Thankyou Eckhart, I am a 74 year old lady watching you threw the worm hole in the camera, I gave you a wave, and want you to know you have made such a huge impact into my life over the last 15 years, I almost ate your first book on The power of now, it has helped me so much, Thankyou !!! Xx Ronda
It’s amazing, isn’t it, Brian? The same for me. I’ve been following beloved Eckhart’s teachings for a year now and I’m 55. I’ve been through so much pain and suffering in my life starting with as far as I can remember from early childhood (like most of us). I turned to alcohol like the rest of my family but thank goodness was able to stop drinking. I’ve seen dozens of doctors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, therapists, psychologists, counselors, been on medications, etc. Tried self-help groups, books, and so on. Tried using education but that never went too far. Used material things to make me feel better and always relied on my physical form for my egoic identity and to get what I wanted. And the list goes on. Nothing ever cured my pain. It all just made it worse. I, like you, have learned more about how to live in the first few videos I watched by Eckhart last year than I have in a lifetime. Then I started reading his books. Incredible! I only wish I discovered his teachings sooner. But that is “what is.” Right? Thank you for your comment. Good luck on your journey. Namaste 🙏.
I love reading everyone's comments - knowing we are connected on this path. I am so grateful for being alive at the same time as Eckhart. What a blessing! ♥️♥️♥️
Yes it really is comforting to know that people are willing to go this deep and recognize something profound is beyond everyday survival. Most of my friends think I am over the top so I have to go online for the camaraderie of this family.
@BarbaraL Lowell: you are not alone with your friends not understanding you. It’s the same with my friends. Expecting everyone to experience enlightenment just as you have, is like expecting a new born to read and write. They will be ready someday; when the student is ready, the teacher will show up
I awakened back in September after going through a breakup which led to a divorce. I have never been more alive! Knowing what I know now is simply amazing!
are you that kind? not so sure i am! not so sure just what yer implyin', actually, sir!! but that's o-kay-too~! haha.. yes, what is it aboat that guy--he doesn't appear to play games, see i find that fascinating!
TheJooberJones There is an uprising of spiritual content on the internet like ‘Mindvalley’ and ‘Gaia’. People are realising more and more that their possessions and grand aspirations - imposed by a consumerist and materialistic society - are largely superfluous. We are stepping out of the ring. No more games.
So agree with you. He talks a lot of sense and reminds me to deep breathe and take it easy. Was so irritable at the start of this video but calming down now. Thanks Mr. Tolle.
Agreed!!! I’ve learned that I need to be more consistent with meditation (it helps so much) and listen to Tolle regularly as well. He helps me soooo much!
Probably the most enlightening thing to be aware of and the most hardest thing to be live with knowing . I am not my mind which means everything you think now you'll question..oh the days when this didn't matter was so simple
Very wise however when you are in a intimate rs and you have to deal with a partner which is very mind identified its becomes a bit tricky. Because in such rs you cant just say oh no reply i dont care. It quite toxic for a healthy rs if one partner is more or less ego free and the other is constantly fueling and feeding their ego because the partner said or asked sth that is not in line with my mind constructed dream world. Listen, observe and not react is possible BUT bc you want to be deeply connected this will hurt more and more. Sure in a regular goodfriend rs this will not usually happen bc its a complete different constellation. A future wife or husband has more obligations and i emphasize healthy one here then just your next door neighbor or play buddy in a club. Thank you Eckhart this video was again very eye opening and i can only recommend to people. If things are not changing get a new partner because spending years in such cycles nobody wants that. Even if you love that person it will not work out and you be truly happy. Youll be just there to feed their ego if they dont change.
This man helped me through the darkest days and through his teachings I completely got rid of my anxiety and panic disorder. It is difficult to find someone today who will not mislead you and tempt you to use more useless compensations ect. IF something should be advertised, then for this man and his incredibly deep insight into our world and in us humans and living beings. This is something that should be promoted and that is worth carrying on. May God hold his hands above you, Master Eckhart.
Me too - I had been waking up every day feeling terror, and had to meditate like heck to get it down to a bearable level. Now I am calm almost every day.
@@ShazzeoftheNorth how fortunate, I get it during the night I wake up in a panic for no current or obvious reasons and then start with all the things I worry about. I have to listen to David Hoffmeister Course in Miracles tapes and Eckhart to get calm enough to go back to sleep. Thank God for the many helpers seen and unseen.
@@ooohlaa13 If you want to I really recommend you give Vacate Fear on youtube a try! Pop in when he streams live (which is several days a week) and you can ask questions in the live chat about anxiety/worry/etc. He teaches acceptance and it has really helped me so much because I used to worry so so much and I'm already making progress feeling much better after just a few months of practicing acceptance. That channel really helps me keep up the practice
@@chrisc1257 You only feel his statement is "nonsense" because you don't feel good about who you are, just like the vast majority of us who grew up unconsciously believing our self-esteem is based on receiving EXTERNAL validation from our parents, our job titles, our material possessions, etc. Becoming consciously aware that our only problem is our conditioned self image is vital to accepting "the good, the bad and the ugly" with grace and without judgment. If I learn to love who I am because I'm defined by love at birth, I'm automatically empowered to extend my self love outward, regardless of how others behave and how trying my circumstances are. In other words, feeling good about life in general emanates from knowing who I am from the inside out instead of thinking it's possible to find lasting happiness through worldly events conforming to my egocentric expectations that are ingrained in me from the past. (Vainly seeking fulfillment from the outside in)
@@chrisc1257 stop making non-sense! make it sense! y'gotta think of aesthetics, i once heard someone say to someone , but i took it as a personal insult at the time, woe was me! haha!
@Valiant Rodrigues: Lovely quote. "Trying" always has in it an element of needing or hoping to please someone else, so it's really about controlling someone else. When you can acknowledge or access the goodness that's in you organically, without needing to receive validation for it or feedback about it, it becomes much more powerful. It's a calmer place to be. You just do what you know is right because you know/feel it's right, so there's less fuss, less stress, fewer expectations, less work. Trying is work. Being is effortless.
@@cindysholtis3406 So well articulated ... we are not defined as good because of our "stuff", our accomplishments or anything we do. They arise organically out of our souls when we go there first ... we get informed guidance , and we don't have to figure it out.
@@rumigirl wow I just made the same comment to Cindy above, in my own words. Very well stated rumigirl. What a relief to have others arriving at the same point in their own way, despite all the misery and woeful dead ends and at times hideous circumstances. Thank you.
i am 15 year old probably one of his youngest followerers. i have read his every book and i love listening to him, his words calm my mind. Cant thank him enough for what he helped me to find which was deep down burried under my own thoughts.🙏❤
An important talk, slightly touching the same issues as the books of Carlos Castanyeda called Tales of power, Journey to ixtlan, those specifically. But also touching the ancient form of buddhism. It also has aspects similar to some of the late renaissance and some time onwards type of thinkers. The idea of "who we really are" is however postmodern confusion as well as new age talk. It is something that is ironically typical for the human-specific ego. It wants reality to be something "else" than whatever we ideally like to think of as too primitive or too unreflected on. Well, all human beings are always *only* who we really are. Simply because we have no other version to compare to, there is no twin dimensional us to be found... That how we perceive with and physically interact with the world is clearly human-specific, to some degree gender-, culture-, personality ,situation based, etc, well that is quite clear. :) An even bigger perspective will put the functions and shortcomings of the human ego in a evolutionary perspective relative to natural selection, and that can also be done with altruism regarding pack animal instincts. Tolle's explanation of karma is interesting and less superstitious than the divertion revolving around spirits and past lives and so on.
The real challenge of the human being is to "hone", or build the improvement of the "spirit", our awareness and life-energy so to speak, in order to either withstand the risks of (or endure through) *any* form of ambitious goal or opportunity, be it mundane or more spiritualistic, or /and to just be able to navigate through everyday life meaninglessness and pressures smartly adaptive, or/and be able to avoid being stressed about reality (if not being very ambitious or idealistic or adaptive). The ego has a similarity to the american society; it is based on extremes that might have really bad consequences in a civilized community, but strong benefits in many ways for everything to the urge to develop knowledge, rights/freedoms and new infrastructure (which is both a survival instinct and a challenger to the alphamale in packs-type of effect or natural drive). It is also the tool or the saviour once we are in immediate danger, or if we are at a state of action-limiting bliss in everyday life. All impressions and secondary instincts like panic, fear, determination, creativity, escape from reality, focused learning, strong emotional outbursts, categorism, defence tactics, murder motives, the desire for attention, the desire to conform to a pack, desires to teach others, anxiety, the desire to win, etc etc... all this moves by and via the human ego. The absence of the ego is impossible and would be dysfunctional and stagnative. Then again there is no universal law that demands that humans must avoid to enter into stagnation. But it is the ego that drives us into wanting to avoid stagnation. Any form of self-development guruism is in this case of course also something that appeals to, and is based on, the human ego. Although egoism or egotisticalness is something different, more a kind of flaw or narrowness of mind.
(The end station that connects all beings = Death. That is the most irritating or disturbing fact for the human ego, something it often hates to consider, and one of the reasons behind why some believe in afterlifes apart from the body. One of the most uneasy things we go to are funerals. Under the constantly preying eyes of death - we are all mortals who seldomly ,if at all, are able to choose when we die - we are all in the same boat. To fear death is the standard of the ego, yet to fear death is at the same time pointless. Be it bacterias, hungry wolves, anxious neurotics, reflected intellectuals ,meditating gurus, ambitious scientists, successful businessmen, idealistic altruists, atheists and religious alike, plants, animals and humans etc... Although sounding melodramatic yet not meant melodramatic, the best possible advise we can follow, is the challenge of Death. If we feel down, nervous, believing that the world is ending, insecure, in panic, or any emotional state that is undesired from buddhist-oriented or/and rational philosophy, there is one simple question in the back of the mind that can be returned to : Has death touched us yet? If not, then we have nothing to worry about there and then. It may not help or be any guide to everyone, but to some I think it will be a helping tool. We can actively be critical and ambitious on things in our and others'life ,yet at the same time know that we "really" have nothing to complain about- we are still alive)
CRIIINNNGGE 😳😂 I have been living in my ego yelling at someone else that their EGO was too big 🤣Oh lord above.. I have a feeling I'm going to be coming back to this several times.. A week 😁
This is so incredibly relevant right now. I am constantly in a reactive state from my egoic mind. Boy is it ever difficult to break free of it. Awareness is something I've grasped, but its acting from a conscious state when the ego is holding onto it's identity that is most difficult.
I am with you on this. Today was a bad day because of my ego. I have developed a plan to change my frustration due to my ego. Recognize it’s my ego, deep breathing, assessing the situation, asking for help, mindfulness of my behavior, repeating a mantra, meditation.
Don't make it a problem. Let it unfold on its own time. The conditioning has a tremendous momentum. Be patient, and gentle, coz irritation and wanting to get 'there' is more ego. Been stuck there too. Realise its a mind pattern.
Whenever I feel a reaction building up, I slowly take a deep breath and feel the space it creates in my body. That gives me time to question the reason why I want to react, and work out how better to respond. Reaction cannot change 'what is'. The correct response can diffuse the situation and restore peace.
Isn’t that the funniest thing? People with these extreme egos (usually) love the attention, but just simply saying “you have a pretty big ego” they get super upset???
The recent “Ego Attacks” I have gone through have been intense 😂 Being aware that I am not my mind has helped so much recently. Thank you, Eckhart. ☀️🌟
My question is what if the other person's intentions are actually unfriendly. What if he even though subconsciously, is judging you , has biases towards you . Here Eckhart Tolle talks about a personality that isn't hostile but because of your inner pain body that awakens in you, you feel they are against and targeted you personally.
@@kushagrasonkar i'm pretty sure it's all about me! and you surely would, too, bucko~ but i only mean that in a light-hearted, harmonious manner, honest!!
How inspiring is it to see egoic people as teachers! I never thought I would write this. This video is what I would call a transforming one.Thank you Eckhart Tolle. Again and again.
So how do you deal with these Ego jis? If you bark back thats creating negative karma. If you are nice, they take advantage. Ignoring can also have its own repercussions, but mostly ignore I would think.
I've actually tried that..saying "listen we have to work together. I understand your my brain, your thoughts, emotions but some of these things aren't good for the body and we both need it to survive" it just does what it wants. Emotion is completely illogical..😅
I genuinely love Eckhart. I wish i can sit with him one day. Just to enjoy some silence as a way to pay him back for his amazing help throughout the years.
Why did I not find you years and years ago. LOL I am getting so much calmness from you. I want my time back .. to find you when the suffering started and cut it short. Yeah I know I get it. But you bring so much calmness now I want to undo my suffering. I brought up 2 children during the suffering. What a better mother I would have been if I had embraced this then. Yes this is Ego. I am embracing you Now. I am living in the now. I am being the observer.
As a Mom of two adult children I understand completely... If only my level of consciousness had been different then so much could have been different, and the suffering I unconsciously created for myself and my kids could have been lessened.
It’s all for an expansions and growing life lesson. The children chose to go through things, just as you did. No shame, blame, or regret. You now, NOW are who and what due to your life’s experiences and knowing up to then. When we know better, we do better; and it’s ALL Divine Timing, which is illusionary. 😉🙏🏽💜🙏🏽
I find when I am having a difficult time (Ego has taken over), I try to get out of the weeds and look at things from the 20,000 foot perspective. For me, this is remembering that Earth is a school, with lessons and exams. We are all sort of actors in a play. Doing this has helped me get out of my ego, although it is an ongoing thing, it's been super helpful to me.
@@shreychaks Searching for the lesson and growing from it are key. If we focus on the perceived problem (I say perceived, because our experiences on Earth are all an illusion), we will keep attracting that same energy/patterns. Using your energy instead, to heal and grow causes forward, positive momentum. Thoughts become things, whether we are aware of it or not. Why not work it to our benefit! 💛
@@stars_for_night_lights beautiful understanding. I agree. I think healing and moving forward is the only way out anyway if we ever want to break the shackles that so badly holds us back to the point of suffocating us. Its all ego at play. You are right about everything being an illusion on this planet. Really makes sense. 💜
@@shreychaks I used to get triggered so bad by a family member. Once I realized we all wanted to come here and wanted specific lessons, she no longer triggered me. When she would go off on a tangent, I'd remind myself that we are in sort of a play or game that I agreed to. The very first time I did this, instead of being triggered, I laughed. It was as if I could see her ego crystal clear, acting, and knew not to take it seriously. Putting our energy toward finding the lesson and growing from it, instead of focusing it on the problem is the solution. That's how we pass that exam. If we focus on the problem, we will get more of it, by means of the Law of Attraction. Of course, everyone has free will, and some people won't change. I think when the energies no longer align, it's time to walk away. Just my thoughts. 🤗
I am 25 at the time of coming across his teachings... I know people come to their awakening at different times in their life, but I am so profoundly grateful to have found him at this point in my life so I can look to the future not with sadness, but with excitement and readiness for all the challenges AND wonderful learning experiences that are to come 🥰 You are all beautiful, spiritual beings
@@jazzcabbage6759 of course! i mean 'you're right about that'! haha! thank you for reminding me that, seriously! and the 'real dude was obviously', y'know, ram dass! but the people followin' under his 'maaniker', well, i'm not sure yet, that's all!
Life happens for you and not you, this is one of many Eckart Tolle quotes that stuck with me. And those persons that made us suffer, others that challenge us constantly(family, coworkers, colleagues, etc... ) are our biggest teachers. ❤️
You are right. All the people I met in my life who make me suffer has enabled me to become what I am today. They have enabled me to be aware, to do my spiritual awakening otherwise I would remain ignorant. I could say that I spiritually scored over the years. Anyway even though I experienced tough things, I would not change anything if I had to relive exactly the same things. That's what enlightenment is. When you become wise enough to have no more grievances living within you
Bless him more to unite humanity to awaken to lovingly share the resources of our precious Earth & protect all therein before it becomes dangerously close to the destructive precipice.
2020 will be huge for anyone who is willing to stop thinking and doing things the old way while hoping for different results. We must take responsibility for our own lives. A lot of institutions and systems will crumble as more people finally realize these were never created for the greater good, but to control the masses and benefit a very small group of people and their dark agenda. The world is shifting from egoism to altruism 🙏
Yes, karma "inherited patterns" that show up as strong tendencies and compulsions. I appreciate how Eckhart explains these concepts with simplicity and clarity. 🙏🏻
now just what's *that*, supposed to mean, haha, no i don't think i see what ya mean but *that's okay*~! you're okay, by gosh, hey, and so am i! i don't know what made me say that, there may be patterns here to see, here's hopin' that ''...the point, will soon be clear to me..'', haha
@@grishmachetan4094 that makes me think of the shoud i heard once, called 'farewell to shiva', which right now, i couldn't tell ya just what it was tryin' to say, i may duly use a bit of a 'review'!
@@grishmachetan4094 yes, inherited patterns are technically referred to as samskaras in the yogic system. They are a result of past karmic action, so just a nuance of language in its attempt to convey information. What I like about Eckhart's teaching style is that he creates new language (i.e. pain body) to refer to the same basic limitation of the mind. Unconscious behaviour from past actions (ignorance) that repeat themselves unless greater awareness is gained through present moment conscious awareness. 🙏🏻 😁
Grishma Chetan That may be the Brahmic/Vedic definition. Karma is resolved through action. Karma is where we last left the energy. It is the ‘inherited’ .... we don’t really inherit it .... we ‘pick it up’ when we put on a Human Body. Karma is ‘lesson,’ but it’s really about Energy Balance, and is the basis of the ‘test’ (of energy .... not human souls) on Earth.
I dream that Mr Tolle says more than 1 word every 3 seconds. I dream that people catch onto to his cheap parlor tricks. I dream that he gets a real job and quits duping naive and gullible people. Oh yes, indeed. May all my dreams come true.
“There only vicious because of their past.” Hit me hard. Thank God for The Piece of Himself that is Eckhart 🙏🏼 Me being vicious towards those that are vicious towards others doesn’t solve the problem at all.
Though it was difficult to go through, lockdown was deeply the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The mental and energetic pressure forced me to dive deep in the unknown and swim through fear and all of my limitations, which aren’t even real to begin with. Now I feel in-tune, connected, relieved and blessed.
I appreciate Eckhart "reaching out" through the camera and acknowledging the viewers that would be experiencing this talk as a video rather than live 😌 Also, I absolutely love and adore his caricaturizations of the mind's egoic behavior and how manic it can be 🤣 It's so true - once you begin to realize it, it truly becomes humorous. Once you begin laughing more and more at yourself and those ways, that's how you know you are well on your way
Also, I truly believe / feel that the pauses that he takes between his statements / whatever it is that he's saying are "deliberate", in a fashion, as so to allow us to experience that space between thought. We may either be waiting for the next thing he says, or just hanging out with him when he does so - either way, it's immensely beneficial if you stick through
This video was such perfect timing in my life today. I am so utterly thankful for your teaching Eckhart and the humor that you see in the reactions of the ego and it's creations is so wonderful. I am always laughing along with you. Thank you!🙏🌹💜
I listen to his videos every day when I'm doing things around the house, and when I'm driving, I listen to my audiobook for A New Earth. Life changing teachings.
I love the way Eckhart says "this is not who you really are." I'm always trying to find myself through my mind/ego and it always leads me back to the same old dead end - suffering. It's not easy to turn away from my mind-made sense of identity - my story - especially because the emotions attached to my story make it seem so very "real." Phew! What a journey! Let's do this thing! Now! (-:
Exactly! Sometimes i feel like pain and suffering is only real thing in the world. And other things are just illusion. I can't overcome this now. No matter how hard i'm trying. Why other people manage to overcome this?
@@janbalaban5268 I know. I've always believed there would be an end to suffering. But for most of my life suffering seems to have swallowed me up. Often, it seemed impossible to go on. But there is an end to suffering. Trying with our minds - within the limited perceptions of ourselves as seen by the ego - doesn't work - it's a dead-end. To remain present with whatever arises and to observe without judgment and with deep, deep compassion begins to loosen the grip of suffering - creating space - an opening - for a new experience of self and of life. I've been listening to ET's Touching the Eternal - a retreat he held in India a few years back. It's wonder-full!
Thank you for invariably bringing the subtle knife of spirit through to cut away the egoic veil - always accompanied by gentle humor and cosmic chuckles. ✨🙏✨🤗✨💞✨
You help me so much. Make the more complex issues sound so simple. And they are, right? Step by step to learn how to observe the egoic entity. I have many. And when I started this observing process I discovered what is probably the most obvious thing: not everything is about ME
I am 29 years old.. it’s such a privilege to have tolle teachings available for us .. i am trying to apply his teachings since last 2 years. I changed a lot . Most of the time i am peaceful.. learning to deal with other people pain bodies thanks 🙏🏻
I keep coming back to you,to clear up cobwebs.Ofcourse I do listen to many others but feel your talk sends me to introspectively view what is inside of me,of my make-up.This is helpful.
Now I understand what happened to me when I was younger and very unhappy. One day mediating I had a flash of light in my whole body which let me in a state of bliss and peace for two and a half hours. The love I felt was so powerful that I wanted to stay there and not go back. Through your book Mr Eckhart I now know it was a sign post. Unfortunately, I didn't stay there but I had a glimpse of what he is talking about. Thank you so much for your book.❤
The very truth, and Eckhart is the bigger demostration, is that we are in the awakening¡¡ Eckhart IS the guide who shows us how to recognize that we all have the kingdom of heaven inside US.
"There's nothing that the ego likes less than to hear about itself" Might I suggest 'Nothing less the ego likes than the TRUTH about itself.' Thank you Eckhart. I love you.
As someone who has undergone a spiritual awakening two years ago and still travelling the spiritual path just looking at Eckhart, beyond his eyes and into his soul just confirms everything I know - God Bless you Eckhart, Namaste.
One has to be aware and honest with ones self in order to handle this man.. I’m glad he’s here 😎 he knows that everything has a place in the scheme of life... Ego included. 🙏🏽
I like his calmness. I also like how he describes the ego as an entity, because that's how it feels. Take the ego out of most life situations and there will be no problems.
Thankyou Eckhart, I am a 74 year old lady watching you threw the worm hole in the camera, I gave you a wave, and want you to know you have made such a huge impact into my life over the last 15 years, I almost ate your first book on The power of now, it has helped me so much, Thankyou !!! Xx Ronda
Ditto, I am also a 74 year old woman with similar story and gratitude ...
Eckhart is 72, thats pretty cool!
Duct tape. ♡
Dear Rhonda, I am 72 and have had a similar experience, I started 27 yes ago, still learning and loving his teachings. God bless❤️
I love that you found your energy back and enjoy ❤️ it has nothing to do with him but all with you ❤️
It's an astonishing turn of events, to learn more about life in one hour, than in my previous 52 years.
It’s amazing, isn’t it, Brian? The same for me. I’ve been following beloved Eckhart’s teachings for a year now and I’m 55. I’ve been through so much pain and suffering in my life starting with as far as I can remember from early childhood (like most of us). I turned to alcohol like the rest of my family but thank goodness was able to stop drinking. I’ve seen dozens of doctors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, therapists, psychologists, counselors, been on medications, etc. Tried self-help groups, books, and so on. Tried using education but that never went too far. Used material things to make me feel better and always relied on my physical form for my egoic identity and to get what I wanted. And the list goes on. Nothing ever cured my pain. It all just made it worse. I, like you, have learned more about how to live in the first few videos I watched by Eckhart last year than I have in a lifetime. Then I started reading his books. Incredible! I only wish I discovered his teachings sooner. But that is “what is.” Right? Thank you for your comment. Good luck on your journey. Namaste 🙏.
I love reading everyone's comments - knowing we are connected on this path. I am so grateful for being alive at the same time as Eckhart. What a blessing! ♥️♥️♥️
i feel the same....we get to know ourtruselves
Yes it really is comforting to know that people are willing to go this deep and recognize something profound is beyond everyday survival. Most of my friends think I am over the top so I have to go online for the camaraderie of this family.
@BarbaraL Lowell: you are not alone with your friends not understanding you. It’s the same with my friends. Expecting everyone to experience enlightenment just as you have, is like expecting a new born to read and write. They will be ready someday; when the student is ready, the teacher will show up
@@beae_3547 agree thanx
I awakened back in September after going through a breakup which led to a divorce. I have never been more alive! Knowing what I know now is simply amazing!
The amount of people beginning to enjoy this kind of thing and learn from this is growing exponentially. Exciting to see!
are you that kind? not so sure i am! not so sure just what yer implyin', actually, sir!! but that's o-kay-too~! haha.. yes, what is it aboat
that guy--he doesn't appear to play games, see i find that fascinating!
That is very true but I doubt most of them actually get it. Seems that you have to go through a really dark night to be able to awaken to this point.
Yes, because he explains so clearly , doesn't contradict himself and doesn't crack stupid jokes. There's a certain integrity in him.
What makes you say it is growing exponentially?
TheJooberJones There is an uprising of spiritual content on the internet like ‘Mindvalley’ and ‘Gaia’. People are realising more and more that their possessions and grand aspirations - imposed by a consumerist and materialistic society - are largely superfluous. We are stepping out of the ring. No more games.
I keep falling back into mind identification, but this sweet man always pulls me back to the truth. There are no words to express my thanks
Yes, hi Eckhart, we are all here and listen to you thankfully and full of love ❤️🙋🏼♀️
So agree with you. He talks a lot of sense and reminds me to deep breathe and take it easy. Was so irritable at the start of this video but calming down now. Thanks Mr. Tolle.
Agreed!!! I’ve learned that I need to be more consistent with meditation (it helps so much) and listen to Tolle regularly as well. He helps me soooo much!
His teachings led me to ACIM which left me speechless!
@@bettyasaleh2831 I'm going to look that up 😆
"There's nothing that the ego likes less than to hear about itself" 😆 I love Eckhart's humour mixed with so much wisdom.
I Love when I heard that too 😄💛🤲🏼
He change my life!❤❤❤
Probably the most enlightening thing to be aware of and the most hardest thing to be live with knowing . I am not my mind which means everything you think now you'll question..oh the days when this didn't matter was so simple
Very wise however when you are in a intimate rs and you have to deal with a partner which is very mind identified its becomes a bit tricky. Because in such rs you cant just say oh no reply i dont care. It quite toxic for a healthy rs if one partner is more or less ego free and the other is constantly fueling and feeding their ego because the partner said or asked sth that is not in line with my mind constructed dream world. Listen, observe and not react is possible BUT bc you want to be deeply connected this will hurt more and more. Sure in a regular goodfriend rs this will not usually happen bc its a complete different constellation. A future wife or husband has more obligations and i emphasize healthy one here then just your next door neighbor or play buddy in a club. Thank you Eckhart this video was again very eye opening and i can only recommend to people. If things are not changing get a new partner because spending years in such cycles nobody wants that. Even if you love that person it will not work out and you be truly happy. Youll be just there to feed their ego if they dont change.
This man helped me through the darkest days and through his teachings I completely got rid of my anxiety and panic disorder. It is difficult to find someone today who will not mislead you and tempt you to use more useless compensations ect. IF something should be advertised, then for this man and his incredibly deep insight into our world and in us humans and living beings. This is something that should be promoted and that is worth carrying on. May God hold his hands above you, Master Eckhart.
Me too - I had been waking up every day feeling terror, and had to meditate like heck to get it down to a bearable level. Now I am calm almost every day.
@@ShazzeoftheNorth how fortunate, I get it during the night I wake up in a panic for no current or obvious reasons and then start with all the things I worry about. I have to listen to David Hoffmeister Course in Miracles tapes and Eckhart to get calm enough to go back to sleep. Thank God for the many helpers seen and unseen.
@@ooohlaa13 If you want to I really recommend you give Vacate Fear on youtube a try! Pop in when he streams live (which is several days a week) and you can ask questions in the live chat about anxiety/worry/etc. He teaches acceptance and it has really helped me so much because I used to worry so so much and I'm already making progress feeling much better after just a few months of practicing acceptance. That channel really helps me keep up the practice
Tears, so common when listening Eckhart Tolle's teachings
You'll never be ekhart so don't try it's a nice listen that's all don't beat yourselves up
You can't be good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you ~ Eckhart Tolle
@@chrisc1257 You only feel his statement is "nonsense" because you don't feel good about who you are, just like the vast majority of us who grew up unconsciously believing our self-esteem is based on receiving EXTERNAL validation from our parents, our job titles, our material possessions, etc. Becoming consciously aware that our only problem is our conditioned self image is vital to accepting "the good, the bad and the ugly" with grace and without judgment. If I learn to love who I am because I'm defined by love at birth, I'm automatically empowered to extend my self love outward, regardless of how others behave and how trying my circumstances are. In other words, feeling good about life in general emanates from knowing who I am from the inside out instead of thinking it's possible to find lasting happiness through worldly events conforming to my egocentric expectations that are ingrained in me from the past. (Vainly seeking fulfillment from the outside in)
@@chrisc1257 stop making non-sense! make it sense! y'gotta think of aesthetics, i once heard someone say to someone , but i took it as a personal insult at the time, woe was me! haha!
@Valiant Rodrigues: Lovely quote. "Trying" always has in it an element of needing or hoping to please someone else, so it's really about controlling someone else. When you can acknowledge or access the goodness that's in you organically, without needing to receive validation for it or feedback about it, it becomes much more powerful. It's a calmer place to be. You just do what you know is right because you know/feel it's right, so there's less fuss, less stress, fewer expectations, less work. Trying is work. Being is effortless.
@@cindysholtis3406 So well articulated ... we are not defined as good because of our "stuff", our accomplishments or anything we do. They arise organically out of our souls when we go there first ... we get informed guidance , and we don't have to figure it out.
@@rumigirl wow I just made the same comment to Cindy above, in my own words. Very well stated rumigirl. What a relief to have others arriving at the same point in their own way, despite all the misery and woeful dead ends and at times hideous circumstances. Thank you.
i am 15 year old probably one of his youngest followerers. i have read his every book and i love listening to him, his words calm my mind. Cant thank him enough for what he helped me to find which was deep down burried under my own thoughts.🙏❤
Turns out lockdown is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you Mr Tollë. 🙏🏾
Interesting how so?
@@hm2011100 I wouldn't have discovered Mr Tolle's channel, or atleast sooner.
An important talk, slightly touching the same issues as the books of Carlos Castanyeda called Tales of power, Journey to ixtlan, those specifically. But also touching the ancient form of buddhism. It also has aspects similar to some of the late renaissance and some time onwards type of thinkers. The idea of "who we really are" is however postmodern confusion as well as new age talk. It is something that is ironically typical for the human-specific ego.
It wants reality to be something "else" than whatever we ideally like to think of as too primitive or too unreflected on. Well, all human beings are always *only* who we really are. Simply because we have no other version to compare to, there is no twin dimensional us to be found... That how we perceive with and physically interact with the world is clearly human-specific, to some degree gender-, culture-, personality ,situation based, etc, well that is quite clear. :) An even bigger perspective will put the functions and shortcomings of the human ego in a evolutionary perspective relative to natural selection, and that can also be done with altruism regarding pack animal instincts. Tolle's explanation of karma is interesting and less superstitious than the divertion revolving around spirits and past lives and so on.
The real challenge of the human being is to "hone", or build the improvement of the "spirit", our awareness and life-energy so to speak, in order to either withstand the risks of (or endure through) *any* form of ambitious goal or opportunity, be it mundane or more spiritualistic, or /and to just be able to navigate through everyday life meaninglessness and pressures smartly adaptive, or/and be able to avoid being stressed about reality (if not being very ambitious or idealistic or adaptive). The ego has a similarity to the american society; it is based on extremes that might have really bad consequences in a civilized community, but strong benefits in many ways for everything to the urge to develop knowledge, rights/freedoms and new infrastructure (which is both a survival instinct and a challenger to the alphamale in packs-type of effect or natural drive).
It is also the tool or the saviour once we are in immediate danger, or if we are at a state of action-limiting bliss in everyday life. All impressions and secondary instincts like panic, fear, determination, creativity, escape from reality, focused learning, strong emotional outbursts, categorism, defence tactics, murder motives, the desire for attention, the desire to conform to a pack, desires to teach others, anxiety, the desire to win, etc etc... all this moves by and via the human ego.
The absence of the ego is impossible and would be dysfunctional and stagnative. Then again there is no universal law that demands that humans must avoid to enter into stagnation. But it is the ego that drives us into wanting to avoid stagnation. Any form of self-development guruism is in this case of course also something that appeals to, and is based on, the human ego. Although egoism or egotisticalness is something different, more a kind of flaw or narrowness of mind.
(The end station that connects all beings = Death. That is the most irritating or disturbing fact for the human ego, something it often hates to consider, and one of the reasons behind why some believe in afterlifes apart from the body. One of the most uneasy things we go to are funerals. Under the constantly preying eyes of death - we are all mortals who seldomly ,if at all, are able to choose when we die - we are all in the same boat. To fear death is the standard of the ego, yet to fear death is at the same time pointless. Be it bacterias, hungry wolves, anxious neurotics, reflected intellectuals ,meditating gurus, ambitious scientists, successful businessmen, idealistic altruists, atheists and religious alike, plants, animals and humans etc... Although sounding melodramatic yet not meant melodramatic, the best possible advise we can follow, is the challenge of Death. If we feel down, nervous, believing that the world is ending, insecure, in panic, or any emotional state that is undesired from buddhist-oriented or/and rational philosophy, there is one simple question in the back of the mind that can be returned to : Has death touched us yet? If not, then we have nothing to worry about there and then. It may not help or be any guide to everyone, but to some I think it will be a helping tool. We can actively be critical and ambitious on things in our and others'life ,yet at the same time know that we "really" have nothing to complain about- we are still alive)
I love reading the chat. It would not Surprise me if it's the most ego-free chat on RUclips. It's wonderful!
The most ego free chat
Lol. You having to label it as that, ironically, is all about ego.
@@jarijansma2207 I didn't even see your comment and made the same one. Lol
@@GGHonesty x) spiritual ego is our new enemy!!!! Hahahaha
@@GGHonesty dyou know Matt Kahn? Hes such a sweetheart aswell ;')
"The moment I interpret something, I'm projecting." Powerful!
CRIIINNNGGE 😳😂 I have been living in my ego yelling at someone else that their EGO was too big 🤣Oh lord above.. I have a feeling I'm going to be coming back to this several times.. A week 😁
🤗 you recognise it 🙌 xx
I saw it for the first time yesterday & have already watched it again...twice. :)
Thank you. Same here.
You're already ahead - you have awareness. Self compassion and self patience critical on this journey. Slainte x
Take consolation in the fact everybody has, and does 😁
Here is an ancient wise soul, he was sent here to help us all during the awakening on planet earth 🌎 wake up and smell the roses 🌹
if by 'wise', you mean 'tough', i'd say i wouldn't frack wit' him! no doubt !! RESPECTO!~
Yes ego is necessary at least for a human ego tries- to protect you is good to stand beside you but not to lead you
@Darren White i can still hear the crickets, from years gone by, even when it's a cold winter's night...explain that!
Very true.
Would the roses care to be labelled??? 😁😁👍
I loved Eckhart saying hello to the viewers via the camera. That was so genuine.
i waved back when Eckhart waved and said "hi" to those of us at the other end of the "wormhole" :))) .....felt like he was talking directly to me...
Yes 🙌🏼. Exactly ♥️
yes! that felt so nice ♥
The world would be such a better place if more people read Eckhart Tolle's books and watched his videos
This is so incredibly relevant right now. I am constantly in a reactive state from my egoic mind. Boy is it ever difficult to break free of it. Awareness is something I've grasped, but its acting from a conscious state when the ego is holding onto it's identity that is most difficult.
Try some conscious movement such as tai chi or simple chi gung exercises, without foccusing too much on "doing it righe"
I am with you on this. Today was a bad day because of my ego. I have developed a plan to change my frustration due to my ego. Recognize it’s my ego, deep breathing, assessing the situation, asking for help, mindfulness of my behavior, repeating a mantra, meditation.
Don't make it a problem. Let it unfold on its own time. The conditioning has a tremendous momentum. Be patient, and gentle, coz irritation and wanting to get 'there' is more ego. Been stuck there too. Realise its a mind pattern.
Once awareness starts and you keep along the track it starts growing and growing, just keep it up
Whenever I feel a reaction building up, I slowly take a deep breath and feel the space it creates in my body.
That gives me time to question the reason why I want to react, and work out how better to respond.
Reaction cannot change 'what is'.
The correct response can diffuse the situation and restore peace.
This man can lower the heart beat of every human being in a 33 yards distant
Eckhart confirms life IS simple - it is one thing: unconditional LOVE. ♡
And in my.view that unconditional love starts with oneself. And that's very difficult.
@@advocate1563 funny. I just had this thought 30 minutes ago
I confess, some time ago, I could not listen to Eckhart. Now I feel the enlightening wisdom he exudes refreshing and delightful. 😊
These days it takes an effort to even switch off the phones, switching off the mind needs another level of will. His analogy was beautiful.
“There’s nothing that the ego likes less than to hear about itself.”👍😂😂 Great truth!
Or more. Ego loves attention. Keeps one busy...
Yeah and I have to remember this when MY ego wants to point out what's wrong with someone else's! ha
Isn’t that the funniest thing? People with these extreme egos (usually) love the attention, but just simply saying “you have a pretty big ego” they get super upset???
The recent “Ego Attacks” I have gone through have been intense 😂 Being aware that I am not my mind has helped so much recently. Thank you, Eckhart. ☀️🌟
how *dare you*~!
These crazy times we’re going through have certainly been challenging...
Yeah, EGOVID-19.
My question is what if the other person's intentions are actually unfriendly. What if he even though subconsciously, is judging you , has biases towards you . Here Eckhart Tolle talks about a personality that isn't hostile but because of your inner pain body that awakens in you, you feel they are against and targeted you personally.
@@kushagrasonkar i'm pretty sure it's all about me! and you surely would, too, bucko~ but i only mean that in a light-hearted, harmonious manner, honest!!
There's now 1,1 million people watching Eckhart through the worm hole. And growing 💗
How inspiring is it to see egoic people as teachers! I never thought I would write this. This video is what I would call a transforming one.Thank you Eckhart Tolle. Again and again.
An Eckhart a day keeps the ego at bay
" A peaceful discussion with that entity is feels threatened and it's going to bark back at you." He knows the mind so well.
So how do you deal with these Ego jis? If you bark back thats creating negative karma. If you are nice, they take advantage. Ignoring can also have its own repercussions, but mostly ignore I would think.
He truly does!
I've actually tried that..saying "listen we have to work together. I understand your my brain, your thoughts, emotions but some of these things aren't good for the body and we both need it to survive" it just does what it wants. Emotion is completely illogical..😅
Amazing insight: Whoever makes you suffer, is (becomes) your spritual teacher (because s/he helps you awaken) 😮
I genuinely love Eckhart. I wish i can sit with him one day. Just to enjoy some silence as a way to pay him back for his amazing help throughout the years.
Why did I not find you years and years ago. LOL I am getting so much calmness from you. I want my time back .. to find you when the suffering started and cut it short. Yeah I know I get it. But you bring so much calmness now I want to undo my suffering. I brought up 2 children during the suffering. What a better mother I would have been if I had embraced this then. Yes this is Ego. I am embracing you Now. I am living in the now. I am being the observer.
Good thing that u are here NOW, everything in the gods time 😊🌞
You will be a perfect mother
As a Mom of two adult children I understand completely... If only my level of consciousness had been different then so much could have been different, and the suffering I unconsciously created for myself and my kids could have been lessened.
It’s all for an expansions and growing life lesson. The children chose to go through things, just as you did. No shame, blame, or regret. You now, NOW are who and what due to your life’s experiences and knowing up to then. When we know better, we do better; and it’s ALL Divine Timing, which is illusionary. 😉🙏🏽💜🙏🏽
Don't seek... just be.
I find when I am having a difficult time (Ego has taken over), I try to get out of the weeds and look at things from the 20,000 foot perspective. For me, this is remembering that Earth is a school, with lessons and exams. We are all sort of actors in a play. Doing this has helped me get out of my ego, although it is an ongoing thing, it's been super helpful to me.
I'm going to try this. Ego has been killing me lately. Thanks for sharing. 😊
@@shreychaks Searching for the lesson and growing from it are key. If we focus on the perceived problem (I say perceived, because our experiences on Earth are all an illusion), we will keep attracting that same energy/patterns. Using your energy instead, to heal and grow causes forward, positive momentum. Thoughts become things, whether we are aware of it or not. Why not work it to our benefit! 💛
@@stars_for_night_lights beautiful understanding. I agree. I think healing and moving forward is the only way out anyway if we ever want to break the shackles that so badly holds us back to the point of suffocating us. Its all ego at play. You are right about everything being an illusion on this planet. Really makes sense. 💜
@@shreychaks I used to get triggered so bad by a family member. Once I realized we all wanted to come here and wanted specific lessons, she no longer triggered me. When she would go off on a tangent, I'd remind myself that we are in sort of a play or game that I agreed to. The very first time I did this, instead of being triggered, I laughed. It was as if I could see her ego crystal clear, acting, and knew not to take it seriously. Putting our energy toward finding the lesson and growing from it, instead of focusing it on the problem is the solution. That's how we pass that exam. If we focus on the problem, we will get more of it, by means of the Law of Attraction. Of course, everyone has free will, and some people won't change. I think when the energies no longer align, it's time to walk away. Just my thoughts. 🤗
Imagine our world with fully evolved egoless beings. All humans like Eckhart.
I am 25 at the time of coming across his teachings... I know people come to their awakening at different times in their life, but I am so profoundly grateful to have found him at this point in my life so I can look to the future not with sadness, but with excitement and readiness for all the challenges AND wonderful learning experiences that are to come 🥰
You are all beautiful, spiritual beings
25? Lucky you!
Watched one time. Going to watch this a second time. Thank you Mr. Eckhart Tolle.
What a man 👨 and the ripple effect that he has caused is extraordinary in this generation and time in history ♥️🤗♥️🤗♥️🤗
you mean dr. wayne dyer, i hope! because had there been no wayne, there'd be no nuthin', jack~
tinfoilhatter there’s allowed to be more than one great spiritual teacher and they can both be appreciated.
@@jazzcabbage6759 of course!
i mean 'you're right about that'! haha! thank you for reminding me that, seriously! and the 'real dude was obviously', y'know, ram dass! but the people followin' under his 'maaniker', well, i'm not sure yet, that's all!
So True!
@@marquepoolejewer7864 y'know what?
A bit of Eckhart every day helps keep the ego at bay.
Life happens for you and not you, this is one of many Eckart Tolle quotes that stuck with me. And those persons that made us suffer, others that challenge us constantly(family, coworkers, colleagues, etc... ) are our biggest teachers. ❤️
GOOD STUFF! i'm not sayin' you can do better, or that ya should! but we both know ya can! heck, --take yer time! no pressure! haha!!
As painful as it is! It is true
@@Starfish12345 sad but true- great song by a band that was always way too loud, haha!!
You are right.
All the people I met in my life who make me suffer has enabled me to become what I am today.
They have enabled me to be aware, to do my spiritual awakening otherwise I would remain ignorant.
I could say that I spiritually scored over the years.
Anyway even though I experienced tough things, I would not change anything if I had to relive exactly the same things. That's what enlightenment is. When you become wise enough to have no more grievances living within you
@@idaloup6721 who said: somethin' like, 'we see the world not as it is, but rather, we see it as we are' ?
There he is my main man Tolle who sparked me up
he's okay! as long as he doesn't drop bombs in the comment section, haha, BOOM!
One of my og’s
@@doctordilanka what-does-it-do-for-you?
Me too!
Masha'Allah... Eckhart is a lovely guide .... Allah bless him with more ... Amen
Bless him more to unite humanity to awaken to lovingly share the resources of our precious Earth & protect all therein before it becomes dangerously close to the destructive precipice.
@@johncrowe850 Amen
Krishna Moorthy krishna Christ and Allah s spirit are also our spirit for there’s only one spirit:)
@@Hama-vw2jn yes... there is only the One in many forms...
even the forms are inter-connected and no form has its separate existence... We all are One ... Love is the only reality...
2020 will be huge for anyone who is willing to stop thinking and doing things the old way while hoping for different results. We must take responsibility for our own lives. A lot of institutions and systems will crumble as more people finally realize these were never created for the greater good, but to control the masses and benefit a very small group of people and their dark agenda. The world is shifting from egoism to altruism 🙏
Brilliant 🌺
Absolutely! Positively! Pairs of opposites, for example light versus darkness of the illusion of day and night!
The nature of human life is not the ways modern society lived 🗯️
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always had.
True, indeed. But be careful with altruism. That too can become an egoic religion.
I get the sense eckhart isn’t just “playing the guru” : he’s the real deal.
@Darren White Great question!
Enlightened masters
Yes, karma "inherited patterns" that show up as strong tendencies and compulsions. I appreciate how Eckhart explains these concepts with simplicity and clarity. 🙏🏻
now just what's *that*, supposed to mean, haha, no i don't think i see what ya mean
but *that's okay*~! you're okay, by gosh, hey, and so am i! i don't know what made me say that, there may be patterns here to see, here's hopin' that ''...the point, will soon be clear to me..'', haha
Inherited patterns are actually called Samskaras. Karma is action. Here, it may be how we respond.
@@grishmachetan4094 that makes me think of the shoud i heard once, called 'farewell to shiva', which right now, i couldn't tell ya just what it was tryin' to say, i may duly use a bit of a 'review'!
@@grishmachetan4094 yes, inherited patterns are technically referred to as samskaras in the yogic system. They are a result of past karmic action, so just a nuance of language in its attempt to convey information. What I like about Eckhart's teaching style is that he creates new language (i.e. pain body) to refer to the same basic limitation of the mind. Unconscious behaviour from past actions (ignorance) that repeat themselves unless greater awareness is gained through present moment conscious awareness. 🙏🏻 😁
Grishma Chetan That may be the Brahmic/Vedic definition. Karma is resolved through action. Karma is where we last left the energy. It is the ‘inherited’ .... we don’t really inherit it .... we ‘pick it up’ when we put on a Human Body. Karma is ‘lesson,’ but it’s really about Energy Balance, and is the basis of the ‘test’ (of energy .... not human souls) on Earth.
Whoever is reading this
May all your dreams come true 🤗
May you be well on your path of awakening😊
Never going to happen. But thank you
And whoever is not reading this?
@@isaiaswoldetsadik6511 Tough luck.
I dream that Mr Tolle says more than 1 word every 3 seconds. I dream that people catch onto to his cheap parlor tricks. I dream that he gets a real job and quits duping naive and gullible people.
Oh yes, indeed. May all my dreams come true.
“There only vicious because of their past.” Hit me hard. Thank God for The Piece of Himself that is Eckhart
🙏🏼 Me being vicious towards those that are vicious towards others doesn’t solve the problem at all.
We need your teachings now more than ever. Thank you Eckhart!
2020 is the year i discovered true stillness through "The Power of Now". I have never felt anything more real in my lifee!
Though it was difficult to go through, lockdown was deeply the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The mental and energetic pressure forced me to dive deep in the unknown and swim through fear and all of my limitations, which aren’t even real to begin with. Now I feel in-tune, connected, relieved and blessed.
I LOVE THIS GUY saw him in albert hall last year and his presence is EPIC
I appreciate Eckhart "reaching out" through the camera and acknowledging the viewers that would be experiencing this talk as a video rather than live 😌 Also, I absolutely love and adore his caricaturizations of the mind's egoic behavior and how manic it can be 🤣 It's so true - once you begin to realize it, it truly becomes humorous. Once you begin laughing more and more at yourself and those ways, that's how you know you are well on your way
Also, I truly believe / feel that the pauses that he takes between his statements / whatever it is that he's saying are "deliberate", in a fashion, as so to allow us to experience that space between thought. We may either be waiting for the next thing he says, or just hanging out with him when he does so - either way, it's immensely beneficial if you stick through
Eckharts teachings and voice are what I wish I'd always had.
This video was such perfect timing in my life today. I am so utterly thankful for your teaching Eckhart and the humor that you see in the reactions of the ego and it's creations is so wonderful. I am always laughing along with you. Thank you!🙏🌹💜
I listen to his videos every day when I'm doing things around the house, and when I'm driving, I listen to my audiobook for A New Earth. Life changing teachings.
"What we accept as normal, is infact quite insane".
OH DOC !!! BRILLIANT SUPERB thanks for 'highlighting' .........
Thank You:) I am, I know, and it is. Peace ✌️ Love 💕 and Harmony 🎶
There is an awakening happening. I'm seeing it around me people are seeking this knowledge more and more
This man is just the best teacher, I listen to him all the time he brings peace and quiet to my mind and therefore the whole house
"the moment i interpret something i'm projecting" so wise, thank you eckhart
Eckhart is undeniably Effective Therapy for humanity.
This calms me before sleep.
I can't believe how huge my ego is after listening to this message. Most of the pain I have experienced I'm my life is self induced by my ego.
I love the way Eckhart says "this is not who you really are." I'm always trying to find myself through my mind/ego and it always leads me back to the same old dead end - suffering. It's not easy to turn away from my mind-made sense of identity - my story - especially because the emotions attached to my story make it seem so very "real." Phew! What a journey! Let's do this thing! Now! (-:
Exactly! Sometimes i feel like pain and suffering is only real thing in the world. And other things are just illusion. I can't overcome this now. No matter how hard i'm trying.
Why other people manage to overcome this?
@@janbalaban5268 I know. I've always believed there would be an end to suffering. But for most of my life suffering seems to have swallowed me up. Often, it seemed impossible to go on. But there is an end to suffering. Trying with our minds - within the limited perceptions of ourselves as seen by the ego - doesn't work - it's a dead-end. To remain present with whatever arises and to observe without judgment and with deep, deep compassion begins to loosen the grip of suffering - creating space - an opening - for a new experience of self and of life. I've been listening to ET's Touching the Eternal - a retreat he held in India a few years back. It's wonder-full!
The more I watch Tolle, the more I feel so much love stream from my heart to him❣️💐❣️
Hello friend! Sending you peace through this comment🙏🏽
Thank you Eckhart Sir I'm so grateful to universe for learning from you some lessons about
Ego G😘❤️🕉️🙏
Thank you for invariably bringing the subtle knife of spirit through to cut away the egoic veil - always accompanied by gentle humor and cosmic chuckles.
Making an eye contact with Eckhart was a mystical experience, cannot even imagine in person
Thanks for waving 👋 I Can’t stop giggling 🤭 it’s all true my world as changed since finding you forever grateful 🙏x
This man is something to don't have words for.. you am grateful 💖 can have him in my life❤
You help me so much. Make the more complex issues sound so simple. And they are, right? Step by step to learn how to observe the egoic entity. I have many. And when I started this observing process I discovered what is probably the most obvious thing: not everything is about ME
I am 29 years old.. it’s such a privilege to have tolle teachings available for us .. i am trying to apply his teachings since last 2 years. I changed a lot . Most of the time i am peaceful.. learning to deal with other people pain bodies
thanks 🙏🏻
I Am very appreciative of everyone who puts these videos out and who come here to expand evolve and Love! Thank you!
I keep coming back to you,to clear up cobwebs.Ofcourse I do listen to many others but feel your talk sends me to introspectively view what is inside of me,of my make-up.This is helpful.
Thank you- I could go on forever about how much you have helped me but I'll just say "Thank you".
Now I understand what happened to me when I was younger and very unhappy.
One day mediating I had a flash of light in my whole body which let me in a state of bliss and peace for two and a half hours.
The love I felt was so powerful that I wanted to stay there and not go back.
Through your book Mr Eckhart I now know it was a sign post.
Unfortunately, I didn't stay there but I had a glimpse of what he is talking about.
Thank you so much for your book.❤
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I needed this and there it is. Such a blessing, such wonderful synchronicity.
20 mins of eckhart tolle a day keeps the ego at bay :)
This absolutely HELPED me!!
I now know beyond a doubt why I have the family that I have.
They are my teachers of "PRESENCE"! Thank you Eckhart! ❤
Eckhart my soul says thank you !
Agree 🌹
He looks like in late 40s, the purest soul in present time. 😇🙏
yes I was amazed to find out he is in his 70s
The very truth, and Eckhart is the bigger demostration, is that we are in the awakening¡¡
Eckhart IS the guide who shows us how to recognize that we all have the kingdom of heaven inside US.
I love and feel fun, calm and secure when I listen your teachings. I refresh my presence. Thanks a lot🙏
"There's nothing that the ego likes less than to hear about itself" Might I suggest 'Nothing less the ego likes than the TRUTH about itself.' Thank you Eckhart. I love you.
I love you Eckhart, you’ve helped me through my darkest moment. ❤️🙏🏽 -forever thankful
The world you experience is your movie screen. You are the content and the projector.
Oui! We do
@@Nissa55574 si! respecto!
Eckhart’s integrity is palpable!
Thank you so much for this talk! Your wisdom have helped me immensely! I’m grateful that I have you during my spiritual journey!
I am so grateful Eckert for your teachings. I find much peace in the midst of my emotional disturbance
As someone who has undergone a spiritual awakening two years ago and still travelling the spiritual path just looking at Eckhart, beyond his eyes and into his soul just confirms everything I know - God Bless you Eckhart, Namaste.
Dearest Elkhart, I love you. You are helping me through some challenging times. Thank you for your loving kindness and guidance.
One has to be aware and honest with ones self in order to handle this man.. I’m glad he’s here 😎 he knows that everything has a place in the scheme of life... Ego included. 🙏🏽
It’s amazing how he’s explaining narcissism in such a calming manner
I like his calmness. I also like how he describes the ego as an entity, because that's how it feels. Take the ego out of most life situations and there will be no problems.
He's got such wisdom and a sense of humor too. A great mix for teaching.
I am so greatful to Ekhart Tolle for teaching me to live in the now!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
May you live long enough for us all to shift the ego and become conscious of it, thank you. XX
❤️ Life seem all depend on me.❤️ so much positive humor and smile for his entire comments.
Listening to Eckhart Tolle is like reading (and assimilating the essence of) Bhagavad Gita!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Every aspect of this talk, from start to finish, was perfection itself!
Excellent. Egoji's are our teachers. Amazing lesson 🙏