7. Day 24 - Alpe Du Zwift - How far can I get?!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 303

  • @target2.5
    @target2.5  3 года назад +5

    I'm back again - come along for the journey!

  • @LarsRR
    @LarsRR 4 года назад +273

    Seeing someone struggle hard to get up the Alpe, yet, never quit while doing it is actually very inspirational.
    I hope you are still riding and still improving. Keep it up

    • @cyclingboss469
      @cyclingboss469 4 года назад +2

      The AdZ is very challenging. I am still a bit upset at not getting the wheels yet after 12 trips up. Once I get those wheels I probably will not go up again until I am fit enough to go under 1 hour. For now I am riding outside until the weather takes a real bad turn. Outdoor ride: ruclips.net/channel/UCCx5LLfi_3x7G7oioIW84MA

    • @ingmarneple6072
      @ingmarneple6072 4 года назад

      @@cyclingboss469 the wheels are weird, didn’t get them 15 times then suddenly got them 3 times in a row 🤦‍♂️ have heard that I am not the only one who had this

    • @iamnickdavis
      @iamnickdavis 4 года назад +1

      I feel like this dude is killing it.

    • @KelchLion
      @KelchLion 3 года назад

      This reminds me of the most challenging climb of my life. About 12 years back on Mount Athos. I will never forget the monks reward. I was 14 years old.

    • @LarsRR
      @LarsRR 3 года назад

      @@KelchLion holy glazer mountain. Very inspiration. I heard some boys set a monastery on fire that year, what a shame!

  • @BerserkerSloth
    @BerserkerSloth 3 года назад +49

    I was a level 6 & just finished it last night. Took me forever :(
    I finished at 3:09:39. Took me forever. I felt like quitting cause I was extremely discouraged cause of how low my speed was (especially when a jogger passed me 😂) but I’m glad I never quit. Was definitely one of the toughest rides I’ve ever done.

    • @Ontheroadtourism
      @Ontheroadtourism 3 года назад

      I started on this climb yesterday and stopped 40 mins in as I did not realise it was quite so long.
      I will be giving it another go and I will be better prepared.

    • @Alniemi
      @Alniemi 2 года назад

      Props! finishing in any time is great! its a serious climb!

  • @nursedanger9020
    @nursedanger9020 4 года назад +64

    That was one of the most inspirational video I’ve seen. Mind over matter. You, Sir, are a badass! Keep up the great work!

  • @chriswheelerlovesjesus1670
    @chriswheelerlovesjesus1670 3 года назад +9

    It does not matter if you said it was a slow time. The fact that you completed it is amazing! Next target is just to beat your time. Keep it up!

  • @NeilCaplan
    @NeilCaplan 3 года назад +4

    I've watched a ridiculous amount of cycling related videos on RUclips at this stage and this was genuinely one of the most inspirational. Brilliant mate.

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  3 года назад

      Thank you so much Neil :-)

  • @bikerbillable
    @bikerbillable 4 года назад +5

    That was an incredible effort, well done. This has been the best Zwift video I have seen on here because it isn't posted by some semi-pro smashing out 400+ watts for the 1 hour necessary to tackle this monster. I have just started on Zwift and am on the larger side too, as well as being 54 which doesn't help. I aim to try this climb once I have some fitness back. Wish me luck.
    Once again, well done.

  • @colinwilliams9290
    @colinwilliams9290 4 года назад +28

    Probably one of the most honest videos I’ve seen on RUclips. Being a skinny fell, I thought everyone just breezed their way up the Alp. To see the huge huge effort you put into that ride should inspire anyone.
    I take my hat off to you👏👏👏

    • @YabbaDadADo
      @YabbaDadADo 3 года назад +2

      The world needs more cyclists like you!

  • @MrAndyShea
    @MrAndyShea 4 года назад +18

    That was an absolutely heroic effort! Was willing you along the whole way. Good job! Could see how much it hurt but you kept grinding, a lot of respect for that!

    • @cyclingboss469
      @cyclingboss469 4 года назад

      I was hoping he would get there too. He seemed pretty happy to get it done.

    @CANMANU.K. 5 месяцев назад

    Well done mate fantastic effort, just started my zwift journey, i will put Alpe du zwift on my list for about 2 months time

  • @sevenrats
    @sevenrats 5 лет назад +12

    I did it yesterday. I'm only at level 8 so I entered a race. It took me 1:53 to get up there. 225 out of 299 place, which I was very satisfied with. For the D level riders it is a true test of mental toughness. Of the 299 who started, 74 DNF. I'm going to train for a month before I try it again and then I'll enter another race. The race was good because you're kind of all in it together.

    • @cyclingboss469
      @cyclingboss469 4 года назад

      You also get to draft up to the start of the climb which can save just a tiny bit of energy. I was happy to go under 90 minutes finally. Now it is Northern California Outdoor rides until the weather turns bad on me. ruclips.net/channel/UCCx5LLfi_3x7G7oioIW84MA

    • @sevenrats
      @sevenrats 4 года назад

      @@cyclingboss469 I have since that post done it 3 more times and last month I did it in 1:26:21. Now though we have a new problem. Ventoux!!! 5033 feet of elevation.

    • @BerserkerSloth
      @BerserkerSloth 3 года назад

      I was a level 6 & just finished it last night. Took me forever :( I finished at 3:09:39. Took me forever. I felt like quitting and was extremely discouraged cause of how low my speed was but for some reason I never did. Was one of the toughest rides I’ve ever done.

  • @scottb4993
    @scottb4993 4 года назад +1

    Zwift have made this route 3 on the 2021 tour. I came for a quick look to see how bad it is as I though I couldn’t do it. You have now motivated me 100% with your determination. 10/10.

  • @Jodydoc
    @Jodydoc Год назад

    U are a legend. I loved this. Such a down to earth lad as well. Fair play to u. Subbed mate.

  • @dombaker8790
    @dombaker8790 3 года назад +1

    Great to have a video that isn’t someone bossing it in under an hour. Top work

  • @danfresca8033
    @danfresca8033 11 месяцев назад

    Great work 👍🏻 can’t wait to give this climb a go!

  • @juhatanskanen762
    @juhatanskanen762 2 года назад +1

    Congrats ! I have never ridden that hill up ...... i should try ....!

  • @dartilov
    @dartilov 3 года назад +3

    I did this yesterday for the first time and similar to you took it steady and got there in the end.

  • @Matt-qc5ug
    @Matt-qc5ug 4 года назад +3

    Nice one, you've inspired me to have a go. Amazing how quiet the roads are pre covid!

  • @JohnRanby
    @JohnRanby Год назад

    Well done, like many have said, great honest video. I love climbing hills, only been cycling 10 years, but every year I stop for Winter in UK, so have Oct - at least March off. I always put on a stone guaranteed because of my bad food choices. Every year I feel the pain trying to climb hills and get back in condition especially as I have asthma and putting a stone on, makes it worse, but I love it and as you said, when you get to the top, it's a huge achievement. I keep persisting with hills and soon get back on it and my asthma gets better. I only starting Zwifting 1 month ago, but love it, especially Ape du Zwift and the other climbs. I'm hoping to break my winter cycle now I have Zwift, so hopefully no more weight gains. Good work and keep it up.

  • @jeremystrachan9340
    @jeremystrachan9340 4 года назад +3

    I just did this today, as I purchased my first smart trainer earlier this week. I love your vid - chapeau for making it up! It was tough!

  • @SuperLeehowarth
    @SuperLeehowarth 4 года назад +7

    Well done fella, great to see you battle through it. That climb is such a mental battle battle as well as physical. When I get to marker 5 my body is screaming to stop but I've gone too far to just walk away.

  • @derrickknight4985
    @derrickknight4985 4 года назад +1

    Well done. Just subscribed. Im a 53 year old 14.5 st newbie. Got the trainer and started zwifting less than a month ago. Just got to level 12. Not unlocked the Alpe du Zwift yet. Will be giving it a go however long it takes will be a good time for me. My backside kills me on longer rides. Done 100km yesterday but had a couple of breaks. Looking forward to more of the rides. Ride On 👍🏼

    • @derrickknight4985
      @derrickknight4985 4 года назад

      Now at level 20. Done Alpe du Zwift 4 times now. 87 minutes is my best time. Got to take it easy it’s becoming addictive.

  • @aaronmuller8208
    @aaronmuller8208 3 года назад +1

    Well done been putting off doing the alpe but you have inspired me to give it a go now.

  • @stewartadamson9465
    @stewartadamson9465 3 года назад +1

    Massive ride. Hugely motivating. Well done!

  • @cdogensis6392
    @cdogensis6392 3 года назад +1

    Any day you achieve what you planned to do, s a good day. Kudos!

  • @velolegion9034
    @velolegion9034 4 года назад +3

    Such a cracking effort mate, super impressed that you didn’t give up 👍

  • @soundsosincere
    @soundsosincere 3 года назад +1

    big dude that just started zwifting here. great vids, great journey. will come back here for sure. :)

    • @soundsosincere
      @soundsosincere 3 года назад

      haha glad you pulled through. good job!

  • @KennethSkramstad
    @KennethSkramstad 6 лет назад +50

    Well done, Matt! :D It's a hard climb on smart trainer and in real life. You did well :)

  • @11pelster
    @11pelster 3 года назад

    Superb mate. What an effort . Being on the larger side you have def inspired me to give alpe a crack.

  • @Yeedeed
    @Yeedeed Год назад

    I know this was years ago now, but great job!!! I just did this tonight myself and man, what a killer this was. I had just changed my cassette on my trainer and I only intended on hitting maybe 100 meters, just to test climbs with the new piece of gear, but then I thought if I've gone this far now, why not finish? I too had to stop 4 times on the way up, and after about 600 meters, I was really beginning to mentally falter. Its hard enough when something is physically challenging, but when your mind is also telling you to give up, that's half the battle. You did a great job mentally holding it together!

  • @Lucanian73
    @Lucanian73 3 года назад +1

    Well done Matt - it’s a great ride

  • @jamespatrick1253
    @jamespatrick1253 4 года назад

    You my friend are the definition of 'don't give up'. Well done buddy. Huge respect to you. Keep it up.

  • @kcheng888
    @kcheng888 4 года назад

    Well done...very inspiring to see someone struggle and not quit.

  • @MrTBDreamer
    @MrTBDreamer 4 года назад +2

    This looks scary! Kudos on going all the way up man!

  • @jensbornermann9748
    @jensbornermann9748 2 года назад

    wow!!! much respect for not giving up and a sub-160min-ride!!

  • @Mattzietsch
    @Mattzietsch 4 года назад +1

    I have no idea why this popped into my recommended but I’m stoked I watched. Start making Zwift videos again!

  • @themreza77
    @themreza77 4 года назад

    Well done mate! It sure is a tough climb and it plays with your mind and body. You took it like a champ and I hope you keep setting these personal goals... mind over matter señor.

  • @CADMunkieUK
    @CADMunkieUK 3 года назад

    Thanks for that video... you’re an inspiration :) and thanks for the awesome riding tracks!!

  • @davidleiper1
    @davidleiper1 2 года назад +1

    Great video Sir. Keep at it!

  • @cyclingnerddelux698
    @cyclingnerddelux698 4 года назад +2

    Super friggin effort! I'd love to hear how you are doing two years on. Hope well!

  • @terryr4648
    @terryr4648 4 года назад

    Impressive well done, you showed true grit and determination and got the job done

  • @aidangoodluck170
    @aidangoodluck170 3 года назад +1

    Great work, huge effort. I am doing my first attempt at this tomorrow after only a few weeks on zwift, you have given me hope that I will do it 🤝

    • @aidangoodluck170
      @aidangoodluck170 3 года назад

      I did it! 115.32.66. Currently at 96kg. Thanks again for the video, it sure helped me to know what I was in for!

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  3 года назад +1

      Awesome - congratulations!

  • @krilin84
    @krilin84 2 года назад

    Well done mate, really inspiring seeing you not giving up

  • @andrewnicholson9857
    @andrewnicholson9857 3 года назад +1

    Well done on a heroic effort.

  • @Bikes-guitars
    @Bikes-guitars 3 года назад

    Well done, I’m pleased you kept going and made it, if it helps, I was working in Grenoble many years ago and took my bike for recreational riding when not working, a colleague joined me for a ride up the Alpe in reality, it took him 2 hours 30 minutes just to climb the Alpe, so you are not the slowest! Zwift does run about 10% faster than the Alpe in reality though.

  • @momobife
    @momobife 4 года назад

    Well done! Keep training!!!

  • @brianrhoden430
    @brianrhoden430 6 лет назад +3

    Matt you did it, does not matter if you stopped 2 or 20 times you had the guts to carry on and not throw in the towel. It will definitely get easyer and better the more riding and climbing you do on Zwift. Do some of the smaller climbs first either in the group's or solo and if you have to stop a few times so what, just carry on and I promise it will get better and easier as you do more and bigger climbs and I talk from experience and time on Zwift 👍👏👏👏

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  6 лет назад

      Thanks Brian - at least I know I'll be stopping fewer and fewer times every time I go up!

  • @bobski36
    @bobski36 3 года назад

    Congrats! I've done it in both the real and virtual worlds.....and the virtual one is HARDER. You can stop at anytime in the virtual world and go to the fridge, or watch TV, just call it a day. (If you ever get the chance to go there though.....the real jewel in the area is the Croix de' Fer....most beautiful roads I've ever been on.

  • @mtelectrical8068
    @mtelectrical8068 3 года назад

    Well done buddy.. great achievement and cool vid 👍🏻

  • @forestchunk
    @forestchunk 4 года назад +7

    Amazing video, so inspirational for a lot of us normal people that ride =-) Well done for the achievement fully deserved mate.

  • @rawdonwaller
    @rawdonwaller 4 года назад

    Good on ya mate. Keep it up and you'll maintain your health for years to come! And thoroughly agree re: details of the course. It's very picturesque and makes the trek more pleasant

  • @keithbreaux612
    @keithbreaux612 4 года назад

    Brilliant effort. Keep up the work.

  • @dhooper7
    @dhooper7 3 года назад +1

    Great video. Amazing effort

  • @747driver3
    @747driver3 5 месяцев назад

    I rode the Alp once. I didn’t enjoy it but I was proud of the accomplishment.

  • @cyclin_sean.3713
    @cyclin_sean.3713 6 лет назад +1

    Fair play fella, I was told 90 mins is a decent time,I'm doing the tour de zwift in a few days and was looking to see what was coming my way,hope you're still riding , cheers mate.

    • @sevenrats
      @sevenrats 5 лет назад +2

      Any time is a decent time. As a matter of fact for the slower riders it's even more impressive because to hang in there for 2 hours is brutal. If you're at threshold HR and Power the feeling is the same whether you're Marco Pantani or Joe Blow except Marco was done in 37 minutes and Joe has another hour and half to go.

  • @marclovessurfing5155
    @marclovessurfing5155 4 года назад +1

    Great effort Matt. 👍respect!
    This was more than 2 years ago. I hope you're still going strong 🤙
    Inspiring video. I follow you're example, aiming for category C!

  • @JanekDetko
    @JanekDetko 4 года назад

    Welldone mate 👍👍 keep riding and pushing!!! Credit to you many people couldn't ride up that

  • @runarsim
    @runarsim 4 года назад

    Great work no matter what the time was, you made it up and never gave up. It is a brutal hill so congratulations 👏

  • @Ontheroadtourism
    @Ontheroadtourism 3 года назад +1

    What a brilliant performance

  • @Quentijn
    @Quentijn 6 лет назад +6

    Awesome effort! Keep up the good work!

  • @samuelyau1113
    @samuelyau1113 3 года назад

    Well done fella! Giving me some inspo for my first Alpe Du Zwift route

  • @BerserkerSloth
    @BerserkerSloth 3 года назад +2

    I just finished it last night. Was one of the most difficult rides I’ve done. I’ve always been terrible at climbs (even when I was in shape but now I’m extremely overweight). I average about 2-4MPH going uphill on an incline over 8%.
    I was gonna quit SOOOOO MANY TIMES but idk why, I never did. I was over an hour in but only 5.6 miles in 😫. I knew at the pace I was moving, it was gonna take me over 3hrs to finish but thank God, I actually finished (11.1 Miles, 3,574FT, 3hrs 9 minutes and 39 seconds). Then padded my stats on the way down 😂 but I did hit 50mph and get the achievement for it. Was harder to get than I thought since I was pushing myself so hard but my legs were shot.

  • @cliffclermont
    @cliffclermont 4 года назад

    Just saw this.....legend. looking forward to c how far u have come

  • @Strenki-real
    @Strenki-real 3 года назад +1

    Dude don`t stop and you will smash the hill sooner or later :) Good luck!

  • @18dbofgain
    @18dbofgain 4 года назад

    This is awesome well done. No easy job this. Well done.

  • @storegga
    @storegga 3 года назад

    good effort mate. Great strength, mentally and physically!!

  • @andrewmcnulty7961
    @andrewmcnulty7961 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for this upload, you inspired me to ride Alpe du Zwift, this evening. I don’t see many videos from you these days, hope your still zwifting

  • @darrenwarby32
    @darrenwarby32 2 года назад

    Just rode alp de zwift for the first time after riding zwift for just 6days , I was inspired by you to give it a try . Thank you very much for inspiring me to give it a go . I'm a 53 Yr old diabetic.

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  2 года назад

      Love this! Huge congratulations Darren 👍

  • @mes6276
    @mes6276 4 года назад

    Good work homie... hard climb.. way to fight it out!

  • @bailliej
    @bailliej 3 года назад

    Just watched your video. Good work man. You did make me laugh a few times with your descriptions. Well done. The Alp is defo fun, but not fun. You got got a cool helmet, I got a set of gloves for my attempt and you sounded just like me when I finished. .

  • @JamesWhiteszln6z
    @JamesWhiteszln6z 3 года назад

    Great job! Keep digging. I've done it 2 or 3 times I think. Super tough. Not surprisingly, set by highest 1 hr FTP on this.

  • @dlear85
    @dlear85 4 года назад +1

    just did my 1st one yesterday. 1:25:31 , man that was tougher than i expected, i was expecting it to stop at last gate so that top 1-0 Was awful, nearly quit a few times. Good work

  • @Startedtub06
    @Startedtub06 3 года назад +1

    Massive well done for this superb effort!! I’m yet to do this myself and this has made me want to do it even more. Hope you’re well. 👍🏻🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏼‍♂️

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  3 года назад

      You can do it!

    • @Startedtub06
      @Startedtub06 3 года назад

      Target 2.5 done it today!! Just over 2.5 hours

  • @sim2kuk2009
    @sim2kuk2009 3 года назад

    New to Zwift and only now seeing this but well done. At 114Kg 2:20hr will now be my goal when I try it.

  • @Tommieb86
    @Tommieb86 3 года назад

    This is the video that inspired me to climb ADZ for the first time today. For those considering but hesitant I strongly recommend doing an FTP test, either the full or ramp test version within zwift. Find out your FTP and divide by your weight in kg. This should give you a watts per kilogram figure (mine is 2.5 for example) that will really help you get up this beast. Simply stay within aproximately 0.5 of this figure for the duration of the ride and you'll be up before you know it.

  • @andromina4059
    @andromina4059 3 года назад

    The best climb I've seen in Alpe! Congratulations Matt!!! 💪🏼💪🏼

  • @jeffchase2491
    @jeffchase2491 4 года назад

    You have inspired me to try the Alp. Thanks, good job!

  • @katreambrazaite5452
    @katreambrazaite5452 4 года назад

    Cracking effort! From the title I didn't think you were gonna make it to the top but wanted to check the climb either way before possibly attempting it myself. Well done! Now I feel more motivated to try it myself. If you can do it, so can I.. I hope 🤞😬🤞 😅 I'm a total newb, but here goes nothing!

  • @sarahnewton2550
    @sarahnewton2550 4 года назад

    I do know how you feel. I did this yesterday and am not paying for it - no chance on cycling today. I’m also carrying more pounds than I want and it’s such a handicap in Zwift and real bike racing (unless you’re on the downhill!). Will check out your most recent videos

  • @Stevenafoe
    @Stevenafoe 5 лет назад

    The orange tents is the (in)famous dutch corner on the alp.. thats why its in zwift. Well done for climbing it.

  • @StuStobbs
    @StuStobbs 3 года назад

    well done man. great work. i have done it 3 times and hated each one. ha ha ha

  • @jeffcarr4870
    @jeffcarr4870 2 года назад

    very honest effort. well done.

  • @davefoote4518
    @davefoote4518 4 года назад

    Strong work buddy. Way to go!!

  • @WKG111
    @WKG111 6 лет назад +3

    Cracking ride, my friend. I have the same issue as you with your 'derriere' - my heart rate goes through the roof if I get out the saddle but my backside aches if I don't stand every so often. I try to pre-empt the discomfort now but standing for really short spells (maybe 4-5 seconds) every 10 minutes or so, before the arse pain kicks in.

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  6 лет назад

      Cheers mate :-) I'll definitely try that next ride - anything to help in that area!

  • @evertonyoung4674
    @evertonyoung4674 4 года назад +1

    Well done my advice would be to start off with a 150 W and then increase the power when you get further say level5 in the climb. Through out the ride need to drink lots of water maybe an energy gel and slow right down when you feel like it's getting very tough, the idea is to keep going no matter what.,

  • @brendanwall7395
    @brendanwall7395 3 года назад

    Feel you pain my friend I did my 1st climb last week, sure is a slog for us heavier guys but the sense of achievement is amazing, hope the legs recoved well.

  • @makifrable
    @makifrable 4 года назад

    Great job mate, you have defeated the damn hill. Keep up the good work, and dont worry about the climb time, Its all about the passion

  • @adventuremonkey
    @adventuremonkey 4 года назад

    Keep going 👍🏻 stick at it. Good effort 👍🏻. I will be attempting the four horsemen soon. I’m dreading it!

  • @joetilsed
    @joetilsed 3 года назад +1

    Good stuff mate! Impressive stuff!

    • @target2.5
      @target2.5  3 года назад

      Thanks :-)

    • @joetilsed
      @joetilsed 3 года назад

      @@target2.5 made me tackle it for the first time! I really enjoyed it! Thank you for your video.

  • @mungflesh199
    @mungflesh199 3 года назад

    Inspirational effort - that looked tough. Well done Matt.

  • @davidenglish5772
    @davidenglish5772 6 лет назад +1

    Well done fella, fantastic effort. Ride On.

  • @derekabbotts
    @derekabbotts 3 года назад

    mad respect for gutting that out man! well done!

  • @jameseastwood402
    @jameseastwood402 4 года назад

    Awesome effort. It's a much bigger achievement for you than most of those doing it sub 60, remember that!

  • @antonymann532
    @antonymann532 3 года назад

    You should be proud of yourself, that was a great effort 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @patrickflanagan317
    @patrickflanagan317 Год назад

    That's dedication mate 👍👍👍

  • @Haiwei
    @Haiwei 4 года назад

    Old video but.. Chapeau! Well done!

  • @jcoul1sc
    @jcoul1sc 3 года назад

    Never stop pedaling, even if you are only doing 10rpm or even 5 or 6 rpm, if you look at the old bike races you will see riders almost come to a standstill at the top of the stroke, and still get the pedals round, recover and pedal another bit, just never stop.
    Pedal in circles too, remove one pedal and use the other pedal to cycle, swap over and equalise both sides. Big help.
    Reward yourself 2 ways, intrinsically and extrinsically, water bottle sips are good, and thinking of things you find rewarding or how you will do that thing you like later.

  • @iorch82
    @iorch82 3 года назад

    Well done. Keep riding, you will be there in no time ;)

  • @diegovelazquez8167
    @diegovelazquez8167 3 года назад

    Well done, please, keep tour Heart healty, CONGRATULATIONS and gooo,

  • @usmana8731
    @usmana8731 4 года назад

    Great effort man! 👍🏼 Keep it up