I find it funny that they kept saying, "oh they may not be an owner, but a dog trainer." Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking, "I don't know a single dog trainer who is not also a dog owner..."
Lol I agree! Dog owner & trainer/animal behaviorist here, I’ve never met a trainer who didn’t own a dog (unless it was something where the dog passed recently).
Yeah and Abigail’s dog was definitely comfortable with her, so definitely her boyfriend and hers because otherwise you probably shouldn’t take a deaf dog from it’s owner
I know right?? Like some people just don’t like to be the first one to speak or have a little anxiety, but wants to be on the show, that annoys me so much
I don't think alliances should form in this game. Its not Survivor its odd one out. I mean no rules stopping a alliance but they should be little more strict cause boring for us to watch people team up.
@@saturdaymidnights.4303 Lol yh but then again you've got to remember that they are dogs 🤷♀️ im glad they didnt 'bite each other's heads' off you know.
I laughed too hard when she said, “people don’t realize that having a dog isn’t just a walk in the park” without her realizing she made an amazing dad joke.
Thats her boyfriends dog so maybe she didnt have dogs of herself. The mole wasnt a stranger to dogs either, it was a "not mine, my brothers" situation. Thats why I skipped the middle rounds and saw what I suspected at the end.
Yeah! Also, remember that one episode (I forgot which one) where the last 2 were eventually working together to get rid everyone off. Like, I know thats the whole point of the game but just like you said, they have to make it possible for the mole to win the game too.
The only thing that makes sense to me about it is that if you’re in the final three and you vote to keep playing the game because you want more money, you’re being risky since that means you have a 1/3 chance of not making it through.
This isn't even about finding the mole anymore it's more like find 2 ppl who will randomly team and vote everyone else out just so they have more money
That guy who had his brothers dog, he was so sweet knowing that he wants a dog but couldn't give it the life it deserves right now, I think that really touched my heart because some people get dogs and don't play with them, leave them by themselves all day or have them living in tiny apartments e.t.c
You don’t HAVE to memorize the brand of food you get your pet to validate you being a pet owner. I’ve gotten the same brand for years and still sometimes forget…it happens
And they get more money for each person they vote out. Basic strategy says that if you’re not the mole, you should keep voting for as long as possible.
I feel like you need to implement a rule that you can't go down to two (maybe even three) people. Seems kind of impossible for the mole at that point. Forces them to play well and not just vote off lots of people to win because I feel like most episodes the mole loses, and they rarely win unless they end the game early
@@AmiriHipHop they should have got the mole out earlier. If they know the game stops at 3, it’s their job to find that person by then lol. It just becomes a rule of the game and you have to understand that in order to win, you need to get the person out before that point
I mean, in the beginning, the mole won in every episode. It took like six episodes for the mole to be finally voted out, and it was an episode where you needed to know a vast amount of obscure information. Although, no one has lost with two people remaining, there have been a lot of episodes where they lost with even three people remaining, so that's not a guarantee.
@@thehungrygoldfish I am an advocate for more time on the rounds but less rounds. Seems like a fair system where you can't abuse excessive voting off and instead have to make better use of the time to find the mole, but you are aware you have to be more careful.
They should loose $100 when too many ppl get voted out cause they keep making alliances and its impossible for the mole or other players when there’s only two left
I mean yeah but looking at it from their perspectives that dog could’ve belonged to her friend or something and the necklace belonged to the actual owner of the dog
@@NightOwlReader2790 I find it extremely weird. You know the name of your favorite pizza place, right?? How would you not know the name of the food you feed your dog for every meal?
I’m a dog owner and I can’t remember their food 😅😅 I’m bad with names in general so I just remember the color of the bag and how it look but not the brand
@@NightOwlReader2790 It is weird. Why would you not know what you feed your dog? I always read on the bags before I buy because I want to make sure what’s in my dogs diet.
Dear Jubilee, you should really consider limiting the rounds so that the game automatically stops when 3 people are left. With two, it is so obvious that the mole must have been voted out and it takes the excitement out of the reveal.
Let’s be honest, when it’s 3 people left, they don’t need to make up some excuse to why they are questioning the other person. They want a bigger piece of the pot. Just say you want more money.
Spoilers as soon as they voted the guy with the husky out iknew what they were doing because they kept sus on Abigail that whole round but voted out the guy with the husky randomly they knew he was a dog owner but they obviously wanted more money
@@HelloPotatoHere yea like hiro or whatever got voted out FAST. if she has his names engraved on her necklace and he responds when she says his name, CLEARLY it’s her dog.
Does anybody else feel like the first round should be longer? That way everyone can state their case before 1st person gets voted out? Always feel like 1st one to go didn't really have a chance.
i mean this whole channel is ab social experiments so they probably make it short so that people have to vote off of first impressions to see how first impressions affect their decisions
@@alexisburdon6671 true just generalising :) Like saying "everybody etc" etc. Theres always fine print somewhere... The corgi's owners I know are Asians + Japanese make cute bottom shape cupcakes out of corgi bottoms with chocolate pops out when you squeeze them I mean if that's not fondness of corgi I don't know what else is hehehe
I was SURE the pug was gonna be the only dog not doing any trick, I have two pugs and I can't teach them anything, they are so stubborn. I think I love them more because of that
My psychology professor had a pug and chihuahuas and couldn’t even potty train them. She said if someone with a doctorate in psychology can’t do it no one can do we shouldn’t blame ourselves lol.
roy was the most obvious dog owner to me i was shocked when they voted him out. he was so chill/confident and you could tell the dog was super comfortable around him too!
@@apinata8873 rlly? I was most suspicious of Roy out of anyone cuz his questions all sounded researched. I felt like Abigail wouldn't have appeared so relaxed if she was the mole
It was so obvious to them that they kept her and tried to eliminate a random person that would be harder to get rid off after. The two girls at the end wanted money and played together
@@adr77510 actually roy didn't say much and the girls were asking abigail questions and seemed like they were gonna come for her cuz abigails response didn't seem to satisfy but they end up voting for roy..i didn't see it coming
I got my dog almost a year ago, and though ive had family dogs in the past back when i lived with my parents this is my first dog of my own responsibility and bonded with, and it is amazing the bond we have gained in such a short amount of time, i cannot imagine life without her now.
Abigail bringing a deaf dog was so real. We used to have a deaf dog too and while you can teach them to listen to signs 1. they don't always "listen" and deliberately look away so they don't have to 😅 and 2. the dog still has to be very comfortable with you to respond to you at all or not freak out if they are in an unfamiliar place because they have all their other senses running. Yes, she could have been a trainer too but I trusted her once she said they didn't knew she was deaf in the beginning (but they still kept her). Because it was the same case when we got our dog and she turned out to be deaf. Then again I'm not exactly a dog person. I love dogs but I'm more of a cat person... Would be really interesting to see an episode with cat owners (but please don't let them bring the cats!).
@@daisykart that would be so cute 😭 I know my cat would be scared and sweating though! I'm sure for this dog episode though too they made sure to get chill dogs.
My dad could’ve killed it being a mole. He used to own a dog when he was younger but his dog passed away and he never got another one. He LOVES all the street dogs here and they all adore my dad🥰
I was so amazed about the fact that not a single dog went crazy around thw other dogs. My dog (a boxer) goes insane when he sees another dog even if it's very far of where we are (he jumps, barks, tries to run towards them or lays on the street until i give him his way and walk up to the dog)
As a 2 dogs boxers owner, I totally understand you hahahaha they have too much energy like a hurracane but I love them so much more than my own life lol
These videos are getting more annoying to watch, in my opinion, since they keep playing until 2-3 people are left. It’s clearly about the money and not the mole.
I mean it should be fine if it's also about the money as well. You get more with less people but yeah it's too easy to eliminate a mole if you eliminate enough people.
@@coolio4843 oh, thankfully I don't need to do that. I go for a walk in the forest (we really don't have any parks, but we've got plenty of forests. like, my country is basically covered by them), so...she can do her things in the bushes and it's fine.
@@iam_sherlocked8421 Lucky 😔 where I live there’s no forests and the parks don’t allow pets because in my country most people don’t pick up after them. You can’t even walk them through the sidewalks because 1. There’s stray dogs everywhere that could attack your pup, and 2. The roads in most streets are small so people park on the sidewalks, obviously blocking them.
I didn’t really feel like there was much teaming this time around actually, but yeah the way the game is set up sucks. They seem to do that with all of their videos/games/dating situations though. It’s weird.
Four. Three is already too many chances, since that means they already voted out half the damn cast. It really should just be two tries. Like, it's not that hard. This episode particularly.
I guess so, but that actually made me suspicious of him in a way cause it's a cliche when people say their dogs are their kids. He also slipped up saying which country the dog was from. If my dog were from another country, I'd remember which (he said "Vietnam or Taiwan" like he couldn't remember which) and also said it's harder to train him because he's from a different country which makes no sense!
@@Slothth I felt betrayed by him, not by the others who voted him out. But yeah.. I mean, if it's a rescued stray dog, it would be understandable why he didn't know which country the dog was from haha
I really think that there should be a limit to how far they can vote, because when you’re allowed to vote all the way down to two, you always know it’s going to be green. If they can only vote till there’s like only 4 people left for example, it brings back the suspense of the game
@@HigherKaiju not every dog owner has their dog's dog food and the shots they've gotten memorized. Not everyone cares so much about the brand of dog food, and some may rely on the vet to let them know which shots their dog still needs to get.
Hey Jubilee....you guys should really stop at 3 or 4 people remaining. It makes the game much more interesting, smart, fun and effective in eliminating the mole, rather than having the contestants selfishly just vote other people out till there's two left in order to get a larger cut of the money! If the mole remains, great they've outsmarted everyone else as they should have; if not, the funds can then be split between the 3-4 remaining winners. Think about it & hopefully consider or try it out.
it’s not just ”they just vote people until there’s two left and get more money” because everytime you decide to continue game you risk getting no money at all
@@ZephyrSounds Who knows, could turn into a family business 😂 On that interesting note, I never thought about how people could eventually inherit internet based companies since it's so young and we've only had 3 generations on the internet so far, all still (mostly) alive and well. Definitely could happen in the future!
Honestly the mole should have been a cat owner… the fact that he didn’t own a dog like right now doesn’t make him less of a dog owner, he likes dogs, this would have been more fun and challenging with a cat owner lol
Fair. But I don't think, someone who doesn't like dogs or are nervous around them can act as a mole for long, because dogs sense if the humans like them or dislike them and they won't be chill around humans who dislike them. So, others would easily find out who the mole is, based on the dog's behavior.
@@aliceminnie9437 it never said the mole had to dislike dogs, just don’t own one. I own both dogs and cats, I like them both, but I like cats more, I would do a great job as a mole cause I know what dogs want lol
The cash prize should be larger if you stop with more people in the game. This disincentives people from continuing to play and vote people out over small suspicions. The point of the game should be for everyone to work together to find the mole, rather than a group of favourites or alliances to form and vote everyone else out. I don't find it very impressive that the remaining 2 people weren't the mole, and they shouldn't be rewarded more money for being unconfident with their initial votes.
It was so obvious in 2 second. The guy just casually said “my wife can’t have kids biologically.” Sorry but NO ONE would ever blurt out their wife’s fertility problems in public like that.
it mightve been the way this was edited but i was very confused why certain people got voted off?? like dyana she couldnt even get the dog to do a trick and still made it through
From the very first second of seeing Vanessa I thought she wasn’t a dog owner because in the introduction (In the intro) Tank looked scared and uncomfortable. I was so surprised when it was Oki and Sasha! I do know that even though a dog is comfortable with a person it doesn’t mean that person owns the dog, it just surprised me.
The way I LOVEEEE TANK 😫🥰❤️ So calm and mellow aghjjkkk, you really could tell how much he loves his owner- sitting at her feet/ not leaving her side ;-;
As someone with anxiety it makes me so sad that the people that seem nervous are always the ones to get voted off first. Because I understand the feeling. And I wish people would consider how if someone was the mole then they would probably not have anxiety. Not serious at least. Because I can promise you that someone with anxiety wouldn't willingly go in as the mole! Haha And after watching so many of these videos(well, all of them 😉 ) I have come to realize that I wouldn't survive JUST because of my anxiety even if I was super honest lol.
That is actually a genius solution. although it might be more expensive, i think it would fix some of the problems. Like it might help people to try to get out the mole instead of trying to become the "winner".
I’m surprised Abigail didn’t play tactically and vote Vanessa near the end when there were 4 left ? As she was the only other one publicly questioned with something suspicious
I find it funny that they kept saying, "oh they may not be an owner, but a dog trainer."
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking, "I don't know a single dog trainer who is not also a dog owner..."
Lol I agree! Dog owner & trainer/animal behaviorist here, I’ve never met a trainer who didn’t own a dog (unless it was something where the dog passed recently).
I was thinking the same thing!!!
My thoughts exactly😂
Ahaha fr! Like???
I didn't realize how quiet the dogs were until that one dog barked.
Which dog?
@@peyton5593 idk but 7:26
@@sammy0937 the black and white one I think.
I think it was Sherman’s?
Can't believe Tris was voted out first?? The fact that Hiro kept looking back at her just proves that she is his owner, that dog is so easy to read
Tris' dog is named Hiro. Kekoa is Abigail's dog.
@@Laly-ffs oh oops, mixed the names up. Well I meant the Corgi yea (:
AND THE NECKLACE ?? Like miss girl has a necklace with his name. They aren’t really smart tbh
@@birdie7910 Yeah
Yeah and Abigail’s dog was definitely comfortable with her, so definitely her boyfriend and hers because otherwise you probably shouldn’t take a deaf dog from it’s owner
As a vet assistant lemme tell you… 80% of dog owners don’t know the brand of food they feed 🤦♀️
This!!! Lol!!!!
Lol we can pick it out of a lineup but not know the name!
Yeah I can’t name my dog’s food off the top of my head
I cannot even imagine that. I can tell you the names of every brand I've ever bought, in like 30 years of dog ownership. Weird.
We always buy it on the same place so at this point we only say "same as always" and they know which one 💀
I hate when people vote for someone just because "they were quiet"
I know right?? Like some people just don’t like to be the first one to speak or have a little anxiety, but wants to be on the show, that annoys me so much
But then they would vote out someone because “they talk too much”
right like people are just naturally quiet. it has nothing to do with the game
its alway the sane people who talk over them or interrupt
its a natural instinct tho…here they need a proof to vote
it's so annoying that there are no stakes when they eliminate more people and then end the game with only two playing
They should lose $100 per person eliminated, the incentive should be to vote out the fewest non-moles while voting out the mole.
The stakes are, that the players might be voted out themselves in the next round. So they risk not getting any money if they continue playing.
@@treespawned7844 The thing is once you see an "alliance" there's pretty much nothing the person can say.
Alliances ruin this game which suck. They need to re vamp it a bit
I don't think alliances should form in this game. Its not Survivor its odd one out. I mean no rules stopping a alliance but they should be little more strict cause boring for us to watch people team up.
These dogs were quite well behaved around each other
@@Jpgstays actually they where
They were judged in casting too…
Lol did you see the Corgis at all?
@@saturdaymidnights.4303 Lol yh but then again you've got to remember that they are dogs 🤷♀️ im glad they didnt 'bite each other's heads' off you know.
I laughed too hard when she said, “people don’t realize that having a dog isn’t just a walk in the park” without her realizing she made an amazing dad joke.
Ok 😁
ok 🥴
You can automatically tell Abigail owns a dog by the way she straps the leash arounds her hand.
I do that too
True,I hold my dogs leash like that to.
I wrap it around my wrist and the end around my hand though.
Thats her boyfriends dog so maybe she didnt have dogs of herself. The mole wasnt a stranger to dogs either, it was a "not mine, my brothers" situation. Thats why I skipped the middle rounds and saw what I suspected at the end.
Plus it's a heeler, not everyone can handle a heeler. It takes a specific type of dog person.
“They were interacting with their dog way too much”
“They weren’t interacting with their dog like at all”
This game should end at three people by default. It makes it almost impossible for the mole to win if its allowed to continue with only two remaining.
Yeah! Also, remember that one episode (I forgot which one) where the last 2 were eventually working together to get rid everyone off. Like, I know thats the whole point of the game but just like you said, they have to make it possible for the mole to win the game too.
it’s a cash prize, why split between three when you can split between two 🤷🏽♀️
The only thing that makes sense to me about it is that if you’re in the final three and you vote to keep playing the game because you want more money, you’re being risky since that means you have a 1/3 chance of not making it through.
@@emmahattie7822 But it’s really boring for the viewers because the alliance is SO obvious
The mole has won many times though, they want to make it hard for them that they have to be a great liar. I personally don't get the backlash.
This isn't even about finding the mole anymore it's more like find 2 ppl who will randomly team and vote everyone else out just so they have more money
Fr lol
It’s smart and they were proven right
@Julien Thoms yes that way it'll be more stressful and exciting
My dog would have embarrassed me the moment she stepped paws in there. She will bark up a storm 😭
OH NOOOOOO!!! Most people agree that my vids are the worst on RUclips. I agree to disagree. Please agree to disagree with the haters, dear oh
that sounds like it's time for some dog training
Same! Lol
Same. I have a small, white, annoying Coton de Tulear. He's okay with women + children but doesn't like men + dogs for some reason 😂😂🤣
@@SN-vn6wb My dog is also like that. The funny part is that he’s male but doesn’t like men. It’s kind of silly!
the amount of times they vote out people for being quiet makes me certain i could never survive in one of these
That guy who had his brothers dog, he was so sweet knowing that he wants a dog but couldn't give it the life it deserves right now, I think that really touched my heart because some people get dogs and don't play with them, leave them by themselves all day or have them living in tiny apartments e.t.c
You don’t HAVE to memorize the brand of food you get your pet to validate you being a pet owner. I’ve gotten the same brand for years and still sometimes forget…it happens
That's true
Also the vaccines. You can know how many your dog has gotten and still needs to get without knowing which ones
Same. We get ours auto shipped and then it gets dumped into a storage container. I know what the bag looks like, but don’t stare at it all the time.
Same!! We have to switch up dog food brands all the time bc one of our dogs will only eat the same brand for a few months before she gets bored of it.
so true! like, when they asked that question, I started thinking the brand I get for my dog and...I just couldn't remember.
Same!!!! I see the bag and know oh it’s this one
unfair when it's 3 people, two of them will team up. And vote the other out.
And they get more money for each person they vote out. Basic strategy says that if you’re not the mole, you should keep voting for as long as possible.
That’s how the game works lol but this one finally 4 wasn’t even a team up (in my opinion)
Pewdiepie should react to this with edgar haha
and they usually vote the person who doesnt raise their hand lol
Honestly she was A lil sus
It's still kinda unfair that they keep voting out until there's 2 people left, they need to put penalty for every round.
Yeah something like 100 dollars less every round after the 3-4 th
It's not unfair. It was a game and this was the player's strategy
i love how well trained hank is. no treat motivation just him listening to vanessa 😊
i love how ollie knew the most tricks but was the naughtiest pup of them all aha
Dogs with high drive are the most trainable, but high drive usually means more hyperness.
I feel like you need to implement a rule that you can't go down to two (maybe even three) people. Seems kind of impossible for the mole at that point. Forces them to play well and not just vote off lots of people to win because I feel like most episodes the mole loses, and they rarely win unless they end the game early
Yeah they should automatically stop at three.
@@AmiriHipHop if they think the mole is in the box then they should have voted them out the first like 4 times then
@@AmiriHipHop they should have got the mole out earlier. If they know the game stops at 3, it’s their job to find that person by then lol. It just becomes a rule of the game and you have to understand that in order to win, you need to get the person out before that point
I mean, in the beginning, the mole won in every episode. It took like six episodes for the mole to be finally voted out, and it was an episode where you needed to know a vast amount of obscure information. Although, no one has lost with two people remaining, there have been a lot of episodes where they lost with even three people remaining, so that's not a guarantee.
@@thehungrygoldfish I am an advocate for more time on the rounds but less rounds. Seems like a fair system where you can't abuse excessive voting off and instead have to make better use of the time to find the mole, but you are aware you have to be more careful.
They should loose $100 when too many ppl get voted out cause they keep making alliances and its impossible for the mole or other players when there’s only two left
How much do they win again? I don't know if 100 per person is reasonable
@@chanellethomas6886 I think it’s 1,000 I’m not sure
@@frogmanjr i thought it was $250
@@frogmanjr I thought it was 5000
1k split between the remaining players (or just the mole if they survive)
how did trish get voted out. she literally has her dog’s name engraved in her necklace-
I know right!!!
I mean yeah but looking at it from their perspectives that dog could’ve belonged to her friend or something and the necklace belonged to the actual owner of the dog
that seemed shady to me. it felt like maybe she was trying too hard.
@@hannahphillips7341 How?
I’m a vet tech and you’d be surprised at how many ppl don’t know what they’re feeding their dog 😂
Yes, I would be. How do people not know that? So weird!
@@SilverFlame819 Some people don't, it's not weird at all.
@@NightOwlReader2790 I find it extremely weird. You know the name of your favorite pizza place, right?? How would you not know the name of the food you feed your dog for every meal?
I’m a dog owner and I can’t remember their food 😅😅 I’m bad with names in general so I just remember the color of the bag and how it look but not the brand
@@NightOwlReader2790 It is weird. Why would you not know what you feed your dog? I always read on the bags before I buy because I want to make sure what’s in my dogs diet.
The fakeness when everybody goes “so sorry!!” Gets me every episode 😭
Edit: Omg thanks for 100 likes did NOT expect that AT ALL 😳
“So sorry we deliberately voted for you even though we knew you weren’t the mole just to get more cash, so sorry…”
@@Nosk0 we heard you the first time
@@caftood oh! It’s a bug I think! Probably when I edited my comment…
@@Nosk0 no problem if you need some cash just let me know
U seek validation from RUclips likes. Cringe.
Dear Jubilee, you should really consider limiting the rounds so that the game automatically stops when 3 people are left. With two, it is so obvious that the mole must have been voted out and it takes the excitement out of the reveal.
i strongly agree
I agree
Yeah or just make the prize the same for everyone except the mole that way less people doesn’t mean more money
Eh I disagree
Let’s be honest, when it’s 3 people left, they don’t need to make up some excuse to why they are questioning the other person. They want a bigger piece of the pot. Just say you want more money.
or just that the non moles all win the prize
as soon as they voted the guy with the husky out iknew what they were doing because they kept sus on Abigail that whole round but voted out the guy with the husky randomly they knew he was a dog owner but they obviously wanted more money
@@HelloPotatoHere Yeah right because they didn’t even say why they voted him out, there was nothing suspicious w him
@@HelloPotatoHere yea like hiro or whatever got voted out FAST. if she has his names engraved on her necklace and he responds when she says his name, CLEARLY it’s her dog.
The mole has won at 3 before.
Abigail has such a bright and uplifting personality. I love her spirit.
@@fatpigeon5269 huh
came here to say this, she seems like such a sweetheart and i loved her energy
She was great
everyone after the mole reveals themself: I KNEW ITTTT
then why didn’t you vote them lol
I love Abigail she sees so friendly and chill and I could tell she is definitely a dog owner
Does anybody else feel like the first round should be longer? That way everyone can state their case before 1st person gets voted out? Always feel like 1st one to go didn't really have a chance.
I agree
i mean this whole channel is ab social experiments so they probably make it short so that people have to vote off of first impressions to see how first impressions affect their decisions
I think the rounds are longer. They just edit parts out
So awkward when it’s clear that they voted the mole out and they still wanna continue the game. Even those who don’t want to are like “again? 😐”
gurl omg like you wasted a vote on a girl with a literal engraved necklace
More like only the Queen and Asians own corgis Haha. I couldn't believe they voted her out.
@@mnm8818 that’s not really right to say, I know plenty of other races who own corgis
@@alexisburdon6671 true just generalising :) Like saying "everybody etc" etc. Theres always fine print somewhere...
The corgi's owners I know are Asians + Japanese make cute bottom shape cupcakes out of corgi bottoms with chocolate pops out when you squeeze them I mean if that's not fondness of corgi I don't know what else is hehehe
@@mnm8818 Jesus Christ
I really hope that Jubilee finds a way to find balance between the amount of people left and how much money they receive.
"maybe its her boyfriends dog" if they live together its both his dog and her dog? that don't make since..
I was SURE the pug was gonna be the only dog not doing any trick, I have two pugs and I can't teach them anything, they are so stubborn. I think I love them more because of that
My psychology professor had a pug and chihuahuas and couldn’t even potty train them. She said if someone with a doctorate in psychology can’t do it no one can do we shouldn’t blame ourselves lol.
It's because they are inferior to other breeds in terms of intelligence. Their skull is deformed and their brains have smaller capacity than usual.
Mine can do tons as long as there is food involved. 😂
Haha SAME THOUGHT 😂 Cute but bone headed
Mine do sit, paw, high five, wait and spin! Food motivated haha
roy was the most obvious dog owner to me i was shocked when they voted him out. he was so chill/confident and you could tell the dog was super comfortable around him too!
if they had so much suspicion on abigail why didn’t they get her out instead of roy that wasn’t fair 😕
Ikr i was so shocked cuz abigail sounded way more suspicious than roy...roy just seemed to be so genuine for me
@@apinata8873 rlly? I was most suspicious of Roy out of anyone cuz his questions all sounded researched. I felt like Abigail wouldn't have appeared so relaxed if she was the mole
It was so obvious to them that they kept her and tried to eliminate a random person that would be harder to get rid off after. The two girls at the end wanted money and played together
@@adr77510 actually roy didn't say much and the girls were asking abigail questions and seemed like they were gonna come for her cuz abigails response didn't seem to satisfy but they end up voting for roy..i didn't see it coming
Tbh I knew that Abigail was legit from her voice and just being genuine. I was suspicious of Roy more.
I got my dog almost a year ago, and though ive had family dogs in the past back when i lived with my parents this is my first dog of my own responsibility and bonded with, and it is amazing the bond we have gained in such a short amount of time, i cannot imagine life without her now.
Abigail bringing a deaf dog was so real. We used to have a deaf dog too and while you can teach them to listen to signs 1. they don't always "listen" and deliberately look away so they don't have to 😅 and 2. the dog still has to be very comfortable with you to respond to you at all or not freak out if they are in an unfamiliar place because they have all their other senses running. Yes, she could have been a trainer too but I trusted her once she said they didn't knew she was deaf in the beginning (but they still kept her). Because it was the same case when we got our dog and she turned out to be deaf.
Then again I'm not exactly a dog person. I love dogs but I'm more of a cat person... Would be really interesting to see an episode with cat owners (but please don't let them bring the cats!).
Cat owners would be hilarious. I can't imagine finding cats that would be chill enough to handle something like this 😆
The cats would be fight each other 😂😭
They could also do it without bringing the cats in. I know I could talk about my cat for hours 😂
@@shaaylaaaa Or they could put the cats in pet strollers!
@@daisykart that would be so cute 😭 I know my cat would be scared and sweating though! I'm sure for this dog episode though too they made sure to get chill dogs.
My one cat would love that but he’s just overly friendly with 0 sense of danger. My other two would lose their minds with something like that tho
All these people are really like "Maybe they aren't a dog owner, just a trainer". What kind of dog trainer doesn't have their own pet dog as well.
My exact thoughts
Yeah, if you train dogs for a living I'm sure you would love having dogs
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Like most dog trainers, vets, dog walkers etc. have like six dogs.
Also why aren’t owners training their dogs? I try to spend at least 15 minutes a day training my dog.
They could possibly not live in a home suitable for a dog.
My dad could’ve killed it being a mole. He used to own a dog when he was younger but his dog passed away and he never got another one. He LOVES all the street dogs here and they all adore my dad🥰
Aww this is so wholesome!
@@SN-vn6wb ikr he calls the street dogs his babies.
Vanessa can’t be lying cause ain’t nobody finna be around that big ass dog unless it’s theirs😭😭😭
I was so amazed about the fact that not a single dog went crazy around thw other dogs. My dog (a boxer) goes insane when he sees another dog even if it's very far of where we are (he jumps, barks, tries to run towards them or lays on the street until i give him his way and walk up to the dog)
As a 2 dogs boxers owner, I totally understand you hahahaha they have too much energy like a hurracane but I love them so much more than my own life lol
its SO INSANELY ANNOYING when two people team up towards the end. just stop the game at 3 max.
I love how the corgis were obsessed with each other
These videos are getting more annoying to watch, in my opinion, since they keep playing until 2-3 people are left. It’s clearly about the money and not the mole.
This episode was so annoying 😑 I feel bad Abigail got voted out! I knew it wasn’t her.
@@Meeeeeeegan She was suspicious tho. I thought it was her
Ye tbh these videos a few months ago I preferred when you actually couldn’t tell if it was gonna be green or red. And there was loads of suspense
yeah. they were vicious and not fun and clearly it was for the money.
I mean it should be fine if it's also about the money as well. You get more with less people but yeah it's too easy to eliminate a mole if you eliminate enough people.
They left 3 of most suspicious people and eliminated all safe people
4:49 melts my heart with that paw trick 🥺
“A lot of people think it’s a walk in the park”
Sometimes it literally is
Except is not
@@Srabubulupa it was a joke about walking ur dog in the park :)
No it’s also picking up their poop after!
@@coolio4843 oh, thankfully I don't need to do that. I go for a walk in the forest (we really don't have any parks, but we've got plenty of forests. like, my country is basically covered by them), so...she can do her things in the bushes and it's fine.
@@iam_sherlocked8421 Lucky 😔 where I live there’s no forests and the parks don’t allow pets because in my country most people don’t pick up after them. You can’t even walk them through the sidewalks because 1. There’s stray dogs everywhere that could attack your pup, and 2. The roads in most streets are small so people park on the sidewalks, obviously blocking them.
I really hate it when they vote out every single person and then it turns out to be the 1st or 2nd person who was the mole. they just want more money.
Yeah it needs to decrease every round
It’s because they don’t know they already have voted out the mole.
@@sashn2108 Nah, they just wanted more money. it's so obvious.
Yeah it's money obvi
It just kills the whole fun part of this show when they team up. like please just end it at three ppl.
I didn’t really feel like there was much teaming this time around actually, but yeah the way the game is set up sucks. They seem to do that with all of their videos/games/dating situations though. It’s weird.
Four. Three is already too many chances, since that means they already voted out half the damn cast. It really should just be two tries. Like, it's not that hard. This episode particularly.
I have multiple favorite dog movies, really all my favorites are the Benji movies! No movie can make me cry like Benji does🥺😭
Brooo Oki even gave them a story with a wife who can't have kids, I feel so betrayed lmao
I guess so, but that actually made me suspicious of him in a way cause it's a cliche when people say their dogs are their kids. He also slipped up saying which country the dog was from. If my dog were from another country, I'd remember which (he said "Vietnam or Taiwan" like he couldn't remember which) and also said it's harder to train him because he's from a different country which makes no sense!
@@Slothth I felt betrayed by him, not by the others who voted him out. But yeah.. I mean, if it's a rescued stray dog, it would be understandable why he didn't know which country the dog was from haha
I figured it was his brother's reason why they got the dog in the first place. His brother's wife can't have kids.
Imagine if the mole just didn't show up with a dog lmao
They should lose $100 Everytime they vote out someone who is not the mole!!
Fr! No wonder jubilee is trying to get more money 😭 cuz they use it all on people who just vote others out for no reason
Guess what dude😂
They should
Anyone else notice how quiet the dogs were, well trained
The easiest question would have been "show me the best photo you have of your dog on your phone and tell me where it was taken"
Trish had the necklace with his name and still got voted damn
Could've been necklace of any other name, and she couldve made up that it's the dog name
Tho imo abigail was way more sus
@@arielorthmann4061 yeah I felt like the more they got sus of her the more I did too lol
@@arielorthmann4061 She could've just borrowed it from the real owner if she was the mole.
that doesn't really prove anything because they could've gotten it from the owner
@@dainne_ yeah true
I really think that there should be a limit to how far they can vote, because when you’re allowed to vote all the way down to two, you always know it’s going to be green. If they can only vote till there’s like only 4 people left for example, it brings back the suspense of the game
I was so suspicious of Abigail, because she kept saying "I am a dog owner", which sounded to me more like: "how do you do fellow dog owners?".
I didn’t trust Abigail because she didn’t know anything but I’m guessing her bf gets the shots and the food and everything
@@HigherKaiju same but she still acted like she knew so much about dogs
Didn't add up, probably her boyfriend's dog mainly
@@HigherKaiju not every dog owner has their dog's dog food and the shots they've gotten memorized. Not everyone cares so much about the brand of dog food, and some may rely on the vet to let them know which shots their dog still needs to get.
Is nobody going to mention how cute the Corgis were together!
“Can I make it rain on your dog” has to be my favourite sentence I’ve heard all year😂😂
Hey Jubilee....you guys should really stop at 3 or 4 people remaining. It makes the game much more interesting, smart, fun and effective in eliminating the mole, rather than having the contestants selfishly just vote other people out till there's two left in order to get a larger cut of the money! If the mole remains, great they've outsmarted everyone else as they should have; if not, the funds can then be split between the 3-4 remaining winners. Think about it & hopefully consider or try it out.
it’s not just ”they just vote people until there’s two left and get more money” because everytime you decide to continue game you risk getting no money at all
But the first round is problematic too. So that leaves only two or three rounds to decide.
@@lbz6412 Not really because if you have an alliance you can both vote into the next round and vote the 3rd person out
It makes it so the winners don't have to split the money with as much people
Finally someone said it perfectly
The cutest episode of all timeeee
2080: 5 person vs 1 humanoid robot
I think its 2180
And the humanoid robot will be the winner
@@adindas8582 this channel probably won't be around by 2180 lol Here's to hoping though! 🤞
@@ZephyrSounds Who knows, could turn into a family business 😂
On that interesting note, I never thought about how people could eventually inherit internet based companies since it's so young and we've only had 3 generations on the internet so far, all still (mostly) alive and well. Definitely could happen in the future!
I am an android.
The corgis squabbling 😂😂 the most corgi thing ever.
The editing style is hilarious
Honestly the mole should have been a cat owner… the fact that he didn’t own a dog like right now doesn’t make him less of a dog owner, he likes dogs, this would have been more fun and challenging with a cat owner lol
Fair. But I don't think, someone who doesn't like dogs or are nervous around them can act as a mole for long, because dogs sense if the humans like them or dislike them and they won't be chill around humans who dislike them. So, others would easily find out who the mole is, based on the dog's behavior.
@@aliceminnie9437 it never said the mole had to dislike dogs, just don’t own one. I own both dogs and cats, I like them both, but I like cats more, I would do a great job as a mole cause I know what dogs want lol
@@PossibleBat but you’re a dog and cat owner soo you will still qualify as a dog owner
@@aliceminnie9437 someone who doesn't owns a dog nor plan to own a dog, doesn't mean they dislike dogs.
The cash prize should be larger if you stop with more people in the game. This disincentives people from continuing to play and vote people out over small suspicions. The point of the game should be for everyone to work together to find the mole, rather than a group of favourites or alliances to form and vote everyone else out. I don't find it very impressive that the remaining 2 people weren't the mole, and they shouldn't be rewarded more money for being unconfident with their initial votes.
You can't reward cowards the same way as you reward risks
@@gimygaming8655 exactly!!
The two corgis are like “OMG WHY YOU LOOK LIKE ME”🤣
It was so obvious in 2 second. The guy just casually said “my wife can’t have kids biologically.” Sorry but NO ONE would ever blurt out their wife’s fertility problems in public like that.
But have you noticed that everytime the mole is voted out, the host asks first time do you want to continue.
I’m guessing cat owner will be next! Has jubilee done dog people v cat people? Could be a nice lighthearted episode!
Hahahah how do you convince someone it's your cat tho? The just gonna ignore you and hiss at the other cats. They don't do tricks. Rofl
@@iwuverzyou1 I found the mole! 😂
I taught my cats tricks -stay, lay down, come, to jump up onto my shoulders, walk on a leash, play fetch, There are performing cats in cat "circuses."
@@wholeshebang1 alright "who's cat isn't in the circus" odd one out 🤣🤣🤣 deadass all these cats doing tricks and mine hissing in a crate
i’ll just show them some of my scratches i got from my kitten as proof
Dyana to the dog: come on show them some tricks...
Bella: no thanks
Tank is so well behaved and such a sweetheart
I am trying to find their instagram!! I love Tank!
@@jackielangdon9915 did you ever find it?
i love that the two corgis were so interested in each other lol
i feel like they should have like a skip option where the amount of money decreases
I keep saying this make it a rule but they really need to make it a rule that the game ends when they get down to 3 people.
It would have been fun to let the dogs go and see if they go to the owners, that would state my case 😅
My dog would prob embarrass me and not come to me 😂
Lmao I wouldn’t trust my dog to come straight to me bc she loves meeting new people 😭
That would be terrible for me 😂 my dog is way too friendly, so he would probably go run towards the producers and camera people to say hi
@@jalynnchilds oh no 😂
@@MissRiceLyn and now you’re out next round 😂
it mightve been the way this was edited but i was very confused why certain people got voted off?? like dyana she couldnt even get the dog to do a trick and still made it through
That Oki guy was kinda sus because he said “ we saved her from Vietnam or Taiwan” he didn’t know where the dog was saved from.
From the very first second of seeing Vanessa I thought she wasn’t a dog owner because in the introduction (In the intro) Tank looked scared and uncomfortable. I was so surprised when it was Oki and Sasha! I do know that even though a dog is comfortable with a person it doesn’t mean that person owns the dog, it just surprised me.
The way I LOVEEEE TANK 😫🥰❤️
So calm and mellow aghjjkkk, you really could tell how much he loves his owner- sitting at her feet/ not leaving her side ;-;
Some of the dogs could have just been nervous to do tricks because of the environment.
Bro the corgis were SQUARING UP lol
"I can show you some hand signals, kekoa, no, okay" THAT GOT ME
Abigail seems like such a beautiful person, I was really rooting for her that seemed unfair:(
As someone with anxiety it makes me so sad that the people that seem nervous are always the ones to get voted off first. Because I understand the feeling. And I wish people would consider how if someone was the mole then they would probably not have anxiety. Not serious at least. Because I can promise you that someone with anxiety wouldn't willingly go in as the mole! Haha
And after watching so many of these videos(well, all of them 😉 ) I have come to realize that I wouldn't survive JUST because of my anxiety even if I was super honest lol.
People have a higher chance of winning of there’s only 2 people left because they eliminated almost everyone
I kept getting frustrated with Vanessa CONSTANTLY targeting Abigail bc like GIRL every single round 💀💀
that black corgi was a menace.
Who doesn’t love dogs tho
The mole obviously
me. i dont hate them but i dont care about them
Prolly people who get nightmares in which they are being chased by dogs lol
@@Aki-gb8gm same
@jubilee: you should reduce the prize as they eliminate in the rounds to make it more interesting.
That is actually a genius solution. although it might be more expensive, i think it would fix some of the problems. Like it might help people to try to get out the mole instead of trying to become the "winner".
Every “Odd One Out” ep is about something I didn’t know I needed to see but thoroughly enjoyed 😂
Before this vid started, I was like ''I love watching this show'' and the next thing, the guy asks if i love the show. Like the timinggg.
i love how whenever there's a tie and the contestants have to state their case, they always lead off with "I'm not the mole." Super convincing.
I’m surprised Abigail didn’t play tactically and vote Vanessa near the end when there were 4 left ? As she was the only other one publicly questioned with something suspicious