hellfire instrumental

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • from the hunchback of notre dame

Комментарии • 65

  • @Trash_Child
    @Trash_Child 4 года назад +62

    | LYRICS |
    Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti
    Beatae Mariae semper Virgini
    Beato Michaeli archangelo
    Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis
    [Verse 1]
    Beata Maria
    You know I am a righteous man
    Of my virtue I am justly proud
    (Et tibi Pater)
    Beata Maria
    You know I'm so much purer than
    The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
    (Quia peccavi nimis)
    Then tell me, Maria
    Why I see her dancing there
    Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul
    I feel her, I see her
    The sun caught in her raven hair
    Is blazing in me out of all control
    (Verbo et opere)
    Like fire
    This fire in my skin
    This burning
    Is turning me to sin
    [Verse 2]
    It's not my fault
    (Mea culpa)
    I'm not to blame
    It is the gypsy girl
    The witch who sent this flame
    (Mea maxima culpa)
    It's not my fault
    (Mea culpa)
    If in God's plan
    (Mea culpa)
    He made the devil so much
    Stronger than a man
    (Mea maxima culpa)
    Protect me, Maria
    Don't let this siren cast her spell
    Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
    Destroy Esmeralda
    And let her taste the fires of hell
    Or else let her be mine and mine alone
    Dark fire
    Now gypsy, it's your turn
    Choose me or
    Your pyre
    Be mine or you will burn
    God have mercy on her
    (Kyrie Eleison)
    God have mercy on me
    (Kyrie Eleison)
    But she will be mine
    Or she will burn!

  • @Taylor-Wolf666
    @Taylor-Wolf666 4 года назад +37

    Man I remember watching this movie the first time when I was a kid till years later I realized how dark it was. The Dark Magic of Disney you can definitely feel it.

  • @flintlockwood25
    @flintlockwood25 3 года назад +20

    A beautiful cover for the greatest Disney villain song of the greatest Disney villain

  • @kunoecchi7420
    @kunoecchi7420 8 лет назад +118

    This form sounds like it should have been played in Kingdom Hearts

    • @c.a.officialmusic6312
      @c.a.officialmusic6312  8 лет назад +11

      i was thinking the exact same thing

    • @kunoecchi7420
      @kunoecchi7420 8 лет назад +9

      It should have played while Frollo was being told of Esmerelda, Sora, and the others and it plays in the background as his already dark heart makes him a heartless and his death (Which should have been a fight scene) causes Wargoyle to appear.

  • @lisa8861
    @lisa8861 7 лет назад +167

    This sounds like it's played in legend of Zelda

  • @merylcalise8128
    @merylcalise8128 3 года назад +11

    Beata Maria
    Je clame que mon âme est pure
    De ma vertu j'ai droit d'être fier
    Beata Maria
    Mon cœur a bien plus de droiture
    Qu'une comme une vulgaire foule traîne-misère
    Mais pourquoi Maria ?
    Quand elle danse l'insolente
    Ses yeux de feu m'embrasent et me hantent
    Quelle brulure, quelle torture
    Les flammes de sa chevelure
    Dévore mon cœur d'obscènes flétrissures
    Infernal, bacchanale
    L'enfer noircit ma chair
    Du péché, de désir
    Le ciel doit me punir
    Est-ce ma faute ?
    Pourquoi ce blâme ?
    C'est cette sorcière-gitane par qui mon cœur s'enflamme
    Est-ce ma faute ?
    Si notre Pere
    A fait les hommes moins puissants que Lucifer
    Par pitié Maria
    Protège moi du mauvais sort
    De cette fleur du mal et de son corps
    Détruit Esméralda, qu'un rideau de feu soit son linceul
    Ou fait qu'elle soit à moi et à moi seule
    Infernal, bacchanale
    Diabolique sorcière
    Soit mienne, ma passion
    Te mènera en Enfer
    Seigneur pitié pour elle
    Seigneur pitié pour moi
    Fait qu'elle s'offre à moi
    Ou elle brulera

  • @flintwildpants8710
    @flintwildpants8710 7 лет назад +31

    *untranslatable noise, then a pop* Noice.

    • @flintwildpants8710
      @flintwildpants8710 7 лет назад +2

      Am I the only one that doesn't hear noise when Micheal says it? What I hear is "Knife"...

    • @notjulianna4181
      @notjulianna4181 6 лет назад +1

      Yeah lol

  • @myaperry5067
    @myaperry5067 8 лет назад +14

    Really mah gerd!!!! It's so beautiful!!!

  • @AngryCarMechanic
    @AngryCarMechanic 4 года назад +12

    ...I want to find the Pipe Organ sheet music for this now

  • @leifgiering
    @leifgiering 2 года назад +5

    Oh my god. This movie terrified me as a toddler, but 20+ years later it's straight up orgasmic. Bone chilling, in a good way.

    • @c.a.officialmusic6312
      @c.a.officialmusic6312  2 года назад +3

      Right?? I hated this movie as a kid, but now that im older, a little more mature, this movie is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen

  • @alexaliona
    @alexaliona 7 лет назад +38

    it's even more epic on .75 speed

  • @christopherlennon_
    @christopherlennon_ 3 года назад +13

    Beata Maria
    Eu sou um homem justo e bom
    E por isso posso me orgulhar (et tibi, Pater)
    Beata Maria
    Sei que é mais puro o meu dom
    Do que a plebe fraca e tão vulgar (Quia peccavi nimis)
    Me diga, Maria
    Por que eu a vi dançar?
    Por que seu olhar me incendiou? (Cogitatione)
    Eu sinto, eu vejo
    Os seus cabelos a brilhar
    Foi essa chama que me abrasou (Verbo et opere)
    Qual fogo
    Do inferno
    Tal fogo arde em mim
    Do mal é o estopim
    Não é a mim (mea culpa)
    A quem culpar (mea culpa)
    Foi a cigana bruxa a me enfeitiçar (mea maxima culpa)
    Não foi por mim (mea culpa)
    Que afinal (mea culpa)
    Deus fez o homem bem mais fraco do que o mal
    Me salve, Maria
    Não deixe que ela lance mão
    Do mal que me consome em seu ardor
    Destrua Esmeralda, que ela queime em aflição
    Ou seja meu, só meu, o seu amor
    Ministro Frollo, a cigana fugiu!
    O quê?
    Ela não está na catedral, sumiu!
    Mas como? Deixe pra lá
    Saia idiota, vou achá-la, vou achá-la
    Nem que tenha que incendiar toda Paris!
    Cigana do inferno, você vai escolher
    Meu beijo tão terno, ou no inferno arder
    Piedade dela, piedade de mim
    Mas minha será ou vai arder

  • @arcticghost465
    @arcticghost465 5 лет назад +21


  • @KiryuGoji20
    @KiryuGoji20 5 лет назад +28

    Is there an extended version of 2:19 to 3:49 that's my favorite part of the song

  • @Lemurzrligi2
    @Lemurzrligi2 3 года назад +3

    Beata Maria
    Je clame que mon âme est pure
    De ma vertu j'ai droit d'être fier
    Et tibi Pater (Et à toi, Père)
    Beata Maria
    Mon coeur a bien plus de droiture
    Qu'une commune, vulgaire foule de traîne-misère
    Quia peccavi nimis (Que j'ai péché)
    Mais pourquoi Maria
    Quand elle danse l'insolente
    Ses yeux de feu m'embrasent et me hantent?
    Cogitatione (En pensées)
    Quelle brûlure, quelle torture
    Les flammes de sa chevelure
    Dévorent mon corps d'obscènes flétrissures
    Verbo et opere (En mots et en actes)
    L'enfer noircit ma chair
    Du péché de désir
    Le ciel doit me punir
    Est-ce ma faute?
    Mea culpa (c'est ma faute)
    Pourquoi ce blâme?
    Mea culpa (c'est ma faute)
    C'est cette sorcière gitane
    Par qui mon coeur s'enflamme
    Mea maxima culpa (c'est ma très grande faute)
    Est-ce ma faute
    Mea culpa (c'est ma faute)
    Si notre père
    Mea culpa (c'est ma faute)
    A fait les hommes moins
    Puissants que Lucifer?
    Mea maxima culpa (c'est ma très grande faute)
    Par pitié Maria
    Protège-moi du mauvais sort
    De cette fleur du mal et de son corps
    Détruis Esmeralda
    Qu'un rideau de feu soit son linceul
    Ou fais qu'elle soit à moi et à moi seul
    Ministre Frollo, la Bohémienne s'est enfuie.
    Elle n'est plus dans la cathédrale. Elle s'est échappée.
    Mais comment? Ça ne fait rien. Sors d'ici! Idiot!
    Je la trouverai, je l'aurai, même si je dois brûler tout Paris
    Diabolique sorcière
    Sois mienne ou
    Ma passion
    Te mènera en enfer
    Kyrie Eleison (Seigneur aie pitié)
    Seigneur pitié pour elle
    Kyrie Eleison (Seigneur aie pitié)
    Seigneur pitié pour moi
    Kyrie Eleison (Seigneur aie pitié)
    Fais qu'elle s'offre à moi
    Ou elle brûlera!

  • @orrimorri1859
    @orrimorri1859 4 года назад +4

    Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti (I confess to God almighty)
    Beatae Mariae semper Virgini (To blessed Mary ever Virgin)
    Beato Michaeli archangelo (To the blessed archangel Michael)
    Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis (To the holy apostles, to all the saints)
    Beata Maria
    You know I am a righteous man
    Of my virtue I am justly proud
    (Et tibi Pater (And to you, Father))
    Beata Maria
    You know I'm so much purer than
    The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
    (Quia peccavi nimis (That I have sinned))
    Then tell me, Maria
    Why I see her dancing there
    Why her smold'ring eyes still scorch my soul
    (Cogitatione (In thought))
    I feel her, I see her
    The sun caught in her raven hair
    Is blazing in me out of all control
    (Verbo et opere (In word and deed))
    Like fire
    This fire in my skin
    This burning
    Is turning me to sin
    It's not my fault
    (Mea culpa (Through my fault))
    I'm not to blame
    (Mea culpa (Through my fault))
    It is the gypsy girl
    The witch who sent this flame
    (Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault))
    It's not my fault
    (Mea culpa (Through my fault))
    If in God's plan
    (Mea culpa (Through my fault))
    He made the devil so much
    Stronger than a man
    (Mea maxima culpa (Through my most grievious fault))
    Protect me, Maria
    Don't let the siren cast her spell
    Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
    Destroy Esmeralda
    And let her taste the fires of Hell!
    Or else let her be mine and mine alone
    (song pauses, guard knocks on the door)
    GUARD Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped.
    FROLLO (speaking) What?
    GUARD She's nowhere in the cathedral.
    She's gone.
    FROLLO But how? I... Never mind. Get out, you idiot! I'll find her! I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!
    (song resumes) Hellfire
    Dark fire
    Now gypsy, it's your turn
    Choose me or
    Your pyre
    Be mine or you will burn
    (Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy))
    God have mercy on her
    (Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy))
    God have mercy on me
    (Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy))
    But she will be mine
    Or she will burn!

  • @NathanRBradfordMusic
    @NathanRBradfordMusic 3 года назад +3

    You have a great ear!

  • @NathanRBradfordMusic
    @NathanRBradfordMusic 2 года назад +7

    I am pleased to present to you my NEWEST Music Video ‘Hellfire!’ I hope you enjoy my version. I wanted to use a campfire, but none were available for use during our 2 filming days. I want to thank my wife Juliana for making this video possible. Frollo has been my favorite Disney character since I was 6 and the song Hellfire was my world as a kid. It’s been wonderful to score the music, play the cello, create the costume, and reenact my childhood nostalgia. Hope you enjoy it!
    To watch the Music Video: ruclips.net/video/XuJgoB3WxmY/видео.html

  • @yourfreindlyneighborhooddm7294
    @yourfreindlyneighborhooddm7294 4 года назад +1

    Ladies and gentlemen, my bbeg theme for my next dnd campaign

  • @jessehorn6180
    @jessehorn6180 3 года назад +2


  • @evarastobryus7782
    @evarastobryus7782 6 лет назад +37

    Very intriguing. I always find it a bit unnerving when I hear this song. It reminds me of exactly how much power women hold over men.

    • @c.a.officialmusic6312
      @c.a.officialmusic6312  6 лет назад +9

      Evan Teras i totally agree with u!!! But there's always something so, attractive about it

    • @ShadowReaper1227X
      @ShadowReaper1227X 4 года назад +1

      Evan Teras Held? Buddy, always be thinking with the brain up top! These females will always try to manipulate the second brain 😂😂

    • @beefykeith48
      @beefykeith48 4 года назад +29

      THATS what you took away from this song?!

    • @whitehorse8558
      @whitehorse8558 4 года назад +8

      Bro he has murdered people

    • @toxicsplash1235
      @toxicsplash1235 4 года назад +1

      Like lol how many feminists be out here

  • @tvrgriffithfan8682
    @tvrgriffithfan8682 4 года назад +31

    YAY. A version without the creepy ass lyrics. I love tony jay and his brilliant singing voice, but sometimes that song is hard to listen to.

    • @zufgh
      @zufgh 3 года назад +4

      I thought women thought this song was hot. I thought women were meant to listened to this and say 'Oh take me, Jean Claude Frollo!'

    • @gimmekromer1151
      @gimmekromer1151 3 года назад +1

      @@zufgh tf?

    • @zufgh
      @zufgh 3 года назад +1

      @@gimmekromer1151 Well that's what I heard!

  • @theodorafilopoulou
    @theodorafilopoulou 3 года назад +1

    In which second do the lyrics of the song begin? Bc with this cover I do not clearly understand it. Is it in 0:20?

  • @adamlovegood1231
    @adamlovegood1231 4 года назад +9


  • @KeithShizuo
    @KeithShizuo 7 лет назад +18

    a bit too quick

  • @WithADashOfPazazz
    @WithADashOfPazazz 4 года назад

    this is reminding me of gargoyles...?

  • @incognito.7973
    @incognito.7973 3 года назад


  • @mutilateadolldreamworriors6274
    @mutilateadolldreamworriors6274 5 лет назад +5

    Not that good

    • @gayzer1020
      @gayzer1020 5 лет назад +12


    • @bruhmoment1980
      @bruhmoment1980 4 года назад +1

      Well without context put randomly somewhere it isn't good, but it is good for the context of where it takes place.

    • @bighand1530
      @bighand1530 3 года назад


    • @mutilateadolldreamworriors6274
      @mutilateadolldreamworriors6274 3 года назад

      @@gayzer1020 im looking for the actual instrumental version
      BTW im white

    • @gayzer1020
      @gayzer1020 3 года назад +1

      @@mutilateadolldreamworriors6274 I was joking its fine