. It's time to think about it, understand the freedom that we have in the European Union/Schengen Area, act on it (by supporting our Ukrainian family as well). #ProudtobeEuropean #EuropeanUnion #Schengen #Ukraine And yes, I sing out loud and with my hand on my heart. No, it's not an achievement to be born in Europe, it's a pure blessing and luck. Yet, being European is a mindset that you can feel in your heart
Spent a little over a year in Stuttgart courtesy of the US Army Feb 1980 to May 1981. Absolutely loved every minute of it, the people, the food, the country. Hope to return someday.
Stell dir mal vor, man kann die europäische Kultur lieben und die EU ablehnen, gar nicht so schwer...die meisten Russen und Engländer schätzen Europa, die meisten AfD-Wähler sicher auch...die EU zerstört Europa.
This is the Germany and Europe we love ! Dynamic, anthousiastic and creative ! Best regards from France, we love you german friends !
We love you to France
tgg tgg press X to doubt
Um no?
tgg tgg it was a reference to a meme. I know now France and Germany are good friend but when we look in the past NO.
Yea... Let's not do that again
I've never been to Europe but this is the Europe in my imagination. Ancient buildings, beautiful music and its people. I cannot express myself better in English. Love from China.
As a french, I can assure you that Europe is beautiful.
My birth city!(: and your english is perfect, unlike most americans whose first language is english! And I'm learning Mandarin currently, among others!(:
@@armytbchaine6515 Parce que les europeens ont du respect pour l'histoire, l'architecture, et tout ca, de leurs pays, pas comme les americains qui se sont fourres avec toute cette demolition et destruction, avec leurs nouvelles boites grises moches...
@@armytbchaine6515 3:08 peut-etre un francais? :p
I know Europe and I know China too, China is equally beautiful!
7 years later and I'm still watching this and getting goosebumps. This was awesome.
It gave me goosebumps too! This is so wholesome!
rutscht einem dabei nicht die Hose runter ?
@Jörg I don't understand that. I translated it and it said 'Doesn't your pants slip down?' I think it got mistranslated! 😂
wHiTe PEoPLe dOn’T hAVe cULtURE
Gucke es jedes Jahr random aufs Neue und muss immer weinen. Es ist so schön
Geht mir auch so!
Geht mir genauso !!!
Geht mir genauso.
Idem, c'est magnifique. Maintenant, il est temps de construire cette Europe aussi belle est pleine d'espoirs que suscite son hymne
Just imagine Schiller and Beethoven learning that people still know the words and the melody. How amazing is that?
I am not just a proud German, but I am a proud European. When we stand together, we can achieve such great things!
To the greater glory of God Bach? Long live Beethoven Germany and the German people may we never be divided again!Peace Brother!
I love Europe, may be in my next life I would live over there 🤗
@@CA-cn9tk Yes
You are a wise young women.Have visited your great country twice.Loved it!Friendly people and well you eat a lot:)
0p bj
I'm not European or German, but Ode to Joy brings tears, happiness, the oneness that Beethoven has given us one of his biggest treasures ever. The feeling that the we are world citizens and music has no bounds. Given a chance I'd love to learn German just to sing Ode to Joy.
Thanks for your likes comment and supporting me 🎻🎻🥰
Just learn German. It's an awesome language.
You actually don't need to learn german as the language, just read the text and sing exactly the words like they are spelled.
@@lachlanperry3998Halloween from Prague, Zdenks
This Ode is to Freedom! (Freude). Easy to look up the word. Still terrific!
I’m from America and this brings tears to my eyes. It’s crazy to think back to all the tragedies (war, hatred, plague, uprisings, starvation) and all the great things (culture, alliances, perseverance, love, peace, togetherness) that’s happened in Europe. There’s truly no other place like it. God bless Europe and the great nations within it ❤️
I'm with you, Paul Devers. This powerful music is still relevant and helps us like no other out there to believe in humankind and the spirit of art
Congrats with a New President! Greetings from Norway!
nobody asked :P
@@sunniva5335 more like a ccp slave
@@sunniva5335 thank you!
Unglaublich was eine Gruppe Menschen mit Musikinstrumenten für Gefühle ausdrücken können. Ich habe Tränen in den Augen.
Erging mir genauso, als ich das Video mit dem wunderschönen Stück gehört habe 😇😿
Ich stimme zu. It also makes me proud and glad to live in Europe. Danke Deutschland for providing both the composer and the music. Germany is in the very heart of Europe and it couldn't exist without you, despite all the tragic history.
Love and very high regards from Scandinavia
@@auroraborealis5539 ❤😊
“Unbelievable that at group of humans with instruments can produce so much emotion. I have trained inside an oven.” Oh wait, trans-European understanding is not great. The song is though, and transcends language.
Ja, damals war virales Marketing noch der heiße Scheiß :-) INzwischen muss man ja mit dem Fallschirm aus der Stratosphäre springen, oder William Shattner ins Weltall jagen. Damals konnte ne Bank noch ein Orchester mieten und 8 Kameramänner ranschaffen, und schon ist man auf der Titelseite der Bild gelandet.
Ich bin von Tschechien und hab Deutsche echt gern, also die meisten die ich je getroffen hab, sind sehr Sympathisch und macht mir eine Freude, dass wir zsm ohne Krieg miteinander im vereinten Europa leben können.🇨🇿🇩🇪🇪🇺
💓💓💓 Dankeschön für das Kompliment
Gut gesagt in jeder Sprache, mein Freund. Ich komme aus den USA und Hoffer, dass eines Tages die ganze Welt ohne Krieg in Freundschaft leben kann. (Ich spreche uberhaupt kein Deutsch. Dies ist ein Google Translate-Ubersetzung.)
@@darrylgonzalez5251 wow you have a nice translate😂😬
Can you imagine that -on warm and relaxing afternoon in summer-, you walk through a plaza in Hamburg and suddenly you see this? Did you notice the people..., respectful, silent, and simply enjoying it? Only God knows how much I would love to be in one of these places, at the right time. Bravo, FRIENDS...!
Well this was in Nürnberg according to the title (I'm from Hamburg) but ye.. This symphony has so much power to it. United so many people and left them astounded at that plaza
I corrected it after I sent return to my message.
It's Nurnberg, but whatever
@ Badger ... aye, I was noticing that young people were quietly moving in to take a selfie with orchestra behind them, no one interfered, they moved away as quietly as they arrived, the audience grew close yet allowed them a respectful space in which to perform and ... not a policeman, nor an 'organiser' nor 'site security' in sight ?
I felt something, I can't explain it, about 'The essential goodness of people when left alone ...' and I wondered, did anyone of the performers or 'live audience' imagine they were part of something that would be viewed (to date) by approaching 18 MILLION people?
Thank you Evenord-Bank for putting this here
And to those who down thumbed ... I can only wish for you a speedy recovery from whatever it is that ails you!
@Gregory Smith - I feel genuinely sad for you. Tolerance is a mark of sound mental health and you're claiming to have none. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery from whatever ails you.
Einfach nur wunderschön.
Da sieht man es mal wieder: Musik verbindet alle Menschen.♥
+Yamio Kuroni Schiller hat es gewusst, alle Menschen werden Brüder...
Teilweise nehmen sogar die jungen Menschen ihre Kopfhörer ab, nur um Beethoven zu lauschen 😍
+Hans Müller Wahnsinn...
+Yamio Kuroni nein du ^^
+Hans Müller es gibt noch Hoffnung für die Jugend
This is absolutely my very favourite among flash mobs - and I have seen plenty. It's Europe at its best, including, joyful and heartwarming! Not the least seeing the audience singing along!
"Alle Menschen werden Brüder ..." A goal still worth striving for, 199 years later. I don't know how many times by now I have revisited this clip.
Viel Liebe aus Schweden!
One of my favorite parts: When the boy takes off his headphones and listens to the live music right in front of him.
Steve Case this dude hear now real old traditional classic music
Steve Case He realised what he's been missing his whole life.
Steve Case yes that is one of my favorite parts also.
This is my german friend from Nürnberg :D xD
That's exactly what the bank's marketing agency thought when they came up with it in the brain storming.
It's an advert. It's staged. And badly so. Using this wonderful piece to promote a FUCKING BANK.
The music is written by Beethoven and the lyrics by Schiller and I am so proud that this is the anthem of Europe. It is a masterpiece about the magic of joy, friendship and trust. It says "alle Menschen werden Brüder", meaning all humans will be brothers where there is this kind of magic. That is my deepest wish: let us all be brothers and sisters. Let us heal the world, for the power lies in us.
This could be an anthem for whole humanity.
Well said and it’ll be a glorious day when that becomes reality.
Just ...amazing
Als Europäer rührt dieses Video, und die Menschen dahinter, einen zu Tränen, und man wird bestätigt dass es in Europa ein wir-gefühl gibt, das im Zeitalter der Globalisierung mehr im Vordergrund steht denn Je. Ich hoffe wir können Europa auch in Zukunft so wahren, so offen, so hilfsbereit, so zusammen, aber am wichtigsten so Friedlich!💙🇪🇺💙
The Channel Vorallem auch in Zukunft ein Europa der Europäer ...
The Channel und nicht nur eureäper, alle Menschen werden Brüder:)) und heute noch mehr als Je! Mach mit weiter, hören und singen, was eben in unseren Möglichkeiten stehe.
random. Dir ist klar das EU nicht Europa ist
Den Frieden wird es nur gegen einen hohen Preis geben. Aber erst, wenn wir alle dafür bezahlt haben, werden wir erwachen. Zu spät ...
Dass ist die 9 Sinfonie von Ludwig van Beethoven
I lost my German friends mid last year, it still hurts so I'm here to remeber him with the greatest song ever created. 8 years later and I'm still watching the greatest flashmob of all time.
well basically its an EXACT Copy of the Sabadell Flashmob which has been created 3 years before. looks lke the same marketing company who has created it. ruclips.net/video/GBaHPND2QJg/видео.html
condolences my friend!
Does anybody know which Church this is from? I cannot recognixe it...
Deutschland ist eine großartige Nation, wir werden Sie immer lieben und schätzen für das, was Sie für die gesamte Kunstwelt getan haben. Hallo aus Moskau.
aber russland muss sich nicht dahinter verstecken. ihr habt auch wunderbare literatur, musik und kunst hervorgebracht. beste grüße zurück aus berlin.
Liebe Grüße nach Moskau aus Ulm !
@@MrMP-en7vf Wir haben immer versucht, ein Beispiel von Ihnen zu nehmen
@T Werk Leider wird es nicht bald passieren. Zwischen Russland und den Ländern Europas besteht eine große kulturelle Kluft sowie ein Misstrauen gegenübereinander. Damit Sie verstehen, wovon ich rede. Jahrhunderts wurden die Menschen in Russland auf die Literatur von Goethe und Schiller aufgewachsen und bewunderten den Gedanken der Deutschen, aber dann begann der Krieg. Es war auch mit der französischen Kunst vor Napoleons Marsch nach Moskau.Wenn Sie die Russen fragen, warum die Deutschen den Krieg mit Russland begonnen haben, werden Sie immer noch keine klare Antwort finden. Der einheitliche Weg Russlands mit Europa ging auseinander, als die Kommunisten an die Macht kamen und die Literatur von Friedrich Nietzsche verboten. Es scheint so eine Kleinigkeit zu sein, aber es hat eindeutig für uns den ganzen weiteren Verlauf der Ereignisse definiert.
If Beethoven was alive today and saw how beloved his music still is today and played in public squares like this he would be moved to tears of joy
Whats the names of this symphony?
Maybe, he was really moody and ill-tempered in the last phase of his life. I love his music, but his behavior was very questionable.
Especially this song (symphony no.9) was not recognized in his time. It was played less than 10 times when he was alive
As I was! I imagine his spirit flooded with joy.
Yes! sometimes just feel extremely grateful that God give us this German deaf musician!
Gibt es etwas Schöneres, als sich dem Gedanken hinzugeben, das vielleicht irgendwann TATSÄCHLICH alle Menschen Brüder (m/w/d) werden?
Ich fühle mich diskriminiert, warum werden alle anderen Geschlechter in eine Kategorie gepackt (divers)? Mein Geschlecht wird nie erwähnt.
Stoppt Diskriminierung von Kampfhelikoptern.
@@whyareyoureadingthis1356 dicers ist ja eben nicht einen Kategorie sondern alles nicht aufgezählte
@@astrid7987 "tadinho!"
@@whyareyoureadingthis1356 cry
@@JIJN *Sarkasmus
Schafft es immer wieder mich zum Weinen zu bringen und gibt mir unglaubliche Gänsehaut.
Dieses Stück ist schon etwas ganz, ganz besonderes ❤
Vorallem die Kleine wo einfach anfangt Damit
Ist bei mir genau so und welchen Moment ich in dem Video schön finde, ist als der junge die Kopfhörer abnimmt um sich diese Ereignis anzuhören
Geht mir auch so.
It almost brought happy tears to my eyes, I hope Europe will always stick together. Thank you from Greece.
we will! love and greets from a german friend :)
From Australia Ode to Joy.
I hope too ;) Greets from The Netherlands
Greets from Southern Germany :)
Saliddry... Quiet you wretched parasite!
I'm not German, but I truly wish I was when I see stuff like this happening. Germany is such an interesting, yet surprisingly stunning country with amazing culture, people and music.. I love it all! Love, appreciation and all of the best from Brazil!! 💜
You don’t know that. You’ve never lived here. Don’t romanticize something you have no experience with.
@@ishowyouapple I know, man. I've been in Germany for 6 months, the country is awesome.
Please, don't say things you don't know about. Thank you.
@lois miller Whoa there, i'm not here to fight! I'm only saying that Germany is a very nice place!
lois miller he’s not judging Germany he’s praising Germany for its beauty, so you sthu.
Me too, I'm not German, but i truly wish i was. Such a beautiful and interesting country with rick history
Greetings from Germany, my european friends. Lets stand together.
Even us in the UK. We are all European
@@sarahandtonycarter4229 And hopefully we will rejoin the EU one day.
Fuck the EU from germany
Musik ist die mächtigste Sprache dieser Welt, die alle Menschen zu verbinden weiß. Sie schließt niemanden aus, spaltet nicht. Musik bringt das Schöne, dass in uns Menschen wohnt, ans Licht.
Wenn man nicht Grade Helene Fischer oder Kastelruther Spasten hört 😅
@@GamingShade Ich schrieb doch:“ Musik“ wenn du den Begriff soweit fassen magst, könnten wir auch“ Kreide auf der Tafel“ mit ein ordnen. (Zum Thema Helene Fischer) Kastelruther Spasten ist doch die behindertentruppe mit Nasenflöte oder?
Die Antwort war zu gut😂 Danke dafür 👍
Ich weis nicht warum, aber gerade die Ode an die Freude berührt mich jedesmal in meinem tiefsten innerem. Gänsehautfaktor: 10+:)
+Victoria Jaquetta Wydeville ich auch nicht. Aber das Lied fasziniert mich jedes mal aufs neue :')
Die Klassische Musik ist eins der Besten Musikarten die es gibt obwohl nicht viele sie mögen. Wenn man die Musik hört spürt mann die Kraft der Vergangenheit ins sich (also bei ist es so), Mann sieht auch Viele schöne Farben im Kopf wenn man es hört was es so wunderbar macht .
schönsten musik sus der welt
... töchter aus Elysium ... :) Es ist wirklich wansinh .. really fascinating! :)
@@zyrionlannister6065 Ich höre gerne und oft Klassik (am liebsten J.S.Bach), obwohl ich im Herzen Rock-Musiker bin. Man sollte Musik nicht in Schubladen einteilen. Wirklich gute Musik berührt einen immer, egal welches Genre. "Music was my first love!"
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium
Wir betreten feuertrunken
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Danke !
I am not a german,neither I can speak German...but see ,I cry everytime I listen to this,this hymn has something in it,something which is meant to be understood by 💓 not by mind.
Aarohi Rana exactly....... usually I can't understand or find the real or true meaning of any song or music but this one stuck my heart. I feel so relaxed and happy after hearing it
The lyrics *are* available in English, lyricstranslate.com/en/ode-die-freude-ode-joy-ode-joy.html-2 The title itself should give you a clue about the feelings it evokes. It's Ode to Joy.
Wiping your tears I read your comment, there really is something in it. :)
Music is not exactly about we hear, it's about what we feel
@@joypeace2277 scotish band y
Music is the universal language! No matter what language you speak, music will bring you together! Well done! The hymn of brotherhood, indeed!
Music is fantastick.
Can't believe the intense joyful tears this pulls from me. This is the world I want. Thanks to everyone involved in this production. Please don't stop.
This kind of flashmobs brings me also to tears.
Feeling the same, since I was young. Why can't we all live like brothers... Wished we could.
I never could perform it without crying
@Shaylin Bau Maybe! But those guys are essentially richer than the poor-hearted.
@@retrospacenet Seems you didn't understand anything at all!
Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber mir sind die Tränen gekommen. es ist unglaublich😍
ja allein nur das Gefühl beim Video schauen ist so klasse.Wer weiß wie das ist wenn man zufällig in einen Flashmob gerät oder aktiv mitmacht.Die Emotionen die das auslöst sind unbeschreiblich.
Mir ebenfalls, die Stimmung die dort enstanden ist fehlt mir in der Gesellschaft leider.
Ja, man kann auch aus lauter Freude weinen, das haben die meisten nur noch nicht verstanden...
Uns auch, es ist eines der schönsten Musikstücke und mit soviel Empathie vorgetragen - einfach toll 😊
Oh ja, diese Begeisterung in den Gesichtern der Menschen zu sehen, der Musiker, Sänger und im Publikum, das überkommt einen richtig. Das ist eben etwas ganz anderes, als wenn man einfach eine CD in die Stereoanlage schiebt.
Es gibt Musik auf dieser Welt, die Dich berührt, wo Du nicht weghören kannst, die Du bis zum Ende hören musst, die Dich bewegt, wo Du mitsingen musst, die deinen Pulsschlag hebt, deine Laune verbessert, Dich lächeln und tanzen läßt. Musik, die dich ergreift.
Dieses Stück ist eines davon.
Irgendjemand sagte mal, wessen Seele bei "Ode an die Freude" nicht zur Decke emporsteige, der habe wohl keine :-)
Das hat der Junge bei 2.32min. auch gemerkt 😀
Ode to joy is the greatest piece of art ever created. My eyes are tearing up every time i am listening to it.
I think so, too!!!
Gänsehaut am ganzen Körper. Was ich dafür tun würde das mal live zu erleben!
Ja. Wunderschön. Wie aus einer anderen helleren Zeit...
Hoffentlich kommt so etwas wieder...
Es war aus einer anderen und helleren Zeit!
Oh ja, da stimm ich dir zu!
Würde gut in di jetzige Zeit passen !! 🙏
Lockdown Baby. Versammlungsverbot!!! Das sind Terroristen
I'm pretty sure all Europeans who are watching this right now, feel like" oh wow this is why i'm proud to be an european" . We all love Europe because of its diversity, kindness, openness and beauty. Let's work together because we can make so much more for Europe and the whole world when we do it toghether! I will never forget where I'm from and what european values taught me for the rest of my life!
We’re different and in the same time united. Some of my values definitely differentiate from a German or a French citizen. But I’m convinced that in some areas we share exactly the same ideals.
Although I am not European or live in an European country, I'd like you to know I admire everything about you.
I'm Asian but I don't discriminate, everyone is the best!!
Am Asian people and love this song as well
And why you’re writing this, people are suffering and dying on european borders :)
Moin - Instrumenten solche Töne zu entlocken - Musiker muss der schönste Beruf der ganzen Welt sein ❤️🌹🍀👋
Wunderschön 😍. Ich hatte Gänsehaut und musste sogar weinen 😅. Unglaublich. Mir fehlen die Worte.
ich auch und erinnert mich an meinen vater der das immer gehoert hat,leider ist das alles vorbei seit dem einwanderer chaos wer will das hoeren,staerke ist angesagt nicht traenen
Hartmut Shuette Tränen sind stärcke!
Dito... Ist einfach hammer
6jkkkký Hawking k
I was playing with the 280th Artillary Group Band in Ansbach in1961 ,some of us were invited to participate in the spring music festival in Nuremburg. It turned out to be one of the most amazing things I was ever involved in. There were something like 8,000 people playing at the same time. One main conductor, and six assistant conductors. It still sends chills up my spine thinking about it, man what a day to remember...
i wish it was somehow recorded so we could watch that amazing event :)
It is a pity that only now I watched this video. That's great! Amazing music and wonderful people! Germany, you are the brain of the planet, you give the whole world so much, so generously: science, philosophy, music, poetry. Please do not forget your national traditions - the world needs it. Please be yourself.
With love from Russia.
My grandpa nearly made u all german lol.
Sry haha
@@peterkevin9140 So ein idiotischer, kindischer Kommentar ...
Ich bin ein Chinese, ich liebe Europa und liebe Freiheit, Gleichheit und Brüderlichkeit!
Auf Brüderlichkeit über Kontinente
therefore vpn connections from china
Ich "liebe" dich für diese Aussage als meinen Bruder. Du bist wahrlich ein
dem europäischen Geist zugehöriger Bruder und Seelenverwandter. - Das heißt: "Alle Menschen werden Brüder!"
Du bist ❤lich Willkommen
Skoro jesteś Chińczykiem to powinieneś wiedzieć ale niestety jesteś za młody i tego nie wiesz, że w przypadku rządów komunistów (które zaczynają zalewać Europę) takie pojęcia jak wolność, równość i braterstwo nie istnieją. Przeczytaj książkę pt. "Ludzka przestarzałość” 1956 Günther Anders
Salute Germany for producing such a musical genius the world ever seen.
This brings tears in my eyes and smile on my face at the same time. How amazing these people are, so peaceful, enjoying art, children running around. I wish to see the same in my country India some day when everything will be at peace.
Wish you the best from Germany!
@@David-kl1lh thanks, and wish you the best from India.
@@sumitwho thank you!
@@sumitwho felt the same,brother😌❤❤
@@yoursoulisariver 💕💕
One day when we overcome the pandemic we will gather again and sing!
abide and now just through the windows at six o clock evening ( europäische time)
One day, abide. One day.
Yea. So lets overcome this pandemic together as we are all sitting in the same boat.
abide we shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome! .... Joan Baez:)
Very beautiful!
It brings tears to my eyes!
Thank You from the USA! 🇺🇸
"One message foundation " channel shows the path
It’s not that easy to translate the lyrics, some German words don’t have an English translation. i hope the tunes translate a little bit by itself
Ich bin tatsächlich zu Tränen gerührt...
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligthum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Kannst Du mich abonierren. Mein Kanal heißt #SamMasterful.
Nur frage ich mich, warum so viele die restlichen drei Strophen auslassen :(
Deutscland über alles
Ich finde nicht wirklich Worte für meine Gefühle, nur: Tränen fließen und mein Herz hüpft vor FREUDE!!! Danke, Beethoven und Schiller für dieses Meisterwerk! Welch ein Geschenk an die Menschheit, Wow! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Wäre schön, wenn sich die Menschheit mal wieder dran erinnern würde…
Wow - was wäre wenn alle Menschen auf dieser Welt das genauso wahrnehmen würden wie du ??? Das Paradies wäre wieder auf dieser Erde !!! Ich bin zumindest einer davon 😍🙃😉
Mir geht es genauso.
Gut gesagt
Ja nach Nürnberg 2.0 wird das in der ganzen Welt gelten E= m×c²= 5 Dimension in uns = 13×3²= 117= CHRISTUS GOTT WÜRFELT NICHT (Albert Einstein)
Achtet auf die kleinen Kinder wie ruhig und interessiert sie zuhören, kein Baby weint oder zappelt rum.
Diese Töne sind WUNDERSCHÖN !
Erstmal Kommentar kopieren
This is what keeps us together. Let's not forget this, especially in these dire, tough times. Oh, I had to cry...
Every European knows the words of the symphony, in their native language. So beautiful, brought tears to my eyes :)
x2, I'm crying
Vedrana Lojen Mandić if this doesn’t rouse someone’s soul then I guess they must have died 6mins earlier
Rise o voices of Rhodesia
It's the EU anthem
Willkommen in Europa... Wie schön ist das Lied..... Freude schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium...... Sehr schön... Grüße aus den Niederlande
Rare moments when people can just be at peace and listen to the serenity of the music... We need more again like this💕
just saying a lot of crowd was definitely staged/choir
@@issaach So enjoyed by so many people and children...
We sure do
Even twice a day in every town, city and park... this sort of thing would NEVR get old.
Für mich einer der schönsten Flashmobs in Deutschland den ich je gesehen habe.
When this is over, may we never take singing together in the streets for granted.
May we never take holding a stranger's hand for granted.
May we never take being free to meet, hug, travel for granted.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one visiting this video in these dark times. I can't wait to be able to get on a bus again and ride to Nurnberg, a city I fell in love with the moment I saw it; I can only hope the pandemic crisis will teach more people to appreciate the most precious thing we have, our humanity.
Love to all of you from Poland. We're in this together.
Mir Rine amen! We must fully appreciate the little things we all took for granted once this passes! Love from Italy! XX
Thank you, my dear fellow human! Best wishes and stay healthy and safe form Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Well said!!
I want to travel the road you are on. You are wise.
@@JaneGiesbrechtthank you! You can; I really only found myself on this road recently. And it's an infinite source of joy and gratefulness
Fast 7 Jahre her und immer, wenn ich Aufmunterung brauche schaue ich mir dieses Video an.
Immer wieder großartig.
I don't cry when I lose beloved one...but I cry when I hear beethoven works....
Strong against death but weak before your masterpieces beethoven.
you made us know how Germany is great.... from Sudan.
How every human Can Be Great! Thx My Brother
desprado. I cry when I hear despacito
"Alle Menschen werden Brüder wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt" ! Wunderschöne Ode an die Freude ! Vielen Dank !!
Immer wieder zum "niederknien".
Erst Gänsehaut, dann Tränen in den Augen und zum Schluss? Ein strahlendes Gesicht 😊.
Das schafft nur Musik 💓
Göttliche Musik!
Das ist wirklich das beste was Musik hervorbringen kann!
Damit ist alles gesagt ....
So ist es und die Pandemie wirkt wie ein Booster 🥰
2023 still amazing. They are incredible. And seeing joy and smiling faces cheers me up every time.
In this poem, Friedrich Schiller describes the ideal of a society with equal rights, who are connected by the bond of joy and friendship. Let us live this noble ideal and further expand the idea in Europe. Pass this ideal on to your children so that they can look into an equal future. I love the cultures in Europe - together we are strong.
Wahre Worte
I cried as watching this video but because I imagine this happening when everyone is racially homogenous, as no man is born equal. Rather unequal in freedom than equal in slavery. Nature prevails♥
Strength through joy!
That's not from Friedrich Schiller. It's from Beethoven.
@@jonasneumayer2881 You're wrong. It is by Friedrich Schiller. Beethoven later designed the music for this purpose
I love the Germans, they're the most wonderful people. I've had the pleasure of working with many of them.
There's so much richness here of culture and history.
This is among my favorite videos ever. Whomever constructed this was a genius, the framing is almost mythological. Blind (and benevolent) Father Culture waiting for the child to reinvigorate him. He takes her song, plays it back to her, weaves it deeper and deeper, the community joins in, weaving their melodies into hers, and then joining their voices together in triumphant praise of her. This video does Beethoven justice. Ode to joy. Grief and Praise. Grief-joy.
All the more poignant for being filmed in Nuremberg, that blood-soaked land, full of hard won beauty.
I love it. Genius. Thank you.
From one of your British (and European) friends.
Vthat pleases me very much!!
Hans Günter CHRISTMANN happy to hear so.
Which part pleases you?
@@anecologistspeaks6422 i bet the part about loving germans. :)
@Misses Amalthea Murdering monsters! The biggest butchers of the human race!
Im happy to hear you like Germany. I live in Germany and sadly the people who are around me aren't as nice as the ones you have met. Im glad though you met nice germans as regardless to my experience Germany is still a great country
This is the kind of event that makes us really proud to be European regardless our citizenship
Long live Europe, we are indeed united in diversity !
Yup U got thar right. Every time I play this, it still gives me goosebumps
european diversity , like always been
Yup, fully agree.
i hope you remember that once the music stops
That brings a tear to my eye. Music from a great man. Written for the people and to elevate our humanity. Played by musicians who understand the import of what they are playing. And received by the people in joy and humility. Surely God is in his heaven and so is Ludwig.
@ Colin Bryant This was so beautiful, wasn't it? I just discovered another RUclips channel by someone called Evan Carmichael and he also posts videos of flash mobs. They're really good.
Очень трогательно просто тяже наверное найти нужные слова для таких случаев, а ещё хочется посмотреть это всё рядом
This is why Beethoven is GREAT, he is always present, he is always connecting with us and this will never end. His Heavenly music is a Part of the Paradise .
You are sooooo right! Thanks, brother!
You are right Samir. It's incredible that Beethoven wrote Ode To Joy when he was deaf. His music is humanity at its best and it lives on in us. I often feel that music like this is what will save us from ourselves.
@@amandajones6481 Hi Amanda , he wasn't only deaf but lonely completely , no social life : that points to a critical question : is social life stop our most important tasks for humanity ? Beethoven suffered along his life from childhood to the end , he would be a criminal against what he faced from his father particularly , but HE was like a god with a quite POWERFUL strength on MUSIC and had the POWER to change Man History : this was from Heaven sure
@@过客-u7i (y) (y)
music really is one of the best things this human race has ever achieved
Cursed be the doctrine that condemns it
U pravu ste! Muzika je bezvremena i svi jezici je razumeju! Pozdrav iz Srbije😊
If European Union will broke down that ode will sound like on The begining this performance
@@vijerkanota7582 serbia 🇷🇸 💪
Music speaks what words cannot say
Нюрнберг-один из красивейших городов Германии.Ода -самое торжественное произведение,которое можно услышать.Спасибо создателям ролика❤.Скучаю по городу и мечтаю о торжестве справедливости в этом мире✊
Europe is lost 🔥 ....Keep dreaming
don't know why I''m crying just by listening to this
I feel like exploding in my chest every single time I listen to this music.
@@marcolorenzetti4807 Same here, I always had huge feelings when this song played
Me too!!!
And for 6 minutes and 31 seconds everything was okay
Lovely words stranger☺
We forget everything...
@@fudgedogbannana What do you mean?
@ You hit the nail on the head
British here, I don’t want to leave. Can I come stay with you guys 😢?
You're welcome. Just pack your stuff and come over.
Please stay in Britan. Britain needs people like you!
@@Mostrichkugel I am half-Irish so i am trying to get an Irish passport so i can still have free movement to Europe.
@@TheQuigs89 Good idea. Do go on about that, but I believe they are queuing in Dublin for it.
@@pavelwohlmuth5115 I’ve had enough my friend. The insane people have taken control of the insane hospital.
Happy Europe Day dear Europeans! 🇪🇺
this performance is always close to my heart on this day.
October, 2018......December, 2018... February, 2019...Someone liked my post, So...I watched and cried and again... lol !!
I cried, literally; with tears of Joy, while watching this...To see the expression on the crowd, TO HEAR the Chorale !!! Fantastische... Danke Sehr !! The PRIDE displayed by - I HAVE to believe - Were those just lucky to be there. And joining in !!!
I teared too
You ain't the only one, believe me.
@@deejs8652 It also brought tears to my eyes when the chorale began. This is so beautiful!
Had I been there I would have been singing along. How could one not.
It make me cry of joy!!! the sound of true happines!!!! i m glad i live on this planet were we have LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN!!!
+celeste selene the lyric isn´t from beethoven but from Friedrich Schiller
+Poke Mon but the music is
This warms the heart. I imagine this is how Beethoven wanted his music to be remembered. True unity in appreciation of the beauty of humanity. Not only Germans but people around the world who have come to cherish this memory of the past. True Freude
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
I love your comment so much!
April 2023 and I still smile and get *tingly* watching this.
[Pray for the people of Ukraine]
After 2 weeks of curfew and quarantine, listening to this heavenly music and seeing so many people singing the anthem brings so much joy and tears. I am very proud of the folks and all of German people.
This music actually makes you cry. Not because it’s so bad, but because it’s so good!
can't stop my tears flowing
Same here. Brings tears to my eyes. Beautiful.
I am from india. I don't understand what they are singing but it is very cool and energetic to listen.
One Of The Beautiful Music.
Best wishes from INDIA.
Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,
Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary!
Your magics join again
What custom strictly divided;*
All people become brothers,*
Where your gentle wing abides.
Who has succeeded in the great attempt,
To be a friend's friend,
Whoever has won a lovely woman,
Add his to the jubilation!
Indeed, who calls at least one soul
Theirs upon this world!
And whoever never managed, shall steal himself
Weeping away from this union.
All creatures drink of joy
At nature's breast.
Just and unjust
Alike taste of her gift;
She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,
A tried friend to the end.
[Even] the worm has been granted sensuality,
And the cherub stands before God!
Gladly, as His heavenly bodies fly
On their courses through the heavens,
Thus, brothers, you should run your race,
As a hero going to conquest.
You millions, I embrace you.
This kiss is for all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Do you fall in worship, you millions?
World, do you know your creator?
Seek him in the heavens;
Above the stars must He dwell.
But they sing it in german.
and wishes from europe back
It is the Anthem of Europe :) Best song. It is so realxing to listen.
Leon Holzapfel vielen Dank 😍
"Come sing a song of Joy is the most beautiful hymn sung every Christmas. Stunning piece of music ever composed." Find the English version of this music and you will see. Ode to Joy is the name of the song
Mein Gott wenn wir damals gewusst hätten wie glücklich wir waren! Schaut euch bitte jeden Tag den Himmel an, und fragt euch was da oben los ist ❤
Verstehe ich nicht. Was ist am Himmel anders als 2014?
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
(Schillers Original:
Was der Mode Schwert geteilt;
Bettler werden Fürstenbrüder,)
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
In English:
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We approach fire-drunk,
Heavenly One, your shrine.
Your magic reunites
What custom sternly divides;
All people become brothers
(Schiller's original:
What custom's sword separates;
Beggars become princes' brothers)
Where your gentle wing alights.
Danke thanks
Den Text gibt es eigentlich nur auf deutsch :D
Das Lied hat noch eine zweite Strophe
Wem der große Wurf gelungen eines Freundes Freund zu sein
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen mische seinen Jubel ein.
Ja wer auch nur eine Seele sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund
Und wer's nie gekonnt der Stehle weinend sich aus diesem Bund
@@Fantastisch36 ja schon aber auch wenn es es nicht in Englisch gibt ist eine überetzung doch schön natürlich nicht offiziell aber schön
tq very much...
C'mon, Europe. Together we will beat this bloody coronavirus. Stay safe. 💪✊
Don't worry we will :)
Kind of sad everyone closing their borders now...
@@quistisa08 The situation is sad. We are closing our towns, our streets too. If the people in every country in&outside the EU, do what we have been adviced to do, we will make the situation easier to deal with. So borders along the world might be closed but not because we don't share the same goal.
Hope fully we will ban out the virus, and stay healty
Einfach wundervoll! Für ein freies und friedliches Europa , für eine friedliche und freie Welt!
O beethoven piano
Leider ist die Welt nicht immer so friedlich und harmonisch in Europa.
Nachdenken! Einfach wundervoll.häääähh???..wo leben Sie..in der Märchenwelt von Bild und ZDF?
@poddypoldi Ich kann diesen hysterischen Populismus langsam nicht mehr hören. Unter jedem Video, was auch nur im Entferntesten mit Deutschland zu tun hat, findet man euren geistigen Müll.
dh 13 Leider die bittere Wahrheit. Wäre das Video 2019 aufgenommen worden, würde es so aussehen als hätte man es in der Türkei gedreht. In den Innenstädten sind teilweise mehr von denen als Deutsche. Die Mehrheit interessiert sich weder für unsere Kultur, noch für unsere Werte. Das Thema wird nicht ohne Grund so hochgepusht. Aber immerhin haben die Menschen in Europa ihre Heimat nun Schätzen gelernt und fürchten nun diese zu verlieren, zurecht.
Es ist si schön, wenn die Musiker und die Sänger mit ihrer Musik zu den Menschen kommen. Es rührt mich sehr an, die Musik zu hören und due Menschen zu sehen, wie sie reagieren und agieren. Es ist als ob die Welt den Atem anhält und das Leben stillsteht.
Danke, danke für diesen Beitrag😊
I'M a simple man, i dont cry if i'm sad, i dont cry if i'm in pain BUT THAT SHIT... Brings tears into my eyes
LOL that's exactly what I was thinking and then I scrolled down and found this comment xD
I hear you brother
Me too. Now.
It's so great to be a part of the population that can experience music this way, to get chills and tear up when the perfect songs come on. I am so thankful and can't imagine going through this world not being able to feel the music!
Yes, same here, restores your faith, 👍👍👍
Anything so beautiful it can make a child take his headphones off and listen in todays world is a true masterpiece for the ages.
They didn’t show him immediately putting them back on after the camera panned
Damn this makes me miss my home.... much love to Germany 🇩🇪 from Canada 🇨🇦
Ich liebe das Zusammenkommen von Instrumenten, Stimmen und ZuhörerInnen bei Flashmops 🤗🥰🌟 mehr davon jeden Tag an jedem Ort läßt unsere 💕 frei sein und in Freude schwingen 💓💃☺️ HerzensDANK 🤗🙏🥰😘😘😘😘😘
💖🙏Danke an alle Musiker und Musikerinnen, an alle Sänger und Sängerinnen. In der Hoffnung, das wir das hoffentlich bald mal wieder so erleben dürfen. Denn es erfüllt das Herz mit großer Freude 🙏💖
"es erfüllt das Herz mit großer Freude" da sagste das richtige. Hab jedesmal wenn ich dieses Video ansehe Tränen im Auge. Es geht wirklich tief ins Herz. Grad der Junge im Video der seine Kopfhörer abnimmt und checkt was da Grad um ihn herum passiert. Ein Fest für die Seele dieses Video. Hätte ich das Live erlebt wäre ich wahrscheinlich vor Freude zusammengebrochen. Tolle Musiker.
@@Lew-Ashby 🙏💕 Danke 💕🙏
Was mich fasziniert ist, dass sogar der Junge seine Kopfhörer abnimmt. Einfach herrlich
@@alexanderkaiser8770 Your flag seems familiar...
Where are you from?
Was mich fasziniert, sind die Menschen ohne Mundschutz. Hoch, das waren noch schöne Zeiten
@@irfanshafri9574 It's just from the Kaiserreich
This is absolutely beautiful, we the people, stand together in solidarity, don't let the stringed puppets rule us, we are all beautiful humans.
Pay attention to the small children, how calm and interested they listen, no baby cries or fidgets.
These tones are BEAUTIFUL !
These children are the descendants of the culture that made Beethoven. It is especially touching to watch!
The hairs on my neck are standing. Beautiful. Fantastic, music for the soul .Warmest of wishes from England
Music can do that not even politicians can: gather hundred people and make them feel true emotions. Thanks for sharing! It's beautiful! Beethoven for ever!
Who "dislikes" this??? C'mon...
I've got chills... Watching Jan. 1, 2020... Awesome!
I was just thinking the same. What is wrong with over 5k people giving this a thumbs down?
Some grumpy british guys
Xenophobic pieces of trash who are afraid of other people’s cultures.
People against the EU I guess
Watching now at 2019.
And guess who's crying after watching the video? It's just that brilliant!
same here
The same here:-)
Me too, me too. 🥰😭🥰
and no truck of peace mowing people to ...
@@Kairat1969 what the hell is wrong with you? do you have a decency deficiency? an intelligence deficiency? suffering frm know-nothing asshole-ism? or are you jst a lame-ass Russian troll with no soul?
Its all of the above, right?!
Yeah, that's it. 🤨🙄😠
A true masterpiece. Not only because of the heavenly misuc but for each and every details of the video: I get back regularly to watch it and I always have tears in my eyes when it's over...
So was schönes sollte man öfter in den Innenstädten bringen, das die Leute sich mal wieder wahrnehmen, und merken das Sie nicht allein auf der Erde sind, und das Gemeinschaft was ganz tolles sein kann.
Ganz deiner Meinung. Musik ist eine universelle Sprache. Flashmob mit Musik ist einfach genial.
This performance filled my heart with joy, and moved my eyes to tears. My thanks to the musicians and people in the crowd. Bravo!
Many thanks to the choir and the voices from the crowd as well. =D
LYRICS - English translation:
Joy, beautiful sparkle of God,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, fire-drunk,
Heavenly, your holy sanctuary.
Your magics bind again
What custom has strictly parted.
(1785 version: What custom's sword has parted.)
All men become brothers
(1785 version: Beggars become princes' brothers.)
Where your tender wing lingers.
Be embraced, millions!
This kiss to the entire world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
Must a loving Father reside.
Who has succeeded in the great attempt
To be a friend's friend;
Whoever has won a lovely woman
Add in his jubilation!
Yes, who calls even one soul
His own on the earth's sphere!
And whoever never could achieve this,
Let him steal away crying from this gathering!
Those who occupy the great circle,
Pay homage to sympathy!
It leads to the stars
Where the unknown one reigns.
All creatures drink joy
At the breasts of nature,
All good, all evil
Follow her trail of roses.
Kisses she gave us, and the vine,
A friend, proven in death.
Pleasure was given to the worm,
And the cherub stands before God.
Do you fall down, you millions?
Do you sense the creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy,
Above the stars he must live.
Joy is the name of the strong spring
In eternal nature.
Joy, joy drives the wheels
In the great clock of worlds.
She lures flowers from the buds,
Suns out of the firmament,
She rolls spheres in the spaces
That the seer's telescope does not know.
Happy, as his suns fly
Across Heaven's splendid map,
Run, brothers, along your path
Joyfully, as a hero to victory.
From the fiery mirror of truth
She smiles upon the researcher,
Towards virtue’s steep hill
She guides the endurer’s path.
Upon faith’s sunlit mountain
One sees her banners in the wind,
Through the opening of burst coffins
One sees them standing in the chorus of angels.
Endure courageously, millions!
Endure for the better world!
There above the starry canopy
A great God will reward.
Gods one cannot repay
Beautiful it is, to be like them.
Grief and poverty, acquaint yourselves
With the joyful ones rejoice.
Anger and revenge be forgotten,
Our deadly enemy be forgiven,
No tears shall he shed
No remorse shall gnaw at him
Our debt registers be abolished
Reconcile the entire world!
Brothers, over the starry canopy
God judges, as we judged.
Joy bubbles in the cup,
In the grape’s golden blood
Cannibals drink gentleness
The fearful, courage --
Brothers, fly from your perches,
When the full cup is passed,
Let the foam spray to the heavens
This glass to the good spirit
He whom the spirals of stars praise,
He whom the seraphim’s hymn glorifies,
This glass to the good spirit
Above the starry canopy!
Courage firm in great suffering,
Help there, where innocence weeps,
Eternally sworn oaths,
Truth towards friend and foe,
Mens’ pride before kings’ thrones --
Brothers, even if it costs property and blood, --
The crowns to those who earn them,
Defeat to the lying brood!
Close the holy circle tighter,
Swear by this golden vine:
Remain true to the vows,
Swear by the judge above the stars!
(The 1803 version ends here; the 1785 version continues with the following.)
Escape the tyrants’ chains,
Generosity also to the villain,
Hope upon the deathbeds,
Mercy from the high court!
The dead, too, shall live!
Brothers, drink and chime in,
All sinners shall be forgiven,
And hell shall be no more.
A serene departing hour!
Sweet sleep in the shroud!
Brothers-a mild sentence
From the final judge!
Ronald Abelilla i was filled with the feel of same..
Whenever I listen to this song I get tears of joy though I can't understand a single word .
Love from India ♥️
Same..but i dont even know how i get tears!
I'm blinking away the tears as well......and the words start ( in English ) "Oh Joy, thou wondrous spark of God..." which shouldn't perhaps arouse such emotion in a total non-believer in anything "supernatural" but it does.
@pumpkin head @japeking1
Hey guys happy to see you
Beethoven is always living in this masterpiece 😭😭♥️♥️♥️
No one has composed like him
It's been 195 years and this masterpiece will live forever ♥️♥️
@@bksurez1439 just Google The Following:
"Lyrics to Ode to die Freude" and scroll down to both Wikipedia (poem) and lyricstranslate.com. The second listing translates the song into English.
Please leave me a comment, or at least a thumbs up. Thanks.😎😎👌👌
@@incrediblesimilarity5858 hey dude thanks for sharing will check it ♥️♥️
Today it's Liberation Day in the Netherlands. It's 77 years ago that Europe (or at least a big part of it) was liberated from tiranny and oppression. Now we can see how fragile our peace and liberty is, as our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are now the victim of exactly the same thing. Yes, even genocide. It's time to think about it, understand the freedom that we have in the European Union/Schengen Area, act on it (by supporting our Ukrainian family as well). #ProudtobeEuropean #EuropeanUnion #Schengen #Ukraine And yes, I sing out loud and with my hand on my heart. No, it's not an achievement to be born in Europe, it's a pure blessing and luck. Yet, being European is a mindset that you can feel in your heart
Spent a little over a year in Stuttgart courtesy of the US Army Feb 1980 to May 1981. Absolutely loved every minute of it, the people, the food, the country. Hope to return someday.
Tears in my eyes.
Just wonderfull.
Music is the best language in the world!
+Peer M Absolutely!! I don't even know the lyrics.. but it gives me teary eyes. All the time!
+Victor Olorunfemi Same here. Very moving and wonderful.
Wer bitte drückt "gefällt mir nicht" ? Ich bin auch nicht der Klassik-Fan, aber hab grad mega Gänsehaut..
wahrscheinlich jemand, dem die EU gefällt nicht. Engländer, Russen, AfD Wähler, usw. Leider es gibt viele von Ihnen. Grüsse aus Italien
Stell dir mal vor, man kann die europäische Kultur lieben und die EU ablehnen, gar nicht so schwer...die meisten Russen und Engländer schätzen Europa, die meisten AfD-Wähler sicher auch...die EU zerstört Europa.
Das ist so ziemlich das Schönste, was ich bisher auf YT gesehen habe. ... Ganz, ganz toll! 😊👍✊