Hahahaha I love that line. "We want all of you to run down this alley and as soon as you see the insurgents pop up in the window, we need you to quickscope' em and use your quick draw handles to shoot em in the head faster than they can shoot you!" Gold!
+sharpshooter188 Wwhen 5 year olds are playing football, european football. They all run behind the ball no spread at all! And yes in shooters beginners do that to. Hey look that person is doing A so I will do that to... yes but they don't understand the REASONS behind why that person did A.
S12 shotgun... I derped on that one. The reason for the mistake is that my commentary was a bit rushed today. My microphone broke this morning and I spend the better part of the day fixing it. Fixed it just in time to record voice and upload this video. Rush = errors
I flank a lot, and as driftor said its really beneficial to be aware of your mini-map.. Whenever I play I'm constantly looking at where my teammates are not, big open blank spots on the map, theres a high chance that this is where the enemies are, and/or going to be.. Choose the right flank route and it can be extremely beneficial to you..
I Flank a lot in Cod but at the same time I hate getting flanked. especially when on the B flag on slums and someone kills me from the side building I hate when that happends
You are 1 out of 2 of my subscribers that give out information and actual HELPFUL tips that let you win more matches, Thank you and keep making these videos! :)
This is one of my favorite in-depths to date. I really, really, enjoy just watching you play with analytic commentary going over the video. Any chance we can get a series of you just playing games and commentating in an analytic manner? I really learn so much from just watching the gameplay, let alone the massive amounts of knowledge you're imparting on me.
Drake Dragomere Truer words have never been spoken. Before typing this to you, I played about four games using this kind of play style. Didn't think it was going to work then I went more positive than I normally do. I think I only went negative one game and that wasn't even that bad. I seriously don't see how people can dislike this video..it is gold.
I always flank in Team Deathmatch on medium-sized maps like Standoff or Raid. I can always get a sense of where the enemy is respawning based on the skulls that pop up and if I'm in a part of the map that suddenly became empty.
This is why I like domination more than team deathmatch. In domination, it's easier to prevent enemies from coming from behind you and sneak up behind them. Sneaking up behind enemies with whatever keeps you off UAV + silencer is one of the meta tactics
Flanking is pretty much my only play-style. The majority of my encounters aren't strait-up fair gunfights, the odds are heavily stacked in my favour. This means that my enemies aren't usually firing back at me, throwing my aim off, so to me, toughness is a bit obsolete. I would recommend fast hands more, given that fast stun grenade throws are much more useful in a flanking build.
I find with flanking I have to make conscious decision to do it, if I play on auto pilot I just run to choke points and gunfight. Soon as you think 'right I'll flank' or if you look for flank opportunities, chances are your game will improve, a lot. I think its an issue with people thinking 'im not going to be killing anything for a while'. It's quite hard to fathom, but the returns will come.
I have a 2.9 k/d and I completely agree with this. Unconsciously, I always try to shoot people from where they least expect it. My eyes are always on the radar, and if I'm getting shot and I know I'm going to lose a gun fight, I haul ass and take the quickest most confusing route out of there. Through windows, out doors, around corners
Why would you need Toughness if you are going to be shooting them from the side or behind? I see only needing Toughness if you are going head to head, but then thats just me :)
Good tips on flanking I do this most of the time on my high gameplays, good tip also stay around the maps edge don't go in the hot zone to much but still play objectives.
Saw someone talking about traffic patterns nd hope this helps. If y look overhead of 99% of cod maps tghere are 3 main attack paths. The most high traffic will b the direct path from your spawn to theirs. Domination makes this very obviouse. But this is the case with every game mode. Only exception is kill confirmed because while collecting tags the spawns get changed often. Another thng a lot of ppl dont take advantage of is looking at friendly positions on radar
Just to add to what Drift0r has already said in this video: if anyone is running this kind of stealth, off-the-map setup, and has serious qualms about being on the radar at ALL, I would recommend running Counter UAV as a scorestreak to keep holstered in the off chance the enemy does call in a VSAT.
Flanking is my specialty. May sound cheap, but if you're trying to win the game, flank, get big killstreaks up that will control the map for a minute or so, win the game, very simple. BO2 makes it ridiculously easy to do.
This is the best style for newbs. Every CoD newb should pay attention to this video. You will appreciate Cod much more right off the bat and will not need to rage quit as often. Great review Dr1ft0r.
Been playing FPS for 15 years, the key word you used is: awareness. Some people have a hard time playing and looking at the radar with the corner of their eyes.
This is how I've maintained a 3.00 KD in CoD. It's not about being "good", it's just knowing how to play at your advantage. Flanking is a very good way to do this like the video says. Running on the EDGES of the map is the best way to get god scores. Never run through the middle. That's where the firefight always is. Also, always look at your radar. Seriously, a lot of people forget they have one. If you see that your team is on one side of the map, then you know that the enemy is the other side
Im the flanking guy on my team and the slayer! For those that say it doesnt take skill, try it yourself and go up against the entire team in their own spawn and see how you do! Nice vid, Drift!
In real life and games positioning is everything. 300 Spartans held off thousands of Persians with a bottleneck, Obi Wan defeat Anakin because he took the high ground, and an LMG on a head glitch at the end of a long alley might be annoying but it's also extremely difficult to dislodge. Getting around behind or to the sides of your enemies, hitting them quickly, and then disengaging will is almost always more effective then a headlong fight.
This is why I didn't agree with Flak Jacket on your Sniper classes. (Unless you plan to camp in a window, in which case you will have lots of C4's thrown at you) But if your the kind of sniper that's looking for feeds, run the Ghost perk. It allows you to get behind the enemy and pick off large groups from the back/sides.
1. The upper part of the ship (the one with the dark room). It technically has two entrances, but they are close enough that one camper could cover both, especially with a shield planted. 2. The room in the bottom right corner of Yemen. Has only one entrance, dark, awesome for campers. 3. Flight Control Room in Carrier, not the one with the boxes inside. Need more? These may or may not count, but there are also plenty of rooms where the only entrance is a window. Which is basically suicide.
use either the pdw or peacekeeper because they're the only two smgs I can think of that u could use with just the silencer that have okay reload times. the an-94 would work but it's an AR and those aren't too good for flanking and stuff
Glad i could help. I forgot to add that most riot shielders use flak jacket and tactical mask so c4 and tactical grenades won't always work but can help. Also, if you have a large clip, burying a few bullets on their shield at their face obscures their vision a bit so they can't see properly. Rarely works but will annoy them if they go on a streak :D
Agreed in the sense that they made ghost less camper friendly but that's about it. There are loads of dirty headglitches on every map. Not to mention the introduction of shock charges, the new style assault shields. Of course betties and claymores too. Oh and the target finder! Camping will always be in FPS games but by no means is it weak in Blops2, especially with the pick 10 system making it a sacrifice to use hard wired, cold blooded, tac mask, flak jacket, engineer etc. Oh and guardians.
Switch out ghost for flak jacket and get a stinger for the uavs. Works for me every time; protects you from Mr.claymore/betty camper, and now you're even slightly useful to your teammates.
Nice work Drift0r, great tips and something I have Ben trying to do but I will be using your ideas to improve. Keep the videos coming they really help me to know what guns to use and how best to play. Thanks pal.
Here's the thing. All shotgun players instinctively aim for the center of mass, since in the one-hit kill range it doesn't matter if you hit. The guy with the KSG has to run into a room, be blinded by shock charges (even with tac mask, the visual effect still works), and aim for a headglitcher who also can kill you in one hit, and afterwards will spike his room with more shock charges. My main frustration is that there is no effective way to deal with this, barring a group effort of some kind.
I'm level 48 2nd prestige and I think I have gone through the center of Raid about 3-4 times and Grind 2 times. I'll be honest, I will probably lose to someone in a head on battle (unless I have a shotgun) so I pretty much have to flank. My whole strategy is basically going back and forth between A and C flags along the back of the map and capturing them. You catch everybody by surprise and unless they are GODS at CoD you WILL beat them. I use a KSG-12 or PK(silenced) and it works great.
either drop shot and aim at their feet if they are running. If they crouch, climb out of a window and get them to follow you, get them in their climbing animation or jump around the side of them. hope it helps :D
I agree with you guys...people seem to mix up "camping" with "posting up" or "playing defensively." There is a huge difference. I hate it when people sit in a corner of a room waiting for someone to walk through. That may get you a few kills, but how is it fun? It's fun and smart to say post up across from the B flag on Slums. High risk of being killed, but you can see most of the middle of the map. There's no rule that you have to be sprinting at a guy before you shoot him to be fair.
Oh yes of course; when I said camping I wasn't referring to that kind of thing; but rather for example the kind of people who sit in one spot the entire match using their target finders + LMG / R870 shotguns and just killing anyone who walks by (and before anyone else confuses this with sniping, sniping is different from camping as any good sniper will leave his nest after 2 or 3 kills and move somewhere else to avoid being revenge killed) on the contrary strategic positioning is a good tactic.
When i want to "tryhard" and get all my scorestreaks, or the higher ones like swarm, dogs, vtol, warthog, i ever play this way. But when im just chilling, talking with friends, and actually having fun i just rush and really, if u rush alot u'll feel really good when u challenge 3 or 4 players at the same time and win.
very true dude. Very true. I honestly think that I know how to flank but then when I actually start playing I get tunnel vision and go straight for the center of the map.
On xbox, I deleted my map packs. I originally did this for the smaller map selection. I discovered that people who don't buy the map packs are more my level. Far less prestige masters too. I am more competitive in the games and sometimes I get to dominate too. Having alot of fun, though I do miss some of the new maps.
That's actually a tactic called "bumping", where you start a flag cap to either bring enemies to you, or take them away from somewhere else, say if they were pushing hard on another objective.
I've been forced to acquire this strategy by going knife only. It's a great change of pace and lots of fun. Keeps things fresh on a game that encourages to shoot anything that moves.
From what I've read the player perspective is only 65 degrees. Why does this matter? If you are perpendicular from them they cannot see you (unlike regular human vision that goes up to 270 degrees). Since player sight radius is so limited it's not as hard as what people think to go undetected around those sight cones.
When you take the "slayer" role and you are loosely playing the obj (when its convienient) you might lose a game or two, especially if you are not playing with a party. I tend to be the "slayer" but I only do it when I know my team can handle the obj, if they need help they tell me and im there to assist.
The only problem with that is when you get spawned on. They see the red dot near by and come catch you in the act of trying to trip up the other team. Personally prefer to use a silencer when I'm rushing. But that is all preference. It does leave a skull too. so that works similarly to the red dot on the map
Headglitching has been in every CoD game. Shock charges are basically useless because everyone runs Tac Mask. Betties and claymores have been in every CoD game (well, betties only in some, but betties suck against anyone who knows what they're doing). Target finder isn't exclusively camper-friendly, it's also useful for basically everything else. Guardians are useless against any team that has even one person with an EMP kit. Other anti-camper items added: MMS, stock, AGR, EMP, sensor nade.
It would be really cool if you made some more "IIWR" or showing off videos. Those are some of my favorite, besides the paranormal stories that you tell. Keep up the awesomeness Drift0r! :)
I like to go in and get just about to my orbital vsat and then flank to get the rest of the way after that my K-9 unit and swarm usually follow closely behind
All the gameplays I got are on tdm or kc. Most kills I got I either shoot them from behind while they try to headglitch or catch them running like idiots in full sprint. This also applies for all my friend's gameplays as well. The spawns are easy to learn and predictable even in tdm. You just can't go blitzing in there balls deep right in the middle of their spawn and hope to live very long.
You are looking at it the right way. The way I look at it is: you flank the enemies head glitching the B flag then you and your enemies can finally take capture while they are running from their first spawn.
You should definitely make a series of flank routes on all the maps or at least the default maps so people can learn HOW to flank because some people don't know how to
If you hit caps lock and type an apostrophe, then it will show up as an apostrophe. If you hold shift and type type the apostrophe key, it will be a quotation mark.
This tactic is called Ghsting and yes i left out the o on purpose. this is not to be confused with ghosting in bo1. ive been doing it since mw2 with cold blooded.and there is a old machinima video on how to do this as proof as how old this stradigy is
At the end what you said about Search and Destroy.. I beg the differ honestly. People I play with on that have the tendency to hole up, thus, I find rushing them straight up the middle, heavily unexpected. Everyone seems to expect flanking in that mode, so charge straight up the middle! ;D haha
Hey drift0r i was wondering if you could do an in depth on the eotech sight. Also if you didn't know, because some of my friends get confused, the holographic from mw2 and mw3 and stuff are the same thing as the eotech because eotech is a military optics sight company that is the main company that makes holographic sights.
This is the tactic I like to use, but it seems that sometimes my SPM will go down because I am not constantly getting kills like you would on the frontline.
What if they DO see through the attempted flank? What if they waited and cooked a grenade so that it would blow up near you, weakening you, and over-all decrease you chances of survival? Or had a tomahawk or ballistic knife ready for you once they were done clearing out the fodder and knew that you were not dead? While flanking is a good tactic, it's very ineffective if the opponent is not distracted, weakened, or caught off guard. You NEED the element of surprise or a distraction for flanking to work. Without that, you will actually be at a disadvantage because in your head you're thinking "This guy has no idea how badly he is about to die" and you are ready for him to not notice you. Then he gets the preemptive strike and because odds are you're standing still so you are either dead (very very likely) or have 5 hp or less and will die if the enemy so much as FARTS in your general direction (unless you had a shotgun and didn't miss, then you have somewhere between 70% and 20% hp remaining... maybe). To put it in short, flanking won't work on people who learn from their mistakes or have ridiculous reaction times if they aren't already distracted.
True. But you can also use other methods along flanking. You can flank and have your allies surround the enemy. You can flank with long distance support(snipers) or you can just use equipment like sensor grenades, mms, or target finder
It doesn't help you live if they are not caught off guard or are already expecting any sort of allies being there and have prepared accordingly. When the element of surprise is lost, an ambush almost always backfires because you are counting on the enemy not being aware of you, decreasing their reaction time. When It doesn't work, it's the other way around. It's something that can really screw you over if you aren't prepared for a proper firefight.
SonicSlash51 In any way, u will have the player surrounded by enemies from the front and the back, even if he's expecting it. And u have to think that players who will be ready expecting someone to flanc them are a really small minority, even cause they usually wont die many times like this as not many people do it.
I do this all the time. I hate when someone stands beside me shoots without a silencer. Especially when I was about to go that way. Or when someone follows me without ghost and the other team calls in a UAV.
When I was studying Tanjun Ryu Ninjutsu (described as the "Dirty Harry" of martial arts) my instructor told us that there are two types of people in a fight; those that fight dirty, and those that go to the hospital.
1. You were no where to close to nuclear (I have 20 Relentlesses, but only 4 nuclears) 2. You don't need a silencer 3. You definitely don't need lightweight. 4. Drift0r, have you even got a Nuclear? Finally, it's not as easy as you make out.
Hey driftor. I saw your episode on engineer and black hat. I wanted to suggest an episode on engineer and emp grenade. I find the emp much more usefull and would like to see your take on it. Thanks
I challenge the enemies to gunfights and I use tactics like dropshotting, jumpshotting, dodging bullets, etc to ensure success. I flank sometimes when I feel lazy :D
I always do this and also another thing is you always need to adjust to the situation change up your classes don't have all rushing classes. I used to just rush into peoples faces but now I am more conservative so my K:D used to be a 1.05 now its a 1.30 :)
i do the same, and i also do it when defending, i stand behind someone so if some crazy bastard with a knife comes charging up a stair case he may be able to kill my teammate but is unlikely to kill me too
Windows count as entrances, but when do you not think to yourself to lob a grenade there? Or lob a grenade in any aforementioned camping spots? Oh, and the control room in Carrier is impractical as it's a really small room.
4:58 I always think I can jump up that and, never having tested it in private match, I've never been sure if there is a particular spot you can do it from.
I do play like this but what I hate is when I sneak up behind the other team with ghost and my teammate will then spawn next to me without ghost and they all see his dot turn around and there I am trying to sneak.
Hahahaha I love that line. "We want all of you to run down this alley and as soon as you see the insurgents pop up in the window, we need you to quickscope' em and use your quick draw handles to shoot em in the head faster than they can shoot you!" Gold!
+sharpshooter188 brilliant line lol
Wwhen 5 year olds are playing football, european football. They all run behind the ball no spread at all!
And yes in shooters beginners do that to. Hey look that person is doing A so I will do that to... yes but they don't understand the REASONS behind why that person did A.
So flanking is that I wait next to a Tac Insert the whole game until someone respawns and I surprise them and get the kill.
SniPeR tHieF No, that's camping a Tac Insert.
@@beefalo7589 r/woooosh
you're using the m1216 not the s12 drift0r
S12 shotgun... I derped on that one. The reason for the mistake is that my commentary was a bit rushed today. My microphone broke this morning and I spend the better part of the day fixing it. Fixed it just in time to record voice and upload this video. Rush = errors
That's a nice S12 you have there...
haha its d m1216
RUclips’s been recommending me a bunch of these recently, really nostalgic… especially hearing about planking in the intro LOL
with you, really don't understand why more people don't do this. Been at it since MW2
I flank a lot, and as driftor said its really beneficial to be aware of your mini-map.. Whenever I play I'm constantly looking at where my teammates are not, big open blank spots on the map, theres a high chance that this is where the enemies are, and/or going to be.. Choose the right flank route and it can be extremely beneficial to you..
I love when both teams try to flank and both flanking people have a huge gun fight then you have to flank a different way
or when both teams flank around the map 3 times and never meet each other
I legit had a game where no one got a kill until the seven minute mark. Three minutes of running around trying to flank
I Flank a lot in Cod but at the same time I hate getting flanked. especially when on the B flag on slums and someone kills me from the side building I hate when that happends
Your videos are really helpful.
You are 1 out of 2 of my subscribers that give out information and actual HELPFUL tips that let you win more matches, Thank you and keep making these videos! :)
3:06 "And if you shoot them in the back then you have a 100% chance of success. . ."
Lemme tell you a story...
Dothurnaax lol I was sniping and got shot in the back. I turned and no scoped and killed the guy. I would have quit if I were him.
This is one of my favorite in-depths to date. I really, really, enjoy just watching you play with analytic commentary going over the video.
Any chance we can get a series of you just playing games and commentating in an analytic manner? I really learn so much from just watching the gameplay, let alone the massive amounts of knowledge you're imparting on me.
Why would some one dislike this
Drake Dragomere Truer words have never been spoken. Before typing this to you, I played about four games using this kind of play style. Didn't think it was going to work then I went more positive than I normally do. I think I only went negative one game and that wasn't even that bad. I seriously don't see how people can dislike this video..it is gold.
I always flank in Team Deathmatch on medium-sized maps like Standoff or Raid. I can always get a sense of where the enemy is respawning based on the skulls that pop up and if I'm in a part of the map that suddenly became empty.
M1216 shotgun.....
This is why I like domination more than team deathmatch. In domination, it's easier to prevent enemies from coming from behind you and sneak up behind them. Sneaking up behind enemies with whatever keeps you off UAV + silencer is one of the meta tactics
0:25- he says S12 when its obviously the M1216
People make mistakes...
Flanking is pretty much my only play-style. The majority of my encounters aren't strait-up fair gunfights, the odds are heavily stacked in my favour. This means that my enemies aren't usually firing back at me, throwing my aim off, so to me, toughness is a bit obsolete. I would recommend fast hands more, given that fast stun grenade throws are much more useful in a flanking build.
I find with flanking I have to make conscious decision to do it, if I play on auto pilot I just run to choke points and gunfight.
Soon as you think 'right I'll flank' or if you look for flank opportunities, chances are your game will improve, a lot.
I think its an issue with people thinking 'im not going to be killing anything for a while'. It's quite hard to fathom, but the returns will come.
I have a 2.9 k/d and I completely agree with this. Unconsciously, I always try to shoot people from where they least expect it. My eyes are always on the radar, and if I'm getting shot and I know I'm going to lose a gun fight, I haul ass and take the quickest most confusing route out of there. Through windows, out doors, around corners
Why would you need Toughness if you are going to be shooting them from the side or behind? I see only needing Toughness if you are going head to head, but then thats just me :)
Good tips on flanking I do this most of the time on my high gameplays, good tip also stay around the maps edge don't go in the hot zone to much but still play objectives.
Saw someone talking about traffic patterns nd hope this helps. If y look overhead of 99% of cod maps tghere are 3 main attack paths. The most high traffic will b the direct path from your spawn to theirs. Domination makes this very obviouse. But this is the case with every game mode. Only exception is kill confirmed because while collecting tags the spawns get changed often. Another thng a lot of ppl dont take advantage of is looking at friendly positions on radar
Just to add to what Drift0r has already said in this video: if anyone is running this kind of stealth, off-the-map setup, and has serious qualms about being on the radar at ALL, I would recommend running Counter UAV as a scorestreak to keep holstered in the off chance the enemy does call in a VSAT.
Flanking is my specialty. May sound cheap, but if you're trying to win the game, flank, get big killstreaks up that will control the map for a minute or so, win the game, very simple. BO2 makes it ridiculously easy to do.
This is the best style for newbs. Every CoD newb should pay attention to this video. You will appreciate Cod much more right off the bat and will not need to rage quit as often. Great review Dr1ft0r.
Been playing FPS for 15 years, the key word you used is: awareness. Some people have a hard time playing and looking at the radar with the corner of their eyes.
This is how I've maintained a 3.00 KD in CoD. It's not about being "good", it's just knowing how to play at your advantage. Flanking is a very good way to do this like the video says. Running on the EDGES of the map is the best way to get god scores. Never run through the middle. That's where the firefight always is. Also, always look at your radar. Seriously, a lot of people forget they have one. If you see that your team is on one side of the map, then you know that the enemy is the other side
Im the flanking guy on my team and the slayer! For those that say it doesnt take skill, try it yourself and go up against the entire team in their own spawn and see how you do! Nice vid, Drift!
In real life and games positioning is everything. 300 Spartans held off thousands of Persians with a bottleneck, Obi Wan defeat Anakin because he took the high ground, and an LMG on a head glitch at the end of a long alley might be annoying but it's also extremely difficult to dislodge. Getting around behind or to the sides of your enemies, hitting them quickly, and then disengaging will is almost always more effective then a headlong fight.
This is why I didn't agree with Flak Jacket on your Sniper classes. (Unless you plan to camp in a window, in which case you will have lots of C4's thrown at you)
But if your the kind of sniper that's looking for feeds, run the Ghost perk. It allows you to get behind the enemy and pick off large groups from the back/sides.
1. The upper part of the ship (the one with the dark room). It technically has two entrances, but they are close enough that one camper could cover both, especially with a shield planted.
2. The room in the bottom right corner of Yemen. Has only one entrance, dark, awesome for campers.
3. Flight Control Room in Carrier, not the one with the boxes inside.
Need more?
These may or may not count, but there are also plenty of rooms where the only entrance is a window. Which is basically suicide.
I run Ghost/Scavenger/Extreme Conditioning/Dexterity and I use an AR with Stock/Suppressor/Fast Mags and I can flank pretty efficiently with it.
use either the pdw or peacekeeper because they're the only two smgs I can think of that u could use with just the silencer that have okay reload times. the an-94 would work but it's an AR and those aren't too good for flanking and stuff
Glad i could help. I forgot to add that most riot shielders use flak jacket and tactical mask so c4 and tactical grenades won't always work but can help. Also, if you have a large clip, burying a few bullets on their shield at their face obscures their vision a bit so they can't see properly. Rarely works but will annoy them if they go on a streak :D
Agreed in the sense that they made ghost less camper friendly but that's about it. There are loads of dirty headglitches on every map. Not to mention the introduction of shock charges, the new style assault shields. Of course betties and claymores too. Oh and the target finder! Camping will always be in FPS games but by no means is it weak in Blops2, especially with the pick 10 system making it a sacrifice to use hard wired, cold blooded, tac mask, flak jacket, engineer etc. Oh and guardians.
I like putting myself into tough gunfights, it's satisfying when you succeed doing this
Switch out ghost for flak jacket and get a stinger for the uavs. Works for me every time; protects you from Mr.claymore/betty camper, and now you're even slightly useful to your teammates.
Nice work Drift0r, great tips and something I have Ben trying to do but I will be using your ideas to improve. Keep the videos coming they really help me to know what guns to use and how best to play. Thanks pal.
Here's the thing. All shotgun players instinctively aim for the center of mass, since in the one-hit kill range it doesn't matter if you hit. The guy with the KSG has to run into a room, be blinded by shock charges (even with tac mask, the visual effect still works), and aim for a headglitcher who also can kill you in one hit, and afterwards will spike his room with more shock charges.
My main frustration is that there is no effective way to deal with this, barring a group effort of some kind.
I'm level 48 2nd prestige and I think I have gone through the center of Raid about 3-4 times and Grind 2 times. I'll be honest, I will probably lose to someone in a head on battle (unless I have a shotgun) so I pretty much have to flank. My whole strategy is basically going back and forth between A and C flags along the back of the map and capturing them. You catch everybody by surprise and unless they are GODS at CoD you WILL beat them. I use a KSG-12 or PK(silenced) and it works great.
either drop shot and aim at their feet if they are running. If they crouch, climb out of a window and get them to follow you, get them in their climbing animation or jump around the side of them. hope it helps :D
I agree with you guys...people seem to mix up "camping" with "posting up" or "playing defensively." There is a huge difference. I hate it when people sit in a corner of a room waiting for someone to walk through. That may get you a few kills, but how is it fun? It's fun and smart to say post up across from the B flag on Slums. High risk of being killed, but you can see most of the middle of the map. There's no rule that you have to be sprinting at a guy before you shoot him to be fair.
Oh yes of course; when I said camping I wasn't referring to that kind of thing; but rather for example the kind of people who sit in one spot the entire match using their target finders + LMG / R870 shotguns and just killing anyone who walks by (and before anyone else confuses this with sniping, sniping is different from camping as any good sniper will leave his nest after 2 or 3 kills and move somewhere else to avoid being revenge killed)
on the contrary strategic positioning is a good tactic.
When i want to "tryhard" and get all my scorestreaks, or the higher ones like swarm, dogs, vtol, warthog, i ever play this way. But when im just chilling, talking with friends, and actually having fun i just rush and really, if u rush alot u'll feel really good when u challenge 3 or 4 players at the same time and win.
very true dude. Very true. I honestly think that I know how to flank but then when I actually start playing I get tunnel vision and go straight for the center of the map.
This was one of your better in depth videos Drift0r
Great video Drift0r, you should make more strategy vids now that you have covered all the weapons and perks. Keep up the great work.
On xbox, I deleted my map packs. I originally did this for the smaller map selection. I discovered that people who don't buy the map packs are more my level. Far less prestige masters too. I am more competitive in the games and sometimes I get to dominate too. Having alot of fun, though I do miss some of the new maps.
One of your best videos in a while
That's actually a tactic called "bumping", where you start a flag cap to either bring enemies to you, or take them away from somewhere else, say if they were pushing hard on another objective.
I've been forced to acquire this strategy by going knife only. It's a great change of pace and lots of fun. Keeps things fresh on a game that encourages to shoot anything that moves.
From what I've read the player perspective is only 65 degrees. Why does this matter? If you are perpendicular from them they cannot see you (unlike regular human vision that goes up to 270 degrees). Since player sight radius is so limited it's not as hard as what people think to go undetected around those sight cones.
When you take the "slayer" role and you are loosely playing the obj (when its convienient) you might lose a game or two, especially if you are not playing with a party. I tend to be the "slayer" but I only do it when I know my team can handle the obj, if they need help they tell me and im there to assist.
The only problem with that is when you get spawned on. They see the red dot near by and come catch you in the act of trying to trip up the other team. Personally prefer to use a silencer when I'm rushing. But that is all preference. It does leave a skull too. so that works similarly to the red dot on the map
I did some flanking today and got my first ever quad feed with my pdw-57 :)
Go like halfway up the map on the right side. Grab a kill or too and rush into the house if possible
Finally! Someone who understands the greatness of flanking!
This is so right, I was flanking with the MP7 on hijacked and got a nice game, but the next game I didn't flank it wasn't so bright!
You can look it up on Elite. If you do look it up please tell me I'd like to know too.
I've always been a metagamer like this. It's sooo satisfying to get people with stealth.
hey driftor i would enjoy a video of in depth where you explain the mechanics of the stealth chopper and if its placement on the map matter
Headglitching has been in every CoD game. Shock charges are basically useless because everyone runs Tac Mask. Betties and claymores have been in every CoD game (well, betties only in some, but betties suck against anyone who knows what they're doing). Target finder isn't exclusively camper-friendly, it's also useful for basically everything else. Guardians are useless against any team that has even one person with an EMP kit.
Other anti-camper items added: MMS, stock, AGR, EMP, sensor nade.
Greed 1 & 2. Light weight, ghost, scavenger, fast hands, extreme conditioning, c4, shock charge, assault shield and the Mighty combat knife. Flank and shank :)
It would be really cool if you made some more "IIWR" or showing off videos. Those are some of my favorite, besides the paranormal stories that you tell. Keep up the awesomeness Drift0r! :)
Lemon lime Gfuel is my fav too :D
A tub lasts SOOO long too, I totally recommend it too!
Hey Driftor could you please do an in depth on the fact that extended mag takes longer to reload than the stock weapon
Can you do a video on how to spawn trap effectively? Every time I try the spawns switch immediately before I get any good streaks going on
M1216 is very powerful. It's just just behind R870 in power if you know how to play with shotguns. Hell, I did well with this weapon on CARRIER
Another Great In-Depth....Great Job Drift0r.
I like to go in and get just about to my orbital vsat and then flank to get the rest of the way after that my K-9 unit and swarm usually follow closely behind
The M1216 is great with long barrel and laser. Fun as hell
When I flank it's usually to open up the area of the objective for my team. It's a lot easier than just runnin up.
All the gameplays I got are on tdm or kc. Most kills I got I either shoot them from behind while they try to headglitch or catch them running like idiots in full sprint. This also applies for all my friend's gameplays as well. The spawns are easy to learn and predictable even in tdm. You just can't go blitzing in there balls deep right in the middle of their spawn and hope to live very long.
You are looking at it the right way. The way I look at it is: you flank the enemies head glitching the B flag then you and your enemies can finally take capture while they are running from their first spawn.
You should definitely make a series of flank routes on all the maps or at least the default maps so people can learn HOW to flank because some people don't know how to
If you hit caps lock and type an apostrophe, then it will show up as an apostrophe. If you hold shift and type type the apostrophe key, it will be a quotation mark.
Mate, I'm with you all the way. Wherever I go, that's where people aren't.
Luck is a massive factor. At least that's what I keep teling myself..
This tactic is called Ghsting and yes i left out the o on purpose. this is not to be confused with ghosting in bo1. ive been doing it since mw2 with cold blooded.and there is a old machinima video on how to do this as proof as how old this stradigy is
At the end what you said about Search and Destroy.. I beg the differ honestly. People I play with on that have the tendency to hole up, thus, I find rushing them straight up the middle, heavily unexpected. Everyone seems to expect flanking in that mode, so charge straight up the middle! ;D haha
Hey drift0r i was wondering if you could do an in depth on the eotech sight. Also if you didn't know, because some of my friends get confused, the holographic from mw2 and mw3 and stuff are the same thing as the eotech because eotech is a military optics sight company that is the main company that makes holographic sights.
This is the tactic I like to use, but it seems that sometimes my SPM will go down because I am not constantly getting kills like you would on the frontline.
What if they DO see through the attempted flank? What if they waited and cooked a grenade so that it would blow up near you, weakening you, and over-all decrease you chances of survival? Or had a tomahawk or ballistic knife ready for you once they were done clearing out the fodder and knew that you were not dead? While flanking is a good tactic, it's very ineffective if the opponent is not distracted, weakened, or caught off guard. You NEED the element of surprise or a distraction for flanking to work. Without that, you will actually be at a disadvantage because in your head you're thinking "This guy has no idea how badly he is about to die" and you are ready for him to not notice you. Then he gets the preemptive strike and because odds are you're standing still so you are either dead (very very likely) or have 5 hp or less and will die if the enemy so much as FARTS in your general direction (unless you had a shotgun and didn't miss, then you have somewhere between 70% and 20% hp remaining... maybe). To put it in short, flanking won't work on people who learn from their mistakes or have ridiculous reaction times if they aren't already distracted.
True. But you can also use other methods along flanking. You can flank and have your allies surround the enemy. You can flank with long distance support(snipers) or you can just use equipment like sensor grenades, mms, or target finder
It doesn't help you live if they are not caught off guard or are already expecting any sort of allies being there and have prepared accordingly. When the element of surprise is lost, an ambush almost always backfires because you are counting on the enemy not being aware of you, decreasing their reaction time. When It doesn't work, it's the other way around. It's something that can really screw you over if you aren't prepared for a proper firefight.
SonicSlash51 In any way, u will have the player surrounded by enemies from the front and the back, even if he's expecting it. And u have to think that players who will be ready expecting someone to flanc them are a really small minority, even cause they usually wont die many times like this as not many people do it.
I do this all the time. I hate when someone stands beside me shoots without a silencer. Especially when I was about to go that way. Or when someone follows me without ghost and the other team calls in a UAV.
Wow, this is exactly what I do. Its also good to flank jf youre trying to get weapons gold, especially secondaries or knives.
When I was studying Tanjun Ryu Ninjutsu (described as the "Dirty Harry" of martial arts) my instructor told us that there are two types of people in a fight; those that fight dirty, and those that go to the hospital.
1. You were no where to close to nuclear (I have 20 Relentlesses, but only 4 nuclears)
2. You don't need a silencer
3. You definitely don't need lightweight.
4. Drift0r, have you even got a Nuclear?
it's not as easy as you make out.
Hey driftor. I saw your episode on engineer and black hat. I wanted to suggest an episode on engineer and emp grenade. I find the emp much more usefull and would like to see your take on it. Thanks
I challenge the enemies to gunfights and I use tactics like dropshotting, jumpshotting, dodging bullets, etc to ensure success. I flank sometimes when I feel lazy :D
I play this set up or something similar & work all the time my K/D went up a lot. GG by the way to drifter.
I always do this and also another thing is you always need to adjust to the situation change up your classes don't have all rushing classes. I used to just rush into peoples faces but now I am more conservative so my K:D used to be a 1.05 now its a 1.30 :)
i do the same, and i also do it when defending, i stand behind someone so if some crazy bastard with a knife comes charging up a stair case he may be able to kill my teammate but is unlikely to kill me too
Windows count as entrances, but when do you not think to yourself to lob a grenade there? Or lob a grenade in any aforementioned camping spots? Oh, and the control room in Carrier is impractical as it's a really small room.
well use there tactics or advance there tactics to get a better side of winning and it is not about KD ratios, it is about the playstyle you have
This is going to help me so much, thank you Drift0r!
One thing on the '100% guaranteed kill from behind' - Not true at all on the PC. People can whip around extremely quick and fight back.
4:58 I always think I can jump up that and, never having tested it in private match, I've never been sure if there is a particular spot you can do it from.
I do play like this but what I hate is when I sneak up behind the other team with ghost and my teammate will then spawn next to me without ghost and they all see his dot turn around and there I am trying to sneak.