Is God Speaking to Me? Is It My Conscience? How Can I Tell?

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @STRvideos
    @STRvideos  8 месяцев назад +2

    For more on this topic, check out Greg’s article “Does God Whisper?”
    Read Part 1:
    Read Part 2:
    Read Part 3:

  • @BibleMunch
    @BibleMunch 8 лет назад +33

    "God doesn't try to speak to us, he speaks to us." I love that.
    We are made in the image of God, and God is a communicating God.
    Communication with God, is an amazing reality of our relationship with him!
    Thanks for the video!

  • @katiesonlinename
    @katiesonlinename 2 года назад +6

    Greg!!!! You did it!! You answered a question I have wrestled with for YEARS!!! ...and it was so simple "You don't have to wonder 'is God speaking to me?' If you have to wonder whether He is or not, then He's not."
    Of course! Oh my gosh why did I never realize this?! God does not try! He is the ultimate example of Master Yoda's famous quote: "Do or do not; there is no try." HE IS *GOD*!! Of course I would know if He was speaking to me!
    Your comments about using our subjective conscience to inform us of God's will, as we consider what God has already said and, perhaps, seeking counsel to see if our conscience is lining up with what God has said, is guidance I have received before and it mostly made sense. However, without the reminder that God is... well... GOD and we should expect that our actions can't "prevent" Him from anything He endeavors to do, it didn't quite answer the question all the way.
    Thank you SO much! That one little puzzle piece made ALL the difference: If God is speaking, I WILL know. If God is using tools like my conscience, then He expects me to figure it out using the tools He's already given ME!
    YOU ROCK! God bless you!

    • @nakii3603
      @nakii3603 2 года назад

      see response to Chris Dalton and Super Christian. You are one who Gets It at least in my humble opinion, Find strength in Yourself, He (or She or It) is there and tells you honestly if you listen what is right whatis wrong what you can or can't do about it and the news isn't always good. How many millions of people have evry moment of their waking and sleeping life living in torment, disease starvation yet find something that tells them not to give up. Thank you Creator for my small problems. WE are loved I ahave to believe , and I love, but the Human powers of earth offer no reasonable assurances for our children and beyond. Sleep well find the music channel that works at night. Not the zombie music ones ok but somehow I am moved by REFLECTIONS daystar.... chritian and inspirational ORCHESTRAL quality... We are blessed.
      Today I surprise final visit with a Bible Study group I met in a restaurant a few weeks ago.
      I wish I wrote a book, but who would read it? I meet the most interesting people like there's this vibe of acceptance as soon as I say Aloha, and we talk for 3 hours. And never see each other again. Like this . I hope you are not offended.

  • @christinedalton9899
    @christinedalton9899 7 лет назад +7

    I'm not an incredibly religious person but I know when it's God speaking to me. He doesn't mince words and he's very direct in his guidance. And he always has good reason, which I may not understand at the time he directs me. But it's always in my best interest that he guides me. He'll also give an explanation as to why he's telling me to do something when I ask him. And I don't need to ask myself, "Was that just you, God?" There is no doubt. I've been hearing him more lately since I've decided to stop eating processed foods and go back to a healthier diet to heal myself of aches and pains and other diet related issues.
    I'm not really much of a bible thumper. I can't quote you scripture. I think the fact that I turned away from television and news and all the worldly hype and the junk food and just spend so much time in solitude...just makes it easier for me to hear him? But like the video said. If he has something that he absolutely MUST tell you. You will be left with no doubt.

    • @nakii3603
      @nakii3603 2 года назад

      You are so honest. I think (not always that well!) this goes far deeper than realizations of dietary importance............ that your concerns about many (most?) things are constantly being addressed by your conscience (I call it my conscious conscience) as my mind constantly is "speaking to me" in what I believe may be my own voice ,or for sure my own words as I have a very distinct speaking style and vocabulary. So Revelations come in very clear brief but completely coherent segments that can direct me to take an honest unselfish loving firm path to fulfilling my obligations to myself and those close to me in a way that respects their sensitivities and invites them to welcome these thoughts as being actionable positive behaviors. Nearly every early AM as I sleep to a music channel featuring basically Gorgeous Christian and Inspirational standard simple answers, statements of personal philosphy come what I call a "half dream" state, where the dream environment passes off the complete message gently to my fully awakening mind and I write down the core of the "dream thought"
      and expand it to totally address the real life situation. And remember "wishing can't make it so". But I am not allowed by my conscience to try to "enforce " my opinion, just communicate it with love to those who were clearly the subject of the whole experience. I am not an advocate of any particular religion, just a "native" cultural practitioner an advocate of acting as a "humanitarian" , The Great Spirit, Creator, God Lives in all Things. And all things , from rocks to people live in "It", The Bible is an interesting Book, One of many, Proper Human behavior and relationships can be expressed beautifully in a couple dozen Hawaiian words. And thinking people don't need a middle man to converse fluently with Him-Her - I Am or by whatever name we are comfortable. In God's Image.?......... The universe, unmeasurable, is The body of God and we are of the same particles, whirling in orbits and assembled into what we are .....small universes locked into that space and form until we disintegrate and are reassembled. Aloha dear one, study what seems to be reasonable , put into practice what you can. Be careful who or what you trust. Things that are for sale, for money, your mind, or your body or soul are bad investments. These are hard times ....all times are. I am so thankful for my unusual Family.

  • @DarthLightbender
    @DarthLightbender 2 года назад +4

    I needed this. Thank you.

    • @STRvideos
      @STRvideos  2 года назад +2

      Glad to be of service. :)

  • @kogkanpur9283
    @kogkanpur9283 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely right!
    I don't serve an idol.
    My Hog has a mouth and He speaks.
    May God bless you and use you mightly!

  • @gailrogers3012
    @gailrogers3012 7 лет назад +2

    there is a difference however and seeking to hear God infellowship in our personal everyday lives and an intervention like we see in the case of Saul who became Paul. Growing in personal relationship with God is an invitation it's not something he's going to hit you over the head with or knock you off your horse and so an invitation is something that we have to willingly pursue and he rewards us when we do pursue him and we hear more clearly when we eliminate the distractions in our lives

  • @lindaragsdale1656
    @lindaragsdale1656 Год назад +1

    Your study videos have enlightened me , i agree with everything i hear so far and im glad to hear plain simple interpretations from another teacher.

    • @STRvideos
      @STRvideos  Год назад +1

      Thanks for the positive feedback, Linda. We're glad to have you as a friend and follower.

  • @sebastienroux1790
    @sebastienroux1790 7 лет назад +3

    What if our conscience is guided by God? Assuming that we stay in tune with the Holy Spirit.

  • @regina9318
    @regina9318 7 лет назад +3

    Jesus loves you

  • @alexgomez-rc5nt
    @alexgomez-rc5nt Год назад

    God is LOVE

  • @Thatguitarist
    @Thatguitarist 7 лет назад +5

    Can you help me discern God’s voice from my own thoughts?

    • @nakii3603
      @nakii3603 2 года назад +1

      Easy, they ARE your own thoughts because you are thinking them in your own distinct speech pattern and language, They are clear , to the point, honest, within your ability to initiate action, because your conscience is a pure thing that is God who lives in you, and in whom you live. In this world where almost everything is a distraction, the true messages are the ones of peace, kindness and unselfish concern for others who need your help, appreciate it, don't demand it and realize your efforts are out of kindness and on a scale that you can afford , physically and spiritually. in the quiet of early am you may have what i would call a half dream.....characters and situations clear and you fullyn awake conscious of what has happened WRITE IT DOWN.
      For me it's now conscious conscience because of clarity and purity. God allows you to think what you want but his is the simple clear voice that sets off your alarms. Too much of the world disables their alarm system, DISTRACTIONS...... ADDICTIONS........MISPLACED TRUST.......UNREASONABLE GOALS....DESIRES .......and to be honest considering yourself to be a Better Christian than others. You either ARE or AREN'T. Is that God's voice or your own thoughts? It's Obvious. There are no promises, no Guarantees, Just choices, Responsibilities and Opportunities. God has blessed us . How do we pass that on.

  • @wretch1
    @wretch1 2 года назад +1

    A professed believer who writes biblical songs, told me the other day that God didn't like one of his verses and told him to write something else and also shorten the song. He then says that he re wrote th verses and that God loved them and even chuckled. When this guy talks like this I get the creeps.
    Yesterday I was looking for something on Facebook for him and he said this: "I'm asking the Holy Spirit if it's still on Facebook and he's quickening right now".
    Nothing came through though!.
    Again, what a cringeworthy moment.

  • @chrisgraf1304
    @chrisgraf1304 2 года назад

    God is very subjective I feel to our lifestyle, which will determine the best means he knows he can reach us. It's something I never used to be great at. But asking him for help in that area is a great start.

  • @tyamada21
    @tyamada21 3 месяца назад

    A segment from 'Saved by the Light of the Buddha Within'...
    My new understandings of what many call 'God -The Holy Spirit' - resulting from some of the extraordinary ongoing after-effects relating to my NDE...
    Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what some scientists are now referring to as the unified field of consciousnesses. In other words, it’s the essence of all existence and non-existence - the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds, and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence are simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source. Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the actual creator of everything that exists now, ever existed in the past, or will exist in the future - right down to the minutest particles of dust - each being an individual ripple or wave.
    The big difference between chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and most other conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a ‘middleman’ to connect us to our state of inner enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves. That’s because chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo allows us to tap directly into our enlightened state by way of this self-produced sound vibration. ‘Who or What Is God?’ If we compare the concept of God being a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to the teachings of Nichiren, it makes more sense to me that the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people perceive to be God, is the fantastic state of enlightenment that exists within each of us. Some say that God is an entity that’s beyond physical matter - I think that the vast amount of information continuously being conveyed via electromagnetic waves in today’s world gives us proof of how an invisible state of God could indeed exist.
    For example, it’s now widely known that specific data relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects - including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these invisible waves can easily be used to detonate a bomb or to enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars - none of which is possible without a receiver to decode the information that’s being transmitted. Without the receiver, the data would remain impotent. In a very similar way, we need to have our own ‘receiver’ switched on so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our own life, all other life and what everything else in existence is.
    Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day helps us to achieve this because it allows us to reach the core of our enlightenment and keep it switched on. That’s because Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what scientists now refer to as the unified field of consciousnesses. To break it down - Myoho represents the Law of manifestation and latency (Nature) and consists of two alternating states. For example, the state of Myo is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists - including our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them - our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re dormant - our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma - and more importantly, our enlightenment.
    The other state, ho, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes evident to us, such as when a thought pops up from within our memory - whenever we experience or express our emotions - or whenever a good or bad cause manifests as an effect from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it merely means that it’s come out of the state of Myo (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ho (manifestation). It’s the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing.
    The second law - Renge - Ren meaning cause and ge meaning effect, governs and controls the functions of Myoho - these two laws of Myoho and Renge, not only function together simultaneously but also underlies all spiritual and physical existence.
    The final and third part of the tri-combination - Kyo, is the Law that allows Myoho to integrate with Renge - or vice versa. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects all Life and matter - as well as the past, present and future. It’s also sometimes termed the Universal Law of Communication - perhaps it could even be compared with the string theory that many scientists now suspect exists.
    Just as the cells in our body, our thoughts, feelings and everything else is continually fluctuating within us - all that exists in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux - constantly controlled by these three fundamental laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of Myo and ho in a single moment than it would ever be possible to calculate or describe. And it doesn’t matter how big or small, famous or trivial anything or anyone may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past, exists now or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of the Laws ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ - the basis of the four fundamental forces, and if they didn’t function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. That’s because all forms of existence, including the seasons, day, night, birth, death and so on, are moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation - rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two fundamental states of Myo and ho in absolute accordance with Renge - and by way of Kyo. Even stars are dying and being reborn under the workings of what the combination ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ represents. Nam, or Namu - which mean the same thing, are vibrational passwords or keys that allow us to reach deep into our life and fuse with or become one with ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’.
    On a more personal level, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives - as well as the environment from moment to moment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth is spinning, and chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for a minimum of, let’s say, ten minutes daily to start with, any of us can experience actual proof of its positive effects in our lives - even if it only makes us feel good on the inside, there will be a definite positive effect. That’s because we’re able to pierce through the thickest layers of our karma and activate our inherent Buddha Nature (our enlightened state). By so doing, we’re then able to bring forth the wisdom and good fortune that we need to challenge, overcome and change our adverse circumstances - turn them into positive ones - or manifest and gain even greater fulfilment in our daily lives from our accumulated good karma. This also allows us to bring forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that’s preventing us from accepting and being proud of the person that we indeed are - regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexuality. We’re also able to see and understand our circumstances and the environment far more clearly, as well as attract and connect with any needed external beneficial forces and situations. As I’ve already mentioned, everything is subject to the law of Cause and Effect - the ‘actual-proof-strength’ resulting from chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo always depends on our determination, sincerity and dedication.
    For example, the levels of difference could be compared to making a sound on a piano, creating a melody, producing a great song, and so on. Something else that’s very important to always respect and acknowledge is that the Law (or if you prefer God) is in everyone and everything.
    NB: There are frightening and disturbing sounds, and there are tranquil and relaxing sounds. It’s the emotional result of any noise or sound that can trigger off a mood or even instantly change one. When chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day, we are producing a sound vibration that’s the password to our true inner-self - this soon becomes apparent when you start reassessing your views on various things - such as your fears and desires etc. The best way to get the desired result when chanting is not to view things conventionally - rather than reaching out to an external source, we need to reach into our own lives and bring our needs and desires to fruition from within - including the good fortune and strength to achieve any help that we may need. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo also reaches out externally and draws us towards, or draws towards us, what we need to make us happy from our environment. For example, it helps us to be in the right place at the right time - to make better choices and decisions and so forth. We need to think of it as a seed within us that we’re watering and bringing sunshine to for it to grow, blossom and bring forth fruit or flowers. It’s also important to understand that everything we need in life, including the answer to every question and the potential to achieve every dream, already exists within us.

  • @MrReierz
    @MrReierz 8 лет назад +11

    Thankyou for this take on the subject! It is important to not forget the sovereignity of God! However, you must remember that Eve was told by God not to eat from the tree, yet she believed the serpent when he questioned Eve's ability to hear - "Has God really said... ". Perhaps God said something, but our doubt and disbelief take the word out of power when it reaches our hearts (remember the Parabel of the sower). If Gods word always was received the proper way, regardless of the medium broadcasted through, as you hypothesized, we would expect people to come to faith in that particular word 10 out of 10 times! Yet we see people not coming to faith in basic doctrines, because they reject that the broadcaster is from God, like the jews rejected the prophets and Jesus. Could it be that the same principal holds for God speaking to us directly?
    Anyhow you look at it, you said you do believe that God "can use" our consciense to guide us. This seems to me like you are only pushing the problem deeper down, because I could only ask: "So how can I tell if God is using my conscience or not to guide me in this situation?"...
    The question of topic should really be: "Does God communicate to me in particular situations or not?", If He does then we should learn about how, to avoid confusion. You could say "perhaps we only got the bible to teach us" , but i dont know of any scripture that teach the bible is the only way to revelation. I do however see alot of scripture teaching about The Holy Spirit AND the bible as teacher (And the two of them cant conflict).

    • @joshuastoltzfus4910
      @joshuastoltzfus4910 2 года назад +4

      These are really good points. I think your rebuttals are good. I do however think there is a difference between "speaking" and "guiding". They both have the same ends and that is for growth in holiness, but one is clear while the other is fallible as you pointed out. I do however think that Eve was not merely tricked into eating the apple but she also gave into a temptation. The adversary always is trying to blur and misrepresent God's words but we ultimately decide if we want to act recklessly in succumbing to it or take time to test it. When it comes to the essentials, I believe God has revealed more than enough for us to be certain of His will for us to be born again, renewed or transformed and what that looks like. We however we are weak, drift, and are naturally bent away from His truths. So, in 1 Timothy 4 Paul says indirectly that through the Word and prayer we can figure out the intended design for what God has created. In other words, if we patiently test our conscious in the Word and prayer, with submission and faith, the Spirit is faithful to reveal. Merely my thoughts, thanks for yours!

  • @belovelyloveofgod
    @belovelyloveofgod 3 года назад +2


  • @Overstand100
    @Overstand100 2 месяца назад

    I can hear Him now. It took me decades to realize it. Drugs and alcohol make it hard to hear Him. That's the real point of pharmekia. Certain Medi-sin makes us stop dreaming, sensing, and hearing the Lord. He constantly talks to us. Satan is in our ear 24/7, but Christ can slice through that noise.

  • @eltonron1558
    @eltonron1558 2 года назад +1

    God has spoken, and been heard by lots of people, twice, in the bible. Once, in each testament. Intuition, is how he appears to speak, to the individual, however, at some point in the future, I expect, he will again speak out loud.

  • @Nosedive81
    @Nosedive81 2 года назад +4

    How about Jeremiah 7:13 : "While you were doing all these things, declares the LORD, I spoke to you again and again, but you did not listen; I called you, but you did not answer."

    • @lewislibre
      @lewislibre 2 года назад +2

      Yeah by speaking to the prophets who would warn the Jewish people. Be careful of write my yourself into scripture

    • @bobby9605
      @bobby9605 Год назад

      Jeremiah 7:13 God speaks to us through our conscience

  • @miselorderilus236
    @miselorderilus236 2 года назад +1

    Amen i hopefully one day you will be able to visit us here .

  • @josedopwell9645
    @josedopwell9645 2 года назад +2

    God speaks to us through His word. It's no accident that it's called "the word of God." It says in Hebrews 1:1-3 that "but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son..." JESUS IS THE WORD (John 1:1-4, 14). The word of God informs our conscience. The Holy Spirit brings Scripture to mind to help guide us. That's one of the major reasons we must study, memorize and meditate upon God's word. It's often said that God's word will keep us from sinning, but sin will keep us from God's word (Psalm 119:11).
    For example, ANGER is a sin that IN THE FLESH we tend to excuse and justify. "IF YOU hadn't done this, I wouldn't be angry!! YOU TRIGGERED ME!! It's all your fault!! " Like Adam and Eve in the garden, we are natural blamers. But as born anew believers (John 3:3, 7; 1 Peter 1:3, 23) we learn from God's word that we have been given a Spirit of SELF-CONTROL (Galatians 5:22-24, 2 Timothy 1:7). We also learn that EACH MAN SINS WHEN HE IS LURED AND ENTICED BY HIS OWN DESIRE James 1:13-15). The devil didn't make me do it nor did the other person or the circumstance. I CHOSE TO BE ANGRY because I wanted to be angry. Furthermore we learn that if/when I'm angry with another believer in Christ, JESUS CONSIDERS IT MURDER AND PUNISHABLE BY HELL (Matthew 5:21-26, 1 John 3:11-15). So a sin that we may have been taught to blame others for BEFORE OUR JUSTIFICATION, becomes something we must CONSTANTLY REPENT OF as part of our sanctification (1 John 1:9, Proverbs 28:13). There is so much bitterness, violence and murder in the world because people justify and encourage anger and vengeance towards one another. Sadly, the same can be said about every other sin as well (Romans 1:32).
    God also uses the abundance of counselors to speak to us and help us in our Christian walk. ASKING MORE MATURE AND EXPERIENCED DISCIPLES OF CHRIST their advice concerning a possible course of action is usually a huge source of help. I say EXPERIENCED DISCIPLES OF CHRIST because, unfortunately, not everyone who is in a church building is walking with the LORD. You want to ask faithful people who have a solid understanding of God's word. We often want to ask our buddies for advice. But oftentimes people are our buddies because they seldom disagree with us. As believers in Christ we need to surround ourselves with others who are not afraid to speak the hard truths in love to us (Ephesians 4:15, 25, Proverbs 27:5-6, Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 13:20).

  • @maybeithinkso3567
    @maybeithinkso3567 7 лет назад +1

    I'm going to be fourteen in a week and my biggest desire is to talk to jesus and just give him a big hug but I don't know how to do that

    • @alexfloryanovich6845
      @alexfloryanovich6845 7 лет назад +1

      Loretta Hernandez you can talk to Jesus every day with prayer

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 2 года назад

      Worry not, you will get your opportunity, at some appointed time.

    • @trackstar7729
      @trackstar7729 Год назад

      If you have a Bible or bible app, the New Testament will tell you about Jesus. Acts 2 will guide you to the answer to your question. Don’t give up. He’s waiting🙏🏾

  • @adamh5153
    @adamh5153 Год назад

    Ezekiel 3 is a good example. God sends him to speak to Israel knowing fully well they wouldn't listen. You could say this of all of the prophets. We are all given the opportunity to humble ourselves and put our faith in Him which is why we are all required to.

  • @tommtommkin
    @tommtommkin 8 лет назад +5

    Please I need help bad if you hear Gods voice ask Him if that really is Him that I am hearing from because I'm scared now that it isn't Him please ask the Lord for me please. Thank you.

    • @tommtommkin
      @tommtommkin 8 лет назад

      ***** Thank you for these messages back I truly appreciate it more then you know. Its true the devil has been doing a number on me thing is up till now I wasn't sure which was which. I was having a very hard time, and even that's putting it mildly, with what the Lord was telling me and showing me but it actually went even beyond that to a more personal deeper note. Its hard to explain with out sounding like I flipped my lid and frankly I was beginning to think I really had too. But over this last week or two I have had this peace come over me. And a certainty that every bit of what I have been told and shown has been the truth. I know the devil is still at it he's trying but this time its in vain because the Lord has opened my eyes as to what hes trying to do to me and I see now how the devil is trying to trick me by feeding into my insecurities and fears but this time I'm stopping it as fast as it starts. You have no idea what it is that I'm talking about I know. So what I'm going to tell you will really knock your socks off but as God is my witness I stake my after life on this not simply my life in the here and now I will try an keep it short but you need to know how it started before you understand where it ends. About 7 months ago a man I have loved most of my life died and I was beyond devastated I mean to the point I almost went after him. I begged the Lord to tell me that this man went home to Him it took a whole weeks worth of me crying to no end to get an answer from the Lord that yes indeed he had gone home to the Lord and for the next 2 weeks after that I was so grief struck that I really could not make it I begged the Lord to please take me home because I just could not stand it anymore the pain was agonizing I gave the Lord an ultimatum that it was either going to be by His hand or mine that as badly as I have always wanted to go up in the Rapture being that I had no clue just when that might happen I just could not wait any longer I needed to go up now. God answered me back with one word SOON I was so distressed I asked how SOON Lord how SOON??? I was on the verge of leaving on my own I needed to know how soon the Rapture would be because if it was years that wasn't gonna work for me I wanted out like yesterday. Over the next few weeks the Lord took me through a series of scriptures dates days numbers and people who were signs and symbols including the man who had started all of this for me the man who I deeply loved and who died. If you want to see exactly what it is that the Lord showed me its on the page of one of my videos, I only have 3 of them I made and its on the first video, I was answering a friend of mine back and I told him what the Lord both told me and showed me its in 2 messages about 3 or so months ago down at the bottom of the page there long messages too but it will show you what I was shown. The Lord lead me to the date of the Rapture, I know I know but before you say no man knows the day ect that wasn't a reference to the Rapture because the Lord has not divulged when His second coming would be so that statement of no man knowing the day ect still is in place this is not about that this is when we go home. Believe me when I say that for the last 7 months I have been going through a preverbal hell trying to find out if this was God if this was the truth if I was just plain nuts if its from the devil ect trust me nobody wants to make sure of this more then me its been a total nightmare its been really bad. But for the last 2 weeks or so......... The Lords given me peace about this I finally believe it all of it. You see Trump? He was the last part, just about anyway, in what the Lord showed me he was the 2nd to the last scripture the Lord gave me........ with the trump of the arch angel the dead in Christ shall rise first........ and heres a something to think about....... line up Trumps running mates last name after Trumps....... Pence....... Does it remind you just a bit of the word Trumpets? And Pence's first name Mike, 2nd Mike in what the Lord showed me too, could that Arch Angels name possibly be Arch Angel Michael? Grant it we have always known that Gabriel is the one who blows the trumpets but Michael is the protector of Gods people can you think of a better time when the Lords people will need more protection then when flying through the air with the devil and his minions maybe trying to stop us from going up we will be going through his domain wont we? Anyway if you need the link to my page where I wrote all of this let me know and I will put it here. And if you cant wait an need to know when we go home...... Jan 15/16, 2017. That's the date go read the long way the Lord showed me and look up that date and see what those days fall on you may be surprised but it will make total sense too. Again thank you for the messages back God Bless you my brother. :)

    • @tommtommkin
      @tommtommkin 8 лет назад

      *****:D Hi thank you for the message back and good thank you let me know what you think of what the Lord showed me and told me. It's long, both of the messages I wrote and it was long in getting all of it too it took a while for the Lord to deal with me as well. Yes very true its a free gift at times I have to seriously deal with my own insecurities about feelings of unworthiness about everything the Lord has ever done for me, I'm not used to getting anything good from anyone lifes been lets just say hard and its hard for me to even except anyone being good to me and theres been no one better to me then God Himself so I have issues with that. I have heard its a pride thing which maybe I'm not understanding how that works in this situation hard to have pride when you don't think your worth 2 cents ya know but eery day I fight to get this right I don't want anything standing between me and my beautiful Jesus I love the Lord with all my heart and have to fight myself daily on trying to walk a straight line. Paul had that same problem didn't he? He wanted to be good but kept falling off too. We are a work in progress I suppose. I repent every day some times most times all day. The Lord said confess your sins one to another so that's what this is lol. My Dad always warned me that my big mouth would get me into trouble but to that I say so be it I'm human I screw up I fall down an while down there I beg the Lords forgiveness that's the best place of all to find the Lord is on your knees thats where I found Him to begin with. :)

    • @NappaDaGOAT
      @NappaDaGOAT 7 лет назад +1

      Don you will know when it's Him. He will NOT confuse you. Give your mind a rest buddy and wait on Him. I Love you -Tahj

    • @tommtommkin
      @tommtommkin 7 лет назад

      Thank you I appreciate that greatly :). As for times being easy..... that's a whole other story. And you can say I get some what persecuted I'm a born again believer in the midst of Mormons having people call the city on you just to spite you yeah that's not fun...... cant go into detail out here just do yourself a favor never come to AZ the whole states demonic. Did you know the Vatican actually paid for a telescope to be built in Tucson AZ and they call it Lucifer? No kidding look that up. Anyway I do appreciate everything you said God Bless you always. :)

    • @tommtommkin
      @tommtommkin 7 лет назад

      :D Awwwwwwwwww thank you hon I love you too. That's sweet. Yeah your right about needing to give my mind a rest I'm in over drive thing is ........ too tired to re read what I wrote up there and if I ever said why I needed answers, been up for some 36 or so hours I feel like bread that's been in the toaster too long somebody pull the plug already would ya!!! Lol sorry I get dippy when I'm over tired see that an some people need to get drunk for this feeling I get mine for free lol. Sorry...... Do ya know Prince? Ah silly question right who doesn't an who doesn't love that man yeah well when he left I loved and still and will always love him that when he left....... I almost left with him. That's when this all started and from that day on I some how slipped into the twilight zone because nothings been the same since and whats been happening in the spiritual realm.......... yeah that's been way over my head that's the simple short version. Ok I know I'm gonna be in for it if I tell the rest but.......... an trust me I have been questioning my sanity ever since too trust me on that but........... a week after Prince left. A week after pleading with the Lord crying my broken heart out begging God to please tell me that Prince was up there and hearing all the roomers that someone had killed that man I cried even harder at that.... 1 week of that the Lord answered me........... till this point for 10 years I had heard the voice of the Lord an never anyone else an I never questioned that it was God I was hearing from but now I could not only hear the Lord but I had a vision of sorts I could see up there fuzzy but I could see and not only see an hear God but Prince as Prince said to the Lord tell her it was an accident tell her I never meant to do that never....... I thought what???? I'm hearing an seeing him how can it be that's not supposed to happen wait is this real??? I'm going to make this real short...... ever since that day........ the Lords allowed us to see and speak to each other.......... THAT is why I have been losing my mind over this DID I crack an I just don't even know it or what? Thing is as proof the Lords been showing me things signs just about every day signs I am in no way shape or form in control of things outside myself if you believe in God you know theres no such thing as a coincidence right? Even with that........ I'm still having a hard time with this........ and its been 11 months dang it! Ok let me have it I flipped a light switch huh? And in case you haven't guessed I'm female Prince is straight so am I thank You Jesus!!! :D lol

  • @meredithgreenslade1965
    @meredithgreenslade1965 2 года назад

    When He is speaking to me I get a peace and it all makes sense.

    • @dartheli7400
      @dartheli7400 Год назад +2

      Does „getting a peace about something“ mean God is speaking to you? If yes, where do you find this in the Bible? Because I don‘t think „getting a peace“ is a measure for truth at all, let alone a measure for determining that God is speaking.

    • @mac8179
      @mac8179 6 месяцев назад

      What if a person said they had a peace about something immoral. What would be the argument against this?

  • @geekchaser
    @geekchaser 7 лет назад

    Something shadows. Nothing of this world has bestowed such blessings. Wanting to know why given a very terrible past. Yet the blessings keep coming. Worried about another test. The last test was after asked for patience. That one lasted over 14 years. Don't ask for that one. One has to worry what is next.

  • @Bolt020
    @Bolt020 6 месяцев назад

    "FOR THE HEART OF THIS PEOPLE HAS BECOME DULL, WITH THEIR EARS THEY SCARCELY HEAR, AND THEY HAVE CLOSED THEIR EYES, OTHERWISE THEY WOULD SEE WITH THEIR EYES, HEAR WITH THEIR EARS, AND UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR HEART AND RETURN, AND I WOULD HEAL THEM.’" --Matthew 13:15. Thus seems to imply that God can indeed speak but not be heard. He doesn't "try to" speak, He speaks, but we don't hear because we are not inclined to do so. We aren't listening.

  • @chrislewis73
    @chrislewis73 7 лет назад +2

    God didn't write a book and loose his voice. He speaks, listen to the still small voice...

  • @STRvideos
    @STRvideos  7 месяцев назад

    If God has something to say directly, then he says it directly. We don’t have to worry, “Is God speaking to me?”
    The issue of conscience is something else. Conscience is not a perfect guide to what’s right or wrong, but it is a tool that God uses. It’s given for the purpose of being subjectively sensitive to sin in our life, and the Holy Spirit works in that. If it’s your conscience according to what God has already said, then it’s something you should pay attention to.

  • @spongebob8450
    @spongebob8450 7 лет назад

    I always ask God for guidance in my studies because sometimes I really procrastinate. I tried many plans on how to have a good study habit. I tried watching many motivations. I tried pushing and forcing myself. I tried really hard to motivate myself. I will always pray that God would help me. I would be motivated to study for 1 week to a month and I will go back to the old me. My studies would be like a wheel. I went up and then I came back down. Like for now, I was really doing my best for the last weeks but now, here I am getting lazy to study. Sometimes I ask God if He wants me to do sonething else in my life. As I was forcing myself to review today, I dont know but i felt like i want to pray. And as I was praying, it's like someones telling me to drop my schooling and something better to come. So now, I am confused if this is really the plan of God for me? pls help. i am confused, i dont really know what to do :(

    • @spongebob8450
      @spongebob8450 7 лет назад

      and also. pls pray for me. thanks :)

  • @MrBigdave54
    @MrBigdave54 2 года назад

    Hebrews 1:1-2
    1Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
    2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son(the Word), whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.

  • @odd513
    @odd513 Год назад

    You missed this one... "yet the house of Israel will not be willing to listen to you, since they are not willing to listen to Me. Surely the whole house of Israel is stubborn and obstinate." Ezekiel 3:7.
    There are others as well.

  • @natzaretgracia
    @natzaretgracia 7 лет назад


  • @miselorderilus236
    @miselorderilus236 2 года назад

    And be partnership also

  • @karenbuchan1
    @karenbuchan1 4 месяца назад

    Why such an intelligent complicated response? Possibly because of your reformed premise, that no one can resist Gods will. Well repeatedly Jesus said, he who has ears to hear let him hear. So a simple exegesis tells even babes in Christ that some hear and some don’t get what is being communicated from God to his people. This is one of a multitude of examples

  • @salvatoreluiso5364
    @salvatoreluiso5364 6 месяцев назад

    With all due respect: Yes, God doesn't "try" to communicate to us, as if he could fail. But could we not fail to perceive Him when He speaks?
    Did all who heard the prophets of the Old Testament preach recognize that God was speaking through them? If so, then why did God tell them a way to test those who spoke in His name (Deuteronomy 18:18-22)?
    Did all who heard Jesus teach and preach during His earthly ministry recognize that God the Father was speaking through Him? Evidently not, or else He wouldn't have been crucified.
    Has there ever been perfect unanimity among Christians as to which writings should be considered to be holy scripture? (No.)
    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
    -I John 4:1 (NIV)

    • @STRvideos
      @STRvideos  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We invite you to call in to our weekly broadcast any Tuesday, 4-6pm PST to discuss your comments with Greg. He'd love to hear from you! Or you can submit an #STRask or Open Mic question. Visit for details.

  • @itsjustme6632
    @itsjustme6632 8 месяцев назад

    God can be defeated by Rock n' Roll? O.K.

  • @unraveledsynapses1521
    @unraveledsynapses1521 2 года назад +2

    Religion... socially acceptable schizophrenia

  • @marisolflores1543
    @marisolflores1543 7 лет назад +1

    ask him about me to my name is Andy Nunez thank you just ask him and tell me what he says about me

  • @SkinOnSkinInLatayneCScott
    @SkinOnSkinInLatayneCScott 6 месяцев назад

    Most respectfully, I offer two scriptures that show that God did indeed "try" to talk to people:
    Romans 10:
    But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 17So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily,
    Their sound went into all the earth,
    And their words unto the ends of the world.
    19But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith,
    I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people,
    And by a foolish nation I will anger you.
    20But Esaias is very bold, and saith,
    I was found of them that sought me not;
    I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
    21But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.
    Matthew 13:
    10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
    11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:
    “Though seeing, they do not see;
    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
    14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
    “‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
    you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
    15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
    they hardly hear with their ears,
    and they have closed their eyes.
    Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    hear with their ears,
    understand with their hearts
    and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
    16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

  • @mrbogdanoff9233
    @mrbogdanoff9233 7 лет назад +1

    If you hear God I think you need psychiatric help.