Oh please you Christians always want to act like the victim when your the predators the villains most of the Christians I met in life or seen in the street are trying to shove it down peoples throat and when they as you nicely leave me alone I don't believe in your God I'm a Hindu or atheist they go all fire and brimstone and turn up the volume and when they are faced with other people who will not tolerate their bigotry or hatred they will resort to bible passages oh poor me I was only preaching because I wanted to save their souls I must be doing something right because they are after me it's a victim complex you leave people alone and you get left alone simple as that
Christianity is the majority religion in this country, people vote to take away others rights off this belief. That is why so many speak against it. If Islam became the majority belief and sharia law was attempted to be forced on people do you think at that point people would be more concerned with Islam? People speak against what affects them negatively. At the moment it is Christianity. From withholding rights from individuals or just trying to push their ideas into classrooms over science, these are demonstrably harmful actions that should be stopped. When I was a Christian I hated how much Christians acted like they were being persecuted. You are the majority religion, the majority of the US. If someone speaks against the majority it’s not persecution.
@Provocative-K I don't care about him he is fictional character btw for your kind information he was avtara ( who comes on earth for killing devil or give some massage) of Lord vishnu not God himself
@Provocative-K I know I was just giving you information why couldn't he save himself from ero because according to story he wanted to go back you should know full story atleast
Iam a hindu from indian state called gujarat but i have personal relationship with JESUS ever since he answered whenever i was in a difficult situations, i experience miracles in my own life. Iam greatefull to JESUS forever🙏
@@joejo7698my grandfather is a PAGAN ( hindu) ,he beilives domastic animal's and stone's & idols are god's not God god's and he thinks elephant, 🐘 monkey 🐒 can save him and he😂 did so many things, but he didn't get salvation from any of the pagan god's. But one day he met a pastor , before he was a brahmin priest ( High cast in religion) he shared his testimony to my grandfather. He didn't beilives him on that time ,but you know guys God is good all the time all' the time god is good and my grandfather left Pagan ( hindu) religion ,then he saved from sin and he accepted Jesus Christ his personal lord and savior , then our whole big family we are 200 members our family tree 🌲 , We are worshipping the lord Jesus Christ has my lord and savior Amen in india there are so many testimony like this the lord Jesus Christ saved so many Pagans ( idols worshipper's) so I'm proud to be an ex pagan ( hindu)
Cliffe Knechtle is a very good man and needs a lot of prayer from Christians. He is almost like a grandpa age, and he comes and stands there lovingly and explain about Christ and faith. I like the students also, as they are opening up. May they be blessed with faith.
@@justincuvelier9569He's good in the context if being a good preacher. Not that he's God or Jesus, and of course it's the gift of God he's a good preacher and debater.
He's a man using logic and reason at Ground Zero preaching the gospel. That technically make him a Saint? He's using modern technology, knowing the stereotypes we all have towards Christianity that was just make us abhor it, at times. You should get some sort of rank
When I decide to share my food, I do not force it down someone else's throat. If I share Jesus with someone, that person has a choice to either listen or leave. It is up to them, with their free will, to consider Jesus Christ.
@@teinff7696Okay sure but it's the same as well for their religion as well. The only difference is that he's not forcing anyone to change their faith. What he is doing is just offering place of dialect so two people can challenge perspectives and views and also what he is trying to do is make sure that people are following a truth and not following a false belief or thought or life.
but this is a belief that there are facts under it. Nobody does know what it means, that a person is a truth, that is metaphoric speaking. A person cannot be the truth. The truth is an accurate description from reality, how it is made, built up and works. Than cannot be a person. 1 + 1 = never a cucumber.
@pietvandijk1349 it means if you follow Jesus, you are in essence following the truth. That is the way you should live your life. For Jesus...for the truth.
@@paulgorham2740 SO "ST" Xavier believed in the same Christ this guy is talking about. HE is responsible for the death of 100s of thousands of Hindus... and he killed them in the most heinous way. But he must have got ETERNAL HEAVEN according to you JEsus people. If that is the truth... Forget GOD. These proselytizers are after power..political, financial or other wise. Plain and simple. God is a Facade.
@@paulgorham2740 What is following the truth? I better follow rules like love your neighbour, take care of your enemies (except the Pharisees, Jesus gave no sign that he loved hem), be humble and thankful. For many people on earth, who love to be human, is that ENOUGH truth. Again, a person cannot be a truth, that is grammatical nonsense. Nobody can be like Jesus: did he ever work form 9 to 5, do the washes, wash the dishes, clean his house, helping poor people with food and shelter, fight for human rights like good education? He was just wandering and preaching about the Kingdom. For a god he did very few things, just curing two blind people and let thousands of blinds live further in darkness. Do all the christians have to do this and forget about work, family and duties in society? Jesus was a pretty good guy, but to say that he was above everyone else in doing good and humanity. I don't find him any more special than Buddha, Mandela, Ghandi, Mohammed. He also cursed his enemies a lot. Be honest and admit that Jesus was only human.
Good for you, the reverse happened in my family but as a Hindu, we respect your freedom of religion. The only issue comes when other religions are demonised or people try to impose their faith
@@lgtv4794 ask Jews which is the only country where they never faced anti-semitism. Not any Christian or Muslim country. Which country took in the Parsis and Bahai from Islamic persecution? Which country took in Sikhs and Christians from Afghanistan? Hindus never say that Christ is a demon or Christianity or Islam will take you to hell. Sure there is violence against Christians and Muslims but that is also as a result of trauma and the fact that these people have repeatedly tried to demonise and destroy our faith. There are so many different religions in India that co-exist for the most part but you conveniently decide to ignore that. Christian missionaries have gone undercover and harassed our people in holy temples. Since when have Hindus gone undercover in churches and done the same? Do we call any Christian practises demonic? Meanwhile you have Christians calling anything hindu/sanskrit demonic like in yoga
@@lgtv4794 who took in the Parsis, Bahai from persecution? Who took in Pakistani and Afghan Christians? India is arguably the most religiously diverse country in the world. Also you won't hear Hindus saying Christ is demonic or that Christianity or Islam will take you to hell. Yes there is some violence but that's as a result of trauma and people trying to destroy and demonise our religion. People hate that we survived
I was born in an upper caste (brahmin) hindu family. When I accepted Christ as my saviour, I felt like a new, clean being but suddenly, out of the blue my mother ended her life as if the devil was making me leave my faith and he was somewhat successful in that. 10 years later, I am closer to God than ever. God is good and Jesus is Lord.
I'm born in a Brahmin family and I'll never convert to that religion which is a mix of Hellenistic concepts and Judaism which was made to control people and is really a bunch of nonsense.
Seeds planted. I love how Cliffe and Stuart spread the gospel. There are some cases where ego could really take over and God works through them in such a way that they come out educating and planting a seed in grace. Powerful and beautiful.
Why did you not have any relationship with any deity? There are so many yet you couldn't choose one? That tells me you're an indecisive person and became a Christian because it's easy, and I wonder why not Islam?
@@Noob-eee But, I read some puranas and found out that the gods are fa ke. Ex: There is a situation where brahma, vishnu, maheshwar visit a married wom an ansuya and ask her for se x , saying "rati dehi madaghurane" . Can gods act like this?
I'm a Hindu from India and I for me Jesus is a sadhu, a yogi, the same like Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Shiva or any other highly spiritually realized energies. Jesus(Issa masiha) as described in Tibetan Buddhist texts had visited our Bharat and gained spiritual knowledge before returning back. His mission was to enlighten the then barbaric uncivilized middle east.
A time, in Goa by your Francis Xavier - who called himself a missionary and to serve lord wrote a letter to Portuguese king. Any Hindu of Goa (India) if found performing hindu rituals would be taken to the court and his head would churned in a tool. Any Hindu bathing in the morning, any Hindu worshipping his God, any Hindu having his scared plant at home would face the same. Where is your Love for God then? Girls would be taken and r@**** by your missionaries. Temples were destroyed, forced baptism was done, meat was thrown to temples....Is this Christianity? You know the Good side, not the dark. Check books, history and Google. Find it if I am wrong...
@@joejo7698 What do you mean by convert? Convert the noun meaning is a person who changes political or religious beliefs. It is voluntary. God will not force you to love Him and no one can force you to love God. There are 11 verb meanings for convert so what do you mean when using the word?
My dear brothers and sisters, The living God Jesus Christ is the light of this world. Satan (devil) doesn't want humans to live in the light. Because Satan (devil) doesn't have light. Amen Hallelujah 🙏 ❤️
@vacuumflask7073 My dear sister or brother, Jesus Christ did claim that he is God. Jesus Christ proved that he is God. 👉 The Holy Bible is given the proof. Do you want proof?
For centuries, your family was deeply rooted in Hinduism-its culture, values, and traditions were close to the hearts of your ancestors. Yet, you abandoned all of it, including your identity, for a foreign religion. Surely, your family must be proud of you. By the way, did you know that Jesus wasn’t a Christian?
@@SS-cz9jz This was a little rude I won't lie Bro how did Jesus follow himself? Christian is a term for followers of Christ Jesus was Jewish but he was the Messiah according to all the prophecies in the OT Christianity it's not just a religion, Jesus didn't want to create a religion, what he wanted was to restore humanity lost connection with God It's more of a relationship with God than a religion when you have to do X things and Y rituals
The saddest thing is that people are offended by the Christ that just wants to love them… loves them so much he died to guarantee we’ll spend an eternity in each other’s presence …unconditional love is persistent …he pursues our hearts so none of us will perish because none of us are promised tomorrow…most people do not understand that’s why the gospel has to be preached with urgency…it’s the difference between our eternal life or death
When the girl said we can't have a relationship with God, that made me so sad. It's like someone stabbed me in the heart. Thank you Jesus that you've shown us we're not alone.
@ The heart and the reason of men deceive people because we don’t have all knowledge. People of old reasoned slavery was acceptable it turned out it was not. Until the creation of the telescope people reasoned the earth was the center of the universe it turned out it wasn’t. People couldn’t see germs they reasoned there was nothing there it turned out there was something there. Reason is used by people not to believe in God because they can see him.
@christianapologeticspolemics you wearnt praying. The term God help us is condescending. Why are you being dishonest and deflecting why not just own up to your arrogant tone.
Lord Jesus Christ in Hindu scriptures is presented by Late Adhyaksha Anubhavananda Kesava Raya Sarma Mandapaka. All mankind have sinned, having transgressed the law of God. Therefore, they devise various ways and means as to how to escape the wrath of God, and live.. An examination of the Vedas reveals that sacrfice is spoken of as the only means of salvation. For example: Rutasyanah Pathanaya Ati Viswani Durita” “Yagnakshapitakalmashah” In Skanda Puranam Yagna Vaibhava Khandam, 7th chapter, we read: Slo. “Plava eyete sura yagna adrudhasheha na samshayah” Tandya Maha Brahmanam says, Sru: “Yagnota avati tasyachhaya kriyate” - “What is being performed, is the shadow.” The above sayings clearly reveal that the sacrifices performed do not themselves confer salvation but they are the type and the shadow of salvation. RigVeda mentioned the goat be without blemish, “Balusu” bush placed around its head, the cloth covering should be split, should be given a a drink of “soma” juice, and should be restored to life again. When Jesus was crucified, a crown of thorns was placed around His head, the cloth was split, He was given vinegar to drink, He was restored to life again. Since He was Son of God, He was without blemish, also fulfilling Satapadha Brahmanam which says God became half mortal and half immortal, and Tandya Maya Brahmanam of SamaVeda, which says God would offer Himself as a sacrifice, and obtain atonement for sins: “Tasya prajapatirardhameva martyamasidardhamrutam” “Prajapatir devebhyam atmanam yagnam krutva prayachhat”
As a Christian in India, I love having intellectual dialogues about religion with my Hindu friends. The entire mindset that ‘you should just believe in what you believe and let others believe in what they believe’ is willful ignorance. As humans who are all confused and striving to understand the absolute truth, we should have as many discussions as we can! It is through the flow of ideas and believes that we get to learn, grow and correct ourselves in our understanding of reality. And it’s when we seclude ourselves in our belief bubble that conflict, violence, narrow-mindedness and even wars come through. I am inspired by these people who have the courage to stand in front of thousands with such undeterring faith. Thank you Cliffe and Stuart
@@annetterose1970there is philosophical term called anekatvād. It starts with story of 4 blinds who were asked to recognise elephant by touching it. One touched trunk he believed it was rope,other one believed it to be grass by touching hairy tail,other two said pillar and hard rock by respectively touching leg and stomach. , they argued and started conflict. We all have so much confidence for our beliefs and motive to force it on others. Point is let people explore elephant from all sides
@@man_manthan I didn't say that. What I'm insinuating is that ultimately one truth has to prevail. Whichever one it is. So it's up to us to search it out. I say inspect as many religions as you can and make your own judgement
my dear I know you love Jesus but please don't let my sanatan dharma under the gutter. I also respect him but without knowledge everything can be ruined.. read your scripturs.
All converts from Hindu to Christianity fall into the below categories; 1. Emotionally weak with 0 self-confidence and have crumbled under adverse life conditions hoping for a turn around of the situation- if nothing changes externally, take solace in some higher power to forget the discomforts in life 2. Have superficial mythological story knowledge but completely ignorant of the fundamental philosophical concepts about God 3. Purely for rice bags- all recent ones suddenly declaring they had vision of Jesus, start a church, get gullible illiterate villagers around and get 10% of their income with false promises of both miracles and eternal heaven after death
I don't know why, but that 'it's your truth' or 'my truth' makes me cringe every time. It's also sad that they would let someone believe a lamp is God to not offend them, that's not love.
@Slamrancher 😅That's it. That is what they actually want to say, but use these terms to make it sound like everyone is correct. It's almost similar to what Syndrome said in Incredibles, 'if everyone is correct, then no one will be'.
I am from India, Jesus Christ rescued me from the depths of despair, and rejections. He is the only one who accepted and called me His own. Isaiah 43:1 (NKJV) But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. ❤
@@Radha_230 Bhagavat Gita might have said that something similar, but there is no overlapping of any concept of divine nature between Hinduism and christianity. Christianity is supported by fulfilled prophecy, history and archaeology.
@@JTM_K 1.kurushetra:kurushetra is where krishna was during battle there bones and weapons and chariots found there 2.Ram Setu: Ram Setu is where Rama crossed to Lanka 3.Dwarka:Dwarka is a place where krishna ruled and there was people etc now it found underwater and this proved true 4.Kishkindha:where rama met hanuman and other monkeys 5.Ashok Vatika:This location is where Sita has held at 6.Hastinapur:A city mention in Mahabharata and where people are still living 7.Vrindavan:where krishna lived 8.Where krishna was born 9.Kailash:This where lord Shiva lives his abode actually people cant even climb mount Kailash only tiny bit of people was able to climb it 10.Kannay:this ravana hot spring and where he did last rites of his mom 11.Space:A image of a man on a horse was tooken in space the image has hanuman face,kalki on a horse etc 12.:Hanuman:Hanuman footsteps are everywhere in the world you mention Hinduism is not connected to Christianity in history terms or something well it is the vedic faiths has tons of history the Mahabharata etc Also read bhavishya malika if you can BG 3.37: The Supreme Lord said: It is lust alone, which is born of contact with the mode of passion, and later transformed into anger. Know this as the sinful, all-devouring enemy in the world. BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth. BG 16.21: There are three gates leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul-lust, anger, and greed. Therefore, one should abandon all three. BG 16.4: O Parth, the qualities of those who possess a demoniac nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance.
@@Radha_230 Those are all fine, like i said the explanation and the details on divine nature is completely different. For ex: One God who created the heavens and earth, idol worship etc. These are our biggest pointers in christianity. But it’s fine to learn both religions, teachings, and go with their minds. I will try to understand on your books as well.
I wish I knew Jesus Christ before my dad's death, who surely didn't believe in Christ, so that I'd have something to say to him when he was on his deathbed. I didn't know how to comfort him, I didn't know how to say to him, despite his many faults, that I loved him no matter what.
i feel you so much, i can relate to that, you just described my life... but we live in Christ now let's trust in Him, now that we found Him, He is all that matters, praise our Lord and only living God, all honor and glory to Jesus Christ!
You are so fucking arrogant! He knew Jesus was some bullshit. That’s why he didn’t tech you about it. You loved him. Say that. Jesus had nothing to do with anything he ever did or didn’t do.
@@kikastrayou will meet him in the second resurrection after the millennium described in revelation 20. Where everything is just like creation before the fall
All those people will have to stand before Jesus and none will be laughing and none will answer for the other. And they will remember that day when they debated about believing in Jesus or rejecting Him.
And then I will be judging Jesus for faking death, for creating bloodshed in religious wars that he caused. If he did not have ordered Christians to create conflicts with everyone , there would not be this much hate. Christianity caused most deaths in the world.
if this is right the majority of humanity will be lost, is that the ideal world God wishes? What is the good message: just a small minority will end up in heaven. That is weird, that is cruel, that can't be true. Hell is an invention of the Persians.
I've often pondered why many modern-day Hindus appear to dismiss the caste system while readily criticizing Christians. It's intriguing how selective people can be regarding their beliefs. As Christians, we embrace the teachings of the Bible in their entirety, both the Old and New Testaments. In contrast, my Hindu and Muslim friends seem to pick and choose what they believe in their own religion.
Do they? logically, You cant be a hindu and reject the caste system. Hinduism is really only about 2000 to 2500 Years Old tracing back to the gupta dynasty when the caste System was codified.
A time, in Goa by your Francis Xavier - who called himself a missionary and to serve lord wrote a letter to Portuguese king. Any Hindu of Goa (India) if found performing hindu rituals would be taken to the court and his head would churned in a tool. Any Hindu bathing in the morning, any Hindu worshipping his God, any Hindu having his scared plant at home would face the same. Where is your Love for God then? Girls would be taken and r@**** by your missionaries. Temples were destroyed, forced baptism was done, meat was thrown to temples....Is this Christianity? You know the Good side, not the dark. Check books, history and Google. Find it if I am wrong...
@@Retesh21 And they are correct my friend, because oldest religion of this world is called Paganism. They all used to worship Idol so some king If you go to Greece, they have mythological characters and idol worshipping So do In India. Even if you read the Bible, it says, Israel people also fall worshipping Calf (Cow) by looking at their neighbors' worship.
Patience? The fellow has zero logic.. calls energy electricity, and thinks Hindus worship lamp posts. His does not know ABCD of Hindu Dharma.. but wants to talk about Brahmasutras... Seriously this guy's threatening body language .. looks like he is getting ready to play some football and has to throwback the ball anyhow. God and Philosophy is debating calmly... not violent and beat chest with I won a point. If he knew God.. He would be humble to accept different people's views and paths and not say My way or High way.
@@vasudhagudi9803 ABCD of Hindu Dharma is what we see in India even after following this cult of darkness for many centuries. Poverty, corruption, immoral practices, caste system, untouchability, sati, superstition and so on!!!!!!
@@vasudhagudi9803exactly. I wonder what will happen to these people when they visit our shanktipeeths and jyotirlingas..they just can handle the immense energy there. I love my hindu Gods, they are my savior.
I don’t get her logic, the Hindu girl said it’s always the Christians on speedway etc. but obviously she lives in a Christian country and christian society so that should be a no brainer? It’s like me as a christian living in a Muslim country and saying “it’s always the Muslims that I see preaching everywhere” 💀💀 like yea obviously
she meant that Hindus never preach religion. In India you wont ever see anyone preaching Hinduism. Infact why would you preach a religion in a nation where that religion is a dominant religion? would that not make sense to preach in other nation? (As Christians do in India ? )
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 well you can’t compare apples to oranges. Obviously abrihamic religions are completely different to hinduism, Hinduism isn’t even monotheistic so yea. And in addition to that Christian’s spread the gospel in all kind of nations not only Christian countries. Same with Muslims they preach everywhere.
@@thatstuff7976 Hinduism is both monotheistic and polytheistic. Also this is exactly what I was saying abrahmic religion spread the word about their religion, actively participate to convince PPL to join their religion, spend funds for that .... No such thing happen in hinduism.
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 yes I understand you bro but then I don’t get her point. Is she unaware of the differences between Christianity and hinduism? Because why is she so offended about Christians preaching in a Christian country? She doesn’t make sense to me
@danielmullings3600 Christians are commanded to love God, love our neighbors and love our enemies. So part of loving is to give an account of why we have faith that Jesus Christ is reliable and God and why I put my faith in Him when someone asks. I have had over the years people coming to my house as they pass through my neighborhood and ask for food and as I have fed them I told them of Jesus and His love. It’s all voluntary. I voluntarily Love God so I will share my faith.
@@anonymousanonymous2319We Christians would openly tell people to the face The truth, and would help them to be better . We are not cowards and seculars
I believe that the god depicted in the bible is an evil being. If you read the gospel of judas jesus explains that the God the other disiples worshiped was false and a deceiver. I believe that the God in the bible is actually the devil and has tricked us all.
Millions of innocent women were burn alive because of this so call witchcraft...Latest new: A mother kXXed her 10 year old daughter because God told her is a devil. Christian does it a called holy ghost but if some other person does it ...its witchcraft ...do you see how hypocrite you sound.
Hinduism or Sanatan Dharm is the truth. No one can hide or turn that. This guys are just turning questions around. The fact that they have to preach their word of god to people or let people around the world know their god and their story or way of religion, this show the reality and truth in itself. Hinduism or dharmik religions don't need to do that because Hinduism is the truth and universal law just like the nature is. No matter how good they try to debate and prove themselves right, even if they win all the debates than also truth will never be going to change. Hinduism is actually beyond their limited imagination. Those who knows will know what i am talking about. I am not even saying Hinduism is the best religion in the world. I am saying hinduism is not even a religion which it has become now, it's literally the truth, the universal law.
Jesus has a philia for Old Testament's Gawd. OT Gawd is genocidal. Jesus claims all sins will be forgiven except blasphemy, so r@pe was less of a crime than insults directed towards him.
"The writings of Ayn Rand inspire, as do the long history of human achievement. Objectivism has had little or no influence on history so far. It is a philosophy too recent and too radical to have had an effect on any popular political movement. But I can always hope, and share the concept one individual at a time." -Anonymous- from an Objectivist forum
This Hindu girl seems to lack any substantial knowledge or understanding of Hinduism. It appears that she was born into a Hindu family but hasn't taken the time to study or explore the principles and teachings of her religion. As a result, she struggles to engage in meaningful discussions or debates about Hinduism, often unable to present sensible or well-informed arguments. This highlights the importance of actively learning about one’s own beliefs and traditions to effectively articulate and defend them when needed.
Kalki is 5000 years ago when krishna was on earth he said BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth. plus Christianity copied kalki avatar that a fact plus there a date when kalki will appear in each yuga(time period) there certain amount of years for each yuga soo kali yug 400k years but probably lowerrr due to sins and chaos
So the hindu concept of karma (if you do good/evil, it will return to you in kind) brings up a serious question: what horrible evil did Holocaust victims commit to bring down that bad karma? What horrible evil could an abortion victim possibly have committed to deserve being torn apart by a powerful vacuum? What in the world does a rape victim have to do to deserve what happens to them?
Just as the Bible teaches especially in the book of judges. Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Cycle of man.
In Hinduism or specially eastern religions, the karma concept is preferred. If there is any victim of rape or any other thing then its the result of its past life. There are multiple past life and as a result they are facing the consequences. Someone is born as rich while some born in poor family. Some people life is harsh while some has beautiful. This depends upon your past actions done in life. Your soul changes the body as like clothes and next life form depends on past karma. There are many reincarnation stories happening all over the world which Christianity denies and that's the issue. Hiw a true religion can't see the truth happening infront of their eyes. You can google or search on RUclips for such stories
Do remember throughout the old testament the Israelites were constantly punished by God for not obeying him and the laws he gave to Moses they constantly rebelled. They are the most oppressed group what happened in 1939 to 1945 the holocausts. They suffered oppression, slavery, murder and genocide worse then that I believe then from Pharaoh in exodus. God gave the Israelites into their oppressors for their unfaithfulness and worshiping of false gods and even sacrificing their children to idols of stone and wood. God will allow people who don't repent and turn back to him have their sin overtake them. The consequences were warned about what would happen to them if they didn't come back to him to follow the law. Now long time forward holocausts it goes in line with their oppressors throughout history. However remember Jesus came that all may come to him for forgiveness and believe in him putting all their heart, soul, mind and strength in him. Christ is the one who makes us righteous not anything we do alone no deeds we can do will bring us or get us into heaven but what jesus did for us being a perfect and sinless dying a death we deserved and putting out faith in him truly following him and his words.
It was a religion create by indo aryans to dominate indian subcontinent they removed the Dravidian languages as the country language "tamil" And imposed hindi as their language of communication they introduced caste system so the indo aryans don't merge up with the Dravidians mahabharat is a completely fake story with hundreds of flaws and mistakes they say around 3% of the world population died in this war and 10% of the population participated which cannot be possible to completely have no evidences of skulls or bones in the area 2% isn't a joke h indus believe in anything as their god buddha who refused all the hindu god and hindu rules is said to be a avtar of vishu 😂😂
It was a religion create by indo a ryans to dominate i ndian subcontinent they removed the D ravidian languages as the country language "t amil" And imposed h indi as their language of communication they introduced c aste system so the indo aryans don't merge up with the D ravidians m ahabharat is a completely f ake story with hundreds of flaws and mistakes they say around 3% of the world population died in this war and 10% of the population participated which cannot be possible to completely have no e vidences of skulls or bones in the area 2% isn't a joke h indus believe in anything as their god buddha who refused all the h indu god and h indu rules is said to be a avtar of v ishu 😂😂
@teinff7696, you're lost.. he's being very patient in explaining his beliefs in Jesus Christ. She's the one who wants to control the narrative and is not willing to receive what he's explaining.
You can have a relationship with God. You talk to him through prayer and respect him by obeying him and you show him you love him in many ways. The way he talks to you is through many ways. The most common is reading his word (Bible) and he can also talk to you through your heart, gut feeling, conviction, commands, visions/dreams and multiple other ways like other humans and anything we consume.
@ I bet the universe and you that is so fine tuned was created by nothing to right? If God is just my imagination and there is no God then you have to look into what that really means for the world. You have to have more faith that there is no God than there is giving the evidence of the universe and everything in it and how it is placed. If there is no God you mean nothing and are worth absolutely nothing. Everything you care about does not matter and is a lie.
@@KegeanFowler No you don't. You have absolutely no idea why or how the universe exists. You are a liar who claims that he does because he can't handle any alternative.
I commend cliffe’s patience with these girls. Obviously they’re young and are at the stage of doubting and being curious at the same time on many things. I pray and hope that their dialogue has changed them to accept Jesus in their life so they can know that God is present.
@ evidence is proof. Enough evidence is a case for said belief. You believe lack of proof is proof in of itself. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
@@Greggers1516 There is a chance that you have the answer to life, that doesn't mean that it is a fact that you have the answer to life. Since there is no proof of it, it's a belief, not a truth.
HINDUISM, as presented via nondual "Advaita Vedanta," is the most beautiful, intimate, rational and TRUE understanding of reality. Christianity and all Abrahamic-style religions are off track with where the breadcrumbs of reality lead, replaced by beliefs in a book(s).
Don't walk away my friend, just ask Electricity is energy So is Electricity is god? They will change their view about it. Ask them what is the definiton of God.
For centuries, your family was deeply rooted in Hinduism-its culture, values, and traditions were close to the hearts of your ancestors. Yet, you abandoned all of it, including your identity, for a foreign religion. Surely, your family must be proud of you. By the way, did you know that Jesus wasn’t a Christian?
Trying to shamelessly convert/ indoctrinate educated youth in the comfort of campuses instead of actually making a difference in the lives of people who are actually suffering is the absolute low point of humanity. Save the people who need to be saved - save the people who dont have water food air shelter and then claim to be a 'Loving' Christian or whatever
Why would you assume that he doesn't? Youre literally just passing judgment. A quick Google search will show you how much of an impact Christian ity has had on this world. You added nothing valuable to this conversation.
@@SisterDeja Pls read my comment again. I would never condemn Christianity or any other faith ever - Hinduism respects all religions as one of its core tenets. According to the Sanatana Dharma, there are many ways to reach the One and we as Hindus are obliged to respect all. Even the ones that get in our way of salvation are considered God's own children and are equally loved by Him - they all are simply a part of Leela (a complex play) and Maya (the OG virtual reality). This particular person is essentially saying that he knows for a fact that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation. That is definitely presmptuous but I dont have any issues there. But when he claims he is doing this out of love, that is where i take the issue - if love were the primary goal, India has seen the love of Mother Teresa and we know what love feels like. This is not it - I can trust my instict and I'll tell you something - God does not like liars, I'm sure of it and I am trying my best to be the utmost truthful version of myself. I am still exploring Hindiusm and the deeper I go, the more similarities I find with Christianity but I wouldnt assume they are exactly the same at least for now
Jesus rose from the dead. He He is alive and with us. He listen to our prayers. He answers in his appointed time.. He knows all about me in and out (the woman at the well) He knows what's in my heart. My pocket my cupboard. I know him and he knows me. Not one man or woman can escape Jesus. They will all know when Jesus returns as the Judge. I cannot waste my time on arrogant people.
I was born in a Christian family, but after studing sanatan dharma and after knowing that I was originally hindu and was converted. I converted to Hinduism again also the priests gave me a new name. So Alvin became Shivam.
@@janejeni - What's special about that? Hinduism preaches love and forgiveness as well, but i have to agree, you guys are better at marketing your religion. We can learn a thing or two about that.
Yeah, there are weak Hindus as well. the weaklings fall into other religions, taking away the weakness, the strong like me have been Hindus for generations for 5000+ years. :)
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 no ones forcing her. Let her decide. The issue is with the proper evidences. No evidence of Krishna, vishnu and countless gods. Christianity values are different. I have a lot of hindu friends, and I like them and all are very friendly and good people. But spiritual aspects are different for each person. What we christian beleives id that we spread the word of Lord, and if God wants anyone to understand the truth, he will give the wisdom, and let them follow the right path. And no ones forcing anyone.
@@JTM_K Let's not talk about pieces of evidence, you won't even be able to have evidence of Jesus Christ being white as depicted or being born on 25th Dec let alone. And if these basic things can't be proven, idk how would you base your argument to prove other more complicated stuff. (We don't know how he looks, we don't know when and where he was born, but we know he was the son of god and came back after death, interesting) Only fools look for evidence in matters of belief. Also, you hardly understand your own religion but claim to understand others, and their complexities and comment on that or question that.
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 I hve seen many so called stronger Hindus who r now following JESUS CHRIST.... it's not abt being weak or strong.. All abt God's unfailing grace and love falling upon someone....
WOW you guys make a great team.I am so impressed with the individual skills yet having the same purpose. I've been following Cliffe for some time,but I must admit that sometimes my anxiety levels increased just by his conversation. handing the question off like he did de-escilated th conversation in a positive way to continue the Word and share Jesus with the crowd thank you all for posting
My parents are Christians at starting .. After reading bible and Gita ,we understood the true essence of god and life. We choose Gita. We never regretted our decision on our life. Bible failed to answer my question but Gita did. Hare krishna
What was the question Bible did not answer… maybe it was convenient to hear that we can live best of our life and that is all we need… leading our own good life and we will eventually find God 😊
There’s some serious problem here don’t blame the Bible you failed to understand it all the questions you asked are very much there in the Bible. It’s alright if you chose Gita but don’t you dare say the Bible didn’t answer your question.
“My truth” is the ultimate self-blinding words in any conversation. The problem is that it’s posed as a tolerant, open-minded outlook on life when in reality, it’s deflects to any claim on what is and what is not.
It's a moral compass! Ok on what does your moral compass point? Imagine a compass that just decided on it's own to point to south, or east or west, or north, whenever it chooses?
May God bless you brother with more wisdom, and strength like Paul who also used to debate/argue while preaching. Love from a happy exhindu Indian ❤❤ Accepting Jesus was the best thing in my life
UGH! the way she talked about karmic debts is so frustrating! especially being a hindu? karmic debts are NOT accumulated through out your present life. it also takes into consideration the sins and wrong deeds youve committed in your PREVIOUS life too, it all adds up and leads to your sufferings. and there IS a very similar concept of heaven hinduism in hinduism too. that is moksha, the ultimate goal of the soul is to be liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth and suffering. there are 4 ways to achieve it that is bhakti, the path of devotion; gnana, the path of knowledge; karma, the path of selfless service; and raja, the royal path of meditation.
"At any moment, and across any lifetime, the choice is always either/or: either follow your reasoning mind, or abandon it and place something above it. There is no “middle-of-the-road.” -Peter Schwartz-
You know why we talk about our God because we are not ashamed of show to everyone that he is the only salvation in him and only him you can have eternal life.
As a Krishna worshipper, I can confirm that is a cult and a deviation of Hinduism's roots. It has it's positives but like many organizations, has plenty of offputting issues. ISKON needs serious reform.
She is ignorant about the varnas or caste stages as well. She seems to never care about the people who are oppressed and getting oppressed still in the name of caste structures of Hinduism. If she is a true Hindu follower and much truly against the caste system, she would have at least started questioning that. She never questioned the caste stages of Hinduism, that is why she skipped the topic just like that otherwise, she would have argued with him. Hindu people don't question their own religion, that is the problem here. One of my friends asked his mom about the caste stages. his mom simply replied, Don't question like that. We should just believe as it is, since if we question like that, God will get angry at us and destroy us. A wise man once said, If you are following something blindly, then you are not being true to that.
Why Christians preach their faith - Cliff already answered that others also share their faith in different ways and I am adding this. some used their weapons and muscle power, some used their cunning so they don't need to speak with people because all happens silently but Christianity directly speak with people so that they can think and decide for themself. This is decent way of communicating truth. If you read history , how others have done this then you will have great respect for Christianity, unfortunately people who talk like this don't have time to think but to pass judgement. I was born as a Hindu but following Christ last 30 years by His Grace and I won't regret for it... Jesus Loves You..
25:47 the caste system as you know today has an interesting history. In ancient India or even before 1300BCE, the caste system was meant to divide people into job categories as per merit for society to function. That meant that even a peasant's child could become a Brahmin or priest class if capable and vice versa. Warriors, merchants and other skilled labour was divided like this. The system got corrupted much later, especially during the British rule in India who treated the caste system like their class system in UK!! They codified and solidified social categories through their censuses and administrative policies! They did it in a manner which reflect a wrong nature of Indian society and using some old texts of manusmriti too. eventually changing the caste system to hierarchical system!! Things have changed a lot after Independence and the system has become fluid. The idea earlier though was to divide hindus, exploit them, establish British culture and abrahamic religions as superior. Which is exactly what's happening in this video:)
Bro, you got one thing wrong. Karma does not involve external forgiveness; only actions and self-realization can neutralize negative karma. A bad deed and karma are not the same-karma refers to the cumulative results of all your actions. Even Jesus cannot take back your karma, because karma is the consequence of the actions you have taken, and it requires personal accountability and transformation.
That Hindu girl has a big time problem then why did she move to USA and to a Christian country to do her Higher studies. She would have gone to Thakshashila or any Hindu colleges. See the double standard. I am also an Indian. When Indians talk about love it’s funny. We do have big time caste system to hate another human being in the name of caste. I am feeling shame on myself to say this. Thank God I am Christian. Ask someone why caste in India and how Indians treat to low caste people.i am coming from forward caste in India . I know the pain of low caste people . Sometimes they really hate to say their caste because we may treat them bad. That type of bullying is still exist in India and we talk about love. Jesus treated everyone same irrespective of of caste and taught us to treat the same way. And someone tell her there is no difference between Christians and Jews don’t have any difference. Getting salvation is different for both . One has to get Heaven with Faith other one Jew have to inherit earth obeying God s commandments.
"That Hindu girl has a big time problem then why did she move to USA and to a Christian country to do her Higher studies.", when did she say she has a big time problem with Christianity or Christians? "We do have big time caste system", we as in Christians? (because the word caste, came with Portuguese who forcefully converted Hindus to Christianity? ) "forward caste" What is a forward caste? (btw which Hindu literature, talks about the caste system, care to point out, I can point out, when it started being followed in Europe if you like) "type of bullying" some type of bullying exist everywhere in world.... "Jesus treated everyone same irrespective of of caste and taught us to treat the same way", well if I look at history and how Portuguese/Spaniards colonizers treated others, I would assume either they were not Christians or Jesus christ didn't said anything like that. "there is no difference between Christians and Jews don’t have any difference", are you serious?
You are ignorant to think that the USA is a Christian country. The caste system you talk of is not found anywhere in Hindu scriptures and was imported based on the UK hierarchy system. Shri Krishna teaches in the Gita that all beings have one identity as a part of Himself. Varna is based on talent and work and He Himself acted as a vaishya, kshatriya, brahmin and shudra . You say that Jesus treated everybody the same then why did he not condemn slavery instead of advocating for it in Exodus 21. It's your right to convert but don't talk ill about India or Hindus. I don't think Jesus appreciates that.
@@vincentpandarum1854 you need awareness more than anything else. casteism comes from hindusim . do you think briishers had the time to create all those castes . 😂😂😂
Christians have a responsibility to tell the people the truth. Jesus claims to be the truth. If he is the truth, we better listen to him. So we have a debt to society to tell everyone about Jesus.
Hinduism is a philosophy that revolves around Dharma (righteous living) and Karma (cause and effect). It's a flexible and inclusive framework that accommodates diverse beliefs and perspectives, allowing individuals to forge their own spiritual paths." In Hinduism, personal freedom and autonomy are paramount. This ancient wisdom tradition encourages individuals to explore their own spirituality, free from dogma and coercion. Whether you believe in one god, multiple deities, or none at all. Hinduism's principles of Dharma and Karma offer a guiding framework for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
The cast system had a different meaning. It was never like people being born in a cast; God gave them an identity according to what they do for living. Just like a person who helps people healthwise is a Doctor, a person doing Puja(an Act of worshipping God) is called Brambhin. Later on, people manipulated it and changed it to something like this, which we have right now.
@lgtv4794 true...I live in Texas and I am from Indian Christian Background.... terrible that many Christians here are not aware of how bad they really are...
@@WizardofChrist Their beliefs are all satanic and their gods are all lusty. Would you believe that shiva (monkey god is an avatar of shiva) r@p3d a woman according to their own scriptures. Dozens of such stories are littered in their scriptures
My grand father was a Hindu and converted to Christianity based on the experience he had. I feel happy till my generation that we have accepted Jesus christ as our saviour. Casteism is worst to have in any society, upper caste people have audacity to treat lower caste people very badly. And once they accept christ as their only godz they call as rice bags, I pray to god to forgive and touch them as well
@@avinashnewton7331 check out the equality shelled out to the blacks in usa been here since 1967. and remember when they were not allowed in restaurants or white churches tje christisns via killed millions of women on the steak When did they have an egalitarian society have you heard of inquisition Can a woman from Nigeria be the next pope none if that you want to genuflect hoping that they will treat you like a white man
@ obviously because Jesus told them to spread the word of salvation we are still hearing that truth to this day. I love and believe in Jesus the miracles in my life have no explanations other then prayer 🙏🏽 and a faithful God
@ I was on life support for weeks no brain activity in a coma, yes and what a personal experience I had ,no words can possibly express the experience change my life now old and very content in my faith in Christ Jesus 🙏🏽🩸💜
@ I was asked by the Lord to continue to share what I had seen and what he told me and spread the word come to life John 1:1 face to face hallelujah amen that was 2004 February
People who know nothing have alot of words ,nothing in particular , so many questions and think now that they're that way , all are the same. We love them all.
If it was any other religion, she wouldn’t be arguing. Christianity is alive!
Oh please you Christians always want to act like the victim when your the predators the villains most of the Christians I met in life or seen in the street are trying to shove it down peoples throat and when they as you nicely leave me alone I don't believe in your God I'm a Hindu or atheist they go all fire and brimstone and turn up the volume and when they are faced with other people who will not tolerate their bigotry or hatred they will resort to bible passages oh poor me I was only preaching because I wanted to save their souls I must be doing something right because they are after me it's a victim complex you leave people alone and you get left alone simple as that
Christianity is the majority religion in this country, people vote to take away others rights off this belief. That is why so many speak against it. If Islam became the majority belief and sharia law was attempted to be forced on people do you think at that point people would be more concerned with Islam?
People speak against what affects them negatively. At the moment it is Christianity. From withholding rights from individuals or just trying to push their ideas into classrooms over science, these are demonstrably harmful actions that should be stopped.
When I was a Christian I hated how much Christians acted like they were being persecuted. You are the majority religion, the majority of the US. If someone speaks against the majority it’s not persecution.
@@LyndaConway "How or why should someone have faith in something for which there is no evidence".
-Vincent Bugliosi-
@@BeefT-Sq ther is more than you think for I am evidence
I'm an Indian and I'm proud to say Jesus is my Lord and Savior
He couldn't save himself he born without father😂😂😂
@@NeeleshVerma-s2ekrishna couldn't even save himself from one arrow LoL so how would he save you LoL you will also get hunted like krishna 😂
@Provocative-K I don't care about him he is fictional character btw for your kind information he was avtara ( who comes on earth for killing devil or give some massage) of Lord vishnu not God himself
@@NeeleshVerma-s2e krishna and Vishnu both are fictional LoL
@Provocative-K I know I was just giving you information why couldn't he save himself from ero because according to story he wanted to go back you should know full story atleast
Iam a hindu from indian state called gujarat but i have personal relationship with JESUS ever since he answered whenever i was in a difficult situations, i experience miracles in my own life.
Iam greatefull to JESUS forever🙏
Wow. Share your testimonies with ur neighbours as well. God bless you.
What? How are you Hindu?
"I broke free from Christianity to become a Hindu. Here's why." | Jeffrey Armstrong | Vedic Vidya
@@joejo7698my grandfather is a PAGAN ( hindu) ,he beilives domastic animal's and stone's & idols are god's not God god's and he thinks elephant, 🐘 monkey 🐒 can save him and he😂 did so many things, but he didn't get salvation from any of the pagan god's. But one day he met a pastor , before he was a brahmin priest ( High cast in religion) he shared his testimony to my grandfather. He didn't beilives him on that time ,but you know guys God is good all the time all' the time god is good and my grandfather left Pagan ( hindu) religion ,then he saved from sin and he accepted Jesus Christ his personal lord and savior , then our whole big family we are 200 members our family tree 🌲 , We are worshipping the lord Jesus Christ has my lord and savior Amen in india there are so many testimony like this the lord Jesus Christ saved so many Pagans ( idols worshipper's) so I'm proud to be an ex pagan ( hindu)
Cliffe Knechtle is a very good man and needs a lot of prayer from Christians. He is almost like a grandpa age, and he comes and stands there lovingly and explain about Christ and faith. I like the students also, as they are opening up. May they be blessed with faith.
Jesus said call no man good. Why do you defy Jesus?
@@justincuvelier9569He's good in the context if being a good preacher. Not that he's God or Jesus, and of course it's the gift of God he's a good preacher and debater.
He is a sinner
He's a man using logic and reason at Ground Zero preaching the gospel. That technically make him a Saint? He's using modern technology, knowing the stereotypes we all have towards Christianity that was just make us abhor it, at times. You should get some sort of rank
@@justincuvelier9569 You are not a serious person.
When I decide to share my food, I do not force it down someone else's throat. If I share Jesus with someone, that person has a choice to either listen or leave. It is up to them, with their free will, to consider Jesus Christ.
Good analogy and distinction.
Why she mad for hearing about God in an Christian country ?
Bro because it's the Christian country and Christian values still exist in people
The USA is a Christian country c
because God is a thougt, a concept, nobody has an idea of what he/she is.
@@pietvandijk1349 and thats the reason we have jesus
The fact people get so offended that Christians want to preach. They want to preach cause they want help save them through the power of Jesus Christ.
@@Tjtellsthetruth They are offended because Christians try to change their beliefs. That's bigoted. Stop trying to do that
You saying that its bigoted is a bigoted statement @teinff7696
No that's not true. They preach because it is in the Christian culture to do so.
Muslims want to save you through Mohammed and Hindus want to help save you through Krishna etc etc , Jesus isn’t anything different…
@@teinff7696Okay sure but it's the same as well for their religion as well. The only difference is that he's not forcing anyone to change their faith. What he is doing is just offering place of dialect so two people can challenge perspectives and views and also what he is trying to do is make sure that people are following a truth and not following a false belief or thought or life.
There are a lot of truths in this world...
But there is only one Truth in this entire existence
" I am the Way, the Truth and the Life "
but this is a belief that there are facts under it. Nobody does know what it means, that a person is a truth, that is metaphoric speaking. A person cannot be the truth. The truth is an accurate description from reality, how it is made, built up and works. Than cannot be a person. 1 + 1 = never a cucumber.
@pietvandijk1349 it means if you follow Jesus, you are in essence following the truth. That is the way you should live your life. For Jesus...for the truth.
@@paulgorham2740 SO "ST" Xavier believed in the same Christ this guy is talking about. HE is responsible for the death of 100s of thousands of Hindus... and he killed them in the most heinous way. But he must have got ETERNAL HEAVEN according to you JEsus people. If that is the truth... Forget GOD. These proselytizers are after power..political, financial or other wise. Plain and simple. God is a Facade.
@@pietvandijk1349 Jesus is the truth, because He is God. God is truth, THE Truth.
@@paulgorham2740 What is following the truth? I better follow rules like love your neighbour, take care of your enemies (except the Pharisees, Jesus gave no sign that he loved hem), be humble and thankful. For many people on earth, who love to be human, is that ENOUGH truth. Again, a person cannot be a truth, that is grammatical nonsense. Nobody can be like Jesus: did he ever work form 9 to 5, do the washes, wash the dishes, clean his house, helping poor people with food and shelter, fight for human rights like good education? He was just wandering and preaching about the Kingdom. For a god he did very few things, just curing two blind people and let thousands of blinds live further in darkness. Do all the christians have to do this and forget about work, family and duties in society? Jesus was a pretty good guy, but to say that he was above everyone else in doing good and humanity. I don't find him any more special than Buddha, Mandela, Ghandi, Mohammed. He also cursed his enemies a lot. Be honest and admit that Jesus was only human.
My parent's were hindus but now we are Christians. We got the real peace and meaning full life.
Good for you, the reverse happened in my family but as a Hindu, we respect your freedom of religion. The only issue comes when other religions are demonised or people try to impose their faith
@@anonymousanonymous2319 like hindus to do others in india ?
@@lgtv4794 ask Jews which is the only country where they never faced anti-semitism. Not any Christian or Muslim country.
Which country took in the Parsis and Bahai from Islamic persecution?
Which country took in Sikhs and Christians from Afghanistan?
Hindus never say that Christ is a demon or Christianity or Islam will take you to hell. Sure there is violence against Christians and Muslims but that is also as a result of trauma and the fact that these people have repeatedly tried to demonise and destroy our faith. There are so many different religions in India that co-exist for the most part but you conveniently decide to ignore that. Christian missionaries have gone undercover and harassed our people in holy temples. Since when have Hindus gone undercover in churches and done the same? Do we call any Christian practises demonic? Meanwhile you have Christians calling anything hindu/sanskrit demonic like in yoga
My family was christian and we made ghar vapsi. Only the eternal faith is the true faith and not the one by some son or messenger.
@@lgtv4794 who took in the Parsis, Bahai from persecution? Who took in Pakistani and Afghan Christians? India is arguably the most religiously diverse country in the world.
Also you won't hear Hindus saying Christ is demonic or that Christianity or Islam will take you to hell. Yes there is some violence but that's as a result of trauma and people trying to destroy and demonise our religion. People hate that we survived
Brother I From India. I Was Hindu And I Accept Jesus In 18 Age. India Is Already Heard About Jesus. Thomas Was Preached Here In 1st Century ❤
"If there is a god, it is inconceivable that he would be concerned about my day to day affairs".
-Siddhartha Gautama-
@@BeefT-Sqthen where is the love
@@BeefT-Sq sounds like this person doesn't care about God being in his life
@@BeefT-Sq bro had no idea about having personal relationship with God 😂
Fake News.
I was born in an upper caste (brahmin) hindu family. When I accepted Christ as my saviour, I felt like a new, clean being but suddenly, out of the blue my mother ended her life as if the devil was making me leave my faith and he was somewhat successful in that. 10 years later, I am closer to God than ever. God is good and Jesus is Lord.
I'm born in a Brahmin family and I'll never convert to that religion which is a mix of Hellenistic concepts and Judaism which was made to control people and is really a bunch of nonsense.
My family was christian and we made ghar vapsi. Only the eternal faith is the true faith and not the one by some son or messenger.
What is ghar vapsi??
@@Godfavourite01 returning back to original
I'm born in Hindu family I'm a devotee of lord Ram
Seeds planted. I love how Cliffe and Stuart spread the gospel. There are some cases where ego could really take over and God
works through them in such a way that they come out educating and planting a seed in grace. Powerful and beautiful.
Im glad to see there are Christian College Fraternities. Not just drinking Fraternities.
Huge respect for the work you do Cliffe. Love from India
I was a Hindu, no relationship with any deity, became a Christian, have a relationship with Jesus., which is awesome
My family was christian and we made ghar vapsi. Only the eternal faith is the true faith and not the one by some son or messenger.
Why did you not have any relationship with any deity? There are so many yet you couldn't choose one? That tells me you're an indecisive person and became a Christian because it's easy, and I wonder why not Islam?
@@agnosticthom come back to the true faith.
@@NathanPereira-lx9yc HE DID ALREADY 😂❤
@@Noob-eee But, I read some puranas and found out that the gods are fa ke.
Ex: There is a situation where brahma, vishnu, maheshwar visit a married wom an ansuya and ask her for se x , saying "rati dehi madaghurane" . Can gods act like this?
I need God to endow me with the kind of patience displayed by Stuart. God bless him always
yes, especially when some were laughing at him
Cliffe has great patience sheesh
thats what am saying!
He is patronising, and does not take seriously what other people say. he never EXPLAINS anything. You will not be civil if you reply.
You know
@@invisible123-l9d talk about patronizing lol
I'm a Hindu from India and I for me Jesus is a sadhu, a yogi, the same like Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Shiva or any other highly spiritually realized energies. Jesus(Issa masiha) as described in Tibetan Buddhist texts had visited our Bharat and gained spiritual knowledge before returning back. His mission was to enlighten the then barbaric uncivilized middle east.
Jesus said go around the world and preach the kingdom of God.
A time, in Goa by your Francis Xavier - who called himself a missionary and to serve lord wrote a letter to Portuguese king.
Any Hindu of Goa (India) if found performing hindu rituals would be taken to the court and his head would churned in a tool. Any Hindu bathing in the morning, any Hindu worshipping his God, any Hindu having his scared plant at home would face the same.
Where is your Love for God then?
Girls would be taken and r@**** by your missionaries. Temples were destroyed, forced baptism was done, meat was thrown to temples....Is this Christianity?
You know the Good side, not the dark. Check books, history and Google. Find it if I am wrong...
THAT PART! 👏 🙏 ❤
A Shepard of Men!!!!❤
Did he say convert them?
@@joejo7698 What do you mean by convert? Convert the noun meaning is a person who changes political or religious beliefs. It is voluntary. God will not force you to love Him and no one can force you to love God. There are 11 verb meanings for convert so what do you mean when using the word?
The living God Jesus Christ is the power and best. Amen, Hallelujah 🙏 ❤
My dear brothers and sisters,
The living God Jesus Christ is the light of this world. Satan (devil) doesn't want humans to live in the light. Because Satan (devil) doesn't have light. Amen Hallelujah 🙏 ❤️
@Obed-u7v May the living God (Yahweh/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit) bless you and your family forever and ever. Amen, Hallelujah 🙏 ✌️ ❤️
Jesus never claimed he is god.... 😅😊
@vacuumflask7073 My dear sister or brother,
Jesus Christ did claim that he is God. Jesus Christ proved that he is God. 👉 The Holy Bible is given the proof.
Do you want proof?
Cliffe ... May God bless you abundantly.. You are the true Soldier of Christ, brave as a Lion
I am Hindu from India .. Jesus saved me at the age of 41 you believe it or not Jesus Christ is the God and 👑 .. praise the lord..
@@thiagarajanbakthavachalam4512 a
So you think that Gid sends his son to the white man and is so racist that he could not send this son to non shites . Wow amazing
For centuries, your family was deeply rooted in Hinduism-its culture, values, and traditions were close to the hearts of your ancestors. Yet, you abandoned all of it, including your identity, for a foreign religion. Surely, your family must be proud of you. By the way, did you know that Jesus wasn’t a Christian?
This was a little rude I won't lie
Bro how did Jesus follow himself?
Christian is a term for followers of Christ
Jesus was Jewish but he was the Messiah according to all the prophecies in the OT
Christianity it's not just a religion, Jesus didn't want to create a religion, what he wanted was to restore humanity lost connection with God
It's more of a relationship with God than a religion when you have to do X things and Y rituals
Jesus failed to save Christians in west turning toward athiests.
The saddest thing is that people are offended by the Christ that just wants to love them… loves them so much he died to guarantee we’ll spend an eternity in each other’s presence …unconditional love is persistent …he pursues our hearts so none of us will perish because none of us are promised tomorrow…most people do not understand that’s why the gospel has to be preached with urgency…it’s the difference between our eternal life or death
We don't need him. We respect him but can treat him as out God. I belive in my deities and very much happy as they always come to help me.
When the girl said we can't have a relationship with God, that made me so sad. It's like someone stabbed me in the heart. Thank you Jesus that you've shown us we're not alone.
God help us with this generation.
"Why should we want to see, by faith, what the eye of reason rejects ?"
-Vincent Bugliosi-
@ The heart and the reason of men deceive people because we don’t have all knowledge. People of old reasoned slavery was acceptable it turned out it was not. Until the creation of the telescope people reasoned the earth was the center of the universe it turned out it wasn’t. People couldn’t see germs they reasoned there was nothing there it turned out there was something there. Reason is used by people not to believe in God because they can see him.
That's a very smug thing to say.
@ praying to God for people of a generation is smug?
@christianapologeticspolemics you wearnt praying. The term God help us is condescending. Why are you being dishonest and deflecting why not just own up to your arrogant tone.
I was a christian but after reading hindu philosophy and knowing motive of life i embraced hinduism.. Hari bol
Don't lie
It's your choice brother. But in india people are accepting Jesus Christ.❤
@@r1a172 yes, now u can cheat, rob, lie, fraud like ur new gods, no need to feel guilty or repent.
I like seeing Stuart out there. Good job, I like his style.
Nothing I do on this earth can make up for my sin. Only Christ provides grace to provide a clean slate
U are delusional
My sin? I thought it was Adam sin that you got?
How are you still at sin? Didn't he die for you for exactly that reason?
Lord Jesus Christ in Hindu scriptures is presented by Late Adhyaksha Anubhavananda Kesava Raya Sarma Mandapaka.
All mankind have sinned, having transgressed the law of God. Therefore, they devise various ways and means as to how to escape the wrath of God, and live..
An examination of the Vedas reveals that sacrfice is spoken of as the only means of salvation.
For example:
Rutasyanah Pathanaya Ati Viswani Durita”
In Skanda Puranam Yagna Vaibhava Khandam, 7th chapter, we read:
Slo. “Plava eyete sura yagna adrudhasheha na samshayah”
Tandya Maha Brahmanam says, Sru: “Yagnota avati tasyachhaya kriyate” - “What is being performed, is the shadow.”
The above sayings clearly reveal that the sacrifices performed do not themselves confer salvation but they are the type and the shadow of salvation.
RigVeda mentioned the goat be without blemish, “Balusu” bush placed around its head, the cloth covering should be split, should be given a a drink of “soma” juice, and should be restored to life again.
When Jesus was crucified, a crown of thorns was placed around His head, the cloth was split, He was given vinegar to drink, He was restored to life again.
Since He was Son of God, He was without blemish, also fulfilling Satapadha Brahmanam which says God became half mortal and half immortal, and Tandya Maya Brahmanam of SamaVeda, which says God would offer Himself as a sacrifice, and obtain atonement for sins:
“Tasya prajapatirardhameva martyamasidardhamrutam”
“Prajapatir devebhyam atmanam yagnam krutva prayachhat”
@@joejo7698 in hinduism, prajapati will die for sins of humanity.
As a Christian in India, I love having intellectual dialogues about religion with my Hindu friends. The entire mindset that ‘you should just believe in what you believe and let others believe in what they believe’ is willful ignorance. As humans who are all confused and striving to understand the absolute truth, we should have as many discussions as we can!
It is through the flow of ideas and believes that we get to learn, grow and correct ourselves in our understanding of reality.
And it’s when we seclude ourselves in our belief bubble that conflict, violence, narrow-mindedness and even wars come through.
I am inspired by these people who have the courage to stand in front of thousands with such undeterring faith. Thank you Cliffe and Stuart
There is Eastern philiosophy and there is Western philosophy. Both are completly different.
@sumitroy2006 I agree. But ultimately there is only 1 objective truth and it's up to us to find it.
@@annetterose1970 How can you be so sure that your truth is the only truth ??
@@annetterose1970there is philosophical term called anekatvād. It starts with story of 4 blinds who were asked to recognise elephant by touching it. One touched trunk he believed it was rope,other one believed it to be grass by touching hairy tail,other two said pillar and hard rock by respectively touching leg and stomach. , they argued and started conflict. We all have so much confidence for our beliefs and motive to force it on others. Point is let people explore elephant from all sides
@@man_manthan I didn't say that. What I'm insinuating is that ultimately one truth has to prevail. Whichever one it is. So it's up to us to search it out. I say inspect as many religions as you can and make your own judgement
I was Hindu, and now I found my Savior Jesus Christ as my Lord. All glory to God
my dear I know you love Jesus but please don't let my sanatan dharma under the gutter. I also respect him but without knowledge everything can be ruined.. read your scripturs.
@@mr.j.waterstone don’t beg this guy . Christianity insults all cultures that are not white suoremicists
U basically became a rice bag convert.
Just say that.
Show me your jesus
All converts from Hindu to Christianity fall into the below categories;
1. Emotionally weak with 0 self-confidence and have crumbled under adverse life conditions hoping for a turn around of the situation- if nothing changes externally, take solace in some higher power to forget the discomforts in life
2. Have superficial mythological story knowledge but completely ignorant of the fundamental philosophical concepts about God
3. Purely for rice bags- all recent ones suddenly declaring they had vision of Jesus, start a church, get gullible illiterate villagers around and get 10% of their income with false promises of both miracles and eternal heaven after death
I don't know why, but that 'it's your truth' or 'my truth' makes me cringe every time. It's also sad that they would let someone believe a lamp is God to not offend them, that's not love.
Bro same, my Mom says that shit and I'm like "Mom.... just stop" 😂
It basically is just a polite way of saying "stop talking, I'm right, you're wrong" 😂
@Slamrancher 😅That's it. That is what they actually want to say, but use these terms to make it sound like everyone is correct.
It's almost similar to what Syndrome said in Incredibles, 'if everyone is correct, then no one will be'.
It’s ridiculous, there’s no such thing as “my truth” there’s only one truth to everything.
The stupidest phrase I’ve heard IN MY LIFE. I hate when people say that nonsense.
Just a way to escape responsibility and consequences.
Jesus, help Kliffe and his team to share your love, may your Holy Spirit be with him.Amen
I am from India, Jesus Christ rescued me from the depths of despair, and rejections. He is the only one who accepted and called me His own. Isaiah 43:1 (NKJV)
But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. ❤
@@AbbaYah-so6gx good to know. God bless!!
BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth.
@@Radha_230 Bhagavat Gita might have said that something similar, but there is no overlapping of any concept of divine nature between Hinduism and christianity.
Christianity is supported by fulfilled prophecy, history and archaeology.
@@JTM_K 1.kurushetra:kurushetra is where krishna was during battle there bones and weapons and chariots found there
2.Ram Setu: Ram Setu is where Rama crossed to Lanka
3.Dwarka:Dwarka is a place where krishna ruled and there was people etc now it found underwater and this proved true
4.Kishkindha:where rama met hanuman and other monkeys
5.Ashok Vatika:This location is where Sita has held at
6.Hastinapur:A city mention in Mahabharata and where people are still living
7.Vrindavan:where krishna lived
8.Where krishna was born
9.Kailash:This where lord Shiva lives his abode actually people cant even climb mount Kailash only tiny bit of people was able to climb it
10.Kannay:this ravana hot spring and where he did last rites of his mom
11.Space:A image of a man on a horse was tooken in space the image has hanuman face,kalki on a horse etc
12.:Hanuman:Hanuman footsteps are everywhere in the world
you mention Hinduism is not connected to Christianity in history terms or something well it is the vedic faiths has tons of history the Mahabharata etc
Also read bhavishya malika if you can
BG 3.37: The Supreme Lord said: It is lust alone, which is born of contact with the mode of passion, and later transformed into anger. Know this as the sinful, all-devouring enemy in the world.
BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth.
BG 16.21: There are three gates leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul-lust, anger, and greed. Therefore, one should abandon all three.
BG 16.4: O Parth, the qualities of those who possess a demoniac nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance.
@@Radha_230 Those are all fine, like i said the explanation and the details on divine nature is completely different. For ex: One God who created the heavens and earth, idol worship etc. These are our biggest pointers in christianity.
But it’s fine to learn both religions, teachings, and go with their minds.
I will try to understand on your books as well.
I love how Stuart coughed to relieve his dad lol like “take a break dad lemme attem ”
Yae i noticed that too😂♥️
They did!
That's the amrikan dream mottafookah
U can never win an argument with women😂
Praise God for the father and son ministry. I'm really blessed to watch this video. God bless from the south pacific island of Papua New Guinea.
These girls are annoying saying alot of nothing
emotion runs there life not rationality
Because their brains are still growing.
I think it’s good she participate in that,she will think about this conversation someday and find the truth.
hindus have pride of practising ancient religion. poor souls. if someone preach the truth, they will be arrested immediately in india.
@@devmyster925 they have no emotions , to me they seemed empty just like their arguments
I wish I knew Jesus Christ before my dad's death, who surely didn't believe in Christ, so that I'd have something to say to him when he was on his deathbed. I didn't know how to comfort him, I didn't know how to say to him, despite his many faults, that I loved him no matter what.
i feel you so much, i can relate to that, you just described my life... but we live in Christ now let's trust in Him, now that we found Him, He is all that matters, praise our Lord and only living God, all honor and glory to Jesus Christ!
@viniciusbitencourt891 Amen
You are so fucking arrogant! He knew Jesus was some bullshit. That’s why he didn’t tech you about it. You loved him. Say that. Jesus had nothing to do with anything he ever did or didn’t do.
@@kikastrayou will meet him in the second resurrection after the millennium described in revelation 20. Where everything is just like creation before the fall
Wow, so you are saying he is HELL? that is sad?
All those people will have to stand before Jesus and none will be laughing and none will answer for the other. And they will remember that day when they debated about believing in Jesus or rejecting Him.
Never going to happen
you base that on a book, not on your thoughts or experience, anybody can write this in a book, just try to think for yourself,
Jesus is idiot who cares
And then I will be judging Jesus for faking death, for creating bloodshed in religious wars that he caused. If he did not have ordered Christians to create conflicts with everyone , there would not be this much hate. Christianity caused most deaths in the world.
Its amazing how god has a purpose for us all and how god put him to teach the truth to the kids on the campus are so lost.
"A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition."
-Nathaniel Branden-
@BeefT-Sq are you saying faith is just feeling and no truth to it?
if this is right the majority of humanity will be lost, is that the ideal world God wishes? What is the good message: just a small minority will end up in heaven. That is weird, that is cruel, that can't be true. Hell is an invention of the Persians.
I've often pondered why many modern-day Hindus appear to dismiss the caste system while readily criticizing Christians. It's intriguing how selective people can be regarding their beliefs. As Christians, we embrace the teachings of the Bible in their entirety, both the Old and New Testaments. In contrast, my Hindu and Muslim friends seem to pick and choose what they believe in their own religion.
They are full of pride people because they are vegetarian also they believe there religion is old .
Do they? logically, You cant be a hindu and reject the caste system. Hinduism is really only about 2000 to 2500 Years Old tracing back to the gupta dynasty when the caste
System was codified.
A time, in Goa by your Francis Xavier - who called himself a missionary and to serve lord wrote a letter to Portuguese king.
Any Hindu of Goa (India) if found performing hindu rituals would be taken to the court and his head would churned in a tool. Any Hindu bathing in the morning, any Hindu worshipping his God, any Hindu having his scared plant at home would face the same.
Where is your Love for God then?
Girls would be taken and r@**** by your missionaries. Temples were destroyed, forced baptism was done, meat was thrown to temples....Is this Christianity?
You know the Good side, not the dark. Check books, history and Google. Find it if I am wrong...
@@Retesh21 And they are correct my friend, because oldest religion of this world is called Paganism. They all used to worship Idol so some king If you go to Greece, they have mythological characters and idol worshipping So do In India. Even if you read the Bible, it says, Israel people also fall worshipping Calf (Cow) by looking at their neighbors' worship.
Because the truth Jesus Christ has impacted all
The amount of patience this man has to talk to these people. He must be a true prophet of God!! God bless you for your work, sir!!!!❤
He asked for it.
Patience? The fellow has zero logic.. calls energy electricity, and thinks Hindus worship lamp posts. His does not know ABCD of Hindu Dharma.. but wants to talk about Brahmasutras... Seriously this guy's threatening body language .. looks like he is getting ready to play some football and has to throwback the ball anyhow. God and Philosophy is debating calmly... not violent and beat chest with I won a point. If he knew God.. He would be humble to accept different people's views and paths and not say My way or High way.
@@vasudhagudi9803 ABCD of Hindu Dharma is what we see in India even after following this cult of darkness for many centuries. Poverty, corruption, immoral practices, caste system, untouchability, sati, superstition and so on!!!!!!
@@vasudhagudi9803exactly. I wonder what will happen to these people when they visit our shanktipeeths and jyotirlingas..they just can handle the immense energy there. I love my hindu Gods, they are my savior.
You're right my brother I love to watch you talking God bless you and your family and those young people too❤🕎❤️🇨🇦🙏☦️✝️
"Both reason as a source of knowledge and rationality as a practical ideal are today under attack ."
-Brand Blanchard- [ from Reason and Analysis ]
Jesus is king🇮🇳🇮🇳
Don't worry, I'll ask Vishnu to bless his child Jesus.
@@thesingularity5173 vishnu is a fallen angel that God created.
@JesusChrististheonlyway777 unnail ur jeesususu first
@@thesingularity5173 do you have personal relationship with vishnu❓
I don’t get her logic, the Hindu girl said it’s always the Christians on speedway etc. but obviously she lives in a Christian country and christian society so that should be a no brainer? It’s like me as a christian living in a Muslim country and saying “it’s always the Muslims that I see preaching everywhere” 💀💀 like yea obviously
she meant that Hindus never preach religion. In India you wont ever see anyone preaching Hinduism. Infact why would you preach a religion in a nation where that religion is a dominant religion? would that not make sense to preach in other nation? (As Christians do in India ? )
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 well you can’t compare apples to oranges. Obviously abrihamic religions are completely different to hinduism, Hinduism isn’t even monotheistic so yea. And in addition to that Christian’s spread the gospel in all kind of nations not only Christian countries. Same with Muslims they preach everywhere.
@@thatstuff7976 Hinduism is both monotheistic and polytheistic.
Also this is exactly what I was saying abrahmic religion spread the word about their religion, actively participate to convince PPL to join their religion, spend funds for that ....
No such thing happen in hinduism.
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 yes I understand you bro but then I don’t get her point. Is she unaware of the differences between Christianity and hinduism? Because why is she so offended about Christians preaching in a Christian country? She doesn’t make sense to me
He shares about christianity in obedience to Lord Jesus Christ,we christians are commanded to tell about SALVATION to all we come across.
@danielmullings3600 Christians are commanded to love God, love our neighbors and love our enemies. So part of loving is to give an account of why we have faith that Jesus Christ is reliable and God and why I put my faith in Him when someone asks. I have had over the years people coming to my house as they pass through my neighborhood and ask for food and as I have fed them I told them of Jesus and His love. It’s all voluntary. I voluntarily Love God so I will share my faith.
That doesn't mean harassing people or demonising them
What an idiot concept of salvation
@@anonymousanonymous2319We Christians would openly tell people to the face The truth, and would help them to be better . We are not cowards and seculars
"isn't it like just karmic energy?" This is where witchcraft comes from folks disembodied spirits without a loving heart
@@badazzmaro Your mindset is the reason the Salem Witch Trials happened. 🤡
I believe that the god depicted in the bible is an evil being. If you read the gospel of judas jesus explains that the God the other disiples worshiped was false and a deceiver. I believe that the God in the bible is actually the devil and has tricked us all.
Millions of innocent women were burn alive because of this so call witchcraft...Latest new: A mother kXXed her 10 year old daughter because God told her is a devil. Christian does it a called holy ghost but if some other person does it ...its witchcraft ...do you see how hypocrite you sound.
You forgot a few likes
What do you think karma is? 😂
Hinduism or Sanatan Dharm is the truth. No one can hide or turn that. This guys are just turning questions around. The fact that they have to preach their word of god to people or let people around the world know their god and their story or way of religion, this show the reality and truth in itself. Hinduism or dharmik religions don't need to do that because Hinduism is the truth and universal law just like the nature is. No matter how good they try to debate and prove themselves right, even if they win all the debates than also truth will never be going to change. Hinduism is actually beyond their limited imagination. Those who knows will know what i am talking about. I am not even saying Hinduism is the best religion in the world. I am saying hinduism is not even a religion which it has become now, it's literally the truth, the universal law.
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord for allowing us to see the light. Many of us were once like them. May God allow them to see.
"And in a free society, no matter how hard the struggle might be, it is reason that ultimately wins."
-Ayn Rand-
Why Jesus offends them so much???
Oh yeah, because He’s the Truth 🙌🏻
Jesus has a philia for Old Testament's Gawd. OT Gawd is genocidal. Jesus claims all sins will be forgiven except blasphemy, so r@pe was less of a crime than insults directed towards him.
"The writings of Ayn Rand inspire, as do the long history of human achievement. Objectivism has had little or no influence on history so far. It is a philosophy too recent and too radical to have had an effect on any popular political movement. But I can always hope, and share the concept one individual at a time."
-Anonymous- from an Objectivist forum
No bcos he is idiot. We are offended by idiots.
@@BeefT-Sq weird claim
This Hindu girl seems to lack any substantial knowledge or understanding of Hinduism. It appears that she was born into a Hindu family but hasn't taken the time to study or explore the principles and teachings of her religion. As a result, she struggles to engage in meaningful discussions or debates about Hinduism, often unable to present sensible or well-informed arguments. This highlights the importance of actively learning about one’s own beliefs and traditions to effectively articulate and defend them when needed.
That's why Hinduism, is in danger.
They fool the world he is coming back in the year two thousand 😂
Kalki is 5000 years ago when krishna was on earth he said BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth.
plus Christianity copied kalki avatar that a fact plus there a date when kalki will appear in each yuga(time period) there certain amount of years for each yuga soo kali yug 400k years but probably lowerrr due to sins and chaos
@@RishiSingh-cf9iv Who the fool you are to believe he's coming back in 2000s .
Time of his second coming is unknown
"She's got her Truth !" Q: How many Truths are there ?
It's a truth from a subjective view, not objective. That's what they believe for some reason.
Apparently as many truths as genders!
@@Babster22 Like adam and eve?
@@joejo7698 what
So the hindu concept of karma (if you do good/evil, it will return to you in kind) brings up a serious question: what horrible evil did Holocaust victims commit to bring down that bad karma? What horrible evil could an abortion victim possibly have committed to deserve being torn apart by a powerful vacuum? What in the world does a rape victim have to do to deserve what happens to them?
Hinduism darkest fallen demonic angels karma Cultsih movement.🇮🇳🕉🪯⚛️☸️☯️
Just as the Bible teaches especially in the book of judges.
Judges 21:25
In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Cycle of man.
@@mushrafchipy586 what the?!
In Hinduism or specially eastern religions, the karma concept is preferred. If there is any victim of rape or any other thing then its the result of its past life. There are multiple past life and as a result they are facing the consequences. Someone is born as rich while some born in poor family. Some people life is harsh while some has beautiful. This depends upon your past actions done in life. Your soul changes the body as like clothes and next life form depends on past karma. There are many reincarnation stories happening all over the world which Christianity denies and that's the issue. Hiw a true religion can't see the truth happening infront of their eyes. You can google or search on RUclips for such stories
Do remember throughout the old testament the Israelites were constantly punished by God for not obeying him and the laws he gave to Moses they constantly rebelled. They are the most oppressed group what happened in 1939 to 1945 the holocausts. They suffered oppression, slavery, murder and genocide worse then that I believe then from Pharaoh in exodus. God gave the Israelites into their oppressors for their unfaithfulness and worshiping of false gods and even sacrificing their children to idols of stone and wood. God will allow people who don't repent and turn back to him have their sin overtake them. The consequences were warned about what would happen to them if they didn't come back to him to follow the law. Now long time forward holocausts it goes in line with their oppressors throughout history. However remember Jesus came that all may come to him for forgiveness and believe in him putting all their heart, soul, mind and strength in him. Christ is the one who makes us righteous not anything we do alone no deeds we can do will bring us or get us into heaven but what jesus did for us being a perfect and sinless dying a death we deserved and putting out faith in him truly following him and his words.
Sanatan Dharm is 6000 years old and it is scientific those who don't have that level of depth of thought will struggle to embrace it.
Where is the proof that it is 6000 years old?
It was a religion create by indo aryans to dominate indian subcontinent they removed the Dravidian languages as the country language "tamil" And imposed hindi as their language of communication they introduced caste system so the indo aryans don't merge up with the Dravidians mahabharat is a completely fake story with hundreds of flaws and mistakes they say around 3% of the world population died in this war and 10% of the population participated which cannot be possible to completely have no evidences of skulls or bones in the area 2% isn't a joke h indus believe in anything as their god buddha who refused all the hindu god and hindu rules is said to be a avtar of vishu 😂😂
It was a religion create by indo a ryans to dominate i ndian subcontinent they removed the D ravidian languages as the country language "t amil" And imposed h indi as their language of communication they introduced c aste system so the indo aryans don't merge up with the D ravidians m ahabharat is a completely f ake story with hundreds of flaws and mistakes they say around 3% of the world population died in this war and 10% of the population participated which cannot be possible to completely have no e vidences of skulls or bones in the area 2% isn't a joke h indus believe in anything as their god buddha who refused all the h indu god and h indu rules is said to be a avtar of v ishu 😂😂
She said WE are all clueless but actually SHE is clueless!
She wants to be in control of definition. She wants to be in control, which comes from a hard heart, unwilling to surrender.
No, actually Cliffe is just arrogant and pretends he isn't clueless and knows everything
@@teinff7696 it's not arrogance it's confidence. Why the attitude?
@teinff7696, you're lost.. he's being very patient in explaining his beliefs in Jesus Christ. She's the one who wants to control the narrative and is not willing to receive what he's explaining.
@joserozay2125 Because he has no evidence
If its was a hindu monk there, she would have been like 'look how cool my religion is'
What do you mean care to elaborate
My family was christian and we made ghar vapsi. Only the eternal faith is the true faith and not the one by some son or messenger.
I'm from India and I believe Jesus Christ is the Real and True God. Repent and accept Jesus Christ in your life and he will give you Eternal Life.
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
It's Maria Angelina Alexander doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
You can have a relationship with God. You talk to him through prayer and respect him by obeying him and you show him you love him in many ways. The way he talks to you is through many ways. The most common is reading his word (Bible) and he can also talk to you through your heart, gut feeling, conviction, commands, visions/dreams and multiple other ways like other humans and anything we consume.
It's called having an imaginary friend.
@@mirandahotspring4019it’s called having a friend / savior!! To save us from our sins 🙌🏻❤️🫶🏻
@ I bet the universe and you that is so fine tuned was created by nothing to right? If God is just my imagination and there is no God then you have to look into what that really means for the world. You have to have more faith that there is no God than there is giving the evidence of the universe and everything in it and how it is placed. If there is no God you mean nothing and are worth absolutely nothing. Everything you care about does not matter and is a lie.
@@KegeanFowler No you don't. You have absolutely no idea why or how the universe exists. You are a liar who claims that he does because he can't handle any alternative.
@@KegeanFowler Also untrue
I commend cliffe’s patience with these girls. Obviously they’re young and are at the stage of doubting and being curious at the same time on many things. I pray and hope that their dialogue has changed them to accept Jesus in their life so they can know that God is present.
if I have the answer to life and I don’t share it with people, that’s called being selfish
That's the truth
Great perspective
You don't have the answer to life, you believe you do, but you don't have proof for it.
@ evidence is proof. Enough evidence is a case for said belief. You believe lack of proof is proof in of itself. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
@@Greggers1516 There is a chance that you have the answer to life, that doesn't mean that it is a fact that you have the answer to life.
Since there is no proof of it, it's a belief, not a truth.
HINDUISM, as presented via nondual "Advaita Vedanta," is the most beautiful, intimate, rational and TRUE understanding of reality.
Christianity and all Abrahamic-style religions are off track with where the breadcrumbs of reality lead, replaced by beliefs in a book(s).
The deathbed arguement by Stuart is a very powerful message, it moved me well.
When chicks start talking about energy and vibes, I just walk away
Don't walk away my friend, just ask Electricity is energy So is Electricity is god? They will change their view about it. Ask them what is the definiton of God.
It's not any different than talking about God and spirit. It's the same garbage in a different form.
@childofgod4862 when asked they can't explain. If they can't explain how am I to understand
@@childofgod4862 i don't waste my time
@@derekcantu816 I will admit they aren't good debaters. But neither is Cliffe. Saying something quickly or quoting the Bible doesn't make it true.
I'm Indian and my God is the God of love, the Father, Jesus Christ and the Spirit!
For centuries, your family was deeply rooted in Hinduism-its culture, values, and traditions were close to the hearts of your ancestors. Yet, you abandoned all of it, including your identity, for a foreign religion. Surely, your family must be proud of you. By the way, did you know that Jesus wasn’t a Christian?
That's how we evaluates.. helping eachother out understand how wonderful is God love for us..🙏🏼🕯️
I admire the preacher and his persistence. I personally haven't got the energy to do that.
Trying to shamelessly convert/ indoctrinate educated youth in the comfort of campuses instead of actually making a difference in the lives of people who are actually suffering is the absolute low point of humanity. Save the people who need to be saved - save the people who dont have water food air shelter and then claim to be a 'Loving' Christian or whatever
Why would you assume that he doesn't? Youre literally just passing judgment. A quick Google search will show you how much of an impact Christian ity has had on this world. You added nothing valuable to this conversation.
@@SisterDeja Pls read my comment again. I would never condemn Christianity or any other faith ever - Hinduism respects all religions as one of its core tenets. According to the Sanatana Dharma, there are many ways to reach the One and we as Hindus are obliged to respect all. Even the ones that get in our way of salvation are considered God's own children and are equally loved by Him - they all are simply a part of Leela (a complex play) and Maya (the OG virtual reality). This particular person is essentially saying that he knows for a fact that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation. That is definitely presmptuous but I dont have any issues there. But when he claims he is doing this out of love, that is where i take the issue - if love were the primary goal, India has seen the love of Mother Teresa and we know what love feels like. This is not it - I can trust my instict and I'll tell you something - God does not like liars, I'm sure of it and I am trying my best to be the utmost truthful version of myself. I am still exploring Hindiusm and the deeper I go, the more similarities I find with Christianity but I wouldnt assume they are exactly the same at least for now
Jesus rose from the dead. He He is alive and with us. He listen to our prayers. He answers in his appointed time.. He knows all about me in and out (the woman at the well) He knows what's in my heart. My pocket my cupboard. I know him and he knows me. Not one man or woman can escape Jesus. They will all know when Jesus returns as the Judge. I cannot waste my time on arrogant people.
I was born in a Christian family, but after studing sanatan dharma and after knowing that I was originally hindu and was converted. I converted to Hinduism again also the priests gave me a new name. So Alvin became Shivam.
We can have our own God ,there is no God like Jesus who will love us in our darkest times and gives forgiveness
Jesus aka YHWH can't be god but a mere simple mortal demon.
Fake story 😂
@@zfg07 rice bag 😂
@@janejeni - What's special about that? Hinduism preaches love and forgiveness as well, but i have to agree, you guys are better at marketing your religion. We can learn a thing or two about that.
I believe that Hindu girl is gonna preach JESUS CHRIST SOMEDAY 4 SURE!!!
Yeah, there are weak Hindus as well. the weaklings fall into other religions, taking away the weakness, the strong like me have been Hindus for generations for 5000+ years. :)
You mean she will preach Jesus Christ when he comes again?
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 no ones forcing her. Let her decide.
The issue is with the proper evidences. No evidence of Krishna, vishnu and countless gods. Christianity values are different.
I have a lot of hindu friends, and I like them and all are very friendly and good people. But spiritual aspects are different for each person.
What we christian beleives id that we spread the word of Lord, and if God wants anyone to understand the truth, he will give the wisdom, and let them follow the right path. And no ones forcing anyone.
@@JTM_K Let's not talk about pieces of evidence, you won't even be able to have evidence of Jesus Christ being white as depicted or being born on 25th Dec let alone. And if these basic things can't be proven, idk how would you base your argument to prove other more complicated stuff. (We don't know how he looks, we don't know when and where he was born, but we know he was the son of god and came back after death, interesting)
Only fools look for evidence in matters of belief.
Also, you hardly understand your own religion but claim to understand others, and their complexities and comment on that or question that.
@@AgarwalHimanshu502 I hve seen many so called stronger Hindus who r now following JESUS CHRIST.... it's not abt being weak or strong.. All abt God's unfailing grace and love falling upon someone....
WOW you guys make a great team.I am so impressed with the individual skills yet having the same purpose. I've been following Cliffe for some time,but I must admit that sometimes my anxiety levels increased just by his conversation. handing the question off like he did de-escilated th conversation in a positive way to continue the Word and share Jesus with the crowd thank you all for posting
The reason why it’s always Christians because the Lord commands us to speak about it
@ It says in the Bible to make disciples of all nations and the Bible is the word of God
No it's bcos Christianity is basic religion good for peasants.
My parents are Christians at starting ..
After reading bible and Gita ,we understood the true essence of god and life.
We choose Gita.
We never regretted our decision on our life.
Bible failed to answer my question but Gita did.
Hare krishna
Who is Gita?
What was the question Bible did not answer… maybe it was convenient to hear that we can live best of our life and that is all we need… leading our own good life and we will eventually find God 😊
@@janejeni this is what bible failed to answer , what is life how to lead life, what is god ,what is true essence of life.
@@swarupyadav7897 I ask you: how has the Bible failed to answer your question?
There’s some serious problem here don’t blame the Bible you failed to understand it all the questions you asked are very much there in the Bible. It’s alright if you chose Gita but don’t you dare say the Bible didn’t answer your question.
“My truth” is the ultimate self-blinding words in any conversation. The problem is that it’s posed as a tolerant, open-minded outlook on life when in reality, it’s deflects to any claim on what is and what is not.
It's a moral compass! Ok on what does your moral compass point? Imagine a compass that just decided on it's own to point to south, or east or west, or north, whenever it chooses?
Well, if someone wants to go to the south direction, and he uses compass imagine it rotates all along and not pointing to one particular direction
May God bless you brother with more wisdom, and strength like Paul who also used to debate/argue while preaching. Love from a happy exhindu Indian ❤❤
Accepting Jesus was the best thing in my life
UGH! the way she talked about karmic debts is so frustrating! especially being a hindu? karmic debts are NOT accumulated through out your present life. it also takes into consideration the sins and wrong deeds youve committed in your PREVIOUS life too, it all adds up and leads to your sufferings. and there IS a very similar concept of heaven hinduism in hinduism too. that is moksha, the ultimate goal of the soul is to be liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth and suffering. there are 4 ways to achieve it that is bhakti, the path of devotion; gnana, the path of knowledge; karma, the path of selfless service; and raja, the royal path of meditation.
May God open their eyes 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
They all say Jesus is one of the ways to God ... Jesus says ... I AM THE ONLY WAY AND I AM GOD 🙌✝️
"At any moment, and across any lifetime, the choice is always either/or: either follow your reasoning mind, or abandon it and place something above it. There is no “middle-of-the-road.”
-Peter Schwartz-
The answer to most, if not all, questions on personal faith is “To each his own”. I love the dialogue here, the girls are awesome. Hats off to them 👍
You know why we talk about our God because we are not ashamed of show to everyone that he is the only salvation in him and only him you can have eternal life.
She is ignorant about Hare Krishna & ISKCON
@@JobyPanachickal right ✅️
As a Krishna worshipper, I can confirm that is a cult and a deviation of Hinduism's roots. It has it's positives but like many organizations, has plenty of offputting issues. ISKON needs serious reform.
She is ignorant about the varnas or caste stages as well. She seems to never care about the people who are oppressed and getting oppressed still in the name of caste structures of Hinduism. If she is a true Hindu follower and much truly against the caste system, she would have at least started questioning that. She never questioned the caste stages of Hinduism, that is why she skipped the topic just like that otherwise, she would have argued with him.
Hindu people don't question their own religion, that is the problem here. One of my friends asked his mom about the caste stages. his mom simply replied, Don't question like that. We should just believe as it is, since if we question like that, God will get angry at us and destroy us.
A wise man once said, If you are following something blindly, then you are not being true to that.
it is strange that a lot of people these days require scientific proof to believe in god but believe in so many other things without the need of proof
Yeah no.
Why Christians preach their faith - Cliff already answered that others also share their faith in different ways and I am adding this. some used their weapons and muscle power, some used their cunning so they don't need to speak with people because all happens silently but Christianity directly speak with people so that they can think and decide for themself. This is decent way of communicating truth. If you read history , how others have done this then you will have great respect for Christianity, unfortunately people who talk like this don't have time to think but to pass judgement. I was born as a Hindu but following Christ last 30 years by His Grace and I won't regret for it... Jesus Loves You..
25:47 the caste system as you know today has an interesting history. In ancient India or even before 1300BCE, the caste system was meant to divide people into job categories as per merit for society to function. That meant that even a peasant's child could become a Brahmin or priest class if capable and vice versa. Warriors, merchants and other skilled labour was divided like this. The system got corrupted much later, especially during the British rule in India who treated the caste system like their class system in UK!!
They codified and solidified social categories through their censuses and administrative policies! They did it in a manner which reflect a wrong nature of Indian society and using some old texts of manusmriti too. eventually changing the caste system to hierarchical system!! Things have changed a lot after Independence and the system has become fluid. The idea earlier though was to divide hindus, exploit them, establish British culture and abrahamic religions as superior. Which is exactly what's happening in this video:)
Bro, you got one thing wrong. Karma does not involve external forgiveness; only actions and self-realization can neutralize negative karma. A bad deed and karma are not the same-karma refers to the cumulative results of all your actions. Even Jesus cannot take back your karma, because karma is the consequence of the actions you have taken, and it requires personal accountability and transformation.
That Hindu girl has a big time problem then why did she move to USA and to a Christian country to do her Higher studies. She would have gone to Thakshashila or any Hindu colleges. See the double standard. I am also an Indian. When Indians talk about love it’s funny. We do have big time caste system to hate another human being in the name of caste. I am feeling shame on myself to say this. Thank God I am Christian.
Ask someone why caste in India and how Indians treat to low caste people.i am coming from forward caste in India . I know the pain of low caste people . Sometimes they really hate to say their caste because we may treat them bad. That type of bullying is still exist in India and we talk about love. Jesus treated everyone same irrespective of of caste and taught us to treat the same way. And someone tell her there is no difference between Christians and Jews don’t have any difference. Getting salvation is different for both . One has to get Heaven with Faith other one Jew have to inherit earth obeying God s commandments.
"That Hindu girl has a big time problem then why did she move to USA and to a Christian country to do her Higher studies.", when did she say she has a big time problem with Christianity or Christians?
"We do have big time caste system", we as in Christians? (because the word caste, came with Portuguese who forcefully converted Hindus to Christianity? )
"forward caste" What is a forward caste? (btw which Hindu literature, talks about the caste system, care to point out, I can point out, when it started being followed in Europe if you like)
"type of bullying" some type of bullying exist everywhere in world....
"Jesus treated everyone same irrespective of of caste and taught us to treat the same way", well if I look at history and how Portuguese/Spaniards colonizers treated others, I would assume either they were not Christians or Jesus christ didn't said anything like that.
"there is no difference between Christians and Jews don’t have any difference", are you serious?
You are ignorant to think that the USA is a Christian country. The caste system you talk of is not found anywhere in Hindu scriptures and was imported based on the UK hierarchy system. Shri Krishna teaches in the Gita that all beings have one identity as a part of Himself. Varna is based on talent and work and He Himself acted as a vaishya, kshatriya, brahmin and shudra . You say that Jesus treated everybody the same then why did he not condemn slavery instead of advocating for it in Exodus 21. It's your right to convert but don't talk ill about India or Hindus. I don't think Jesus appreciates that.
@@vincentpandarum1854 you need awareness more than anything else. casteism comes from hindusim . do you think briishers had the time to create all those castes . 😂😂😂
I love Cliffe so much. He answers so many of my questions. Please keep uploading Cliffe videos! I subbed on this account.
Christians have a responsibility to tell the people the truth. Jesus claims to be the truth. If he is the truth, we better listen to him. So we have a debt to society to tell everyone about Jesus.
Hinduism is a philosophy that revolves around Dharma (righteous living) and Karma (cause and effect). It's a flexible and inclusive framework that accommodates diverse beliefs and perspectives, allowing individuals to forge their own spiritual paths." In Hinduism, personal freedom and autonomy are paramount.
This ancient wisdom tradition encourages individuals to explore their own spirituality, free from dogma and coercion. Whether you believe in one god, multiple deities, or none at all.
Hinduism's principles of Dharma and Karma offer a guiding framework for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
The cast system had a different meaning. It was never like people being born in a cast; God gave them an identity according to what they do for living. Just like a person who helps people healthwise is a Doctor, a person doing Puja(an Act of worshipping God) is called Brambhin. Later on, people manipulated it and changed it to something like this, which we have right now.
Proud Atheist
Preaching is seen as an act of love, aiming to bring people closer to God and offer them the opportunity for salvation.
We can achieve salvation without Jesus what are you going to do about it.
I love how both sides shared their perspective respectfully and listened to each other instead of only saying their piece.
Will she say the same to Hindu religion being pushed with the Yoga and Iskcon things
They made a tall Monkey god statue in canada .
Meanwhile everyday churches are attacked and jesus pictures are vandalised in india
@lgtv4794 true...I live in Texas and I am from Indian Christian Background.... terrible that many Christians here are not aware of how bad they really are...
They made a monkey statue in Texas bro..
@@WizardofChrist Their beliefs are all satanic and their gods are all lusty.
Would you believe that shiva (monkey god is an avatar of shiva) r@p3d a woman according to their own
Dozens of such stories are littered in their scriptures
@@WizardofChrist aren't there any Muslims living in Texas ? Can't they destroy it ?
My grand father was a Hindu and converted to Christianity based on the experience he had. I feel happy till my generation that we have accepted Jesus christ as our saviour.
Casteism is worst to have in any society, upper caste people have audacity to treat lower caste people very badly.
And once they accept christ as their only godz they call as rice bags, I pray to god to forgive and touch them as well
@@avinashnewton7331 check out the equality
shelled out to the blacks in usa
been here since 1967. and remember when
they were not allowed in restaurants or white churches tje christisns via killed millions of women on the steak When did they have an egalitarian society
have you heard of inquisition Can a woman from Nigeria be the next pope
none if that you want to genuflect hoping that they will treat you like a white man
There is not your truth or my truth - the truth is objective. It is THE truth.
you never read theory of relativity?
Because Jesus commands us to go and spread the word come to life John 1:1🙏🏽🩸🥰
@ obviously because Jesus told them to spread the word of salvation we are still hearing that truth to this day. I love and believe in Jesus the miracles in my life have no explanations other then prayer 🙏🏽 and a faithful God
@ I was on life support for weeks no brain activity in a coma, yes and what a personal experience I had ,no words can possibly express the experience change my life now old and very content in my faith in Christ Jesus 🙏🏽🩸💜
@ I was asked by the Lord to continue to share what I had seen and what he told me and spread the word come to life John 1:1 face to face hallelujah amen that was 2004 February
@ I told you I was on life support in coma clinically ☠️ dead
@ God not bible or man for goodness sake
People who know nothing have alot of words ,nothing in particular , so many questions and think now that they're that way , all are the same.
We love them all.