Taking the steps to achieve legacy status
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- In this reading we are advised to reevaluate how we manifested a connection in love. How we have called in new love and if those requests align with the healing process we are in in our now moment. Upgrading and revamping those previous requests is in order as we were still in our wounding when we made those wishes.
Allowing ourselves to live in the present moment speeds up the process of length of time for these wishes to come into reality but if your manifestations are failing to arrive in a timely fashion, a review is a quick and easy way of seeing if you still are asking for the same things, or if they were ever for your highest good at all.
Being able to identify where we are repeating patterns or selling ourselves short is a key to spiritual development. This key allows us to grow past the limitations that have housed us up until this awareness comes in.
Being patient and caring for our own process of progress helps us move forward from outdated mindset or belief patterns we adopted as our own through proximity. Putting down these patterns brings us closer to knowing the true frequency of our soul. Stripping away others interference is a very necessary parts of the process to become spiritually enlightened. This way you are a Sovereign Soul standing in your own true power and essence. Influenced by your own guiding light and trusting in your own wisdom & intuition. This is when you become unstoppable!! The power is yours to behold.
I know for me this has been a long drawn out process. For me coming into my own power has been a process of uncovering the oppression my soul has been placed under by one individual that has fun playing games with my life. Magic, domination, trickery, dark energies, swapping story lines, hypnosis, I’ll intentions and creating out comes in my reality are just some of the issues I have faced. This is a person that is too proud to admit they did my dirty from the very start (7years old) and control and manipulation are his only antics on how to move through life. Acting immaturely and from a broken place trying to have me carry the weight of the world just so I don’t get wind of my actual power???
I know who I am and it’s not up for debate, who I choose to love is up to me and I release myself from the bondage another has entwined with. The lower energies can not hold me down any longer for I have stepped into my worth, my truth and my light and an outside person will now get to see my frequency in action in it’s true light. How it attracts those who are ready for my healing, my wisdom, my guidance and my love.
Love is my truth and I claim this truth as my soul purpose. I spend this Love to all that are in need of the unconditional love that is our birthright as a human soul.
I have stood under the weight of the collective shadow and all I can do is change that energy my family line was perpetuating. I can not heal the traumas another person has ‘stored’ in me so I’ll never heal fully?? WTAF I mean WTAF are people thinking in their projected wounding.
My soul has been witnessed be me and I have made amends with those unsavoury energies my family carried. I thank everyone involved for all my lessons and I integrate my findings to move into my legacy, that self proclaimed happily ever after.
I except the role GOD gave me to light the way for others to see their own potential. From addict to survivor, from mental and emotional weakness to highly developed intuitive psychic. From maiden to crone while still allowing the nurturing of my mother energy. I am so proud in a good way of all my achievements. They have made me who I am today and for that I am grateful. I now step away from other creating foolishness for me to alchemize. You can create your own Karmic debt by fucking around and finding out I am a protected being of pure light. I am favoured and I know know that is where this envy and domination stems from. I hold a light you has squandered away, by connecting yourself to your lower nature instead of having faith in your higher powers. Poor you. I free you of everything and in turn I free myself as well.
❤️april p
#tarot #awakening #beginner #universe #oracle #tarotreader #tarotreading #lifereviewed #reevaluation #elevation #legacy #happilyeverafter #journeyofthesoul #sovereignty