All of Beethoven's are just perfection - not a single note which could possibly be improved - and if you actually listen to them from 1 - 9 (and all his music), you can pick out themes which he's developing over time. 5 and 9 are obviously the most well known, i wish that at bare minimum 6 and 7 got a little more love, though i'd put 1-9 and all his music as "listen to without any sort of multitasking before you die or you're being a real fucking idiot" list P.S. Check out "Voices of Music" for flawless classical, and their 4 seasons with Alana Youseffian is just flawless - she's heart-stopping in that performance!
My late Father exposed me to most of his Symphonies in my childhood. I remember them all. But for me the Pastorale is the best (as you say), the sweetest.
This is a glorious performance of one of humanity's greatest symphonies! Dynamics, tempo, color... all are right on... in a symphony where those elements MUST be right! Thank you Frankfurt Radio Symphony.... so grateful!!
Mal abgesehen von dieser großartigen Musik- ich beneide all diese wunderbaren Musiker die nach Jahren des Studiums diese wunderbare Musik aufführen können.Das muß der wahre Sinn des Lebens sein.....
Much of today's music shall not be remembered.. not even in 50 years. How come we then keep performing ancient artists' music? Just because it never dies!! And it shall survive any catastrophe to come. Thank you so much, this symphony always makes me cry out of joy.
amen. today's music is so predictable. but you never know what emotions beethoven's symphonies are gonna portray next. its always a surprise. even after i've listened to it a million times, i am still so amazed .. when people ask me who my favourite musician is, i always say beethoven is one of the top 3.. i know its mainstream, but he's really THAT good. one of the best if not the best. always a joy listening to his music
@@sourdurian2839 I second that. It's always a joy listening to his music for me, too. And I think him one of the best whatsoever, along with Mozart. Wish you all the best for your life, my friend.
I do try to remind people that "today's music is just trash, back in MY DAY we had REAL MUSIC" quotes are often just boorish, uninformed, and the result of not giving new music a chance - considering there is an order of magnitude more music being created each decade that passes - but it's hard to argue that stuff like Beethoven (me being partial to the 5'th, 6'th, 7'th, and 9'th, but loving and listening to every little piece I can get my hands on) is and will forever remain rare and unique. His music was the result not just of genius, but also of very real suffering and struggle. Can we even imagine what torture it would be to write and play like him but to go completely deaf? Sometimes I daydream about silly things like "if I could go back in time with the greatest medical kit in the world, where and when would I go?" I would dearly love to go back, when the 9th was perhaps mostly written , but his health was still able to be preserved and reinforced, and to let him hear every piece of music he ever wrote in perfect clarity on demand as we are blessed to have it... I think Andres Orosco-Estrada's orchestra's renditions would be as good or better than any other I could offer him. May he RIP and the many gods give him all good things.
All of the Beatles music was produced over 50 years ago. It is still remembered by a very large percentage of the population. Bohemian Rhapsody will be 50 years old next year, yet practically everyone on the planet knows it. Most of the music from Beethoven's time has already been forgotten. What we remember is a tiny percentage of the music produced at that time. The same applies to modern music. The majority of it will be forgotten in a very short time but the best will live on. That's exactly how it should be.
@@teejayaich4306 It's the same in all walks of life. People will often say how amazing it is that builders of past centuries were so great. They don't seem to understand that they only see the best from that period. All the rubbish building from times gone by have long since disappeared. So what we see now is just the best there was at the time. Which skews our perception of what was normal. In years to come all the rubbish music of today will be forgotten, only the best will be remembered. So in the future it will appear that all of the music of our time was great. There's always been great music being produced and there always will be. The only rubbish music we get to hear is from our current era. Because the rubbish soon gets forgotten, no matter what era it comes from.
Beethovens No.6 'The Pastoral' is my absolute favourite. I love walks in the countryside and listen to the birds singing. This tells me exactly what life in the countryside is all about with a babbling brook. I can totally switch off when I listen to this wonderful masterpiece. What a joy , in this terrible time, to listen to peace and tranquility.
Die Pastorale ist die Hymne meines Lebens. Ich liebe die Natur, die Berge und Seen und habe nicht nur die Beethovensche Symphonie vermöge eines DiscMans sehr oft in der Natur gehört. Größte Wonne❤
Wieder und wieder höhere ich mir genau diese Interpretation an, sie gibt mir Kraft und entspannt mich gleichzeitig und hilft mir wirklich sehr all die Schrecklichkeiten unserer Zeit besser ertragen zu können... DANKE dafür...
Exactly the same with me. Heute zum x-ten Mal - nach getaner Gartenarbeit mit "Gott-sei-Dank-daß-es-wieder-regnet". Das hrSO mit seinen fabelhaften Holzbläsern incuding 2 Naturhörnern passt so schön zur Stimmung dieses grauen Montags.
@@bobmartin7399I was just thinking I’d like it at my funeral. I’m not sure other family members would appreciate it. But my Dad in Heaven would be conducting and beckon me Home (if God Wills).
Ich liebe die Pastorale und habe mich durch alle Aufnahmen durchgehört. Diese hier ist mit Abstand mein Favorit. So herrlich leicht, unheimlich gefühlvoll, ohne je kitschig oder überdramatisch zu werden. Der innere, manchmal sogar äußerlich sichtbare Tanz des Dirigenten übertragt sich magisch auf das Orchester. Grandiose Solisten, vor allem der Flötist ist ein Traum! Das hr-Sinfonieorchester gehört für mich spätestens mit dieser Aufnahme zur Weltspitze. Muss ich unbedingt einmal live erleben! Danke auch für die wunderbare Kameraführung und die technische Brillanz von Bild und Ton.
Gerade höre ich diese Aufnahme zum, ach, 7. oder 8. Mal, und bin dieses Mal zu Tränen gerührt (wirklich! das habe ich bei Klassik nur ganz, ganz selten!). So eine großartige Komposition, so wunderbar aufgeführt, und ich kann das miterleben! Die Pastorale ist meine Medizin geworden in traurigen Stunden. Sie macht mich nicht "wieder froh", sie nimmt mich einfach in die Arme, und ich darf mich tragen lassen. Danke, Andrés. Danke, Ludwig. Danke, Sebastian (der Flötist). Danke, alle Zauberer vom hr Sinf!
@@kallepawlak9808 Kenne Sie zwar nicht, aber Sie sprechen mir aus der Seele. Die Sechste hat mich aus allem rausgeholt. Mir laufen die Tränen runter und meine Töchter finden das ganz großartig! Danke Ihnen für den Kommentar
I first heard this song in Music Appreciation 101 class in about 1987 while in college, then promptly forgot about it. Except I remembered the melody. Now 35 years later I was trying to find the name of the piece and it was driving me crazy! I finally heard it at the end of Soylent Green movie, of all places. What a masterpiece of music!
Very much under-rated of his Symphonies! So is the 7'th! The 5'th and 9th get all the attention - and while I think they're literally among the most amazing, powerful, inspiring, heart-grasping pieces of music ever written, I think that the 6'th and 7'th get forgotten too often considering what masterpieces they are! The 3'rd I love too. The 1'st, 2'nd, 4'th, and 8'th - these are all absolutely amazing and would by any other writer be the top of their potential, but they suffer from comparison to his more famous works - in Symphony form mostly the 5th and 9th. Let us never forget 3, 6, 7, and all the others besides!
Google comes naming off different people as geniuses, giving their IQs...Tell you the truth, Orchestras and the maestro like this playing individually, coming together as one, is the biggest genius!!! Brilliant. Don't leave me Beethoven. I am crying and nice gift to me.. thank you Guys.
Wundervoll aufgeführt und das Frankfurter Radio Symphony Orchester meistert diese Symphonie großartig. Wunderbar und ein Genuss Beethoven musikalischen Tonmalereien zu lauschen. Welch ein großartiger Genius Beethoven war merkt man an dieser wahrhaft ergreifenden Musik.
Absolut ihrer Meinung.Wir können wohl ohne zu Zögern behaupten, dass Beethoven wahrhaft Einer der Allergrößten gewesen ist…vielleicht sogar der allergrößte Komponist, den die Musik hervorgebracht hat.
This is the countryside landscape itself in my childhood memory. The comfort of No.6 is irreplaceable , out of this world A corner of Tokyo of Japan 🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸🌸⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️
@@wilhelmberg7002 Thankyou From A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo 🗼🎏👘🎴🎎⛩️🎑🇯🇵 Cherry Blossom in full bloom is approaching in All of Japan 💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮💮 ⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️
@@danietheron5175 Thankyou From A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo ⛩️🎎🎴🎋🗼🎏🌸💮🎑🇯🇵 Cherry Blossom in full bloom is approaching in Tokyo 🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸🎋🎋🎋🎋🎋🎋
A professional musician myself, I have listened to the Frankfurt Radio orchestra several times recently and find their performances very convincing and, of course extremely enjoyable.
I have viewed or listened to many orchestras and conductors performing the pastoral symphony. But frankly, this performance gives me a lot of happiness, relief and peace. Don't know how many times I had viewed this in RUclips. Thank you all.
Most people name one of Beethoven's odd-numbered symphonies (usually the 5th or 9th, sometimes 7th or 3rd) as the "best" Beethoven symphony. I never hear the 6th mentioned... but this is hands-down my personal favorite. I've been listening to them all for decades, but I always come back to this one first when I'm in the mood for some full-orchestral Beethoven music. It tells a story that you can practically visualize while listening -- with peaceful pastures, happy shepherds, singing birds, flowing streams, pattering raindrops, and raging thunderstorms. And the first and second movements (especially the second) are some of the most relaxing music of all time... I can put this symphony on, and just ooze back into my chair with euphoric tranquility. But if I keep listening, I'll be fully awake again as the thunderstorm strikes in the fourth movement, followed by the rewarding, ecstatic melody of the shepherds giving thanks in the final movement. This is a great performance, by the way. My only minor issue is that I personally like the first movement a tad slower. But I've heard it around this tempo in popular recordings before (Karajan, for example), so this is just my personal preference.
40:30 ff der Regenbogen wird ueber den ganzen Himmel gespannt. Die Kroenung der Sinphonie … Unfassbar. Welch ein Geschenk. Die Natur erstrahlt - und wird dann ganz inniglich leise.
Wow, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, this is the BEST performance you can find in the Internet for my favorite No.6. Also the best in sound recording, camera/film editing. FRS is excellent!
The blissful union of charm and power, of gentleness and majesty. Thanks again Ludwig, you've lighted the world with another transclucent gem, this time, in honor of Nature herself.
No tengo palabras para describir esta cadenas de emociones queme provoca esta sinfonía,la paz campreste y sus sonidos,los pájaros,la tormenta, inconfundible y genial ,maravilloso Bethoven.
.... und für mich, la "PASTORALE" ist die schönste, die beste Symphonie. Weitweg bevor die berühmste von Mozart und die "aus der neuen Welt" von Dvorak !!...
Wunderschön musiziert!! Brillant, mit wunderschönem Ton die beiden Hörner!! Bravo! So sicher und trotzdem weich! So gehört Naturhorn geblasen! Gratulation! 📯📯😘😎
@@hrSinfonieorchester повлияла ли война в Украине на оркестр? Спасибо Германии за финансовую помощь (похоже это те деньги которые сэкономили на российском газе).
All of Beethoven's symphonies are perfection! This one makes me happy and recalls my times in the country with my grandma. Exactly what Beethoven must have felt when he walked the countryside.
Being very much a consumer of Beethoven music for the last 50 years or so, I find this interpretation very convincing. I belive that, knowing that he wrote his 5th at the same time, after the heiligenstadt testament, that this one was his farewell to his hearing. As I know how he loved the sounds of nature, he didn't really like program music music but here is a brilliant exeption as we hear lots of sounds from the nature, like the brook and birds and a thunder (ljungeldar runga) and also human sounds, like many flute melodies, as well as waltzes and songs from the 'country folk'. This recording lifts up such passes very clearly.
ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt, mit welcher Leidenschaft Andres Orozco-Estrada dirigiert und das Orchester zu Höchstleistungen mitreißt. Danke dafür.
Was für eine wunderschöne Aufführung der wunderschönen Pastorale! Herzlichen Dank! ♥ Bei dieser Musik bekomme ich sofort gute Laune! Bleiben Sie alle gesund und behütet und dennoch froh ✨
During the storm, I had to step across the room and close my window. Brilliant realisation by the Andrés and his exceptionally fine orchestra. Thank you!
Muchas gracias por tener las presentaciones de las 9 sinfonias de Bethoveen. La dirección impecable de Andres Orozco- Estarda y la magnifica interpretacion de Orquesta Sinfónica de Franfurt, es un lujo que me doy en este momento. Ejecutadas hace 8 años.... compuestas hace 3 siglos, disfrutadas en diciembre del 2024. DANKE, VIELEN DANK!
0:00 I. Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande (Allegro ma non troppo) ∙ 11:40 II. Szene am Bach (Andante molto moto) ∙ 24:10 III. Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute (Allegro) ∙ 29:06 IV. Gewitter. Sturm (Allegro) ∙ 32:53 V. Hirtengesang. Frohe, dankbare Gefühle nach dem Sturm (Allegretto) ∙
Was für ein verwöhntes, blasiertes Sprechblasendahergerede... wenn Beethoven so komponiert hätte wie Sie sprechen/schreiben, dann wäre es Rap, House... oder sonstsowas ähnliches... eine Aneinanderreihung von Worthülsen und Klischeegefühlen. Mein aufrichtiges Beileid. Aber ja, Beethoven ist fein.
Barletta Francesco Roma.Che orchestra, che suono e che ritmo, bellissimo, fenomenale. Un bene Bravi bis a tutti specialmente al direttore Estrada.!!!!! Grazie grazie e ancora grazie!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
Yo soy cubana y tengo el mismo orgullo que tu porque este conductor es tan carismático, grande, su obra tan impecable, limpia y fascinante que ya el es un orgullo del mundo pero igual muchas felicidades para los colombianos.
I pray for the year when this wonderful symphony No.6 'The Pastoral' will be recognized in the classicfm Hall of Fame and make my dream come true for it to reach the No. 1 slot where it should be. I'll keep voting for it anyway. I'm English but I enjoy all Beethovens Symphonies. What a wonderful composer he was.
I’m American and all our composers were garbage. Same is mostly true for the English. The pinnacle of composition was a pan-continental affair. America and England pulled more than their weight in other spheres of accomplishment, but the continent gifted the world with the most complete form of sonic beauty.
Magnifica. Che impegno da parte dei componenti l'orchestra! Si direbbero essi stessi trasportati dalle note che sgorgano dagli strumenti. Musica che esprime con pienezza l'intimità dell'essere e la gioia di vivere.
Ich habe das in einer Werbung zum erstenmal gehört und habe mich sofort in das Stück Verliebt. Dankeschön nochmal an die Dame die mir bei Nachfrage zurück geschrieben hat.
I used to know a very little of two or three symphonies by Beethoven, the 9 and the 5th and the 3rd, but the other day I discovered the 6th. The pastoral. I just love it, I just dig it !
Das war der junge Beethoven (Scherz). Es ist sehr schön, dass ihre kleine Tochter so eine wunderschöne Musik hört. Meine Enkeltochter Lilly ist aber auch sehr daran interessiert, was der Opa für eine Musik hört und daß er vor allem lieber Musik hört, als Fernseh zu schauen
Bellissimo crescere con questa meravigliosa musica .... Musica fiori natura .!!! è vita... Ero bimba, ascoltavo "Incompiuta" di Schubert, ricordo piangevo... Ma, quanto mi piaceva! Tutt'ora mi fa compagnia.... Fortunatamente ho trovato Swiss- klassic 24/24 musica classica, senza dover scegliere, decidere chi, cosa ascoltare... Meraviglioso giorno e notte SWISS-KLASSIC Radio o TV.
One time I was hosting some friends along a barbeque in our yard. This amazing piece started to play on my CD player in the playlist. I immediately stopped and made everyone listen to the sounds of the imaginary countryside. Everyone was shocked and looked at me like I was mad. I was so embarrassed; anytime I heard this lovely music, I still remember that moment with a blush.
O ciclo inteiro das nove sinfonias de Beethoven é espetacular!!! Imperdível""" Como nunca visto antes!!! !Bravo Maestro!!!!! Bravíssimo Hr!!! Vejam todas as sinfonias de Beethoven (especialmente a 5ª).
0:35 widerholumg der melody 14:10 zweites thema des 2. satzes gefolgt von dieser melodie 14:3325:02 hier beginnt das trio 25:45 wird das tempo verändert 28:34 hier hört man den weit entfernten donner und regen und so gehen wir zum 4. satz "gewitter" über donner schläge 29:5332:58 wichtige übergangs theme
This has to be one of the best symphonies ever
I could listen back to back forever.❤🎉
All of Beethoven's are just perfection - not a single note which could possibly be improved - and if you actually listen to them from 1 - 9 (and all his music), you can pick out themes which he's developing over time.
5 and 9 are obviously the most well known, i wish that at bare minimum 6 and 7 got a little more love, though i'd put 1-9 and all his music as "listen to without any sort of multitasking before you die or you're being a real fucking idiot" list
P.S. Check out "Voices of Music" for flawless classical, and their 4 seasons with Alana Youseffian is just flawless - she's heart-stopping in that performance!
My late Father exposed me to most of his Symphonies in my childhood. I remember them all. But for me the Pastorale is the best (as you say), the sweetest.
Me too@@Yoganature101
@@teejayaich4306erstaunlicherweise ist die 9. sehr bekannt, aber nur wenige Menschen kennen sie wirklich ausser dem letzten Satz.
I feel like I stroll with Beethoven around a beautiful countryside...
Beethoven: "I'm going deaf (5th Symphony/"Fate knocking at the door"), so I think I'll go for a walk (6th Symphony)." Perfection.
This is a glorious performance of one of humanity's greatest symphonies! Dynamics, tempo, color... all are right on... in a symphony where those elements MUST be right! Thank you Frankfurt Radio Symphony.... so grateful!!
Mal abgesehen von dieser großartigen Musik- ich beneide all diese wunderbaren Musiker die nach Jahren des Studiums diese wunderbare Musik aufführen können.Das muß der wahre Sinn des Lebens sein.....
Much of today's music shall not be remembered.. not even in 50 years. How come we then keep performing ancient artists' music? Just because it never dies!! And it shall survive any catastrophe to come.
Thank you so much, this symphony always makes me cry out of joy.
amen. today's music is so predictable. but you never know what emotions beethoven's symphonies are gonna portray next. its always a surprise. even after i've listened to it a million times, i am still so amazed .. when people ask me who my favourite musician is, i always say beethoven is one of the top 3.. i know its mainstream, but he's really THAT good. one of the best if not the best. always a joy listening to his music
@@sourdurian2839 I second that. It's always a joy listening to his music for me, too. And I think him one of the best whatsoever, along with Mozart. Wish you all the best for your life, my friend.
I do try to remind people that "today's music is just trash, back in MY DAY we had REAL MUSIC" quotes are often just boorish, uninformed, and the result of not giving new music a chance - considering there is an order of magnitude more music being created each decade that passes - but it's hard to argue that stuff like Beethoven (me being partial to the 5'th, 6'th, 7'th, and 9'th, but loving and listening to every little piece I can get my hands on) is and will forever remain rare and unique.
His music was the result not just of genius, but also of very real suffering and struggle. Can we even imagine what torture it would be to write and play like him but to go completely deaf?
Sometimes I daydream about silly things like "if I could go back in time with the greatest medical kit in the world, where and when would I go?"
I would dearly love to go back, when the 9th was perhaps mostly written , but his health was still able to be preserved and reinforced, and to let him hear every piece of music he ever wrote in perfect clarity on demand as we are blessed to have it... I think Andres Orosco-Estrada's orchestra's renditions would be as good or better than any other I could offer him.
May he RIP and the many gods give him all good things.
All of the Beatles music was produced over 50 years ago. It is still remembered by a very large percentage of the population. Bohemian Rhapsody will be 50 years old next year, yet practically everyone on the planet knows it. Most of the music from Beethoven's time has already been forgotten. What we remember is a tiny percentage of the music produced at that time. The same applies to modern music. The majority of it will be forgotten in a very short time but the best will live on. That's exactly how it should be.
@@teejayaich4306 It's the same in all walks of life. People will often say how amazing it is that builders of past centuries were so great. They don't seem to understand that they only see the best from that period. All the rubbish building from times gone by have long since disappeared. So what we see now is just the best there was at the time. Which skews our perception of what was normal.
In years to come all the rubbish music of today will be forgotten, only the best will be remembered. So in the future it will appear that all of the music of our time was great. There's always been great music being produced and there always will be. The only rubbish music we get to hear is from our current era. Because the rubbish soon gets forgotten, no matter what era it comes from.
Wer Beethovens Pastorale hören durfte, hat nicht vergebens gelebt.
Was für ein wunderbarer, passender Kommentar, vielen Dank für diese Worte.
Beethovens No.6 'The Pastoral' is my absolute favourite. I love walks in the countryside and listen to the birds singing. This tells me exactly what life in the countryside is all about with a babbling brook. I can totally switch off when I listen to this wonderful masterpiece. What a joy , in this terrible time, to listen to peace and tranquility.
_And he was a Moor, search it!_ 😁
Towards the end of the second movement the woodwinds imitate bird calls, this symphony is a joy to listen to.
and the 5th and 9th???
A good description of what Beethoven's intentions were: What the world might hum and sound like had mankind not screwed up the planet Earth.
@@goscott444 - Who was a Moor - Beethoveen?
Die Pastorale ist die Hymne meines Lebens. Ich liebe die Natur, die Berge und Seen und habe nicht nur die Beethovensche Symphonie vermöge eines DiscMans sehr oft in der Natur gehört. Größte Wonne❤
Wieder und wieder höhere ich mir genau diese Interpretation an, sie gibt mir Kraft und entspannt mich gleichzeitig und hilft mir wirklich sehr all die Schrecklichkeiten unserer Zeit besser ertragen zu können... DANKE dafür...
Exactly the same with me. Heute zum x-ten Mal - nach getaner Gartenarbeit mit "Gott-sei-Dank-daß-es-wieder-regnet". Das hrSO mit seinen fabelhaften Holzbläsern incuding 2 Naturhörnern passt so schön zur Stimmung dieses grauen Montags.
@@hansjuergenkohlhaas871 😊... "Gott sei Dank, dass es wieder regnet..." das kann ich gut nachvollziehen... 😊
@@eltoffel9927 Scheisse, immer dieser Regen!
Jehova sorgt bald für ein Paradies hier auf der Erde
Eine der schönsten Sinfonien überhaupt.
22:31 I can hear the singing from nightingale, quail, cuckoo. So beautiful!
The transition from the storm... to thanksgiving... is one of the most powerful and moving things i have ever experienced in my whole life.
Had that played at the funerals of both of my parents.
Gives me chills.
@@bobmartin7399I was just thinking I’d like it at my funeral. I’m not sure other family members would appreciate it. But my Dad in Heaven would be conducting and beckon me Home (if God Wills).
This is a symphony that is SO STRONG live in concert... it blows you away 😲
I'm sure it is. Is this the reason why you're deaf?
@@MrAmmaccabanane97 ha
@@MrAmmaccabanane97 pardon?
Ich liebe die Pastorale und habe mich durch alle Aufnahmen durchgehört. Diese hier ist mit Abstand mein Favorit. So herrlich leicht, unheimlich gefühlvoll, ohne je kitschig oder überdramatisch zu werden. Der innere, manchmal sogar äußerlich sichtbare Tanz des Dirigenten übertragt sich magisch auf das Orchester. Grandiose Solisten, vor allem der Flötist ist ein Traum! Das hr-Sinfonieorchester gehört für mich spätestens mit dieser Aufnahme zur Weltspitze. Muss ich unbedingt einmal live erleben!
Danke auch für die wunderbare Kameraführung und die technische Brillanz von Bild und Ton.
Gerade höre ich diese Aufnahme zum, ach, 7. oder 8. Mal, und bin dieses Mal zu Tränen gerührt (wirklich! das habe ich bei Klassik nur ganz, ganz selten!). So eine großartige Komposition, so wunderbar aufgeführt, und ich kann das miterleben! Die Pastorale ist meine Medizin geworden in traurigen Stunden. Sie macht mich nicht "wieder froh", sie nimmt mich einfach in die Arme, und ich darf mich tragen lassen. Danke, Andrés. Danke, Ludwig. Danke, Sebastian (der Flötist). Danke, alle Zauberer vom hr Sinf!
@@kallepawlak9808 Kenne Sie zwar nicht, aber Sie sprechen mir aus der Seele. Die Sechste hat mich aus allem rausgeholt. Mir laufen die Tränen runter und meine Töchter finden das ganz großartig! Danke Ihnen für den Kommentar
@@kallepawlak9808 : Herr Pawlak, es geht mir genauso. Beethoven ein Maler mit Noten und Balsam für die Seele.
The flautist looks like he has sprung from the Münster crime scene.
@@volkerlinz7214 Hoffentlich hat die Heulerei inzwischen nachgelassen. Das bringt doch nix.
This is really beautiful. Estrada fast becoming my favorite conductor
A great-- and I mean GREAT-- philosopher once wrote that without this music, life would not be worth living.
The most beautiful piece of classical music ever written! Beethoven is my favourite composer. Truly wonderful melodic perfection!!
Wait until you discover late Beethoven..
the most sublime symphony ever written. the work of peerless genius.
agreed, but 7 runs it close. how can someone be a jazz artist and not love this symphony?
I first heard this song in Music Appreciation 101 class in about 1987 while in college, then promptly forgot about it. Except I remembered the melody. Now 35 years later I was trying to find the name of the piece and it was driving me crazy! I finally heard it at the end of Soylent Green movie, of all places. What a masterpiece of music!
Very much under-rated of his Symphonies! So is the 7'th!
The 5'th and 9th get all the attention - and while I think they're literally among the most amazing, powerful, inspiring, heart-grasping pieces of music ever written, I think that the 6'th and 7'th get forgotten too often considering what masterpieces they are!
The 3'rd I love too. The 1'st, 2'nd, 4'th, and 8'th - these are all absolutely amazing and would by any other writer be the top of their potential, but they suffer from comparison to his more famous works - in Symphony form mostly the 5th and 9th. Let us never forget 3, 6, 7, and all the others besides!
Google comes naming off different people as geniuses, giving their IQs...Tell you the truth, Orchestras and the maestro like this playing individually, coming together as one, is the biggest genius!!! Brilliant. Don't leave me Beethoven. I am crying and nice gift to me.. thank you Guys.
Wundervoll aufgeführt und das Frankfurter Radio Symphony Orchester meistert diese Symphonie großartig. Wunderbar und ein Genuss Beethoven musikalischen Tonmalereien zu lauschen. Welch ein großartiger Genius Beethoven war merkt man an dieser wahrhaft ergreifenden Musik.
Absolut ihrer Meinung.Wir können wohl ohne zu Zögern behaupten, dass Beethoven wahrhaft Einer der Allergrößten gewesen ist…vielleicht sogar der allergrößte Komponist, den die Musik hervorgebracht hat.
Never get tired of listening to this wonderful relaxing music.
O wow, the flute!, the horns, the clarinet, the oboe, it is simply so beautiful
This is the countryside landscape itself in my childhood memory.
The comfort of No.6 is irreplaceable , out of this world
A corner of Tokyo of Japan
All the best to you from a corner in Germany.
and from me at a corner of the world - South Africa!
A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo
Cherry Blossom in full bloom is approaching in All of Japan
A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo
Cherry Blossom in full bloom is approaching in Tokyo
This director is like fresh air!
A professional musician myself, I have listened to the Frankfurt Radio orchestra several times recently and find their performances very convincing and, of course extremely enjoyable.
Would love to see them live.
I have viewed or listened to many orchestras and conductors performing the pastoral symphony. But frankly, this performance gives me a lot of happiness, relief and peace. Don't know how many times I had viewed this in RUclips.
Thank you all.
Most people name one of Beethoven's odd-numbered symphonies (usually the 5th or 9th, sometimes 7th or 3rd) as the "best" Beethoven symphony. I never hear the 6th mentioned... but this is hands-down my personal favorite.
I've been listening to them all for decades, but I always come back to this one first when I'm in the mood for some full-orchestral Beethoven music. It tells a story that you can practically visualize while listening -- with peaceful pastures, happy shepherds, singing birds, flowing streams, pattering raindrops, and raging thunderstorms.
And the first and second movements (especially the second) are some of the most relaxing music of all time... I can put this symphony on, and just ooze back into my chair with euphoric tranquility. But if I keep listening, I'll be fully awake again as the thunderstorm strikes in the fourth movement, followed by the rewarding, ecstatic melody of the shepherds giving thanks in the final movement.
This is a great performance, by the way. My only minor issue is that I personally like the first movement a tad slower. But I've heard it around this tempo in popular recordings before (Karajan, for example), so this is just my personal preference.
24:20 is probably my all time favorite symphonic movement! I LOVE this entire symphony! Beethoven is a musical genius of epic proportions.
40:30 ff der Regenbogen wird ueber den ganzen Himmel gespannt. Die Kroenung der Sinphonie … Unfassbar. Welch ein Geschenk. Die Natur erstrahlt - und wird dann ganz inniglich leise.
Alle Symphonien von Beethoven sind Meisterwerke! I Es ist wundervolle, wunderschöne klassische Musik. Kann es nicht oft genug hören!
Dann hoer's einfach NOCH oefter!
Pastorale is one of my favourite sinfonies! It is full of wonderful discribes of beautiful nature❤
Wow, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, this is the BEST performance you can find in the Internet for my favorite No.6. Also the best in sound recording, camera/film editing. FRS is excellent!
Excellent sound engineers and cameras too. That's for sure
They do a great performance of everything they take on. More people are beginning to notice this.
The blissful union of charm and power, of gentleness and majesty. Thanks again Ludwig, you've lighted the world with another transclucent gem, this time, in honor of Nature herself.
No tengo palabras para describir esta cadenas de emociones queme provoca esta sinfonía,la paz campreste y sus sonidos,los pájaros,la tormenta, inconfundible y genial ,maravilloso Bethoven.
merci Ludwig pour cette magnifique symphonie, pastorale et romantique tellement mélodieuse!der Koukouk so gut gespielt !
My favourite symphony!
The most wonderful ever symphony describing nature. You should see what memories this brings up in my mind.
Beethovens 6. ist für mich in jeder Hinsicht ein klangvoller "Genuss".
.... und für mich, la "PASTORALE" ist die schönste, die beste Symphonie. Weitweg bevor die berühmste von Mozart und die "aus der neuen Welt" von Dvorak !!...
Beethoven 6 ist der beste Kumpel von Mahler 1
Eine der schönsten Synphonien Lv Beethovens
Just Sublimea
coincido es sublime
Wunderschön musiziert!!
Brillant, mit wunderschönem Ton die beiden Hörner!! Bravo! So sicher und trotzdem weich! So gehört Naturhorn geblasen! Gratulation! 📯📯😘😎
Wer sind die tollen Hornisten? Perfekt und musikalisch geblasen. 👍👏🏻👏🏻📯📯
Hi, John!
Das sind Michael Armbruster und Samuel Seidenberg.
@@hrSinfonieorchester повлияла ли война в Украине на оркестр?
Спасибо Германии за финансовую помощь (похоже это те деньги которые сэкономили на российском газе).
Bei der Musik schwingt meine Seele.
Meine nicht
@@sechsgorgon0616 wat den einen sin ul, es den annern siin nachtigall.
@@sechsgorgon0616 armer Mensch
@@sechsgorgon0616 ¹111¹
Ja, das ist so wahr. Bei Ihnen kommt an, was Beethoven vermitteln will! Und bei mir auch!
Erstklassig gespielt! Applaus ist nicht genug für dieses Meisterwerk orchestraler Farben!
For my taste, Beethoven's best symphony. What a wonder!. Every time I hear it, it makes me feel happy.
All of Beethoven's symphonies are perfection! This one makes me happy and recalls my times in the country with my grandma. Exactly what Beethoven must have felt when he walked the countryside.
Estos conciertos son la esencia de la alegría y del trabajo académico. Gracias, desde Aguascalientes, México.
Being very much a consumer of Beethoven music for the last 50 years or so, I find this interpretation very convincing.
I belive that, knowing that he wrote his 5th at the same time,
after the heiligenstadt testament, that this one was his farewell to his hearing. As I know how he loved the sounds of nature, he didn't really like program music music but here is a brilliant exeption as we hear lots of sounds from the nature, like the brook and birds and a thunder (ljungeldar runga) and also human sounds, like many flute melodies, as well as waltzes and songs from the 'country folk'. This recording lifts up such passes very clearly.
Mein Gott wie macht er das:
Beethoven wird federleicht.
Beethoven ist die Stimme Gottes
Ekkehard Baumgardt - Beethoven is the voice of God? My German is not that great, but if that is what you are saying I would have to agree truly.
@@shirleyrombough8173 This is indeed what he is saying.
@@ekkehardbaumgardt7948 : Herr Baumgardt, schöner kann man es nicht sagen.Danke.
Andrés Orozco. 나와 같은 시대에 있어 주어 너무 감사합니다. 당신이 지휘하는 모습을 보면 배우가 대사를 읽는 것처럼 작곡자가 하는 이야기가 그대로 나타납니다.
A tiny grace note to this exceptional music, orchestra and the photography: the camera control follows the score wonderfully!
HR and ORF are both masters at this.
ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt, mit welcher Leidenschaft Andres Orozco-Estrada dirigiert und das Orchester zu Höchstleistungen mitreißt. Danke dafür.
Das ist kein "Super Job", das ist Leidenschaft ❤❤❤❤❤
the last Movement "Hirtengesang" is really so uplifting, it always brings me some tears.
Was für eine wunderschöne Aufführung der wunderschönen Pastorale! Herzlichen Dank! ♥ Bei dieser Musik bekomme ich sofort gute Laune!
Bleiben Sie alle gesund und behütet und dennoch froh ✨
Und nachtraeglich noch Frohe Pfingsten!
Bravo bravissimo for all the musicians and the conductor. Wish I had been there to applaud in person.
Wunderschöne Sinfonie, leicht wie ein Champagner mit einer herrlichen Perlage. Wunderbar, Herzlichen Dank.
During the storm, I had to step across the room and close my window. Brilliant realisation by the Andrés and his exceptionally fine orchestra. Thank you!
Muchas gracias por tener las presentaciones de las 9 sinfonias de Bethoveen. La dirección impecable de Andres Orozco- Estarda y la magnifica interpretacion de Orquesta Sinfónica de Franfurt, es un lujo que me doy en este momento.
Ejecutadas hace 8 años.... compuestas hace 3 siglos, disfrutadas en diciembre del 2024.
Oh I love it when I get to see my favorite conductor conduct my favorite composer
0:00 I. Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande (Allegro ma non troppo) ∙
11:40 II. Szene am Bach (Andante molto moto) ∙
24:10 III. Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute (Allegro) ∙
29:06 IV. Gewitter. Sturm (Allegro) ∙
32:53 V. Hirtengesang. Frohe, dankbare Gefühle nach dem Sturm (Allegretto) ∙
qqqqq7utubnj7 0
@@nicolaspalermo3980 ist doff
@@nicolaspalermo3980 lindo de se ver o movimento dos músicos embalados por esse música maravilhosa
du Ehrenman !! Ich hätte es mir fast angehört
Es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit um sich zu entspannen. Es ist einfach schön!
Nach einem extrem harten Arbeitstag, die Seele baumeln zu lassen.
Du hast recht
Ja, Beethovens Musik ist genau dazu gedacht- zum Entspannen.. (Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement, 5.Symphonie, 1. und 3. Allegretto, etc...) ^^
Was für ein verwöhntes, blasiertes Sprechblasendahergerede... wenn Beethoven so komponiert hätte wie Sie sprechen/schreiben, dann wäre es Rap, House... oder sonstsowas ähnliches... eine Aneinanderreihung von Worthülsen und Klischeegefühlen. Mein aufrichtiges Beileid.
Aber ja, Beethoven ist fein.
Temporale e finale...Solo Beethoven!!!! Genio immortale!!!
Si, Beethoven e grandioso! Sono innamorato Beethoven e il suo musica! 💖💖
Meravigliosa esecuzione.... un Beethoven così non l'avevo mai sentito .... è stato come ascoltare la Pastorale per la prima volta .......
Barletta Francesco Roma.Che orchestra, che suono e che ritmo, bellissimo, fenomenale. Un bene Bravi bis a tutti specialmente al direttore Estrada.!!!!! Grazie grazie e ancora grazie!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
Браво ! С любовью и благодарностью из Израиля ❤
Es hermosisima la version del Maestro Andres Orozco, que orgullosa me siento de ser Colombiana
Yo soy cubana y tengo el mismo orgullo que tu porque este conductor es tan carismático, grande, su obra tan impecable, limpia y fascinante que ya el es un orgullo del mundo pero igual muchas felicidades para los colombianos.
Magnifique ! Merci. Bravo à la direction d'orchestre d'Andres Orozco-Estrada.
I pray for the year when this wonderful symphony No.6 'The Pastoral' will be recognized in the classicfm Hall of Fame and make my dream come true for it to reach the No. 1 slot where it should be. I'll keep voting for it anyway. I'm English but I enjoy all Beethovens Symphonies. What a wonderful composer he was.
I’m American and all our composers were garbage. Same is mostly true for the English. The pinnacle of composition was a pan-continental affair. America and England pulled more than their weight in other spheres of accomplishment, but the continent gifted the world with the most complete form of sonic beauty.
Vuelven Dank Beethoven fur dein Genie!
flutes: getting their solo
camera man: let me just focus on the organs real quick
Maybe he thought those *were* the flutes..
La música de Beethoven es lo más próximo a la divinidad que me puedo imaginar.
Beethoven.......Balsam für die Seele !
Che impegno da parte dei componenti l'orchestra!
Si direbbero essi stessi trasportati dalle note che sgorgano dagli strumenti.
Musica che esprime con pienezza l'intimità dell'essere e la gioia di vivere.
Prachtige uitvoering, de zesde geeft hoop en deze maestro, 't is super mooi, sprankelend.
Wonderful natural horn sound and execution! Bravo!!
Die 6te ist für die Seele, ich genieße!!!!!!
Ich habe das in einer Werbung zum erstenmal gehört und habe mich sofort in das Stück Verliebt.
Dankeschön nochmal an die Dame die mir bei Nachfrage zurück geschrieben hat.
Könnte ich Stunden lang hören!
I used to know a very little of two or three symphonies by Beethoven, the 9 and the 5th and the 3rd, but the other day I discovered the 6th. The pastoral. I just love it, I just dig it !
this is the best recording of all time.. Wow!
Orozco hace de La Pastoral un poema maravilloso con su dirección magistral
Большое спасибо оркестру и Людвигу Ван Бетховену лично за великолепный концерт!
Big BRAVO, Maestro Orozco-Estrada and the FR. Your rendition of theBeethoven masterpiece gives me the chill and the opening theme of the last movement brings tears to my eyes. BIG THANKS, sirs/ma'ams.
Diese Sinfonie heilt alle Wunden der Menschen
Erica Pfliger: Besser kann man es nicht sagen. DANKE.
Vielen Dank... Meine Tochter (6) fragt zum ob der Dirigent der beethoven ist... 🙈 also er macht ein super job 👍🙂
Das war der junge Beethoven (Scherz). Es ist sehr schön, dass ihre kleine Tochter so eine wunderschöne Musik hört. Meine Enkeltochter Lilly ist aber auch sehr daran interessiert, was der Opa für eine Musik hört und daß er vor allem lieber Musik hört, als Fernseh zu schauen
Bellissimo crescere con questa meravigliosa musica .... Musica fiori natura .!!!
è vita...
Ero bimba, ascoltavo "Incompiuta" di Schubert, ricordo piangevo... Ma, quanto mi piaceva! Tutt'ora mi fa compagnia.... Fortunatamente ho trovato
Swiss- klassic 24/24 musica classica, senza dover scegliere, decidere chi, cosa ascoltare... Meraviglioso giorno e notte SWISS-KLASSIC Radio o TV.
❤️ 🎶❤️
Lerne Deutsch.Und lehre deine Tochter diese Sprache.
Amo vocês, Orquestra, Maestro, e tudo o que já ouvi de Beethoven. Parabéns.
Excellent conductor, excellent orchestra, and of course , the master of all composers, the magnificent Beethoven!
In Memoriam für jemand der mir viel bedeutet hat ❤
The second movement is heartbreaking 💔 beautiful
Interpretação maravilhosa!!!! Este maestro é incrível ,sensacional!!!!❤
One time I was hosting some friends along a barbeque in our yard. This amazing piece started to play on my CD player in the playlist. I immediately stopped and made everyone listen to the sounds of the imaginary countryside. Everyone was shocked and looked
at me like I was mad. I was so embarrassed; anytime I heard this lovely music, I still remember that moment with a blush.
Simply beautiful!!! Thank you very much!!
Interpretación absolutamente perfecta. Todos los intérpretes de calidad impresionante 😲!!
Genial conducción por maestro Orozco.
Danke viel!!!
A magnificent performance by all the musiciens and à gréât conductor
Thank you for a beautiful concert of the pastoral
What a nice surprise to detect as principal cello here the Munich Philharmonic Solo-Cellist Floris Mijnders, evidently as a guest to the hrSO.
Wie fröhlich der Anfang der Sinfonie klingt! Mir gefällt diese hoch kultivierte Aufführung im relativ schnellen Tempo.
O ciclo inteiro das nove sinfonias de Beethoven é espetacular!!! Imperdível""" Como nunca visto antes!!! !Bravo Maestro!!!!! Bravíssimo Hr!!! Vejam todas as sinfonias de Beethoven (especialmente a 5ª).
Perdone, Ricardo, pero está olvidándose de los ciclos dirigidos por von Karajan y Bernstein, por solo citar dos de extraordinaria calidad!
ich muss dieses video angucken weil ich es von meiner schule bekommen hab.aber echt schöne musik wow.:)
Ein Muss wird das nicht bleiben! Das ist eine Wohltat !
Thank you all. Just a wonderful performance by the orchestra . Beautifully conducted. Bravo...
0:35 widerholumg der melody 14:10 zweites thema des 2. satzes gefolgt von dieser melodie 14:33 25:02 hier beginnt das trio 25:45 wird das tempo verändert 28:34 hier hört man den weit entfernten donner und regen und so gehen wir zum 4. satz "gewitter" über donner schläge 29:53 32:58 wichtige übergangs theme
Moja najpiękniejsza ulubiona. Cos pięknego. Przewspaniała