I think those young people need to pay the British Tax Payer reparations for wasting the educational opportunities they have been given. Their behaviour is embarrassing, displaying a level of ignorance I find quite shocking. Keep on hitting them with the truth Rafe. We’ll done.
@Richard Fox .. and you clearly don't understand that the purpose of a debate is to explore (and PAY ATTENTION to) the various arguments being put forward - rather than play with your iphone, chat with friends and/or totally dismiss anything being said that goes against your peer-group orthodoxy.
@Richard Fox I attended many debates during my time at University. It was accepted that, whatever your personal opinions, you gave speakers respect, and gave their arguments a courteous hearing. These standards have, evidently, been lost, at least at Cambridge.
Watching the downcast, miserable faces on those students as they desperately try to ignore the list of facts and logic that is being so clearly stated is an absolute pleasure. I suspect they are hearing this for the first time in their lives. This should be taught in schools alongside the evils of the slave trade so that it can be put into historical perspective.
Don't forget the workhouses either, lol the DWP already made an attempt to revive that old slavery re-branded idea when they wanted claimants to work in pound land for self esteem.
@@onlineonlineaccount2368 I'm a young person and I care. And it's n9t because "old people" are forcing me to either. You don't speak for all young people and I'm so damn tired of the ageism you're spouting here.
@@beecat9951 If people didn't work for free they had there benefits stopped wether it be Poundland or Tescos, if you want to call it something else go for it but to me that is pretty much slavery.
Seven generations separate us from slavery, but no prior generation, of any nation, ever could say the same. If the sins of the fathers are to be visited on the children, the Dahomeyans, Berbers, Arabs, Egyptians... need to pay up, not the one nation which, in all lands colonised, on all waves ruled, abolished it.
Just look at the young 'people' behind him, so addicted to their mobile 'phones they have not the intelligence, or even the good manners, to realise (or care) that they will be seen by a much wider audience than those present at the time of the recording. And this is Cambridge: supposedly one of our most prestigious centres of learning. Standards have certainly slipped.
All looking around at the end to see if it's ok to clap, absolute pathetic. I think they were shocked and over excited to actually hear some factual sense going into their ears holes, but were too frightened to channel their braincells into openly welcoming it. It's basically FEAR of their surroundings that make them behave like this. They are so conditioned by the Liberal clap-trap, that anything against it is obviously too much for them to cope with. they are the definition of SHEEP.
We have to take into account that these 20+ year-olds know more about everything than anyone else, that's why they can just sit and talk and laugh instead of listening to anyone.
@UCBQ6hAAJXOAgUQX1tD5gRzw that's great but it is woke people who are obsessed with dividing people up according to race, sexuality and gender identity. People here are trying to do the opposite of that, and to relate to people on a human level, or according to the content of their character, not their biological characteristics. I'm also a young person and have had my spells of unemployment, but I find the idea of young people struggling financially and not caring about anything but the economy laughable. People around me may be struggling to buy a house but seem to have endless time to be online, posting on TikToc etc. We are the most ideological, politically zealous generation in decades. It does no good to deny this.
An idea as an easy way to get money which is often the way with black people on the basis that they are always deserving ' victims ' despite getting better treatment than any other immigrant community to the UK. The Irish were vilified and worked almost to death. There were European slaves in 1940 under the German would-be empire.
@Nicole I was always of this opinion and I agree with all this guy says, One time I mentioned this at a foreign office dinner, I swear there was utter silence .... no one could disagree.
They're shaking their heads because they have never heard these things before, these facts are unbelievable to them because none of their teachers, in their whole academic career have ever told them anything but one side of the story.
Watching the reactions is fascinating. A girl not understanding if she'd been born a different time a different place how different her life would be. Swimming in so much privilege she isn't even aware of it x
This is why all the institutions of this country are full of indoctrinated, so called graduates. The long march of the Marxists is reaching its final goal!
@Richard Fox the look on their faces and total ack of respect demonstrated by their behaviour whilst a guest is debating would infer you are wildly overly reactive in your rush to defend them.
Very well said Rafe, but I fear it fell on the deaf ears behind you. As soon as you agreed with the motion and started reeling off statistics, the children behind you simply switched off. For some reason, I thought a university was a place of learning and given the recent heated debate surrounding this subject, I would have hoped they'd have paid more attention.
The hostility and shock from the audience to Rafe's speech is worrying. Our future elites haven't got a clue and seemingly don't want to hear the truth. Well done Rafe.
That's what i say , let's give them the bill for the thousands of lives lost in the battle to free the slaves . The bill for all the benefits they enjoy today that we provided . The bill for all the aid and freebies we have provided , etc, etc,etc.
@@namesake-mx9nl Fact is that colonialism was a definite net benefit for those colonised. Ask Singapore, Hong Kong and those Indians who aren't looking out for a free hand out.
@@HouseholdDog I agree . Unlike many others , Britain has acknowledged it's dark history and mistakes , while those who refuse to look at their own mistakes are still benefitting from all the incredible advantages Britain gave them , yet they still scream for more free cash .
I have not seen such a collleciion of Tubes since I went to pick up my mate who was a lecturer in engineering at Glasgow University in 1995. Ronnie was a TA Major in The Royal Engineers his Tech Alan an ex Para regular and TA. Alan took no prisoners but the students ended up loving him and nicknamed him Army Pants due to him wearing his old combats occasionaly. How these two realists put up with a bunch of snotty nosed kids I will never know.They turned out some damn fine Graduates however. The students realised as time went by life could be rotten,B - - - - - rotten.
Can’t even show respect and listen. Can’t sit still , can’t leave their phones alone . What a stupid youth we have coming up . God help us , and them .
Congrats on simultaneously bringing this youth into the world and trashing them for the crap job you all did. Stupidity is alive in well I'm your neck of the woods
Agreed, and the ginger tosser didn't listen to a word he said, she was to busy looking around and talking to the spotty twat that was on his phone. God protect us from this generation.
I've Seen Emuversity Students act like that before. Were they FORCED to attend or did they have to pay £50 per Ticket... If they didn't "Like" what was going on, why were they there! ! ?
@@Nicole-Faith clearly that's not something they are very used to being subjected to. They're far more comfortable in their safe space where they get to reimagine how best to gain that sweet, sweet feeling of moral superiority by pontificating over how to spend other peoples' tax money they've never had to bother earning for themselves.
This man knows his facts , someone you might find interesting is American scholar Thomas Sowell and his Facts About Slavery You Were Never Taught , also How The British Ended The Slave Trade and many more . It shouldn't matter but Dr Sowell is black.
These "children" are clearly not yet mature enough for University . Can't help wondering, if these days, University is the best place for bright, thoughtful, eager to learn, open minded young people to go to. Perhaps the University of Life will produce the best well rounded adults that the future of this country needs. Thank you, Rafe, for delivering your very interesting lecture and supplying us with the undeniable Facts on historical and current slavery .
I demand reparations from those in Academia who enabled & encouraged their apparently toxic behaviour. It would seem that giving a lecture at a high-end college these days has become quite a risky enterprise, to put it lightly.
I did a bit of guest tutoring at university level just before covid. I faced the same arrogance from some students. They laughed whilst dismissing what I was saying, yet they couldn't answer any question I put to them. To be in a position where information is literally in your pocket, and be as dumb as a bag of spanners at the same time, is quite an achievement.
This has truly opened my eyes as to modern student behaviour. Four of them using an iphone, heaven knows what the remainder were doing; certainly in ignorance of the facts Rafe presented to them. Attending the Union debate as a student sixty years ago, was intellectually stimulating and frankly daunting. We were and it pains me to say it, far more aware of our history and culture than students appear to be today. A sad state indeed for one of our finest educational establishments. We were also obliged to be smartly dressed, as was Rafe.
The angle of the camera panning over the audience like that allows a glimpse into their attitudes & behaviour, which in this case, is quite revealing. In fact, it pretty much says it all, in case anyone needed a reminder. I don't know if that setup was deliberately made that way for that exact reason, but whomever thought it up is absolutely brilliant.
Perhaps institutions like Oxford and Cambridge are just riding on the coat tails of their past glories...if you are an intelligent, hardworking, resourceful person you can get a good education and training anywhere in our modern world, plenty of brilliant and productive people have come out of obscurity and plenty of dimwits from places like Oxford....it will take a while longer, but eventually things will collapse under the weight of ignorance running rampant in our world.
@@DipakBose-ge1hm Whatever way you look at it countries across the globe did things one way a long time ago and another way now. We ourselves were once slaves - the men forced to work in quarries. No one alive today owes anyone anything. It's not the governments who pay - it's the people, it's taxpayers. We pay an unnatural amount every year in foreign aid. We pay we pay we pay and those we pay will always need paying. They do not see it as aid they see it as part of their income every year.
Absolutely. And, wind on 100 years they will still need it and we will still be giving it. Funny, the second most generous country outside of the US. But then there are 350+Million people donating their tax $ there.
Tens of billions, and that excludes masses of volunteers who, on their expense, travel to those countries as volunteers to help them build clinics, schools and clean water systems. Not enough, say those nations, who use those billions in aid to build their multiple palaces with pure gold faucets, while their people struggle . I've personally lost all time for their permanent "gimme gimme gimme". Their contribution to the world is ..... uh, um, wait, I'll think of something soon enough.....
Gen Z have in their hands nearly the sum of all human history, yet, they would rather text friends, take selfie’s, and post TikTok, rather than listen to facts, or search for the truth. Social media, has, and is one of the greatest disruptive influences in human history. I despair for the future.
They're like an oikophobic version of the Borg, forever caught in a feedback loop of weakness and self-loathing while holding the gates open for the barbarians to enter.
@@soothsayer1964 So true. I’m not a university graduate, I don’t have letters after my name, I have worked with my hands for almost all my life, but I read copiously, and listen to both arguments, then research, and then decide what argument is the correct answer. It was so rude of those students not to even pay attention, appalling behaviour these days.
I despair for the intelligent, kind, hardworking, respectful young people that have to live in this world with such entitled, angry mobs made up of these dim children; we older folks will die, but our children and grandchildren will have to live in a world overrun by these angry dim wits.
The students aren't listening, only itching to have their say. Prime examples of debaters who do not understand the purpose or mode of a proper debate.
How telling that even when this learned man his presenting his case, some students simply cannot put down their mobile phones. Rude and lacking the necessary attention spans to make informed decisions, in my opinion. They live their lives using soundbites of information rather than being able to digest full discussions. The three directly behind Rafe are frankly beyond rude and extremely immature. As I listened to the full post, I became so very angry at the dreadful behaviour of these students. I am a teacher and, if these lot had been in one of my classes, I would have stopped to reprimand their ignorant attitude. If these really are a snapshot of the best on offer, our future is indeed bleak.
Only the individual guilty of committing the crime should pay reparations to the individual victimized by the crime. None of which are alive. Humans today are not guilty of crimes comitted centuries ago
I completely agree. However let me play devils advocate, the argument these university kids would make is that the British have privileged from slavery and empire, all the while completely ignoring their own personal privileged position by attending an elite university. I think it's class based guilt that leads the privileged to virtue signal, they have no intention of real reparations if they did they would give their cambridge university position up to someone less fortunate. Instead of taking ownership of their own privilege they project it onto 'the other' whether that be society, the government, white people. It seems victimhood is a currency to be traded for attention and social approval. This generation are the weakest by far.
@@bushcraftadventure5215 I hear you but I also recognize that they're dangerous zealots. They believe they are so right that they will force their will upon others even if it kills. Just look at what humanity has done to eachother just over COVID and know that is nothing compared to what's coming. Digital ID, digital $ just to be a part of society, underscored by a social credit score & 'climate justice'. All are a recipe for disaster that typically leads to mass genocide. It will be their boot crushing our necks all while congratulating themselves for being so 'righteous'.
It took until 2015 for the UK to pay off the debt incurred ending slavery. As a 64-year-old UK taxpayer I therefore helped pay to end slavery, and I was happy to do so.
That money was paid to compensate SLAVE OWNERS for the forced loss of their slaves, not to slaves themselves. (I support Rafe's argument, but it's important to be clear.) xx SF
@@stevesandford1437 Like Rafe said, the slaves were the slave-owners one and only income. The British had to practical in the matter of freeing slaves, because otherwise it might not have happened.
No, you paid reparations when slavery was made illegal in the UK two centuries ago. Ironically, slavery is still happening in the countries asking the UK for financial reparation for slavery. Ah the bully tactics of the third world...
The UK taxpayer is not liable, it is for any family or organisation descended from those who received those payments and be contributing to a fund to help support educational and welfare programmes and the Royal Family should be setting the example.
Race entitles you to nothing. Race convicts you of nothing. Sharing the race of a victim does not make you a victim. Sharing the race of a villian does not make you a villian. We are all entitled to Equal Protection before the law and impartial justice.
The student just don't look as if they are interested. Having said that, there were questions being put forward but I could not hear them. Please follow this up and tell us what was being asked. As someone said earlier, they seem to be unwilling to consider the facts. History is too difficult a subject for these young, naive people. Sadly.
First, it would have been better if the members of the audience captured on camera were actually listening to Rafe. Most of them looked like naughty children. It seemed they did not LIKE the FACTS that RAFE stated.
The reaction of some of the "students" filled me with dismay. Don't know what the smiling and joking and disinterested crowd to Rafe's right were thinking but very disrespectful.
Blacks living in the West should pay reparations to cover the expense of their community’s multi generational over participation in violent crime. This could be done though higher income taxes for self identified “black” individuals or attributed automatically to children determined to be from two historically black parents. Children form one white and one historically black parent would get a rebate on the surcharge. Ain’t racial politics amazing!
No. Ask Dahomey or the other African nations who captured slaves - and had been doing so for centuries before the Portugese arrived on scene - to pay first. Britain was involved in the trade for a fraction of its African lifetime, and then was the only nation to expend lives and financial resources in fighting against it. Against the Will of African nations making a fat profit from the business of course.
Love Rafe. So well spoken! Thank you for standing up to the truth in spite of heckling and these kids who are so young, idealistic, as we all were, and many sadly have already been brainwashed!!
I cannot believe how ignorant these students are, when someone is trying to educate them they should listen they might learn something other than woke nonsense
Wonderful exposition of facts and common sense by Mr Heydel-Mankoo and from the look of the few university students we can see in the video it would seem they appear to be entirely unaffected by these truths.
Excellent talk Rafe. Yes one could see the smirking faces behind, continually chatting rudely through Rafe's talk, no claps from them at the end just to show they weren't totally ignorant???🙄. And this from a supposedly top university with potential leaders of the future!!! 😬.
Many of the Caribbeans will have the blood of slavers as well as slaves in their veins! They are descended from both, they had it done to them and they done it to themselves! History is complicated! It's the same with English history, we were the Anglo Saxons who had their villages burnt down and we were the Vikings who lit the fires!
@@thehound9638 Yep, there was famine and many Saxons were put to the sword. King Herald had just defeated a large Viking army up north, out of 300 viking ships only 20 returned. Then had to do a forced march down to Hastings and fight William and many mercenarys with heavy cavary which due to a feinted retreat and a part of the Saxon shield wall broke away and pursued the calvary which saw them turn around & the rest is history. It would be a long time before we had an English speaking king. But we got pay back during the 100 year war, Agincourt , Cressy
@@tonyjones9442 You don't want to be a victim Tony. Nobody respects those who would ask for pity. The Welsh are a proud and ancient people with a wonderful mythology and history of their own, they were indeed colonised by the English but are equal to the English in modern Britain!
I find it hard to believe that young people that have made it to Cambridge don't know this. They have the world of information at their fingertips these day's, look at those dull eyes, nothing is going in.
Ah, but we paid the slave owners to free them, and that isn't enough. Not only do you need to pay for their freedom, but you need to compensate them for being slaves. All the while the people who caught and sold them are asked for nothing...
what are those annoying little kids doing yabbing away while he is talking, is this what it has come to baby children ruling the day!! jeeeesssuuusss!!
I remember speaking at the Cambridge Union in the 1970s. A civilised debate on press freedom. A robust exchange of views. Mutual respect. And then we went for a few beers together. There is no serious debate now. Just the whining and shouting of the ignorant.
Whatever the moral arguments one might make both for and against reparations one thing is guaranteed: Any former colonial power that pays out once will find themselves paying in perpetuity. The pro lobby fervently deny such inevitability of course but it’s obvious those opportunistic, disingenuous outstretched hands will _never_ be retracted whilst the prospect of scoring _free cash_ exists. No, once that barrier comes down and restitution duly made recipients will come back for more, frequently. ☹️
There is also the implication that once the payment is made, guilt will be absolved - but that will also not happen. Feeding crocodiles comes to mind...
It is a sign of the times. They will Bow before the Liberal women as they want them for sex . So they change their views to align with their sex interests
Europeans are the only people in the world who acknowledged historic wrongs, apologized and tried to make things right. Our honesty has been exploited much to our detriment.
I like how he started out with the top two points that everybody automatically thinks of: 1) Why should we pay for something that happened so long ago? It didn’t happen to them and we weren’t the ones to do it. And 2) Who would have to pay that? Taxpayers. I remember when I first heard this idea of reparations when I was in high school. Those were the first reasons why it doesn’t make sense to pay. I had the common sense of a high schooler and managed to put that together.
Look at the faces of those supposedly superior children, all switched off and incapable of listening, humans as a species are truly doomed if these privileged spoilt children are anybodys future
Believing that the descendants of steel workers, miners and other working class people’s taxes should be appropriated and given to the descendants of slaves is insane to me. The entire debate is a beautiful example of divide and rule.
Whilst Britain introduced decent law into many countries in Africa those countries choose not to follow them but follow their own corrupt versions instead.
As GB lost a lot of men ,ships equipment and money Stamping out the Slave Trade , i feel the Countries we saved from slavery should pay towards the Bill GB ran up saving them , £ 1,500,000 million each should just about cover it.
I think those young people need to pay the British Tax Payer reparations for wasting the educational opportunities they have been given. Their behaviour is embarrassing, displaying a level of ignorance I find quite shocking.
Keep on hitting them with the truth Rafe. We’ll done.
I’ve never seen such a bored, immature lot as these students. They look like a bunch of children trying to act grown up but fail miserably.
Now those are reparations I can get behind
@Richard Fox .. and you clearly don't understand that the purpose of a debate is to explore (and PAY ATTENTION to) the various arguments being put forward - rather than play with your iphone, chat with friends and/or totally dismiss anything being said that goes against your peer-group orthodoxy.
@Richard Fox .. and your response is both rude and pathetic. Perhaps you're a student which would explain a lot.
@Richard Fox I attended many debates during my time at University. It was accepted that, whatever your personal opinions, you gave speakers respect, and gave their arguments a courteous hearing.
These standards have, evidently, been lost, at least at Cambridge.
Watching the downcast, miserable faces on those students as they desperately try to ignore the list of facts and logic that is being so clearly stated is an absolute pleasure.
I suspect they are hearing this for the first time in their lives.
This should be taught in schools alongside the evils of the slave trade so that it can be put into historical perspective.
Don't forget the workhouses either, lol the DWP already made an attempt to revive that old slavery re-branded idea when they wanted claimants to work in pound land for self esteem.
@@TheSkunkyMonk Working at Poundland is hardly slavery, no need to sneer down your nose at people who do earn an honest living there.
@@onlineonlineaccount2368 I'm a young person and I care. And it's n9t because "old people" are forcing me to either. You don't speak for all young people and I'm so damn tired of the ageism you're spouting here.
@@beecat9951 If people didn't work for free they had there benefits stopped wether it be Poundland or Tescos, if you want to call it something else go for it but to me that is pretty much slavery.
Seven generations separate us from slavery, but no prior generation, of any nation, ever could say the same. If the sins of the fathers are to be visited on the children, the Dahomeyans, Berbers, Arabs, Egyptians... need to pay up, not the one nation which, in all lands colonised, on all waves ruled, abolished it.
Just look at the young 'people' behind him, so addicted to their mobile 'phones they have not the intelligence, or even the good manners, to realise (or care) that they will be seen by a much wider audience than those present at the time of the recording.
And this is Cambridge: supposedly one of our most prestigious centres of learning.
Standards have certainly slipped.
Very well said
@@fastemx Hmm ... You may well be right.
All looking around at the end to see if it's ok to clap, absolute pathetic. I think they were shocked and over excited to actually hear some factual sense going into their ears holes, but were too frightened to channel their braincells into openly welcoming it. It's basically FEAR of their surroundings that make them behave like this. They are so conditioned by the Liberal clap-trap, that anything against it is obviously too much for them to cope with. they are the definition of SHEEP.
We have to take into account that these 20+ year-olds know more about everything than anyone else, that's why they can just sit and talk and laugh instead of listening to anyone.
Decades of Liberalism has destroyed our people.
They seem so, so much younger than that
Know it all kids with no manners. Laughing and playing with their phones i don't know why they bothered being there.
@UCBQ6hAAJXOAgUQX1tD5gRzw that's great but it is woke people who are obsessed with dividing people up according to race, sexuality and gender identity. People here are trying to do the opposite of that, and to relate to people on a human level, or according to the content of their character, not their biological characteristics. I'm also a young person and have had my spells of unemployment, but I find the idea of young people struggling financially and not caring about anything but the economy laughable. People around me may be struggling to buy a house but seem to have endless time to be online, posting on TikToc etc. We are the most ideological, politically zealous generation in decades. It does no good to deny this.
Cant believe they are 20 yr olds they look and act like young children.
Reparations is a sick idea that stems from malice.
An idea as an easy way to get money which is often the way with black people on the basis that they are always deserving ' victims ' despite getting better treatment than any other immigrant community to the UK. The Irish were vilified and worked almost to death. There were European slaves in 1940 under the German would-be empire.
Nicely put, I was struggling to find the words. Malice...and victimhood?
@@TimmsMJ Yes I think so Maggie with a bucket load of entitlement thrown in.
@Nicole I was always of this opinion and I agree with all this guy says, One time I mentioned this at a foreign office dinner, I swear there was utter silence .... no one could disagree.
And greed
These young people seem incapable of listening, and the young woman behind the speaker is downright rude, looking at her phone and chatting.
They're shaking their heads because they have never heard these things before, these facts are unbelievable to them because none of their teachers, in their whole academic career have ever told them anything but one side of the story.
Watching the reactions is fascinating. A girl not understanding if she'd been born a different time a different place how different her life would be. Swimming in so much privilege she isn't even aware of it x
The arrogant looks on some of those background faces show exactly why our nations future is in dire peril.
This is why all the institutions of this country are full of indoctrinated, so called graduates. The long march of the Marxists is reaching its final goal!
I have a new appreciation of the term "soy boy."
The red haired Lass on her phone and showing her pals and chatting, ignorant tossers.
@Richard Fox the look on their faces and total ack of respect demonstrated by their behaviour whilst a guest is debating would infer you are wildly overly reactive in your rush to defend them.
Why is the Chinese lad continually putting his hand up?
Very well said Rafe, but I fear it fell on the deaf ears behind you. As soon as you agreed with the motion and started reeling off statistics, the children behind you simply switched off. For some reason, I thought a university was a place of learning and given the recent heated debate surrounding this subject, I would have hoped they'd have paid more attention.
The obvious reason why they're there is gather up the sneers as a form of intimidation.
Children is the word I was looking for-God bless them.
The hostility and shock from the audience to Rafe's speech is worrying. Our future elites haven't got a clue and seemingly don't want to hear the truth. Well done Rafe.
The woke left in the west have become the laughing stock of the world.
They are fully brainwashed and compleatly ignorant acolytes of post modern neomarxist ideologies. Closest resemblance would be hitlerjugend.
Should be paying us.
Well send them the bill for all the independent African nation's refugees.
That's what i say , let's give them the bill for the thousands of lives lost in the battle to free the slaves . The bill for all the benefits they enjoy today that we provided . The bill for all the aid and freebies we have provided , etc, etc,etc.
@@namesake-mx9nl stop chatting rubbish.
Diddums , did the facts scare you , well , as a graet man once said , " Facts don't care about your feelings ! "
@@namesake-mx9nl Fact is that colonialism was a definite net benefit for those colonised.
Ask Singapore, Hong Kong and those Indians who aren't looking out for a free hand out.
@@HouseholdDog I agree . Unlike many others , Britain has acknowledged it's dark history and mistakes , while those who refuse to look at their own mistakes are still benefitting from all the incredible advantages Britain gave them , yet they still scream for more free cash .
The fact that they laughed when, Rafe said “Facts are actually facts” tells me everything about these spoilt brats.... and that’s a fact.
I have not seen such a collleciion of Tubes since I went to pick up my mate who was a lecturer in engineering at Glasgow University in 1995. Ronnie was a TA Major in The Royal Engineers his Tech Alan an ex Para regular and TA.
Alan took no prisoners but the students ended up loving him and nicknamed him Army Pants due to him wearing his old combats occasionaly. How these two realists put up with a bunch of snotty nosed kids I will never know.They turned out some damn fine Graduates however. The students realised as time went by life could be rotten,B - - - - - rotten.
If one were my child, they’d be getting their monthly stipends suspended.
Can’t even show respect and listen.
Can’t sit still , can’t leave their phones alone .
What a stupid youth we have coming up .
God help us , and them .
Congrats on simultaneously bringing this youth into the world and trashing them for the crap job you all did. Stupidity is alive in well I'm your neck of the woods
The Asian guy in the back laughing needs a slap. He needs to look closer to home and all the atrocities in his region of the world. Sickening,
Its also odd that of all places, many of their forefather's fled to Olde _'terrible'_ Blighty for refuge.
Reparations for the Mongolian colonization of Europe, or it doesn't work the other way around?
Foreigners and colored folk will never return to their home countries yet complain and cry in ours. It’s hilarious
Agreed, and the ginger tosser didn't listen to a word he said, she was to busy looking around and talking to the spotty twat that was on his phone. God protect us from this generation.
@Abhimanyu Mathur 🐒💩 🇮🇳
Why were people yelling when Rafe was speaking here? That is so rude.
Because they lack the capacity to make a coherent counter argument, but possess and abundance of sanctimonious arrogance to think they know better.
@@beecat9951 It looked like they were squirming in their seats at one point at hearing logic!
I've Seen Emuversity Students act like that before. Were they FORCED to attend or did they have to pay £50 per Ticket... If they didn't "Like" what was going on, why were they there! ! ?
@@roncollins9222 Yes I don't understand it either.
@@Nicole-Faith clearly that's not something they are very used to being subjected to. They're far more comfortable in their safe space where they get to reimagine how best to gain that sweet, sweet feeling of moral superiority by pontificating over how to spend other peoples' tax money they've never had to bother earning for themselves.
Rafe speaks factual sense, I do love learning from him. Thank you.
The man's solid
This man knows his facts , someone you might find interesting is American scholar Thomas Sowell and his Facts About Slavery You Were Never Taught , also How The British Ended The Slave Trade and many more . It shouldn't matter but Dr Sowell is black.
He does. He disregarded the pathos recommendation (of Aristotle) and simply leaned on logos.
they act like a bunch of 12 year olds, embarassed for them
They also look like a bunch of 12 year olds. 😅
@ArcadeCabNBud It seems to me that you are being gracious to give them the age of 12, when to me they seem like spoiled brat toddlers and 4-year-olds!
Rafe was throwing Pearls before swine
Yes ..one wonders why they come to ‘listen’ when their minds are already made up and May are unable to sit still …indicating distracted minds.
These "children" are clearly not yet mature enough for University . Can't help wondering, if these days, University is the best place for bright, thoughtful, eager to learn, open minded young people to go to. Perhaps the University of Life will produce the best well rounded adults that the future of this country needs.
Thank you, Rafe, for delivering your very interesting lecture and supplying us with the undeniable Facts on historical and current slavery .
The contempt and arrogance of the spoiled brats behind Rafe is there for all to behold.
I demand reparations from those in Academia who enabled & encouraged their apparently toxic behaviour. It would seem that giving a lecture at a high-end college these days has become quite a risky enterprise, to put it lightly.
stop apologizing it will never end
And willful ignorance worn as a badge of honour
I did a bit of guest tutoring at university level just before covid. I faced the same arrogance from some students. They laughed whilst dismissing what I was saying, yet they couldn't answer any question I put to them. To be in a position where information is literally in your pocket, and be as dumb as a bag of spanners at the same time, is quite an achievement.
Yes, arrogance and ignorance in equal measure - they may have made it to Cambridge but they're not half as smart as they think they are.
@@siras2 True, but they're not likely to ever have the humility to understand that.
Rafe delivering a brutal knowledge bomb, fact based, mic drop moment. Legend.
This has truly opened my eyes as to modern student behaviour. Four of them using an iphone, heaven knows what the remainder were doing; certainly in ignorance of the facts Rafe presented to them. Attending the Union debate as a student sixty years ago, was intellectually stimulating and frankly daunting. We were and it pains me to say it, far more aware of our history and culture than students appear to be today. A sad state indeed for one of our finest educational establishments. We were also obliged to be smartly dressed, as was Rafe.
The angle of the camera panning over the audience like that allows a glimpse into their attitudes & behaviour, which in this case, is quite revealing. In fact, it pretty much says it all, in case anyone needed a reminder. I don't know if that setup was deliberately made that way for that exact reason, but whomever thought it up is absolutely brilliant.
Perhaps institutions like Oxford and Cambridge are just riding on the coat tails of their past glories...if you are an intelligent, hardworking, resourceful person you can get a good education and training anywhere in our modern world, plenty of brilliant and productive people have come out of obscurity and plenty of dimwits from places like Oxford....it will take a while longer, but eventually things will collapse under the weight of ignorance running rampant in our world.
By the way. We will send the bill that we spent to abolish slavery. Plus, the bill for using our language that we've given till free till now.
British replaced slavery by indentured labourers, substituted Africans by Indians and Chinese. Otherwise the system continued.
@@DipakBose-ge1hm Whatever way you look at it countries across the globe did things one way a long time ago and another way now. We ourselves were once slaves - the men forced to work in quarries. No one alive today owes anyone anything. It's not the governments who pay - it's the people, it's taxpayers. We pay an unnatural amount every year in foreign aid. We pay we pay we pay and those we pay will always need paying. They do not see it as aid they see it as part of their income every year.
We pay the African nations millions in aid every year.
UK has been giving foreign aid to African countries since 1929
@Bad Pirate Man Ha ha yes you are quite right
Absolutely. And, wind on 100 years they will still need it and we will still be giving it. Funny, the second most generous country outside of the US. But then there are 350+Million people donating their tax $ there.
and it ends up in Caymen Island bank accounts, £990 billion of it. The nation debts of sub-Saharan Africa are only £97 billion.
Tens of billions, and that excludes masses of volunteers who, on their expense, travel to those countries as volunteers to help them build clinics, schools and clean water systems. Not enough, say those nations, who use those billions in aid to build their multiple palaces with pure gold faucets, while their people struggle . I've personally lost all time for their permanent "gimme gimme gimme". Their contribution to the world is ..... uh, um, wait, I'll think of something soon enough.....
No reparations without repatriations!
Lol. What a brilliant thought. If only.....
Yep, meaningless phrases just about sums up these one-dimensional children and their views.
Remigration to become mandatory
Forcing the innocent to pay nonvictims for something that happened to neither of them is not reparations.
These attendees are more interested in their phones than in the debate.
When North Africa pays us repirations. Guess that conversation will never be had. Actually, we have paid repirations already
Lots of slavery in china not even mentioned.
….perhaps the Asian/Chinese lad who kept putting his hand up wanted to impart some ‘pearls of wisdom’? I doubt it somehow….
Gen Z have in their hands nearly the sum of all human history, yet, they would rather text friends, take selfie’s, and post TikTok, rather than listen to facts, or search for the truth.
Social media, has, and is one of the greatest disruptive influences in human history.
I despair for the future.
They're like an oikophobic version of the Borg, forever caught in a feedback loop of weakness and self-loathing while holding the gates open for the barbarians to enter.
The results of Blair's legacy right there. We are in deep trouble as a nation.
So true.
I’m not a university graduate, I don’t have letters after my name, I have worked with my hands for almost all my life, but I read copiously, and listen to both arguments, then research, and then decide what argument is the correct answer.
It was so rude of those students not to even pay attention, appalling behaviour these days.
I despair for the intelligent, kind, hardworking, respectful young people that have to live in this world with such entitled, angry mobs made up of these dim children; we older folks will die, but our children and grandchildren will have to live in a world overrun by these angry dim wits.
The students aren't listening, only itching to have their say. Prime examples of debaters who do not understand the purpose or mode of a proper debate.
Perhaps we should be glad they're there at all. On the current trajectory, debate will be outlawed in another generation.
How telling that even when this learned man his presenting his case, some students simply cannot put down their mobile phones. Rude and lacking the necessary attention spans to make informed decisions, in my opinion. They live their lives using soundbites of information rather than being able to digest full discussions. The three directly behind Rafe are frankly beyond rude and extremely immature. As I listened to the full post, I became so very angry at the dreadful behaviour of these students. I am a teacher and, if these lot had been in one of my classes, I would have stopped to reprimand their ignorant attitude. If these really are a snapshot of the best on offer, our future is indeed bleak.
Only the individual guilty of committing the crime should pay reparations to the individual victimized by the crime. None of which are alive. Humans today are not guilty of crimes comitted centuries ago
I completely agree. However let me play devils advocate, the argument these university kids would make is that the British have privileged from slavery and empire, all the while completely ignoring their own personal privileged position by attending an elite university. I think it's class based guilt that leads the privileged to virtue signal, they have no intention of real reparations if they did they would give their cambridge university position up to someone less fortunate. Instead of taking ownership of their own privilege they project it onto 'the other' whether that be society, the government, white people. It seems victimhood is a currency to be traded for attention and social approval. This generation are the weakest by far.
@@bushcraftadventure5215 I hear you but I also recognize that they're dangerous zealots. They believe they are so right that they will force their will upon others even if it kills.
Just look at what humanity has done to eachother just over COVID and know that is nothing compared to what's coming. Digital ID, digital $ just to be a part of society, underscored by a social credit score & 'climate justice'. All are a recipe for disaster that typically leads to mass genocide. It will be their boot crushing our necks all while congratulating themselves for being so 'righteous'.
@@kewpifiedexactly. Leads to totalitarianism when dissent is crushed and individual liberty extinguished in pursuit of groupthink.
It took until 2015 for the UK to pay off the debt incurred ending slavery. As a 64-year-old UK taxpayer I therefore helped pay to end slavery, and I was happy to do so.
That money was paid to compensate SLAVE OWNERS for the forced loss of their slaves, not to slaves themselves. (I support Rafe's argument, but it's important to be clear.) xx SF
@@stevesandford1437 Like Rafe said, the slaves were the slave-owners one and only income. The British had to practical in the matter of freeing slaves, because otherwise it might not have happened.
No, you paid reparations when slavery was made illegal in the UK two centuries ago. Ironically, slavery is still happening in the countries asking the UK for financial reparation for slavery. Ah the bully tactics of the third world...
The UK taxpayer is not liable, it is for any family or organisation descended from those who received those payments and be contributing to a fund to help support educational and welfare programmes and the Royal Family should be setting the example.
Well spoken, facts that some seem to not want to hear.
Race entitles you to nothing.
Race convicts you of nothing.
Sharing the race of a victim does not make you a victim.
Sharing the race of a villian does not make you a villian.
We are all entitled to Equal Protection before the law and impartial justice.
Very well said. xx SF
The student just don't look as if they are interested. Having said that, there were questions being put forward but I could not hear them. Please follow this up and tell us what was being asked. As someone said earlier, they seem to be unwilling to consider the facts. History is too difficult a subject for these young, naive people. Sadly.
First, it would have been better if the members of the audience captured on camera were actually listening to Rafe. Most of them looked like naughty children. It seemed they did not LIKE the FACTS that RAFE stated.
Watch the kids behind you their not listening they're to busy on the phone it is the epitimy of modern youth
The marshmallow brains couldn't sit and listen.
Their faces looked as if the couldn't comprehend any of the debate ... But then it has happened all before... INNIT...? ? ?
@@roncollins9222 Got to love Rafe for trying!😄
This man should be in government, or at least a public leader.
Makes you wonder what these young people have been taught.
The reaction of some of the "students" filled me with dismay. Don't know what the smiling and joking and disinterested crowd to Rafe's right were thinking but very disrespectful.
Blacks living in the West should pay reparations to cover the expense of their community’s multi generational over participation in violent crime.
This could be done though higher income taxes for self identified “black” individuals or attributed automatically to children determined to be from two historically black parents. Children form one white and one historically black parent would get a rebate on the surcharge.
Ain’t racial politics amazing!
It's comments like that undermine conservatives' serious arguments. You're handing victory to the woke on a plate.
No. Ask Dahomey or the other African nations who captured slaves - and had been doing so for centuries before the Portugese arrived on scene - to pay first. Britain was involved in the trade for a fraction of its African lifetime, and then was the only nation to expend lives and financial resources in fighting against it. Against the Will of African nations making a fat profit from the business of course.
to the young chinese gentleman that has laughed his way through two of these sessions that ive watched now, repirations for covid please.
I second that!
He is no gentleman! Arrogant little ...!
Rafe dropping truth bombs & historical facts all over the place, love it!
Well said. Shame about the heckling.
The girl in the green stripes is so rude.
As is the floppy haired specimen next to her. Get your hand out of your mouth and stop giggling lad, you're on camera.
Love Rafe. So well spoken! Thank you for standing up to the truth in spite of heckling and these kids who are so young, idealistic, as we all were, and many sadly have already been brainwashed!!
Someone should explain to young people that giving away other peoples money is not charity.
Nice one Rafe.
20 minutes of education in amongst 3 years + of indoctrination!
Brilliant Rafe!
Rafe it was wasted on the arrogant brats
I cannot believe how ignorant these students are, when someone is trying to educate them they should listen they might learn something other than woke nonsense
If we get reparations from Italy,Norway,Normandy and so on for past transgressions perhaps we can pass it on
Wonderful exposition of facts and common sense by Mr Heydel-Mankoo and from the look of the few university students we can see in the video it would seem they appear to be entirely unaffected by these truths.
Excellent talk Rafe. Yes one could see the smirking faces behind, continually chatting rudely through Rafe's talk, no claps from them at the end just to show they weren't totally ignorant???🙄. And this from a supposedly top university with potential leaders of the future!!! 😬.
well done Rafe!
Many of the Caribbeans will have the blood of slavers as well as slaves in their veins! They are descended from both, they had it done to them and they done it to themselves! History is complicated! It's the same with English history, we were the Anglo Saxons who had their villages burnt down and we were the Vikings who lit the fires!
Then the Normans came.
@@magnacarta9364 I know, we could've probably done without that though. 🤣🤣🤣
Well as a North Walian we can certainly top any victimhood the saxons and normans have or had, even up until the early 20th century.
@@thehound9638 Yep, there was famine and many Saxons were put to the sword. King Herald had just defeated a large Viking army up north, out of 300 viking ships only 20 returned. Then had to do a forced march down to Hastings and fight William and many mercenarys with heavy cavary which due to a feinted retreat and a part of the Saxon shield wall broke away and pursued the calvary which saw them turn around & the rest is history. It would be a long time before we had an English speaking king. But we got pay back during the 100 year war, Agincourt , Cressy
@@tonyjones9442 You don't want to be a victim Tony. Nobody respects those who would ask for pity. The Welsh are a proud and ancient people with a wonderful mythology and history of their own, they were indeed colonised by the English but are equal to the English in modern Britain!
The giggling twits talking among themselves behind him is a dispiriting sight. They refuse to listen or learn anything.
I find it hard to believe that young people that have made it to Cambridge don't know this. They have the world of information at their fingertips these day's, look at those dull eyes, nothing is going in.
I guess multiculturalism mixed with a permanent fixation on G¤¤G£3 & +W!++3R may breed this kind of outcome.
......and all that went straight over their heads, Doh!
The giggling children in the background are quite off-putting
We paid for there freedom already.
Ah, but we paid the slave owners to free them, and that isn't enough. Not only do you need to pay for their freedom, but you need to compensate them for being slaves. All the while the people who caught and sold them are asked for nothing...
what are those annoying little kids doing yabbing away while he is talking, is this what it has come to baby children ruling the day!! jeeeesssuuusss!!
I remember speaking at the Cambridge Union in the 1970s. A civilised debate on press freedom. A robust exchange of views. Mutual respect. And then we went for a few beers together. There is no serious debate now. Just the whining and shouting of the ignorant.
We should seek compensation for Sir Lenny Henry.
Whatever the moral arguments one might make both for and against reparations one thing is guaranteed: Any former colonial power that pays out once will find themselves paying in perpetuity.
The pro lobby fervently deny such inevitability of course but it’s obvious those opportunistic, disingenuous outstretched hands will _never_ be retracted whilst the prospect of scoring _free cash_ exists.
No, once that barrier comes down and restitution duly made recipients will come back for more, frequently. ☹️
There is also the implication that once the payment is made, guilt will be absolved - but that will also not happen. Feeding crocodiles comes to mind...
The King has spoken
Cambridge university needs to end
It's a cess pit of entitled vermin
Poor girl behind Rafe has never read a history book.
Lot of beta males in the audience I see.
It is a sign of the times. They will Bow before the Liberal women as they want them for sex . So they change their views to align with their sex interests
Europeans are the only people in the world who acknowledged historic wrongs, apologized and tried to make things right. Our honesty has been exploited much to our detriment.
I like how he started out with the top two points that everybody automatically thinks of: 1) Why should we pay for something that happened so long ago? It didn’t happen to them and we weren’t the ones to do it. And 2) Who would have to pay that? Taxpayers.
I remember when I first heard this idea of reparations when I was in high school. Those were the first reasons why it doesn’t make sense to pay. I had the common sense of a high schooler and managed to put that together.
It's depressing how disrespectful the students are. Shame.
Britain 🇬🇧 is now 42% Pakistan 🇵🇰 / Albania 🇦🇱
But but... think of the spicy food.
@@evolassunglasses4673 did that not come from India go do your homework
no its not
@@MrDaithis sorry sorry your right its 43 %
Those rude students talking a laughing should have been kicked out of the hall. They want respect and act like children.
Colonialism benefited the world.
In what way? Ask this question to them who were colonised.
And this is what our fallen paid the ultimate price for a blue and white and topped individual Shameful
Why is it that students at oxbridge of supposedly high intelligence really need the education cricket bat to beat some common sense into them ?!
It's interesting to watch the behaviour of this supposedly intellectual audience.
Here! Here! for Mr. Heydel-Mankoo!
These vacuous zombies do not know what Rafe is talking about.
Look at the faces of those supposedly superior children, all switched off and incapable of listening, humans as a species are truly doomed if these privileged spoilt children are anybodys future
I despair at the students behind the speaker
If these woke jokes are the future of the U.K. god help us
Believing that the descendants of steel workers, miners and other working class people’s taxes should be appropriated and given to the descendants of slaves is insane to me. The entire debate is a beautiful example of divide and rule.
They know in their hearts what he said is true but need to virtue signalling to each other.
I don’t think any of the students on the screen are listening. They don’t want to learn anything. Playing on their phones and laughing. No respect!
Whilst Britain introduced decent law into many countries in Africa those countries choose not to follow them but follow their own corrupt versions instead.
Clear, concise, excellent!
Tabitha and Miles can pay what they want - I won't be contributing a penny.
They’re just children… God help us when they grow up and become MP’s, civil servants, local government officers etc. etc.
Youthful visions of utopia versus the practical realities of life. Increase the voting age to at least 30 immediately.
Well said, Rafe. However, I fear your eminently sensible, factual message fell on deaf ears. Young people have been well and truly indoctrinated.
Britain shoud absolutely be paid reparations for slavery. Ending Slavery.
As GB lost a lot of men ,ships equipment and money Stamping out the Slave Trade , i feel the Countries we saved from slavery should pay towards the Bill GB ran up saving them , £ 1,500,000 million each should just about cover it.
India thrived under common law.