To be fair you don't have to admit to being a satanist if you are one , read their bible, its an interesting inside perspective that goes untouched mostly, however equally they dont condone violence unless threatened
I agree.people are out there to try to over power people by telling them satain exist he dos not.people can try to convince me all they want I will never believe.all the scary costume is manmaid.
@@boberbib3178 That's cool and I respect that. To me, Satan is a representation of energy. I see it as Devine femmine and Devine Masculine. It helps me be a better entity at the end of the day. Nor do I see it as evil. Darkness can be good and light can be evil. Yin and yang, duality whatever you wish to call it. I do my best to respect others and in return I ask for it. My path is always changing anyway. Even if they see me as evil. I'm not. I just understand sacrifice and strength. That's just my personal opinion tho. May I ask why you believe that?
One of the reasons I love metal is because it’s still so misunderstood. The people who like the music get it. They understand it. The ones that don’t get it, it was never meant for them. Most genres of music can be either liked or at least appreciate it for what it is. With metal, you either like it or you don’t. There is no middle ground and that’s what I love about it. The people that like it are very passionate about it. You don’t see that in other genres.
And you guys love to act so edgy and say "we're doing the satan thing for attention and publicity, christians are just soft" so why dont you also dap into nazism? Why no nazi imagery? And lets see what happens when I make fun of an lgbt satanist.
True statement and I will take it a little further. All people who go to church aren't saved. Also everybody that goes to Walmart isnt a Christian either or the movies but hey everyone still goes there. Point being try a local church and see what happens. You cant let the phony people keep you from God ya sure don't let them keep you from food.
@@JacobMichael75 Responding to the statement above and I think I made my point. Don't let unholy people at a church keep you from it. All are not phony and some are....
@@stephenblackwell5533 I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the original poster Biohazard. As far as your comments go understand what you're saying but the kind of weird I don't know what Walmart of the movies has to do with being a Christian or getting food your sort of all over the place dude
@@JacobMichael75 My bad thought you were responding to me. No harm intended just making a point that many people will avoid the church building due to the fact that some of the people there are unholy and aren't the real deal. No one wants to hang out with the hypocrites at church understandably but at the same time won't let the hypocrites keep them from other places for example Walmart or the theater that's all I was saying. Just dont let hypocrites or the unholy ones keep you from a good church that may give you the truth that is what you need to get right with God which we all need in my opinion. Take care man...
What the hell are you doing hanging around here 4 string? Oh lo siento jey. Ya lo olvidar que tiennes 6 lassos con tu bass. Tu puedes quedar aqui con nosotros compadre'
I'm a Christian and musician who plays "metal" because that is the "style" I know and continue to use to express myself. Roaring guitars and thundering drums are just awesome. My own musical creations are not Satanic and instead are an expression of my own emotion and experiences relative to my personal beliefs. Sure, many of the people who created the sonic characteristics of metal did base their lyrics on Satanic themes, but that does not mean that everything that sounds similar has the same influence and message. Music is expression. Break rules, destroy foundations, and let your music speak for itself.
Hell yes brother! I’m a Christian metal head. And even though it might be dark, I am a huge Death Metal fan. I love all metal subgenres (besides Industrial metal) no matter what the theme is, I never swear off listening to any metal music genres or bands(besides gorgoroth, after that one concert gorgoroth is a no no for me) metal music is now pretty much all that I listen to. I do love rock too, but my first song choice would be metal. I hate it when people say Metal is the devils music, even though there might be some satanic foundation of the first heavy metal songs. There are heavy metal artists that are great people (and there are a lot of Christian metal artists and metal fans) rock on brother, and god bless 🤘🏻🤘🏻
@@themusickid2.09 the song is actually self-titled (it's called Black Sabbath), it's Black Sabbath's first song they released and is also widely considered the very first heavy metal song. The riff that plays throughout it is The Devils Tri Tone, which is a sequence that's been associated with the occult since hundreds of years ago
@@majanikolic7995 I did, it sounds repeative, the vocals are either the same high pitched bird screams, or low guterals, while the drumbeats are about the same. Basically it all sounds the same. Satanic/black metal will always have one thing I like. Theatrical works. To be fair tho, I was in the realm of deathcore.
That Larry Norman song was one of the few Christian rock songs that was allowed to be played at our old church disco when I was a kid😅 As a kid, whenever our Sunday School teacher neighbour wouldn’t let their kids play at our house (because my dad played regular mainstream rock like Queen & Deep Purple which they believed was somehow evil) I’d crank this up really loud when they were around so they would get the message 😂😅
@@kormendymatyas8667 no it dosent... Your just thinking of the word panic at the disco rotf. Go look in the mirror you fan boy. How would you even know that if you didn't listen to it haha...( I was listening to arch enemy back then and thrash)
I am a Christian that loves God so much, and I can say that people who call rock or heavy metal, “the devil’s music” are delusional. Metallica is one of my favorite bands, and I’ve never been negatively influenced by them. In fact, they have done more good for me than bad. They inspired me to pick up the guitar. They inspired me to want to listen to their music, and they inspired me to love heavy metal as a whole. They make my life positive.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. Making music truly ugly or evil is a tough job to do. And I think that's because music can only exist to praise God and Jesus Christ.
@Singula I know what you mean. There are some evil songs out there that talk about vicious and horrible things(Hammer Smashed Face-Cannibal Corpse). And although they talk about brutally killing someone, that’s not from satan, that’s a man made song. They decided to make that song, not satan. I can’t imagine what those people would think if they heard a song like Hammer Smashed Face and they think Led Zeppelin is the devil’s music.
My son is a drummer with a God given talent and also I'm a heavy metal band and although I can't hear most of the words because of the grunge sound and I'm not even sure if that's the terminology used in music. I know those guys are Christians as well. I'm not criticizing any gandre because I love all types of music that includes classical to heavy whatever music they call it. I look at their talent because no idiot can play in front of thousands of fans and do gigs. Rock on guys!
@@guitarandgames1386 most metal bands used the dark image to get the attention After few years, no one really cared about those things So Gojira was smart enough to choose themes that suits for a new, wider audience
@@guitarandgames1386 are they successful at that? I don't think so Watch the latest video by the PunkRockMBA You'll see how much the metal heads love gimmicks
Have you ever listened to the lyrics in Sabbath songs if anything they're anti satanic, they talk about the evil of mankind and how we will be judged by God and that we should change our ways
I had the pleasure of seeing Slayer on their Show No Mercy tour. I couldn't believe what I heard/saw when Bathory's first LP came out, and Hellhammer, Venom, Mercyful Fate's. Me & my friend's were enthralled with the band "Satan," and equally enthralled reading their lyrics & discovering they had almost nothing to do with satan. We really dug their music, though. In the early-mid 80s me & my friends always knew these "satanic" bands were not really satanic (except for King Diamond). They did the anti-God thing to express rebellion, sell albums, to shock people & parents.
1955 to 1962 Loving Rock N' Roll meant growing long "sideburns" 1964 to 1969 Loving "Mod" or "Hippie" music meant growing "shaggy hair" 1970 to 1999 Loving Heavy Metal meant growing your "hair" long. 2000 to 2020 loving Heavy Metal means growing your "beard" long.
2021 to 2201 loving Heavy Metal means growing your "pubes" long. 2202 to 2202 loving Heavy Metal means tying your "pube-beard" to your "chin-beard". Note: Headbanging lead to many "Unintended Castratos" 2202 to 2203 loving Castrato Metal means you now have balls tied to your chin. Note: Adam Levine of Maroon 5 proclaims himself "King of Castrato Metal" 2204 Dr. John "Ozzy" Osbourne invents time travel. Travels back to 1982 saving the life of Randy Rhoads. Travels back to 2021, cures Parkinsons, cancer, aids, and corrects timeline.
The devil will say he loves music if you ask what type, he'll say all sorts of music, but if you question him further it'll turn out he actually only listens to imagine dragons while he does the dishes and maybe some Bublé on a Friday night
So when I was a teenager, my parents marriage grew toxic. When they would go to insanity, I would lock myself up and blast highway to hell by AC/DC. Miraculously, they would stop fighting and work as a team, beating on my door to shut that devil talk down. I called it my psychologist.
I think the biggest irony in all of this is that in many cases, we will use Black Sabbath as an example, they were clearly on "God's side" - listen to the actual lyrics of a lot of these songs and most of the message is "choose good, not evil."
Guys always trying to say with their songs that we must choose to be good people and not hate others or doing sins but somehow they accused them as evil band.I guess they never listened to them just what they heard about BS from critics or others
Or maybe they were just confused in those days and times because they did not have the information like we do now but on top of that they are a great band to listen to nowadays! Great then and Great now!
Yeah, Take a more modern example. In The Sacrilegous Scorn by Dimmu Borgir: The lyrics go ''This battle between us two. Good and Evil, me and you'' They're referring to the devil and god, in that order. Good vs Evil. I always found that a nifty little detail.
@@DrinkVoZzWater in the context of the song 'The Last Stand' by Sabaton, which is what the original commenter was quoting, yes, it would be the Christian/Catholic God being referenced. Your comment is generally correct, but in context of the original comment and the song it references, you're way out in left field.
'' How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.''
You are praying for him by your confession here. I bought his lie ones His dammed card he trows at all of us: Look what ,the serpenthimself tells you : To pray for sinners like me,him satan wispers. But remind Satan if he keeps Telling you that That he freely knowingly chose To fall from grace Because he God would not make him,into his firstborn As he did with man So he rebelled And Satan knows this unwritten law of GODS PERFECT LOVE FOR ALL HIS CREATION NOT ONLY FOR ONE REBELLIOUS CHILD . God himself says there is no other way for Satan,known as THE SERPENT IN THE BIBLE. THAN TO TROW HIM IN TO THE LAKE OF FIRE SO HE CAN NOT DECIVE MAN ANNYMORE.
I remember when I heard about the whole spiel about Christianity as a kid, and I thought: "If he's the one who punishes bad guys, doesn't that make him a good guy?" as the quote goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
He's not your friend. He only punishes the bad people (as well as corrupting and abusing those who are good) because it amuses him and because he hates them. It has NOTHING to do with pleasing the Lord and bringing glory to His Name. He does it out of cruelty and malice. Out of evil. Not out of love for the Lord of Hosts or His Son.
I could write volumes about this subject. I study music, theology, philosophy and I'm a long time professional musician in the rock/metal scene. From a christian perspective, glorifying anything other than God is a form of devil worship and that includes philosophies to live by that defy Christianity. "Do what thou wilt" is something Mr Crowley liked to say would be the "whole of the law" of his brand of Satanism that he said would put an end to Christianity. Now hear this quote again "I make my own rules and choose to do with my life what I please." and you will see how these philosophies are consistent and alike in their anti-christian practice. In metal, some just embrace this as a non-theistic rebellion against social norms. Others actually do have some stock in the supernatural idealism of its roots and sometimes it's hard to tell who is who. But the genre is certainly steeped in anti-christian ideas, theologically and philosophically. The idea of "freedom" behind it can usually be summed up with the discarding of many of the 10 commandments and the authority behind them all. The symbolism runs throughout the genre as well. Even the picture for this channel is a nod to it. That lightning bolt symbology goes way back to the bible verse about the lightbearer (Satan) being cast to the earth like a bolt of lightning. Marilyn Manson and David Bowie were not shy with it. Well... Whatever. Nobody reads my shit anyways.
usually people mix the concepts "antireligion" and "satanist". A lot of band are against religions in general, others specifically against christianism, only a very very litte are really "satanist"
I love metal. I listen to death metal. I also am Christian. So i get a hell of a time trying to find songs that dont include something about satan. You give up at one point.
I only used to be the exact opposite. I wouldn't listen to a song if it mentioned God or would stop listening to a band when I found out they were religious. Then I realized how stupid I was being and realized that if the music is good, then i should just enjoy it.
It's hard brother, like a drug. Sometimes I get a Black Sabbath song in my head and I can't get it out. It's a powerful form of witchcraft and mind control.
It's just words and imagery. Neither the Devil or your God is real, so don't let the stories bother you. Besides, there are a whole lot more stories about the evils of man and god in religious texts, anyway. Let me know next time a band causes genocide because their fans wouldn't suck their dick.
The devil wears fiction! Metal is a matter of understanding metaphorical artistic expression. People get uncomfortable when a mirror is held up to them reflecting a suppressed aspect of them that was always within.
Agree with this when the darkness hit heavy people aren’t ready to face it which is odd some push the idea of working and dedicating your life to work and other things.Into children and that can lead to some dark energy claim depression and others don’t even care about that. I find in life we should appreciate both side of our selfs dark and light an find balance. All good isn’t good and all darkness isn’t dark.
I remember the satanic panic of the mid-80’s well. That was no joke, especially if you happened to be a daycare provider that was accused. The first time I saw NIN in 1994, Manson opened. This 13 year old kid accompanied by his dad was sitting in front of us. I was 23 at the time, and thought the dad’s reactions were hysterical. Dude was extremely uncomfortable, got into an argument with his son about leaving during Manson’s set. Every generation needs something like Black Sabbath, Metallica, Manson & Ghost to terrify their parents. I told my son the worst thing he could listen to would be country music, IMO. He thinks it’s cool that we like the same music. 🖤
That's why abrahamic religions are bad. They create boogeymen and justify persecution of any who go against the good guy since Yahweh is definitely not an asshole he's such a nice guy. I love that one time he made a man's crops fail, had barbarians slaughter his family, and gave him the plague and he was like, "Yeah we still good man I don't want to burn for eternity we're still friends right?" Stay far away from abrahamic people they're all fucking insane desert people living in a different reality from you and I.
Metal at its core really is rebellious music and just like what was said in the video the devil can be a sign of rebellion which is why he is featured so prominently in the metal genre
The truth about satanism in metal? The truth is that yeah, it's out there, but it should in no way be taken as representative of the entire genre or subculture. Plus, satanism isn't usually something that bands try to "sneak" into their music. Most bands that are satanic are usually quite open about it, so really you should know before you buy an album what you're gonna be getting. People shouldn't think that heavy metal and satanism always go hand in hand; it's simply not true.
@Zamza no means no! Tell that to the priest here charged with what he did to little boys. Motley crew sang shout at the devil, not with the devil, knowing that they will be taken out of context, by people who can't think for themselves. Look when we had church rule. It looks like communism to me. The people are poor. the leaders have all the money. There is no free speech. No FAIR trials. People eat crap at a market with, no sanitation, spreading corona virus, because leaders with fragile ego's that can't be told NO! Sorry, but I am NOT communist!
Shit im a Christian and metal is the real reason i even pay attention to music, Ozzy, opened up my mind to alot of awsome bands. Before i learned about metal music was just a bland thing for me thankfully my mom had good musical taste that led me to metal.
I also am a believer in Christ and his teachings, and enjoy many forms of music, including metal. Even some extreme metal. I just love the music and don't buy into the satanic shit. The devil scares the shit out of me, I like to keep him at a distance
Not all metal is satanic, Dave Ellefson is right. Don't let anything interfere with your beliefs. Only God is eternal, Satan will die on the Armageddon. Obey God and you may enter the Kingdom of Salvation.
@@sawm_sang_a._ The most known one is Robert Johnson. Then Bob Dylan, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson and it is very possible that also Beatles. Club 27 also cannot be only an accident, R. Johnson was one of the first members of this club. You do not have to believe me I am only telling you what I think. And it is not fake info that many metalists and rockers admire occultism an satanism.
I’m a metal fan and a devout biblical Christian with an emphasis on “biblical “. The Bible has restored my heart and makes me want to love more. Yes the Bible has moral laws that everyone ought to follow and I would testify to this but every human has free will to, ironically, not believe in the one who created them and loves them. The true Christian faith has been utterly misunderstood because of false preachers and followers alike, which causes people to rebel viscerally and believe that someone like me is judgmental and hates homosexuals. When the reality is Christ teaches us to Love God with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbors as our selves. I am a sinner just as a homosexual or some who lusts or hates is. Christians are no better than then the non believer. We desperately want the best for our fellow man and therefore we want them to repent of sins just as us for there sake ! Tearing up the Bible deserves a boycott of their music. I don’t have to listen to it or see it. I pray for the anger in their hearts to change because it’s their eternity ,not mine. Now that may sound condescending but it’s not! I pray with love for everyone! I don’t have to like the sin committed, in fact I condemn every sin against God. But I don’t hate the person committing the sin I love that person. They are an image of God that has lost themselves and need to be found!!! Christians give Christ and Christianity a bad name because how they handle ungodly and worldly situations. I just want to say that I wish people would see the beauty of Jesus because you can like metal music and worship our Lord Jesus at the same time. Your intentions must be clear in your heart when you do anything in life including listening to metal lest it insight an already angered heart. Don’t let anything in life cause deception to you. That’s where the true Satan lives. I love you all! And God bless you !
Nah man, I'm not buying it, religion is silly at its best and down right evil at it's worst. I don't need invisible sky daddies threatening me with eternal torture to be a good person, and if you do, then I hate to think how evil you'd be without the threat of torture. The reason religion tells you to believe without question, is because when you do question it, you start to see how man-made and nonsensical it all is. The purple and pink striped invisible unicorn called Nigel that lives in my back passage wishes you well though.
“True Christianity” is subjective as all hell. You have people fighting for what they think is the correct context when at the end of the day it’s all irrelevant. You either are a sexist bigoted Christ follower, or you cherry pick half-decent verses from the Bible. There’s no such thing as a universal “true Christian”.
I'm writing my senior thesis about the Satanic Panic of the 80's and it's positive effects on Metal's future, yall just gave me some of the best quotes. Thanks Loudwire
is that what we're calling it now.... THE SATANIC PANIC LOL well.. I'm from the 80s and i've never heard it called that You want a source for information PMRC mate, PMRC and Tipper Gore, that's where you'll find all the bullshit and , not necessarily where it came from but where it exploded where it came from ....... was sort of like this in the 50s you had Elvis presely and they started saying ROCK N ROLL HAS GOT TO GO this is probably where the whole SATAN HAS CORRUPTED OUR CHILDREN thing started parents concluded in their simple minded views that rock n roll was the devils music, although Elvis didn't have skulls on his album covers and the title of his songs was Hounddog and Jailhouse rock,, Not Disciple, God hates us all and Am I Evil LOL so then Enter THE BEATLES, that just pushed it forward then enter LED ZEPPELIN and add to that the rumour if your played stairway backwards it says MY SWEET SATAN and all of a sudden you have Ridiculousness going on Now you get to the 80s and we have black shirts, Motley crue had the dr feelgood voodoo head on a knife stick ,, Metallica had skulls and devil imagery , Megadeth had skulls , Vic Rattlehead, Iron maiden.. same thing, and well... Slayer was slayer and parents were convinced that OUR CHILDREN HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED BY SATAN AND HEAVY METAL IS THEREFORE THE DEVILS MUSIC and then.....Enter TIPPER FUCKING GORE IDIOTIC INDIVIDUAL OF OUR LIFETIME THE STUPID DUMB FUCK OF THE CENTURY AWARD goes to tipper Gore and the PMRC if you want to know where it came from , that's where it came from. but at no point did we ACTUALLY worship the devil it was fun to fuck with people a little , but no one actually worshipped satan and if they did we'd tell them they were a fuckwit that's what really happened
Satanisim in "the metal" and scare of the 80 s just shows how clearly satan has mocked humanity. At the time of the 80 satan metal listeners where probably less than 5 pecent of the population. Whereas 90 percent of contempory music is a representation of the newage religion.
Want to know what's Satanic Music? Anything released by Kidz Bop. It makes me want to vomit green pea soup ala Regan McNeil. Metal never made me do anything except drive a car faster than I should, get hyped up or on the other side, chill me out.
@@stuartmendez9217 Ghost is a ROCK band with a bunch of "metal" songs. I dont think they ever claimed to be metal. I love metal and I love Ghost. I dont understand why so many metalheads get so butthurt over Ghost.
It's not just metal, it's anyone in pursuit of fame and money because they're slaves to their own ego and traded the eternal for the temporary. Musicians, athletes, actors, corporate CEOs etc. all tell you straight to your face that they sold their soul, and artists like Chris Cornell literally tell you in the entirety of every song he sings, both in Sound Garden and Audioslave, that he's guilty and regretful but that he's angry at God for allowing him to go astray and sell his soul, but now that he has, he will be one of satan's most powerful workers. Every single last one of his songs professes loyalty to the devil and anger at God without any interpretation necessary. Hundreds of artists do the same in every genre. It's wild that so many people are brainwashed into thinking it's fake or a joke. Evil isn't rock and roll, evil is child pornography and the raping, murder and abduction of people. It's everything terrible that people could possibly do to another person or to themselves. Time to stop being manipulated into thinking evil is "cool".
I love thrash metal, and I’m a Christian. this is the worst argument I’ve ever seen. I’ll admit though I do draw the line with black metal as it can get literally satanic, to say metal as a whole is satanic is completely wrong.
i agree this is honestly pretty stupid. im also christian. i do listen to satanic metal bands too such as deicide. it doesnt bother me nor piss me off. i listen to it and enjoy it, i listen TO enjoy it. not to worship satan. listening to this kind of music wont make me burn a church.
I do think there are sub genres more satanic than others. I’m a Christian but I love the modern day metal core that artists like of mice and men or wage war. I don’t hear satan in that music. But I absolutely hear it in bands like diecide and mayhem.
Interested to see what they have to say about this. As a kid growing up in the '80's and the "Satanic Panic", I was nicknamed Satan, Cat Killer and numerous other names because I was always an outsider who played Dungeons and Dragons, read comic books and listened to heavy metal. I was accused of abducting people and sacrificing them to Satan. Even people from the army came around and question my mother on my behaviour. I was too busy bombing it down steep hills. But the point is this. People will always judge by fear. Because people are weak. Not watched this yet... but lets see where it goes.
WTF? "Even people from the army came around..." What were you, public enemy #1? I can only imagine the kind of rumors that must have been circulating if the freakin' army was called out to investigate a kid!
@@TH3F4LC0Nx South Africa in the '80s had conscription. My friend ran away from home, I was blamed. His older brother sent people around becasue they thought I had sacrificed him.
@@PillBoxUK Oh my gosh! I don't know whether that's horrifying or hilarious. Well, either way, that took some serious balls to stay true to being yourself in an environment like that. Respect, dude. Much respect. By the way, I can understand people throwing the satanist label around because you played D&D and listened to metal, but what's so scary about comic books? I mean, I thought people hadn't been afraid of those things since the 50's!
Same here, but I played D&D with the high school principal's son. My parents still think it's satanic. Wasn't D&D written by a Jew? Are Jew's satanic? Ruled by fear. You called it!
Mom: “please don’t talk about politics during the family gathering” Graham: “ok mom” *three drinks later* PS: Out of all things you play a Ghost song at the end? LOL
How have I managed to be a Christian and love heavy metal over the past four decades??? I must be an enigma. Guess I never got the memo telling me to "go away" (or felt the need to adhere to and follow "Satanic lyrics")...LOL Speaking of "black metal"..I've actually considered RAP and Hip-Hop to be the devil's music the past couple of decades...
You're not an enigma, dude, you're just someone who knows that metal and Christianity are not mutually exclusive. And considering that a lot, (though certainly not all), rap comes from a place of actual hatred, then yeah, I'd say it has the power to be far more destructive than metal.
You're not a huge enigma, I'm Muslim and my favourite band is a post-hardcore band that was made up of a bunch of Christians and Frank Iero (Leathermouth), there's quite a few of us.
Im 41 now and looking back some of my friends who took metal too seriously and had years of worshipping and studying demons as teens to early 20s who are still also metalheads today laugh and cringe about those satan days.
Same here. Those days Im just young boy who had so many spare time to studied about satan. Now Im 30, still listening to almost all genre of metal, and I dont care if its lyrics satanic or not. Metal is just heavy music.
My dad thought I was a devil worshiper. I thought my dad was the devil though. My dad sounded like that montage before "final scream" played by Grim Reaper. Yea, that's my dad. I am glad I got bigger, and stronger than him now.
@@jessepinkeye2339 The interview was about Deicide. You can find it by search for Glen Benton interview should be on top of the list. Interview went very good.
I'm a Southern Baptist preacher and I love metal. I'd remark on two elements: 1) it's very important what you celebrate when you listen to music. Slayer is by far my favorite band but I don't have to agree with all of their themes to enjoy their sound. I think it would be wrong to change their meaning but I don't have to turn off my own critical thinking either. 2) if we become so rebellious that we think we can define Satan or Satanism in spite of the actual origins then we are being the thing we hate. Do many in the metal culture not see the church as ignorant? Well making up your own concept or definition of Satan is just as ignorant. You believe religion is made up? You are no better.
@@wisconsinmetalhead684 Skillet's genres are listed as Christian rock, Christian metal, hard rock, alternative rock, nu metal, and symphonic metal on most sources I find; they just aren't heavy metal.
Metal has always been a way for me to release my pain, anger and frustrations. It helped me climb out of my suicidal depression. Not all metal is satanic or evil, just like not all religion is positive and loving. Im an atheist and I am fine with religion. Some people need the love and positive messages and teachings of most religions to help them through their lives. Others like myself find that power within ourselves by a different means. Whatever message or feelings you respond to, just remember to channel them into positive energy and motivation.
Haha lol yeah Mayhem are so satanic. There is a global tendency to call everything satanic as we call everything racist or extremist now and it is extremely wrong. Mayhem and especially Per Yngve Ohlin were fascinated by death, not so much by satanism UNLIKE : Dissection. Jon Nodtveidt, the Misanthropic Luciferian Order or Temple of The Black Light who are the adorators of Seth, as they define themselves. Source : dude killed himself to follow Satan’s principles. He said that this was for an upcoming video (which i’m still waiting for btw), but you cannot speak about satanism without mentioning Dissection. It’s the second most important thing behind Black Sabbath’s tritone.
@@romainbclt the last album were most original members were still alive was called (in English) "the mysteries of our lord and saviour satan" and the rules euronymous made literally begin with "you must be a satanist" so yeah i think its just a bit satanic
I am a christian that loves all kinds of metal and while I don't make excuses for bands that promote satanic lyrics the music itself is not evil. Metal music is very creative and Satan is a parasite who has no creativity but as the liar that he is takes credit for what does not belong to him. All music is just a tool that can be used for either good or evil. Being well read in the bible there is not one scripture that condemns any kind of music. So any who truly follow God will go by His word alone & not manmade rules. But it is often the case that those who demonize others is out of their own self serving hypocrisy by trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down. I don't listen to a whole lot of bands but I love my own musical pursuits because it is inspiring and such a blessing. I think most are to the point where we can think for ourselves and not told how to think from hypocrites who try to control us one way or other.
I really love the last words and I quote "maybe the devil doesn't act through us. Maybe he exists because of us". I think that that really express, maybe, one deep nature of the human psychology that we used to denied to accept, blaming others in the search for justified us... Thanks for the thought man, blessings.
1 year later, perhaps you had time to think about what you typed in your comment. A little Shakespearean wisdom: "there are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
From my observations and experiences, I'd venture that much of metal is fueled by pain and life experiences that are difficult to process, and not anything satanic. The crowds drawn the most to heavy metal often find the lyrics and even the music itself an embodiment of the pain that they can relate to. Dare I say it may have a therapeutic quality to it; a soothing respite. I believe that's what draws in so many people to the genre. It's an outlet for many. It "speaks their language". And I think that's why so many people/parents in the 80s did not understand the metal movement. It didn't speak to them the same way it spoke to so many. And for many, they just really like the music and that's that. Though, in the West, with Christianity being so prominent in the culture, I can understand people being alarmed by the satanic imagery that bands chose to associate with their brand. Which as said in the video was to represent rebellion, though I might add a flare of theatrics as well. But in the West, most people are ill-equipped at recognizing metaphors and thematic imagery. We take much of popular media at face value in their artistic expressions.
@Zach JD KMFDM is some of the most libertarian, nationalistic music on the planet, and yet American boomers can’t stand it cuz it requires them to grow up.
@8:24 Look, I understand that what he did with the bible was a form of expression......but destroying a religious symbol is TO ME disrespectful. I mean I'm catholic BUT I do not go around tarring up both the Tanakh and the Quran because those books represent the written meaning to the Jewish and the islamic faith.
The definition of the tri-tone here isn't entirely accurate. A tri-tone doesn't get its name from containing three notes. It is actually just two notes a diminished 5th apart. The note an octave higher is not a necessary addition. The reason it is called a tri-tone is because in a diminished 5th interval, the top note is THREE whole steps higher than the first.
People: are you a satanist
Celebrities: no
People: that's exactly what a satanist would sayвидео.html
netcoms197 LMFOOOA shut up❤️
To be fair you don't have to admit to being a satanist if you are one , read their bible, its an interesting inside perspective that goes untouched mostly, however equally they dont condone violence unless threatened
Ok look some are satanic but not all just like hip hop some sold they soul and some didn't
It's gonna be awkward when we find out Satan doesn't even like metal and is more of an R&B kind of guy.
I thought he liked country
I agree.people are out there to try to over power people by telling them satain exist he dos not.people can try to convince me all they want I will never believe.all the scary costume is manmaid.
I'm sure Satan enjoys all kinds.
Alex Foreman
To me satin dos not exist. Only exist in the Christian religion.
@@boberbib3178 That's cool and I respect that. To me, Satan is a representation of energy. I see it as Devine femmine and Devine Masculine. It helps me be a better entity at the end of the day. Nor do I see it as evil. Darkness can be good and light can be evil. Yin and yang, duality whatever you wish to call it. I do my best to respect others and in return I ask for it.
My path is always changing anyway. Even if they see me as evil. I'm not. I just understand sacrifice and strength. That's just my personal opinion tho.
May I ask why you believe that?
People: Slipknot is Devils music
Also Slipknot:
*Standing in parking lot in a circle watching a mini Toy yoda*
Which song is this?
@Black Mass thank you
Can I see it?
A link to the video or website…?
Wheres the link? I wanna see it
One of the reasons I love metal is because it’s still so misunderstood. The people who like the music get it. They understand it. The ones that don’t get it, it was never meant for them. Most genres of music can be either liked or at least appreciate it for what it is. With metal, you either like it or you don’t. There is no middle ground and that’s what I love about it. The people that like it are very passionate about it. You don’t see that in other genres.
That's what makes it stand out
People who reject God are always passionate about it. It’s how the devil wins their souls.
And you guys love to act so edgy and say "we're doing the satan thing for attention and publicity, christians are just soft" so why dont you also dap into nazism? Why no nazi imagery? And lets see what happens when I make fun of an lgbt satanist.
Right on
Boomer: Black Sabbath is a satanic band
Ozzy at the end of shows: God Bless You !
Which god?
Also Ozzy: I'm a boomer
@@dannyspelman1468 Ozzy is legend
@@joeloliver2279 Correct. He's also a Boomer
AND Good night
Just remember one thing : Not all people who go to church are holy
True statement and I will take it a little further. All people who go to church aren't saved. Also everybody that goes to Walmart isnt a Christian either or the movies but hey everyone still goes there. Point being try a local church and see what happens. You cant let the phony people keep you from God ya sure don't let them keep you from food.
Your point?
@@JacobMichael75 Responding to the statement above and I think I made my point. Don't let unholy people at a church keep you from it. All are not phony and some are....
@@stephenblackwell5533 I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the original poster Biohazard. As far as your comments go understand what you're saying but the kind of weird I don't know what Walmart of the movies has to do with being a Christian or getting food your sort of all over the place dude
@@JacobMichael75 My bad thought you were responding to me. No harm intended just making a point that many people will avoid the church building due to the fact that some of the people there are unholy and aren't the real deal. No one wants to hang out with the hypocrites at church understandably but at the same time won't let the hypocrites keep them from other places for example Walmart or the theater that's all I was saying. Just dont let hypocrites or the unholy ones keep you from a good church that may give you the truth that is what you need to get right with God which we all need in my opinion. Take care man...
Normies: metal is Satanist
Metalheads: metal isn't Satanist
Nergal: Allow me to introduce myself
What's up. *SLAPPER*
What the hell are you doing hanging around here 4 string?
Oh lo siento jey. Ya lo olvidar que tiennes 6 lassos con tu bass.
Tu puedes quedar aqui con nosotros compadre'
Big pp.
Varg: enters the chat
Yes thats a good one!
I'm a Christian and musician who plays "metal" because that is the "style" I know and continue to use to express myself. Roaring guitars and thundering drums are just awesome. My own musical creations are not Satanic and instead are an expression of my own emotion and experiences relative to my personal beliefs. Sure, many of the people who created the sonic characteristics of metal did base their lyrics on Satanic themes, but that does not mean that everything that sounds similar has the same influence and message. Music is expression. Break rules, destroy foundations, and let your music speak for itself.
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
@@harlen7747 I worship many more gods than you. You should try Hel. She is the beautiful goddess of Helheim. 😊
Well you should thank Satan for that
Hell yes brother! I’m a Christian metal head. And even though it might be dark, I am a huge Death Metal fan. I love all metal subgenres (besides Industrial metal) no matter what the theme is, I never swear off listening to any metal music genres or bands(besides gorgoroth, after that one concert gorgoroth is a no no for me) metal music is now pretty much all that I listen to. I do love rock too, but my first song choice would be metal. I hate it when people say Metal is the devils music, even though there might be some satanic foundation of the first heavy metal songs. There are heavy metal artists that are great people (and there are a lot of Christian metal artists and metal fans) rock on brother, and god bless 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Here in iraq , any strange music consider satanic , still metalhead🤘
In Albania and Kosovo too.
@@bananenmus_tv1483 Approved by a Macedonian citizen
@@drangue4733 Ti si makedonec?
I guess that's why Accrassicauda got out.
Horns up bro! Balls of steel!Stay heavy and beware of idiots!
i literally had to write an essay today about satanism and youth culture and took this opportunity to talk about heavy metal
Not all hereos wear capes
@Blank Space Provided religious studies
brought a smile to my face, good job sire
@@corvus5215 I'd LOVE to read this paper. I'm intrigued.
I like how he played the notes of Black Sabbath on a Hello Kitty ukulele lol
What was the Black Sabbath song called? I wanna listen to it.
@@themusickid2.09 the song is actually self-titled (it's called Black Sabbath), it's Black Sabbath's first song they released and is also widely considered the very first heavy metal song. The riff that plays throughout it is The Devils Tri Tone, which is a sequence that's been associated with the occult since hundreds of years ago
ThatNinjaEBAY Thankyou:)
That’s not a ukelele lol just a smaller guitar
Metal is evil
Chuck: I like animals, they are cute.
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
"Metal is satanic"
Demon Hunter: "Hold my crucifix"
I mean there is Christian black metal too. It's just the edge version of what we do. All to profit and stir the pot the other way around.
Not all.depends on music.octive is just sound.
You should listen christian brutal metal
@@majanikolic7995 I did, it sounds repeative, the vocals are either the same high pitched bird screams, or low guterals, while the drumbeats are about the same. Basically it all sounds the same. Satanic/black metal will always have one thing I like. Theatrical works. To be fair tho, I was in the realm of deathcore.
Blasphemy: "hold my satanic symbols"
"Why let the devil have all the good music?"
-Larry Norman
Agreed!! LMFAO!!!
Yeah lmao. Tartinis sonata and numerous others. He has it all
God created all things, God created music, God is the best musician in the universe, God gives out all musical talent, God gave us ears to hear it.
@@slamee100 look on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
That Larry Norman song was one of the few Christian rock songs that was allowed to be played at our old church disco when I was a kid😅 As a kid, whenever our Sunday School teacher neighbour wouldn’t let their kids play at our house (because my dad played regular mainstream rock like Queen & Deep Purple which they believed was somehow evil) I’d crank this up really loud when they were around so they would get the message 😂😅
"Satanic panic" sounds like a cool band name
Right. So, when are you getting your band started?
maybe as a post hardcore emo band, but the 2008s are over
of Montreal have an album called Satanic Panic In The Attic. Cool album name.
@@kormendymatyas8667 no it dosent... Your just thinking of the word panic at the disco rotf. Go look in the mirror you fan boy. How would you even know that if you didn't listen to it haha...( I was listening to arch enemy back then and thrash)
I think its great for a new age thrash/shock band
I am a Christian that loves God so much, and I can say that people who call rock or heavy metal, “the devil’s music” are delusional. Metallica is one of my favorite bands, and I’ve never been negatively influenced by them. In fact, they have done more good for me than bad. They inspired me to pick up the guitar. They inspired me to want to listen to their music, and they inspired me to love heavy metal as a whole. They make my life positive.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. Making music truly ugly or evil is a tough job to do. And I think that's because music can only exist to praise God and Jesus Christ.
@Singula I know what you mean. There are some evil songs out there that talk about vicious and horrible things(Hammer Smashed Face-Cannibal Corpse). And although they talk about brutally killing someone, that’s not from satan, that’s a man made song. They decided to make that song, not satan. I can’t imagine what those people would think if they heard a song like Hammer Smashed Face and they think Led Zeppelin is the devil’s music.
My son is a drummer with a God given talent and also I'm a heavy metal band and although I can't hear most of the words because of the grunge sound and I'm not even sure if that's the terminology used in music. I know those guys are Christians as well. I'm not criticizing any gandre because I love all types of music that includes classical to heavy whatever music they call it. I look at their talent because no idiot can play in front of thousands of fans and do gigs. Rock on guys!
Exactly like for example sabaton is metal and their song ‘the last stand’ even talks about the holy land crusades and how it’s glory for God
If there ever was a circular argument, this one is it 😂
"Maybe the devil doesn't act through us. Maybe he exists because of us." Good video.
Best quote ever!
That was a hell of a quote
Very indeed, it was created
The devil was actually an Angel who made all the music, then he wanted to be like God but as you can didn’t turn out the way he planned.видео.html
Dude forgot that bach and beethoven both used tritones and diminished 7ths. These guys were metal af.
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
@@harlen7747 no
@@harlen7747 ok. I respect you, HAIL SATAN. May Lucifer bless you with His light.
@@harlen7747 Isn't that the star of David in your name💀💀💀
it's always the quiet one's LOL
People need to stop taking things so literally
people need to wake up, all we here for
Honestly that's why I like bands like gojira and obscura because they are philosophical and talk about worldly concepts. So no controversy just peace
@@guitarandgames1386 most metal bands used the dark image to get the attention
After few years, no one really cared about those things
So Gojira was smart enough to choose themes that suits for a new, wider audience
@@nisinduperera7130 yep but however there are still a lot of bands that try and use "evil" as a leverage on fame
@@guitarandgames1386 are they successful at that?
I don't think so
Watch the latest video by the PunkRockMBA
You'll see how much the metal heads love gimmicks
Have you ever listened to the lyrics in Sabbath songs if anything they're anti satanic, they talk about the evil of mankind and how we will be judged by God and that we should change our ways
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
Mark 8:36
your soul is ETERNAL,
@@elijahgreen2479 that mark dude was right
"Listen to this boomer"
That caught me off guard and cracking hahahaha.
Had me rolling 🤣
I read this as he said it 😭
HAHAHA You beat me to this comment!
Metal is metal.
Satanic, Christian, Atheist and even Vegan Metal, it's all music. It's what you choose to do with it that matters.
Cattle Decap
@@alyxl4mb904 see on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Yo, does anyone knows a band that is actually christian and satanic? I'm curious
well i know stryper ISN'T christian
Maybe that counts as well
@@BekitnyWilkczyliPBVolf Here's some Christian metal bands for you to check out, Demon Hunter, War Of Ages, Haste The Day.
I had the pleasure of seeing Slayer on their Show No Mercy tour. I couldn't believe what I heard/saw when Bathory's first LP came out, and Hellhammer, Venom, Mercyful Fate's. Me & my friend's were enthralled with the band "Satan," and equally enthralled reading their lyrics & discovering they had almost nothing to do with satan. We really dug their music, though. In the early-mid 80s me & my friends always knew these "satanic" bands were not really satanic (except for King Diamond). They did the anti-God thing to express rebellion, sell albums, to shock people & parents.
Metalhead: the genre has nothing to do with Satan
Gaahl: exists
Metalhead: well maybe a little.
What inspires you
: Satan
@Satan Supremacist
"No one in early Mayhem was a satanist"
Euronymous: "Am I a joke to you?"
You’re profile picture is amazing
I’m dead hahahahahahahahaha “maybe a little” HAHAHAHAAJAH
@@ikilledcaptainalex666 he was obviously a joke to varg!!!
1955 to 1962 Loving Rock N' Roll meant growing long "sideburns"
1964 to 1969 Loving "Mod" or "Hippie" music meant growing "shaggy hair"
1970 to 1999 Loving Heavy Metal meant growing your "hair" long.
2000 to 2020 loving Heavy Metal means growing your "beard" long.
especially a shit ton of tats in this day and age
2021 to 2201 loving Heavy Metal means growing your "pubes" long.
2202 to 2202 loving Heavy Metal means tying your "pube-beard" to your "chin-beard". Note: Headbanging lead to many "Unintended Castratos"
2202 to 2203 loving Castrato Metal means you now have balls tied to your chin. Note: Adam Levine of Maroon 5 proclaims himself "King of Castrato Metal"
2204 Dr. John "Ozzy" Osbourne invents time travel. Travels back to 1982 saving the life of Randy Rhoads. Travels back to 2021, cures Parkinsons, cancer, aids, and corrects timeline.
No tattoos but I have a 6” beard and I’m a singer/guitar player in a band.
@@Doc_Valparaiso I like the cut of your gib.
1970-2020 metal grows balls 10%
The devil will say he loves music if you ask what type, he'll say all sorts of music, but if you question him further it'll turn out he actually only listens to imagine dragons while he does the dishes and maybe some Bublé on a Friday night
Swift with the princes of hell on karaoke night.
Bublé is ok but listening to imagine dragons is a war crime
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
He definitely likes Maroon 5, they are literally torture to listen to.
So when I was a teenager, my parents marriage grew toxic.
When they would go to insanity, I would lock myself up and blast highway to hell by AC/DC.
Miraculously, they would stop fighting and work as a team, beating on my door to shut that devil talk down.
I called it my psychologist.
That might be the saddest RUclips comment I've ever read. I hope you're okay now
Wow, incredible!
I think the biggest irony in all of this is that in many cases, we will use Black Sabbath as an example, they were clearly on "God's side" - listen to the actual lyrics of a lot of these songs and most of the message is "choose good, not evil."
Guys always trying to say with their songs that we must choose to be good people and not hate others or doing sins but somehow they accused them as evil band.I guess they never listened to them just what they heard about BS from critics or others
Or maybe they were just confused in those days and times because they did not have the information like we do now but on top of that they are a great band to listen to nowadays! Great then and Great now!
Yeah, Take a more modern example. In The Sacrilegous Scorn by Dimmu Borgir: The lyrics go ''This battle between us two. Good and Evil, me and you'' They're referring to the devil and god, in that order. Good vs Evil. I always found that a nifty little detail.
Ever heard of double speak? When Zionists etc talk of god they talk of satan
What's evil is good and what's good is evil. Masonry 101
"Heavy metal is satanic"
Lord can mean any God though my mans
@@DrinkVoZzWater I think you missed the joke lol
@@CapnPhilly No, I do lol
@@DrinkVoZzWater in the context of the song 'The Last Stand' by Sabaton, which is what the original commenter was quoting, yes, it would be the Christian/Catholic God being referenced. Your comment is generally correct, but in context of the original comment and the song it references, you're way out in left field.
@@texaspete84 yeah, my guy
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" - Mark Twain #quote
Gots to love the Twain!
Mr. Samuel was splendid indeed.
I love that quote
'' How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.''
You are praying for him by your confession here.
I bought his lie ones
His dammed card he trows at all of us:
Look what ,the serpenthimself
tells you :
To pray for sinners like me,him satan wispers.
But remind Satan if he keeps
Telling you that
That he freely knowingly chose
To fall from grace
Because he God would not make him,into his firstborn
As he did with man
So he rebelled
And Satan knows this unwritten law of GODS PERFECT LOVE
God himself says there is no other way for Satan,known as THE SERPENT IN THE BIBLE.
I remember when I heard about the whole spiel about Christianity as a kid, and I thought: "If he's the one who punishes bad guys, doesn't that make him a good guy?" as the quote goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
He doesn't punish bad guys, he drags former good guys down with him
Not many evangelical Christians believe Satan punishes the bad. Just that he’s punished in Hell with them.
He's not your friend. He only punishes the bad people (as well as corrupting and abusing those who are good) because it amuses him and because he hates them. It has NOTHING to do with pleasing the Lord and bringing glory to His Name. He does it out of cruelty and malice. Out of evil. Not out of love for the Lord of Hosts or His Son.
I could write volumes about this subject. I study music, theology, philosophy and I'm a long time professional musician in the rock/metal scene. From a christian perspective, glorifying anything other than God is a form of devil worship and that includes philosophies to live by that defy Christianity. "Do what thou wilt" is something Mr Crowley liked to say would be the "whole of the law" of his brand of Satanism that he said would put an end to Christianity. Now hear this quote again "I make my own rules and choose to do with my life what I please." and you will see how these philosophies are consistent and alike in their anti-christian practice. In metal, some just embrace this as a non-theistic rebellion against social norms. Others actually do have some stock in the supernatural idealism of its roots and sometimes it's hard to tell who is who. But the genre is certainly steeped in anti-christian ideas, theologically and philosophically. The idea of "freedom" behind it can usually be summed up with the discarding of many of the 10 commandments and the authority behind them all. The symbolism runs throughout the genre as well. Even the picture for this channel is a nod to it. That lightning bolt symbology goes way back to the bible verse about the lightbearer (Satan) being cast to the earth like a bolt of lightning. Marilyn Manson and David Bowie were not shy with it. Well... Whatever. Nobody reads my shit anyways.
Maybe you should try a different approach. ;)
I read it, and enjoyed it.
I read it and I get it...thx.
I don't completely disagree with you. But, you might perhaps consider that it is not necessarily anti-Christian, but anti-Christian Establishments.
Your covering the same old ground here.Tell us something we don't know?
usually people mix the concepts "antireligion" and "satanist". A lot of band are against religions in general, others specifically against christianism, only a very very litte are really "satanist"
“Christianism” lmao what?
@@jeremylaneball5890 Christianism is a word.
@@balladofcoseypolar4711 It is, but in this case, it is used in the wrong context.
@@Punkz83 It is correct in the oP comment.
That is the mother F’ing truth !
I love metal. I listen to death metal. I also am Christian. So i get a hell of a time trying to find songs that dont include something about satan. You give up at one point.
Yeah same. Even convert Dave Mustaine said he won’t perform certain songs anymore because they contain instructions for hexes.
Death metal is more about ateistic philosophies or simply gore
I only used to be the exact opposite. I wouldn't listen to a song if it mentioned God or would stop listening to a band when I found out they were religious. Then I realized how stupid I was being and realized that if the music is good, then i should just enjoy it.
It's hard brother, like a drug. Sometimes I get a Black Sabbath song in my head and I can't get it out. It's a powerful form of witchcraft and mind control.
It's just words and imagery. Neither the Devil or your God is real, so don't let the stories bother you. Besides, there are a whole lot more stories about the evils of man and god in religious texts, anyway. Let me know next time a band causes genocide because their fans wouldn't suck their dick.
The devil wears fiction! Metal is a matter of understanding metaphorical artistic expression. People get uncomfortable when a mirror is held up to them reflecting a suppressed aspect of them that was always within.
Agree with this when the darkness hit heavy people aren’t ready to face it which is odd some push the idea of working and dedicating your life to work and other things.Into children and that can lead to some dark energy claim depression and others don’t even care about that. I find in life we should appreciate both side of our selfs dark and light an find balance. All good isn’t good and all darkness isn’t dark.
Demon hunter: bruh
Skillet: bruh
Red: bruh
even For Today if you really wanna go deep
Evan Melton yeah and A Thousand Foot Krunch
Elvis: bruh
Stryper, as well.
August Burns Red too
I remember the satanic panic of the mid-80’s well. That was no joke, especially if you happened to be a daycare provider that was accused. The first time I saw NIN in 1994, Manson opened. This 13 year old kid accompanied by his dad was sitting in front of us. I was 23 at the time, and thought the dad’s reactions were hysterical. Dude was extremely uncomfortable, got into an argument with his son about leaving during Manson’s set. Every generation needs something like Black Sabbath, Metallica, Manson & Ghost to terrify their parents. I told my son the worst thing he could listen to would be country music, IMO. He thinks it’s cool that we like the same music. 🖤
Ghost? To terrify parents?
Ghost? Try Mayhem next time
@@yorch5d ghosts please have a look on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd thanks
listen on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Poor boy did they leave?
Nargal is such a sweetie when u hear him talking, really. It's hard to believe people gave him such a hard time
That's why abrahamic religions are bad. They create boogeymen and justify persecution of any who go against the good guy since Yahweh is definitely not an asshole he's such a nice guy. I love that one time he made a man's crops fail, had barbarians slaughter his family, and gave him the plague and he was like, "Yeah we still good man I don't want to burn for eternity we're still friends right?"
Stay far away from abrahamic people they're all fucking insane desert people living in a different reality from you and I.
What Bible you reading from my guy?
watch on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
I like your face expression when you play that flat fifth! Hahaha!
looking on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Gru: "But during metal's first decade or so there were no actual Satanists to be found anywhere..."
Coven: "Am I a joke to you?"
Answer to question by Coven, yes, yes, Coven, you are a joke.
not seen
But Coven isn't even metal, they are Occult Rock.
look on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
@@kynthiarosgeal7809 look on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
I really like this essay like videos. I hope there will be more of those in the future!!
Certainly looks like it. And I look forward to the next ones, too.
"maybe he exists because of us"
*Proceeds to play Square Hammer by Ghost on a tiny guitar*
otto dei grinta damn I was 5 months too late lol GHOST FOR LIFE
Hell yeah brotha 🤘
Are you ready to swear right here, right now, before the Devil?!
@@Filthymutt I’m very open with my thoughts on religion🤷♂️🤘🤘🤘😂
@@adev8272 Haha, I throw my horns up to you! \m/
Metal at its core really is rebellious music and just like what was said in the video the devil can be a sign of rebellion which is why he is featured so prominently in the metal genre
“As does infern-...” Me: “Oh.” Not sure if that was an accident or I just got 1M IQ played.
RUclips's editor feature is messing with us and caused a chop in the footage. Hope to fix it soon!
Loudwire Righteous. Still had me going “Damn, I just got played.”
The truth about satanism in metal? The truth is that yeah, it's out there, but it should in no way be taken as representative of the entire genre or subculture. Plus, satanism isn't usually something that bands try to "sneak" into their music. Most bands that are satanic are usually quite open about it, so really you should know before you buy an album what you're gonna be getting. People shouldn't think that heavy metal and satanism always go hand in hand; it's simply not true.
@Zamza no means no! Tell that to the priest here charged with what he did to little boys.
Motley crew sang shout at the devil, not with the devil, knowing that they will be taken out of context, by people who can't think for themselves.
Look when we had church rule. It looks like communism to me. The people are poor. the leaders have all the money. There is no free speech. No FAIR trials. People eat crap at a market with, no sanitation, spreading corona virus, because leaders with fragile ego's that can't be told NO!
Sorry, but I am NOT communist!
Say it with me: God Hates us All
Shit im a Christian and metal is the real reason i even pay attention to music, Ozzy, opened up my mind to alot of awsome bands. Before i learned about metal music was just a bland thing for me thankfully my mom had good musical taste that led me to metal.
I also am a believer in Christ and his teachings, and enjoy many forms of music, including metal. Even some extreme metal. I just love the music and don't buy into the satanic shit. The devil scares the shit out of me, I like to keep him at a distance
Not all metal is satanic, Dave Ellefson is right. Don't let anything interfere with your beliefs. Only God is eternal, Satan will die on the Armageddon. Obey God and you may enter the Kingdom of Salvation.
@@ABlazeintheNorthernSky Sorry my friend there is no evidence that Satan even exists.
@@xenofanallen3218 Believe what you want, no one can stop you.
@@xenofanallen3218 That doesn't stop people from worshipping him and practising Satanic exercises though does it?
Why yes, I am a catholic who is straight edge and listens to metal. Praise Jesus and rock on boys
@Troll Account 1 nice b8 dawg
listen on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Many rockers and metalists sold their soul to devil.
@@branislavbalasic5173 who sold their soul? Please name a few
@@sawm_sang_a._ The most known one is Robert Johnson. Then Bob Dylan, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson and it is very possible that also Beatles. Club 27 also cannot be only an accident, R. Johnson was one of the first members of this club.
You do not have to believe me I am only telling you what I think. And it is not fake info that many metalists and rockers admire occultism an satanism.
I like how King Diamond always has upside down crosses on his face. It's nice to see such veneration of St. Peter. Such a pious gentleman
Hahahaha. Thank you.
The cross is an old Roman symbol for the male gods in their religion.
Although you are correct, I really doubt that was there intention. Upside down crosses also symbolizes satan.
@@michaelalguire419 I must admit, this is a shocking and unexpected revelation.
I’m a metal fan and a devout biblical Christian with an emphasis on “biblical “. The Bible has restored my heart and makes me want to love more. Yes the Bible has moral laws that everyone ought to follow and I would testify to this but every human has free will to, ironically, not believe in the one who created them and loves them. The true Christian faith has been utterly misunderstood because of false preachers and followers alike, which causes people to rebel viscerally and believe that someone like me is judgmental and hates homosexuals. When the reality is Christ teaches us to Love God with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbors as our selves. I am a sinner just as a homosexual or some who lusts or hates is. Christians are no better than then the non believer. We desperately want the best for our fellow man and therefore we want them to repent of sins just as us for there sake ! Tearing up the Bible deserves a boycott of their music. I don’t have to listen to it or see it. I pray for the anger in their hearts to change because it’s their eternity ,not mine. Now that may sound condescending but it’s not! I pray with love for everyone! I don’t have to like the sin committed, in fact I condemn every sin against God. But I don’t hate the person committing the sin I love that person. They are an image of God that has lost themselves and need to be found!!! Christians give Christ and Christianity a bad name because how they handle ungodly and worldly situations. I just want to say that I wish people would see the beauty of Jesus because you can like metal music and worship our Lord Jesus at the same time. Your intentions must be clear in your heart when you do anything in life including listening to metal lest it insight an already angered heart. Don’t let anything in life cause deception to you. That’s where the true Satan lives. I love you all! And God bless you !
Nah man, I'm not buying it, religion is silly at its best and down right evil at it's worst. I don't need invisible sky daddies threatening me with eternal torture to be a good person, and if you do, then I hate to think how evil you'd be without the threat of torture. The reason religion tells you to believe without question, is because when you do question it, you start to see how man-made and nonsensical it all is. The purple and pink striped invisible unicorn called Nigel that lives in my back passage wishes you well though.
amen to that brothe🙏🏽🤟🏽
Thanks for sharing that!
Christ, has he finished typing yet?
“True Christianity” is subjective as all hell. You have people fighting for what they think is the correct context when at the end of the day it’s all irrelevant. You either are a sexist bigoted Christ follower, or you cherry pick half-decent verses from the Bible. There’s no such thing as a universal “true Christian”.
Instructions unclear: I listen to heavy metal and my family is still alive
listen on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
I'm writing my senior thesis about the Satanic Panic of the 80's and it's positive effects on Metal's future, yall just gave me some of the best quotes. Thanks Loudwire
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
is that what we're calling it now.... THE SATANIC PANIC LOL
well.. I'm from the 80s and i've never heard it called that
You want a source for information
PMRC mate, PMRC and Tipper Gore, that's where you'll find all the bullshit and , not necessarily where it came from but where it exploded
where it came from ....... was sort of like this
in the 50s you had Elvis presely and they started saying ROCK N ROLL HAS GOT TO GO
this is probably where the whole SATAN HAS CORRUPTED OUR CHILDREN thing started
parents concluded in their simple minded views that rock n roll was the devils music, although Elvis didn't have skulls on his album covers and the title of his songs was Hounddog and Jailhouse rock,, Not Disciple, God hates us all and Am I Evil LOL
so then Enter THE BEATLES, that just pushed it forward
then enter LED ZEPPELIN and add to that the rumour if your played stairway backwards it says MY SWEET SATAN and all of a sudden you have Ridiculousness going on
Now you get to the 80s and we have black shirts, Motley crue had the dr feelgood voodoo head on a knife stick ,, Metallica had skulls and devil imagery , Megadeth had skulls , Vic Rattlehead, Iron maiden.. same thing, and well... Slayer was slayer
and then.....Enter TIPPER FUCKING GORE
if you want to know where it came from , that's where it came from.
but at no point did we ACTUALLY worship the devil
it was fun to fuck with people a little , but no one actually worshipped satan and if they did we'd tell them they were a fuckwit
that's what really happened
would. you like to share it with me? I'm doing a research
I know that metal musician King Diamond who is also a satanist has kept people from committing suicide with his music. That is very positive
Satanisim in "the metal" and scare of the 80 s just shows how clearly satan has mocked humanity. At the time of the 80 satan metal listeners where probably less than 5 pecent of the population. Whereas 90 percent of contempory music is a representation of the newage religion.
Want to know what's Satanic Music? Anything released by Kidz Bop. It makes me want to vomit green pea soup ala Regan McNeil. Metal never made me do anything except drive a car faster than I should, get hyped up or on the other side, chill me out.
U forgot Justin Bieber
I'm waiting for the Kidz Bop Black Metal Album
Is that "Square Hammer" by Ghost you are playing at the end?
But of course
Ghost actually sound Like Kiss Or Alice Cooper Than Metal
@@stuartmendez9217 Ghost is a ROCK band with a bunch of "metal" songs. I dont think they ever claimed to be metal. I love metal and I love Ghost. I dont understand why so many metalheads get so butthurt over Ghost.
@@hullbreach33 I'll sign that. 🤘
Me from the UK, a Christian believer I found your video very interesting. I play Guitar but I did not know much about the Music History of Tri tones.
Heavy metal is music of the gods..
The Gods Made Heavy Metal
Yes yes
I mean Chuck
@@shinyzoroark4506 manowar reference
Cops: "Why did you kill your mom?"
Me: "I listen to heavy metal. The devil made me do it!"
Aspen A That guys mullet made me do it.... All hail the mullet.
Lol! Good sarcasm. I almost bit with:
"Said no one ever."
Thought the Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. .🤘
@@rhettcorbett3346 SEE? It's NOT metal y'all, it's COUNTRY music that's satanic!
everyone know blues is the devils music.
Not everyone, my dude. But we know what's up😜
Ah I se your a man of music as well
Plus they use grandpas guitars
Bob Johnson and crossroads
Obviously if you're racist
It's not just metal, it's anyone in pursuit of fame and money because they're slaves to their own ego and traded the eternal for the temporary. Musicians, athletes, actors, corporate CEOs etc. all tell you straight to your face that they sold their soul, and artists like Chris Cornell literally tell you in the entirety of every song he sings, both in Sound Garden and Audioslave, that he's guilty and regretful but that he's angry at God for allowing him to go astray and sell his soul, but now that he has, he will be one of satan's most powerful workers. Every single last one of his songs professes loyalty to the devil and anger at God without any interpretation necessary. Hundreds of artists do the same in every genre. It's wild that so many people are brainwashed into thinking it's fake or a joke. Evil isn't rock and roll, evil is child pornography and the raping, murder and abduction of people. It's everything terrible that people could possibly do to another person or to themselves. Time to stop being manipulated into thinking evil is "cool".
I’m a Catholic and love metal. ✝️
Same here
Same I like heavy metal and catholic
So is tom Araya
@@bassnoob8214 he’s my fave metal head. That laughter!!!
Amazing, I'm Catholic too and I love Heavy Metal
I love thrash metal, and I’m a Christian. this is the worst argument I’ve ever seen. I’ll admit though I do draw the line with black metal as it can get literally satanic, to say metal as a whole is satanic is completely wrong.
evan, stay, with me, my bro christian!
i agree this is honestly pretty stupid. im also christian. i do listen to satanic metal bands too such as deicide. it doesnt bother me nor piss me off. i listen to it and enjoy it, i listen TO enjoy it. not to worship satan. listening to this kind of music wont make me burn a church.
I do think there are sub genres more satanic than others. I’m a Christian but I love the modern day metal core that artists like of mice and men or wage war. I don’t hear satan in that music. But I absolutely hear it in bands like diecide and mayhem.
I think this a sarcastic video
I'm 2 years late but, dude y'know they don't actually worship satan well the bands I know about Mayhem, Darkthrone etc.
Interested to see what they have to say about this.
As a kid growing up in the '80's and the "Satanic Panic", I was nicknamed Satan, Cat Killer and numerous other names because I was always an outsider who played Dungeons and Dragons, read comic books and listened to heavy metal.
I was accused of abducting people and sacrificing them to Satan. Even people from the army came around and question my mother on my behaviour.
I was too busy bombing it down steep hills. But the point is this. People will always judge by fear.
Because people are weak.
Not watched this yet... but lets see where it goes.
WTF? "Even people from the army came around..." What were you, public enemy #1? I can only imagine the kind of rumors that must have been circulating if the freakin' army was called out to investigate a kid!
@@TH3F4LC0Nx South Africa in the '80s had conscription. My friend ran away from home, I was blamed. His older brother sent people around becasue they thought I had sacrificed him.
@@PillBoxUK Oh my gosh! I don't know whether that's horrifying or hilarious. Well, either way, that took some serious balls to stay true to being yourself in an environment like that. Respect, dude. Much respect.
By the way, I can understand people throwing the satanist label around because you played D&D and listened to metal, but what's so scary about comic books? I mean, I thought people hadn't been afraid of those things since the 50's!
Damn dude you have my respect. I really wanna sacrifice those people 😡
Same here, but I played D&D with the high school principal's son. My parents still think it's satanic. Wasn't D&D written by a Jew? Are Jew's satanic? Ruled by fear. You called it!
No band more extreme than Slayer in the early mid 80s. Venom, Bathory and Celtic Frost would disagree
I did a school prodject for my art class on gorgoth and everyone in my school looked at me like i was a freak, it was so funny
That is funny 😂😂
I didn't even pull black metal just did my assignment on Ozzy everyone freaked out lol
Mom: “please don’t talk about politics during the family gathering”
Graham: “ok mom” *three drinks later*
PS: Out of all things you play a Ghost song at the end? LOL
Is that what he played on the hello kitty guitar at the very end? I couldn't think who and what it was.
Nevius yea, I’m pretty sure it was Cirice
@@N3VIUS It was square hammer by Ghost
I thought you're gonna start the video with Ghost's Year Zero.
"Satanas. Lucifer, Beelzebub..."
"Asmodeus. Satanas. Luifer."
Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub
Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer
So none of you were correct. Imagine that.
@@hiTocopter thank you for pointing out that typo. Also have you ever seen ghost live?
@@thehollowseance I have not, no
@@hiTocopter I know the lyrics, doesn't remember it correctly tho
I love thrash metal, Slayer in particular. Tom Araya is a Christian and goes to church. If had to choose sides, I'd most likely go with team Jesus.
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
Mark 8:36
your soul is ETERNAL,
@@elijahgreen2479 You're the reason people leave Christianity
That clip of the boomer dude is cut. He says “I’m not saying metal music will make you kill your mom”
How have I managed to be a Christian and love heavy metal over the past four decades??? I must be an enigma. Guess I never got the memo telling me to "go away" (or felt the need to adhere to and follow "Satanic lyrics")...LOL
Speaking of "black metal"..I've actually considered RAP and Hip-Hop to be the devil's music the past couple of decades...
You're not an enigma, dude, you're just someone who knows that metal and Christianity are not mutually exclusive. And considering that a lot, (though certainly not all), rap comes from a place of actual hatred, then yeah, I'd say it has the power to be far more destructive than metal.
You're not a huge enigma, I'm Muslim and my favourite band is a post-hardcore band that was made up of a bunch of Christians and Frank Iero (Leathermouth), there's quite a few of us.
Rap is not the devil's music.
@@dark-jedi Carholic
UKSportsFan same, metal is awesome and I’m a Christian. I don’t see a problem here
Im 41 now and looking back some of my friends who took metal too seriously and had years of worshipping and studying demons as teens to early 20s who are still also metalheads today laugh and cringe about those satan days.
Sounds like my brother. He used to carve pentagrams into his arms with safety pins as a teenager.
Same here. Those days Im just young boy who had so many spare time to studied about satan. Now Im 30, still listening to almost all genre of metal, and I dont care if its lyrics satanic or not. Metal is just heavy music.
On the other hand, Jon Nödtveidt and Christofer Johnsson took the whorshipping seriously.
My dad thought I was a devil worshiper. I thought my dad was the devil though.
My dad sounded like that montage before "final scream" played by Grim Reaper. Yea, that's my dad.
I am glad I got bigger, and stronger than him now.
@@ChuckyDoll79 Jon got it all wrong anyway. Brilliant musician though.
9:34 you know it's Satan when he plays a hello kitty guitar xD
I'm at the 5:57 mark with Glen Benton. Very cool.
What was the video about? How did the interview went? :o
@@jessepinkeye2339 The interview was about Deicide. You can find it by search for Glen Benton interview should be on top of the list. Interview went very good.
Is it true that he regretted branding the cross in his forehead? And even consulted with a plastic surgeon at one point to fix it?
@@kellyb7321 Was not aware of that.
@@kellyb7321 Did not know.
Slayer, alicd cooper, balck sabbath, etc. "Satanist" musicians who are actually christian lmao
Tom Araya is the only religious member of Slayer and he's Catholic. Kerry King is atheist.
@@ThorCarlton Former member Dave Lombardo is religious as well. Gary and Paul most likely as well.
Charles Davis Dave and Tom are the only religious members of Slayer.
"Yes mom I listen to Christian bands"
@@charlesdavis4887 gary holt actually is anti religion
Ah, yes, the world's greatest philosopher- Dave Chapell.
@Midnight Shadow Hey now, don't berate yourself like that.
Idiots who can't tell a joke from sincerity...
He had me there. Love Dave Chapelle.
@Midnight Shadow Brilliant discourse.
Dave Chappelle is a joke thief.. he stole an Owen Benjamin joke. The one about the lgbtq..
Dave Who?
I'm a Southern Baptist preacher and I love metal. I'd remark on two elements: 1) it's very important what you celebrate when you listen to music. Slayer is by far my favorite band but I don't have to agree with all of their themes to enjoy their sound. I think it would be wrong to change their meaning but I don't have to turn off my own critical thinking either. 2) if we become so rebellious that we think we can define Satan or Satanism in spite of the actual origins then we are being the thing we hate. Do many in the metal culture not see the church as ignorant? Well making up your own concept or definition of Satan is just as ignorant. You believe religion is made up? You are no better.
"for centuries in Europe, the tritone was thought to be unsettling and ungodly...."
plays tritone on a Hello Kitty Ukulele
It's not a ukelele. It has 6 strings, ukeleles have 4.
Marco Abyss it was the beginning of a Black Sabbath song. A song about the devil
You got me😂😂
hello kitty is considered satanic by many churches
It's always the happy ones
That are the most twisted inside
Me: *Turns on Skillet*
Some Christian who doesn’t believe any other things instead of God: SKILLET IS THE DEVILS MUSIC!!!!
Me: .....Really?
He's cutting for christ xD
it's not that its the devils music, it's that skillet makes shit music
Yeah I think that those kind of People condemns every that has guitars in it
Carnotaurus Productions skillet isn’t even close to metal
@@wisconsinmetalhead684 Skillet's genres are listed as Christian rock, Christian metal, hard rock, alternative rock, nu metal, and symphonic metal on most sources I find; they just aren't heavy metal.
"Maybe the devil doesn't act through us, maybe he exists because of us."
*proceeds to play Ghost on a Hello Kitty guitar*
Quite literally. He rebelled against bowing down to humanity, and humanity existing was his will to survive.
watch on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Satan is my God, you must respect all religions!
@@harlen7747 Maybe Satan is God when he’s having a bad day.
everybody knows the devil is more into violins. And even than he found his match in Johnny
Don't forget that he's a reefer head also.
@@lockandloadlikehell see on RUclips at SATANISTS hearing pink floyd
Pov doja cat sends u from her twitter😭
People: "Rock/Metal is devil music"
Me: *Said by people listening to Reggaeton/Bachata/Grupera*
Also said by people who listen to Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, Rihanna etc etc etc
Jefferson Ochoa you can’t expect really anything else from religious people
Some christians and everyday pop normies even say SWANS is satanic but they ain't even metal or satanic
Disco is the devil's music
Jazz was considered the Devil's music by some when it came out, then Rock N Roll, the Rock, then Heavy Metal...
People will fear what they don’t understand
@@cookiekingmaster8502 Preach
Wait, Jazz was considered Devil’s music?
My mom has always listened to heavy metal with me. I'd never kill her. Now my dad ...
If only you knew him
@@anthonythomas8996 Haha good one.
Who’s here from Doja 😭😭😭
Before this video starts, I’d like to say that the two are unrelated.
Wrong you're either for God or against God there's no in-between
@@JacobMichael75 There is a third option which is "there is no god", which is not for or against god.
@@metalzonemt-2 actually that would be against God since you're not believing in him
@the3-dkiller1 that's not what I was saying at all I don't think you understand my point
@@JacobMichael75 I can't be against something that I don't believe even exists. God, Satan, Angels, Demons etc.
Metal has always been a way for me to release my pain, anger and frustrations. It helped me climb out of my suicidal depression. Not all metal is satanic or evil, just like not all religion is positive and loving. Im an atheist and I am fine with religion. Some people need the love and positive messages and teachings of most religions to help them through their lives. Others like myself find that power within ourselves by a different means. Whatever message or feelings you respond to, just remember to channel them into positive energy and motivation.
You must have a spearyt...STOP IT! jk lol
The entire time, he never mentioned Mayhem lol
Yes he did. He mentioned Euronymous
He mentioned euronymous. Aka one of the vocalists of mayhem
@@okalright3941 visited his grave a couple weeks ago. it was strange to think about who was laying under my feet as i stood there
Haha lol yeah Mayhem are so satanic. There is a global tendency to call everything satanic as we call everything racist or extremist now and it is extremely wrong. Mayhem and especially Per Yngve Ohlin were fascinated by death, not so much by satanism UNLIKE : Dissection. Jon Nodtveidt, the Misanthropic Luciferian Order or Temple of The Black Light who are the adorators of Seth, as they define themselves. Source : dude killed himself to follow Satan’s principles. He said that this was for an upcoming video (which i’m still waiting for btw), but you cannot speak about satanism without mentioning Dissection. It’s the second most important thing behind Black Sabbath’s tritone.
@@romainbclt the last album were most original members were still alive was called (in English) "the mysteries of our lord and saviour satan" and the rules euronymous made literally begin with "you must be a satanist" so yeah i think its just a bit satanic
I am a christian that loves all kinds of metal and while I don't make excuses for bands that promote satanic lyrics the music itself is not evil. Metal music is very creative and Satan is a parasite who has no creativity but as the liar that he is takes credit for what does not belong to him. All music is just a tool that can be used for either good or evil. Being well read in the bible there is not one scripture that condemns any kind of music. So any who truly follow God will go by His word alone & not manmade rules. But it is often the case that those who demonize others is out of their own self serving hypocrisy by trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down. I don't listen to a whole lot of bands but I love my own musical pursuits because it is inspiring and such a blessing. I think most are to the point where we can think for ourselves and not told how to think from hypocrites who try to control us one way or other.
2:39 "listen to this boomer"
He is a hypocrite
I really love the last words and I quote "maybe the devil doesn't act through us. Maybe he exists because of us". I think that that really express, maybe, one deep nature of the human psychology that we used to denied to accept, blaming others in the search for justified us... Thanks for the thought man, blessings.
1 year later, perhaps you had time to think about what you typed in your comment.
A little Shakespearean wisdom: "there are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
@@g.o.1984 1 year later hope you had time to consider the fact that there is still no proof any god's or higher beings exist
Nergal with a hello kitty picture behind his head. 😂😂😂
From my observations and experiences, I'd venture that much of metal is fueled by pain and life experiences that are difficult to process, and not anything satanic. The crowds drawn the most to heavy metal often find the lyrics and even the music itself an embodiment of the pain that they can relate to. Dare I say it may have a therapeutic quality to it; a soothing respite. I believe that's what draws in so many people to the genre. It's an outlet for many. It "speaks their language". And I think that's why so many people/parents in the 80s did not understand the metal movement. It didn't speak to them the same way it spoke to so many. And for many, they just really like the music and that's that. Though, in the West, with Christianity being so prominent in the culture, I can understand people being alarmed by the satanic imagery that bands chose to associate with their brand. Which as said in the video was to represent rebellion, though I might add a flare of theatrics as well. But in the West, most people are ill-equipped at recognizing metaphors and thematic imagery. We take much of popular media at face value in their artistic expressions.
Christian Metal:😐✝️
Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life. ♥️👊 TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
@@rock4therockjd139 in the near future we will fight with Christ against the demonic government
@@bluenight8711 ?
@@bluenight8711 exactly
@@doncorleone1553 christian metal genre exists lol
Love how Rammstein was thrown in with Manson with Columbine
@Zach JD KMFDM is some of the most libertarian, nationalistic music on the planet, and yet American boomers can’t stand it cuz it requires them to grow up.
Look, I understand that what he did with the bible was a form of expression......but destroying a religious symbol is TO ME disrespectful. I mean I'm catholic BUT I do not go around tarring up both the Tanakh and the Quran because those books represent the written meaning to the Jewish and the islamic faith.
Perfectly explained! Couldnt have said it better!
Love the ending with Graham playing Square Hammer on a Hello Kitty guitar - that’s extreme metal right there!
Well I’m going over here being a metal head with pentagrams all over my sketchbook
The definition of the tri-tone here isn't entirely accurate. A tri-tone doesn't get its name from containing three notes. It is actually just two notes a diminished 5th apart. The note an octave higher is not a necessary addition. The reason it is called a tri-tone is because in a diminished 5th interval, the top note is THREE whole steps higher than the first.
8:16 "Nergo was never out to corrupt your kids, he's just expressing himself."
Well, the latter risks to cause the former, as a side effect.
Do you really want to pull at that thread?
luckily catholic church has never had business corrupting kids.
oh wait
@@riple4360 I never said anything about the catholic church.
The catholic church is biblically incorrect.
Robert Johnson. Everyone else is chasing his coat tails.