not sure if anyone gives a damn but yesterday I hacked my gfs Instagram password using InstaPlekt. Cant link here so search for it on google if you wanna try it yourself
I think it is so sweet that the one girl who was scared to get Frank was the only one who actually ended up adopting the dog. It warmed my heart to see her give him a real chance. So cute.
I feel like they should have gone straight for elderly dogs.. I have two 13 year old pugs and they are so chill they love everyone and all they want to do is snuggle and sleep.
holypicklesmofo Senior Dumps are at such a saddening increase. I could never even imagine if I had to take my 19yr. old Black Lab. Jah to a shelter and just walk away. Heartless Assholes. It is a life, not a fucking iPhone. SMH, gotta stop, getting pissed off.
Pugs are just the best things ever! I have a two year old pug called Frankie and although she is still quite young she is all around a perfect dog. She is cuddly, she loves running around on walks but she isn't rediculously hyper constantly, thank god! Great with kids, great with other dogs and she loves watching PLL with me XD I have a Frenchie as well and they are besties :D
I adopted a... I'm guessing a Schnauzer??? He was abandoned so we don't actually know what breed he was, just that he was beaten and burnt by his past owner. According to the vet, he is an elderly dog but we love him all the same. Recently, however, he got diagnosed with cancer. He is totally worth the heartache but sometimes it kinda affects me and my family emotionally, like, we are constantly in a more depressed state now. So to me, elderly dogs are excellent but you have to be prepared for whatever comes. I know some who, once they find out a dog has ailments, they abandon them again. Which is really really sad.
It's sad for some of the dogs because they're getting all this attention now and then when they go back to the shelter they're going to be all sad and miss them
ACTUALLY some dogs past owners treated them wrongly and the dogs ended up being aggressive toward people and animals and attacks people because of the things the owners did to the dog. In this case, the dog will have sever mental trauma and won’t be able to be changed no matter how much you may think you can change it, deeming the dog unadoptable. This is very sad but it isn’t that rare and I wish that it wasn’t like this because it truly isn’t the dogs fault that it has these aggressive tendencies. But some dogs are actually unadoptable, it’s sad, but it’s unfortunately true.
I agree, but I think what they meant were the dogs that get adopted quicker, like small, friendly dogs usually get adopted within weeks, whereas larger, more anxious dogs usually take months or years to adopt out. But I agree the language they used really wasn't great!
Plastic Dinosaur... when we got my dog, he was afraid of everything and mean because he didn’t know who to trust. but with a lot of training, he is the happiest dog ive ever seen. so EVERY dog is an adoptable dog, just like every human is the same, no matter their past
Kristen Spellman still, some dogs never change. Your dog was one of the ones that was lucky enough to change but not many change. It’s the truth, you should just accept it.
I would say that some dogs aren’t ready. They need more rehabilitation before they’ll be ready to live with the average permanent family. They’re not bad, just not ready.
not only that, but if a rescue dog is more willing to socialize when you first meet them, the easier it will be for the dog to transition into a new home
KMichelle Argus They would have but they don't spend the money on flea and tick medicine for a dog they might have to put down. That means he might have picked the ticks up while playing in the yard at the start of the video. Then it just had enough time before they noticed for the tick to grow
I love Devin because she didnt trap the dog in a cage at night when she needed a break! She stuck with Dino even if she wanted to rip the fur out of his chest! Devin is a true animal owner.
Cloudunicorn Gaming! There’s nothing wrong with having a dog in a crate at night. Some dogs that’s their safe space. Most recuses feel safer in their crate.
Becca Vandecasteele Then why not let the door open if they feel safer there, they'll sleep there anyway? Isn't that just a way to prevent the dog to "destroy" things in the house? Devin cared more about the dog than that and I appreciate it too.
Ok Please stop hating on me But now I understand that some dogs like their crate! Unfortunatly (idk how to spell it pls correct me) my dogs don't like the crate maybe its just a thing for foster dogs. On the other Hand it might be little dogs liking crates because my expiriance (correct my spelling) with dogs is only big dogs! thank you for understanding. If you want to reply please reply with something like "Im glad you learned something from my comment" and not something like "go die in a **^&%#@$@#&^$%@#$$%^$%$^@#@$^&^*&^^&$^#%$#%$^%&^* hole XD thanks sorry for rage peeps.
I absolutely love how hesitant Chantel was with Frank at first, but then fell in love and kept him/had her parents adopt him. It was literally the sweetest story ever.
Sunny Narwhal I foster dogs and I thought that too. But when you give someone a dog your giving them an amazing gift and it just makes you feel happy because you know your dog is in the right place.❤️
Omg I love it at this part 12:30 Earl: RUFF Devin: No Earl: RUFF Devin: I don't need this Earl: RUFF Devin: I don't need this Earl: RUFF Devin: no this is my set Earl: RUFF Devin: no its my set Frankie: EARL
I think it's great that LadyLike did this to help promote the shelter and adoption of dogs. What I am disappointed in is the shelter. It bothers me that Earl did not have a thorough exam that included looking through his fur for dermatological issues such as fleas and ticks and they didn't apply flea and tick prevention in the shelter beforehand. Another thing that bothers me is that Frank was not neutered and that they were treating him for bordetella and they did not have Chantel keep him isolated from other dogs, it is highly infectious. Plus, not every bordetella case requires antibiotics so I hope they properly tested him before giving him antibiotics.
Kristiana Rista he has Channel cough and it doesn't get to other dogs when he's in treatment, they can't neutered him when he has it as he can't handle the anesthesia
Trines Nails Kennel Cough can still be spread while on antibiotics. I took my dog to a dog park where someone had a dog who was on antibiotics and my dog caught it for a good two weeks. A proper humane society would have kept the dog isolated until he was fully recovered from kennel cough.
80% of dogs bites are by dogs that are not fixed. People bitch about pitbulls being bad due to 50% (erroneous) statistic, but what's really responsible for dog bites is not fixing them.
Kristiana Rista Sadly, this is often the case for most foster places. My family fosters cats (and dogs in the beginning) and there's often lots of medical conditions that they miss that becomes a bigger problem later. We've had several round of ringworm, ear infections, skin infection, kennel cough, etc. that they just don't check for. It's a downfall of the foster system for sure.
This video is a very good tool to show people who are not familiar with owning dogs that it is a HUGE commitment. Don't rescue an animal just because you think its cute to have. There is so much that goes into the process of owning any type of animal, especially a dog so please make sure you are aware of that. Many animals are brought back to shelters because people are not aware how much of a commitment, as well as the time and effort you need to put in.
I have a Rottweiler Doberman mix dog named Rocky and I was fostering a husky named Ace that I renamed Canelo. We fostered him because he was going to get kicked out into the street. Rocky,Canelo, and I grew so close together that I had to keep Canelo. So I convinced my parents to adopt him. It is hard to train him but it was the best decision. Edit: 3 likes!!! Wow! This is the most I ever got!
Jill and Rachel i can’t afford to have puppy fever. I already have three. That’s what puppy fever causes. You to adopt three puppies and to dedicate your life to them. THESE VIDEOS TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE 😭😭. I love my babies
My dog is also a rescue dog. Him and his friends were shot, sadly he was the only one that survived. He's surprisingly social for what he's been through.
I love how this shows the reality of fostering. It can be hard at times and sometimes discouraging if you don't have experiance. But the rewards far outweigh any stress you go through and most shelters and rescues pay for medical expenses and supplies so you don't HAVE to pay a ton of out of pocket money to foster. I also loved how even though Freddie and Devon loved their foster dogs, they realized that maybe they were better off in a different forever home. And now they have one. congrats to ladylike on their first successful fosters and I hope they think about doing it again! Love you guys!
I never realized how dramatic caring for a shelter dog could be for some people. I've had dogs my whole life, always gotten them from shelters, and never was it as crazy as what these girls dealt with.
Especially Devin. It's like they thought these dogs would be perfect. I was actually saddened to hear that Devin wouldn't keep Dino. Dogs Without Borders even warned them. At least Dino now has a more loving home.
This video is so sad to see how these dogs have been so hurt and mistreated in the past. I really hope they all find total happiness in their new homes.
HEY FREDDIE! You probably won't see this, but if you do, I work with the rescue who has Shinobu. We're so sorry things didn't work out with him, but now that you've tried fostering, we hope you know 100% that he's well loved in his foster care situation, and he has lots of cool friends who are dealing with similar situations, including another fella who has Shinobu's exact same problem. They're friends. His friend is Midnight Magic. He's also friends with Dirigible, who's got chronic issues and can't be adopted out. Shinobu does a great job of avoiding Chuck Norris, a cat with a chronic eye thing who has a thing about bapping other cats on the head. Other cats have not been so smart but Shinobu is. You are NOT cursed. And if at any time you feel ready for a new cat friend, we hope you'll come back and we'll hook you up with a good-luck cat. Love from everybody at Southern California Cat Adoption Tails
Sorry, I don't think she will see it because the people who work for buzz feed are not allowed to read comments for some reason, I saw this from Saafiya's why I left buzzfeed video
Somebody asked why she had to return Shinobu but I can't see the comment now? Before Freddie rescued Shinobu he suffered from chronic UTIs. It got too dangerous for him to just keep treating it so (and this is real and something that happens) he had to have his penis amputated. However because of this, he couldn't really control where or when he urinated. This became an overwhelming problem unfortunately (understandably). The foster he's with now specializes in accommodating unadoptable pets.
Well, they've been poorely bred in the American line. The German line of German Shepherds are really calm, much larger than their American counterparts.
Zombei Kid German shepherds typically don't have "temperament issues"... it's never a breed, it's how the dog was brought up. A lot of rescue dogs have trust issues being that they come from either neglect, no human interaction, or being forgotten. I wouldn't put that as a breed thing, but rather his past and just his protective personality.
Zombei Kid I have two German Shepherds and they don't have temperament issues. I've had one of them since he was about 8-10 weeks old and he's the most playful dog I've ever met and he loves people. The dog's attitude all depends on how they were raised.
I don't think it's a "temperament issue" so much as it is the natural protective nature of GSD's in general. They're a herding breed that are meant to protect a flock so without a flock they protect the closest thing, their families. My GSD has never been abused or ill treated, he's just typical of his breed as a guardian.
I've tried to be a foster By that I mean every animal I tried fostering I ended up adopting... I even adopted a pregnant dog and her four puppies... And three kittens... And two bunnies... Yeah I have a lot of animals now.
I have fostered two dogs and it's not easy, yet it has been very rewarding. The small dog, I found in the streets and another, a husky, was from a family that couldn't keep him. The hardest part was saying bye to them, but they went to a permanent home 😊
I once fostered a very pregnant dog that had 13 puppies 8 of which died, one whom I had nursed back to health for 2 days, she died in my hands, but I don't regret fostering those puppies for a second even after having lost so many because it's so rewarding.
Drew Weidhaas omg thank the lord I'm not the only one who heard her say "small dogs"!! big dogs are gorgeous and don't deserve the stigma against them, I've always had big dogs and they've never ever been aggressive, even the one I adopted from an abusive home, they're absolute angels and I just got genuinely angry at this woman!
it could well be because the organisation isn't on the right scale to take them in. they only take 400 dogs a year and small dogs are more adoptable in terms of demand.
When I get a dog (maybe) I will ask the employees and say “which dog was here the longest” because I hate to she dogs to live their lives in a adoption center
Yeah this video definitely proved that by giving people that shouldn't have dogs in the first place adopt dogs with histories. Especially with Dino. -sarcasm- Not all families can take dogs like Dino and handle aggressive behaviors. Adopt OR shop. Buying a dog is not why there's an excessive amount in shelters, it's dogs like Frank being abandoned with balls. People spending $800 on a purebred dog aren't going to dump it.
expreshayne stop. If nobody will buy dogs who are breeded they will go to a dog shleter. It will couse more problems. bu the way maybe peoples want like a calm dog they find a calm dog breed who loves kids etc. u never know what type are od shelter dogs .
Jesra Renee $800? LOL my family spends over $1000 on puppies. Depends on the breed but, your right. I'm not super happy about the Dino situation tho. Smh.
I like this video just because it is realistic. A lot of times people show videos of fostering dogs and it's all sunshine. I like that this video showed that it is sometimes a struggle, rewarding, but a struggle nonetheless. Good job!
Em Tims It is. I foster and most have medical needs and LOTS and LOTS of medicine or have been abused. I want to cry a LOT. As I type my new foster is sitting right next to me.
i have a lab terrier mix and yeah.. she ain't calm. she gets wound up really easily and takes awhile to calm down before bed, sometimes i'm asked if she's really young but nope she's 3, which is still pretty young but with the way she acts like a lil puppy sometimes is adorable
i rescued my dog about 5 months ago and they said he had a "clean bill of health" the next day, he threw up blood and had diarrhea. he also had some skin issues. shelters are so underfunded that it's sad. they couldn't care for him. he is now healthy and doing great. he's 8 months old now and adorable. he is the best puppy. he hasn't peed or anything in the house and he is so chill. it's great to rescue a dog, but sometimes it will work out and sometimes it won't. idk what i'm trying to say
We adopted a dog this January from a family that claimed they loved him, but that they just couldn't take care of him anymore. They told us he was healthy. After a few days we had to leave him in the vet for 3 days 'cause he hadn't been dewormed for three years and he was so sick. A month after that I got home from work and he had convulsions and I freaked out. The vet told us he had a heart malfunction and he has to take pills for the rest of his life. We love him so much, but it just makes me so angry that his previous owners bought him and didn't took care of him at all...
How great that you took on some strays for fostering. They needed to know love and you did that until they found their homes. I took on an old girl, she is 11, from a pound. I love her as much as my children and am so pleased and proud of her. It can be so rewarding taking on a dog that was given up.
What? Are ticks dangerous in the US çuz my dog has gotten them a couple of times and you just need to get them off and he's fine. And there's a cat that I know and take care of some times and every time I see him he's got like five new ticks, and he's just like usual, nothing has changed.
Evve Locce While it is normal for dogs to catch a few ticks now and then, they can give your dog a lyme disease which if not treated can get quite nasty. Where i'm from(not US) it is normal for your dog to have double protection against ticks, like special collar or spray or pill etc.
Evve Locce Some ticks can give dogs babesios, which could potentially kill them. Two of my dogs got it two times, now all of them wear a protection collar and sprayed monthly.
Everything happens for a reason. Chantel wanted Earl, but Freddie took him. Chantel got Frank, and Frank helped her parent's dog Linda, and loved Chantel. 🐶🐶
Jessica Francis yeah! It's very fun! You get to help dogs find homes and hang out with them! Even if you don't live near Dogs Without Boarders, I really recommend volunteering at a local no-kill shelter. It's very rewarding!
@@brit9976 btw i forgot my pass cause i changed my pass but then cahnged it again then forgot what that pass was sorry but i believe i did accept your friend request
Try piddle pads instead of taking walks at night! :) they are odorless pads with fake grass and are very useful when you don't have a yard. My dogs love them.
Where do you get them? I have a dog and he isn’t used to peeing anywhere other then the house so if there’s any possible way we can bring fake grass inside I would like to know
Dont feel to sad about it, these videos give the dogs exposure. And thankfully all the dogs were adopted. I know they didn't personally adopt them but if they realize pets weren't for them then its best they find out before adopting
Siena Muller then foster! It saves two dogs, the one you're fostering and now there's room for them to rescue another dog from getting killed! It's so much easier than this video makes it out to be, we've fostered over 50 cats and dogs in the last few years and once in a great while some are a hassle, but I can count those ones on one hand out of the 50!
Soggy Noodle definitely! There's not a single person who would buy dogs from a pet store if they knew the process and before anyone says anything I'm not talking about pet stores that have animals there from a rescue or shelter to get adopted, I mean like actual pet store dogs like Petland and stuff. The only way someone could sleep at night knowing how they get their puppies and STILL buying one is if they're sadistic psychopaths.
A dog they just picked up from a shelter has ticks? Shame on the shelter for not doing a thorough inspection on the dog. Poor thing should never have been sent to a house if he still had ticks and one of them looked quite large. But it's wonderful to see people advocating for shelter dogs. There are too many poor dog AND cats that die in shelters every day. Thanks LadyLike
queenoffairies08 I've brought home lots of dogs with ticks from shelters. They do an initial clean up of the dog and vet check. They try to let you know when a dog has fleas and remove ticks, but sometimes a dark tick on a dark long hair dog just gets missed. But what could have happened is that shelter dogs don't get flea and tick medicine until the owner brings them home. He could have picked them up while he was playing in the yard at the start of the video, and then it took days for it to get noticed so it grew. Just glad it's gone now!
Most shelters have to turn those dogs around very quickly and often they don't get a bath or anything beyond the initial check in/check up. Its a resources thing. My dog was a mess when I adopted him. He couldn't have a bath until a week after his neutering. I didn't care. The faster he gets a home, the faster another dog can get in there and not be put down. Its just a couple ticks. Its not like he had an eye that needed to be removed or a rotting leg (Ive seen that too). Ticks is nothing.
If you paid more attention, you would've known that Oreo/Earl arrived at the centre two hours before he was picked up. It is likely there wasn't enough time to check.
Even though this video sent out a great message and ladylike really did take good care of their dogs, most foster places shouldn't and wouldn't have given them a dog. Most of them had never had a dog before and were given rowdy, skittish, sick dogs that they were expected to care for. One of them even lost their dog on the first day!
When my aunt first adopted her dog a few years ago he ran away the first night we brought him home. And I mean he raaaan. Like I was running for over an hour and people were getting out of their cars to help catch him. Dogs can be scared of new environments and act accordingly no matter how experienced you are with dogs. 6 years later hes deeply attached, but at the time we were a bunch of strangers.
As someone who's owned puppies and rescue dogs- Earl running away wasn't that bad. He's been moved to two different places in one day, of course he would be scared! And everyone makes mistakes at first- one time I lost my rescue dog in the woods and it scared the hell out of me, and then she came trotting back. They did good for first timers, but Dino really should have had a muzzle if he was being aggressive
I'm soooo glad that you made this video. I'm a dog mom of 3 and I know the struggles of new puppies and rescues (some from death row). When people are getting dogs people don't always know how hard/stressful/time consuming they are. By buzz feed making this video it will be seen by a very large amount of people so they know how to care for their dog if they are getting one. Thank you again xxxx
You guys did great! Any shelter dog should be in some sort of behavioral training and just training in general, as soon as they come home! :) Don't give up too easily! A lot of shelter dogs will have big trust issues or separation anxiety. A little love and a lot of patience goes a long way. I love dogs!
Bittersweet Bliss Maybe because of lack of funding and volunteers, the shelter hadn't found them yet. Earl also might have gotten the ticks soon after entering the shelter, or Freddy's home.
Dog shelters can be very busy and sadly there are dogs that are in far worse condition and if they don't get the full medical attention they will die. So often you will dog are n't completely cleaned. And for ticks, you need tweezers and some anti tick soap.
I'm really glad they showed the reality of fostering. It's not just puppy snuggles and cute pictures. There is a lot of work involved, and that can mean medication administration, training, and dealing with behavioral issues that may or may not stem from past abuse.
disha g so am I !! I’m a pawrent of two doggies one 4 year old (Annie)and one is 1 years old this month (Dora ) Annie we bought and Dora we adopted fun fact the shelter named her Dora the explorer and that’s her full name haha
I have to say though, the dog you first meet is NOT the dog you're going to be living with. That's because those first few weeks are so new to them and usually once they're finally like 'Yah...this dude's cool.' is when things settle down and things become 95% less hard.
Freddie: I just got these plants, and they are real. So I'm kinda worried that the dog might- Me: Oh yeah she's worried that the dog will eat it and get sick that makes sense. Freddie: think it is an area to pee on... Me: wait what
i love how when they first met the dogs Devon and Freddie really wanted their dogs and Chantel was just like, ehhh... but by the end chantel loved frank and kept him but the others didn't 😂
I am literally Chantel when she was like "thank you to my parents for adopting frank or else I would've been a mess"
Just an FYI you have 1.2k likes
juder_pooders I loved Frank, he was probably my favorite :3 I love dogs like that :P
Haha. Lol.
not sure if anyone gives a damn but yesterday I hacked my gfs Instagram password using InstaPlekt. Cant link here so search for it on google if you wanna try it yourself
Chantel: I dunno who’s getting that white dog but it ain’t gonna be me
Also Chantel: Ends up with frankie/Bucky and falls in love with him ❤️
That is the case with like 80% of adoption
It’s the grumpy dad who doesn’t want to get the dog but ends up loving them
Boring Person Here Frankie needed to be fixed that would help calm him
Then gets her parents to adopt him
“I don’t want a dog named buck
iM gOnNa NaMe HiM FrAnK”
This is frankly unacceptable
hello potatoes I know right, what a bucked up name.
Baylee Renee true
she should've named him chad lol
We rescued my dog and his name was buck and we didn’t like that name so he now had a new name not frank tho
When I got my dog she sat in the corner and cried for days then she started warming up to me and now we are best friends!!!
Aww that's so sweet
I think it is so sweet that the one girl who was scared to get Frank was the only one who actually ended up adopting the dog. It warmed my heart to see her give him a real chance. So cute.
Her parents adopted Frank
Tiana Bentley-Dittmar and Devin adopted Dino/Atticus
Cheese's Dad no she didn't
I feel like they should have gone straight for elderly dogs.. I have two 13 year old pugs and they are so chill they love everyone and all they want to do is snuggle and sleep.
holypicklesmofo Senior Dumps are at such a saddening increase. I could never even imagine if I had to take my 19yr. old Black Lab. Jah to a shelter and just walk away. Heartless Assholes. It is a life, not a fucking iPhone. SMH, gotta stop, getting pissed off.
holypicklesmofo haha same here. I have a 14 to 15 year old Chihuahua and she is just awesome. Cuddles and sleeps all day LOL
Pugs are just the best things ever! I have a two year old pug called Frankie and although she is still quite young she is all around a perfect dog. She is cuddly, she loves running around on walks but she isn't rediculously hyper constantly, thank god! Great with kids, great with other dogs and she loves watching PLL with me XD I have a Frenchie as well and they are besties :D
I adopted a... I'm guessing a Schnauzer??? He was abandoned so we don't actually know what breed he was, just that he was beaten and burnt by his past owner. According to the vet, he is an elderly dog but we love him all the same. Recently, however, he got diagnosed with cancer. He is totally worth the heartache but sometimes it kinda affects me and my family emotionally, like, we are constantly in a more depressed state now.
So to me, elderly dogs are excellent but you have to be prepared for whatever comes. I know some who, once they find out a dog has ailments, they abandon them again. Which is really really sad.
holypicklesmofo it's all good...until they die early.
XxGacha_WolfiexX :3 timestamp ??
Neha Sharma 0:46
It's sad for some of the dogs because they're getting all this attention now and then when they go back to the shelter they're going to be all sad and miss them
If u watch devin adopted Dino and she showed his cage at work I as I can remember and Idk about the rest.
@@annadadolly 17:48 Devin did not adopt Dino, she just fostered him a bit longer until he could find a forever home.
P.S.C Squad when u foster u don’t send them back u wait till u find a home
Chantels parents adopted Frankie, and soon after filming both earl and Dino were adopted it says it at the end
@@c_61828 Dino and Earl were not adopted they were just being fostered.
Lol I love how in the beginning Chantel was like, “I don’t think I’ll go with the white one.” And ended up falling in love with Frankie.
"your gonna have a new brother" Cats face I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME
TheMaggieShow IKR😂😂😂😂😂😂
I thought that too XD
Lol 😂 poor cat
This is the quality content I signed up for... more doggos
Emma Potato 🥔
Emma Potato YES DOGGOS
hahahaha yessss
Emma Potato Isi
When the employee said they find “adoptable dogs” my first thought was, every dog is an adoptable dog❤️
ACTUALLY some dogs past owners treated them wrongly and the dogs ended up being aggressive toward people and animals and attacks people because of the things the owners did to the dog. In this case, the dog will have sever mental trauma and won’t be able to be changed no matter how much you may think you can change it, deeming the dog unadoptable. This is very sad but it isn’t that rare and I wish that it wasn’t like this because it truly isn’t the dogs fault that it has these aggressive tendencies. But some dogs are actually unadoptable, it’s sad, but it’s unfortunately true.
I agree, but I think what they meant were the dogs that get adopted quicker, like small, friendly dogs usually get adopted within weeks, whereas larger, more anxious dogs usually take months or years to adopt out. But I agree the language they used really wasn't great!
Plastic Dinosaur... when we got my dog, he was afraid of everything and mean because he didn’t know who to trust. but with a lot of training, he is the happiest dog ive ever seen. so EVERY dog is an adoptable dog, just like every human is the same, no matter their past
Kristen Spellman still, some dogs never change. Your dog was one of the ones that was lucky enough to change but not many change. It’s the truth, you should just accept it.
I would say that some dogs aren’t ready. They need more rehabilitation before they’ll be ready to live with the average permanent family. They’re not bad, just not ready.
its funny that the dog no one wanted was the best dog
not only that, but if a rescue dog is more willing to socialize when you first meet them, the easier it will be for the dog to transition into a new home
'Best' dog? They're all great doggos, there are no bests. They're all 11/10
Maddie D. Frank is the one he is talking about 😂
Sassyjazzy He’s talking to the other gurl (Maddie)
No one else confused how this comment has 3.8k likes and 5 comments 🤔
WHY DIDN'T THE RESCUE BATHE HIM AND CHECK HIM FOR FLEAS AND TICKS I mean I know they just got him but that is like step 1.
KMichelle Argus They would have but they don't spend the money on flea and tick medicine for a dog they might have to put down. That means he might have picked the ticks up while playing in the yard at the start of the video. Then it just had enough time before they noticed for the tick to grow
The rescue had gotten out of the shelter before Freddie got him - he was not at risk at being PTS at that point.
KMichelle Argus .
that would have deprived the ladies of footage of them wrestling with puppies in a kiddie pool
KMichelle Argus he could have only had eggs of tics which are hard 2 find and don't come out just by washing
I love Devin because she didnt trap the dog in a cage at night when she needed a break! She stuck with Dino even if she wanted to rip the fur out of his chest! Devin is a true animal owner.
Cloudunicorn Gaming! There’s nothing wrong with having a dog in a crate at night. Some dogs that’s their safe space. Most recuses feel safer in their crate.
Becca Vandecasteele Then why not let the door open if they feel safer there, they'll sleep there anyway? Isn't that just a way to prevent the dog to "destroy" things in the house? Devin cared more about the dog than that and I appreciate it too.
Crate training a dog isn't cruel. My dog gets excited to go in his crate at bed time. He feels safe and content in there, it's his space.
I'm guessing that people against crate/crate raining probably don't know much about training/raising or taking care of a dog
Ok Please stop hating on me But now I understand that some dogs like their crate! Unfortunatly (idk how to spell it pls correct me) my dogs don't like the crate maybe its just a thing for foster dogs. On the other Hand it might be little dogs liking crates because my expiriance (correct my spelling) with dogs is only big dogs! thank you for understanding. If you want to reply please reply with something like "Im glad you learned something from my comment" and not something like "go die in a **^&%#@$@#&^$%@#$$%^$%$^@#@$^&^*&^^&$^#%$#%$^%&^* hole XD thanks sorry for rage peeps.
I absolutely love how hesitant Chantel was with Frank at first, but then fell in love and kept him/had her parents adopt him. It was literally the sweetest story ever.
I couldn’t foster a dog... I would fall in love and adopt it..
Maddieisfalling same
I’m fostering a corgi rn and it’s happening lmao
Maddieisfalling SAME 💖🐶
That's the point
i did that 3 times already lol
Chantel was so nervous about Frankie but he was so sweet and kept cuddling with her❤️ It's so great to see how happy he is with more love and a home.
Chantel: I don’t know who’s gonna get the white dog but ima go for the black dog
Chantel: *ends up with the white one*
Chantel: i wish i got the black dog
Chantel: adopts dog
Alexandra Evans I think he the white one got moved with the parents
The reason for Freddie wanting Oreo was bs because Chantel actually has a cat...
Dog: *has kennel cough"
People: "Lets have him running and touching the other dogs"
Lemon juice works wonders
Kennel cough for dogs is the worst
I think that devin likes Dino better that her bf
Isn't that always the case? 😂
Lmao 😂
Eduarda Vlogs who wouldn’t rip #foreveralone
Did anyone else notice that Dino/Atticus had a cage under Devin's desk in their shaving on the go video?
Megan Berg she did say they wanted to adopt him
Megan Berg he was also in the background at the end of the video when they built coffee tables.
Megan Berg I did she jumped in it
Megan Berg they probably shoot videos too while the dogs were there :)
I could never just FOSTER a dog because I would want to keep it forever and if it gets adopted I would be a mess and I would NOT let it go!
thats what my family did we fostered and then we adopted
Sunny Narwhal I foster dogs and I thought that too. But when you give someone a dog your giving them an amazing gift and it just makes you feel happy because you know your dog is in the right place.❤️
Sunny Narwhal dude same
Me too
I love it at this part
Earl: RUFF
Devin: No
Earl: RUFF
Devin: I don't need this
Earl: RUFF
Devin: I don't need this
Earl: RUFF
Devin: no this is my set
Earl: RUFF
Devin: no its my set
Frankie: EARL
Did you mean Freddie
her names if freddie not frankie
Ikr I love that part
it was so cuteee! like what a conversation they had. c:
I think it's great that LadyLike did this to help promote the shelter and adoption of dogs. What I am disappointed in is the shelter. It bothers me that Earl did not have a thorough exam that included looking through his fur for dermatological issues such as fleas and ticks and they didn't apply flea and tick prevention in the shelter beforehand. Another thing that bothers me is that Frank was not neutered and that they were treating him for bordetella and they did not have Chantel keep him isolated from other dogs, it is highly infectious. Plus, not every bordetella case requires antibiotics so I hope they properly tested him before giving him antibiotics.
Kristiana Rista all the shelters in the U.K. neuter their animals for free (because there are too many dogs) so I don't get how that shelter didn't
Kristiana Rista he has Channel cough and it doesn't get to other dogs when he's in treatment, they can't neutered him when he has it as he can't handle the anesthesia
Trines Nails Kennel Cough can still be spread while on antibiotics. I took my dog to a dog park where someone had a dog who was on antibiotics and my dog caught it for a good two weeks. A proper humane society would have kept the dog isolated until he was fully recovered from kennel cough.
80% of dogs bites are by dogs that are not fixed. People bitch about pitbulls being bad due to 50% (erroneous) statistic, but what's really responsible for dog bites is not fixing them.
Kristiana Rista Sadly, this is often the case for most foster places. My family fosters cats (and dogs in the beginning) and there's often lots of medical conditions that they miss that becomes a bigger problem later. We've had several round of ringworm, ear infections, skin infection, kennel cough, etc. that they just don't check for. It's a downfall of the foster system for sure.
Now this is good content. Take note that people like this stuff buzzfeed
Kimmy R agreed!!
Kimmy R yep
Kimmy R ii
anything with dogs/cats/animals are great contents
Kimmy R 1000th like
I cant believe how Frank and chantel transformed together! What a special bond between them 💞 I'm so happy she got her parents to adopt him!
I could only adopt. I get too attached to animals. THEY'RE JUST SO CUTE!
Random Gummy Bear I adopted my gerbils
me 2
im too afraid to adopt cuz ill get too attached and wont be able to let it go 😂😂😂
random user that wastes your time adopting is where you keep it forever
This video is a very good tool to show people who are not familiar with owning dogs that it is a HUGE commitment. Don't rescue an animal just because you think its cute to have. There is so much that goes into the process of owning any type of animal, especially a dog so please make sure you are aware of that. Many animals are brought back to shelters because people are not aware how much of a commitment, as well as the time and effort you need to put in.
"he has like beard situation. he looks like he's seen a lot in life" LMFAO Freddie though
I have a Rottweiler Doberman mix dog named Rocky and I was fostering a husky named Ace that I renamed Canelo. We fostered him because he was going to get kicked out into the street. Rocky,Canelo, and I grew so close together that I had to keep Canelo. So I convinced my parents to adopt him. It is hard to train him but it was the best decision.
Edit: 3 likes!!! Wow! This is the most I ever got!
I have a dog named rocky and he is a golden retriever, jack Russell terrier mix and he is my life😁😁😁😁😁😁🐶🐶🐶🐶
@@fabianmiranda9410 cool! I have always wanted a golden retriever.
I was your 100th like!
I have a Rottweiler too but mine is full bred
Anybody else have puppy fever now??
Jill and Rachel i can’t afford to have puppy fever. I already have three. That’s what puppy fever causes. You to adopt three puppies and to dedicate your life to them. THESE VIDEOS TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE 😭😭. I love my babies
I have two puppers but yes i want another
Jill and Rachel I’ve been sick for 17 years from it
I already did : )
meeee and i have 4 dogs and one is not even 1 yet and i really want another one
“He pooped and I was like holy god!”
Lé Chat Noir it was that exact moment when I read this
I just really like Dino because of his smile and he's just so darn cute!!
My dog is a rescue dog
Her hobbies include: running away and doing the opposite of what I say
I love her with all my heart
My dog is also a rescue dog. Him and his friends were shot, sadly he was the only one that survived. He's surprisingly social for what he's been through.
'Humpy dog called Buck' I literally cried😂😂😂
Darcey O omg same XDD
I love how this shows the reality of fostering. It can be hard at times and sometimes discouraging if you don't have experiance. But the rewards far outweigh any stress you go through and most shelters and rescues pay for medical expenses and supplies so you don't HAVE to pay a ton of out of pocket money to foster. I also loved how even though Freddie and Devon loved their foster dogs, they realized that maybe they were better off in a different forever home. And now they have one. congrats to ladylike on their first successful fosters and I hope they think about doing it again! Love you guys!
devin: I think your getting a new brother
cat: WHAT BROTHER!!!!?????
Sasha Goldin I know I was going to comment that same thing
thumbs up for helping dogs get loving forever homes!!!
They aren't keeping them they are fostering them
*you getting a new brother !!*
Cat:kill me :)
Blushy Sliimes lol
Blushy Sliimes yup 😂😂😂
I would get sooo attached wayyy too quickly and would never be able to give any of them back 😂
omg same
I would cry so much giving them to the adopting families! I walked some rescue dogs for half an hour and then burst into tears when i gave them back
Sophie Hobbs Most fosters get first choice (foster-to-adopt).
Frank: sleeping so soundly
Dino: snuggles
Earl:...........earl bed *whining
"I think your getting a new brother!"
Zooms in on the cats face: WHAT.
Nana Nation! Lol thinking the same thing
i would cry when i had to give the dog back the adopt all the dogs we fostered
I never realized how dramatic caring for a shelter dog could be for some people. I've had dogs my whole life, always gotten them from shelters, and never was it as crazy as what these girls dealt with.
YeheTiph yeah, I think it's because they immediately took these dogs out and about instead of allowing them to bond and learn a routine.
Angie Johnson Ooh, that could be the case. I didn't think about that.
they wanted the InstagramPuppy life, that's not how it works.
YeheTiph ah jeez I want to adopt a dog but I have no experience so imma have to do a lot of research
Especially Devin. It's like they thought these dogs would be perfect. I was actually saddened to hear that Devin wouldn't keep Dino. Dogs Without Borders even warned them. At least Dino now has a more loving home.
*Bucky Barnes*
*James Buchanan Barnes*
*who- why.*
Brenna Hammond omg I immediately thought of Bucky Barnes during this video 😂
That's what I thought 😂
I have a tsum tsum bucky and a more humanoid plush captain America. When side by side it looks like he has a pet bucky
Brenna Hammond Yes!!!!
"He popped and I was like holly god"
Me-haha 😂
chantel and freddie got BEEF haha
Saya N how?
Saya N how?
yall, because they both wanted oreo
She's joking cuz they both wanted Oreo.
Megan Michaels yujmnbghuuiiookklko
"He's sleeping so soundly!"
*dog is fidgeting around in cage*
The dog's eyes werent even closed....
Salamander -Gaming, Vlogs, And More! I died 😂
Salamander -Gaming, Vlogs, And More! Ii
Salamander -Gaming, Vlogs, And More! J
Who else wished she adopted Dino
This video is so sad to see how these dogs have been so hurt and mistreated in the past. I really hope they all find total happiness in their new homes.
HEY FREDDIE! You probably won't see this, but if you do, I work with the rescue who has Shinobu. We're so sorry things didn't work out with him, but now that you've tried fostering, we hope you know 100% that he's well loved in his foster care situation, and he has lots of cool friends who are dealing with similar situations, including another fella who has Shinobu's exact same problem. They're friends. His friend is Midnight Magic. He's also friends with Dirigible, who's got chronic issues and can't be adopted out. Shinobu does a great job of avoiding Chuck Norris, a cat with a chronic eye thing who has a thing about bapping other cats on the head. Other cats have not been so smart but Shinobu is. You are NOT cursed. And if at any time you feel ready for a new cat friend, we hope you'll come back and we'll hook you up with a good-luck cat.
Love from everybody at Southern California Cat Adoption Tails
WindierIndoors I
WindierIndoors I hope she sees this ❤❤
You are FAKE
Sorry, I don't think she will see it because the people who work for buzz feed are not allowed to read comments for some reason, I saw this from Saafiya's why I left buzzfeed video
Somebody asked why she had to return Shinobu but I can't see the comment now? Before Freddie rescued Shinobu he suffered from chronic UTIs. It got too dangerous for him to just keep treating it so (and this is real and something that happens) he had to have his penis amputated. However because of this, he couldn't really control where or when he urinated. This became an overwhelming problem unfortunately (understandably). The foster he's with now specializes in accommodating unadoptable pets.
"I guess that leaves me with Bucky." LOOOOOLLLLL 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Devin: you’re getting a brother
Cat: looked at Devin shook
Dino is a typical German Shepherd, they want to protect their people
German Shepherds have been poorly bred and have temperament issues in the first place.
Well, they've been poorely bred in the American line. The German line of German Shepherds are really calm, much larger than their American counterparts.
Zombei Kid German shepherds typically don't have "temperament issues"... it's never a breed, it's how the dog was brought up. A lot of rescue dogs have trust issues being that they come from either neglect, no human interaction, or being forgotten. I wouldn't put that as a breed thing, but rather his past and just his protective personality.
Zombei Kid I have two German Shepherds and they don't have temperament issues. I've had one of them since he was about 8-10 weeks old and he's the most playful dog I've ever met and he loves people. The dog's attitude all depends on how they were raised.
I don't think it's a "temperament issue" so much as it is the natural protective nature of GSD's in general. They're a herding breed that are meant to protect a flock so without a flock they protect the closest thing, their families. My GSD has never been abused or ill treated, he's just typical of his breed as a guardian.
Omg if I tried to foster a dog I would fall in love and never leave him/her
Samantha Keogan same
Samantha Keogan yeah same
Samantha Keogan same
Lol that is what happened 😂 I love my little Harvey (my lab cross) and I would do anything for him
I've tried to be a foster
By that I mean every animal I tried fostering I ended up adopting... I even adopted a pregnant dog and her four puppies... And three kittens... And two bunnies... Yeah I have a lot of animals now.
blakedrowned lol me
blakedrowned I have 14 animals in my house now. SERIOUSLY
+ӀأӀұ ᏩԻΩҫҼ carmody you think that's a lot. I have 46 😂
blakedrowned can I live with you?
12:18 "it's almost as if the ticks were sucking the life out of him"
My life with Lyme disease 😅
that part of the video bugged me. "it's almost like they are sucking the life out of him". yes, it's called blood
Frank/Bucky was so fricking cute omg 😭😂
Matilda Xo ano I’m so happy he got a home x
All of them ♥️
Ikr so cuuuute I need him
I have fostered two dogs and it's not easy, yet it has been very rewarding. The small dog, I found in the streets and another, a husky, was from a family that couldn't keep him. The hardest part was saying bye to them, but they went to a permanent home 😊
I once fostered a very pregnant dog that had 13 puppies 8 of which died, one whom I had nursed back to health for 2 days, she died in my hands, but I don't regret fostering those puppies for a second even after having lost so many because it's so rewarding.
Libby Ughh that's heartbreaking!😔
Ok but what about big dogs... they are 95% of what's killed at the shelters.
Drew Weidhaas omg thank the lord I'm not the only one who heard her say "small dogs"!! big dogs are gorgeous and don't deserve the stigma against them, I've always had big dogs and they've never ever been aggressive, even the one I adopted from an abusive home, they're absolute angels and I just got genuinely angry at this woman!
LaLaLoopy what do you mean? dino is a big dog and he was showing aggresive tendancies.
Drew Weidhaas dino was big??
it could well be because the organisation isn't on the right scale to take them in. they only take 400 dogs a year and small dogs are more adoptable in terms of demand.
lulusinner true, I didn't even think of that, that makes sense, thanks ^__^
When I get a dog (maybe) I will ask the employees and say “which dog was here the longest” because I hate to she dogs to live their lives in a adoption center
Pinkinkcat Master one of our cats spent 6 long years at the same shelter. Eventually my mom felt bad and we got him ✨
Don't shop, adopt!
Yeah this video definitely proved that by giving people that shouldn't have dogs in the first place adopt dogs with histories. Especially with Dino. -sarcasm- Not all families can take dogs like Dino and handle aggressive behaviors. Adopt OR shop. Buying a dog is not why there's an excessive amount in shelters, it's dogs like Frank being abandoned with balls. People spending $800 on a purebred dog aren't going to dump it.
expreshayne stop. If nobody will buy dogs who are breeded they will go to a dog shleter. It will couse more problems. bu the way maybe peoples want like a calm dog they find a calm dog breed who loves kids etc. u never know what type are od shelter dogs .
anditspaganpoetry But it's not common
Jesra Renee $800? LOL my family spends over $1000 on puppies. Depends on the breed but, your right. I'm not super happy about the Dino situation tho. Smh.
I like this video just because it is realistic. A lot of times people show videos of fostering dogs and it's all sunshine. I like that this video showed that it is sometimes a struggle, rewarding, but a struggle nonetheless. Good job!
Em Tims It is. I foster and most have medical needs and LOTS and LOTS of medicine or have been abused. I want to cry a LOT. As I type my new foster is sitting right next to me.
When she didn’t adopt earl i almost cried
When you scroll through the comments when you haven't finished the video
Allie123 I was sad when Dino wasn’t adopted
I know but she is frosting him and maybe might adopt him
+Reese Rider Green fostering not frosting
Imagine thinking that a terrier puppy is gonna be naturally calm lmao
i have a lab terrier mix and yeah.. she ain't calm. she gets wound up really easily and takes awhile to calm down before bed, sometimes i'm asked if she's really young but nope she's 3, which is still pretty young but with the way she acts like a lil puppy sometimes is adorable
i rescued my dog about 5 months ago and they said he had a "clean bill of health"
the next day, he threw up blood and had diarrhea. he also had some skin issues. shelters are so underfunded that it's sad. they couldn't care for him. he is now healthy and doing great. he's 8 months old now and adorable. he is the best puppy. he hasn't peed or anything in the house and he is so chill. it's great to rescue a dog, but sometimes it will work out and sometimes it won't.
idk what i'm trying to say
phil's eyelash go you! it's awesome you rescued a dog and turned his life around for the better health wise and just happiness wise 💖
We adopted a dog this January from a family that claimed they loved him, but that they just couldn't take care of him anymore. They told us he was healthy. After a few days we had to leave him in the vet for 3 days 'cause he hadn't been dewormed for three years and he was so sick. A month after that I got home from work and he had convulsions and I freaked out. The vet told us he had a heart malfunction and he has to take pills for the rest of his life. We love him so much, but it just makes me so angry that his previous owners bought him and didn't took care of him at all...
How great that you took on some strays for fostering.
They needed to know love and you did that until they found their homes.
I took on an old girl, she is 11, from a pound. I love her as much as my children and am so pleased and proud of her.
It can be so rewarding taking on a dog that was given up.
The ticks broke my heart 😭😢
Limonade Shampoo me too
What? Are ticks dangerous in the US çuz my dog has gotten them a couple of times and you just need to get them off and he's fine. And there's a cat that I know and take care of some times and every time I see him he's got like five new ticks, and he's just like usual, nothing has changed.
same here, my dog gets them really often and its nothing
Evve Locce While it is normal for dogs to catch a few ticks now and then, they can give your dog a lyme disease which if not treated can get quite nasty. Where i'm from(not US) it is normal for your dog to have double protection against ticks, like special collar or spray or pill etc.
Evve Locce Some ticks can give dogs babesios, which could potentially kill them. Two of my dogs got it two times, now all of them wear a protection collar and sprayed monthly.
ive fostered over 100 dogs and although its so hard to send them off to their furever home, it’s the most amazing feeling seeing them happy 💖
Everything happens for a reason. Chantel wanted Earl, but Freddie took him. Chantel got Frank, and Frank helped her parent's dog Linda, and loved Chantel. 🐶🐶
Coffeecorgi ikr❤️
We need a try guys and a lady like mashup
Mimi Hart yaaaaaas
Mimi Hart it’s coming!!
Mimi Hart yassss
I love how the dog that Chantel didn’t want ended up in a home🥰🥰
I volunteer with dogs without boarders and I'm so happy that they partnered with buzzfeed!!!
Annie Bleveans that's so cool! Is it fun? 🐶
Jessica Francis yeah! It's very fun! You get to help dogs find homes and hang out with them! Even if you don't live near Dogs Without Boarders, I really recommend volunteering at a local no-kill shelter. It's very rewarding!
My dog looks so old but he’s so young it’s kinda shocking how he looks like grandpa dog when he’s puppers
William Fullingim sure
@@brit9976 btw i forgot my pass cause i changed my pass but then cahnged it again then forgot what that pass was sorry but i believe i did accept your friend request
i have a beagle terrier and she has grey hairs and it looks like she's so because of them but she's not
I love how she hated frank then fell inlove with him
Did she adopt Frank?
at the end she said that her parents adopted Frank (:
Awww! :)
1:04 Devin’s cat is like “send help”
Try piddle pads instead of taking walks at night! :) they are odorless pads with fake grass and are very useful when you don't have a yard. My dogs love them.
they are amazing
Anything Anya my did. Too ( :)
Anything Anya my mom uses those for our dogs
Where do you get them? I have a dog and he isn’t used to peeing anywhere other then the house so if there’s any possible way we can bring fake grass inside I would like to know
Anything Anya that very useful to me my dog doesn’t like going outside when it rains so I might by those!!!!
it makes me so sad to see all these dogs u can adopt ... I wish I could adopt them all and cuddle them and show them that they are loved 😭❤
Dont feel to sad about it, these videos give the dogs exposure. And thankfully all the dogs were adopted. I know they didn't personally adopt them but if they realize pets weren't for them then its best they find out before adopting
Siena Muller then foster! It saves two dogs, the one you're fostering and now there's room for them to rescue another dog from getting killed! It's so much easier than this video makes it out to be, we've fostered over 50 cats and dogs in the last few years and once in a great while some are a hassle, but I can count those ones on one hand out of the 50!
Siena Muller No, you'll just spoil them.
Siena Muller same here! 😢❤
Soggy Noodle definitely! There's not a single person who would buy dogs from a pet store if they knew the process and before anyone says anything I'm not talking about pet stores that have animals there from a rescue or shelter to get adopted, I mean like actual pet store dogs like Petland and stuff. The only way someone could sleep at night knowing how they get their puppies and STILL buying one is if they're sadistic psychopaths.
A dog they just picked up from a shelter has ticks? Shame on the shelter for not doing a thorough inspection on the dog. Poor thing should never have been sent to a house if he still had ticks and one of them looked quite large.
But it's wonderful to see people advocating for shelter dogs. There are too many poor dog AND cats that die in shelters every day. Thanks LadyLike
queenoffairies08 I've brought home lots of dogs with ticks from shelters. They do an initial clean up of the dog and vet check. They try to let you know when a dog has fleas and remove ticks, but sometimes a dark tick on a dark long hair dog just gets missed. But what could have happened is that shelter dogs don't get flea and tick medicine until the owner brings them home. He could have picked them up while he was playing in the yard at the start of the video, and then it took days for it to get noticed so it grew. Just glad it's gone now!
Most shelters have to turn those dogs around very quickly and often they don't get a bath or anything beyond the initial check in/check up. Its a resources thing. My dog was a mess when I adopted him. He couldn't have a bath until a week after his neutering. I didn't care. The faster he gets a home, the faster another dog can get in there and not be put down. Its just a couple ticks. Its not like he had an eye that needed to be removed or a rotting leg (Ive seen that too). Ticks is nothing.
thegazette Some ticks can cause paralysis.
If you paid more attention, you would've known that Oreo/Earl arrived at the centre two hours before he was picked up. It is likely there wasn't enough time to check.
At least the shelter covered all medical costs so they were able to get it taken care of.
Chantel is such a good dog mommy 😊
I think when Freddie is ready she should definitely get Earl/Oreo I love him soo much and they suit each other ❤️
When I saw Oreo I was " OMG THAT LOOKS LIKE EARL!!!!!!" And then Freddie got him and I was almost sure that it was Earl, THEN SHE NAMED HIM EARL!!!!
Tbh I don’t believe you
Jenna Nguyen do you even know what she’s talking about?
Who’s earl
Even though this video sent out a great message and ladylike really did take good care of their dogs, most foster places shouldn't and wouldn't have given them a dog. Most of them had never had a dog before and were given rowdy, skittish, sick dogs that they were expected to care for. One of them even lost their dog on the first day!
When my aunt first adopted her dog a few years ago he ran away the first night we brought him home. And I mean he raaaan. Like I was running for over an hour and people were getting out of their cars to help catch him. Dogs can be scared of new environments and act accordingly no matter how experienced you are with dogs. 6 years later hes deeply attached, but at the time we were a bunch of strangers.
As someone who's owned puppies and rescue dogs- Earl running away wasn't that bad.
He's been moved to two different places in one day, of course he would be scared!
And everyone makes mistakes at first- one time I lost my rescue dog in the woods and it scared the hell out of me,
and then she came trotting back. They did good for first timers, but Dino really should have had a muzzle if he was being aggressive
Chantel is such a beautiful woman 😍 A bit crushing right know... I LOVE Ladylike so much, because of her and queen Devin!
Che Nupet and Freddie 😍😍😍😍
Ifs so cute how Devin actually adopted Dino!!!
I'm soooo glad that you made this video. I'm a dog mom of 3 and I know the struggles of new puppies and rescues (some from death row). When people are getting dogs people don't always know how hard/stressful/time consuming they are. By buzz feed making this video it will be seen by a very large amount of people so they know how to care for their dog if they are getting one. Thank you again xxxx
You guys did great! Any shelter dog should be in some sort of behavioral training and just training in general, as soon as they come home! :) Don't give up too easily! A lot of shelter dogs will have big trust issues or separation anxiety. A little love and a lot of patience goes a long way. I love dogs!
HayGurl Hay ķ
Vicca Jørgensen no
Took a long time for my dog to settle down, and he was never in a traditional shelter, he was in a breed rescue.
Vicca Jørgensen I
HayGurl Hay I
The video is great, but shouldn't the shelter have sorted out Earl's ticks before they sent him to a possible owner?
Bittersweet Bliss what is ticks
Bittersweet Bliss Maybe because of lack of funding and volunteers, the shelter hadn't found them yet. Earl also might have gotten the ticks soon after entering the shelter, or Freddy's home.
Kaitlin Ellerbe oh ok
Dog shelters can be very busy and sadly there are dogs that are in far worse condition and if they don't get the full medical attention they will die. So often you will dog are n't completely cleaned. And for ticks, you need tweezers and some anti tick soap.
Vendeelaa B they are blood sucking bugs that clamp onto you...
I'm really glad they showed the reality of fostering. It's not just puppy snuggles and cute pictures. There is a lot of work involved, and that can mean medication administration, training, and dealing with behavioral issues that may or may not stem from past abuse.
Leaving a dog u love is hard. I am a *pawrent* and I can not imagine life without my dog.🐶🐶
disha g so am I !! I’m a pawrent of two doggies one 4 year old (Annie)and one is 1 years old this month (Dora ) Annie we bought and Dora we adopted fun fact the shelter named her Dora the explorer and that’s her full name haha
@@daisy6545 lol
and here friends, we have suddenly and ironically have this pizza shaped as an Illuminati.
Why can't do fostering I feel way sad having let them go.
I have to say though, the dog you first meet is NOT the dog you're going to be living with. That's because those first few weeks are so new to them and usually once they're finally like 'Yah...this dude's cool.' is when things settle down and things become 95% less hard.
Freddie: I just got these plants, and they are real. So I'm kinda worried that the dog might-
Me: Oh yeah she's worried that the dog will eat it and get sick that makes sense.
Freddie: think it is an area to pee on...
Me: wait what
Elizabeth Flores I was thinking the same exact thing! Lol xD
SAMMEE! I thought she was gonna say eat em
Elizabeth Flores OMG like sooooo relatable to that!
Elizabeth Flores ikr
I'm your 250 like
I love how you guys are doing this for these animals not only because you guys are making these animals feel loved! Thank you to doing this Ladylike!
I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DO THIS OMG I'd get too attached ☹️
uhhbella I love you profile pic
uhhbella They have the option to adopt the dogs
uhhbella If "foster" a dog As soon as it comes into my home. It's there to stay
i love how when they first met the dogs Devon and Freddie really wanted their dogs and Chantel was just like, ehhh... but by the end chantel loved frank and kept him but the others didn't 😂
Chantel is literally so maturnal and doesn't seem to know it.
Dogs need to be crate trained and he’s really young
I like how Chantel had the least experience yet ended up falling in love and keeping Frank