Thanks for sharing your fast! I did a 30 day juice fast at 38 years old. Drank 9 to 12 pints a day. 3 pints a day were veggies, the rest were fruit. 1 table spoon of hemp seed oil per day. My favorite was pineapple orange mix. Spent approximately $25 per day. At least one bowel movement a day. Water % went from 51% to 65%. Lost 30 pounds. Bone density stayed same, muscle mass stayed same. Fat % reduced. Had more energy than ever before. Worked 6 days a week, physical job. Out preformed myself daily. Used the cooler with ice. Juiced every evening for the next day. 2 hours prepwork daily. Drank a pint every 1.5 hours. Back pain gone, allergies gone, skin became incredibly soft. Positive mental attitude, connected with nature. Mole fell off! It was great! The most significant event of my entire life! Highly recommend a juice fast. This was the jump start to my vegan lifestyle. Been vegan for 4 years and 4 months now. Check out the John Rose juice fasting info on youtube!
I find hard to believe you didn’t lose muscle mass from 30 days fasting juice cleanse. Taking in account that a fruit juice may contain around 2g tops of protein and the green one 4g that’s way off from enough daily intake. Also not buying the other list of things you said are fixed just because the juice, specially not the back pain or the allergies. Also as curiosity, how were your sugar blood levels before and after?
I respect your opinion and thanks for the reply. Allow me to explain. While fasting I used a scale that measures weight, bmi, H2O, bone density, fat, and muscle mass. It has metal strips that you stand on bare footed. I can't be certain of how the scale works. Used it everyday during my fast though. As far as protein goes, I was not building muscle, just maintaining. From my experience humans do not require as much protein as we are led to believe. Regardless, greens have lots of protein. Gorillas, horses and cows get protein from plants. Why should plants not be enough for me. 175 pound human. I believe my back pain disappeared due to eliminating pounds of undigested waste from my intestines. Misshapen and enlarged colon was pushing organs and vertebrae out of place. The allergies were likely a result of toxic overload that was eliminated while fasting. Look up mucoid plaque. Very interesting. Anyway, this is how it was for me. I'm not a doctor, but I now trust my own experiences more than any doctor. Hope this is helpful to you. There are hundreds if not thousands of similar stories in the comments on John Roses channel. I wish you health and wellness sir. Peace
PSA to use your juice pulp for stuff! This juice fast I made crackers, some pulp muffins/breads, and pulp Pattie’s. Produce is expensive yall, utilize as much as you can! 🤩 I didn’t know this was a thing until recently so I’m pretty excited to share it 💓 also baking while fasting seems to help mentally with the want for food, strangely.
Thanks for posting this man. I'm on day 7 and feel great. Lost 11 pounds. I couldn't believe that on day five I had a small hard stool. I'm done pooping now. It just goes to show you it dose take I week to clean out your colon. I feel great dude and my eczema is going away.
Awesome! Keep it going! Juice feasts are by far the best thing you can do for your health. I put it above water fasting because you actually have energy and can go about your daily life. It’s way more accessible. Enjoy the juice! 😊
I suffered with acid reflux for years, stomach irritation, ibs like BADLY.. 2 week juice fast in 2018 and I've barely had reflux since, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it
I have started juicing and you’re the first one that I have seen to say how often you drink the juice tru out the day every two hrs is perfect for me I find your video so very informative simplicity is key I love ❤️ it ! Thank you 🙏🏾!
Juice feast! One thing I've learned from juice fasting is all the sugar can make your teeth feel fuzzy so the urge is to brush your teeth hard after drinking the juices - bad idea! The fruit acids soften the enamel and if you brush hard then you'll scrub away your enamel and cause dental issues (I learned that the hard way!). Better to drink water first and let your mouth's pH return to normal before gently brushing with a soft brush. Or better yet - drink the juices through a straw.
Thank you for all your knowledge and cool vids! I have a critical question: Why are you throughing away the pulp? There might be ways to use defrozen pulp in recipes through out the rest of the year. Keep on being inspirational and content
I just buy a handful of my favorite fruit and veggies and juice them separately. Then store them in mason jars and mix the juice together as needed. No need to use and clean the juicer everyday. I make enough to last 7 days and it saves so much time. The first time I juiced, I was trying all kinds of recipes I didn't like and it was a waste of time, money and energy. Now I only buy what I like, don't even bother with recipes, and juice everything separately. It's like buying a gallon of apple juice and orange juice and just mixing some together. Easy peasy!
Thanks for posting. I bought a juicer after watching “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” with Joe Cross. Felt great juicing (focus, energy, weight loss) but, of course, went back to bad habits. Also, you’re right, juicing can get expensive and tiresome with the clean up. You’ve inspired me to do another cleanse and get back on track. Thanks!
Juicing removes much of the fiber and antioxidants from the fruit or veggies and concentrates the sugar. Using a blender, making a smoothie is a much better health practice. Weight loss may be due to a very temporary loss of water weight and fecal mater. Such a cleanse can be done by fasting for a day or two drinking a lot of water and a bottle or two of magnesium citrate.
Thanks! Glad you liked the video. Yeah, you typically would want fiber. Absolutely. But by letting the juicer separate the nutritious juice from the fiber for you, your digestive system doesn’t have to do it. So your body spends less energy to get energy from juice. That’s part of what makes the juice fast so beneficial. Your digestive system gets a huge break and you’re literally flushed out with nutritious goodness. However, I will say that the juice fast is a bit much for some people - it’s daunting to not eat solid food for days on end - so something I’ve done in previous years is a whole food raw cleanse. What I do is eat all the raw fruits and veggies I like for 7 days. It works quite well. All the junk that’s been built up in your colon for so long gets blasted out (have a toilet nearby at all times, trust me). It’s not quite the same level as the juice fast where your digestive system essentially shuts down, but still really beneficial and can totally “reset” your health, especially for people who’ve never done a cleanse before.
@@MinusTheGym Yeah. I am in a phase where I am moving from a «healthy meat» diet to a whole food plant based diet. Experiencing extreme differences in reduced inflamation, lower weight, more energy and better sleep. Also the increased fiber helps with keeping me full for longer. Kombined with som starter calesthenics I am seeing results. Anyways. Thanks for creating cool and interesting content!
This idea if juice fasting seems really fun to explore, right now I'm using Cronometer to try various combinations of nuts and seeds with salads, which would involve no cooking at all, once I figure out the exact combination I would like to know your opinion on this. I am currently not on the above mentioned diet, but once I figure out, I'll try it for 14 days at least, if I like it I'll continue it for more time.
I’ve juiced strawberries but never tried blueberries or raspberries 🤔 I’m sure it’ll work, but just be aware that some fruits create more of a purée than juice when going through a juicer. Yellow mango is another example that creates a purée.
I clearly can’t :) Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is a hereditary trait. It’s in a man’s genetics. My best advice is to embrace it. Once it starts to affect your confidence, just buzz it all off and start rocking the dome. It’s so much better than trying to fight it, trust me.
Thanks. Will be trying this out. I have Macular Degeneration and my Doctor told me spinach and kale were the best foods for eye health. There's also specific vitamins you can take.
I’m not sure what Macular Degeneration is, but if it’s related to vision, I can tell firsthand that carrots do help your vision. It’s not a myth. Glad my video helped you out. Also, your doctor is a keeper if he/she is recommending kale and spinach! 👍
Kale is excellent, but too much of a good thing can actually create problems. Kale is highly concentrated with vitamin K and too much of it can interfere with blood clotting, also kale has a high concentrate of potassium Too much potassium will cause hyperkalemia. Just an FYI. I love kale but limit it in my juicing. Be blessed and be well.
Trying this on day 4. Bowel moments have been few and far between. Obviously this is a lack of fiber. Did you have the same results and is this concerning?
Hi there! 🙋♂️ I’m wondering what are your subscriber demographics? Near 300k subscribers so I’d be surprised if majority would be US-based. The reason I’m asking - gallons, pounds and all the imperial units are so tough to grasp for international viewers that it might be a good idea to at least provide captioned conversions to metric ;) Just a friendly idea. Greetings from Poland, you got me all hyped about calisthenics:)
this is interesting iam a very physical intense hands on gardener i find if i eat at work my stomuch wont accept it as iam in work mode you could say i can imagine these maybe working . id rarther do a smoothie and not juice and keep the fiber or would juiceing be much better for digestion in my situation as i cart eat at work and its hard at times
So this is all really good information and thank you for being so thorough. If I may add a few things which are very important. I've been juicing since the early 1970s. I learned about whole food/raw foods & juicing from the Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico - LONG story. Anyway, as you note, juice fasts or cleanses are so beneficial to the body and have the added benefit of keeping the immune system strong which can fight off all disease, including cancer. HOWEVER, and this is a big one - you MUST juice ORGANIC produce. Conventionally grown fruits and veggies when juiced concentrate whatever pesticides, etc., were used on them. Also, I used a centrifugal juicer and then switched to a slow masticating juicer (Greenstar Elite), and ditched that a few years ago in favor of a .... VITAMIX. The Vitamix makes awesome juice and, you have the added benefit of getting ALL the fibre in your juice. Most fruits and veggies contain the bulk of their nutrients in their skin or just under the skin. When you juice your pineapples, JUICE THE SKIN, too. Just be sure to thoroughly wash everything first and, if using a Vitamix add COLD water (I add ice cubes) because you do not want to heat your juice. Have a blessed and healthful day!
So the before picture your closer to the camera, sticking your stomach out, and have body hair. The after picture you’re further away from the camera, not pushing out belly and shaved chest. These could have been taken the same day. Easy results with a camera.
Bonsai Baby if you watched the whole video you'd see that I show my before and after bodyweight and there's a 5.5 lbs difference. I definitely lost fat in my lower midsection.
If you drink enough juice, you’ll be fine. My relative strength went up, which means my total bodyweight decreased and I maintained my strength and lean mass. Bottom line is, if you get enough calories and make sure to drink as much vegetable juice as you do fruit juice, you won’t wither away 😊
@@UnserSindViele You could add a protein shake. I've heard of some people doing that. It would take away from the full effect of the juice cleanse, IMO, but I imagine you'd still feel fantastic. Honestly though, as crazy as it sounds, you don't need that extra protein. That's one of the many things juice fasting has taught me. We don't need such a protein intake, at least with short-term fasts like this.
When you cleanse everything empties from your colon. We can have up to 12-15 days’ worth of food sitting inside of us digesting all the time. Just emptying that out is very beneficial to you, but the benefits go way beyond that when the liver and kidneys have a chance to detoxify. Whoever convinced you that cleanses “aren’t real” has a lot to learn about anatomy and nutrition.
The fasting is also helpful for resetting eating habits. A simple five day juice fast over this New Year's helped me cut out coffee, alcohol, dairy and gluten. I've been eating clean since - mainly juices, smoothies, salads, eggs and fish - and I've lost 6kg and with lots of exercise gained lots of muscle and fell incredibly energetic. Definitely a cleanse compared to my previous diet.
Yes, it’s still very cleansing to eat raw fruits and veggies for a week. Focus on fruit. When I’ve done a raw food cleanse in the past, I ate primarily fruit for breakfast and lunch, then dinner was a giant green salad with a dressing made from fruit or raw nuts/seeds. It works great. If you’ve never done a cleanse before, just make sure you keep a bathroom nearby because you’ll be eliminating a lot of waste! I was going about 5 or 6 times a day the first time I cleansed. It finally balanced out around day 4 or 5
This flushes out your whole digestive system. Everything from your mouth to your anus, but specifically the stomach, small intestine and large intestine will be completely empty from solid food. This is important because we usually have many days worth of food sitting inside of us and things can get backed up. You’re also getting showered in nutrients from the juice, and these juices have healing abilities for various organs. You really do feel lighter and cleaner afterwards, like your body has been cleansed and your health has been “reset.”
Hi Chantal, sorry I’m late replying. Hopefully You’ve broken the fast. We should be having bowel movements every day of the fast. If you typically are regular when eating solid food, I’d recommend making sure you’re physically active every day of a juice fast. Going on a 30-minute walk is a nice gentle way to get things moving. If you aren’t typically regular (daily or multiple daily bowel movements), then I’d recommend doing daily colon massages next time to get things moving, or even better, consider getting a colonic. It’s possible you have compacted fecal matter causing a blockage. I hope that helps and sorry I’m late. I get way too many comments to reply to everything.
I always break my juice fasts with super ripe fruit. I believe it was watermelon that time. Sometimes it’s soaked prunes. A small meal of any water-dense fruit is the best approach, in my experience. Give it a few hours to pass through your system and make sure all is well. If you feel fine after a few hours then you can have more solid fruit in a larger quantity. Typically I’ll eat just fruit for a few meals and then start reintroducing leafy vegetables, bell peppers, cucumber, etc with a small salad in the evening. Then I start on cooked food the next day. That’s for a typical 1 week fast. If I were to fast longer than a week, I’d probably reintroduce solid food a little slower. Fruits on day 1, fruit + veggies on day 2, then cooked food on day 3. Something like that.
I am simply fasting for a week right now. Not so energetic for sure, although much better after. Maybe next time will do juicing. But I hate to waste the solid part, though. And my family won't be able to eat it all, especially it is a not so attractive mush 🙂
I hear ya on water fasting. I fee pretty crumby and get light headed sometimes while water fasting. Juice fasting actually has more benefits, at least in my experience. And I’ve heard that the pulp has very little nutrition. Not even worth saving and using in soups/stews. I don’t know if that’s true or not but it makes me fee better about pitching it. You could always compost it if you have a garden.
what i mean is can u sub in outside of the juice, a shake where you blend bananas, and other fruits and vegetables with ice and perhaps a whey protein? or will this ruin it
Awesome! The first 2-3 days might be rough, but then you’ll start feeling great and it gets better and better from there. Good luck and drink plenty of juice!
On day 4 of my cleanse, yesterday I really wanted to eat some food looool, but I stayed strong, my best juice is watermelon, pineapple, mangoes, and ginger OMG! It's really nice, I do CrossFit, and my strength is relatively reduced but nothing significant, I was 75.3kgs when I started, and today morning I weighed 72.65kgs. I feel pretty good energy-wise and generally, will give an update on day 7!
4:00- no plastic!!!!!!!!! The health of our planet is much more important "than easier to clean". Reusable bags all the way👍 I dont meen to hate man i love ur videis that just really pist me off
Same! I was wondering why he wasted a plastic bag, but also doesn't put it out for compost - in my town, they collect a separate container with only food scraps. We have to buy compostable thin bags to use (from costco) to put our food scraps in, then it goes into a big bin at the end of our driveway every week for the town to pick up....along with our garbage bag, and recycling bins....but I'm thinking perhaps not every city/town does that. Maybe he's since decided to get a compost bin for his backyard and compost directly.
Don’t stop the fast. The headache could be a sign of withdrawal if you’d stopped caffeine or another substance for the fast, or it could be a sign of detoxification. Either way, I recommend sticking it out if you can. It’s worth it when you come out on the other side.
You should know that drinking juice has the same effect in the body than drinking a coke: quick peak of insuling resulting in fat if sugar is not used quickly. You are basically freeing the sugar from its matrix... why getting rid of all that fiber present in those vegetables? Why not just eating those vegetables as they are? Of course you lost weight, but because you decreased total number of calories intake, but you shouldn't be recommending this as a healthy thing to do.
Thanks for sharing your fast!
I did a 30 day juice fast at 38 years old. Drank 9 to 12 pints a day. 3 pints a day were veggies, the rest were fruit. 1 table spoon of hemp seed oil per day. My favorite was pineapple orange mix. Spent approximately $25 per day. At least one bowel movement a day. Water % went from 51% to 65%. Lost 30 pounds. Bone density stayed same, muscle mass stayed same. Fat % reduced. Had more energy than ever before. Worked 6 days a week, physical job. Out preformed myself daily. Used the cooler with ice. Juiced every evening for the next day. 2 hours prepwork daily. Drank a pint every 1.5 hours. Back pain gone, allergies gone, skin became incredibly soft. Positive mental attitude, connected with nature. Mole fell off! It was great! The most significant event of my entire life! Highly recommend a juice fast. This was the jump start to my vegan lifestyle. Been vegan for 4 years and 4 months now. Check out the John Rose juice fasting info on youtube!
30 days?! That’s incredible! I’m pinning this. Such a great testimonial. Thanks!
I find hard to believe you didn’t lose muscle mass from 30 days fasting juice cleanse.
Taking in account that a fruit juice may contain around 2g tops of protein and the green one 4g that’s way off from enough daily intake.
Also not buying the other list of things you said are fixed just because the juice, specially not the back pain or the allergies.
Also as curiosity, how were your sugar blood levels before and after?
I respect your opinion and thanks for the reply. Allow me to explain. While fasting I used a scale that measures weight, bmi, H2O, bone density, fat, and muscle mass. It has metal strips that you stand on bare footed.
I can't be certain of how the scale works. Used it everyday during my fast though. As far as protein goes, I was not building muscle, just maintaining. From my experience humans do not require as much protein as we are led to believe. Regardless, greens have lots of protein. Gorillas, horses and cows get protein from plants. Why should plants not be enough for me. 175 pound human. I believe my back pain disappeared due to eliminating pounds of undigested waste from my intestines. Misshapen and enlarged colon was pushing organs and vertebrae out of place. The allergies were likely a result of toxic overload that was eliminated while fasting. Look up mucoid plaque. Very interesting. Anyway, this is how it was for me. I'm not a doctor, but I now trust my own experiences more than any doctor. Hope this is helpful to you. There are hundreds if not thousands of similar stories in the comments on John Roses channel. I wish you health and wellness sir.
Check out Nathan Von Dutch channel on RUclips. He video documented 120 days of juice fasting. Weight lifting often during the fast.
You forgot to mention that it cured your baldness, got rid of your cancer and you grew 2" in height.
PSA to use your juice pulp for stuff! This juice fast I made crackers, some pulp muffins/breads, and pulp Pattie’s. Produce is expensive yall, utilize as much as you can! 🤩 I didn’t know this was a thing until recently so I’m pretty excited to share it 💓 also baking while fasting seems to help mentally with the want for food, strangely.
Thanks for posting this man. I'm on day 7 and feel great. Lost 11 pounds. I couldn't believe that on day five I had a small hard stool. I'm done pooping now. It just goes to show you it dose take I week to clean out your colon. I feel great dude and my eczema is going away.
I’m on day 2 of my juice fasting.
So far I feel energized and lighter
Awesome! Keep it going! Juice feasts are by far the best thing you can do for your health. I put it above water fasting because you actually have energy and can go about your daily life. It’s way more accessible. Enjoy the juice! 😊
Good stuff!
Sometimes I like to get juice from the local health food store. My absolute favorite juice is: kale, cucumber, apple, lemon & ginger.
I suffered with acid reflux for years, stomach irritation, ibs like BADLY.. 2 week juice fast in 2018 and I've barely had reflux since, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it
What juice did u make
I love how he clearly explains everything in detail. Thanks for all your great ideas, I am now working out. Thank you!
I have started juicing and you’re the first one that I have seen to say how often you drink the juice tru out the day every two hrs is perfect for me I find your video so very informative simplicity is key I love ❤️ it ! Thank you 🙏🏾!
Awesome! I’m glad the video helped! ❤️
Juice feast!
One thing I've learned from juice fasting is all the sugar can make your teeth feel fuzzy so the urge is to brush your teeth hard after drinking the juices - bad idea! The fruit acids soften the enamel and if you brush hard then you'll scrub away your enamel and cause dental issues (I learned that the hard way!). Better to drink water first and let your mouth's pH return to normal before gently brushing with a soft brush. Or better yet - drink the juices through a straw.
Bro you don’t look pale, your skin just looks like it’s glowing! Lol
Great video.
I would add a small side note, all the pulp leftover from the juice is great to dig into the garden (assuming you have a garden).
Thanks! I do have a garden. Will definitely do that.
Great idea! Or compost bin
Thank you for all your knowledge and cool vids!
I have a critical question: Why are you throughing away the pulp? There might be ways to use defrozen pulp in recipes through out the rest of the year.
Keep on being inspirational and content
The image on your video thumbnail, did you shave your chest, or did your hair fall out during the fast?😬
Lol I shaved it. Should have shaved before too but didn’t think of it before I snapped the before pic.
I just buy a handful of my favorite fruit and veggies and juice them separately. Then store them in mason jars and mix the juice together as needed. No need to use and clean the juicer everyday. I make enough to last 7 days and it saves so much time. The first time I juiced, I was trying all kinds of recipes I didn't like and it was a waste of time, money and energy. Now I only buy what I like, don't even bother with recipes, and juice everything separately. It's like buying a gallon of apple juice and orange juice and just mixing some together. Easy peasy!
From INDIA🇮🇳🇮🇳
But I watch your informative videos Regularly.😊😊
Thanks for posting. I bought a juicer after watching “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” with Joe Cross. Felt great juicing (focus, energy, weight loss) but, of course, went back to bad habits. Also, you’re right, juicing can get expensive and tiresome with the clean up. You’ve inspired me to do another cleanse and get back on track. Thanks!
That same documentary is what got me into juicing about a decade ago. And I'm glad I inspired you to do another cleanse. Go for it!
GREAT point to swish the juice around with your saliva! I had no idea, but this makes so much sense!
Juicing removes much of the fiber and antioxidants from the fruit or veggies and concentrates the sugar. Using a blender, making a smoothie is a much better health practice. Weight loss may be due to a very temporary loss of water weight and fecal mater. Such a cleanse can be done by fasting for a day or two drinking a lot of water and a bottle or two of magnesium citrate.
That’s just mainstream science propaganda
What about the fiber? Is it not better to just eat all the veggies and fruit? Or alt least some of it? Why juce it? Otherwise. Awsome!
Thanks! Glad you liked the video. Yeah, you typically would want fiber. Absolutely. But by letting the juicer separate the nutritious juice from the fiber for you, your digestive system doesn’t have to do it. So your body spends less energy to get energy from juice. That’s part of what makes the juice fast so beneficial. Your digestive system gets a huge break and you’re literally flushed out with nutritious goodness.
However, I will say that the juice fast is a bit much for some people - it’s daunting to not eat solid food for days on end - so something I’ve done in previous years is a whole food raw cleanse. What I do is eat all the raw fruits and veggies I like for 7 days. It works quite well. All the junk that’s been built up in your colon for so long gets blasted out (have a toilet nearby at all times, trust me). It’s not quite the same level as the juice fast where your digestive system essentially shuts down, but still really beneficial and can totally “reset” your health, especially for people who’ve never done a cleanse before.
@@MinusTheGym Yeah. I am in a phase where I am moving from a «healthy meat» diet to a whole food plant based diet. Experiencing extreme differences in reduced inflamation, lower weight, more energy and better sleep. Also the increased fiber helps with keeping me full for longer. Kombined with som starter calesthenics I am seeing results. Anyways. Thanks for creating cool and interesting content!
Have you thought about using nut milk bags to squeeze out the juice then composting the leftovers?
I have not. That’s a good idea though because some of the juices had pulp in them. I’ll strain them next time, for sure.
Exactly what I was thinking.
This idea if juice fasting seems really fun to explore, right now I'm using Cronometer to try various combinations of nuts and seeds with salads, which would involve no cooking at all, once I figure out the exact combination I would like to know your opinion on this.
I am currently not on the above mentioned diet, but once I figure out, I'll try it for 14 days at least, if I like it I'll continue it for more time.
Wow. Great video. I know it's old but I had a question. Do u make juice outta the berries as well or no?
I’ve juiced strawberries but never tried blueberries or raspberries 🤔 I’m sure it’ll work, but just be aware that some fruits create more of a purée than juice when going through a juicer. Yellow mango is another example that creates a purée.
I always found kale to be a bitter and I can't drink or eat anything bitter. Is there any fruit that I can mix with it to sweeten it?
Apple and carrot go really well with it!
could you suggest me a diet to prevent hairloss
I clearly can’t :) Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is a hereditary trait. It’s in a man’s genetics. My best advice is to embrace it. Once it starts to affect your confidence, just buzz it all off and start rocking the dome. It’s so much better than trying to fight it, trust me.
finasteride based diet
You might want to skip the slow juicer and go straight to a vacuum juicer..So worth it..There are many videos on the difference..
I’ve never even heard of a vacuum juicer. Thanks, I’ll research it 😊
@@MinusTheGym blender
the juice took away your body hair😱
Thanks. Will be trying this out. I have Macular Degeneration and my Doctor told me spinach and kale were the best foods for eye health. There's also specific vitamins you can take.
I’m not sure what Macular Degeneration is, but if it’s related to vision, I can tell firsthand that carrots do help your vision. It’s not a myth. Glad my video helped you out. Also, your doctor is a keeper if he/she is recommending kale and spinach! 👍
Kale is excellent, but too much of a good thing can actually create problems. Kale is highly concentrated with vitamin K and too much of it can interfere with blood clotting, also kale has a high concentrate of potassium Too much potassium will cause hyperkalemia. Just an FYI. I love kale but limit it in my juicing. Be blessed and be well.
I have a nutribullet. Is that ok to use instead? Also, I’m fasting from 3am till 9:30pm at night. Is it still ok to do this juice diet?
Trying this on day 4. Bowel moments have been few and far between. Obviously this is a lack of fiber. Did you have the same results and is this concerning?
Hi there! 🙋♂️ I’m wondering what are your subscriber demographics? Near 300k subscribers so I’d be surprised if majority would be US-based. The reason I’m asking - gallons, pounds and all the imperial units are so tough to grasp for international viewers that it might be a good idea to at least provide captioned conversions to metric ;) Just a friendly idea. Greetings from Poland, you got me all hyped about calisthenics:)
There's a thing called Google. Jesus.
You don’t really expect half of the audience to pause the video every few seconds to convert the units? Would you feel comfortable to do so?
@@michalakdotnet yes I do. I need to convert it as well and it is not hard.
Excellent for weight loss, but did nothing for my back pain
Remind me of a documentary called Fat sick nearly dead thank for reminding you are blessing to community
I will do it this week, thank you!
Enjoy! It’s such a great experience. I’m already looking forward to my next juice cleanse 😁
Super informative!! 🙌 Thank you for this! 💚 ✨ 🧬
this is interesting
iam a very physical intense hands on gardener i find if i eat at work my stomuch wont accept it as iam in work mode you could say
i can imagine these maybe working . id rarther do a smoothie and not juice and keep the fiber or would juiceing be much better for digestion in my situation as i cart eat at work and its hard at times
I didn't know that Johnny Sins is also a juice cleanse expert.🤣
So this is all really good information and thank you for being so thorough. If I may add a few things which are very important. I've been juicing since the early 1970s. I learned about whole food/raw foods & juicing from the Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico - LONG story. Anyway, as you note, juice fasts or cleanses are so beneficial to the body and have the added benefit of keeping the immune system strong which can fight off all disease, including cancer. HOWEVER, and this is a big one - you MUST juice ORGANIC produce. Conventionally grown fruits and veggies when juiced concentrate whatever pesticides, etc., were used on them. Also, I used a centrifugal juicer and then switched to a slow masticating juicer (Greenstar Elite), and ditched that a few years ago in favor of a .... VITAMIX. The Vitamix makes awesome juice and, you have the added benefit of getting ALL the fibre in your juice. Most fruits and veggies contain the bulk of their nutrients in their skin or just under the skin. When you juice your pineapples, JUICE THE SKIN, too. Just be sure to thoroughly wash everything first and, if using a Vitamix add COLD water (I add ice cubes) because you do not want to heat your juice. Have a blessed and healthful day!
So the before picture your closer to the camera, sticking your stomach out, and have body hair. The after picture you’re further away from the camera, not pushing out belly and shaved chest. These could have been taken the same day. Easy results with a camera.
I was finna say the same thing 😂💀 mans shaved his chest and thought it’d make a difference 😭
Bonsai Baby if you watched the whole video you'd see that I show my before and after bodyweight and there's a 5.5 lbs difference. I definitely lost fat in my lower midsection.
@@MinusTheGym I guess it only works for some people.
Focus more on kale leaves for eyes
Thank you. I’ll be doing it soon
Glad it helped!
I think that’s awesome! I just kinda wonder about muscle loss. I’m not young like u and I’m female at that. What do u suggest?
If you drink enough juice, you’ll be fine. My relative strength went up, which means my total bodyweight decreased and I maintained my strength and lean mass. Bottom line is, if you get enough calories and make sure to drink as much vegetable juice as you do fruit juice, you won’t wither away 😊
Don’t do it!😂
@@bonsaibaby8257 🤣
@@MinusTheGym Could you add a protein drink to your daily intake or would that be detrimental to the cleanse?
@@UnserSindViele You could add a protein shake. I've heard of some people doing that. It would take away from the full effect of the juice cleanse, IMO, but I imagine you'd still feel fantastic. Honestly though, as crazy as it sounds, you don't need that extra protein. That's one of the many things juice fasting has taught me. We don't need such a protein intake, at least with short-term fasts like this.
I am on day 2. The juice is not worth the squeeze! 2kg lost though.
Update. The juicer broke. Never been so happy! Dreadful idea. Nice carrot soup instead!
Radishes are good for eyesight too
Usually like your channel but the claim that you need to *cleanse* your body is pseudo-scientific BS!
have you actually tried it
When you cleanse everything empties from your colon. We can have up to 12-15 days’ worth of food sitting inside of us digesting all the time. Just emptying that out is very beneficial to you, but the benefits go way beyond that when the liver and kidneys have a chance to detoxify. Whoever convinced you that cleanses “aren’t real” has a lot to learn about anatomy and nutrition.
@@MinusTheGym exactly. i have done this and it felt almost like a refreshing reset for my body and brain.
The fasting is also helpful for resetting eating habits. A simple five day juice fast over this New Year's helped me cut out coffee, alcohol, dairy and gluten. I've been eating clean since - mainly juices, smoothies, salads, eggs and fish - and I've lost 6kg and with lots of exercise gained lots of muscle and fell incredibly energetic. Definitely a cleanse compared to my previous diet.
I agree. Its total BS. I can't take people seriously when they go down this path. Sorry Ryan.
You're becoming more of a tree hugging hippie every day.
can we just eat the fruit or vegetable or does that blow the fast?
Yes, it’s still very cleansing to eat raw fruits and veggies for a week. Focus on fruit. When I’ve done a raw food cleanse in the past, I ate primarily fruit for breakfast and lunch, then dinner was a giant green salad with a dressing made from fruit or raw nuts/seeds. It works great. If you’ve never done a cleanse before, just make sure you keep a bathroom nearby because you’ll be eliminating a lot of waste! I was going about 5 or 6 times a day the first time I cleansed. It finally balanced out around day 4 or 5
@@MinusTheGym great thanks i ping u on facebook but i think here is better lol, im going to do a combo of both until i get down just juicing.
Johnny Sins does a juice clense
Do you drink water as normal on the juice fast?
Yep. I still drank a couple of my 40 oz. Yetis each day. Probably about 80 - 100 oz or so.
@@MinusTheGym Thank you 👍🏾
Could you please make a video on planche
really helpful man, thanks
Great, inspiring video!
What do you mean with cleansing?
This flushes out your whole digestive system. Everything from your mouth to your anus, but specifically the stomach, small intestine and large intestine will be completely empty from solid food. This is important because we usually have many days worth of food sitting inside of us and things can get backed up. You’re also getting showered in nutrients from the juice, and these juices have healing abilities for various organs. You really do feel lighter and cleaner afterwards, like your body has been cleansed and your health has been “reset.”
Day 6 and zero bowl movement? 🤷🏼♀️
Hi Chantal, sorry I’m late replying. Hopefully
You’ve broken the fast. We should be having bowel movements every day of the fast. If you typically are regular when eating solid food, I’d recommend making sure you’re physically active every day of a juice fast. Going on a 30-minute walk is a nice gentle way to get things moving. If you aren’t typically regular (daily or multiple daily bowel movements), then I’d recommend doing daily colon massages next time to get things moving, or even better, consider getting a colonic. It’s possible you have compacted fecal matter causing a blockage. I hope that helps and sorry I’m late. I get way too many comments to reply to everything.
he looks like some actor. I just cant tell who.
Jason Statham. In fact i think he looks like a mash-up of Statham and pro surfer Kelly Slater.
After the detox how did you go back to solids?
I always break my juice fasts with super ripe fruit. I believe it was watermelon that time. Sometimes it’s soaked prunes. A small meal of any water-dense fruit is the best approach, in my experience. Give it a few hours to pass through your system and make sure all is well. If you feel fine after a few hours then you can have more solid fruit in a larger quantity. Typically I’ll eat just fruit for a few meals and then start reintroducing leafy vegetables, bell peppers, cucumber, etc with a small salad in the evening. Then I start on cooked food the next day.
That’s for a typical 1 week fast. If I were to fast longer than a week, I’d probably reintroduce solid food a little slower. Fruits on day 1, fruit + veggies on day 2, then cooked food on day 3. Something like that.
@@MinusTheGym this is so helpful, thank you
I am simply fasting for a week right now. Not so energetic for sure, although much better after. Maybe next time will do juicing.
But I hate to waste the solid part, though. And my family won't be able to eat it all, especially it is a not so attractive mush 🙂
I hear ya on water fasting. I fee pretty crumby and get light headed sometimes while water fasting. Juice fasting actually has more benefits, at least in my experience. And I’ve heard that the pulp has very little nutrition. Not even worth saving and using in soups/stews. I don’t know if that’s true or not but it makes me fee better about pitching it. You could always compost it if you have a garden.
@@MinusTheGym lots of fiber, though, and still tasty, especially with small additions. And better use of your $$ ;)
Can you use bananas here or does it ruin it?
I’ve never tried juicing a banana. I don’t think it would work in my juicer... 🤔
what i mean is can u sub in outside of the juice, a shake where you blend bananas, and other fruits and vegetables with ice and perhaps a whey protein? or will this ruin it
@@MinusTheGym yeah i just got a juicer sorry i have been doing your shakes lately but is juicing stuff way different? figure its similar :)
Buying my fruits and vegies to start my cleanse, will update y’all
Awesome! The first 2-3 days might be rough, but then you’ll start feeling great and it gets better and better from there. Good luck and drink plenty of juice!
On day 4 of my cleanse, yesterday I really wanted to eat some food looool, but I stayed strong, my best juice is watermelon, pineapple, mangoes, and ginger OMG! It's really nice, I do CrossFit, and my strength is relatively reduced but nothing significant, I was 75.3kgs when I started, and today morning I weighed 72.65kgs. I feel pretty good energy-wise and generally, will give an update on day 7!
Awesome dude
Johnny Sins
4:00- no plastic!!!!!!!!! The health of our planet is much more important "than easier to clean". Reusable bags all the way👍
I dont meen to hate man i love ur videis that just really pist me off
Same! I was wondering why he wasted a plastic bag, but also doesn't put it out for compost - in my town, they collect a separate container with only food scraps. We have to buy compostable thin bags to use (from costco) to put our food scraps in, then it goes into a big bin at the end of our driveway every week for the town to pick up....along with our garbage bag, and recycling bins....but I'm thinking perhaps not every city/town does that. Maybe he's since decided to get a compost bin for his backyard and compost directly.
On my 3rd day and getting a headache
Don’t stop the fast. The headache could be a sign of withdrawal if you’d stopped caffeine or another substance for the fast, or it could be a sign of detoxification. Either way, I recommend sticking it out if you can. It’s worth it when you come out on the other side.
Thanks 😊
First commenter 😁😁😁
It is like your speaking my language
Johnny sins from Walmart:
Yo big fan.
He must be getting sick of all these johnny sins comments nowadays.
Walmart Johnny Sins:
You should know that drinking juice has the same effect in the body than drinking a coke: quick peak of insuling resulting in fat if sugar is not used quickly. You are basically freeing the sugar from its matrix... why getting rid of all that fiber present in those vegetables? Why not just eating those vegetables as they are? Of course you lost weight, but because you decreased total number of calories intake, but you shouldn't be recommending this as a healthy thing to do.
1 punch man was fire
hello friend.. well done! check marina jacobi detox channeled by et's
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
is this johnny sins?
What a dangerous fad that just won't die. It's a shame you put this video up.
Healthy juicing, plastic bag environmental devastation...
Smart idea to use american metrics(completly useless, only used one part of the world) for your measurements. :(
1 gallon is roughly 3.75 liters. That’s what I drank (minimally) per day in juice. Also, I lost 2.5 kg in 7 days.
Your diet advice is awful. And you have no definition. Less carbs and more eggs/meat.