Nostalgia Critic - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief REACTION!

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 80

  • @SebasTian58323
    @SebasTian58323 3 года назад +30

    Rick Riordan was given the script for the movie before it was filmed,
    From March 2009, notes to producers on the Lightning Thief movie script
    Hi XXXXX,
    Thank you for letting me look at the script. It’s very important for me that the movie does well. I also take my role seriously as an advocate for fans of the book, who have been pleading with me for four years, “Please don’t let them change the story!” In my view, the two go together. When I look at the children’s books that have been made into movies over the past few years, I see a direct correlation between how faithful an adaptation is and how well it does at the box office. I’m not sure the movie industry sees this connection, as they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, but it’s pretty clear to me and to the young readers I talk to every day.
    There are things I like about this adaptation. The beginning works well. The opening scenes do a good job getting into the story quickly and setting up the characters. The first part of the story has been made more economical, but it is still more or less faithful to the spirit of the book.
    The scene with the Minotaur is nicely crafted. I liked the Minotaur appearing out of the field of cows. The gate with words that rearrange themselves as “Camp Half-Blood” was a nice touch.
    Annabeth’s first appearance was good. I like how’s she been made a more physically challenging rival for Percy.
    The scene in Las Vegas is mostly good. I have a few suggestions on that, but they are easy changes.
    I like the entrance to the Underworld being at the Hollywood sign.
    The way Gabe is petrified at the end makes sense, and the idea of the heroes toting XXXX’s head across the country makes me chuckle.
    Having said that, here’s the bad news: The script as a whole is terrible. I don’t simply mean that it deviates from the book, though certainly, it does that to point of being almost unrecognizable as the same story. Fans of the books will be angry and disappointed. They will leave the theater in droves and generate horrible word of mouth. That is an absolute given if the script goes forward as it stands now. But the bigger problem is that even if you pretend the book doesn’t exist, this script doesn’t work as a story in its own right.
    The good news: It is eminently fixable. When I first read the script I’ll admit I was plunged into despair at just how bad it was. If I were intentionally trying to sabotage this project, I doubt I could have done a better job than this script. But as I began to make notes and look specifically at what was bothering me, I realized that the script could be made palatable to fans and the general movie-going audience without really changing its present scene structure, lengthening the script, or adding new sets that would increase the budget. I am choosing to take heart in your assurance that this script is not finished. That is one thing we can agree on: It needs help.
    So if you’re still with me, here are my specific thoughts and suggestions for a fix. My concerns fall into three basic categories: age appropriateness, structure, and writing. I’ll address these in general first, then follow with specific suggestions in page-by-page notes.
    Age-appropriate content:
    This is the easiest fix, but an important one. The Percy books are family-oriented. They are read primarily by children age 9-12. You will have (I hope) a large number of parents bringing their 9-12-year-old children to this movie, expecting to see something appropriate for that age range XXXXXXXX. As one of those parents, I would walk my kids right out of the cinema if the movie included some of the language and content presented in the script. In the page-by-page comments below, I’ve listed the words and scenes I’m concerned about.
    I don’t mind being a little subversive and pushing boundaries, but there is nothing radical, fresh, or interesting about biyotch, ass, or shit. It’s a lazy attempt to make the script seem hip to teens, but such language has been overused to the point that it doesn’t even rate a cheap laugh anymore. If you go this route, you lose the entire demographic of families with younger children. School groups, who otherwise would take field trips to see this movie, will stay away en masse. Neither do I believe you have to have cliché crude language and gutter humor to engage a teen audience if you have a script that is funny, fresh, and original. As it is, the script will offend the parents of younger children and alienate what should be its core audience while gaining nothing.
    I’m talking with fourth and fifth graders all the time about this upcoming movie. I would be horrified if I steered them into a movie with this kind of content. I wouldn’t see it. I wouldn’t let my kids see it. I wouldn’t recommend anyone else see it, and I certainly wouldn’t want my name associated with it. Please do not “sex up” my children’s story. If you take out all the lines I’ve flagged and put in something funnier and fresher but not blatantly crude, you will have a stronger script with a wider appeal.
    I have no problem with changes for the sake of streamlining. I also understand the need to limit the number of sets to stay within budget. The script does this well in many places. You’ve cut the Oracle at Delphi, Dionysus, the search for Pan, Clarisse - I could go on and on - but those changes don’t upset me because they don’t affect the story’s core.
    I’m not so understanding of adding scenes and plot lines that are completely foreign to the book and make the story read like an illogical hatchet job. The most prominent examples:
    Persephone’s pearls. A truly bad plot device. In the original, Percy must go across the country because he cannot fly, as Zeus would zap him out of the sky. He’s got a timer - the summer solstice. He’s got double motivation - find his mother, and find Hades, who supposedly has the lightning bolt. He’s got a goal: Los Angeles. This gives him plenty of reason to go to the Underworld without tagging on some superficial quest for pearls that don’t have any basis in Greek mythology. This is the point where the script takes a hard left turn into weird. The story ceases to be the Lightning Thief, and it will have fans squirming in their seats and demanding a refund.
    Nashville, the hydra, battle bugs. This entire scene is awful and completely alien to the story. I’m guessing it was added because the set is easier to make than, say, St. Louis Arch, or you’re thinking the hydra is more recognizable than the Chimera. Again, this is a place where you will lose the readers of the books in droves for no good reason, but I think it could easily be fixed. It could also be a place to insert Ares, as you mentioned you’re interested in that. I’ve given my ideas for this below in the page-by-page critique.
    Luke: In the original, Luke is a rival for Annabeth’s affections. He’s older, good-looking, col, and suave, with an important backstory. In the script, Luke has become a sniveling little slimeball. This a) takes away a great source of romantic tension, b) makes it much too obvious that Luke is the villain, c) destroys the series storyline, in which Luke becomes Percy’s archenemy and eventually morphs into Kronos, and d) makes the script ending anticlimactic. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to fight with Luke at the end (though I still think it’s not nearly as exciting as a fight with Ares). But if you fight with Luke, he should be an attractive, powerful enemy. Who wants to see our hero fight a little creep? Why is that exciting?
    Persephone: Talk about deus ex machina. She had no part in the original and has been added to patch up a storyline that no longer makes sense. The ending now, with Grover getting out of the Underworld off-stage, has no tension and no believability. I would strongly encourage you to restore the mystery of the original plot - Percy believes Hades has the lightning bolt, and he discovers along the way this cannot be true, which leads them to the realization that they’ve all been played by Ares. Again, I’ve put my specific suggestions below.
    Kronos: This is rather important if you want to preserve the possibility of a franchise, as Kronos is the master villain in the series. Having said that, I can see making a script that works with only a passing mention of Kronos, but at the very least, it should be Ares manipulating Luke, and there should be some question at the end of the book: Why would Ares do this? Was he working alone? This would at least leave some opening to introduce Kronos later.
    The fight with Ares: Honestly, this is the best, most cinematic scene in the book. It’s a crime to exclude it from the movie, and Ares is the best adult role in the story.
    You mentioned that the script is still being revised for logic and motivation, and I can understand why. The plot has been chopped up so thoroughly that it no longer holds together. As I said, I think this could be fixed without radically changing the scene structure that you’ve developed, but it would take better writing by someone who understands the story, which brings me to the last point:
    The Writing:
    The dialogue needs to sparkle. I’d like to see it be fresh and original and funny. Right now there are some good areas, but mostly it is flat, tired, and uninspired. It’s certainly not funny. I’m not expecting lines to be lifted from the book verbatim, but it would be nice if they resembled the source material at least in tone and spirit. One of the things that define Percy is his sense of humor. He doesn’t have one in the script. When XXXX first acquired the book, I was told one of the main selling points was the humor. Why then do we want to settle for a script that is completely devoid of the story’s trademark humor?

    • @cjkalandek996
      @cjkalandek996 3 года назад +9

      And, much like _Dragonball: Evolution,_ they gave the content creator the finger and ignored his advice.

    • @questworldiangreenknight7455
      @questworldiangreenknight7455 2 года назад +5

      😂it’s one of those times I enjoy a really long comment 😂😂😂

    • @SebasTian58323
      @SebasTian58323 2 года назад +3

      @@questworldiangreenknight7455 thanks. Happy Rick's emails were enjoyable

  • @SomeWeeboLoser
    @SomeWeeboLoser 4 года назад +60

    The Percy Jackson movies are the definition of the book is better.

    • @chendror872
      @chendror872 4 года назад +7

      They are only Percy Jackson by name

    • @benrythefox365
      @benrythefox365 3 года назад

      What are you talking about? The book sucks! The movie, however, is much better. Huh, it's funny that I hate everything most people love and like everything most people hate. For example, everybody thinks the first Home Alone movie is better than the other four, but I can't even stand that peice of crap! And everybody thinks Home Alone 5 is a peice of crap even compared to the other four, which everybody also hates, while I think it's one of the best movies ever made! What's up with that?

    • @SomeWeeboLoser
      @SomeWeeboLoser 3 года назад +3

      @@benrythefox365 it's called unpopular opinions. I respect your opinion. Even if I don't agree with it.

    • @benrythefox365
      @benrythefox365 3 года назад +1

      @@SomeWeeboLoser I know, it's just that 95% of my opinions are unpopular as opposed to no more than 50%, which is a little bit surprising, at least to me.

    • @theassblaster8104
      @theassblaster8104 3 года назад

      @@benrythefox365 unless this is a joke, I'm pretty sure you have some level of a contrarian obsession.

  • @cjkalandek996
    @cjkalandek996 3 года назад +9

    Dominic Noble from _Lost in Adaptation_ put it best in his vid on _The Lightning Thief._
    _"There are usually 3 types of changes that commonly occur in any film adaptation. The changes that have to be made, the changes you can get away with making, and the changes that completely spit in the face of the book that show you completely missed the point or didn't care in the first place. In the case of this adaptation, you literally cannot go 5 minutes without getting hit in the face with ALL THREE!"_
    But for me, what hurts the most about the PJ movies is that the themes and messages of the books just went completely over their heads. Thematically, the books tackled themes on family, friendship, loyalty, identity, war, trauma, faith, hope vs hopeless, recognition, hubris, and perseverance. And, at the end of the day, the whole book series is about the complications of dealing with an imperfect family. It's a series that asked if you were willing to support your family even if they had dishonored you.
    And their stupid-ass decision to make it so the gods can't see their kids because of some law Zeus decreed negates the complexity of the story!

    • @chendror872
      @chendror872 2 года назад

      All true you're 1000000% right

  • @anthonyramirez5391
    @anthonyramirez5391 4 года назад +20

    “Personally requested by myself”
    The best kind of requests

  • @lclazer9248
    @lclazer9248 3 года назад +7

    I FEEL YOU!!! PERCY JACKSON fans unite!
    And you sould read the rest of Ricks books it gets better! There is a timeline if you’re interested its like a Riodanverse...

  • @Ecl1pse09
    @Ecl1pse09 4 года назад +11

    Yes, another fans of Uncle Rick, the God of Trolling.

  • @mrplushking
    @mrplushking 2 года назад +2

    The best line in the movie is when Peter's step-dad says, "He did not come from these loins!"

  • @whovianjc4342
    @whovianjc4342 4 года назад +13

    Jace I feel you every time a friend asks if I like this movie I go on this exact rant

  • @CyberDalek17
    @CyberDalek17 4 года назад +12

    Definitely react to Nostalgia Critic Dragon Ball Evolution, it guest stars both MasacoX and LittleKuriboh

  • @sannicfann3338
    @sannicfann3338 3 года назад +4

    31:31 this line would've worked with better delivery
    Arnold can say the simplest things but his charisma made it so memorable

  • @thomstark2473
    @thomstark2473 4 года назад +10

    Come on my man you've gotta read the rest. Rick Riordan's Hero's of Olympus series is a great continuation. Love me more Percy and Annabeth you've just got to get through Jason's story which isn't bad but well.... Percy is best. The Kane Chronicles is pretty fantastic and got me a hell of a lot more interested in Egyptian Mythology and the Magnus Chase series is about Annabeth's cousin! It may technically be the weakest of the three Mythology Stories but it's got some pretty great cameos not to mention I do find it interesting to have a protagonist in a Norse Mythology story who wants to be a pacifist.

  • @reaperthegodofgames7538
    @reaperthegodofgames7538 4 года назад +10


  • @anthonyhudak9363
    @anthonyhudak9363 4 года назад +10

    Please react to his reviews for Mad Max Fury Road, Rubber, Hannibal, Old vs New Teen Titans, Old vs New Evil Dead, The Matrix, It (1990), It 2017, and It Chapter 2

    • @cjkalandek996
      @cjkalandek996 3 года назад

      I hate the NC's review of _The Matrix._ He thinks it's so pretentious when in truth *he's* the pretentious one.

  • @doubledamn2599
    @doubledamn2599 2 года назад +3

    If you haven't already, please watch Lost in Adaptation for the Percy Jackson films. I'm honestly surprised nobody's done any reactions to that series. He brings up a big thing that I'm surprised you missed during the opening rant - PERCY JACKSON FUCKING *FLIES* IN THIS MOVIE

  • @matthewscorner2990
    @matthewscorner2990 3 года назад +5

    The Percy movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. I understand just how bad they are, especially in the context of the books, but I can't help but like them when I actually sit down to watch them.

  • @bridgettelair370
    @bridgettelair370 4 года назад +3

    Even though you guys probably haven't watched a lot of the Stephen King movies, you should definitely check out Nostalgia Critics reviews of them, they're some of his funniest in my opinion. Like the older IT mini-series, Children of the Corn, Maximum Overdrive, Sleepwalkers, ect.

  • @keychainpaladin8170
    @keychainpaladin8170 4 года назад +8

    You guys should watch Lost in Adaptation

    • @chendror872
      @chendror872 4 года назад +2

      Keychain Paladin great idea

  • @DBG_Gastino
    @DBG_Gastino 4 года назад +14

    Ahh the perry Johnson movies, the most disrespectful adaptation ever made(besides the last airbender)

    • @chendror872
      @chendror872 4 года назад +2

      I'd say they are on the same level of suck

    • @jonathanroberts2365
      @jonathanroberts2365 4 года назад +1

      @@chendror872 they got the name's right in this one

    • @chendror872
      @chendror872 4 года назад

      @@jonathanroberts2365 the name is right but they don't deserve this name they did everything else wrong

    • @mysticmind4563
      @mysticmind4563 4 года назад

      You forgot about Cat and the Hat.

    • @DBG_Gastino
      @DBG_Gastino 4 года назад

      @@mysticmind4563 nah cat and the hat’s a classic, it’s a terrible movie objectively speaking but it’s enjoyable as fuck and very nostalgic, last airbender and perry Johnson r just straight garbage

  • @dustrose8101
    @dustrose8101 4 года назад +7

    Jace... you and me. We vibe on our feelings on these horrible adaptations.

  • @SebasTian58323
    @SebasTian58323 Год назад +1

    You guys want to know why Persephone wasn't there in the book? Because it's summer, and she isn't in the underworld during the summer. Her being in the underworld is the cause of winter. There's no reason for her to be in the underworld in June

  • @andykishore
    @andykishore 2 года назад +1

    I actually like this movie.

  • @ot7biasedmashups
    @ot7biasedmashups 3 года назад +3

    They HAD to stop the movies anyway since they took the plot of the 5th (or well even 4th book) away.

    • @niteshade1095
      @niteshade1095  3 года назад

      What do you mean? - Jace

    • @justinalicea1590
      @justinalicea1590 Год назад

      @@niteshade1095 A year late, but I believe OT7 is referring to the fact that Kronos is revived and defeated at the end of the second movie, the revival taking place in the 4th book and Percy combating against Kronos in the 5th book.

  • @afterdinnercreations936
    @afterdinnercreations936 2 года назад +1

    Lord of the Rings did the "everyman protagonist" correctly. Frodo was average, non-powerful, and unimportant. That made him the best candidate to carry the ring of power. Even if he was tempted by its power, the worst thing he would've turned to was another Smeagle.

  • @jonathanroberts2365
    @jonathanroberts2365 4 года назад +4

    I watched the movies first than I found the books so in the books I started with titan' curse than I had to read the lighting theif so I actully new what was going on
    edit: you should watch the dons percy jackson videos and he had to make categories for thing they got wrong

  • @zokiller4978
    @zokiller4978 4 года назад +3

    The hero of Olympus and trials of apollo are good as well

  • @chendror872
    @chendror872 4 года назад +4

    Ah yes Peter johnson he tried to make people hate his more successful brother Percy Jackson but only made people hate him

  • @0Quiwi0
    @0Quiwi0 2 года назад

    The joke with Harry being the worst student is that he is not bland enough for the school

  • @UltramanTiga96
    @UltramanTiga96 3 года назад +1

    Who knew Harry Potter wizards and witches are ancient rivals to X-Men Mutants like Godzilla and Kong

  • @timothymorris157
    @timothymorris157 4 года назад +3

    It’s good to know that they used at least 2 actors from Tropic Thunder to be featured in this movie. Coogan and T. Jackson must be pissed about this epic failure. 😡😂

  • @beatasmolin5540
    @beatasmolin5540 3 года назад +1

    I love the musical reference!

  • @jackdavids2723
    @jackdavids2723 4 года назад +4

    Jace is so cute

  • @profdracko
    @profdracko 3 года назад +1

    If you want to see someone rag on adaptations, check out Dominic Noble. He has a series called Lost in Adaptation and he was about as happy as you with these films.

  • @sebastianemond5313
    @sebastianemond5313 3 года назад +1

    You guys should react to the review of Dragon's Lair, with special guest star, Don Bluth.

  • @1hugegooboy
    @1hugegooboy 4 года назад +2

    The Bigger Issue to me with the Hydra is not that they were unfamiliar with the creature as ridiculous as that is for a movie centered almost entirely around lore like that, it's why would you just keep slicing off heads till it stops moving rather than just trying to incapacitate it first

    • @dikastederook6380
      @dikastederook6380 4 года назад +4

      Don't forget the fact that Grover and Annabeth were apparently unfamiliar with Medusa and Charon (the latter to the point they didn't know how to pay him). After all, one is just a satyre and the other the daughter of a Greek Goddess (normally a virgin in the myths but that's...another story). Perfectly logical.

    • @1hugegooboy
      @1hugegooboy 4 года назад +3

      @@dikastederook6380 Well & if the movie were being really logical the Daughter of Athena the Goddess of Wisdom & Battle Strategy should be able to recognize right off the bat that even without a better way to deal with the Hydra, cutting off heads was going to be a stupid battle strategy regardless

    • @northwindkey
      @northwindkey 11 месяцев назад

      The real problem is that they didn't GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK.

    • @1hugegooboy
      @1hugegooboy 10 месяцев назад

      Agreed 😂😂

  • @NABIL7
    @NABIL7 4 года назад +3

    Please, react to Nostalgia Critic Biodome.

  • @robertscullin3824
    @robertscullin3824 2 года назад

    Should watch Dominic Nobles take them he does both films and is as passionate about them

  • @andreapaola906
    @andreapaola906 2 года назад

    Harry Potter was more like the book there were a lot of things cut of but the story was the same.
    For Percy Jackson it felt as if the story changed all together.
    The thing I hated the most is Grover’s personality. Grover is a NATURE SPIRIT and they made him like a ladies man in the movies like WHY

  • @deebigbeenz2558
    @deebigbeenz2558 3 года назад

    Love how hell and heaven .look the same

  • @skylarsworld9477
    @skylarsworld9477 Год назад

    The thing about Medusa just being a normal woman save for her hair is a thing in the original mythology though. I mean sometimes her and the other gorgons are given wings but that’s it

  • @willdavey1565
    @willdavey1565 4 года назад +1

    Video starts at 9:55

  • @zom8979
    @zom8979 4 года назад +1

    Y'all should react to Krinsom Rogue tear this and its sequel apart plus the follow up video on things he missed( 3 vids total)

  • @HB-fq9nn
    @HB-fq9nn 4 года назад +6

    I have weird feelings towards the first movie.
    I know it's a bad movie.
    It clearly doesn't follow the source material well.
    The acting is awkward.
    Some ideas are either silly or aren't creative enough.
    And yet I still consider this movie a guilty pleasure of mine.
    However the sequel is crap. No question about it.

  • @anthonyramirez5391
    @anthonyramirez5391 4 года назад +1

    You should check out krimsonrogue review on the Percy jackson movies if you want a critic who read the books tear the movies apart

  • @alex-rs6ts
    @alex-rs6ts 3 года назад

    This is the SAO of movies

  • @pleasedonttouchanything5790
    @pleasedonttouchanything5790 4 года назад +2

    Can you react to the rest of Death Race? It gets good

  • @PuffyOne1898
    @PuffyOne1898 7 месяцев назад

    I won’t lie, I REALLY hated the skits in this review. It was so mean-spirited to Tamara(Harry Potter) and Heather(Jubilee) was incredibly snarky and praised excessively.

  • @TheVTable
    @TheVTable 4 года назад +1

    React to Nostalgia Critic Dragonball Evolution

  • @missmangas7298
    @missmangas7298 3 года назад +1

    if you find this movie butchered, don' worry the sequel is EVEN WORST! Percy and Tyson's relation is rushed and not believable at all, Ron Perlan plays a cyclop and add nothing interresting to the plot (Waiste of a good actor, shame on you producers!) Anabeth is cruel with Tyson for no good reasons, the satyre guy isn't funny or useful and gets capture so easily, Cronos has A FEW MINUTES of screentime and he's supposed to be a huge menace. The Lightning thief is bad but Sea of Monsters is abominable and even more irrespectful of the books XS

  • @captainbirch9835
    @captainbirch9835 4 года назад

    24:40 predicted 2020