It is so heartbreaking to see good people, even in this day and age, still beating themselves up over things the can't change just because of their religion or family. Benji I truly hope you come to accept yourself for who you are. This shouldn't even be a problem in society anymore.
Benji is truly the most amazing and inspiring person I have ever met. I wish him all the best in his life, and may he be happy - he well deserves that.
Benji should be honored for his great spirit, enthusiasm, honesty and awareness of self. His goodness and intellect seem balanced and pure. There is a sense of charity about him which is amazing. I wish people would just let it go at that. He is truly a beloved child of God who loves him as he does every other person he has created. What an amazing young man. It is a sad sad thing to hear and see people judge so unfairly, someone who is so wonderful.
Candid and delightful young man. Will be a leader and teacher. His name will be known throughout the world one day and not just for the joy that he shares with his dancing. Amen.
The thing I admire about Benji is with all this background and history he was such a treat to watch on SYTYCD. He has such a positive air about him that just captivates anyone and which obviously why I'm watching this because I'm not a Mormon and I have not other reason to listen to this other than to her him speak about his life as a Mormon.
I remembered watching SYTYCD back in the day (lol) and being so surprised that he was a Mormon dancer. I didn't see the parallels between 'celebration of ones spirituality and connection with the divine' and dance in Mormon circles. I loved his performances and coming across this interview, I find myself smiling! Benji is such a beautiful person! Love him! :)
Wow! I relate to this so much. I'm a gay member of the church who dances. I danced on my mission too. I would put on dance nights for the members and investigators. I also choreographed a dance to "Thriller" for the missionaries in my district to perform at a local highschool. Kinda crazy how the events are so similar to Benji's story. Thanks Mormon Stories and Benji for sharing this! It made my day!
Loved you on SYTYCD and liked getting to know him through this interview. As a creative former gay LDS Missionary myself. Related. What a driven person. I eventually left the Church and can finally relax and accept myself. Still the need to acheive and "be perfect," yeilds great things. Beautiful light beams from him. and, I think we looked a lot a like. anyway, exceptional man.
Benji came accross your story a little late as I can see that this is about 7 years old. Wishing you all the best that life has to offer. Thank you for sharing your story it was beautiful. Looking forward to watching your follow up story after this video.
LOVED Benji on So You Think You Can Dance... it's quite interesting seeing him from a much more spiritual perspective... I mean, we all knew he was Mormon on the show, but you didn't think about it watching him dance! Benji, you rock! Can't wait to watch the rest of this!
From the first time I saw and heard Benji on SYTYCD, I've fallen in love with everything about him. He's a beautiful positive person with so much to offer this world. His dancing is what legends are made of. I just went to the Dancing Pros Live show at DPAC in Durham and had no idea he was part of the show until he came out and danced with Torri. I was in the 2nd row, so I got to see a full show at close range! OMG, he's even better live! I hope nothing but good things for Benji...I'm LDS, but I believe everyone should be able to love who they want. I can't imagine having such a capacity for love and companionability, but denying yourself those basic needs because who you choose to love may conflict with a flawed prejudiced people. Well, they made it illegal to marry more than one woman and the elders pulled their heads out and said God told us to obey the law of the land and lo and behold...monogamy was instituted once again. They made it illegal to discriminate and lo and behold, blacks got to hold the priesthood. Just bide your time, they've made same sex marriages legal in like 40 states, so it should be something they change about our church if history is any indication of anything;) I hope you find happiness with someone, regardless of what gender they are. You are a fascinatin, intelligent, beautiful man and you deserve the same happiness that I can have. I teach the sunbeams in my ward and they always move me too. They are the highlight of my week. Well that and SYTYCD, when its on! Thank God they found you! You've inspired countless people with the rebirthing move you did the other day and dances like the one you choreographed for Sarah, and I believe it might have been Pasha. You've inspired me more than you'll ever know. I take dancin lessons with my husband now. Its awesome. Thank you, Mr. Benji Schwimmer:)
+Nicole Sturtevant - I don't know if you realize it but, this guy/interviewer of "Mormon Stories,'' is anti-Mormon...he is an Evangelical and they despise LDS. They seek to bring the Church down. If you really are LDS, as you profess to be, you would not be supporting videos like this one, or more specifically, life styles that go against the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Keriama Krueger Withholding salvation from people because of their race or sexual orientation is not an "ordinance", it's just hate. Stop trying to make it sound nice, there is nothing sacred or holy about it.
Sad to see him on this show . But people who leave the church always want to tell their story on this anti Mormon show . I feel sad for him when he says how depressed he was . He is still loved . Disappointed he went on this show . This host hates the church . Just sad .
I'm a mormon and after watching this,I believe he is more a mormon than many of the people I see in church every sunday. I could sense his good spirit by the way he talks.
I have to say that gay behavior makes my body tense up and feel disgusted of either sex, but I have to say I get the same feeling when I think of eating liver. So, just because I don't like liver it doesn't mean it is wrong to eat liver. It just means is just incompatible with me. I think the key is in coexisting with mutual respect. I particularly give thanks to God for making someone like Benji. His joy for life, his amazing perfectionism, specially since I hold dancing dear to my heart, even his ability to dialogue with eloquence are qualities that make Benji a gem of a human being.
La paz que sientes con las cosas de Dios significa el amor que El siente por Ti, y nunca es tarde para volver tu rostro hacia El y volver a sentir su espiritualidad alrededor de Ti.
He was asked this in Part 2 - the one after this one. See his answer there about how he varies over time in where he falls on the Kinsey scale, and never is at the purely gay end (a "6"). It is at about 1:36:00.
Frankly, what people do in the private lives is none of our business nor is it our business how they define themselves. Hopefully one day we could live in a world without judgement and the need to apply pre-defined social labels.
i understand what you're saying and it's a very good point. where it becomes more complex for Mormons is that their belief is that families will be together in Heaven. So if one person deviates from the family belief system they are not only bringing shame to their family here on earth but they are creating division and disunion in the after life as well
One thing that may need a little more explaining . All people have salvation . All . Because of the atonement Of Jesus Christ. A free gift to all. Resurrection . All people do not have exaltation . The highest degree of Heaven . Benji know how that works . The most fair judgement anyone could ever want. No heaven or Hell . Three degrees of glory. All a degree of a glory in heaven . Final judgement is all can go to a degree of glory. Can’t get better then that . Like those Trinity and burn again . Just say you believe you go to heaven and all these other people go to hell forever and burn . No you go to the degree of glory you chose by which laws you chose to keep . Can’t get Better or more loving or more fair then that. You still get a glory. That is how loving and perfect God is .
You are correct to a point. Church leaders lately (at least in the last 5-6 years) have stated that mixed sexuality marriage is not a cure for same sex attraction and should not be pursued as such and to marry "women nevertheless".
Same sex attraction can potentially have a wide spectrum that includes a level of attraction that may not mean they are "gay". Just because you are attracted to someone who happens to be of the same sex does not necessarily mean they are gay nor does it mean they want to have sex and/or marry that individual or anyone else of the same sex.
Hmmm....we started talking about the "same sex attraction" and you have managed to turn the issue into celibacy, reparative therapy, marital servitude, and now back to reparative therapy. No need to get upset (or stay on topic for that matter). I was just answering your questions and giving a different viewpoint.
Not necessarily. They are two separate issues. Making marriage legal for homosexuals does not necessarily remove judgement just as legalizing interracial marriages did not remove racism.
It makes me sad that he always felt so guilty. There's nothing wrong with who he is. He's an amazing person with a great personality. He's a WAY better person than most of those uptight "Molly Mormons" that are judging everyone at church.
I think it's just because, regardless of the debate of the origin of homosexuality, they don't want to be offensive by claiming people are "gay", but say it more in a euphemistic way "Same sex attraction"
Who said it was offensive? If you want to debate that argument you will have to talk to the person who refers to their attraction as same-sex attraction rather than gay.
And now it’s the norm. I love that these interviews delve into a person’s life story with the respect to give them the time to tell their story the way it deserves.
No, it usually pretty much is the same. Most people are actually homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. The bisexual people usually have a preference one way or the other. There are also people who are asexual--but many of them also identify as homosexual or heterosexual. I've known a lot of people who claim that the labels don't define them--they're mostly gay now, some of them are genuinely bisexual but they wind up identifying one way or the other because it's easier.
ROFL@ him saying he ISN'T effeminate.. even OUT he is still in such terrible denial about who he is. Poor guy. Be proud Benji, everyone knew from day 1 on SYTYCD that you wanted to be your sister in every way possible... can anyone say booty poppin? >< It's hilarious to hear him say that he doesn't associate with the mannerisms that embody him completely. One day he will accept himself wholeheartedly, and be a much happier person for it. ANYWHO, GL with that Benji.
on SYTYCD when he said his fiance dumped him for another guy, it wasn't because he had to travel for danced, it was because he was gay. I always knew he was, i mean no straight boy can shake their tail feathers on the dance floor with Doneylle like that. I guess Russell is the only straight male winner of SYTYCD... until he comes out too ;)
Some people are obviously confused by this.... There is a reason why he was fighting to be strait. The Mormon church believes that same sex attraction is a trial and that when you are in heaven it changes to being strait. So they teach to marry women nevertheless. So he is just trying to be faithful to his church not unhappy.
It is a personal choice. I know many people who chose to be celbate--and it's almost always sad. They wind up angry and bitter. It would be better if they accepted who they are and lived an honest life free of shame--of course as long as there are religions there will be shame thrust upon people. Luckily that's changing.
So what. Make it legal and we'll deal with the other issues on a more equal playing ground. You can't stop people from judging but if it has no legal effect it doesn't matter as much.
If an individual supports rights for the GLBT community, can they still identify themselves as having same-sex attraction or by your standards they have to identify themselves as one of the G, L, B or T?
But it makes it legal. I don't care what your attitude is, your attitude should have nothing to do with the legality of another person's civil rights. As long as it's legal no one will really care how you feel about it. You can hold on to your bigoted attitude with all your might and no one will care because it will have no effect on anyone else. Just as GLBT people being able to marry will have no effect on heterosexuals marrying.
That's all "gay" is. Being attracted to the same sex. Take that away and you are not "gay". The fantasy is that it's more than that. It's the most accurate description there is.
Gay Mormon guys have feeling too, The religion needs to restructure its belief systems to be more accepting of LGBT missionaries and followers. Jesus was compassionate and forgiving and understood suffering, pain and love.
It matters because saying that someone "suffers from same sex attraction" gives the idea that it's a disease or a choice. The reason people get "riled up" over the church's stance is that because of this people's lives are being damaged--not just the gay and lesbian people from the church who have had to go through destructive and ineffective conversion therapies but non-Mormon GLBT people like those in California who the church worked to deny rights.
I don't think a person who experiences same sex attraction yet only has straight sex is gay. There is a lot of gray here that these labels may or may not apply.
1) "Yahweh, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:39 WHERE ARE THE MORmON gODS? (2) "Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me." Isaiah 43:10 WHEN WAS WERE THE MORmON gODS FORMED? (3) "'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me." Isaiah 44:6 "I am Yahweh, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." Isaiah 45:5 DOES MY GOD NOT KNOW THE MORmON gODS?
I think it's because by saying "same sex attraction" they can act as though it's a minor condition that can be changed if you just have enough will power. By saying someone struggles with "SSA" they can act as though gay people don't fall in love and live their lives with devoted partners who just happen to be the same gender. And how is it offensive to claim that people are gay?
If a person wants to refer to it as same sex attraction or identify as gay, it should only matter to that individual. I think you are reaching in making this into a larger issue.
Still, these are terms that mean something different to different people. Even Gore Vidal said that there is no such thing as a homosexual identity because everyone is bisexual to some degree.
"it's a term people use to try to imply that it can be changed" In strict terms it is an attraction to those of the same sex. What the term means and how people use it are two different things. And then people can use it to mean that it can or cannot be changed. Or it can mean something that they can live with without acting on it.
So you would like to think. But politically the labels are important. When the laws get completely out of people's lives or the laws are passed that GLBT people have the same rights as everyone else your point might make a point.
You know what? If you want to live your life being tortured by your sexual orientation rather than embracing life and living as a happy, well adjusted GLBT person go ahead. If you want to spend your time, emotions and money trying to change your orientation with methods that are proven not to work, be my guest. If you are determined to be unhappy--go for it.
I would not go to him for marital advice either. It does show however that even among gay people that there is no consensus as to what it means to apply the word "gay" to an individual.
Who said that? I might be attracted to brunettes only, but I don't go trying to identify myself as a "Bruni". Someone can be attracted to same sex, but there's nothing more to it than attraction.
"It is a personal choice. I know many people who chose to be celbate--and it's almost always sad. They wind up angry and bitter." You are generalizing.
Wow, you got flagged as spam pretty quickly. What is it that you're referring to? If you mean the sort of code of religious fundamentalists instead of saying "gay" they say people are afflicted with SSA--then yes it does mean something else.
What's really sad about this is that Benji is not upset that his religion is based on lies and cult like controlling behavior but mostly that his cult wouldn't accept his homosexuality. All religions purport to be of god whatever that is but are actually about men trying to force behavior on other people. The fantasy and rational vary but they all want that control and perhaps some of your money as well.
God created man >>> man created religion. I couldn't agree with you more! The question truly is what "god" do the followers of religion actually follow? Not the God of the bible, that's for sure! Their gods are the men that lead them. God bless! :)
Jesus did set up his church . Like it or not . Taught you must be baptized . Being baptized himself and set up and taught many many other things including the sacrament . To meet together often . Jesus also set up prophets and apostles and seventies elders deacon teachers priests and so on. The NT church . Jesus had to restore back His truths and he chose his apostles .. called his members saints . So yes religion is very important . So is baptism by the right authority . So is partaking of the sacrament . So are temple covenants . Even after Jesus died Peter and the apostles still went to the temple. Which Jesus cleansed twice . One church one Lord one baptism . Not 666 of them .
i reackon gay people should have a big part in human life as for my self im gay. reason being cos of coming out to the family. the amount of years that was building up in their lives thinking that their life is gunna change and they gunna love it. it gets really easy. lbgt people should have a great thanks off the perants to go when they came out. cos i had my mum and my dads always away cos of work. hes a homophobic bah hes learnt to cope with it cos of me. cos im gay and proud.
Benji you are a gorgeous young man. So alive and full of joy. Don't lose that ever. I don't see what is wrong with loving someone of the same sex in an intense non sexual way. I still have friends of the same sex I am totally in love with. I don't want to have sex with them but. You are wonderful. Same sex relationships have always been, some cultures revere it. It's all good. Live your life, love every moment you are so special xo
If you are attracted to people of the same sex and people of the opposite sex you are bisexual--which is great and some of them want to get married too. If you are only sexually attracted to people of the same sex you are gay. If you deny it, you're in denial.
You don't know what the term "straw men" means do you? I put no words in your mouth and I didn't frame your argument--you did that and I knocked it down. And I don't care about any differences other than the legal barriers that gay people are faced with. Most of us live in the real world and have to deal with the real word not RonPaultopia.
If people were not being discriminated against as a group you might have a point. But as it is your point is just wishful thinking. People are denied the right to marry because they want to marry a person of the same sex whether they indenfity as gay or as having "SSA". People are fired from jobs because they are gay. People are beaten and shot because they are gay. Think about what you're saying because it doesn't play in the real world.
Nothing. I just don't see what's wrong with saying "same sex attraction." I'm not Mormon, so I wouldn't know. I also have no idea why people would get mad over someone saying that being gay means being attracted to the same sex. Is that not what it is? haha
But also, as brilliant as Vidal was--and he was, he was not good at relationships. He and his partner of many years didn't have sexual relations and he treated him like a servant. I would not go to Gore Vidal for advice on how to have a happy marriage.
Benji, Congrats for being who you are, I wish the world were full of people like you.
It is so heartbreaking to see good people, even in this day and age, still beating themselves up over things the can't change just because of their religion or family. Benji I truly hope you come to accept yourself for who you are. This shouldn't even be a problem in society anymore.
Honest and himself living with love as he makes his way through this life, we should all take note.
0nemans world -- From a totally non-religious person ...Amen! What a beautiful person Benji is, in every sense of the word.
Benji is truly the most amazing and inspiring person I have ever met. I wish him all the best in his life, and may he be happy - he well deserves that.
Benji should be honored for his great spirit, enthusiasm, honesty and awareness of self. His goodness and intellect seem balanced and pure. There is a sense of charity about him which is amazing. I wish people would just let it go at that. He is truly a beloved child of God who loves him as he does every other person he has created. What an amazing young man. It is a sad sad thing to hear and see people judge so unfairly, someone who is so wonderful.
Candid and delightful young man. Will be a leader and teacher. His name will be known throughout the world one day and not just for the joy that he shares with his dancing. Amen.
The thing I admire about Benji is with all this background and history he was such a treat to watch on SYTYCD. He has such a positive air about him that just captivates anyone and which obviously why I'm watching this because I'm not a Mormon and I have not other reason to listen to this other than to her him speak about his life as a Mormon.
I love the enthusiasm he shows.
I remembered watching SYTYCD back in the day (lol) and being so surprised that he was a Mormon dancer. I didn't see the parallels between 'celebration of ones spirituality and connection with the divine' and dance in Mormon circles. I loved his performances and coming across this interview, I find myself smiling! Benji is such a beautiful person! Love him! :)
Wow! I relate to this so much. I'm a gay member of the church who dances. I danced on my mission too. I would put on dance nights for the members and investigators. I also choreographed a dance to "Thriller" for the missionaries in my district to perform at a local highschool. Kinda crazy how the events are so similar to Benji's story. Thanks Mormon Stories and Benji for sharing this! It made my day!
A well conducted interview. I'm coming to it late, I appreciate how respectful and open you were to get Benji's Story. Thank you.
Loved you on SYTYCD and liked getting to know him through this interview. As a creative former gay LDS Missionary myself. Related. What a driven person. I eventually left the Church and can finally relax and accept myself. Still the need to acheive and "be perfect," yeilds great things. Beautiful light beams from him. and, I think we looked a lot a like. anyway, exceptional man.
Benji came accross your story a little late as I can see that this is about 7 years old. Wishing you all the best that life has to offer. Thank you for sharing your story it was beautiful. Looking forward to watching your follow up story after this video.
I've met Benji before and he's an amazing person :)
Don't know how I got here, but glad I did, what an amazing testimony.
Benji, you are an incredible person and I wish you all the best in everything you do.
Benji and Donyelle were my favorite match up on SYTYCD. Excellence at it's finest.
You made me love west coast swing........I'm a fan. Good luck to you, Benji.
LOVED Benji on So You Think You Can Dance... it's quite interesting seeing him from a much more spiritual perspective... I mean, we all knew he was Mormon on the show, but you didn't think about it watching him dance! Benji, you rock! Can't wait to watch the rest of this!
Loved this boy's story!!!
From the first time I saw and heard Benji on SYTYCD, I've fallen in love with everything about him. He's a beautiful positive person with so much to offer this world. His dancing is what legends are made of. I just went to the Dancing Pros Live show at DPAC in Durham and had no idea he was part of the show until he came out and danced with Torri. I was in the 2nd row, so I got to see a full show at close range! OMG, he's even better live! I hope nothing but good things for Benji...I'm LDS, but I believe everyone should be able to love who they want. I can't imagine having such a capacity for love and companionability, but denying yourself those basic needs because who you choose to love may conflict with a flawed prejudiced people. Well, they made it illegal to marry more than one woman and the elders pulled their heads out and said God told us to obey the law of the land and lo and behold...monogamy was instituted once again. They made it illegal to discriminate and lo and behold, blacks got to hold the priesthood. Just bide your time, they've made same sex marriages legal in like 40 states, so it should be something they change about our church if history is any indication of anything;) I hope you find happiness with someone, regardless of what gender they are. You are a fascinatin, intelligent, beautiful man and you deserve the same happiness that I can have. I teach the sunbeams in my ward and they always move me too. They are the highlight of my week. Well that and SYTYCD, when its on! Thank God they found you! You've inspired countless people with the rebirthing move you did the other day and dances like the one you choreographed for Sarah, and I believe it might have been Pasha. You've inspired me more than you'll ever know. I take dancin lessons with my husband now. Its awesome. Thank you, Mr. Benji Schwimmer:)
+Nicole Sturtevant - I don't know if you realize it but, this guy/interviewer of "Mormon Stories,'' is anti-Mormon...he is an Evangelical and they despise LDS. They seek to bring the Church down. If you really are LDS, as you profess to be, you would not be supporting videos like this one, or more specifically, life styles that go against the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Keriama Krueger Withholding salvation from people because of their race or sexual orientation is not an "ordinance", it's just hate. Stop trying to make it sound nice, there is nothing sacred or holy about it.
@@keriamakrueger4493everyone who go who gets excommunicated goes on his show .
Sad to see him on this show . But people who leave the church always want to tell their story on this anti Mormon show . I feel sad for him when he says how depressed he was . He is still loved . Disappointed he went on this show . This host hates the church . Just sad .
You sure do not sound like a very good member . Nothing wrong with supporting Benji but you say some untrue things about the church .
Benji is a true inspiration to alot of people =3 haha i love him.
He is such an amazing person! I love me some Benji :)
What an awesome young man....
I'm a mormon and after watching this,I believe he is more a mormon than many of the people I see in church every sunday. I could sense his good spirit by the way he talks.
Great podcast
I have to say that gay behavior makes my body tense up and feel disgusted of either sex, but I have to say I get the same feeling when I think of eating liver. So, just because I don't like liver it doesn't mean it is wrong to eat liver. It just means is just incompatible with me. I think the key is in coexisting with mutual respect. I particularly give thanks to God for making someone like Benji. His joy for life, his amazing perfectionism, specially since I hold dancing dear to my heart, even his ability to dialogue with eloquence are qualities that make Benji a gem of a human being.
La paz que sientes con las cosas de Dios significa el amor que El siente por Ti, y nunca es tarde para volver tu rostro hacia El y volver a sentir su espiritualidad alrededor de Ti.
I will never watch the Travis and Benji finale dance in the same way again! Well I never. Didn't see it coming.
I love Benji 🕺🏼
This is super brave of him.
We should always question Authority.
I just dont get why people disliked this..
He was asked this in Part 2 - the one after this one. See his answer there about how he varies over time in where he falls on the Kinsey scale, and never is at the purely gay end (a "6"). It is at about 1:36:00.
benji is my all time favorite so you think you can dance dancer
Frankly, what people do in the private lives is none of our business nor is it our business how they define themselves. Hopefully one day we could live in a world without judgement and the need to apply pre-defined social labels.
Angel Flight Bell Bottom pants... Holy crap! I lived that realtime it was retro.
This was a great interview! Does anyone who sings the ending song? I love that version of Come, Come Ye Saints
Love you JS…Hail Fellow Well Met…
I think it only matters to the individual. People should respect whatever they want to call themselves.
He came to my house 2 yr ago for a meet up in so cal
i understand what you're saying and it's a very good point. where it becomes more complex for Mormons is that their belief is that families will be together in Heaven. So if one person deviates from the family belief system they are not only bringing shame to their family here on earth but they are creating division and disunion in the after life as well
One thing that may need a little more explaining . All people have salvation . All . Because of the atonement Of Jesus Christ. A free gift to all. Resurrection . All people do not have exaltation . The highest degree of Heaven . Benji know how that works . The most fair judgement anyone could ever want. No heaven or Hell . Three degrees of glory. All a degree of a glory in heaven . Final judgement is all can go to a degree of glory. Can’t get better then that . Like those Trinity and burn again . Just say you believe you go to heaven and all these other people go to hell forever and burn . No you go to the degree of glory you chose by which laws you chose to keep . Can’t get Better or more loving or more fair then that. You still get a glory. That is how loving and perfect God is .
You are correct to a point. Church leaders lately (at least in the last 5-6 years) have stated that mixed sexuality marriage is not a cure for same sex attraction and should not be pursued as such and to marry "women nevertheless".
Same sex attraction can potentially have a wide spectrum that includes a level of attraction that may not mean they are "gay". Just because you are attracted to someone who happens to be of the same sex does not necessarily mean they are gay nor does it mean they want to have sex and/or marry that individual or anyone else of the same sex.
And vice versa. Making it legal doesn't remove negative attitudes.
Hmmm....we started talking about the "same sex attraction" and you have managed to turn the issue into celibacy, reparative therapy, marital servitude, and now back to reparative therapy. No need to get upset (or stay on topic for that matter). I was just answering your questions and giving a different viewpoint.
I'm not generalizing, I'm making an observation from all the people I know (and I know a lot of them) who tried it.
Not necessarily. They are two separate issues. Making marriage legal for homosexuals does not necessarily remove judgement just as legalizing interracial marriages did not remove racism.
Why are gay Mormon guys always so cute?
It makes me sad that he always felt so guilty. There's nothing wrong with who he is. He's an amazing person with a great personality. He's a WAY better person than most of those uptight "Molly Mormons" that are judging everyone at church.
I think it's just because, regardless of the debate of the origin of homosexuality, they don't want to be offensive by claiming people are "gay", but say it more in a euphemistic way "Same sex attraction"
Who said it was offensive? If you want to debate that argument you will have to talk to the person who refers to their attraction as same-sex attraction rather than gay.
Wow. A whole 90+ minutes and we've still got 2 more parts. He sure is long-winded. Cool guy though. :)
And now it’s the norm. I love that these interviews delve into a person’s life story with the respect to give them the time to tell their story the way it deserves.
I don't have anti-gay bias. That is a product of your Manichean world view of sexuality.
@BottleConcreteBlond you go tell them all :D x
No, it usually pretty much is the same. Most people are actually homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. The bisexual people usually have a preference one way or the other. There are also people who are asexual--but many of them also identify as homosexual or heterosexual. I've known a lot of people who claim that the labels don't define them--they're mostly gay now, some of them are genuinely bisexual but they wind up identifying one way or the other because it's easier.
ROFL@ him saying he ISN'T effeminate.. even OUT he is still in such terrible denial about who he is. Poor guy. Be proud Benji, everyone knew from day 1 on SYTYCD that you wanted to be your sister in every way possible... can anyone say booty poppin? ><
It's hilarious to hear him say that he doesn't associate with the mannerisms that embody him completely. One day he will accept himself wholeheartedly, and be a much happier person for it. ANYWHO, GL with that Benji.
on SYTYCD when he said his fiance dumped him for another guy, it wasn't because he had to travel for danced, it was because he was gay. I always knew he was, i mean no straight boy can shake their tail feathers on the dance floor with Doneylle like that. I guess Russell is the only straight male winner of SYTYCD... until he comes out too ;)
Very handsome ❤❤❤❤❤
This is so sad. ) :
Some people are obviously confused by this.... There is a reason why he was fighting to be strait. The Mormon church believes that same sex attraction is a trial and that when you are in heaven it changes to being strait. So they teach to marry women nevertheless. So he is just trying to be faithful to his church not unhappy.
It is a personal choice. I know many people who chose to be celbate--and it's almost always sad. They wind up angry and bitter. It would be better if they accepted who they are and lived an honest life free of shame--of course as long as there are religions there will be shame thrust upon people. Luckily that's changing.
So what. Make it legal and we'll deal with the other issues on a more equal playing ground. You can't stop people from judging but if it has no legal effect it doesn't matter as much.
If an individual supports rights for the GLBT community, can they still identify themselves as having same-sex attraction or by your standards they have to identify themselves as one of the G, L, B or T?
But it makes it legal. I don't care what your attitude is, your attitude should have nothing to do with the legality of another person's civil rights. As long as it's legal no one will really care how you feel about it. You can hold on to your bigoted attitude with all your might and no one will care because it will have no effect on anyone else. Just as GLBT people being able to marry will have no effect on heterosexuals marrying.
That's all "gay" is. Being attracted to the same sex. Take that away and you are not "gay". The fantasy is that it's more than that. It's the most accurate description there is.
Gay Mormon guys have feeling too, The religion needs to restructure its belief systems to be more accepting of LGBT missionaries and followers. Jesus was compassionate and forgiving and understood suffering, pain and love.
It matters because saying that someone "suffers from same sex attraction" gives the idea that it's a disease or a choice. The reason people get "riled up" over the church's stance is that because of this people's lives are being damaged--not just the gay and lesbian people from the church who have had to go through destructive and ineffective conversion therapies but non-Mormon GLBT people like those in California who the church worked to deny rights.
I don't think a person who experiences same sex attraction yet only has straight sex is gay. There is a lot of gray here that these labels may or may not apply.
Mainly because they don't want to be labeled as gay.
1) "Yahweh, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:39
(2) "Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me." Isaiah 43:10
(3) "'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me." Isaiah 44:6
"I am Yahweh, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." Isaiah 45:5
dee hee u
I think it's because by saying "same sex attraction" they can act as though it's a minor condition that can be changed if you just have enough will power. By saying someone struggles with "SSA" they can act as though gay people don't fall in love and live their lives with devoted partners who just happen to be the same gender. And how is it offensive to claim that people are gay?
If a person wants to refer to it as same sex attraction or identify as gay, it should only matter to that individual. I think you are reaching in making this into a larger issue.
Still, these are terms that mean something different to different people. Even Gore Vidal said that there is no such thing as a homosexual identity because everyone is bisexual to some degree.
I don't think a person with same-sex attraction can change that attraction. Celibacy ultimately is a personal choice no matter what therapists say.
"it's a term people use to try to imply that it can be changed"
In strict terms it is an attraction to those of the same sex. What the term means and how people use it are two different things. And then people can use it to mean that it can or cannot be changed. Or it can mean something that they can live with without acting on it.
So you would like to think. But politically the labels are important. When the laws get completely out of people's lives or the laws are passed that GLBT people have the same rights as everyone else your point might make a point.
Didn't seem to bother Gandhi.
I am not bigoted. That is just code you give people who may not agree with everything you say.
Everyone should be for Jesus.
You know what? If you want to live your life being tortured by your sexual orientation rather than embracing life and living as a happy, well adjusted GLBT person go ahead. If you want to spend your time, emotions and money trying to change your orientation with methods that are proven not to work, be my guest. If you are determined to be unhappy--go for it.
I would not go to him for marital advice either. It does show however that even among gay people that there is no consensus as to what it means to apply the word "gay" to an individual.
Who said that? I might be attracted to brunettes only, but I don't go trying to identify myself as a "Bruni". Someone can be attracted to same sex, but there's nothing more to it than attraction.
"It is a personal choice. I know many people who chose to be celbate--and it's almost always sad. They wind up angry and bitter."
You are generalizing.
es loquita y no quieria admitir. Stay diva.
Wow, you got flagged as spam pretty quickly. What is it that you're referring to? If you mean the sort of code of religious fundamentalists instead of saying "gay" they say people are afflicted with SSA--then yes it does mean something else.
How one "chooses" to define themselves and pre-defined social labels imposed on them may not necessarily be the same.
What's really sad about this is that Benji is not upset that his religion is based on lies and cult like controlling behavior but mostly that his cult wouldn't accept his homosexuality. All religions purport to be of god whatever that is but are actually about men trying to force behavior on other people. The fantasy and rational vary but they all want that control and perhaps some of your money as well.
God created man >>> man created religion.
I couldn't agree with you more!
The question truly is what "god" do the followers of religion actually follow? Not the God of the bible, that's for sure! Their gods are the men that lead them.
God bless! :)
Jesus did set up his church . Like it or not . Taught you must be baptized . Being baptized himself and set up and taught many many other things including the sacrament . To meet together often . Jesus also set up prophets and apostles and seventies elders deacon teachers priests and so on. The NT church . Jesus had to restore back His truths and he chose his apostles .. called his members saints . So yes religion is very important . So is baptism by the right authority . So is partaking of the sacrament . So are temple covenants . Even after Jesus died Peter and the apostles still went to the temple. Which Jesus cleansed twice . One church one Lord one baptism . Not 666 of them .
i reackon gay people should have a big part in human life as for my self im gay. reason being cos of coming out to the family. the amount of years that was building up in their lives thinking that their life is gunna change and they gunna love it. it gets really easy. lbgt people should have a great thanks off the perants to go when they came out. cos i had my mum and my dads always away cos of work. hes a homophobic bah hes learnt to cope with it cos of me. cos im gay and proud.
Benji you are a gorgeous young man. So alive and full of joy. Don't lose that ever. I don't see what is wrong with loving someone of the same sex in an intense non sexual way. I still have friends of the same sex I am totally in love with. I don't want to have sex with them but. You are wonderful. Same sex relationships have always been, some cultures revere it. It's all good. Live your life, love every moment you are so special xo
Yeah... except he's a Mormon and they're kinda like that.
If you are attracted to people of the same sex and people of the opposite sex you are bisexual--which is great and some of them want to get married too. If you are only sexually attracted to people of the same sex you are gay. If you deny it, you're in denial.
You don't know what the term "straw men" means do you? I put no words in your mouth and I didn't frame your argument--you did that and I knocked it down. And I don't care about any differences other than the legal barriers that gay people are faced with. Most of us live in the real world and have to deal with the real word not RonPaultopia.
So, it's offensive to call someone who has sexual relationships with people of the same sex "gay?" I think the issue is your own anti-gay bias.
If people were not being discriminated against as a group you might have a point. But as it is your point is just wishful thinking. People are denied the right to marry because they want to marry a person of the same sex whether they indenfity as gay or as having "SSA". People are fired from jobs because they are gay. People are beaten and shot because they are gay. Think about what you're saying because it doesn't play in the real world.
Nothing. I just don't see what's wrong with saying "same sex attraction." I'm not Mormon, so I wouldn't know. I also have no idea why people would get mad over someone saying that being gay means being attracted to the same sex. Is that not what it is? haha
That's actually questionable if you would bother to do a little research.
But also, as brilliant as Vidal was--and he was, he was not good at relationships. He and his partner of many years didn't have sexual relations and he treated him like a servant. I would not go to Gore Vidal for advice on how to have a happy marriage.