Yes, I’m sure. By grace, through faith, in Christ. ALONE! Zero works. One sin makes you guilty, so either perfectly obey the Law from birth til death and save yourself (impossible), or believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death, burial and resurrection (the Gospel).
@Nighhhts amen I'd rather trust in Jesus because I am totally corrupted with sin the only way that I could be washed is through Jesus's blood I'm the only way I get to heaven is because of what he did on the cross 100% Jesus 0% me
"Once saved always saved" does not mean you can sin willfully or freely it means you are sealed with the blood of Christ and if you are saved you will HATE sin and avoid it at all cost
dxproductions11, OooK, I suggest you OSAS folks need to get together give everyone that memo. I have heard many of your side literally say, sin boldly.
We live for god. Jeremiah told us so in Jeremiah book one. The Lord told Jeremiah that Jeremiah will speak the words that god commands him to speak and the Lord reached out and touched Jeremiah on his mouth and said, "I give you the words that you speak." It's pretty obvious who is running the show! Can you see the real me? The real me. The real me. God told us he wants us to plant and build and then to destroy and then to do it all over again. It is shared Christ consciousness. Come live with me and be like me and live for me. Beautiful.
Acts 2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ³⁷ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? ³⁸ Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@@chrisarmstrong3200 OSAS is a lie and so is Calvanism. Read the Bible without these teachings to see the truth. It can impact if you are truly saved. God’s word tells us to be born again. See what that looks like according to the Bible, not these false teachers promising you can still sin and get away with it.
@brohuggie I can tell you what Jesus accomplished. Jesus came to save you FROM YOUR SINS (Matthew 1:21). Not while you still sin against Him and expect an entrance to His kingdom. All sins are covered IF you OBEY HIM and WALK IN THE LIGHT and NOT darkness (sin), then the blood of Jesus will cleanse you from ALL SIN. It is conditional on your obedience as 1 John 1:5-7 teaches. Read what Jesus and His disciples taught. Stop listening to false teachers who tickle your ears and do NOT care about you.
When I am praying and in the Lords presence I cherish my fellowship as I am eternally secure, eternally saved and nothing can snatch me from His presence, but when I live my life in the daily world, when I am working or in my daily chores, I work out my salvation with fear and trembling, ensuring I am careful, so that if I think I am standing I may fall. God’s word and His Holy Spirit has preserved me.
I have been purchased with the blood of my saviour, Jesus Christ. I now belong to him forever! Jesus can no sooner go back on His promises than He could swap places with Moses. His promises are surer than the earth, surer than all the stars in the heavens. His promises are as sure as eternity itself.
@@abcchristian5298 We should still warn people. Not everyone that believes OSAS is stubborn and unwilling to listen to what the Bible says. The same with those who are Calvanist. They can still be saved too, but it is these teachings that they need to rid themselves of. They just need to read the Bible without it. Look at 2 Timothy 24-26 for what to do in situations like this.
@@jazzman1626 God is faithful with His promises but we still need to obey Him to fulfill our end of the deal. That is what Abraham did. Read Genesis 26:1-5.
Yes WE who believe the gospel are sealed until the day of redemption . Paul Washer said to an audience Half of you are going to hell because you didnt repent . Washer pretending to be another all knowing God ....half of you going to hell ... an exact number ...half . Benny Hi nn plays the same trick in different ways . And will Washer repent and say i lied i did no tknow if it was half , 50, or none" . Washer repent of his lies? . Come now be not deceived .
Please consider other parts of scripture and NOT just a couple of verses. An incomplete truth is NOT truth. OSAS is a doctrine of demons. Read the New Testament without it.
The Bible says the saints will be worn down but not crushed. I see many believers fighting the wolves and they're not always gleaming joy from ear to ear. One Christian lady I knew operated am adult foster care for years providing the most loving care on earth. Money was short and late in coming. She had to fight the state for what they owed, the utilities to keep the power on, the phone, company, the insurance system. Regulations among regulations hampered her. Year after year she never took a day off, always thankful to anyone for one minuet of help they would give. She worked around the clock seven days a week protecting the residents like a mother hen. Her home was almost a church. Cancer came, she put up a good fight but at last was called home. When she smiled it lit up the room but when she had to do combat look out, she wasn't worried about winning the joy of the month title.
Christ saved me and is keeping me; that is why I trust He will continue to keep me until the end , He will keep me through all my failings and “successes” if any for I know I’m useless and unprofitable servant. I trust Christ’s and His finished work ❤
HE does not do a 1/2 job!! He gave you a COMPLETELY NEW HEART at the time of instant Salvation! NONE Of this - a bit of a change here today?? and another bit of a change next week, and then next month?? Where do you find this RUBBISH?? Its not in the Bible!
@@Nobody460-t5u Jesus said and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never (at no time) perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, HAS everlasting life, and shall NOT come into condemnation; but IS passed from death unto life.
@@PIANOBARN there are exactly 0 verses that say walking away, makes you lose your salvation. There are exactly 0 verses that say that you can lose salvation. There are many verses that say once you are saved, you will be raised up on the last day and that you cannot perish and that you will not come under condemnation ever, please read your Bible
@@PIANOBARNJesus said the Father's will is that of those He gave to the Son none should be lost but all raised up at the last day and Jesus said none is lost except the son of perdition which is Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him. Jesus said he who comes unto Him He will in no wise cast out but raise them up on the last day. If God predestinated you to obtain salvation,sanctification,redemption and glorification through Lord Jesus Christ,how do you think you can lose that? Are you stronger than He? This is a gift of God that God gives to whomever He wishes. Paul talked about presentation in Romans 9 the most and he talked to the saints as God's chosen people in all of his epistles and so did Jesus speak of the saints,as those elected by the Father that He should gather all up into one fold and they shall all have One Shepherd,the Lord Jesus Christ. We are so wretched we have no power at all to save ourselves just like baby has no power at all to feed himself or herself without the parent coming to feed the baby. Therefore repent(have a change of mind) and believe the gospel and you shall be saved. God bless.
If you're saved and disobey can you tell me what happens? I can. You get chastened. You get corrected. God chastens his sons and daughters. It looks different for everyone because everyone is different. He knows what works for each individual. We will all still sin and fall short of the Glory of God after salvation.... but God never disowns an adopted son or daughter....EVER. once you're saved you're always saved. Anyone who is truly saved knows what chastening is.
@@schwiftycatsThe best bible teacher (Dereck Prince) whoever walk on this planet earth never talk about OSAS. Remember: Everyone will still be under the Judgement seat of Christ after we die.
If one doesn’t yield to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, then one is denouncing/rejecting the kingdom of God ; Till the last day of one’s life free will applies; 2 Peter 2:20-21 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
"He that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved." Matthew 10:22. Study the Bible closely and you will see that many.MANY, fell away from their salvation.. No man can take it from you, but you can give it up.
I agree…. A Christian can fall 70 times in a day but will get back up and keep fighting. We have to abide in Christ. If we don’t we wither and die. God will never not extend his hand to someone, if we abide we will never loose our salvation. But we can forfeit it. And walk away and turn away
If I believed in what these guys are preaching I would not believe in my eternal security at all. I would always having to be doing something to make sure I am still saved !!
If I lose salvation then, it was mine salvation, but if I am saved by Him, I stay saved! Saved, being saved and finally, shall be saved! These three tenses is used in the Scripture.
The word " fallen" of below verse indicates once saved by grace but now fallen. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. ( Galatians 5 : 4 ) For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. ( Romans 8 : 13 ) Spiritual death after salvation can be seen in this verse.
Remember the one's saying Lord, Lord, I did this, I did that, I did all of that, and He says depart from me, I never knew you. They were claiming their good works and were denied entry. Men try to define works and sin. It must be according to the Word of God which is Jesus Christ. Jesus stated on many occasions what His commandments are. To love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. To love your neighbors as you love yourself. On this hang all of the law and the prophets. So your good works will be fruit of the Spirit and sin is works of the flesh. Btw debate is known as strife and is a fruit of the flesh, which is sin. God bless you all. I hope this reaches the ones who needed it. Jesus is King!
Here ya go: He said it's forever : John 10:27-30 KJV [27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [28] and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. [30] I and my Father are one.
Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. Meaning he that overcomes worldly pleasures and carnal desires and stays faithful and obedient to the very end will be recognized before Heavenly Father. Otherwise our names will be blotted out of the book of life, and what is the book of life? In Hebrew the book of life records those people considered righteous before God. It ensures eternal life on the day of judgment. We can lose salvation by turning away and giving into our desires, the Bible explicitly states it over and over again.
@davidchupp4460 No it's not. If you read the Bible through the lens of OSAS or Calvinism you will be overlook the clear warnings and instructions on how to truly be born again.
@@Nobody460-t5u Calvinist believe that if you do not live a righteous life you are not saved, do you believe that? then you are a Calvinist.... think about it.
All who love know god because god is love. 1John 4 7 God loves us so much he would never let us go. God tells you he is love. That is really something. My cat and I share god. We really enjoy sharing god. And when Jesus said no man can come to the father except through me it is because Jesus Christ is god and love as well, so of course then. One without love will never want heaven. Haters hate and they go where everybody hates. When a new guy shows up they all moan. I bet they throw tomatoes at him too. New guy on the cell block.
No where does it say once saved always saved , I am sorry , Jesus said the ones that hold till the end , Matthew 24 : 13 , the 10 virgins parable explains this , the seed being sowed on different ground parable explains this , and John chapter 15 the whole chapter, the Gospel .
@ sorry but the 10 virgins is not about salvation. Philippians 1:6 is one, “ He who began a good work in me will complete it. No one can snatch them out of my Fathers hand. So many other verses. Just research and study the WORD. I’m sorry you have been lied to, misinformed, but only God can give be salvation, if He gives to you, he is not gonna take it back, you have been filled with the spirit upon asking genuinely for salvation. Just study
It's a lie from the pits of hell and is therefore found nowhere in the Bible. To believe OSAS you have to cherry pick and omit hundreds of scriptures and present others out of context.
Yes, I am very sure of this as scripture tells me this. Don't be confused about this, if you see a "Christian" living in sin with no repentance and no fruit you can be sure there was never a true regeneration of the heart.
Another part of this is that God cannot lie he told us never will I leave you nor forsake you instead of people fixating on losing salvation they should be fixating on the Lord Jesus and what he did upon the cross which doesn't give us a license to sin
our father offered salvation to everyone thru his begotten sun so what is your responsibilities? Jesus Christ said to Necodemus, Unless you are change, there is no salvation.
I saw someone screaming in hell because he believed "once saved, always saved" and thought he could live in sin. Now there is no hope for him. If you're REALLY saved, you won't try to get away with sin! He tried, and lost everything!
Oh did you? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret that only saved people know..... you don't "get away with sin" if you're saved. You get chastened and corrected....even unto death if you don't heed the correction. God will strip away your joy, job, finances, peace, name it he will do it if you don't correct your behavior.....but you absolutely don't lose your salvation. That is eternal.
@@schwiftycatsExcellent Scriptural answer! Amazing how many people don't get it. I have such peace and joy in my salvation. These people who think you can lose it must be absolutely miserable. That's a tormenting thought. So glad I'm safe and secure in Jesus. Sealed unto the day of redemption. :)
2 Peter 2:20-21 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
There’s one way and one way only to lose your salvation and that’s explained in Hebrews 6:6. Remember salvation is a gift. Now we can keep that gift or throw it away. It’s up to us. That’s why there are so many versus that say endure to the end, persevere in the faith and so on…..❤✝️
You don't have the power to strip away the seal of the Holy Spirit. Your effort or lack of effort is not more powerful than the blood of Jesus Christ. It's actually filthy rags.You're misinterpreting scripture. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith..... Not you.
Please learn to rightly divide Scripture as instructed in 2 Timothy 2:15. The title of the book you referenced is a dead giveaway as to whom it is written TO: The HEBREWS. EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE IS WRITTEN FOR YOU BUT IT IS NOT ALL WRITTEN TO YOU. The Church gets its doctrine from Paul in Romans through Philemon.
There are plenty of Christians (myself included) who have gone through great spiritual strides forward as well as backsliding days where faith was weak or even nonexistent. It’s a difficult thing to accept that someone who died during a weak (or backsliding) period of their life would be cast into hell because that just happened to be their current state of mind at the time of their death. The human mind can be very fickle and “double-minded” at times, as James puts it. I’m sure that Christ wants us to be consistent in our walk with him and in our convictions, but so many of us are not. The book of 1st John is quite a difficult read for those who struggle with backsliding.
@@returnoftheschaef2084 sounds like excuses not to follow instructions to obey. There's instructions to follow so you won't be weak. You're cast into the lake of fire if your name isn't found in the book of life.
Its hard for some people to accept the fact that Jesus died for accidental sin and willful sin. Sin is sin, Christ died for both, Christ died for ALL the sins of the world.
There’s nothing you can do to keep your salvation. Your righteousness is nothing, nothing but filthy rags. If you could lose it, you have. Our salvation comes from Christ and the shed blood on the cross. It’s his righteousness that keeps us saved, his blood redeemed us. It says SIN not sins is the wages of death. One sin is enough so how are you going to keep from losing your salvation? Those of you that say we can lose it, how many times have you lost your salvation or are you a perfect person and walk on water? Amen
O.S.A.S. is from the "father of lies" and "lord of the flies". Narrow gate ---- narrow path. All abandoned The Lord Jesus on Thursday night,,,, after they pledged a few hours earlier that they would stick with Him. In 2 Timothy chapter 4, Paul mentions that some people have let him, only Luke was still there. A man named Demas left the faith, and Paul was not happy about the situation.
@@cwojtas4222 Do you own / possess a Holy Bible? If you do, then open it to Matthew chapter 7 and read verses 15 to 29, and reread several times verses 21 to 23! Read and heed the words of The Lord Jesus Christ - NOT the words of Mister Worldly Wiseman and the greasy-gracers and sloppy agape teachers!
@ I am SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT THAT UP ! I know it by ♥️. Let’s go through it together so you can learn!!! “Not everyone who says to me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father (take note) for many shall come to me in that day and say “lord lord have we not prophesied in your name. And cast out demons in your name, and in your name done many great works? And I shall say to them “depart from me you worker of lawlessness I NEVER KNEW YOU!” So good. So Teo things … what is the will of the father? John 6:29 says “the will of my father is this that you believe in the one who he has sent. Lastly Jesus says “I never knew you” meaning they never were in Jesus they never believed in him as savior when they were denied entry the brought up their good works . NOT Jesus sacrafice ♥️♥️♥️
OSAS is literally the narrow path.... it's the majority of people like you who don't actually believe that are on the broad path of destruction. You don't actually trust you're trusting in your works and self-righteousness. Your works are filthy rags. If you've never trusted and believed the Gospel....which it appears you haven't. You're unsaved. I'd go figure that out really fast if I were you. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Not of ourselves or works. Lest any man should boast. FULL STOP
@@cwojtas4222yup you are 100 percent correct, here is the same take I did in Greek hope this makes sense if not I can brake it down easier or simpler but I think this will be pretty much what you need- Many misuse Matthew 7:21-23 to suggest that obedience to Christ’s commands determines salvation. However, Jesus Himself defines the will of the Father in John 6:39-40, where He twice uses the neuter demonstrative pronoun "τοῦτο" (tuto): “This (τοῦτο) is the will of Him who sent Me: that of all He has given Me, I should lose nothing but should raise it up at the last day.” (v.39) “For this (τοῦτο) is the will of My Father: that everyone who sees (θεωρῶν - theoreo) the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life.” (v.40) This neuter demonstrative pronoun (τοῦτο - "this") is vital because it encapsulates the entire summary of God’s will-it wraps the entire concept into one unified reality: salvation comes through seeing and believing in the Son. If Jesus wanted to refer to multiple aspects of obedience (e.g., faith + works), a different demonstrative pronoun could have been used (e.g., "ταῦτα" - neuter plural) to indicate several components, but He did not. Furthermore, the verb "θεωρῶν" (theoreo) does not mean a casual glance-it refers to a deep, contemplative observation that impacts the viewer's heart. This is not just intellectual acknowledgment but a personal realization-it tugs at the soul and leads to belief. This perfectly aligns with the cross: as one beholds Christ crucified, they are moved to trust in His sacrifice. The very act of seeing (θεωρέω) leads into believing (πιστεύων). Now, in Matthew 7:22, these people appeal to their works (prophesying, casting out demons, and miracles), but nowhere do they mention faith in Christ’s blood. Jesus’ response in v.23 is devastating: *"I never knew you" (οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς - oudenpote egnon humas). οὐδέποτε (oudenpote) = "Never at any time in the past.” This absolute negation (stronger than οὐ or μή) confirms that at no point in history did Christ ever know them. If salvation could be lost, He would have said, "I knew you once, but not anymore." But He does not say that-this proves they were never saved. ἔγνων (egnon, Aorist Active Indicative of γινώσκω) = "to know intimately". This is not just knowing about someone, but an experiential, personal knowing. Christ says He never had an intimate relationship with them through salvation. Jesus then calls them ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν (ergazomenoi tēn anomian) - “workers of lawlessness”. ἐργαζόμενοι (present participle, continuous aspect) = This shows an ongoing state of being. They are habitually characterized as people whose sins have never been forgiven. ἀνομίαν (lawlessness) = Not merely “breaking laws” but living without divine righteousness. This isn’t just bad behavior; it’s spiritual alienation from God due to the absence of Christ’s atoning blood. This fully exposes the false interpretation that salvation is lost by disobedience. The issue here is not failing to keep commandments, but rather never being saved in the first place. Key Takeaways: The will of the Father (τοῦτο) is faith in Christ alone (John 6:39-40). θεωρέω (theoreo) = To behold in a way that moves the heart to belief (not mere intellectual acknowledgment). οὐδέποτε (never, at no point in time) proves these people were never saved. ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν (workers of lawlessness) = Remaining in sin because their sins were never forgiven. The passage warns against trusting in religious works rather than Christ’s blood. This passage is not about “true believers losing salvation” but about false converts who never trusted in Christ alone.
Yes, once saved, always saved as long as you abide in Jesus. But if you know what sin is and you sin, some of your rewards in heaven are taken away, and the plagues of this world will be added to you. ❤🙏🙏🙏❤️
Thank you! 👏🏻 I was saved years ago for sure when I was 18 and I walked away and my life came crashing down and I was punished but Jesus NEVER LEFT ME as much as I suppressed the Holy Spirit❤❤❤❤ God has chastised me and blessed me beyond measure since PRAISE GOD
We are only saved on the last day. That's what Jesus said in Matthew 24 and in the letters to the seven churches when he was already in heaven Revelation 3. OSAS is a false human doctrine to keep people in sin.
@molokomack332 I'm 100000% convinced that you absolutely have no idea what OSAS even means. Can God make a mistake? Once God justifies a person He declares them not guilty and therefore they are saved from damnation. Don't hear what I'm NOT SAYING; I'm not saying that a person can confess to believe in Christ yet live like the devil all their live long days....a believer is given a new heart with a new nature.
@@molokomack332 Matthew 15:14 (KJV) Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
The Catholics believe you have to earn your salvation The Calvinists believe you have to prove your salvation The Arminians believe you must keep your salvation But Scripture says in John 5:24, John 6:17 and John 11:25,26 that your salvation comes from trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior PRESENT, PERFECT TENSE Meaning FROM THAT POINT FORWARD, “IT IS FINISHED” You must separate justification from sanctification! You can be a Christian, but not be in fellowship, which is different from being an unbeliever. Let the LORD instruct you on this. How can anybody know they have done enough to earn, prove or keep their salvation?
You have to ignore a lot of scripture to believe you can't lose your salvation. It's telling people what they want to hear. You have to abide, or you are in danger of being cut off.
Eternal life isn't eternal the modern Bible has a liar as god Being saved by faith alone must only be to those who go to church in the modern bibles and the modern god How crazy are these idiots who think the definition of a saved person is that they must be serving god inside the church Thank God it's the blood of Jesus that saves me not my lifestyle or my works or my actions
God isn't God if He can't save eternally or complete any work He set out to do. Isaiah says God's word does not return void. And, God is not a man that He should lie.
There is no eternal security, "Once saved always saved " is a slogan of satan. A free ticket to hell. Jesus Christ wouldn't have told us to deny ourselves, there is a price to pay to maintain our names in the book of life. Fighting sin and running away from the world through the Holy Spirit
Maybe I'm wrong but I also think of it like this if someone put 100% trust in Jesus and 0% in themselves if they were to be able to be lost to lose their salvation that means that what Jesus did upon the cross wasn't sufficient something else would have had to been done to re save them
He is speaking about the disciples…. If applied as he states only Judas will be in hell(lost) They all were chosen.. even Judas was chosen… he was chosen for a purpose that all may be fulfilled.
They are cherry picking scriptures read Matt 5;13, Luke 9;23, John 15;6, Romans 8;13, Romans 11;22, 1 Cor 15;2, Col 1;21-23, Heb 3;6, Heb 3;14, Heb 6;5-6, Heb 10;26, 1 Cor9;27, 1 John 1;5-6, 1 John 1;7, 1 John 2;3,4,5 1 Pet 4;18. Rev 3v5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.Jesus warned us that NARROW IS THE WAY AND FEW THAT FIND IT. WE MUST WALK OUT OUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING. GOD LOVES US BUT WE MUST OBEY HIS WORD AND REMAIN IN HIM OR WE WILL BE CUT OFF. TURN FROM SIN AND WALK IN HOLYNESS. HE LOVES US VERY MUCH. WE EARN NOTHING WE KEEP WHAT WAS GIVEN TO US
Staying saved is a struggle. The three enemies are satan, the world and the flesh. The first two are attacks from the outside. The most difficult enemy is ourselves. Yet, we have the Trinity on our side which are immensely more powerful. Focus on Jesus the Christ.Crucify your flesh daily; keep the "old man" down with the help of the Holy Spirit which is given to us. When you examine yourself and see sin in your life, the Holy Spirit will remind you on what to do through the Scriptures. I've adopted a formula read, study and applying the Word of God consistently. At the same time asking the LORD to making you aware aware of His Presence throughout your waking hours. Again it's not easy but achievable having all your faith and love in Jesus. Mathew 7:14.
Faith without works is dead. Abraham worked by being obedient. His Faith in Obedience was accounted to Him righteous. He who endures till the end shall be saved. We are to be Born Again.
Dead faith will get you to heaven but it won't benefit those watching you. The jews who endure the 7 years tribulation will be saved when Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon Abrams faith was counted for righteousness in God's sight Abrams obedience gives us an example that obedience to God's command proves his faith was real because we can not see his heart. Man looks at the actions God looks at the heart If you are looking for Abrams actions you will find sin You can say Abram ditched his wide and let another man have her so I'm not getting married because... Abram No stupid you follow God not the actions of Abram Abraham's works were dead and not to be followed in this circumstance
Yes! It is. James is talking about how your faith doesn't benefit anyone on earth if you don't act. If a hungry person tells you he is hungry and you say, "Well, I'm sure God will provide food" when you yourself could feed him, your faith is dead in that situation. James isn't talking about salvation as you can never earn your salvation. All of your good works that you could do in your life would not be holy enough to pay for one sin you've committed. Thanks be to Jesus for paying that debt.
Faith w/o works is dead. The question is to whom? James is referring to the people around you. If your faith does not show good works, it will not benefit anyone around you because to them, your faith is dead. You don't have to prove God your faith through your works, He already knows what's in your heart. Of course, if you have faith, works will follow. Works is not the proof of faith, it is the fruit of it. If you have true faith, although you may not have good works now, the fruits will soon show.
Stop trusting in YOUR works and instead trust in what JESUS did. Having an attitude of “I’m doing this and I’m doing that and me me me” is prideful. Romans 4:5 But to him that WORKETH NOT, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
People obsessed with proving “once saved, always saved!” miss asking the crucial question: “I know I am saved. Now what shall I do?” You are now to do away with your old sinful ways, putting away the “former flesh” as Paul describes it. Will you still sin? Yes. “For we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. But now we are living for the glory of God, not for ourselves. Therefore, drunkenness will no longer be found in us, neither fornication, adultery, laziness, gluttony, etc etc. When we come short of the mark, we ask the Lord to forgive us. Just as we would in marriage, we say “I’m sorry”. Do we live in constant fear of “losing our salvation?” Not as long as we live unto him, and not ourselves, no. It’s really not that hard to understand.
Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth in [the light of this world]. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because [there is no light in him]"🙏🙌🗣🕊🔥🦅.
We're missing something today. Yes, we are forgiven by grace through faith, but there is a response to the good news that bears good fruit. The servant of Matt 18 was forgiven by grace, but when he does not "treat others as he would like to be treated", his punishment is restored and worsened. "Better for them to have never known the truth than to know it and turn away". This explains the goats who call Jesus "Lord" in Matt 25 as well. They do not love their brother as themselves either. James says "we will be judged by the law of liberty (love, freedom from the letter of the law to serve the spirit of the law). There will be no mercy for those who show no mercy." We have to get this right and not be the generation that "does not endure sound teaching, but runs after easier messages to listen to."
When reading scripture, always ask: Who, What, Where, When and Why. 1. Jesus speaking to His chosen Apostles/Disciples 2. Instruction on how to pray 3. In private just after Sermon on the Mount 4. After 2+ years of teaching His chosen disciples 5. Jesus' instructions on correct prayer is to correct the disciples' misunderstandings among themselves. Pay close attention to verses 12 & 13, ask yourself "why does Jesus want me to ask Him to forgive me every time I pray and, to lead me away from temptation"? And, what is the consequence if I don't pray as per His instruction? "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
If salvation can be lost, then how much sin is too much sin? How much sin does it take to lose salvation? Is it sinning 5xs,10xs, or 100xs? How much sin does it take to out sin Gods good grace? How much sin does it take to get God to break his promise of eternal salvation? If ione can lose salvation, that means Jesus sacrafice on the cross wasnt sufficient enough to cover all sins, it means his sacrifice only cover some sins. Which mean one have to add good works to obtain salvation. So how many works does one must do to add to Jesus sacrafice on cross to obtain salvation?
A true believer wants to glorify the father not shame Him. Our works of righteousness are a proclamation to the world that He is real and alive. Before being born again did you honestly go around and try to please God? We aren’t saved by works of course, but show me your faith without works and I’ll show you mine with works. Faith without works is dead and is impossible to please Him. There is the spirit within you now that resist darkness but although still embodied in this flesh presents a struggle from within. This is why it’s important to continue to grow in understanding. Sanctification in the power of the Holy Ghost. “And you will recieve power”. Power to overcome, overcome by increasing faith manifest by good works as we become more like Christ. My people hear my voice. We must act upon hearing. I’m not sure if any of this will change your perspective, but either way continue in the faith with all diligence and the Spirit that leads us into all truth shall be revealed to you. To whom much is given much is required. Asking questions is part of learning. Please don’t let the anger or strife of disagreements hamper your faith. 2timothy study and show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We are sanctified by truth and Gods word is truth. I hope this will offer some light in Jesus name.
@dannybrown3408 not having any good works does not mean you are not saved. I'm sure the thief on the cross had no good works to show his faith. Yes we are judged by our works for rewards in heaven, but not for our salvation. Salvation is based on faith and faith alone. Now I agree, OSAS is not a license to sin, but nevertheless, when you believe you are sealed with the holy spirit. Nothing can break that seal. If one can lose salvation then that is basing salvation on works, either good or bad. If we could lose salvation then everyone probably has lost salvation. We all sin everyday, knowingly or not. If salvation can be lost, then everyone has, which means nobody goes to heaven, which means there's no hope for anyone.
@@BrndiMiller I cannot argue whether or not someone can lose their salvation but scripture tells us you will know them by their fruits. It requires works to grow faith. Reading your Bible is works based. Scripture also tells us that if a branch doesn’t produce fruit it is cut and burned. Its Godly repentance that brings forth salvation and only God can Grant repentance. That’s what saved the thief. If you’re not producing fruit you could be deceiving yourself. I ask you, what about the the three servants 10,5 and1 talent. The unprofitable servant was cast into outer darkness with weeping and bashing of teeth. Or the ten virgins which only five enter into the marriage supper because five were not diligent in keeping their lamps full. We must be extremely confident in our salvation and I believe anyone who is truly born again will produce fruit. Works are fruit and your right it doesn’t save you but does provide some evidence that you may be. Of course many will say in that day LordLord have we not cast out demons in your name etc. wheats and tares, wolves in sheep’s clothing. Satan will disguise himself as an angel of light. Once again one thing I know is if you’re just sitting on the couch waiting for God to manifest Himself , good luck with that. If you’re not working you have no faith. You’re deceiving yourself. This all has nothing to do with woks salvation just evidence there of.
Ummm Bible is written for people for earthly people not the one in heaven lol, it’s obvious if you’re in heaven you can’t come back to earth or go to hell. Read your Bible you getting things wrong!! Once you saved you always saved is false teaching and referring to Christians people on earth.
A Christian dies having not forgiven a brother or sister for a wrong done against them even though God had been repeatedly telling them they must forgive. They knew it was wrong to hold on but kept sweeping it under the rug. Always Saved? What did Jesus say?
It is a work of faith that the Holy Spirit does in us together with our desire to remain and walk with our Lord. So we cannot work out our salvation but we believe Gods love will fill us and that way we remain walking with Him at the same time desiring His presence. We are one with God through the Holy Spirit and that is and always been Gods plan. Him and us together in one spirit.
I am more Calvin my belief system, I am more convinced today of total depravity then ever, our need to repent and holy, as much as possible, we are in a battle on 3 fronts, flesh, world, spirit. But in JESUS we have the victory. A single man with Jesus has more power then the entire world without.
Don't think you can do it alone. Millions have made this faith journey before us. There is immeasurably more wisdom out there then we know. Dont overlook the teachings of the reformers. The doctrine of grace, adoption. The process of sanctification. We are told by JESUS to be careful of what we hear. Its easy if we walk alone to fall into a ditch, by if we walk with others, we keep each other from stumbling. Any who, hope you are doing well, if a stranger can pray for you, what would have me to pray for, for you?
You don't hear about earnest money much anymore.the first property transaction I was ever involved in the banker used that phrase and probably had to explain it .I've never forgotten and guess what God does not either
You don’t loose salvation, but it can be renounced of one’s own free will. They can consider the blood of the covenant by which they were saved an unclean thing and blaspheme the Spirit 0f grace. No one can judge who is worthy of eternal condemnation, Jesus is the one whom the Father has appointed to be judge. We cannot see what is inside a man, but Jesus is He who searches the minds and hearts and He will reward or repay everyone according to their works. Rom. 2:5-11 and Revelation 2:23 There is coming a time when “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:10 NKJV
I find it odd that pastors always use the term Saved and Salvation or being Saved; without, saying what a believer is being saved from! Hell, temptation, a terrible life; maybe! The truth is almost always left out! Those that believe that Jesus dies for their sins are truly most definitely saved from the first judgment! There is no promise that you will get out of your prison! But you will not be judged at the first judgment!
I love how he trailed off when it came to saying “except Judas.” Lol you need to read John 15. Jesus is the vine we must ABIDE in Him. If we don’t we are cut off 😮. Oh no does that blow your minds who won’t read? It’s sad you think we become without free will after we receive Jesus.
I think the idea of being saved and not having to worry about going to hell maybe went too far and saying you can never go to hell no matter what. But we don't know for sure
Are you sure you have faith? Faith in yehshua being our savior is what saves us and Romans 4:5 explains that faith alone is counted as righteousness and to question it shows lacknof faith
Saved to the uttermost. Passed FROM death TO life. This is not a revolving report. Also, becoming a NEW creation is never undone. You cannot become unsaved.
You say that, but you won’t consider His other words in the Bible that tell you must actually obey Him and that you could lose your salvation. Don’t be decieved! OSAS is a doctrine of demons.
You know… we have some Pastors that teach that once saved always saved, like Pastor John McArthur is correct according to scripture, then you have other pastors that say that is error and say no that’s is wrong according to how they interpret scripture, so which one is true? This can be so confusing and don’t know what to believe because both believe what they say is right. Why can’t all pastors believe the same thing? the bible is the bible, and teachers should not be in disagreement with each other, it’s not right to confuse followers.
What if you are a Christian and comment sin over and over again. Does that mean you were not really saved or even yet backslide and refuses to go back to Christ?
Revelation 22:19 AMP [19] and if anyone takes away from or distorts the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away [from that one] his share from the tree of life and from the holy city (new Jerusalem), which are written in this book. You can loose your salvation...Script is clear
@@jamesmitchell6288 Dr Andy Woods, Mike Winger both have detail information on this topic also there are other resources for info on this and their beliefs, they do have a lot of biblical beliefs but the fact that Cavin got his system from St Augustine of the RC do a lot of research on it then decide if you go with it or not, my big objection is the predestination that only the elect can be saved which in my view contradicts John 3:13 and Romans chapter 10 plus other verses
@@clintpospichal6498 ......Thats been the big one for me. The predestination thing. If thats the case, then if we are predestined at birth for hell, why not go out and rob, pillage and just do whatever you want to do. It isn't how I was raised in Church. I appreciate your comment.
@@clintpospichal6498It doesn’t contradict anything. The reason only the elect can be saved, is that no one comes to Christ without first being led by the Holy Spirit to Him. And the Holy Spirit only leads those to Christ whom the Father has pre-destined to be saved. As unbelievers we are all basically like Lazarus - totally dead to our sins and trespasses, essentially zombies - walking dead. It was Christ who chose to raise Lazarus from the dead; Lazarus didn’t call out to Jesus from his tomb to come save him. The same is true with all unbelievers. No one can seek out Christ, who is not being led by the Holy Spirit to do so. The work of Salvation and rejuvenation/being reborn begins by the Holy Spirit before the person in question is led to Christ in faith. As for free will, Christians can leave the faith after being saved, which would essentially cause their names to be blotted out of the Book of Life.
A new creation in Christ Jesus. Made the righteousness of God in Christ. Seated in Heavenly place with Christ in the mind of God, already. God completely satisfied with Christ's sacrifice for my sins. The indwelling Holy Spirit our guarantee of the inheritance laid up in Heaven for us, and us kept by the power of God for that inheritance. Jesus said, I give unto my sheep eternal life and they shall never perish. I could go on and on. The problem is that Christians haven't got a clue what 'Salvation' means and is. It is God's free gift of Grace, which is His unmerited favour bestowed on the believing sinner.
@@Weepandstand you have to read it in context. Quoting just one verse does not imply the same meaning. Quoting Philippians 4:13 for example does not mean you can literally do all things. Let me go through some of the verses you posted. Philippians 2:12 - it says work OUT, it does not say, work FOR your salvation. It means you already have salvation. You have to work it OUT but you don't have to work FOR it. Just like when going to gym, you go to the gym to work OUT. You don't work OUT to have muscles. You already have the muscles and* you work OUT to grow them. James 2:24 - faith w/o works is dead. The question is to whom? James is referring to the people around you. If your faith does not show good works, it will not benefit anyone around you because to them, your faith is dead. You don't have to prove God your faith through your works, He already knows what's in your heart. Of course, if you have faith, works will follow. Works is not the proof of faith, it is the fruit of it. If you have true faith, you may not have works now, but the fruits will soon show.
Pls don't forget that Jesus said that He came to the world for the Jews only. But later He assigned Paul to minister to the gentiles. That's how simple the Bible instruction is.
1 Timothy 4:1 " The Spirit expressly says that in later times SOME WILL DEPART FROM THE FAITH.....GIVING HEED TO DOCTRINE OF DEMONS..", so are they still saved?? Heb 3:12 " Lest there be found in you an evil unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from the living God", so are they still saved?? Gal 5:4 " Severed from Christ.....fallen from grace..", are you still saved if you have been severed from Christ?? Fall from grace?? Please tell us how long must we believe to be saved, to have eternal life?? one day, week, month?? before we can have a EVIL UNBELIEVING HEART AND STILL BE SAVED..... I believe in the SECURITY OF THE BELIEVER, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BELIEVER WHO BECOMES A UNBELIEVER??? Is that person still saved??
Read it in context, the whole chapter is talking about the tribulation and it's a different salvation during the tribulation. You are saved but must endure. If you take the mark of the beast you are dammed. We are saved through Jesus alone, works don't save us. The Holy Spirit seals us and Jesus give us eternal life
@christoprighteous8199 Hello! Scriptures don't lie Matthew 10:22 KJV Mark 13:13 KJV even JOB had to endure James 5:11 KJV yes the Tribulation is Armageddon Revelation 16:16 KJV Matthew 24:14 KJV
The Bible says "eternal salvation" not conditional salvation. Does God who knows everything write a persons name in the Book of Life and then erases it at a later date? That makes zero sense. Jesus who is sinless died for sinners because we cannot save ourselves because we are imperfect yet He requires us imperfect sinners to maintain salvation when it took a perfect sinless being to attain it? That makes zero sense. God may punish a Christian in some way due to blasphemous sinning (Ananais and Sapphira come to mind) but He will not remove your salvation.
You can't work for your salvation in the same way works can't cause you to lose your salvation. It is a heart that wins salvation in the same way. When a person's heart turns away from God, they lose that salvation. 2 Peter 2:20-22; Ezekiel 18:24; James 5:19-20
OSAS If someone says any different mark them as false preacher & let them be accursed. Jesus died once only for our sins if we believe on him. That is the gift of God. For that reason we should love him & follow his commandments. Otherwise as children of God we will be chastened in this life. Fear the chastening & walk after the new man. Know in this body we will sin but God will forgive us & not impute sin because the blood of our saviour our Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed us. Who died, was buried, went to hell & was resurrected on the 3rd day. In the resurrection we will be given in a new sinless body & forever be with him. Thank you Jesus for your gift. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
We “are saved” is what the Bible teaches. Six times, the phrase “are saved” is found in the Bible: Romans 8:24, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 1 Corinthians 15:2, 2 Corinthians 2:15, Ephesians 2:5, Revelation 21:24. There is no “being saved” in the KJB.
Been having people attack me on another channel only focusing on John 3:16 while ignoring the rest of the book and it's sad. I've even explained to them that there was more times than that that people asked about salvation and the answers varied and one was even told to sell everything they owned but people ignore everything that convicts them or contradicts their flesh. We need to keep praying they choose to see the truth.
If God saves you and puts your name in the book of life, then God was not wrong when he wrote your name. If you believe you lost your name then did God erase your name in the book of life when he already wrote your name? 🤔
Rev , 3-5 , thus shall he who conquers ( is victorious), be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the book of life : I will acknowledge him as mine )and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels .
@melaniedelaney2279 there's the opposite side of this and people usually only see what they want but it also says if we don't do certain things our name will be blotted out. It's just just the saying goes "out yourself in their shoes" which means don't just look at if from our own perspective or the perspective we want and we gotta look at from their point of view as well to get a better understanding.
@willkeasling1526 I only look at it from the word of Gods point of view , scriputure doesn't change for me or anyone else , I do as my Father Jesus told me , it is written
@melaniedelaney2279 that's good but when Jesus said "if you love me you will keep my commandments" that also means if someone doesn't keep his commandments that means they dont love him. There's always 2 sides to every coin and can't have night without day or hot without cold or good without evil. Most only read it one way and don't see the flip side.
If the idea of 'the elect' carries with the idea that God predestines people to heaven or hell then that is wrong. God does not predestine a person's eternity in either. His decision is based upon THEIR decision regarding His Son Jesus Christ's payment for their sin upon the cross. God honors that and they, not Him, make the determination.
@@markusw.2690 2 Peter 3:9 very clearly emphasizes that God does not predetermine a person's eternal destiny. We have to interpret the Bible by the Bible.
Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur are calvanist, and Paul Washer seems to be a Calvanist. According to Calvanism, God chooses those whom He has predestined for salvation, therefore you can not do anyting to lose it. I personally do not believe this. I believe God, in His sovereignty, has given all people free will.
Nobody ever quit sinning to be saved so how in the world can you lose salvation by sinning? If you think you've quit sinning you're very deceived. That's why salvation is compared to a birth. It's permanent. By faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. If you live an obedient life towards the Lord after you're saved you will have a "tendency to sin less" as you attempt to please the Lord with your life, but after you trust Christ as Saviour you're saved. Period! If you live carnally after that then you will suffer consequences of that carnal life but those consequences do not mean that you will lose your salvation. You can jeopardize your fellowship but never your salvation. And again, that's why it's compared to a new birth. I am a Roberts by birth and that will never change, in the physical realm. My earthly dad could have kicked me out and said I never want to see you again, or I could have said I'm leaving home Dad and I never want to see you again... but I'm still his son, by birth. I may not be in fellowship with him but I'm still his son. That doesn't change and it's the same with salvation. I wish people would get it through their head. It really is that simple. Nobody has a license to sin. I am so sick of hearing that phrase. I hate sin, but I'm still a sinner saved by grace and that's not going to change until I'm fully redeemed in my new body.
Yes, I’m sure. By grace, through faith, in Christ. ALONE! Zero works. One sin makes you guilty, so either perfectly obey the Law from birth til death and save yourself (impossible), or believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death, burial and resurrection (the Gospel).
Amen brother
@Nighhhts amen I'd rather trust in Jesus because I am totally corrupted with sin the only way that I could be washed is through Jesus's blood I'm the only way I get to heaven is because of what he did on the cross 100% Jesus 0% me
Amen to that ✝️🛐
"Once saved always saved" does not mean you can sin willfully or freely it means you are sealed with the blood of Christ and if you are saved you will HATE sin and avoid it at all cost
God searches the hearts and works are evidence of faith but they play NO part in our salvation is the fruit of our salvation.
OooK, I suggest you OSAS folks need to get together give everyone that memo. I have heard many of your side literally say, sin boldly.
Romans 6 👍
It's still a freedom of choice salvation does not change the desire of flesh so Ananias and sapphire was not saved?🙄
Romans 7 ???
I love hearing the truth. The gospel of God being preached!
For the glory of Christ!
May we all be zealous for Christ!
@@thomasmckelvey8884 Anyone that preaches OSAS or calvanism preaches a false gospel. Read the Bible without these doctrines of demons.
We live for god. Jeremiah told us so in Jeremiah book one. The Lord told Jeremiah that Jeremiah will speak the words that god commands him to speak and the Lord reached out and touched Jeremiah on his mouth and said, "I give you the words that you speak." It's pretty obvious who is running the show! Can you see the real me? The real me. The real me. God told us he wants us to plant and build and then to destroy and then to do it all over again. It is shared Christ consciousness. Come live with me and be like me and live for me. Beautiful.
@ PAUL GOSPEL?? Meaning exactly WHAT??
@@petervanzyl518 PAUL GOSPEL, Meaning that was given only to Paul from Heaven, So it was not the same as Gospel of Kingdom.
I am sure that I am born of the Spirit and because of that and the promises in Gods word ,yes I have full assurance of eternal life
Acts 2
³⁷ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
³⁸ Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@@chrisarmstrong3200 OSAS is a lie and so is Calvanism. Read the Bible without these teachings to see the truth. It can impact if you are truly saved. God’s word tells us to be born again. See what that looks like according to the Bible, not these false teachers promising you can still sin and get away with it.
dude seriously? what did Jesus accomplish at the cross? tell me how many sins were covered by his blood for each of us?
@brohuggie I can tell you what Jesus accomplished. Jesus came to save you FROM YOUR SINS (Matthew 1:21). Not while you still sin against Him and expect an entrance to His kingdom. All sins are covered IF you OBEY HIM and WALK IN THE LIGHT and NOT darkness (sin), then the blood of Jesus will cleanse you from ALL SIN. It is conditional on your obedience as 1 John 1:5-7 teaches. Read what Jesus and His disciples taught. Stop listening to false teachers who tickle your ears and do NOT care about you.
When I am praying and in the Lords presence I cherish my fellowship as I am eternally secure, eternally saved and nothing can snatch me from His presence, but when I live my life in the daily world, when I am working or in my daily chores, I work out my salvation with fear and trembling, ensuring I am careful, so that if I think I am standing I may fall. God’s word and His Holy Spirit has preserved me.
I have been purchased with the blood of my saviour, Jesus Christ. I now belong to him forever! Jesus can no sooner go back on His promises than He could swap places with Moses. His promises are surer than the earth, surer than all the stars in the heavens. His promises are as sure as eternity itself.
So, to be purchased with His blood means, unconditional eternal security? Read 2Pt.1:2 and see who were purchased.
@@DeepjoyDeb Matthew 15:14 (KJV) Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
All Day And Everyday!!!!
@@abcchristian5298 We should still warn people. Not everyone that believes OSAS is stubborn and unwilling to listen to what the Bible says. The same with those who are Calvanist. They can still be saved too, but it is these teachings that they need to rid themselves of. They just need to read the Bible without it. Look at 2 Timothy 24-26 for what to do in situations like this.
@@jazzman1626 God is faithful with His promises but we still need to obey Him to fulfill our end of the deal. That is what Abraham did. Read Genesis 26:1-5.
Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect, Jesus became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Unfortunately the term "Sealed" is very misunderstood by many. The Holy Spirit was given as a helper and not a replacement of one's free will.
Yes WE who believe the gospel are sealed until the day of redemption . Paul Washer said to an audience Half of you are going to hell because you didnt repent . Washer pretending to be another all knowing God ....half of you going to hell ... an exact number ...half . Benny Hi nn plays the same trick in different ways . And will Washer repent and say i lied i did no tknow if it was half , 50, or none" . Washer repent of his lies? . Come now be not deceived .
@@dennisrobbins7661 have you repented??? Luke 13:3
Please consider other parts of scripture and NOT just a couple of verses. An incomplete truth is NOT truth. OSAS is a doctrine of demons. Read the New Testament without it.
Praise to You and You alone! Blessed be Your name, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
The Bible says the saints will be worn down but not crushed. I see many believers fighting the wolves and they're not always gleaming joy from ear to ear. One Christian lady I knew operated am adult foster care for years providing the most loving care on earth. Money was short and late in coming. She had to fight the state for what they owed, the utilities to keep the power on, the phone, company, the insurance system. Regulations among regulations hampered her. Year after year she never took a day off, always thankful to anyone for one minuet of help they would give. She worked around the clock seven days a week protecting the residents like a mother hen. Her home was almost a church. Cancer came, she put up a good fight but at last was called home. When she smiled it lit up the room but when she had to do combat look out, she wasn't worried about winning the joy of the month title.
She sounds like a powerful child of the most high. He worked gloriously through her.
Christ saved me and is keeping me; that is why I trust He will continue to keep me until the end , He will keep me through all my failings and “successes” if any for I know I’m useless and unprofitable servant. I trust Christ’s and His finished work ❤
He Said I will never leave you nor forsake you
Yes, parent will say that too. But if you are foolish son and didn't change your ways, you will perish bro.
but you can leave and forsake HIM.Its called free will.GOD did not great you as robot
Salavtion is not just a decision but a lifelong process in which we follow God and be changes our hearts
HE does not do a 1/2 job!! He gave you a COMPLETELY NEW HEART at the time of instant Salvation! NONE Of this - a bit of a change here today?? and another bit of a change next week, and then next month?? Where do you find this RUBBISH?? Its not in the Bible!
Where did you get that idea?
@EugeneHolley Where did YOU get the idea that it is done deal?
@@Nobody460-t5u Jesus said and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never (at no time) perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, HAS everlasting life, and shall NOT come into condemnation; but IS passed from death unto life.
If I could lose my salvation I would have
You must be born again!
You can lose your salvation, you can walk away from Christ. Not the He gave you up.
@@PIANOBARN there are exactly 0 verses that say walking away, makes you lose your salvation. There are exactly 0 verses that say that you can lose salvation. There are many verses that say once you are saved, you will be raised up on the last day and that you cannot perish and that you will not come under condemnation ever, please read your Bible
@@cwojtas4222If you choose to walk away (meaning you reject Jesus Christ) would you consider to be saved in the end?
@@PIANOBARNJesus said the Father's will is that of those He gave to the Son none should be lost but all raised up at the last day and Jesus said none is lost except the son of perdition which is Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him.
Jesus said he who comes unto Him He will in no wise cast out but raise them up on the last day.
If God predestinated you to obtain salvation,sanctification,redemption and glorification through Lord Jesus Christ,how do you think you can lose that? Are you stronger than He? This is a gift of God that God gives to whomever He wishes.
Paul talked about presentation in Romans 9 the most and he talked to the saints as God's chosen people in all of his epistles and so did Jesus speak of the saints,as those elected by the Father that He should gather all up into one fold and they shall all have One Shepherd,the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are so wretched we have no power at all to save ourselves just like baby has no power at all to feed himself or herself without the parent coming to feed the baby.
Therefore repent(have a change of mind) and believe the gospel and you shall be saved. God bless.
I am saved because I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for my sins.
But you have to obey bro. Jesús si the best techaer about that. If you do not obey his commandments.
If you're saved and disobey can you tell me what happens? I can. You get chastened. You get corrected. God chastens his sons and daughters. It looks different for everyone because everyone is different. He knows what works for each individual. We will all still sin and fall short of the Glory of God after salvation.... but God never disowns an adopted son or daughter....EVER. once you're saved you're always saved. Anyone who is truly saved knows what chastening is.
@@schwiftycatsThe best bible teacher (Dereck Prince) whoever walk on this planet earth never talk about OSAS.
Remember: Everyone will still be under the Judgement seat of Christ after we die.
If one doesn’t yield to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, then one is denouncing/rejecting the kingdom of God ; Till the last day of one’s life free will applies;
2 Peter 2:20-21
For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
@@nicktambolero4698 So if a person is gay and believes in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus they are saved? Think about it.
"...your salvation is now nearer than when you first believed..."
1 John 5 vs 13
Sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. Yep! Hallelujah. We rest in the finished work of Christ.🙌🏻
"He that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved." Matthew 10:22. Study the Bible closely and you will see that many.MANY, fell away from their salvation.. No man can take it from you, but you can give it up.
I agree…. A Christian can fall 70 times in a day but will get back up and keep fighting. We have to abide in Christ. If we don’t we wither and die. God will never not extend his hand to someone, if we abide we will never loose our salvation. But we can forfeit it. And walk away and turn away
If I believed in what these guys are preaching I would not believe in my eternal security at all. I would always having to be doing something to make sure I am still saved !!
Hebrews 5:9 ….And being made perfect, Jesus became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
@ what are you doing to obey Him ?
@ I repented (Luke 13:3) …. I’m born again (John 3:3) … I’m not sinning anymore (John 5:4, 8:11)
@@PutGodfirst129 so you’re calling God a liar ? 1 John 1:10
@@PutGodfirst129The commandments are the foundation of Salvation (believing in Jesus Christ)
If you have SALVATION, you know it and your life will show it. AMEEN!
If I lose salvation then, it was mine salvation, but if I am saved by Him, I stay saved!
Saved, being saved and finally, shall be saved! These three tenses is used in the Scripture.
Not everyone will be save unless:
1. Born again
2. Born of the spirit and truth
3. obedience to the will of the father.
The word " fallen" of below verse indicates once saved by grace but now fallen.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
( Galatians 5 : 4 )
For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
( Romans 8 : 13 )
Spiritual death after salvation can be seen in this verse.
@ UMMMMM did the Thief on the cross fulfill all of these requirements?
Remember the one's saying Lord, Lord, I did this, I did that, I did all of that, and He says depart from me, I never knew you. They were claiming their good works and were denied entry. Men try to define works and sin. It must be according to the Word of God which is Jesus Christ. Jesus stated on many occasions what His commandments are. To love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. To love your neighbors as you love yourself. On this hang all of the law and the prophets. So your good works will be fruit of the Spirit and sin is works of the flesh. Btw debate is known as strife and is a fruit of the flesh, which is sin. God bless you all. I hope this reaches the ones who needed it. Jesus is King!
1 John 5 vs 13
thank you jusses AMEN m'y friend
Here ya go:
He said it's forever :
John 10:27-30 KJV
[27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [28] and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. [30] I and my Father are one.
Are you His sheep and follow Him?
Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Meaning he that overcomes worldly pleasures and carnal desires and stays faithful and obedient to the very end will be recognized before Heavenly Father.
Otherwise our names will be blotted out of the book of life, and what is the book of life? In Hebrew the book of life records those people considered righteous before God. It ensures eternal life on the day of judgment. We can lose salvation by turning away and giving into our desires, the Bible explicitly states it over and over again.
I am sure of once saved always saved
OSAS is an evil doctrine!
@@pinkpig-g1j Read your Bible WITHOUT that teaching. It will lead you astray
@@Nobody460-t5uit’s actually in the Bible. We have eternal life and GASP it actually lasts forever.
No it's not. If you read the Bible through the lens of OSAS or Calvinism you will be overlook the clear warnings and instructions on how to truly be born again.
Calvinist believe that if you do not live a righteous life you are not saved, do you believe that? then you are a Calvinist.... think about it.
I absolutely believe once saved always saved, it’s Biblical
All who love know god because god is love. 1John 4 7 God loves us so much he would never let us go. God tells you he is love. That is really something. My cat and I share god. We really enjoy sharing god. And when Jesus said no man can come to the father except through me it is because Jesus Christ is god and love as well, so of course then. One without love will never want heaven. Haters hate and they go where everybody hates. When a new guy shows up they all moan. I bet they throw tomatoes at him too. New guy on the cell block.
No where does it say once saved always saved , I am sorry , Jesus said the ones that hold till the end , Matthew 24 : 13 , the 10 virgins parable explains this , the seed being sowed on different ground parable explains this , and John chapter 15 the whole chapter, the Gospel .
@ sorry but the 10 virgins is not about salvation. Philippians 1:6 is one, “ He who began a good work in me will complete it. No one can snatch them out of my Fathers hand. So many other verses. Just research and study the WORD. I’m sorry you have been lied to, misinformed, but only God can give be salvation, if He gives to you, he is not gonna take it back, you have been filled with the spirit upon asking genuinely for salvation. Just study
It's a lie from the pits of hell and is therefore found nowhere in the Bible. To believe OSAS you have to cherry pick and omit hundreds of scriptures and present others out of context.
@ you are welcome to believe what you want
Yes, I am very sure of this as scripture tells me this. Don't be confused about this, if you see a "Christian" living in sin with no repentance and no fruit you can be sure there was never a true regeneration of the heart.
Another part of this is that God cannot lie he told us never will I leave you nor forsake you instead of people fixating on losing salvation they should be fixating on the Lord Jesus and what he did upon the cross which doesn't give us a license to sin
Have you guessed yet ? That’s right I’m a fully persuaded DISPENSATIONALIST.Paul is the ONLY apostle to the Body of Christ.
We forget It is Jesus who actually saves. Not some auto pilot process. He writes your name in a book. No going back
our father offered salvation to everyone thru his begotten sun so what is your responsibilities? Jesus Christ said to Necodemus, Unless you are change, there is no salvation.
@ He NEVER SAID what you have quoted "to Nicodemus" DONT ADD something that your "church" has taught you? Go to the Holy Spirit- ASK HIM!!
I could watch vids like this all day🙏🕊💕
Always great to listen to the truth of God's word 🙏
I am sealed with the spirit not perfect walking by faith living in love
I saw someone screaming in hell because he believed "once saved, always saved" and thought he could live in sin.
Now there is no hope for him.
If you're REALLY saved, you won't try to get away with sin! He tried, and lost everything!
Oh did you? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret that only saved people know..... you don't "get away with sin" if you're saved. You get chastened and corrected....even unto death if you don't heed the correction. God will strip away your joy, job, finances, peace, name it he will do it if you don't correct your behavior.....but you absolutely don't lose your salvation. That is eternal.
@@schwiftycatsExcellent Scriptural answer! Amazing how many people don't get it. I have such peace and joy in my salvation. These people who think you can lose it must be absolutely miserable. That's a tormenting thought. So glad I'm safe and secure in Jesus. Sealed unto the day of redemption. :)
1 John 5 vs 13
So, how are you getting away with your sin?
2 Peter 2:20-21
For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
There’s one way and one way only to lose your salvation and that’s explained in Hebrews 6:6. Remember salvation is a gift. Now we can keep that gift or throw it away. It’s up to us. That’s why there are so many versus that say endure to the end, persevere in the faith and so on…..❤✝️
You don't have the power to strip away the seal of the Holy Spirit. Your effort or lack of effort is not more powerful than the blood of Jesus Christ. It's actually filthy rags.You're misinterpreting scripture. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith..... Not you.
@@schwiftycatsWhat did Jesus said to Nicodemus about salvation?
Please learn to rightly divide Scripture as instructed in 2 Timothy 2:15. The title of the book you referenced is a dead giveaway as to whom it is written TO: The HEBREWS. EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE IS WRITTEN FOR YOU BUT IT IS NOT ALL WRITTEN TO YOU. The Church gets its doctrine from Paul in Romans through Philemon.
1 John 5 vs 13
@@schwiftycats So, you’re saying Paul is wrong in his letter to the Hebrews in Hebrews 6?
There are plenty of Christians (myself included) who have gone through great spiritual strides forward as well as backsliding days where faith was weak or even nonexistent. It’s a difficult thing to accept that someone who died during a weak (or backsliding) period of their life would be cast into hell because that just happened to be their current state of mind at the time of their death. The human mind can be very fickle and “double-minded” at times, as James puts it. I’m sure that Christ wants us to be consistent in our walk with him and in our convictions, but so many of us are not. The book of 1st John is quite a difficult read for those who struggle with backsliding.
@@returnoftheschaef2084 sounds like excuses not to follow instructions to obey. There's instructions to follow so you won't be weak. You're cast into the lake of fire if your name isn't found in the book of life.
Consider what the other user said. Don’t make up excuses and come clean with the Lord Jesus. Confess and forsake any all known sins.
Once saved, always saved.
Insert Meme: “Are you sure about that? 🤷♂️ “
Its hard for some people to accept the fact that Jesus died for accidental sin and willful sin. Sin is sin, Christ died for both, Christ died for ALL the sins of the world.
Wonderful teaching from GOD's Word. So rare today. Praise Christ!
There’s nothing you can do to keep your salvation. Your righteousness is nothing, nothing but filthy rags. If you could lose it, you have. Our salvation comes from Christ and the shed blood on the cross. It’s his righteousness that keeps us saved, his blood redeemed us. It says SIN not sins is the wages of death. One sin is enough so how are you going to keep from losing your salvation?
Those of you that say we can lose it, how many times have you lost your salvation or are you a perfect person and walk on water? Amen
O.S.A.S. is from the "father of lies" and "lord of the flies". Narrow gate ---- narrow path. All abandoned The Lord Jesus on Thursday night,,,, after they pledged a few hours earlier that they would stick with Him.
In 2 Timothy chapter 4, Paul mentions that some people have let him, only Luke was still there. A man named Demas left the faith, and Paul was not happy about the situation.
No it’s the gospel … we HAVEEEE eternal life. I’m sorry you don’t believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ
@@cwojtas4222 Do you own / possess a Holy Bible? If you do, then open it to Matthew chapter 7 and read verses 15 to 29, and reread several times verses 21 to 23!
Read and heed the words of The Lord Jesus Christ - NOT the words of Mister Worldly Wiseman and the greasy-gracers and sloppy agape teachers!
@ I am SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT THAT UP ! I know it by ♥️. Let’s go through it together so you can learn!!! “Not everyone who says to me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father (take note) for many shall come to me in that day and say “lord lord have we not prophesied in your name. And cast out demons in your name, and in your name done many great works? And I shall say to them “depart from me you worker of lawlessness I NEVER KNEW YOU!”
So good. So Teo things … what is the will of the father? John 6:29 says “the will of my father is this that you believe in the one who he has sent. Lastly Jesus says “I never knew you” meaning they never were in Jesus they never believed in him as savior when they were denied entry the brought up their good works . NOT Jesus sacrafice ♥️♥️♥️
OSAS is literally the narrow path.... it's the majority of people like you who don't actually believe that are on the broad path of destruction. You don't actually trust you're trusting in your works and self-righteousness. Your works are filthy rags. If you've never trusted and believed the Gospel....which it appears you haven't. You're unsaved. I'd go figure that out really fast if I were you.
We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Not of ourselves or works. Lest any man should boast. FULL STOP
@@cwojtas4222yup you are 100 percent correct, here is the same take I did in Greek hope this makes sense if not I can brake it down easier or simpler but I think this will be pretty much what you need-
Many misuse Matthew 7:21-23 to suggest that obedience to Christ’s commands determines salvation. However, Jesus Himself defines the will of the Father in John 6:39-40, where He twice uses the neuter demonstrative pronoun "τοῦτο" (tuto):
“This (τοῦτο) is the will of Him who sent Me: that of all He has given Me, I should lose nothing but should raise it up at the last day.” (v.39)
“For this (τοῦτο) is the will of My Father: that everyone who sees (θεωρῶν - theoreo) the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life.” (v.40)
This neuter demonstrative pronoun (τοῦτο - "this") is vital because it encapsulates the entire summary of God’s will-it wraps the entire concept into one unified reality: salvation comes through seeing and believing in the Son. If Jesus wanted to refer to multiple aspects of obedience (e.g., faith + works), a different demonstrative pronoun could have been used (e.g., "ταῦτα" - neuter plural) to indicate several components, but He did not.
Furthermore, the verb "θεωρῶν" (theoreo) does not mean a casual glance-it refers to a deep, contemplative observation that impacts the viewer's heart. This is not just intellectual acknowledgment but a personal realization-it tugs at the soul and leads to belief. This perfectly aligns with the cross: as one beholds Christ crucified, they are moved to trust in His sacrifice. The very act of seeing (θεωρέω) leads into believing (πιστεύων).
Now, in Matthew 7:22, these people appeal to their works (prophesying, casting out demons, and miracles), but nowhere do they mention faith in Christ’s blood. Jesus’ response in v.23 is devastating:
*"I never knew you" (οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς - oudenpote egnon humas).
οὐδέποτε (oudenpote) = "Never at any time in the past.” This absolute negation (stronger than οὐ or μή) confirms that at no point in history did Christ ever know them. If salvation could be lost, He would have said, "I knew you once, but not anymore." But He does not say that-this proves they were never saved. ἔγνων (egnon, Aorist Active Indicative of γινώσκω) = "to know intimately". This is not just knowing about someone, but an experiential, personal knowing. Christ says He never had an intimate relationship with them through salvation.
Jesus then calls them ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν (ergazomenoi tēn anomian) - “workers of lawlessness”.
ἐργαζόμενοι (present participle, continuous aspect) = This shows an ongoing state of being. They are habitually characterized as people whose sins have never been forgiven. ἀνομίαν (lawlessness) = Not merely “breaking laws” but living without divine righteousness. This isn’t just bad behavior; it’s spiritual alienation from God due to the absence of Christ’s atoning blood.
This fully exposes the false interpretation that salvation is lost by disobedience. The issue here is not failing to keep commandments, but rather never being saved in the first place.
Key Takeaways: The will of the Father (τοῦτο) is faith in Christ alone (John 6:39-40).
θεωρέω (theoreo) = To behold in a way that moves the heart to belief (not mere intellectual acknowledgment).
οὐδέποτε (never, at no point in time) proves these people were never saved.
ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν (workers of lawlessness) = Remaining in sin because their sins were never forgiven. The passage warns against trusting in religious works rather than Christ’s blood.
This passage is not about “true believers losing salvation” but about false converts who never trusted in Christ alone.
Yes, once saved, always saved as long as you abide in Jesus. But if you know what sin is and you sin, some of your rewards in heaven are taken away, and the plagues of this world will be added to you. ❤🙏🙏🙏❤️
Thank you! 👏🏻 I was saved years ago for sure when I was 18 and I walked away and my life came crashing down and I was punished but Jesus NEVER LEFT ME as much as I suppressed the Holy Spirit❤❤❤❤ God has chastised me and blessed me beyond measure since PRAISE GOD
We are only saved on the last day. That's what Jesus said in Matthew 24 and in the letters to the seven churches when he was already in heaven Revelation 3. OSAS is a false human doctrine to keep people in sin.
@molokomack332 I'm 100000% convinced that you absolutely have no idea what OSAS even means.
Can God make a mistake?
Once God justifies a person He declares them not guilty and therefore they are saved from damnation.
Don't hear what I'm NOT SAYING; I'm not saying that a person can confess to believe in Christ yet live like the devil all their live long days....a believer is given a new heart with a new nature.
@jtbtdlkt2012 how do you know you were justified by God?
@@molokomack332 Matthew 15:14 (KJV) Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
The Catholics believe you have to earn your salvation
The Calvinists believe you have to prove your salvation
The Arminians believe you must keep your salvation
But Scripture says in John 5:24, John 6:17 and John 11:25,26 that your salvation comes from trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior PRESENT, PERFECT TENSE
You must separate justification from sanctification!
You can be a Christian, but not be in fellowship, which is different from being an unbeliever.
Let the LORD instruct you on this. How can anybody know they have done enough to earn, prove or keep their salvation?
That is a perfect Scriptural response! Thank you!!
Not all call me Lord LORD will enter the kingdom of God or see GOD, beware don't be deceived, sin is death there's the second death the lake of fire 🔥
You have to ignore a lot of scripture to believe you can't lose your salvation. It's telling people what they want to hear. You have to abide, or you are in danger of being cut off.
Eternal life isn't eternal the modern Bible has a liar as god
Being saved by faith alone must only be to those who go to church in the modern bibles and the modern god
How crazy are these idiots who think the definition of a saved person is that they must be serving god inside the church
Thank God it's the blood of Jesus that saves me not my lifestyle or my works or my actions
@@ChrisPerkins-i7hIf you're statement was true then there would be no difference between the people of the world and those who are in Jesus Christ
Exactly right!
@@ChrisPerkins-i7hYou need to go read your Bible and stop listening to false teachers.
God isn't God if He can't save eternally or complete any work He set out to do. Isaiah says God's word does not return void. And, God is not a man that He should lie.
There is no eternal security, "Once saved always saved " is a slogan of satan. A free ticket to hell.
Jesus Christ wouldn't have told us to deny ourselves, there is a price to pay to maintain our names in the book of life. Fighting sin and running away from the world through the Holy Spirit
Maybe I'm wrong but I also think of it like this if someone put 100% trust in Jesus and 0% in themselves if they were to be able to be lost to lose their salvation that means that what Jesus did upon the cross wasn't sufficient something else would have had to been done to re save them
He is speaking about the disciples…. If applied as he states only Judas will be in hell(lost) They all were chosen.. even Judas was chosen… he was chosen for a purpose that all may be fulfilled.
They are cherry picking scriptures read Matt 5;13, Luke 9;23, John 15;6, Romans 8;13, Romans 11;22, 1 Cor 15;2, Col 1;21-23, Heb 3;6, Heb 3;14, Heb 6;5-6, Heb 10;26, 1 Cor9;27, 1 John 1;5-6, 1 John 1;7, 1 John 2;3,4,5 1 Pet 4;18. Rev 3v5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.Jesus warned us that NARROW IS THE WAY AND FEW THAT FIND IT. WE MUST WALK OUT OUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING. GOD LOVES US BUT WE MUST OBEY HIS WORD AND REMAIN IN HIM OR WE WILL BE CUT OFF. TURN FROM SIN AND WALK IN HOLYNESS. HE LOVES US VERY MUCH. WE EARN NOTHING WE KEEP WHAT WAS GIVEN TO US
Amen , to that
Staying saved is a struggle. The three enemies are satan, the world and the flesh. The first two are attacks from the outside. The most difficult enemy is ourselves. Yet, we have the Trinity on our side which are immensely more powerful. Focus on Jesus the Christ.Crucify your flesh daily; keep the "old man" down with the help of the Holy Spirit which is given to us. When you examine yourself and see sin in your life, the Holy Spirit will remind you on what to do through the Scriptures. I've adopted a formula read, study and applying the Word of God consistently. At the same time asking the LORD to making you aware aware of His Presence throughout your waking hours. Again it's not easy but achievable having all your faith and love in Jesus. Mathew 7:14.
Faith without works is dead. Abraham worked by being obedient. His Faith in Obedience was accounted to Him righteous. He who endures till the end shall be saved. We are to be Born Again.
Dead faith will get you to heaven but it won't benefit those watching you.
The jews who endure the 7 years tribulation will be saved when Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon
Abrams faith was counted for righteousness in God's sight
Abrams obedience gives us an example that obedience to God's command proves his faith was real because we can not see his heart.
Man looks at the actions
God looks at the heart
If you are looking for Abrams actions you will find sin
You can say Abram ditched his wide and let another man have her so I'm not getting married because... Abram
No stupid you follow God not the actions of Abram Abraham's works were dead and not to be followed in this circumstance
Yes! It is. James is talking about how your faith doesn't benefit anyone on earth if you don't act. If a hungry person tells you he is hungry and you say, "Well, I'm sure God will provide food" when you yourself could feed him, your faith is dead in that situation.
James isn't talking about salvation as you can never earn your salvation. All of your good works that you could do in your life would not be holy enough to pay for one sin you've committed. Thanks be to Jesus for paying that debt.
Abraham believed GOD and it was accounted to him for righteousness. We are saved by faith in Christ alone + nothing.
Faith w/o works is dead. The question is to whom? James is referring to the people around you. If your faith does not show good works, it will not benefit anyone around you because to them, your faith is dead. You don't have to prove God your faith through your works, He already knows what's in your heart. Of course, if you have faith, works will follow. Works is not the proof of faith, it is the fruit of it. If you have true faith, although you may not have good works now, the fruits will soon show.
Stop trusting in YOUR works and instead trust in what JESUS did. Having an attitude of “I’m doing this and I’m doing that and me me me” is prideful.
Romans 4:5 But to him that WORKETH NOT, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
People obsessed with proving “once saved, always saved!” miss asking the crucial question: “I know I am saved. Now what shall I do?” You are now to do away with your old sinful ways, putting away the “former flesh” as Paul describes it. Will you still sin? Yes. “For we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. But now we are living for the glory of God, not for ourselves. Therefore, drunkenness will no longer be found in us, neither fornication, adultery, laziness, gluttony, etc etc. When we come short of the mark, we ask the Lord to forgive us. Just as we would in marriage, we say “I’m sorry”. Do we live in constant fear of “losing our salvation?” Not as long as we live unto him, and not ourselves, no. It’s really not that hard to understand.
Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth in [the light of this world]. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because [there is no light in him]"🙏🙌🗣🕊🔥🦅.
We're missing something today. Yes, we are forgiven by grace through faith, but there is a response to the good news that bears good fruit.
The servant of Matt 18 was forgiven by grace, but when he does not "treat others as he would like to be treated", his punishment is restored and worsened. "Better for them to have never known the truth than to know it and turn away".
This explains the goats who call Jesus "Lord" in Matt 25 as well. They do not love their brother as themselves either.
James says "we will be judged by the law of liberty (love, freedom from the letter of the law to serve the spirit of the law). There will be no mercy for those who show no mercy."
We have to get this right and not be the generation that "does not endure sound teaching, but runs after easier messages to listen to."
When reading scripture, always ask: Who, What, Where, When and Why. 1. Jesus speaking to His chosen Apostles/Disciples 2. Instruction on how to pray 3. In private just after Sermon on the Mount 4. After 2+ years of teaching His chosen disciples 5. Jesus' instructions on correct prayer is to correct the disciples' misunderstandings among themselves. Pay close attention to verses 12 & 13, ask yourself "why does Jesus want me to ask Him to forgive me every time I pray and, to lead me away from temptation"? And, what is the consequence if I don't pray as per His instruction?
"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
If salvation can be lost, then how much sin is too much sin? How much sin does it take to lose salvation? Is it sinning 5xs,10xs, or 100xs? How much sin does it take to out sin Gods good grace? How much sin does it take to get God to break his promise of eternal salvation? If ione can lose salvation, that means Jesus sacrafice on the cross wasnt sufficient enough to cover all sins, it means his sacrifice only cover some sins. Which mean one have to add good works to obtain salvation. So how many works does one must do to add to Jesus sacrafice on cross to obtain salvation?
A true believer wants to glorify the father not shame Him. Our works of righteousness are a proclamation to the world that He is real and alive. Before being born again did you honestly go around and try to please God? We aren’t saved by works of course, but show me your faith without works and I’ll show you mine with works. Faith without works is dead and is impossible to please Him. There is the spirit within you now that resist darkness but although still embodied in this flesh presents a struggle from within. This is why it’s important to continue to grow in understanding. Sanctification in the power of the Holy Ghost. “And you will recieve power”. Power to overcome, overcome by increasing faith manifest by good works as we become more like Christ. My people hear my voice. We must act upon hearing. I’m not sure if any of this will change your perspective, but either way continue in the faith with all diligence and the Spirit that leads us into all truth shall be revealed to you. To whom much is given much is required. Asking questions is part of learning. Please don’t let the anger or strife of disagreements hamper your faith. 2timothy study and show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We are sanctified by truth and Gods word is truth. I hope this will offer some light in Jesus name.
@dannybrown3408 not having any good works does not mean you are not saved. I'm sure the thief on the cross had no good works to show his faith. Yes we are judged by our works for rewards in heaven, but not for our salvation. Salvation is based on faith and faith alone. Now I agree, OSAS is not a license to sin, but nevertheless, when you believe you are sealed with the holy spirit. Nothing can break that seal. If one can lose salvation then that is basing salvation on works, either good or bad. If we could lose salvation then everyone probably has lost salvation. We all sin everyday, knowingly or not. If salvation can be lost, then everyone has, which means nobody goes to heaven, which means there's no hope for anyone.
@@BrndiMiller I cannot argue whether or not someone can lose their salvation but scripture tells us you will know them by their fruits. It requires works to grow faith. Reading your Bible is works based. Scripture also tells us that if a branch doesn’t produce fruit it is cut and burned. Its Godly repentance that brings forth salvation and only God can Grant repentance. That’s what saved the thief. If you’re not producing fruit you could be deceiving yourself. I ask you, what about the the three servants 10,5 and1 talent. The unprofitable servant was cast into outer darkness with weeping and bashing of teeth. Or the ten virgins which only five enter into the marriage supper because five were not diligent in keeping their lamps full. We must be extremely confident in our salvation and I believe anyone who is truly born again will produce fruit. Works are fruit and your right it doesn’t save you but does provide some evidence that you may be. Of course many will say in that day LordLord have we not cast out demons in your name etc. wheats and tares, wolves in sheep’s clothing. Satan will disguise himself as an angel of light. Once again one thing I know is if you’re just sitting on the couch waiting for God to manifest Himself , good luck with that. If you’re not working you have no faith. You’re deceiving yourself. This all has nothing to do with woks salvation just evidence there of.
once saved always saved ? Yes when you get to heaven ! you'll never get kicked out of heaven..ONCE THERE SAVED !!
Ummm Bible is written for people for earthly people not the one in heaven lol, it’s obvious if you’re in heaven you can’t come back to earth or go to hell. Read your Bible you getting things wrong!! Once you saved you always saved is false teaching and referring to Christians people on earth.
God does not make false promises!
Colossians 1:21-23.
A Christian dies having not forgiven a brother or sister for a wrong done against them even though God had been repeatedly telling them they must forgive. They knew it was wrong to hold on but kept sweeping it under the rug. Always Saved? What did Jesus say?
I am not so sure, Paul constantly talked to people who were turning away and returning to bondage.
You are right. Trust what the Bible actually says versus these people who present lies.
It is a work of faith that the Holy Spirit does in us together with our desire to remain and walk with our Lord. So we cannot work out our salvation but we believe Gods love will fill us and that way we remain walking with Him at the same time desiring His presence.
We are one with God through the Holy Spirit and that is and always been Gods plan. Him and us together in one spirit.
I am more Calvin my belief system, I am more convinced today of total depravity then ever, our need to repent and holy, as much as possible, we are in a battle on 3 fronts, flesh, world, spirit. But in JESUS we have the victory. A single man with Jesus has more power then the entire world without.
@@timmanson8699 Calvinism is a lie. So is OSAS. Read the Bible instead of listening to false teachings.
Don't think you can do it alone. Millions have made this faith journey before us. There is immeasurably more wisdom out there then we know. Dont overlook the teachings of the reformers. The doctrine of grace, adoption. The process of sanctification. We are told by JESUS to be careful of what we hear. Its easy if we walk alone to fall into a ditch, by if we walk with others, we keep each other from stumbling. Any who, hope you are doing well, if a stranger can pray for you, what would have me to pray for, for you?
You don't hear about earnest money much anymore.the first property transaction I was ever involved in the banker used that phrase and probably had to explain it .I've never forgotten and guess what God does not either
What do people here believe then? Faith plus works?
You don’t loose salvation, but it can be renounced of one’s own free will. They can consider the blood of the covenant by which they were saved an unclean thing and blaspheme the Spirit 0f grace. No one can judge who is worthy of eternal condemnation, Jesus is the one whom the Father has appointed to be judge. We cannot see what is inside a man, but Jesus is He who searches the minds and hearts and He will reward or repay everyone according to their works. Rom. 2:5-11 and Revelation 2:23 There is coming a time when “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
Daniel 12:10 NKJV
I find it odd that pastors always use the term Saved and Salvation or being Saved; without, saying what a believer is being saved from! Hell, temptation, a terrible life; maybe! The truth is almost always left out!
Those that believe that Jesus dies for their sins are truly most definitely saved from the first judgment! There is no promise that you will get out of your prison! But you will not be judged at the first judgment!
I love how he trailed off when it came to saying “except Judas.” Lol you need to read John 15. Jesus is the vine we must ABIDE in Him. If we don’t we are cut off 😮. Oh no does that blow your minds who won’t read? It’s sad you think we become without free will after we receive Jesus.
I think the idea of being saved and not having to worry about going to hell maybe went too far and saying you can never go to hell no matter what. But we don't know for sure
Are you sure you have faith? Faith in yehshua being our savior is what saves us and Romans 4:5 explains that faith alone is counted as righteousness and to question it shows lacknof faith
Our works are never perfect and always in need of forgiveness. Salvation is a gift of the Holy Spirit! Read Karl Barth!
Yes ! 🫵😉
Unless your Pentecostal,
then No !🤷
Saved to the uttermost. Passed FROM death TO life. This is not a revolving report. Also, becoming a NEW creation is never undone. You cannot become unsaved.
You say that, but you won’t consider His other words in the Bible that tell you must actually obey Him and that you could lose your salvation. Don’t be decieved! OSAS is a doctrine of demons.
What are the 2 condition of Salvation ask by Jesus christ to Nicodemus?
You know… we have some Pastors that teach that once saved always saved, like Pastor John McArthur is correct according to scripture, then you have other pastors that say that is error and say no that’s is wrong according to how they interpret scripture, so which one is true? This can be so confusing and don’t know what to believe because both believe what they say is right. Why can’t all pastors believe the same thing? the bible is the bible, and teachers should not be in disagreement with each other, it’s not right to confuse followers.
Thank you 🙏❤️
If you can lose salvation that is no different than saying sin has more power than the blood of Christ
Almost all of my earthly hero’s in one video. Awesome!
Only one hero Jesus Christ!
What if you are a Christian and comment sin over and over again. Does that mean you were not really saved or even yet backslide and refuses to go back to Christ?
Revelation 22:19 AMP
[19] and if anyone takes away from or distorts the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away [from that one] his share from the tree of life and from the holy city (new Jerusalem), which are written in this book.
You can loose your salvation...Script is clear
love this stuff!
@@timmanson8699 Read the Bible instead
OK. Can you recommend any good verses. Besides just saying "the bible"
@@timmanson8699 I could, but you must first get rid of the leaven that will influence your understanding of said verses. That is the truth.
Just give me some references and I'll decide. Actually are you a bot. Are you a real person? Not wanting to be trolled here.
@ I am NOT a bot. My response is the same as mentioned within this thread to your request.
As much as I like these preachers but however I'm not in agreement with them or calvinism I do believe OSAS
Give me your definition on Calvinism. I don’t want to be led astray. God Bless
@@jamesmitchell6288 Dr Andy Woods, Mike Winger both have detail information on this topic also there are other resources for info on this and their beliefs, they do have a lot of biblical beliefs but the fact that Cavin got his system from St Augustine of the RC do a lot of research on it then decide if you go with it or not, my big objection is the predestination that only the elect can be saved which in my view contradicts John 3:13 and Romans chapter 10 plus other verses
@@clintpospichal6498 ......Thats been the big one for me. The predestination thing. If thats the case, then if we are predestined at birth for hell, why not go out and rob, pillage and just do whatever you want to do. It isn't how I was raised in Church. I appreciate your comment.
Truth, they preach truth. I'm grateful to God for Faithful men like these.
@@clintpospichal6498It doesn’t contradict anything. The reason only the elect can be saved, is that no one comes to Christ without first being led by the Holy Spirit to Him. And the Holy Spirit only leads those to Christ whom the Father has pre-destined to be saved. As unbelievers we are all basically like Lazarus - totally dead to our sins and trespasses, essentially zombies - walking dead. It was Christ who chose to raise Lazarus from the dead; Lazarus didn’t call out to Jesus from his tomb to come save him. The same is true with all unbelievers. No one can seek out Christ, who is not being led by the Holy Spirit to do so. The work of Salvation and rejuvenation/being reborn begins by the Holy Spirit before the person in question is led to Christ in faith. As for free will, Christians can leave the faith after being saved, which would essentially cause their names to be blotted out of the Book of Life.
A new creation in Christ Jesus. Made the righteousness of God in Christ. Seated in Heavenly place with Christ in the mind of God, already. God completely satisfied with Christ's sacrifice for my sins. The indwelling Holy Spirit our guarantee of the inheritance laid up in Heaven for us, and us kept by the power of God for that inheritance. Jesus said, I give unto my sheep eternal life and they shall never perish. I could go on and on. The problem is that Christians haven't got a clue what 'Salvation' means and is. It is God's free gift of Grace, which is His unmerited favour bestowed on the believing sinner.
1Cor.15:2. My bible reads " By which also ye are saved,
@@Weepandstand you have to read it in context. Quoting just one verse does not imply the same meaning. Quoting Philippians 4:13 for example does not mean you can literally do all things.
Let me go through some of the verses you posted.
Philippians 2:12 - it says work OUT, it does not say, work FOR your salvation. It means you already have salvation. You have to work it OUT but you don't have to work FOR it. Just like when going to gym, you go to the gym to work OUT. You don't work OUT to have muscles. You already have the muscles and* you work OUT to grow them.
James 2:24 - faith w/o works is dead. The question is to whom? James is referring to the people around you. If your faith does not show good works, it will not benefit anyone around you because to them, your faith is dead. You don't have to prove God your faith through your works, He already knows what's in your heart. Of course, if you have faith, works will follow. Works is not the proof of faith, it is the fruit of it. If you have true faith, you may not have works now, but the fruits will soon show.
Read the entire New Testament WITHOUT OSAS. It is a doctrine of demons.
@@Weepandstand I was messaging OP. I agree with those scriptures, but I don’t agree with OSAS or Calvinism.
Pls don't forget that Jesus said that He came to the world for the Jews only. But later He assigned Paul to minister to the gentiles. That's how simple the Bible instruction is.
1 Timothy 4:1 " The Spirit expressly says that in later times SOME WILL DEPART FROM THE FAITH.....GIVING HEED TO DOCTRINE OF DEMONS..", so are they still saved??
Heb 3:12 " Lest there be found in you an evil unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from the living God", so are they still saved??
Gal 5:4 " Severed from Christ.....fallen from grace..", are you still saved if you have been severed from Christ?? Fall from grace??
Please tell us how long must we believe to be saved, to have eternal life?? one day, week, month?? before we can have a EVIL UNBELIEVING HEART AND STILL BE SAVED.....
Hello! Jesus tells us we must endure till the end to be saved Matthew 24:13 KJV
He says He will keep us. But I guess you'll keep yourself.
Amen 🙏
@@DJC-lx5plYes, but you must consider all the other verses and conditions in the Bible too
Read it in context, the whole chapter is talking about the tribulation and it's a different salvation during the tribulation. You are saved but must endure. If you take the mark of the beast you are dammed. We are saved through Jesus alone, works don't save us. The Holy Spirit seals us and Jesus give us eternal life
@christoprighteous8199 Hello! Scriptures don't lie Matthew 10:22 KJV Mark 13:13 KJV even JOB had to endure James 5:11 KJV yes the Tribulation is Armageddon Revelation 16:16 KJV Matthew 24:14 KJV
The Bible says "eternal salvation" not conditional salvation. Does God who knows everything write a persons name in the Book of Life and then erases it at a later date? That makes zero sense. Jesus who is sinless died for sinners because we cannot save ourselves because we are imperfect yet He requires us imperfect sinners to maintain salvation when it took a perfect sinless being to attain it? That makes zero sense. God may punish a Christian in some way due to blasphemous sinning (Ananais and Sapphira come to mind) but He will not remove your salvation.
You can't work for your salvation in the same way works can't cause you to lose your salvation. It is a heart that wins salvation in the same way. When a person's heart turns away from God, they lose that salvation.
2 Peter 2:20-22; Ezekiel 18:24; James 5:19-20
Let's just stick to the Word
Please explain why it says your name can be blotted out if God would never blot it out?
If someone says any different mark them as false preacher & let them be accursed.
Jesus died once only for our sins if we believe on him. That is the gift of God.
For that reason we should love him & follow his commandments.
Otherwise as children of God we will be chastened in this life.
Fear the chastening & walk after the new man.
Know in this body we will sin but God will forgive us & not impute sin because the blood of our saviour our Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed us. Who died, was buried, went to hell & was resurrected on the 3rd day.
In the resurrection we will be given in a new sinless body & forever be with him.
Thank you Jesus for your gift.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
We “are saved” is what the Bible teaches.
Six times, the phrase “are saved” is found in the Bible:
Romans 8:24, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 1 Corinthians 15:2, 2 Corinthians 2:15, Ephesians 2:5, Revelation 21:24.
There is no “being saved” in the KJB.
You either BELIEVE God's Record of His Son or you reject it. It's really this simple.
Funny how you can accept some red letters as doctrine but totally reject those that counter your unbiblical doctrine.
Been having people attack me on another channel only focusing on John 3:16 while ignoring the rest of the book and it's sad. I've even explained to them that there was more times than that that people asked about salvation and the answers varied and one was even told to sell everything they owned but people ignore everything that convicts them or contradicts their flesh. We need to keep praying they choose to see the truth.
Ignore these preachers, listen to the scriptures, ALL the New Testament!
The scripture is why I don’t believe in once saved always saved
@@thruitallauto2538Amen 🎉
Preachers shouldn't be liars. Stop using deceiving clickbait in your thumbnails.
Are you holier than david?
If God saves you and puts your name in the book of life, then God was not wrong when he wrote your name.
If you believe you lost your name then did God erase your name in the book of life when he already wrote your name? 🤔
His word does talk about people's names being stricken or removed from the book of life.
Rev , 3-5 , thus shall he who conquers ( is victorious), be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the book of life : I will acknowledge him as mine )and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels .
@melaniedelaney2279 there's the opposite side of this and people usually only see what they want but it also says if we don't do certain things our name will be blotted out. It's just just the saying goes "out yourself in their shoes" which means don't just look at if from our own perspective or the perspective we want and we gotta look at from their point of view as well to get a better understanding.
@willkeasling1526 I only look at it from the word of Gods point of view , scriputure doesn't change for me or anyone else , I do as my Father Jesus told me , it is written
@melaniedelaney2279 that's good but when Jesus said "if you love me you will keep my commandments" that also means if someone doesn't keep his commandments that means they dont love him. There's always 2 sides to every coin and can't have night without day or hot without cold or good without evil. Most only read it one way and don't see the flip side.
If the idea of 'the elect' carries with the idea that God predestines people to heaven or hell then that is wrong. God does not predestine a person's eternity in either. His decision is based upon THEIR decision regarding His Son Jesus Christ's payment for their sin upon the cross. God honors that and they, not Him, make the determination.
Wrong. Read Romans 9. God is the Potter. And he makes with HIS pot whatever he wants: vessels for wrath and vessels to display His grace.
@@markusw.2690 2 Peter 3:9 very clearly emphasizes that God does not predetermine a person's eternal destiny. We have to interpret the Bible by the Bible.
@@markusw.2690 Read 2 Peter 3:9. God desires for ALL to be saved.
Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur are calvanist, and Paul Washer seems to be a Calvanist. According to Calvanism, God chooses those whom He has predestined for salvation, therefore you can not do anyting to lose it. I personally do not believe this. I believe God, in His sovereignty, has given all people free will.
Nobody ever quit sinning to be saved so how in the world can you lose salvation by sinning? If you think you've quit sinning you're very deceived. That's why salvation is compared to a birth. It's permanent. By faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. If you live an obedient life towards the Lord after you're saved you will have a "tendency to sin less" as you attempt to please the Lord with your life, but after you trust Christ as Saviour you're saved. Period!
If you live carnally after that then you will suffer consequences of that carnal life but those consequences do not mean that you will lose your salvation. You can jeopardize your fellowship but never your salvation.
And again, that's why it's compared to a new birth. I am a Roberts by birth and that will never change, in the physical realm. My earthly dad could have kicked me out and said I never want to see you again, or I could have said I'm leaving home Dad and I never want to see you again... but I'm still his son, by birth. I may not be in fellowship with him but I'm still his son. That doesn't change and it's the same with salvation. I wish people would get it through their head. It really is that simple.
Nobody has a license to sin. I am so sick of hearing that phrase. I hate sin, but I'm still a sinner saved by grace and that's not going to change until I'm fully redeemed in my new body.