Jesus Christ or Yeshua is my Lord and savior. He died on the cross for everyone's sins. I'm full of sin but because of my Lord and savior I will be in Heaven one day. So so thankful.
Let's discuss God according to your Bible. Bible says Jesus is a man and servant of God Almighty. 1) 1TIMOTHY2:5 says Jesus is a man. " There is only one God and one mediator between God and men, mediator is Jesus a man " 2) Act 3:23, says Jesus is servant of God Almighty. " God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob glorify His servant Jesus "
Let's discuss God according to your Bible. Bible says Jesus is a man and servant of God Almighty. 1) 1TIMOTHY2:5 says Jesus is a man. " There is only one God and one mediator between God and men, mediator is Jesus a man " 2) Act 3:23, says Jesus is servant of God Almighty. " God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob glorify His servant Jesus "
@@TopDrive1 Stop that nonsense. I've seen Christians, atheists, etc etc, do exactly the same thing. It's a IGNORANT human thing, not particular to any religion/belief.
I'm a Muslim. And I don't know why the people like to argue eachother. Jesus is our prophetnlike Muhammad. No doubt. I don't have to believe like another people. Vise versa.
@@husseinfahel284 thank you for proving that the muzzle people are coming for the Sunday people too! Useful idiotsmake me smile 😊😆😆😆 I am showing this to all my big, Patriotic Baptist friends 😂😂😂😂
" In Mohammedan Europe, boys are unsexed by the lancet, that they may thereafter be more safely employed as harem-attendants and in Christian Europe “eunuchs are made and trained and priced, to sing the praise of a risen Christ.” -Arthur Desmond-1890
Today, almost all people in this world have heard or read the gospel. However, most people don't want to know anything about God and the gospel. The reason? The Lord Jesus Christ said: "The devil takes away God's word because he doesn't want people to believe in it and be saved by it." No matter how terrible the fate is for all those billions of unbelieving people who reject The Lord Jesus Christ, to their horror and pain, they will have to acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is God's Son.
The antichrist teaches that God is more that one but to still call him one. Woe to the millions of trinitarians who fell victim to this satanic deception. The creator is 1 and nothing is comparable!! This is what all the prophets taught. Oh dear christians I hope u follow them and not the church.
Is what I say , no Muslim does and if they do they are extremely snaky & liars They call it “taqiyya” and is basically a permission to be deceptive to you to the point sometimes telling you they are Christian’s and in reality are Muslims
@@abdorahim6435Jesus took a human form so that he can die, and in the end he said its over, meaning he did it, he paid for everyones sins, and when he said oh Lord why have you forsaken me, he is stating psalm 22, which indeed ends with God always helping you out if you seek out to him, Jesus is God, he is the Son in the trinity and thats something that people cant understand, i hope you realize one day how Jesus lived and how muslims lived back in the day when they were starting wars and burning and in quran it also says to kill and do bad stuff, Jesus just said belive and turn the other cheek and do not hurt people
@dzonson4880 When Jesus died, he was not God Because God does not die. Also, your Bible says that God is not a human, and you say that God took the form of a human
@@abdorahim6435 Jesus was 100%human and 100%God but now He is 100% God after resurrection, Bold of you to put God in a box of your religious mindset, and if you have so many questions why don't ask God , and ask him for wisdom and revelation of Holy spirit without Him you cannot understand this revelation. Our human mind can't comprehend His ways therefore you need to read with Spirit of God
more brainwashing,the kid was right about that,but these kids want to sin and enjoy it,that's what all of these arguments are about,that and they are ignorant,going to college and being ignorant,waste of money,they are not armed with knowledge just questions,trying make cliffe stumble,won't happen
The majority is born into it and brainwashed and then there are western women who are fooled into it, that all is roses and flowers, they usually don't know shit about islam or the history
Metaphorically-not literally. His works show the actions of the Father, which is what the context is saying. The Bible is clear that no one has seen God-and Jesus himself prayed “OUR Father who is in Heaven”. Notice how he never prayed to himself, or asked the disciples to worship him. Jesus was a monotheist (Mark 12:29) and he even called the Father “the ONLY true God” in John 17:3. You cannot take a single cherry-picked figurative verse, and use it to overturn the entire Bible-which is clear that God is ONE, and Jesus is His messenger & Messiah. Plain & simple. Jesus answered, “Why do you call ME good? No one is good except GOD alone!” ~ The Gospel of Mark 10:18 ❤
Jesus Christ tells his disciples if you have seen me as if you have understood my message. If you understood me, if you know me, you know the father. Otherwise, the Scribes, the Romans, tax collectors, and Judas Iscariot all have seen Jesus Christ. Did they see the father? Jesus Christ should said instead: you have seen me, so you have seen the Father. Because he was sure that the disciples were talking to Jesus and they were not blind, they were actually seeing him. Can we see God? 20But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” Exodus 33:20 "No one has ever seen God." John 1:18 No man has ever seen God (1 Timothy 6:16)
Im asian. A catholic. First of all, since I was a kid, I was taught to stfu when someone is talking. Talk after theyre done. BASIC. I dont trust anyone who doesnt do that. I mean, how can you? When someone doesnt even respect basic human decency?
@@dagan8659 But without god, then human life is no more valuable than dogs, cats, snails or fish. So why is it important or good to respect people or life?
But those who belive are saved and those who don't are condemned. Indeed, God doesn't force anyone to believe, but their willful, deliberate unbelief will eventually lead them to hell and eternal perdition.
Yeah but its not their Best interest to get the punishment, but at the end its their choice, we need to preach the gospel to other people and try to make them be saved by Jesus christ
@@AthanaSuswhat has Protestantism got to do with anything? The truth is she probably would not be allowed to criticise the way she does where she or her parents originate from.
No worries. He'll be back. Certainly. But it'll be regretting with the current theology of you guys, he'd shun you. 100%. Do an unbiased evaluation before late.
@@DevoutJourney u should of went to this one scripture... John 14:9 King James Version 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father????
@@Trendsthismonth no real Muslim ever said that about the Bible because that’s forbidden in the Islamic religion to talk bad about the Quran Bible or Torah…did u know in the Islamic faith that u must wash your hands before even touching the Bible like they require u to do before touching the Quran!!! The Muslims think very highly of the Bible because they simply RESPECT the Bible
@@sheluvlg5091 Hahahaha You are funny. There are many Muslims online that say the Bible is corrupted and they treat Christians as 2nd class citizens or slaves. If they truly respected the Bible then instead of invading Europe and killing people.. They would come peacefully and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all of us .
This is a sad way of thinking, in my opinion. Why would a person who is genuinely good be condemned to eternal suffering in hell just for believing in another religion? People born in countries where Christianity isn't practiced don't necessarily deserve hell just because their region practices a different religion. What if a person has devoted their whole life to helping people? What if they succeed in helping thousands? Even millions? Is God that cruel to eternally punish a good person simply for being born and raised in an area without Christianity? I refuse to believe that the god of all creation is that jealous and petty. This is one of the few reasons that I don't follow any organized religion. I believe in God. My god is the one who created everything from atoms and matter. A super celestial being of benevolent energy. I believe that no matter what your beliefs are, as long as you're a truly good person with good intentions you'll be reconnected with God in some kind of afterlife along with the souls of other positive energy filled souls. That's my belief and hope. Because the god of most organized religions is a very cruel being whose judgment and actions often contradict its own teachings. I don't see why if I'm wrong, I should be sent to hell for eternity. Eternal damnation itself seems like a human concept and not something a benevolent god would do. Even being sentenced to millions of years in hell makes more sense than eternity. I just hope for everyone's sake that I'm right. If not, hell is going to be overflowing with good people who just don't follow a certain religion.
@@thecolt45a You ask a lot of questions about why God did this or did that, well, if you're wrong, you can ask Him. Have you ever read and studied the Bible, have you considered that what you think of evil just may not be at the same level of understanding as the Creator of the Universe and all therein? Are you without sin? You deny God who was God long before a single Christian was even thought of by the Jew and before the Jew was even thought of by the earlier people that lived on this planet. If you've read the Bible, you would know, possibly not understand, but know that Mark 10:18 KJV reads: "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." Most do not understand that Jesus was speaking of "in relation to God". That would make sense. Yes, we see people as good or bad, but our perspective is limited. If God is the standard for Good, then He would see us, our sin, as evil. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't seem fair or right to us, but He gave us a WAY to redeem ourselves in His eyes. That being His Son who came to earth in the form of a baby, grew up, and learned as we did as we grew up. So, He experienced what we did so that He would know first hand what humans knew and felt and every adjective you can think of. He came to earth to die and in doing so He took on all the sin of mankind so that we might have life eternally in Heaven to be with God and all the goodness one can imagine. Now, upon the death of Jesus, we are not without His spiritual being, for He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us if we become believers. Many have and others will come to be His. The vast amount of humanity will deny Him, and I believe He will complete His plan, but not until everyone who will be saved is.
@@thecolt45aAnd to add to that, what about infant babies who die before they even get a chance to understand the teachings of the Bible? Do they go to hell? I find that really sad if these Christians say yes, even babies go to Hell.
@@thecolt45aJesus judges people on the amount of truth they have had, the opportunities they have had and what they have done with those opportunities..If a person has never heard, then of course they don't go to hell Muslims tho...😢
I feel sorry for her...and hope she keeps reading the Bible instead of just making it contradictory....she is young and has never read the entire Bible.
It’s wild seeing people so blatantly ignorant not know they are so ignorant. They complain about the Bible but yet, have never read any of it. How moronic can you be?
That would be my first argument against any bible deniers.. have you actually read It? No? Then go do your Homework, child. Before refuting something, maybe go at the source, no?
She really blind n out of context. This is john 1:18 "No one has ever seen God, BUT the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known."
Do you consider the Bible to be entirely literally true ? There are hundreds of English versions of the Bible and thousands in other languages. They are all different. Which one is the absolute truth and why ?
@@katej9934 That is what you have to deal with: « A more literal Bible translation is not necessarily more accurate, especially if it's difficult to understand, leading modern readers to misinterpret it. For daily reading and Bible study, we recommend using a Bible translation that emphasizes the importance of being both literal and readable, such as the CSB or NIV ». That is just one example.
It's not a religion. It's a relationship! Who'd want a relationship with anyone who told you it's the only way you can avoid having their representatives throw you into a burning furnace where you'll cry and be in extreme pain? Matthew 13:49, 50
Christianity is about Christ, who has already revealed Himself to the world. Personal experience is not a substitute for the Word of God. That is why we were given the great commission, to go and make disciples of all nations and teach them the Word. Experience is subjective whereas scripture is objective and never changing. I appreciate where you're coming from but I'd like to kindly encourage you to put more emphasis on what God has revealed in Christ and thru the Bible over personal experiences.
@@Jmart8624 As a muslim who was raised in a Christian (Dysfunctional) family lol .. & I didn't leave Christianity for Islam either that came years later I respect your reply/approach .. If everyone went off experiences only then like u said it's subjective .. Peace to all my brothers & sisters in humanity, 🤲🤲🤲☝️💯💯💯
Why isn’t she questioning the Quran There are many contradictions in the Quran which was written by ONE man. According to verse 4:119-120, Satan (the rejected one) is the one who creates false desires and misleads people. Refer also 15:42. However, according to verse 16:93, it is God who leaves people astray as He wills! See also 4:78. Here Satan leads people astray but another verse says allah leads them astray?
God bless all who you are learning about Jesus from the bible teacher, FOX. Our teaching & Learning source is bible only Not .USA not Europ not Russia or Arab
John 14:9 -Jesus *said to him, “Have I been with you all so long and have you not come to know Me, Philip? HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father'?
@BeefT-Sq Your comment is loaded. I don't believe in the superiority of others. I don't believe in slavery. I don't have a religion, but I do have faith in what I chose to understand and know to be true.
Same goes for Christians too. Christians are blind to the faiths of the other 6 billion humans on Earth being the majority. Are you saying that 75% of the entire population is absolutely wrong ?
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Simple question to the Muslims and atheist that say jesus didn't die, why does history and so called philosophy and society use AD and BC as major point off reference to dates.
I am Christian too but that's not much of a strong point. It's because of the Church influence in the early days that standard was accepted. It's not because everybody who uses it agrees on Jesus Christ's death.
A choice of the date doesnt prove anything. He wasnt crucified on the cross he was saved by god and ascended. However it semeed like he died to others and at the time there werent many muslims, and therefore it was a christian ran place and they chose to use that date. If jesus is god, why does he say "the only way through the father is through me", why didnt he say "the only way through me is through me" Because it doesng makes sense. jesus is not god. If he was god why did he pray. Who did he pray to? The father? Well he isnt god if he is worshipping god,
Of course the secular world had to diminish the acknowledgement of how Jesus changed the world for the better and provided every human an opportunity to avoid hell. "BC" stands for "Before Christ" and "AD" stands for "Anno Domini" (Latin for "in the year of the Lord"), while "BCE" means "Before the Common Era" and "CE" means "Common Era"; essentially, BCE and CE are considered more secular alternatives to BC and AD, referring to the same time periods but without explicitly referencing Christianity.
@DontBegItLad Let me explain something to you DontBegitLad. There were no Muslims at that time, period. Mohammed was born around 570 AD, more than a half-century after Jesus walked the earth. Hence no Muslims. Another tidbit, pre-Islamic Arabs often considered Allah as one of many gods in their polytheistic belief system. Unless one believes in multiple gods, none of whom were there at the creation of the Universe and the beginning of all life, how could allah become the god of the muslim faith?
It's amazing how these students are so easily triggered emotionally by open discussion. I get that they come into the conversation with different ideas or a degree of disillusionment and skepticism, but that's not an excuse for a lack of composure, civility, or close-mindedness.
@@JonathanVachon777 Truly, there is no baptism of infants/children in the Bible but the Bible teach us that the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ are not just in the Bible but also through Transmission by the 1st and 2nd century Christians, for example Polykarp von Smyrna, Plin the roman Historian, contemporary of Polykarp, Justin the Pihosopher. They are teaching us, that our ancestors from the first and the second century baptised theyr children.
Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
@@Glory_in_Christ_forever HAte hate hate hate hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. lol So what he died on the cross for our sins. we are forgiven. It's those who don't love God and say hate that will get judged on because they dont ask forgiveness.
At 4:16. Another ignorant student. When they have a family and their life gets really hard in another 15 years they will bow down in humility and call His name for help. God is real, Jesus is real, and so are the teachings found in the Bible.
@PaulWilson-r7m So Jesus God died and rose again? First, God does not die And if the god did, this means that he died And death is the characteristic of humans, not God, because God creates death and is not characterized by it
@@abdorahim6435but Jesus was God in human form, humans will die God or not if you’re human you will die, but Jesus rose from the dead to show mankind that death is not the end
what a great explanation from pastor Cliff! Praise the Lord ! and may God bless and be with Pastor Cliff and let's God be glorified through his faithful messages !
To these young people, you first have to understand the English language and understand exactly what the words are saying before you can debate the context of the statement.
This is why a lot of people study Kione Greek - but you don’t have to have lived in ancient the era The Bible was written in to understand it, like some books
Or perhaps they should do what's proven time and again. Just rewrite it so the modern people can understand it. Every generation is a little dumber than the last.
@@SupHapCak We have the tools to understand the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of scripture, without having to learn Greek or Hebrew. All you need is Strongs lexicon. Greek and Hebrew Concordance 👉 Latin would be great to learn In (the) beginning was the Word Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος En archē ēn ho Logos and the Word was with καὶ ὁ Logos ἦν πρὸς kai ho Logos ēn pros τὸν God, and God was - Θεόν καὶ Θεόν ἦν ton Theon kai Theon ēn the Word. ὁ Logos ho Logos John 1:14 The word became flesh ( Jesus, [the Word] God became flesh) and made his dwelling among us. Being the Word was, and Is God, and was with God in the beginning, clearly shows two personages of the Trinity. The Bible is adamant that there is only one God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ’eh·yeh Yah·weh אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה יְהוָ֔ה I AM Yahweh Jesus I Am The Light of the World The beginning and the end the Apha and Omega The Gate and the Sheepfold The Good Shepherd the resurrection and the life the True Vine the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords Almighty One Author and Perfecter of Our Faith Bread of Life Chief Cornerstone The Lion of the tribe, Judah The Lamb of God Lord of All Mediator Messiah Mighty One Redeemer Rock Savior Son of the Most High Wonderful Councilor Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace Emanuel Everlasting Father The Door The Way The Word Lord of All The Door etc. I Am - “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58 RIGHTEOUS JUDGE
Here is the thing with people( human beings) we don't want to believe in anyone or on anything that tells us our way of living is wrong. We don't want to be held accountable for any actions s in this life. We want to do what we want to do, say whatever we want to say, and have no consequences of our wrongful nature. God, the Heavenly Father, did not create evil. Lucifer, an angel, became prideful and wanted to overtake God's thrown, and God kicked him out with a 3rd of the angels. So, for anyone who does not want to accept the fact God loves us and cares to have a relationship with us by sending His son to die, for our evil nature, reconcile, connect us back to the Glorious love of God has miss the fact God has given us a choice to choose Him over he'll. Hell was only meant for the devil and his demons. To die in Jesus Christ is a gain. To die without Him is a great loss.
@sonsetseal122 For there are 3 that bears witness, the spirit, water and the blood. Original translation, before the wicked king kames started messing with it
Mislead? Ha! A Muslim telling a Christian that we are misleading people. Is she serious? And there are so many contradictions in the Quran. It is ridiculous. They make these claims when they don't even know what it says in our Bible or they'll take a verse out of context. Then they have these ridiculous objections that they are taught to say like Jesus never said he was God in the Bible. Then you give them about 15 examples and their head starts to spin and they just can't deal with it lol
@@zarifjonisaev-lq4kb Your whole religion is contradiction. You base your knowledge about God just on one "prophet" Muhammad, who has created one book. Contrary to a New Testament that has had at least 12 writers who testified of divinity of Jesus Christ as a Son of God and Savior and Redeemer of the world.
@chrisyung7548 At least we were able to preserve that "book" as the way it was revealed, and 1=1 makes more sense than 1=3, even 5 years old children know that. Also, 60 percent of Christians do not even follow what religion teaches even tho they claim themselves to be Christians. So don't come here to teach me my religion as muslims are far better practitioners when it comes to religion
@chrisyung7548 okay. 12 writers? But those writers themselves Wrote it, and there are many contradictions in the Bible. But Qur'an was Not written by a man. It is a word of God and there is no contradictions in it. Again I'm telling you Islam isn't like Christianity where we can say " I believe", " I think" or any other philosophical answers like that. Islam is based upon verses and hadiths. So give me any verse or verses that contradict each other?!
the fact that these Muslim channels only post the videos where cliffe loses is just so sad. any Christians or believers seeing this please pray for these muslim people
John 14... Jesus explained the Trinity of God. Jesus is not equal to the Father. He is part of the Father and the Holy spirit is sent to teach by Jesus and the Father. ....or do as Muslims law orders them do..."I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." "Allah"(Quran 8:12) "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah." Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992) "Love your neighbor and pray for those who persecute you." Jesus (Matthew 5:44)
@@RobTheFossil dear friend, Jesus said that He and The Father are ONE. 👈 The bible explains that Jesus is The Living Word/Logos that proceeds from the Father. The word "begot" means to "come forth from/proceed from" this is why it's used plenty of times in Genesis over and over when refering to a Father "begetting" a son. You should check it out.
What book teaches that it's ok to kill people whom you consider an enemy of your religion? What countries are always involved in wars? In terrorism? Jesus Christ's teaching to love your enemy is only one of His greatest teachings that when obeyed could really make this world a peaceful place to live in. Jesus taught us humility, love, kindness, and this makes Christianity an envy of other religions. Generally, considering human nature, it may not be perfect in its implementation or application, but it is undeniably the kind of religion where God, the One True God, is truly in existent, and we can all be reunited with Him when we follow the Way, the Truth and the Life who is Jesus Christ.
What Jesus taught us is wisdom from God Himself. What the others teach comes from the heart of man...totally dark and violent and greatly suits the heart of man.
I dont man but I certanly know who started the crusades, the holocaust, the conquering of America, Australia. Colonalization? But u see my dear? The difference between u and me, is i dont judge a vast group based on what a persentage does.
Thank You Very Much Cliff Knechtle For Your Wisdom Knowledge And For Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️ Amen ✝️❤️✝️ I Believe And Trust In Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ Thank You God For Everything You Do For Us All ✝️❤️✝️ I Love Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ The Only Way To Heaven Is Through Faith And Love In Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ Amen ✝️❤️✝️ Please Keep On Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️☮️ Amen ✝️❤️✝️☮️ MUCH LOVE ✝️❤️✝️☮️
Thr parents and priest must have hidden the bibles from that guy so he couldnt do a basic thing and read it for himself. Must expect everyone else to do his homework for him.
I’m sorry, but everything aside, that’s not a contradiction. “Nobody has seen god but Jesus” is flat out stating that Jesus is a special case, context or no context
we really have to commend Cliffe for his patience, the way she came at him was so disrespectful and angry. Crazy since she claims to have peace from her religion! Id say thats whats contradictory
That muslim woman deliberately misquoted that second verse in John and argues that there's a contradiction. She mocks "whatever version or book this is, whoever wrote this.." yet she has no idea how many distinct versions of the Quran there have been and the one she reads today was only confirmed as the "official" version in the early 20th century. Nor does she know that Mohammed had one of his scribes executed for daring to notice and point out a contradiction in his revelation.
@broodofvipers There is no sound, exclusive, objective evidence for your god so i deny its existence until provided with sound, exclusive, objective evidence. Believing there is a god without that evidence is a cheap excuse.
@@anthonymitchell9793 You think that until you see someone instantly healed in front of you in real life. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior 📯 The demons are real and I have seen them fear his name in real life. Jesus Christ's name is really that powerful
I believe in God, with my entire heart and soul. I just wish there wasn’t so much confusion about religions and which were supposed to follow…. Do we really need religion in order to prove the Lords existence?
You tell them they don’t have to dress like that when you believe in Jesus it might free her. Sadly most of those women have been in it since birth so they know no other way. It’s very sad.
John 1:10-12, 14 NLT [10] He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. [11] He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. [12] But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. [14] So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
True… but then I put myself in his shoes… aggressive, combative students trying to prove u are an idiot in front of a crowd. It’s hard to be patient and loving and kind under those circumstances.
What, Cliffe? He was extremely patient in this video. Also, it's a common debate tactic to "Match intensity" if people are debating you loudly and angrily, you also want to come off as strong. Not necessarily angry, but not weak either. Actually I think he could have responded harsher.
It's crucial to remember: * Healthy religious practice is about finding peace and meaning. It should not involve fear, manipulation, or exploitation. * Critical thinking is essential. Questioning beliefs and seeking diverse perspectives is important for healthy spiritual growth.
This preacher makes a great point about wanting and needing the Love of Christ. My Sistee and I were born and raised in an atheist household we were never taken to Church and we both attended non faith schools. Today forty years later we are both devout followers of Jesus Christ. My sister is an evangelical protestant and I am a converted Roman Catholic. Neither of us were forced into this path we simply knocked and God opened the door to his son Jesus Christ. My partner was baptised Catholic but is a firmament atheist and respects my faith. Do I think she will go to hell when she dies , she will certainly not go to heaven as she does not believe there is one. She has made her choice and I have made mine. My belief is Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the pathway to Eternal salvation.
Birthing oneself is always very difficult...we must keep pushing patiently and confidently as the Body of Christ while people like her struggle to find The Light. Her struggling shows it is almost time for her New LIFE with God through Jesus Christ. 🎉❤
Years after I married, I came to believe in Jesus Christ. My husband was a reasonable atheist. When I tried to teach our children about my belief, he made an unforgettable remark. Leave them alone until they come to age 17. They were going to a Christian School. Years later we were on vacation for two weeks. We decided to go to church except him. He was puzzled that he was the only one who remained behind. One of our children decided to remain behind so accompany him. The others have to give him an answer and said, dad we are above 17. After a few years he himself accepted the LORD as his personal savior. Don't ever give up on God about the salvation of anyone especially family members 🙏 Glory to GOD who not only loves us but is Love. Let us be a good witness.
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why you didnt answer the question can you read greek and hebrew???
Jesus Christ or Yeshua is my Lord and savior. He died on the cross for everyone's sins. I'm full of sin but because of my Lord and savior I will be in Heaven one day. So so thankful.
We need the full discussion
A 50 yr old man who marries a 9 yr old child is a prophet of God and saviour.????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Asks question. Interrupts answer.
Because there is a spirit of pride, arrogance, religion, and self-righteousness attached to people like that.
They want their opinions confirmed
They love to say, 'internal contradictions' it sounds to important ha ha
Infant Baptism is a Catholic thing.
Excuses excuses and more excuses. Listen to your heart. Jesus Christ is Lord. ❤
That was very rude of her to assume no one wanted to listen, therefore she must disrupt. Strange times.
That's what Muslims do.
half a million people watched this video so yeah a lot of people wanted to listen to what she had to say.
@@purefoldnz3070 but she should be a good listener too...not with one way street mindset..
Let's discuss God according to your Bible.
Bible says Jesus is a man and servant of God Almighty.
1) 1TIMOTHY2:5 says Jesus is a man. " There is only one God and one mediator between God and men, mediator is Jesus a man "
2) Act 3:23, says Jesus is servant of God Almighty. " God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob glorify His servant Jesus "
Let's discuss God according to your Bible.
Bible says Jesus is a man and servant of God Almighty.
1) 1TIMOTHY2:5 says Jesus is a man. " There is only one God and one mediator between God and men, mediator is Jesus a man "
2) Act 3:23, says Jesus is servant of God Almighty. " God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob glorify His servant Jesus "
Lord Jesus changed my life from darkness of Islam to light of Christ 31 years ago.
🙌 Glory to God. ❤
Praise God!
Hòw many rakka in wudu
Your a liar
Noticed that she already came with the intention to argue, rather than understand.. not being open minded
She’s like every Muslim
She's Muslim and they're trained to attack Christianity and Judaism
You mean monotheist
@@TopDrive1 Stop that nonsense. I've seen Christians, atheists, etc etc, do exactly the same thing.
It's a IGNORANT human thing, not particular to any religion/belief.
Glad Cliffe called out her bs immediately!
One day, ALL knees shall bow to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only allah
@@husseinfahel284who is your Allah? One hiding in your kabaa.
I think you'll find Muslims have been practicing at least 5 times a day in Prostration.
I'm a Muslim. And I don't know why the people like to argue eachother. Jesus is our prophetnlike Muhammad. No doubt. I don't have to believe like another people. Vise versa.
@@husseinfahel284 thank you for proving that the muzzle people are coming for the Sunday people too!
Useful idiotsmake me smile 😊😆😆😆
I am showing this to all my big, Patriotic Baptist friends 😂😂😂😂
The reason many people do not seek God is the same reason a bank robber doesn’t try to find a cop; they don’t want to.
Exactly. You're spot on there
We see God in different forms everyday, the flowers 💐 the grass, the seas, the ocean 🌊 that’s why you feel better going for a walk.
" In Mohammedan Europe, boys are unsexed by the lancet, that they may thereafter be more safely employed as harem-attendants and in Christian Europe “eunuchs are made and trained and priced, to sing the praise of a risen Christ.”
-Arthur Desmond-1890
@@BellaR. We see Gods creation, don’t get weird about it. Lol.
Today, almost all people in this world have heard or read the gospel.
However, most people don't want to know anything about God and the gospel. The reason? The Lord Jesus Christ said:
"The devil takes away God's word because he doesn't want people to believe in it and be saved by it."
No matter how terrible the fate is for all those billions of unbelieving people who reject The Lord Jesus Christ, to their horror and pain, they will have to acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is God's Son.
The lack of critical thinking is childlike
They are taught WHAT to think, and NOT to think for themselves!!!!!
So it takes critical thinking to understand how polytheism is also monotheism
The antichrist teaches that God is more that one but to still call him one. Woe to the millions of trinitarians who fell victim to this satanic deception. The creator is 1 and nothing is comparable!! This is what all the prophets taught. Oh dear christians I hope u follow them and not the church.
Brainwashed zombies
She doesn’t know her own religion.
Is what I say , no Muslim does and if they do they are extremely snaky & liars
They call it “taqiyya” and is basically a permission to be deceptive to you to the point sometimes telling you they are Christian’s and in reality are Muslims
Does god die
@@abdorahim6435Jesus took a human form so that he can die, and in the end he said its over, meaning he did it, he paid for everyones sins, and when he said oh Lord why have you forsaken me, he is stating psalm 22, which indeed ends with God always helping you out if you seek out to him, Jesus is God, he is the Son in the trinity and thats something that people cant understand, i hope you realize one day how Jesus lived and how muslims lived back in the day when they were starting wars and burning and in quran it also says to kill and do bad stuff, Jesus just said belive and turn the other cheek and do not hurt people
@dzonson4880 When Jesus died, he was not God Because God does not die. Also, your Bible says that God is not a human, and you say that God took the form of a human
@@abdorahim6435 Jesus was 100%human and 100%God but now He is 100% God after resurrection, Bold of you to put God in a box of your religious mindset, and if you have so many questions why don't ask God , and ask him for wisdom and revelation of Holy spirit without Him you cannot understand this revelation. Our human mind can't comprehend His ways therefore you need to read with Spirit of God
I will never understand a woman choosing Islam.
Me neither .
@@marionmuller7801 what do u know about islam?
Christianity is according to Paul bro..not Jesus (phuh)
more brainwashing,the kid was right about that,but these kids want to sin and enjoy it,that's what all of these arguments are about,that and they are ignorant,going to college and being ignorant,waste of money,they are not armed with knowledge just questions,trying make cliffe stumble,won't happen
The majority is born into it and brainwashed and then there are western women who are fooled into it, that all is roses and flowers, they usually don't know shit about islam or the history
Forget all arguments regardless of position. Asking a question than cutting off the answer is childish and rude.
Its not important than knowing who is your god
Jesus says, if you seen me, you seen the Father
Metaphorically-not literally. His works show the actions of the Father, which is what the context is saying. The Bible is clear that no one has seen God-and Jesus himself prayed “OUR Father who is in Heaven”. Notice how he never prayed to himself, or asked the disciples to worship him. Jesus was a monotheist (Mark 12:29) and he even called the Father “the ONLY true God” in John 17:3. You cannot take a single cherry-picked figurative verse, and use it to overturn the entire Bible-which is clear that God is ONE, and Jesus is His messenger & Messiah. Plain & simple.
Jesus answered, “Why do you call ME good? No one is good except GOD alone!” ~ The Gospel of Mark 10:18 ❤
@@celestialknight2339we in our image in flesh as in spirit and so did God Himself in flesh as Jesus in image of God.
@ That is your opinion. Not what the Bible teaches.
Jesus is the exact representation of the Father
Jesus Christ tells his disciples if you have seen me as if you have understood my message. If you understood me, if you know me, you know the father. Otherwise, the Scribes, the Romans, tax collectors, and Judas Iscariot all have seen Jesus Christ. Did they see the father?
Jesus Christ should said instead: you have seen me, so you have seen the Father. Because he was sure that the disciples were talking to Jesus and they were not blind, they were actually seeing him.
Can we see God?
20But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” Exodus 33:20
"No one has ever seen God." John 1:18
No man has ever seen God (1 Timothy 6:16)
That muslim woman is insufferable and intellectually dishonest.
One has to be to believe in things she believes in.
How so?
Islam starts with a lie.
@@bruhjale the taquiyah (deception) is strong in her....
Im asian. A catholic.
First of all, since I was a kid, I was taught to stfu when someone is talking. Talk after theyre done. BASIC.
I dont trust anyone who doesnt do that. I mean, how can you?
When someone doesnt even respect basic human decency?
but that doesn't need any religion/faith to be tought.
@@dagan8659 But without god, then human life is no more valuable than dogs, cats, snails or fish. So why is it important or good to respect people or life?
bro fr that lady js kept yapping throughout
Porque Dios es real ❤🎉@@connorhofmann5691
bcause they are bullies... she's a typical example
I have decided to follow Jesus when I was 27, and I was Baptized. It was my choice. No turning back.
The thing is you do not have to believe. God does not force you to believe.
He force us to be born and death so yea he does there is a reason we are here . Learn Islam .
But those who belive are saved and those who don't are condemned. Indeed, God doesn't force anyone to believe, but their willful, deliberate unbelief will eventually lead them to hell and eternal perdition.
Yeah but its not their Best interest to get the punishment, but at the end its their choice, we need to preach the gospel to other people and try to make them be saved by Jesus christ
@@Omega_taskforce We can't save anyone, only God can save.
@@EvieBear236 thats exactly what I said
I wonder if shes allowed to spout off like that in Afghanistan
What does that have to do with anything? Cant she be a greatful american but disagree with protestants?
@@AthanaSuswhat has Protestantism got to do with anything? The truth is she probably would not be allowed to criticise the way she does where she or her parents originate from.
We all know Cliffe would be dead and that girl probably praised over there
Ha, no.
I can't wait to give Jesus a hug 😊
Yesss 🙏🙏
No worries. He'll be back. Certainly. But it'll be regretting with the current theology of you guys, he'd shun you. 100%. Do an unbiased evaluation before late.
you speak from my soul❤
@@DevoutJourney u should of went to this one scripture...
John 14:9
King James Version
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father????
The cheek of Muslim talking about contradictions in the Bible is comedy gold😂
It is funny how they never want to talk about the Quran they always come to the Bible for answers
@@Trendsthismonth she’s debating a Christian of course she will bring up things in the Bible
@@sheluvlg5091 They always bring up the Bible is corrupted. Well the Quran should have the answer right? But it doesn't 😂
@@Trendsthismonth no real Muslim ever said that about the Bible because that’s forbidden in the Islamic religion to talk bad about the Quran Bible or Torah…did u know in the Islamic faith that u must wash your hands before even touching the Bible like they require u to do before touching the Quran!!! The Muslims think very highly of the Bible because they simply RESPECT the Bible
@@sheluvlg5091 Hahahaha You are funny. There are many Muslims online that say the Bible is corrupted and they treat Christians as 2nd class citizens or slaves. If they truly respected the Bible then instead of invading Europe and killing people.. They would come peacefully and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all of us .
I hope it is not too late for all our Muslim brothers and sisters to realize that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and no one else!
It may not be too late today, but tomorrow, who knows? I hope it's not too late as well.
This is a sad way of thinking, in my opinion. Why would a person who is genuinely good be condemned to eternal suffering in hell just for believing in another religion? People born in countries where Christianity isn't practiced don't necessarily deserve hell just because their region practices a different religion. What if a person has devoted their whole life to helping people? What if they succeed in helping thousands? Even millions? Is God that cruel to eternally punish a good person simply for being born and raised in an area without Christianity? I refuse to believe that the god of all creation is that jealous and petty. This is one of the few reasons that I don't follow any organized religion. I believe in God. My god is the one who created everything from atoms and matter. A super celestial being of benevolent energy. I believe that no matter what your beliefs are, as long as you're a truly good person with good intentions you'll be reconnected with God in some kind of afterlife along with the souls of other positive energy filled souls. That's my belief and hope. Because the god of most organized religions is a very cruel being whose judgment and actions often contradict its own teachings. I don't see why if I'm wrong, I should be sent to hell for eternity. Eternal damnation itself seems like a human concept and not something a benevolent god would do. Even being sentenced to millions of years in hell makes more sense than eternity. I just hope for everyone's sake that I'm right. If not, hell is going to be overflowing with good people who just don't follow a certain religion.
@@thecolt45a You ask a lot of questions about why God did this or did that, well, if you're wrong, you can ask Him. Have you ever read and studied the Bible, have you considered that what you think of evil just may not be at the same level of understanding as the Creator of the Universe and all therein? Are you without sin? You deny God who was God long before a single Christian was even thought of by the Jew and before the Jew was even thought of by the earlier people that lived on this planet.
If you've read the Bible, you would know, possibly not understand, but know that Mark 10:18 KJV reads: "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."
Most do not understand that Jesus was speaking of "in relation to God". That would make sense. Yes, we see people as good or bad, but our perspective is limited. If God is the standard for Good, then He would see us, our sin, as evil. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't seem fair or right to us, but He gave us a WAY to redeem ourselves in His eyes. That being His Son who came to earth in the form of a baby, grew up, and learned as we did as we grew up. So, He experienced what we did so that He would know first hand what humans knew and felt and every adjective you can think of. He came to earth to die and in doing so He took on all the sin of mankind so that we might have life eternally in Heaven to be with God and all the goodness one can imagine. Now, upon the death of Jesus, we are not without His spiritual being, for He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us if we become believers. Many have and others will come to be His. The vast amount of humanity will deny Him, and I believe He will complete His plan, but not until everyone who will be saved is.
@@thecolt45aAnd to add to that, what about infant babies who die before they even get a chance to understand the teachings of the Bible? Do they go to hell? I find that really sad if these Christians say yes, even babies go to Hell.
@@thecolt45aJesus judges people on the amount of truth they have had, the opportunities they have had and what they have done with those opportunities..If a person has never heard, then of course they don't go to hell
Muslims tho...😢
I feel sorry for her...and hope she keeps reading the Bible instead of just making it contradictory....she is young and has never read the entire Bible.
Jesus is not God
@@kokopaco1735Jesus Christ is God..
Moslem Isa AS isnt God.
Don b confused and brainwashed
It’s wild seeing people so blatantly ignorant not know they are so ignorant. They complain about the Bible but yet, have never read any of it. How moronic can you be?
You could read the Bible and actually believe it.
you just described typical muslim
That would be my first argument against any bible deniers.. have you actually read It? No? Then go do your Homework, child. Before refuting something, maybe go at the source, no?
She really blind n out of context. This is john 1:18 "No one has ever seen God, BUT the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known."
Do you consider the Bible to be entirely literally true ? There are hundreds of English versions of the Bible and thousands in other languages.
They are all different. Which one is the absolute truth and why ?
@robertl.6919 no they aren't
@@Tybear-qz4bx They aren’t different ? You have read them all ?
@@robertl.6919 are they? Can you present some examples?
@@katej9934 That is what you have to deal with:
« A more literal Bible translation is not necessarily more accurate, especially if it's difficult to understand, leading modern readers to misinterpret it. For daily reading and Bible study, we recommend using a Bible translation that emphasizes the importance of being both literal and readable, such as the CSB or NIV ».
That is just one example.
Christianity is about relationships with God. Encourage them to experience Jesus by asking them to Pray to ask Jesus reveal Himself to them.
@@ktan6738 agreed! I have some daily prayers on my channel. Maybe one of them would be helpful to you as well! Stay blessed! 🙏
What if everyone's personal experiences are different?
It's not a religion. It's a relationship!
Who'd want a relationship with anyone who told you it's the only way you can avoid having their representatives throw you into a burning furnace where you'll cry and be in extreme pain? Matthew 13:49, 50
Christianity is about Christ, who has already revealed Himself to the world. Personal experience is not a substitute for the Word of God. That is why we were given the great commission, to go and make disciples of all nations and teach them the Word. Experience is subjective whereas scripture is objective and never changing. I appreciate where you're coming from but I'd like to kindly encourage you to put more emphasis on what God has revealed in Christ and thru the Bible over personal experiences.
@@Jmart8624 As a muslim who was raised in a Christian (Dysfunctional) family lol .. & I didn't leave Christianity for Islam either that came years later I respect your reply/approach .. If everyone went off experiences only then like u said it's subjective .. Peace to all my brothers & sisters in humanity,
Why isn’t she questioning the Quran
There are many contradictions in the Quran which was written by ONE man.
According to verse 4:119-120, Satan (the rejected one) is the one who creates false desires and misleads people. Refer also 15:42. However, according to verse 16:93, it is God who leaves people astray as He wills! See also 4:78.
Here Satan leads people astray but another verse says allah leads them astray?
A different gospel given by an angel as Paul warned about in Galatians 1
God bless all who you are learning about Jesus
from the bible teacher,
FOX. Our teaching & Learning source is bible only
Not .USA not Europ not Russia or Arab
And the Muslim is silent 😂 jesus is king
John 14:9 -Jesus *said to him, “Have I been with you all so long and have you not come to know Me, Philip? HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father'?
Atheists are like that.
Atheists need proof of evidence of anything of God.
" Faith in the supernatural begins as faith in the superiority of others."
-Ayn Rand-
@@BeefT-Sqa "superior" supernatural whose nature is to serve the "inferior". His Ways are not our ways. I don't claim to understand it either.
@@BeefT-Sq So, you just quoted somebody to prove that nobody is superior, in at least understanding and analysis to others?
@BeefT-Sq Your comment is loaded. I don't believe in the superiority of others. I don't believe in slavery. I don't have a religion, but I do have faith in what I chose to understand and know to be true.
Her choice of religion by design blinds her.
"A mystic is a man who surrendered his mind at the first encounter with the minds of others. "
-Ayn Rand-
It's chosen for her,she has no say in it.
Same goes for Christians too. Christians are blind to the faiths of the other 6 billion humans on Earth being the majority.
Are you saying that 75% of the entire population is absolutely wrong ?
Lol, the irony.
So true, it applies to him too.
I like how she reads John 1:18 then later says “same chapter, 5:19”. How is chapter 1 and chapter 5 the same chapter?
Planet of the apes were right, humans are dumbвидео.html
Jesus. Is. The. Only. Savior!!!! No. Way. To. Heaven. But. Thru. Jesus. Only. Jesus. Is. God. !!!!
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Simple question to the Muslims and atheist that say jesus didn't die, why does history and so called philosophy and society use AD and BC as major point off reference to dates.
I am Christian too but that's not much of a strong point. It's because of the Church influence in the early days that standard was accepted. It's not because everybody who uses it agrees on Jesus Christ's death.
A choice of the date doesnt prove anything. He wasnt crucified on the cross he was saved by god and ascended. However it semeed like he died to others and at the time there werent many muslims, and therefore it was a christian ran place and they chose to use that date.
If jesus is god, why does he say "the only way through the father is through me", why didnt he say "the only way through me is through me"
Because it doesng makes sense. jesus is not god. If he was god why did he pray. Who did he pray to? The father? Well he isnt god if he is worshipping god,
Of course the secular world had to diminish the acknowledgement of how Jesus changed the world for the better and provided every human an opportunity to avoid hell. "BC" stands for "Before Christ" and "AD" stands for "Anno Domini" (Latin for "in the year of the Lord"), while "BCE" means "Before the Common Era" and "CE" means "Common Era"; essentially, BCE and CE are considered more secular alternatives to BC and AD, referring to the same time periods but without explicitly referencing Christianity.
@DontBegItLad Let me explain something to you DontBegitLad. There were no Muslims at that time, period. Mohammed was born around 570 AD, more than a half-century after Jesus walked the earth. Hence no Muslims. Another tidbit, pre-Islamic Arabs often considered Allah as one of many gods in their polytheistic belief system. Unless one believes in multiple gods, none of whom were there at the creation of the Universe and the beginning of all life, how could allah become the god of the muslim faith?
It's amazing how these students are so easily triggered emotionally by open discussion. I get that they come into the conversation with different ideas or a degree of disillusionment and skepticism, but that's not an excuse for a lack of composure, civility, or close-mindedness.
Those are requirements in that religion.
Correct. It's a huge with a significant percentage of college-aged kids today.
Its amazing how you dont see that this is are actors, and by the way everybody is an actor on this scene.
That former Catholic was very poorly catechized.
Yes, he didnt know kids’ baptism IS in the Bible
@@RobySoft Where?
@ziggydahood3688 they probably take it from act chapter 16 verses 15.
The problem with that, it doesnt say what age and who is the family
@@JonathanVachon777 So no child baptism in the bible.
Truly, there is no baptism of infants/children in the Bible but the Bible teach us that the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ are not just in the Bible but also through Transmission by the 1st and 2nd century Christians, for example Polykarp von Smyrna, Plin the roman Historian, contemporary of Polykarp, Justin the Pihosopher. They are teaching us, that our ancestors from the first and the second century baptised theyr children.
53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
How one is calm, curteous and confident in their explanation, and the other is not. Tells you everything you need to know.
I hate it when people say we are BRAINWASHED when we learn religion. HATE ITTTTTTTTTTTT.
Be careful with hate. It does not come from god 😉
@@Glory_in_Christ_forever HAte hate hate hate hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. lol So what he died on the cross for our sins. we are forgiven. It's those who don't love God and say hate that will get judged on because they dont ask forgiveness.
It's called brainwashing as there isn't any evidence that it's not make believe.
What else would you call being made to believe some thing without any evidence of it being true?.
We were Moro n
At 4:16. Another ignorant student. When they have a family and their life gets really hard in another 15 years they will bow down in humility and call His name for help. God is real, Jesus is real, and so are the teachings found in the Bible.
Cliffe almost threw that ignorant muslima and that guy who thought he knew it all, over the cliff.
Does God die
@@abdorahim6435No, but Jesus did, but He rose again a Glorified human being…
@PaulWilson-r7m So Jesus God died and rose again?
First, God does not die
And if the god did, this means that he died
And death is the characteristic of humans, not God, because God creates death and is not characterized by it
@@abdorahim6435but Jesus was God in human form, humans will die God or not if you’re human you will die, but Jesus rose from the dead to show mankind that death is not the end
@jordanlt518 Where did Jesus say he was God in human form in the Bible? Next time don't assume anything from your head.😅🤣
She just doesn't understand and apparently doesn't want to.
what a great explanation from pastor Cliff!
Praise the Lord !
and may God bless and be with Pastor Cliff and let's God be glorified through his faithful messages !
To these young people, you first have to understand the English language and understand exactly what the words are saying before you can debate the context of the statement.
This is why a lot of people study Kione Greek - but you don’t have to have lived in ancient the era The Bible was written in to understand it, like some books
Or perhaps they should do what's proven time and again. Just rewrite it so the modern people can understand it.
Every generation is a little dumber than the last.
We have the tools to understand the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of scripture, without having to learn Greek or Hebrew.
All you need is Strongs lexicon.
Greek and Hebrew Concordance
👉 Latin would be great to learn
In (the) beginning was the Word
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος
En archē ēn ho Logos
and the Word was with
καὶ ὁ Logos ἦν πρὸς
kai ho Logos ēn pros
τὸν God, and God was
- Θεόν καὶ Θεόν ἦν
ton Theon kai Theon ēn
the Word.
ὁ Logos
ho Logos
John 1:14
The word became flesh
( Jesus, [the Word] God became flesh) and made his dwelling among us.
Being the Word was, and Is God, and was with God in the beginning, clearly shows two personages of the Trinity.
The Bible is adamant that there is only one God.
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
’eh·yeh Yah·weh
אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה יְהוָ֔ה
I AM Yahweh
I Am
The Light of the World
The beginning and the end
the Apha and Omega
The Gate and the Sheepfold
The Good Shepherd
the resurrection and the life
the True Vine
the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords
Almighty One
Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
Bread of Life
Chief Cornerstone
The Lion of the tribe, Judah
The Lamb of God
Lord of All
Mighty One
Son of the Most High
Wonderful Councilor
Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace
Everlasting Father
The Door
The Way
The Word
Lord of All
The Door
I Am - “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58
Christianity will be understood in spirit and the word itself is spirit! Flesh won't easily understand it!!
Clearly even you know the Bible doesn't make sense, especially compared to what Christianity preacher's preach, so that's a scapegoat
They’re so quick to anger, it’s astounding.
You finally noticed it, many of them are 😅
Further proof of their rejection of truth
Exactly. Why get angry when talking about God? God isn't about anger. He is about love.
If anything the “internal contradiction” she’s claiming, actually proves Jesus’ deity.
I love watching him break it down for people who don't understand.
They don’t want to worship the God of the universe but will praise a pervert! Judgement day comes for us All!
Here is the thing with people( human beings) we don't want to believe in anyone or on anything that tells us our way of living is wrong. We don't want to be held accountable for any actions s in this life. We want to do what we want to do, say whatever we want to say, and have no consequences of our wrongful nature. God, the Heavenly Father, did not create evil. Lucifer, an angel, became prideful and wanted to overtake God's thrown, and God kicked him out with a 3rd of the angels. So, for anyone who does not want to accept the fact God loves us and cares to have a relationship with us by sending His son to die, for our evil nature, reconcile, connect us back to the Glorious love of God has miss the fact God has given us a choice to choose Him over he'll. Hell was only meant for the devil and his demons. To die in Jesus Christ is a gain. To die without Him is a great loss.
"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil" John 3:19
Well said, brother.
The Professor is absolutely right. It’s the Holy Trinity. This woman’s argument does not stand
No such thing as trinity. Your busy with pagan worship
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7 KJV
@sonsetseal122 For there are 3 that bears witness, the spirit, water and the blood. Original translation, before the wicked king kames started messing with it
The Holy Trinity is 100% biblical and is the true living God. You haven't got a clue, lol, SMH. @@truthfinder7064
@secondchance6603 Thank you
Beautifully stated, Sir!!! God continue to watch over you. Love how much patience you had with that young woman❤
jonh1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
Mislead? Ha! A Muslim telling a Christian that we are misleading people. Is she serious? And there are so many contradictions in the Quran. It is ridiculous. They make these claims when they don't even know what it says in our Bible or they'll take a verse out of context. Then they have these ridiculous objections that they are taught to say like Jesus never said he was God in the Bible. Then you give them about 15 examples and their head starts to spin and they just can't deal with it lol
Give me 1 single contradiction from my book Qur'an ? Just one! I'll be waiting
@@zarifjonisaev-lq4kb Your whole religion is contradiction. You base your knowledge about God just on one "prophet" Muhammad, who has created one book. Contrary to a New Testament that has had at least 12 writers who testified of divinity of Jesus Christ as a Son of God and Savior and Redeemer of the world.
At least we were able to preserve that "book" as the way it was revealed, and 1=1 makes more sense than 1=3, even 5 years old children know that. Also, 60 percent of Christians do not even follow what religion teaches even tho they claim themselves to be Christians. So don't come here to teach me my religion as muslims are far better practitioners when it comes to religion
The way the book was found and wrote down like the book of mormon is nothing but a trust me bro.
@chrisyung7548 okay. 12 writers? But those writers themselves Wrote it, and there are many contradictions in the Bible. But Qur'an was Not written by a man. It is a word of God and there is no contradictions in it. Again I'm telling you Islam isn't like Christianity where we can say " I believe", " I think" or any other philosophical answers like that. Islam is based upon verses and hadiths. So give me any verse or verses that contradict each other?!
The only thing these people are wrong is to follow a "religion" when they should follow Jesus as he is the way the truth and the life.
Following Jesus really isn't that cut-and-dry? There are many Christian denominations and I'm sure each of them have thier own way to follow Jesus.
Deep, in depth study of scripture absolutely proves that it is impossible for Jesus to be the Supreme God.
the fact that these Muslim channels only post the videos where cliffe loses is just so sad. any Christians or believers seeing this please pray for these muslim people
Jesus calls Himself God in Luke 17:15-19.👈 Keyword there is "RETURNED"
John 14... Jesus explained the Trinity of God. Jesus is not equal to the Father. He is part of the Father and the Holy spirit is sent to teach by Jesus and the Father. ....or do as Muslims law orders them do..."I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them."
"Allah"(Quran 8:12)
"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah."
Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
"Love your neighbor and pray for those who persecute you."
Jesus (Matthew 5:44)
@@RobTheFossil dear friend, Jesus said that He and The Father are ONE. 👈
The bible explains that Jesus is The Living Word/Logos that proceeds from the Father. The word "begot" means to "come forth from/proceed from" this is why it's used plenty of times in Genesis over and over when refering to a Father "begetting" a son. You should check it out.
@@RobTheFossil ...check out Genesis 5 in the Interlinear.
My Heart is so blessed when I hear this man debate. Lord strengthen him to communicate. Gifted. Loved words of Truth.
What book teaches that it's ok to kill people whom you consider an enemy of your religion? What countries are always involved in wars? In terrorism? Jesus Christ's teaching to love your enemy is only one of His greatest teachings that when obeyed could really make this world a peaceful place to live in. Jesus taught us humility, love, kindness, and this makes Christianity an envy of other religions. Generally, considering human nature, it may not be perfect in its implementation or application, but it is undeniably the kind of religion where God, the One True God, is truly in existent, and we can all be reunited with Him when we follow the Way, the Truth and the Life who is Jesus Christ.
What Jesus taught us is wisdom from God Himself. What the others teach comes from the heart of man...totally dark and violent and greatly suits the heart of man.
I dont man but I certanly know who started the crusades, the holocaust, the conquering of America, Australia. Colonalization? But u see my dear? The difference between u and me, is i dont judge a vast group based on what a persentage does.
The resurrection is true and Jesus is the Savior, according to Islam...
My Heavenly Father has room for us to get lost, but find our way back again. And it is said "Test all things, hold fast what is good".
I pray for this woman's salvation.
Pls don't
Thank You Very Much Cliff Knechtle For Your Wisdom Knowledge And For Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️
Amen ✝️❤️✝️
I Believe And Trust In Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ Thank You God For Everything You Do For Us All ✝️❤️✝️ I Love Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ The Only Way To Heaven Is Through Faith And Love In Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️ Amen ✝️❤️✝️ Please Keep On Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth ✝️❤️✝️☮️ Amen ✝️❤️✝️☮️ MUCH LOVE ✝️❤️✝️☮️
He has so much patience, integrity and respect for the people he speaks with. Blessed man 🙏🏼
Happy New Year To You And Your Family
God Bless You All ✝️❤️✝️🙏🕯️☮️
Thr parents and priest must have hidden the bibles from that guy so he couldnt do a basic thing and read it for himself. Must expect everyone else to do his homework for him.
Why can not some people accept the truth?,she embrasssd herself.
Galatians 1: 6-9
Book of Revelation 22: 18-20
Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
Cliffe Knechtle is awesome. I watch Nicky Gumblell too.
I’m sorry, but everything aside, that’s not a contradiction. “Nobody has seen god but Jesus” is flat out stating that Jesus is a special case, context or no context
we really have to commend Cliffe for his patience, the way she came at him was so disrespectful and angry. Crazy since she claims to have peace from her religion! Id say thats whats contradictory
The ignorance and arrogance of these college kids is appalling.
That’s an age thing, college or not
One day all these Christ denier’s will find out the hard way who the real savior is.
Not much longer…
Same time from Adam to Moses,
Moses to Jesus 1 (the lamb)
Jesus 1 to Jesus 2 (the Lion of Judah)
Sounds like you are wishing destruction on people
Im just going off of what the woman said. Wishing destruction, no. I want everyone to accept Christ.
I pray for all people to seek Jesus…as for me, I am clinging to Him!
Muslims don’t deny yesua . We just worship 1 God
My Jesus is King!!
That muslim woman deliberately misquoted that second verse in John and argues that there's a contradiction. She mocks "whatever version or book this is, whoever wrote this.." yet she has no idea how many distinct versions of the Quran there have been and the one she reads today was only confirmed as the "official" version in the early 20th century. Nor does she know that Mohammed had one of his scribes executed for daring to notice and point out a contradiction in his revelation.
She's another proof that man prefers darkness to Light, and will twist and turn trying to disprove the Light Himself, Jesus Christ.
@@sjmusicforlife4638 So true! I think it's intoxicating to her pridefulness.
4:35 he's speaking about what a lot of parents and teachers are doing to innocent kids by confusing their genders.
Brilliant rebuttal! ❤
It infuriates me when people take information out of context.
This man is amazing! He’s doing great work!!!
Does God die
Interrupts cause he is not making sense!!!
But he let you spew your garbage without interrupting you 🫤
There's no denying on the existence of God / Jesus. These people are seeking cheap excuses not to follow Christ.
@broodofvipers There is no sound, exclusive, objective evidence for your god so i deny its existence until provided with sound, exclusive, objective evidence. Believing there is a god without that evidence is a cheap excuse.
@@anthonymitchell9793There is evidence if you look hard enough. Jesus is our Lord and Savior 📯
@@Trendsthismonth I looked for 3 years. Nothing.
@@anthonymitchell9793 You think that until you see someone instantly healed in front of you in real life.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior 📯
The demons are real and I have seen them fear his name in real life. Jesus Christ's name is really that powerful
@@Trendsthismonth You or any other theist has provided evidence for anything you say. Santa Claus for adults.
I'm more amazed that no one calls out Christians for not following only Jesus.
I believe in God, with my entire heart and soul. I just wish there wasn’t so much confusion about religions and which were supposed to follow….
Do we really need religion in order to prove the Lords existence?
You tell them they don’t have to dress like that when you believe in Jesus it might free her. Sadly most of those women have been in it since birth so they know no other way. It’s very sad.
Pray for this woman's understanding of spirit vs. flesh.
😂Does God die
@abdorahim6435 no. Lord God Almighty is eternal.
@jeffgray9943 Didn't Jesus die for you???
@@abdorahim6435 yes
John 1:10-12, 14 NLT
[10] He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. [11] He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. [12] But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
[14] So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
Well said my good and faithful servant.
How is that internal contradiction
The 1st woman sounded so arrogant 😅 talking to Cliffe like he doesnt know anything about the bible
@@christianamalto8047 agreed
@@DevoutJourney and purely one sided, Cliffe cannot share his beliefs but she can 💀
It's how unbelievers try to lord it over force and sword as necessary.
@@sjmusicforlife4638 true, normal izlamic move
I thought you let her under your skin a bit too much.
I agree. You could really feel the tension.
True… but then I put myself in his shoes… aggressive, combative students trying to prove u are an idiot in front of a crowd.
It’s hard to be patient and loving and kind under those circumstances.
What, Cliffe? He was extremely patient in this video. Also, it's a common debate tactic to "Match intensity" if people are debating you loudly and angrily, you also want to come off as strong. Not necessarily angry, but not weak either. Actually I think he could have responded harsher.
So true❤
We should read the text within the context
may God above The Heavens And The Earth guide all of us
Only yourself can change, if you listen to what is good for you.
I pray Jesus continues to bless you brother Cliffe keep defending our faith in Jesus Christ our coming King 👑
It's crucial to remember:
* Healthy religious practice is about finding peace and meaning. It should not involve fear, manipulation, or exploitation.
* Critical thinking is essential. Questioning beliefs and seeking diverse perspectives is important for healthy spiritual growth.
People misunderstand translation and think it means writing or rewriting.
Specially muslims...
This preacher makes a great point about wanting and needing the Love of Christ. My Sistee and I were born and raised in an atheist household we were never taken to Church and we both attended non faith schools. Today forty years later we are both devout followers of Jesus Christ. My sister is an evangelical protestant and I am a converted Roman Catholic. Neither of us were forced into this path we simply knocked and God opened the door to his son Jesus Christ. My partner was baptised Catholic but is a firmament atheist and respects my faith. Do I think she will go to hell when she dies , she will certainly not go to heaven as she does not believe there is one. She has made her choice and I have made mine. My belief is Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the pathway to Eternal salvation.
Birthing oneself is always very difficult...we must keep pushing patiently and confidently as the Body of Christ while people like her struggle to find The Light. Her struggling shows it is almost time for her New LIFE with God through Jesus Christ. 🎉❤
In proverbs 22:6 it says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old enough he will not depart from it
Some people will never believe the truth.
Years after I married, I came to believe in Jesus Christ. My husband was a reasonable atheist. When I tried to teach our children about my belief, he made an unforgettable remark. Leave them alone until they come to age 17. They were going to a Christian School. Years later we were on vacation for two weeks. We decided to go to church except him. He was puzzled that he was the only one who remained behind. One of our children decided to remain behind so accompany him. The others have to give him an answer and said, dad we are above 17. After a few years he himself accepted the LORD as his personal savior. Don't ever give up on God about the salvation of anyone especially family members 🙏 Glory to GOD who not only loves us but is Love. Let us be a good witness.