FIRST TIME LISTENING TO RED VELVET! (Red Velvet (레드벨벳) 'Psycho' | Music Video Reaction/Review)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @MrSammyCam
    @MrSammyCam  4 года назад +1036

    Thanks for watching! "Bad Boy" is up next!
    Let me know which other Red Velvet song I should react to next, and SUBSCRIBE to be notified when I upload the next reaction!
    My other Red Velvet Reactions:

  • @ocaaaa
    @ocaaaa 4 года назад +1634


    • @ceci2267
      @ceci2267 4 года назад +5

      same feelinggggg

    • @sandalirodrigo2752
      @sandalirodrigo2752 4 года назад +10


    • @z.5827
      @z.5827 4 года назад +6

      He should check the mv first then the lyrics 🙁

    • @shiwaniadhikarii
      @shiwaniadhikarii 4 года назад +4


    • @jayjay8782
      @jayjay8782 4 года назад +7

      @@Luvs.for.binnie No one cares hun

  • @yes16a89
    @yes16a89 4 года назад +950

    Wendy is known as the one of the best vocalists of this generation in Kpop, if not the best

    • @debramartin6960
      @debramartin6960 4 года назад +33

      Red Velvet has the best vocals of any girl group next is GFriend!!! In my opinion and not saying others are bad. I am a major multi-stand. There are so many talented groups it can be overwhelming sometimes lol

    • @Nana-uq4vv
      @Nana-uq4vv 4 года назад +46

      Red Velvet are so talented but I think Mamamoo are at least as good as them, and I never heard Gfriend so I will check them, do you have songs to recommend?

    • @gstudioz3973
      @gstudioz3973 4 года назад +13

      @@Nana-uq4vv "rough","sunrise", "time for the moon night" and their latest comback "crossroads"
      These 4 songs are perfect if you want to experience their vocals...

    • @CreganStark123
      @CreganStark123 4 года назад +7

      @@debramartin6960 i mean seo jeong from gugudan has perfect control of her voice as well but I see ur point

    • @debramartin6960
      @debramartin6960 4 года назад +4

      @@Nana-uq4vv I love Mamamoo!!!! Their songs and their videos are so dang good!!! Starry Night is so beautiful and then they do Hip and blow my mind lol

  • @Qija1
    @Qija1 4 года назад +1296

    Red velvet’s music is built upon their concept.
    It all lies in their Name.
    Red = A more happy cheerful side, often summer-like and fun.
    Velvet= a more mature girl crush like style, like this song Psycho

    • @hyungnim2904
      @hyungnim2904 4 года назад +67

      Just to add, Red Velvet has one of the most amazing harmonizations in their songs!

    • @Raidanzoup
      @Raidanzoup 4 года назад +32

      Thanks for not resorting to saying "cutesy" and leaving it at that, lol.

    • @ruthlessrays9761
      @ruthlessrays9761 4 года назад +2

      Like blackpink basically

    • @NamiStuff
      @NamiStuff 4 года назад +11

      I wouldn't describe the Velvet side as "girl crush" exactly, though. girl crush is what groups like BlackPink or Everglow do, and Psycho, Bad Boy or Automatic sound/look nothing like those.

    • @kookiemuncher257
      @kookiemuncher257 4 года назад +6

      @@ruthlessrays9761 red velvet is way better than bp in my opinion

  • @CreganStark123
    @CreganStark123 4 года назад +365

    Wendy and Seulgi both can hit high notes and perfect falsettos but Wendy's voice is a bit more silky and mature.

    • @heleecopter
      @heleecopter 4 года назад +31

      I aggree with you. But I would prefer to say Wendy's voice are more velvety (no pun intended tho). She's like the female version of D.O. imo . Their voice are just freaking soulful 😌

    • @Kpopb1sh
      @Kpopb1sh 4 года назад +21

      @@heleecopter She is like Taeyeon from SNSD.Wendy is my bias bc not only the visuals but also her talent.She is Beautiful and freaking talented.

    • @krustykrab2839
      @krustykrab2839 4 года назад +5

      Yeah her voice has different variety

    • @ayushj6216
      @ayushj6216 3 года назад +5

      @@Kpopb1sh Sorry but in my opinion Wendy is way better vocalists than Taeyeon even though she is great vocalist. Wendy is way ahead in terms of vocal skills and she has 4 octave range. Now she has developed even higher than that.

    • @antonioreezy922
      @antonioreezy922 3 года назад

      @@ayushj6216 seulgi can hit a 5 octave range but I’m sure Wendy can hit a little higher than that but both are my biased so-

  • @katara5898
    @katara5898 4 года назад +449

    The group's name represents its concept, defined by two different images, "Red" and "Velvet". "Red" signifies their vivid and bold image, whereas "Velvet" reflects their classy and toned-down side. Songs like "Happiness", "Ice Cream Cake", and "Dumb Dumb" falling into the "Red" concept, in contrast to "Be Natural", "Automatic", and "One of These Nights" which falls into the "Velvet" concept, with "Russian Roulette" and "Rookie" falling in both "Red" and "Velvet" concepts.

  • @ZainalAbidin-lj6ew
    @ZainalAbidin-lj6ew 4 года назад +647

    Some facts about "Red Velvet - Psycho"
    - the only girl group song received an All-Kill and Certified All Kill in 2019 and till today(cmiiw)
    - Psycho is set to be the winner Song of the Year - December at this year's Gaon Charts Awards
    - Pyscho is a group song with highest digital point 400million+
    Notes : Red Velvet Irene & SeulGi will make their debut as a unit on July 6th, please anticipate it. Thank you

    • @gracenahanlinu7860
      @gracenahanlinu7860 4 года назад +4

      What is all-kill?

    • @quangleminh7988
      @quangleminh7988 4 года назад +26

      @@gracenahanlinu7860 It's mean no1 all charts music in Korea at a time. Plesea support Red Velvet, they are so talented!

    • @rjlovejin3167
      @rjlovejin3167 4 года назад +25

      Yupzz.. they got all that without promotion in any music show ( sorry for my bad english)

    • @saf7846
      @saf7846 4 года назад +23

      Digital point reach 500+ milion now and the highest among all group this year (sorry for my bad english)

    • @willywonka2645
      @willywonka2645 4 года назад +18

      And they win w/o attending any music shows, I repeat w/o even promoting it queen behavior indeed. I stan the right group real talent

  • @valerie8435
    @valerie8435 4 года назад +322

    me: reads the title*

    • @stanleymaximillian8403
      @stanleymaximillian8403 4 года назад +6


    • @valerie8435
      @valerie8435 4 года назад +2

      @@stanleymaximillian8403 that's such a mood. SeUlgI BiaS for dAyZzz 🤟🏼

  • @susu-vd7pd
    @susu-vd7pd 4 года назад +615

    Please react to Red Velvet's
    "PEEK A BOO"

    • @kavya3292
      @kavya3292 4 года назад +4

      Blood Park and red flavor

    • @leol.9762
      @leol.9762 4 года назад +8

      And Bad Boy

    • @susu-vd7pd
      @susu-vd7pd 4 года назад +7

      @@leol.9762 He said the next one would be Bad boy :)

    • @keehostan
      @keehostan 4 года назад +6

      Really bad boy

    • @jocey1453
      @jocey1453 4 года назад +7

      dont forget One of these nights, one of my favorite songs of all time

  • @Qija1
    @Qija1 4 года назад +129

    Yesss finally!!! They’re the big girl group from SM.
    So now you’ve seen the big 3 girl groups;
    JYP: Twice
    YG: Blackpink
    SM: Red Velvet

    • @taera_v7468
      @taera_v7468 4 года назад +7

      Bighit : BTS

    • @philippineexolsam1879
      @philippineexolsam1879 4 года назад +1


    • @Qija1
      @Qija1 4 года назад +8

      Bts is unmatched, they’d need their own category🥰

    • @katara5898
      @katara5898 4 года назад +9

      Harasser Itzy isn’t one of the big three girl groups. Even though they’re big, they’re still pretty new

    • @Sky.0325
      @Sky.0325 4 года назад +3

      Big Hit? 😂

  • @chokynt4986
    @chokynt4986 4 года назад +78

    *That **7:36** part, its Wendy's high note at the background. She is the main vocalist, has the widest vocal range in kpop (4 octave), considered as one of the best vocalist in kpop by vocal experts, and extremely multitalented*

  • @susu-vd7pd
    @susu-vd7pd 4 года назад +210

    By the way, Red Velvet is bside queens. You should check out sunny side up, in&out and kingdom come. They're also very good at live performances.

    • @breakfast3737
      @breakfast3737 4 года назад +1

      + in and out!

    • @susu-vd7pd
      @susu-vd7pd 4 года назад

      @@breakfast3737 You're right, I love that song, too :")

  • @applejoyarendain7994
    @applejoyarendain7994 4 года назад +78

    The only gg that's sounds so good when they were singing together

  • @hannahmarohombsar6470
    @hannahmarohombsar6470 4 года назад +50

    what i really like about red velvet is that their vocals are so so good and their discography are very versatile. If u will watch their other music videos, they always try to do a new concept. Anyway, theyre called the "concept queens". And they're the same company as exo. Thats why, no wonder they also got the vocals.

  • @joanavarela8193
    @joanavarela8193 4 года назад +385

    Sammy: *looks at Irene's lace gloves*
    Also Sammy: Is that lingerie?
    I- 👁️👄👁️

  • @04cide
    @04cide 4 года назад +69


  • @user-yf2jx9hk6j
    @user-yf2jx9hk6j 4 года назад +76

    Red Velvet are known to have amazing vocals + diverse music! Their side tracks e.g. Sunny Side Up and Bing Bing is where their vocals really pop off. Wendy who sings the prechorus + most high adlibs has a really good range she could probably go higher.

  • @grapek5619
    @grapek5619 4 года назад +185

    11:38 Irene: Leader, Main rapper, lead dancer, sub-vocalist, center, visual, the oldest
    12:29 Seulgi: Lead vocalist, main dancer
    10:23 Wendy: Main vocalist
    12:14 Joy: Vocalist, sub-rapper
    09:45 Yeri: Sub-vocalist, lead rapper, maknae
    Side note: Yeri nowadays raps more so she deserves lead rapper (I'm sure that most of fandom will understand).

    • @gigireve943
      @gigireve943 4 года назад +3

      Grapek Joy is lead vocalist now too

    • @yourmirae
      @yourmirae 4 года назад +1

      joy lead vocalist & lead rapper

    • @AnelaJoecelleBVisto
      @AnelaJoecelleBVisto 4 года назад


    • @ismailabdhakim3704
      @ismailabdhakim3704 4 года назад +1

      I think we can also put wendy as sub-rapper .. man she can do everything.. it's just because she already has so many lines so sm wanna make it fair .. btw I miss wendy.. i miss ot5 sobs sobs

    • @georgiarose818
      @georgiarose818 4 года назад

      What's the difference between lead and main?

  • @ophelia6298
    @ophelia6298 4 года назад +14

    they're the best girl group in kpop imo. you should react to this song's live version where they all sit and sing so close to fans. their live vocals are heavenly

  • @neonspeace
    @neonspeace 4 года назад +79

    you won’t regret reacting to all SM ARTIST.

  • @ilyeyaj
    @ilyeyaj 4 года назад +22

    Watch their live performance of Psycho! You'll know who makes the ad libs and appreciate their vocals! Hope to see more Red Velvet reactions!

    • @Lunafreya_Nox
      @Lunafreya_Nox 4 года назад

      Agree.. And theirs no difference on Studio version and live version bcoz in short RED VELVET eat cd's.

  • @SR-zk6nl
    @SR-zk6nl 4 года назад +341

    No one :
    Literally no one :
    Mrsammycam:If you guys know what I mean it's not just psycho psycho it's PSYCHO PSYCHO ..I don't know if you guys know what I mean 🤣🤣🤣..ok Sam I understand wat you meant 😂🤟

    • @0rph33
      @0rph33 4 года назад +6

      oh in case you werent being sarcastic, he means the enunciation of the syllables in the word “psycho.” instead of just saying the word as it normally sounds, red velvet puts the emphasis on “psy” and drags out the “cho” so it sounds more like PSY-choooo (capital letters=emphasis). its a super good convention that makes for really catchy choruses because its more enjoyable to sing along to!

  • @avpdevera0174
    @avpdevera0174 4 года назад +27

    Wendy's high notes always gets me

  • @beatrizmendes8431
    @beatrizmendes8431 4 года назад +95

    We are talking about SM's Artist, so amazing vocals it's not a surprise 🙈

  • @philippineexolsam1879
    @philippineexolsam1879 4 года назад +9

    FOR me Red velvet is one of the best girl group and have the best vocal... BTW thanks for reacting Red velvet.... I really love your react,.. muahh huhuh

  • @thanhthao18595
    @thanhthao18595 4 года назад +35

    I’m here for Red Velvet’s Kingdom Come 🤟

  • @dahniiy4595
    @dahniiy4595 4 года назад +407

    I clicked faster than Yoongi’s tongue technology

  • @joeveen
    @joeveen 4 года назад +8

    Okay but like Pyscho is probably one of my goddamn favorite songs of all time.
    No matter how many times I've listened to it, it just gives me goosebumps like how I did when I first heard it. I'm not a stan but the song is *chef's kiss*

  • @violet.2774
    @violet.2774 4 года назад +85

    kpopers call theme "quenns of concepts" cuz they have their own and new and unique style in every comback
    also they call theme "quenns of summer" because every summer they come back with the best summer comback

    • @violet.2774
      @violet.2774 4 года назад +3

      @@xenambalacantt6460 hylt its not a summer song...

    • @user-hb6yd4nm3h
      @user-hb6yd4nm3h 3 года назад +2

      @@xenambalacantt6460 lmfao I don't think that's a summer song

      @SADIE_Maybe_SADISTIC 3 года назад +1

      @@xenambalacantt6460 ?

  • @nicholaslouie7590
    @nicholaslouie7590 4 года назад +1192

    People say Blackpink and Twice are the best K-pop girl groups, but I personally think Red velvet is the best K-pop girl group.

    • @phoaaa
      @phoaaa 4 года назад +195

      Viral: Black Pink=TWICE > Red Velvet
      Music: Red Velvet > BP = TWICE

    • @spadeale7380
      @spadeale7380 4 года назад +82

      specially in terms of musicality!

    • @elishaabarquez755
      @elishaabarquez755 4 года назад +85

      Billboard just confirmed it.

    • @luisaw1902
      @luisaw1902 4 года назад +2


    • @jeftehilomen1688
      @jeftehilomen1688 4 года назад +63

      I know right. I mean i love Twice too and BP. But RV is just different always imo.

  • @toeknee6096
    @toeknee6096 4 года назад +200

    also u pronounce irene as ‘eye-reen’

    • @saurabhthorat4387
      @saurabhthorat4387 4 года назад +4

      it's not even a korean name dhdjsjsks

    • @slaypa
      @slaypa 4 года назад

      i'm crying sksksksk

    • @xdiyanahx
      @xdiyanahx 4 года назад

      @@applepie8348 same 😂😂

  • @xoluciaxo_3721
    @xoluciaxo_3721 4 года назад +44

    Sadly during promotion of this song one of the girls, wendy, fell through a hole about 4 meters high during the rehearsal of an award show. She had a lot of injuries like a broken hipbone an cheekbone i believe so she was in the hospital for a long time and we're not sure if she can ever perform again😔🙏🏼

  • @achmadrahman4890
    @achmadrahman4890 4 года назад +24

    Yes you have to reacting them. Red velvet and mamamoo is vocals queen. Red velvet's song is amazing. Please reacting them

  • @afifadam776
    @afifadam776 4 года назад +16

    When we say about vocal. Yes SM Entertainment

  • @syun1kiss
    @syun1kiss 4 года назад +180

    seulgi: *oOooH*
    *exCUsE mE?*

    • @jayliannbae6498
      @jayliannbae6498 4 года назад +2

      I just can't still believe until now how this song represents 2020 "hey now we'll be ok, its alright yeah"

  • @liziicoreas3632
    @liziicoreas3632 4 года назад +70

    Psycho is other level and the MV is the style vintage and aesthetic so beautiful.
    Please, reaction to 'Bad Boy - Red Velvet'. It's amazing too

    • @Jack-pl1bz
      @Jack-pl1bz 4 года назад +1

      Psycho is straight up in other dimension. Everyone in KPOP needa up their game.

  • @paulankolo6348
    @paulankolo6348 4 года назад +46

    When I read first time, i screamed "WHATTTTT?????????????"
    It's good you finally did

    • @Sky.0325
      @Sky.0325 4 года назад +1

      Same tho.. 😂

  • @puddingchuupet8944
    @puddingchuupet8944 4 года назад +19

    Finally omggg I've been waiting for this.
    Other songs that I suggest
    Red Velvet- Red Flavor
    - Dumb Dumb
    - Peek-a-boo
    Dreamcatcher- Deja Vu
    - Scream
    CLC- Me
    - Devil

  • @tamaracarrillo611
    @tamaracarrillo611 4 года назад +103

    React to:
    Really Bad Boy "Red velvet"
    Cherry Bomb "NCT 127"
    Dally "Hyolin"
    Dont Wanna Cry "Seventeen"

  • @Slowreader13
    @Slowreader13 4 года назад +91

    seventeen home and don't wanna cry

    • @egtownofficial9495
      @egtownofficial9495 4 года назад +1

      yasss please

    • @laiminhmabulay7529
      @laiminhmabulay7529 4 года назад +4

      i just discovered don’t wanna cry, i’m so addicted to it right now

    • @Slowreader13
      @Slowreader13 4 года назад

      @@laiminhmabulay7529 tou should watch home

    • @jazh6443
      @jazh6443 4 года назад

      Laiminh Mabulay that was when I became a fan of them!

    • @haneenkaddoura5521
      @haneenkaddoura5521 4 года назад

      He should check them out😀

  • @nuna3664
    @nuna3664 4 года назад +32

    Fun fact: Red velvet is Hopi’s favorite girl group🥰❤️.

  • @RafaelaMirandaChannel
    @RafaelaMirandaChannel 4 года назад +5

    yesssssss red velvet are so talented! tysm for the reaction

  • @bushra7491
    @bushra7491 4 года назад +10

    I'm happy that you liked it, AND I'M SURE that you'll love their song 'Bad Boy' by red velvet

  • @Slowreader13
    @Slowreader13 4 года назад +94

    seventeen's new song left and right on bighit labels

    • @jazh6443
      @jazh6443 4 года назад +19

      I’ve been commenting for days for him to react to seventeen 😭

    • @hafsa1698
      @hafsa1698 4 года назад +17

      @@jazh6443 same. It's about time he's missing out on so much

    • @-annie2010
      @-annie2010 4 года назад +12

      Seventeen please this group is fuking art

    • @egtownofficial9495
      @egtownofficial9495 4 года назад +3

      yasss co carats!!!!!! we all want a seventeen reaction!

    • @Slowreader13
      @Slowreader13 4 года назад +3

      @@jazh6443 me too :/

  • @sarahdean6115
    @sarahdean6115 4 года назад +3

    One thing I noticed with red velvet is that they almost always sing the chorus all together and it's really nice to hear imo

  • @nanangriyansetiawan1698
    @nanangriyansetiawan1698 4 года назад +15

    RED VELVET-BAD BOY is the best redvelvets song

  • @melvvs586
    @melvvs586 4 года назад +2

    This is the best song I've heard from Red Velvet,it sounds really relaxing just like heaven on Earth

  • @hann1733
    @hann1733 4 года назад +5

    red velvet has some of my fav female vocals in the industry, their singing really is top notch!

  • @mintaexx2990
    @mintaexx2990 4 года назад +9


  • @datgirl4601
    @datgirl4601 4 года назад +6

    I can't wait for BAD BOY!!!!!

  • @seulgibear7571
    @seulgibear7571 4 года назад +1

    Omg!!! Thank you for reacting to Red Velvet!!! By the way that adlib in Chorus part "Psycho pyscho" and "babo babo" in high pitch was Seulgi's voice that made you crazy. Dude. I feel you LOL

  • @mintjune4204
    @mintjune4204 4 года назад +5

    Omggg yesss! I wasn't expecting red velvet so soon!! Lots of love Sam♡

  • @gomgomi318
    @gomgomi318 4 года назад +2

    Yeah finally my favorite girls come!!!!!
    Red Velvet have two different concepts: pop and bright red + fascinating and soft velvet.

  • @sid._.3652
    @sid._.3652 4 года назад +22

    Groups you must give a listen!
    1. Mamamoo (gogobebe, you're the best, gleam, wind flower, spit it out - solar, twit - hwasa)
    2. Seventeen (don't wanna cry, thanks, boom boom, clap, mansae, oh my!, Very nice, hit, getting closer, home, good to me, our dawn is hotter then day)
    3. NCT 127 (kick it, cherry bomb, regular, Simon says, superhuman, highway to heaven, touch, limitless)
    4. Red velvet (dumb dumb, bad boy, peek-a-boo, red flavour, power up, Russian roulette, really bad boy)
    5. Winner (really really, ah yeah, millions, soso, hold, everyday, fool, island, sentimental, empty, love me love me,remember)
    6. Taeyeon (fine, wine, I, blue, a poem called you)
    7. SNSD (I got a boy, gee, the boys, catch me if u can)
    8. Dreamcatcher (deja vu, scream, piri, Sahara, red sun, black or white, silent night, in the frozen, lullaby, trap)
    9. 2NE1 (come back home, lonely, I'm the best)
    10. Astro (crazy sexy cool, baby, knock, all night, hide&seek, blue flame, again, always you)
    11. Got7 (Lullaby, if you do, Just right, Not by the moon, A, Girls girls girls(debut), stop stop it)
    12. ITZY (wannabe, icy, Dalla Dalla, want it?)
    13. LOONA (Good night, Fly high, Chase me, So what, butterfly, favourite, hi high, stylish)
    Anybody can recommend anything to add on the list!❣️
    Thank you for everybody who did!

    • @salmaelhaj3788
      @salmaelhaj3788 4 года назад

      U forgot wheeins solos too and moonbyuls also plz recommend mamamoos old songs like piano man mr.ambigious

    • @sid._.3652
      @sid._.3652 4 года назад

      @@salmaelhaj3788 can u pls recommend me some?? The ones in here are what I was recommended cause I'm just a stan not really a moomoo😅

    • @salmaelhaj3788
      @salmaelhaj3788 4 года назад

      @@sid._.3652 i swear i cant tell if m moomoo too or carat too the only sure thing is M an army but i love seventeen and mamamoo since their debut and watch their content and stuff i just cant tell i am crazy abt did u get me anyway u need to check wheein EASY GOODBYE 25 ANYMORE MODERATO and SHADOW her voice is my fav in mamamoo bcz she has a honey like voice check these out

    • @Sky.0325
      @Sky.0325 4 года назад

      Winter flower is Younha's song... If Mamamoo's its Wind flower.. 😅

    • @sid._.3652
      @sid._.3652 4 года назад

      @@salmaelhaj3788 thank you!!! I will add

  • @reymagdora4747
    @reymagdora4747 4 года назад +1

    Youre reacting to billboards BEST IDOL GROUP ALIVE. Thanjs for the reaction

  • @bernaldenicemarie7493
    @bernaldenicemarie7493 4 года назад +10

    All people to wendy's vocal: "How high can you go?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA queen

  • @dustin4lifeytfam173
    @dustin4lifeytfam173 4 года назад +2

    They are badass in vocals

  • @susu-vd7pd
    @susu-vd7pd 4 года назад +21

    7:31 That's Wendy, our main vocalist :")

    • @susu-vd7pd
      @susu-vd7pd 3 года назад +3


    • @susu-vd7pd
      @susu-vd7pd 3 года назад +3

      Now, our main vocalist will make her solo debut on April 5 :")

    • @Vixx-eh6bl
      @Vixx-eh6bl 3 года назад +1

      @@susu-vd7pd yesss 💖💖

    • @susu-vd7pd
      @susu-vd7pd 3 года назад +1


    • @Vixx-eh6bl
      @Vixx-eh6bl 3 года назад +1

      @@susu-vd7pd me too girl 😭😭😭😭

  • @bettschwere
    @bettschwere 4 года назад +1

    yay you did psycho!! this is one of my favorite girl group songs of the decade tbh. it's just so good

  • @lilynavarro5287
    @lilynavarro5287 4 года назад +26

    Seulgi and Wendy are main vocal in this group, you have to see live performance they are real queens

    • @heleecopter
      @heleecopter 4 года назад +8

      Correction. Wendy is The Main vocal while Seulgi is The Lead vocal 😊

    • @luisaw1902
      @luisaw1902 4 года назад +1

      wendy is

  • @eumak1735
    @eumak1735 4 года назад +1

    That's why PSYCHO is the SOTY of this year!!!

  • @metsubojinrainet
    @metsubojinrainet 4 года назад +15

    Seventeen left and right, my my

  • @devakibhagwat6146
    @devakibhagwat6146 4 года назад +1

    yep, I'mma subscribe. Can't wait for more Red Velvet reactions. They're absolutely brilliant, and their discography is one of THE BEST.

  • @matimoon
    @matimoon 4 года назад +10

    Red Flavor please! We need Wendy’s vocals going off at the end hahah

  • @m4kge0lli.i
    @m4kge0lli.i 4 года назад +1

    he has the most satisfying kpop mv reactions !! totally me every comeback

  • @sunny_at_sunset
    @sunny_at_sunset 4 года назад +15

    Please also react to Shinee:
    - View
    - Everybody
    - Replay
    - Lucifer
    They're from the same company as Red Velvet

  • @rvluvi8337
    @rvluvi8337 4 года назад +1

    AND This is just one of their many amazing songs. Imagine listening to all of them on the daily 😌 intellectuals only 💅🏻

  • @Ash-hk6lh
    @Ash-hk6lh 4 года назад +9

    Newer Releases You Should Check Out
    - Golden Child - ONE (Lucid Dream)
    - Seventeen - Left and Right
    - Seventeen - My My
    - NCT127 - Punch

  • @rayfahsibayan8775
    @rayfahsibayan8775 4 года назад +1

    Red Velvet never disappoints. PERIODT.

  • @TT-jv9lp
    @TT-jv9lp 4 года назад +22

    I’m dying to wait for him to react to “Kick it”- NCT127 🥺

  • @aniskurma
    @aniskurma 4 года назад +2


  • @brianleonardpiri1611
    @brianleonardpiri1611 4 года назад +4

    No coment!💕😂

  • @cheonhaven0118
    @cheonhaven0118 4 года назад +1

    This song deserves more! It has to be on award shows this year! Like seriously? If not only because of wendy getting injured this can be the Song of the year :)

  • @nicolinetorres8929
    @nicolinetorres8929 4 года назад +3

    Sammy! There’s a live acoustic performance of Psycho I’d like you to check out. It really showcases their live singing abilities as in this version of their performance, they’re just chilling and sitting.

  • @jairoswizzu7760
    @jairoswizzu7760 4 года назад +2

    When he say "How high can you go?" On Wendy's Iconic part I was like.. Same dude same Question!

  • @maggylostnndfound
    @maggylostnndfound 4 года назад +5

    I PRAY FOR YOUR REACTION to Red Velvet’s “Peek-a-boo”😭😭🤲🏻

  • @laydzhang295
    @laydzhang295 4 года назад

    Red velvet's vocals is really stunning man ! One you hear it, you can't get out. Omg I've been waiting for this, thank you so much for this video :)

  • @paulankolo6348
    @paulankolo6348 4 года назад +8

    seulgi: oooooo *clean*
    sammy: *really trying hard* ooOOoOOoOooO

  • @abcdoooabcd
    @abcdoooabcd 4 года назад +2

    Red velvet vocals are the best in kpop industry

  • @rosalie5918
    @rosalie5918 4 года назад +7

    Wendy: Oooooohhhhh
    Sammy: Who’s going off in the back?! OooOooOoOoohHHhh

  • @nabilacaal
    @nabilacaal 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for reaction PSYCHO !!

  • @kirby-stomp
    @kirby-stomp 4 года назад +15

    YES FINALLY RED VELVET!! btw they have two concepts p much, "red" and "velvet".
    "red" involves more of their fresh, cutesy, and bold concepts; "red flavour", "happiness", "dumb dumb", whilst "velvet" is their more classy, sensual vibes like "psycho", "bad boy", "automatic" (i personally prefer their "velvet" side, but they literally OWN both concepts better than anyone else ever could jshfkds).
    now you just need to react to nct u, nct 127, nct dream, and wayv (@ smrookies/sr15b/sr14g aka their entertainment label's pre-debut group for nct, wayv, and red velvet)^^.

  • @slowtokkii
    @slowtokkii 3 года назад

    "Oh my Lord" - oh yeaah!
    Started here and im currently binge watching your reaction videos with your Red Velvet playlist. Psycho is my fave title track.

  • @userkl011
    @userkl011 4 года назад +12

    React to Red Velvet: Peek A Boo, Happiness (their debut), Sunny Side Up, Bad Boy and Zimzalabim!

  • @emdee7895
    @emdee7895 4 года назад +2

    This is so me listening to Psycho the day it was released. Trust me, the last time I've noticed Red Velvet was with Ice Cream Cake. Didn't know them individually that time but I do know Red Velvet but I was just not a fan. And trust me again, it also takes me sooo much time to be hooked by a song specially with k-pop but Red Velvet's Psycho just devoured me whole! The girls, their outfits, the mv, the song, the beat, the dance steps -it's just everything and much more!
    After that, did my research about Red Velvet and it just brought my dead heart and soul for k-pop back to life and now I'm a ReVeLuv and proud!

    • @hh-jy1ld
      @hh-jy1ld 4 года назад

      🙌 Yas!!!!

  • @lavieendi0r889
    @lavieendi0r889 4 года назад +5

    ‼‼fun fact: red velvet was the first kpop group that perform in north korea‼‼

  • @mutedcypher
    @mutedcypher 4 года назад +1

    I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MY WHOLE LIFE TT.TT red velvet is my favorite girl group, they're amazing

  • @LeenSeoh
    @LeenSeoh 4 года назад +42

    I still have fait that it will be SEVENTEEN's turn next sjsjjd you will loveeeee their songs! you should try with "Dont wanna cry"

  • @jaekoh1514
    @jaekoh1514 4 года назад +1

    This song deserves the song of the year

  • @justasimplearmy3798
    @justasimplearmy3798 4 года назад +14

    sammy: these cup-phones are the oldest form of communication.
    his voice, with which hes literally saying that: am i a joke to you?

  • @blessiebustamante7735
    @blessiebustamante7735 4 года назад +1

    Please do a listening party to Red Velvet. It is not just their main songs that are good, but their bsides are really BOP too

  • @tankorafk379
    @tankorafk379 4 года назад +3

    Fun fact:
    Did you know the audio version and mv version actually sounds different? The mv version has a "synth" kind of instrument on the chorus, while the audio version is not.
    That was intended.

  • @zahwachairunisa4832
    @zahwachairunisa4832 4 года назад +1

    This song slaps so hard im still feeling the impact eight months later

  • @iuliaty1097
    @iuliaty1097 4 года назад +20

    sm has the best vocalists: Wendy, Seulgi, Chen, Baekhyun, Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Ten, Renjun, Haechan, Taeyeon and more.

    • @mistydee2391
      @mistydee2391 4 года назад +3

      You forgot Kyungsoooo hehe

    • @quentinwordsworth1820
      @quentinwordsworth1820 4 года назад +6

      + The entire SHINee vocal line.

    • @Rosevieenla
      @Rosevieenla 4 года назад +2

      The lack of Kyuhyun is criminal

    • @lexigrace5029
      @lexigrace5029 4 года назад +2

      Luna always gets overlooked :(

    • @springdelight3889
      @springdelight3889 4 года назад +3

      Kyungsoo probably have the most beautiful voice in kpop. He is so underrated. Baekhyun and Chen can hit higher notes than him but his voice is more soothing

  • @jenpaci
    @jenpaci 4 года назад

    Hi Sammy!! Thank you for reacting to Red Velvet, they are a very unique group and they have really powerhouse vocals. They have a concept of Red and Velvet side! I bet you will be shocked for their other songs! Can't wait for Bad Boy :)

  • @lou-pf6sj
    @lou-pf6sj 4 года назад +11

    Please react to Seventeen left and right! It came out today (they're under Pledis, which is under bighit)

  • @positivevibe985
    @positivevibe985 4 года назад +1

    Kpop has so much to offer. Vocally, Red Velvet are one of the best, if not the best!

  • @baoziart6998
    @baoziart6998 4 года назад +15

    Pls react to seventeens comaback left & right

  • @doyouknowaleichu
    @doyouknowaleichu 4 года назад +1

    Wow, I like how your reaction video goes. You first reacted to the lyrics and vocals of the artists and then later reacted to their M/V 👌

  • @taeminbae8822
    @taeminbae8822 4 года назад +22

    Please react to:
    -Move and Want (Taemin)
    -1 of 1 and Married to the Music (SHINee)
    -I wanna be (Key)