Nice video! It is worth it to note however that a credit card closed in good standing will continue to age on your credit report for ten years, meaning there is a very minimal effect closing a credit card would have. Also credit utilization, while it does minorly affect your credit score has no memory (ie. as long as you have good utilization the month before you apply for credit, you don't have to worry about it).
This was exactly what I was looking for and it was uploaded a month ago! Thanks for the video!
Thanks for watching :)
Nice video! It is worth it to note however that a credit card closed in good standing will continue to age on your credit report for ten years, meaning there is a very minimal effect closing a credit card would have. Also credit utilization, while it does minorly affect your credit score has no memory (ie. as long as you have good utilization the month before you apply for credit, you don't have to worry about it).
Appreciate it bro
great video. my son just turned 18 today and trying to help him start building his credit. plan on having him apply for Discover and Chase.
Thanks! Both are great choices 👍
Great video , thanks !
Glad you liked it!
🔥keep going man
Appreciate the support!
Excellent video, Andrew! 🙌🏾🙌🏾❤❤
great video thank you!!!
Glad you liked it :)
this vid was greatly appreciated cause i was a bit confused on what credit card to start building my credit with
Glad it helped :)
super helpful man!
Glad it helped!
Should I apply for more than one?
Appreciate the vid!
did you apply for more at the same time? Thinking of applying for discover and chase
W video gang
Hello, do you know if the Discover it has some kind of a limit?
Are you specifically talking about the cashback match for the first year? If so, there is no limit!
get a new mic man
Keep up the good work man very helpful 🫡
Thanks, appreciate it!