Lessons: 1. If your cholesterol level is high, you cannot eat any meat. If you do, you would suffer from a heart attack. That is why Jessica needs to eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger. 2. Don't ever swap lunch or any food with anybody because that person may put some harmful substances. Jessica mistakenly ate a beef burger as she should eat a veggie burger.
Possible phone words: 2:44 - Jessica has offically passed away. 2:48 - Inform her parents that she died please. 3:05 - Did Jessica die? 3:09 - Tell your class to attend the funeral.
Jessica, you may have died from taking a bite of beef, but you will always remain in our hearts. There have never been a girl quite like you, you’re irreplaceable and one of a kind. We will forever remember the times Ariana and you spent together. Thanks for all the fun and happy memories, farewell. 😢
My English,Math, Science, and History teacher, Jodie is also a vegetarian and, Violy deserves it for killing Jessica from a bite of a cheese burger instead of a veggie burger. She needs to learn not kill Jessica with meat products.
Violy! Never swap lunches with anyone like that! You should know that if people have a high cholesterol level, they will no longer to eat meat products, only vegetables. It can get you arrested for killing a student like that!
She can not be doing all this trouble, just because her and Jessica are vegetarians that don’t mean violy can swap her beef burger with her, I hope anyone will bring Jessica back from the dead.
This is definetely why you cannot share foods with any people allergic to a specific food item. This is also why I am telling you folks watching this. It is always a good idea to check if there's no ingredients in the food items that people are allergic to before you give it to them and DO NOT share foods people are allergic to with them and that's actually why this character in this video went to jail because the classmate she shared the hamburger with died of a heart attack after biting into a hamburger and it had meet and the classmate was allergic to meat.
Lessons: 1. If your cholesterol level is high, you cannot eat any meat. If you do, you would suffer from a heart attack. That is why Jessica needs to eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger. 2. Don't ever swap lunch or any food with anybody because that person may put some harmful substances. Jessica mistakenly ate abeef burger as she should eat a veggie burger. She Will Be Die 0:34 - 1:41
The doctors were like, “Oh my God Doctor! Her heart stopped!” Then another was like, “Then I’m afraid we were too late! We lost her! Time of death: October 21st, 2018! 2:43 Eastern Standard Time!
Like Jessica, I have high cholesterol but it went down so I might be fine. Also, if I was there, I would've saved her like stopping her from eating the burger
Possible words from the cop while he was trying to take Violy to prison, after the Cop told Violy to come to jail, then Violy wasn't quiet: Cop: (raises voice, screen makes it look like there is an earthquake) "(Quiet/shut up) right now or you will be executed!" (maybe this sentence is in all caps.)
I cannot even begin to believe that troublemaker! If she kills one more person, can you make a video where Violy gets charged for all the things she did in the past 2 1/2 years. If you think Violy is a psychopath, then like.
Thank goodness I didnt do that in my schools. And even most of my friends (and I) are able to eat meat products (such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.).
Gotta love the old goanimate, when the videos sometimes get stretched to make money as soon as RUclips rolls the ad revenue for videos that are 8 mins instead of 10…
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SMG4:안녕하신가.이것은 슬픈 음악이나 부분이 나올 수도 있습니다. 전부입니다. 쌤:이제 점심 시간이다! 다들 가져온 것 있지? 맛있게 먹으렴! 난 바로 회의에 간다! 펀치맨:오케이.난 어제 내 엄마가 나 너무 잘해서 놀란코끼리 치킨을 사주셨어. 그리고 내가 게토레이 음료수를 샀어. 베라:우와! 나도 먹으면 안돼? 그리고 너 얼마나 있어? 펀치맨:그게 치킨 1박스 반인데 1박스 합쳤어. 양이 많으니까 내 거 조금만 먹어도 돼. 베라:고마워! 사실 난 롱치즈스킥이랑 바삭감자튀김을 샀어. LEOPOLD SLIKK:난 바삭감자튀김을 샀고 내 아빠가 소세지 에그를 해 주셨어. STEFAN KACZYNSKI:난 상하이베이컨버거를 샀어. 레드:난 앵그리버드버거를 샀어. ROCKMAN:난 E캔을 샀지. 오늘 체육 시간에서 자유 시간을 주는데 축구를 하느라 힘들었어. 마리오:난 치즈스틱이랑 콜라를 샀고 머쉬룸도 가져왔어. 미호:난 불고기버거 샀어. 하랑:난 대리버거. 시호:나는 모짜렐라 인더버거를 샀어. 연오:난 스윙칩이랑 블루하와이를 샀어. 버디 브로:난 골드크런치킹 치킨하고 블루하와이를 샀어. 펀치맨:버디 브로. 이거 우리랑 같이 먹으면 되겠다. 시호:야. 베라. 이제 배 아픈 거 다 나았어? 베라:응. 근데 닥터 마리오가 이렇게 말했어. ''너는 QUORN을 먹으면 더욱 심해질 수 있다''고 하는데. RONALF RAMIREZ:아!!! 깜박하고 안 가져왔네! 아하! 그래! 당장 뺏어먹어야 겠어! 연오:아, 뭐야! 왜 내 거를 뺏어!! 쿠로:아, 제발! QUORN은 안된다고! 아, 그래! 옆에 베라랑 음식을 바꿔야 겠어. 히히히! 쿠로가 자기 음식을 베라의 음식으로 바꾸고 나서 먹음. 그 다음에 베라가 먹음. 펀치맨:야! 너 QUORN을 먹었어! 삼키면 안돼! 하지만 펀치맨의 만류에도 불구하고 삼킴. 베라:에이~ 왜 그래. 아아... 내 가슴이 너무 아파... 으윽... 시호:베라야!!! 안돼!!! 정신 차려!!! 베라:시호... 미안해.... 행복하게.... 잘... 살아줘..... 안녕... 시호.... 시호:베라!!!!! 펀치맨:당장 119에 신고해야 겠어. 얼마 후... 쌤:무슨 일이시죠? 닥터 마리오:지금 상태가 안 좋습니다. 빨리 병원으로 가야 해요! 러프,카이:저도 갈게요! 닥터 마리오:그래요! 쌤:도대체 누가 그런 거지? 펀치맨:쌤! 누군가의 QUORN을 베라의 바삭감자튀김이랑 롱치즈스킥을 바꿔 먹었죠. 그리고 또 누군가 연오의 음식을 뺏어먹은 겁니다. 도대체 누가 그런지 모르는 상황이지만! 저는 쿠로가 베라의 음식을 바꿔서 먹고 RONALD RAMIREZ가 연오의 음식을 뺏어먹었던 것을 정확히 알아요!!! 쌤:쿠로,RONALD RAMIREZ! 도대체 왜 나쁜 짓을 하는 거냐? PHONE CALLING 쌤:얘들아, 기다려라. 전화가 왔다. 여보세요? 러프:쌤 안 좋은 소식이 있어요... 쌤:안 좋은 소식? 뭐니? 러프:그게.. 베라가 심장 마비로 죽었어요... 쌤:세상에. 알겠다. 러프:카이! 당장 베라 어머님께 전화해! 카이:응! 베라의 집 PHONE CALLING VERA'S MOM:어? 전화가 왔네? 여보세요? 카이:안녕하세요? 전 카이인데요. VERA'S MOM:카이? 아 그래. 무슨 일이니? 카이:그게... 베라가 QUORN을 먹어서 심장 마비로 죽었어요... VERA'S MOM:아... 어떡해... ㅠㅠㅠ 내 딸!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 알았어... 카이:끊을게요. ㅠㅠ 학교에서는... 쌤:얘들아, 슬픈 소식이 있다... 베라가 심장 마비로 죽었다... 시호:안돼!!!! 베라가 이렇게 죽다니!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 난 내 친구가 그리운데!! ㅠㅠㅠ 펀치맨:어떡하냐... 미호,하랑,연오:ㅠㅠㅠㅠ LEOPOLD SLIKK,STEFAN KACZYNSKI:ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 버디 브로:이 친구는 정말로 좋은 친구인데 그렇게 죽다니.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 쌤:쿠로! 도대체 왜 베라를 죽이느냐!!! 그리고 RONALD RAMIREZ!! 왜 음식을 뺏어 먹냐!!! 안되겠다! 쿠로! 내가 당장 경찰에 신고해야 겠어!!! RONALD RAMIREZ!! 넌 2달 동안 학교 갈 수 없다!! 집으로 가라!! 교도소에는... KURO'S MOM:도대체 왜 베라를 죽였어?? 안되겠다. 넌 영원히 외출금지야!!! RONALD RAMIREZ의 집 RONALD RAMIREZ'S DAD:아아아악!!! 도대체 왜 음식을 뺏어 먹어!!! 넌 1달 동안 외출금지야!! 그리고 컴퓨터하고 TEAM FOTRESS 2도 1달 동안 금지다!!! RONALD RAMIREZ:NO! NOOOO!!! 베라의 무덤에는... 펀치맨:저는 예전에 친한 친구였죠. 그리고 친구가 외로운 저랑 놀아줬는데... 이렇게 죽고 떠나다니 슬픈 일입니다...여러분 사라반드 곡으로 들어주십시오. MUSIC:SARABANDE D MINOR FASTER:VERY SLOWLY 시호,마리오,미호,하랑,연오,LEOPOLD SLIKK,STEFAN KACZYNSKI,티르,란,레드,VERA'S PARENTS,펀치맨,밤,척,블루,마틸다,실버,스텔라,할,버블,테렌스,카이,러프,ROCKMAN,ROLL,PROTOMAN(BLUES),엑스,제로,아이리스,QUICKMAN,SAKUYA,REMILIA,FLANDRE,WOODMAN,TORNADOMAN,LAPIS LAZULI,PERIDOT,빼꼼,라발,이리스,크래거,워리츠,아리,수하,우민,슈엘,지찬,루이지,피치공주,데이지,로젤리나,키노피오,키노피코,요시,캐서린,SMG4,LITTLE MAC,버디 브로,DOC LOUIS:ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 흑흑... 15분 후... 펀치맨:그리고 제가 선정한 음악을 들어보겠습니다... MUSIC:MEGAMAN XTREME 1 ENDING THEME 그렇게 떠나자마자... 신:펀치맨. 펀치맨:이 목소리는... 신:호호. 난 신이다. 하늘에서 잘 살아주는 신이다. 이 곡을 들어보니 두 곡 다 좋은 곡이네. 내가 소원을 들어 주면... 너의 친구 베라가 살아서 영원히 죽지 않는 사람으로 되어 주마! 베라가 나에게 존경을 하는구나. 내가 베라를 정성껏 살려주지. 펀치맨:감사합니다.
Aww man! I feel bad for Jessica, R.I.P. Jessica, Died from a fatal heart attack from meat! VIOLY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!! >:( YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR KILLING JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I’m not an expert, I have never had a heart attack before, but I don’t think you get the heart attack right away, wouldn’t it take like, 2 hours at least?
Also, I'm sure you already know this, but Violy spread rumors about Ariana and the latter committed suicide on January 17, 2019. She also killed Jakir by pushing him off the rooftop, However, in case you didn't know, Violy tried to kill Lucy twice in the TheJoJuan4444's channel. 1st time by pushing her off the rooftop of the school. 2nd time for giving her poisoned brownies.
CAST Mr james Alan Voily anderson Caile Voilys mum Emma Voilys dad Brian Jessica nicolas Emma Ardiana nicolas Juile Doctor James Lucy Bridget Coby m Dave
@@juliantherandomperson5500 Oops but i only like oggy andthe cockroaches😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 julian the random person
My good friend Matteo lost his father after he suffered a fatal heart attack at his home in Eastchester he was only 52 years old he was the owner of two pizzerias but was well known to own the pizza shop at 9 mill road in eastchester he will be missed dearly, he died suddenly on December 23rd 2022
1. If your cholesterol level is high, you cannot eat any meat. If you do, you would suffer from a heart attack. That is why Jessica needs to eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger.
2. Don't ever swap lunch or any food with anybody because that person may put some harmful substances. Jessica mistakenly ate a beef burger as she should eat a veggie burger.
3. Make sure that your food is attended. Jessica's burger was unattended, giving Violy a chance to kill Jessica.
Well I ated a burger 🍔 and it did not killed me
High Cholesterol is deathly?
R.i.p Jessica 1992- 2014 I will miss you so much Jessica because you were amazing, cool,awesome, and popular
What do you mean by 2014
Do Not Swap Foods With A Student
Jacob Nelson yeah
She wasn't born in 1992
Jessica’s ghost: I miss you guys except Violy
Possible phone words:
2:44 - Jessica has offically passed away.
2:48 - Inform her parents that she died please.
3:05 - Did Jessica die?
3:09 - Tell your class to attend the funeral.
That’s OK Lucy can revive her but What if Jesica died again when eating beef
Hopefully not…
3:35, “Violy, you have no idea how much trouble you are in right now!” 🤣🤣
Jessica, you may have died from taking a bite of beef, but you will always remain in our hearts. There have never been a girl quite like you, you’re irreplaceable and one of a kind. We will forever remember the times Ariana and you spent together. Thanks for all the fun and happy memories, farewell. 😢
It Will Be Okay!
Rest In Peace Jessica 😢😢
One of the students is eating pasta 🍝
My grandfather also died from heart attack the previous day of my birthday in the year of 2007
Violy made Jessica have a heart attack with meat on Violy's cheeseburger
Giving someone food they’re allergic to is murder.
What is the music.
Abortion is a good thing
I so agree Liam
Violy Needs To Stop Becoming A Troublemaker One Day
Aw man! Poor Jessica. I'm very sorry about that. May God bless her soul with love, respect and honor.
this is violys fault by swapping her burger to jessica burger
@@johnsailo6769 You're right, but there are two words that are misspelled: Fault and swapped.
@@superbowlguy9659 ohh
Lol what
Rest in peace Jessica 😢
My English,Math, Science, and History teacher, Jodie is also a vegetarian and, Violy deserves it for killing Jessica from a bite of a cheese burger instead of a veggie burger. She needs to learn not kill Jessica with meat products.
Violy if you are reading this you shall burn in heck #violygetsgrounded
Violy is cold and cruel, that funeral music didn't even sound sad
Rip Jessica you will be missed My Friend 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭* puts flowers on her grave and starts crying quietly* 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
G and
Lppllp ,o0kokko😊k😊jihxddewew ssww sww aaqs zazeeeeee911wsre2rde r4drrrrrrrrrrree3
😚🤑🤑😢😢🎉 I love you
1:Lucy telling her friend not to cry
2: Lucy crying
Violy! Never swap lunches with anyone like that! You should know that if people have a high cholesterol level, they will no longer to eat meat products, only vegetables. It can get you arrested for killing a student like that!
I know the feeling of eating veggies! Gross! But they are good for you!
@@amazingawesomeghost342 I agree. It has vitamins and protein.
Lesson learned
She can not be doing all this trouble, just because her and Jessica are vegetarians that don’t mean violy can swap her beef burger with her, I hope anyone will bring Jessica back from the dead.
By reviving her
R.I.P. poor Jessica, you will be very missed. What the hell is wrong with Violy this days!!!!! ❤️😭🙏
I agree.
She was our True Star Lockers band lead singer and Angela's Galaxy member!
Who you please pray to my dog Mia pup it was a girl and she died due to secures
☹️ Omlouvám
Jessica. i never forget you.i forgive you Jessica. i love you Jessica. heres the your flower. :(
cathy lee 👍🌹🌸🌼🌻🌺🥀🌹🌷💐
@@juliantherandomperson5500 🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼🌷🌷🌷⚘⚘⚘💐💐💐🌸🌸🌸
XxDiamond the ten words of wisdom fanxX Thanks lol
Jerry_Animate 9019ツ that's sad j e ssica has died
@@atalayshiferaw5322 Yeah :'(
That was so evil that Violy killed Jessica.
Violy should get arrested for this😡
Violy was pretty messed up in this video.
She was.
I agree 1000% U-U
I agreed , Murvine
This is definetely why you cannot share foods with any people allergic to a specific food item. This is also why I am telling you folks watching this. It is always a good idea to check if there's no ingredients in the food items that people are allergic to before you give it to them and DO NOT share foods people are allergic to with them and that's actually why this character in this video went to jail because the classmate she shared the hamburger with died of a heart attack after biting into a hamburger and it had meet and the classmate was allergic to meat.
i was gonna be like, “arrested for swapping a lunch??!!” but then i watched the whole thing-
I'm going to miss her so much!! Can someone please hug me?
Ill hug you.
Me too group hug
I hug you
Mayra Guerrero 🤗🤗
Hug 💔
That is not illegal tho
Also request:
Violy scares people as Slenderman/arrested
R.I.P Jessica 2018
1. If your cholesterol level is high, you cannot eat any meat. If you do, you would suffer from a heart attack. That is why Jessica needs to eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger.
2. Don't ever swap lunch or any food with anybody because that person may put some harmful substances. Jessica mistakenly ate abeef burger as she should eat a veggie burger.
She Will Be Die 0:34 - 1:41
This Sad music From 4:35 - 8:21 Is The Minecraft Start Up sound From 2012-2016 (Respawning)
it's only me or the funeral music sounds like a minecraft one?
R.I.P. Jessica 1995-2018-2019
She was born in 2005, not 1995.
Request: Lucy revives Jessica/Ungrounded
Me too, Jessica is the best girl ever
Just like how Jakir did to Andrew Orozco
Lexie V me 3
The doctors were like, “Oh my God Doctor! Her heart stopped!”
Then another was like, “Then I’m afraid we were too late! We lost her! Time of death: October 21st, 2018! 2:43 Eastern Standard Time!
Like Jessica, I have high cholesterol but it went down so I might be fine. Also, if I was there, I would've saved her like stopping her from eating the burger
I started getting tearful at 5:02. RIP Jessica 😭😭
Lesson: Never swap lunches at school.
I wouldn’t besides why the hell would I?
But it's okay to lunches at school, when the some people don't want to eat their own food.
0:59 to 3:45 violy was smiling evilly the entire time
I really hated the part what that stupid Violy did to Jessica.
I respect your opinion on Violy.
This sad music from 5:09 is Minecraft startup sound from 2012-2016(respawning) JK LOL
Sure. And also, Coby M is playing it. PS: Why does he say that "this video was based off a true story." at 4:02-4:05?
Do you mean 4:35
Possible words from the cop while he was trying to take Violy to prison, after the Cop told Violy to come to jail, then Violy wasn't quiet:
Cop: (raises voice, screen makes it look like there is an earthquake) "(Quiet/shut up) right now or you will be executed!" (maybe this sentence is in all caps.)
Rest In Peace Jessica You’ll Be Missed😢🙏🏾😭💔😥🌹⚰️👼🏼
This happened to my grandfather about a month ago. He died from pancreatic cancer on the 14th of August
@@cakeman8406I’m so sorry for your loss my condolences 💐 😢
I cannot even begin to believe that troublemaker! If she kills one more person, can you make a video where Violy gets charged for all the things she did in the past 2 1/2 years. If you think Violy is a psychopath, then like.
And last time she tried to kill Lucy and that was even worse she was trying to cross have off the cliff died die just like Jessica
Violy life please make
@@pupstxrxl9714 I agree Quest request punishment day Riley died from putting spikes on her back
Yes you are right
Why is Jessica yelling to her friend of the Heart Attack stuff, of course Violy can hear hear her.
Well her stupidity cost her her life
Poor Jessica i hope she good life in heaven ⬇️
Uh is point at right next to dislike button
Jessica r.i.p 2018~2222
R.I.P Jessica (October 21, 2018)
R.I.P Ariana (January 20, 2019)
Huckleberry Hound rocks Screw Violy
Violy is the villain
What's the name of music that plays at the end?
Moral: Never swap lunches with people with allergies, low blood sugar, or high cholesterol. Because this may result in death.
Thank goodness I didnt do that in my schools. And even most of my friends (and I) are able to eat meat products (such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.).
Yay! Violy is arrested
I have a gluten allergy, but thankfully I don't have Celiac disease. If I did and I ate gluten, then I would die.
3:34, “Violy, you have no idea how much trouble you are in right now!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Angela the Angel: Don't you worry, don't you care. She is part of our family now.
Lucretia McEvil: Oh internet!
Sam: Thank god!
Gotta love the old goanimate, when the videos sometimes get stretched to make money as soon as RUclips rolls the ad revenue for videos that are 8 mins instead of 10…
Woah, Jessica instantly died from a beef burger, thanks to stupid Violy.
Jessica’s Collestra Level Was High.
Actually, her cholesterol level is normal, so meat can be for her again.
I'll destroy violy if is the last thing I do.
Merlin Herriot Fazbear q
Good job!
After mr james called the poilce to under arrest voily anderson voily got grounded in the poilce station
I'm gonna miss Jessica! I feel sad that Violy had killed her! I need a hug!
Yeah it’s 2021
Don't worry. She only died in Coby M's channel. Not in Andrew Orozco's, TheJoJuan4444's, or GA Bricks's channels.
Here you go! *Gives virtual hug* 😊
@@ATNYV2K4 Ariana also only died in Coby M’s channel.
"Violy" sounds like "violent"
Itz_ Andrey! XD XD
Xd 😂
3:42, “That’s it!” “I am calling the cops.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hurts chest death beef burger ????-2018 r i p 🤢
Call the Tailslandian Legal Association now, an attorney may seem to help you, if you don't win, there's no fee to be paid, call now! At 1-800-655-0287. 🌐⚠️🇺🇸🇨🇦🇨🇮
I miss Jessica
Killed burger beef
Little Bil swaps lunch with James/grounded and arrested.
God bless you Jessica Jesus loves you
My grandfather had passed away he died of 3 surgery and also my uncle mom died in cancer
Goodbye Jessica 😭😭😭😭😭
Violy should step on lego
Hey coby m you know what happened to champion skate roller rink, the champion skate roller rink was destroyed in a fire on December 29, 2019 at 1:30AM
I wish I can revive Jessica with a 1-Up Mushroom.
(gives Austin Dickerson a 1-up Mushroom) Here, take it.
Gives her revive from Pokémon
Austin Dickerson 🤭😐😆 a 1 up mushroom 🍄
Or a super healing potion from terraria XD
Super healing potion:
resives 900 HP
Please Give A 1 Up Mushroom
Ah, minecraft music. I'm playing minecraft with Bodi, Angela, Microsoft Sam, and Ariela.
Request: Ariana revives Jessica/Ungrounded
Good idea
That's a good request
SMG4:안녕하신가.이것은 슬픈 음악이나 부분이 나올 수도 있습니다. 전부입니다.
쌤:이제 점심 시간이다! 다들 가져온 것 있지? 맛있게 먹으렴! 난 바로 회의에 간다!
펀치맨:오케이.난 어제 내 엄마가 나 너무 잘해서 놀란코끼리 치킨을 사주셨어. 그리고 내가 게토레이 음료수를 샀어.
베라:우와! 나도 먹으면 안돼? 그리고 너 얼마나 있어?
펀치맨:그게 치킨 1박스 반인데 1박스 합쳤어. 양이 많으니까 내 거 조금만 먹어도 돼.
베라:고마워! 사실 난 롱치즈스킥이랑 바삭감자튀김을 샀어.
LEOPOLD SLIKK:난 바삭감자튀김을 샀고 내 아빠가 소세지 에그를 해 주셨어.
STEFAN KACZYNSKI:난 상하이베이컨버거를 샀어.
레드:난 앵그리버드버거를 샀어.
ROCKMAN:난 E캔을 샀지. 오늘 체육 시간에서 자유 시간을 주는데 축구를 하느라 힘들었어.
마리오:난 치즈스틱이랑 콜라를 샀고 머쉬룸도 가져왔어.
미호:난 불고기버거 샀어.
하랑:난 대리버거.
시호:나는 모짜렐라 인더버거를 샀어.
연오:난 스윙칩이랑 블루하와이를 샀어.
버디 브로:난 골드크런치킹 치킨하고 블루하와이를 샀어.
펀치맨:버디 브로. 이거 우리랑 같이 먹으면 되겠다.
시호:야. 베라. 이제 배 아픈 거 다 나았어?
베라:응. 근데 닥터 마리오가 이렇게 말했어. ''너는 QUORN을 먹으면 더욱 심해질 수 있다''고 하는데.
RONALF RAMIREZ:아!!! 깜박하고 안 가져왔네! 아하! 그래! 당장 뺏어먹어야 겠어!
연오:아, 뭐야! 왜 내 거를 뺏어!!
쿠로:아, 제발! QUORN은 안된다고! 아, 그래! 옆에 베라랑 음식을 바꿔야 겠어. 히히히!
쿠로가 자기 음식을 베라의 음식으로 바꾸고 나서 먹음. 그 다음에 베라가 먹음.
펀치맨:야! 너 QUORN을 먹었어! 삼키면 안돼!
하지만 펀치맨의 만류에도 불구하고 삼킴.
베라:에이~ 왜 그래. 아아... 내 가슴이 너무 아파... 으윽...
시호:베라야!!! 안돼!!! 정신 차려!!!
베라:시호... 미안해.... 행복하게.... 잘... 살아줘..... 안녕... 시호....
펀치맨:당장 119에 신고해야 겠어.
얼마 후...
쌤:무슨 일이시죠?
닥터 마리오:지금 상태가 안 좋습니다. 빨리 병원으로 가야 해요!
러프,카이:저도 갈게요!
닥터 마리오:그래요!
쌤:도대체 누가 그런 거지?
펀치맨:쌤! 누군가의 QUORN을 베라의 바삭감자튀김이랑 롱치즈스킥을 바꿔 먹었죠. 그리고 또 누군가 연오의 음식을 뺏어먹은 겁니다. 도대체 누가 그런지 모르는 상황이지만! 저는 쿠로가 베라의 음식을 바꿔서 먹고 RONALD RAMIREZ가 연오의 음식을 뺏어먹었던 것을 정확히 알아요!!!
쌤:쿠로,RONALD RAMIREZ! 도대체 왜 나쁜 짓을 하는 거냐?
쌤:얘들아, 기다려라. 전화가 왔다. 여보세요?
러프:쌤 안 좋은 소식이 있어요...
쌤:안 좋은 소식? 뭐니?
러프:그게.. 베라가 심장 마비로 죽었어요...
쌤:세상에. 알겠다.
러프:카이! 당장 베라 어머님께 전화해!
베라의 집
VERA'S MOM:어? 전화가 왔네? 여보세요?
카이:안녕하세요? 전 카이인데요.
VERA'S MOM:카이? 아 그래. 무슨 일이니?
카이:그게... 베라가 QUORN을 먹어서 심장 마비로 죽었어요...
VERA'S MOM:아... 어떡해... ㅠㅠㅠ 내 딸!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 알았어...
카이:끊을게요. ㅠㅠ
쌤:얘들아, 슬픈 소식이 있다... 베라가 심장 마비로 죽었다...
시호:안돼!!!! 베라가 이렇게 죽다니!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 난 내 친구가 그리운데!! ㅠㅠㅠ
버디 브로:이 친구는 정말로 좋은 친구인데 그렇게 죽다니.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
쌤:쿠로! 도대체 왜 베라를 죽이느냐!!! 그리고 RONALD RAMIREZ!! 왜 음식을 뺏어 먹냐!!!
안되겠다! 쿠로! 내가 당장 경찰에 신고해야 겠어!!! RONALD RAMIREZ!! 넌 2달 동안 학교 갈 수 없다!! 집으로 가라!!
KURO'S MOM:도대체 왜 베라를 죽였어?? 안되겠다. 넌 영원히 외출금지야!!!
RONALD RAMIREZ'S DAD:아아아악!!! 도대체 왜 음식을 뺏어 먹어!!! 넌 1달 동안 외출금지야!! 그리고 컴퓨터하고 TEAM FOTRESS 2도 1달 동안 금지다!!!
베라의 무덤에는...
펀치맨:저는 예전에 친한 친구였죠. 그리고 친구가 외로운 저랑 놀아줬는데... 이렇게 죽고 떠나다니 슬픈 일입니다...여러분 사라반드 곡으로 들어주십시오.
시호,마리오,미호,하랑,연오,LEOPOLD SLIKK,STEFAN KACZYNSKI,티르,란,레드,VERA'S PARENTS,펀치맨,밤,척,블루,마틸다,실버,스텔라,할,버블,테렌스,카이,러프,ROCKMAN,ROLL,PROTOMAN(BLUES),엑스,제로,아이리스,QUICKMAN,SAKUYA,REMILIA,FLANDRE,WOODMAN,TORNADOMAN,LAPIS LAZULI,PERIDOT,빼꼼,라발,이리스,크래거,워리츠,아리,수하,우민,슈엘,지찬,루이지,피치공주,데이지,로젤리나,키노피오,키노피코,요시,캐서린,SMG4,LITTLE MAC,버디 브로,DOC LOUIS:ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
흑흑... 15분 후...
펀치맨:그리고 제가 선정한 음악을 들어보겠습니다...
그렇게 떠나자마자...
펀치맨:이 목소리는...
신:호호. 난 신이다. 하늘에서 잘 살아주는 신이다. 이 곡을 들어보니 두 곡 다 좋은 곡이네. 내가 소원을 들어 주면... 너의 친구 베라가 살아서 영원히 죽지 않는 사람으로 되어 주마! 베라가 나에게 존경을 하는구나. 내가 베라를 정성껏 살려주지.
Wow, he likes spaghetti 1:14
who was that Romanian person who died in 2004 aged 49
Costică Ionete
Nooo, Jessica. Not her, anything but her.
Wario swaps lunch with young cricket and gets arrested
Well my dad is 50 years old and he’s still living strong
Aww man! I feel bad for Jessica, R.I.P. Jessica, Died from a fatal heart attack from meat! VIOLY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!! >:( YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR KILLING JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rest in peace Jessica you be missed
The music that the person played wasn't sad. It sounded like hip hop, rnb, and maybe even lofi music.
I want to revive Jessica!
Never mind I didn’t know she had a high cholesterol level
no , you should mind
It’s dangerous to have high cholesterol because you’re at higher risk of a heart attack
Rip Jessica you will be missed 😭
who was the guy he said who passed away of it
Ok I’m not an expert, I have never had a heart attack before, but I don’t think you get the heart attack right away, wouldn’t it take like, 2 hours at least?
Is it normal to be crying because of a Vyond video?
What is the music name? Can someone tell me?
Also, I'm sure you already know this, but Violy spread rumors about Ariana and the latter committed suicide on January 17, 2019. She also killed Jakir by pushing him off the rooftop, However, in case you didn't know, Violy tried to kill Lucy twice in the TheJoJuan4444's channel. 1st time by pushing her off the rooftop of the school. 2nd time for giving her poisoned brownies.
At least Violy didn’t kill Andrew Orozco, the protagonist of the Violy videos. So Violy would be Andrew Orozco’s evil enemy.
@@Allanapolis83232 Yes.
How do you get high cholesterol levels
I'll miss her...
1:39 (Jessica) when ur baby sis doesn't know what ur talking about
Request: violy misbehaves at seaworld at the gold Coast
Violy swapped her lunch then now
You play so wonderfully on that keyboard, by the way I’m gonna miss Jessica.😢😢😢
I’m going to miss Jessica too. 😔
Mr james
Voily anderson
Voilys mum
Voilys dad
Jessica nicolas
Ardiana nicolas
Coby m
Oaklee Read no mr james is voiced by himself
@@juliantherandomperson5500 Oops but i only like oggy andthe cockroaches😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 julian the random person
@@JasonTheGoAnituberJasonDoesGoA animator jason you are great
@@Ihatemorrison2025 Hello Im Animator Jason TVProdsVGCP.Now TyMLGUTTP2001 is Aressted.
My good friend Matteo lost his father after he suffered a fatal heart attack at his home in Eastchester he was only 52 years old he was the owner of two pizzerias but was well known to own the pizza shop at 9 mill road in eastchester he will be missed dearly, he died suddenly on December 23rd 2022
You don’t know when she is born🤨
She was not born in 1991. If she was, then she wouldn't be in 8th grade with Andrew and his friends. She was actually born in 2005.
RIP 2005-2018
Police officer: yeah yeah till startup to court
Request: Rabbit swaps lunch with Cathy McCarthy/Sent to Mexico.
Request : Ariana revives Jessica ungrounded
Bongo Kills Miss Martin and gets Grounded And Gets Sent To Bnd Of Doom
Rip Jessica
Lesson : Don't Swaps Lunch With Jessica and You Will be Dead!
Guys, stop giving false information about Jessica's life. She was born in 2005 and died in 2018.
Request: Kayloo makes Jessica alive again/ ungrounded
@Tan Dang wow
Jessica's Funeral 3:59
An Adult Man Was Romanian Like Me And He D!€d From Accidentally Choked With Burger In 2004, May God Rest Him In Peace😔
Jessica will be revive!
I hope there is episode when someone revives her and gets ungrounded :(