i was so down and depressed and lost in addiction and i heard God call me by my name, it seemed audbile but it was in my Spirit but it seemed very very audible... also i became Still and God spoke to my spirit and heart and i heard "I AM WITH YOU" it was God because ever since THAT happened, my life drastically changed and i now have Peace and Joy and growing Fruits Of The Spirit... and God also speaks to me thru His Word!!
I read the bible and was deeply convicted by my sins. I was depressed and in despair, until I heard God’s audible voice “ I am with you” in a dream. I woke up and I was no longer without hope, I felt peace and overflowing hope. I now have a relationship with God, which I never have before. He has made me his own.
Superb approach. He did not take the position of some that God has ceased to speak to us personally, on particular situations, questions, for wisdom, etc., but he emphasized the vastly important obligation to know what God has already said on the everything. He affirmed that God retains and exercises His prerogative to speak.
Thank you so much!!! Truly i tell you, there is nothing better out there than the word of God. Nothing better out there than the presence of Jesus. Oh, there is nothing out there better than the love of God. Surely, there is nothing worth comparing to the peace of God. All in all, you haven't lived until you are born again.
The Bible is a book, surely the most important one ever written, but it’s still a book. Why would you love an inanimate object? Can the Bible forgive your sins? Can the Bible answer your prayers? Careful of your idolatry, Christians and remember... JESUS SAID “I AM THE WORD”
After getting the set apart spirit also known as the Holy Spirit, i heard a vocal voice and was in awe. It had me look again at John 16:13 which says that the helper speaks not of himself, only that which he hears. Not often does he speak but sometimes. I know this it has always been a good message or warning to not go there, or when i was getting anointing oil. Or where to go heal someone sick. He will communicate through the word, other people, circumstances and the Holy Spirit. Bless all of you that seek the spirit of truth. Luke 11:13. Its so true. Best move of my life. Do it and see after a couple weeks or maybe two months you will see him but the world see's him not. He is a part of your Father, if you are a true believer. Holy Spirit is not with evil or unbelievers. The way to tell if someone has got the true spirit they have fruit of the spirit=Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Faithfulness, goodness, self control, forebearing. The spirit will help in alot of ways. My best friend ever.....Give the Savior a chance, Eternal Life is the goal and goes without saying, but he is the INHERITANCE
I found this unhelpful. I affirm and agree with everything Pastor John said - including the severe danger that craving for signs presents - but in my own ministry I have found that the deeper I dig into God's revealed word, the more I am attended by His Spirit though my days, and with this I hear His voice: clearly, distinctly, often in the very form and precise wording of the sacred scriptures. It's personal, and I make no claim to prophet-hood; I usually don't share anything spoken to me unless compelled or instructed to do so explicitly, and even then I will not magnify myself by claiming that "God says this or that," as so many like to do in charismatic congregations. But neither can I deny that the source is the Spirit. I would be lying to say that I wasn't sure if He has spoken to me - He is no mute idol who cannot speak or act; He is the living God who hears and speaks. What's more - I didn't ask for it or seek it as if a sign. In fact, when I first began to hear His voice, I was uncertain and unbelieving, but I tested the Word He sent against the written Word, over and over, and found Him true and consistent. In each case of doubt or question as to the nature of His voice and Spirit He has powerfully vindicated Himself, even giving me comfort in the outcomes of intense affliction, persecutions, and loss before they happen so that I would not be overwhelmed with grief. His voice gives me even greater comfort and confidence in the written Word, but not in myself. He convicts me and directs me, bringing to mind what the scriptures say and teach in a given situation, sometimes saying things from scripture that I have never seen or understood before. This question (I assume) is from someone who is either beginning to experience or has heard from someone experiencing something similar. There is great danger in thinking that hearing His voice is superior revelation to the revealed Word - but if it is His voice, He will certainly preempt this very danger by exhorting you to seek Him in His written Word. There are so few (if any) balanced teachers on this subject. Most discourage and despise prophetic utterance and divine guidance, and can only see danger in the possibility of the excesses of misguided charismatics and apostates who make similar claims. However the written Word tells us that we should expect to hear regularly from the Holy Spirit, perhaps not all in the same way - and perhaps not normally as an audible voice (more often it is a still, small, unmistakable voice in my spirit). I think we get so caught up worrying about the possibility of deception that we sometimes fail to trust the Holy Spirit when He speaks - as I have met several others who share this experience by suppress it for fear of being shamed and accused of deception. I think we risk watering down verses like Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:25, Mark 13:11, Galatians 5:18, Isaiah 59:21, John 16:13, Colossians 1:9-10, 23, 25-28, 1st Corinthians 12:7-11, 2nd Corinthians 2:14-17, 3:1-10, 1st Corinthians 2:7-16 (a very explicit verse) and many others. Please know that I am in NO WAY advocating extra-biblical revelation, particularly not in an authoritative sense - as even the verified instances of new testament prophecies were not even considered scripture, even though they are mentioned in the text as prophecy and clearly were apprehended of God by the Holy Spirit. However I think there is a greater danger in denying the leading of the Holy Spirit than in seeking that same guidance from Christ who dwells in the hearts of all who belong to Him. May His Spirit speak deeply to yours each day, brothers and sisters.
Wonderfully explained Brother. Thank you for sharing the the great truth with us I believe our Lord speaks to all of His sheep, but in ways each sheep can understand. Some understand visual means, some need the voice in their Heart, some need to hear through understanding and revelation of the Word. Which ever way our Lord chooses to speak to us, it is always a personal communication. A direct communication that is delivered in a way the listener can understand, and is only for them to hear. It is overwhelmingly wonderful when we recieve His word in this way, but it is a rare occurance and should not be actively sought, or indeed broadcast to others. All we should seek is His face, and understanding of His written word. This and anything else we recieve is a blessing. Peace and Love to you, Ken
I agree with you. There have even been times where I thought I heard the Spirit of God speak to me, and what was spoken would sound very questionable and I would be left uncertain if it was actually Him who spoke to me, but in due time He would tell me where to go in Scripture, and without knowing what it was even about, I would go there, and sure enough there lies exactly what He had said to me right in the Word of God. I just feel like everyone is so after the Charismatic Movement, which I am also strongly against, but it’s as if someone who is a true believer did actually come along and say “God revealed this to me” we would either be looked down upon or ignored. I do truly believe that God still speaks, but it will never contradict or is outside of what He has already spoken. I know that people false teachers and converts always use the “God told me” card to deceive, but at the same time I don’t want to completely disregard someone when they say “God spoke to me” because of false prophets, but rather we should test what is said through Scripture
Thank you for sharing this. I believe in the past year I have begun to experience something similar to what you have described. I never sought it, nor have I even thought much of such experiences. My local church is not charismatic, and I have been following teachers like John Piper and MacArthur since I became a Christian. I've even personally argued against charismatic theology when I briefly attended a slightly charismatic church and left in frustration. The voice of God comes to me as quiet thoughts in my mind, that can only be heard when I orient my heart towards God in silence. They call me to a Gospel mission towards a specific people group, a burden that is not only beyond my actual ability, but also beyond my emotional capacity. I feel as if my heart would rip and burst of emotions I cannot put into words if I fully embrace this calling. The voice has grown to be more and more frequent since I began to seek Him more intently in His word over the past year. I have also been experiencing a season of tremendous spiritual growth, in my love for God, victory over sin, holiness and compassion for God's people. I still have emotions of doubt and frustration regarding what I hear, but I strongly resonate with you when you say "I would be lying to say that I wasn't sure if He has spoken to me."
I also LOVE John Piper's ministry; God has used it to heal my heart from burnt out and shallow Christianity. Praise God for him!! However in this case: You said a key word here: PERSONAL. Not "seeking a sign." Jesus Himself also made direct reference to the speaking of the Holy Spirit in John 13 and 14. It's a personal revelation, and always both leads us back to the Scriptures and helps us apply them Biblically. This is NOT seeking a sign, it's receiving a promised Gift, and one that never short changes or diverts from the Bible. John may be misunderstanding the intent of the question with respect to those who are really trying to personally connect with Christ and obey Him versus those who would justify their disobedience to the Scriptures by demanding a sign. Big difference between the two.
I have definitely heard demonic voices masquerading as God but they can only access a very shallow part of my mind. God's "voice" is deeper even than my very being and not trivial or commonly used. I was just wondering if you have ever seen this distinction if your own or other darker beings try to create mischief or mislead.
God actually speaks audibly (He did to ME)... when I got saved, my heart had stopped beating --- and I was quite relieved... I was sure I was dead and going to heaven. I said aloud, with what I thought was my last breath "Well, God... I guess --- here I come!" But He had other plans... He was right there, immediately (though I could not see Him). He said "Wasn't there something you wanted to do?" There sure was*... the Lord Jesus Christ is amazing. The next day, He asked me another question. "What do you want?" I knew the answer... "Lord, your healing heart." He placed that blazing (brighter than the sun!) heart in my right hand with HIS hands (which glow like molten copper!) and I was healed... no more heart disease. God is so good. And now to pass on that love... and heal the world. (my fondest wish) Peace!
5winder God speaks to me audibly too. My heartbeat never came back. My terminal diseases are also gone. I was on Chemo 4 years that could not take my illness away. I can also feel Him when He touches me, it’s warm. You and I should talk.
God has spoken audibly to me as well, though it was more like internally audible. I can only explain it as if I had a different set of ears inside. It was just as audible as it is when anyone else speaks to me. God has also communicated to me in other ways tgat align with Scropture and testify to it, but not necessarily through Scripture itself. I measure these communications by how they align to Scripture and by their fruit. What I will say, though, is that I've found that extra-biblical revelation of God doesn't produce more faith. It may clarify an issue or reinforce something in Scripture, but it doesn't make you more spiritual. I sometimes believe God does this with me because of my weak faith.
I wasn't really a Christian i was a lukewarm one.But one day I started noticing these signs like i seen job written on a pencil.I got more signs I believe they lead me to God who will use me for something great I walk this path still with fire in me to see what God has for me.When I do something for God I ask if this is right and i usually get a bible verse as answer amen to God.
I was listening with great interest because I have heard soft voices in my head at a certain level that sometimes pretend to be God but are not. God is deeper than a voice or a language for me when I truly know He speaks to me. But one of the most undeniably miraculous and decisive responses to an appeal I made with an unusual degree of cheekiness involved a tree being blown almost to breaking point in a wood to give me clarity just before my prayer was answered at the exact moment that wind ceased and the dawn broke, so when I heard John Piper use this seemingly random analogy I (again) apologised to God and thanked Him for His mercy.
This was great. I believe God speaks to me, but most of the time, I'm not asking something of Him. I just want His company and to chat with Him. Some of us have reached the conclusion that we just aren't wise enough to go through this life making decisions without God. With that, we may ask for God to shut a door if He doesn't want us to walk through it. That could be considered a sign, and I don't think there's anything wrong with asking God to do that. The reality is, we can't open our Bibles to find the scriptures that say don't take that job, or don't move to that city, or move to that city instead, or don't go out on a date with that person. I don't see anything wrong with asking God to help us make personal decisions that can't be found in the Bible. For example, regarding dating, we can find scriptures that tell us what type of person we are to date, however the reality is we can only see what they show us and God can see much more. So, I certainly believe that we can ask the Holy Spirit to tell us what to do based on what He sees in the Spirit Realm. John 14:22 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." I believe that sometimes, Jesus manifests himself by giving us specific direction regarding our personal lives.
Agreeing with Piper's stance on the Scriptures as final authority, I nevertheless feel He could have emphasised how God DOES speak to Christians outside the Bible, be it not audibly. For example, you often hear John Piper say things like "I was praying about this question and I really felt like I should talk about xyz." So my impression is that Piper believes God does speak back to us in prayer, i.e. God speaks to the inner man, and prayer is a dialogue. Do you not think so?
I desperately want father GOD to speak to me. But only if GOD approves it. I will stop looking for a sign since JESUS spoke against it. Through it all I still love and trust in the LORD.
God can speak to us like this but its very rare. God wants us to have faith in his word the bible and if you do hear something. Compare what you heard to the Biblical truths in Gods word, if they both match up your Good :)
Marie Moore Christ died on the cross for our sins and if you are truly in Christ he is your best friend. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. Our sins are charged on his account now would you want your best friend to suffer and be charged For all the wrongs you have done? But don't worry about the times you failed in the past. Just think how many times God redeemed the Israelites when they worshipped false gods and lost trust, but God was still faithful to deliver them to the promised land.
A few things to note: (1) He makes a logical contradiction when he says that God speaks today as a "living word" (the present) and he says the words are in the Bible (which is in the past). Equating past events with the present is a logical contradiction. (2) He says that nothing outside the Bible is valid, including messages. So, he should just get straight to the point and say that _God does not verbally speak to people in these times_ .
I love APJ, and do not disagree with this response as a whole, but his quotation of 1 Sam 3:21 seems to in direct opposition from what it means. P John implies that the ”the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel through the word of the Lord” means the written word, which is what his argument is based on. But I’m that text, “word” means “spoken, uttered” word which means verbal or audible. It’s confusing why he would use that verse to accomplish what he is trying to say
Confused.. I always believed that God said all He had to say in the Bible and that’s how he speaks to us and he doesn’t audibly speak to us. That said, I’m confused on what those thoughts in my mind are that tell me,” yes, I’ll allow that”, “no, don’t do that”, or the impressions I get to make a certain decision, etc., What is that? Holy Spirit speaking to my heart? Guiding me? It’s not “audible” but words in my mind/heart?
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
If you haven't yet you need to repent and put your faith in Jesus, cast away your faith in your own works and righteousness and receive God's gift of forgiveness through Jesus death on the cross that is a payment for the penalty of sin. As He is risen, so we who put our faith in Him shall rise from the dead. We broke God's law Jesus paid for the penalty. "Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died-more than that, who was raised-who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us." Romans 8:34 ESV
In Mark 2:8 Jesus followed his conscience. In Acts 23:1 Paul followed his conscience. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul tells the early church to imitate him as he imitated Christ. In Romans 8:14, Paul says that believers are to be led of the Holy Spirit, not of ministers, not of elders. In Romans 8:16 the Holy Spirit bears witness with our consciences. Here is the secret. If you meditate in the scriptures and practice the scriptures, your conscience becomes a better and better guide. 10% of the time the revelation is spectacular, I have a vision, or God talks to me or Angels talk to me in audible voices. 90% of the time, it is non-spectacular and the revelation appears in my spirit. If you do not meditate in the Bible and practice it, you will easily be led of Demons that immitate God and Angels. Many have been led astray. If you read the Gospels, you will reject 90% of false doctrines immediately. You will immediately say, but Jesus said ... and reject false doctrines. I have known in my conscience when I as about to be laid off and to get my skills current. I have only collected 3 weeks of unemployment in 40 years. If you associate with the world, you conscience will be contaminated and become a poor guide (2 Corinthians 7:1). You must meditate in the Bible, and practice it for your conscience to become a good guide. God wants to give you wisdom and He wants to give you wisdom in Abundance (James 1:5).
Prove it, ask God for some advanced technology or medicinal breakthrough, 60years of reading the same piece of literature probably does tickle your imagination though a better alternative is atheism. atheism is about not saying if there is or isn't a god, it is about critically approaching an argument that makes assertions as to the origin of our universe's existence and logically looking at the ideas without an emotional bias. Does it sound true? Where have you seen examples of this type of truth? Can you independently observe it in nature without dogma? Can you find an objective fact that backs up your claim without muddying the waters by pointing to something natural and adding something extra (unnatural) to it? Can you find a convincing argument that doesn't require blind obedience and personal experiences? Anyone anywhere can have a personal experience with anything real or not, delusional thoughts about the afterlife or putting patterns where none exist doesn't much help you grow as a person and is kind of a blanket to wrap yourself in. The same goes for someone asserting there is no god. You can assert to know that there is or isn't a flying space monkey that helped shape Mars, but until you back the claim up we cannot know, but based off what evidence we do have suggests that the monkey probably wouldn't exist because the models of Mars don't have a need for a flying space monkey to fill. Our universe shows a quite physically natural evolution (physically and genetically) to what it is today and we still don't have a need for a god in any model of the universe, unless you worship your ignorance (what you don't know yet) we don't know where the universe came from or what caused it, you can worship that "I don't know" if you want, but I'll just sit here and keep trying to learn more and practice logic while you whisper your sweet nothings and wishes at what you don't know until some scientists close the remaining gaps in our knowledge, whatever the gaps may be.
David Aragon what is evolution but a collective of minor adaptations over hundreds of thousands of years, or millions depending on the scale you want to look at it with.
David Aragon what studies and independent research / evidence can you point to aside from an aged book on a shelf of many other old books that equally don't have convincing evidence
jason hunt you have to read it for yourself and study the word.Jesus forefilled 400 prophecies that were written thousand to 500 years before he came down
i was so down and depressed and lost in addiction and i heard God call me by my name, it seemed audbile but it was in my Spirit but it seemed very very audible... also i became Still and God spoke to my spirit and heart and i heard "I AM WITH YOU"
it was God because ever since THAT happened, my life drastically changed and i now have Peace and Joy and growing Fruits Of The Spirit... and God also speaks to me thru His Word!!
That's a good point. When God speaks you see evidence of it in your life.
I read the bible and was deeply convicted by my sins. I was depressed and in despair, until I heard God’s audible voice “ I am with you” in a dream. I woke up and I was no longer without hope, I felt peace and overflowing hope. I now have a relationship with God, which I never have before. He has made me his own.
Superb approach. He did not take the position of some that God has ceased to speak to us personally, on particular situations, questions, for wisdom, etc., but he emphasized the vastly important obligation to know what God has already said on the everything. He affirmed that God retains and exercises His prerogative to speak.
God communicates with me through the bible, through his spirit, through people and through circumstances, but primarily through the bible
I'd be stinken lost without Jesus
Well I was actually until He called me out of darkness
The Bible is so awesome
Thank you so much!!! Truly i tell you, there is nothing better out there than the word of God. Nothing better out there than the presence of Jesus. Oh, there is nothing out there better than the love of God. Surely, there is nothing worth comparing to the peace of God. All in all, you haven't lived until you are born again.
I also share his excitement when he said " i love the bible"
The Bible is a book, surely the most important one ever written, but it’s still a book.
Why would you love an inanimate object?
Can the Bible forgive your sins? Can the Bible answer your prayers?
Careful of your idolatry, Christians and remember...
i dont have enough love for his word than. the bible. :( :S
After getting the set apart spirit also known as the Holy Spirit, i heard a vocal voice and was in awe. It had me look again at John 16:13 which says that the helper speaks not of himself, only that which he hears. Not often does he speak but sometimes. I know this it has always been a good message or warning to not go there, or when i was getting anointing oil. Or where to go heal someone sick. He will communicate through the word, other people, circumstances and the Holy Spirit. Bless all of you that seek the spirit of truth. Luke 11:13. Its so true. Best move of my life. Do it and see after a couple weeks or maybe two months you will see him but the world see's him not. He is a part of your Father, if you are a true believer. Holy Spirit is not with evil or unbelievers. The way to tell if someone has got the true spirit they have fruit of the spirit=Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Faithfulness, goodness, self control, forebearing. The spirit will help in alot of ways. My best friend ever.....Give the Savior a chance, Eternal Life is the goal and goes without saying, but he is the INHERITANCE
I love Dr. Piper. I thank him for clarifying the truth of the word. I had a college theology class with him many years ago. Fired up describes him.
Runsontrails what school was it ?
10yrs ago I heard God literally and that's when I became Christian.
I found this unhelpful. I affirm and agree with everything Pastor John said - including the severe danger that craving for signs presents - but in my own ministry I have found that the deeper I dig into God's revealed word, the more I am attended by His Spirit though my days, and with this I hear His voice: clearly, distinctly, often in the very form and precise wording of the sacred scriptures.
It's personal, and I make no claim to prophet-hood; I usually don't share anything spoken to me unless compelled or instructed to do so explicitly, and even then I will not magnify myself by claiming that "God says this or that," as so many like to do in charismatic congregations. But neither can I deny that the source is the Spirit.
I would be lying to say that I wasn't sure if He has spoken to me - He is no mute idol who cannot speak or act; He is the living God who hears and speaks. What's more - I didn't ask for it or seek it as if a sign. In fact, when I first began to hear His voice, I was uncertain and unbelieving, but I tested the Word He sent against the written Word, over and over, and found Him true and consistent. In each case of doubt or question as to the nature of His voice and Spirit He has powerfully vindicated Himself, even giving me comfort in the outcomes of intense affliction, persecutions, and loss before they happen so that I would not be overwhelmed with grief. His voice gives me even greater comfort and confidence in the written Word, but not in myself. He convicts me and directs me, bringing to mind what the scriptures say and teach in a given situation, sometimes saying things from scripture that I have never seen or understood before.
This question (I assume) is from someone who is either beginning to experience or has heard from someone experiencing something similar. There is great danger in thinking that hearing His voice is superior revelation to the revealed Word - but if it is His voice, He will certainly preempt this very danger by exhorting you to seek Him in His written Word.
There are so few (if any) balanced teachers on this subject. Most discourage and despise prophetic utterance and divine guidance, and can only see danger in the possibility of the excesses of misguided charismatics and apostates who make similar claims. However the written Word tells us that we should expect to hear regularly from the Holy Spirit, perhaps not all in the same way - and perhaps not normally as an audible voice (more often it is a still, small, unmistakable voice in my spirit).
I think we get so caught up worrying about the possibility of deception that we sometimes fail to trust the Holy Spirit when He speaks - as I have met several others who share this experience by suppress it for fear of being shamed and accused of deception.
I think we risk watering down verses like Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:25, Mark 13:11, Galatians 5:18, Isaiah 59:21, John 16:13, Colossians 1:9-10, 23, 25-28, 1st Corinthians 12:7-11, 2nd Corinthians 2:14-17, 3:1-10, 1st Corinthians 2:7-16 (a very explicit verse) and many others.
Please know that I am in NO WAY advocating extra-biblical revelation, particularly not in an authoritative sense - as even the verified instances of new testament prophecies were not even considered scripture, even though they are mentioned in the text as prophecy and clearly were apprehended of God by the Holy Spirit. However I think there is a greater danger in denying the leading of the Holy Spirit than in seeking that same guidance from Christ who dwells in the hearts of all who belong to Him. May His Spirit speak deeply to yours each day, brothers and sisters.
Wonderfully explained Brother. Thank you for sharing the the great truth with us I believe our Lord speaks to all of His sheep, but in ways each sheep can understand. Some understand visual means, some need the voice in their Heart, some need to hear through understanding and revelation of the Word. Which ever way our Lord chooses to speak to us, it is always a personal communication. A direct communication that is delivered in a way the listener can understand, and is only for them to hear. It is overwhelmingly wonderful when we recieve His word in this way, but it is a rare occurance and should not be actively sought, or indeed broadcast to others. All we should seek is His face, and understanding of His written word. This and anything else we recieve is a blessing. Peace and Love to you, Ken
I agree with you. There have even been times where I thought I heard the Spirit of God speak to me, and what was spoken would sound very questionable and I would be left uncertain if it was actually Him who spoke to me, but in due time He would tell me where to go in Scripture, and without knowing what it was even about, I would go there, and sure enough there lies exactly what He had said to me right in the Word of God. I just feel like everyone is so after the Charismatic Movement, which I am also strongly against, but it’s as if someone who is a true believer did actually come along and say “God revealed this to me” we would either be looked down upon or ignored. I do truly believe that God still speaks, but it will never contradict or is outside of what He has already spoken. I know that people false teachers and converts always use the “God told me” card to deceive, but at the same time I don’t want to completely disregard someone when they say “God spoke to me” because of false prophets, but rather we should test what is said through Scripture
Thank you for sharing this. I believe in the past year I have begun to experience something similar to what you have described. I never sought it, nor have I even thought much of such experiences. My local church is not charismatic, and I have been following teachers like John Piper and MacArthur since I became a Christian. I've even personally argued against charismatic theology when I briefly attended a slightly charismatic church and left in frustration.
The voice of God comes to me as quiet thoughts in my mind, that can only be heard when I orient my heart towards God in silence. They call me to a Gospel mission towards a specific people group, a burden that is not only beyond my actual ability, but also beyond my emotional capacity. I feel as if my heart would rip and burst of emotions I cannot put into words if I fully embrace this calling.
The voice has grown to be more and more frequent since I began to seek Him more intently in His word over the past year. I have also been experiencing a season of tremendous spiritual growth, in my love for God, victory over sin, holiness and compassion for God's people.
I still have emotions of doubt and frustration regarding what I hear, but I strongly resonate with you when you say "I would be lying to say that I wasn't sure if He has spoken to me."
I also LOVE John Piper's ministry; God has used it to heal my heart from burnt out and shallow Christianity. Praise God for him!!
However in this case:
You said a key word here: PERSONAL. Not "seeking a sign." Jesus Himself also made direct reference to the speaking of the Holy Spirit in John 13 and 14. It's a personal revelation, and always both leads us back to the Scriptures and helps us apply them Biblically. This is NOT seeking a sign, it's receiving a promised Gift, and one that never short changes or diverts from the Bible. John may be misunderstanding the intent of the question with respect to those who are really trying to personally connect with Christ and obey Him versus those who would justify their disobedience to the Scriptures by demanding a sign. Big difference between the two.
I have definitely heard demonic voices masquerading as God but they can only access a very shallow part of my mind. God's "voice" is deeper even than my very being and not trivial or commonly used. I was just wondering if you have ever seen this distinction if your own or other darker beings try to create mischief or mislead.
God actually speaks audibly (He did to ME)... when I got saved, my heart had stopped beating --- and I was quite relieved... I was sure I was dead and going to heaven. I said aloud, with what I thought was my last breath "Well, God... I guess --- here I come!" But He had other plans... He was right there, immediately (though I could not see Him). He said "Wasn't there something you wanted to do?" There sure was*... the Lord Jesus Christ is amazing.
The next day, He asked me another question. "What do you want?" I knew the answer... "Lord, your healing heart." He placed that blazing (brighter than the sun!) heart in my right hand with HIS hands (which glow like molten copper!) and I was healed... no more heart disease. God is so good. And now to pass on that love... and heal the world. (my fondest wish) Peace!
God speaks to me audibly too. My heartbeat never came back. My terminal diseases are also gone. I was on Chemo 4 years that could not take my illness away. I can also feel Him when He touches me, it’s warm. You and I should talk.
I heard Him too. 10yrs ago! and that was my turning point of truly following Jesus.
I was looking up ways to become an atheist and I heard an audible voice ask “what can it hurt” I know he was talking about following Christ!
God has spoken audibly to me as well, though it was more like internally audible. I can only explain it as if I had a different set of ears inside. It was just as audible as it is when anyone else speaks to me.
God has also communicated to me in other ways tgat align with Scropture and testify to it, but not necessarily through Scripture itself.
I measure these communications by how they align to Scripture and by their fruit. What I will say, though, is that I've found that extra-biblical revelation of God doesn't produce more faith. It may clarify an issue or reinforce something in Scripture, but it doesn't make you more spiritual. I sometimes believe God does this with me because of my weak faith.
I wasn't really a Christian i was a lukewarm one.But one day I started noticing these signs like i seen job written on a pencil.I got more signs I believe they lead me to God who will use me for something great I walk this path still with fire in me to see what God has for me.When I do something for God I ask if this is right and i usually get a bible verse as answer amen to God.
I was listening with great interest because I have heard soft voices in my head at a certain level that sometimes pretend to be God but are not. God is deeper than a voice or a language for me when I truly know He speaks to me. But one of the most undeniably miraculous and decisive responses to an appeal I made with an unusual degree of cheekiness involved a tree being blown almost to breaking point in a wood to give me clarity just before my prayer was answered at the exact moment that wind ceased and the dawn broke, so when I heard John Piper use this seemingly random analogy I (again) apologised to God and thanked Him for His mercy.
Praise The Lord! 💜✞🕊 #Jesussaves
This was great. I believe God speaks to me, but most of the time, I'm not asking something of Him. I just want His company and to chat with Him.
Some of us have reached the conclusion that we just aren't wise enough to go through this life making decisions without God. With that, we may ask for God to shut a door if He doesn't want us to walk through it. That could be considered a sign, and I don't think there's anything wrong with asking God to do that.
The reality is, we can't open our Bibles to find the scriptures that say don't take that job, or don't move to that city, or move to that city instead, or don't go out on a date with that person. I don't see anything wrong with asking God to help us make personal decisions that can't be found in the Bible. For example, regarding dating, we can find scriptures that tell us what type of person we are to date, however the reality is we can only see what they show us and God can see much more. So, I certainly believe that we can ask the Holy Spirit to tell us what to do based on what He sees in the Spirit Realm.
John 14:22 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
I believe that sometimes, Jesus manifests himself by giving us specific direction regarding our personal lives.
When He speaks ask who is it. My husband asked and the voice answered The Holy Spirit
Thank you for your patience
Agreeing with Piper's stance on the Scriptures as final authority, I nevertheless feel He could have emphasised how God DOES speak to Christians outside the Bible, be it not audibly. For example, you often hear John Piper say things like "I was praying about this question and I really felt like I should talk about xyz." So my impression is that Piper believes God does speak back to us in prayer, i.e. God speaks to the inner man, and prayer is a dialogue. Do you not think so?
let us listen to you Lord whether you speak verbally to us or not
Pray for my heart to be aligned to Gods
I guess I want to hear God directly because I've made really dumb choices in the past and I don't want to do that again.
I desperately want father GOD to speak to me. But only if GOD approves it. I will stop looking for a sign since JESUS spoke against it. Through it all I still love and trust in the LORD.
God can speak to us like this but its very rare. God wants us to have faith in his word the bible and if you do hear something. Compare what you heard to the Biblical truths in Gods word, if they both match up your Good :)
ihavetubes very true!
The question was verbally not with words already written
Wow thankyou so much.
Please pray for me I am an adulterous and sinful nation the bible talks about
Marie Moore Christ died on the cross for our sins and if you are truly in Christ he is your best friend. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. Our sins are charged on his account now would you want your best friend to suffer and be charged
For all the wrongs you have done? But don't worry about the times you failed in the past. Just think how many times God redeemed the Israelites when they worshipped false gods and lost trust, but God was still faithful to deliver them to the promised land.
A few things to note:
(1) He makes a logical contradiction when he says that God speaks today as a "living word" (the present) and he says the words are in the Bible (which is in the past). Equating past events with the present is a logical contradiction.
(2) He says that nothing outside the Bible is valid, including messages. So, he should just get straight to the point and say that _God does not verbally speak to people in these times_ .
Amen.. Great Message
I love APJ, and do not disagree with this response as a whole, but his quotation of 1 Sam 3:21 seems to in direct opposition from what it means. P John implies that the ”the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel through the word of the Lord” means the written word, which is what his argument is based on. But I’m that text, “word” means “spoken, uttered” word which means verbal or audible. It’s confusing why he would use that verse to accomplish what he is trying to say
I heard God last night. It was so unexpected and clear that for a couple seconds I was pretty startled. All He said was my name “Jake”
I need acceptance please pray I'm angry at God seeking a sign.
I need that prayer in the end😥
Confused.. I always believed that God said all He had to say in the Bible and that’s how he speaks to us and he doesn’t audibly speak to us. That said, I’m confused on what those thoughts in my mind are that tell me,” yes, I’ll allow that”, “no, don’t do that”, or the impressions I get to make a certain decision, etc., What is that? Holy Spirit speaking to my heart? Guiding me? It’s not “audible” but words in my mind/heart?
Your own thoughts is not God speaking to you.
If God has pre-determined everything, then does that mean that when I sin it is really just God pre-determining me to sin?
"Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one."
James 1:13 ESV
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
"The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble."
Proverbs 16:4 ESV
If you haven't yet you need to repent and put your faith in Jesus, cast away your faith in your own works and righteousness and receive God's gift of forgiveness through Jesus death on the cross that is a payment for the penalty of sin. As He is risen, so we who put our faith in Him shall rise from the dead.
We broke God's law Jesus paid for the penalty.
"Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died-more than that, who was raised-who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us."
Romans 8:34 ESV
The best way to know 100% that you are hearing the Lords voice audibly, is to read your bible out loud
Can u beleive I am David ....Hebrews? Do not harden your heart when you hear David's voice liisten I am David one and only .
Only for Gods glory yes david
In Mark 2:8 Jesus followed his conscience. In Acts 23:1 Paul followed his conscience. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul tells the early church to imitate him as he imitated Christ. In Romans 8:14, Paul says that believers are to be led of the Holy Spirit, not of ministers, not of elders. In Romans 8:16 the Holy Spirit bears witness with our consciences.
Here is the secret. If you meditate in the scriptures and practice the scriptures, your conscience becomes a better and better guide. 10% of the time the revelation is spectacular, I have a vision, or God talks to me or Angels talk to me in audible voices. 90% of the time, it is non-spectacular and the revelation appears in my spirit.
If you do not meditate in the Bible and practice it, you will easily be led of Demons that immitate God and Angels. Many have been led astray. If you read the Gospels, you will reject 90% of false doctrines immediately. You will immediately say, but Jesus said ... and reject false doctrines.
I have known in my conscience when I as about to be laid off and to get my skills current. I have only collected 3 weeks of unemployment in 40 years.
If you associate with the world, you conscience will be contaminated and become a poor guide (2 Corinthians 7:1). You must meditate in the Bible, and practice it for your conscience to become a good guide.
God wants to give you wisdom and He wants to give you wisdom in Abundance (James 1:5).
Prove it, ask God for some advanced technology or medicinal breakthrough, 60years of reading the same piece of literature probably does tickle your imagination though a better alternative is atheism. atheism is about not saying if there is or isn't a god, it is about critically approaching an argument that makes assertions as to the origin of our universe's existence and logically looking at the ideas without an emotional bias. Does it sound true? Where have you seen examples of this type of truth? Can you independently observe it in nature without dogma? Can you find an objective fact that backs up your claim without muddying the waters by pointing to something natural and adding something extra (unnatural) to it? Can you find a convincing argument that doesn't require blind obedience and personal experiences? Anyone anywhere can have a personal experience with anything real or not, delusional thoughts about the afterlife or putting patterns where none exist doesn't much help you grow as a person and is kind of a blanket to wrap yourself in. The same goes for someone asserting there is no god. You can assert to know that there is or isn't a flying space monkey that helped shape Mars, but until you back the claim up we cannot know, but based off what evidence we do have suggests that the monkey probably wouldn't exist because the models of Mars don't have a need for a flying space monkey to fill. Our universe shows a quite physically natural evolution (physically and genetically) to what it is today and we still don't have a need for a god in any model of the universe, unless you worship your ignorance (what you don't know yet) we don't know where the universe came from or what caused it, you can worship that "I don't know" if you want, but I'll just sit here and keep trying to learn more and practice logic while you whisper your sweet nothings and wishes at what you don't know until some scientists close the remaining gaps in our knowledge, whatever the gaps may be.
jason hunt adaptation exist but not evolution
David Aragon what is evolution but a collective of minor adaptations over hundreds of thousands of years, or millions depending on the scale you want to look at it with.
jason hunt adaptation is in the scriptures,God made animal according to its kind
David Aragon what studies and independent research / evidence can you point to aside from an aged book on a shelf of many other old books that equally don't have convincing evidence
jason hunt you have to read it for yourself and study the word.Jesus forefilled 400 prophecies that were written thousand to 500 years before he came down