Hi, we do not usually indicate the price as this is a promotional channel and not a sales channel. For this purpose our website is already indicated with all the details of the property such as photos, 3D tour and its price. Regards
Hola, no se suele indicar el precio ya que este es un canal promocional y no de ventas. Para ello ya se indica nuestra web con todos los detalles del inmueble como por ejemplo fotos, tour 3D y su precio. Saludos
Price very nice
Really good value for money if you are looking for a house in the mountains. Regards
Hi, we do not usually indicate the price as this is a promotional channel and not a sales channel. For this purpose our website is already indicated with all the details of the property such as photos, 3D tour and its price. Regards
Perdón! Porque no ponéis precio?
Hola, no se suele indicar el precio ya que este es un canal promocional y no de ventas. Para ello ya se indica nuestra web con todos los detalles del inmueble como por ejemplo fotos, tour 3D y su precio. Saludos