Actually those guys at 1:33 are saying "your tagging signs like kids", none of them even attacked them for doing that which show they are not pro-putin just common sense Serbs watching it from cafe. If pro-Putin Serb saw that they would be beaten.
IF you say that Serbia started war in own country (It was responding to KLA who were armed by west and making constant terrorist attack,my friends who were just 16 year old were killed by KLA roadside bomb) then you can also say that Ukraine started a war. You have always double standards based on your own interest and then twist a story how suits you.
Double standards? Albanians were fourth class citizens with no rights under Yugoslavia, in 1989 Milosevic stripped them of the few rights the 1974 constitution gave them. Albanians in Kosovo protested non-violently for years as everybody was ignoring them, after Milosevic fired all Albanian public servants and prohibited Albanian in schools. And I am not taking into account the numberous times when Serbian police attacked Albanians or even poisoned students. You always love to speak about half of the story
@@gresdian You talk with someone who ACTUALY LIVED THERE and not your lie propaganda that you always create to attack other contries.Albanians in Serbia had more rights then any other country would give to minorities.In Pristina where i lived every sign was in dual langue ,they had own TV ,University in Albanian ,in my buidling half people were Albanian ,and they all got apartment for FREE.Albanians in Serbia lived much better then in own country. And there was total peace before KLA which was ARMED BY USA stardet attacking anyone why worked for govermant,even ALbanians ,they regularly planting road side bombs and even attcking with mashing guns caffes full off people !! So dont talk your west bulls propaganda that is always the same!NO one outside USA satelites states belive you one word any more
... after that in 1998 Yougoslavia start with military actions against Kosovo Liberation Army which one is terorist organization by the constitution of Yugoslavia.
@@domenikopalecek1101 It wasnt like that before, they killed and expelled us from our homes since ww1... My family escaped from village near southern Kosovo city of Urosevac (Ferizaj now), whole village was attacked in 1986 even before war, while Yugoslav laws kept quiet. Couple of my family member were abducted never to be seen again. In our village there was around 180 people at that point in 1988 all of us moved to Bosnia where we were gret by another shitty war. I have empathy for Muslims in Bosnia because they were caught in crosshairs between Croats and Yugoslavs but for Albanians no one on this penninsula should have a slightest empathy. They always behaved uncivilized and like animals towards civilians but when real army comes they cry around faking massacres of their civilians while thoose same civilans carry out terrorist attacks, same is happening to Palestinians right now. Albaninans are even worse then Ustashe and Banderites from WW2....
14:33 How is a war in Kosovo fratricidal war? It is in a sense that all of us as humans are brothers but Albanians and Serbians not only aren't the same nation but we are not even in the same ethnolinguistic group. Also it's arguable that Milosevic started the Kosovo war, it's very easy to argue that he didn't because KLA started their terrorist attacks at Serbian police and civilian population long before 1996...
😂😂😂 sorry but this war is very well documented. Milosevic definitely startet the war, it startet long before 1998. He thought he could use the military to create a greater Serbia by attacking every country around Serbia. He just was to weak in charisma and intelligence to control the Nationalist. So Yugoslavia fell.
@@dalailama4394 It's fairly well documented maybe you should read some of those documents. If War in Croatia started in 1991 it doesn't mean it started in Kosovo at the same time... For example both Serbia and Romania were in war with AH during WW1 but Serbia was at war in 1914 while in Romania it was peace up to 1916. Same as in Yugoslavia when war started in Croatia in Kosovo there was peace even though KLA's terrorist activity did start even before that but that's not war.
Serbia probably never started anything eh? Like meeting on Kosovo field 1989. when it was the infamous Milosevic speech. Serbia started aggression on Slovenia, Croatia, BiH and Kosovo. Hard to hear but it's true. Take responsibility and grow some balls!
classic French propaganda ..half of the translation from Serbian to English is incorrect or the translation is missing ..perfectly to distort what was said
Thank you for your comment. We're constantly working to improve our translations, please do specify (with timestamps, if possible) any potential errors. Thank you!
Our country is a safe place for everyone, Ukranians and Russian and they are free to express their opinnions here, no one will harm them, i hope the war stops soon
We do not support Russia because we have “similar” culture. We are both Slavs and Orthodox Christian but there are many other reasons that you guys should explain as good journalists. We are Balkan South Slavs and much different then Russians but still that doesn’t change that we love them.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Russians practice Orthodox religion. Ask any person living there. Many years of communism has eliminated any religion their ancestors belonged to. Nowadays, the government claims the religion for show and manipulation. Individuals only celebrate New Year as holiday.
Vladimire,došao si u Srbiju i treba da poštuješ što si gost.Gde si bio kad je NATO bombardovao Srbiju?Što nisi pisao grafite po Parizu kad je malu zemlju Srbiju bombardovalo 19 zemalja od 500miliona ljudi.Nikad nećemo zaboraviti.Bog sve vidi.
As a someone from Serbia who travelled both to Russia and almost all EU I have couple of things to write. First to all Russians who comes here and are doing their "revolutionary work" you will not change mind of local Serbs by drawing Ukrainian flags around the city neither you will change outcome of the war here, you may do it but in Moscow. When I travel I never tried to "teach a lesions" to locals despite me having a diametral point of view from theirs. I said this openly to all of my Russian friends in Belgrade and they can like it or not those are the facts. Secondly this guy with a Z t-shirt.. Bro why you are not going directly to the frontlines and show that you stand to what you are writing in a book? I much more admire those who went to the frontlines voluntarily from those "parade patriots" on both sides, neither is Russia fighting for Serbia in Ukraine right now neither Russia was fighting for Serbia when it was needed the most (excluding WW1 but that is totally different topic). I am ready to give direct historical proof on this and I know that you are reading so feel free to challenge me. Unfortunately Serbia today is country occupied by both East and West, it is country without its own word (like all Balkans anyway). Being a true Serb in Serbia today will soon become a second class citizenship while priority is given to fake "liberals" and fake "patriots" with deep influence from the outside and mass import of foreigners.
Hva er så en ekte serber? Nå har jeg ikke personlig kjennskap til Serbia lenger tilbake enn 1983, men jeg kan vel si som så at den reisen jeg har sett Serbia foreta på de nå over førti årene har vært ganske formidabel. Men kjernen har bestått, selv om de ytre rammene har skiftet. Dog ser jeg nå, med ganske mange år med økonomisk nedgang i Serbia, at ulikhetene og mistroen øker. Nyreligiøsitet blomstrer og særlig blant yngre mennesker. Dårlige fremtidsutsikter hos mange unge gjør noe med dem, uten fremtidshåp er veien kort til å finne fiender man kan legge skyld på og ofte søker man å finne disse utenfor eget hjem og land. Den tiden jeg har tilbragt i Serbia i mitt liv har gitt meg mange gode serbiske venner. Som norsk kjenner jeg også igjen en del av den serbiske kulturen og setter pris på den. Mitt inntrykk er dog at støtten til Russland og Putin nok er ganske overdreven og ofte blir journalistisk misbrukt for å lage saker av litt negativ karakter om Serbia og serbere. Jeg håper ikke jeg tar feil der.
@@alexanderaleksandar2030 Otkud to da sam drugosrbijanac kada niti glasam za tu bagru niti sam ikada bio za to da Srbija ulazi u EU? Pogađa te što sam izneo činjenice a ti si nesposoban da izneseš bilo koji kontra argument? Naravno da ću da komentarišem i javno i privatno kao neko ko ima samo Srpski pasoš.
How did we start the war when Albanians wanted to secede from Serbia by starting an armed uprising since late 1996? I don't see them saying Ukraine started the war.
Seeing French tv doing an interview with Russians in Serbia supporting Ukraine is enough for me. We will always support Russia, in war or peace, doesn't matter. Also, nice try to present Serbia as a bad guy but thats what you French fries always do. Easily forgot about the past when Serbs and French people fought together
And can you explain why would you always unconditionally support Russia? What did they do so much to you personally and to your country to love them so much? Cant you realize that you have nothing in common, they are totally different mentality than south Slavs. Only reason why you are so obsessed with Russia is your SPC church which is acting like a Russian secret force branch in Serbia. Find me one Serbian who is putinofile but who is not a "great believer" and spc member! In your country if you are not spc member you are not Serbian but a traitor and foreign spy! There is a lot of Russians now in Serbia, do you go to church together? Do they come to your Slava? Do you sing Kosovo songs together? Those Russians that you think are Russians exist only in your fantasy.
@ka And who we should support ,NATO? My grand grandfather was killed by Germans in WWI here in central Serbia,my grandmother father and here brother who was then just 17 year old was executed by Germans in 1941 (here brother was taken from school ,whole school was executed along with teachers ,same school i would go 45 years later) ,my whole family was ethics cleansed by NATO from Pristina in 1999 ,all 60 000 Serbs in that town were ethic cleansed by NATO in just a one year ,now is 100% Albanians ,my 2 friends who were just 16 and 17 were killed by KLA roadside bomb in 1998 ,same KLA that was armed and supported by NATO and NATO was their airforce ,even damaging my house in central Serbia beyond repair. I how you thing any off your west propaganda will turn me to love NATO??
@@dzonikg moja greska izvini, vidim samo tvoj komentar i tako mi delovalo kao da si meni odgovorio i da me pljujes kao da podrzavam ove gov*are francuske sto dosli da provociraju
"We will always support russia, in war or in peace" - that says a lot about you! I would NEVER support even my so called brotherly nations if they did something that is clearly wrong. It means you have no moral compass, no empathy for people who are suffering if you are willing to support your "brothers" even if they turn out to be terrorists...
Kao stari titl majstor, uvijek se sjetim onog potpisa koji je počinjao sa "Preveo i prilagodio" a završavao sa imenom prevodioca, međutim, ovaj francuski prevodilac je više "prilagodio" nego što je prevodio - klasična zapadna sloboda medija... Edit: Hoću i ovo da pomenem, dobrodošli su i Rusi, i Ukrajinci, i Bjelorusi, I Kinezi, bez obzira na njihove lične stavove prema ratu koji im uništava živote. Što se mene tiče, ako imamo dvojezične table, sa natpisima na srpskom i engleskom jeziku - možemo dodati i ruski jezik. Neka su živi i zdravi, neka dođu u miru i žive sa nama u miru.
This flick is way bellow Arte standards, people and events shown in this documentary are completely out of date. These events occured a year and a half ago and do not correspond to modern times at all... Litteraly, at a day of releasing of this video, in a streets of Belgrade happened pro-Ukraine gathering, followed by protest of right-wingers with some russian flags... For Serbs, freedoom is the name of the game, you can think and speak whatever you want, sometimes you can even block bridge and highway, and not a single punch will be given that day, not a spark of police brutallity... This movie is so out of touch, that some main protagonists seen here, dont live in Serbia for a long, long time, due to visa cancelation because of their political activities, excluding Putin and Z signs... Guys simply engaged in some local political agenda, provoking mayority of population, and they did all that exclusively for the sake of some NGO grants and to obtain a longterm visa/asylum in an EU country (read Germany/France/Scandinavia). You have a tens of thousand of well educated, polite, modern, liberal and hard working anti Putin Russians in serbian cities, who are living their lives in freedoom and safety, but Arte crew are too lazzy to explore and give us that angle... it's easier to recycle some year and a half old footages and to repeat stereotypes about the Serbs from the end of XX century and wars in ex-Yugoslavia... Lame, very lame...
Only you leave Serbs and Serbia alone. You have so many problems in France.Take care of your country. De Gaulle woud be ashamed considering what kind of politics you are promoting in a World. Learn the history!
19:44 I can understand various views on politics, politicians different wars or whatever, but a person to say that they cut off their parents from their lives like a burden because they have a political disagreement is mind boggling... That, to me, tells all I need to know about that person...
Some people here in Serbia support Russia because they see the war in Ukraine as war against NATO, not against Ukraine itself, that is why they support it, they also haven't seen the war crimes that some Russian units committed, or how corrupt Putin is. Also, you've shown the wrong map of Serbia, Kosovo is part of Serbia by the international law, this is one of the other reason why some Serbs support Putin, because the west has double standards, they're preaching international law in Ukraine, but they're ignoring it here by supporting "Kosovo".
all in gulag..Serbia accepted all Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians to live in Serbia, but this is disrespecting the state, talking on the street, protesting, Serbia remembers its history with the French, then the community,nato bombed us, and then they complain that their visas were not extended.
Every western countries are full,like everywhere Ukrainian flags. Who give you rights to come to Serbia and remove Z. Serbian people has rights to choose the side. We love Russia, we love Putina. We love Ukrainian people also. Here in Canada more and more people are turning towards Russia like every day. Specially since Trudeau had in part ex SS Nazi. Finally Canadian figured out that many Ukrainian supporting Nazi, Bandera..
I was shocked as I saw a picture with Bandera together withe UK president Zelenksi Volodomir in the Ukrainian government. So, it is true, what the people said....who it comes a jew suppot a fasist.....
@@lidijamarkerwhat I you talking about? You Serb when don't have any arguments talking the same Naci,naci .....have you ever seen Wagner gruop? Putin's private army....all of them are tattooed with Naci simbols.Do you know who Wagner was??? A vidim da si Srpkinja a ja sam Hrvat pa vjerojatno budeš travnjaka o Jasenovcu...rado ću ti odgovoriti.
@@marijanmajetic5772 lip ti pozdrav, ali mešana sam....moglo bi se reći jugoslovenka...ali ne - znaš šta, nisam jugoslovenka. Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich Dir.
hahahaha the only thing you produce is cheap workers and war criminals. what did the west lose? they got your cheap workers.... Serbia burned the balkans to the ground, the west won. Now its a one polar continent. And now you can study medicine in the balkans and go to Germany and lay bricks with that degree lol you serbs are so delusional, its almost a ethnic mental illness The west lost a allie hahaha thats really funny and sad at the same time. Please don't forget your helmet when you go outside
@@lmnk Ukrainians won't claim Kaliningrad is theirs. Secondly, after ruSSia has been illegally occupying their country since 2014, why should they say anything belongs to ruSSia?
Brothers and sisters, there is a Bosnian Muslim among us! who makes fake RUclips channels and presents himself as a Serb, leaving negative comments about us Serbs and Russians! when i found out he blocked me! all with the intention to devide us apart. You can recognize him by the negative comments he leaves about us Serbs! and the Russians!
We have many Russians in Bulgaria too now. We feel like brothers BUT Bulgarian society is not consistent in supporting Putin. I believe more than half are agains Putin but the few that support Putin are louder in the social media, however humanitarian visas has been issued to some Russians too so , Russians are welcome with Ukrainians and everyone who is against Putin
as a Canadian who has been to serbia , serbia is a beautiful place with friendly people and you can find people from anyplace in the world , they are just good people who are trying to do the right thing , their gov does a great balancing act between the west and everyone else . And puts their people first unlike the rest of the worlds leaders. but yes focus on Russia and Ukraine capital of child trafficking .
and everyone in serbia speak English and are more like the west then any of these commenters ever will know . and who has so many Nba players coming out of such a small place .
Serbia has a dictator? Where did you get that idea? Just because the opposition is an incompetent bunch of western shills doesn't mean Serbia is a dictatorship. It just means we ain't buying what you folks are saying. Trudeau is a far bigger dictator. Criticize him and of course you're a racist, sexist and homophobic pile of subhuman sludge. How free are you to express your opinions in Canada, honestly?
Najboljo Su Mi oni Sto govore da svi ti Sto podrzavaju ruse treba da idu da ratuju tamo. Rusija ima svoje Ljude Koji ce da Brane zemlju . I to dovoljno . A ukrainski dezerteri .....Bolje da oni idu da ratuju za ukrainu jer njima bas sad trebaju ljudi hahaha. Precrtava tu Neke Symbole haha
you do not have to become PhD to comprehend wars ambitions of USA regime of imperialism, the regime addicted to wars. just asked the people of Serbia etc. about USA regime
Ovo je zloupotreba gostoprimstva Kakvi ste vi ljudi,ne zanima nas vaše politicko opredeljenje prema tome nije dozvoljeno ŝpricanje vasih politickih parola po nasim fasadama.Imamo mi i previse problema i me treba nam ovo.Ako ste primljeni u Srbiju živite u miru .
Kakav kretenski komentar... Kakve veze ima francuska propaganda o Rusima u Srbiji sa tragicnom pogibijom jednog mladog coveka? I kakav je tvoj moral kad mislis da je normlano smejati se necijoj smrti, i pri tom se radi o coveku ciji je najveci greh prema ovom narodu sto je mozda vredjao Partizan a mozda ni to?
srbi nisu izazvali rat i zao nam je nevino stradalih ukrainaca ali ovaj rat je zahvaljujuci natou a putin je bio primoran na to ocigledno ,zasto samo amnerika da pokazuje silu kada je i rusija ima
Zahvaljujoci Nato? Zašto? Je li Nato napao Rusiju? Jel je bio rat u čečeniji zahvaljujoč natu? Ili u Gruziji? Putin nije ništo bolji od amerike, on je lopov isto kao Biden i Buš i svi ostali...
The documentary is called "Discrete exiles" and literally the second scene, 2 min into the video, is a guy openly correcting political graffiti and arguing with the locals about the war. 🤣😅 I stopped watching this clown show right after that.
ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ В СЕРБИЮ ВЛАДИМИР. Не рисуйте на флагах украинские флаги, пожалуйста. Потому что в Сербии много людей, которые поклоняются Путину. Я его не обожаю, но и не ненавижу. Дело в том, что Путин вытащил Россию из грязи. Когда Путин пришел к власти, Россия разваливалась, но в буквальном смысле. Среди бела дня часто появлялись преступники с фантомами. в табачный киоск и забрать деньги. Люди массово бежали, в основном в Америку, Германию, Монако и на побережье Франции. ВВП или валовой внутренний продукт составлял 1200 долларов на душу населения. Именно столько имеют сегодня в Мали или Бурунди, в Африке. Беднейшие страны Африки. За 10 лет правления Путина ВВП увеличился более чем в 10 раз. Она выросла до 20 000 долларов. А это значит, что качество жизни граждан заметно улучшилось, несколько. В настоящее время он составляет 35 000 долларов на душу населения. Путин резко сократил коррупцию по сравнению с началом своего правления. Но высокий уровень коррупции остался и не только не снижается, оно уже постепенно растет. Путин окружил себя коррумпированными людьми. Все губернаторы округов коррумпированы. Большое количество министров, секретарей... Это самый большой недостаток правления Путина. Война с Украиной началась в 2014 году, а не 2 года назад. Война была неизбежна. Путин решил провести его на территории Украины, а не на территории России. Пожалуйста. Если у вас есть необходимость заняться активизмом. Вы можете сделать прямую трансляцию в социальных сетях или аналогично. Не подвергайте себя слишком сильному воздействию на улицах, потому что там есть сумасшедшие, готовые драться, часто с помощью металлических прутьев. Вам это не нужно. Вы сами знаете, что в Сербии рады всем русским. Независимо от политических убеждений. Однако. Повсюду есть те, кто одержим какой-то идеологией или личностью и готов из-за этого нанести серьёзные телесные повреждения, а может быть, даже неосознанно убить. В Сербии вам на 3000% рады и вы в безопасности, просто не делайте публично того, что может спровоцировать этих людей. Другие примут вас такими, какие вы есть, с той идеологией и образом мышления, которые у вас есть.
Возможно, вы не знаете, но Владимира власти уже выгнали из Сербии, не продлив ему боравак на основании, что он якобы представляет угрозу национальной безопасности Сербии. Такое вот добро пожаловать
How can you be an academic pursuing a Ph.D and be for political repression and brutality is beyond me. Granted - US imperialism is horrible. But that doesn't justify Russian crimes in Ukraine and against her own people. Academics in itself is in a mess. Intelligent thinking is as rare as it was during the 1500's.
What do you think slogan "Srbija od Milvokija do Tokija" (Serbia from Milwaukee to Tokyo) was constructed ? Or Great Serbia (aiming at imperial aspirations like Brits, and great Britain ..) Cancer of its society is so called "academia" (which is actually fake academia) pumping myths and myth-maniacs ... Instead promoting modesty ... They washed their brains with some ancient Tsar Lazar an Dušan crap... They have some sort complex, thinking THEY are the chosen ones ... always some territorial disputes and crap .. while they can not even manage properly what they have already ! Their median monthly income is 200-300eur, living standard of Morocco ... Emigration TO THE "EVIL" west NEVER BIGGER. And they tend to speak what,where, who is correct/incorrect. Bottom line Ph.D even from my corrupt Croatia is HANDICAPE today .. and from Serbia could imagine ! Receiving someone with Ph.D from social studies from Serbia on west, is same like receiving someone ""scholar"" from Madrasa in Islamabad. Both will try to convince you in their own pseudo realities, and ticking bomb waiting to explode in your face....
Milosevic paratroopers on Kosovo and their atrocities. There are many of them bragging on their local talk shows TODAY (Maric)how they were doing this and that on Kosoo,, Bosnia,, etc In 90 ties, Legija (who is in jail now) Arkan (dead) and others were project of Serbian DSB (something lie Serbian KGB) were CREATED and did all sort of racketeering, extrajudicial killings, robberies and what not across Europe bac thenin 90ties and early 2000. And all under patronage of Serbian state (Milosevvic regime bac then) Later all those criminals were transferred into militias to do all sort of atrocities in Kosovo.@@rafomic4210
At the very beginning, excuse me because I'm going to use a translator, I come from Serbia and my centuries-old origin is from here, I'm proud of it and I want to say that as a human being I love all good people all over the planet, regardless of which country they come from, I'm sorry that most European and World countries see us Serbs as barbarians and see our love for Russia as stupidity and support for aggression against Ukraine, Russia is a thorn in the side of many world powers because its policy is independent from the rest of the world, let's face it I am not and never will be because innocent people are dying anywhere, not even in Ukraine, and that's why I say that the war must stop. But when you realize that the big countries of the world want to subjugate Russia through Ukraine, then you will understand how much Ukraine actually falls out of everyone in the world, including Russia. Ukraine is actually collateral damage and their people suffer injustice, I am for peace! I'm sorry that the whole world looks at us as a genocidal nation, and those evil things were done by individuals from my country, and I'm afraid of that, and if we continue to generalize other nations like that, then one of the first great nations, Germany, would be completely genocidal, because remember Nazism and how evil that ideology brought tens of millions of innocent victims to the entire planet. That's why I'm asking all the people of the world for peace and for understanding that individual vandals are not part of the entire nation's culture and history, but only a rejected, self-sustaining mass of people who created chaos and killed innocents! I am asking for peace and sending love to the whole world from Serbia, you are always welcome here, there are beautiful women here, good times, great music and even better food!
Very interesting documentary. We almost never hear of the Russian dissidents fleeing to Serbia. Usually it's Central Asian countries or Georgia. In my opinion, the main reason for such a small number of Russians in Serbia, compared to Georgia or Uzbekistan for example, besides the fact that nobody speaks Russian in Serbia, is its bad reputation as basically a Russian puppet state. I don't think that's really the case tho, at least when it comes to my experience from visiting Serbia last year and talking to folks there. It would appear that these christian nationalists are in reality a tiny minority. When it comes to Serbia's general political attitude towards Russia, it is positive but only at the level of sentiment. Otherwise that country is led by a typical realpolitik mindset and its own interests, which more often than not match with the EU interests. At the very least, Serbian leadership's behaviour in foreign politics is rational, thus we can talk to them, cooperate with them and it is indeed what we're doing. In my view, Hungary is a much bigger problem with its dilettante behavior.
ong you just made 5min long comment thats not even close to being right lmao. stop getting so invested if you dont live here. its truly disgusting how someone can have such an opinion fr
Any chance of you investing in an English dubber like most none English channels like DW Documentaries, keeping up with subtitles is not easy and disorientating.
These are internal processes that are decided individually for each production and is due to budgetary restraints. Our aim is to develop the voice-overs that we do, so we appreciate your feedback! Here is a playlist featuring our dubbed documentaries:
I have asked couple of Serbian Putin supporters why they support Putin, and they answered something about pan-slavic brotherhood. But the Ukrainians are Slavic too, so why are they not considered brothers?
@@gambinogambinos2439We are Slavs by our autosomal dna and by I2a and R1a haplogroups. We have maybe 20-25%max Ilyrian dna. Vinca is G haplogroup, which we do not have at all, maybe 2%max
Lets be honest here, we need to put some humanity glasses on this situation. These people are in a state of Limbo between Russia and the west, They escaped Russia and Europe denies them. Its a very difficult situation for these people, but it seems that Russians do find loopholes to have a EU Visa. I think Europe may have to relaxing their policy on allowing Russian refugee's EU Visa's and settlement in Europe. Only for those that are fleeing Russia and letting them integrate into Europe.. In order to change the game of the war, you need people to support you from the opposite side so that changes happen much faster. As Serbia are considered?, Europe should stop any investment immediately for Serbia. Serbia's stupid balancing games has costed Europe more money then Serbia actually working towards Europe. If it means that Balkan countries except for Serbia can have EU membership then i'm all for it..
I was Eu fan for long time ago,but at this momment we all know that we will never bee a full member if we do not recognize Kosovo i Metohija as a state.Something like that will never happen,so we will be out of EU now and forewer.
Serbia will never be part off EU because you want us to recognize part off our country that you steal from us with force ,Kosovo is Serbia,you cant say that Crimea and Lugansk are not Russian and say how Kosovo is ALbanian.Albanians have own country ,its called ALBANIA.I lived in Pristina and when NATO came they ethnic cleansed all the Serbs in town ,60 000 Serbs lived in that town ,after just one year off "NATO peacekeepers " 0 .My family was given half hour notice from NATO troops to live their home forever. Off course you never saw that on your propaganda MSM media.
And everyone is Welcomed in serbia But dont provocate uprisings Where people could brutally Go against wach Other. Russia is a friend and sanctions against Russia ? 😂 What about the sanctions of Europe ? Cmon. Russia laughs about that .
Actually those guys at 1:33 are saying "your tagging signs like kids", none of them even attacked them for doing that which show they are not pro-putin just common sense Serbs watching it from cafe. If pro-Putin Serb saw that they would be beaten.
IF you say that Serbia started war in own country (It was responding to KLA who were armed by west and making constant terrorist attack,my friends who were just 16 year old were killed by KLA roadside bomb) then you can also say that Ukraine started a war.
You have always double standards based on your own interest and then twist a story how suits you.
Double standards? Albanians were fourth class citizens with no rights under Yugoslavia, in 1989 Milosevic stripped them of the few rights the 1974 constitution gave them. Albanians in Kosovo protested non-violently for years as everybody was ignoring them, after Milosevic fired all Albanian public servants and prohibited Albanian in schools. And I am not taking into account the numberous times when Serbian police attacked Albanians or even poisoned students. You always love to speak about half of the story
@@gresdian You talk with someone who ACTUALY LIVED THERE and not your lie propaganda that you always create to attack other contries.Albanians in Serbia had more rights then any other country would give to minorities.In Pristina where i lived every sign was in dual langue ,they had own TV ,University in Albanian ,in my buidling half people were Albanian ,and they all got apartment for FREE.Albanians in Serbia lived much better then in own country.
And there was total peace before KLA which was ARMED BY USA stardet attacking anyone why worked for govermant,even ALbanians ,they regularly planting road side bombs and even attcking with mashing guns caffes full off people !!
So dont talk your west bulls propaganda that is always the same!NO one outside USA satelites states belive you one word any more
... after that in 1998 Yougoslavia start with military actions against Kosovo Liberation Army which one is terorist organization by the constitution of Yugoslavia.
@@gresdianwhat's most important fact that Serbian minority rule on huge Albanians majority of the long
@@domenikopalecek1101 It wasnt like that before, they killed and expelled us from our homes since ww1... My family escaped from village near southern Kosovo city of Urosevac (Ferizaj now), whole village was attacked in 1986 even before war, while Yugoslav laws kept quiet. Couple of my family member were abducted never to be seen again. In our village there was around 180 people at that point in 1988 all of us moved to Bosnia where we were gret by another shitty war. I have empathy for Muslims in Bosnia because they were caught in crosshairs between Croats and Yugoslavs but for Albanians no one on this penninsula should have a slightest empathy. They always behaved uncivilized and like animals towards civilians but when real army comes they cry around faking massacres of their civilians while thoose same civilans carry out terrorist attacks, same is happening to Palestinians right now. Albaninans are even worse then Ustashe and Banderites from WW2....
14:33 How is a war in Kosovo fratricidal war? It is in a sense that all of us as humans are brothers but Albanians and Serbians not only aren't the same nation but we are not even in the same ethnolinguistic group. Also it's arguable that Milosevic started the Kosovo war, it's very easy to argue that he didn't because KLA started their terrorist attacks at Serbian police and civilian population long before 1996...
😂😂😂 sorry but this war is very well documented. Milosevic definitely startet the war, it startet long before 1998. He thought he could use the military to create a greater Serbia by attacking every country around Serbia. He just was to weak in charisma and intelligence to control the Nationalist. So Yugoslavia fell.
@@dalailama4394 It's fairly well documented maybe you should read some of those documents. If War in Croatia started in 1991 it doesn't mean it started in Kosovo at the same time... For example both Serbia and Romania were in war with AH during WW1 but Serbia was at war in 1914 while in Romania it was peace up to 1916. Same as in Yugoslavia when war started in Croatia in Kosovo there was peace even though KLA's terrorist activity did start even before that but that's not war.
Serbia probably never started anything eh? Like meeting on Kosovo field 1989. when it was the infamous Milosevic speech. Serbia started aggression on Slovenia, Croatia, BiH and Kosovo. Hard to hear but it's true. Take responsibility and grow some balls!
@dalailama4394 functional illiteracy is a real thing! Try reading slowly next time!
@@pjdamjanovic7783 take your own advice.
Trying to change the attitude of people in Serbia is not only impossible, but also totally pointless.
classic French propaganda ..half of the translation from Serbian to English is incorrect or the translation is missing ..perfectly to distort what was said
Thank you for your comment. We're constantly working to improve our translations, please do specify (with timestamps, if possible) any potential errors. Thank you!
istina , true
@@artetvdocumentaryfrench propoganda machine.😂😂😂
Exactly. I notices the same thing.
Why dont you ask your translator?
Our country is a safe place for everyone, Ukranians and Russian and they are free to express their opinnions here, no one will harm them, i hope the war stops soon
Ukrosi nek Brane zemlju . Napolje sa njima a ne da crta Po beogradu .
@@rafomic4210 i bisancerosi i krajisnici da se vrate u svoju vukojebinu a ne da smrde po Srbiji
We do not support Russia because we have “similar” culture. We are both Slavs and Orthodox Christian but there are many other reasons that you guys should explain as good journalists. We are Balkan South Slavs and much different then Russians but still that doesn’t change that we love them.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Russians practice Orthodox religion. Ask any person living there. Many years of communism has eliminated any religion their ancestors belonged to. Nowadays, the government claims the religion for show and manipulation. Individuals only celebrate New Year as holiday.
In the term of race you are far far away from each other
Vladimire,došao si u Srbiju i treba da poštuješ što si gost.Gde si bio kad je NATO bombardovao Srbiju?Što nisi pisao grafite po Parizu kad je malu zemlju Srbiju bombardovalo 19 zemalja od 500miliona ljudi.Nikad nećemo zaboraviti.Bog sve vidi.
@@melinaPesak Russians are mix of Tatars, Finno-Ugrics and Uralics.
Serbs are Illyro-Slavs, majority descendants of Balkan Romans.
As a someone from Serbia who travelled both to Russia and almost all EU I have couple of things to write. First to all Russians who comes here and are doing their "revolutionary work" you will not change mind of local Serbs by drawing Ukrainian flags around the city neither you will change outcome of the war here, you may do it but in Moscow. When I travel I never tried to "teach a lesions" to locals despite me having a diametral point of view from theirs. I said this openly to all of my Russian friends in Belgrade and they can like it or not those are the facts. Secondly this guy with a Z t-shirt.. Bro why you are not going directly to the frontlines and show that you stand to what you are writing in a book? I much more admire those who went to the frontlines voluntarily from those "parade patriots" on both sides, neither is Russia fighting for Serbia in Ukraine right now neither Russia was fighting for Serbia when it was needed the most (excluding WW1 but that is totally different topic). I am ready to give direct historical proof on this and I know that you are reading so feel free to challenge me. Unfortunately Serbia today is country occupied by both East and West, it is country without its own word (like all Balkans anyway). Being a true Serb in Serbia today will soon become a second class citizenship while priority is given to fake "liberals" and fake "patriots" with deep influence from the outside and mass import of foreigners.
Hva er så en ekte serber? Nå har jeg ikke personlig kjennskap til Serbia lenger tilbake enn 1983, men jeg kan vel si som så at den reisen jeg har sett Serbia foreta på de nå over førti årene har vært ganske formidabel. Men kjernen har bestått, selv om de ytre rammene har skiftet. Dog ser jeg nå, med ganske mange år med økonomisk nedgang i Serbia, at ulikhetene og mistroen øker. Nyreligiøsitet blomstrer og særlig blant yngre mennesker. Dårlige fremtidsutsikter hos mange unge gjør noe med dem, uten fremtidshåp er veien kort til å finne fiender man kan legge skyld på og ofte søker man å finne disse utenfor eget hjem og land. Den tiden jeg har tilbragt i Serbia i mitt liv har gitt meg mange gode serbiske venner. Som norsk kjenner jeg også igjen en del av den serbiske kulturen og setter pris på den. Mitt inntrykk er dog at støtten til Russland og Putin nok er ganske overdreven og ofte blir journalistisk misbrukt for å lage saker av litt negativ karakter om Serbia og serbere. Jeg håper ikke jeg tar feil der.
Wow, došao si ovde da palamudiš. Dobiješ orden
@@alexanderaleksandar2030 Došao sam naravno, nesposoban si da daš kontra argument? Činjenice?
@@rogyn8484 ovako drugosrbijanac, i ti si samo tolerisan u Srbiji. A ako imaš problema, rešavaj ih u kući ili tražiš ovde sažaljenje?
@@alexanderaleksandar2030 Otkud to da sam drugosrbijanac kada niti glasam za tu bagru niti sam ikada bio za to da Srbija ulazi u EU? Pogađa te što sam izneo činjenice a ti si nesposoban da izneseš bilo koji kontra argument? Naravno da ću da komentarišem i javno i privatno kao neko ko ima samo Srpski pasoš.
The guy in the beginning of the video was saying ''You are over 50 (years) and you use spray. Are you not ashamed?'' Nobody mentioned Putin.
Tako je bilo. A ovde je obična propaganda. Sram mi je za takvih Rusa
How's NATO business going these days?
How did we start the war when Albanians wanted to secede from Serbia by starting an armed uprising since late 1996?
I don't see them saying Ukraine started the war.
Don't write on the walls of my city. Both sides to calm down, don't bring your problems to my house
Seeing French tv doing an interview with Russians in Serbia supporting Ukraine is enough for me. We will always support Russia, in war or peace, doesn't matter. Also, nice try to present Serbia as a bad guy but thats what you French fries always do. Easily forgot about the past when Serbs and French people fought together
And can you explain why would you always unconditionally support Russia? What did they do so much to you personally and to your country to love them so much? Cant you realize that you have nothing in common, they are totally different mentality than south Slavs. Only reason why you are so obsessed with Russia is your SPC church which is acting like a Russian secret force branch in Serbia. Find me one Serbian who is putinofile but who is not a "great believer" and spc member! In your country if you are not spc member you are not Serbian but a traitor and foreign spy!
There is a lot of Russians now in Serbia, do you go to church together? Do they come to your Slava? Do you sing Kosovo songs together? Those Russians that you think are Russians exist only in your fantasy.
@ka And who we should support ,NATO? My grand grandfather was killed by Germans in WWI here in central Serbia,my grandmother father and here brother who was then just 17 year old was executed by Germans in 1941 (here brother was taken from school ,whole school was executed along with teachers ,same school i would go 45 years later) ,my whole family was ethics cleansed by NATO from Pristina in 1999 ,all 60 000 Serbs in that town were ethic cleansed by NATO in just a one year ,now is 100% Albanians ,my 2 friends who were just 16 and 17 were killed by KLA roadside bomb in 1998 ,same KLA that was armed and supported by NATO and NATO was their airforce ,even damaging my house in central Serbia beyond repair.
I how you thing any off your west propaganda will turn me to love NATO??
@@stefanstojanovic4682 Nauci ti da citas nisam odgovorio tebi nego nekom drugom koji sad obrisao komentar
@@dzonikg moja greska izvini, vidim samo tvoj komentar i tako mi delovalo kao da si meni odgovorio i da me pljujes kao da podrzavam ove gov*are francuske sto dosli da provociraju
"We will always support russia, in war or in peace" - that says a lot about you! I would NEVER support even my so called brotherly nations if they did something that is clearly wrong. It means you have no moral compass, no empathy for people who are suffering if you are willing to support your "brothers" even if they turn out to be terrorists...
Kao stari titl majstor, uvijek se sjetim onog potpisa koji je počinjao sa "Preveo i prilagodio" a završavao sa imenom prevodioca, međutim, ovaj francuski prevodilac je više "prilagodio" nego što je prevodio - klasična zapadna sloboda medija...
Hoću i ovo da pomenem, dobrodošli su i Rusi, i Ukrajinci, i Bjelorusi, I Kinezi, bez obzira na njihove lične stavove prema ratu koji im uništava živote. Što se mene tiče, ako imamo dvojezične table, sa natpisima na srpskom i engleskom jeziku - možemo dodati i ruski jezik. Neka su živi i zdravi, neka dođu u miru i žive sa nama u miru.
This flick is way bellow Arte standards, people and events shown in this documentary are completely out of date. These events occured a year and a half ago and do not correspond to modern times at all... Litteraly, at a day of releasing of this video, in a streets of Belgrade happened pro-Ukraine gathering, followed by protest of right-wingers with some russian flags... For Serbs, freedoom is the name of the game, you can think and speak whatever you want, sometimes you can even block bridge and highway, and not a single punch will be given that day, not a spark of police brutallity...
This movie is so out of touch, that some main protagonists seen here, dont live in Serbia for a long, long time, due to visa cancelation because of their political activities, excluding Putin and Z signs... Guys simply engaged in some local political agenda, provoking mayority of population, and they did all that exclusively for the sake of some NGO grants and to obtain a longterm visa/asylum in an EU country (read Germany/France/Scandinavia).
You have a tens of thousand of well educated, polite, modern, liberal and hard working anti Putin Russians in serbian cities, who are living their lives in freedoom and safety, but Arte crew are too lazzy to explore and give us that angle...
it's easier to recycle some year and a half old footages and to repeat stereotypes about the Serbs from the end of XX century and wars in ex-Yugoslavia... Lame, very lame...
it's not lame, people need to know how backward serbs are
Ima Jos tih Protesta. Mozda ne toliko javno Ali ljudi imaju svoje misljenje.
Ne Zivi ovaj Rus dugo tamo Ali ima drugih rusa isto Koji su slicni njim. Srbi Su vecina protiv Nato i Ovi to znaju . Hoce da naprave nerede
Arte su realni . To Sto snimaju se moze nalaziti i danas. OK protesti su se smanjili.
Only you leave Serbs and Serbia alone.
You have so many problems in France.Take care of your country.
De Gaulle woud be ashamed considering what kind of politics you are promoting in a World.
Learn the history!
19:44 I can understand various views on politics, politicians different wars or whatever, but a person to say that they cut off their parents from their lives like a burden because they have a political disagreement is mind boggling... That, to me, tells all I need to know about that person...
Some people here in Serbia support Russia because they see the war in Ukraine as war against NATO, not against Ukraine itself, that is why they support it, they also haven't seen the war crimes that some Russian units committed, or how corrupt Putin is.
Also, you've shown the wrong map of Serbia, Kosovo is part of Serbia by the international law, this is one of the other reason why some Serbs support Putin, because the west has double standards, they're preaching international law in Ukraine, but they're ignoring it here by supporting "Kosovo".
I support Kosova and Donbass. No to hypocrisy.
@DDtch6669 "Who built" Kosova doesn't matter. Albanians are the people who live there. You guys are as hypocritical as the West.
all in gulag..Serbia accepted all Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians to live in Serbia, but this is disrespecting the state, talking on the street, protesting, Serbia remembers its history with the French, then the community,nato bombed us, and then they complain that their visas were not extended.
Every western countries are full,like everywhere Ukrainian flags.
Who give you rights to come to Serbia and remove Z.
Serbian people has rights to choose the side.
We love Russia, we love Putina. We love Ukrainian people also.
Here in Canada more and more people are turning towards Russia like every day. Specially since Trudeau had in part ex SS Nazi. Finally Canadian figured out that many Ukrainian supporting Nazi, Bandera..
Nek precrtavaju Ko ih j haha
I was shocked as I saw a picture with Bandera together withe UK president Zelenksi Volodomir in the Ukrainian government. So, it is true, what the people said....who it comes a jew suppot a fasist.....
@@lidijamarkerwhat I you talking about? You Serb when don't have any arguments talking the same Naci,naci .....have you ever seen Wagner gruop? Putin's private army....all of them are tattooed with Naci simbols.Do you know who Wagner was??? A vidim da si Srpkinja a ja sam Hrvat pa vjerojatno budeš travnjaka o Jasenovcu...rado ću ti odgovoriti.
@@marijanmajetic5772 lip ti pozdrav, ali mešana sam....moglo bi se reći jugoslovenka...ali ne - znaš šta, nisam jugoslovenka. Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich Dir.
@@lidijamarker sasvim je svejedno što si.Ali smanji malo to o nacizmu kad ne znaš što bi napisala.
Kosovo is Serbia, Your map is wrong!!
Correct that Arte!
Transnistria and Moldova is Romania. Cyprus is Greece. Turkey is Armenia. Etc.
wake up from your dream kid, its not siberia here.
EU, if dont like go to Asia
West lost one of its greatest allies when they bombed serbia in 1999!!!
You mean Anglo-American ace lost an allie Serbia?
hahahaha the only thing you produce is cheap workers and war criminals. what did the west lose? they got your cheap workers.... Serbia burned the balkans to the ground, the west won. Now its a one polar continent.
And now you can study medicine in the balkans and go to Germany and lay bricks with that degree lol you serbs are so delusional, its almost a ethnic mental illness
The west lost a allie hahaha thats really funny and sad at the same time. Please don't forget your helmet when you go outside
@@dalailama4394 Те своје лажи и глупости и бајке причај неком другом, ти безимени...
Ask him who does Crimea belong to. See if he instantly says Ukraine without hesitation.
Likewise, ask a Ukrainian whose is Kaliningrad... and watch them answer anything but Russia.
@@lmnk Ukrainians won't claim Kaliningrad is theirs. Secondly, after ruSSia has been illegally occupying their country since 2014, why should they say anything belongs to ruSSia?
Brothers and sisters, there is a Bosnian Muslim among us! who makes fake RUclips channels and presents himself as a Serb, leaving negative comments about us Serbs and Russians! when i found out he blocked me! all with the intention to devide us apart. You can recognize him by the negative comments he leaves about us Serbs! and the Russians!
If they are against Putin how come you Western Europeans don't take them? Instead they are forced to exile to places like Serbia.
Serbia is mini-russia in EU and Balkan.
We have many Russians in Bulgaria too now. We feel like brothers BUT Bulgarian society is not consistent in supporting Putin. I believe more than half are agains Putin but the few that support Putin are louder in the social media, however humanitarian visas has been issued to some Russians too so , Russians are welcome with Ukrainians and everyone who is against Putin
Do you know who made Bulgaria exist? Russia if you didn't know.
You would not even exist if Russia did not help you
as a Canadian who has been to serbia , serbia is a beautiful place with friendly people and you can find people from anyplace in the world , they are just good people who are trying to do the right thing , their gov does a great balancing act between the west and everyone else . And puts their people first unlike the rest of the worlds leaders. but yes focus on Russia and Ukraine capital of child trafficking .
and everyone in serbia speak English and are more like the west then any of these commenters ever will know . and who has so many Nba players coming out of such a small place .
You are right. Where do you live in Canada?
Government is real . Its called souvereign State.
Ukraine Capital ? You mean the Chidren that are sent to Western Parents ?
Serbia has a dictator? Where did you get that idea? Just because the opposition is an incompetent bunch of western shills doesn't mean Serbia is a dictatorship. It just means we ain't buying what you folks are saying. Trudeau is a far bigger dictator. Criticize him and of course you're a racist, sexist and homophobic pile of subhuman sludge. How free are you to express your opinions in Canada, honestly?
24.4.1999. AGRESORI
Western Propaganda losing
Why not move to Ukraine?
So Putin can say " Russians in Ukraine feel discriminated again we must keep invade Ukraine "??
Probably because they are against the war that Putin has made,logic is not for you😂
Not everyone wants war and not every Russian supports aggression against Ukraine .
@@KekoZeskende And THAT'S the reason the protagonist won't move to Ukraine? Are you high or struggling with the language?
Because they are fascist
Dezerteri sto nagore posredno podrzavaju naciste
Najboljo Su Mi oni Sto govore da svi ti Sto podrzavaju ruse treba da idu da ratuju tamo. Rusija ima svoje Ljude Koji ce da Brane zemlju . I to dovoljno . A ukrainski dezerteri .....Bolje da oni idu da ratuju za ukrainu jer njima bas sad trebaju ljudi hahaha. Precrtava tu Neke Symbole haha
Blah, when was this filmed? 🤪
AFAIR, this man was forbidden to enter Serbia, since july last year.
This documentary is from 2022.
Stvarno ? Ko Mu zabranio ?
@@rafomic4210 Bezbednosna služba
@@rafomic4210 Samo je jednog dana dobio služben dopis da napusti Srbiju u roku od 48 sati
Budala ,od tolikoh Rusa on nam je došao😂
Zar si stvarno mislio da postoji drugi razlog sto bi Rusi dosli kod nas
So sad to see how normal people's life get ruined just because of crazy politicians.
Like everytime
crazy politicians? you mean fuhrer and tsar putin, right?
Ziveo Putin🇷🇺🤎🇷🇺
you do not have to become PhD to comprehend wars ambitions of USA regime of imperialism, the regime addicted to wars. just asked the people of Serbia etc. about USA regime
or the people of HK about CCP
Or the biggest Serbian emigration in Chicago about their prosecutions out of Serbia ...
@@mkultra7760prosecutions ?
this is an old video and not a good one
Bravo, amis serbes! !uttons contra le fascisme ukrainien!!
Ovo je zloupotreba gostoprimstva
Kakvi ste vi ljudi,ne zanima nas vaše politicko opredeljenje prema tome nije dozvoljeno ŝpricanje vasih politickih parola po nasim fasadama.Imamo mi i previse problema i me treba nam ovo.Ako ste primljeni u Srbiju živite u miru .
Your french "richness" comes from other people blood and tears.
French propaganda, hello Brice Taton 😂
Kakav kretenski komentar... Kakve veze ima francuska propaganda o Rusima u Srbiji sa tragicnom pogibijom jednog mladog coveka? I kakav je tvoj moral kad mislis da je normlano smejati se necijoj smrti, i pri tom se radi o coveku ciji je najveci greh prema ovom narodu sto je mozda vredjao Partizan a mozda ni to?
Serbian guy selling his book and Russian guy finding a way to Germany.
From an outsider looking in, I think that needlessly rubbing salt in wounds is disrespectful. My opinion.
Kosovo is Serbia, map is wrong.
Kosova is Albania. Crimea is Russia.
Transnistria and Moldova are Romania. Turkey is Armenia.
srbi nisu izazvali rat i zao nam je nevino stradalih ukrainaca ali ovaj rat je zahvaljujuci natou a putin je bio primoran na to ocigledno ,zasto samo amnerika da pokazuje silu kada je i rusija ima
Zahvaljujoci Nato? Zašto? Je li Nato napao Rusiju? Jel je bio rat u čečeniji zahvaljujoč natu? Ili u Gruziji? Putin nije ništo bolji od amerike, on je lopov isto kao Biden i Buš i svi ostali...
Tako je, špija putin.. bio je prosto primoran. Stavili mu glavu na panj ! Njemu i njegovoj familiji .. Bilo u Kuriru !
so russia attacked ukraine because nato started war? interesting...😅
@@lordpendragon4867you didnt understand him
@@lordpendragon4867Russia clearly Said what it considers as a threatening provocation. Sooooo yeah
The documentary is called "Discrete exiles" and literally the second scene, 2 min into the video, is a guy openly correcting political graffiti and arguing with the locals about the war. 🤣😅
I stopped watching this clown show right after that.
Не рисуйте на флагах украинские флаги, пожалуйста.
Потому что в Сербии много людей, которые поклоняются Путину.
Я его не обожаю, но и не ненавижу.
Дело в том, что Путин вытащил Россию из грязи.
Когда Путин пришел к власти, Россия разваливалась, но в буквальном смысле.
Среди бела дня часто появлялись преступники с фантомами.
в табачный киоск и забрать деньги.
Люди массово бежали, в основном в Америку, Германию, Монако и на побережье Франции.
ВВП или валовой внутренний продукт составлял 1200 долларов на душу населения.
Именно столько имеют сегодня в Мали или Бурунди, в Африке.
Беднейшие страны Африки.
За 10 лет правления Путина ВВП увеличился более чем в 10 раз.
Она выросла до 20 000 долларов.
А это значит, что качество жизни граждан заметно улучшилось,
В настоящее время он составляет 35 000 долларов на душу населения.
Путин резко сократил коррупцию по сравнению с началом своего правления.
Но высокий уровень коррупции остался и не только не снижается,
оно уже постепенно растет.
Путин окружил себя коррумпированными людьми.
Все губернаторы округов коррумпированы.
Большое количество министров, секретарей...
Это самый большой недостаток правления Путина.
Война с Украиной началась в 2014 году, а не 2 года назад.
Война была неизбежна.
Путин решил провести его на территории Украины, а не на территории России.
Если у вас есть необходимость заняться активизмом.
Вы можете сделать прямую трансляцию в социальных сетях или аналогично.
Не подвергайте себя слишком сильному воздействию на улицах, потому что там есть сумасшедшие, готовые драться, часто с помощью металлических прутьев.
Вам это не нужно.
Вы сами знаете, что в Сербии рады всем русским.
Независимо от политических убеждений.
Повсюду есть те, кто одержим какой-то идеологией или личностью и готов из-за этого нанести серьёзные телесные повреждения, а может быть, даже неосознанно убить.
В Сербии вам на 3000% рады и вы в безопасности, просто не делайте публично того, что может спровоцировать этих людей.
Другие примут вас такими, какие вы есть, с той идеологией и образом мышления, которые у вас есть.
Возможно, вы не знаете, но Владимира власти уже выгнали из Сербии, не продлив ему боравак на основании, что он якобы представляет угрозу национальной безопасности Сербии. Такое вот добро пожаловать
@@Umitorio Я бы ничего не комментировал, поскольку недостаточно знаком со всем делом. Что касается меня. Владимиру всегда рады в Сербии.
Interesting documentation.
Ne treb.te nam vi ,sa v.šom takozvanom t.l.vizijom.
Do you know, Arte. In Serbia are a group of french people, too in a village.
Xaxaxaxaaxa doso u Beograd o meni da prica sta cu ja da prodajem. Mrs xaxaxaxa
Jos onaj osmeh hehe
Meni to da je reko popio bi šamar odma
@@marko2246 Ууу сило ! Ти си бре опасан неки .
This is bullshit. The guzs at the beginning of program were objecting that he was sprazing and damaging property. it is clear from what they said.
Я с Петербурга,пусть этот журналюга попытается такое вытворить у меня - он потеряет здоровье
Russians in Serbia against Putin are courageous.. support from TX.
Serbian Allways have that laugh after they speak
How can you be an academic pursuing a Ph.D and be for political repression and brutality is beyond me.
Granted - US imperialism is horrible. But that doesn't justify Russian crimes in Ukraine and against her own people.
Academics in itself is in a mess. Intelligent thinking is as rare as it was during the 1500's.
What do you think slogan "Srbija od Milvokija do Tokija" (Serbia from Milwaukee to Tokyo) was constructed ? Or Great Serbia (aiming at imperial aspirations like Brits, and great Britain ..) Cancer of its society is so called "academia" (which is actually fake academia) pumping myths and myth-maniacs ... Instead promoting modesty ... They washed their brains with some ancient Tsar Lazar an Dušan crap... They have some sort complex, thinking THEY are the chosen ones ... always some territorial disputes and crap .. while they can not even manage properly what they have already ! Their median monthly income is 200-300eur, living standard of Morocco ... Emigration TO THE "EVIL" west NEVER BIGGER. And they tend to speak what,where, who is correct/incorrect. Bottom line Ph.D even from my corrupt Croatia is HANDICAPE today .. and from Serbia could imagine ! Receiving someone with Ph.D from social studies from Serbia on west, is same like receiving someone ""scholar"" from Madrasa in Islamabad. Both will try to convince you in their own pseudo realities, and ticking bomb waiting to explode in your face....
you obviously know about Ukraine what western media tells you
@@sunnyday157 I don't believe the western media is lying in this instance. I do believe Russia attacked Ukraine, for instance. What do you believe?
What justified crimes of Nato against serbia ?
Milosevic paratroopers on Kosovo and their atrocities. There are many of them bragging on their local talk shows TODAY (Maric)how they were doing this and that on Kosoo,, Bosnia,, etc In 90 ties, Legija (who is in jail now) Arkan (dead) and others were project of Serbian DSB (something lie Serbian KGB) were CREATED and did all sort of racketeering, extrajudicial killings, robberies and what not across Europe bac thenin 90ties and early 2000. And all under patronage of Serbian state (Milosevvic regime bac then) Later all those criminals were transferred into militias to do all sort of atrocities in Kosovo.@@rafomic4210
At the very beginning, excuse me because I'm going to use a translator, I come from Serbia and my centuries-old origin is from here, I'm proud of it and I want to say that as a human being I love all good people all over the planet, regardless of which country they come from, I'm sorry that most European and World countries see us Serbs as barbarians and see our love for Russia as stupidity and support for aggression against Ukraine, Russia is a thorn in the side of many world powers because its policy is independent from the rest of the world, let's face it I am not and never will be because innocent people are dying anywhere, not even in Ukraine, and that's why I say that the war must stop. But when you realize that the big countries of the world want to subjugate Russia through Ukraine, then you will understand how much Ukraine actually falls out of everyone in the world, including Russia. Ukraine is actually collateral damage and their people suffer injustice, I am for peace! I'm sorry that the whole world looks at us as a genocidal nation, and those evil things were done by individuals from my country, and I'm afraid of that, and if we continue to generalize other nations like that, then one of the first great nations, Germany, would be completely genocidal, because remember Nazism and how evil that ideology brought tens of millions of innocent victims to the entire planet. That's why I'm asking all the people of the world for peace and for understanding that individual vandals are not part of the entire nation's culture and history, but only a rejected, self-sustaining mass of people who created chaos and killed innocents! I am asking for peace and sending love to the whole world from Serbia, you are always welcome here, there are beautiful women here, good times, great music and even better food!
Miserable propaganda
Very interesting documentary.
We almost never hear of the Russian dissidents fleeing to Serbia. Usually it's Central Asian countries or Georgia.
In my opinion, the main reason for such a small number of Russians in Serbia, compared to Georgia or Uzbekistan for example, besides the fact that nobody speaks Russian in Serbia, is its bad reputation as basically a Russian puppet state.
I don't think that's really the case tho, at least when it comes to my experience from visiting Serbia last year and talking to folks there. It would appear that these christian nationalists are in reality a tiny minority.
When it comes to Serbia's general political attitude towards Russia, it is positive but only at the level of sentiment. Otherwise that country is led by a typical realpolitik mindset and its own interests, which more often than not match with the EU interests.
At the very least, Serbian leadership's behaviour in foreign politics is rational, thus we can talk to them, cooperate with them and it is indeed what we're doing.
In my view, Hungary is a much bigger problem with its dilettante behavior.
ong you just made 5min long comment thats not even close to being right lmao. stop getting so invested if you dont live here. its truly disgusting how someone can have such an opinion fr
@@uqoF It took you 5 minutes to read that?! Lol
@@alexlarsen6413 nobody said that. you good?
@@uqoF You said the comment was 5 min long lol!
@@alexlarsen6413 it means it took you 5mins to come up with such nonsense
The brothers speak in english😂
Any chance of you investing in an English dubber like most none English channels like DW Documentaries, keeping up with subtitles is not easy and disorientating.
These are internal processes that are decided individually for each production and is due to budgetary restraints. Our aim is to develop the voice-overs that we do, so we appreciate your feedback! Here is a playlist featuring our dubbed documentaries:
i just dont get it. you come to foreign country and think you have the right to write your bs on the walls ?
Love for Russia 🇷🇺
I stop st 1:12. Western BS.
Good documentary Arte! 👏🏻
Ok, wtf does Z mean?
minority is not majority
Russia is under attack “for being Orthodox”? Where do they get these stories?
Map is wrong! Kosovo&Metohija is Serbia!
I have asked couple of Serbian Putin supporters why they support Putin, and they answered something about pan-slavic brotherhood. But the Ukrainians are Slavic too, so why are they not considered brothers?
We Serbs are less Slavic people than Russians, Ukrainians and Poles. We are 50% natives of the Balkans. Successors of Illyria and Vinča civilization.
@@gambinogambinos2439We are Slavs by our autosomal dna and by I2a and R1a haplogroups. We have maybe 20-25%max Ilyrian dna. Vinca is G haplogroup, which we do not have at all, maybe 2%max
propaganda na sve strane
Milan is a very interesting an generous person.
Lets be honest here, we need to put some humanity glasses on this situation.
These people are in a state of Limbo between Russia and the west, They escaped Russia and Europe denies them.
Its a very difficult situation for these people, but it seems that Russians do find loopholes to have a EU Visa.
I think Europe may have to relaxing their policy on allowing Russian refugee's EU Visa's and settlement in Europe.
Only for those that are fleeing Russia and letting them integrate into Europe..
In order to change the game of the war, you need people to support you from the opposite side so that changes happen much faster.
As Serbia are considered?, Europe should stop any investment immediately for Serbia.
Serbia's stupid balancing games has costed Europe more money then Serbia actually working towards Europe.
If it means that Balkan countries except for Serbia can have EU membership then i'm all for it..
I was Eu fan for long time ago,but at this momment we all know that we will never bee a full member if we do not recognize Kosovo i Metohija as a state.Something like that will never happen,so we will be out of EU now and forewer.
Serbia will never be part off EU because you want us to recognize part off our country that you steal from us with force ,Kosovo is Serbia,you cant say that Crimea and Lugansk are not Russian and say how Kosovo is ALbanian.Albanians have own country ,its called ALBANIA.I lived in Pristina and when NATO came they ethnic cleansed all the Serbs in town ,60 000 Serbs lived in that town ,after just one year off "NATO peacekeepers " 0 .My family was given half hour notice from NATO troops to live their home forever.
Off course you never saw that on your propaganda MSM media.
Kosovo ......
Nearly all serbians are against Nato . Thats a strong Factor
And everyone is Welcomed in serbia But dont provocate uprisings Where people could brutally Go against wach Other. Russia is a friend and sanctions against Russia ? 😂 What about the sanctions of Europe ? Cmon. Russia laughs about that .
FSB and DB watching ...👀🖥📝😎😂😂😂
Yes , we are watching of course .
Zapisuj agente zapisuj hahaa
False framing.
There is no place for Serbia in EU
Dont worry about that. We dont wont to join EU.
We dont want in na zi eu.
Please dont accept us even if we keep asking. Thanks in advance
RuZZians and Zerbs. 😂
WTF does that even mean?
Well done ,👏
Russian nest 🇷🇸🪺
To je vjerovatno bjeli povezes dva i dva
Traitors life is a hell
You can't betray a criminal and a murderer
@@miamaderI think you watch too much TV
Traitor of what ? Bestialities in Tsar and Oligarch mafia regime ?
@@miamader Putin lives in your head
Lies propaganda this documentary