7:50 You answered a basic wet plate question for me - how much time from tank to exposure do you have until the plate dries and is no darn good: "fifteen, twenty minutes max." I'm getting ready to try dry plate photography. Wet plate is frightening to imagine. People like you and Carleton Watkins make me feel like a timid, cowardly, photographic weenie. No - thank YOU! ☺
Such a cool process and beautifully described
That magic hat it's a very reliable shutter!
7:50 You answered a basic wet plate question for me - how much time from tank to exposure do you have until the plate dries and is no darn good: "fifteen, twenty minutes max." I'm getting ready to try dry plate photography. Wet plate is frightening to imagine. People like you and Carleton Watkins make me feel like a timid, cowardly, photographic weenie. No - thank YOU! ☺
how do i compute my exposure time?
hi eric can you help me compute my exposure time