It'd be more apt to state that those who love Paris, don't have eyes. I mean, it's cool to be romantic and all, but to "love" Paris, in 21st century, just seems very shallow.
@@GA_ME čuvena srpska viteška, silovanje, premlaćivanje starijih i nemoćnih, pet na jednoga i to sa leđa ( u mraku ) .. uz to jedina vojiska u historiji koja je kompletna napustila vlastitu zemlju ( čitaj. I svjetski rat ) … Ko pameti nema sramotom se svojom diči
Thank you so much for the interesting video! As a Russian emigrant in Serbia, I am particularly interested in learning the stories of other people who have experienced something similar.
It' "JEBOTE", you're welcome! Well, for us Serbs, swears are a part of everyday life... and boy do we have swears... some funny, some bruttaly dark, but in most cases, they are just harmless either for fun, or when you get angry a bit 😆
@@niarlatotepbasset ova sa Rusijom nema nikakve veze imam nekoliko ruskinja u mom mestu koje su ovde preko 30 godina plus sam ih upoznao sa strane svako od njih govori srbski sa dijalektom
Beautiful! ♥♥♥Sending your guest lots of love and happiness. I am Serbian from Jewish ancestry too. I am very proud just like my ancestors to be Serbian which has such a great culture and a fascinating and expressive language. If I had to redo my life I would do it in Serbia or Russia for sure.
@kokoiduhovi65 odkud znas da je brat, mozda je sestra?! Postalo je ruzno cuti danas da devojcice jedna drugu zovu brate, srozani zapad ima uticaja vise nego sto bi trebalo. Poz
One sincere and beautiful soul. She sounds like a true Serbian, at least what should be one having in mind everything about us. Thank you for one of the best perspectives on my people and nation I ever heard.
Congratulations for another superb video story! She is a sincere person, with correct approach to Serbian reality, being optimistic and truthful in the same time. You've chosen another great person for another great video! ,,,Настави тако!
As a serbian imigrant in another country I really like to see my own country through their prospective. It was so nice video. Hope I'll see much more. Myb next time some imigrants that moved in some serbian village insteed of big city
Every time I get pissed off at Serbia I watch something like this to remind myself why is it good that I live here, I've been living in other countries and none of them have the heart and soul as much as Serbia does, at the end of the day that's what I need the most, I don't care about the money or any kind of materialistic things, it was the main lesson I learned while not living in Serbia, funny how I needed to leave to learn who I really am as a person.
Yes, but while there, try to improve things for yourself and others. Quit or cut down on smoking, if you do smoke, or encourage others to quit or cut down. Don't litter or paint graffiti and, if you see someone doing that, tell them to stop or report them. Try to help other Serbs, particularly the displaced and poor. Look into working with Srbi za Srbe.
@@jobrock1079 I have changed a lot during time I spent out of Serbia, I got the chance to see things from different perspective, I do smoke but I don't litter anymore and now I yell at ppl that do 😂
Very good comment. I'm Serbian diaspora. The concept of migration is so sick, few realize it. It leads to that you feel like a foreigner in both countries. I don't know where I belong anymore. The arabs do it best, like in UAE. You are welcome to stay in the country, enjoy the benefits but then you go home. The arabs are very honest in this issue. They take both sides into consideration and what is best for both sides.
What are these Russian art projects, I have not heard about them, where can we be informed about such things? Perhaps this lady if she has a Serbian news blog for Russians in Russian can also do a reverse - news of Russians in Serbia for Serbs in Serbian? By the way, the last time we had a Russian migration here was during Bolshevik horrors. That was when the first ballet school opened in Serbia. What Serbs most love about Russia is the culture. We love Russian literature, film, art, dance, iceskating, music, etc. We love it most beacause it is close to our hearts, because it has so much soul. This is what we are most excited about! Would love to see much more creativite cultural exchange, this would be the greatest win for both our people. ❤
Many of them are in Russian language, I guess that's one reason. For example, we have some theater studios here but since most actors/directors don't know Serbian well enough, it's all mostly in Russian, so unless some kind of subtitles are used, you wouldn't understand anything. But I think over time there will be more cross-language performances.
@@phobos2077_ Many Serbs speak Russian, many learned it in school, and many can undersrand enough to get the jist of it, even if they don't understand every word like me. I would love to attend even if I don't understand everything, it would be a learning experience. Just as most Serbs know English just from being exposed to English movies for so long. In general I think Russians percieve a language barrier as a problem much more than Serbs. You guys are interesting to us, something new in our town that is not a threat in any way. We like you, relax!
Переезд русских в Сербию последних двух лет это продукт западной пропаганды. В России нет тех проблем, от которых бегут эти русские. Среди так называемых идейных переселенцев большинство банальные вырожденцы, которые бегут от своих страхов и комплексов, плохо понимая что они делают. Поэтому ожидать от них культурного обогащения несколько необъективно. Многие из таких уже вернулись назад, а те, кто остались врдя ли способны на культурную жизнь.
@@AlexAndros335то есть вы хотите сказать, что в России нет политических преследований за то что люди просто за мир, а не за какой-то там запад ваш дурацкий.
Девојка је паметна и пристојна, има има своје ставове и брани их добро, с некима се слажем а с некима не, али мислим читајући коменатре да нама овде генерално фали мало пристојности и спремности да артикулишемо и аргументујемо своје ставове. Врло добар канал, честитке аутору на идеји и како га води.
@@skoricbg PRISTOJNOST je rastegljiva kategorija za vas. A i nije poenta u PRISTOJNOSTI i artikulaciji, to su površinske karakteristike koje mogu biti naučene i vešto korišćene i ništa više od toga. Sadašnji raspored dogadjaja traži mnogo više od toga, nismo u holivudskom filmu, svako ima obavezu da jasno vidi pravo stanje stvari, sve ostalo su marginalije.
Totalna glupost.sve je u pristojnosti i razumljivoj artikulaciji.ljudi koriste civilizovanost/pristojnost i artikulaciju/da budu slobodni da misle i to sto misle otvoreno i jasno kazu a da se ne uhvate za je definicija slobode.nema napretka i prosperiteta bez slobode.samo kad se ukrste razni aspekti dolazi se do napretka.da nema civilizovanosti samo bi se hvatali za grlo i ne bi bilo nicega i nizakoga.zato budite "dobri".P
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Niko nikoga nije uhvatio za grlo, to je manuelna radnja. Civilizovano i artikulisano, po vašim aršinima bi bilo da vam rečenica ne počinje sa "totalna glupost" , to samo ukazuje da moji argumenti nisu sasvim daleko od vaših, da budem blaga na vaš način. Ono što vas ovde zbunjuje je licemerje, koje ne prepoznaje, ili je za vas kategorija koja nema neku važnost. To već ostavljam vama, koji ne čitate sa dovoljno razumevanja, a komentarišete pokazujući u pogrešnom pravcu.
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Niko nikoga nije hvatao za grlo, to je manuelna radnja. To što počinjete rečenicu sa "totalna glupost", govori da argumenti koje koristim meni idu u prilog, kada ste vi u pitanju. Inače, niko ne može da vam zabrani da mislite kako hoćete, ali ako vam je suština pobegla, a javno govorite o bilo kojim temama, onda isto tako podležete i kritici. Tako i ja, tako i vi, a oni koji čitaju neka posude sami, i slobodni su da odgovore.
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Pocinjes argument sa "toptalna glupost" i kazes odma sve je u pristojnosti. I ako moze veliko slovo i razmak posle tacke da manje bole oci. 😂
Very nice lady. Nobody will destroy Serb's love for Russia. Just to make it clear, Serbia was not in war with Croatia, Serbs that lived in the region where they were indigenous or lived there for centuries were in war with Croats who changed their constitution and proclaimed them ethnic minority and wanted to ethnically cleanse them.
Awesome video. Being from Serbia and having also lived in Russia I can totally relate to a lot of Vika's points. It's so interesting to see your own country from a different perspective, but even more so for it to come from a foreign who calls Serbia their home. She also demystified a lot of things for me, I noticed a lot of Russian immigrants talk about "polako" and I was very confused, I always took it as something natural 😅 Awesome videos, subbed
Bravo! So inspiring to hear such an intelligent and well spoken your lady talk very difficult language and understand very complex country with long history.
Samo ti čekaj... Biće kao u CG pre par godina...čim počnu da kupuju nekretnine, pa kad se rašire...tražiće ti javna dokumenta na Ruskom.... Samo polako. Možda smo pravoslavci ali smo veoma drugačiji od njih, odnosno oni od nas.
@@killjoy4862 pričaj u svoje ime meni Rusi ne smetaju.To što nismo isti,još bolje.Nakon Oktobarske Revolucije dosta njih je doslo u Srbiju,postavili temelje pozorišta, baleta,doneli kulturu i nikoga nisu pljačkali ili ubijali. Meni više smetaju ti lažni prijatelji CG koji su se već raširili i kupuju po Srbiji,a čim mogu, izdaju nas i zabijaju nož u ledja.Idi na groblje Oslobodioci Beograda pa pogledaj koliko ih je poginulo oslobadjajuci Bg,zato molim te ne klepeći.
Svako ko bezi od rata je dobrodosao, ako neko zna kako se ti ljudi osecaju , to smo mi . Drugo nije njihova krivica sto pohlepni ljudi hoce da profitiraju na tome@@killjoy4862
Is the translation intentionally masculine or is that an error? Just curious not giving you "shit", the entirety of the transcription is masculine(Serbian is a gendered language).
A very thoughtful and deep analysis by Victoria, I enjoyed this interview and learning about her perspective on the recent wave of Russian immigration!
Izuzetna osoba, pronicljiva i sposobna da zapazi, analizira i razumije. Ja volim Ruse, bez obzira kakvo mišljenje zastupaju i bez obzira na njihove političke stavove, mi smo jedan narod. Isto kao što volim sve Srbe, iako neki od njih imaju drugačije stavove od mojih. Mislim da je normalno da se ne podudaramo u svemu, ali nema razloga da to bude kamen spoticanja već prilika za dijalog.
Ova je žena dosta inteligentna i vrlo cinična, ali to je kod nje nažalost minus, jer je prešlo u autodestruktivnost. To se vidi i po stavu prema matičnoj državi i po tetovažama i po pušenju. Inteligentna da, ali definitivno sa problemom iz detinjstva koji u njoj razvija određenu dozu mržnje i destruktivnosti na dubokom nivou, koji se manifestuje mržnjom prema otadžbini. Pomogla bi joj meditacija.
Ми и руси нисмо један народ. Вера нам је православна , али исту веру имамо и са Грузинима па да ли смо исти народ и са њима ?Ако кажете русу да смо један народ, исти тај рус ће вам рећи , па ви сте Срби онда руси. Имам утисак да у русији нисте боравили а нисте ни са много руса разговарали, па из незнања ви и вама сличног мишљења стварате проблем који би нама као малом народу донио велике невоље у будућности. Садашња руска елита и власт не мисли ништа добро о нама, ево неколико примера- прочитајте шта о нама мисли директор Петербуршке националне библиотеке, прочитајте шовинистичке ставове Алексеја Чеха, заменика председника одбора за међународне односе руске думе, шта о нама говори председник руске академије наука и уметности на првом каналу руске телевизије 03.03.2023. године, шта о нама мисли највећи србофоб толстој иначе по функцији саветник путина за културу а по пореклу чукуунук писца Л.Н.Тојстоја и многи други. То нису личности без значаја и њихове ставове и претње треба схватити веома озбиљно.
@@milojkomedici5421 Gresis jako. Rusi su nastali od plemena Srba/Slovena koji su se polako preko hiljadu godina naseljavali sa juga na sever. Pre postojanja Rima. Zapadna istorija je dupke puna falsifikata, i sada u dobu informatike, lazi polao isplivavaju na povrsinu. Pa nemci su izmenili jezik i nama i Rusima u 19 veku. Do tad je bio skoro identican, to malo ljudi zna. Jedan od primera koji razbija tu laznu istoriju koju su stvorili na zapadu je knjiga Mavra Orbina "Il regno de gli slavi" iz 1601. Bila je zabranjena 400g od strane Vatikana i tek je skoro prevedena na srpski. Knjiga je napisana na srednjovekovnom Italijanskom i prevod postoji samo na srpski. Zapitajte se ...zasto? Zato sto opisuje srpske drzave u Evropi. Da dobro ste procitali, srpske drzave. A ovo "Rusko rukovodstvo nam ne misli dobro" je smesno 😂.
@@milojkomedici5421 Gresis jako. Rusi su nastali od plemena Srba/Slovena koji su se polako preko hiljadu godina naseljavali sa juga na sever. Pre postojanja Rima. Zpd istorija je dupke puna falsifikata, i sada u dobu informatike, lazi polao isplivavaju na povrsinu. Pa nemci su izmenili jezik i nama i Rusima u 19 veku. Do tad je bio skoro identican, to malo ljudi zna. Jedan od primera koji razbija tu laznu istoriju koju su stvorili na zapadu je knjiga Mavra Orbina "Il regno de gli slavi" iz 1601. Bila je zabranjena 400g od strane Vatikana i tek je skoro prevedena na srpski. Knjiga je napisana na srednjovekovnom Italijanskom i prevod postoji samo na srpski. Zapitajte se ...zasto? Zato sto opisuje srpske drzave u Evropi. Da dobro ste procitali, srpske drzave. A ovo "Rusko rukovodstvo nam ne misli dobro" je smesno .
Being half Russian and half Serbian is like a combo made in heaven, her kid is very lucky and will have an amazing life I bet! :D Another great vid about extraordinarily based, intelligent and realistic woman. Viktoria the Serbian Russian (or Russian Serb?), she's awesome :)
As a Serbian, I can tell you, we do not judge Russians for keeping their community closed. If you hear us talking about it, it's just a smalltalk. It's nothing.
U početku mi je delovala malo puna sebe, još sa tim pokušajem britanskog akcenta... uh. Ali vremenom je pokazala samokritičnost i iznela neka fenomenalna zapažanja, tako da mi se na kraju dopala ❤ Bravo za video
Those kind of people that if Serbia get into war tomorrow will say : im not against Serbia but im against government...and run away to next closest country...
Watching it now, next time, just take care of translations, since it has been translated as a male person would speak (first person masculine gender form) 😅
Draga devojko, sta bih rekla da ti kazem da cena kutije cigareta od 25 komada u Australiji je oko 70 AUD, ili 40 evra. Hvala za video Aleks, pozdrav svima
Bad news for this girl, Mariupol was destroyed by the Ukrainian Azov battalion. It's very well-documented now with a lot of proves. Additionally, Russians rebuilt Mariupol, and is now getting better than before. It was always a Russians city btw, so she doesn't even know what she is talking about.
Not criticizing you I'm just interested in what sources you have of the Azov battalion destroying Mariupol. I would like to read about it more because here in Canada you cannot find anything.
@@stefanpetkovic6276 It's all over the Telegram and you can also find numerous RUclips videos about it, too. The American citizen journalist Patrick Lancaster has a few videos of interviews with the residents of Mariupol describing how the Ukrainian forces deliberately shot at civilians and shelled civilian apartment buildings.
@@stefanpetkovic6276 There are many sources, for example, there is a channel VideosfromMariupol, where a guy is going around Mariupol and shows whats new in the city (after Ukr left) and interviews people. There was also a famous video from the Italian reporter (sub in English) while the battle was still raging in some parts where he was in the city interviewing locals about what happened. They all said it was the Ukr army that parked tensk beside buildings and shot from them (a war crime) and even set buildings on fire after they left). Search on RUclips the title; "Azov were shooting from residential buildings, then setting them on fire after leaving"
@@stefanpetkovic6276RUclips usually doesn't allow posting links so just copy and paste into Google Fighters from the Ukrainian Nazi battalion Azov opened fire on civilians during their evacuation from Mariupol, resulting in the death of two people and the injury of four others, soldiers of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said on Sunday.
Čini se da i ona nastavlja gde su i nje i roditelji stali...I ona ,radi u Srbiji nažalost za zapadne CIA NATO medije.Vratila je pasoš i "razvela se od ruske vlade"?! 😅😅😅 Znači zaista veruje u CIA laži zapadnu propagandu za koju nažalost i radi.😂😂😂
Serbs love Russians but need to be aware that the majority of Russians who have arrived over the past few years are the exact opposite to Serbs and Serbian beliefs. They ended up in Serbia because it was a rare country that accepts russians and loves Russians, unlike the western countries where Russians were harassed. Serbian love for Russia and Putin is most likely repulsive to them as they themselves are distancing themselves from Russia and Russian identity. Just as this interviewee is clearly distancing and applying western narrative to the conflict.
@@mothidentifierZnamo mi to prijatelju, gospođa iz ovog intervjua je "elitini" primerak anti-ruskog ponašanja.Imamo mi to samo još goru verziju u Srbiji zovu se "drugosrbijanci"... Kao i gospođa sa snimak ,i njeni roditelji... i Rusi što su došli iz Rusije u zadnje 2 godine...Finasirani su iz istog,anti Srpskog i anti Ruskog centra .Soroš,CIA, US ,EU,NATO NGO... Čak i rade za njih gospođa to i ne krije i njeni roditelji i ona radi za US...Šire njihove laži , dezinformacije i propagandu,kao US NATO botovi...A autor ovog kanala mi non-stop briše komentare što jasno govori i ko je on nažalost...Ali su i pored svega ipak dobrodošli Srbiju.
Rusi su dolazili i prije, i to u većem broju u Srbiju( bježeći od crvenih 1918,pa 1945,pa su ih crveni slali u Srbiju,pa opet bježali od crvenih...) I ničim nisu utjecali na Srbe. Ni kuhinja,ni kultura....oni bi jednostavno postali Srbi,stopili se.
Ništa ti o tome ne znaš . Nisu crveni poslije Oktobarske revolucije nikoga slali u Srbiju . Belogardejci su doselili da spasu živu glavu . Puno njih i nisu bili belogardejci ali su bili iz plemićkih porodica pa su time bili ugroženi . Srpski kralj ih je primio jer je i rodbinski bio vezan sa Romanovima . Ruski emigranti koji su bili izuzetno obrazovani su unaprijedili srpsku matematiku i arhitekturu . Slikarka Olja Ivanjicki je bila iz ruske grofovske porodice . Rođena je u Pančevu u ruskoj bolnici . Očito je da nemaš pojma da su Srbi prije Vukove reforme učili jezik iz ruskih bukvara . Vukova reforma je katolička podvala da što više odvoje Srbe od Rusa . Većina tadašnjih Rusa iz Srbije se nije asimilovala već je odselila na zapad . Neki članovi porodice pisca Tolstoja su ostali u Srbiji . Jednom od njih je prošle godine napravljen spomenik u Vršcu . Viktor Troicki i Aleksandar Pokuševski znaju da su porijeklom Rusi. Kad je Troicki igrao turnir u Rusiji upoznao je svoje rođake .
Раније су долазили другачији Руси. Баш напротив, имали су велики утицај на нашу културу, а стопили су се лако јер смо практично исти народ. Ови данашњи Руси нису ни налик ондашњим тзв. Белим Русима.
@@vazmerОви, не сви наравно, али већина су одгојени на западним „холивуд, кока-кола вредностима", а они су били на хришћанским и великој руској традицији, писцима, уметности...
@@milanpavkePotpuno tačno, ovi novi Rusi su se od malena divili zapadnoj Evropi i Americi, čak više nego mi ovde..., zato ih sad baš briga za slovenstvo i pravoslavlje...
Porediti Bele Ruse koji su imali kulturu, tradiciju, istoriju i veru sa ovima koji dolaze danas u Srbiju je nebo i zemlja, drugo Srbi i Rusi su apsolutno različiti mentaliteti. Da se razumemo poznajem puno Rusa, sa nekima se često družim i mnogi su jako dobri ljudi ali generalno gledano nismo slični ni po shvatanju života ni po kulturi ni po energiji. Jedino ko idealizuje Ruse je lažni vojvoda Vjekoslav Šešelj i ekipa oko njega koji uporno pokušavaju da nam proguraju priču da smo mi nekakvi mali Rusi a to ni sa istorijske ni sa genetske strane apsolutno nema nikakve veze. Tadašnji Rusi nisu ostavili uticaj u lokalnoj tradiciji jer ništa od njihovih tradicija zapravo nije sačuvano što se tiče stvari kao hrane i ostalog ali su ostavili izuzetan trag u kulturi Beograda i arhitekturi. Drugo apsolutno se nisu stopili, to može da priča neko ko ne poznaje istoriju, tadašnji Rusi su nestali dolaskom Nemaca 1941 a dosta njih je bilo čak i po logorima posle. Kao i sada i tada su se držali u grupama, tek su njihova deca od onih koji su imali sreću da ostanu ovde i da budu netaknuti potpuno asimilovana u lokalni život.
Thanks for the compliments but stay away from speaking bad about your country. You should learn already that Russia is highly respected in Serbia. Big difference between Russian emigration after the Red horor Revolution and the new emigration is that after 1918 we got Patriots and very high class. Nowadays we are getting youngsters that don't know much about their own heritage and culture (like our kids 😢) , tending to westernise themselves and are fare away from being patriots.
It tells you everything you need to know. Those Russians who arrived in Serbia over the past few years came to Serbia because they were not welcome to the countries of their preference but knew they would be safe in Serbia. Serbian love for Russia and Putin is most likely repulsive to them as they are distancing themselves from their russian identity and suffering in order to be liked by the west.
Those Russians who came here 100 years ago were not in love with Soviet government as well. Loving your country which I do doesn't mean you have to love every regime (which I don't).
@@novostiserbii l see your point. I may imagine that each country observed from inside does not look like heaven. Current regime may be not your favourite but there is plenty to be proud about in Russias past and present. Two things Current clash is Global and is again consequence of the Western aggression to the East. After Napoleon, after Hitler here is Mr Stoltenberg seeking to get new NATO members. And some fertile soil too. Never ever criticise your country abroad. Some may pet your arm but will still deeply disrespect you. Trust me. Lastly you are welcome here and I hope you will have peace and good time.
I am not offended that many Russians cling to their "bubble". I understand that it takes time to accept an environment you didn't want to come to, especially when it's as poor and full of problems like Serbia. When it comes to immigrants, we prefer you to those from other continents. In Serbia, we call those who accept Western political views (that we Serbs are to blame for the Balkan troubles and that other participants in the war are "victims of Serbian aggression") autochauvinists. They are characterized by contempt for their country and people and the tendency to accept all Western political positions. It is noticeable that there are also such people among you Russians.
For such Serbs, I like to say that they prefer American shit to Russian caviar.Меня раздражает, что вы пишете по-английски, а здесь в основном русские и сербы.Nervira me što pišete na engleskom jeziku a ovdje su uglavnom Rusi i Srbi .
@@zoranmarjanovic6638 It is a sad irony that we communicate in the language of a common enemy, because the "soft power" of the West is dominant. Also, the English language is much easier to learn because it is simple. It doesn't change anything; we have innumerable traces of Turkish, Latin and German in our speech, but we still (I hope) consider it good that our ancestors fought against the domination of foreign powers.
@@branimirnikolic4559 I recommend you to find and read the book "Serbian people the oldest" by Olga Luković Pjanović. She received her doctorate in history from the Sorbonne with the highest grades.
@@branimirnikolic4559 Uvek sam tužan kada mi srpski nije dovoljno dobar i moram da koristim engleski. Volim engleski i ne smatram ga neprijateljskim jezikom. Ali se oseća pogrešno.
Life in Belgrade is much more expensive than life in the rest of Serbia. Especially rent, as well as prices in cafes and restaurants. I live in Belgrade, but I was born and have a house in Arandjelovac, a small town in Šumadija, so I can compare. Otherwise, I recommend foreigners to come to Arandjelovac, a spa town, beautiful nature, a lot of historical places in the area and officially the best pig roast in Serbia, which means the best in the world.
I was born in Topola, but have spent most of my 58 years in the usa. Been to Arandjelovac several times on visits and hope to retire there some day (if I survive), puno pozdrava.
Ako tebi neko treba da prevede, ti se slobodno posluži, ovde ima dovoljno pametnog sveta, nije obavezno da gospodja, apartid, razjašnjava situaciju, a nije ni u mogućnosti
Regarding citizenship, you have to leave yours to take the Serbian one, it is not correct. It all depends on whether Serbia has formed reciprocal conditions, that is, having dual citizenship and with some it has signed and with some it has not, for example the right to dual citizenship he signed with Italy while not with Germany.
As soon as she said Jewish, I knew that neither Russia was ever her country, nor will Serbia ever be. Not in the heart. It bothers her that Crimea returned to Russia, but she doesn't mind Nazism in Ukraine, or the genocide in Gaza. We also accept anything and everything. This one will tell us tomorrow how we are the worst, and will teach us our history, because we are too stupid to know it.
Amen to your comment. I met too many of such "Russians" here in Canada and they only have the worst of words to describe Russia and nothing bad to say about USA, for example.
Hmm... there's an american guy in Novi Sad that has dual passports... both US and Serbian... so it doesn't seems true Serbia doesn't allow dual citizenship?
It all depends on the procedure. For example, your friend could have received Serbian citizenship first, or marry a Serbian person (in that case you don't have to renounce your 1st citizenship). Also, there separate rules for ex-Yugoslavia countries.
She said "Russians destroyed Mariupol", is that why Russian population there celebrated the liberation from Ukraine? Why would you hate your goverment for giving freedom to Russians there (including) your grandma? I just saw a video yesterday where residents of Mariupol enjoy their time on the beach in restored Mariupol city.
And all people killed by Russian soldiers were resurrected? And all children too? What about Kosovo? Do you agree that NATO liberated Albanian people and bombing of Belgrade was good thing? Do you think that killed children are now happy?
@@ValSunkid In war soldiers and people die. If they didn't sacrifice their lives for saving the innocent people in Donetsk the Ukies would continue to kill civilians there. You can try your propaganda talk on someone uneducated, but not on me.
Нико од Срба никад није мрзео Украјинце. Тачка. :) Никад их нисмо издвајали од Руса, Белоруса и тако даље. Проблем код Украјинаца је што имају доста људи који воле Бандеру и нацисте. Пре 10 и више година када је наша фудбалска репрезентација играла у Лвиву скандирали су нам "Убиј Србина" и друге разне увреде и све то ничим изазвани. Мржња према њима никада није била са наше стране, али сада не знам какво је стање, мислим да их мање народ воли због љубљења дупета америма и европској унији.
Volimo i jedan i drugi narod naravno, ali mrzimo iz dna duše "ukrajinsku" vladu, koja učestvuje u samoubistvu svog "naroda". Služe interesu poremećenih zapadnjaka koji od njih prave talibane. kao što su napravili talibane u Avganistanu da bi uništili SSSR sada pokušavaju da urade sa tkz Ukrajincima. Što je najgore to je jedan isti narod - Rusi. Ukrajina bukvalno znači što i kod nas krajina, dakle vojna granica. To nije narod. Oduvek su bili znano kao Rusini ili Malorusi, odnosno Rusi van otadžbine. Bukvalno isto kao mi i Krajišnici.
@@djape1977Nije sve u lovi, nešto je i u patriotizmu..., al to sebičnjaci koji gledaju samo svoj užitak, nikad neće razumeti, zato i ne pripadaju nigde, kao i ova Ukrajinka...
Sviđa mi se ova devojka! Bukvalno joj je svaka rečenica tačna po pitanju Srbije! Treba odmah da dobije pasoš! Ja je već gledam kao moju sunarodnicu, moju Srpkinju! Možda se samo ne slažem sa njom po pitanju Krima , ali ona je bolje u to upućena i ne želim da se mešam! Sjajan video i još bolji gost! Veliki pozdrav!!
let me tell you something serbia it's better than most of the country's in europe. this people have suffered the most horific atrocities created by americans and western criminal's. i know how this country was in 1985 apsolute a gem of Europe.
То је робот преводио. Превод је углавном ок. Човек се потрудио да постави титл на српском за оне који не знају енглески, и ти нешто закераш. Осим тога, кад си тако паметан, требало би да знаш да је ОН заменица, а не именица.
Ne znam kako neko ko je video sta je nato uradio Srbiji devedesetih i da je u isto to vreme izazvao gradjanski rat u rusiji i zna sta nato radi danas i kakva sranja izaziva po svetu moze da sere po svojoj zemlji Rusiji. Ali ajde kao i jevrejka je pa mi je razumljivo.
Viktoria, out of curiosity why don’t you apply to get Israeli passport? You seem eligible and it’s stronger than Serbian passport. By the way, you are lovely person ❤
Није баш добро што је опредељена (пре)модерно и релативно прозападно, али ценим доста њених ставова; које свакако треба да чују Срби и прихвате понеке, а неке да приме к знању...
You don't have to renounce your citizenship in order to gain Serbian. Serbia allows dual citizenship. It seems to me that she has some issues with Russia. Anyhow, welcome to Serbia.
Serbia allows dual citizenship, but forces people to renounce their first citizenship when they acquire Serbian citizenship by naturalisation procedure This is precisely why the current version of the law makes absolutely no sense.
In general, we Serbs know wich sort of Russians came to Serbia (most liberal/leftist). We do not agree with their positions but as they are Russian by default, they are welcome. On the other hand, they will not brake our love/respect towards nowadays Russia, by any way. You are free to express your feelings but just do not try to change our mind with your opinions/atitudes or even act against Serbia like some are doing. That will make an end to your relations here.
@@robrob9050 Serbs mostly despise people who parrot US and NATO propaganda. While leftists and liberals in Western Europe do not nececessarily do this, these same kinds of people very much do this in Russia. These are people that will crutinise anything Russian TV says, but gladly swallow anything US propganda throws at them because it is against their own government that they see as bad. Years of Radio Liberty Europe (literally US government propaganda) and the the Moscow Times indoctrination cannot have been entirely without effect.
Well, I was following TG chanel Serbia Novosti, which is run by this nice girl Victoria, and I was shocked with a level.of political agenda she's implying in news filtering, angles of views and sources of info which she choose to use, and they are 90% anti-goverment, EU/USA owned/sponsored media and NGO. I am sick of that narative so I soon lost interest and left the chat... I don't understand passion in, let me say so, Serbian Russians for politics activism, changing weltanschaung of us locals and participating social affairs in Serbia society, while being on visarun/VNZ status..You just making manny Serbs angry, and they are slowly changing positive attiutude toward Russians... This is a free country, we have a bunch of our pro-Nato liberals and anti-war NGO proffiters including their media/cultural networks...that funky, but concerned liberal Medusa/Dvach storyteling was invented by serbian B92 media group back in 90's... Vaste majoroty of serbian genpop despise those guys, serbian social scinece researchers even use a special word for them - autochauvinists or "unintentional Serbs".
Well, it is your news digest chanel, you can put whatever angle you want and promote your type of agenda...Its normal, ok and every private own media is doing that... Been there, didnt like ideological aroma, and I left...Many more will come, if they like yoir content, you will grow...I'm just telling ruskogovoryashe people that, by my opinion, your news channel is heavily ideologicaly and politicaly inspired by liberal viewpoint and what 80℅ of Serbs thinks about that agenda... Tanjug was state-owned media agency..right now, its pseudo-state controled by some goverment-loyal guys, and reposting their service news about working hours during the holidays or meteo forecast is not coverimg options... I dont want to spam anymore, just calling everybody interested to check your news feed and make their own impressions about is there or is there not a political inclination there ...
@@St_just Political bias is very obvious in her channel, but in a very sincere way. It's so obvious you don't feel like you're getting fooled, it's just more truthful this way. Much worse when actual propaganda channels always scheming and trying to convince you they are not what they actually are. Instead, her channel feels "self-aware" and very informative for those Russians who aren't yet properly integrated into local society to be informed on relevant local events. And it's not like the target audience needs to be "brainwashed" anyway, since they already consist mostly of liberals...
I would strongly recommend not hardcoding subtitles, just add them to RUclips so that those that want them could turn them on, and those that don't wouldn't be annoyed by them (especially since they're grammatically misgendered).
"Those who don't love Paris don't have eyes, those who don't love Belgrade don't have hearts". Nicely said. Beautiful.
I dont love nor I hate Belgrade I respect it as the capitol of Serbia, I love my own city in Serbia...then call me heartless cuz Im a local Patriot!
It'd be more apt to state that those who love Paris, don't have eyes.
I mean, it's cool to be romantic and all, but to "love" Paris, in 21st century, just seems very shallow.
Belgrade is actually just a Roman tent, so that’s why “tourists” prefer to camp there.
@@ogrologi Your muuum is a Serbian tent, thats why Serbs love to camp there.
@@GA_ME čuvena srpska viteška, silovanje, premlaćivanje starijih i nemoćnih, pet na jednoga i to sa leđa ( u mraku ) .. uz to jedina vojiska u historiji koja je kompletna napustila vlastitu zemlju ( čitaj. I svjetski rat ) … Ko pameti nema sramotom se svojom diči
Thank you so much for the interesting video! As a Russian emigrant in Serbia, I am particularly interested in learning the stories of other people who have experienced something similar.
Your guests are very polite, self-thinking, open, independent people. I appreciate their decision to move to Serbia. They are more than welcome!
Bro you are killing it with these interviews, keep them coming! Subbed
Totally agree. I love this channel. Also good translation is latinica so I can practice srpski.. cirilica is too complicated.
She is a Russian, speaking English but i hear clear accent of Belgrade girl. I just expect to hear "jeeebote" hhahah
It' "JEBOTE", you're welcome! Well, for us Serbs, swears are a part of everyday life... and boy do we have swears... some funny, some bruttaly dark, but in most cases, they are just harmless either for fun, or when you get angry a bit 😆
A ti iz Bačkog Jarka izoštrio si uši pa čuješ ono čega nema.
She's ashkenazi.
@@niarlatotepbasset ova sa Rusijom nema nikakve veze imam nekoliko ruskinja u mom mestu koje su ovde preko 30 godina plus sam ih upoznao sa strane svako od njih govori srbski sa dijalektom
@@niarlatotepbasset is that a problem ?
Beautiful! ♥♥♥Sending your guest lots of love and happiness. I am Serbian from Jewish ancestry too. I am very proud just like my ancestors to be Serbian which has such a great culture and a fascinating and expressive language. If I had to redo my life I would do it in Serbia or Russia for sure.
Hvala brate. Lepo je pročitati ovo..
@kokoiduhovi65 odkud znas da je brat, mozda je sestra?! Postalo je ruzno cuti danas da devojcice jedna drugu zovu brate, srozani zapad ima uticaja vise nego sto bi trebalo. Poz
RUclips recommended your channel to me, I watched each video to the last second. Awesome stuff, really like it. Keep up the good work! Thank you
One sincere and beautiful soul. She sounds like a true Serbian, at least what should be one having in mind everything about us. Thank you for one of the best perspectives on my people and nation I ever heard.
Nadasve iskrena, a tek što zvuči kao Srpkinja!!! A tek što lupetaraš,
Congratulations for another superb video story! She is a sincere person, with correct approach to Serbian reality, being optimistic and truthful in the same time. You've chosen another great person for another great video! ,,,Настави тако!
Very intelligent young lady. Interesting reasoning and very mature discussion. Well done.
As a serbian imigrant in another country I really like to see my own country through their prospective. It was so nice video. Hope I'll see much more. Myb next time some imigrants that moved in some serbian village insteed of big city
Countryside is dead here. Almost nothing to do there. It's a shame.
I love your Chanel!
Keep up the good work.
She used to be my aunt's neighbour, one very great and kind woman :)
Love this videos! Keep em coming!
Every time I get pissed off at Serbia I watch something like this to remind myself why is it good that I live here, I've been living in other countries and none of them have the heart and soul as much as Serbia does, at the end of the day that's what I need the most, I don't care about the money or any kind of materialistic things, it was the main lesson I learned while not living in Serbia, funny how I needed to leave to learn who I really am as a person.
Very nice comment! Indeed the spirit of Serbian people is unique despite all struggles and challenges. ❤
Yes, but while there, try to improve things for yourself and others. Quit or cut down on smoking, if you do smoke, or encourage others to quit or cut down. Don't litter or paint graffiti and, if you see someone doing that, tell them to stop or report them. Try to help other Serbs, particularly the displaced and poor. Look into working with Srbi za Srbe.
@@MikeArg-hp9ho The spite most of us have inside is what kept us going.
@@jobrock1079 I have changed a lot during time I spent out of Serbia, I got the chance to see things from different perspective, I do smoke but I don't litter anymore and now I yell at ppl that do 😂
Very good comment. I'm Serbian diaspora. The concept of migration is so sick, few realize it. It leads to that you feel like a foreigner in both countries. I don't know where I belong anymore.
The arabs do it best, like in UAE. You are welcome to stay in the country, enjoy the benefits but then you go home. The arabs are very honest in this issue. They take both sides into consideration and what is best for both sides.
I dont know why is algorhytm pushing your clips up, but I watch every :S
What are these Russian art projects, I have not heard about them, where can we be informed about such things? Perhaps this lady if she has a Serbian news blog for Russians in Russian can also do a reverse - news of Russians in Serbia for Serbs in Serbian?
By the way, the last time we had a Russian migration here was during Bolshevik horrors. That was when the first ballet school opened in Serbia. What Serbs most love about Russia is the culture. We love Russian literature, film, art, dance, iceskating, music, etc. We love it most beacause it is close to our hearts, because it has so much soul. This is what we are most excited about! Would love to see much more creativite cultural exchange, this would be the greatest win for both our people. ❤
Many of them are in Russian language, I guess that's one reason. For example, we have some theater studios here but since most actors/directors don't know Serbian well enough, it's all mostly in Russian, so unless some kind of subtitles are used, you wouldn't understand anything. But I think over time there will be more cross-language performances.
@@phobos2077_ Many Serbs speak Russian, many learned it in school, and many can undersrand enough to get the jist of it, even if they don't understand every word like me. I would love to attend even if I don't understand everything, it would be a learning experience.
Just as most Serbs know English just from being exposed to English movies for so long. In general I think Russians percieve a language barrier as a problem much more than Serbs. You guys are interesting to us, something new in our town that is not a threat in any way. We like you, relax!
Переезд русских в Сербию последних двух лет это продукт западной пропаганды. В России нет тех проблем, от которых бегут эти русские. Среди так называемых идейных переселенцев большинство банальные вырожденцы, которые бегут от своих страхов и комплексов, плохо понимая что они делают. Поэтому ожидать от них культурного обогащения несколько необъективно. Многие из таких уже вернулись назад, а те, кто остались врдя ли способны на культурную жизнь.
@@AlexAndros335то есть вы хотите сказать, что в России нет политических преследований за то что люди просто за мир, а не за какой-то там запад ваш дурацкий.
не ждите балета от тех русских,что убежали сейчас в СЕрбию. Скорее ждите,что они вам революцию устроят))))
Девојка је паметна и пристојна, има има своје ставове и брани их добро, с некима се слажем а с некима не, али мислим читајући коменатре да нама овде генерално фали мало пристојности и спремности да артикулишемо и аргументујемо своје ставове. Врло добар канал, честитке аутору на идеји и како га води.
@@skoricbg PRISTOJNOST je rastegljiva kategorija za vas. A i nije poenta u PRISTOJNOSTI i artikulaciji, to su površinske karakteristike koje mogu biti naučene i vešto korišćene i ništa više od toga. Sadašnji raspored dogadjaja traži mnogo više od toga, nismo u holivudskom filmu, svako ima obavezu da jasno vidi pravo stanje stvari, sve ostalo su marginalije.
Totalna glupost.sve je u pristojnosti i razumljivoj artikulaciji.ljudi koriste civilizovanost/pristojnost i artikulaciju/da budu slobodni da misle i to sto misle otvoreno i jasno kazu a da se ne uhvate za je definicija slobode.nema napretka i prosperiteta bez slobode.samo kad se ukrste razni aspekti dolazi se do napretka.da nema civilizovanosti samo bi se hvatali za grlo i ne bi bilo nicega i nizakoga.zato budite "dobri".P
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Niko nikoga nije uhvatio za grlo, to je manuelna radnja. Civilizovano i artikulisano, po vašim aršinima bi bilo da vam rečenica ne počinje sa "totalna glupost" , to samo ukazuje da moji argumenti nisu sasvim daleko od vaših, da budem blaga na vaš način. Ono što vas ovde zbunjuje je licemerje, koje ne prepoznaje, ili je za vas kategorija koja nema neku važnost. To već ostavljam vama, koji ne čitate sa dovoljno razumevanja, a komentarišete pokazujući u pogrešnom pravcu.
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Niko nikoga nije hvatao za grlo, to je manuelna radnja. To što počinjete rečenicu sa "totalna glupost", govori da argumenti koje koristim meni idu u prilog, kada ste vi u pitanju. Inače, niko ne može da vam zabrani da mislite kako hoćete, ali ako vam je suština pobegla, a javno govorite o bilo kojim temama, onda isto tako podležete i kritici. Tako i ja, tako i vi, a oni koji čitaju neka posude sami, i slobodni su da odgovore.
@@pavlesrepfler2900 Pocinjes argument sa "toptalna glupost" i kazes odma sve je u pristojnosti. I ako moze veliko slovo i razmak posle tacke da manje bole oci. 😂
Odličan intervju, zanimljivq osoba ❤
Very nice lady. Nobody will destroy Serb's love for Russia. Just to make it clear, Serbia was not in war with Croatia, Serbs that lived in the region where they were indigenous or lived there for centuries were in war with Croats who changed their constitution and proclaimed them ethnic minority and wanted to ethnically cleanse them.
Ae ne lupetaj casti ti
real truth Ana
@@robrob9050 Botino, bolje ćuti...
@@robrob9050bolje bi ti bilo da ti ne lupetaš.
Slažem se sa Vama Ana.
This channel is a gem.
Victoria has a great understanding of Serbia and. Serbs. 👍
but great
iskren razgovor,sve lepo objasnjeno.nadam se da ce biti jos ovakvih tema
Awesome video. Being from Serbia and having also lived in Russia I can totally relate to a lot of Vika's points. It's so interesting to see your own country from a different perspective, but even more so for it to come from a foreign who calls Serbia their home.
She also demystified a lot of things for me, I noticed a lot of Russian immigrants talk about "polako" and I was very confused, I always took it as something natural 😅
Awesome videos, subbed
Bravo! So inspiring to hear such an intelligent and well spoken your lady talk very difficult language and understand very complex country with long history.
Dobri ste .Drago mi je da ste ovde , bogatiji smo sa ljudima kao sto ste vi.
Tako je.
Good job and interesting conversation. Keep doing it.
Russians are always welcome to Serbia.
What about Ukrainian ?
Samo ti čekaj...
Biće kao u CG pre par godina...čim počnu da kupuju nekretnine, pa kad se rašire...tražiće ti javna dokumenta na Ruskom....
Samo polako.
Možda smo pravoslavci ali smo veoma drugačiji od njih, odnosno oni od nas.
@@killjoy4862 pričaj u svoje ime meni Rusi ne smetaju.To što nismo isti,još bolje.Nakon Oktobarske Revolucije dosta njih je doslo u Srbiju,postavili temelje pozorišta, baleta,doneli kulturu i nikoga nisu pljačkali ili ubijali.
Meni više smetaju ti lažni prijatelji CG koji su se već raširili i kupuju po Srbiji,a čim mogu, izdaju nas i zabijaju nož u ledja.Idi na groblje Oslobodioci Beograda pa pogledaj koliko ih je poginulo oslobadjajuci Bg,zato molim te ne klepeći.
Svako ko bezi od rata je dobrodosao, ako neko zna kako se ti ljudi osecaju , to smo mi . Drugo nije njihova krivica sto pohlepni ljudi hoce da profitiraju na tome@@killjoy4862
@@killjoy4862ma to su liberalni pro-European Rusi koji su pobegli od SMO.
Is the translation intentionally masculine or is that an error? Just curious not giving you "shit", the entirety of the transcription is masculine(Serbian is a gendered language).
I would guess the transcript was translated, not the actual interview, and whoever did it didn't pay attention to the name.
Yeah, it's bizarre seeing a Serbian translation in which she refers to herself using the masculine form of nouns, pronouns, adjectives.
Actually the translation is correct considering that she acts and talks like a man.
@@vaska1999, trust me, it's the translation, not me )
I was wondering about chatGPT as a translator... :)
A very thoughtful and deep analysis by Victoria, I enjoyed this interview and learning about her perspective on the recent wave of Russian immigration!
Wooow, predobar kanal, molim te nemoj da stanes sa ovakvim intervjuima !!!
She gave a serious good advice on many topics!
Prevod vam je stvarno veoma bolan, i srozava kvalitet.
Izuzetna osoba, pronicljiva i sposobna da zapazi, analizira i razumije. Ja volim Ruse, bez obzira kakvo mišljenje zastupaju i bez obzira na njihove političke stavove, mi smo jedan narod. Isto kao što volim sve Srbe, iako neki od njih imaju drugačije stavove od mojih. Mislim da je normalno da se ne podudaramo u svemu, ali nema razloga da to bude kamen spoticanja već prilika za dijalog.
Ova je žena dosta inteligentna i vrlo cinična, ali to je kod nje nažalost minus, jer je prešlo u autodestruktivnost. To se vidi i po stavu prema matičnoj državi i po tetovažama i po pušenju. Inteligentna da, ali definitivno sa problemom iz detinjstva koji u njoj razvija određenu dozu mržnje i destruktivnosti na dubokom nivou, koji se manifestuje mržnjom prema otadžbini. Pomogla bi joj meditacija.
Ми и руси нисмо један народ. Вера нам је православна , али исту веру имамо и са Грузинима па да ли смо исти народ и са њима ?Ако кажете русу да смо један народ, исти тај рус ће вам рећи , па ви сте Срби онда руси. Имам утисак да у русији нисте боравили а нисте ни са много руса разговарали, па из незнања ви и вама сличног мишљења стварате проблем који би нама као малом народу донио велике невоље у будућности. Садашња руска елита и власт не мисли ништа добро о нама, ево неколико примера- прочитајте шта о нама мисли директор Петербуршке националне библиотеке, прочитајте шовинистичке ставове Алексеја Чеха, заменика председника одбора за међународне односе руске думе, шта о нама говори председник руске академије наука и уметности на првом каналу руске телевизије 03.03.2023. године, шта о нама мисли највећи србофоб толстој иначе по функцији саветник путина за културу а по пореклу чукуунук писца Л.Н.Тојстоја и многи други. То нису личности без значаја и њихове ставове и претње треба схватити веома озбиљно.
@@milojkomedici5421 Gresis jako. Rusi su nastali od plemena Srba/Slovena koji su se polako preko hiljadu godina naseljavali sa juga na sever. Pre postojanja Rima. Zapadna istorija je dupke puna falsifikata, i sada u dobu informatike, lazi polao isplivavaju na povrsinu. Pa nemci su izmenili jezik i nama i Rusima u 19 veku. Do tad je bio skoro identican, to malo ljudi zna.
Jedan od primera koji razbija tu laznu istoriju koju su stvorili na zapadu je knjiga Mavra Orbina "Il regno de gli slavi" iz 1601. Bila je zabranjena 400g od strane Vatikana i tek je skoro prevedena na srpski. Knjiga je napisana na srednjovekovnom Italijanskom i prevod postoji samo na srpski. Zapitajte se ...zasto? Zato sto opisuje srpske drzave u Evropi. Da dobro ste procitali, srpske drzave. A ovo "Rusko rukovodstvo nam ne misli dobro" je smesno 😂.
@@milojkomedici5421 Gresis jako. Rusi su nastali od plemena Srba/Slovena koji su se polako preko hiljadu godina naseljavali sa juga na sever. Pre postojanja Rima. Zpd istorija je dupke puna falsifikata, i sada u dobu informatike, lazi polao isplivavaju na povrsinu. Pa nemci su izmenili jezik i nama i Rusima u 19 veku. Do tad je bio skoro identican, to malo ljudi zna.
Jedan od primera koji razbija tu laznu istoriju koju su stvorili na zapadu je knjiga Mavra Orbina "Il regno de gli slavi" iz 1601. Bila je zabranjena 400g od strane Vatikana i tek je skoro prevedena na srpski. Knjiga je napisana na srednjovekovnom Italijanskom i prevod postoji samo na srpski. Zapitajte se ...zasto? Zato sto opisuje srpske drzave u Evropi. Da dobro ste procitali, srpske drzave. A ovo "Rusko rukovodstvo nam ne misli dobro" je smesno .
❤pozdrav za sestru❤
A Russian and a Serb meet in Belgrade, and have a discussion about life in English! A bittersweet sight to see.
The interviewer isn't a native Serbian speaker.
They are both Russians.
Both Russians
Definitely appreciate Victoria's honesty and directness. Interesting story she has.
Hvala ti!
Amazing interview. She has a popular Russian language telegram channel. Local celebrity I would say. Was lucky to meet her IRL once.
what is it?
@@iggywavey novostiserbii
greta tsuff man, love your chanell
Being half Russian and half Serbian is like a combo made in heaven, her kid is very lucky and will have an amazing life I bet! :D Another great vid about extraordinarily based, intelligent and realistic woman. Viktoria the Serbian Russian (or Russian Serb?), she's awesome :)
She is Jewish. Not any of the above.
I couldn't have said any of it better.
As a Serbian, I can tell you, we do not judge Russians for keeping their community closed. If you hear us talking about it, it's just a smalltalk. It's nothing.
Dobra emisija, hvala 👍
What a lovely woman! The way she talks and feels things... Lovely!
U početku mi je delovala malo puna sebe, još sa tim pokušajem britanskog akcenta... uh. Ali vremenom je pokazala samokritičnost i iznela neka fenomenalna zapažanja, tako da mi se na kraju dopala ❤
Bravo za video
dosta rusa ima takav akcenat
Viki je carica, iskreno. Pravi ortak.
Nije Brit akcent,vise neki univerzalni.
@@LEONSKENNEDY91 Ona nije ruskinja vec jevrejka, isto kao i nacista elenski
@@necamilosavljevic8722 Jevrej ali i nacista hahahaha au kako si glup (:
Very smart lady
Samo ljubav ❤
Top woman , svaka joj je na mestu , nijednom se nije okliznula , da pogresi .
*If you don't like Paris, you don't have eyes, and if you don't like Belgrade, you don't have a heart" ❤❤❤
Those kind of people that if Serbia get into war tomorrow will say : im not against Serbia but im against government...and run away to next closest country...
Baš tako...☹️
@Batlcapola Jevrejka, a ovde od 2011. i nikud ne idem.
@@novostiserbii STAY, we love you, don't mind these suckers.
@@novostiserbii Najvažnije je biti dobar čovek, a ovih loših ima u svim narodima i nacijama, a takođe i u svim verama.
Watching it now, next time, just take care of translations, since it has been translated as a male person would speak (first person masculine gender form) 😅
Seems i need a subtitle editor 😅
Exactly, at the beginning I thought that this was a story about sex change 😅
@@AtticLife No, its fine this way, we all understand, thats important :)
Tako je uvek kad je Google prevodilac u pitanju, ne znam zašto ali uvek tako prevode.
Excellent interview - this woman is a gem! Please keep them coming.
Draga devojko, sta bih rekla da ti kazem da cena kutije cigareta od 25 komada u Australiji je oko 70 AUD, ili 40 evra. Hvala za video Aleks, pozdrav svima
Не брини. Ми примамо све врсте људи. Само да не краду. 🙂
Bad news for this girl, Mariupol was destroyed by the Ukrainian Azov battalion. It's very well-documented now with a lot of proves. Additionally, Russians rebuilt Mariupol, and is now getting better than before. It was always a Russians city btw, so she doesn't even know what she is talking about.
yeah but that’s not supporting the needed agenda 😂
Not criticizing you I'm just interested in what sources you have of the Azov battalion destroying Mariupol. I would like to read about it more because here in Canada you cannot find anything.
@@stefanpetkovic6276 It's all over the Telegram and you can also find numerous RUclips videos about it, too. The American citizen journalist Patrick Lancaster has a few videos of interviews with the residents of Mariupol describing how the Ukrainian forces deliberately shot at civilians and shelled civilian apartment buildings.
@@stefanpetkovic6276 There are many sources, for example, there is a channel VideosfromMariupol, where a guy is going around Mariupol and shows whats new in the city (after Ukr left) and interviews people. There was also a famous video from the Italian reporter (sub in English) while the battle was still raging in some parts where he was in the city interviewing locals about what happened. They all said it was the Ukr army that parked tensk beside buildings and shot from them (a war crime) and even set buildings on fire after they left). Search on RUclips the title; "Azov were shooting from residential buildings, then setting them on fire after leaving"
@@stefanpetkovic6276RUclips usually doesn't allow posting links so just copy and paste into Google
Fighters from the Ukrainian Nazi battalion Azov opened fire on civilians during their evacuation from Mariupol, resulting in the death of two people and the injury of four others, soldiers of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said on Sunday.
Russians are rhe best immigrants you can hope for
"My parents were journalists, and they have been payed in 90s in dollars...".
That's enough for you to understand for whom the parents worked for.
Čini se da i ona nastavlja gde su i nje i roditelji stali...I ona ,radi u Srbiji nažalost za zapadne CIA NATO medije.Vratila je pasoš i "razvela se od ruske vlade"?! 😅😅😅 Znači zaista veruje u CIA laži zapadnu propagandu za koju nažalost i radi.😂😂😂
Serbs love Russians but need to be aware that the majority of Russians who have arrived over the past few years are the exact opposite to Serbs and Serbian beliefs.
They ended up in Serbia because it was a rare country that accepts russians and loves Russians, unlike the western countries where Russians were harassed.
Serbian love for Russia and Putin is most likely repulsive to them as they themselves are distancing themselves from Russia and Russian identity.
Just as this interviewee is clearly distancing and applying western narrative to the conflict.
@@mothidentifierZnamo mi to prijatelju, gospođa iz ovog intervjua je "elitini" primerak anti-ruskog ponašanja.Imamo mi to samo još goru verziju u Srbiji zovu se "drugosrbijanci"... Kao i gospođa sa snimak ,i njeni roditelji... i Rusi što su došli iz Rusije u zadnje 2 godine...Finasirani su iz istog,anti Srpskog i anti Ruskog centra .Soroš,CIA, US ,EU,NATO NGO... Čak i rade za njih gospođa to i ne krije i njeni roditelji i ona radi za US...Šire njihove laži , dezinformacije i propagandu,kao US NATO botovi...A autor ovog kanala mi non-stop briše komentare što jasno govori i ko je on nažalost...Ali su i pored svega ipak dobrodošli Srbiju.
Rusi su dolazili i prije, i to u većem broju u Srbiju( bježeći od crvenih 1918,pa 1945,pa su ih crveni slali u Srbiju,pa opet bježali od crvenih...) I ničim nisu utjecali na Srbe. Ni kuhinja,ni kultura....oni bi jednostavno postali Srbi,stopili se.
Ništa ti o tome ne znaš . Nisu crveni poslije Oktobarske revolucije nikoga slali u Srbiju . Belogardejci su doselili da spasu živu glavu . Puno njih i nisu bili belogardejci ali su bili iz plemićkih porodica pa su time bili ugroženi . Srpski kralj ih je primio jer je i rodbinski bio vezan sa Romanovima . Ruski emigranti koji su bili izuzetno obrazovani su unaprijedili srpsku matematiku i arhitekturu . Slikarka Olja Ivanjicki je bila iz ruske grofovske porodice . Rođena je u Pančevu u ruskoj bolnici . Očito je da nemaš pojma da su Srbi prije Vukove reforme učili jezik iz ruskih bukvara . Vukova reforma je katolička podvala da što više odvoje Srbe od Rusa . Većina tadašnjih Rusa iz Srbije se nije asimilovala već je odselila na zapad . Neki članovi porodice pisca Tolstoja su ostali u Srbiji . Jednom od njih je prošle godine napravljen spomenik u Vršcu . Viktor Troicki i Aleksandar Pokuševski znaju da su porijeklom Rusi. Kad je Troicki igrao turnir u Rusiji upoznao je svoje rođake .
Раније су долазили другачији Руси. Баш напротив, имали су велики утицај на нашу културу, а стопили су се лако јер смо практично исти народ. Ови данашњи Руси нису ни налик ондашњим тзв. Белим Русима.
@@vazmerОви, не сви наравно, али већина су одгојени на западним „холивуд, кока-кола вредностима", а они су били на хришћанским и великој руској традицији, писцима, уметности...
@@milanpavkePotpuno tačno, ovi novi Rusi su se od malena divili zapadnoj Evropi i Americi, čak više nego mi ovde..., zato ih sad baš briga za slovenstvo i pravoslavlje...
Porediti Bele Ruse koji su imali kulturu, tradiciju, istoriju i veru sa ovima koji dolaze danas u Srbiju je nebo i zemlja, drugo Srbi i Rusi su apsolutno različiti mentaliteti. Da se razumemo poznajem puno Rusa, sa nekima se često družim i mnogi su jako dobri ljudi ali generalno gledano nismo slični ni po shvatanju života ni po kulturi ni po energiji. Jedino ko idealizuje Ruse je lažni vojvoda Vjekoslav Šešelj i ekipa oko njega koji uporno pokušavaju da nam proguraju priču da smo mi nekakvi mali Rusi a to ni sa istorijske ni sa genetske strane apsolutno nema nikakve veze. Tadašnji Rusi nisu ostavili uticaj u lokalnoj tradiciji jer ništa od njihovih tradicija zapravo nije sačuvano što se tiče stvari kao hrane i ostalog ali su ostavili izuzetan trag u kulturi Beograda i arhitekturi. Drugo apsolutno se nisu stopili, to može da priča neko ko ne poznaje istoriju, tadašnji Rusi su nestali dolaskom Nemaca 1941 a dosta njih je bilo čak i po logorima posle. Kao i sada i tada su se držali u grupama, tek su njihova deca od onih koji su imali sreću da ostanu ovde i da budu netaknuti potpuno asimilovana u lokalni život.
Last 2 mints spot on... Hvala na lepim recima za nasu naciju.
She looks like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was a US Supreme Court judge.
jos gledam na koga mi lici. svaka cast
yes... btw,family courts judges in the West are corrupt criminals...sell child custody to abussers,lie on oath,and are unaccountable
They have the same origin.
Research the origin of the Supreme Court Justice surname. Who know,maybe they are cousins.
Hahahah iste,samo sto je ova 50 godina mladja
She is great...
Thanks for the compliments but stay away from speaking bad about your country.
You should learn already that Russia is highly respected in Serbia.
Big difference between Russian emigration after the Red horor Revolution and the new emigration is that after 1918 we got Patriots and very high class. Nowadays we are getting youngsters that don't know much about their own heritage and culture (like our kids 😢) , tending to westernise themselves and are fare away from being patriots.
It tells you everything you need to know.
Those Russians who arrived in Serbia over the past few years came to Serbia because they were not welcome to the countries of their preference but knew they would be safe in Serbia. Serbian love for Russia and Putin is most likely repulsive to them as they are distancing themselves from their russian identity and suffering in order to be liked by the west.
Good observation!
Those Russians who came here 100 years ago were not in love with Soviet government as well. Loving your country which I do doesn't mean you have to love every regime (which I don't).
@@novostiserbiiNo. Just they need to hate comunisam and neotrockism, which now coming from the west like it eas case with sssr back then
@@novostiserbii l see your point.
I may imagine that each country observed from inside does not look like heaven. Current regime may be not your favourite but there is plenty to be proud about in Russias past and present.
Two things
Current clash is Global and is again consequence of the Western aggression to the East. After Napoleon, after Hitler here is Mr Stoltenberg seeking to get new NATO members. And some fertile soil too.
Never ever criticise your country abroad. Some may pet your arm but will still deeply disrespect you. Trust me.
Lastly you are welcome here and I hope you will have peace and good time.
Considering her words about Crimea, I just wonder what she thinks about Kosovo?
Simpaticna osoba, lepo je slusati tudja iskustva u menjanju prebivalista
I am not offended that many Russians cling to their "bubble". I understand that it takes time to accept an environment you didn't want to come to, especially when it's as poor and full of problems like Serbia. When it comes to immigrants, we prefer you to those from other continents. In Serbia, we call those who accept Western political views (that we Serbs are to blame for the Balkan troubles and that other participants in the war are "victims of Serbian aggression") autochauvinists. They are characterized by contempt for their country and people and the tendency to accept all Western political positions. It is noticeable that there are also such people among you Russians.
For such Serbs, I like to say that they prefer American shit to Russian caviar.Меня раздражает, что вы пишете по-английски, а здесь в основном русские и сербы.Nervira me što pišete na engleskom jeziku a ovdje su uglavnom Rusi i Srbi .
@@zoranmarjanovic6638 It is a sad irony that we communicate in the language of a common enemy, because the "soft power" of the West is dominant. Also, the English language is much easier to learn because it is simple. It doesn't change anything; we have innumerable traces of Turkish, Latin and German in our speech, but we still (I hope) consider it good that our ancestors fought against the domination of foreign powers.
@@branimirnikolic4559 I recommend you to find and read the book "Serbian people the oldest" by Olga Luković Pjanović. She received her doctorate in history from the Sorbonne with the highest grades.
@@zoranmarjanovic6638 Prevedi Rus sta si pisao
@@branimirnikolic4559 Uvek sam tužan kada mi srpski nije dovoljno dobar i moram da koristim engleski. Volim engleski i ne smatram ga neprijateljskim jezikom. Ali se oseća pogrešno.
Life in Belgrade is much more expensive than life in the rest of Serbia. Especially rent, as well as prices in cafes and restaurants. I live in Belgrade, but I was born and have a house in Arandjelovac, a small town in Šumadija, so I can compare. Otherwise, I recommend foreigners to come to Arandjelovac, a spa town, beautiful nature, a lot of historical places in the area and officially the best pig roast in Serbia, which means the best in the world.
I was born in Topola, but have spent most of my 58 years in the usa. Been to Arandjelovac several times on visits and hope to retire there some day (if I survive), puno pozdrava.
@@mkedan6741 Topola is a beautiful place, especially Oplenac and the Church of St. George. Greetings from Belgrade.
what does a foreigner do all day in Arandjelovac? Or you mean just come as a tourist and spend money there helping the locals out?
The general knowledge is that in order to get naturalized, Serbia does not require to renounce former citizenship.
If ur not a serbian that lives outside of serbia and don’t have citizenship, it does
Her accent is super interesting, definitely got that Belgrade girl sound to it haha
Polako is fine, it is even adorable because everyone gets to go polako.
Great person! Divna osoba!
Oh, she nailed it with the last few sentences. When it comes to our history and bombing of 1999, you should really shut up and listen.
Ako tebi neko treba da prevede, ti se slobodno posluži, ovde ima dovoljno pametnog sveta, nije obavezno da gospodja, apartid, razjašnjava situaciju, a nije ni u mogućnosti
Regarding citizenship, you have to leave yours to take the Serbian one, it is not correct. It all depends on whether Serbia has formed reciprocal conditions, that is, having dual citizenship and with some it has signed and with some it has not, for example the right to dual citizenship he signed with Italy while not with Germany.
As soon as she said Jewish, I knew that neither Russia was ever her country, nor will Serbia ever be. Not in the heart. It bothers her that Crimea returned to Russia, but she doesn't mind Nazism in Ukraine, or the genocide in Gaza. We also accept anything and everything. This one will tell us tomorrow how we are the worst, and will teach us our history, because we are too stupid to know it.
В Сербии живет много Сербских Евреев и в России живет много Русских евреев.
@@LeraLera47Евреев в Сербии не так много, мало кто из них остался после Второй мировой войны..., кто-то погиб, а кто-то уехал в Америку и Израиль...
@@LeraLera47 Могу да попуше курац и једни и други.
Amen to your comment. I met too many of such "Russians" here in Canada and they only have the worst of words to describe Russia and nothing bad to say about USA, for example.
But you sound just like Nazi...
Hmm... there's an american guy in Novi Sad that has dual passports... both US and Serbian... so it doesn't seems true Serbia doesn't allow dual citizenship?
I have dual citizenship
There must be a reason behind it.
I have a dual passport as well
It all depends on the procedure. For example, your friend could have received Serbian citizenship first, or marry a Serbian person (in that case you don't have to renounce your 1st citizenship). Also, there separate rules for ex-Yugoslavia countries.
She said "Russians destroyed Mariupol", is that why Russian population there celebrated the liberation from Ukraine? Why would you hate your goverment for giving freedom to Russians there (including) your grandma? I just saw a video yesterday where residents of Mariupol enjoy their time on the beach in restored Mariupol city.
And all people killed by Russian soldiers were resurrected? And all children too? What about Kosovo? Do you agree that NATO liberated Albanian people and bombing of Belgrade was good thing? Do you think that killed children are now happy?
@@ValSunkid In war soldiers and people die. If they didn't sacrifice their lives for saving the innocent people in Donetsk the Ukies would continue to kill civilians there. You can try your propaganda talk on someone uneducated, but not on me.
@@ValSunkidRusi su branili Ruse i kakav problem imas sa tim!?
It's obvious she doesn't know anything about the war there. Mariupol has been rebuilt better than ever
Very interesting, thank you!
Volim i Ruse i Ukrajince! Tacka! Jeste li primetili da su dosli oni koji imaju kintu,a ne ona sirotinja sto je zavrsila na ratistu?😂
Нико од Срба никад није мрзео Украјинце. Тачка. :) Никад их нисмо издвајали од Руса, Белоруса и тако даље. Проблем код Украјинаца је што имају доста људи који воле Бандеру и нацисте. Пре 10 и више година када је наша фудбалска репрезентација играла у Лвиву скандирали су нам "Убиј Србина" и друге разне увреде и све то ничим изазвани. Мржња према њима никада није била са наше стране, али сада не знам какво је стање, мислим да их мање народ воли због љубљења дупета америма и европској унији.
Volimo i jedan i drugi narod naravno, ali mrzimo iz dna duše "ukrajinsku" vladu, koja učestvuje u samoubistvu svog "naroda". Služe interesu poremećenih zapadnjaka koji od njih prave talibane. kao što su napravili talibane u Avganistanu da bi uništili SSSR sada pokušavaju da urade sa tkz Ukrajincima. Što je najgore to je jedan isti narod - Rusi. Ukrajina bukvalno znači što i kod nas krajina, dakle vojna granica. To nije narod. Oduvek su bili znano kao Rusini ili Malorusi, odnosno Rusi van otadžbine. Bukvalno isto kao mi i Krajišnici.
I kad je pocela bezanija iz rvatske prvo su dosli oni koji su imali lovu
@@djape1977Nije sve u lovi, nešto je i u patriotizmu..., al to sebičnjaci koji gledaju samo svoj užitak, nikad neće razumeti, zato i ne pripadaju nigde, kao i ova Ukrajinka...
@@marijazakula4809jbg, postali smo rezervat za njine liberaše 😂
She looks angry.
She looks like Ruth Bader Ginsburg the late US Supreme Court judge, who was also Jewish.
Life in Serbia swim or sink
Sviđa mi se ova devojka! Bukvalno joj je svaka rečenica tačna po pitanju Srbije! Treba odmah da dobije pasoš! Ja je već gledam kao moju sunarodnicu, moju Srpkinju! Možda se samo ne slažem sa njom po pitanju Krima , ali ona je bolje u to upućena i ne želim da se mešam!
Sjajan video i još bolji gost!
Veliki pozdrav!!
let me tell you something serbia it's better than most of the country's in europe.
this people have suffered the most horific atrocities created by americans and western criminal's.
i know how this country was in 1985 apsolute a gem of Europe.
Prevod katastrofalan…koristi se imenica ON za zenu😢
То је робот преводио. Превод је углавном ок. Човек се потрудио да постави титл на српском за оне који не знају енглески, и ти нешто закераш. Осим тога, кад си тако паметан, требало би да знаш да је ОН заменица, а не именица.
Great chanel, very good interviews.
Devojka je možda ruskinja po rođenju ali je sigurno srpkinja po pitanju odnosa prema životu . Svako dobro Viktorija .
Nije to prvi put Rusi su i pre WW2 kao izbeglice od komunistickog terora prihvatili Srbiju kao svoju drzavu
Ne znam kako neko ko je video sta je nato uradio Srbiji devedesetih i da je u isto to vreme izazvao gradjanski rat u rusiji i zna sta nato radi danas i kakva sranja izaziva po svetu moze da sere po svojoj zemlji Rusiji. Ali ajde kao i jevrejka je pa mi je razumljivo.
такви су најгори !
Zato sto ima Putina na vlasti, diktatora lol.
@@mcsg5053Srbiju devedesetih je uništio Milošević, ne NATO
upravo tako jevrejka
A kakva sranja je Srbija uradila Bosni i Kosovu?
Inteligentna poprilično. 😊
18:20 Time to enhance your Russian vocabulary: Волкoебина
Viktoria, out of curiosity why don’t you apply to get Israeli passport? You seem eligible and it’s stronger than Serbian passport. By the way, you are lovely person ❤
Thank you! I could, but I do live in Serbia (17 years all together) and planning to stay here, so having Serbian passport makes way more sense )).
@@novostiserbii Yes, makes sense! For Israeli one, I think you would have to stay in Israel minimum one year after doing Aliyah?
Zašto prevod ide kao da je muško , sagovornik je žensko kako vidim? Pozz iz Beograda✌️
A da to je do google 🤷🏼♂️
Није баш добро што је опредељена (пре)модерно и релативно прозападно, али ценим доста њених ставова; које свакако треба да чују Срби и прихвате понеке, а неке да приме к знању...
You don't have to renounce your citizenship in order to gain Serbian. Serbia allows dual citizenship. It seems to me that she has some issues with Russia. Anyhow, welcome to Serbia.
Serbia allows dual citizenship, but forces people to renounce their first citizenship when they acquire Serbian citizenship by naturalisation procedure
This is precisely why the current version of the law makes absolutely no sense.
European Union? Pass ...
Then stay poor.
@@jivkoyanchev1998лололо морон
@@PosleRucka Ridiculous statement
@@jivkoyanchev1998 Bulgarian, ha? 🤦
@@bojanbabovic111 Laugh, as Vucic keeps promising you bulgarian wages.
In general, we Serbs know wich sort of Russians came to Serbia (most liberal/leftist).
We do not agree with their positions but as they are Russian by default, they are welcome.
On the other hand, they will not brake our love/respect towards nowadays Russia, by any way.
You are free to express your feelings but just do not try to change our mind with your opinions/atitudes or even act against Serbia like some are doing.
That will make an end to your relations here.
So you despise liberal ideas?
@@robrob9050 Serbs mostly despise people who parrot US and NATO propaganda. While leftists and liberals in Western Europe do not nececessarily do this, these same kinds of people very much do this in Russia. These are people that will crutinise anything Russian TV says, but gladly swallow anything US propganda throws at them because it is against their own government that they see as bad. Years of Radio Liberty Europe (literally US government propaganda) and the the Moscow Times indoctrination cannot have been entirely without effect.
ok je cura , no Liberal jbg
Врло умерени либерал, па је подношљиво 😊
@@milanpavke Како коме.
Ništa od dobrog
Well, I was following TG chanel Serbia Novosti, which is run by this nice girl Victoria, and I was shocked with a level.of political agenda she's implying in news filtering, angles of views and sources of info which she choose to use, and they are 90% anti-goverment, EU/USA owned/sponsored media and NGO. I am sick of that narative so I soon lost interest and left the chat...
I don't understand passion in, let me say so, Serbian Russians for politics activism, changing weltanschaung of us locals and participating social affairs in Serbia society, while being on visarun/VNZ status..You just making manny Serbs angry, and they are slowly changing positive attiutude toward Russians...
This is a free country, we have a bunch of our pro-Nato liberals and anti-war NGO proffiters including their media/cultural networks...that funky, but concerned liberal Medusa/Dvach storyteling was invented by serbian B92 media group back in 90's...
Vaste majoroty of serbian genpop despise those guys, serbian social scinece researchers even use a special word for them - autochauvinists or "unintentional Serbs".
Oh come on, one of my main sources is Tanjug, and I always tend to cover different opinions.
Well, it is your news digest chanel, you can put whatever angle you want and promote your type of agenda...Its normal, ok and every private own media is doing that...
Been there, didnt like ideological aroma, and I left...Many more will come, if they like yoir content, you will grow...I'm just telling ruskogovoryashe people that, by my opinion, your news channel is heavily ideologicaly and politicaly inspired by liberal viewpoint and what 80℅ of Serbs thinks about that agenda...
Tanjug was state-owned media agency..right now, its pseudo-state controled by some goverment-loyal guys, and reposting their service news about working hours during the holidays or meteo forecast is not coverimg options...
I dont want to spam anymore, just calling everybody interested to check your news feed and make their own impressions about is there or is there not a political inclination there ...
@@St_just Get a life and watch less news,makes you sad and depressed
@@St_just Political bias is very obvious in her channel, but in a very sincere way. It's so obvious you don't feel like you're getting fooled, it's just more truthful this way. Much worse when actual propaganda channels always scheming and trying to convince you they are not what they actually are. Instead, her channel feels "self-aware" and very informative for those Russians who aren't yet properly integrated into local society to be informed on relevant local events. And it's not like the target audience needs to be "brainwashed" anyway, since they already consist mostly of liberals...
@@robrob9050 AJ ustasa odjebi na hrvatske kanale, svuda te ima.
I would strongly recommend not hardcoding subtitles, just add them to RUclips so that those that want them could turn them on, and those that don't wouldn't be annoyed by them (especially since they're grammatically misgendered).